sap lvm customer operations

SAP LVM Custom Opera3ons

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SAP  LVM  Custom  Opera3ons  

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•  This  is  the  second  in  a  series  of  presenta0ons  dedicated  to  SAP  Landscape  Virtualiza0on  Management  (LVM)

•  This  document  provides  a  quick  overview  of  how  you  can  customize  LVM  with  custom  opera0ons  and  hooks  and  is  aimed  at  system  administrators  responsible  for  configuring  and  opera0ng  SAP  LVM

•  This  document  describes  how  this  can  be  achieved  in  a  UNIX  environment  but  can  be  easily  adapted  for  the  Windows  plaKorm

•  In  this  presenta0on,  we  will  show  you  how  to  create  custom  opera0ons  and  hooks  for  managing  a  Red  Hat®  cluster  containing  the  SAP  Central  Services  (SCS)


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Overview  •  SAP  LVM  manages  SAP  instances  and  databases  as  standard  

using  the  SAP  Host  Agent

•  Out-­‐of-­‐the  box  opera0ons  include  “stop”,  “start”,  “mass  stop”,  “mass  start”

•  SAP  LVM  can  be  extended  to  include  custom  opera0ons  that  can  be  associated  with  instances  and  hosts

•  Custom  opera0ons  are  defined  in  LVM  via  a  Provider  Implementa0on  and  Custom  Opera0on  and  Hooks  defini0on

•  Custom  opera0ons  are  registered  with  the  SAP  Host  Agent  using  a  configura0on  file

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Provider  Implementa3on  •  The  Provider  Implementa0on  defines  the  link  between  LVM  and  

the  host  agent  and  describes  how  the  custom  opera0ons  are  implemented

•  In  this  example,  the  provider  implementa0on  “LVM_CustomOpera0on_ClusterAdm”  will  be  defined

•  The  Provider  Implementa0on  must  include  the  custom  parameter  OPERATION  which  LVM  will  supply  to  the  host  agent  when  triggered

•  The  host  agent  configura0on  file  defini0on  for  the  provider  implementa0on  will  call  the  Korn  script  with  the  $[PARAM-­‐OPERATION]  parameter

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Provider  Implementa3on  

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Custom  Opera3on  Defini3ons  •  The  custom  opera0on  “Freeze”  is  used  to  freeze  the  Red  Hat  cluster  

so  other  opera0ons  can  take  place  without  a  cluster  failover  

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Custom  Opera3on  Defini3ons  •  The  important  fields  to  note  here  are  the  “Name”  and  “Bu^on  

Group”  –  Freeze  and  Cluster  Opera0on  respec0vely •  The  custom  parameter  “Opera0on”  has  been  set  to  FREEZE  

which  will  be  passed  to  the  host  agent  and  Korn  script  via  the  configura0on  file

•  The  “Name”  and  “Bu^on  Group”  appear  on  the  host  opera0on  screen  in  LVM

•  Clicking  the  Cluster  Opera0on  bu^on  triggers  the  custom  opera0on  and  the  associated  Korn  script

•  Similar  custom  opera0ons  are  created  for  “Unfreeze”  and  “Relocate”

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Custom  Hook  Defini3ons  •  The  custom  hook  is  needed  to  intercept  SAP  system  stop  and  start  requests  

to  prepare  the  cluster  (freeze/unfreeze)  so  that  cluster  monitoring  does  not  incorrectly  start  or  stop  the  instance  whilst  valid  stop/start  opera0ons  are  being  performed

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Host  Agent  Registered  Script  •  For  each  Provider  Implementa0on  a  standard  host  agent  configura0on  file  

with  extension  “.conf”  must  be  created  in  the  “opera0ons.d”  sub-­‐directory  of  /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe

•  For  the  cluster  management  custom  opera0ons  the  sample  configura0on  file  “ClusterAdm.conf”  would  look  as  below

•  The  “Name”  must  match  the  name  of  the  Registered  Script  on  the  Provider  Implementa0on  in  LVM

•  The  $[PARAM-­‐OPERATION]  can  be  seen  being  passed  as  the  first  parameter  to  the  Korn  script,  indica0ng  the  custom  opera0on  being  requested  by  LVM

File   Content  ClusterAdm.conf Name: LVM_CustomOperation_ClusterAdm

Command: /sap/Scripts/ClusterAdm.ksh $[PARAM-OPERATION] $[SAPSYSTEMNAME] Workdir: $[DIR_HOME:#sapparam] Username: root ResultConverter: flat

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Example  Script  –  ClusterAdm.ksh  

Sample  Coding  (perform  any  site  specific  checks  beforehand)  # # Variables from LVM via Hostagent Configuration File # OPERATION=$1 SAPSYSTEMNAME=$2 SERVICE=<your cluster service> # # Determine requested operation # case $OPERATION in STOP) echo "[RESULT]: ${OPERATION} requested for a clustered service” if [[ ${STATUS} != "FROZEN" ]]; then echo "[RESULT]: Service group is not currently frozen; FREEZE operation will be enforced” fi OPERAND="-Z";; START) echo "[RESULT]: ${OPERATION} requested for a clustered service” if [[ ${STATUS} != "FROZEN" ]]; then echo "[RESULT]: Service group is not frozen; nothing to do” exit 0 fi OPERAND="-U";;

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Example  Script  –  ClusterAdm.ksh  

Sample  Coding  (con;nued)   FREEZE) echo "[RESULT]: Cluster operation ${OPERATION} requested” if [[ ${STATUS} == "FROZEN" ]]; then echo "[RESULT]: Service group is already frozen; nothing to do” exit 0 fi OPERAND="-Z";; UNFREEZE) echo "[RESULT]: Cluster operation ${OPERATION} requested” if [[ ${STATUS} != "FROZEN" ]]; then echo "[RESULT]: Service group ${SERVICE} is not frozen; nothing to do” exit 0 fi OPERAND="-U";; RELOCATE) echo "[RESULT]: Cluster operation ${OPERATION} requested” if [[ ${STATUS} == "FROZEN" ]]; then echo "[ERROR]: Service group ${SERVICE} is frozen; ${OPERATION} operation not possible” exit 8 fi OPERAND="-r";; *) echo "[ERROR]: Invalid cluster operation - ${OPERATION}” exit 8;; esac

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Example  Script  –  ClusterAdm.ksh  

Sample  Coding  (con;nued)  # # Perform operation # echo "[RESULT]: Command issued to OS: ${clus_path}/clusvcadm ${OPERAND} ${SERVICE}” /usr/sbin/clusvcadm ${OPERAND} ${SERVICE} exit 0

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Reference  Material  •  The  following  pages  on  SAP  Help  are  useful:

–  Configuring  Custom  Opera0ons

–  Configuring  Custom  Hooks

•  The  following  SAP  notes  provide  some  informa0on: –  1465491  -­‐  Provider  Implementa0on  Defini0on

•  Further  details  are  available  on  request   –  mailto:[email protected]

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