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  • 8/8/2019 Samsung Mobile Wimax


    1WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    WiMAXWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    White Paper

    WiMAX is a wireless access technology for building networks with large coverage areas and high data rates,so-called Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). It focuses on various usage scenarios for serving fixed, no-madic and mobile subscribers and incorporates a broad range of transmission and access technologies, whichcan be dynamically applied for serving these different types of subscribers. In addition, it provides mechanismsfor giving Quality-of-Service (QoS) guarantees, and thus it is predestined for enabling real-time services likeVoice over IP (VoIP), video on demand or multiplayer gaming.

    1 Introduction

    Broadband access is the main prerequisite for delivering

    highly sophisticated IT services to the end user, for example,

    video on demand, video conferencing, Voice over IP (VoIP)

    or interactive gaming. After the Internet and mobile com-

    munications reached the mass markets in the mid-1990s,

    it turned out very soon that existing network technologies

    such as the analog Plain Old Telephone System (POTS),

    the Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN) or the Glo-

    bal System for Mobile Communications (GSM) could not

    fulfil the requirements imposed by these applications. The

    main reason for this lack was simply the fact that these sys-

    tems were initially designed for speech telephony, which tra-

    ditionally is a circuit-switched service of comparatively low

    bandwidth. As a result, standardization and manufacturers

    created enhancements and auxiliary technologies for bridg-

    ing the gap between the capabilities of existing networks

    and the requirements of emerging applications. Examples

    are the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) for delivering pack-

    switched data at high rates over the telephone wire to the

    end user or the General Packet Radio Service(GPRS) for

    introducing packet-switched services in GSM networks.

    In the recent years, DSL has become the standard solu-

    tion for fixed broadband access in the consumer market.However, it requires complex modifications on the infra-

    structure of telephony networks and is therefore often not

    available in rural environments with a low population density.

    In the mobile area, on the other hand, the breakthrough of

    data services is still missing. GPRS has been introduced by

    all GSM operators in the meantime, but it suffers from low

    data rates and high delays. Even the Universal Mobile Te-

    lecommunications System (UMTS), which was introduced

    a few years ago as the successor of GSM and which actu-

    ally targets also at packet-switched data, could not initiate

    a turn-around towards a broad acceptance of mobile data

    services so far.

    A new technology that specifically focuses on broadband

    access is called WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Mi-

    crowave Access). It is a wireless technology that does not

    necessarily replace the systems mentioned before, but

    that at least acts as an extension, for example, in regions

    where other broadband technologies are not available or

    do not provide sufficient capacity or bandwidth. WiMAX has

    been designed for operation in a broad range of licensed

    and unlicensed frequency bands, thereby being much more

    flexible than cellular networks like GSM and UMTS, which

    are confined to operation in dedicated, licensed frequency

    bands being subject to regulation. WiMAX covers different

    usage scenarios, ranging from supporting mobile users to

    connecting LANs (Local Area Networks) to the Internet. To

    fulfil the heterogeneous requirements on data transmission

    imposed by these scenarios, WiMAX incorporates severalphysical layers with different modulation schemes, antenna

    designs and other features. Furthermore, WiMAX provides

    sophisticated functions for guaranteeing a certain quality-

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    2 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    of-service(QoS) during transmission, which is of particular

    importance for real-time or near real-time applications like

    VoIP or video streaming.

    WiMAX is standardized by the Institute of Electrical and

    Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the same institution that is

    also responsible for standardization of other wired and wire-

    less access technologies, for example, Ethernet and WLAN

    (Wireless Local Area Network). The group within IEEE

    consigned with the specification of WiMAX is known under

    the identifier 802.16 and denoted as Broadband Wireless

    Access Working Group. Strictly speaking, the official term

    for WiMAX is actually Wireless Metropolitan Area Network

    (WirelessMAN). The term WiMAX stems from the WiMAX

    forum, which is an organization of more than 400 opera-

    tors and manufacturers being concerned with promot-

    ing and certifying the compatibility and interoperability of

    broadband wireless access equipment that conforms to the

    IEEE 802.16 standards [1]. However, in the recent years,

    the term WiMAX has prevailed against WirelessMAN or802.16, and that is why this term is also used throughout

    this paper.

    The following sections give an overview of WiMAX and

    introduce its usages scenarios, transmission technologies

    and basic services.

    2 WiMAX Usage Scenarios

    The WiMAX usage scenarios are commonly referred to as

    fixed, nomadicand mobile access, and they are covered by

    different documents of the IEEE 802.16 standards family.The scenarios impose very different requirements on the

    used frequency bands, modulation schemes, medium ac-

    cess, and mobility mechanisms, and hence WiMAX today

    incorporates a number of variants of these technologies.

    2.1 Fixed WiMAX

    Initially, WiMAX was designed only for fixed access. The first

    in a series of standards was released in December 2001 by

    IEEE and was called IEEE 802.16. It defines a system for

    the wireless transmission between stationary senders and

    receivers in outdoor environments. The main components

    of the system are base stations, which are located at thecell sites of the WiMAX operator, and subscriber stations,

    which are usually installed at the roofs of buildings at the

    WiMAX customers, see Figure 1. The subscriber stations

    have antennas with dimensions comparable to those of sat-

    ellite dishes. They are connected typically to a local network

    of the subscriber, for example, a WLAN or Ethernet instal-

    lation inside the building. The base stations, on the other

    hand, may be interconnected to public networks like the

    Internet or to private ones. In an alternative scenario, Fixed

    WiMAX might also be used by a cellular network operator

    for realizing connectivity between the cell sites and the core

    network.Fixed WiMAX has been designed for operation in a very

    broad frequency range between 10 and 66 GHz with band-

    widths of 20, 25 or 28 MHz per radio channel. Under opti-

    mal conditions, it may achieve transmission ranges of up to

    70 km and data rates of up to 134 Mbps. As radio signals

    above 10 GHz can hardly penetrate obstacles like buildings

    or hills, an important prerequisite for successful transmis-sion is that a line-of-sight(LoS) path exists between sub-

    scriber and base station that is not obstructed by obstacles.

    Thus, Fixed WiMAX represents an interesting alternative to

    older or proprietary LoS radio systems of less bandwidth,

    for example, Wireless Local Loop(WLL).

    2.2 Nomadic WiMAX

    The major drawback of Fixed WiMAX is the need for out-

    door antennas at the subscriber, which requires a cumber-

    some wiring inside buildings and fixed antenna installations

    at roofs of considerable height for guaranteeing LoS condi-tions to the next base station. In order to address these is-

    sues, the IEEE has released another standard in April 2003,

    which is called IEEE 802.16a and which focuses on the no-

    madic WiMAX access. Radio channels of Nomadic WiMAX

    occupy frequency bands in the range between 2 and 11

    GHz, which in contrast to higher frequencies allow for non-

    light-of-sight(NLoS) transmissions between subscriber and

    base stations and vice versa. As a result, it becomes pos-

    sible to built WiMAX transceivers with integrated antennas,

    which can be connected directly to a PC or included into

    handheld devices or laptops, for example, in form of PCM-

    CIA cards. A fixed-installed outdoor antenna is not neces-

    sary any longer, and the WiMAX customer can enter intocontact from everywhere within the coverage area of a base

    station, even from the inside of buildings. This is illustrated

    in Figure 2.

    A radio channel of nomadic WiMAX occupies a band-

    width between 1.75 and 20 MHz. The bandwidth has been

    kept variable, because frequency allocation and licensing

    are managed very irregular in different countries of the

    world and significantly vary in the size of frequency bands

    assigned to the operators.

    However, the flexibility of nomadic access must be paid

    by a significant decrease in the transmission range and data

    rates when compared to Fixed WiMAX. The coverage areaof a base station is limited to a radius of 5 km. The maximum

    data rate, which only has been achieved in field tests so

    far, is about 70 Mbps, but is expected to be much lower for

    Figure 1. Fixed WiMAX


    Base station

    Subscriber station

    Indoor network installation


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    networks operating under real conditions.

    Both Fixed and Nomadic WiMAX can be operated in

    two modes, which are referred to as point-to-point (PTP)

    and point-to-multipoint(PMP) modes. In the former, a basestation serves only a single subscriber station, which can

    exclusively use the entire bandwidth of the radio channel.

