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Page 1: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study

Course Notes

Page 2: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany Coleman, Mark Jordan, Gina Repole and Kristin Snyder. Instructional design, editing, and production support was provided by the Learning Design and Development team.

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SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes

Copyright © 2018 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, SAS Institute Inc.

Book code E712361, course code PG194CS, prepared date 23Aug2018. PG194CS_001

Page 3: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

For Your Information iii

Table of Contents

To learn more… ...................................................................................................... iv

Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims ..................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Case Study Introduction ............................................................................................ 1-3

1.2 Data Layout ............................................................................................................... 1-4

1.3 Requirements ............................................................................................................ 1-6

1.4 Assignment Guide ..................................................................................................... 1-7

1.5 Results ....................................................................................................................... 1-9

1.6 Hints ......................................................................................................................... 1-11

Page 4: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

iv For Your Information

To learn more…

For information about other courses in the curriculum, contact the SAS Education Division at 1-800-333-7660, or send e-mail to [email protected]. You can also find this information on the web at as well as in the Training Course Catalog.

For a list of SAS books (including e-books) that relate to the topics covered in this course notes, visit or call 1-800-727-0025. US customers receive free shipping to US addresses.

Page 5: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

1.1 Case Study Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1-3

1.2 Data Layout .............................................................................................................................. 1-4

1.3 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 1-6

1.4 Assignment Guide .................................................................................................................. 1-7

1.5 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 1-9

1.6 Hints ....................................................................................................................................... 1-11

Page 6: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1-2 Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Page 7: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1.1 Case Study Introduction 1-3

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

1.1 Case Study Introduction

In this case study, you solve a real-world business problem by applying concepts that you learned in the SAS Programming 1: Essentials course. Be aware that there are numerous solutions to this problem, and some can include concepts that are outside the scope of the SAS Programming 1 course.

Background Information

You are a SAS programmer with six months of experience who is in charge of creating basic reports and maintaining SAS programs. Recently, you completed a SAS Programming course, and your supervisor gives you your first SAS programming project.

Business Problem

Your first project is to prepare and analyze Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Airport Claims data from 2002 through 2017. The TSA is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security that has authority over the security of the traveling public. A claim is filed if you are injured or your property is lost or damaged during the screening process at an airport.

To complete your project, you follow your supervisor's requirements, which are in Section 1.3 of this document. Here is what you need to do:

• Prepare the data.

• Create one PDF report that analyzes the overall data as well as the data for a dynamically specified state.

Data Information

The data that you use is TSAClaims2002_2017.csv, which was created from the following:

• TSA Airport Claims data from

• FAA Airport Facilities data from

The TSAClaims2002_2017.csv file was created by concatenating each individual TSA Airport Claims table. After the concatenation, the data was joined with the FAA Airport Facilities data. Here are a few notes regarding the data:

• All data is public data, and accuracy is not guaranteed.

• The column Airport_Codes from the TSA Airport Claims data has been joined with Location_ID from the FAA Airports Facilities data. Some Airport_Codes values do not correspond to Location_ID values.

• Columns in the TSA Airport Claims data have changed over the years. Because of this, some of the original columns were removed from the data for this case study.

• The column Item_Category does not have consistent input values over the years. For this reason, you do not clean this column in this case study.


To attempt this case study, you need to download the TSAClaims2002_2017.csv file.

Page 8: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1-4 Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

1.2 Data Layout

Here is the column information for the TSAClaims2002_2017.csv table.

Column Description

Claim_Number Number for each claim. Some claims can have duplicate claim numbers but different information for each claim. Those claims are considered valid for this case study.

Any duplicate rows should be removed from the data.

Date_Received Date the claim was received. Date_Received must occur after Incident_Date.


From 2002 through 2017

Incident_Date Date the incident occurred. Incident_Date must occur before Date_Received.


From 2002 through 2017

Airport_Code Airport code three-letter abbreviation.

Airport_Name Full name of the airport.

Claim_Type Category of the claim. If the claim is separated into two types by a slash, Claim_Type is the first type.

For example: Personal Property Loss/Injury is considered Personal Property Loss.

Possible values (14):

• Bus Terminal

• Complaint

• Compliment

• Employee Loss (MPCECA)

• Missed Flight

• Motor Vehicle

• Not Provided

• Passenger Property Loss

• Passenger Theft

• Personal Injury

• Property Damage

• Property Loss

• Unknown

• Wrongful Death

Page 9: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1.2 Data Layout 1-5

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Column Description

Claim_Site Airport location of the claim.

Possible values (8):

• Bus Station

• Checked Baggage

• Checkpoint

• Motor Vehicle

• Not Provided

• Other

• Pre-Check

• Unknown

Item_Category Type of items that have been filed in the claim. Depending on the year of the data, the Item_Category values are input differently. Because of varying consistency, you do not clean this column for the case study.

