santa fe naacp summer 2010 newsletter

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  • 8/8/2019 Santa Fe NAACP Summer 2010 Newsletter


    P.O. Box 15692 ~ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592-15692 (505) 424-6100

    President Carol Johnson Secretary Cynthia Geder

    1st V. President Wanda Ross Padilla Treasurer Christine Johnson

    2nd V. President Agnes Moses

    Summer 2010

    Presidents Letter- Carol Johnson

    2010 is an election year for Branch officers. A nominating committee will be appointed at September 14,

    2010, 7:00 pm General Membership meeting at St. Bedes Episcopal Church. Anyone who has been a

    member of the branch for at least 30 days can be appointed to the nominating committee. The nominating

    committee will identify candidates for Executive Committee Members At-Large, President, First Vice

    President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer Any

    member in good standing as of April 1st and lives and/or works within the branch jurisdiction is eligible to

    run for office in branch elections.

    Self-nominations are welcome. Please consider actively participating in the leadership of the Santa Fe

    NAACP. The nominating committee will submit a report in writing of nominees at the October 12, 2010

    meeting. Also at the October meeting, an Election Supervisory Committee will be elected. The election ofofficers will be held at the November 9, 2010, 7:00 pm General Branch Membership meeting. Anyone who

    has been a member of the branch for at least 30 days prior to the November 9 election is eligible to vote.

    Absentee or proxy votes are not allowed.

    The struggle continues. We must be vigilant and continue to work together to ensure

    equality for all while celebrating our diversity. Thank you for your dedication to mission

    of the NAACP. Check the webpage, HTTP:///NAACPSFNm.BLOGSPOT.COM, for

    meeting topics and activities. I hope to see you soon.

    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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    One Nation Marching for One Dream

    ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER is a multi-racial, civil and human rights movement. Our mission is to

    reorder our nations priorities to invest in our most valuable resource our people -- because we believe

    everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve the American Dream a secure job, a safe home, and a

    quality education.

    ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER believes in an economy that works for all. We believe in good jobs, fa

    jobs, safe jobs, and more jobs. We believe in repairing our immigration system and reforming Wall Street

    We want everyone in America to have the opportunity to contribute and strengthen our country.

    In this time of economic crisis, it is easy to find convenient scapegoats for the problems that plague us.

    ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER seeks to transcend our superficial differences and bring us together in

    a common quest for equal opportunity and justice for all.

    During this economic downturn, banks and corporate lobbyists have made off with trillions of public dollar

    while small businesses cant get loans and cities are laying off teachers, police, and firefighters.

    We must find solutions that are concrete, enact new policies that take into account how this country

    is changing. We are demanding the change we voted for. But obstructionists in Congress are blocking

    legislation and impeding good governance. America deserves better!

    We are going to small towns, big cities, conferences, town hall meetings, marches and rallies to promote

    united civil, labor, and human rights movement throughout the country. On October 2nd, we will march in

    Washington, DC to set our countrys priorities on the right track.

    ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER is about reinvigorating voters to demand the change we voted for.

    Keeping the electorate engaged will only strengthen our democracy and make America a better place.

    ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER is about preparing our children for the future. We want to rally aroundthis countrys greatness and set our path in the right direction.

    ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER is about motivating and mobilizing voters across the country to

    finish the job we began in 2008. Through our organized, collective power, we will use the ballot box to

    secure the American Dream for everyone and ensure that our elected officials invest in our most valuable

    resource - Our People.

    For more information go to


    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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    New Mexico State Conference of NAACP Branches

    The Annual Conference of the New Mexico State Conference of NAACP Branches will be held October

    29-30, 2010 at the Ramada Palms Hotel in Las Cruces. The theme for the Conference is NAACP: One

    Nation, One Dream. There will be national, state and local speakers. Workshops on the following topics

    are being planned: Education, Criminal Justice, Health, Reverse Mortgages, Membership and Youth.

