sap abap interview questions v_1

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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    1. What is Structure?

    Structure is a combination of different fields, Which is having same Data type or Different Data

    type fields . This structure is also called as Work area. Structure is a skeletal vie! of a table. "t containsthe definition of columns and dont have any contents.

    Whenever you create a structure it !ill be allocate some physical memory. #very structure or !ork

    area can be holds only one record in run time of your program

    We have t!o type of structures available in S$%, there are &

    1. $ppend structures,

    '. "nclude structures.

    '. What are the differences bet!een $ppend and "nclude structures?

    APPENDstructure is one !here for a table !e use append structure and !ithin this !e implement

    the re(uired fields along !ith its properties.....These are custom defined fields

    INCLUDE structure is one !hich is been appended to a table, but already the include structure has

    fields !ith its properties....These are S$% defined fields.

    ). What is an "nternal table?

    "nternal table is a combination of different fields !hich is used to holds multiple records at runtime.

    "f !e !ant to hold multiple records !e need to have an internal table, internal table is a dynamic

    se(uential memory buffer, allocate some memory during the run time.

    *. What are the types of internal tables?

    +enerally in S$% !e have ) types of "nternal tables available, there are &

    a. Standard internal tables,

    b. Sorted "nternal tables and

    c. ashed internal tables.


    S$% $-$% "ntervie! uestions


  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    . What is the difference bet!een standard, sorted and hashed table?

    Standard "nternal table&

    a. Standard internal tables having linear key, !e can access them either the "nde2 or 3ey.

    b. The standard internal table key is al!ays 4on/5ni(ue key.

    c. To fill the standard internal table records !e can use only $%%#4D statement.

    d. We can use 6#$D, 78D"9:, and D#;#T# lines statements for Standard "nternal tables by

    referring to the "nde2.

    e. Supports ;inear and -inary search for Standard "nternal tables.

    Sorted "nternal tables&

    a. Sorted internal tables are al!ays saved correctly sorted by 3#:. They also having ;inear 3ey.

    b. The key of Sorted internal tables can be either 54"5#/3#: or 484/54"5# 3#: and must

    specify any one.

    c. To fill sorted internal table lines to 5se "4S#6T statement.

    d. Supports -"4$6: Search only for 6#$D statement.

    ashed "nternal tables&

    a. ashed tables have 4o internal ;inear "nde2.

    b. We can access ashed tables by specifying key only.

    c. The 3#: of ashed internal tables must be 54"5# 3#:.

    d. Supports ;inear search only.


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    E. o! to declare an internal table siFe?

    We can use the command "4"T"$; S"G# H for declaration of internal table siFe. "nternal table siFe

    means to assign the initial lines to storage memory.

    INI"IAL #I$E %n&parameter& With InJ, you specify an initial number of lines for the internal




    SIZE 0.

    "f you kno! the ma2imum siFe of an internal table and that siFe is less than B3, you can increase

    the systems performance by specifying the ma2imum siFe in the INI"IAL #I$E %n&parameter.

    1H. What is the difference bet!een 6#$D T$-;# and D#S>6"-# T$-;# in internal tables?

    6#$D T$-;# is used to 6#$D search@ single record at a time from the internal table.

    #K& 6#$D T$-;# it=vbak W"T 3#: vbeln L M1')*M.

    6#$D T$-;# it=vbak "4T8 !a=vbak "4D#K sy/tabi2.

    6#$D T$-;# it=vbak "4T8 !a=vbak W"T 3#: vbeln L M1')*M.

    So the above statements !ill read the record from the internal table it=vbak and places them in

    !ork area !a=vbak.

    D#S>6"-# T$-;# is used to find the properties of the internal table like ho! many records the

    internal table have.


    after e2ecuting this GV_LINES!ill contain a value e(ual to number of records in IT_TAB

    11. What are the various methods of 6#$D T$-;# command?

    6#$D T$-;# command is used s to search for a record of an internal table. "ts 6#$D T$-;#

    command !orks on basing t!o methods, there are &

    a. ;inear search one by one record search@ and

    b. -inary search.

    1'. What is the difference bet!een ;inear search and -inary search?

    ;inear search is nothing but processing se(uentially one by one line searching.

    #2& There are E numbers , !e have to find A


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    1 ' ) * < A B E

    ;inear search & !e proceed 1 by 1 & it takes A iterations

    -inary search& total records divide by ' parts@ !e take middle value @ compare !ith A no! !e

    are left !ith < A B E

    !e compare B@ and A@ !ith A ... Thus process completed in ' iterations

    1). What are the prere(uisites of -inary search?

    -inary search is one of the fastest !ay to find the record e2ists in the internal table.T8 use -"4$6: S#$6>, you have to S86T the internal table in $S>#4D"4+CD#S>#4D"4+ 86D#6. Then

    only you !ill get the e2act results.


    6#$D T$-;# "T=T$- W"T 3#: 35446 L 1HHH1 ;$4D1 L "4

    4$7#1 L MN84M -"4$6: S#$6>.

    1*. Oarious operations of "nternal table as !ell as Database tables?

    1. $%%#4D & $%%#4D st=tab T8 it=tab.

    '. "4S#6T & "4S#6T st=tab "4T8 it=tab.

    ). >8;;#>T & >8;;#>T st=tab 9687 it=tab.

    *. 6#$D & 6#$D T$-;# it=tab 9687 st=tab W"T 3#: name L 6$7.

    . D#S>6"-# & D#S>6"-# T$-;# it=tab ;"4#S +O=;"4#S.

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    1T uery?

    The aggregate functions,IN- ,A.- A/0- #U,- and C1UN"are a valuable tool for accumulating

    values across the entire table or a subset of the table ro!s based on the conditions in the 2+E(E


    a. 4otice there is no #4DS#;#>T because the aggregate S#;#>T statement does not return

    multiple records.

    1A. ave you done performance tuning? What are the things you are going to do in performance


    :es. #"34is one of the transaction for check %erformance of your program its called as S; trace

    T. code #E53is another !ay to check 6un time $nalysis.

    #LINtransaction for #2tended program check. %rogram J >heck J #2tended %rogram check@

    To check >omputer $ided Test Tool CA""6 )transaction #CA".

    1B. What is %arallel cursors techni(ue?

    The most common performance problem that occurs in $-$% programs is because of huge number

    of records in the internal tables.

    if a program has huge nested internal ta)les the program has bad performance.

    The 2+E(E condition that is used in inner loops e2pend a significant amount of processing time.

    The idea is to avoid whereconditions in the inner loops by maintaining the loop inde2es 9rom@


    1E. What is the logic behind parallel cursors techni(ue?

    The 2+E(E condition that is used in inner loops e2pend a significant amount of processing time.

    The idea is to avoid whereconditions in the inner loops by maintaining the loop inde2es 9rom@


    'H. What are the types of debuggers !e have in S$%?

    lassical Debugger up to *.A v@

    '. 4e! Debugger from #>> .H to

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1



    Suppose you have two Tables, with a single column each, and data as follows:

    A B

    ! "

    # $

    " %

    $ &

    Note that (1,2) are uniue to !, (",#) are common, and ($,%) are uniue to &'

    Inner join!n inner oin using either of the euivalent ueries gives the intersection of the two tables, i'e' the

    two rows they have in common'

    ()(*+ -1 INNER2OIN3 41.1 5 3.36

    ()(*+1.,3. -1,3 78((1.1 5 3.36

    1 9 3

    "9 "

    $9 $

    Le! o"!er join

    ! left outer oin will give all rows in !, plus any common rows in &'

    ()(*+ -1 LEFTOUTER2OIN3 41.1 5 3.36

    ()(*+1.,3. -1,3 78((1.1 5 3.3;

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    Noins that include clustered or pooled tables are decomposed and processed using $-$% nested Poin



  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    Data tpes can )e divided into elementar- reference- and complex tpes8

    'E. What are the differences bet!een Transparent , %ooled and >lustered tables?

    ". Transparent tables &

    R Transparent tables allo!s secondary inde2es. S#11/JDisplay Table/J"nde2es@

    R Transparent tables >an be buffered. S#11/JDisplay Table/Jtechnical settings@ 6egularly or heavily

    updated tables should not be buffered.

    #2& O-$3, O-$%, 34$1, 7$6$ tables

    "". %ooled Tables match codes, look up tables@

    R %ooled tables Should be accessed via primary key or

    R %ooled tables Should be buffered S#11/JDisplay Table/Jtechnical settings@R %ooled tables does not have secondary inde2es

    R Select is 8k because all columns retrieved any!ay

    #2& 7=7TO7$, 7=7TO7-, 7=7TO7>, 7=7TO7D etc.

    """. >luster Tables &

    R >luster Tables Should be accessed via primary key / very fast retrieval other!ise very slo!.


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    . >luster tables >annot be buffered

    R >luster Tables does not have secondary inde2es

    R Select is 8k because all columns retrieved any!ay. %erforming an operation on multiple ro!s is

    more efficient than single ro! operations.

    . Statistical S; functions or $ggregative Statements S57, $O+, 7"4, 7$K, etc@ not supported

    #2& -S#>, -S#D, -S#+ etc.

    )H. What is the difference bet!een Data class and Delivery class?

    DA"A CLA##' The data class defines the physical area of the database for 86$>;# the T$-;#S%$>#@

    in !hich your table is logically stored. "f you choose a data class correctly, your table !ill automatically

    be assigned to the correct area !hen it is created on the database.

    The most important data classes are other than the system data@&

    $%%;H / 7aster data

    $%%;1 / Transaction data

    $%%;' / 8rganiFational and customiFing data.

    There are t!o more data classes available, 5S6 and 5S61. These are reserved for user


    DELI/E(9 CLA##' :ou can use the delivery class to control the transport of table data for an

    installation, upgrade, or client copy and transports bet!een customer systems. The delivery class is also

    used in the e2tended table maintenance.