    In PMP, on the other hand, a base station supplies several

    subscriber stations at once, and hence the available band-

    width must be shared among all subscribers residing in the

    particular cell. The PTP mode is primarily intended for Fixed

    WiMAX, while PMP is the preferred choice for nomadic ac-


    In June 2004, standardization activities for Fixed and

    Nomadic WiMAX were merged. The resulting standard

    document is called IEEE 802.16-2004 [2] and replaces

    the former versions IEEE 802.16 and 802.16a. Frequencylicensing and first commercial trials for WiMAX in many

    countries started in 2005, while related products and serv-

    ices for the mass market have been announced to become

    available in 2007. Starting from this time, it is expected that

    Fixed and Nomadic WiMAX will be requested especially by

    customers residing in rural areas, which often suffer from

    the unavailability of wired broadband technologies like DSL,

    cable modem or T1 access.

    2.3 Mobile WiMAX

    A drawback of Nomadic WiMAX is that a service session

    can only be maintained as long as the subscriber residesin the coverage area of the base station where this session

    has been initiated. If the subscriber moves from one cover-

    age area to that of another base station, the session is ter-

    minated and must be re-initiated at the new base station. An

    automatic transfer of the session from the serving to another

    target base station, a process which is called handover, is

    not possible in Fixed or Nomadic WiMAX systems.

    The missing support of mobile subscribers has led to

    initiatives for creating Mobile WiMAX, which, besides vari-

    ous handover mechanisms, also incorporates other mobil-

    ity functions (see also Figure 3). Mobile WiMAX envisages

    two access modes, which are called portable and mobileaccess. The portable access mode serves customers trav-

    elling at pedestrian speeds. When changing the cell, the

    service session is transferred to the target base station by

    3WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    a so-called hard handover. This type of handover is charac-

    terized by the fact that the connection to the serving base

    station is terminated before a new one to another target

    base station is initialized (break-before-make). As a result,the customer experiences a short degradation in the quality

    of service, that is, an interruption of the data transfer, until

    the handover is completed. The mobile access mode, on

    the other hand, has been designed for supporting custom-

    ers travelling at velocities of up to 125 km/h. It implements

    a soft-handover, where the connection to the target base

    station is established before the old connection is released

    (make-before-break). A soft handover happens seamless-

    ly from the point of view of the customer and has a much

    lower latency than a hard handover. However, this reduced

    latency must be paid by a much higher complexity in the

    hardware.Besides these handover mechanisms, Mobile WiMAX

    includes location management functions, which enable to

    determine from the set of all base stations a WiMAX net-

    work is made up of the base station the target subscriber

    is currently attached to and which are necessary whenever

    network-initiated data, for example, incoming Emails, needs

    to be pushed to a subscriber. Furthermore, Mobile WiMAX

    defines different power-saving modes to which the device

    changes if there is no data transmission in progress and

    which thus contribute to a significant reduction of battery

    consumption when compared to devices used for fixed or

    nomadic access. Finally, as data transmission in mobile net-

    works is always exposed to varying radio propagation con-ditions, Mobile WiMAX comes up with improved modulation

    and error correction schemes.

    The specification for Mobile WiMAX has been released

    as an amendment to the 802.16-2004 standard, and is

    called IEEE 802.16e [3]. It emerged from the Korean WiBro

    (Wireless Broadband) technology, which is being developed

    since the beginning of the millennium by the Korean tele-

    communications industry under significant participation of

    Samsung Electronics. Since 2004, WiBro is being standard-

    ized by the Korean Telecommunications Technology Associ-

    ation(TTA), and first WiBro networks went into operation in

    2005. In November 2004, it was decided to adopt the WiBrotechnologies for Mobile WiMAX and to keep both systems

    compatible to each other.

    Figure 3. Mobile WiMAXFigure 2. Nomadic WiMAX

    Base station


    Subscriber station

    Base station




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    2.4 Mobile WiMAX - Difference to other Systems

    The emergence of Mobile WiMAX networks expected for

    the next years imposes the question of how this system

    relates to classical wireless technologies like WLAN, GSM

    and UMTS. The answer to this question is not clear yet and

    has led to controversies among experts whether WiMAX is

    rather a competing or complementary technology. In order

    to get an idea about the role of Mobile WiMAX in the orches-

    tra of wireless consumer technologies it might be helpful

    to consider these systems regarding their data rates and

    mobility support capabilities, see Figure 4.

    Similar to WiMAX, WLANs according to the IEEE stand-

    ards family 802.11 offer network access, which, however,

    in contrast to WiMAX is limited to local environments, pre-

    dominantly inside buildings. A WLAN access point has a

    typical range of a few hundreds of meters (rather only a few

    dozens of meters indoors), and a couple of them may be in-

    terconnected to a so-called extended service setfor provid-ing larger areas with seamless coverage. A cell change is

    supported by a handover function, which, however, causes

    noticeable interruptions during transmission and only works

    at very low speeds. The data rate supported by most WLAN

    installations today is about 54 Mbps and is thus beyond of

    what the typical Mobile WiMAX subscriber can expect. Due

    to its limited mobility support, WLAN is the preferred choice

    whenever an expensive wiring inside buildings should be

    avoided, for example, when a PC or notebook needs to be

    connected to a DSL modem, or for nomadic customers,

    which require high data rates on the spot, but do not move

    considerably. For mobile customers, however, WLAN is lesssuited, as it is very difficult and expensive to build a WLAN

    that seamlessly cover larger outdoor areas.

    Other than WLAN and WiMAX, which only provide net-

    work access capabilities, traditional cellular systems like

    GSM and UMTS realize several high-level services such as

    speech and video telephony, transfer of short messages, or

    browsing the Internet via the Wireless Application Protocol

    (WAP). A single network usually spans an entire country,

    and it consists of many locally operating access networks

    that are interconnected via a common core network. GSM

    and UMTS provide full mobility support, including hando-

    ver, localization and roaming capabilities. Roaming enables

    customers to request and use services in foreign networks,

    4 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    and was one of the main driving forces behind the success

    of GSM. As GSM and UMTS in the meanwhile are offered

    by over 700 network operators in 214 countries and territo-

    ries, customers on the move experience a nearly seamless

    world-wide mobility support that no other network technol-

    ogy can provide today.

    On the other hand, GSM and UMTS only support

    moderate data rates when compared to those that can be

    achieved with Mobile WiMAX. GSM was initially designed

    for circuit-switched speech telephony only and data rates

    of the packet-switched GPRS are limited to about 60 kbps

    (depending on the capabilities of the used terminal and the

    configuration of the serving network). Data rates in UMTS

    are considerably higher. In the first network expansion

    stage, these networks provide services with a maximum of

    384 kbps, which may be extended to up to 14 Mbps if UMTS

    is combined with a new technology known as Highspeed

    Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and Highspeed Uplink

    Packet Access(HSUPA) respectively.To draw a conclusion, from a today's perspective, Mobile

    WiMAX may be classified as a technology that bridges the

    gap between traditional cellular networks (seamless mobil-

    ity support and comparatively low data rates) on the one

    hand and local wireless technologies like WLAN (high data

    rates, but only rudimentary mobility functions) on the other.

    3 WiMAX Protocol Stack

    The WiMAX specifications do not define an entire network

    infrastructure or high-level services as known from telecom-munications systems like GSM or UMTS. They only fix an

    access technology for connecting subscriber stations over

    the so-called last mile to a base station, comparable to DSL

    in the wired domain. This base station then provides inter-

    connectivity with a fixed network, however, the related pro-

    tocols and mechanisms used for this are out of scope of the

    IEEE specifications for WiMAX. In terms of the seven layers

    of the OSI protocol stack, WiMAX covers only the physi-

    cal(PHY) and medium access(MAC) layers and is thus in

    close compliance to other IEEE specifications like WLAN

    802.11 or Ethernet 802.3. The resulting protocol stack is de-

    picted in Figure 5.

    The physical layer primarily deals with the representa-tion of data bits by radio signals, for which different modula-

    tion schemes are envisaged, as well as with related aspects

    like antenna technologies and power control. Furthermore,

    it manages the separation of uplink and downlink transmis-

    sion, which is called duplexing, and incorporates methods

    for error correction and detection. For the different variants

    of WiMAX several physical layers are envisaged, which are

    called WirelessMAN-SC, WirelessMAN-SCa, WirelessMAN-

    OFDMand WirelessMAN-OFDMA. Some characteristic fea-

    tures of them are highlighted in the following sections.

    As suggested by its name, the medium access layer pro-

    vides mechanisms that define how a radio channel providedby the physical layer is shared between different subscriber

    stations. The primary goal of medium access is to avoid

    collisions that would occur when two or more subscriberFigure 4. Mobile WiMAX - Difference to other systems

    WLAN(IEEE 802.11)







    WiMAX(IEEE 802.16e)


    Data rates

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    Figure 5. WiMAX Protocol Stack

    stations use the same radio resources at the same time.

