
mobile advertising Mobile Advertising Portfolio MAP

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mobile advertising Mobile Advertising Portfolio MAP The Mobile Advertising Portfolio will evolve as we launch new and innovative inventory, ensure you download the latest MAP and Charter from: people said that they would be happy to receive relevant advertising on their mobile phone.” Source: Q Research


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mobile advertisingMobile Advertising PortfolioMAP

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IntroductionThis Mobile Advertising Portfolio has been designed with Brands and Media Agencies in mind. This Portfolio will provide you with the information you need to run highly targeted and successful advertising campaigns to Vodafone’s 3.6 million, highly receptive customer base.

This Portfolio has been designed to be used in conjunction with the Mobile Advertising Charter. These documents reinforce Vodafone’s commitment to deploying scaleable business models whilst protecting the consumer.

The Mobile Advertising Portfolio will evolve as we launch new and innovative inventory, ensure you download the latest MAP and Charter from:

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“In a recent survey 76% of people said that they would be happy to receive relevant advertising on their mobile phone.”

Source: Q Research

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About Mobile Advertising

Australia is under-going significant change. Tech-savvy consumers are now fully embracing mobile communications far beyond their use for voice contact. With this understanding, comes a wiser, more educated consumer willing and happy to accept, review and decide upon advertisements that appear before them.

More importantly however, is having the power to deliver target-specific mobile advertising, using the very latest Insights, CRM-based technologies and target audience methodology such as Roy Morgan and MOSAIC to help determine how to get the very most from your campaigns.

High response rates, excellent customer satisfaction and successful marketing through mobile advertising are leading companies large and small throughout Australia to recognise a whole new revenue generator.

Vodafone Australia is at the forefront of that development. Providing solutions that deliver the results you need, with the creativity your customers want.

W: E: [email protected]: 1 300 747 757

Mobile Advertising Division Vodafone Australia 799 Pacific Highway Chatswood NSW 2067

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Why Mobile Advertising?

Expectations of Australian consumers are noticeably changing. Australia has more mobile phones than PCs, TVs, Post Boxes, Radios and Bill Boards, 90% (19 million) of Australians have mobile phones with 60% (12.6 million) of Australians considered to be mobile lovers, these consumers spend more time talking on and looking at their mobile phone screen than ever before. It is estimated consumers are spending 25% longer looking at their mobile screen compared to last year.

A phenomenon expected to continue for the next 5 years. Today’s new breed of fast moving, highly sociable consumers consider some traditional media as stale and inappropriate for their needs. However, their love of interacting via their mobile is insatiable, last year they spent over $500 million downloading music, games, ringtones and watching TV, making mobile a particularly appropriate new advertising media.

Vodafone for the first time has opened its doors to allow 3rd Party Advertisers to target Vodafone’s 3.6 million base via a wide range of advertising inventory types.

Our experience of running 3rd Party Advertising campaigns on Vodafone has seen an immediate acceptance from the consumer base and has delivered exceptional performance with over 6% click through rates. Vodafone also leverages rich consumer insights and segmentation methodology such as Roy Morgan and MOSAIC to help deliver highly targeted campaigns.

Experience Mobile Advertising now!

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knowledge of the customer

discoverthe customer

research the customer

contact the customer

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The customer journey

Researching the customer includes our Research and Customer Care options providing unique insights that are completely tailored to your specification of survey or customer care program.

Discovering the customer includes banner advertising, in-store brochures, bill advertising and more.

Contacting the customer includes our Options list and MMS/SMS broadcasting capability to reach out to our 3.6 million plus database.

Knowledge of the customer is empowering you with the very latest understanding of the customer database including feedback, customer insights and the most target-specific customer segmentation packages available today, including Roy Morgan and MOSAIC from Experian.

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M A P – Mobile Advertising Portfolio

For the first time, Vodafone Australia is excited to offer 3rd party advertisers the opportunity to access its prized customer contact assets. These assets are clearly set out within this “MAP”, Vodafone’s Mobile Advertising Portfolio.

The “MAP” is just that. It’s a guide which extends to help Brands and Media Agencies select the most suitable mobile advertising inventory, which includes anything from Banners, SMS and MMS Broadcasts, Content Sponsorships, Mobile TVCs, Vodafone’s Retail Store Magazine, through to On-Bill Advertising.