    There are the follo!ing development classes& $/ $pplication table master and transaction data@.

    >/ >ustomer table, data is only maintained by the customer.

    ;/ Table for storing temporary data.

    +/ >ustomer table, S$% can insert ne! data records but cannot over!rite or delete e2isting ones.

    #/ System table !ith its o!n namespace for customer entries.

    S/ System table, data changes have the status of program changes.

    W/ System table for e2ample table of the development environment@

    )1. What is the purpose of Technical settings?

    :ou can use the technical settings of a table to define ho! the table is handled !hen it is created in

    the database. :ou can specify !hether the table is buffered and !hether changes to data records of the

    table are logged.

    The most important parameters are&

    Data class'


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    The data classdefines the physical area of the database table space@ in !hich the table must be


    #i:e categor'

    The siFe categorydefines the siFe of the e2tents created for the table.

    When the table is created in the database, the system determines the re(uired information about the

    memory area to be selected and the e2tent siFe from the technical settings.

    ;uffering permission'

    The buffering permissiondefines !hether the table can be buffered.

    ;uffering tpe'

    "f the table can be buffered, you must define a buffering type full, generic, single/record@.

    The buffering typedefines ho! many table records are loaded into the buffer !hen a table entry is



    This parameter defines !hether the system logs changes to the table entries. "f loggingis s!itched

    on, the system records each change to a table record in a log table.

    )'. What is the purpose of Table maintenance generator?

    The purpose of the table maintenance generator is maintain the records or entries from the

    database table.

    Table 7aintenance +enerator is a tool used to customiFe the tables created by end users and can

    be changed as re(uired, such as making an entry to that table, deleting an entry etc.

    "n other !ords, table maintenance generator is a user interface tool !hich is used to change the

    entry of the table or delete an entry from the table or create an entry for the table.

    )). Steps to create Table 7aintenance generator?

    +o to S#11 /J enter your table name /J click to change button /J go to 5tilities /J select table

    maintenance generator.

    %rovide 9unction group

    %rovide $uthoriFation group

    %rovide 7aintenance screen /J single step or t!o step

    %rovide maintenance screen no.

    Then >reate and Save.

    "f you !ant to check the T7+ by the transaction #,53 or #,5

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    )*. What are the 7andatory %arameters pass in the ",0=

    We have 7ust pass the %arameters in T7+ are&

    1. 9unction +roup

    '. $uthoriFation group

    ). 7aintenance type and

    *. 7aintenance Screen no.

    ). What is the difference bet!een Single step maintenance and T!o step maintenance?

    Single step& 8nly overvie! screen is created i.e. the Table 7aintenance %rogram !ill have only one

    screen !here you can add, delete or edit records.

    T!o step& T!o screens namely the overvie! screen and Single screen are created. The user can see

    the key fields in the first screen and can further go on to edit further details.

    )6#$T# button.

    #nter transaction te2t or description.

    %ass #,53 for Transaction parameter and select skip initial screen check bo2.

    >heck +5" support for !ido!s check bo2.

    %ass the default value tab fields&

    O"#W4$7# as your Table name and

    5%D$T# as K.


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    )A. " have an database table in having t!o fields as >6#$T# D$T# and >6#$T# %#6S84, for those

    fields are having +ray out 4ot %ossible input@ on selection screen..!henever create an entry then

    click save the database table records automatically updated !ith >566#4T D$T# and 5S#6 4$7#?

    ho! it possible?

    :es, it is %ossible. -y using #vents.

    +o to 5tilities /J Table maintenance generator

    Within T7+ screen !e are going to select #nvironment /J 7odifications /J #vents .

    $nd change to #dit modeand Select an event e2& H at the time of creating a ne! entry@

    Then #nter a form name S5- 685T"4#@ e2& D#9$5;T=#4T6:.

    >lick #ditor column button )rdcolumn@and !rite the ;ogic !ith in the 9867 / #4D9867.

    #2& 9867 default=entry.

    GT$-/>=D$T# L S:/D$T57.

    GT$-/>=5S#6 L S:/5S#6.


    )B. What is meant by buffering and ho! many types?

    Whenever an 8pen S; statement is used to read a record from the database table, "f the tableMs

    attributes indicate that the data should be buffered, the record is saved in 6$7 on the application

    server in data buffers.

    ;ater, if that record is read again, it is read from the buffer instead of the database'

    We have ) Types of -uffering options &


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    1. Single record buffered

    '. +eneric area buffered

    ). 9ully buffered.

    )E. Difference bet!een Single , +eneric and 9ully -uffering?

    Single -uffered / fetch the one by one records from the table

    +eneric -uffered / basing on the W#6# condition of record

    9ully -uffered / 9etch the $;; records from the table.

    *H. Which data tables !ill go for -uffer?

    We can using -uffer for 7aster data tables, because master data tables are 6arely updated and

    6egularly used.

    -uffer Does not recommended for regularly updated data tables like..Transaction data tables,

    because of regularly updated records, buffer 6$7@ lose of updated records.

    *1. o! do you #>IPbuffering?

    -y using -: %$SS -599#6"4+ statement in S#;#>T (uery. "t !ill be go for fetch the records from

    directly database tables and S3"% the -599#6.

    *'. "n Which S#;#>T uery the -uffering !ill be "gnored or $void?

    -y using -: %$SS -599#6"4+ Statement .


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1



    "f you have use any $ggregative 9unctions, they are not going to be considered -uffer.

    #2& 7$K, 7"4, $O+, S57 and >854T.

    *). >an " create database vie!s?


    **. What are the differences bet!een 7aintenance vie! and Database vie!?

    Database vie!&

    >an be used instead of "nner Noins in $-$% program

    >annot update multiple tables at a time.

    7aintenance vie!&

    >annot be used in $-$% 8pen S; statements . 8nly thru Table maintenance S7)H@ !e can

    update the Data.

    >an be update multiple tables at a time.

    *. ave you created lock obPects and !hat is the purpose of lock obPects?


    ;ock obPects are use in S$% to avoid the in consistency at the time of data is being insertCchangeinto database.

    S$% %rovide three type of ;ock obPects. &

    / 6ead ;ockShared ;ocked@

    / Write ;ock#2clusive lock@

    / #nhanced !rite lock #2clusive lock !ithout cumulating@


    Whenever !e create a lock obPect System is going to create t!o function modules automatically, ;ock

    obPect name al!ays starts !ith #G.

    1. #45#5#=I;ock obPect nameJ. to insert the obPect in a (ueue.

    '. D#5#5#=I;ock obPect nameJ. To remove the obPect is being (ueued through above 97.

    1ommit like 5%D$T#,"4S#6T,78D"9:

    statements are valid >ommit !ork is given by Developer Side.

    ommit Work and 6ollback Work?

    The statement >877"T W863 completes the current ;5W and opens a ne! one. Storing all change

    re(uests for the current ;5W in the %rocess.

    The statement 68;;-$>3 W863 closes the current ;5W and opens a ne! one. "n doing so, all

    change re(uests of the current ;5W are canceled.

    A. What is the bundling techni(ue?

    -undling is an $-$% programming techni(ue !hich collects database changes and performs these

    together at the end of a transaction.

    B. What are the differences bet!een e2ternal sub routines and "ncludes?

    "nclude is a type of program.

    Subroutine is a part of program

    #2ternal subroutine is perform statement is one program and form routine is in another


    include is not e2ecutable program.

    both are using reusability..

    includes are mainly using for data declaration and subroutines are using for passing values to

    form routine.

    you can change the value by using subroutine but you can not change the value in include


    E. What are the differences bet!een 7acros and Subroutines?


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    7acros can only be used in the program the are defined in and only after the definition.

    7acros can take ma2 E parameters.

    7acros are e2panded at compilation C generation.

    Subroutines 9867@ can be called from both the program there defined in and other programs .

    Subroutines can take any amount of parameters. Subroutines are Me2pandedM at runtime.

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    $ breakpoint is a signal at a particular point in the program that tells the $-$% runtime processor to

    interrupt processing and start the Debugger. The Debugger is activated !hen the program reaches this

    point. 7a2 )H breakpoints !e can use.

    There is a special kind of breakpoint called a !atchpoint. When you use !atchpoints, the Debugger

    is not activated until the contents of a particular field change ie...Watchpoints allo! you the option of

    monitoring the content of individual variables.The Debugger stops as soon as the value of the monitored

    variable changes.:ou can use ma2 of !atchpoints.

    -reak %oint means !hen you !ant to stop the control to the desired statement. then you go for

    the break point .

    #2ample& "9 you have 1H lines of code and if you put a break point at line number BH. then if the control

    comes to the line number BH. then the debugger !ill stop automatically othe!ise it !ill flo! further.

    Watch point& !hen you !ant to see if any variable value is chagned to some other value and in that

    case you should go for the !atch point..

    #2ample& if you variable V9;$+V is value MHM initaily.. no! if you !ant to see the !hen this flag getschanged to value M1M. Then in that case you should go for the !atch point...

    AH. What is system debugging?

    #stem De)ugging

    "f you set this option, the Debugger is also activated for system programs programs !ith status S in

    their program attributes@. When you save breakpoints, the System Debugging setting is also saved.

    Normal De)ugging

    4ormal debugging is the one !e do it by the normal dynamic break points or by C or by using static

    break points.

    A1. What are the debugger controls?

    We have four types of #2ecution >ontrol -uttons in every debugger tool. There are&

    #ingle #tep& *46 #2ecutes the report line by line. This is useful if the user !ants to see the

    program e2ecute one line at a time.

