sant magÍ tarragona 2020 · magí de les timbales, a concert of sardana dancing and cobla music....

FESTIVAL OF SANT MAGÍ MONDAY 17 AUGUST 12:00, from an undisclosed point in the city. Opening Cannon- ade and tribute. Today, as a one-off extraordinary occasion, a cannonade will announce the opening of the official Festival of Sant Magí 2020. It will be preceded by the firing of 21 firework salvos to honour the memory of the victims of COVID-19 and to thank all the social and professional collectives who worked so hard to minimise its impact. The company Pirotècnia Catalana from Vimbodí (Conca de Barberà) will be responsible for the salvoes and the cannonade. 14:00, after a long day’s trek from La Brufaganya, (chapel in the region of Conca de Barberà) the holy water of Sant Magí reaches the city. This year els portants de l’aigua de Sant Magí ( Water Bearers) have had to change the traditional descent with horses and carts into a descent in a vintage vehicle, rem- iniscent of the descents of the 1960s and 1970s. Thank you, portants! 19:30, Plaça de la Mitja lluna, St John the Baptist’s church. XXXI Festival of Sant Magí of the Ateneu de Tarragona. A music festival and sung mass with the performance of artists, singers and local clubs. The festival closes with a performance by the Havaneres de Barca group of the Ateneu de Tarragona. Audience numbers are limited to the capacity of the church. The use of face masks is compulsory. 21:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Ara Malikian in concert. Tickets on sale at at 42 plus ad- ministration fee. TUESDAY 18 AUGUST 13:00, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Barraquer, s/n. Concert by Soul Fury (Tarragona/Catalonia), Rock, Soul and Blues cover versions. Places are limited; advance invitation required from: entrades@ – Doors open 20 minutes before the con- cert. The use of face masks is compulsory. 19:15, bell-tower of the Cathedral, Special pealing of the bells to celebrate the city’s liberation from the French army. 20:30, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Bar- raquer, s/n. 21st Festival of the Musicians’ Association of Tar- ragona, Capsa Music Festival. Medusa (Camp de Tarragona/ Catalonia) Signature jazz Limited places, advance invitation required from: [email protected] – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert – Right of admission reserved The use of face masks is compulsory. Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association 21:40, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Bar- raquer, s/n. Continuation of the 21st Festival of the Musicians’ Association of Tarragona, Capsa Music Festival, with Maria Jaume Martorell (Mallorca–Balearic Islands) Singer-songwriter of intimate folk melodies. Places are limited, advance invitation required from: [email protected] – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert. Right of admission reserved. The use of face masks is compulsory. Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association 22:50, Antiga Tabacalera/Capsa de Música, Av. Vidal i Bar- raquer, s/n. Continuation of the 21st Festival of the Musicians’ As- sociation of Tarragona, Capsa Music Festival, now with the Quico Pi de la Serra trio (Barcelona/Catalonia) Combat songs. Places are limited, advance invitation required from: entrades@capsade- – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert. Right of admission reserved. The use of face masks is compulsory. Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association 0:50, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Bar- raquer, s/n. 21st Festival of the Musicians’ Association of Tar- ragona, Capsa Music Festival, with the Guillem Anguera duo (Camp de Tarragona/Catalonia) World Music. Places are limit- ed, advance invitation required from: entrades@capsademusi- – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert – Right of admission reserved. The use of face masks is compulsory. Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST. DAY OF SANT MAGÍ 07:00, from various points in the city. Matinades performed by local groups playing the gralla, a traditional Catalan wind instrument. 10:00 to 20:00, Portal del Carro. Opening of the Portal del Carro to allow local residents to make their traditional visit to the epicentre of the celebrations. Access is via Carrer de l’Arc de Sant Llorenç only. The only exit is via Carrer de l’Escorxador. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Please fol- low the organisation’s instructions. 18:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. The Cobla Reus Jove band, conducted by Maestro Miquel Massana, presents: El Magí de les Timbales, a concert of sardana dancing and cobla music. Advance booking essential by obtaining an invitation from Doors open 30 minutes before the show. The use of face masks is compulsory. 