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9/21/2015 SAP ABAP Interview Question | SAP Consultancy @ 1/34 APRIL 6, 2013 SAPCONS2 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, SAP ABAP 6 SAP ABAP Interview Question After Observing many interviews. Finally i come up with the following questions which are mostly asked in all the Big companies including SAP Labs, Accenture, IBM , Deloitte , TCS , Infosys etc… 1. Can we write the code both call transaction and session method in single program? Ans. Yes it is possible to write call transaction and session in one program. 2. Which BDC you prefer? Ans. If we want to transfer large amount of data and when we need to use more than one transaction code we prefer session method. For small or less amount of data and for single transaction use call transaction. (This is more genric answer but you can add more on to this if you have worked on BDC) 3. When u prefer LSMW? Ans. When we need to update medium amount of data we use LSMW. LSMW is also used when the person like functional consultant has less programming language. 5. Difference between .include and .append? Ans. Include structure allows to add one or more structure into structure or table.Also placed positioning anywhere. Upto 6 include structure can be used in a table. Append structure can be placed only at the end of a structure or table which also stops further insertion of fields.Only one append structure can be used 6. Preformance techniques Follow Us! Connect+ Be the first of your friends to like this SAP Cons… 2.1k likes Like Page Archives SAP Consultancy @ What We Teach Today, Others Adopt Tomorrow About Us Why SAP Consultancy Shop Cart Checkout My Account

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SAP ABAP Interview Question

After Observing many interviews. Finally i come up with the following

questions which are mostly asked in all the Big companies including

SAP Labs, Accenture, IBM , Deloitte , TCS , Infosys etc…

1. Can we write the code both call transaction and session

method in single program?

Ans. Yes it is possible to write call transaction and session in one


2. Which BDC you prefer?

Ans. If we want to transfer large amount of data and when we need to

use more than one transaction code we prefer session method. For

small or less amount of data and for single transaction use call


(This is more genric answer but you can add more on to this if you

have worked on BDC)

3. When u prefer LSMW?

Ans. When we need to update medium amount of data we use

LSMW. LSMW is also used when the person like functional

consultant has less programming language.

5. Difference between .include and .append?


Include structure allows to add one or more structure into structure or

table.Also placed positioning anywhere. Upto 6 include structure can

be used in a table.

Append structure can be placed only at the end of a structure or table

which also stops further insertion of fields.Only one append structure

can be used

6. Preformance techniques

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1. The sequence of fields must be same as per database table

2. During writing select query write all fields in sequence as per

database table.

3. Never write select statements inside loop….endloop.

4. Use st05 SQL trace, se30 run time analysis, code inspector,


5. Use select single * statement instead of select *

6. Always use primary key

7. Use binary search but before using binary search sort that table.

7. How to debug sapscripts ?


Two ways to debug sapscript . first way is goto SE 71 and from menu

bar select Utilities->activate debugger .then goto SE38 execute the

print program ,it automatically goes to debugging mode …..the other

way is , run the program RSTXDBUG in se 38 . execute it . a

message will show that debugger is activated .now open the print

program in se 38 …u vll notice that the print prgm is automatically

diverted to debugging mode.

8. What is partner selection?

Ans. This concept is mainly used in IDOC where u select the partner

profile using Tcode We20 .with Tcode SM59 you create RFC(remote

function call) to create communication link to a remote system.

10. What is occurs in internal table?

Ans. Occurs addition to the Declaration will give initial size to that

table.occur statement allocates 8kb of memory to the internal table.

11. What is page window?

Ans : page window is nothing but a container of a page ,which

uniquely identifies a set of data …for example while creating invoice …

we create logo window , billing document header window , customer

window , terms and condition window etc …

12. What is the difference between scrolling a table horizontally

and vertically..??

Ans: In table control when you scroll a table vertically presentation

server needs to call application server to fetch the next record and

display in the table while in case of horizontal scroll there is no need

to call application server.

13. What are Field Groups?

Ans: A group that combines several fields fewer than one name, at

runtime, the INSERT command is used to define which data fields are

assigned to which field group are called Field Groups. It should always

be a HEADER field group that defines how the extracted data will be

sorted; the fields grouped under the HEADER field group sort the data.

14. List the events in ABAP/4 Language?

Ans: The events in ABAP/4 are load of program ,Initialization,

Selection Screen, Start of Selection, End of Selection, Top of page,

Line selection, User command, End, First.

15.How the values will be passed to RFC Function module

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PassbyValue or Passbyreference?

Ans: always Pass by Value.

RFC is Remote Function call so it can’t access the values with Pass

by reference.

16. Buffering concept usage?

Ans: There are three type of buffer

1 single record

2 generic buffer

3 full buffer

Buffering is use for improve performance. it improves performance 10

to 100 times more

17. Select up to 1 row and select single difference ?

Ans: Select single fetches first matching record. If more than one

matching records are there then only the first matching record will be

considered other records will not be taken into account. Where as

select up to 1 rows will fetch all the matching records from the

database.(Again it will assign only One Record to the internal

table/Work area)

18. What are the different buffering methods?

There are two different buffering methods

The system ensures that data transfer between the R/3 System and

the database system is as efficient as possible. To do this, it uses the

following techniques:

Table buffering: The program accesses data from the buffer of the

application server.

Database request buffering: Individual database entries are not read or

passed to the database until required by an OPEN SQL statement.

19. Different types of locks?

v Read lock (shared lock)

Protects read access to an object. The read lock allows other

transactions read access but not write access to the locked area of

the table.

v o Write lock (exclusive lock)

Protects write access to an object. The write lock allows other

transactions neither read nor write access to the locked area of the


v o Enhanced write lock (exclusive lock without cumulation)

Works like a write lock except that the enhanced write lock also

protects from further accesses from the same transaction.


Ans: Chain and end chain are used for multiple field validation in

Module pool programming .It is written inside the screen flow logic.

