sap tfin52 reporting in financials competitive q's with a's

SAP FINANCIALS REPORTING IN FINANCIALS COMPETITIVE Qs WITH As By Pramila Nagaraj SAP Certified Candidate @ Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore 2015 Copy Rights © Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore 1/1/2015 Pramila

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SAP TFIN52 Reporting in Financials Competitive Q's With a's




    Pramila Nagaraj

    SAP Certified Candidate @ Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore 1/1/2015 Pramila

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    1. Where are the reports located?

    A. Information system of each area

    B. General report selection

    C. Role based user menu

    D. System services reporting

    2. In dynamic selection, we have various selection options



    3. Account payable info system provides following reports

    A. Vendor balance

    B. Vendor items

    C. Master data

    D. Payment transactions

    4. When we use selections and output control, we restrict the data displayed in the list



    5. We can view single values and range in a report



    6. We can summarize data using summarization levels



    7. We can summarize data by company code or business area



    8. In reports view, we cannot show GL total for all company codes for each local currency



  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    9. G/L account balance list displays selected figures by reporting period



    10. One report contain one variant only



    11. We can define multiple variant for one report



    12. Report variant is based on selection criteria



    13. Each report variant provides same information based on different criteria



    14. Each variant has a variant name and description



    15. Variant is permitted only for background processing



    16. We can change a report variant



    17. We cannot hide an entry field in a report variant



  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    18. Type of selection variables are

    A. Table variable

    B. Dynamic data calculation

    C. Attribute selection

    19. List viewer is a tool that created list from predefined data



    20. We can use list viewer to display simple and hierarchical sequence list



    21. LW contains interactive functions like sorting, summation and filters



    22. We cannot change layout of list without selection data



    23. We can save the changed list layout in variants



    24. Selection details Match Out the options

    Detailed information of item Eyeglass Icon

    Display individual line item Error Logs

    Select an item Refresh List

    Changes in line item list Left Side of Line item list

    Correction in list Pencil Icon

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore


    Detailed information of item Eyeglass Icon

    Display individual line item Error Logs

    Select an item Refresh List

    Changes in line item list Left Side of Line item list

    Correction in list Pencil Icon

    Detailed information of item Eyeglass Icon

    Display individual line item Pencil Icon

    Select an item Left Side of Line item list

    Changes in line item list Refresh List

    Correction in list Error Logs

    25. Generic function of sap list viewer

    A. Summations

    B. Select columns

    C. Filters

    D. Sort

    E. Selections

    26. We can create totals and subtotals for specific values



    27. We cannot created our own display variant



    28. We can perform following tasks for list viewer variants

    A. Select fields available in the column set for list viewer

    B. Hide fields not required

    C. Sort fields in the column set

    D. Add special fields to the column set

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    29. ALV Classic list has no specific settings



    30. Using parameter ID we can set default values in fields which are constants



    31. We can use specific selection criteria to choose line items that we want to evaluate.



    32. User cannot restrict the data displayed on the line item list screen.



    33. We can choose list output from layout and maximum number of items



    34. We cannot exclude an account from a selection of accounts



    35. We can activate or deactivate input fields for work list on selection screen



    36. We can select specific line items in specific company code



  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    37. Input help of customer account contains

    A. General customer data

    B. Customer Country/Company Code

    C. Customer with rental agreement

    D. Head office account

    E. Customer by reference (sales group/plant)

    38. Input help of vendor account line item list contains

    A. General vendor data

    B. Vendor company code/country

    C. Vendor number

    D. Vendor by reference (purchase/plant/materials etc)

    39. Input help for g/l account line item list contains

    A. GL account number in COA

    B. GL account name

    C. GL account deletion and block indicators

    D. Keywords

    E. Alternative Account Number

    40. If dates not specified for open item selection all items displayed.



    41. Items open and were open at a specific time is displayed if

    A. Current date is specified

    B. Posting data is specified

    42. Items cleared on specified date and items open on __________date

    A. Posting

    B. Key

    43. All items- both open and clearing items as on __________date

    A. posting

    B. key

    44. We can set up head office and branch office account to differentiate flow of goods and




  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    45. If Head Office and Branch is not indicated items are managed at Head Office fields

    automatically applied



    46. We cannot choose whether branch can display items managed at head office



    47. Settings displayed as net due date

    A. Open items

    B. Cleared items

    C. Noted items

    48. Specific items displayed in a report. Which one is incorrect

    A. Standard items

    B. Open items

    C. Noted items

    D. Parked items

    E. Special GL items

    F. Customer vendor items

    49. Icon for item status and due date is displayed in the header of ALV classic list



    50. If key date is specified items posted after key date is not displayed



    51. System fills assignment filed according to the sort fields in master record



    52. Sort fields are defined at company code level



  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    53. Assignment key is maximum of 18 characters



