san marcos lutheran the good...

Our Mission: “To know, accept and live the love of God and share it with others” THE GOOD NEWS November 2016 San Marcos Lutheran Church November 6th We will remember all loved ones who have entered eternal life. Our young people have made a banner for each of our members who have entered eternal life since November, 2015; and they will be placed around the altar. This is a vivid reminder of our connection to one another through the Communion of Saints. COMMITMENT SUNDAY November 13th November 23 rd at 7:00 p.m. Service of Holy Communion Your own petitions of thanksgiving will be included in our prayers. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - Part One Dec. 11th at 10:30 a.m.

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Page 1: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for

Our Mission: “To know, accept and live the love of God and share it with others”

THE GOOD NEWS November 2016

San Marcos Lutheran


November 6thWe will remember all loved ones who have entered eternal life. Our young people have made a banner for

each of our members who have entered eternal life since November, 2015; and they will be placed around

the altar. This is a vivid reminder of our connection to one another through the Communion of Saints.


November 13th

November 23rd at 7:00 p.m.

Service of Holy Communion

Your own petitions of thanksgiving will be included in our prayers.


Dec. 11th at 10:30 a.m.

Page 2: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for



Bible Readings & Birthdays 11

Bible Studies 6

Calendar 12

Children’s Center 7

Concert Series 6

Financial Update 5

New Members 8

Outreach Opportunities 8

Pastor David’s Message 3

Pastor Karla’s Message 4

Stewardship 10

What's Going On 6

Youth 9

The next Newsletter article deadline is November 15th.

San Marcos Lutheran Preschool (760)727-0326

[email protected] Director, Ann Kim Leong

Teachers: Leilani Duran, Theresa Mohn, Marit Greunke, Brittney Gibbs, Maria Del Carmen Padilla

San Marcos Lutheran Church3419 Grand Avenue San

Marcos, CA 92078 (760) 727-1509

FAX: (760) 727-4468 [email protected]

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

Sunday Worship Hours: 8:30 AM, 9:45 AM, & 11:00 AM

Sunday SchoolChildren Age 3-12 9:45 - 10:30 AM Adult Education

9:50 AM - 10:45 AM David P. Jorstad

Pastor Karla J. Halvorson

Pastor Office Manager Margo Scarpelli

Organist Jenny Yun

Choir Director Justine Hansen

Director of Children’s Ministries Barbara Velivis


Bookkeeper Eunice Hanson

Volunteer Staff Artist in Residence Randall Sensmeier

Director Of Bell Choir Kärin Kupka

Coordinator of Celebration of Joy Musicians Kirsten Bassett

Council Members Jack Padley, President

Robin Rubin, Treasurer Penny Muetzel, Secretary

Jack Anderson Marilyn Monell

Linda Breen Jan Parthemer

Vern Soderstrom Alan Jones Dan Norris Rick Shoup

Director of Music Emeritus Judith Moore

All are Welcome! As a community of the people of God, the members of San Marcos Lutheran Church are called to welcome

all people, regardless of age, economic status, ethnic background, gender, physical or mental ability, race or sexual orienta-

tion. We affirm that in Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or fe-

male.” (Galatians 3:28)

Page 3: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for



Sing with all the saints in glory, sing the resurrection song!Death and sorrow, earth’s dark story, to the former days belong.

All around the clouds are breaking, soon the storms of time shall cease;in God’s likeness, we awaken, knowing everlasting peace. (ELW #426)

A chance of a lifetime happened during my college years. I was singing in a summer workshop that featured one of the greatest choral conductors in the world, Sir David Wilcox, who was visiting from England. Sometime during rehearsal, he turned to the second tenors so he could work on our blend. There were only three of us. After listening to us sing together, the conductor pointed right at me and said, “I want to hear you sing it alone. Show them how it’s done.” Frantically I looked around and thought to myself, “He can’t be pointing at me!” But he was. There was no escape, so I opened my throat and tried to sing, but horror of horrors not a sound came out of my mouth. The back of my throat had frozen in sheer terror. (I had blown my only chance to be discovered by Sir David Wilcox and taken off to spend a career singing in some wonderful English cathedral.) Finally, after a few more tries he had the three of us sing together again. I could do that. I like singing when there are others to back me up! That is one of the reasons I have always enjoyed singing in the church choir. I’ve been doing that since the age of four, a long, long time. I am no soloist. I need other voices to back me up.

