sap testing - due diligence questionnaire v0 1

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SAP Testing - Due Diligence Questionnaire


SAP Testing QuestionsSAP Testing - Due Diligence QuestionnaireSl NoAreaQuestionResponse from the meetingAnalysis (Observation / Comments)1SAP (System Landscape & Architecture)What is the level of customization in the SAP ?SAP PS - 10% , SAP PM - 25%,FI-30% , HR - 30%,MM/SD- 25 % , BI/BW - 60%2Are you planning for any SAP roll out?working on a Australia Rollout - very initial phase3What are the SAP modules involved in the project ?All Modules4Could we get the information the SAP Landscape?Attached Doc5SAP SolmanWhat is the level usability of Solution Manager ?using it, Abdul6Do you have the Business Hierarchy and Business processes defined in Solution Manager?No7Current Status of The ProjectWhat is the current status of SAP implementation/rollout?ECC 6 EHP6 SP088If not already completed, what is the timeline for SAP implementation/rollout?Yearly Upgrade9Current Status of TestingWhat is the level of Testing done currently? Please provide an overview of the testing need (elaborate on the project objective, expectations, deliverables, scope and timelines).Development Testing done by Functional Analyst/Developer and UAT is done by Business10What are the key pain areas with regard to the current testing process?Currently Occupies a lot of Business time for testing11Testing ProcessIs there any common test methodology that is being used for testing of all the applications?No12What are the metrics that are currently captured? What is the frequency at which the metrics are captured and reported?Currently only the test results are uploaded on the sharepoint , Weekly Burn Down chart13Do the applications have Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in place today?yes14Types of TestingWhat are the types of testing currently done of each release ? and at what frequencies?1.Unit testing2.System Integration testing3.Interface testing4.Data conversion/Migration testing5.Test Automation6.Performance testing stress and volume testing7.User acceptance testing(UAT)8.Regression testing(Manual/Automation)Development Testing and UAT Testing15Do we have any specified Entry and exit criteria defined for each testing?we have entry criteria but no formal document maintained16Is UAT being currently done? Who currently does the UAT?yes , Business17What is the average number of defects found during UAT?subjective based on a project but on average we have 15 defects18No of Cycle of testing done in each environment?119DocumentationAre the SAP Testing Base Documented available (FS,TS ) ? Are they up to date ?we do maintain FS & TS20What is the current level of documentation available with regard to processes, configurations, and custom development?60-70% is documented21Do checklists and guidelines exist for testing?Testing scope is defined for Projects22Is a predefined template available with you for the test Case? Do we follow the existing test Case template or a new template?yes23Is there a central repository for all testing artifacts (plans, test cases, test conditions etc.)?Test Scripts are stored in particular project sharepoint24Is there a master test strategy document? Is there any master test plan document ? Can the same be shared ?no25Is there a testing approach / test plan created for Each Release ?no26Assumption is that the SAP test scenarios are identified. Could we know, across what all modules does these scenarios spread ?all the modules27Are the manual test cases available for these test scenarios ?yes28Do we have a Manual Test case repository ? If yes, could you please share the breakup of test cases module wise?yes29How are the test cases categorized (say for e.g., Simple, Medium and Complex)? Could you please provide sample test cases for each category? cases for each category?Slide no 4&530If no manual test cases presently, what is the tentative plan of total manual test cases to be developed ?NA31Are the test cases detailed or is it at a transaction code level ? number of Transaction for each scenarios ?it is detailed on transactional level32What is the typical size of the test cases (in number of steps)?1033Are the Test Results for the different testing is captures? Where its stored?project sharepoint34Test Results are in place for all the modules ?yes35What are the list of Test Deliverables?Test results36Do we have Requirement Traceability Matrix?no37Defect ManagementWhat is the current defect leakage percentage?1%38What is the frequency of issues raised or enhancements required in the application?3-5 issues per module per week39Is the application process flow stable or unstable?stable40Do we have a Defect Management processes in place ? What is the tool use for the same ? Let us know the Defect management process ?yes , Sharepoint41What is the average number of defects found during last testing?15 in UAT Upgarde Project42Whether defects analysied and categorized?yes , RCA done43Automation TestingIs Test automation in scope?only for business in Accounts Payable area44If no for the above Question , then Do we have any information on the Automation feasibility study conducted?worksoft available for Automation45What percentage of tests is automated?10% not sure46What are the testing tools being used for Test Management, Automation (Functional and Performance)? Please let us know their version?Worksoft - you support in providing license to the testing tools like HP QC and other automation tools etc ?no48Is there any Performance testing conducted currently? If yes, what tools is used?no49Will the test data be provided by the Business team for test automation ?no50Test EnvironmentWhat are the SAP boxes available in the landscape ? (Dev, Quality, Prod). What box would be used for different testing?Slide no 351Do we have Release Management Process in place ? If yes can we have the Release Plan ?yes , done on a weekly basis52Information on Interfaces / Legacy Systems/3rd Party ToolsDo 3rd party tools testing are in scope? If yes what the 3rd party tools used which would integrate with SAP?no53Are there any legacy systems currently interfacing with SAP products? Please list the interfaces (or at least a count).54Is Enterprise Portal in scope ?yes55Regression testingIs there any regression testing bed already available ?no56What is the number of Regression Test cycles planned per year ?none57Has there been any Risk Profiling done on the test cases to arrive at the list of test cases for regression test suite ?no58What is the selection procedure of a test case for a regression test cycle ?NA59Knowledge TransferDo Business Team would provide a Knowledge transfer to TCS about the QA approach and case studies?No

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