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Core Curriculum Taking small steps for lifelong rewards Facilitator Guide Sample from Facilitator's Guide and Class Presentation Slides

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Core CurriculumTaking small steps for lifelong rewards

Facilitator Guide

Sample from Facilitator's Guide and Class Presentation Slides

Table of Contents1. Navigating Longer Lives:

The Basics of Aging Mastery® ................... 5

2. Exercise and You .....................................23

3. Sleep .......................................................37

4. Healthy Eating and Hydration .................55

5. Financial Fitness .....................................73

6. Advance Planning ................................ 103

7. Healthy Relationships .......................... 123

8. Medication Management ..................... 139

9. Falls Prevention .....................................157

10. Community Engagement ......................171

Action Steps Log ................................. 189

Although the 10 classes are in this order in the book, you can schedule them in any order to accomodate your schedule (or your speakers' schedules).

Aging Mastery Program® Core Curriculum

Navigating Longer Lives:The Basics of Aging Mastery®


Facilitator Overview: Navigating Longer LivesGoals for this Class• Learn about the concept of longevity as a gift.• Understand the new realities of aging.• Understand the importance of gratitude.• Learn how AMP will work: core courses, electives, and daily practices.

Presenting the Navigating Longer Lives ClassActivity Time

Welcome• Welcome participants and introduce yourself.• Remind participants of the purpose of the Aging Mastery Program®.• Play the introductory video (DVD or online):


15 min

Warm-up exercise 15 minNavigating Longer Lives lecture provided by staff or speaker 10 minAging Mastery Program® overview 10 minDaily practices and gratitude discussion• Watch “Gratitude”:• Talk About It: Discuss video• In-Class Activity: Gratitude

30 min

Action steps• Review action steps and address questions.• Distribute points for completion of the class today.• Review additional online activities.

10 min

Total 90 min

* This class introduces key concepts, contains videos, and has several in-class activities. You may need to choosewhich activities you can include or you may want to extend the class by 15-30 minutes, if feasible.

Share Immediately After the Class• Review community resources and share other opportunities for learning at the center.

Handouts/Resources• Wheel of Gratitude• 24 Hour Time-Use Diary

Each class follows a similar suggested outline



©2017. National Council on Aging. All Rights Reserved.

Navigating Longer Lives: The Basics of Aging Mastery®

Warm-Up• What does Aging Mastery® mean to you?• What do you want to get out of this program?


Overview: The Gift of Time

T oday, we are living longer and are in better health, overall, during our retirement years than previous

generations. In 1950, the average American who was 65 could expect to live another 14 years in retirement with roughly 50% of that time in good health. Today, once people reach age 65, they can expect to live another 19 years with roughly 66% of that time in good health. As a result, we can expect to have the greatest amount of free time in history.

Societal expectations about aging and our retirement years have changed little, though. For example, people aged 65-74 spend the great majority of their time either sleeping (9 hours per day) or engaging in leisure activities (about 8 hours daily). This includes an average of 4.5 hours per day watching TV and very little time (about 1 hour per day) doing things that proactively contribute to their own well-being and that of others.

It is time to provide new pathways that encourage ongoing and positive engagement in life.

The aim of the Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) is to change societal expectations about the roles and responsibilities of older adults, and to create fun and easy-to follow pathways for getting more out of life. We believe that if older adults spent just a bit more time each day taking better care of themselves, it would lead to higher levels of physical and emotional well-being, increased civic engagement, and stronger social connectedness. If older adults spent just a bit more time each day helping others, or in other meaningful and challenging activities, it could strengthen our communities and nation in many ways.

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.”

—Carl Sandburg

Each class has a Warm-Upactivity.



©2017. National Council on Aging. All Rights Reserved.

The gift of longevity presents enormous opportunities for individuals and also poses several critical challenges. We all know that longevity alone does not guarantee “aging well” and that our circumstances can change from year to year. We believe strongly, though, that adopting positive behavior change and increasing community engagement can put all of us on the path to realize the potential of the longevity bonus.

We want people to be more aware and intentional about how they spend their time. We want them to spend their time more wisely. We want them to appreciate, enjoy, and share their gift with others to make a better world.


The Aging Mastery Program® (AMP)In this program, you will take core and elective classes that combine evidence-informed materials, expert speakers, group discussion, levels of mastery and achievement, and small rewards. All of the classes are designed to give you the skills and tools you need to achieve measurable improvements in managing your health, remaining economically secure, and contributing actively to society.