    Execute'@*6%rocesses all of the steps associated !ith one line of code. 9or e2ample, one

    line of code may be a call to a subroutine. #2ecute !ill process that line !ithout sho!ing allof the activities inside the subroutine.

    (eturn'@*B66eturns the user to !here the calling program resumes control after a called


    Continue'@*6%rocesses all statements until a breakpoint or the end of the program is

    reached. "f no breakpoints e2ist, the system !ill e2ecute the report in its entirety !ithout


    A'. What are the control level processing events or A" E/EN"#?


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    >ontrol level processing events are also called as $T #O#4TS. These events are using !ithin the

    ;oop statement of an internal table. These control level processing events are categoriFed by four

    types, there are&

    a. $T 9"6ST

    b. $T 4#W

    c. $T #4D 89

    d. $T ;$ST

    A). What are the types of 6eports !e have in S$%?

    "n S$%, !e have ) types of 6eports categoriFed, there are&

    1. >lassical reports,

    '. "nteractive reports and

    ). $;O reports.

    A*. What are the #vents !e have in classical 6eports?


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  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    >lassical reports events&

    1. "4"T"$;"G$T"84,

    '. $T S#;#>T"84/S>6##4,

    a. $T S#;#>T"84/S>6##4 84 field.

    b. $T S#;#>T"84/S>6##4 84 -;8>3,

    c. $T S#;#>T"84/S>6##4 84 6$D"8/-5TT84,

    d. $T S#;#>T"84/S>6##4 84 O$;5# 6#5#ST 986 %=T#ST,

    e. $T S#;#>T"84/S>6##4 84 #;% 6#5#ST 986 %=T#ST,

    ). ST$6T/89/S#;#>T"84,

    *. #4D/89/S#;#>T"84,

    . T8%/89/%$+#,

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    '. -locked $;O report / this is used to display multiple lists continuously

    '. $;O ierarchical Se(uential 6eport / display in hierarchical

    AA. What are the 9unction 7odules !e have in $;O 6eports?

    REUSE_AL#_LIST_DIS$LAY % utput a simple list (single line or several lines)'REUSE_AL#_&RID_DIS$LAY %utput of a simple list (single-line)'

    REUSE_AL#_'OMMENTARY_(RITE : .ist body comment bloc/ output'REUSE_AL#_E#ENTS_&ET : 0eturns table of possible events for a list type'REUSE_AL#_E#ENT_NAMES_&ET : 0eturns table of constant names of possible events for a listtype'REUSE_AL#_)IELD'ATALO&_MER&E : reate field catalog from dictionary structure or internaltable'REUSE_AL#_*IERSE+_LIST_DIS$LAY : +ierarchical seuential list output'REUSE_AL#_$O$U$_TO_SELE'T : .ist in dialog bo to choose one or more entries (or displayonly)'REUSE_AL#_#ARIANT_E,ISTEN'E : hec/s whether a display variant eists'

    REUSE_AL#_LIST_LAYOUT_IN)O_&ET : 0ead current !.3 list information'

    REUSE_AL#_LIST_LAYOUT_IN)O_SET : Set current !.3 list information'045S46!.363!07!NT6!..68!7NT!7N : 8aintain all display variants for one obect'045S46!.363!07!NT6*49!5.T64T : 0ead default layout (description only, w;o field catalog)'045S46!.363!07!NT69# : *isplay variant selection dialog bo'045S46!.363!07!NT68!7NT!7N : *efinition of a layout outside the list contet'045S46!.363!07!NT6S!34 : Save !.3 3ariant'045S46!.363!07!NT6S4.4T : Select a layout variant'045S46!.3607*6.!

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    AB. What are the differences bet!een %arameters and Select/options?

    $nother difference is that parameter acts as a variable !hereas select option acts as an internal

    table !ith a predefined structure.

    %arameters takes single value and !e use # L @ in !here condition for that field.

    When you declare select/options a selection tables like "nternal table !ith * fields like S"+4, 8%T"84,

    ;8W and "+ gets created to store the multiple values that are entered in the select /options. and !e

    use "4 in !here condition for that s select/options field

    AE. What are the differences bet!een 6anges and Select/options?

    Select/options are the normal select options that you define on Selection screen.

    While 6anges are similar to Select options in the !ay it creates a internal table of the same form as that

    of Select/options. The internal table that is created has the fields"+




    -ut the difference bet!een Select/options and ranges are that !e donMt need to define the ranges

    in Selection screen. "t is created by e2plicitly coding in the %rogram.

    BH. What is the difference bet!een $T 4#W and 84 >$4+# 89?

    $T 4#W can only be used inside loop. 8n change of can used outside the loop.

    B1. What are the prere(uisites of $T 4#W event?

    -efore using control break statement $T 4#W @ you need to sort the internal table field on !hich

    you are using >ontrol breaks.

    B'. o! do you debug a background Pob?

    o to the transaction SM-and select the bac/ground ob (with ob status =A/!i0e>) that you want to


    Now select ='ap!"re% a/!i0e jo> from menu =2o>

    This will open the selected active ob (program) in the debugger'

    'all screen, >all Transaction etc?

    4o .

    E'. What are the differences bet!een %erform and %erform on commit?

    The statement of %#69867 subroutine is triggered by condition or directly in your program.

    The statement of %#69867 84 >877"T is registers the subroutine directly specified using su)rin

    the same program. The subroutine is not e2ecuted immediately, but a flag is set for e2ecution !hen one

    of the statements C1,,I" 21(>or (1LL;AC> 21(>.

    E). o! to upload #2cel file data into an internal table?

    5sing a function module AL#,?E.CEL?"1?IN"E(NAL?"A;LE for upload #K>#; file data into an

    "nternal table.

    "f !e !ant to Do!nload "nternal table data into #2cel file !e can use 9unction module is


    #AP #C(IP"#

    E*. Why scripts are client dependent?


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    Scripts are developed in S$% !ill be maintained in a table #".+, !hich has ,AND" field. So, !e

    can say scripts are client dependent.

    E. o! do you copy a *ormfrom one client to another client?

    We can >opy the 9orm S$% Script@ using Transaction code S#A1

    5tilities /J >opy from >lient or 5sing standard program (#".*CP9@

    #nter the

    Source 9orm name,

    Source >lient and

    Target 9orm name.

    $nd !e have another approach to copy a 9867 from one client to another client by using

    Transaction code #CCopy the form from one server to another !e can use the standard program is (#".#C(P.

    EH. What is the Transaction for create Standard Te2t?

    We are going to create #tandard "extfor S$% scripts by using Transaction code is #1

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    haracter formats

    A. Documentation.

    EB. o! am going to assign Standard Te2t to a 6e(uest or Task?

    We are going to use a standard program (#"."(AN for assign Standard te2t to 6e(uest or Task.

    EE. Scripts are ;anguage dependent or "ndependent?

    S$% scripts are ;anguage dependent, because of a script form is available in multiple languages.

    1HH. o! do you find re(uest number for a form in S$% scripts?

    +o to transaction #E35and click search for obPects under re(uest, then #nter 9867 and your 9orm

    name and e2ecute it. Then !e can find given 9orm re(uest number.

    1H1. o! to Debug a S$% script form?

    We can approach t!o !ays for debug a 9orm&

    1. "n S#A1 #nter your 9orm name and go to 5tilities//Jactivate debugger .. then #2ecute the print

    program .. it !ill be go to debugging mode..

    '.We have an another approach to debug a 9orm by using Standard %rogram (#".D;U0and #2ecute

    this %rogram for activate Debuggerthen 6un the print program, it !ill go for debugging mode.

    1H'. o! you are going to upload a ;ogo in S$% scripts?

    We are going to use a standard program (#".LD,Cfor upload 8"I**format files into S$% scripts.

    "f you can use standard program !rite this command for include ."I**file logo into your page !indo! &

    C& INCLUDE $+E.!,AC(1!C?L101 1;7EC" "E." ID #" LAN0UA0E E8

    "f you !ant to upload 8;,P-"T7$%@ format logo files into S$% !e are going to use the transaction

    code #EB;ogo repository@.

    "f you can use Logo (epositor - !rite this command for call ;I",AP logo into your page !indo!

    J' ;I",AP C?L101 1;7EC" 0(AP+IC# ID ;,AP "9PE ;C1L DPI

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    +enerally !e are going to kno! the 9orm available languages by using #EB< transaction and +iven

    your 9orm name and click Display +o to 5tilities menu and select Oersions , here !e kno! the 9orm

    activate ;anguages.

    1H*. What are the types of !indo!s available in S$% scripts?

    We have * types of Windo!s available in S$% scripts, there are &

    1. 7ain Windo!, &

    #ach form must have one !indo! of type 7$"4. Such a !indo! is called the main windowof the

    form. The te2t in the main !indo! can e2tend over several pages. "f the te2t fills one page, outputcontinues in the !indo! of the ne2t and subse(uent pages, Dont lose any data.

    #very page !e have use ma2 EE 7$"4 !indo!. HH/EB@. "t controls the page break.

    '. Oariable Windo!,&

    Oariable !indo! having fi2ed siFe and its display some fi2ed siFe of data only. "ts not support for

    %age break.

    ). >onstant Windo! &

    >onstant !indo! al!ays display at the runtime values only.

    *. +raphic Windo!&

    We are going to use +raphic !indo! for upload a ;ogo into S$% script form.

    1H. What is the purpose of $DD6#SS #4D$DD6#SS?

    We are going to use command $DD6#SS #4D$DD6#SS to populate the $ddress for country specific

    format .

    1HT #4D%68T#>T ?

    The purpose of command %68T#>T #4D%68T#>T is used to prevent the %age/-reak. " have t!o

    pages , "f " !ant to display the data in one page.. dont !ant to split the data into t!o this

    scenario " !ill going to use %68T#>T / #4D%68T#>T'


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    1HA. " have t!o pages , " !ould like to print t!o pages data into one page only? What " am do?