21.How to Debug RFC Function module?


SE38 –> Utilities –> Settings –> ABAP Editor –> Debugging

Activate the external debugging and choose the New Debugger option

in ABAP debugger.

Go to the particular place in the code and put break point, pop will

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appear then choose the HTTP break point.

If you are triggering the RFC from SAP portal make sure that both the

user ID should be same

If the users are different then provide the XI/Portal User ID in the users


22.Why sapscripts are client dependent and smartforms are

client independent.?

Ans-: Smartforms create its own function module so it doesn’t need to

transport the request through SCC1.As all the Development Object are

stored in client independent tables. Whereas Script doesn’t generate

any function module while executing so we need to transport the

request number through SCC1.Sap script is stroed in side the client

depended table as a sapscripts are client dependent and

smartforms are client independent.

23. Difference between user exit and BADIs?

Ans: User exit is for single implementation and it is procedural

approach while BADIs are for multiple implementation and object

oriented approach.

Multiple implementation means Reusability… because we use OOps

Concepts for BADI.

24. Control break events in ABAP:-

1. AT-FIRST: This is used when we want to execute the statements

before records are processed.

2. AT-LAST: This event is used when we want to execute the

statements after all records are processed.

3. AT-NEW: This event is used when we want to execute the

statement before group of records are processed.

4. AT-END: This event is used when we want to execute the

statements after processing of group of records.

25.I am uploading 100 records out of which say 59th record has

error so what will happen if i am using synchronous or

asynchronous method of BDC? Can we update the database

using local update mode how?

26. Suppose i am writing following code then what will be





(Explain the importance of LOAD-OF-PROGRAM Event.If you dont

know Tell the interviewer as this event is used in such cases when

you want to clear sum buffers or something Before calling that


27. What is TMG?

Ans. TMG stands for Table Maintenance generator. It is a tool

available in abap by which we can add or delete multiple records at a

time and it is executed or triggered by the transaction code SM30.

28. Difference between select option and ranges ?

Ans. The main difference between select option and ranges is that

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ranges implicitly or automatically creates internal table with fields like

OPTION,LOW,HIGH,SIGN,etc . Where as in case of select option we

have to explicitly create internal table.

When u declares a select options it will implicitly declare an internal

table (ranges) for you.

While using RANGES syntax u can declare internal table explicitly.

The only need of declaring ranges is when you r not taking input from

the user but you want make limit based selection at that time it will be

use full e.g. SELECT ** from ** where MATNR in val_range.

here u can use select-option or ranges : val_range.

29. is it possible to bring select option in module pool screens?

Ans.Create a SELECT-OPTIONS in module pool screen using two

methods as shown.

Method 1:—-

a) Create a subscreen area in your screen layout where you want to

create the select options.

b) In the top include of your module pool program declare a selection

screen as a subscreen e.g.


select-options s_matnr for mara-matnr.


c) In the PBO and PAI of the main screen where the select options

needs to be created do a call subscreen of the above screen (100).

CALL SUBCREEN sub_area INCLUDING <program> <screen>

This CALL SUBSCREEN statement is necessary for transport of

values between screen and program.

Note: All validations of the selection screen fields e.g. the s_matnr

field created above should be done in selection screen events like AT

SELECTION-SCREEN etc and not in PAI. These selection screen

validations etc should be done in the top include only.

Method 2:——-

a) Create 2 separate fields in your screen layout – one for the low

value and one for the high value. Insert an icon beside the high value

which will call the multiple selections popup screen on user

command. Use function module COMPLEX_SELECTIONS_DIALOG

to achieve this.

continued ……

struc_tab_and_field-fieldname = con_cust. ” ‘KUNNR’

struc_tab_and_field-tablename = con_kna1. ” ‘KNA1′.


TITLE = ‘ ‘

text = g_titl1 ” ‘Customers’

tab_and_field = struc_tab_and_field

TABLES RANGE = rng_kunnr




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IF NOT rng_kunnr[] IS INITIAL.

* Read the very first entry of the range table and pass it to

* dynpro screen field

*READ TABLE rng_kunnr INDEX 1.

IF sy-subrc = 0.

g_cust = rng_kunnr-low.



You can use the return table rng_kunnr to populate your own internal

range table with the values entered by the user. Basically here you are

just simulating the work of a select-options parameter by module pool

screen elements. we can retrive data using secondary index.explain with

simple example

Ans: First create secondary indexes on required fields of a particular

database table.

We can create one primary index and 15 secondary indexes.Once the

respective secondary indexes are created write select queries and

within select queries specify secondary indexes field name with where


31.How can we handle table control in BDC?

Ans.We can handle table control using line index

Line index indicates which line of Table control is to be use for BDC


Ex –

perform bdc_field using ‘RC29K-AUSKZ(01)’

Indicates 1st line of table control is going to be used for transaction

which is Line index of Table Control

32. If i want to execute a BDC program only in background not

in foreground is there any option for this?

Ans.The sm37 transaction can be used for running a program in the

background. Also in the session method while processing the session

you can specify the processing type as background or foreground.

33.How Can We upload a text file having Delimiters in to

Legacy System

Ans.For up loading text file we use the pre-defined FM gui_upload. in

that FM we have the parameter has_field_seperator for that we assign

the default delimiter ‘x’.


‘X’ can provide the Whatever delimiter we used in flat file for


34. What is the land scape in sap.

Ans. In every organisation sap landscape involves three servers viz,

Development server, Quality server and Production server. Whatever

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new development we do as per clients requirement is done in

development server. Later to test the developed object we move it to

quality server for testing and finally once everything goes clear then

the object is moved to production server ,production server data is

ready for final business use.

35. Workbench request are client dependent or client


Ans. Workbench request are client independent.

(Common Man Workbench request holds the Program , FM etc….

How it can be Client Dependent!!!!)

