sample plan - food & recipe video portal micro site

Food & Recipe Videos Micro Site SAMPLE PLAN This sample document will help you to understand the basic plan & innovative features of a food & recipe videos micro site. Some of the slides are subjective to the requirement.

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Sample Plan - Food & Recipe Video Portal Micro Site

Food & Recipe Videos Micro Site


This sample document will help you to understand the basic plan & innovative features of a food & recipe videos micro site.

Some of the slides are subjective to the requirement.

Page 2: Sample Plan - Food & Recipe Video Portal Micro Site

1. Micro Site Requirements

2. Scope Limitations

3. Micro Site Context

4. Content Source Chart

5. Type of Content

6. Features

7. Production Process

1.1 Background and Needs 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Assumptions 1.4 Dependencies

2.1 Initial & Subsequent Release 2.2 Deliverables

3.1 Stakeholder Profiles 3.2 Site Priorities


Page 3: Sample Plan - Food & Recipe Video Portal Micro Site

1. Micro Site Requirements 1.1 Background and Needs

Recipes Videos on [] currently, are not being actively promoted and are receiving very

few hits. During design and development, attention must be focused on driving traffic and keeping

the visitor engaged. A visually appealing clear, concise, & highly focused website that is multi

browser compatible need to be created for []. The content will include Indian Cooking,

Indian Food, Hotels and Restaurants in India. The objective is to provide the best and most

comprehensive source of information, entertainment and connection to food lovers. Visitors can enjoy

and share videos, images and words on a variety of topics including cooking shows, culinary education,

restaurant reviews, healthy living, opinion and thoughts, tips and techniques, news and events,

entertainment and others.

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1. Micro Site Requirements 1.1 Background and Needs

Production and editing team will create and produce the content. We will also include all content

creators - professional producers, food related businesses, professional chefs, house-cooks, hobbyists

and novices - to share their creation with [].

[] will materialize as video podcast / vodcast / Internet TV network / video archive.

[] Team will produce Recipe Videos for its micro site. It will produce video

commercials for Hotel and Restaurants, who sell their service to India, and Indian companies that wish

to reach the world wide consumer through Internet video, Internet television, social networking, and

other Internet based Web 2.0 media.

The primary purpose of the [] micro site is to have visitors do the following:

1. Sign up for an online Foody account through one of the [] links

2. Sign up to become a producer of food videos of [] and make food promoting


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1. Micro Site Requirements 1.2 Objectives

1. Create a highly focused and informative micro site.

2. Create a micro site that is SEO friendly.

3. Create a micro site that is W3CSS standardized and W3C XHTML compliant.

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1. Micro Site Requirements 1.3 Assumptions

1. Videos, textual, and some graphical content will be available for beta release.

2. Server will support all the needs and wants of the design and development team

3. Time lines are reasonably set

4. Design, Development and Content Team will fully understand the micro site's need and wants

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1. Micro Site Requirements 1.4 Dependencies

1. Initial content will be available for Integration Phase

2. Design, Development, and Content Head will be available for follow-up and requirement


3. Sign-off from respective heads on all Requirement Documentation

(Functionality and Content scope documents)

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2. Scope Limitations 2.1 Initial & Subsequent Release

Subjects Phase I Phase II Phase III


Required Days

Release Dates

Sign-off from

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2. Scope Limitations 2.2 Deliverables

(Reparative steps for subsequent releases)

Task Milestone Timeframe

Approve Scope Document

Gather and analyze requirements

Complete Technical Design

Website GraphicalImplementation

Website TechnicalImplementation

Scope Documents - days

- days (Approval Pending)

- days (Approval Pending)

- days (Approval Pending)

- days (Approval Pending)

Content RequirementDocuments

Technical Design Document

Complete Design Templates,Design Specification Documents& Testing

Complete Backend Coding, Content Integration andTesting

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3. Micro Site Context 3.1 Stakeholder Profiles

Stakeholder Major Value Major Interest

Video Portal

Micro Site Affiliate requirements

Micro Site Visitors

More effective & efficient micro site, increased visitors

Useful simple toolfor affiliation

Attributes Constraints

Strongly committedto the success of website

Provide more visitors to the site

Increased hits maintaining lessercost

None identified

Making popularity,social networking

Rules & Tools provided

Simple, Informative,Instructional content

Traffic Visitors Relevant content and links

SEO & Marketing

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3. Micro Site Context 3.2 Site Priorities

Subject Resource Constrains



- No deadline overrunexpectable without Project Manager's Approval





Pre-built Content Management System,Pre-built Content

Developers &Designers will be restricted to the rulesof pre-built features.

