samme references


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Page 2: Samme references

I like the darkness of this film, sets up for a darker tone which shows my own film’s style well, and I like the overexposure in the frame.

Page 3: Samme references

Evil Dead (2005) Game

Similar to Silent Hill, I like the dark lighting and overexposure in this and think that this shows the style of my film well.

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Fight Club (1999) Film

I think that the storyline for both my film and Fight Club is similar. I like the contrast, lighting and colour grading used in this film – I think this represents my own film’s style well.

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The Double (2014) Film

I think the plot line for both my film and this film is similar. I like the style of this film and think my film can be shown through this one by editing.

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Black Swan (2010) Film

I love everything about this film. I think what links to my own film and this film together is the style and mood of Black Swan and the editing.

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Enemy (2013) Film

One of the final shots in our film is similar to this and both have a dark style to them.

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30 Seconds to Mars – The Kill (Music Video)

One of the final shots in our film is similar to this and both films have a darker style and have influenced our film