36. Tell me about workbench request and customization


Ans.Workbench (ABAP Dev) request is client independent when you

import it into one system it reflact it in all client in same system, but

customized request has to import in that client perticular client where

it is created, actually it is client dependent.

Other Interview questions…


1. Can we write the code/program inside sap script?

2. How will u create sapscripts & smartforms in multiple language?

3.How to execute sap script & smart forms in Background?

4.How to do total & subtotal in scripts & forms?



1.Apart from .include & .append how will u do table enhancement?

2.what r the events of table maintainence generator?

3.what will happen if i use projection view and maintainence view


4. I created ZEMP table now i want to add more data but prev. data

should not disturb how can i do this?



1.How will u print footers in alv report?

2.How will u edit fields from output list of alv?



1.what r the fields u took during recording for mmo1,me21n?

2.If u want to do bdc for xd01 explain me how will be the flow?


user exits

1.what r enhancement points?

2.How to write customer exits?

3.what is routine? how it is different from user exits?

Most frequently asked Differences in ABAPinterview

1.sapscript and smartforms

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Sap script is client dependent and smart form is client


Smartforms has Only 1 main window while Sap script has 99

main windows

You can not print labels using smart forms

2.BDC and LSMW

In BDC we have to take care of field mapping whereas field

mapping is taken care by sap in lsmw.

BDC is mostly used for customised data upload while LSMW

is used for uploading Master data.

In BDC we need to write large code but in LSMW small coding

is needed.

3. BADI and BAPI

BADI is business add ins, it is used to customize the standard

business flow

BAPI is Business application programming interface. It is

nothing but Remote enabled function module which can be

called from outside the SAP System.

4.user exit and customer exit

User exit is an include program given by SAP in that you can

write your code , It needs Access key from SAP while key is

not required in case of customer exit

5. Select single and select up to one row

Select single will fetch only one record while select up to n row.

Will fetch n rows from database

6. Normal (Classical) report and ALV report

To display the output in classical report you use WRITE


To display the output in ALV we have different function modules

and class like REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY ,


If you run the classical report in background after JOB finished

you can see it’s output which stored in spool, While in case of

ALV you need code extra to store the output as it will not

generate the spool.

7. ALV list display and ALV grid display

You cannot retrieve the output for the report which is displayed

using ALV GRID Display.As spool Request will not be created

for the same. While in case of list display Report out put will be

there in spool request.

8. Classical and drill down report

In classical report user cannot interact with report whereas in

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drill down report user can interact with report.

Drill down facility is not provided in classical report while in drill

down it is provided.

If they ask you in detail then tell the interviewer that interact

with the report means in drill down report we have one basic list

and 20 secondary lists so we can directly go to 5th list or 10th

list as per our requirement similarly we can come back to any

list. Drill down means showing data in basic list first and when

we double click on any field we get summarised list. NOTE:- to

go to next list in drill down report use following syntax SY-

LSIND = < list number> example: to go to 15th list SY-LSIND

= 15 to come to 5th list from 15th list use F3 KEY OR PRESS


9. BAPI and RFC function module

BAPI is nothing but remote enabled function module

BAPI is provided as a method of business objects 4.7 and ECC 6.0

SAP 4.7 is based on Web AS

ECC 6.0 is based of Netweaver 7.0.

11. get cursor and hide in interactive report

Get cursor will provide the location cursor position in the report

While hide is use to pass the data from basic list to secondary


12.normal function module and RFC

You cannot call normal function module from outside the

current system while RFC function module can be called from

outside the SAP system.

13. Subroutine and function modules.

Subroutine is local to the program while function module is


To call subroutine from outside its main program you need to

write its main program name in the bracket

14.At selection screen and At selection screen output.

At selection screen output is called first

All dynamic commands and screen modification is done in AT

selection screen output. input and batch input

The basic difference is validation is not done in direct input by

pre defined function while in batch input it is coved.

16.synchronous and asynchronous in BDC

Synchronous mode will wait until the BDC session gets over

while asynchronous mode will not wait for that

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At selection screen is used to validate the whole screen

elements while at selection field is used to validate the

particular field.

When you display the error message in at selection on field the

focus will be on that particular field while in case of At selection

screen the focus will not be on any particular field.

18. PBO and PAI event in module pool

Process Before Output and Process after input.

PBO will be called before the screen is displayed to the user

while process after input is called once user interact with


19. Stop , check and exit

If you use the STOP statement within an event block, the

system stops processing the block Immediately.

If you use the EXIT statement within an event block but not in

a loop, the system stops Processing the block immediately

If you use the CHECK <expr> statement within an event block

but not within a loop, and the Condition <expr> is not fulfilled,

the system exits the processing block immediately. <expr>

can be any logical expression or the name of a selection table.

If you specify a selection table and the contents of the

corresponding table work are do. and refresh in internal table

You can use FREE to initialize an internal table (along with

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header line ) and release its memory space.

REFRESH will only initialize an internal table (along with

header line)

21.clear and delete.

The major difference is clear is used with internal table while

delete is used with database table.

22. collect and sum

COLLECT <line> INTO <itab>. The statement first checks

whether the internal table contains an entry with the same key.

If not,it acts like INSERT. If there is already a table entry with

the same key, COLLECT does not inserta new line. Instead, it

adds the values from the numeric fields of the work area <line>

to thevalues in the corresponding fields of the existing table


SUM.Can only be used in loops through internal tables.

Calculates the sums of the numeric fields in alllines of the

current control level and writes the results to the corresponding

fields in the workarea.

23. call transaction and session method

Call transaction is Synchronous Processing while session

(classical) method is Asynchronous Processing

In call transaction we can update the database both

synchronously and asynchronously. We can specify the mode

in the program. While in session method it is Synchronous

Database update.

In call transaction No batch input processing log is maintained

while in session method details log is maintained.

Call Transaction method is faster than the session method.

24. at first and at last control break event

As the name suggest AT FIRST executed for the first time

while AT LAST executed in last.