“Sing with all the saints in glory, sing the resurrection song!” As Christians, you and I never have to sing the song of faith alone. We sing faith’s song together with fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, those folks who support us through tough times as well as rejoicing with us in good. When life seems to be closing in on us and we can’t imagine how we can ever sing, there are members of the ensemble who will keep singing so that faith’s music will never die.

This great chorus includes all the saints, not only our fellow Christians here and around the globe, but also the saints in glory. Imagine that, faith’s song is sung by those who have gone before us and who are now raising their voices before God’s throne. That’s one heck of a choir you and I are called to sing with!

So keep on singing faith’s song. Sing out boldly and to your heart’s content. And do not fear, because you will never have to the sing this song alone. The resurrection song has been sung before, and it will continue now and throughout eternity.

Life eternal! Heaven rejoices: Jesus lives who once was dead.Shout with joy, O deathless voices! Child of God, lift up your head!Life eternal! Oh, what wonders crowd on faith; what joy unknown,

when, amid earth’s closing thunders, saints shall stand before the throne! (ELW #426)

Peace in Christ,

Pastor David Jorstad

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Thoughts on Belonging to Jesus from Pastor Karla

“Do not be afraid I am with you. I have you called you each by name. Come and follow me, I will bring you home. I love you and you are mine.” ELW #581

This fall seems to be all about limitations. People and situations I cannot control, mental and physical diseases I could not make better. Regrets, self-doubt and a whole lotta grief. It’s the way life works and I really don’t like it. We are truly like flowers of the field, here today and gone tomorrow.

I have felt so frustrated over my lack of control. I don’t want anyone, including myself, to be in pain. But the results of trying to make things better are anger, frustration and exhaustion. My attempts are not working, and I know this is not what God wants for me.

And yet, mysteriously, there is a relief in the acknowledging my powerlessness. I can’t control the things going on around me. I can’t make them better.

But God can.

If I can acknowledge my anger and my powerlessness and if I make a real attempt to let go and let God, there is relief.

By the grace of God, during this trying month, words of comfort from hymns, the Lutheran services, and Scripture come to mind…

"Help us, we pray, in the midst of things we cannot understand, to believe and trust in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection to life everlasting. Amen." (Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship, occasional services.)

These words are a reminder from God that you, also, are not alone in the midst of your difficulties. Help is available. Help may come directly from God through peace, relief, noticing the good around you, or it may come through others…friendship, kindness, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on. God is constantly offering us the help we so desperately need. It starts by acknowledging that we can’t do this on our own.

So take the break. Ask for help. Surrender the problem. Know your prayers are heard. You are not alone. If this is a trying season for you as well, let me, Pastor David, or someone else you trust know. We are not too busy for you. You are a beloved child of God and you’re worth it.

If words of hymns, the liturgy, Scripture come to mind, let me know. I will be encouraged by these words as well. After all, we are all companions on this road.

May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus.

Pastor Karla

“Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come, follow me, and I will give you rest”ELW #388

Page 5: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for


PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for

pastoral visits, and announce information to the con-

gregation, when appropriate. Please notify the

Church Office (760)727-1509 when:

- A member family member, or someone you

know dies

- You, or someone you know, is ill or grieving

- You, or someone you know, is in the hospital

- You, or someone you know, wants to plan a

baptism, wedding, or celebration

- You moved or changed telephone numbers

If office is closed, and you have an urgent need, feel

free to call Pastor David at: home, (760)798-1226;

cell (619)917-2994 or email: pastor-

[email protected] or Pastor Karla at home,

(760)754-1413, cell, (858)442-6761, email: pas-

[email protected]


September 30, 2015

75% of Year


Actual YTD % of Budget

$277,322 69.37%

Annual Budget

$399,782 Expenses

Actual YTD % of Budget Annual Budget

$399,782 $286,540 71.67%

Thank you for your gifts which make our mission

and ministry possible.

FINANCIALLY SPEAKINGThe end of September left us with a $9,218. year to date deficit in the General Fund. It is important for all of us to do what we can to help erase the deficit by the end of the year. In challenging economic times the needs in our community keep increasing. Thanks to everyone who has given extra gifts, as well as those who are keeping up their pledges! Together our gifts do make a difference!

Page 5

STOCK OPTIONS Some families find it advantageous at this time of the year to gift the congregation with shares of appreciat-ed stock. (Speak with your tax advisor to see if this works for you.) The church has a brokerage account to handle such transactions. If you need information on how to set this up, speak with Robin Rubin, treasurer or Pastor David Jorstad.

Remember in Prayer:

Healing for Peri Grover, and Pastor Dan Hansen.

