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Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at: Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at: Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. This printing of Monster Guide is published in accordance with the Open Game License. See the Open Game License Appendix of this book for more information. Arthaus, the Arthaus logo, Sword and Sorcery, Sword and Sorcery Studios, the Sword and Sorcery logo, Manual of Monsters, Magic & Mayhem, Shadows & Light and More Magic & Mayhem are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2007 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries, and is used with permission. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. PRINTED IN CHINA Credits Special Thanks To cows and chickens, because I eat them. – Luke Johnson Authors: Jackie Cassada, Brandon Crowley, Richard Farrese, Bob Fitch, Bruce Graw, Luke Johnson, Adam Loyd, Andrew Rowe, and Amber E. Scott. Additional Design and Material: Chris Metzen, Ben Brode, Samwise Didier, Bob Fitch, Evelyn Fredericksen, Brian Hsieh, Micky Neilson, Lisa Pearce, and Gloria Soto Developer: Luke Johnson Editor: Scott Holden Managing Editor: Stewart Wieck Art Direction and Design: Mike Chaney Cover Artist: Jason Chan and Glenn Rane Interior Artist: Glenn Rane MONSTER GUIDE Blizzard Entertainment Creative Development Manager: Shawn Carnes Producer: Ben Brode Developers: Evelyn Fredericksen, Micky Nielsen Art Directors: Glenn Rane, Sam Didier Blizzard Special Thanks: Chris Metzen, Gloria Soto, Joanna Cleland, Lisa Pearce, Brian Hsieh Sample file

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Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at:

Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at:http://www.swordsorcery.comDistributed for Sword and Sorcery Studio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. This printing of Monster Guide is published in accordance with the Open Game License. See the Open Game License Appendix of

this book for more information. Arthaus, the Arthaus logo, Sword and Sorcery, Sword and Sorcery Studios, the Sword and Sorcery logo, Manual of Monsters, Magic & Mayhem, Shadows & Light and More Magic & Mayhem are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2007 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries, and is used with permission. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.



Special ThanksTo cows and chickens, because I eat them.

– Luke Johnson

Authors:Jackie Cassada, Brandon Crowley, Richard Farrese, Bob

Fitch, Bruce Graw, Luke Johnson, Adam Loyd, Andrew Rowe, and Amber E. Scott.

Additional Design and Material:Chris Metzen, Ben Brode, Samwise Didier, Bob Fitch,

Evelyn Fredericksen, Brian Hsieh, Micky Neilson, Lisa Pearce, and Gloria Soto

Developer:Luke Johnson

Editor: Scott Holden

Managing Editor:Stewart Wieck

Art Direction and Design:Mike Chaney

Cover Artist: Jason Chan and Glenn Rane

Interior Artist:Glenn Rane


Blizzard EntertainmentCreative Development Manager:

Shawn Carnes

Producer: Ben Brode

Developers: Evelyn Fredericksen, Micky Nielsen

Art Directors: Glenn Rane, Sam Didier

Blizzard Special Thanks: Chris Metzen, Gloria Soto, Joanna Cleland,

Lisa Pearce, Brian Hsieh




W O R L D O F W A R C R A F T : M O N S T E R G U I D E


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material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2003, Blizzard EntertainmentWarcraft Roleplaying Game: Manual of Monsters Copyright 2003, Blizzard EntertainmentWarcraft Roleplaying Game: Alliance & Horde Compendium Copyright 2004, Blizzard EntertainmentWarcraft Roleplaying Game: Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2004, Blizzard EntertainmentWarcraft Roleplaying Game: Lands of Conflict Copyright 2004, Blizzard EntertainmentWarcraft Roleplaying Game: Shadows & Light Copyright 2004, Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2005, Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft: More Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2005, Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft: Lands of Mystery Copyright 2005, Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft: Monster Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft: Alliance Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft: Horde Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft: Dark Factions Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment







Credits 1

Introduction 5

Chapter 1: The Dangers of Being a Hero 10Arcane nullifier X-21 10Basilisk 11Black ooze 12Bloodpetal 13Carrion grub 14Cloud serpent 16Core hound 17Corrupted creature 19 Example: Fel orc 20Crowd pummeler 9-60 20Crypt fiend 22 Example: Nerubian worker crypt fiend 24Darkhound 24Dinosaur 25 Devilsaur 25 Diemetradon 27 Pterrordax 28 Stegodon 29 Threshadon 30Dire animals 31 Dire ape 31 Dire bat 32 Dire bear 32 Dire boar 33 Dire condor 34 Dire hyena 34 Dire lion 35Dire Gargoyle 36Doomguard 37Dragons 39 Black dragon 40 Bronze dragon 42 Green dragon 44 Red dragon 46Dragonspawn 48Dreadlord 50Dwarf, Dark Iron 51Elementals 53Air elementals 54Earth elementals 56Fire elementals 58Lava elementals 60Water elementals 61Elf, blood 64Elite creature 66 Example: Dark Iron rifleman 66Entropic beast 67Felguard 68Felhound 70