    We are going to use command %68T#>T #4D%68T#>T for prevent %age/-reaks.

    1HB. Without modifying driver program " have add some fields in a 9orm and ho! to populate values

    into that fields ?

    We are going to add some fields by using D#9"4# command..for populate the values !e are going to

    !rite the logic !ithin the %#69867 #4D%#69867.

    1HE. " !ant to provide a page break forcibly? What " am do?

    We can use control command NE2!PA0E for provide %age/-reak 7anually and the ne2t content !ill

    be go for print in 4e2t page.

    11H. " !ant to Dra! a -o2 on 9orm? What is the synta2?

    "f !e !ant to Dra! a -o2 on 9orm, !e are going to use the synta2 is&

    J' ;1. F.P1#H F9P1#H F2ID"+H F+EI0+"H F*(A,EH FIN"EN#I"9H

    111. What is the purpose of Te2t elements in S$% scripts?

    "n simple !ords, Te2t #lements are the only !ay to transfer the data from report program to 9867

    using 2(I"E ?*1(,9unction 7odule.

    11'. What is the purpose of >ontrol commands in S$% scripts?

    "n S$% scripts the >ontrol commands are helps to 9ormat the final output of your 9orm. These

    >ontrol commands are passed to the S$% script composer to process a 9orm. #2& 4#W/%$+#, 4#W/

    W"4D8W, $DD6#SS/ #4D$DD6#SS etc.

    11). "n S$% scripts ho! can " provide space bet!een Word to Word?

    We are going to use T$-S option in paragraph formats.

    11*. o! do you handle -arcode in S$% scripts?

    "f !e !ant create a custom -arcode !ill go to transaction S#A). "f !e !ant to use this -arcode on

    your form..!e are going to create an character format type click -arcode check bo2 and use custom

    created -arcode name here.

    11. "n S$% scripts " !ant one page in ;andscape format and another one is %ortrait format? o! can

    " achieve?


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    To implement this re(uirement " have used the print control commands

    VS%86TV // To print in portrait format

    VS;$4DV // To print in landscape format.

    Synta2 for page1

    C& %6"4T/>84T68; S%86T

    Synta2 for page'

    C& %6"4T/>84T68; S;$4D


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    8%#4=9867 / 8pens the form output.

    ST$6T=9867 / Starts a ne! form.

    W6"T#=9867 / >alls a form element.

    W6"T#=9867=;"4#S / Writes te2t lines into a form.

    #4D=9867 / #nds the current form.

    >;8S#=9867 / #nds the form output.

    1'H. What is the difference bet!een 8%#4=9867 Q ST$6T=9867?

    8%#4=9867 & it opens the form for printing called only once@ and should be closed !ith end=form.

    ST$6T=9867 & is used !hen u have multiple pages forms@ to be printed in one output. can be

    called many times@

    1'1. o! can " convert script to a %D9 form?

    "f !e !ant to convert sap script to a %D9 form, !e are going to !rite the logic !ithin your driver

    program !e have use >8;S#=9867 function module.

    Within this >8;S#=9867 function module !e have T$-;#S parameter and collect the data into an

    "nternal table 8T9 data@.

    Then !e can >onvert 8T9 to %D9 using SK=8-N#>T=>84O#6T=8T9=%D9 function module.

    "f !e !ant to do!nload a %D9 file by using +5"=D8W4;8$D function module.

    "f you !ant to Send the obPect using S8=D8>57#4T=S#4D=$%"1 function module.

    1''. -asing on the form name ho! to " find Driver program?


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    +o to #EB3 / %urchase order.

    )opy !indo!?

    The copy window helps to differentiate some particular printouts. 7>d li/e to print three copies of a

    particular document and the first copy should mention as ustomer copy, second one as &an/ copy and

    the third one as ollege copy in this scenario we will go for use opy window'

    130. What is the purpose of $ddress 4ode in S7$6T9867S?

    :ou use the address node to insert an address into the form. This guarantees that the address is

    formatted according to the postal regulations of the sender country.


    We are going to use $DD6#SS 48D# in S7$6T9867S to populate the $ddress for country specific

    format .

    1)1. "n S7$6T9867S " have a re(uirement %age 1 directly go to %age)? o! can " do?

    "n S7$6T9867S every page attributes !e have an 4#KT %$+# option..!ithin a page1 attributes !e

    pass the 4e2t page as %age).

    1)'. What is the difference bet!een Table and Template in S7$6T9867S?

    The template is used to hold static data because the number of ro!s and columns are fi2ed.

    The tables is used to hold dynamic data and increase the number of ro!s and columns basing on the

    run time data.

    1)). " have a Template , it is putting in ;oop, !hats happens here?

    "f !e can put a template !ithin a ;oopthe last one record may be displaying by data is over

    !rites because of template having 9i2ed ro!s and columns and it holds static data only.

    1)*. What is the difference bet!een Table and ;oop in S7$6T9867S?

    The basic difference bet!een Table and ;oop is & !ithin a table " cant call another table and !ithin

    a ;oop " can call another ;oop.

    1). What is the purpose of ;ine type in S$7$T9867S?


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    "f :ou !ant to define line typesfor your template or table to specify the number and siFe of the cells

    of a line in S7$69867.


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    Then !e can change and collect a 9unction module name into a variable by using

    SS9=954>T"84=78D5;#=4$7# function module.

    Then !e can use variable name instead of system generated function module.

    Then pass the re(uired importing parameters and e2ecute your form directly from your driver


    1*). o! to capture ;ong te2t in my form?

    "f !e !ant to capture long te2t into your form, !e are going to use 6#$D=T#KT function module.

    ere !e can pass "D, ;$4+5$+#, 4$7# and 8-N#>T parameters and collect the captured data into

    a table.

    1**. ave you created any 9orm?

    :es, " have created a couple of forms like "4O8"># 9867S, S$;#S 86D#6 9867S, D#;"O#6: 9867S>6#D"T 9867S etc.

    1*. ave you done changes to a standard form?

    :es , " have done to changes some standard forms are %urchase order 7#D65>3@, Sales order

    confirmation 6O86D#6H1@, "nvoice 6O"4O8">#H1@ and Delivery note etc.

    1*ompany Terms

    and conditions as !ell as company ;ogo etc. S$% standard forms does not support for client

    re(uirement because of " have created some custom 9orms.

    148. o! do you find Driver program for a S7$6T9867?

    "f !e kno! the S7$6T9867 name !e can directly go to "NAP(table contents and enter your

    S$76T9867 name in the S9867 filed and e2ecute it!e can find the Driver program for givenS7$6T9867.

    149. "f " provide Document number, ho! can " find the 9orm name and Driver program?

    "n this situation first !e kno! the output type of the +iven document number.. !ith the help of

    NA#"table contents #nter your Document 4umber !ith in the 8bPect key 8-N3:@ filed and e2ecute it

    and !e can see an output type 7essage type @ for the given Document number.


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    "f you !ant to see the program associated to the particular output type, then go to

    transaction NACE//J Select theApplication areaO1 / Sales@ //J >lick on Output type//J Select your

    output type and click on Processing routine//J ere you may find the %rogram and 9orms used in the

    output type.

    1H. What are the steps to configure output types? ave you configure any output type?

    :es.. " have done by using transaction 4$>#



    11. ave you converted S$% scripts to S7$6T9867S?

    :es " have converted some standard script forms into S7$6T9867S as !ell as " have created somecustom S7$6T9867S for client re(uirement.

    Steps & +o to S7$6T9867S transaction enter your Gform name 5tilities 7igration

    "mport S$% script forms +ive your S$% script name and ;anguage ok .

    1'. " kno! driver program and 9867 name, o! can " find output type?

    +o to T4$%6 table contents by using transaction S#11 and #nter your %rint program name or

    S7$6T9867 name and #2ecute ithere !e find the 8utput type 7essage type@ for +iven print

    program or S7$6T9867S.


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    DIAL10 P(10(A,,IN0 @ ,odule Pool Programming6

    153. >an " run dialog program in -ackground?

    7odule pool programs does not e2ecuted in -ackground mode, -ecause 7odule pool programs

    must have a Transaction code for e2ecute in foreground also, does not e2ecute !ithout transaction

    code..these transaction codes cannot provide in background mode...this is the one reason.

    another one is 7odule pool programs having MnM number of screens as !e as buttons...every screenmust having manual interaction click the push buttons or enter field values etc@.. manual interaction

    not possible in -ackground !e canMt run the module pools in -ackground mode...

    1*. o! can " debug a pop/up !indo!?

    "n this scenario " am going to create a ne! .TKT file in my presentation system !ith maintain

    follo!ing 9ields&


    >877$4D L C

    T"T;# L D#-5++#6T:%# L S:ST#7>877$4D

    Whenever !e !ant to debug a %op/up !indo!, drag this 8txtfile on to pop/up !indo! then click ok

    it !ill be going to debug mode automatically.

    1. What is the purpose of >$"4 #4D>$"4?

    "f you !ant to Oalidate a group of fields on a Screen, in this situation !e put those fields in

    bet!een >hain and #ndchain statement. "n Screen %rogramming scenario !e !ill use >hain #ndchain


    1$"4 #4D>$"4 statement. We !ill put the screen fields in bet!een >$"4 #4D>$"4


    1A. What is the purpose of 83=>8D#?


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    83=>8D# is a variable !hich is used to collect the screen attributes related 9unction codes.

    Whenever click on %ush buttons or some $ction, the $ction related function code !ill be captured into

    83=>8D# variable. 83=>8D# is type of system variable S:/5>877. #very button related action !ill be

    !ritten basing on this 83=>8D# value 9unction code@.