25. Enhancement point and Enhancement Section

Both the enhancement-point and section are available for you

to change standard SAP code. Difference is in fact that you

use Enhancement-point to add ABAP code to standard SAP

and enhancement-section to replace/extend standard SAP


26.end of page and top of page

Top of page trigger when report encounter the first write, skip or

new-line statements.

End of page trigger when page size is over or report display

gets over.

27. Table and structure

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Table has physical definition into the underline database while

structure does exist physically in the data base.

28. table and views

Table has data init while view does not contain data in it. Both

exist in the data base. when u run the view it queries the

database and gives the respective data.

29.inner joins and for all entries

Inner join joins the table at database level whereas

For..All..Entries joins the table at application level.

In For..All..Entries when the condition gets satisfied data is

fetched in one single shot from database table whereas in inner

join data is fetched iteration by iteration

It is always good programming practice to join tables at

application level because if we join tables at database level

then there might be performance issue

30. Transparent table pool table and cluster table

Transparent Table: Exists with the same structure both in the

dictionary and database exactly with same data and fields. it’s

to store transaction data. It’s one to one Relation table

Pool tables: These are logical tables must be assigned to a

table pool when they are defined. Its use to store control data.

its many to one relation table

Clustered tables: these also logical tables and must be

assigned to table cluster when they are defined. It’s also used

to store control data, temporary data or text ex.,

documentation. It’s also many to one relation table.

31. Top of page and top of page during line selection

Top of page is triggered for the basic list while top of page at

line selection triggers at secondary list.

32. Start_form and End_form in sap script

start_form function module is called if we want to use different

forms with similar characteristics in a single spool request ,it

must be closed by END_FORM function module

33. open dataset and close dataset

Open dataset is use to read / write file into application server

while close dataset is use to close that file.

34. data element and domains

Domain gives technical details like length , decimal etc..while

data elements gives description and business details

35. set screen and call screen

Set screen <no> set the next screen value and temporarily

override the next screen value in screen attribute. While call

screen <no> jump to the screen specified in <no>.

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36. Internal Session and External Session

External session is nothing but the window you have opened in

your screen .By Default you can open 6 external sessions( 6

windows = you can increase it via basis’s setting). Internal

session is created when you call any Functional module or any

other task in your program. counts for internal sessions are 9.

37. Elementary and collective search help

An Elementary Search help defines the flow of a standard

input help. It is composed of a selection method that defines

where to get the data that will make up the hit list, An interface

consisting of search help parameters that define the exchange

of data between the screen and the selection method and a

dialog type that controls how the hit list will be displayed.

A Collective Search help is a combination of several

elementary search helps giving the user a different search

paths. The interface parameters of the elementary search help

are assigned to the parameters of the collective search.

38. What is the difference between Clustered Tables and

Pooled Tables?

A pooled table is used to combine several logical tables in the

ABAP/4 dictionary. Pooled tables are logical tables that must

be assigned to a table pool when they are defined.

Cluster table are logical tables that must be assigned to a table

cluster when they are defined.

Cluster table can be used to store control data they can also

used to store temporary data or text such as documentation.

39. user exits and customer exit.

User exit is sap defined includes so to modify it we need key

from SAP.while customer exit like function exit , screen exit we

don’t need any key.

40. sapscript smart forms and adobe forms

Sapscript is client dependent whereas smartform is client


Main window is compulsory in scripts whereas main window

not compulsory in form.

Smartform output can be seen in web while in scripts it is not


smartform generates function module while scripts dont

generate function module.

41. screen and subscreens in module pool.

Screen has it’s own gui status while subscreen does not have

any gui status.Subscreens are part of main screen.

42. standard table and hashed tables.

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Standard table can be accessed by key as well as index while

You can only access hashed tables by specifying the key. The

system has its own hash algorithm for managing the table.

ABAP Interview Questions : The Massive List


Question 1: What is the difference between User Exit and

Function Exit?

User Exit Customer Exit

User exit is implemented in the form of

a Subroutine i.e. PERFORM xxx.




A customer exit can be

implemented as:

· Function exit

· Screen Exit

· Menu Exit

· Field Exit

Example: CALL

Customer function ‘xxx’


You modify this include.

In case of a PERFORM, you have

access to almost all the data. So you

have better control, but more risk of

making the system unstable.

You have access only to

the importing, exporting,

changing and tables

parameter of the Function

Module. So you have

limited access to data.

User exit is considered a modification

and not an enhancement.

A customer exit is

considered an


You need Access Key for User Exit. You do not need access


Changes are lost in case of an


Changes are upgrade


User exit is the earliest form of change

option offered by SAP.

Customer exits came

later and they overcome

the shortcomings of User


No such thing is required here. To activate a function

exit, you need to create a

project in SMOD and

activate the project.

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What is the difference between RFC and BAPI?


Just as Google offers

Image/Chart/Map APIs OR

Facebook offers APIs for

Comment/Like, SAP offers APIs

in the form of BAPIs. BAPI is a

library of function modules

released by SAP to the public so

that they can interface with SAP.

RFC is nothing but a remote

enabled function module. So if

there is a Function Module in

SAP system 1 on server X , it

can be called from a SAP

system 2 residing on server Y.

There is a Business Object

Associated with a BAPI. So a

BAPI has an Interface, Key Field,

Attributes, Methods, and Events.

No Business Object is

associated with a RFC.

Outside world (JAVA, VB, .Net or

any Non SAP system) can

connect to SAP using a BAPI.

Non–SAP world cannot

connect to SAP using RFC.

Error or Success messages are

returned in a RETURN table.

RFC does not have a return


Question 3:What is the difference between SAPSCRIPT and



SAPSCRIPT is client


SMARTFORM is client


SAPSCRIPT does not generate

any Function module.

SMARTFORM generates a

Function Module when


Main Window is must. You can create a SMARTFORM

without a Main Window.

