sap oracle backup

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    SAP Oracle Backup Type (Offline, Online Incremental, Partial) Backups


    BR Backup is used to take backup of the database (Datafiles). When ever a backup is triggered BR

    Backup is initialized.

    There are various types of backups

    1. ffline Backup

    !. nline Backup

    ". #ncre$ental Backup

    %. &artial Backup

    ! Offline Backup (C"l# Backup)

      The database is do'n during backup and no transaction is allo'ed as it is do'n.

    #t is consistent and reliable.

    $%"le Offline Backup The backup taken fully and a catalog is opened to start the incre$ental


    g * database is of !+++ ,B Which is not possible to take a daily full offline backup 'ith a backup

    speed of 1-+,B /our.

    &ull Offline Backup #t is a co$plete database backup 'ithout any 0atalog.

    0atalog (23D*4 5 The rest 'ill be taken)

    '! Online Backup

    The DB is up and running 'ith out effecting the user transactions. #t is consistent and reliable 'ith

    redo logs that are generating during backup.

    $%"le Online Backup The backup is taken fully and a catalog is opened to start the online

    incre$ental backup.

    &ull Online Backup #t is co$plete database backup 'ith out any catalogs.

    Online Backup #t is consistent al'ays 'ith redo logs.

    ! Incremental Backup

      #t is initiated fro$ level+ backup and used 'hen the database size is too big. #t

    can be online or offline.

    *! Partial Backup

      #t is taken for a specific table during a patch (specially /R &atches)

    Backup type is defined by a para$eter 

    Backup6$ode 7 all

    Backup6type 7 offline

    Backup6dev6type 7 Tape or Disk

    Backup6root6dir 7 /8oracle8#D8sapbackup

     *ll the above backups are perfor$ed by using brbackup.BR ARC+I (

    #t is used to backup the offline redolog file to tape or disk i.e. fro$ R**R0/ directory to tape or


     *rchive6function 7 *9 0&4 D:T

     *rchive6copy6dir 7 /8racle83WD

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    Tape6size7 1++,

    9olu$e6archive73WD*+1...... 3WD*"+...

    Reads content from Log Buffer. Log writer writes to OrigLogA and OrigLog B, Mirror Log A, Mirror

    Log B. When OrigLog A is full it is moved to OrigLog B When OraArch is full it is backed up to a tape

    or disk.

    5 *rchive function $eans the saving $echanis$ of log files.

    5 :og 'riter logs into riglog*; riglogB; t 'ant the corruption of


    The data transfer fro$ Oraarc% t" #isk is done by BRArc%i.e.



    #t uses BR0onnect; BRBackup; BRRestore; BRRecover 'ith various options.

    We can do the follo'ing 'ith BRTools.

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    5 tart and stop the database

    5 Database backup

    5 Redolog Backup

    5 Restore Database 5 fro$ database backup

    5 Recover Database fro$ Redolog Backup

    5 ?tend the tablespace by adding datafile or resizing datafile.

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    Open ;init5C!sap< =it% n"tepa#

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    ave Einit.C#D.sapF Gile. *nd close it

    3o' open c$d

    Type 0o$$and


     3ote5 To use BRT: you should login 'ith C#Dad$ os user.

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    elect 1 for backup and you 'ill see the follo'ing screen

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    dit the 9alues of above screen

    elect ! for editing the Backup Device type

    &ress EcF to continue

    Press “c” to continue

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup



  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    3o' Backup is co$plicated 'ith return code +

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    H!I 3o' Take the backup of controlfile

    0ontrol file is generated in directory copy and paste in backup directory

    0opy and paste in

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    3o' Backup is co$pleted We can Restore the syste$ 'ith this backup .

    racle Database Backup using Brtools on a Disk/i *ll;

    This blog contains steps 'ith screenshot 'hich sho's you the steps to take racle DB backup on Disk.

    &lease stop your *& application server before you proceed 'ith your DB backup activities and take a

    backup of file before you $odify it $anually.


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    tep! tart Brtools utility fro$ the co$$and pro$pt by logging in as #Dad$ on 'indo's and ora#D in



    nter J%J (&ress nter Key)

    nter J1J (&ress nter Key)


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    nter JcJ (&ress nter Key)

    nter JcJ (&ress nter Key)

    nter JcJ (&ress nter Key)

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    #t 'ill sho' you the su$$ary of all the files 'hich it 'ill copy during this backup activity; &ress JcJ and


    4ou can see the progress of your backup as sho'n in the screen above.