19:00, Antiga Audiència, pl. del Pallol, 3. Sant Magí 40. The Jove Xiquets colla (human tower building team) from Tarragona presents a video documentary that compiles the best human towers and performances by the lilac-shirted team, from their very first performance in Tarragona on 19 August 1980 through to the present day. At the end there will be a short talk about this special anniversary. It can be attended in person although seats are limited. Registration at [email protected], or you can attend virtually via the Facebook and YouTube pages of Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona 20:00, from an undisclosed point in the city. Closing Cannon- ade of the Festival of Sant Magí 2020. The salvo of honour and cannonade will be performed by the firework company Estalel- la, from Viladecans (Baix Llobregat). SANT MAGÍ TARRAGONA / 2020 FROM 17th TO 19th AUGUST THIS SANT MAGÍ FESTIVITY PROGRAMME AIMS AT DRAWING CITY VISITORS AND TOURISTS CLOSER TO THIS GREAT EVENT. THE PROGRAMME INCLUDES DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE FESTIVITY, HOWEVER NOT ALL SANT MAGÍ EVENTS ARE LISTED BELOW, ONLY THE MOST REPRESENTATIVE ONES. PRELIMINARY EVENTS MONDAY 10 AUGUST 20:00, Sant Llorenç’s church. Mass of Sant Llorenç. Solemn ser- vice in honour of St Llorenç. The mass will include liturgical sing- ing by the Ancora Choir, conducted by Sílvia Virgili. This will be followed by a blessing and the distribution of basil among the congregation. THURSDAY 13 AUGUST 20:00 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Inaugural show. This year we have the pleasure to present a cabaret show fea- turing five local artists performing an array of different artistic disciplines such as the vertical rope, the Cyr wheel, pole art and more. The performers are Maria Cavagnero, Elena Llaó, Mila Martínez, Elia Pérez and Mateo, interspersed with acts by clown Cris Oller. Places limited. The use of face masks is com- pulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at www. 21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The gardens of Camp de Mart will once again provide a meeting place where we can sit down together and enjoy an al fresco dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by ad- vance registration only (places limited) at With the collaboration of: Cooperation Department of Tarrag- ona City Council 22:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Second session of the inaugural show. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at FRIDAY 14 AUGUST 11:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Eduard Costa, Poetry in Song. Eduard Costa (a former member of Els Amics de les Arts) brings us his songs from the album L’Últim Indi with a nod towards the younger members of the audience! Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at 12:00 and 18:00, Central and Torreforta Municipal Markets, until 20:00, the most socially conscious Sindriada (water melon festival). Join the #AlimentsAmbCor (Food with a Heart) campaign by buying Sandía Fashion watermelon slices at just 50 cents each. The takings will be used to buy fresh produce in the markets of Tarragona for the city’s most disadvantaged families. 20:45 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Xirigota femeni- na: Ahora que estamos tan a gustito (Female satirical choral group) Afterwards, Oscárboles will present his latest album, In- dulto, which features special collaborations with El Kanka and El Niño de la Hipoteca. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at 21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by advance regis- tration only (places limited) at 23:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Concert by Las- ta Sanco. Lasta Sanco present their latest album, Elonga Ya Ngo, which touches on everyday triumphs, exile, social trans- formation and respect for the Earth. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registra- tion only at SATURDAY 15 AUGUST 10:00, Carreró de Sant Magí. L’Enramada (The Canopy of Branches). The decorating with flower garlands, branches and leaves of the arch that covers the entrance to Carreró de Sant Magí and shields the little chapel of the city’s patron saint is a simple, modest affair. The Moixiganga association works the branches and garlands collaboratively to adorn the festival with colour and fragrance, in addition to decorations made by the local children. 11:00, Arrabassada Beach. 62nd Competition of Sand Castles and Sculptures. Advance registration is essential to take part in the competition. Information and registration at clubmaginet. [email protected]. The organization will ensure that current health and safety conditions are strictly adhered to. 11:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Experiential Fo- rum: Mantras and songs for peace. In this concert/workshop, Shaman Laika (with Raffa Martínez on percussion and vocals and Olga Pes on guitar) accompany a session of meditation and connection with your inner self. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registra- tion only at 11:30, Miracle Beach, at the point closest to Punta del Miracle. Start of the XI Crossing of Rafts and Naval Battle. You can find more detailed information on the website. This activity is only available with advance registration (places are limited). Registration at [email protected] and www. 18:00 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Neønymus. An interactive family concert which, through music, fantasy, tech- nology and an array of unusual recycled instruments, relates the amazing Invented history of invented music, which ranges from prehistory through to the present day. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at 20:45 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Tornavís Thea- tre: Generations. As part of the events marking the company’s tenth anniversary, Tornavís Theatre will be putting on a multi- disciplinary show featuring theatre, poetry, dance, live mu- sic and the plastic arts. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at 21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by advance regis- tration only (places limited) at 21:00, Mediterranean Ring. ELS40 Auto-tour. ELS40 guaran- tees an evening full of fun, featuring all the greatest hits of the leading radio station in Catalonia in full compliance with all the current COVID-19 safety and distancing regulations. People should come to the event in their own vehicles. There will be a special light and sound show featuring car lights and horns! Admission by invitation only from ELS40. 23:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Concert by Toc Toc Birds. This new musical project from Camp de Tarragona consists of a DJ (Skut), MC (Dolor García), drummer (Topata), bass player (Artemi) and guitarist (Aco), all with a wealth of experience behind them. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at SUNDAY 16 AUGUST 11:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Mambes: Sing- ing with the hands. This combination of music, dance and po- etry using sign language is a unique and ingenious concept. Followed by Canelo and La Xinxeta. Canelo and La Xinxeta are two characters who have been travelling together for years in search of a circus tent in which to realize their dream: to be cir- cus artists. But something always happens to make them forget what they were looking for. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at 19:30, Devil’s Bridge Eco-History Park. Pandemònium presents The Devil’s Music, with Maurici Gené and Adrià Salvador. The cycle kicks off with a genuine first: two of our finest bearded musicians, fans of pop, folk and Americana, will be sharing the stage and singing together for the first time. Free concert; advance booking required. Information and bookings: visites@ With the collaboration of: Tarragona City Council 20:45 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Concert by El Pony Pisador. Presenting their second album, Matricular una galera, which takes a journey around the world through seafar- ing music and folk melodies, with sound effects and influences that range from swing to havaneres (sea shanties), not forget- ting Bulgarian dances and heavy metal! Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance regis- tration only at 21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by advance regis- tration only (places limited) at EN DISTRIBUTION POINTS OF THE BLESSED WATER OF SANT MAGÍ, JUGS, FLAGONS AND BASIL FRONDS 18 August, from 17:00 to 20:00, and 19 August from 10:00 to 14:00 - Plaça de la Pagesia - Plaça de la Font - Xiquets de Tarragona - Carrer del Cós del Bou - Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona - El Serrallo, Moll de Costa - Xiquets del Serrallo - Sant Pere i Sant Pau, Carrer A, s/n - Castellers de Sant Pere i Sant Pau - Bonavista, Plaça de la Font de Bonavista – Bonavista Neighbourhood Association - Pilar neighbourhood, Rambla del Pilar - Verge del Pilar i Eixample Neighbourhood Association, Progressista de Torreforta Neighbourhood Association, and Campclar – Sports Zone Neighbourhood Association MERCHANDISING - BANNER Published by: Portants de l’Aigua / Price: 7 POINTS OF SALE Ràdio Brey, Plaça de la Font, 49 Trofeus Badia, C/ Mossèn Salvador Ritort i Faus, 15 Fresa y Chocolate, C/ Antoni Rovira i Virgili, 11 El Lloro de la Negrita, C/ Governador González, 25 Fruites i Verdures Ton, C/ Florenci Vives, 6 - SCARF Published by: Ball de Bastons de Tarragona / Price: 5 POINTS OF SALE Ràdio Brey, Plaça de la Font, 49 Fresa y Chocolate, C/ Antoni Rovira i Virgili, 11 Casa Corderet, C/ Merceria, 17 El Lloro de la Negrita, C/ Governador González, 25 Tarragona Central Market, Plaça Corsini, s/n