    158. What is the purpose of 78D5;# $T #K"T/>877$4D?

    $utomatic field checks can be avoided by $T #K"T/>877$4D, Which !orks e2actly the same !ay as

    cancel !orks on application tools bar.

    %rocess $fter "nput.

    7odule e2it $T #K"T/>877$4D.

    "n module pool program.

    7odule e2it.

    >ase 83=>8D#.

    When M#2itM.

    leave to screen?'

    1E. What are the events in D% or 7odule pool programming?

    "n 7odule %ool programming !e have 9our types of events available, there are&1. %rocess -efore 8utput %-8@

    '. %rocess $fter "nput %$"@

    ). %rocess on elp 6e(uest %8@

    4. %rocess on Oalue 6e(uest %8O@


  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    b. Process After Input@PAI6' %rocessing after user input.


    >hecking values !here there is no automatic check, processing the cursor position, processing correct

    entries or triggering an error dialog.

    1an " call %8O and %8 events before calling %$" event?

    %68>#SS 84 #;%/6#5#ST and %68>#SS 84 O$;5#/6#5#ST are triggered !hen the user re(uests

    field help 91 documentation help @ or %rocess values help 9* !hich gives a prompt !ith a list of

    values @

    -oth %8O and %8 events are sub/events of %$" event, so not possible to use !ithout %$" event

    1alling a single screen is a special case of embedding a screen se(uence. "f you !ant to

    prevent the called screen from covering the current screen completely, you can use the >$;; S>6##4

    statement !ith the ST$6T"4+ $T and #4D"4+ $T

    CALL #C(EEN 6##4 'HHH.

    164. What is the difference bet!een >$;; S>6##4 and S#T S>6##4?


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    Where !e have !rite the CALL #C(EENstatement , leaving the remaining code in current screen and

    !ill be process the called screen immediately. $fter finish the called screen process and come back to

    first screen and triggering remaining code.

    if !e can use #E" #C(EENprocesses the remaining statements of the current screen and then goes to

    the called screen.

    165. What is the difference bet!een ;#$O# S>6##4 and S#T S>6##4?

    if !e can use #E" #C(EENprocesses the remaining statements of the current screen and then goes

    to the called screen.

    S#T S>6##4 'HH. in 1HH screen@

    "f !e can use ;#$O# S>6##4 statement, ;eaves the current screen and processes the ne2t screen.

    ;#$O# S>6##4. for leaves the current screen %$" and triggers se(uence screen@

    ;#$O# T8 S>6##4 'HH. ;eaves 1HH screen %$" and triggers 'HH screen@

    166. What is the difference bet!een >$;; S>6##4 and ;#$O# S>6##4 and S#T S>6##4?

    CALL #C(EEN ' >alling a single screen is a special case of embedding a screen se(uence.


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    1. 4ormal Screen having 83=>8D# , !hile Sub screens does not have 83=>8D#.'. 4ormal Screen having +5" status , !hile Sub screens does not have +5" status.

    3. 9rom 4ormal Screen calls another Screen, !hile from Sub screens does not call another Screenor Sub screen.

    4. 4ormal Screens having 78D5;# #K"T/>877$4D , !hile Sub screens does not have 78D5;##K"T/>877$4D.

    The main difference bet!een 4ormal screen and Sub screens&

    4ormal screen are Directly called by using >$;; S>6##4 statement and Sub/screens does not call

    Directly. "f !e !ant to call sub/screens into a screen must declare a S5-/S>6##4 $6#$.

    1an " create Select/options on the screen in Dialog %rogramming?

    :es..its possible.

    "f you !ant to create Select/options Directly not possible in 7odule pool program.

    a. ere first !e need to >reate a S5- S>6##4 and Define S#;#>T/8%T"84S !ith in Topinclude of your 7odule pool program.

    b. Then !e need to have a Screen and Define a S5- S>6##4 $6#$ for calling 5ser defined S5-S>6##4.

    c. Then !e need to call this S5- S>6##4 !ith in the S5- S>6##4 area by define a logic at %$"and %-8 events of a S>6##4.

    CALL #U; #C(EEN %su) screen area name& INCLUDIN0 #9!(EPID su) screen no8

    170. o! do you handle 6adio/-uttons in D%?

    When you add radio buttons to a screen, the Screen %ainter automatically creates a one/

    character screen field for the button. :ou should declare a corresponding one/character variable for the

    radio buttons in your $-$% module top/include.



    We are going to define 6adio/buttons !ith the help of Screen painter layout S#[email protected]

    !henever you defined 6adio/buttons must assign to a 6adio -utton group.

    Select all 6adio/buttons and +o to 4dit-@rouping-@0adio button roup-@*efine'

    $nd $ssign the 9unction code for $ll 6adio/buttons as same. We are going to !rite the ;ogic of

    your 6adio/buttons in %$" event of your screen by using 9unction codes.

    *heck bo2es in D%?

    When you add >heck bo2es to a screen, the Screen %ainter automatically creates a one/character

    screen field for the >heck bo2. :ou should declare a corresponding one/character variable for the >heck

    bo2es in your $-$% module top/include.



    CB2 TYPE C,

    CB3 TYPE C.

    We are going to define >heck bo2es !ith the help of Screen painter layout S#1@.. We are going

    to !rite the ;ogic of your >heck bo2es in %$" event of your screen -asing on >heck bo2 9unction code.

    172. o! do " handle T$-/ST6"%S in D%? What are the steps to create a T$-=ST6"%S in D%?

    $ T$- ST6"% control is a screen obPect consisting of t!o or more pages. The T$- ST6"% control is the

    set of all the tab pages. When you create a T$- ST6"% control, you must&

    A. Define the Tab area on a screen and the Tab titles.

    B. $ssign a Subscreen area to each tab title.>. %rogram the screen flo! logic.

    D. %rogram the $-$% processing logic.

    E. :ou must then decide !hether you !ant to page through the tabstrip control at the S$%gui oron the application server. "n the first case, each tab page has its o!n subscreen. "n the second,

    there is a single subscreen area that is shared by all tab pages.

    Synta2& C1N"(1L# mta) "9PE "A;#"(IP8

    173. What is the synta2 for calling S5-/S>6##4 in D%?

    The synta2 for calling Sub screens in 7odule pool program !e are going to use &

    "n %-8 of main screen


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    ;DC @;atch Data Conversion6

    1AE. What is the difference bet!een >onversion and "nterface?

    1. Data >onversion is a one/time activity, !hile interface is used to communicate data bet!eent!o systems continuously .

    '. "n >onversions possible to upload data from ;egacy system to S$% only , !hile "nterface possibleto upload the data from ;egacy system to S$% as !ell as S$% to ;egacy system.

    3. >onversion is 7ainly used for upload 7aster data, !hile "nterface is mainly used for uploadtransaction data.

    "nterface& it is a program that performs communication !ith #2ternal system from S$%.

    There are t!o types of interfaces&

    1. "nbound "nterface& #2ternal system sends the data to S$%

    '. 8utbound "nterface& S$% sends the data to #2ternal system.

    1BH. What are the types of -D>s !e have in S$%?

    -atch Data >onversion or >ommunication -D>@, !hich is used to collect the data from ;egacy

    system 4on/S$%@ to S$% system.

    "n S$% !e have t!o types of -D>s available, there are&

    1. Direct "nput method and

    '. -atch "nput method.

    "n -atch input method !e have t!o methods&

    a. Session method and

    b. >all transaction method.

    181. What is the Difference bet!een Synchronous and $synchronous methods in -D>?

    The main difference bet!een Synchronous and $synchronous methods is &

    in Synchronous methods processing is !aiting for $ckno!ledgement of record 5pdation, !hile

    $synchronous method processing does not !aiting for $ckno!ledgement of record 5pdation.


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    Synchronous 5pdate & This means say if u have 1H records to update and the processing is going on

    in a loop the Synchronous update !ill !ait till each update is actually done in the data base and then it

    !ill move on the ne2t recordMs updation.

    $synchronous & "n This mode, the updates are lined one after the other and the system doesnMt !ait

    for the updates to actually happen. These updates are then triggered by an internally scheduled Pob

    !hich then actually updates the data in the database.

    1B'. Difference bet!een Session method and >all Transaction methods in -D>?

    1. "n Session method the processing of records in $synchronous, !hile "n >all transaction method

    the processing of records in Synchronous.

    2. "n Session method the 5pdation of the records in $synchronous, !hile >all transaction method

    the updation of records in both $synchronous and Synchronous.

    3. "n Session method #6686 log !ill be generated by System, !hile >all transaction method#6686 log !ill be handled by 5sers.

    4. Whenever !e have uge volume of Data, prefer to go for Session method, not recommendedfor >all transaction method.

    . Whenever !e have multiple transactions Session method does not supported, !e !ill prefer to

    go for >all transaction method.

    183. "n !hich scenario !e !ill go for Session method and go for >all transaction method in -D>?

    Whenever We have huge volume of data , !e prefer to go for Session method and not

    recommended >all transaction method, Whenever !e need to Data transfer for 7ultiple transactions, !e prefer to go for >all

    transaction method, Session method for supports only "ndividual transactions.

    1B*. What is the synta2 for >all Transaction method in -D>?

    The synta2 for >all transaction method is&

    CALL TRANSACTION '>T141*+4 *(?' USING IT_BDC BDC I4+(41) +13)( @ODE 'A'

    UPDATE 'L'@ESSAGES INTO IT_@ESS. "Handling Error message and collect into a table

    @ODE: "A- display all screens, E - error screens only and N - No screens

    UPDATE: "L - local update, S - synchronous and A - Asynchronous update

    185. What is the purpose of -D>D$T$ structure?


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    The purpose of -D>D$T$ structure is !ith the help of andling the Screen recordings in -D>

    programming. We must define a -D> internal table type of -D>D$T$ structure.