Felsteed 71Flamewaker 73Ghost 74 Example: Ghostly warrior 76Ghoul 76Giant, frost 78Giant, molten 79Giant, sea 80Gnoll 82Gnome, leper 83Golem 85Harvest golem 85Grell 86Harpy 87Helboar 88Hydra 89Imp 91Infernal 92Kobold 94Lich 95 Example: Human lich 97Makrura 98Mana surge 101Mechanized animal 103 Example: Mechanostrider 104Naga 105Obsidian destroyer 108Obsidian statue 109Primal ooze 110Quilboar 111Risen 114 Example: Risen warrior 115Rock borer 116Satyr 117Scorpid 119Shade 120Silithid 121Reaver 122Swarmer 123 Wasp 124Skeletal creature 125 Example: Skeletal warrior 126Succubus 127Swarm 129 Bat swarm 129 Rat swarm 130Tar beast 131Thistleshrub 132Timberling 133Trogg 135Troll, ice 137Voidwalker 138Wendigo 140




W O R L D O F W A R C R A F T : M O N S T E R G U I D E


Wildkin 141Withered creature 143 Example: Rot Hide gnoll 144Worg 145Worgen 146Wraith 148Zombie 148 Example: Human zombie 150

Chapter 2: Villains 151Archaedas, Stone Guardian of the Vault 151Balnazzar 152Baron Geddon 154Baron Rivendare, Death Knight of Stratholme 156Drakkisath, General of Nefarian’s Armies 158Garr 159

Kel’Thuzad, Lich Lord of the Plaguelands 161Lady Onyxia, Mistress of the Black Dragonflight 164Lord Kazzak 166Mekgineer Sicco Thermaplugg 168Nefarian (or Lord Victor Nefarius),Lord of Blackrock Spire 170

Chapter 3: Improving Monsters 173

Chapter 4: Monsters as Characters 178

Chapter 5: Types, Subtypes, and Abilities 185

Chapter 6: Awarding Experience Points 201

Appendix 1: Monsters and Magic 203

Appendix 2: Monster Charts 209




W O R L D O F W A R C R A F T : M O N S T E R G U I D E


This book has a huge number of monsters for use in your World of Warcraft RPG game. Within these pages, you can find creatures to challenge heroes of every stripe and level of expertise, from massive, raging core hounds to skulking kobolds, from a raven that a mage might use as a familiar to the mighty demon Lord Kazzak. They’re all here in this book.

The Monster Guide is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter One: The Dangers of Being a Hero

This chapter is enormous, making up the bulk of the book. It includes those “standard” monsters heroes might encounter throughout the world — and beyond. Each description contains specific information. The chapter is organized alphabetically, beginning at arachnathid and ending with zombie.

For details on reading the entries, see “Knowing Your Monsters,” below.

Chapter Two: VillainsThis chapter includes 15 of the most infamous and

deadly villains on Azeroth: Archaedas, Balnazzar, Baron Geddon, Baron Rivendare, Garr, General

Drakkisath, Kel’Thuzad, Lady Onyxia, Lord Kazzak, Mekgineer Thermaplugg, and Nefarian. If your heroes are particularly unlucky, they may cross paths with one or more of these individuals.

I know what you’re going to say: “My favorite guy isn’t on that list!” Well, I’m sorry. We didn’t have room in the book to include all the villains we wanted to, so I had to make some hard choices.

Chapter Three: Improving MonstersMany monsters in the World of Warcraft computer

games are simply tougher versions of weaker monsters — they look similar, but are hardier and might possess additional abilities. You can perform the same sort of advancement in the World of Warcraft RPG using the guidelines presented in this chapter.

Chapter Four: Monsters as CharactersSome players enjoy playing monster heroes. This

chapter provides the information to create unique monster characters, whether heroic or villainous. This chapter also contains several new feats that are particularly appropriate for monster characters; that involve monsters, such as Craft Construct; or that apply to one or more of the villains in Chapter 2. (This chapter also includes the magic items that those villains wield.)

Chapter Five: Monster Types, Subtypes, and Abilities

Monsters possess a wide array of strange and frightening abilities, and this chapter details them all, as well as the traits and features of the various monster types. (For instance, what does it mean to be a fey?) You might think of this section as a glossary; when a monster’s description includes an ability that isn’t detailed in its description, you should turn to Chapter 5 to find out what that ability does.

Chapter Six: Awarding Experience Points

Heroes advance in levels by gaining experience points (XP). This chapter provides guidelines and rules for handing out XP based on the power of the monsters the heroes defeat.

Appendix One: Monsters and MagicSeveral spells deal with monsters, notably summon

monster, summon nature’s ally, and summon undead, as well as a few others such as create undead. In the WoW RPG book, those spells assumed that players could consult the original Manual of Monsters… which was printed before this book existed.