Close_Amount The dollar amount a claim was closed for.

Disposition The final settlement of the claim.

Possible values (10):

• *Insufficient

• Approve in Full

• Closed:Canceled

• Closed:Contractor Claim

• Deny

• In Review

• Pending Payment

• Received

• Settle

• Unknown

*Insufficient is the value from the raw data.

StateName Associated airport state name (for example, NEW YORK).


Values should be in all proper case. (Original data is in all uppercase.)

State Associated airport state code. This is the standard two-letter abbreviation used by the post office for US states and territories (for example, IL, PR, CQ).


Values should be in all uppercase.

County Airport associated county (or parish) name (for example, Cook).

City Associated airport city name (for example, CHICAGO).

Page 10: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1-6 Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

1.3 Requirements

To prepare and analyze the data, you follow the requirements given to you by your supervisor. Be aware that these requirements are only assumed for this case study. They are not an accurate representation of TSA requirements.

Data Requirements

• Import the raw data file TSAClaims2002_2017.csv.

• The final data should be in the permanent library tsa, and the data set should be named claims_cleaned.

• Entirely duplicated records need to be removed from the data set.

• All missing and “-“ values in the columns Claim_Type, Claim_Site, and Disposition must be changed to Unknown.

• Values in the columns Claim_Type, Claim_Site, and Disposition must follow the requirements in the data layout.

• All StateName values should be in proper case.

• All State values should be in uppercase.

• You create a new column named Date_Issues with a value of Needs Review to indicate that a row has a date issue. Date issues consist of the following:

– a missing value for Incident_Date or Date_Received

– an Incident_Date or Date_Received value out of the predefined year range of 2002 through 2017

– an Incident_Date value that occurs after the Date_Received value

• Remove the County and City columns.

• Currency should be permanently formatted with a dollar sign and include two decimal points.

• All dates should be permanently formatted in the style 01JAN2000.

• Permanent labels should be assigned columns by replacing the underscores with a space.

• Final data should be sorted in ascending order by Incident_Date.

Report Requirements

The final single PDF report needs to exclude all rows with date issues in the analysis and answer the following questions:

1. How many date issues are in the overall data?

2. How many claims per year of Incident_Date are in the overall data? Be sure to include a plot.

3. Lastly, a user should be able to dynamically input a specific state value and answer the following:

a. What are the frequency values for Claim_Type for the selected state?

b. What are the frequency values for Claim_Site for the selected state?

c. What are the frequency values for Disposition for the selected state?

d. What is the mean, minimum, maximum, and sum of Close_Amount for the selected state? Round to the nearest integer.

Page 11: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1.4 Assignment Guide 1-7

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

1.4 Assignment Guide

Below is a suggested guide to help you solve the business problem. Be aware that there are multiple solutions to this problem and that you do not need to follow the steps below.

You can follow the SAS programming process steps below to solve the business problem. How you solve each requirement is your choice, but if you are stuck, you can refer to the Hints section in this document or post a question in the discussion forums.

Access Data

1. Import the TSAClaims2002_2017.csv file.

Explore Data

1. Preview the data.

2. Explore the following columns and make note of any adjustments needed using the information from the Data Layout and Requirements sections above.

a. Claim_Site

b. Disposition

c. Claim_Type

d. Date_Received

e. Incident_Date

Prepare Data

1. Remove duplicate rows.

2. Sort the data by ascending Incident_Date.

3. Clean the Claim_Site column.

4. Clean the Disposition column.

5. Clean the Claim_Type column.

6. Convert all State values to uppercase and all StateName values to proper case.

7. Create a new column to indicate date issues.

8. Add permanent labels and formats.

9. Drop County and City.

Analyze Data

1. Analyze the overall data to answer the business questions. Be sure to add appropriate titles.

2. Analyze the state-level data to answer the business questions. Be sure to add appropriate titles.

Export Data

1. Export the end results into a single PDF named ClaimReports that has a style of your choice.

Page 12: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1-8 Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

2. Customize the procedure labels in your report.

Page 13: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1.5 Results 1-9

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

1.5 Results

Here are the results for the overall analysis and a report with the selected state of California.

1. How many date issues are in the overall data?

2. How many claims per year of Incident_Date are in the overall data? Be sure to include a plot.

Page 14: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1-10 Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

3. Dynamically input a specific state value and answer the following:

a. What are the frequency values for Claim_Type for the selected state?

b. What are the frequency values for Claim_Site for the selected state?

c. What are the frequency values for Disposition for the selected state?

d. What is the mean, minimum, maximum, and sum of Close_Amount for the selected state? Round to the nearest integer.

Page 15: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1.6 Hints 1-11

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

1.6 Hints

The following hints will help you in completing the case study. You can also use SAS Documentation for additional information or post a question in the discussion forums.

