sap cin overview

SAP CIN OVERVIEW Submitted By – Makrand M. Phadnis EAS-SAP , PDC

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SAP CIN Document


Page 1: Sap Cin Overview


Submitted By – Makrand M. Phadnis EAS-SAP , PDC

© Wipro Limited, 2007, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro Technologies, a division of Wipro Limited. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute any material from this document, in any form or by any means for public, private or commercial use, without prior written permission from Wipro Limited.

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Brief About CIN :......................................................................................................4

Types of excise duties:..........................................................................................5

Sales Scenarios in CIN :.........................................................................................6

Scenario 1 : Sale from Factory......................................................................6Scenario 2 : Stock Transfer Order................................................................8Scenario 3 : Export Under Excise Regulations.........................................9

Excise Invoice Type  :..........................................................................................15

Condition-Based Excise Determination  :.....................................................16

Formula-Based Excise Determination :.........................................................17

Configuration Areas :...........................................................................................19

Transaction Codes used in CIN :......................................................................30

SAP Tables used in CIN :.....................................................................................30

User Roles :..............................................................................................................30


SAP Notes to be used in CIN :...........................................................................30

FAQ :...........................................................................................................................31

CIN SD....................................................................................................................31General..................................................................................................................41CIN Basis...............................................................................................................42CIN MM...................................................................................................................44CIN FI......................................................................................................................52

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The objective of this document is to make available on paper some of the critical features of CIN so as to make CIN implementation easy. This document is beyond a user manual and is intended only for people who would be implementing CIN in any customer location. This document gives a brief overview of CIN and is more inclined towards Sales & Distribution module.

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Brief About CIN :

The CIN component covers the important laws and business practices specific to India.

Country-Specific Functions

Country Version India comes with functions for calculating, posting, and remitting excise duty

The system determines the excise and other taxes on your sales.

You can create outgoing excise invoices and make the appropriate accounting postings.

The system offers functions for domestic and export sales

from factories and depots.

All goods movements are recorded in the appropriate excise registers as required by the Regulations.

You can remit the excise duty using the delivered functions.

The country template for India comes with sample pricing procedures, including all taxes, and settings for automatic account determination to the appropriate excise accounts.

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Types of excise duties:

Excise duties are of following types

Basic excise duty to be termed as Cenvat - Basic excise duty is levied at the rates specified in First Schedule to Central Excise Tariff Act.

Special duty of excise - Some commodities like pan masala, cars etc. are leviable with special duty. These items are covered in Schedule II to Central Excise Tariff.

Duties under other Acts - Some duties and cesses are levied on manufactured products under other Acts. The administrative machinery of central excise is used to collect those taxes. Provisions of Central Excise Act and Rules have been made applicable for levy and collection of these duties / cesses.

Additional Duty on goods of special importance - Some goods of special importance are levied Additional Excise under Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957.

Cess - A cess has been imposed on certain products like automobiles, jute, tea, tobacco etc. A education cess is also imposed on the excise duty from the current year.

Education CESS (ECess) – Education Cess has been imposed on all products under the Excise Act, 2005. The rate is 2%.

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Sales Scenarios in CIN :

Scenario 1 : Sale from Factory

The process flow is as below

The Tax implication

Basic Rate 100.00 Excise Duty (16 %) 016.00 Ecess (2% on Excise) 000.32 Tax base amt 116.32 Sales Tax (4%) 004.65

Total 120.97

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Sales Order

Commercial Invoice


Excise Invoice

Transaction Code J1IIN

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Accounting Entries For Factory Sale :Accounting Entries For Factory Sale :

During Billing DocumentDuring Billing DocumentCustomer AccountCustomer Account Dr.Dr.Sales AccountSales Account Cr.Cr.Cenvat Suspense AccountCenvat Suspense Account Cr.Cr.

During Excise Invoice CreationDuring Excise Invoice CreationCenvat Suspense AccountCenvat Suspense Account Dr.Dr.Cenvat payableCenvat payable Cr.Cr.

For TR6C ChallanFor TR6C ChallanPLA AccountPLA Account Dr.Dr.PLA on hold AccountPLA on hold Account Cr.Cr.

During Fortnightly UtilizationDuring Fortnightly UtilizationCenvat payableCenvat payable Dr.Dr.Cenvat AccountCenvat Account Cr.Cr.PLA AccountPLA Account Cr.Cr.

Scenario 2 : Stock Transfer Order

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Accounting Entries For Stock Transfer through SDAccounting Entries For Stock Transfer through SD

(No Accounting entries for Proforma Billing Document)(No Accounting entries for Proforma Billing Document)

During Excise Invoice CreationDuring Excise Invoice CreationCenvat Suspense AccountCenvat Suspense Account Dr.Dr.Cenvat payableCenvat payable Cr.Cr.

For TR6C ChallanFor TR6C ChallanPLA AccountPLA Account Dr.Dr.PLA on hold AccountPLA on hold Account Cr.Cr.

During Fortnightly UtilizationDuring Fortnightly UtilizationCenvat payableCenvat payable Dr.Dr.Cenvat AccountCenvat Account Cr.Cr.PLA AccountPLA Account Cr.Cr.

Note: Cenvat Suspense Account should be cleared apprpiatelyNote: Cenvat Suspense Account should be cleared apprpiately using FI JV’s.using FI JV’s.

Scenario 3 : Export Under Excise Regulations

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DeliveryPurchase order

Goods in Transit

Excise Invoice

Depot – Goods Receipt

Capture Excise invoice

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Manufacturing plants are entitled not to pay any basic excise duty on export sales, as long as the goods are accompanied by an ARE document.

A document, in India, that accompanies exports and deemed exports. The documents ensure that you do not have to pay excise duty on these transactions.

The system handles AREs and the appropriate permit documents, such as export bonds and deemed export licenses.

There are three possible scenarios for Export :

Exports Under Bond

Exports Under Claim for Rebate

Deemed Exports.

Exports Under Bond

One of the ways of exporting goods without paying basic excise duty is to obtain an excise bond from the excise authorities and then fill out an ARE-1 document to go with every export.

In order to qualify for an exemption from excise duty, all exports must be accompanied by the appropriate paperwork, including an ARE-1 document, and you must complete the export within the export period.

Export Period is the the maximum length of time that you are allowed to export goods from India after you have removed them from your premises.

If you exceed the export period, you forego the exemption from basic excise duty and you must pay the excise duty to the excise authorities.

The system automatically keeps track of the bond balance.

ARE-1 Processing

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Process Flow

The excise clerk creates an ARE-1. He then calls the local excise department and asks them to

send an excise officer to check the goods. The excise officer comes and checks that the goods match

what is on the ARE-1. He fills out Part A of the form (Certification by the Central Excise Office).

The clerk then posts the ARE-1 and prints out the requisite number of copies.

The excise officer signs the ARE-1s and takes one copy with him.

The shipping department sends the goods to be exported, together with the excise invoice and the ARE-1.

Before the goods can leave the country, they have to go through the customs office, for example, at the airport or at the port.

When the goods arrive at customs, the customs officer checks whether the excise invoice and the ARE-1 match the goods.

If he finds that there are fewer goods than stated on the ARE-1, he enters the shortfall in the ARE-1.

He then fills out Part B of the ARE-1 (Certification by the Customs Officer) and sends it back to the excise clerk. One of the copies is in a sealed envelope.

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Create ARE-1

Checking by Excise officer

ARE-1 posting and Print out

Delivery with excise invoice and ARE-1

At the port , goods are checked by Custom officers

Receipt of checked copy & updation in the system

Sent to Excise office

Excise officer sends confirmation

Process is complete

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When the excise clerk receives the ARE-1, he updates the ARE-1 in the system.

He fills out the various certification dates in the ARE-1 (for example, the date when the ARE-1 arrived back at your company).

If the customs officer noted a shortfall in the quantity of goods, the excise clerk enters the shortfall as well. Since the whereabouts of the missing goods cannot be accounted for, they no longer qualify for exemption from excise duty. Your company is therefore liable for the excise duty on the shortfall, plus interest, backdated to the date when you removed the goods from your premises. The clerk specifies which excise registers to pay the excise duty from.

The clerk sends the ARE-1 in the sealed envelope to the excise department.

The excise officer cross-checks this copy of the ARE-1 with his own copy. When he is satisfied that everything is correct, he sends the excise clerk a final confirmation.

When the excise clerk receives the confirmation, he closes the ARE-1.

The process is now complete.

Exports Under Claim for Rebate

If you have not obtained an excise bond, you must pay any excise duty liable when removing goods from your premises for export. However, you can claim a rebate for the excise duty once you have completed the export

In order to qualify for a rebate on the excise duty, all exports must be accompanied by the appropriate paperwork, including an ARE-1 document, and you must complete the export within the export period.

Deemed Exports

A sale of goods, in India, to a company that qualifies as an export-oriented unit or is located in one of the following:

Export processing zone Wipro Technologies Confidential

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Electronic hardware technology park Software technology park

Such companies export most of their goods; and so any goods that you sell them are liable to be used in the production of goods for export, hence the term "deemed export."

Under the terms of the deemed exports scheme, these companies can obtain licenses that exempt them from payment of basic excise duty on certain input materials.

You can ship deemed exports to any customers in possession of a deemed export license without paying any basic excise duty

In order to qualify for an exemption from excise duty, all deemed exports must be accompanied by the appropriate paperwork, including an ARE-3 document, and you must complete the deemed export within the rewarehousing period

In the deemed exports scheme, the maximum number of days allowed between your removing goods from your premises and receiving the countersigned ARE-3 back from the buyer.