    Another important focus is on control mechanisms for guar-

    anteeing a certain performance of data transmission, which

    is referred to as Quality of Service(QoS). This performance

    can be described by several parameters, among them data

    rate, delay, jitter (variation in delay) and error rates. Differentapplications, for example, multimedia streaming, VoIP and

    web browsing, impose different requirements on QoS, and

    WiMAX provides adequate mechanisms to fulfil them.

    As can be derived from Figure 5, the common part of

    the medium access layer is supplemented by two sub-lay-

    ers, referred to as MAC privacy sub-layer and MAC con-

    vergence sub-layer. The former provides the usual security

    mechanisms needed for the authentication of subscribers,

    the exchange of key and the ciphering of messages. The

    convergence sub-layer acts as an interface between exter-

    nal non-WiMAX protocols and the WiMAX medium access

    layer. Its main task is the encapsulation and decapsulationof external Protocol Data Units (PDUs) into and from so-

    called Service Delivery Units(SDUs), which are exchanged

    between subscriber and base station. The convergence

    sub-layer is also responsible for bandwidth allocation and

    the adherence of negotiated QoS parameters. Two specific

    convergence sub-layers so far exist, one for carrying data of

    packet-switched networks like IPv4 or IPv6 and another one

    for connecting to networks being operated according to the

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM).

    4 WiMAX Physical Layer

    This section highlights the physical layer and gives an over-

    view of modulation schemes, antennas, error correction

    schemes and frame formats used for WiMAX.

    4.1 Modulation Schemes

    Modulation is a process to represent data by changing the

    parameters of a periodic sinusoidal electromagnetic wave,

    which is known as carrier. WiMAX incorporates a multitude

    of modulation schemes, which can be dynamically deployed

    under consideration of the error characteristics of the radio

    channel and the required data rates.

    Single Carrier Modulation

    In a single carrier modulation scheme, the transmitter gen-

    5WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    erates a single carrier of a certain amplitude, frequency and

    phase. For data transmission, one or several of these pa-

    rameters are changed depending on the data to be trans-

    mitted, which, as mentioned before, is called modulationor,

    using an alternative term, shift keying. The resulting signal

    is then emitted by the antenna connected to the transmit-

    ter, propagates in the environment, and is finally caught by

    another antenna, which is connected to a receiver. This re-

    ceiver then interprets the incoming signal and recovers the

    data bits originally sent, which is called demodulation.

    In each modulation scheme, data bits are represented in

    form of symbols, and each symbol is given by a certain con-

    stellation of the carriers amplitude, frequency, and phase,

    the so-called signal state. WiMAX envisages different vari-

    ants of phase shift keying. The simplest variant is Binary

    Phase Shift Keying(BPSK) and modulates data by shifting

    the carrier phase between two signal states, one represent-

    ing the binary 1 and the other the binary 0. Thus, each

    symbol only carries a single bit. For transferring more bitsper symbol, one needs a modulation scheme that defines

    more signal states. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying(QPSK)

    fixes four signal states and thus represents two bits by one

    symbol. The modulation of a carrier with QPSK is demon-

    strated in Figure 6. The four symbols 00, 01, 11, and

    10 are assigned to the carrier phases 45, 135, 225,

    and 315. The number of bits per symbol can be further

    increased by changing the signals amplitude in addition,

    which is called Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).

    WiMAX supports 16, 64 and 256-ary QAM (16-QAM, 64-

    QAM, 256-QAM), which represent 4, 6 and 8 bits by one

    symbol. Figure 7 shows the signal states of 64-QAM.Of particular concern is the symbol rate, which denotes

    the number of symbols transmitted per second. The symbol

    rate is an important measure for the bandwidth the signal

    adopts in the frequency domain. The higher the symbol

    rate, the more bandwidth is required and vice versa. The

    data rate is the product of symbol rate and bits carried per

    symbol. For increasing the data rate, either the symbol rate

    must be increased or the number of bits per symbol must be

    increased by using another modulation scheme. The former

    spreads the bandwidth of the radio channel, while the latter

    makes the signal more susceptible to interferences. This is

    due to the fact that with an increasing number of symbols the

    signal states need to be spaced closer and closer together,and hence even small interferences during the propagation

    may result in misinterpretations of the incoming signal at

    the receiver.

    Figure 6. Modulation of a carrier with QPSK

    Physical layer (PHY)

    Medium access layer (MAC)

    MAC common part

    MAC convergence sub-layer

    MAC privacy sub-layer

    Network layer (e.g., IP)


    00(45 shift)

    10(135 shift)

    11(225 shift)

    01(315 shift)

    Symbolduration T

    10 00

    11 01





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    Single carrier modulation is used for Fixed and NomadicWiMAX and is part of the physical layers WirelessMAN-

    SC and WirelessMAN-SCa. As mentioned before, Fixed

    WiMAX operates in the frequency ranges between 10 and

    66 GHz, and thus it is only suitable for LoS transmission. A

    radio channel has a bandwidth of 20, 25 or 28 MHz, and the

    supported modulation schemes are QPSK, 16-QAM and

    64-QAM, which can be deployed depending on the error

    characteristics of the radio link and the desired data rates.

    For Nomadic WiMAX, single carrier modulation is only

    optional. Nomadic WiMAX focuses on NLoS transmission

    and has therefore been developed for operation in frequen-

    cy ranges between 2 and 11 GHz. The channel bandwidthis scalable and may vary between 1,75 and 20 MHz. Single

    carrier modulation works similar as in Fixed WiMAX, but has

    been extended by BPSK and 256-QAM.

    Multi Carrier Modulation

    There are multiple error sources a radio signal is exposed

    to during transmission, for example, multipath propagation,

    attenuation, noise, shadowing by buildings and, in the case

    of Mobile WiMAX, frequency deviations, which are called

    Doppler shifts and which are caused by movements of the

    mobile subscriber station during transmission.

    Of particular concern in WiMAX as well as in all other

    wireless networks with large data rates and long transmis-sion ranges is multipath propagation. As depicted in Figure

    8, this phenomenon arises if a signal is reflected, scattered

    and diffracted from and at obstacles like buildings, trees or

    hills. As a result, the signal is copied during transmission,

    and the receiver not only receives the primary impulse of a

    signal, but also several delayed secondary impulses of it as

    shown in Figure 9a. The travelling time of a signal impulse

    corresponds to the length of the path at which it propagates

    from the transmitter to the receiver. The delay between ar-

    rival of a signals primary impulse and the arrival of its last

    secondary impulse is called delay spread, and its size sig-

    nificantly depends on the range of the transmitter and thedensity of obstacles in the close surrounding. The longer

    the ranges and the higher the density of obstacles at which

    the signal is reflected and scattered, the larger is the delay

    6 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access


    Multipath propagation may cause heavy interferences if

    the symbol duration Tused during transmission is smaller

    than the delay spread. The symbol duration denotes the

    length of time a single symbol is transmitted, and thus it cor-

    responds to the reciprocal of the symbol rate. As depicted

    in Figure 9b, the delayed secondary impulses of a symbol

    may destruct the impulses of subsequent impulses if the

    symbol duration is much smaller than the delay spread. This

    phenomenon is called intersymbol interferenceand is one

    of the main sources for transmission errors.