SAPSCRIPT can be converted



SMARTFORMS cannot be

converted to SCRIPT.

Only one Page format is


Multiple page formats are


Such thing is not possible in


You can create multiple copies

of a SMARTFORM using the

Copies Window.

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command is used for Page


The Protect Checkbox can be

ticked for Page Protection.

The way SMARTFORM is developed and the way in which SCRIPT is

developed is entirely different. Not listing down those here. That would

be too much.

Question 4:What is the difference between Call Transaction

Method and the Session method ?

Session Method Call Transaction

Session method id generally

used when the data volume is


Call transaction method is when

the data volume is low

Session method is slow as

compared to Call transaction.

Call Transaction method is

relatively faster than Session


SAP Database is updated when

you process the sessions. You

need to process the sessions

separately via SM35.

SAP Database is updated

during the execution of the

batch input program.

Errors are automatically handled

during the processing of the

batch input session.

Errors should be handled in the

batch input program.

Question 5: What is the difference between BDC and BAPI?


BAPI is faster than BDC. BDC is relatively slower than


BAPI directly updates


BDC goes through all the

screens as a normal user would

do and hence it is slower.

No such processing options are

available in BAPI.

Background and Foreground

processing options are available

for BDC.

BAPI would generally used for

small data uploads.

BDCs would be preferred for

large volumes of data upload

since background processing

option is available.

For processing errors, the

Return Parameters for BAPI

should be used.This parameter

Errors can be processed in

SM35 for session method and in

the batch input program for Call

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returns exception messages or

success messages to the

calling program.

Transaction method.

Question 6: What is the difference between macro and


Macro Subroutine

Macro can be called only in the

program it is defined.

Subroutine can be called from

other programs also.

Macro can have maximum 9


Can have any number of


Macro can be called only after

its definition.

This is not true for Subroutine.

A macro is defined inside:




Subroutine is defined inside:

FORM …..



Macro is used when same

thing is to be done in a program

a number of times.

Subroutine is used for


Question 7: What is the difference between SAP memory and

ABAP memory?

SAP Memory ABAP Memory

When you are using the

SET/GET Parameter ID

command, you are using the

SAP Memory.

When you are using the


you are using the ABAP


SAP Memory is User Specific.

What does this mean?àThe

data stored in SAP memory

can be accesses via any

session from a terminal.

ABAP Memory is User and

Transaction Specific.What does

this mean?à The data stored in

ABAP memory can be accessed

only in one session. If you are

creating another session, you

cannot use ABAP memory.


Question 8: What is the difference between AT SELECTION-


AT SELECTION-SCREEN is the PAI of the selection screen whereas

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AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT is the PBO of the selection


Question 9: What is the difference between SY-INDEX and SY-


Remember it this way à TABIX = Table.

So when you are looping over an internal table, you use SY-TABIX.

When you use DO … ENDDO / WHILE for looping, there is no table


So you use SY-INDEX.

For READ statement, SY-INDEX is used.

Question 10: What is the difference between VIEW and a

TABLE?A table physically stores data.

A view does not store any data on its own. It can contain data from

multiple tables and it just accesses/reads data from those tables.

Question 11: What is the difference between Customizing and

Workbench request?A workbench request is client independent

whereas a Customizing request is client dependent.

Changes to development objects such as Reports, Function Modules,

Data Dictionary objects etc. fall under Workbench requests.

Changes in SPRO / IMG that define system behavior fall under

customizing requests.

An example would be ‘defining number ranges’ in SPRO.

In short, generally a developer would end up creating a Workbench

request and a Functional Consultant would create a Customizing


Question 12: What is the difference between PASS BY VALUE

and PASS BY REFERENCE?These concepts are generally used for

Function modules or Subroutines etc. and their meaning can be taken


Say we are passing a variable lv_var:



VAR = lv_var.

When we PASS lv_var by VALUE , the actual value of lv_var is copied

into VAR.

When we PASS lv_var by REFERENCE , the reference or the memory

address of lv_var is passed to the Function module. So VAR and

lv_var will refer to the same memory address and have the same value.

Question 13: What is the difference between Master data and

Transaction data?Master data is data that doesn’t change often and

is always needed in the same way by business.

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Ex: One time activities like creating Company Codes, Materials,

Vendors, Customers etc.

Transaction data keeps on changing and deals with day to day

activities carried out in business.

Transactions done by or with Customers, Vendors, and Materials etc.

generate Transaction Data. So data related to Sales, Purchases,

Deliveries, Invoices etc. represent transaction data

Some important transactions here for Master Data:

Material: MM01 MM02 MM03

Vendor: XK01 , XK02 , XK03

Customer: Xd01 , XD02 , XD03

Some Important transactions for Transaction data:

Purchase Order: ME21n , ME22n , ME23n

Sales Order: VA01 , VA02 , VA03

Goods Receipt: MIGO

Invoices: MIRO


Question 14: What will you use SELECT SINGLE or SELECT


What will you use SELECT SINGLE or SELECT UPTO 1 ROWS ?

There is great confusion over this in the SAP arena.

If you Google, you will see lots of results that will say SELECT

SINGLE is faster and efficient than SELECT UPTO 1 ROWS.

But that is 100% incorrect.


If for a WHERE condition, only one record is present in DB, then both

are more or less same.

However, If for a WHERE condition multiple records are present in DB,

SELECT UPTO 1 ROWS will perform better than SELECT SINGLE.

Question 15: What is the difference between .Include Structure and

.Append structure?

I have seen ridiculous answers for this at many places on the Web.

The true answer is this:

Let’s say you want to use the Structure X in your table Y.

With .Include X, you can include this structure in multiple tables.

With .Append X, you specify that structure X has been used in table

Y and that this cannot be used in any other table now. So you restrict

structure X only to Table Y.


Question 16: Can you describe the events in ABAP?