    The structure of -D>D$T$ consist five fields&

    1. %68+6$7 / -D> %rogram name

    2. D:4%68 / -D> Screen 4umber3. D:4-#+"4 / -D> Screen start

    4. 94$7 / 9ield name

    5. 9O$; / 9ield value.

    1B$;; T6$4S$>T"84 method?

    Within the -D> >all transaction method !e are going to collect the #6686 messages into an

    I"?,E##"nternal table type of ;DC,#0C1LLstructure.

    6ead the "T=7#SS internal table !ith #rror 7S+"D and 7S+46. "f you not find this record, collect

    the remaining 7essages into a structure.

    >lub the all messages into a structure, !e are going to use 9unction module is 9867$T=7#SS$+#.

    1BA. o! can " handle Table control in -D>?

    We can handle table control using line inde2 ,

    ;ine inde2 indicates !hich line of Table control is to be use for -D> transaction,

    #2 / perform bdc=field using M6>'E3/$5S3GH1@M

    indicates 1st line of table control is going to be used for transaction !hich is ;ine inde2 of Table >ontrol .

    and !rite a ;oop !ithin a ;oop for capture -D> records.

    1BB. What are the dra!backs having in -D>?

    1. -D> does not support enPoy Transactions 7#'14@.'. "f you have change current screens and 5pdated versions , its not supports current -D>

    programs, must re/develop 4e! D> programs.

    ). "f you have any variations of screen resolutions bet!een system to system, its not supports.

    "f you avoid this al!ays maintain Default screen siFe for screen handling.

    1BE. Which -D> method does not support by ;S7W?

    ;S7W does not support call transaction method.

    6eason for this is in >all Transaction method you can design the error log file !ith -D>7S+>8;; it

    does not e2ist by default....

    190. What are the Difference bet!een -D> and -$%"?


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    -atch Data >onversion or >ommunication -D>@, !hich is used to collect the data from ;egacy

    system 4on/S$%@ to S$% system.

    $ -$%" is a method of a S$% -usiness 8bPect. -$%" enables S$% and third party applications to

    interact and integrate !ith each other at the -usiness 8bPect C %rocess level.

    1. We preferred to -D>s for 5pdating 7aster data like >ustomer master data, Oendor masterdata and $C> Document data etc.

    2. We preferred to -$%"s for 5pdating Transactional data like Sales order O$H1@, %urchase order7#'1@ etc.

    -D> !ill process a Transaction to 5pdate the Data using Session or >all transaction 7ethod.

    -$%" !ill not process screens to update the data. "t !ill update the Tables directly.

    So it is al!ays fast. $nd to >all a -$%" !e must fill the 7andatory fields.

    191. What are the Difference bet!een -D> and ;S7W?

    -atch Data >onversion or >ommunication -D>@, !hich is used to collect the data from

    ;egacy system 4on/S$%@ to S$% system.

    The ;egacy System 7igration Workbench is an 6C)/based tool, !hich is used to transferring

    data from non/S$% systems V;egacy SystemsV@ to 6C) once or periodically.

    "n -D>s The data can be converted into the S$% system via Direct input, Session input and

    >all transaction methods.

    "n ;S7W The data can be imported 7igrated@ into the S$% 6C) system via batch input,

    direct input, -$%"s or "Docs.

    ;S7W is basically for standard S$% application !hile -D> basically for customiFed application ;S7W mapping is done by S$% !hile in -D> !e have to do it e2plicitly .

    >oding can be done fle2ibly in -D> !hen compared to ;S7W.

    192. ave you done any -D> program ? !hat is the business re(uirement?

    :es, " have done -D> call transaction program for 5pdating Oendor master data K3H1@ at the

    time of "mplementation.

    193. o! to pass the screen capture siFe as D#9$5;T in -D> >all transaction method?

    "n this scenario !e are going to pass the value for >T5=%$6$7S/D#9S"G# L K.

    1E*. >an " run >all transaction program in -ack ground?

    :es, !e can run the >all transaction program in -ackground by using the 78D# as 4. 4o screens



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    L#,2 @Legac #stem migration 2ork)ench6

    195. >an " put a -reak/point in ;S7W ? if " put a break/point in !hich Step it !ill be triggered?

    in the Step 7aintain 9ield 7apping and >onversion 6ules@ after field mapping , go to change

    mode and double click that filed, its opened te2t editor there you can put -6#$3 %8"4T.

    $fter that you can read the data and display the read data, !hen you press the >84O#6T D$T$

    step11@ the break point !ill triggered.

    196. >an " !rite some code in ;S7W? "n !hich step can " !rite the logic and "n !hich step it !ill betriggered?

    "f :ou !ant to !rite some logic in ;S7W, We are going to !rite in thStep 7aintain 9ield 7apping

    and >onversion 6ules@ and it !ill be triggered in 11th step >onvert Data@ of ;S7W.

    197. >an " !rite the W6"T# statement in ;S7W? "n !hich step W6"T# statement !ill be Triggeredand !hich step it !ill be Display?

    "f :ou !ant to !rite some logic in ;S7W, We are going to !rite in thStep 7aintain 9ield 7apping

    and >onversion 6ules@ and it !ill be triggered in 11th step >onvert Data@ and it !ill be Display in

    1'thstep Display >onverted Data@ of your ;S7W.

    198. What are the Steps !e have in ;S7W?

    Whenever you create a ;S7W,

    "n 1ststep if you provide obPect type as Standard batchC Direct input, !e need to processing 1)

    steps.if you provide obPect type as Standard batchC Direct input, !e need to processing 1* steps.

    if you provide obPect type as -$%" or "D8>, !e need to processing 1< steps.

    1. 7aintain 8bPect $ttributes

    '. 7aintain Source Structures

    ). 7aintain Source 9ields

    *. 7aintain Structure 6elations


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    . 7aintain 9ield 7apping and >onversion 6ules

    6. 7aintain 9i2ed Oalues, Translations, 5ser/Defined 6outinesA. Specify 9iles

    B. $ssign 9iles

    E. 6ead Data

    1H. Display 6ead Data

    11. >onvert Data

    1'. Display >onverted Data

    13. >reate -atch "nput Session

    14. 6un -atch "nput Session

    1EE. What are the #vents !e have in ;S7W?

    We have si2 events available in ;S7W, there are&

    -#+"4=89=%68>#SS"4+ / -efore the beginning of data processing

    -#+"4=89=T6$4S$>T"84 / -efore the beginning of transaction data processing

    -#+"4=89=6#>86D / -efore applying the conversion rules for a source structure

    #4D=89=6#>86D / $fter applying the conversion rules for a source structure

    #4D=89=T6$4S$>T"84 / $fter finishing transaction processing

    #4D=89=%68>#SS"4+ / $fter finishing data processing

    'HH. When " processing 1HH records , in !hich " have 1H records !hich " dont !ant to process. " !ant

    to S3"%C 6#78O# those records and collect them separately in a file? o! can " achieve?

    "n this scenario if !e !ant to S3"% the processing of records !e are use #>IP?(EC1(D8

    "n case they are errors that you canC !ant to capture before proceeding to the session. you

    can capture it in the END?1*?(EC1(D event area for each record and move it to an

    internal table !hich can then be do!nloaded in the END?1*?P(1CE##IN0 event.

    'H1. >an " handle table control in ;S7W batch input record method?

    4o, !e cannot handle by using -atch input record method.

    We are going to handle table control in ;S7W by using -$%"s or $;#C"D8> method.

    'H'. o! can " make changes to an e2isting ;S7W?or@

    " have created ;S7W , client !ant to update t!o more fields for e2isting 1H records in ;S7W, ho!

    can " update the e2isting ;S7W?

    "f you !ant to add some fields in #2isting ;S7W proPect, !e are going to e2ecute the 1ststep and

    click +oto button from menu and select 6ecording overvie!.

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    "n 69> 9unction module does not support S5-7"T, >$;; S>6##4, >$;; T6$4S$>T"84 and

    >877"T W863 statement.

    208. What is the purpose of Destination -$>3 in 69> 9unction modules?

    9unction 7odule? What is the business 6e(uirement?

    :es , " have >reated 69> function module for >ommunicating -" system and >67 system for

    updating the data into #>> system using 69> 9unction module.

    211. " have #>> system and >67 system, in !hich system " have created 69> function modules and!here should " call 97s?

    "n this scenario !e are going to create 69> 9unction module in #>> systemand from >67 system

    !e call this 69> 9unction module..

    212. " have t!o S$% systems $ Q -, " !ant to get the data from System $ into System -, in !hichsystem " am going to create 69> 9unction module, in !hich system " am going to call 69> function


    "n this scenario !e are going to create a 69> function module in Source system like System $.

    5se this 69> 9unction module in Target system ;ike System - for >ollect the data from System $ .

    %re/re(uisite& "f you !ant to call the 69> function module in System -, !e need to create an 69>

    destination in System -.

    '1). What are the types of 69> 9unction 7odules !e have in S$%?

    +enerally in S$% !e have * types of 69> 9unction 7odules available, There are&

    1. Synchronous 69>,


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    '. $synchronous 69>,

    ). Transaction 69> and

    4. ue 69> 9unction 7odule.

    '1*. What is the Transactional 69> t/69>@?

    Data can be transferred bet!een t!o S$% systems reliably and safely using a transactional(*C


    The called function module is e2ecuted e2actly once in the 69> server system. The remote system need

    not be available at the time !hen the 69> client program is e2ecuting a t69>.

    ;API @;usiness Application Programming Interface6

    '1. What is the difference bet!een 4ormal 69> 9unction module and -$%" 69> 9unction module?