In the following tables, we’ve listed the classes in the AMP Core Curriculum as well as AMP Elective Classes (classes that may be offered by your center

“Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.”

—Rick Warren

AMP is an approach to living that embraces this gift of longer lives. The program combines knowledge sharing with goal-setting, feedback routines, daily practices, and peer support to help you make meaningful and enduring changes in your life. Central to the AMP philosophy is the belief that modest lifestyle changes can produce big results and that all of us can learn to make the most of our longer lives.

“This program was very uplifting, and I learned that the aging process can be done gracefully. I am working on a plan for the future to share with my family.”

—AMP Participant



©2017. National Council on Aging. All Rights Reserved.

Wrap-UpIn this class, you learned the basic concepts of how to master the aging process as you navigate through the last half of a life that is typically longer than previous generations have experienced. Can you see that longevity is a gift of time that offers opportunities as well as challenges? Are you ready to adopt positive behavior changes and increase your community engagement? Would you like to practice gratitude to focus on what you have done in your life as well as what you can still accomplish?

If so, you are on the path to realizing the potential of the longevity bonus we’ve been talking about. The remainder of the Aging Mastery® core classes will show you how to spend your time more wisely and achieve greater self-fulfillment. They will help you appreciate, enjoy, and share your gift with others to make a better world.

Action StepsComplete the class (20 points)Earn points for participating in this class at your center. Can’t make it? Check with your center staff to find out how to earn make-up points.

Keep a time log (10 points)In order to think about how you can spend more time in service to yourself and others, you first need to take stock of your activities every day. How are you spending your time every day? Fill in the time log one day this week.

Create a wheel of gratitude (10 points)In class, we watched the Gratitude video. With these images and words in your mind, create a wheel of gratitude. For the next week, think about and write down three things you are grateful for each day.

Example of the Wrap Up and Action Steps that will be included in each class

Aging Mastery Program® Core Curriculum

Exercise and You


Facilitator Overview: Exercise and YouGoals for this Class• Understand aging as it relates to fitness.• Learn to exercise the body through aerobics, strengthening, flexibility and balance.• Learn to exercise the mind and reduce stress through meditation and mindfulness.• Discover ways to incorporate physical activity and meditation into your daily routine.

Presenting the Exercise and You ClassActivity Time

Welcome and Warm-Up 20 min

Exercise lecture provided by staff or speaker 10 minExercise Your Body discussion• Talk About It: Discuss your physical exercise routines.• In-Class Activity: Check Your Exercise Excuse-Meter.• In-Class Activity: Group exercise determined by center or speaker.

25 min

Mindfulness/meditation lecture provided by staff or speaker 10 minExercise Your Mind activities• In-Class Activity: Meditation/Mindfulness• Use the following sites for ideas or to listen to short guided meditations:

• MindBody Lab:• UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center:• Sitting Together:

15 min

Action steps• Review action steps and address questions.• Distribute points for completion of the class today; update points from last

session.• Review additional online activities.

10 min

Total 90 min

Share Immediately After the Class• Review community resources and share other opportunities for learning at the center.• Hand out GoForLife DVDs.

Handouts/Resources• Go4Life Goal-Setting Worksheet• Suggestions for Aerobic and Muscle Strengthening Activities



©2017. National Council on Aging. All Rights Reserved.

Exercise and You

Warm-Up• What is your favorite form of exercise?• What seems to work for you and why?• Do you exercise regularly at this time? If so, what exercise do you

do? How often?



E xercise of body and mind is essential for physical and mental health. If you don’t feel well—if you are ill, fatigued, or always anxious or depressed—you will find it very difficult to make the most of your gift of longevity. Aging mastery cannot

happen without also exercising body and mind, at least to the extent possible for you.

Each of us has different abilities and capacities. This is also true for exercise. Some may be able to do harder exercises, or exercise for longer periods of time, or even accomplish extraordinary feats such as marathons or active sports or winning at Jeopardy. Most of us can aspire to less heroic mastery of mind and body, yet still be successful in achieving our personal aging mastery goals.

This class covers both physical and mental exercise. You are no doubt already familiar with some of the physical exercises presented here, but you may get some new ideas as well. You will also learn about mental exercise, including meditation and mindfulness.