    54. Assignment key is combination of document number +posting date + company code



    No Company Code is used

    55. When we display a list we can choose between different layouts



    56. SAP provides standard layouts for a display of list



    57. Standard layout does not apply to all users



    58. Standard layouts can be set as default layout



    59. We cannot select layout for line item display



    60. We can default input field for each document type



  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    61. User specific layout has priority over general initial layout



    62. No default setting is made by the user for screen layout the system uses ALV initial




    63. We can default ALV initial layout in display variant management



    64. If not default found in display variant management the system used 1SAP layout.



    65. What are the necessary elements required to create a customer-specific drilldown report

    for New General Ledger Accounting

    A. Variables

    B. A report header

    C. Characteristics

    D. A form

    66. Which of the following are interactive functions available in the SAP List Viewer

    A. Master data modification

    B. Dual control

    C. Summation

    D. Sorting

    E. Filters

    67. Most reports/program contains followings features of a report/program

    A. Functionality

    B. Parameters

    C. Output

    D. Form

    E. Character

    F. Key figure

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    68. If we use search help, we can receive complex selection options that is used for different




    69. Examples of dynamic selections for a report are

    A. Industry

    B. Account group

    C. Country

    D. City

    70. We can create a current or historical customer list that is sorted by customer sales to do

    this we need to choose

    A. Additional selections menu

    B. Dynamic selection menu

    C. Sort variant

    D. Structured list view

    71. While entering an output, we can use single or ranges by selecting and or excluding

    single value and ranges



    72. G/L account balance list contains the following

    A. Carry forward balance at the start of fiscal year

    B. Debit total for the reporting period

    C. Credit total for the reporting period

    D. Balances at the end of reporting period

    73. _______ enables us to execute report repeatedly with different selection criteria.

    Answer: Variant

    74. A report can have different _________, each of which provides different information

    based on _______defined for them.

    Answer: Variant, Selection Criteria

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    75. If we select protect variant field, user who created the variant alone can modify it



    76. If we want a report using a variant and also want to display certain values up to a date,

    we use _____ variables.

    Answer: Selection

    77. We use this variable to store statistical information that can be used in different report

    A. Table variable

    B. Dynamic date calculation

    C. Attribute selection

    D. Report variant

    78. Company code belonging to a country is an example for following selection variable

    A. Table variable

    B. Dynamic date selection

    C. Report variant

    D. Selection variable

    79. Current date, first day of next month, current month are example of ________

    A. Table variable

    B. Selection variable

    C. Dynamic date selection

    80. The prerequisite for using dynamic date selection is the program type _______.

    A. D

    B. T

    C. E

    D. A

    81. SAP List viewer is used to view single level list or multilevel sequential list



    82. We can change list without selecting data first and save the changed list layout in




  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    83. Pick out the correct one(s)

    A. We can choose document item view or document overview in list viewer

    B. We can sort a list in list viewer in ascending or descending order

    C. In list viewer we can select multiple columns

    D. We can create totals and subtotals for specific values using summation in

    list viewer

    84. There are two selection items for creating own display variants in list viewer

    A. Dynamic list and individual list

    B. Column selection and column set

    85. Using ________ we can switch list from classic to grid control

    A. Switch ID

    B. Parameter ID

    C. Grid ID

    D. Classic ID

    86. Selection criteria to choose line items evaluation are

    A. Accounts

    B. Company code

    C. Search help

    D. Line item status and category

    87. We choose following for the list output

    A. Layout

    B. Maximum line items

    88. _________ Date is the determining factor in classifying the status of line item as open

    or cleared in a report

    A. Posting

    B. System

    C. Key

    D. Document

    E. Run

    89. The line items in the line item display are frequently sorted by the value in the_______


    Answer: Assignment

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    90. If indicator is set for _______, it is always used for list output unless alternative display

    variant is specified

    A. Initial variant

    B. Standard layout

    C. Default layout

    91. You want to use the same set of values for a specific criterion in several reports. What is

    the easiest way to accomplish this?