We mourn the deaths of Pamela Holmberg and Walter Odom. Our sympathy to Pam’s son Adam Holmberg and to Walter’s extended family. May God comfort all who mourn with the hope of the resurrection. INTERFAITH’S “FIRST SUNDAY OF THE


The staff of San Marcos Lutheran wishes you all a

very Happy Thanksgiving!

Page 6: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for



In the Spirit of ChristmasDeborah Liv Johnson, singer/songwriter

December 4, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.Award-winning singer/songwriter Deborah Liv Johnson will perform a variety of Christmas, original and favorite tunes at San Marcos Lutheran Church. Well-known for both her original music and her interpretation of classic Lutheran hymns and Christmas music, Johnson's voice has always been her most compelling draw. One fan wrote, "She could sing the phone book and I'd listen." Commenting on her recording of Georgia on my Mind, The Los Angeles Times wrote, "It is not surprising that Johnson's luxuriant alto is the album's most affecting instrument..." Johnson's rendition of There is a Balm in Gilead has had more than 300,000 hits on Utube. Johnson particularly loves singing Christmas songs -- "So many of them are really sweet and pure."There are brochures on the tables in the Narthex for you to share. You may also check SMLC’s web page ( and click on the link to our concert series.

COME ONE, COME ALLThe holidays are upon us and there is nothing better than Choirs of Angels at Christmas time. And if not angels, at least a group of enthusiastic church singers. Please consider joining the SMLC Choir this season. We will sing a traditional Lessons and Carols service on Dec. 18 as well as lead the congregation in some of our favorite hymns and Carols on Christmas Eve. You do NOT need to audition or be a solo-quality singer, just someone who loves music and would like to serve the church in a fun way.

We will begin Christmas music on Thursday, Nov 10 here in the Sanctuary from 7-8:30. Please talk to me, Justine Hansen, if you have questions. I can also be reached at [email protected]

There will also be a youth choir forming that will sing on Dec 18th. Those rehearsals will be held during Sunday school time starting Sun. Nov. 20th.

Justine Hansen


led by Pastor Dell & Pastor Fran Olson Tuesdays, Nov. 1st & 15th10:00 a.m.,

in Luther Hall


Nov. 12th at 8:00 am in Luther Hall

Phone Bryan Mace for details at (760)431-7222.


Sat., Nov. 19th at 10:00 in Luther Hall

SHOP OUR UPCOMING SERRV SALE!Your purchase makes a difference. Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 20th! Choose beautiful gifts that change lives around the world. Every purchase at our fair trade SERRV Sale helps marginalized artisans and farmers create better lives for their families. So bring cash or your check book and join us in Luther Hall on Sunday, November 20th from 9:30 am - 12:30 p.m. Brought to you by the San Marcos Lutheran's Social Concerns Committee. Questions? Call KärinKupka at 760-415-2525 or email her at [email protected]

Let's shop and make a difference together!


March 3-5, 2017Our winter retreat planning is underway! This year our theme is "Believing God" following Isaiah 43:10 - "You are my witness declares the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me." We would love for you to join our group this year and share how God chose you as his servant. Marilyn Monell will be starting sign ups November 13th after all services, Look for her outside on the patio. The cost this year is $179, some scholarships will be available. Please ask Marilyn Monell for more information. Further updates to follow.


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Upcoming Events: November 1-18th: Food collection for Interfaith Food Pantry Fri, November 11th: School closed in observance of Veterans’ Day Thurs & Fri, Nov 17 & 18th: Thanksgiving Feast Days for enrolled kids only. We provide LUNCH! We close at Noon on these two days! NO LUNCH BUNCH!! November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL ..see you back here on Mon, Nov 28th! Sat, December 3rd: God’s Work, Our Voices preschoolers’ families invited to sing with Pr. Karla at Vista Village Nursing Home. Dinner provided from 3-5pm! Details to follow... Sat, December 10th: Parent’s Night Out Fri, December 16th: ALL SCHOOL Christmas

SMLC Children’s Center News NOVEMBER 2016

Page Seven

Thanksgiving is a time of reflecting on the many blessings that God has given us throughout the year. As a preschool, we encourage the children to reflect each day on the many blessings in their lives. At daily chapel, the children pray for their families, friends, for God’s amazing creation and for all sorts of things. But it’s also important that we teach the children that not everyone is blessed

in the same way. So we will once again be collecting non-perishable food for Interfaith Food Pantry in Oceanside. Donations will be accepted November 1-18th and we will take it all to the pantry on Friday afternoon (18th) after we close. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for all of you...Love & blessings, Mrs. Leong &


will be celebrated at 10AM on Tuesday,

November 29th and

Wednesday, November 30th

*Look for Birthday CelebrationReminders in your cubby if yourchild has a birthday this month!