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Post on 09-Aug-2020




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Page 1: SANT MAGÍ TARRAGONA 2020 · Magí de les Timbales, a concert of sardana dancing and cobla music. Advance booking essential by obtaining an invitation from Doors


12:00, from an undisclosed point in the city. Opening Cannon-ade and tribute. Today, as a one-off extraordinary occasion, a cannonade will announce the opening of the official Festival of Sant Magí 2020. It will be preceded by the firing of 21 firework salvos to honour the memory of the victims of COVID-19 and to thank all the social and professional collectives who worked so hard to minimise its impact. The company Pirotècnia Catalana from Vimbodí (Conca de Barberà) will be responsible for the salvoes and the cannonade.

14:00, after a long day’s trek from La Brufaganya, (chapel in the region of Conca de Barberà) the holy water of Sant Magí reaches the city. This year els portants de l’aigua de Sant Magí ( Water Bearers) have had to change the traditional descent with horses and carts into a descent in a vintage vehicle, rem-iniscent of the descents of the 1960s and 1970s. Thank you, portants!

19:30, Plaça de la Mitja lluna, St John the Baptist’s church. XXXI Festival of Sant Magí of the Ateneu de Tarragona. A music festival and sung mass with the performance of artists, singers and local clubs. The festival closes with a performance by the Havaneres de Barca group of the Ateneu de Tarragona. Audience numbers are limited to the capacity of the church. The use of face masks is compulsory.

21:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Ara Malikian in concert. Tickets on sale at at €42 plus ad-ministration fee.


13:00, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Barraquer, s/n. Concert by Soul Fury (Tarragona/Catalonia), Rock, Soul and Blues cover versions.Places are limited; advance invitation required from: [email protected] – Doors open 20 minutes before the con-cert. The use of face masks is compulsory.

19:15, bell-tower of the Cathedral, Special pealing of the bells to celebrate the city’s liberation from the French army.

20:30, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Bar-raquer, s/n. 21st Festival of the Musicians’ Association of Tar-ragona, Capsa Music Festival. Medusa (Camp de Tarragona/Catalonia) Signature jazz Limited places, advance invitation required from: [email protected] – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert – Right of admission reserved The use of face masks is compulsory.Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association

21:40, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Bar-raquer, s/n. Continuation of the 21st Festival of the Musicians’ Association of Tarragona, Capsa Music Festival, with Maria Jaume Martorell (Mallorca–Balearic Islands) Singer-songwriter of intimate folk melodies. Places are limited, advance invitation

required from: [email protected] – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert. Right of admission reserved. The use of face masks is compulsory.Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association

22:50, Antiga Tabacalera/Capsa de Música, Av. Vidal i Bar-raquer, s/n. Continuation of the 21st Festival of the Musicians’ As-sociation of Tarragona, Capsa Music Festival, now with the Quico Pi de la Serra trio (Barcelona/Catalonia) Combat songs. Places are limited, advance invitation required from: [email protected] – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert. Right of admission reserved. The use of face masks is compulsory.Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association

0:50, Antiga Tabacalera / Capsa de Música, av. Vidal i Bar-raquer, s/n. 21st Festival of the Musicians’ Association of Tar-ragona, Capsa Music Festival, with the Guillem Anguera duo (Camp de Tarragona/Catalonia) World Music. Places are limit-ed, advance invitation required from: [email protected] – Doors open 20 minutes before each concert – Right of admission reserved. The use of face masks is compulsory.Organized by: Tarragona Musicians’ Association


07:00, from various points in the city. Matinades performed by local groups playing the gralla, a traditional Catalan wind instrument.