    Intersymbol interference does not represent a serious

    problem for Fixed WiMAX, as these networks operate above

    10 GHz, where effects of multipath propagation hardly ap-

    pear and where radio signals are increasingly radiated in a

    directional fashion from the emitting antenna. As a conse-

    quence, the antennas of subscriber and base stations must

    be adjusted for LoS transmission, and a significant delay

    spread does not occur.However, one of the main motivations behind the devel-

    opment of Nomadic and Mobile WiMAX was to enable NLoS

    transmission. As consequence, radio signals in these sys-

    tems are reflected and scattered for several times until they

    reach the receiver. In order to cope with the resulting inter-

    symbol interferences, Nomadic and Mobile WiMAX apply a

    technique known as multi carrier modulation. As suggested

    by its name, in multi carrier modulation a single radio chan-

    nel of a certain bandwidth is subdivided into Nsub-carriers,

    and the data stream to be sent is distributed over these sub-

    carriers. The total symbol rate of the radio channel remains

    the same, but because each sub-carrier transmits only theN-th part of the entire data, the symbol duration at each

    sub-carrier is Ntimes larger compared to the symbol dura-

    tion of a conventional single carrier modulation. Accordingly,

    each sub-carrier occupies the N-th part of bandwidth of the

    entire radio channel. Following this approach, intersymbol

    interferences are avoided, because the symbol duration on

    each sub-carrier is larger than the expected delay spread,

    assuming Nis chosen sufficiently large

    However, multi carrier modulation may suffer from so-

    called side lobesin the frequency domain, which result from

    out-of-band radiation in the frequency bands below and

    Figure 8. Multipath propagation

    110100 110110 111110 111100

    110101 110111 111111 111101

    110001 110011 111011 111101

    110000 110010 111010 111000

    100000 100010 101010 101000

    100001 100011 101011 101001

    100101 100111 101111 101101

    100100 100110 101110 101100

    110100 110110 111110 111100

    110101 110111 111111 111101

    110001 110011 111011 111101

    110000 110010 111010 111000

    001000 001010 000010 000000

    001001 001011 000011 000001

    001101 001111 000111 000101

    001100 001110 000110 000100

    011100 011110 010110 010100

    011101 011111 010111 010101

    011001 011011 010011 010001

    011000 011010 010010 010000



    Figure 7. 64-QAM signal states

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    above each sub-carrier. These side lobes do not carry any

    useful information that is needed for interpreting the incom-

    ing signal at the receiver, but they can distort the transmis-

    sion in neighbouring sub-carriers. An important concernwhen using multi carrier modulation is therefore to select an

    appropriate frequency space between the sub-carriers. For

    this purpose, the sub-carriers are placed orthogonal to each

    other in the frequency domain, a technique that is called Or-

    thogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM). A pair of

    sub-carriers is said to be orthogonal if the frequency space

    between them is given by 1/TsHz, where Tsrepresents the

    symbol duration on each sub-carrier. As depicted in Figure

    10, the advantage of orthogonality is that the peak of a sub-

    carriers main lobe corresponds to the zero crossings of the

    neighbouring sub-carriers. In this way, out-of-band radiation

    in the side lobes neutralize each other, and the transmissionin a sub-carrier have no negative impacts on its neighbour-

    ing sub-carriers. Furthermore, OFDM allows the overlap-

    ping of the main lobes of neighbouring sub-carriers, and

    hence they can be arranged very close together, which is

    very bandwidth efficient when compared to a non-orthogo-

    nal multi carrier modulation.

    In WiMAX, OFDM has been extended with a feature

    called sub-channelization, see Figure 11. The OFDM radio

    channel is subdivided into several sub-channels, and each

    sub-channel, in turn, is composed of several sub-carriers.

    Instead of using all sub-carriers the radio channel consists

    of, a transmitter may send on only one or several select-

    ed sub-channels. In this way, multiple users can share thesame OFDM channel simultaneously. Therefore, sub-chan-

    nelization in OFDM is basically a multiple access scheme,

    and therefore this variant of OFDM is called Orthogonal

    Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA). OFDMA

    Figure 9. Delay spread and intersymbol interference

    7WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    has also advantages regarding power control and battery

    consumption. For example, base stations can increase the

    transmit power on sub-channels serving indoor subscriber

    stations, and decrease it for subscriber stations stayingoutdoors or in the close surrounding of the base station.

    Subscriber stations, on the other hand, may concentrate

    transmit power in a few sub-carriers by OFDMA, thereby

    saving valuable battery resources, which is especially of ad-

    vantage for small, mobile devices with integrated subscriber

    station as intended for Mobile WiMAX.

    The physical layers envisaged for Nomadic and Mobile

    WiMAX incorporate different variants of OFDM and OFD-

    MA respectively. In WirelessMAN-OFDM, the radio channel

    is subdivided into 256 sub-carriers, each of which can be

    modulated with QPSK, 16-QAM or 64-QAM. The channel

    can adopt different bandwidths between 1,75 and 20 MHz.From the 256 sub-carriers, only 192 carry user data. The re-

    maining ones are needed for frequency synchronization (pi-

    lot sub-carriers) or as guard bands (NULL sub-carriers) for

    avoiding neighbour channel interferences that result from

    side lobes of adjacent radio channels. Sub-channelization

    is only applied on an optional basis for transmissions in the

    uplink. WirelessMAN-OFDMA, on the other hand, subdi-

    vides the radio channel into 2048 sub-carriers. Thus, the

    symbol duration on each sub-carrier is much longer here

    than in WirelessMAN-OFDM, and hence the signals are

    less susceptible to intersymbol interferences. In contrast to

    WirelessMAN-OFDM, sub-channelization is mandatory for

    both directions. It can be used in different configurationsthat differ from each other regarding the fragmentation of

    the OFDM radio channel into sub-channels.

    Mobile WiMAX adopts the WirelessMAN-OFDMA physi-

    cal layer, but introduces a new feature that is called Scal-

    Primary impulse ofsymbol n

    Primary impulse ofsymbol +1n

    Delay spread

    Symbol duration T

    Secondary impulses Secondary impulses



    (a) Delay spread without intersymbol interferences (b) Delay spread with intersymbol interference

    Primary impulse ofsymbol n

    Primary impulse ofsymbol +1n

    Primary impulse ofsymbol +2n

    Delay spread

    Symbolduration T









    Main lobes

    Side lobes

    Figure 10. OFDM


    channel 1


    channel 2


    channel 3


    channel 4

    OFDM channel

    Guard bands Guard bands


    Figure 11. OFDMA

  • 8/8/2019 Samsung Mobile Wimax


    able-OFDMA (SOFDMA). While in Nomadic WiMAX, the

    number of sub-carriers remains constant irrespective of

    the channel bandwidth, which can vary between 1,25 and

    20 MHz, in SOFDMA the number of sub-carriers is scaled

    in dependence on the channel bandwidth. As a result, the

    spacing between sub-carriers and the symbol durations

    remain constant for varying channel bandwidths, which re-

    duces the system complexity needed for smaller channels

    and improves the performance of wider ones.

    4.2 Antennas

    Besides multi carrier modulation, another key factor for

    making the transmission more robust and for achieving high

    data rates is the choice of an appropriate antenna technol-

    ogy. Most wireless systems today follow a single-antenna

    approach, where each base station is connected to a single

    antenna, which either radiates power in all directions equally

    (omnidirectional antenna) or which concentrates power in abeam of a certain direction and width (directional antenna)

    for serving only the sector of a radio cell.

    For WiMAX, the usage of intelligent multiple-antenna

    architectures is envisaged, where base stations and sub-

    scriber stations are equipped with several highly directional

    antennas (arranged in a so-called multi-antenna array),

    each of it connected to a dedicated transmitter and receiver

    respectively. The antennas can be dynamically adjusted to

    radiate power in a certain direction under consideration of

    the subscribers positions within the coverage area and the

    current conditions of multipath propagation. Because the

    power is concentrated into a beam of small width, the cov-erage area can be increased and interferences eliminated.

    Furthermore, the different transmitters connected to a mul-

    ti-antenna array can independently transmit different data

    streams on the same radio channel, assuming that their

    beams are sufficiently separated in space. This technique is

    known as Space Division Multiplexing(SDM) and increases

    the capacity within a radio cell linearly with the number of

    antennas deployed.

    WiMAX incorporates two different multiple-antenna tech-

    nologies, which are called Adaptive Antenna System(AAP)

    and Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). Both of them

    are compared in Figure 12. The former technique is based

    8 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    Figure 12. Comparison of AAS and MIMO

    on beamforming and generates a beam that is directed to-

    wards a subscriber or a group of subscribers staying close

    by. MIMO, on the other hand, utilizes the effects of multipath

    propagation and is the preferred choice in cluttered environ-

    ments. Signals from the different antennas are radiated in

    a way that they travel at different paths from the sender to

    the receiver. The different paths may either carry the same,

    redundant copies of the data stream or they might be used

    to transfer different data streams to the receiver. The former

    approach makes the transmission more robust, because in-

    terferences on a certain path may be compensated by the

    transmissions received from another path, or transmissions

    from different paths may be combined at the receiver to get

    a useful signal. This option is the preferred choice for serv-

    ing mobile subscribers, which suffer from rapidly changing

    radio conditions. The transfer of different data streams, on

    the other hand, increases the capacity, but is less robust. It

    is primarily intended for fixed and nomadic subscribers.

    4.3 Channel Coding

    The goal of channel coding is to prepare the data stream to

    be transmitted in a manner that errors that may occur dur-

    ing transmission can be reliably detected and corrected at

    the receiver. This is accomplished by calculating redundant

    data from the data stream. WiMAX applies different error

    coding schemes, and their deployment and parameters de-

    pend on the physical layer used.