Ann Leong, Director • 760-727-0326 • [email protected]

Learn Live Share the Love of God

Page 8: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for



Please look for the two decorated Christmas trees (one in the Narthex and the other in Luther Hall) the Sunday after Thanksgiving. They will have tags for Alvin Dunn School on them, and you will be given an opportunity to purchase a gift card. The cards are given to Alvin Dunn to distribute to those who will need a little help to make Christmas a “little brighter” for some of the children and their families! We have a good partnership with the school, and it gives us a chance to show our commitment of love and faith with them!

You may purchase a gift card for any denomination ($5, $15, $25-?) from any store, (many buy them from Target). Just make a notation that it is for Alvin Dunn and return it to the church office or the gift box under the decorated Christmas trees by December 11th. Please return the tag with your gift card. We thank you for your generosity in the past and your continued support this year!

ELCA GOOD GIFTS provide an opportunity to support life-changing projects and programs around the world in place of traditional gifts. Pick up a catalog later this month, spend some time looking through it, and then make a donation towards something like chickens or a pig or a microloan or medical tests or shares in a water well or… Pick up a gift card to mail to a friend or relative, telling them what you have purchased in their name! Then complete the order form, write your check payable to SMLC, and put it in the Sunday offering. Shopping done, and what a wonderful gift! This year we will also have Good Gifts Coloring Books and Advent Calendars. Please help yourself. If we run out, we can order more.



(New Members)

Brian Neal220 Falcon PlaceSan Marcos 92078 [email protected]

Kerri Nolan (Ava)2120 Royal Lythan GlenEscondido [email protected]

Diana Shurtleff415 Sutter Ct.San Marcos [email protected]

Daniel Weis1435 Winsome Dr. Escondido [email protected]

Reynold "Rey" Blunk650 S. Ranchor Santa Fe Rd#168San Marcos 92078 [email protected]

Charlene Fretwell1515 Capalina Rd.San Marcos [email protected]

Amy Mortensen3518 Knollwood Dr.Carlsbad [email protected]

Page 9: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for


Youth PageNovember, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Congratulations to our Confirmands, Ashley and Brandon Balbo, Haylie Murray, Valerie Shoup and Tabitha Snavely.

Upcoming Events

Friday, Nov 4, 6 pm Visit Mosque 925 Anza Ave, Vista(Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith)

Sunday Nov 6, Youth Assisted Sunday and Breakfast OutSunday Nov 13, 3:30 Luther Hall “Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith”

study Judaism and speaker

Friday, Nov 18, 5 pm Visit (Jewish) Temple Soliel, 3575 Manchester Ave, Encinitas

Sunday, Nov 20, 11:00 am Senior High Bible Study and brunchWeds, Nov 23, 7 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service

(No Confirmation Nov 27)

Saturday, Dec 3, 3-6 pmGod’s Work, Our Voices!

Visit members in nursing homes or their homes, or help put up and decorate the Christmas tree. Crafts, dinner and fun for everyone)

Saturday, Dec 10, 5-8:30 Parents’ Night Out-have a blast while we care for children from the preschool and church.

An awesome eve of service!

Sunday Dec 11, 3:30 Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith- let’s talk about the incarnation…God becoming human in Jesus Christ.

Friday Dec 30 4pm - 11pm - Rose Parade Float BuildingHelp us work on some of the Rose Bowl parade floats. (for 15 adults and 15 teens)

Sunday School EVERY Sunday 9:45 starting in Sanctuary.Questions? Pastor Karla Halvorson [email protected], pastor serving children youth and families, Barbara Velivis, Barbara Velivis [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries, and Dan Norris, Senior High Youth Leader [email protected]

Page 10: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for




06-Nov.8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Doris BalsmeyerKevin & Cindy Angeline

Ellen ArneyCliff & EleanorAdcock

Peter DurstLinda Eller

Diana Shurtleff Marilyn Monell

Ellen ArneyJack Anderson

Robin & Ellen Rubin














Sunday Christian Education

Nursery - Infant through two years old Bible School - Preschool through fifth grade Dir.of Children’s Ministries: Barbara Velivis Confirmation (grades 6th-8th): Pastor Karla HalvorsonSr. Hi - Dan Norris

Lay Readers:






8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Yvonne McCoy Pastor Del Olson