    Ginally once your backup is over; you can see the return code + on the screen 'hich sho's that your

    backup 'as successfull.

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    & su - oraSID > sqlplus /nolog > conn sys as sysdba 

    Enter password: (Press enter) 




    Ste)s a!e $o%%on on$e b!tools sta!ts:


    BR*Tools %ain %enu

    + Instan$e %anage%ent

    - ( S)a$e %anage%ent

    ( Seg%ent %anage%ent

    / ( Ba$0u) and database $o)y

    1 ( Resto!e and !e$o2e!y

    3 ( 4he$0 and 2e!ifi$ation

    5 ( Database statisti$s

    6 ( Additional fun$tions

    7 ( 8#it )!og!a%

    Standa!d 0eys: $ ( $ont, b ( ba$0, s ( sto), ! ( !ef!, h ( hel)


    BR933-I 8nte! you! $hoi$e:

    " ((((((((((((((((& 8nte! -


    Database s)a$e %anage%ent

    + 8#tend tables)a$e

    - ( 4!eate tables)a$e

    ( D!o) tables)a$e

    / ( Alte! tables)a$e

    1 ( Alte! data file3 ( Mo2e data file

    5 ( Additional s)a$e fun$tions

    6 ( Reset )!og!a% status

    Standa!d 0eys: $ ( $ont, b ( ba$0, s ( sto), ! ( !ef!, h ( hel)


    BR933-I 8nte! you! $hoi$e:

    ! (((((((((((((& 8nte! +

    And then ente! c two ti%es.


    Tables)a$e e#tension %ain %enu

    + 8#tend tables)a$e

    - ( Show tables)a$es

    ( Show data files

    / ( Show dis0 2olu%es

    1 * 8#it )!og!a%

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    3 ( Reset )!og!a% status

    Standa!d 0eys: $ ( $ont, b ( ba$0, s ( sto), ! ( !ef!, h ( hel)


    BR933-I 8nte! you! $hoi$e:

    ! (((((((((((((((& Sele$t

    Afte! this all the table s)a$e will be dis)layed

    Sele$t the tables)a$e fo! whi$h you want to add a new datafile.

    #or e$ample we are try%ng to add data&%le to tablespace 'PSPS*'

    As an e#a%)le we ha2e sele$ted


    )tions fo! e#tension of tables)a$e PSAPSR ;+. file<

    + * "ast added file na%e ;lastfile< ....... ==D!i2e>:?RA4"8?SID?SAPDATA-?SR@/?SR.D


    - * "ast added file sie in MB ;lastsie< . =-999>

    ( ew file to be added ;file< ........... ==D!i2e>:?o!a$le?SID?sa)data-?s!@1?s!.data1>

    / C Raw dis0 lin0 ta!get ;!awlin0< ...... =>

    1 ( Sie of the new file in MB ;sie< ..... =-999>

    3 ( ile autoe#tend %ode ;autoe#tend< ..... =yes>

    5 ( Ma#i%u% file sie in MB ;%a#sie< ..... =+9999>

    6 ( ile in$!e%ent sie in MB ;in$!sie< .. =-9>

    7 ( SE" $o%%and ;$o%%and< ................. =alte! tables)a$e PSAPSR add dataf 

    ile FD:?o!a$le?SID?sa)data-?s!@1?s!.data1F sie -999M autoe#tend on ne#t -9M %

    a#sie +9999M>

    Standa!d 0eys: $ ( $ont, b ( ba$0, s ( sto), ! ( !ef!, h ( hel)


    BR933-I 8nte! you! $hoi$e:c (((((((((((((((&  8nte! $ to $ontinue and $!eate datafiles.

    ((((Afte! that ente! n ((((((((((((((((((((

    BR9351I Do you want to )e!fo!% this a$tionG

    BR9353I Enter +y,es+ to per&orm t.e act%on +n,o/c,ont+ to s0%p %t +s,top+

    to abo!t:

    n ((((((((((((((& 8nte! n to sto) $!eating anothe! datafile.