Vodafone Mobile Advertising offers a complete 360° campaign solution, designed to achieve the results you want whatever the objective :-

Product launches ;

Brand re-enforcement ;

Database acquisition (for ongoing one to one relationships) ;

Research and customer care programs. ;

PR announcements ;

All campaigns are underpinned with a comprehensive range of dynamic insightful reports. These are made available via MACI (Mobile Advertising Campaign Interface). MACI provides the visibility and control allowing you to fine tune or extend your campaign at anytime.

Inventory within the MAP (Mobile Advertising Portfolio) is backed by Vodafone’s Mobile Advertising Charter, a do’s and don’ts list protecting the Consumer and empowering the Advertiser.

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inventory list

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Banner Advertising Stimulating discovery of campaigns

FACTS and FIGURES:Audience Size:

Vodafone’s 3.6 million mobile subscribers are able to access ;Vodafone live! and view Banner Ads.

Each month Vodafone live! sees 500,000 Unique Visitors, who ;produce a vast 3.2 million homepage impressions.

Audience Demographics:Under 18 4% 18yr-31yr 50% 31yr-54yr 27% 54yr + 19%


Ability to link to Campaign WAP Microsites. ;

Dynamic online campaign activity reports. ;

Optional detailed activity reports available by user segment, ;location, behaviour and more!

Expected Response Rate:

6-10% ;


CPM $75.00

Product Code BNRAD1

Minimum OrderThere is a minimum commitment to 320,000 page impressions.

Example Costs:Example for running a campaign for 1 month

Total addressable market size 3,600,000

Estimated Response RateShare of Impressions per month


CPMClick Throughs per month


Typical Monthly CostCost Per Click


About:Banner ads typically command 20% of the mobile screen (above the fold). ;

The Banner provides a space for advertisers to place a product image or teaser, which excites the ;consumer to click to gain more information.

By clicking on the banner link, the consumer is taken to a Campaign Microsite, which provides a rich ;environment for sharing the campaign’s key messages and potentially opting the consumer into a database, which enables an ongoing, one to one marketing relationship.

Banner ads appear on all pages of the Vodafone live! entertainment portal. ;NOTE: mobile screen sizes vary from device to device.

Page 11: sample_vodafonemobileadv [email protected] T: 1300 747 757

Banner Advertising Plus


Standard Banner Ad CPM $75

Additional Targeted Banner Advertising Plus Options Add $5.00 CPM per selection

Example Costs:A campaign looking to target females, in NSW aged between 18-35 years of age.

Dimension CPM Selected

Standard Banner Ad Serving

$75.00 (Essential) √

Gender $5.00 √

Phone Type $5.00

State (residential location) $5.00 √

Segmentation $5.00

Age $5.00 √

Spending Power $5.00

Credit Worthiness $5.00

Total ad serving costs would be $90CPM

About:Banner Advertising ; Plus provides you with extremely powerful targeting tools, helping you select the most appropriate target group for your advertising campaign.

Your banner advertising campaign is provided with a range of ;options that will allow you to tailor who you want to target and how using the latest demographic analysis.

From the chart opposite you can select from a wide range of ;targeting options for your banner advert based on;

Gender √

Phone Type √

State (residential location) √

Segmentation √

Age √

Spending Power √

Credit Worthiness √

You can add as many as you want to your banner advertising ;campaign ensuring targeted and relevant advertising to the consumers you want.

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Services:Ability to link to Campaign WAP Microsites ;

Dyn ; amic online campaign activity reportsOptional detailed activity reports available by user ;segment, location, behaviour and more!

Banner Buy OutExclusive discover of campaigns

About:This option buys out ; all of the available 3rd party Banner Ad slots across the Vodafone live! entertainment portal.

Hence there is no conflicting noise from any other advertiser. ;

This option offers great commercial benefits to the Advertiser. ;Not only is there a heightened visibility of the campaign message, but also there are great costs savings.

5 times greater visibility of your campaign. ;

Get 5 Banner Ad slots for the price of 4. ;

NOTE: Vodafone will run its own house promotions in conjunction with this option.

What will the advertiser receive?

Advertisers can expect to receive response rates in excess of 6%. ;

These banners may be linked to WAP Campaign Microsites. ;

Advertisers will have full visibility of how the Banners are ;performing, including views and click throughs.