    A. Enter the values, save them as a variant, and use this variant in all the reports.

    B. Create a D variable containing the values and use it in all the reports

    C. Create a selection variable containing the values and use it in all the reports

    D. Create a set containing the values and use it in all the reports

    92. Which field of the line item will be filled automatically by the sort key field of a master

    record (G/L account, customer, or vendor?)

    A. Number of the invoice to which the transaction belongs

    B. Amount in document currency

    C. Item text

    D. Assignment

    93. Which interactive function is provided by the SAP List Viewer

    A. Creation of work lists

    B. Use of the report-report interface

    C. Mass reversal

    D. Creation of subtotals for specific values

    94. Important ALV functions

    A. Its user-friendly characteristics support the dynamic creation of layouts.

    B. There is a new graphical design, which makes it even simpler to process and

    display lists and reports using the List Viewer grid control.

    95. ALVs user-friendly characteristics support the dynamic creation of layouts



  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    96. Important List Viewer function

    A. Calculating totals or subtotals

    B. Setting filters

    C. Deleting and inserting columns

    D. Arranging the values in columns in ascending or descending order

    E. Using layouts to save an individual report structure

    97. The advantages of SAP List Viewer are

    A. Formatting columns by double-clicking or dragging with the mouse

    B. Enables summaries and subtotals

    C. Sorting

    D. Saving client and user-dependent settings

    98. Drill down reporting usage

    A. System is capable of analyzing data of any characteristics

    B. We can display number of objects for a give key figure or number of key

    figures for a given object

    C. We can carry out any number of variance analyses

    D. It provides easy to use navigation functions

    E. It allows user to determine look of the reported to be printed

    99. We can use graphic interface of report painter for

    A. Define report writer report

    B. Define drill down forms

    C. Define planning layouts

    100. Key figure reports for g/l account evaluation takes into account only _________

    items in the _________version that we need for calculation

    A. Specific key figures

    B. Financial statement

    C. Variance analysis

    D. Balance display

    E. Line item analysis

    101. Examples of Financial statement version key figures are

    A. Equity ratio

    B. Debt- equity ratio

    C. Capitalization ratio

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    D. Key figure ratio

    E. G/L account ratio

    102. A______ is a number of interactive, controllable report list and graphics that are

    displayed on the screen

    A. Report

    B. Character

    C. Key figures

    D. Form

    103. A _______ describes the basic content and formal structure of report lists

    A. Report

    B. Character

    C. Key figures

    D. Form

    104. Some of the Print preparation functions of drill down reports are

    A. Page break

    B. Header and footer

    C. Underlining

    105. A ____is semi finished product and gets completed with _____and ____are defined

    in the _____

    A. Form, character, key figures, report

    B. Report, form, character, key figures

    C. Character, form, key figures, report

    D. Key figures, form, character, report

    106. Consider the following statements (Report Painter)

    1)________are numeric fields that you can evaluate in a report.

    2) ________are fields that display criteria that you used in the data selection.

    3) ________consist of a key figure and one or more characteristics.

    4) All of the reports are kept in____

    A. Key figures, predefined columns, system libraries and characteristics.

    B. Predefined columns, key figures, system libraries and characteristics

    C. Predefined columns, characteristics, key figures, and system libraries

    D. Key figures, characteristics, predefined columns and system libraries

    E. Characteristics, key figures, predefined columns and system libraries

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    107. In_______ report, objects found in columns

    A. Detail

    B. Drill down

    108. In_______ report, key figures found in columns

    A. Drill down

    B. Detail

    109. In _______ report, key figures are found in rows

    A. Detail

    B. Drill down

    110. In _______ report, objects are found in rows

    A. Detail

    B. Drill down

    111. Setting on Key Date

    A. Item Parked

    B. Item Over Due

    C. Items due

    D. Item Notes

    E. Items not due

    112. Match out the Report Names

    A. Vendor RFD

    B. Customer RFB

    C. GL Account RFK

    D. Document RFS


    A. Vendor RFD

    B. Customer RFB

    C. GL Account RFK

    D. Document RFS

    Vendor RFK

    Customer RFD

    GL Account RFS

    Document RFB

  • SAP TFIN52 Unit Reporting in Financials

    2015 Copy Rights Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

    Declaration: This is totally based on Practical Hands on Exercise given by my Trainer during SAP FI

    Training Only for Practice Purpose before appearing for SAP Certification Exam. It may vary in Real

    Examination conducted by SAP AG. This can be useful for cracking SAP FI Interviews.