10:00 to 20:00, Portal del Carro. Opening of the Portal del Carro to allow local residents to make their traditional visit to the epicentre of the celebrations. Access is via Carrer de l’Arc de Sant Llorenç only. The only exit is via Carrer de l’Escorxador. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Please fol-low the organisation’s instructions.

18:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. The Cobla Reus Jove band, conducted by Maestro Miquel Massana, presents: El Magí de les Timbales, a concert of sardana dancing and cobla music. Advance booking essential by obtaining an invitation from Doors open 30 minutes before the show. The use of face masks is compulsory.

19:00, Antiga Audiència, pl. del Pallol, 3. Sant Magí 40. The Jove Xiquets colla (human tower building team) from Tarragona presents a video documentary that compiles the best human towers and performances by the lilac-shirted team, from their very first performance in Tarragona on 19 August 1980 through to the present day. At the end there will be a short talk about this special anniversary. It can be attended in person although seats are limited. Registration at [email protected], or you can attend virtually via the Facebook and YouTube pages of Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona

20:00, from an undisclosed point in the city. Closing Cannon-ade of the Festival of Sant Magí 2020. The salvo of honour and cannonade will be performed by the firework company Estalel-la, from Viladecans (Baix Llobregat).



20:00, Sant Llorenç’s church. Mass of Sant Llorenç. Solemn ser-vice in honour of St Llorenç. The mass will include liturgical sing-ing by the Ancora Choir, conducted by Sílvia Virgili. This will be followed by a blessing and the distribution of basil among the congregation.


20:00 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Inaugural show. This year we have the pleasure to present a cabaret show fea-turing five local artists performing an array of different artistic disciplines such as the vertical rope, the Cyr wheel, pole art and more. The performers are Maria Cavagnero, Elena Llaó, Mila Martínez, Elia Pérez and Mateo, interspersed with acts by clown Cris Oller. Places limited. The use of face masks is com-pulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at

21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The gardens of Camp de Mart will once again provide a meeting place where we can sit down together and enjoy an al fresco dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by ad-vance registration only (places limited) at the collaboration of: Cooperation Department of Tarrag-ona City Council

22:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Second session of the inaugural show. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at


11:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Eduard Costa, Poetry in Song. Eduard Costa (a former member of Els Amics de les Arts) brings us his songs from the album L’Últim Indi with a nod towards the younger members of the audience! Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at

12:00 and 18:00, Central and Torreforta Municipal Markets, until 20:00, the most socially conscious Sindriada (water melon festival). Join the #AlimentsAmbCor (Food with a Heart) campaign by buying Sandía Fashion watermelon slices at just 50 cents each. The takings will be used to buy fresh produce in the markets of Tarragona for the city’s most disadvantaged families.

20:45 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Xirigota femeni-na: Ahora que estamos tan a gustito (Female satirical choral group) Afterwards, Oscárboles will present his latest album, In-dulto, which features special collaborations with El Kanka and El Niño de la Hipoteca. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at

21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by advance regis-tration only (places limited) at

23:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Concert by Las-ta Sanco. Lasta Sanco present their latest album, Elonga Ya Ngo, which touches on everyday triumphs, exile, social trans-formation and respect for the Earth. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registra-tion only at


10:00, Carreró de Sant Magí. L’Enramada (The Canopy of Branches). The decorating with flower garlands, branches and leaves of the arch that covers the entrance to Carreró de Sant Magí and shields the little chapel of the city’s patron saint is a simple, modest affair. The Moixiganga association works the branches and garlands collaboratively to adorn the festival with colour and fragrance, in addition to decorations made by the local children.

11:00, Arrabassada Beach. 62nd Competition of Sand Castles and Sculptures. Advance registration is essential to take part in the competition. Information and registration at [email protected]. The organization will ensure that current health and safety conditions are strictly adhered to.

11:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Experiential Fo-rum: Mantras and songs for peace. In this concert/workshop, Shaman Laika (with Raffa Martínez on percussion and vocals and Olga Pes on guitar) accompany a session of meditation and connection with your inner self. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registra-tion only at

11:30, Miracle Beach, at the point closest to Punta del Miracle. Start of the XI Crossing of Rafts and Naval Battle. You can find more detailed information on the website. This activity is only available with advance registration (places are limited). Registration at [email protected] and

18:00 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Neønymus. An interactive family concert which, through music, fantasy, tech-nology and an array of unusual recycled instruments, relates the amazing Invented history of invented music, which ranges from prehistory through to the present day. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at

20:45 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Tornavís Thea-tre: Generations. As part of the events marking the company’s tenth anniversary, Tornavís Theatre will be putting on a multi-disciplinary show featuring theatre, poetry, dance, live mu-sic and the plastic arts. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at

21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by advance regis-tration only (places limited) at

21:00, Mediterranean Ring. ELS40 Auto-tour. ELS40 guaran-tees an evening full of fun, featuring all the greatest hits of the leading radio station in Catalonia in full compliance with all the current COVID-19 safety and distancing regulations. People should come to the event in their own vehicles. There will be a special light and sound show featuring car lights and horns! Admission by invitation only from ELS40.

23:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Concert by Toc Toc Birds. This new musical project from Camp de Tarragona consists of a DJ (Skut), MC (Dolor García), drummer (Topata), bass player (Artemi) and guitarist (Aco), all with a wealth of experience behind them. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at


11:30 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Mambes: Sing-ing with the hands. This combination of music, dance and po-etry using sign language is a unique and ingenious concept.

Followed by Canelo and La Xinxeta. Canelo and La Xinxeta are two characters who have been travelling together for years in search of a circus tent in which to realize their dream: to be cir-cus artists. But something always happens to make them forget what they were looking for. Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance registration only at

19:30, Devil’s Bridge Eco-History Park. Pandemònium presents The Devil’s Music, with Maurici Gené and Adrià Salvador. The cycle kicks off with a genuine first: two of our finest bearded musicians, fans of pop, folk and Americana, will be sharing the stage and singing together for the first time. Free concert; advance booking required. Information and bookings: [email protected].

With the collaboration of: Tarragona City Council

20:45 Camp de Mart Theatre and Auditorium. Concert by El Pony Pisador. Presenting their second album, Matricular una galera, which takes a journey around the world through seafar-ing music and folk melodies, with sound effects and influences that range from swing to havaneres (sea shanties), not forget-ting Bulgarian dances and heavy metal! Places limited. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission free by advance regis-tration only at

21:00, Camp de Mart gardens. Neighbourhood dinner. The use of face masks is compulsory. Admission by advance regis-tration only (places limited) at



18 August, from 17:00 to 20:00, and 19 August from 10:00 to 14:00

- Plaça de la Pagesia- Plaça de la Font - Xiquets de Tarragona- Carrer del Cós del Bou - Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona- El Serrallo, Moll de Costa - Xiquets del Serrallo- Sant Pere i Sant Pau, Carrer A, s/n - Castellers de Sant Pere i

Sant Pau- Bonavista, Plaça de la Font de Bonavista – Bonavista

Neighbourhood Association- Pilar neighbourhood, Rambla del Pilar - Verge del Pilar

i Eixample Neighbourhood Association, Progressista de Torreforta Neighbourhood Association, and Campclar – Sports Zone Neighbourhood Association


- BANNERPublished by: Portants de l’Aigua / Price: €7

POINTS OF SALERàdio Brey, Plaça de la Font, 49Trofeus Badia, C/ Mossèn Salvador Ritort i Faus, 15Fresa y Chocolate, C/ Antoni Rovira i Virgili, 11El Lloro de la Negrita, C/ Governador González, 25Fruites i Verdures Ton, C/ Florenci Vives, 6

- SCARFPublished by: Ball de Bastons de Tarragona / Price: €5

POINTS OF SALERàdio Brey, Plaça de la Font, 49Fresa y Chocolate, C/ Antoni Rovira i Virgili, 11Casa Corderet, C/ Merceria, 17El Lloro de la Negrita, C/ Governador González, 25Tarragona Central Market, Plaça Corsini, s/n