Pre-requisitesThe Banners should be issued to Vodafone in the size specified within Vodafone’s Mobile Advertising Charter. You will need a Campaign Microsite to link your Banner Ad to.

FACTS and FIGURES:Audience Size:

Vodafone’s 3.6 million ;mobile subscribers are able to access Vodafone live! and view Banner Ads.

Each month Vodafone ;live! sees 500,000 Unique Visitors, who produce a vast 3.2 million homepage impressions.

Audience Demographics:

Under 18 4% 18yr-31yr 50% 31yr-54yr 27% 54yr + 19%


CPM $60.00

Product Code BUYOUT

Expected Response Rate: 6-10%

Minimum Order

There is a minimum commitment of 1.6M page impressions.

Example Costs:

Example for running a campaign for 1 month

Total addressable market size 3,600,000

Estimated Response RateShare of Impressions per month


CPMClick Throughs per month


Typical Monthly CostCost Per Click


Page 13: sample_vodafonemobileadv [email protected] T: 1300 747 757

Campaign Microsite Build

About:Vodafone has vast experience in building WAP Microsites, ;however the Advertiser is free to either build their own site or commission Vodafone to build on their behalf.

There are a number of tried and tested campaign mechanics, ;which drive usage. These typically involve rewarding the consumer with free content for participating in a campaign.

Providing the consumer agrees to opt-in to a marketing ;database, Vodafone has the ability to capture participating numbers along with their profile, the details of which can be viewed through the various reporting options outlined within this portfolio.

All Campaign Microsites are registered on the Vodafone ;Network, so there is no charge for the consumer to browse the campaign, in fact Vodafone insists the consumers entire mobile campaign experience is free of charge.

What will the advertiser receive?Advertisers can expect to receive response rates in excess of 6%. ;

These Campaign Microsites may be linked to Banner Ads. ;

Advertisers will have full visibility of how the Microsites are ;performing, including unique views, repeat viewers, database opt-ins and volume of content downloaded.

Consumers are not charged for browsing the Campaign ;Microsite.

Pre-requisites:Should the advertiser choose to build their own site, all external links must be removed and no attempt to obtain the consumer’s mobile number can be made.

FACTS and FIGURES:Experience:

Vodafone has unrivalled ;experience in building WAP Microsites.

All Microsites are ;registered on the Vodafone Network so they are free for the consumer to browse.

Mobile numbers captured ;for opt-in marketing campaigns are profiled and stored by Vodafone.

Vodafone does not ;release the mobile phone numbers to 3rd Party developers, instead they are issued a session ID.

Vodafone builds ;2 versions of each Campaign Microsite, a PML version for 2.5G devices and XHTML for 3G devices.


Ability to link from ;Banner Ads

Dynamic online campaign ;activity reports

Optional detailed activity ;reports available by user segment, location, behaviour and more!

Expected Response Rate: 6-10%

Costing a site build:

Microsites can vary considerably in complexity, a basic site, with 3-4 product announcement pages, T&C page, Content Download & Database Opt-in facility costs from $3,750.

To design and build an addition pages and features is charged at $1,295 per day.


Basic Microsite Build $3,750

Product Code SITEBUILD

Custom Site Build $1,295 per day

Product Code CUSTBUILD

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SMS & MMS Contact Pack One to one relationship with your customers

About:This pack allows advertisers to target opt-in consumers via SMS or MMS.

Both SMS and MMS provide a highly targeted, 2-way communication channel to your customer. A recent survey said, 76% of consumers were happy to receive targeted advertising on their mobile phone.

This pack allows you to target your opt-in database by any of the following dimensions; age, gender, registered home location, Phone Type, Spending Power or Credit Worthiness.

Pre-requisitesThe advertiser will need to produce the message to send via SMS and/or provide the artwork for the MMS in *.gif format (details in the Mobile Advertising Charter).

If you haven’t already, it is worth capturing mobile phone numbers during any customer data acquisition you run, as these numbers will prove an invaluable asset in future campaigns.

What will the advertiser receive?The advertiser is able to see the profile of their opt-in database and request that Vodafone target specified groups at specified times.

A recent survey said,

76% of consumers were happy to receive targeted advertising

on their mobile phone.

FACTS and FIGURES:85% of consumers open and read MMS or SMS. ;

Innovative MMS campaigns can see a 28% viral effect ;(forwarding onto friends.)