    There will be activities specifically for youth. It should be a great time to learn more about NAACP

    and meet people from around New Mexico. For more information check out our webpage at HTTP://

    NAACPSFNM.BLOGSPOT.COM or send email to [email protected].~

    Poll Workers Needed for November 2010 Election

    The Santa Fe County Bureau of Elections is in need of poll workers for the November 2, 2010 General

    Election. It is a long day - 6:00 am until 8:00 pm or so. Poll workers do get paid $120.00 for the day

    for Clerks and Judges and $150.00 per day for Presiding Judges. More than the money there is the

    satisfaction that you have done your civic duty in carrying out one of the most essential functions of our

    Democracy conducting a free and fair election. Poll workers are needed for this election more than

    ever since PERA (state, county and city) retirees will not be able to work the poll with out giving up onemonths retirement pay. Many PERA retirees have worked the poll in the past. Efforts are underway to

    amend the legislation on double dipping to exempt poll workers during the 2011 legislative session but

    nothing can be done in time for this election. Please consider working the poll on November 2 , 2010. For

    more information contact the Santa Fe County Clerks Office at (505) 986-6379


    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010
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    A celebration of Juneteenth was June 19, 2010 at St Bedes Episcopal. It was a great sharing of food

    and friendship. For the last 2 years, the Office of African American Affairs through the New Mexico State

    Conference of NAACP Branches has provided funds to Branches who have had Juneteenth celebrations.

    The Branch has been discussing sponsoring a citywide Juneteenth celebration at the Railyard Park in

    2011. This would be a large undertaking but could give us exposure in the community and build greater

    cooperation among all members of the Santa Fe community. If we want to do this, we must start nowand need interested individuals with experience planning big events to come forward. If that is you or you

    know someone, contact us at [email protected].


    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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    NAACP Youth Council

    Now that school is starting, we need to identify young people to reestablish our youth council. To be a

    Branch in good standing, we need to have an active youth council with at least 25 members. For years ou

    youth council was very active and accomplished many things including awards at the local and national

    ACT-SO competitions; travel to state, regional and national NAACP conferences. Two of our youth council

    members received Gates Millennium Scholarships in 2009. If you know of any young people who might be

    interested in joining the youth council, please let us know at [email protected].

    Any age birth to 18 (25 if in school) can be a youth member. For the youth council, we are thinking of

    focusing on middle and high school students but are willing to consider other suggestions.


    Santa Fe Branch Participates in Con Alma Health Foundation Statewide Health Care

    Disparities Focus Group

    Our regular August 10, 2010 meeting was dedicated to a Focus Group sponsored by the Con Alma Health

    Foundation. The Foundation is the states largest health foundation, which offers grants to non-profit

    groups around the state. It was an honor for our branch to be one of the 12 focus groups conducted

    statewide. The purpose of the Focus Group is to provide the staff and Board of Con Alma input for theupcoming grant cycles..priorities for healthcare in our community and our vision of a healthy community

    Wanda Ross Padilla, M.ED, DPA member of the Community Advisory Board of Con Alma and Doris Fields,

    PH.D, our Branch Health Committee Chair facilitated the Focus Group.

    Participation was lively and substantive. Our note taker was Vikki Scott. Our comments will be a part

    of an overall report, which will be posted on Con Almas website in the near future (

    Thanks to all who attended and participated!

    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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    My View: How Many Dr. Lauras Are Out there? - Wanda Ross PadillaPublished in the Santa Fe New Mexican; Sunday, August 22, 2010

    As an African American woman who married outside of my race (my husband is half Irish/Spanish), this

    particular situation cut deep into my soul and re-stimulated a lot of reminders of my days growing up in

    the south. I am speaking particularly of the Miz Anns I encountered. To those of you not familiar with

    that particular term, it is the female equivalent to a white male being called the man or Mr. Charlie.Most African Americans of my generation and background know what these terms mean immediately

    when you say them. They know the profile of a Miz Ann and Mr. Charlie. We can now add the profile

    of Dr. Laura to this description, when her name is spoken from now on, you will know what I am talking


    Id like to share with you how I found our about the Dr. Laura statement. I was in my car on the way

    to my bank when my favorite radio talk show host (Randi Rhodes---who happens to be a white female

    by the way, so not ALL White women are Miz Anns). Randi was ranting about Dr. Lauras response to a

    Black woman who had called in stating that she was beginning to resent her husband for not standing

    up for her when they were in the company of family and friends of theirs who were White and racist

    remarks were made. Well, Miz Ann (I mean Dr. Laura) went on to berate the woman and called her tosensitive and proceeded to say the n-word 11 times on national radio! I was stunned, speechless and

    caught totally off guard. When I got into the bank, my cell phone rang, it was my insightful and brilliant

    son who said to me, Ma, did you hear what Dr. Laura said? I responded to him I had just heard it and

    was still in a state of shock.