Developer could opt tocustom build the necessary feature.

- -

--Project Manager, PHP Developer, Database Designer, Copy writer, Web Designer

All functionality mustbe fully operational, easily maintainable, and flexible

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4. Content Source Chart




Professional Producers,

Food Related Businesses,

Chefs, House-cooks, Hobbyists & Novices


Video Portal Production & Editing Team

Videos Images Text


Micro Site

[ ]

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5. Type of Content


Content Type Source Group



Cooking Shows on TV A Videos

2. Food Recipes A,B,C Videos, Images, Text

3. Culinary Education A Videos, Images, Text

4. Hotel & Restaurant Reviews A,B,C Videos, Images, Text

5. Opinion & Thoughts B,C Text

6. Tips & Techniques A,B Text

7. News & Events A Text

8. Commercials for Travel Agencies, Hotel & Restaurants

A Images

9. Group C Profile C Images, Text

10. Group B Profile B Images, Text

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6. Features


Features Description


Phase I



Phase II

Recipe Videos and Text Recipes (Sort by Cuisine, Location, Collection, Tags, Popular, Recent, Most Commented, Most Rated, Most Favorite, Name & Date added)

Sort all foodies (users), top chefs, top recipe video producers profiles

Browse all Drill Downs (Instructional Recipes)

Upload Video Create a video about anything you love to eat!

Foody and Group B upload a video file from their computer. Can upload the videos for participating contests organized by portal team

(Admin approval pending for max. 24 hrs.)

3. Upload Text Recipe Foody and Group B enter text using “Post Recipe Interface”

(Admin approval pending for max. 24 hrs.)

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6. Features


Features Description


Phase I

Upload Text RecipeImage


Phase II

Foody and Group B upload images using “Post RecipeInterface” required for Recipe Article

Upload Video Foody will submit “How to make”. Portal team will test it and make information video

(Admin approval pending for max. 24 hrs.)

6. Drill Down(Instructional Display)

Step by step making with high resolution images.

7. Flash Play Control Play Video

8. Share Video, Text Recipe, Drill Downs, Top Chef ProfilesTop Producers Profiles.


9. Tagging VideosTag

10. Grading Videos, ArticlesRate

11. User will mark the videos he likes.User can view other Users favorite video list.


12. Read, Post, Count, Posted byComments

13. Flag

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6. Features


Features Description


Phase I

Embed Code


Phase II

Send E-Card Ability to reply to any E-card sentAbility to send E-cards to friendsAdd message to E-cardGet notified when sent E-card is picked up/viewed

16. Food Court(Discussion Forum)

Step by step making with high resolution images.

17. Explore Foodies Profiles (my foodpage)


Edit, Items in profile may be hyperlinked to easily findothers with similar interests

Explore Chef/Producers Profiles

19. Display Foodies profile with picture.Display Active Foodies

20. Display New Foodies profile with picture. Shine a lighton new members to roll out the welcome wagon

New Member Spotlight

Edit, Items in profile may be hyperlinked to easily find others with similar interests

21. Organize by Time, MemberRecent Site Activity

22. Ask & Answer, Make a Suggestion, Report a Bug Help and Support

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6. Features


Features Description


Phase I

Tip of the Day

Phase II

29. Site Activity, Profile Activity, Newest MembersWhat is new

30. Send invite for membershipInvite

31. Community Profile, Members, Messages, Discussion Forum (Interactivity), Connect other Users


All kinds of tips, information, and resources related to using site.

24. Feedback Share views to Production Team

25. Search Food videos Suggested Phrases, Search Initiative

26. Search (all site content) Suggested Phrases, Search Initiative

27. New Gallery Videos Another way to showcase the latest Videos from foody's/Producer's Profile. With the new gallery module one can choose from a variety of new displays

28. Fresh Cooking Food News, Updates, Newsletter Subscription, Portal Status, Release Highlights, Future Enhancements

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7. Production Process


Manage Changes



Comprehensive Study & Analysis


Micro Site Scope






Design Specification



Testing ofHTML





Content Integration





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Thank You!Neelima Salvi

email: [email protected]