Vodafone will manage the broadcast. ;

Ability to view and select the most appropriate users from ;within the opt-in database.


Setup per Broadcast $3,000

Product Code BROADCAST

Plus costs per message as per chart

Message Type Cost Per Message

SMS 50K+ $0.15

SMS 10,000-49,999 $0.20

SMS 0-9,999 $0.25

MMS 50K+ $0.35

MMS 10,000-49,999 $0.40

MMS 0-9,999 $0.45

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The Options Campaign Reporting

About:Vodafone provides a wide range of dynamic online reporting options to show how your campaigns are performing. these options provide varying levels of detail from basic activity to advanced behaviour.

The reporting options include :-

Campaign Activity - bundled free with all Banner Ad sales, these reports show the volume of ;impressions and number of individuals participating in your campaign.

Campaign Insights – a range of rich reports, which provides rich insights into the participating ;individual’s profile and behaviour.

MOSAICs – Vodafone has integrated Experian’s MOSAIC classification types. So this industry ;recognised classification currency may be used to assess and plan campaigns.

The details of these reports can be found within the reporting section. ;

To protect the consumer’s confidentiality, Vodafone only displays reports in a summarised view. ;

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Campaign ReportingActivity Reports

About:Campaign Activity Reporting is bundled free with all Banner Ad sales.

The activity reporting is accessed online via Vodafone’s MACI platform (Mobile Advertising Campaign Interface).

The reports are designed to show how a campaign is performing.

The reports are updated dynamically, and provide enough information at a glance to understand how many impressions the banner has seen, how many click throughs and how many consumers have opted into the database (optional).

What will the advertiser receive?The advertiser is able to login directly and view the online reports, or they may opt to receive the reports via email and/or formally presented to them as a campaign debrief.

Pre-requisitesThis reporting option is only appropriate if you are running a Banner Ad campaign or reviewing your opt-in database, executing a SMS or MMS broadcast.

FACTS and FIGURES:A wide range of reporting criteria is available, including :- ;

Number of Views • Number of Unique Users• New Users• Opt Ins•

The reporting criteria may be viewed by : ;Hours• Days• Weeks• Months•

Reports can be viewed on screen or exported to other reporting tools for further analysis.


CPM $FREE (with Banner Ads)

Product Code MACILOGIN

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Campaign ReportingInsights Reports

About:In addition to the activity reports, which are bundled with the Banners Ads, Vodafone is able to offer rich insightful reports, which provide advertisers with detailed knowledge as to which consumers are engaging with their campaign.

Reports may be viewed through a wide range of tailored options from simple age and gender to credit worthiness and spending power capabilities.

What will the advertiser receive?The advertiser is able to login directly and view the online reports, or they may opt to receive the reports via email and/or as a campaign presentation debrief.

These reports will give the advertiser an in-depth knowledge of the consumers participating in the campaign.

Pre-requisitesThis reporting option is only appropriate if you are running a Banner Ad campaign or reviewing your opt-in database or executing a SMS or MMS broadcast.

FACTS and FIGURES:Vodafone Australia boasts one of the most advanced ;reporting and customer knowledge capabilities in the advertising marketplace.

A wide range of reporting criteria is available, presented by :- ;Gender• Phone Type• State (residential location)• Segmentation• Age• Spending Power• Credit Worthiness•


Per Campaign $3,000

Product Code INSIGHTS

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Campaign Reporting

MOSAIC Reports

About:Experian’s MOSAIC is probably one of the most commonly adopted and understood customer knowledge currencies in the marketplace.

Vodafone has integrated the MOSAIC classification methodology to produce Campaign reports by all of MOSAIC’S 41 groups.

MOSAIC is able to profile an individual by their behaviour, lifestyle and other key metrics to help you clearly understand and bring your campaign audience to life.

What will the advertiser receive?The advertiser is able to login directly and view the online MOSAIC reports. The reports are simple to navigate using “click to drill down” conventions.

Pre-requisitesThis reporting option is only appropriate if you are running a Banner Ad campaign, reviewing your opt-in database or executing a SMS or MMS broadcast.

FACTS and FIGURES:MOSAIC is one of the world’s most recognised Insights ;Tools for understanding lifestyle and customer behavioural patterns.

MOSAIC sets out over 41 different classifications to ;determine more about your customers.