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INITIALIZATION: If you want to initialize some values before selection

screen is called


AT SELECTION SCREEN: PAI for Selection Screen





AT USER-COMMAND: When user click on say buttons in application

toolbar. SY-UCOMM

AT LINE SELECTION: Double click by user on basic list. SY-LISEL

AT PF##: When User Presses any of the Function Keys


Question 17:

What events do you know in Module Pool Programming?

PBO: you know this . If not you should know this . That’s basic.

PAI: You know this. If not you should know this . That’s basic.

POV: Process on Value request … i.e. when you press F4.

POH: Process on help request … i.e. when you press F1.

Question 18: Can you show multiple ALVs on a Single Screen?

Yes, there are multiple ways of doing this:

· If you are using OOALV, you can create multiple custom


(cl_gui_custom_container) & put an ALV

control (cl_gui_alv_grid) in each of those.

· You can even use a Splitter container control and place

multiple ALVs in each of

the split container.

· If you are using Normal ALV, You can use the following FMS:




Question 19: A system has two clients 100 and 500 on the same

application server. If you make changes to a SAPSCRIPT on client

100, will the changes be available in client 500?

No. SAPSCRIPT is client dependent. You will have to transport

changes from client 100 to client 500. However, for SMARTFORMS,

Changes will be made both for client 100 and client 500.

Question 20: There are 1000’s of IDOCs in your system and say you

no longer need some of them? How will you get rid of those IDOCs?

One way is to archive the IDOCs using transaction SARA.

But what the interviewer was expecting was ‘How do you change IDoc


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There are different ways of doing this:





Question 21: What is the difference between CHAIN … ENDCHAIN

and FIELD commands in Module Pool?

If you want to validate a single field in Module Pool, you use the FIELD


On error, this single filed is kept open for input.

If you however want to validate multiple fields, you can use the CHAIN

… ENDCHAIN command. You specify multiple fields between CHAIN


On error, all fields between CHAIN …… ENDCHAIN are kept open for


Question 22: What are the types of Function Modules? What is

an UPDATE function module?There are three types of Function

Modules: Normal , RFC , UPDATE.

The aim of the Update function module is either to COMMIT all

changes to database at once or to ROLLBACK all the changes. By

definition, an update function module is used to bundle all the updates

in your system in one LUW (logical unit of work).

This FM is called whenever COMMIT WORK statement is

encountered in the calling program and the way you call it is CALL



do a where used.

This FM is used as Update FM in case you make changes to IDoc

contents/status via your program.

Question 23: How is the table sorted when you do not specify field

name and Ascending or Descending? On what criteria will the table be

sorted? Do internal table have keys?

Yes, internal table have keys.

The default key is made up of the non-numeric fields of the table line

in the order in which they occur.

Question 24: Explain what is a foreign key relationship?Explain

this with the help of an example.

Let’s discuss about tables EKKO (PO header) and EKPO (PO line


Can you have an entry in table EKPO without having an entry in table

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In other words can you have PO line items without the PO header?

How does this happen? The answer is foreign key relationship.

So foreign keys come into picture when you define relationship

between two tables.

Foreign keys are defined at field level.

Check the foreign key relation for field EBELN of table EKPO.

The check table is EKKO. This just means that whenever an entry is

made in EKPO, it is checked whether the entered value for EBELN

already exists in EKKO. If not, entry cannot be made to EKPO table.

Question 25 : What is the difference between a value table and

a check table?Check table is maintained when you define foreign

key relationships.

For Check table, read question above.


Value table is defined and maintained at a domain level.

At a domain level, you can mention allowed values in the form of:

1) Single values

2) Ranges

3) Value tableFor example, have a look at domain SHKZG. Only

allowed values are S and H for Debit/Credit indicator. Whenever and

wherever you use this domain, the system will force you to use only

these two values: S and H.

Another example is domain MATNR. For this domain the value table is


So whenever and wherever, you use this domain the system will force

you to use values for MATNR in table MARA.

Question 26: How do you find BAPI?Approach1:

You can go to Transaction BAPI and then search for your desired


Say you want to find a BAPI for creating users in the system, in such

case you can search for the ‘User’ and find the relevant BAPIs.


Another way is to find a Business Object. Say you want to find a

BAPI for creating Material in SAP and you know the BO for Material is

BUS1001006. You can go to Transaction SWO1 and enter the BO

BUS1001006 in the BOR. Then have a look at the methods for this



Question 27: How do you find BADI?


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Go to Class CL_EXITHANDLER in SE24 —> Put a breakpoint in

method GET_INSTANCE.Now go and execute your transaction code

for which you want to find BADI.

You will find the BADI in the changing parameter exit_name:

Approach 2:

Go to Tcode SE84 à Enhancements àBADIs à Definitions.

Find the package for the Tcode for which you are finding the BADI.

Enter it as shown and hit execute:

Are we done yet ? Definitely not !

Let the questions come and lets keep on updating this blog.

I will update the blog with the following questions soon:

Question: Synchronous and asynchronous methods in BDC ?

Question: What is the difference between inner joins and outer joins?

Question: What is the difference between INSTANCE methods and

STATIC methods?

Question: What is the difference between Implicit Enhancements and

Explicit Enhancements?

Question: What is the difference between Enhancement point and

Enhancement Section?

Question: How do you find Function Exit?

Question: How do you activate a Function Exit?

SAP ALE IDocs interview questions andanswers

ALE IDocs in SAP

ALE IDocs in SAP is a lot about configuration and a lot about Tcodes

. So if you have worked on at least one end to end scenario in ALE

IDocs in SAP , you probably already have answers to a lot of



But if you haven’t , make sure you do this exercise. There are plenty

of step by step guides to ALE IDocs available on the internet . Make

sure you read one understand it all the way . Sending IDoc from client

800 to say client 810 on the same server is easy . If possible ,Try an

exercise in which you send an IDoc from one system to another


Lets get started . Hope you get some value in these pages

Question 1: What is ALE ?