If you exceed the rewarehousing period, you forego the exemption from basic excise duty and you must pay the excise duty to the excise authorities.

ARE-3 A form, in India, that allows companies to sell otherwise

excisable goods from their premises without paying basic excise duty. The buyer of the goods must be in possession of a deemed export license.

The ARE-3 states what goods are being removed and which deemed excise license covers it.

ARE-3 ProcessingARE-3 Processing

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Process Flow

The export clerk creates an ARE-3 and, when he is ready, posts it.

He also prints out the ARE-3 and encloses a copy with the delivery.

The shipping department sends the goods to the customer, together with the excise invoice and the ARE-3

When the customer's warehouseman receives the goods, he checks whether the excise invoice and the ARE-3 match the goods.

If he finds that there are fewer goods than stated on the ARE-3, he enters the shortfall in the ARE-3.

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Create ARE-3

ARE-3 posting and Print out

Delivery with excise invoice and ARE-1

Receipt of checked copy & updation in the system

Process is complete

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He then fills out Part 2 of the ARE-3 (Certificate of Warehousing by the Consignee) and sends it back to the excise clerk.

When the excise clerk receives the ARE-3, he updates the ARE-3 in the system.

He fills out the various certification dates in the ARE-3 (for example, the date when the ARE-3 arrived back at your company).

If the warehouseman noted a shortfall in the quantity of goods, the excise clerk enters the shortfall as well. Since the whereabouts of the missing goods cannot be accounted for, they no longer qualify for exemption from basic excise duty. You must therefore pay the excise duty on the shortfall, plus interest, backdated to the date when you removed the goods from your premises. The clerk specifies which excise registers to pay the excise duty from.

The process is now complete.

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Excise Invoice Type  :

UseThe excise invoice type denotes whether the goods are for the domestic market, or if they are for export, whether they are for export under bond, deemed export, or export under rebate. For more information about these processes, see Excise Bonding.FeaturesIn the system, when you set the excise invoice type, it controls:

        How the excise duty is calculated        Which ARE documents you process the export with

ActivitiesWhen you come to create an excise invoice for an export sale, if you need to change the excise invoice type, follow this procedure:

1.  Set the excise invoice type to Deemed, Bond, or No bond.    2.  Choose Calculate Tax.

The system recalculates the excise duty according to the excise invoice type (see below). To do so, it translates the assessable value into the local currency as at the excise invoice date. What happens next depends on the excise invoice type:

        Exports under bondThe system sets the excise duty to zero and generates an outgoing excise invoice. It does not generate any entries for the Part II register.The excise invoice is created with an export excise invoice number.

        Deemed exportsThe excise to be paid will be zero. This information will be used when the Part II registers are downloaded.When the system creates the excise invoice, it numbers it as a domestic excise invoice.

        Nonbonded exportsThe system applies the tax code defined in Customizing for Logistics – General, under Taxes on Goods Movements ® India ® Basic Settings ® Determination of Excise Duty ® Maintain Excise Defaults, and calculates the excise duty as normal.Again, the excise invoice is created with an export excise invoice number.

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Condition-Based Excise Determination  :

Use : When you enter a purchasing document, for example, a purchase order, the R/3 System automatically calculates the applicable excise duties using the condition technique.

Features : The standard system comes with two tax calculation procedures. TAXINN is only supports condition-based excise determination, whereas TAXINJ supports condition-based excise determination and formula-based excise determination.

Both tax procedures contain condition types that cover all of the excise duties and sales taxes applicable.Since the exact rates of excise duty can vary on a large number of factors, such as which vendor you purchase a material from, or which chapter ID the vendor stocks the material under, you create condition records for every sort of excise duty.

When you come to enter a purchasing document, the system applies the excise duty at the rates you have entered in the condition records.


Make the settings in Customizing for Logistics – General, by choosing Taxes on Goods Movements  India  Basic Settings  Excise Duties Using Condition Technique and …  Account Determination. These activities include one activity where you define a tax code for condition-based excise determination.

Master Data

Create condition records for all excise duties that apply, and enter the tax code for condition-based excise determination in each.

Day-to-Day Activities

When you enter a purchase order or other purchasing document, enter the tax code for condition-based excise determination in each line item. The system then calculates the excise duties using the condition records you have created. When the ordered materials arrive, you post the goods receipt and the excise invoice. The system posts the excise duty to the appropriate accounts for deductible input taxes when you enter the excise invoice.

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Formula-Based Excise Determination :


When you execute a business transaction involving materials that are subject to excise duty, the system automatically calculates the duty for you.


In order for the system to be able to determine which rate of excise duty to apply, you must have maintained all the data on the Excise Rate Maintenance screen, which you can access from the SAP Easy Access screen by choosing Indirect Taxes  Master Data  Excise Rate Maintenance.

You maintain the following types of data :

Plant master data

You assign each of your plants an excise duty indicator. You can use the same indicator for all the plants with the same excise status from a legal point of view, such as all those that are in an exempt zone.

See also the information about manufacturers that are only entitled to deduct a certain portion of the duty (see Partial CENVAT Credit).

Vendor master data

For each of your vendors with the same excise status from a legal perspective, you define an excise duty indicator. You must also specify the vendor type – for example, whether the vendor is a manufacturer, a depot, or a first-stage dealer. You must also stipulate if the vendor qualifies as a small-scale industry.

For each permutation of plant indicator and vendor indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator.

Customer master data

Similarly, you assign the same excise duty indicator to each of your customers that share the same legal excise status.

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Again, for each permutation of plant indicator and customer indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator.

Material master data

Each material is assigned a chapter ID.

Excise tax rate

For every chapter ID and final excise duty indicator, you maintain the rate of excise duty.

If your business only qualifies for partial CENVAT credit, you must customize your system accordingly.


Let us consider an example to illustrate how the system determines which rate of excise duty to apply to a material. Assume you are posting a sale of ball bearings to a customer. The system automatically determines the rate of excise duty as follows:

1. Looks up the customer master data to see what status you have assigned the customer.

Let's assume you've assigned the customer status 3.

2. Looks up the plant master data to see what status you have assigned the plant.

Similarly, your plant has status 2.

3. The system looks up the table under Excise Indicator for Plant and Customer to see what the final excise duty indictor is for customer status 3 and plant status 2: It is 7.

4. The system determines the chapter ID of the ball bearing for the plant.

Let’s assume the chapter ID at plant for the ball bearings is 1000.01.

5. Finally, the system looks up the table under Excise Tax Rate to see what rate of duty applies to chapter ID 1000.01 under status 7.

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Configuration Areas :

Following are some of the areas in where we need to do configuration for CIN .

SPRO Logistic General Tax on goods movement India

Basic Settings :

o Maintain Excise Registration

o Maintain Company Code Settingso Maintain Plant settingso Maintain Excise Groups

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o Maintain Series Groupso Maintain Excise Duty Indicators

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o Maintain Postal Addresso Maintain Subtransaction types with texto Select Tax calculation procedure

o Maintain Excise Defaultso Condition-Based Excise Determinationo Define Tax code for purchasing documentso Assign Tax code to company codes

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o Classify condition types

Master Data :

o Maintain Chapter ID

o Assign Users to Material master screen sequence for excise duty

o Define Form Types

Account Determination :

o Define G/L Accounts for Taxeso Specify Excise Accounts Per Excise Transactionso Specify G/L Accounts Per Excise Transactions

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Business Transactions :

o Incoming Excise Invoiceso Select Fieldso Define Processing modes per transaction

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o Define Reference document per transaction

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o Maintain Rejection codeso Specify which movement type involve Excise invoice

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o Outgoing excise invoiceso Assign billing type to delivery type

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o Maintain default excise groups and series groups

o Subcontracting attributeso Maintain movement type groupso Export under excise regulationso Make settings for ARE-1 procedure

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o Make settings for ARE-3 procedureo Maintain License typeso Printouts of ARE documentso Maintain output typeo Specify printerso Transaction configurationo Define processing modes per transaction

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o Define reference documents per transactiono Maintain rejection codeso Utilisation determinationo Maintain minimum balances for excise accountso Excise registerso Specify SAP script forms

Tools :

o Long Text

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o Number Rangeso Message control

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Transaction Codes used in CIN :

Error! Not a valid link.

SAP Tables used in CIN :

Error! Not a valid link.

User Roles :

Error! Not a valid link.


Error! Not a valid link.

SAP Notes to be used in CIN :

Error! Not a valid link.