    -$%" are 69> enabled function modules. The difference bet!een 69> and -$%" are business obPects.

    :ou create business obPects and those are then registered in your -86 -usiness 8bPect 6epository@

    !hich can be accessed outside the S$% system by using some other applications 4on/S$%@ such as O- or


    -$%" there is no direct system call, !hile 69> are direct system call.

    216. ave you created any >ustom -$%"s? !hat is the -usiness 6e(uirement?

    :es, " have created some custom -$%"s for !henever " create a %urchase order and automatically

    update the purchase order in other systems.

    '1A. What are the steps to create >ustom -$%"s?

    1. Whenever !e create a custom -$%", 9irst !e need to create an 69> 9unction module by using

    Transaction S#)A and must define the type of 9unction 7odule as 6emote enable 69>@.

    '. 69> 9unction modules are available in 6C) 6epository and -$%"s are available in -usiness obPect

    repository -86@.

    3. "f you !ant to create any custom -$%"s , !e need to create a -usiness obPect by usingtransaction SW81, >reate a -usiness obPect and provide 8bPect type, 4ame, Description and

    %rogram name of your -$%".

    4. "f you !ant to add any 69> function module for your custom -$%"s, the 69> 9unction module is

    must converted into $%" method. $pplication %rogramming "nterface@ by 5tilities /J $%"methods /J $dd method.

    5. 4e2t step is "mplement the methods and 6elease the -usiness obPect as !ell as methods. 4o!you can ready to use -$%". :ou can see your -$%" in -usiness obPect repository by using

    transaction -$%".

    218. ave you used -$%"s for "nterfacing S$% system to 4on/S$% system .net, Nava etc@?


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    '1E. ave you !orked any -$%" 97s? have you upload data into database using -$%"s?

    :es, " have !orked on various -$%" 9unction 7odules like -$%"=7$T#6"$;=S$O#D$T$ for

    upload the 7aterial master data and also add some custom fields as per client re(uirement by

    using -$%" e2tension structure -$%"=T#=7$6$ and -$%"=T#=7$6$K@ and update it.

    $nd Worked on -$%"=%8=>6#$T# 9or create %urchase order

    $nd !orked on -$%"=S$;#S86D#6=>6#$T# / 9or create Sales orders as per client re(uirement.

    220. ave you done -$%" #2tension, !hat are the Steps ? for !hich 9unction 7odule you have used?

    :es, " have done -$%" #2tension for add some >ustom fields in Standard 7$6$ table as per client

    re(uirement. " have used -$%"=T#=7$6$ and -$%"=T#=7$6$K standard structure for $ppending

    some custom fields into standard 7$6$ table. "n this scenario " have used

    -$%"=7#T#6"$;=S$O#D$T$ 9unction module for updating the #2tension fields !ith the help of

    #KT#4S"84"4 and #KT#4S"84"4K tables.

    " have also !orked -$%" #2tension for O$-3 and #338 tables by using -$%#=O-$3, -$%#=O-$3K as

    !ell as -$%"=T#=7#%8#$D#6, -$%"=T#=7#%8#$D#6K standard structures.

    ''1. What is the %urpose of -$%"=T6$4S$>T"84=>877"T?

    Whenever !e use -$%" 9unction modules for updating the Data into database !e must !rite a

    >877"T W863 statement.

    S$% does not recommends directly use >877"T W863 statement,.

    "nstead of >877"T W863, S$% recommended to use -$%"=T6$4S$>T"84=>877"T 9unction


    "f you can use >877"T W863 statement is !orks "nternal system only , !henever use

    -$%"=T6$4S$>T"84=>877"T its !orks and interfacing from e2ternal system.

    '''. o! !e are going to handle errors in -$%"s?

    "n -$%" function modules !e are going to define a 6#T564 parameter for andling errors in -$%"s.

    The 6#T564 parameter may be based on the follo!ing reference structures& ;API(E"K

    :ou must use this reference structure !hen developing ne! -$%"S.

    -$%"6#T1, -$%"6#T564.


    5sing a function 7odule -$%"=7#SS$+#=+#TD#T$"; for andle the #rror 7essages in -$%"..

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    ''). What are the #nhancement techni(ues !e have in S$%?

    We have various #nhancement techni(ues available in S$%, there are&

    1. 5S#6 #K"TS first enhancement techni(ue in S$%@

    '. 9867 685T"4#S

    3. >5ST87#6 #K"TS&a. 9unction #2its,

    b. Screen #2its,

    c. 7enu #2its andd. "ncludes.

    4. -$D"Ms -usiness $dd/ins@

    5. -T#Ms -usiness Transaction #vents@

    6. #4$4>#7#4T 96$7#W863&a.9unction #nhancement

    b. >lass #nhancement

    c.Source code #nhance & 1. "mplicit enhancement option, '. #2plicit enhancement optiond.3ernal -$D"MS

    A. 9" Oalidation Q >onversion.

    224. What is the difference bet!een #nhancements and 7odifications?

    The meaning of #nhancements is $DD/84 ne! feature to the e2isting soft!are.

    "n #nhancements, S$% provides some options for !here !e can directly go for $dd the re(uired


    While 7odifications are not provided by S$%, in modifications !e are directly going to the program

    and 7ake some changes of your logic.

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    #nhancement options are provided by S$%, it !ill be supports to future up gradation of S$%


    While 7odifications are 4ot provided by S$%, so its not supports to future up gradation of S$%


    "n enhancements !e have easily identify the "mpact of changes, !hile 7odifications cannot identify

    impact of change, only identify proper change.

    ''. What are the difference bet!een 5ser #2its and >ustomer #2its?

    1. 5ser e2its is very old concept and 9irst #nhancement techni(ue provided by S$%, !hile>ustomer e2it is %ure enhancement techni(ue also provided by S$%.

    2. 5ser e2its are nothing but a Subroutines, !e are going to !rite the logic in 9orm #ndform,!hile >ustomer #2its having 9unction module "nterface !e have to implement it.

    3. 5ser e2its are not upgraded !here as customer e2its are !ill upgrade.*. 5ser e2its are created in S$% namespace, !hile >ustomer #2its are created in >ustomer


    5. 5ser e2its re(uire $ccess key to make changes, !hile >ustomer e2its does not re(uire $ccesskey.

    ''ustomer #2it and -$D"s?

    1. >ustomer e2its are 8ld and %ure enhancement techni(ue and -$D" is an "nterface.'. >ustomer e2its are available only in S$% level and >ustomer ;evel, !hile -$D"s are available in

    >ustomer level , >ompany code level and %artner level.

    3. 8ne >ustomer e2it are use to implement in only one proPect, !hile -$D"s Supports multipleimplementations

    ''A. Different bet!een -$D"s and -T#s?

    1. The concept of the -$D" is similar to -usiness Transaction #vents 8pen 9"@. -T#s !as

    developed specific to 9inancial $ccounting module. -ut !ere as -$D"s !as developed ingeneralised to all modules.

    '. -T#s can only be used to make the program enhancements. :ou cannot enhance user

    interface !ith 8pen 9", but you can !ith -usiness $dd/ins.

    ). 8pen 9" assumes that enhancement can only take place on three levels i.e. S$%/ partners

    customers, but in case of -$dis you can create and implement enhancements in as many

    soft!are layers as you like.

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    #nhancement point / S$% has some standard functionality defined for a report , but it may be re(uired

    that youMll need to add your o!n code. "n this case the code that youMll add !ill be e2ecuted along !ith

    the standard code.

    #nhancement section / S$% has its standard functionality defines but it may not suit your re(uirement,

    in that case you may need to add your code and youMll need that code to be e2ecuted only. -y this

    method the e2isting code is automatically commented and a copy of the same code is available to edit.

    $fter e2ecuting the report only your code !ill be e2ecuted and the standard code !ill be bypassed.

    ')'. What are the various #nhancement techni(ues !e have in #nhancement 9rame!ork ?

    S$% provides 9our types of enhancement techni(ues !e have in #nhancement 9rame!ork, there

    are &

    1. 9unction module enhancement.

    '. >lass #nhancement,

    ). Source code enhancement and

    4. 3ernal -$D"s.

    ')). What are the steps to "mplement "mplicit #nhancement %oint "#%@ and #2plicit #nhancement

    %oint ##%@?

    "mplicit #nhancement %oint "#%@ and #2plicit #nhancement %oint ##%@ both are the parts of Source

    code enhancement techni(ues.

    Steps to "mplement "mplicit #nhancement %oint "#%@&

    1. 9ind your 9unction module and +oto 9unction module /J #nhance source code option.

    2. >lick #dit /J #nhancement operations /J Sho! implicit enhancement 8ption.

    3. 6ight click the Double coated lines and Select enhancement "mplementation /J create.*. >reate #nhancement "mplementation 4ame and >omposite #nhancement "mplementation

    ')*. %re re(uisites for create and use "mplicit #nhancement %oint?

    '). Difference bet!een >lassical -$D"s and 4e! -$D"s?


    $ factory method is used to call a classic -$D" obPect. "n addition, a reference variableof thetype of -$D" interfaceof the type of -$D" interface of the type of -$D" interface. The filter values are stored in a structure and passed !hen the-$D" methods are called. $ classic -$D" can be calledonly once, and the call positionsare registered centrally.

    NE2 ;ADI'

    The +#T -$D" statement isused to create a ne! -$D" obPect. "n addition, a reference variableof the type of -$D" class is used to refer to the -$D"obPect. The comparison values for thefilters are used to search forimplementations that are passed!hen the -$D" obPect is created!ith the +#T -$D" statement. 7ultiple calls are possible, andthe call positions are notregistered centrally.

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    236. "n any of the #nhancement techni(ue !e are not supported to use some commands?