    It w%ll add a new data&%le to %t

    1urray 22222222 3ou .a4e added a new data&%le

    ote: Please !efe! to the SAP!a$le note fo! e#a$t )!o$edu!e fo! adding datafile, the blogge! is not !es)onsible fo! any issue a!ising by using

    the abo2e blog.

    /o' to change racle database para$eter using BRT:/i *ll;

    4ou can use BRT: to change racle DB para$eter.

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    rspace -u + -f dparam

    0hanging *&R" pass'ord using BRT:/i *ll;

    There are ti$es 'hen it beco$es co$pulsory to change the pass'ord of *& che$a 2ser. The older

    techni=ue involves s=l =uery 'hich is not allo'ed in *& enviro$ent.

    The best practice to change *&R" or *& pass'ord is through BRT: utility.

    tep1 :ogin to erver as R*#D user.

    tep! brconnect 5u 5f chpass 5o 5p

    ? brconnect 5u 5f chpass 5o *&R" 5p ne'6pass'ord

    #n the above e?a$ple;

    5u 55 option $eans that authorization 'ill be done fro$ level user 

    *&R" 55 Represents che$a user in 3or$al R" syste$

    5p 55 3e' &ass'ord

    How to Generate Doveloper Access KeyDeveloper *ccess Key

    #f a developer 'ant to develop any obAect in *& na$espace then syste$ ask for developer access key.

    That $ean if a *B*& developer 'ant to change standard *& obAect then he need a access key. ee

    ho' to generate access key.

    #f a developer 'ant to edit this obAect

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    ,enerating *ccess Key

    ,o to

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


     Register obAect

    3o' select the Basis Release as per 1st screenshot

    fill up the entries Release !+;

    &rogra$ #D 5 R"TR

    Type 5 0:*

    bAect na$e 5 0:63D6RL2T6B0

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    elect the installation no as per the first screen shot then click on Register *ccess key 'ill be generated.

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


     *fter the successful registration of the obAect the the access key 'ill be generated.

    This is the desired *ccess key..)

    Netweaver Tools  T""ls use# in > ?!/

    #n 3et'eaver M.+ 'e co$$ony use follo'ing tools.

    1. Te$plete 0onfig Tool!. 0onfig Tool (ffline Tool)

    ". 9isual *d$in Tool (nline Tool)

    %. #ntegrated :og 9ie'er 

    C"ns"le 3ase# t""l

    -. Telnet Tool (0onsole base tool)

    . Nc$on

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    S"ft=are 5epl"yment T""l

    M. D< (oft'are Deploy$ent

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    #SPM$ #ava Support Packae Manaer  SP@ a.a Supp"rt Packa4e @ana4er 

    N&< is a 'idely used tool to apply support packages in Nava stack or Dual stack *& syste$. 3o' adays 'e use 2< (oft'are 2pgrade "!  Use# By

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    "!++ Dispatcher &ort

    ""++ ,ate'ay &ort


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    2+1 2ser

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    T+! *& etupsTune Buffers

    T+% DB activities (L: erver &erfor$ance *nalysis)

    T+- Displays &erfor$ance trace

    T+ or T+3 perating yste$

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    00: :ocal 0lient 0opy

    Background Jobs Administration

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    Database SID must be started first

    Log on to remote server and start database

    Our DB was up and running and listener was also up.

    Even R3trans -d and R3trans - were su!!essful.

    sidadm> R3trans -d

    "#is is R3trans version $.%& 'release (%) - %$.*+.)3 - %*,)3,*( .

    uni!ode enabled version

    R3trans finis#ed '****.


    sidadm> R3trans -

    "#is is R3trans version $.%& 'release (%) - %$.*+.)3 - %*,)3,*( .

    uni!ode enabled version

    R3trans finis#ed '****.


    0heck for para$eter na$ed J*&DB/TJ in DG*2:T.&G:.

    ntry should be as

    *&DB/T 7


    0heck DG*2:T.&G: if the file na$e is JDG*2:TJ only then na$e it to DG*2:T.&G:.

    There 'ill be an additional para$eter in Nava server i.e.