    After, I calmed down a bit, I e-mailed my son and reminded him about the Miz Ann syndrome Id spoken

    to him about, particularly when he had a white woman boss who fit this profile. In my e-mail to him

    I told him I hope I wrong about this, but Dr. Laura will stay on the air. There are many Dr. Lauras

    (male & female) out there who will support her. I wrote to him that Dr. Laura is the typical, unaware,

    insensitive, ignorant, silly, arrogant, elitist, unconscious, elitist Miz Ann type, overtly in the South,

    more subtle in other parts of our nation. Remember the silly white woman portrayed in Color Purple

    when she was being taught how to drive by a Black woman? That is the most blatant example that come

    to mind. Well, you get the point. Thank God I was wrong on this one! Dr. Laura, because of what I

    believe was pressure from her shows sponsors, is resigning from the airways. Again, I was in state of

    shockbut this time, pleasant shock. Dr. Lauras deep-seated racist mindset was not missed nor was

    it overlooked. Dr. Laura further dug her professional grave deeper by acting like she was victimbeing

    deprived of her right of free speech. Imagine that? Watch out Sarah may lose your

    status as the #1 Miz Ann of America!

    Well, God bless America! Now is the time! May all the Miz Anns and Mr. Charlies please stand up!

    We (African Americans) know who you are; do you know who you are? One of the best ways to begin to

    heal is to admit you have a problem. Perhaps in the manner of AA .if this article triggers guilt, horror,

    embarrassment, defensiveness, anger, anxiety or confusion in you, maybe it is time for you to go beforea group of supportive folks and say I am a racist. Lets begin to dialogue, lets begin to examine our

    beliefs. This will truly help to uproot racism in this wonderful country of ours. Yes, this is the first step.

    Now is the time for healing, not denial.


    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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    Santa Fe Branch Election

    Nominate & Vote!

    2010 is an election year for the NAACP branches.

    ANominating Committee

    must be elected at the September 14, 2010 Santa Febranch General Membership Meeting at 7:00pm at St. Bedes Episcopal Church, 1601 St

    Francis Drive at W. San Mateo.

    The first meeting of the Nominating Committee must be held no later than 10 days after

    its election.

    The Nominating Committee must present a report at the October 12, 2010 General

    Membership Meeting of the Santa Fe branch; additional nominations by petition may be

    made at that time.

    The election is to be held at the November 9, 2010 General Membership Meeting.

    The following officers are to be elected:


    Vice President(s),



    and Executive Committee Members.

    Anyone whose membership is current as of 180 days prior to the date of nominations

    and lives and/or works within the branchs jurisdiction may be nominated for any office.

    Self-nominations are welcome.~

    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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    Join Us!

    Adult: Annual membership $30.00

    (includes subscription to The Crisis

    Or Life Membership $750.00

    (payable in 10 annual installments of $75.00 or more)

    Child < 13 years: Annual rate $15.00 with Crisis subscription or $10.00 without CrisisJr. Life (duration until age 13) $100.00 (payable in four annual installments of $25.00 or more)

    Youth 14-17 years: Annual rate $15.00 with Crisis subscription or $10.00 without Crisis

    Teen Life (duration age 14-17) $250.00 payable in five annual installments of $50.00 or more)

    Extra Donation $ ______________

    Please identify youth / adult status:



    MAILING ADDRESS:___________________



    Email: _______________________________

    I am interested in participating on the following committee(s):

    ( ) Civic Engagement ( ) Political Action

    ( ) Armed Services and Veterans Affair

    ( ) Legal Redress ( )Criminal Justice

    ( ) International Affairs/Immigration

    ( ) Economic Empowerment ( ) Housing

    ( ) Economic Development

    ( ) Labor & Industry ( ) Education

    ( ) Health ( ) Membership ( ) Youth Work

    ( ) Press & Publicity ( ) Religious Affairs

    ( ) MLK Day ( ) Juneteenth

    ( ) Soul Food Event

    ( ) Newsletter ( )Webpage

    ( )Other (specify)

    Help Wanted! The Santa Fe Branch NAACP is looking for a Newsletter & Website editor.

    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010

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    2010 General Elections - Ask the Candidates

    Santa Fe NAACP is partnering with the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County and the

    American Association of University Women in sponsoring forums to educate the public for the 2010general election. Santa Fe NAACP is taking the lead in planning the Congressional District 3 Forum with

    candidates Ben Ray Lujan and Tom Mullins. It has been scheduled for Sunday, September 26 th from

    3:00 to 5:00 PM. The location has not been confirmed. Bob Moses is our contact person. Gubernatorial

    and State Representative Forums are being planned. Watch media for more information as it becomes

    available. Come out and ask candidates how if elected they will address what is important to you.


    Santa Fe Branch NAACP ~ Spring 2010