    >877"T W863 and 68;;-$>3 statement is not supported to use any #nhancement techni(ue

    because of ends !ith ;ogical 5nit of Work ;5W@.

    ')A. What is the T code for -T#s?

    We are going to use the transaction 9"-9 for create -T#s.

    ')B. What are the various types of -T#s in S$%?

    "n S$% !e have t!o types of -T#s -usiness Transaction #vents@ available, there are&

    1. %ublish C Subscribe -T#s and

    2. %rocesses -T#s.

    ')E. What are the steps to implement in -T#?

    We are going to using transaction 9"-9 for create -T#s. in S$% !e have t!o types of -T#s available,

    there are& 1. %ublish C Subscribe -T#s and '. %rocesses -T#s.

    Steps to create -T#s&

    1. +o to transaction 9"-9 and go to 5tilities /J >hose any one "nfo system %CS@ or "nfo system


    '. #2ecute it !e can see the all %CS related or %rocesses related -T#s.

    3. >hose your related -T#s and >lick Sample 9unction module.

    4. >opy the Sample 9unction module into your custom function module G function module@.. "n this >ustom 9unction module !e have !rite your o!n implementation.

    hose your process event number and click +oto /J 7odules/J %rocess S$%@.

    7. >lick 4e! entry and enter your process event number and #nter >ountry code as "4 and addyour >ustom 9unction module and Save it.

    240. o! do you find 5ser e2its? What are the various techni(ues?

    We are going to 9ind the 5ser e2its by using S%68 transaction code and >lick Display S$% "7+

    6eference. Sales and Distribution /J System 7odifications /J 5ser #2its /J user e2its in Sales.@

    8ne more approach to 9ind 5ser e2it for +iven transaction #2& O$H1 /J System /J Status /Jdoubleclick on %rogram name /Jchose your related include /J find related 5ser e2it.

    8r@ -y using some custom defined 5ser e2it finding programs helps to find 5ser e2its for +iven


    '*1. What are the various techni(ues to find >ustomer e2its?

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    "f you !ant to find any transaction related >ustomer e2it, first !e need to kno! the %ackage.

    Step /1 & 9ind the %ackage 4ame of +iven transaction&

    #2& +o to transaction O$H1 and click System /J Status /J Double click on %rogram name /J go to

    $ttributes /J ere !e kno! the package O$@.


    +o to S#E) transaction /J #nter your transaction code e2& O$H1 and click Display, and !e kno! the

    %ackage. O$@.

    Step/' & 9ind the customer e2its&

    +o to transaction >78D and >lick 5tilities /J S$% #nhancements /J #nter %ackage name O$@ /J 9B ,

    here !e find the >ustomer e2its for related transaction.


    +o to transaction S78D and click 5tilities /J 9ind /J #nter package name O$@ /J 9B.


    We have an another approach to find 5ser e2its by using transaction S#B* and #2pand

    #nhancements /J >ustomer e2its /J Double click on #nhancements /J #nter package name O$@ /J

    #2ecute it.'*'. What is -$D"? #2plain me in one !ord?

    -$D" is an "nterface.

    '*). What are the various techni(ues to find -$D"s?

    We have various approaches to find -$D"s -usiness $dd/"ns@. "f you !ant to find the -$D"s for any

    transaction, 9irst !e need to kno! the %ackage.

    Step /1 & 9ind the %ackage 4ame of +iven transaction&

    We are going to find the -$D"s for the +iven transaction, first !e need to kno! the %ackage name.

    #2& #2& +o to transaction O$H1 and click System /J Status /J Double click on %rogram name /J go to

    $ttributes /J ere !e kno! the package O$@.

    Step/' & 9ind the -$D"s basing on %ackage name&

    9ind -$D"s by using transaction S#B* and #2pand #nhancements /J -usiness $dd/"ns /J Double click

    on Definitions /J #nter package name O$@ /J #2ecute it.

    We have another approach to find -$D" by using transaction S#1B /J +oto #nvironment /J

    $pplication hierarchy /J S$%

    8r@ 5sing a >lass name >;=#K"T$4D;#6 7ethod is +#T="4ST$4># and put the -reak/point at

    get=class=name=by=interfaces @ for find -$D"s in real time.

    8r@ using Some >ustom developed programs helps to find the -$D"s , in this program !e have to

    using some vie!s like O=#KT=$>T Oie! for -$D" Definitions@ and O=#KT="7% Oie! for -$D"


  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1


    8r@ 5sing S; trace STH@ Select the Table -uffer trace check bo2 /J $ctivate trace /J run the

    transaction /J >ome back and De/activate trace /J Display trace /J given the obPects as O=#KT=$>T

    and O=#KT="7% /J 9B.

    244. What is the purpose of 9ilter dependent -$D"?

    Within a -$D" definition !e have 7ultiple $ctive "mplementations but !e need to triggered only

    some active implementations basing on the conditions or Oalues, in this scenario !ith the help of 9ilter

    Dependent option in the -$D" Definition part here al!ays check multiple use check bo2@. Whenever !e

    using 9ilter/Dependent option must define an "mporting parameter 9;T=O$; !ithin the method


    '*. What is the purpose of 9all back class in -$D"s?

    9allback call an option !hich is available only in #nhancement spot not available in >lassical -$D"s.

    "f a -$D" definition does not having any -$D" "mplementations the program !ill be go for dump, in

    this situation !e are going to create a 9allback class and 5se it for avoid this Dump.'*reate a obPect in your program and >$;; -$D" statement is

    used for >alling the methods into your program.

    '*B. What are steps to create a custom -$D"?

    -$D" is an "nterface. "n S$% !e have t!o types of -$D"s available there are&

    1. >lassical -$D"s and

    2. 4e! -$D" #nhancement Spot@.

    #very -$D"s having T!o parts, there are&

    a. -$D" Definition part ,

    b. -$D" "mplementation.

    Whenever !e !ant to create a -$D" Definition by using the transaction S#1B, and -$D"

    "mplementation by using the transaction S#1E.Step/1&

    "f you !ant to create a classical -$D" definition +oto transaction S#1B /J 5tilities /J >reate classical

    -$D". Whenever !e create a -$D" Definition, system !ill be +enerate an "nterface automatically



    Double click on the "nterface and Define the 7ethods and %rovide "mport and #2port parameters for

    this 7ethod. "n this "nterface !e are going to define 7ultiple methods. $nd save it.

  • 8/12/2019 SAP ABAP Interview Questions V_1



    +oto transaction S#1E for -$%" "mplementations. ere enter >lassical -$D" name and click >reate

    "mplementation button. #nter your "mplementation name. !henever !e create -$D" implementation

    system !ill be generate a >;$SS name automatically G>;="7=@.

    #ach -$D" definition is going to create 7ultiple implementations.


    Double click on the "nterface name and Double click on 7ethod name, !ith in the 7ethod #ndmethod

    !e can "mplement the logic.

    249. ave you created any custom -$D"? What is the -usiness re(uirement?or@

    ave you !orked on any -$D"s? What is your -usiness re(uirement?

    :es, " have created a >ustom -$D". 7y -usiness re(uirement is " have a >ustomer e2it, its Supports

    for only one "mplementation. "n my re(uirement !e have multiple implementations for a >ustomer

    e2it. "n this scenario " am going to >reate a >ustom -$D". in -$D" Definition " have define a method

    basing on the >ustomer e2it function module and !ithin the -$D" "mplementation part " have

    implemented multiple methods as per business re(uirement.

    250. Whenever create a -$D" implementation, Which one is created automatically?

    Whenever !e create a -$D" "mplementation System automatically create +lobal >;$SS. >lass

    helps to implement the methods of a -$D". The >;$SS name al!ays starts !ith G>;="7=.

    251. " have 1H active implementations, !hich order is going to triggered? >an " Set theseimplementations orderly?

    :es. "n this scenario !e have to use 9";T#6/D#%#4D#4T option "4 -$D" Definition part. Which is

    used to help the triggering the -$D" "mplementations by orderly or Depending on 9iltering value.

    Whenever !e have using 9ilter/Dependent 8ption , must define an "mporting parameter 9;O=O$;

    !ithin the every method definition.

    ''. " have a re(uirement for implicit enhancement point? o! can " add some code in middle line or

    certain number of line? o! can " achieve?

    "n this scenario !e are going to >opy the code into "mplicit enhancement point and add some code

    at certain line and put the command #K"T at #nd of the code.

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    '). ave you done #nhancement? What is your -usiness re(uirement?


    ave you !orked on any 5ser e2it? What is your -usiness re(uirement?

    :es, " have !orked on a Sales related 5ser e2it the 4ame is& U#E(E.I"?#A/E?D1CU,EN"?P(EPA(E

    and the "nclude name is,/4A*$$. 7y -usiness re(uirement is $void the Sales order creation O$H1@, !hen the 4et amount value is

    belo! certain amount and as per client re(uired conditions.

    '*. ave you !orked on any >ustomer e2it? What is your -usiness re(uirement?

    :es, " have !orked on Oarious >ustomer e2its ;ike 9unction #2its, 7enu #2its and Screen e2its as per

    my client re(uirement.

    " have !orked on a 9unction e2it and 7y -usiness re(uirement is avoid the >ustomer creation KDH1@

    !hen >ompany code level Pament termsvalue 34-1/GT#67@ not matches !ith Sales area level

    Pament terms value 34OO/GT#67@.

    "n this scenario " have !orked on a #AP,*3KD>ustomer e2it and the >omponent of

    E.I"?#AP,*3KD?33ustom fields on to the standard %urchase order

    eader Screen 7#'1@ by using Screen e2it enhancement techni(ue. $s pr client re(uirement " have add

    t!o more fields like O#4D86 T$K >8D# and O#4D86 >5ST >8D# on Standard sc