Access Data

1. Import the TSAClaims2002_2017.csv file.

%let path=<Enter file location of the input data>;

libname tsa "<Enter the file location of the output data>";

options validvarname=v7;

proc import datafile="&path/TSAClaims2002_2017.csv"






Partial Display of the Log

Explore Data

1. Preview the data.

proc print data=tsa.ClaimsImport (obs=20);


proc contents data=tsa.ClaimsImport varnum;


2. Explore the following columns and make note of any adjustments needed using the information from the Data Layout and Requirements sections above.

proc freq data=tsa.Claims_NoDups;

tables Claim_Site Disposition Claim_Type / nocum nopercent;

tables Date_Received Incident_Date / nocum nopercent;

format Date_Received Incident_Date year4.;


a. Claim_Site

1) Change missing values and "-" to Unknown.

b. Claim_Type

1) Change missing values and "-" to Unknown.

2) Change Passenger Property Loss/Injury values to Passenger Property Loss.

3) Change Property Damage/Personal Injury values to Property Damage.

Page 16: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1-12 Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

c. Disposition

1) Change missing values and "-" to Unknown.

2) Remove the leading space in Closed: Canceled.

3) Fix the missing character C and the leading space in losed: Contractor Claim.

d. Date_Received

1) Notice that many dates are after the year 2017 or missing.

e. Incident_Date

1) Notice that many dates are before 2002, after 2017, missing, or after Date_Received.

Prepare Data

1. Remove duplicate rows.

proc sort data=tsa.ClaimsImport



by _all_;


Partial Display of the Log

2. Sort the data by ascending Incident_Date.

proc sort data=tsa.Claims_NoDups;

by Incident_Date;


3. Clean the Claim_Site column.

if Claim_Site in ('-',"") then Claim_Site="Unknown";

4. Clean the Disposition column.

if Disposition in ("-","") then


else if Disposition='Closed: Canceled' then


else if Disposition='losed: Contractor Claim' then

Disposition='Closed:Contractor Claim';

Page 17: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1.6 Hints 1-13

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

5. Clean the Claim_Type column.

if Claim_Type in ("-","") then Claim_Type="Unknown";

else if Claim_Type = 'Passenger Property Loss/Personal Injur' then

Claim_Type='Passenger Property Loss';

else if Claim_Type = 'Passenger Property Loss/Personal Injury' then

Claim_Type='Passenger Property Loss';

else if Claim_Type = 'Property Damage/Personal Injury' then

Claim_Type='Property Damage';

6. Convert all State values to uppercase and all StateName values to proper case.



7. Create a new column that indicates date issues.

if (Incident_Date > Date_Received or

Incident_Date = . or

Date_Received = . or

year(Incident_Date) < 2002 or

year(Incident_Date) > 2017 or

year(Date_Received) < 2002 or

year(Date_Received) > 2017) then Date_Issues="Needs Review";

8. Add permanent labels and formats.

format Incident_Date Date_Received date9. Close_Amount Dollar20.2;

label Airport_Code="Airport Code"

Airport_Name="Airport Name"

Claim_Number="Claim Number"

Claim_Site="Claim Site"

Claim_Type="Claim Type"

Close_Amount="Close Amount"

Date_Issues="Date Issues"

Date_Received="Date Received"

Incident_Date="Incident Date"

Item_Category="Item Category";

9. Drop County and City.

drop County City;

Page 18: SAS Programming 1: Essentials Case Study · SAS® Programming 1: Essentials Case Study Course Notes was developed by Peter Styliadis. Additional contributions were made by Brittany

1-14 Lesson 1 United States Airport Claims

Copyright © 2018, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


1. Analyze the overall data to answer the business questions. Be sure to add appropriate titles.

title "Overall Date Issues in the Data";

proc freq data=TSA.Claims_Cleaned;

table Date_Issues / nocum nopercent;



ods graphics on;

title "Overall Claims by Year";

proc freq data=TSA.Claims_Cleaned;

table Incident_Date / nocum nopercent plots=freqplot;

format Incident_Date year4.;

where Date_Issues is null;



2. Analyze the state-level data to answer the business questions. Be sure to add appropriate titles.

%let StateName=California;

title "&StateName Claim Types, Claim Sites and Disposition


proc freq data=TSA.Claims_Cleaned order=freq;

table Claim_Type Claim_Site Disposition / nocum nopercent;

where StateName="&StateName" and Date_Issues is null;


title "Close_Amount Statistics for &StateName";

proc means data=TSA.Claims_Cleaned mean min max sum maxdec=0;

var Close_Amount;

where StateName="&StateName" and Date_Issues is null;




1. Export the end results into a single PDF named ClaimReports that has a style of your choice.

%let outpath=<Enter file location of your output data>;

ods pdf file="&outpath\ClaimsReports.pdf" style=Meadow;

2. Customize the procedure labels in your report.

ods proclabel "Enter new procedure title";