    In general, it can be distinguished between block and

    convolutional codes. Block coding subdivides the data

    stream into blocks of nbits, and generates a parity word foreach block that is attached to it, resulting in a block of size m

    bits (m>n) that is then further processed. The type of block

    code used in WiMAX is called Reed-Solomon code. Con-

    volutional coding takes nbits from a continuous input data

    stream and maps them onto mbits of an output stream. The

    generation of output bits is realized by combining (convolv-

    ing) the outputs of several linear feedback shift registers in

    a certain manner.

    The quality of error coding can be measured by the

    maximum number of errors that can be corrected in a data

    block or stream of fixed size and whether error bursts or

    only single-bit errors can be corrected. These capabilities

    mainly depend on the algorithms used for error correctionas well as on the code rate r=n/m, which expresses the

    number of output bits per input bit. The lower the code rate

    is, the higher is the probability that errors can be corrected,

    but the lower is the net data rate that can be achieved at the

    radio channel. Therefore, the WiMAX standards envisage to

    dynamically fix an appropriate code rate under considera-

    tion of the expected degree of interferences.

    Error correction mechanisms reliably detect and correct

    errors. Unfortunately, each radio transmission suffers from

    the appearance of error bursts, which are characterized by

    a large number of errors occurring in consecutive bits. Be-

    cause it is difficult or even impossible in many cases to cor-rect such errors, the output bits generated by error coding

    can be mixed prior to transmission, a process that is known

    as interleaving. For this purpose, the data stream is subdi-

    (a) Adaptive Antenna System

    (b) Multiple Input Muliple Output

  • 8/8/2019 Samsung Mobile Wimax


    vided into code words of fixed length, and the consecutive

    bits of a code word are exchanged with the bits of previous

    and subsequent words according to a certain algorithm. At

    the receiver, the original bit sequence is then reassembled

    by a de-interleaving process. Thus, error bursts occurring

    during transmission are distributed over several code words,

    that is, they are subdivided into single bit errors that can be

    corrected in most cases.

    As stated before, WiMAX supports different options

    for error coding. Figure 13 depicts a two-step error coding

    process that applies both block and convolutional coding. In

    the first step, which is also referred to as outer coding, the

    transmitter encodes the data stream with a Reed-Solomon

    code. The resulting blocks together with their parity words

    are then interleaved. In order to improve robustness, a con-

    volutional coding process is then applied in the last step,

    which is also called inner coding. The decoding steps at the

    receiver are then executed in reverse order.

    4.4 Duplexing

    Another task of the physical layer is the separation of uplink

    and downlink transmissions, which is commonly referred to

    as duplexing. Two fundamental approaches exist, which are

    called Frequency Division Duplex(FDD) and Time Division

    Duplex (TDD) and which are both supported in all WiMAX


    In FDD mode, uplink and downlink are separated in the

    frequency domain, that is, there exists a dedicated radio

    channel for each direction, which is demonstrated in Figure

    14a. Both uplink and downlink channels are subdivided intoframes of a certain duration, and each frame, in turn, con-

    sists of several data bursts. Each subscriber station is as-

    signed two data bursts, one on the downlink channel for re-

    ceiving data from the base station and another on the uplink

    channel for transferring data to the base station. In addition,

    there is a dedicated data burst for broadcast transmissions,

    which is used by the base station to supply all subscriber

    stations with control information. This will be explained in

    subsequent sections.

    FDD can be operated in full duplex(FD) or half duplex

    (HD) mode. In full duplex, the stations can send and receive

    simultaneously. However, a major problem of FDD is that

    the transmission power of an outgoing signal is much higherthan the received power of an incoming signal, and there-

    fore the side lobes of the outgoing signal may drown out

    the incoming signal. To cope with this problem, it is recom-

    mended to arrange uplink and downlink far away from each

    other in the frequency domain. Nevertheless, there often

    remain interferences, which can only be avoided by using

    frequency filters, which, however, makes mobile devices

    complex and expensive. Another solution is therefore to use

    half duplex, where subscriber stations do not receive and

    transmit at the same time.

    9WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    Figure 14b demonstrates full and half duplex modes for

    different subscriber stations. SS #1 is a full duplex station,

    and can thus send and receive simultaneously. SS #2 and

    #3, on the other hand, are half duplex stations. Their uplinkand downlink bursts must be arranged in a way that they

    do not overlap. It must also be considered that their uplink

    bursts are not in conflict with broadcast transmissions from

    the base station.

    Using TDD, downlink and uplink share a common radio

    channel and are separated in the time domain as demon-

    strated in Figure 14b. A transmission frame is subdivided into

    downlink and uplink subframes, each of it consisting again

    of a number of data bursts assigned to different subscriber

    stations. A challenge of TDD is to avoid an overlapping be-

    tween downlink and uplink subframes. The overlapping may

    result from the fact that different subscriber stations are lo-cated at different distances to the base station, and hence

    do not receive the end of a downlink subframe simultane-

    ously. Therefore, uplink and downlink subframes must be

    separated by guard periodsduring which no transmission

    is allowed.

    Both FDD and TDD are available for all physical layers

    of WiMAX. FDD is the preferred solution for regulated op-

    eration in licensed frequency bands, while TDD is primarily

    deployed in unlicensed bands, which require less regulatory

    and organizational constraints. The following section gives

    a more detailed overview of the structure of transmission

    frames used for FDD and TDD.

    4.5 Frame Format

    The physical layers of WiMAX come along with different

    frame formats, which, however, only slightly differ from each

    other. Therefore, only their common elements are explained

    here. Figure 15 shows a simplified version of the frame

    structure as used for the TDD mode. A frame consists of

    a downlink and uplink subframe and lasts 5, 10 or 20 ms.

    Consecutive downlink and uplink subframes are separated

    by guard periods (as explained in the last section), which

    are called Transmit/Receive Transition Gap(TTG) and Re-

    ceive/Transmit Transition Gap (RTG) and during which nodata transmission is allowed. For FDD, basically the same

    format is used: the downlink and uplink subframes shown

    in Figure 15 are assigned to different radio channels for

    ConvolutionalCoding(Inner coding)

    InterleavingBlock coding(Outer coding)

    Figure 13. Channel coding in WiMAX







    SS #1(VD)

    SS #3(VD)

    SS #2(VD)

    SS #1(VD)

    SS #3(VD)

    SS #2(VD)

    Downlink frame n Downlink frame n+1

    Uplink frame n Uplink frame n+1

    xx MHz

    yy MHz




    SS #1(VD)

    SS #3(VD)

    SS #2(VD)

    Downlink subframe n Uplink subframe n

    Frame n

    xx MHz

    (a) Frequency Divsion Duplexing (FDD)

    (b) Time Divsion Duplexing (TDD)

    Figure 14. Channel coding in WiMAX

  • 8/8/2019 Samsung Mobile Wimax


    Figure 15. TDD frame format

    parallel transmission and constitute an entire frame with a

    maximum length of 20 ms. Furthermore, there is no need in

    the FDD mode to separate consecutive frames by TTG and

    RTG respectively. The following descriptions refer to both

    TDD and FDD.Because the WiMAX physical layers provide several

    options, for example, regarding modulation schemes or

    error coding rates, it is necessary to inform all subscriber

    stations in a radio cell about the configuration of the radio

    channel. For this purpose, the serving base station broad-

    casts control information at the beginning of each frame,

    which is received by all subscriber stations connected to

    that base station. The broadcast is constituted by a pream-

    ble, a so-called frame control header (FCH) and the first

    data burst, see Figure 15. Modulation and coding of these

    fields are standardized in order to make them interpretable

    for all subscriber stations being in the process of networkentry, which will be explained below.

    The preamble indicates the beginning of a frame and

    enables the synchronization of subscriber stations to the

    transmissions of the base station. It always has a length of

    two OFDM symbols of a fixed radio pattern and is modulat-

    ed with QPSK. The preamble is followed by the FCH field,

    which carries the so-called burst profileof the first downlink

    burst. This burst profile indicates the modulation scheme

    and code rate used in the first burst. The FCH field consists

    of only one OFDM symbol and is modulated with BPSK.

    The first burst then carries a so-called broadcast control

    field, which is composed of further fields denoted as DL-

    MAP, UL-MAP, Downlink Channel Descriptor (DCD) andUplink Channel Descriptor (UCD). DL-MAP and UL-MAP

    indicate the positions of all downlink and uplink bursts within

    the corresponding subframes as well as their burst profiles.