Keep in mind that no matter how much or how little you are doing now, there is always room for improvement. For example, you can do a little more than you were doing or add a new exercise element to your routine. Aging mastery is not so much a matter of competing against others as improving yourself by striving for the best health you can achieve given your current circumstances. You will also need to review and revise your exercise strategies as you age and your capabilities change.

Are you ready for a workout? Let’s get started!

Instructor Notes

This is the title slide for the entire AMP core curriculum

Key Points

Welcome to the Aging Mastery Program®!


Example of a few of the slides from the Navigating Longer Lives: The Basics of Asing Mastery class presentation

Instructor Notes

Welcome participants and introduce yourself.• Remind participants of the purpose of the Aging Mastery Program®.• Play the introductory video (DVD or online):

o http/

Key Points

Welcome to the first class of the Aging Mastery® Program (or AMP).

This class will help you discover how to navigate your way to a healthier and more satisfying life at a time in history when most older adults will experience longer lives than ever before.

You will learn the basics of Aging Mastery® that will help you make the most of the time you have been given to enjoy and be actively engaged in the rest of your life.

Let’s start by watching an introductory video about the program.


This class has a video introduction embedded. You will also receive a DVD of this video.

Instructor Notes

Introduce the course goals for this class session.

Key Points

This class on “Navigating Longer Lives” is designed to help you achieve these goals:• You will learn about the concept of longevity as a gift.• You will understand the new realities of aging, including the fact that most of us will live longer

than most of our predecessors did.• You will understand the importance of feeling and expressing gratitude.• And you will learn how the Aging Mastery Program® (or AMP) can work for you—through AMP’s

Core courses, elective classes, specialty courses, and daily practices.


Example of the Course Goals slide, which each class will have.

Instructor Notes

Explain the benefits that participants can enjoy from the gift of time provided by greater longevity.

Key Points

The extra time resulting from greater longevity and better health is a gift that will:• Increase your awareness of how you spend your time.• Encourage you to continuously adopt positive behavior change and engage more fully in life.• Allow you to spend your time more wisely, including spending just a bit more time each day taking

better care of yourself.• Motivate you to achieve greater physical and emotional well-being, increased civic engagement,

and stronger social connectedness.• Help you appreciate, enjoy, and share your gift with others to make a better world.

Adopting positive behavior change and increasing community engagement can help you get and stay on the path that leads to reaping the benefits of your longevity bonus.

Aging Mastery® means to become more aware and intentional about how you spend your time.• We want you to spend your time more wisely.• We want you to appreciate, enjoy, and share your gift with others to make a better world.


Instructor Notes

Describe the Aging Mastery Program® and its underlying philosophy, including the kinds of activities offered to support learning and behavior change.

Key Points

All the AMP classes combine knowledge sharing with goal-setting, feedback routines, daily practices, and peer support to help you make meaningful and enduring changes in your life.

Central to the AMP philosophy is the belief:• That modest lifestyle changes can produce big results• That all of us can learn to make the most of our longer lives

Each AMP class incorporates evidence-informed materials, expert speakers, group discussion, levels of mastery and achievement, and small rewards.

The classes are designed to give you the skills and tools you need to measurably improve in:• Managing your health• Remaining economically secure• Contributing actively to society


Instructor Notes

Ask participants to look at a list of things to be grateful for. (The list is on this slide and in the Participant Guide.)

Activity Instructions

Review the list of items provided. As a group, think about how you can be grateful for all of the items in the list, even though some of them would often be considered negative at first glance.

Make a class list of obvious and not-so-obvious things to be grateful for by filling in the blanks:

We’re grateful for ____________________________________________ because it/they


Let’s discuss your thoughts.


Example of an in-class activity from the first class.

Instructor Notes

Have the class discuss what they learned in today’s session. Some of the key points covered are listed below.

Key Points

• Basic concepts of how to master the aging process as you navigate through the last half of a lifethat is typically longer than previous generations have experienced.

• Longevity is a gift of time that offers opportunities as well as challenges.• Get ready to adopt positive behavior changes and increase your community engagement.• Practice gratitude to focus on what you have done in your life as well as what you can still

accomplish.• You are on the path to realizing the potential of the longevity bonus we've been talking about.• The remainder of the Aging Mastery® core classes will show you how to spend your time more

wisely and achieve greater self-fulfillment. They will help you appreciate, enjoy, and share yourgift with others to make a better world.


Example of the Wrap-Up slide from the first class.