ALE stands for Application Link Enabling. As it’s name indicates , it

links two systems.

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ALE is a technology that can enable exchange of data between two

different Systems ( Sap – Sap OR Sap – Non Sap). ALE technology

enables distributed yet integrated installation of SAP systems.

ALE architecture comprises of 3 layers :

Application layer refers to the application data ( SD , MM , FI or

data for any SAP application ) . In this layer the data is collected to be

distributed and then sent to the distribution layer.

Distribution layer determines to whom should the data generated by

the application layer has to be distributed i.e. it is in the distribution

layer that the recipient is determined , the data is formatted or filtered

and then an actual is created.

Communication layer takes the responsibility of delivering the Idoc

to the receiving system and communicates to the receiving system via

tRFC , File ports , FTP or TCP/IP etc.

ALE uses IDoc as a vehicle to transfer data between two


Question 2: What is EDI ?

EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. It refers to the electronic

exchange of business data in a structured format between two

systems. The EDI subsystem generally converts the Idoc data into

one of the many EDI formats and generates an EDI file in an X12

format. The middleware then translates the X12 file to an IDOC format

and the IDOC is sent to the SAP system.

Question 3: What is an Idoc? What is IDoc Type? What is an

IDoc Extension ?

An IDoc (Intermediate document) is a vehicle that is used to transfer

data from one system to another.

IDoc is not a technology of some sort , but it is just a container

that holds data .

It holds data in a structured format i.e. in the Fields of the Segments.

IDoc Type vs. IDoc:

An IDoc Type is nothing but a collection of one or more structures

defined in a system with specific fields. It does not hold Data.

However, an IDoc is something that holds the values in the fields of

the structure defined by IDOC type.

The transaction code to view an IDoc type (Basic and extension)

is WE30.


These are all SAP standard Basic IDoc Types.

You can even have an IDoc extension in which you can use the

existing Basic IDoc type and add extra segments and fields to it.

Usually we extend an IDoc when the standard SAP IDoc type is not

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able to cater to the business process.

Question 4: What are the types of records in SAP ALE Idocs and

where is this information stored ?

There are three types of records in SAP ALE Idocs:

Control Records: Control record information for an IDoc is stored in

standard table EDIDC.

Data Records: Control record information for an IDoc is stored in

standard table EDIDD.

Status Records: Control record information for an IDoc is stored in

standard table EDIDS.

Question 5: What is an Idoc status? What are the different types of

Idoc statuses that you know ?

When an IDoc is sent from one system to another , it goes through

variuos stages.The IDoc status indicates the stage that the Idoc in

currently in.

There about 75 IDoc statuses.There is no way you can remember

those all .

Don’t even try to ! You will probably remember only those on which

you have worked .

But here are a few that you should know:

0-49 indicates an Outbound IDoc and 50-75 as Inbound IDoc.

01 IDoc generated

02 Error passing data to port

03 Data passed to port OK

51 Application document not posted

52 Application document not fully posted

53 Application document posted

Question 6: What is a Port ? What are the types of Ports ?

A port is a communication channel through which Messages can be

sent or received in SAP .

The sender and the receiver both specify the port through which they

will communicate.

The common port types are the TRFC Port and the File Port.

If both sender and receiver mention TRFC ports, data is exchanged via

RFC connections.

If however , a file port is mentioned , the IDOC is written in a flat file at

the specified location at the sender system.Then a FTP transfer

should be done from that location to the receiver system or a

Middleware that will send the file to the receiver system.

The transaction to maintain ports is WE21.

Question 7: What is a Message type and Idoc Type ? What is

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the difference between Message type and an IDoc type?

A Message type and an IDoc type are closely related . In fact, you will

find that a Message type is always associated with an IDoc

type.Whereas an IDoc type is a detailed version with all the segments

and fields , a Message type is used just to specify the kind of

information that a system can send or receive to or from another


So If system SAP1 has a Partner Profile where it

specifies MATMAS as an outbound message type , it just means that

SAP1 can send material master data to say system SAP2.

If system SAP1 has a Partner Profile where it specifies MATMAS as

an inbound message type , it just means that SAP1 can receive

material master data from say system SAP2.

What all fields can be sent and received will be specified in the IDoc


Some other message types: DEBMAS(

Customers), CREMAS(Vendors) belong to the Master data.

The link between a message Type and an IDoc type is maintained in

Tcode WE82.

Question 8: What is a partner profile ? What are the types of partner

profiles ?

To be able to communicate with a partner via an IDoc interface, each

system needs to maintain a partner profile. A partner profile is a

mechanism by which the system can specify what kind of messages

(message types) it can send or receive.

Partner profiles can be maintained in WE20.

Question 9: What is a distribution model in ALE IDocs ?

The distribution model describes how ALE messages flow between

different logical systems.

You can mention the sender and receiver logical systems, the

message type to be distributed and also distribute data(IDocs) based

on certain conditions by using the distribution model.

The ALE layer uses the distribution model to control which

systems will receive the information(IDocs) and also filter the data

based on certain conditions.

Distribution Models can be created and maintained in

transaction BD64.

Question 10: What are process codes ?

I don’t want to make this post too big . So, I will stop here for the time


More interview questions on ALE IDocs :

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Question 11:How do you read data from an IDoc in a program ?

Question 12:How do you send Idoc from a program ?

Question 13:How do you achieve filtering in a distribution model ?

Question 14:Can I create a flat file from an IDOC ? If Yes , How ?

Question 15:You want to create and send an IDOC to another the

moment a PO is created in your system . How will you

achieve this ?

Question 16:How to Reprocess Idocs in SAP?

Question 17:What is a change Pointer?

Question 18:What is serialization of Idocs?

Question 19:Important tcodes in ALE Idocs.

Question 20:Important programs in ALE Idocs:

BDC Interview Questions

What is BDC and why do we use BDC ?

BDC ( Batch Data Communication ) also known as batch input is a

technique by which large volumes of data can be transferred from Non

Sap or Legacy systems to SAP systems.