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o Can I have a different rate for incoming and outgoing transactions for the same material?You can maintain exceptional rates for either incoming orYou can maintain exceptional rates for either incoming or outgoing based on the volume of exceptions data. outgoing based on the volume of exceptions data.

o What do I do if I have one chapter-id for incoming and another for outgoing and material code is the same?Along with exceptional rate maintenance you can maintainAlong with exceptional rate maintenance you can maintain the chapter-id which should be used for the outgoingthe chapter-id which should be used for the outgoing transactions. This chapter-id will be used only for copying ontransactions. This chapter-id will be used only for copying on to the document and will not be used for rate the document and will not be used for rate determination.

o What will happen if I have multiple rates with overlapping validity periods for the same chapter-id and tax indicator?While picking up the rate for a given transaction system willWhile picking up the rate for a given transaction system will check for that validity period where the valid from is thecheck for that validity period where the valid from is the maximum but with in the pricing date and based on that pickmaximum but with in the pricing date and based on that pick up the rate applicable.up the rate applicable.

o How does CIN do the pricing?CIN uses R3 condition technique for pricing along with theCIN uses R3 condition technique for pricing along with the pricing formulae. Details are available in the CIN knowledgepricing formulae. Details are available in the CIN knowledge bank. Template pricing procedures are provided for variousbank. Template pricing procedures are provided for various sales scenarios. sales scenarios.

o How many tax codes do I need?The number of tax codes will directly depend on how you wantThe number of tax codes will directly depend on how you want to account the sales tax. You can have CST and LST beingto account the sales tax. You can have CST and LST being determined by the same tax code if both can be accrued intodetermined by the same tax code if both can be accrued into the same account. Instead if you need separate accountthe same account. Instead if you need separate account determination then you need separate tax codes. Also baseddetermination then you need separate tax codes. Also based on the tax concessions available you need to decide theon the tax concessions available you need to decide the various tax rates which need to be mapped. various tax rates which need to be mapped.

o How do I open up more than one tax classification?CIN comes with default customization to open up the tax CIN comes with default customization to open up the tax classificvation fields. The procedure is as follows. You need to classificvation fields. The procedure is as follows. You need to define as many condition types as the number of tax define as many condition types as the number of tax classification fields. Tbe following procedure could be used. classification fields. Tbe following procedure could be used. SPRO - Sales and distribution -Basic functions-Taxes - Tax SPRO - Sales and distribution -Basic functions-Taxes - Tax

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determination rules For Country 'IN' make entries as follows determination rules For Country 'IN' make entries as follows (This is precustomized in client 000 ) (This is precustomized in client 000 )

- Seq 1 - UTXJ - Seq 1 - UTXJ - Seq 2 - JTX1 - Seq 2 - JTX1 - Seq 3 - JTX2 - Seq 3 - JTX2 - Seq 4 - JTX3 - Seq 4 - JTX3 In SPRO - Sales and Distribution - Basic functions - Taxes In SPRO - Sales and Distribution - Basic functions - Taxes Determine tax relevancy of master recordsDetermine tax relevancy of master records o How do I handle concessional excise?

This is explained in SAP note 335577. Having opened up the This is explained in SAP note 335577. Having opened up the new tax classification fields you might have to do the new tax classification fields you might have to do the followingfollowingo Customer taxes maintain the possible values for JTX3 . Eacho Customer taxes maintain the possible values for JTX3 . Each unique value should denote one concession rate. For eg 1 - unique value should denote one concession rate. For eg 1 - normal excise duty normal excise duty o Maintain the JTX3 value against the form code in J1IT -o Maintain the JTX3 value against the form code in J1IT -

Define Form types Maintain the customer tax classification in Define Form types Maintain the customer tax classification in customer master if the customer has got excise exemption customer master if the customer has got excise exemption o Maintain the excise indicator in J1ID for the customer and o Maintain the excise indicator in J1ID for the customer and form code and this indicator gives the final indicator form code and this indicator gives the final indicator o Forms database is used for determination of whether the o Forms database is used for determination of whether the form has arrived or not at the time of billing. form has arrived or not at the time of billing. o The tax classification value gets defaulted from the o The tax classification value gets defaulted from the customer master in the sales order. This can be changed in customer master in the sales order. This can be changed in the header the header

billing data if required billing data if required

o How does CIN determine the tax rates?CIN determines taxes based on the chapter-id of the material.CIN determines taxes based on the chapter-id of the material. There are 2 levels for rate determination. First the system willThere are 2 levels for rate determination. First the system will check if there is an exceptional rate available. If this ischeck if there is an exceptional rate available. If this is available then that rate is picked up. This rate could be for aavailable then that rate is picked up. This rate could be for a material or material and customer combination. If there are nomaterial or material and customer combination. If there are no exceptions then the system looks for chapter-id of thatexceptions then the system looks for chapter-id of that material. The customer will have an excise tax status whichmaterial. The customer will have an excise tax status which along with the plant status will give a final excise status.along with the plant status will give a final excise status. Based on the excise status and the chapter-id the rates areBased on the excise status and the chapter-id the rates are maintained. maintained.

o How do I handle sales tax concessions?

SPRO - Sales and distribution -Basic functions-Taxes - Tax SPRO - Sales and distribution -Basic functions-Taxes - Tax determination rules For Country 'IN' determination rules For Country 'IN' Build access sequences based on these new fields to point Build access sequences based on these new fields to point to the correct sales tax code You might have to have a new to the correct sales tax code You might have to have a new access based on region of delivering plant and region of ship access based on region of delivering plant and region of ship to party to party

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o How will CIN handle Indian VAT?

SAP can handle normal VAT regulations. CIN will take a reviewSAP can handle normal VAT regulations. CIN will take a review of the VAT rule when it is implemented in India and suggestof the VAT rule when it is implemented in India and suggest the best business process to comply with the same. the best business process to comply with the same.

o When I create a new tax code the excise lines are grey and I cannot maintain any value. What should I do?This is happening because the Excise conditions for sales areThis is happening because the Excise conditions for sales are statistical in the tax procedure for India. So while creating astatistical in the tax procedure for India. So while creating a new tax code you need to open the tax procedure remove thenew tax code you need to open the tax procedure remove the statistical flag, maintain 100% for all excise conditions. Afterstatistical flag, maintain 100% for all excise conditions. After saving the tax code you need to make the conditionssaving the tax code you need to make the conditions statistical once again. statistical once again.

o When I release the billing document to accounting there is an error that the account key is missing?This is happening because one or more lines in the taxThis is happening because one or more lines in the tax procedure has a condition with a value but is not markedprocedure has a condition with a value but is not marked statistical. You need to check whether the conditions JMOD,statistical. You need to check whether the conditions JMOD, JAED, JSED and JCES are marked statistical in the taxJAED, JSED and JCES are marked statistical in the tax procedure. You cannot rectify the documents which are inprocedure. You cannot rectify the documents which are in error. The correction takes into effect only the future orders. error. The correction takes into effect only the future orders.

o When I release to accounting I get a message tax amount greater than tax base?This is happening because the tax base for some tax conditionThis is happening because the tax base for some tax condition is falling less than the tax base amount. R3 does not allow theis falling less than the tax base amount. R3 does not allow the tax base to fall below the tax amount. You need to checktax base to fall below the tax amount. You need to check which condition is giving the problem and based on that youwhich condition is giving the problem and based on that you can verify the tax procedure from-to settings. can verify the tax procedure from-to settings.

o Do I need to maintain the chapter-ids for each plant or can it be left blank?If the same chapter-id is applicable for the material in all theIf the same chapter-id is applicable for the material in all the plants then you need not maintain the chapter-ids for all theplants then you need not maintain the chapter-ids for all the plants. You can leave the plant blank.plants. You can leave the plant blank.

o When I try printing the excise register nothing comes up?Check whether you have maintained the opening balance forCheck whether you have maintained the opening balance for the item in the corresponding register (Table J_2IACCBAL forthe item in the corresponding register (Table J_2IACCBAL for register account balances). Next check whether you haveregister account balances). Next check whether you have maintained the sapscript forms which are used for printing themaintained the sapscript forms which are used for printing the registers in the CIN configuration. Finally check whether theregisters in the CIN configuration. Finally check whether the extraction has been done for the period. extraction has been done for the period.

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o When I try to create RG1 issues entry the line turns red and nothing happens?This is happening because you are trying to create an issueThis is happening because you are trying to create an issue entry and the stock in the register is not enough to do theentry and the stock in the register is not enough to do the issue. So you need to first update RG1 with the receipts andissue. So you need to first update RG1 with the receipts and then go into the issues. then go into the issues.

o I have extracted the register data once but now I have added more transactions. Can I extract once more?You can re-extract the data if you have added more You can re-extract the data if you have added more transaction data for the given period. transaction data for the given period.

o I am using another package for printing registers. Can I download the data once again?To prevent data inconsistency in the third party applicationTo prevent data inconsistency in the third party application CIN does not allow you to re download the register data onceCIN does not allow you to re download the register data once it has already been downloaded. it has already been downloaded.

o What is the issue classification for RG1?You need to classify the RG1 entries as to whether they areYou need to classify the RG1 entries as to whether they are receipts from manufacture or other receipts, clearances ofreceipts from manufacture or other receipts, clearances of various types so that they can be reported under the variousvarious types so that they can be reported under the various headings as required by the Excise commissionerate. headings as required by the Excise commissionerate.

o How do I maintain the opening balances for my register for the first time?You need load them manually at the initial data uploadYou need load them manually at the initial data upload..

o How do I get the opening balance for every month?CIN calculates the opening balance for reporting purposesCIN calculates the opening balance for reporting purposes based on the transactions extracted in any period. based on the transactions extracted in any period.

o Can I round the duty at the header level?Duty can be rounded off in CIN only at the item level. Due toDuty can be rounded off in CIN only at the item level. Due to technical reasons duty round off is not provided at the headertechnical reasons duty round off is not provided at the header level. level.

o When I create an excise invoice for exports what exchange rate will the system take?System picks up the exchange rate which is maintained in theSystem picks up the exchange rate which is maintained in the CIN configuration data for the company code. CIN configuration data for the company code.

o With fortnightly utilization why do I need a part2 entry at the time of Excise invoice creation?With fortnightly utilization you do not create an entry in theWith fortnightly utilization you do not create an entry in the CENVAT or PLA registers. Instead CIN keeps a separateCENVAT or PLA registers. Instead CIN keeps a separate