    DCD and UCD are complex descriptions of the configura-

    tion of downlink and uplink, and contain information like the

    identifier of the serving base station, the frame length, the

    length of various fields within a frame, the frame number

    and information for power adjustment and initial ranging, to

    name only a few. Each subscriber station that wants to get

    access to a base station has to receive these descriptions

    and adjust to it.

    An uplink subframe starts with two fields denoted as ini-tial rangingand bandwidth request. The former is accessed

    by subscriber stations in order to determine the range to

    the base station. This process is performed during the net-

    work entry and will be described below. Using the band-

    width request field, a subscriber station can announce its

    bandwidth requirements to the base station, which will also

    be explained later.

    The broadcast fields (in the downlink) and the fields

    for initial ranging and bandwidth request (in the uplink) are

    followed by data bursts for individual transmissions to and

    from subscriber stations. A data burst is of variable length

    and carriers the protocol data units of the medium access

    layer (MAC PDU). The assignment of data bursts to sub-

    scriber stations is part of the medium access layer and is

    executed by the base station under consideration of QoS


    For each data burst, another configuration of modulation

    scheme and error coding rate can be used, which is speci-

    fied in the DL-MAP and UL-MAP fields of the frame. The

    configuration can be dynamically selected under considera-

    tion of the capabilities of the subscriber station, the required

    data rates and the expected robustness of transmission. Forexample, subscriber stations located close-by to the base

    station may be served by 64-QAM, which provides high

    data rates but which is very susceptible to interferences,

    while for subscriber stations located farther away the more

    robust QPSK modulation may be preferred. This is demon-

    strated for the downlink in Figure 16. However, the usage of

    different modulation schemes imposes certain constraints

    regarding the ordering of bursts within a frame. A particular

    concern is that a subscriber station that wants to transmit

    in (or receive) a burst has to detect the end of the previ-

    ous burst assigned to another subscriber station. This can

    only be guaranteed if for the previous burst either the samemodulation scheme is used or another one that is more ro-

    bust against interferences. In Figure 15, SS#1 is located far-

    thest away from the base station and is served with a QPSK

    modulation in the first burst. SS#2, on the other hand, is

    closer by and receives in the second burst modulated with

    the less robust 16-QAM. It can easily detect the end of the

    first burst, because QPSK is more robust than 16-QAM. If,

    however, the order of the two bursts would be exchanged,

    SS#1 could hardly detect the end of the first burst, because

    it is located out of the range where 16-QAM modulated sig-

    nals can be reliably received. Therefore, the bursts within

    a frame must always be arranged in decreasing order with



    MACPDU #1

    MACPDU #n






    Frame n-1 Frame n Frame n+1Time









    Downlink sub-frame Uplink sub-frame
















    Figure 16. Modulation of data bursts

    10 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access





    SS #1(QPSK)








    Increasing interferences


    Decreasing robustness of modulation

  • 8/8/2019 Samsung Mobile Wimax


    regard to the robustness of the used modulation schemes.

    Finally, Figure 17 shows a possible appearance of down-link and uplink frames for the case that OFDMA is used.

    The different data bursts are not only separated in the time

    domain here. They can also be transmitted simultaneously

    assuming that they adopt different sub-channels, which are

    composed of the several sub-carriers built by the multi car-

    rier modulation.

    5 WiMAX Medium Access Layer

    If a base station operates in the point-to-multipoint mode

    (see Section 2.2), subscriber stations located within its cov-

    erage area compete against each other for access to the ra-dio channel. This access is coordinated by the base station

    and belongs to the main tasks of the medium access layer.

    The primary focus of medium access on the one hand is to

    avoid collisions, which would occur if two or more subscrib-

    er stations would enter the same radio channel (or some of

    its sub-carriers if OFDMA is applied) simultaneously and,

    on the other, to guarantee the access in a way that QoS re-

    quirements are met. Besides this, the medium access layer

    also provides related functions, for example, authentication

    and ciphering as well as error correction and radio link con-

    trol. The following sub-sections provide a short overview of

    the most important procedures of medium access.

    5.1 MAC Protocol Data Units

    Data is transferred via protocol data units (PDUs) of the

    MAC layer, which, in turn, are included into the data bursts

    provided by the physical layer. There may be several MAC

    PDUs per data burst. The PDUs carry user data, control and

    management information as well as bandwidth requests

    issued by the subscriber stations to announce their band-

    width requirements for uplink transmission. Apart from the

    bandwidth request, which only consists of a single header,

    a PDU contains a header field, a payload field and another

    field for error detection, see also Figure 15.The header is of fixed length and carries control infor-

    mation, for example, the identifier of the connection (see

    description below), whether or not encryption and error de-

    11WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    tection are activated as well as the length of the entire PDU.

    The bandwidth request header additionally contains the

    number of bytes the subscriber station intends to transmit

    in the uplink. The payload field carries the actual user data

    as well as control and management information and is of

    variable length. For example, the payload field may carry IP

    data packets, which are filled into the payload field by the

    convergence sub-layer.

    Finally, the Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) field con-

    tains a checksum that the transmitter calculates from the

    header and payload fields. The term CRC denotes a special

    mechanism of error detection, where the checksum is given

    by the remainder of a polynomial division. The checksum is

    analyzed by the receiver in order to detect those errors that

    could not be corrected by the channel decoding process of

    the physical layer (see also Section 4.3).

    5.2 Service Flows and MAC Connections

    The medium access layer of WiMAX organizes the ex-

    change of data between subscriber and base station by

    the concept of service flows. A service flow is always uni-

    directional, that is, it is defined either for uplink or downlink

    direction. It is represented by a unique Service Flow Identi-

    fier(SFID) and characterized by a set of QoS parameters,

    for example, data rate, latency and jitter. The requirements

    of different applications on these parameters are very het-

    erogeneous. For example, VoIP without silence suppression

    demands for a constant bit rate and a guaranteed maximum

    latency and jitter, while a simple file transfer only requires

    a minimum data rate, but no guarantees regarding otherQoS parameters. Each service flow is realized by a MAC

    connection, which is referenced by a Connection Identifier

    (CID) and which is constituted by a series of data bursts

    allocated by the base station in the different transmission

    frames. This allocation has to be organized in a way that the

    QoS requirements of the service flow the connection carries

    are fulfilled. This process represents the core mechanism

    of medium access. It is called schedulingand is based on

    sophisticated algorithms.

    The allocation of data bursts has to be considered for

    downlink and uplink direction differently. For the downlink,

    the allocation is comparatively simple, because the base

    station is the only sender in this direction. The data of anexternal network, for example, the Internet, arrives at the

    base station and is there assigned to the service flow that

    is maintained between the base station and the subscriber

    station the data is intended for. The scheduling algorithm of

    the base station then identifies one or several bursts within

    one or several frames for data transmission.

    In the uplink, the medium access is much more com-

    plicated, because it has to be coordinated among all sub-

    scriber stations within a cell. In classical mobile networks,

    for example, GSM, the problem of assigning transmission

    capacity to mobile stations is often solved by reserving a

    burst of fixed length in each frame and for each active sta-tion. In other wireless system, for example, WLAN, access

    to the radio channel is not centrally coordinated. Instead,

    the stations enter the channel whenever they have data to






    DL Burst #1

    UL Burst #1

    UL Burst #2

    UL Burst #1DL Burst #2

    DL Burst #3

    DL Burst #4







    TTG RTGTime domain - OFDMA symbols



    DL sub-frame UL sub-frame

    Figure 17. Example of frame structure when using


  • 8/8/2019 Samsung Mobile Wimax


    12 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    send. Collisions between the transmissions of different sta-

    tions are avoided in that the channel has to be sensed free

    prior to transmission. The former approach is suitable for the

    adherence of QoS guarantees, but it suffers from an inef-

    ficient utilization of the channel if the stations do not use the

    full capacity of a burst, for example, during periods of silencein a VoIP session. The latter approach, on the other hand,

    performs much better with regard to channel utilization, but

    it is not suitable for providing a negotiated QoS, for example,

    when too many stations contend for channel access. There-

    fore, in order to cope with the antagonism of efficiency and

    quality, WiMAX provides different access mechanisms for

    the uplink that can be dynamically deployed under consid-

    eration of QoS requirements.