Per Campaign $4,000

Product Code MOSAIC

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“Mobile Advertising response rates are

averaging 6%-10%, with one campaign achieving

a massive 38%”

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Sponsor Mobile TV Street TV

About:Street TV is one of the leading Mobile TV Channels in Australia. It regularly smashes the top 3 listings on Vodafone’s live! entertainment portal. This is your chance to capture this audience with your brand.

Street TV is an award-winning made for mobile 30 minute weekly TV show available 24/7 on Vodafone live! It is free to the viewer. The show runs interviews with top bands both local and from overseas. The show provides viewers with an opportunity to participate via their mobile phone.

What will the advertiser receive ?A complete 360° end-to-end Made for Mobile Advertising ;campaign tool.

Audience Size: 70,000 Viewers Per Week 30,000 Unique Opt-in database 10,000 Website hits per week 28yr-34yr 24% Male 70%

Regular Top 3 Most Visited TV Channel on Vodafone live! ;

FACTS and FIGURES:The Advertiser will receive COMPLETE sponsorship throughout the entire show including:

Audience Demographics:


Per Month $35,000

Product Code STREETTV

Banner Ads on Street TV ;WAP Site

Banner Ads on Street TV ;Website

In-Show Product ;Placement

Viewed by 70,000 regular ;viewers, increasing daily.

TVC 30’ 7 Mins Rotating ;

Opt-In User Database ;Acquisition

Broadcast your marketing ;message via MMS to 30K already opted in viewers each week.

Bundled with Activity ;Reports (FREE)

Bundled with Insights ;Reports (FREE)

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TVC Pack

About:With Mobile TV now becoming commonplace, Vodafone’s Mobile TV range is one of the most successful in Australia.

Placing a TVC within a Mobile TV program will not only allow you to reach a highly attentive viewer, but you will be associating your product and brand with innovation and mobility.

Vodafone has a number of made for Mobile TV programs, which are ready to take TVCs.

What will the advertiser receive?Most TV properties are 30 minutes in length, which means placement of just one TVC within a single looped TV property will ensure airplay 48 times per day, or 336 times per week.

Pre-requisitesYour TVC should be no longer that 15 seconds in duration. TVCs may be supplied in MPEG4 or AVI formats.

FACTS and FIGURES:The stats below represent a typical made for mobile TV program.

336 Showings per week ;

1,344 showings of your TVC ;

Audience Size:

70,000 regular viewers

Audience Demographics:

Under 18 4% 18yr-31yr 50% 31yr-54yr 27% 54yr + 19%


Per Slot Per Week $2,500

Product Code TVC

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Free to consumers ad-funded site

About:free4me is a new advertising funded WAP Portal, which is ;stacked with Mobile Advertising campaigns, which means it’s free for Vodafone consumers to browse and download any of the ringtones, wallpapers, music and anything else they can find.

Vodafone send out a broadcast to 190,000 opt-in consumers ;each week alerting consumers to the fact new campaigns are now running on the site.

Free4me utilises a banner rotation logic, which means your ;Banner Ad will rotate its position on the site, hence your Banner Ad will always achieve visible somewhere on the site.

What will the advertiser receive?free4me is an ideal advertising location to compliment your ;Banner Ad campaign on the Vodafone live! entertainment portal.

free4me should be considered as a great way to ensure your ;campaign achieves constant visibility at all times.

Pre-requisitesThe Banners should be issued to Vodafone in the size specified within Vodafone’s Mobile Advertising Charter.


Audience Size:

The 190,000 free4me opt- ;in consumers will receive the “new campaigns” alert each week.

Audience Demographics:

Under 18 30% 18yr-31yr 20% 31yr-54yr 10%


Ability to link to Campaign ;WAP Microsites

Dynamic online campaign ;activity reports

Optional detailed activity ;reports available by user segment, location and behaviour etc.

Expected Response Rate: 6%


CPM $20.00

Product Code free4me

Minimum Order

Minimum commitment to 50,000 page impressions

Cost per banner per month $3,650

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About:ColourSnap is an image recognition platform that connects brands with consumers instantly using any camera phone.

ColourSnap uses visual matching technology to recognize and match visual cues.

No changes to the image are required - no bar codes, or watermarks and no software is needed on the phone.

This product works well with Vodafone’s In Store Brochure and brings an additional level of interactivity for consumers.