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Despatch register and generates continuous serial numbers inDespatch register and generates continuous serial numbers in this register that can be used for future reconciliation. this register that can be used for future reconciliation.

o Do I need to have balances in my CENVAT accounts at the time of Excise invoice creation?At the time of excise invoice creation the debit is being madeAt the time of excise invoice creation the debit is being made into an Excise payable account. So you need not haveinto an Excise payable account. So you need not have balances in the CENVAT account. You need to have enoughbalances in the CENVAT account. You need to have enough money at the time of fortnightly utilization or you should havemoney at the time of fortnightly utilization or you should have made a debit through TR6 into PLA. made a debit through TR6 into PLA.

o What are the exceptional reports possible?You can list all the billing documents for which excise invoice You can list all the billing documents for which excise invoice is not created. You can get a list of all excise invoices for is not created. You can get a list of all excise invoices for which billing document has been cancelled., You can also which billing document has been cancelled., You can also have a report of all cancelled excise invoice for which the have a report of all cancelled excise invoice for which the billing document is still openbilling document is still open.

o Can I know which are the billing documents for which there is no excise invoice?Excise due list gives you all billing documents for which there Excise due list gives you all billing documents for which there is no excise no excise invoice.

o Number range skipping happens for excise invoice. What could be the reason?CIN number ranges are defined as not buffered. You need toCIN number ranges are defined as not buffered. You need to check if this has been changed. If skipping happens nevercheck if this has been changed. If skipping happens never reset the number range.. you must report the problem to SAPreset the number range.. you must report the problem to SAP support immediately so that they can help you resolve this. support immediately so that they can help you resolve this.

o While doing excise invoice creation I get an error message that system failure during locking. What can I do?While creating the excise invoice, at the time of saving systemWhile creating the excise invoice, at the time of saving system tries to lock the GL account that is getting updated with thetries to lock the GL account that is getting updated with the new balances. S probably some one else could be changingnew balances. S probably some one else could be changing the GL account data at that point of time. This is a very shortthe GL account data at that point of time. This is a very short phenomena and is meant to keep the data consistency. phenomena and is meant to keep the data consistency.

o While doing depot sales invoice selection, list of invoices are not getting displayed. Why?You need to check the customization settings for LIFOor FIFOYou need to check the customization settings for LIFOor FIFO and the invoices of which period you have set. Also you needand the invoices of which period you have set. Also you need to check the excise group which is being used. System willto check the excise group which is being used. System will show you only those excise invoices which belong to the sameshow you only those excise invoices which belong to the same excise group, plant, storage location and batch.excise group, plant, storage location and batch.

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o Is it possible to add some additional duty on to the depot invoice with out A certificate?No you need an A certificate if you have to get an additionalNo you need an A certificate if you have to get an additional duty in RG23D invoice. Alternative is to write customerduty in RG23D invoice. Alternative is to write customer specific routines which are not supported by CIN. specific routines which are not supported by CIN.

o How do I handle the returns at depot?If there are returns to depot, that can be captured as anyIf there are returns to depot, that can be captured as any other receipt. You can enter the material document no of theother receipt. You can enter the material document no of the return receipt and the data gets copid and you can copy intoreturn receipt and the data gets copid and you can copy into RG23D. RG23D.

o How do I handle returns at factory?There are no D3 procedures at the moment which isThere are no D3 procedures at the moment which is mandated by the excise department. Legally you can takemandated by the excise department. Legally you can take credit for all the receipts and then pay the duty when it goescredit for all the receipts and then pay the duty when it goes out after repair or to another customer. You can Excise invoiceout after repair or to another customer. You can Excise invoice without PO route to take the credit. without PO route to take the credit.

o When I do excise invoice creation, the system issues a message not enough balance. Why?This does not happen any more. There was a need felt that weThis does not happen any more. There was a need felt that we should check the balance s even though we can pay the dutyshould check the balance s even though we can pay the duty 15 days hence. 15 days hence.

o I am not able to save the excise invoice text?You need to check the object type for the object id J1IN. thisYou need to check the object type for the object id J1IN. this can be done by checking the data of the view J_1IVTTXOB. Thecan be done by checking the data of the view J_1IVTTXOB. The editor mode has to be set as ‘Application text with SAVE key ‘.editor mode has to be set as ‘Application text with SAVE key ‘.

o How can I include more text ids for the excise invoice?You can use the CIN IMG text maintenance option and addYou can use the CIN IMG text maintenance option and add more ids with descriptors. For excise invoice creation themore ids with descriptors. For excise invoice creation the object is J1II. For depot receipts the object is J1IG and forobject is J1II. For depot receipts the object is J1IG and for depot sales it is J1IJ. depot sales it is J1IJ.

o Where does the excise invoice get the business area from?Excise invoice does not allow entry of business area. TheExcise invoice does not allow entry of business area. The business area in the billing document is automatically takenbusiness area in the billing document is automatically taken for the excise invoice. for the excise invoice.

o Where does the excise invoice get the profit center from?Excise invoice picks up the profit center from the billingExcise invoice picks up the profit center from the billing document if it is available there. If it is not available theredocument if it is available there. If it is not available there then it looks at the plant specific material master data andthen it looks at the plant specific material master data and picks up if available. picks up if available.

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o Why do I need tax jurisdiction?Tax jurisdiction codes are one method by which you canTax jurisdiction codes are one method by which you can maintain tax rates with out having multitude of tax codes. Youmaintain tax rates with out having multitude of tax codes. You can maintain the LST effectively with one tax code andcan maintain the LST effectively with one tax code and multiple jurisdiction. multiple jurisdiction.

o What will the system do if I have not received the form at the time of billing?The system will first check in the Form type maintenanceThe system will first check in the Form type maintenance whether the form is marked as required. This means that thewhether the form is marked as required. This means that the form has to come by the time billing happens. Once youform has to come by the time billing happens. Once you receive the form you need to enter it into the forms data basereceive the form you need to enter it into the forms data base (J1IU) for the delivery document number. If the form receipt is(J1IU) for the delivery document number. If the form receipt is not maintained then the billing will do a repricing and chargenot maintained then the billing will do a repricing and charge full tax for the particular excise duty. full tax for the particular excise duty.

o How does fortnightly utilization determine the accounts to be posted?There is no transaction type for determining the accounts of There is no transaction type for determining the accounts of the fortnightly utilization. The credit account of the the fortnightly utilization. The credit account of the transaction type ‘DLFC ‘ is used as the debit account here. Fortransaction type ‘DLFC ‘ is used as the debit account here. For the credit side we pick the debit accounts from the GRPO, the credit side we pick the debit accounts from the GRPO, EWPO and TR6C transactions. So it is mandatory that whether EWPO and TR6C transactions. So it is mandatory that whether you use EWPO or not you should have maintained the accountyou use EWPO or not you should have maintained the account determination for all transaction tyes for a given excise group.determination for all transaction tyes for a given excise group.

o Can I have my own transaction types?Transaction types are used internally by CIN for variousTransaction types are used internally by CIN for various pruposes. So you cannot define your wn transaction types.pruposes. So you cannot define your wn transaction types. Alternate account assignments can be done using subAlternate account assignments can be done using sub transaction types. transaction types.

o What will batch utilization of modvat do?Batch utilization is just an interface that helps you to completeBatch utilization is just an interface that helps you to complete the utilization of a set of documents in one step. This simply the utilization of a set of documents in one step. This simply triggers individual utilization as a BDC so that the user triggers individual utilization as a BDC so that the user interaction can be minimizedinteraction can be minimized.

o What is the number range used for export excise invoice?Export invoices uses the number range object j_1iexcexpExport invoices uses the number range object j_1iexcexp where as the local invoices uses the number range j_1iexcloc.where as the local invoices uses the number range j_1iexcloc. Even though customers are free to use the same numberEven though customers are free to use the same number series now there is no bar from using separate series. series now there is no bar from using separate series.

o Can I create a zero duty excise invoice?Zero duty invoices can be created both from sales as wellasZero duty invoices can be created both from sales as wellas using excise invoice other movements based on the businessusing excise invoice other movements based on the business

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requirement. These invoices do not generate an accountingrequirement. These invoices do not generate an accounting document. document.

o Is it possible to cancel an excise invoice with zero duty?There is no problem in canceling a zero duty excise invoice. There is no problem in canceling a zero duty excise invoice.

o Where does the billing document get the account for excise duty payable?The account determination rules of R3 billing is used forThe account determination rules of R3 billing is used for determining the account for the excise posting line in a billingdetermining the account for the excise posting line in a billing document. The CIN customization has no role to play here. document. The CIN customization has no role to play here.

o How does the stock transfer get the assessable value from?This is got using the condition base value formula. For this toThis is got using the condition base value formula. For this to happen you should have maintained the assessable value inhappen you should have maintained the assessable value in CIN master data. CIN master data.

o How do I know whether SD route or mm route is followed for stock transfer?You need to check in SPRO – Materials Management –You need to check in SPRO – Materials Management – Purchasing – Set up Stock transport order – Assign deliveryPurchasing – Set up Stock transport order – Assign delivery type/checking. For SD order this will be marked ‘A’type/checking. For SD order this will be marked ‘A’

o Based on the route followed how do I create an excise invoice?If SD route is followed for stock transfer then you can use J1IINIf SD route is followed for stock transfer then you can use J1IIN to create excise invoice. If MM route is used for creating stock to create excise invoice. If MM route is used for creating stock transport order then you need to use J1IS for creation of transport order then you need to use J1IS for creation of Excise invoiceExcise invoice.

o How to configure stock transport order?Stock transport order is set up in SPRO- MaterialsStock transport order is set up in SPRO- Materials management – Purchasing – Set up stock transport – Purchasing – Set up stock transport order. Here first you have to define the sales area and the defaultHere first you have to define the sales area and the default customer code. You have ato assign the order type to thecustomer code. You have ato assign the order type to the checking rule. Finally you need to maintain the delivery typechecking rule. Finally you need to maintain the delivery type for the order type. for the order type.

o I cannot create a proforma billing document for a replenishment delivery. What has gone wrong?Normal R3 setting does not allow a billing document to beNormal R3 setting does not allow a billing document to be created for a delivery type NL. You need to change thecreated for a delivery type NL. You need to change the customization settings of the item category type NLN so thatcustomization settings of the item category type NLN so that it becomes relevant for billing. it becomes relevant for billing.

o When I do a receipt at the depot from my factory how do I give the excise invoice number?