Yvonne Kieran Grace Holtz

Cindy Angelini Doris Payne

Anne Voth Jack Padley

Greeters & Communion Assistants:






Hospitality Teams 9:45 a.m. Service

06-Nov. Jean Kahn

13-Nov. Cathy Duncan

20-Nov. Liz Starr

27-Nov. Inga Enge


Page 10

8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Sharon McEwanYvonne McCoy

Anne Voth Shareen Grogan

Susan Agonia Shareen Grogan

Louise Testerman Dianne McGovern

Page 11: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for


NOVEMBER, Bible Readings

Nov. 6First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

Nov. 13 First Reading: Psalm Second Reading: Gospel:

Nov. 20 First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

Nov. 23First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

Nov. 27 First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

All Saints Day Daniel ;7:1-3, 15-18 Psalm 149 Ephesians 1:11-23Luke 6:20-31

26th Sun. after Pentecost Matt 4:1-2aPsalm 982 Thess 3:6-13 Luke 21:5-19

Christ the KingJer 23:1-6Psalm 146Col 1:11-20Luke 23:33-43

Thanksgiving Eve Deut 26:1-11Psalm 100Phil 4:4-9 John 6:25-35

1st Sunday in Advent Isaiah 2:1-5 Psalm 122 Romans 13:11-14Matt 24:36-44




11/2 11/2

11/4 11/5



11/12 11/13 11/14

11/16 11/16 11/16

11/17 11/18 11/18 11/20 11/20 11/22 11/24 11/24 11/25 11/26

Caroline Nilsen Pastor Bill Schumacher Cameron Bauder Dobbie Thurman Nancy Roberts Chance McDaniel Hayley Johnson Lydia Schimpf Dave Roberts Bernardina Bowers Jane Gearhart Zachary Geu Pastor Dan Hansen Dean McCoy Jennifer MurrayLisa O’Carroll Grace Holtz Melinda Kozloski David Klinger Miguel Zapata Garth Koller Doris Balsmeyer Marylin Nielsen Kristopher Jerpseth Yvonne McCoy Natalie Wanner Diana Coker




Page 12: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for


San Marcos Lutheran Church

Page 12

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

110:00 am Bible Study, LH

29:30 am Centering Prayer Group, Luther Hall 10:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 11:30 am AA, LH

310:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 6:00-7:00 pm Sanctuary in Use 7:00 pm AA, LH 7:00 pm Choir

410:40 am St. Jo-seph Chapel, Sanc-tuary


10:30 am - 2:30 pm Sanctuary in Use

6 All Saints SundayCommissioning of Christian Ed. Leaders 8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 am Informal Svc 9:45 am Sun School 11 am Bible Study with Pastor James, LH 7:00 pm AA, LH

711:30 am AA, LH

8 9 9:30 am Centering Prayer Group, LH9:30 am Preschool Board, Conf. Rm10:30 am Preschool Chapel, Sanctuary 11:30 am AA, LH6:30 pm Women's Retreat Planning

1010:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 7:00 pm AA, LH 7:00 pm Choir

11Veteran's DayOffice Closed


8:00 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, LH

13 26th Sunday after Pentecost Commitment Sun.8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 am Informal Svc 3:30 pm Confirmation12:15 pm Endowment Committee7:00 pm AA, LH

1411:30 am AA,



10:00 am Bible Study, LH

169:30 am Centering Prayer Group, Luther Hall 10:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 11:00 am Staff Mtg.11:30 am AA, LH


10:30 am Pre-

school Chapel,


7:00 pm AA, LH

7:00 pm Choir

1810:40 am St. Jo-seph Chapel, Sanc-tuary 5:00 pm Youth visit Jewish Temple


20 Christ the King Sunday 8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 am Informal Svc 9:45 am Sun Sch Fair Trade Sale7:00 pm AA, LH

21 22 239:30 am Centering Prayer Group, Luther Hall 11:30 am AA, LH 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service of Holy Communion



(Office closed

today and


25 26

27 1st Sun. in Advent 8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 am Informal Svc 9:45 am Sun Sch 1:30-3:00 pm Sanctuary in Use 7:00 pm AA, LH

2811:30 am AA, LH

Election Day, LH in use all day

10:00 am Women's Bagels & Bibles, LH11:30 LH in use for setup

11:30 am AA, LH

29 30

9:30 am Bible Study with Pastor Karla, LH

9:30 am Centering Prayer Group, Luther Hall 10:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 11:30 am AA, LH

Page 13: San Marcos Lutheran THE GOOD GOOD NEWS . PLEASE CALL US! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for