sanga yoga post-prototype investor deck

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Post on 15-May-2015



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This deck is Sanga Yoga's investor presentation - post prototype development


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answering the demandfor health & self-help via

The concept

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Make people feel good about themselves and associate that feeling with yoga

Ease them into the experience of yogaand provide products to meet their needs

Keep them within their elementby building relationships across media

Create pathways into the world of yoga by linking our products toyoga's many communities

Concept breakdown

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One of the fastest growing industries - both in users and per-user spending

18.3mAwaiting a gateway to ease them into yoga

15.8mActive consumers carry-over from aerobic culture

Americans extremelyinterested in Yoga34.1m

Market status

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$5.7bnThe Yoga market

15.8m active consumers

$360average spending

Average yoga class @ $15

Low consumer spending & 18.3m inactive consumers =unfulfilled demand for effective yoga products

These consumers are:highly educated & high earninghousehold income >$75k (44%), >$100k (24%)

average consumer attends less than once every two weeks


Market value

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Historically Yoga was an Eastern spiritual tradition with little market potential

Recently Yoga gained popularity in the West as an alternative form of exercise and spirituality

Currently As yoga replaces physically-intense workouts and commitment-intense spirituality it leaves unmet potential

SangaYoga “Sanga” (Community) Yoga engages unmet desire for low-intensity exercise with friendly western-compatible spirituality

Market approaches

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Enlighten Up!A movie about yoga

GaiaBeta phase online university of yoga and wellness courses for devotees

Deepak Chopra & Tara Stiles Authentic Yoga Apple iOS app with stills and voice-over

MyYogaOnline.comStreamed yoga videos Only for the technologically sophisticated & knowledgable consumer

The competition

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A gateway to yoga For people who want to feel fit but who don't fit into an "aerobi-fied" fitness culture

Product lines with continuity that connect friends and traditionsA gateway to community

Full-video app Customizable routines for all levels

Yoga as recreation Let people fall in love with yoga from the comfort of their couch

What’s missing

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Hello HeartThe first year’sseries about yoga

Centralized HubGenerating online networks for co-promotion with yoga providers and links to traditions

The AppFull-video, customizable yoga app

Hello Heart DVDThe first series' yoga session DVD

Our solutions

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Docu/Reality The Hello Heart web-based pilot introduces themes of friendship, vacation, travel and adventure - with a dash of yoga

Fulfilling other by proxy, for vacations in beautiful places, the experiences of new foods and adventures with friends

And making viewers think ofas a vacation, generates a market for our products

Building positive in a friendly, commitment-free environment

Meeting the demand - Emotionally

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Full-video yoga app First app to create fully customizable video yoga sessions

Yoga DVD based on TV seriesFeaturing characters and locations from the series

Meeting the demand - Physically

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Use the series to connect people with yoga from the comfort of their couch

Make them feel they already know and like yoga even before they try it

Give an easy product to start doing yoga and feeling refreshed, not looking for a shower

How we make money - Docu/Reality series

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Allow stores to sell current/past dvds at full retail price

Give away a yoga dvd online with the current season of the series using free+shipping model

Free + shipping"shipping fees" cover all costs & profit

How we make money - DVD

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Enhanced app for creating customized routines

Freemiumwith select pre-built routinesFree App

How we make money - App

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Co-promotionSeries promotes DVD DVD promotes AppApp promotes BooksBooks promote Series

Cross-promotionwith other brands of products and services

How we make money - Promotion

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Year 1$2.4M

Build core product lineSeason 1 series • Season 1 DVD • App • Asana video collection • Website expansion withe-commerce • 2 books (time permitting)

Year 3$1.5M

Expand with partnershipsSeason 3 series • Season 3 DVD • Further app expansion • More products with different streams of yoga • Interaction with network of studios • Talk-back• 2 Books • Pursue partnerships

Establish brand awarnessSeason 2 series • Season 2 DVD • App expansion• Website expansion to yoga communities• Talk-back • Daily planner • 2 books

Year 2$2.1M

Milestones / Budget

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Edward WalkerCEO, Product Manager Veteran product developer and SaaS/Cloud integration consultant, with an enthusiastic interest in Eastern philosophy Romi AvrahamArt Director, ProducerUses visual communications experience to produce brilliantly crafted media products.Has a rich background in Eastern philosophy

Yogi AtmaSanyam Yogic Teacher and AdvisorA deep knowledge of yoga philosophy & extensive experience in yogic teachings