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If the excise invoice already exists in the R3 system then inIf the excise invoice already exists in the R3 system then in the detail screen of RG23D receipt you can directly enter thethe detail screen of RG23D receipt you can directly enter the internal document number of the excise invoice. This willinternal document number of the excise invoice. This will automatically allow the entrie challan details to be copied. automatically allow the entrie challan details to be copied.

o Should I receive the full quantity at depot or transit loss is allowed?You can receive some goods in the depot which is less thanYou can receive some goods in the depot which is less than the dispatched. You have the option to enter the receiptthe dispatched. You have the option to enter the receipt quantity as well as the challan quantity at the time of RG23Dquantity as well as the challan quantity at the time of RG23D receipt. receipt.

o I want to calculate the excise duties at the time of export sales. What should I do?There is a calculate tax button on the utilization screen ofThere is a calculate tax button on the utilization screen of Excise invoice creation.. This option will calculate the taxes forExcise invoice creation.. This option will calculate the taxes for an export invoice. an export invoice.

o Can I use my own layouts for register printing?Yes you can have your own layouts. You need to maintain theYes you can have your own layouts. You need to maintain the same in the CIN customization against the sap script formsame in the CIN customization against the sap script form maintenance. maintenance.

o Can I change the posting date at the time of fort nightly utilization?You can enter the posting date as per which you want the You can enter the posting date as per which you want the system to do the fortnightly posting. system to do the fortnightly posting.

o Should I keep the fi/mm period open at the time of posting fort nightly utilization?The current period alone should be open at the time ofThe current period alone should be open at the time of fortnightly utilization. It is also required that both MM as wellfortnightly utilization. It is also required that both MM as well as FI periods need to be open. as FI periods need to be open.

o When I run fortnightly utilization the system is showing zero balance even though there is some balance in the GL account?The balances for utilization are picked up in CIN only when theThe balances for utilization are picked up in CIN only when the MM period closing is done for the previous period. For eg. If MM period closing is done for the previous period. For eg. If you r posting date is 5you r posting date is 5thth Dec and the November period is still Dec and the November period is still open system will show zero balance. open system will show zero balance.

o Can I change the document type for the accounting document created at the time of excise invoice creation?Document type for excise invoice utilization is defined with inDocument type for excise invoice utilization is defined with in CIN customization at the company code level. You can useCIN customization at the company code level. You can use your own document type. your own document type.

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o Can I have excise rates more than 100%?Yes you can have excise rates higher than 100% since someYes you can have excise rates higher than 100% since some of the tobacco items carry higher excise rates. of the tobacco items carry higher excise rates.

o How do I map the tax classification to form types?You can maintain it along with Form type definitions in CIN You can maintain it along with Form type definitions in CIN IMG.IMG.

o Can I decide not to generate folio numbers at the time of RG23D creation?Yes you can keep the customization option at the Excise groupYes you can keep the customization option at the Excise group level blank and also you can leave the user-exit open. level blank and also you can leave the user-exit open.

o What will happen when I cancel a RG23D selection for sales already made?If you are canceling a selection before posting then the RG23DIf you are canceling a selection before posting then the RG23D register the record will be removed. But if you have alreadyregister the record will be removed. But if you have already done the posting then the RG23D record is marked cancelleddone the posting then the RG23D record is marked cancelled and the balance in the original invoice is inflated by anand the balance in the original invoice is inflated by an equivalent amount. equivalent amount.

o Why there is no transaction type for J2IU?Transaction type is used for account determination by CIN . Transaction type is used for account determination by CIN . This is an internal entity for CIN and has no relevance to the This is an internal entity for CIN and has no relevance to the business process. Since there is no account determination business process. Since there is no account determination need for J2IU there is no transaction typeneed for J2IU there is no transaction type.


o How do I know whether CIN is installed?Run the function module test j_1bsa_component_check with Run the function module test j_1bsa_component_check with component as ‘IN’ and you should get a return code ‘0’ and nocomponent as ‘IN’ and you should get a return code ‘0’ and no exceptions. Before you can check this you should have exceptions. Before you can check this you should have applied SAP note 411079. applied SAP note 411079.

o How do I invoke CIN transactions?Best way to invoke CIN transactions is to attach the pre Best way to invoke CIN transactions is to attach the pre delivered CIN roles to user profiles. delivered CIN roles to user profiles.

o What are the roles available in CIN? Wipro Technologies Confidential

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Please see the section below of the knowledge bank. Please see the section below of the knowledge bank. Alternatively in an R3 system with CIN you can use the Alternatively in an R3 system with CIN you can use the transaction PFCG (Profile Generator) and look for entries transaction PFCG (Profile Generator) and look for entries SAP_CIN*SAP_CIN*

o What will the country install program do?The country install program (invoked using O035 transaction The country install program (invoked using O035 transaction code) does pre customization of company code ‘0001’ so that code) does pre customization of company code ‘0001’ so that you have some customization to start with which you can you have some customization to start with which you can build further. build further.

o Is there any pre customization available for CIN?There is some customization available for CIN as a part ofThere is some customization available for CIN as a part of country install and other components are mentioned in thecountry install and other components are mentioned in the knowledge bank. There is no pre configured client for CIN. knowledge bank. There is no pre configured client for CIN.

o Must I always run country install after an upgrade?You should run Country install program only if it is a fresh You should run Country install program only if it is a fresh installation with no customization. If you have already started installation with no customization. If you have already started building the org structure and other process mapping then building the org structure and other process mapping then you must not run country install program. you must not run country install program.

o Is there an area menu for CIN?From R3 46B the concept of area menus are not much used inFrom R3 46B the concept of area menus are not much used in SAP. So it is preferable to use roles for accessing the CIN SAP. So it is preferable to use roles for accessing the CIN transactions. You can also use the area menu J1ILN if you transactions. You can also use the area menu J1ILN if you need.( Older versions of CIN had area menu J1IL) need.( Older versions of CIN had area menu J1IL)

o What do I do if the rates change after a budget?Excise rates are maintained as master data in CIN. You justExcise rates are maintained as master data in CIN. You just need to put in new rates in CIN master data to change it withneed to put in new rates in CIN master data to change it with the new validity. But if sales tax rates are being changed thenthe new validity. But if sales tax rates are being changed then you cannot change the tax codes. You should define new taxyou cannot change the tax codes. You should define new tax codes with new rates and use them. Changes to income taxcodes with new rates and use them. Changes to income tax rates have to be handled by defining new withholding taxrates have to be handled by defining new withholding tax codes. codes.

CIN Basiso Can I have CIN as well as other Add-ons in one box?

You can have multiple add-ons technically in one box fromYou can have multiple add-ons technically in one box from 46C on wards. But before doing this you need to contact SAP46C on wards. But before doing this you need to contact SAP support who can guide for the necessary precautions. support who can guide for the necessary precautions.

o Is it possible for me to have multiple country versions in one client? Are there any installations with multiple country versions in one client?There are installations with multiple country versions in oneThere are installations with multiple country versions in one client. From 46C onwards CIN is technically conflict free andclient. From 46C onwards CIN is technically conflict free and

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can exist with other country versions. However the installationcan exist with other country versions. However the installation process of multiple add-ons is not stright forward and youprocess of multiple add-ons is not stright forward and you must contact pre sales before taking up a similar project. must contact pre sales before taking up a similar project.

o How do I know which support pack I should move onto?It is always beneficial to move to the latest support pack It is always beneficial to move to the latest support pack which is supported by CIN. This will ensure that all the known which is supported by CIN. This will ensure that all the known errors until that point is solved. For knowing which is the errors until that point is solved. For knowing which is the approved level for India please look into note 81456. This noteapproved level for India please look into note 81456. This note gets updated whenever there is a new add-on patch for CIN. gets updated whenever there is a new add-on patch for CIN. You can look at the existing support packs at the service You can look at the existing support packs at the service marketplace.marketplace.

o After importing support packs will the functionality change?Support packs are collections of notes and should not changeSupport packs are collections of notes and should not change the basic functionality. They are mainly bug fixes. The supportthe basic functionality. They are mainly bug fixes. The support pack gives a list of notes for which the corrections arepack gives a list of notes for which the corrections are included. included.

o Do I need to do an integration test after CIN support pack import?Some testing is required for the critical processes after aSome testing is required for the critical processes after a support pack implementation. It would also be a good practicesupport pack implementation. It would also be a good practice to keep some CATTs to be done after every SP import. to keep some CATTs to be done after every SP import.

o Can I run Internet sales with excise taxes?You need to have separate pricing procedure to make thisYou need to have separate pricing procedure to make this possible. It would be best to contact SAP productpossible. It would be best to contact SAP product management group on this. management group on this.

o When I try to create a new object of CIN which came through note, the system says that the name range cannot be used. What should I do?Check if the name space entries are available usingCheck if the name space entries are available using transaction se03. Also check whether the name space istransaction se03. Also check whether the name space is modifiable. modifiable.

o Is there any partner project for CIN?For creating new objects in CIN name range you need toFor creating new objects in CIN name range you need to maintain the partner project ids ‘1I’ and ‘2I’ in tables RESPmaintain the partner project ids ‘1I’ and ‘2I’ in tables RESP and RESPT using transaction SM30. and RESPT using transaction SM30.

o Can I make a client copy excluding CIN?It is not possible to exclude CIN data while making a client It is not possible to exclude CIN data while making a client copy.copy.