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    tep ! :ogin to the server using db!

    tep " Take ffline backup for database and also level backup(Reco$$ended).

    tep % top database.

      db!stop force

    tep - pen co$$and pro$pt and $ove to the kernel location. ,enerate script file using belo'


    brdbbrt 5s 5b$ RTR#96R:0*T

      eg brdbbrt 5s T1 5b$ RTR#96R:0*T


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    3ote &lease try this your o'n risk. This blog is only intended for sharing kno'lodge only. 3ot to be used in production landscape.

    RR*#L3 5 Report for i$proving inde? Luality in racle DB/i *ll;

    #n this post; # 'ill sho' users to use *& report RR*#L3 to i$prove the inde? =uality of table in

    racle DB. /ere 'e are taking an e?a$ple of

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    Step' C%eckin4 uality

    nce step 1 is done; it 'ill bring you to the $ain screen as sho'n above.

    3o' nter the detail as sho'n belo' to check the inde? =uality of the

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    nce; you rebuild the inde?; you can check to it using tep1 and tep!.

    etting up peration $odes/i *ll;

    This blog 'ill sho' J/o' to setup peration

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    tep% Repeat step nu$ber ! U " for creating $ore operation $ode.

    tep- teps for 0reating #nstance and distributing 'ork process.

    • 0lick on pertaion

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    • #nstance &rofile

    •  *nd *9 it.


  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    • elect the ti$e range by double clicking on the duration and 0lick on J*ssignJ.

    •  *nd elect peration $odes and 0lick on J*9J button.

    3o' you have setup the operation $ode.

    3ote This blog is only for your reference; please refer to *& note or *& docu$ent for e?act

    Rene'ing *& Router :icenseHi All,

    Here are the Steps of renewing the SAP Router License.

    Step1: Login as sncadm user. Take a ackup of folder where SAP Router is installed. 

    !": #:$usr$sap$saprouter to #:$usr$sap$saprouter%&ackup.

    Step': !"ecute the &elow command

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    sapgenpse get%pse () (r certre*1 (p local.pse

    +t will ask for P+, so enter an- digit num&er and remem&er this, as -ou ma- need it in at

    other places during renewal. !as- to remem&er code is 1'/.

     Also enter the distinguish name.0ou can find the distinguish name athttps:22we&smp'3/.sap(

    ag.de2saprouter(sncadd 4

    ow cop- the content of 5certre*5 .0!ither to the clip&oard or to the notepad4

    Step/: At Ser)ice 6arket Place logon to https:22we&smp'3/.sap(ag.de2saprouter(sncadd (((((7

    SAPRouter 8ertificates (((((7 Appl- ow.

    9n the ne"t page 8lick on 8ontinue

     After that Paste the 8ontect into the !dit o"0Paste the content from (((((!;+ 8!RT+!ST((((( to (((((!# 8!RT+!ST((((( 4.

    ow 8lick on Re*uest 8ertificate.

    8op- the entire content of the 8ertificate from egining to !nd to a te"t file named 5srcert.t"t5

    and cop- this file to the same location where it was present. Rename it to srcert.

    !" D"#usr#sap#saprouter

    Step: +nstall the certificate in our saprouter &- running

    :$usr$sap$saprouter7sapgenpse.e"e import%own%cert (c srcert (p local.pse


    Now we have to create the credentials for the SAProuter with command

    :\usr\sap\saprouter>sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse -O

    This will create a file called credv! in the same director".

    Step#: $hec% if the certificate has &een imported correctl" 

    :\usr\sap\saprouter>Sapgenpse getm"name -v -n 'ssuer

    'itching ffn *rchive :og in racle Database/i *ll;

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    :ogin to the syste$ as root; then follo' these steps

    55555555555555555555555'itching *rchive log ff5555555555555555555555555555

    su 5 #Dad$

    s=lplus nolog

    conn sys as sysdba

    nter pass'ord (&ress nter)

    startup $ountV (&ress nter)

    alter database noarchivelogV (&ress nter)

    alter database openV

    3o' tart the *& #nstance only.

    55555555555555555555555'itching *rchive log n5555555555555555555555555555

    su 5 #Dad$

    s=lplus nolog

    conn sys as sysdba

    nter pass'ord (&ress nter)startup $ountV (&ress nter)

    alter database archivelogV (&ress nter)

    alter database openV

    &roceed 'ith starting *& instance.

    3ote &lease refer to *&racle note for e?act steps.