    One of these mechanisms is polling, which is depicted in

    Figure 18. The base station here explicitly invites a subscrib-

    er station to announce its uplink bandwidth demand for a

    particular connection. The polling request specifies the CIDof the connection the polling refers to, and it is encoded as a

    special element of the uplink map. Upon arrival of a poll, the

    subscriber station determines the number of bytes it wants

    to transmit in the uplink and returns this number to the base

    station by sending a bandwidth request header (see Section

    5.1). Besides the byte number, this header also specifies the

    connection the request refers to and whether the bandwidth

    request is incrementalor aggregated. Using an incremental

    request, the subscriber station indicates a change of band-

    width demand with regard to previous requests, while an

    aggregated request specifies the total amount of bytes that

    needs to be sent. The bandwidth request header is included

    in the bandwidth request field of the uplink frame, see Fig-ure 15. After the base station has received the bandwidth

    request header, it reserves a burst of appropriate size for

    the next uplink frame. The parameters for uplink transmis-

    sion, for example, the burst number and length, are then

    indicated to the subscriber station in the next UL-MAP sent

    on the downlink.

    The polling of a subscriber station may be performed

    regularly or irregularly, which depends on the base sta-

    tions scheduling algorithm and the QoS parameters that

    have been negotiated for the respective service flow. Fur-

    thermore, it is distinguished between unicastand multicast/

    broadcast polling. In the former category, the polling refersto only a single subscriber station, while multicast/broad-

    cast polling addresses several or all subscriber stations lo-

    cated in a cell.

    Another mechanism for requesting bandwidth is piggy-

    backing. The name is derived from the fact that bandwidth

    requests are piggybacked (or attached) to the regular uplink

    transmissions of a subscriber station, instead of sending

    a dedicated bandwidth requests header. Piggybacking is

    performed independently from polling, that is, a subscriber

    station does not have to wait until it is polled, but can imme-

    diately inform the base station about changing bandwidth

    demands if necessary. The bandwidth request is included

    into the header of a conventional MAC PDU and always re-

    fers to the connection this PDU is part of.

    Finally, a subscriber station can get assigned uplink

    bursts of fixed length at regular intervals without the need

    to explicitly request them. This mechanism is called unsolic-

    ited schedulingand is the preferred choice for applications

    that require a constant bit rate during the entire session.

    The reservation may hold for the entire duration of the serv-

    ice session, but it may be temporarily cancelled in the case

    of inactive time periods. Furthermore, a subscriber stationcan indicate additional bandwidth demand for an unsolic-

    ited connection if it turns out that the amount of unsent data

    exceeds a pre-defined value. In this case, the subscriber

    station sets a so-called slip indicator bit in the MAC PDU

    header, whereupon the base station allocates more band-

    width for the respective connection.

    5.3 Service Classes

    The different mechanisms of bandwidth request presented

    previously are used for realizing different service classes,

    which differ from each other in the QoS they provide. Theseservice classes are basically descriptions of service flows

    with a pre-configured set of QoS parameters and are sup-

    ported by associated scheduling algorithms in the base sta-

    tion. The following services classes have been defined for


    Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS). This service class

    has the strongest requirements on QoS mechanisms

    and has been designed for supporting real-time appli-

    cations of constant bit rate, that is, for applications that

    periodically create a certain amount of data for realtime

    transfer over the network. A typical example is VoIP

    without silence suppression, where both periods of con-versation and silence are encoded and transferred with

    a constant bit rate. The bandwidth request mechanism

    in the uplink used for this service class is unsolicited


    Real-time Polling Service (rtPS). Another real-time

    service class is the Real-time Polling Service, which in

    contrast to UGS supports the periodic transfer of data

    packets of variable size. A typical example is MPEG-

    compressed video, where the single frames of a video

    stream are encoded depending on the data of previous

    and following frames and therefore differ in size. Thisservice class is based on the polling and piggybacking

    mechanisms for bandwidth request.

    Figure 18. Polling


    Bandwidth grant[UL-MAP]

    Bandwidth request[Bandwidth request field]

    UL transmission[assigned data burst]

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    Non-real-time Polling Service (nrtPS). This service

    class supports typical non-real-time applications suchas file transfer or Internet browsing. This service class

    does not necessarily need periodic transmission oppor-

    tunities or a guaranteed end-to-end latency. However,

    in order to provide an acceptable QoS, the base station

    issues unicast polls on a regular basis.

    Best Effort Service (BE). Services of this class do not

    receive any QoS guarantees at all. They are only served

    if sufficient capacity is available. Examples for such low-

    priority applications are those which create a low amount

    of data that may be delivered with a considerable delay,

    that is, Email, instant messaging or chat applications.

    If required, it is possible to modify the QoS parameters

    of a services class or to determine its own set of QoS pa-

    13WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    rameters for a service flow, which, however, increases the

    complexity of configuration.

    5.4 Procedures of the MAC Layer

    This section gives an overview of the procedures taking

    place between subscriber station and base station in order

    to register with the network and to get assigned resources.

    The different steps are depicted in Figure 19.

    Network Entry

    Before a subscriber station can use any services, it must

    first introduce to the base station, a process that is known

    as network entry. An important goal when designing WiMAX

    was to avoid complex and cumbersome manual configura-

    tions to be made by the subscriber, as often required, for

    example, in order to get access to a WLAN system. Instead,

    the subscriber should enter into contact with a WiMAX net-

    work in a plug-and-play fashion, that is, in a similar manneras mobile phones register with a GSM network, for example.

    Therefore, the different steps of network entry are hidden

    from the subscriber as far as possible, and may only require

    a pre-configuration of subscriber stations by the respective

    operator (to be made before they are delivered to the sub-


    The first step a subscriber station has to perform for net-

    work entry is called downlink channel synchronization(see

    Step (1) in Figure 19). The subscriber station scans the fre-

    quency range for detecting the downlink channel of a base

    station and then listens to the preamble periodically broad-

    cast in each downlink frame. If the subscriber station is syn-chronized, it derives information about the organization of

    uplink and downlink, that is, about the type of physical layer

    and the used modulation and error correction schemes,

    from the broadcast control field of the first burst.

    In the next step, which is denoted as initial ranging, the

    range between subscriber and base station is determined

    in order to fix a suitable transmission power and timing cor-

    rections. For this purpose, the subscriber station enters the

    initial ranging field of an uplink frame and sends a ranging

    request message (2) with the minimum transmission power.

    If no response is received from the base station within a

    certain timeout period, this message is resent with an in-

    creased transmission power. This process is repeated untilthe subscriber station receives a ranging response mes-

    sage (3), which either contains corrections for transmission

    power and timing or which indicates success.

    The last step of network entry is capability negotiation,

    and it is used to inform the base station about the modula-

    tion schemes, error correction schemes and rates as well

    as duplexing methods supported by the subscriber station.

    Upon arrival and checking of the capability request mes-

    sage from the subscriber station (4), the base station can

    accept or deny network entry in a capability response mes-

    sage (5).

    Authentication and Key Exchange

    After network entry is completed, the subscriber station must

    authenticate towards the network, which is necessary in or-

    Figure 19. MAC procedures

    Regular DL transmissions

    Downlink channelsynchronization


    Ranging response

    Ranging request[Initial ranging field]

    Authentication request

    Registration request

    Registration response

    Authentication response

    Capability request

    Capability response

    Network entry

    Authentication andkey exchange


    Connection Setup

    DHCP/Internet Time Protocol/TFTP

    Dynamic service addition request

    Dynamic service addition ack.

    DS received

    Dynamic service addition response


















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    der to validate the subscribers identity. The authentication is

    based on X.509 certificates, which are issued by the manu-

    facturer of the subscriber station and which are encrypted

    with the subscribers secret key. The certificate is passed to

    the network (6) and is decrypted there with the subscribers

    public key. If the validation is successful, the base station

    sends an authentication response (7), which contains an

    authorization key for ciphering subsequent messages. This

    authorization key is encrypted with the subscribers public

    key and can only be decrypted with her secret key at the

    subscriber station.

    Registration and IP Connectivity

    The subscriber station can now register with the network

    and be configured for IP operation. Upon sending a registra-

    tion request message (8), it receives information about the

    used IP version, supported protocols for retransmission of

    erroneous data (Automatic Repeat Request, ARQ) and oth-

    er capabilities needed for medium access (9). Finally, fur-ther operations are executed for IP connectivity (10), among

    them the allocation of an IP address by using the Dynamic

    Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP), the exchange of cur-

    rent date and time via the Internet Time Protocoland the

    download of operational parameters by using the Trivial File

    Transfer Protocol(TFTP).