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o When I maintain some of the CIN master data system is asking for a transport request. How do I avoid it?This has been rectified. If it is still a problem please report inThis has been rectified. If it is still a problem please report in SAP support. Also please check the following. Go into SE11.SAP support. Also please check the following. Go into SE11. Enter the table name for which the maintenance is giving aEnter the table name for which the maintenance is giving a problem. Display the table. Take the option – Utilities – tableproblem. Display the table. Take the option – Utilities – table maintenance generator. Check the recording routing. It shouldmaintenance generator. Check the recording routing. It should be no, or user recording routine. be no, or user recording routine.

o Are there any language versions for CIN?No CIN is available only in English. No CIN is available only in English.

o Are there any code page restrictions for CIN while using with other language versions?No there are no code page restrictions for CIN. CIN does notNo there are no code page restrictions for CIN. CIN does not need a code page by itself. So it can be put with otherneed a code page by itself. So it can be put with other languages. languages.

o I have a system with R3 and CIN. Can I upgrade R3 alone leaving CIN?You cannot upgrade CIN alone. If you opt to ignore CIN andYou cannot upgrade CIN alone. If you opt to ignore CIN and continue with the upgrade of R3 alone then the CIN objectscontinue with the upgrade of R3 alone then the CIN objects get deactivated in the system and it is not usable any more.get deactivated in the system and it is not usable any more. A re install might lead to problems and loss of data. A re install might lead to problems and loss of data.

o Even after CIN is installed when I try to run any CIN program system is saying CIN is not installed. Why?You need to apply note 411079You need to apply note 411079

o How do I create new authorization groups?You have to run a report RKSCUS09. Enter the authorizationYou have to run a report RKSCUS09. Enter the authorization objects as S_TABU_DIS and then you can maintain newobjects as S_TABU_DIS and then you can maintain new authorization groups under this. authorization groups under this.

o If another add-on is already installed then can I install CIN on top of it?You need to take permission from the other add-on for this You need to take permission from the other add-on for this process. Contact SAP support. process. Contact SAP support.

o How long does a CIN installation take?The time depends on the hardware that is available. If 4The time depends on the hardware that is available. If 4 processors and 2 GB RAM is allocated to that instance then itprocessors and 2 GB RAM is allocated to that instance then it takes about 40 minutes. The maximum time is about 1.5 hrs takes about 40 minutes. The maximum time is about 1.5 hrs

o How long does it take to upgarde CIN? This will typically depend on the databse size. But this is rolledThis will typically depend on the databse size. But this is rolled into the R3 upgrade and CIN composite upgrade will not addinto the R3 upgrade and CIN composite upgrade will not add additional down time to the R3 upgrade. additional down time to the R3 upgrade.

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o Multiple users are not able to use j1id at the same time. How

do I resolve this?Master data in CIN is maintained using default tableMaster data in CIN is maintained using default table maintenance views. This poses a restriction that only one usermaintenance views. This poses a restriction that only one user can change the data at any given time. This is because of thecan change the data at any given time. This is because of the table level lock. table level lock.

CIN MMCustomization

o How do I configure the system for partial credit functionality? (80:20 or 95:5 for Cenvatable: Inventorisable)The relevant tax code should be configured with the requiredThe relevant tax code should be configured with the required ratios for deductible and non-deductible tax componentsratios for deductible and non-deductible tax components (JMO1 and JMO2 respectively).(JMO1 and JMO2 respectively).The partial credit indicator at the excise registration ID levelThe partial credit indicator at the excise registration ID level should also be marked.should also be marked.

o What are the settings involved to run the stock transport orders through the GRPO route?For a receiving plant a customer has to be created. For a receiving plant a customer has to be created. For an issuing plant a customer and a vendor has to beFor an issuing plant a customer and a vendor has to be created and this vendor is to be linked to this customer. created and this vendor is to be linked to this customer. Both the customers have to be assigned to the plant in theBoth the customers have to be assigned to the plant in the Stock Transport Order settings. (Transaction:OMGN)Stock Transport Order settings. (Transaction:OMGN)

o How do I change the debit account that is proposed in Excise JVs?In the company settings of CIN IMG select the indicator “DebitIn the company settings of CIN IMG select the indicator “Debit Account Overwrite” for the required company code.Account Overwrite” for the required company code.

o What is the difference between the ‘Depot’ indicator at the plant and the same at the excise group level?At excise group level: It indicates that for the particularAt excise group level: It indicates that for the particular combination of the excise group and the plant, the plant willcombination of the excise group and the plant, the plant will function as a depot.function as a depot.At plant level: Irrespective of the plant being attached to anyAt plant level: Irrespective of the plant being attached to any excise group, the plant attached to all the excise groups willexcise group, the plant attached to all the excise groups will function as a depot.function as a depot.The setting at the plant level takes precedence over that atThe setting at the plant level takes precedence over that at the excise group level.the excise group level.

o Can I change the non-cenvatable condition types that have been delivered?No. The delivered non-cenvatable condition types (e.g. JMO2No. The delivered non-cenvatable condition types (e.g. JMO2 etc.) are to be used as they are.etc.) are to be used as they are.

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o Where will I change the input/output attribute of a field of the incoming excise invoice transaction?In CIN IMG, under the Incoming Excise Invoices node the userIn CIN IMG, under the Incoming Excise Invoices node the user can change the attributes of certain fields.can change the attributes of certain fields.The user cannot add any additional fields other than theThe user cannot add any additional fields other than the delivered ones.delivered ones.

o In the subcontracting attributes (CIN IMG) what is the difference between Movement Type Group Issues and Movement Type Group Receipts?Movement types that issue material from the plant to theMovement types that issue material from the plant to the subcontractor are grouped under the movement type groupsubcontractor are grouped under the movement type group issues. Similarly, the movement types that consume theissues. Similarly, the movement types that consume the materials when the processed goods are received into a plantmaterials when the processed goods are received into a plant are grouped under the movement type group receipts.are grouped under the movement type group receipts.

o In the Subcontracting Challan, How should I maintain number ranges for each series group?Subcontracting Challan number ranges should not overlapSubcontracting Challan number ranges should not overlap between series group. For e.g it should NOT be as follows:between series group. For e.g it should NOT be as follows:

Series Group S1Series Group S1 : 000010000: 000010000 to 000050000to 000050000Series Group S2Series Group S2 : 000020000: 000020000 to 000050000to 000050000

o Which are the Number range objects for which number ranges needs to be maintained?Internal Document - J_1IINTNUMInternal Document - J_1IINTNUMRG23A Part1 and Part2 for all excise groups - J_1IRG23A1 &RG23A Part1 and Part2 for all excise groups - J_1IRG23A1 & J_1IRG23A2J_1IRG23A2RG23C Part1 and Part2 for all excise groups - J_1IRG23C1 &RG23C Part1 and Part2 for all excise groups - J_1IRG23C1 & J_1IRG23C2J_1IRG23C2PLA Part2 for all excise groups – J_1IPLA2PLA Part2 for all excise groups – J_1IPLA2RG1 for all excise groups – J_1IRG1RG1 for all excise groups – J_1IRG1RG23D Folio Number Generation – J_1IRG23DRG23D Folio Number Generation – J_1IRG23DOutgoing Excise Invoices against all series groups -Outgoing Excise Invoices against all series groups - J_1IEXCLOC & J_1IEXCEXPJ_1IEXCLOC & J_1IEXCEXPDepot Excise invoice number – J_1IDEPINVDepot Excise invoice number – J_1IDEPINVDispatch Register Serial number – J_1IINTPR2Dispatch Register Serial number – J_1IINTPR2Subcontracting Challan against all series group – J_1I57FCSubcontracting Challan against all series group – J_1I57FC

o Can I have multiple accounts for the same process?Yes. This is possible by using the option of subtransaction typeYes. This is possible by using the option of subtransaction type in association with the transaction association with the transaction type.

o What will transaction type do?CIN uses transaction type as a way of differentiating betweenCIN uses transaction type as a way of differentiating between the various excise related processes. They are:the various excise related processes. They are:

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GRPO – Goods receipt for purchase order in Plant. AlsoGRPO – Goods receipt for purchase order in Plant. Also used in Depot for a PO and material documentused in Depot for a PO and material documentEWPO – Excise invoice without purchase order EWPO – Excise invoice without purchase order 57FC 57FC - Subcontracting Challan- Subcontracting Challan57NR – Reversal and Recredit for Subcontracting57NR – Reversal and Recredit for Subcontracting

