sample co-active coaching skills list

THE COACH’S TOOLKIT | 34 Sample Co-Active Coaching Skills List Co-Active Coaching (2nd ed.) © 2007 by Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, and Phillip Sandahl. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this page for client use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Accountability Acknowledgment Articulating what’s going on Asking permission Bottom-lining Brainstorming Challenging Championing Clarifying Clearing Confidentiality Creating trust Dancing in the moment Forwarding the action Goal setting and planning Holding the client’s agenda Holding the focus Inquiry Intruding/taking charge Intuiting Listening Metaphor Meta-view Powerful questions Reframing Requesting Self-management Structures Visioning

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Page 1: Sample Co-Active Coaching Skills List

T H E COAC H ’ S TO O L K I T | 34

Sample Co-Active Coaching Skills List

Co-Active Coaching (2nd ed.) © 2007 by Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, and Phillip Sandahl. Permissionis hereby granted to reproduce this page for client use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law.

AccountabilityAcknowledgmentArticulating what’s going onAsking permissionBottom-liningBrainstormingChallengingChampioningClarifyingClearingConfidentialityCreating trustDancing in the momentForwarding the actionGoal setting and planning

Holding the client’s agendaHolding the focusInquiryIntruding/taking chargeIntuitingListeningMetaphorMeta-viewPowerful questionsReframingRequestingSelf-managementStructuresVisioning