  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    *& DBTech NDB0 H!-OI insufficient privilegeHi All,

    Error while export catalogue obect !ails with SAP "#$ech %"#C: &'()*: insu+cient priilege

    error in SAP HA-A "#.

    Exact error log is:



    SAP "#$ech %"#C: &'()*: insu+cient priilege: Can0t export iew SAPS1".2#3:#1A:S1":2S"4C25.

    user has no priilege on the un6erlying obects



    7ogin to SAP HA-A Stu6io as the S8S$E9 user

    1n the security area grant the user that is haing the issue the syste priilege E;P

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    :ogin as ad$

    To start;

    sidad$sap"sc"l -l

    To stop;

    sidad$sap"sc"l -k

    To check status;

    sidad$sap"sc"l -s

    But so$e ti$e 'e have error $essages like J0annot create hared

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    #n $y e?a$ple; # tried to clear $e$ory 'ith #Dad$ user 'hich is not the o'ner of the $e$ory assigned.

    o; clear this $e$ory 'ith root user.

    nce it is cleared; you can try starting saposcol 'ith the sa$e co$$and 'hich is sho'n above.

    ?a$ple is

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


     *nd once; it is started you can check the status 'ith belo' co$$and

    saposcol 5s.

    0 package *&K#T:M+- does not $atch the current

    soft'are co$ponent vector /i *ll;

     *fter installation of *& olution

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    ,oogled this and found $any confusing solutions. *lso; for your infor$ation; our servers 'ere on *# and

    # a$ sure the solution 'ill 'ork on all linu? flavors.


    Gollo' *& note nu$ber; 3ote %%1M! 5 &,60*&3T*B> i$port package is started.

    TR*0 !+1!51!5+- 1-11 co$.sap.inst.$ig$on.:oadTask process&ackage

    Task file generation for >*&3T*B> i$port package

    usrsap&B/4e?euchpia%R"load 5ctf #


    t$psapinst6instdir3WM"1/DB#3T*::3WM"1/DBTD*B*&DD:/DB.T&: *&3T*B.TK /DB

    5l *&3T*B.log

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    RRR !+1!51!5+- 1-11 co$.sap.inst.$ig$on.:oadTask run

    :oading of >*&3T*B> i$port package is interrupted 'ith R"load error.

    &rocess >usrsap&B/4e?euchpia%R"load 5ctf #


    t$psapinst6instdir3WM"1/DB#3T*::3WM"1/DBTD*B*&DD:/DB.T&: *&3T*B.TK /DB

    5l *&3T*B.log> e?ited 'ith return code !.

    Gor $ode details see >*&3T*B.log> file.

    oln # Gound a solution in *& note nu$ber 1M+!1MM 'hich 'as relevant to 2< 1.+; but to take in

    chance # took a backup of file *&3T*B.TR and tried 'ith the one 'hich is attached to this note and it


    rror in &hase &R&6#3&2TT:9R#36#3# of 2< Tool

    During /&- 2pgraderror in &R&6#3&2TT:9R#36#3# phase 'hile /&- 2pgrade 'hile using 2< Tool.

    rror :og

    02T#3, usrsap#D2

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


    % TL"PP yste$5nr 7 >++>; ,'ervice 7 >sapg'++> 0lient 7 >+++>

    % TL"PP nviron$ent variables

    % TL"PP dbs6ada6sche$a7*&#D

    % TL"PP auth6shado'6upgrade7+

    1 TL!++ ?ecuting actual phase >&R&6#3#T9*:0/K6#3#>.

    1 TL"PP &hase argu$ents

    ! TL"PP *rgH+I 7 >/*RD50/K>

    1 TL"-P RG0 :ogin to yste$7J#DJ; *s/ost7Jhostna$eJ 3r7J++J; ,'/ost7Jhostna$e

    J; ,'ervice7Jsapg'++J

    ! TL!"! RG0 :ogin succeeded

    % TL+1+ Date U Ti$e !+1!1++O!1%M!M

    1 TL!"" 0alling function $odule J2BT6/*3D:629RJ by RG0

    ! TL"M" para$eter J#96

  • 8/19/2019 SAP Oracle Backup


     *nd then; once this co$$and is e?ecuted successfully; delete 2< directory and e?tract fresh 2< files

    in the sa$e location and continue.