ChallanChallanCAPE- Capital Goods credit accountsCAPE- Capital Goods credit accountsOTHR- Excise Invoice for Other MovementsOTHR- Excise Invoice for Other MovementsDLFC- Factory Sale and Stock Transfer via SDDLFC- Factory Sale and Stock Transfer via SDCEIV- Cancellation of Generated Excise InvoiceCEIV- Cancellation of Generated Excise InvoiceDIEX- Differential Excise Invoice CreditDIEX- Differential Excise Invoice CreditMRDY- Excise Duty reversal without referenceMRDY- Excise Duty reversal without referenceMRRD- Excise Duty reversal if material used for non-MRRD- Excise Duty reversal if material used for non-productionproductionMRWO- Excise Duty Reversal for Write off CasesMRWO- Excise Duty Reversal for Write off CasesTR6C - PLA account adjustment through TR6 ChallanTR6C - PLA account adjustment through TR6 ChallanUTLZ- is used for determining the accounts when a JV isUTLZ- is used for determining the accounts when a JV is posted with an option of fortnightly paymentposted with an option of fortnightly payment

The Transaction type that are not used : 57CM, 57GR, CAGI,The Transaction type that are not used : 57CM, 57GR, CAGI, CAGR, GRTR.CAGR, GRTR.

o Can I have my own transaction types?No. Various transaction types are used by CIN and areNo. Various transaction types are used by CIN and are predelivered.predelivered.

o Does the system determine the modvat clearing account during invoice verification?Yes, provided the purchase order has deductible excise duty.Yes, provided the purchase order has deductible excise duty.

o What is EWPO? When do you use it?EWPO stands for excise invoice without purchase order. ForEWPO stands for excise invoice without purchase order. For e.g. Excise invoice of free samples are captured in the systeme.g. Excise invoice of free samples are captured in the system using EWPO.using EWPO.

o What is the functionality of the rejection code/reason code?For some reasons if the user wants to withhold the availementFor some reasons if the user wants to withhold the availement of CENVAT credit, he can do so by posting the excise invoiceof CENVAT credit, he can do so by posting the excise invoice with a reason code. This reason code will post the creditwith a reason code. This reason code will post the credit amount to an ONHOLD account. The user can later post thisamount to an ONHOLD account. The user can later post this ONHOLD amount to the CENVAT accounts. There is anONHOLD amount to the CENVAT accounts. There is an indicator associated with the reason code in CIN IMG, whichindicator associated with the reason code in CIN IMG, which will decide the posting of the credit amount to ONHOLD.will decide the posting of the credit amount to ONHOLD.

Note: It is recommended that separate GL accounts for ON-Note: It is recommended that separate GL accounts for ON-HOLD account for transaction type GRPO and CAPE. AccountHOLD account for transaction type GRPO and CAPE. Account at GRPO will be used by Rejection code and the one at CAPEat GRPO will be used by Rejection code and the one at CAPE will be used for subsequent credit of capital goods.will be used for subsequent credit of capital goods.

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During Excise Invoice cancellation, reason code can be used. During Excise Invoice cancellation, reason code can be used.

o After the transaction J1IEX has been executed, what is the significance of the status popup?The status popup is a way to give information to the user ofThe status popup is a way to give information to the user of the various excise entries that happen during the course ofthe various excise entries that happen during the course of running the transaction. For e.g. the status Part1 number: N.A.running the transaction. For e.g. the status Part1 number: N.A. means that no part1 number was generated during the coursemeans that no part1 number was generated during the course of running the transactions.of running the transactions.

o What does the ‘Restore Defaults’ checkbox on the Duty Values item tabstrip of J1IEX do?Restore defaults option restores the material type, duty rates,Restore defaults option restores the material type, duty rates, quantities, duty values for that line item to the original valuesquantities, duty values for that line item to the original values that were defaulted the time when the transaction is run.that were defaulted the time when the transaction is run.

o I always get the Item ok in J1IEX transaction as selected, how do I avoid that in case I don’t need the Item ok selected by default?Mark the User Parameter ID ‘J4X’ with ‘X’ for a User ID.Mark the User Parameter ID ‘J4X’ with ‘X’ for a User ID.

o Can you explain the different rows of duties on the Duty Values item tabstrip of J1IEX?

Credit availed: Excise duty whose credit has been availed.Credit availed: Excise duty whose credit has been availed.Inventorized duty: It is the excise duty for which credit has notInventorized duty: It is the excise duty for which credit has not been availed but has been added / will be added to thebeen availed but has been added / will be added to the material cost.material cost.Credit due: Excise duty whose credit has not been availedCredit due: Excise duty whose credit has not been availed because the goods have not been received and entered in thebecause the goods have not been received and entered in the RG23 Part1 register.RG23 Part1 register.Credit Available: Excise duty whose credit has not beenCredit Available: Excise duty whose credit has not been availed, but the goods have been received and entered in theavailed, but the goods have been received and entered in the RG23 Part1 register.RG23 Part1 register.ST: Sales Tax for the line item.ST: Sales Tax for the line item.

o What does the ‘Calculate excise duty based on rates’ checkbox on the Duty rates item tabstrip of J1IEX do?The user has the option of changing the duty rates for the lineThe user has the option of changing the duty rates for the line items in the excise invoice. If the user wishes to change theitems in the excise invoice. If the user wishes to change the

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duty values based on the changes in the duty rates he needsduty values based on the changes in the duty rates he needs to select the ‘Calculate excise duty based on rates’ select the ‘Calculate excise duty based on rates’ checkbox.

o What is a single step credit availment process?The process of capturing the excise invoice and availing creditThe process of capturing the excise invoice and availing credit of excise duty in a single step is now possible if the excise isof excise duty in a single step is now possible if the excise is captured with reference to a goods receipt for a purchasecaptured with reference to a goods receipt for a purchase order. This is possible even in the EWPO cycle.order. This is possible even in the EWPO cycle.

o When are the ‘Simulate CENVAT Credit’ and the ‘Post CENVAT’ buttons active?These buttons will be active if the entry has been posted inThese buttons will be active if the entry has been posted in the RG23 Part1 register for the GRPO cycle and there is creditthe RG23 Part1 register for the GRPO cycle and there is credit available to be availed.available to be availed.These buttons will always be active during the EWPO cycle. These buttons will always be active during the EWPO cycle. The user should have the necessary authorization to post anThe user should have the necessary authorization to post an excise invoice.excise invoice.

o While capturing an excise invoice for EWPO (without reference to any material document), how does one enter multiple lines?For the first line item the user needs to enter the details of theFor the first line item the user needs to enter the details of the line item such as the material number, plant, chapter ID, dutyline item such as the material number, plant, chapter ID, duty rate, quantity etc. follwed by pressing ENTER. To enter a newrate, quantity etc. follwed by pressing ENTER. To enter a new line item the user needs to press the ‘Next Item’ Button.line item the user needs to press the ‘Next Item’ Button.

o When price control 5 is set for a purchase order, how is excise

duty computed? The base value of the material is the value on the date onThe base value of the material is the value on the date on which the vendor's excise invoice is created.which the vendor's excise invoice is created.The duty is computed on this base value.The duty is computed on this base value.

o How are the accounts determined when capital goods are procured?When cenvat credit for the capital goods are availed for theWhen cenvat credit for the capital goods are availed for the first 50%, the credit accounts are picked from GRPOfirst 50%, the credit accounts are picked from GRPO transaction type and debit accounts from the CAPE. transaction type and debit accounts from the CAPE.

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During Subsequent credit availment both credit and debitDuring Subsequent credit availment both credit and debit entries are picked from CAPE. entries are picked from CAPE.

o What needs to be done if the Excise Invoice quantity is not equal to GR quantity?Excise Invoice Quantity is less than GR quantity: System willExcise Invoice Quantity is less than GR quantity: System will default warning message and this can be configured in CINdefault warning message and this can be configured in CIN IMG as required. Apart from that the Part1 entry will be doneIMG as required. Apart from that the Part1 entry will be done only for the open quanity in the excise invoice. And theonly for the open quanity in the excise invoice. And the remaining will not appear in the excise registers. Sinceremaining will not appear in the excise registers. Since nothing can be done about it, ensure you do another GR fornothing can be done about it, ensure you do another GR for the difference quanitity with no excise entry. Or in the casethe difference quanitity with no excise entry. Or in the case excise invoice for this difference will be dispatched by theexcise invoice for this difference will be dispatched by the vendor later, you can create a separate GR and just create avendor later, you can create a separate GR and just create a Part1 entry.Part1 entry.Excise Invoice Quantity is greater than GR quantity: Credit willExcise Invoice Quantity is greater than GR quantity: Credit will be allowed only for GR quantity. To take credit for remainingbe allowed only for GR quantity. To take credit for remaining check your Multiple GR for an excise invoice setting at excisecheck your Multiple GR for an excise invoice setting at excise

o What should be my accounting entry in procurement?For Domestic Procurement of Raw MaterialFor Domestic Procurement of Raw Material

During GRDuring GRMaterial Stock Material Stock Dr.Dr.GR/IR clearingGR/IR clearing Cr.Cr.

During Excise Invoice CreditDuring Excise Invoice CreditCenvat AccountCenvat Account Dr.Dr.Cenvat ClearingCenvat Clearing Cr.Cr.

During Invoice VerificationDuring Invoice VerificationCenvat ClearingCenvat Clearing Dr.Dr.GR/IR ClearingGR/IR Clearing Dr.Dr.Vendor PayableVendor Payable Cr.Cr.

For Domestic proceurement of Capital GoodsFor Domestic proceurement of Capital GoodsDuring GRDuring GR

Material Stock Material Stock Dr.Dr.GR/IR clearingGR/IR clearing Cr.Cr.