Example: A Legacy system that is to be replaced by SAP has say

1000 Customers , 2000 vendors and 3000 materials. All this data

needs to be transferred to SAP . In such cases , We can use BDC.

If the old system is replaced by SAP, such a transfer is

called Conversion.

If the old system runs along with SAP, in that case the transfer is

called an Interface.

The two methods for BDC are:

Session Method


CALL DIALOG (Outdated)

ABAP interview questions on BDC:Important:

Question 1:What is the difference between Call Transaction

Method and the Session method ?

Session Method Call Transaction

Session method id generally

used when the data volume is


Call transaction method is when

the data volume is low

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Session method is slow as

compared to Call transaction.

Call Transaction method is

relatively faster than Session


SAP Database is updated when

you process the sessions. You

need to process the sessions

separately via SM35.

SAP Database is updated

during the execution of the

batch input program.

Errors are automatically handled

during the processing of the

batch input session.

Errors should be handled in the

batch input program.


Question 2: How do you do BDC for a table control?With other

things as usual, there is a special trick that you have to use while

doing BDC for table control.

You need to use the BDC OKCODE ‘=P+’.

Its the BCD_OKCODE for Page down that can be used for scrolling

down in table control.


Question3: Is there any method apart from BDC for data upload

to SAP?Apart from BDC and LSMW, you can use BAPIs to upload

data into SAP.

BAPIs should be preferred over BDCs, because they process data

faster than BDC.

A BAPI is faster since it updates Database “directly”. Whereas BDC

calls transaction and goes through the whole screen sequence as any

user would do.


BAPI is faster than BDC. BDC is relatively slower than


BAPI directly updates


BDC goes through all the

screens as a normal user would

do and hence it is slower.

No such processing options are

available in BAPI.

Background and Foreground

processing options are available

for BDC.

BAPI would generally used for

small data uploads.

BDCs would be preferred for

large volumes of data upload

since background processing

option is available.

For processing errors, the

Return Parameters for BAPI

Errors can be processed in

SM35 for session method and in

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should be used.This parameter

returns exception messages or

success messages to the

calling program.

the batch input program for Call

Transaction method.

Question 4: How do you process errors in Call Transaction

method ?

Let’s have a look at the syntax for CALL TRANSACTION method.

Sample code:









All the error messages will be trapped inside G_T_MESSTAB.

Question 5: What is the use of program RSBDCSUB?

There are two ways to process the BDC sessions:

1) Go to SM35 —> Choose session —> hit process.

Now See Question no. 10.

2) Use program RSBDCSUB.

RSBDCSUB schedules the session to be processed in background.

Let’s take an example to understand this.

The sessions are created at one point of time and processed at other

point of time and this may create a problem: For example: a BDC

program creates a session for updating 1500 customers in SAP.

However , before this session is processed via SM35 , a user inserts

100 customers in the system manually. In this case , the session will

have at least 100 errors when the session is processed from SM35.

One way to avoid this is to use the program “RSBDCSUB” in the

batch input program itself so that the session is processed as soon

as it is created.

RSBDCSUB schedules the session to be processed in background.

Question 6: What is the structure of the BDC table?The BDCDATA

consists of the following fields:

§ PROGRAM [CHAR 40] – Online program name.

§ DYNPRO [NUMC 4] – Screen number.

§ DYNBEGIN [CHAR 1] – Flag to indicate the start of a new screen.

§ FNAM [CHAR 132] – Field name of a screen field to be filled with


§ FVAL [CHAR 132] – The actual value to be filled into the specified

screen field.

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Sample Screenshot:

BDCDATA table structure

Question 7: What is the difference between BDC_OKCODE and


BDC_OKCODE: is used for storing commands during the recording.

like ‘/00′ is the command for ‘ENTER’ Key.

BDC_CURSOR: contains the cursor position. it contians the field in

which cursor will be.

Example code:

perform bdc_field using ‘BDC_CURSOR’


perform bdc_field using ‘BDC_OKCODE’


Question 8: What are the 3 methods that we use in sequence in

a Batch input session method ?

1) BDC_OPEN_GROUP for opening the Batch Input Session

2) BDC_INSERT for inserting the transactional data into SAP

3) BDC_CLOSE_GROUP for closing the Batch Input Session

If there are n records , the BDC_INSERT method should be called n


BDC_OPEN_GROUP and BDC_CLOSE_GROUP are called only


General Information about a session is stored in table APQI.

Transaction data for a session is stored in table APQD.

Question 9: What is your approach for writing a BDC program?

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Identify the Tcode and do the recording in SHDB to populate the


Once the recording is done , one can Transfer it to the Batch input


In the batch Input program , The transactional data is read from the file

to an internal table.

Then one can loop over the transactional data in the internal table and

start uploading the data in SAP either by CALL TRANSACTION

method or by creating sessions through the batch input program.

Question 10: How do you process errors in Session method ?

You can go to Transaction SM35 , Choose the session name and

click on Process.

Question 11: What are the different modes of processing batch

input sessions?

The three modes are:


Display Errors Only


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Question 12: What is the difference between Synchronous and

Asynchronous Update ?

In Synchronous update , the database is updated before the next

transaction is taken for processing in a batch input.

In Asynchronous update , the system doesn’t wait for updating the

database before the next transaction is taken for processing in a

batch input.

Question 13: What is the transaction for Recording BDC ?

The Tcode is SHDB.

Question 14: How do you read files from the Application

server ?

You can use the commands:

OPEN DATASET —> opens the file(dataset) either in read /write


READ DATASET —> Read the file

CLOSE DATASET —> Close the dataset once the date has been

read .

Question 15: How do you read files from the presentation

server ?

You can use the Function Modules :

GUI_UPLOAD –> To read data from file into an internal table

GUI_DOWNLOAD –> To write data from internal table to a file on

presentation server

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