How Does it Work?The consumer takes a picture of an advertisers logo, or advertisement and then sends the photo via MMS where it is matched to specific images in the database.

The consumer then gets a response from the advertiser on their phone whether that is a voucher, rich mobile content or a web link to take them through to a branded mobile site.

What will the advertiser receive?Advertisers receive an ‘interactive’ component to their print campaign.

Vodafone will advise on the appropriate content to be pushed back as a result of this interaction.

Advertisers will receive reports at the end of the campaign that shows the level of interaction achieved.

FACTS and FIGURES:Over 1million of Vodafone’s consumers have a camera ;enabled phone.

Brings interactivity to an otherwise ;passive medium

Can be used across multiple media including print, ;packaging, posters and outdoor.

Stimulates call to action ;


Per Campaign $15,000

Product Code CSNAP


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On-Bill Advertising

About:On-Bill Advertising is one of the easiest and simplest ways to expose your product and brand to the Vodafone consumer base.

600,000 of Vodafone’s consumers ask for and receive an itemised paper bill every month. It is estimated that 60% of consumers review their bill at some level of detail and 30% scan the totals.

We offer 2 advertising opportunities on the bill. These are the Skyscraper and Square banners. Both are displayed on the front page of the bill.

What will the advertiser receive?The Advertiser may buy the individual Skyscraper or Square banner or receive a $19,950 cost saving by committing to both banners.

Full dimensions and booking dates are stated in the Mobile Advertising Charter.

Pre-requisites:The Advertiser will need to confirm the booking for on-bill 6 weeks before the start of the intended month. The Advertiser is required to provide the artwork no later than 4 weeks before the start of the intended month.

ONLY 6C per printed banner

FACTS and FIGURES:No set up fees ;

Reach a guaranteed 600,000 audience. ;

Simple pricing structure. ;

Full colour available at NO additional cost. ;

Option of 2 formats ;Square banner 70 X 70mm Skyscraper 20 X 165mm


Square On Bill $23,950

Product Code SQUABILL

SKYSCRAPPER On Bill $23,950

Product Code SKYSBILL

* Both SKY & Square $39,950


* $7,950 cost savings

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Vodafone’s Retail Magazine

About:Advertisers are now able to advertise in Vodafone’s “Discovery” Retail Magazine. With a print run of over 750,000 circa, your message will be displayed in A4, full colour, glossy print.

The Magazine is mailed to homes and made available in over 2000 high street locations.

What will the advertiser receive?Advertisers will receive full colour A4 size adverts in Vodafone’s “Discovery” Retail Magazine, which is distributed throughout Australia.

Pre-requisites:The advertiser will need to provide the artwork by the 14th of the previous month.

From 6C per printed edition

FACTS and FIGURES:No set up fees ;

Reach 750,000 readers ;

Simple pricing structure. ;

Full colour available at NO additional cost. ;

Full Size A4 Full colour 1 page or 2. ;


Single page in Discovery $29,950

Product Code 1PAGEDISC

*Double page Discovery $49,950

Product Code 2PAGEDISC

*$9,950 cost savings

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Bluetooth® Advertising

About:Vodafone’s BlueZone® Network is a network of Bluetooth® access points providing a network of wireless hotspots. These access points are located in Vodafone retail stores, which are located in highly trafficked pedestrian areas in all the main state CBDs and other major towns.

A BlueZone® access point provides a gateway to the internet for any consumer with a Bluetooth® enabled mobile or PDA. Using this wireless connection the consumer can access location based information and branded mobile content such as games, ringtones or video and brand specific promotional offers.

Hoyts Cinemas successfully deployed a BlueZones® network to deliver a sophisticated mobile-based Customer Relationship Marketing (mCRM) solution and ongoing reward program which has effectively increased the frequency of visitation and increased confectionary bar sales at each location.

Hoyts not only drove sales, with response rates for the m-voucher program ranging from 38-58%, but also acquired valuable insights and metrics relating to consumer usage patterns as patrons downloaded these location-based confectionery, ticket offers and a range of movie-related mobile content.

FACTS and FIGURES: Currently around 60-70% of Australians aged 14-35 years ;old have a Bluetooth® capable phone. Based on current retail industry handset sales figures this Bluetooth®

penetration is projected to reach to reach 80% by 2008.