    Connection Setup

    After a subscriber station is known to the network, service

    flows can be established in both directions, for which a se-

    ries of management messages is exchanged. The service

    flows may be initiated by the subscriber station or by thebase station. In the former case, which is shown in Figure

    19, the subscriber station sends a request message to the

    base station (11), which addresses the convergence sub-

    layer the service flow refers to (that is, IP or ATM) and which

    contains the desired QoS parameters. After reception of this

    message, the base station acknowledges its reception (12)

    and checks whether the requesting subscriber is allowed at

    all to request service flows with the specified QoS configu-

    ration (13). If this check is successful, this is indicated to the

    subscriber station by sending another message (14). The

    connection setup is completed if the subscriber station then

    acknowledges this message (15).

    In addition to this setup procedure, an existing serviceflow can be reconfigured (regarding its QoS parameters) or

    deleted, for which similar procedures exist. Also, it is pos-

    sible to establish several service flows in parallel.

    6 Mobility Support

    This section gives an overview of functions for mobility sup-

    port in Mobile WiMAX systems. The focus is on the different

    types of handover, modes for power saving, procedures of

    location management and a reference model for a WiMAX

    network architecture.

    6.1 Handover

    Basically, the handover process as performed in most mo-

    bile networks can be subdivided into the three following

    phases: measurements, decisionand execution. In Mobile

    WiMAX, all of them are initialized by the subscriber station,

    but supported by the base stations involved in the handover

    procedure, that is, the serving base stationand possible tar-

    get base stations.

    As stated in Section 2.1, Mobile WiMAX supports hard

    as well as soft handover. The three handover phases for

    both types are explained in the following.

    Hard Handover

    A hard handover is characterized by the fact that the con-

    nection to the serving base station is released before an-

    other one is established to the new base station ("break-


    Measurements are made by the subscriber station andrefer to observing the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) of down-

    link transmissions from the serving base station as well as

    from possible target base stations. The SNR expresses the

    ratio between the reception power of the intended signal

    and that of other interferences. If the SNR of the serving

    base station gets low, the error rates increase, and a hando-

    ver to another base station should be performed.

    In order to measure the SNR of possible target base

    stations, the measuring subscriber station must be aware of

    their existence and the configuration of the associated radio

    channels. Therefore, the serving base station periodically

    Figure 20. Hard handover

    14 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

    Network topology advertisement

    Regular downlink transmissions

    Regular downlink transmissions

    Scanning request

    Handover request

    Handover response


    Scanning response

    Capacity & QoSchecks








    Servingbase station

    Target #1Target #2



    9 Network entry, registration, ...

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    broadcasts a so-called network-topology-advertisement

    message, which contains a list of all neighbouring base sta-

    tions together with their configuration, see Step (1) in Figure

    20. Basically, this configuration is an aggregation of the DCD

    and UCD fields broadcast by the respective base stations in

    their downlink frames. After analyzing the network-topology-

    advertisement message, the subscriber can switch between

    different neighbouring base stations and obtain the SNRs of

    their downlink transmissions.

    However, for listening to the transmissions of neighbour-

    ing base stations, the subscriber station must interrupt the

    reception of the serving base station. For this purpose, it

    requests the serving base station for the assignment of a

    so-called scanning interval (2). During this interval, trans-

    missions to and from the requesting subscriber station are

    interrupted. The beginning and length of the scanning in-

    terval are returned in a scanning-response message to the

    subscriber station (3), whereupon it starts the scanning of

    neighbouring base stations (4).After the scanning is complete, the subscriber station

    compares the measured SNRs with the SNR of the serving

    base station and decides whether or not a handover is nec-

    essary. This decision process also includes the identification

    of potential target base stations, which are also selected

    under consideration of the transmission quality experienced

    during the scanning interval. However, this decision cannot

    be made by the subscriber station solely. The list of potential

    target base stations must first be sent to the serving base

    station (5), which then checks whether the identified base

    stations have enough capacity at all to serve the subscriber

    station and to maintain the QoS parameters of its serviceflows (6). After the results of this check are available, the

    serving base station returns the list of remaining target base

    stations or proposes new ones (7). If the subscriber station

    does not accept one of the chosen base stations, it returns

    a negative acknowledgement. This negotiation process can

    then be repeated for several times until a suitable target

    base station is determined (8).

    If the subscriber station does not return a negative ac-

    knowledgement within a specified time period, the serving

    base station acts on the assumption that the subscriber sta-

    tion has switched to one of the proposed target base sta-

    tions and releases all connections. The subscriber station,

    on the other hand, registers with the new target base station

    Figure 21. Multiple connections to different base stations

    during soft handover

    then (9) and for this purpose executes network entry, regis-

    tration and all following steps as explained in Section 5.4.

    Soft Handover

    During a soft handover, the subscriber station maintains

    several connections to different base stations simultane-

    ously ("make-before-break"), see Figure 21. Measurements

    are performed in the same manner as for the hard hando-

    ver during scanning intervals, see Step (1)-(4) in Figure 20.

    However, handover decision and execution are handled dif-


    The base stations a subscriber station is connected to

    are managed in its active set. At the beginning, the active

    set only contains the base station the subscriber station has

    initially registered with, which is called anchor base station.

    The active set can be extended if the subscriber station

    measures an SNR from another base station that exceeds a

    pre-defined threshold value. If this happens, the subscriber

    station requests the anchor base station for updating theactive set, which can be accepted or denied depending on

    similar capacity checks as performed for the hard handover,

    see Step (6) in Figure 20. Analogously, a base station can

    be removed from the active set if its SNR falls below an-

    other threshold value. Furthermore, if the SNR of the anchor

    base station is lower than that of another base station for a

    certain period of time, the subscriber station can request to

    change the anchor.

    Maintaining connections to several base stations simul-

    taneously means that the subscriber station receives the

    same data for several times over different paths. In order to

    improve the reception quality, all signals are combined toan aggregated signal, which usually shows a much better

    SNR when compared to that of a single signal. This feature

    is called macro diversityand is also implemented in UMTS

    networks. In the uplink, the signals of the subscriber station

    are received by all base stations of the active set. Instead

    of summing up the signals, only that with the best quality

    is selected and further processed, which is called selective


    Making soft handovers possible is a difficult task and

    requires a careful design and planning of WiMAX networks

    as well as complex and sophisticated coordinations during

    their operation. The realization of macro and selective diver-

    sity makes it necessary that neighbouring base stations op-erate at the same frequencies and follow the same structure

    of data bursts within the transmission frames. Furthermore,

    in order to avoid interferences, the frames must be exactly

    synchronized in time, for which GPS receivers mounted at

    15WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access




    Ready for reception/transmission



    SuspendedPaging + Location Update

    Figure 22. Power saving modes

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    the base stations deliver a common time basis. Finally, there

    is additional management overhead, for example, the coor-

    dination of uplink and downlink maps and the assignment of

    common CIDs and SFIDs, to name only a few.

    6.2 Power Saving

    A typical problem of mobile devices is the lack of sufficient

    battery resources, and that is why for Mobile WiMAX new

    operational modes are defined, see Figure 22. These are

    called sleepand idle modeand consume considerably less

    power than the conventional active mode.

    A subscriber station turns from the active into the sleep

    mode if no data is to be sent in the various service flows it

    maintains with the base station. This may happen, for exam-

    ple, if a service flow is used for transferring web pages, and

    the subscriber remains on a certain web page over a longer

    period of time before requesting the next one. The sleep

    mode is characterized by alternating listeningand sleep pe-riods. In a sleep period, the subscriber station is deactivated

    and does neither monitor the downlink transmission frames

    from the base station nor does it transmit in the uplink. From

    time to time, however, the subscriber station changes into

    a listening period in order to check whether data from the

    network has arrived. If so, it then returns to the active mode.

    If data arrive from the network during the sleep periods, the

    base station has to buffer it until the next listening period

    occurs. The start and length of sleep and listening periods

    are negotiated between subscriber station and base station

    before starting into the sleep mode.

    In the idle mode, the subscriber station is suspendedfrom the network, but remains available for the case that

    network-initiated data is to be delivered, for example, an

    incoming VoIP session or push email. The subscriber sta-

    tion does neither transmit nor receive, similar to the sleep

    periods in the sleep mode, and hence saves its power re-

    sources. It only awakens for listening to so-called paging in-

    tervals, during which it is informed about incoming data and

    other procedures of the location management, which will

    be described in the next section. The idle periods between

    two paging intervals can alternatively be used for scanning

    neighbouring base stations if the transmissions in the pag-

    ing intervals from the serving base station get too weak.

    6.3 Location Management

    A subscriber station being in active or sleep mode always

    performs a handover when it leaves the coverage area of