During Excise Invoice CreditDuring Excise Invoice CreditCenvat AccountCenvat Account Dr.Dr. (50%)(50%)Cenvat On-holdCenvat On-hold Dr.Dr. (50%)(50%)Cenvat ClearingCenvat Clearing Cr.Cr.

During Invoice VerificationDuring Invoice VerificationCenvat ClearingCenvat Clearing Dr.Dr.GR/IR ClearingGR/IR Clearing Dr.Dr.Vendor PayableVendor Payable CrCr

Subsequent of Capital GoodsSubsequent of Capital GoodsCenvat AccountCenvat Account Dr.Dr. (50%)(50%)

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Cenvat On-holdCenvat On-hold Cr.Cr. (50%)(50%)

For Import Procurement of Raw MaterialFor Import Procurement of Raw Material

During Customs Duty Clearing invoice During Customs Duty Clearing invoice Custom ClearingCustom Clearing Dr.Dr.Custom PayableCustom Payable Cr.Cr.

During GRDuring GRMaterial Stock Material Stock Dr.Dr.GR/IR clearingGR/IR clearing Cr.Cr.

During Excise Invoice CreditDuring Excise Invoice CreditCenvat AccountCenvat Account Dr.Dr.Custom ClearingCustom Clearing Cr.Cr.

During Invoice VerificationDuring Invoice VerificationGR/IR ClearingGR/IR Clearing Dr.Dr.Vendor PayableVendor Payable Cr.Cr.

For Excise Duty Credit of Raw Material without POFor Excise Duty Credit of Raw Material without PO

Cenvat AccountCenvat Account Dr.Dr.Cenvat ClearingCenvat Clearing Cr.Cr.

For Excise Duty Reversal through Excise JVFor Excise Duty Reversal through Excise JV

Cenvat ClearingCenvat Clearing Dr.Dr.Cenvat AccountCenvat Account Cr.Cr.

o What should be my accounting entry when the goods are issued through MM and excise invoice is created (J1IS & J1IV)?

During Excise Invoice CreationDuring Excise Invoice CreationCenvat Suspense AccountCenvat Suspense Account Dr.Dr.Cenvat payableCenvat payable Cr.Cr.

For TR6C ChallanFor TR6C ChallanPLA AccountPLA Account Dr.Dr.PLA on hold AccountPLA on hold Account Cr.Cr.

During Fortnightly UtilizationDuring Fortnightly UtilizationCenvat payableCenvat payable Dr.Dr.Cenvat AccountCenvat Account Cr.Cr.PLA AccountPLA Account Cr.Cr.

Note: Cenvat Suspense Account should be cleared apprpiatelyNote: Cenvat Suspense Account should be cleared apprpiately using FI JV’s.using FI JV’s.

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o How is the recursive BoM scenario (the parent and the child material being the same) handled in subcontracting?The movement type group for receipts should hold the 543-The movement type group for receipts should hold the 543-movement type only instead of the 101-movement type. movement type only instead of the 101-movement type.

o For which of the movements will I run the Quantity Reconciliation for the subcontracting challan?Quantity reconciliation is run for the movement types thatQuantity reconciliation is run for the movement types that automatically generate the consumption line, for e.g.automatically generate the consumption line, for e.g. movement 105, 101. This transaction is also run for reversalsmovement 105, 101. This transaction is also run for reversals of issue movements, for e.g. 542.of issue movements, for e.g. 542.

o How do I delete challans assigned to the Goods Receipts document?Goto transaction for Quantity Reconciliation (J1IFQ). UseGoto transaction for Quantity Reconciliation (J1IFQ). Use Menupath Quantity Reconcile->Delete assigmentMenupath Quantity Reconcile->Delete assigment

o What should be my accounting entry in subcontracting reversal / Recredit ?For Subcontracting Challan ReversalFor Subcontracting Challan Reversal

Cenvat ReversalCenvat Reversal Dr.Dr.Cenvat AccountCenvat Account Cr.Cr.

For Subcontracting Challan RecreditFor Subcontracting Challan RecreditCenvat AccountCenvat Account Dr.Dr.Cenvat ReversalCenvat Reversal Cr.Cr.

CIN FIo What is the main difference between classic TDS and

Extended Withholding tax (EWT)? Classic TDS and EWT TDS refer to the two methods ofClassic TDS and EWT TDS refer to the two methods of handling Tax Deducted at Source transactions (referred to ashandling Tax Deducted at Source transactions (referred to as “Withholding tax” in SAP terminology). You may use either of“Withholding tax” in SAP terminology). You may use either of these to handle your TDS related transactions. While EWTthese to handle your TDS related transactions. While EWT allows you to create the tax line both at the time of invoiceallows you to create the tax line both at the time of invoice receipt and payments, classic TDS allows you to create the taxreceipt and payments, classic TDS allows you to create the tax line only at the time of payment. In case of invoices, the taxline only at the time of payment. In case of invoices, the tax line is generated using another transaction (J1INC).line is generated using another transaction (J1INC).

o Can I have TDS on invoices as well as payments?Yes, you can have TDS on both invoices and payments.Yes, you can have TDS on both invoices and payments. However, you need to be using the EWT functionality toHowever, you need to be using the EWT functionality to recognize TDS at the time of invoice receipt. recognize TDS at the time of invoice receipt.

o How do I determine the TDS payment due date?You determine the payment due date in CIN customizing. You determine the payment due date in CIN customizing.

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In case you use the EWT functionality, this can be done byIn case you use the EWT functionality, this can be done by customizing the following link: J1IT customizing the following link: J1IT Tax Deducted at Source Tax Deducted at Source Extended Withholding Tax Extended Withholding Tax Determination of Tax Due Determination of Tax Due Dates Dates Maintain Tax Due Dates for Tax Types Maintain Tax Due Dates for Tax TypesIn case of the classic functionality, you may customize theIn case of the classic functionality, you may customize the following link: J1IT following link: J1IT Tax Deducted at Source Tax Deducted at Source Payment Due Payment Due Date MaintenanceDate MaintenanceYou maintain the details of payment due dates for the TDSYou maintain the details of payment due dates for the TDS section and Recipient type. You may enter the number of dayssection and Recipient type. You may enter the number of days from the date of transaction for the section if it is meant to befrom the date of transaction for the section if it is meant to be maintained that way. In case the payment due date falls onmaintained that way. In case the payment due date falls on the 7the 7thth of the next month, you may enter ‘777’. of the next month, you may enter ‘777’.

o Can I have multiple TAN nos and still be able to use Classic TDS?There are no standard customizing available in Classic TDS,There are no standard customizing available in Classic TDS, the TAN No. can be entered during challan update andthe TAN No. can be entered during challan update and Annual Return.Annual Return.

o Can I handle works contacts tax requirements using CIN?No. CIN does not support transactions that fall under theNo. CIN does not support transactions that fall under the Works Contract Act. Works Contract Act.

o Where do Vendor PAN numbers get stored in Classic and EWT?In classic TDS, vendor PAN numbers are stored in the vendorIn classic TDS, vendor PAN numbers are stored in the vendor master master extras extras texts texts In EWT TDS, they are stored in the table J_1IMOVENDEWTIn EWT TDS, they are stored in the table J_1IMOVENDEWT under the field J_1IPANNO in in the vendor master under the field J_1IPANNO in in the vendor master CIN CIN Details .Details .

o How do we represent type of deductor in Annual return? (The type could be Advertiser / Contractor) J1IT J1IT Classic Tax Deducted at Source Classic Tax Deducted at Source TDS Section - Tax TDS Section - Tax Code Relationship, specify the type for taxcode & section.Code Relationship, specify the type for taxcode & section.

o Can I Post TDS document into Special posting periods?YesYes

o Can I modify the Certificate layout w/o altering the program?Yes, you may change the layout of the certificate withoutYes, you may change the layout of the certificate without modifying the programmodifying the program

o How do I put Business Place information when I am running the Customer interest post program?

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The customer interest post transaction is run as a batchThe customer interest post transaction is run as a batch session. When you run the batch session, run it in thesession. When you run the batch session, run it in the foreground mode and enter the business place details.foreground mode and enter the business place details.

o What are the conditions for reversing the tax at the time of downpayment clearing?If the Invoice against which the down payment clearing hasIf the Invoice against which the down payment clearing has already been challan updated (remitted the tax to govt) thenalready been challan updated (remitted the tax to govt) then it’s not possible to reverse the’s not possible to reverse the tax.

o What do I do when tax rates change Classic: Classic:

o With prospective effect and retrospective effectChallan update all the old documents with the old tax rate andChallan update all the old documents with the old tax rate and then, the taxcode rate in the IMG should be changed and allthen, the taxcode rate in the IMG should be changed and all the documents that are processed for challan update will havethe documents that are processed for challan update will have the new tax rate. the new tax rate.

o With prospective effectThe taxcode rate in the IMG should be changed and all theThe taxcode rate in the IMG should be changed and all the documents that are processed for challan update will have thedocuments that are processed for challan update will have the new tax tax rate.

o With retrospective effectAll documents for which the tax has been deducted as per theAll documents for which the tax has been deducted as per the old rate has to be modified using the JV (J1INJV) .old rate has to be modified using the JV (J1INJV) .

o Which are the Number range objects for which number ranges needs to be maintained?TDS Certificate Printing - J_1ICERTTDS Certificate Printing - J_1ICERTInternal number range for challan – J_1ICHLNNOInternal number range for challan – J_1ICHLNNO

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