Data delivery to the mobile handset is fast and free of any ;GPRS data charges

Content options include wallpaper images, video, ;ringtones, audio/music files, vCards, vCalendar reminders, Java games, and other mobile applications.

Content can be optimised ;according to the user’s handset and the right content will be delivered accordingly.

The BlueZone ; ® network is permission-based and privacy compliant.


Per Campaign per Month


Per Hotspot per month $1,000

Product Code BSPOT

What will the advertiser receive?Advertisers will receive a presence across a chosen number of bluetooth® hotspots based on a pre-agreed geographic area.

Content to be distributed will be created and optimised for the key handsets in the market.

How Does it Work:Users are prompted to interact with the BlueZone® Network through a specific call to action within the store or via an invite sent to the handset. On accepting, the download commences and arrives in the inbox on their phone.

Benefits for Brands/AdvertisersGives advertisers a new exciting way to reach customers ;

Unique way of extending brand interaction ;

Increases impact & improves brand recall ;

Enhances the experience & brand perception ;

Fully measurable ROI & detailed usage patterns ;

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Vodafone’s Supportive Approach:Our strategy is to help build and develop this new Mobile Advertising business. Vodafone does not intend to control the entire end-to-end activity, such as conceptualising, building and executing Mobile Advertising campaigns. Instead our thinking is to support Advertisers and Agencies with as much or as little as they require. We acknowledge in these early days mobile media is new to most, therefore Vodafone is there to support and educate the market in just what’s possible and realistic on mobile. The options below are designed to make it easy for you to explore mobile advertising.

Option 1 – Content Rewards Australian’s appetite for mobile content is insatiable, this year consumers spent over $500 million downloading music, games, ringtones and watching TV. They expect to pay around $4 - $6 for a new ringtone to personalise their mobile each month. Hence mobile content is perceived as a high value item. This same content can be purchased by Advertisers at very good wholesale rates then used to incentivise and reward consumers for participating in campaigns.

Costs:Mobile Content For example, give away ring tones from as little as 20cProduct Code CONTENT

Option 2 – Mobile Competitions and Incentives Over the years Vodafone has developed excellent insights into the drivers, which make or break mobile competitions. Should your campaign incorporate a competition, Vodafone will offer guidance as to how best to execute the mechanics to deliver the best results. Vodafone can even book Competition Permits for games of chance.

Costs:Permit per State $3,500


Option 3 – Creative Services This Creative Development service is designed to capture the Campaign Clients objectives, and then through a process of conceptualising new ideas balanced with prior market experience, Vodafone will create a fully integrated mobile advertising campaign, which delivers maximum cut through. Other elements offered in this service include the production of Banner Ads and artwork for print.

Costs:Creative Service $699 per hour

Product Code CREATSRV

Option 4 – Mobile Advertising Training Vodafone is very keen to run group (5-10 personnel) training sessions for Advertisers and Agencies, the session runs for approximately 2 hours and includes, Mobile Market Awareness, What’s available now and futures, ROI Comparisons of Mobile “v” other media.

Costs:Training $FREE

Product Code TRAINING

Making it easy

Page 28: sample_vodafonemobileadv [email protected] T: 1300 747 757

The FutureAt Vodafone Australia, we are continually researching and developing products that we believe help enhance our customers experience and lifestyle.

Over the next year, we will be introducing an increasing range of new and exciting inventory that will continue to provide advertisers with the tools you need to attract the customers you want.

DisclaimerMobile is a new advertising media, which is undergoing constant change. The audience demographics, volumes of activity quoted and pricing model found within this Mobile Advertising Portfolio are expected to change during the active life of this document. New profiles and activity levels should be checked with Vodafone prior to placing any orders.Vodafone reserves the right to accept or decline campaigns. Inventory is in limited supply. Rules of engagement are found in Vodafone’s Mobile Advertising Charter. The details, text, photos, image displays, facts and figures and any other detail in this MAP document is subject to change without notice. 76% quotation on pages 5, 14 and 27 refers to research conducted by Q Research. Vodafone cannot guarantee that customer information is complete or current. Copyright 2008 © Vodafone Australia Pty. Ltd.

Vodafone Pty Ltd ABN 76 062 954 554

E: [email protected]

T: 1 300 747 757

Mobile Advertising Division

Vodafone Australia

799 Pacific Highway

Chatswood NSW 2067