Other Sources for MonstersSeveral other books in the World of Warcraft

RPG line also include monsters. If you can’t find a monster here, you might try checking one of these books:

Lands of Mystery: Blue dragon and dragonspawn, magnataur, murloc, and nerubian.

Alliance Player’s Guide: Ancients, avatar of vengeance, battle ram, chimaera, dire cobra, dragonhawk, dryad, faerie dragon, gryphon, heavy warhorse, hippogryph, keeper of the grove, nightsaber and frostsaber panthers, stone giant, treant, and wisp.

Horde Player’s Guide: Abomination, banshee, centaur, forest troll, bat, giant bat, and vampire bat, kodo beast, ogre, ogre mage, quilbeast, raptor, salamander, spirit beast, thunder lizard, wolf, giant wolf, and dire wolf, and wyvern.

Dark Factions: Arachnathid, clockwerk goblin, couatl, chromatic dragon, dragon turtle, hobgoblin, makrura prawn, mur’gul, nerubian spiderlord, pandaren, snap dragon, spiderling swarm, tube

wyrm, and tuskarr.




W O R L D O F W A R C R A F T : M O N S T E R G U I D E


This appendix provides the information you need to use the spells listed above, including new tables for the summon spells. It also includes updated rules for the warlock’s fel companion arcana and the mage’s call elemental arcana, so that they function properly with the monsters presented in this book.

Appendix Two: Monster ChartsThis second appendix includes a list of all the monsters

in this book (and those from other sources, such as the Alliance Player’s Guide), organized by Challenge Rating, so you know the right creatures to challenge your players. This appendix also includes monsters listed by type and subtype.

Web ExtrasThis book has a lot of monsters. So many, in fact, that

they didn’t all fit in the book. Log on to for dozens more pages of monsters — animals and vermin.

AnimalsThis section contains the animals one might find

wandering around Azeroth. Some are dangerous, such as bears and giant snakes; others, like sheep and lizards, are (usually) not. This section of the web extras contains the statistics for the creatures that arcanists can take as familiars and for the creatures that druids and hunters can take as companions.

Note that Chapter 1 includes some creatures that are actually animals — notably dinosaurs and dire animals — placed among the monsters because they are particularly large and dangerous, at least as much like monsters as they are animals.

VerminThe second part of the web extras contains the

statistics for various dangerous arthropods, generally giant insects and arachnids, including monstrous scorpions, monstrous spiders, and giant scarabs.

Knowing Your MonstersA number of statistics describe the monsters in this

book (and other books). Each monster description contains the following information.

NameThe monster’s name appears at the top of the

description. Some monsters are known by other names as well.

Size, Type, and SubtypeThe line beneath the monster’s name tells you the

monster’s size as well as its type and subtype. For example, the imp description reads “Tiny Outsider (Demon, Evil, Extraplanar).” This means that imps are Tiny creatures, that they are of the outsider type, and that they possess the demon, evil, and extraplanar subtypes. The creature’s size affects several statistics, notably attack bonus, AC, and its grapple modifier, as described in WoW RPG, Chapter 12: Combat, “Combat Statistics.”

Every creature has a type, and many have one or more subtypes. See Chapter 5: Monster Types, Subtypes, and Abilities for details about these things. See the Monster Charts in Appendix 2 for a list of monsters by type and subtype (including monsters in this book and from Lands of Mystery, Alliance Player’s Guide, Horde Player’s Guide, and Dark Factions).

Hit Dice and Hit PointsAll monsters in this book have average hit points for

their Hit Dice; of course, individual monsters may have more or fewer hit points, but generally their hit points are average.

A monster’s type (and/or class, in some cases) determines its Hit Die size.

InitiativeA monster’s bonus to initiative is usually equal to its

Agility modifier; some monsters improve this bonus with the Improved Initiative feat.

SpeedThis entry provides the monster’s base land speed,

both in feet and in number of squares on a combat grid (assuming one square equals 5 feet). Some monsters have other movement modes, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim; these speeds also appear here.

Armor ClassThis entry includes the monster’s AC, including

its touch and flat-footed AC values, as well as the calculations that determine those numbers.

Base Attack/GrappleA monster’s type (and/or class, in some cases)

determines its base attack bonus, provided here. You’ll rarely need to know the monster’s base attack bonus, but it can be useful for feats such as Power Attack.

A monster’s grapple bonus equals its base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier.

Manual of MonstersThis book revises the material in the Manual of

Monsters to conform to the new rules set forth in the World of Warcraft RPG book. It also includes many new monsters that appear in the World of Warcraft computer game and did not exist when we designed the Manual of Monsters.

Any information in this book replaces that in the Manual of Monsters where the two sources differ (i.e., when a monster or villain appears in both places, the information in this book trumps that in the old). This caveat holds true across the Warcraft RPG board — the most recently published information is

always the correct version.


