salvation - glory to glory ministries€¦ · our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. t...

Salvation Lesson One (Part One) Review Quiz Answer Key I. True or False 1. Being water baptized is necessary for salvation. T or F 2. Salvation is a gift from God; you don’t have to work for it. T or F 3. Jesus Christ is one way for salvation and access to God. T or F 4. Once saved always saved, no matter what. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Sanctification is the act of God whereby God sets apart a person, a place, or an object that He might accomplish His purpose in the world by means of that person, place, or object. 6. If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved . (Romans 10:9, 10) 7. Our sins can be forgiven when we confess , and repent of them. (Acts 2:37,38; I John 1:8,9) 8. The Holy Spirit seals and is the guarantee of our salvation! (Ephesians 1:13, 14) 9. Regeneration is a work of God’s grace in us; while Justification is the work God has done for us. 10. The fruit of true repentance is a change in one’s life and actions . (Matthew 3:8-10)

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Page 1: Salvation - Glory to Glory Ministries€¦ · Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Faith ... of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual

Salvation Lesson One (Part One) Review Quiz

Answer Key I. True or False

1. Being water baptized is necessary for salvation. T or F

2. Salvation is a gift from God; you don’t have to work for it. T or F

3. Jesus Christ is one way for salvation and access to God. T or F

4. Once saved always saved, no matter what. T or F

II. Fill in the blank

5. Sanctification is the act of God whereby God sets apart a person, a place, or an object that He might accomplish His purpose in the world by means of that person, place, or object.

6. If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus

and believe in your heart that God has raised Him

from the dead, you will be saved . (Romans 10:9, 10)

7. Our sins can be forgiven when we confess , and

repent of them. (Acts 2:37,38; I John 1:8,9)

8. The Holy Spirit seals and is the guarantee of our

salvation! (Ephesians 1:13, 14)

9. Regeneration is a work of God’s grace in us; while

Justification is the work God has done for us.

10. The fruit of true repentance is a change in one’s

life and actions . (Matthew 3:8-10)

Page 2: Salvation - Glory to Glory Ministries€¦ · Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Faith ... of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual

Faith Lesson One (Part Two) Review Quiz

Answer Key I. True or False

1. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. T or F

2. “Seeing” is “Believing”, now that’s true faith. T or F

3. Faith can be built through patience, trials, and tests. T or F

4. Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F

II. Fill in the blank

5. Faith without works is dead . (James 2:20)

6. If you have faith and do not doubt , you can say to

this mountain be removed and be cast into

the sea, and it will be done. (Matthew 21:21)

7. It’s by God’s grace that we are saved through faith ;

and not ourselves; it is the gift of God. (Ephesians 2:8)

8. Without faith it is impossible to please God,

for he who comes to God must believe that He is God

and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb. 11:6)

9. Death and Life h

are in the power of the tongue , and those

who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21)

10. Define faith a firm belief, conviction, persuasion, and expectation that God will perform all that He has promised to us in Jesus Christ (and)

through His Word).______(answers will vary)____________________.

Page 3: Salvation - Glory to Glory Ministries€¦ · Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Faith ... of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual

Covenant Lesson Two Review Quiz

Answer Key I. True or False 1. Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant. T or F

2. Circumcision was the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant. T or F

3. A covenant is “cut” with the shedding of blood of a sacrifice. T or F

4. God’s covenant with Abraham is no longer in affect. T or F

II. Fill in the blank

5. The rainbow is the sign of the covenant that God will

never destroy the earth again by a flood. (Genesis 9:1 - 19)

6. God’s first covenant with man was broken when Adam

and Eve disobeyed God. (Genesis 2:15 - 17; 3:6, 7)

7. The Law or Ten Commandments were

given through the Mosaic Covenant. (Exodus 19:3 - 8; 20:1 - 17)

8. Circumcision of the heart, produced by the Spirit is

the sign of the new covenant through Jesus Christ. (Romans 2:25 - 29)

9. We have a “better” covenant, based on “better” promises, because we have a “better” sacrifice in Jesus Christ.

(Hebrews 8:6; Hebrews 9:6 - 15; 10:1 - 14)

10. Through the New Covenant, God desires to put His laws into our

minds and write them on our hearts . (Jeremiah 31:31 - 34; Hebrews 8:7 - 13)

*Bonus: What is the fundamental core of the New Covenant?

A personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. f


Page 4: Salvation - Glory to Glory Ministries€¦ · Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Faith ... of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual

Commitment and Devotion Lesson Three

Review Quiz I. Matching Answer Key

C 1. Implies dedication and a passionate affection; pious. A. Commit

B 2. To reflect, to consider, to dwell in thought (over and over) B. Mediate

D 3. Two-way communication between believers and God. C. Devotion

A 4. Giving of oneself over to the charge of another. D. Prayer

II. Fill in the blank

5. Christians can show their devotion to God in these particular areas;

Prayer , Worship , and the Study of God’s Word.

(also Service, Keeping (the Word of God), and Every Good Work) a

6. When developing a personal daily devotional plan with God, one should

consider at least four of the following: decide on A Time, a Place, a Time

Frame, a General Structure, Writing in a Journal or Notebook, and Apply.

7. Commit your ways to the Lord; Trust a

also in Him, and He will bring it to pass. (Psalm 37:4, 5)

8. God has given every believer resources and talents based on their ability to

handle them. (Matthew 25:14 - 30)

9. A committed believer supports the work of ministry by advancing the

Kingdom of God through their time , talents ,

treasures , and relationships .

10. Just as we need daily nourishment for a healthy body, we need daily intake

of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual life. (I Peter 2:2),

Page 5: Salvation - Glory to Glory Ministries€¦ · Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Faith ... of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual

Word of God Lesson Four Review Quiz

Answer Key III. Match

1. D The “spoken” Word of God A. Exegesis

2. A Application of Principles in Bible Study B. Logos

3. B The “written” Word of God C. Hermeneutics

4. E Teaching Bible Interpretations arrived at D. Rhema

5. C The Science of Bible Interpretation and the E. Exposition Study of the Principles it involves

IV. Fill in the blank

6. Name at least three Reference Resource that you could use to aid in the

study of the Word of God. Bible Encyclopedias, Reference Books, Commentaries, Bible Dictionaries, and Bible Atlases.

7. Historical, Geographical and Cultural Backgrounds are a few areas to consider when interpreting scripture. What are some others?

In Light of Its Context, Scripture by Scripture, Proper Definition of the Words, Correct Grammar, and To Literal (Normal) Meaning, Unless That Meaning Is Clearly Inadequate.

8. Personal and Groups are different types of Bible Study, name three others

Book , Character , and Topical .

9. The Word of God is Living and Powerful , and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents s of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

10. Every Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (II Timothy 3:16, 17)

Page 6: Salvation - Glory to Glory Ministries€¦ · Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Faith ... of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual

Praise and Worship Lesson Five Review Quiz

Answer Key

IV. Matching

E 1. Music with instruments accompanied by the voice A. Shabach

F 2. To bow down, prostrate oneself in reverence B. Epainos

C 3. Means to whirl, to dance C. Kara

G 4. Praise The Lord! D. Tehillah

J 5. To kiss the hand to (towards) one; to adore E. Zamar

A 6. A shout; to proclaim with a loud voice unashamed F. Shachah

D 7. Song or hymn of praise; praise, adoration, G. Hallelujah

H 8. To strike or clap hands (as done in rejoicing) H. Taqa

B 9. Admiration, commendation, whom the praise is given I. Yadah

I 10. To give praise to God by the extension of the hand J. Proskyneō

V. Fill in the blank

11. We Praise God for what He’s done (His Mighty Acts),

and Worship Him for who He is (Almighty God).

12. Giving is an act of Worship as we offer our time, talents, and treasures for the building of God’s Kingdom.

13. Psalms 22:3 says God dwells (inhabits) in the atmosphere of His praise.

14. Praise and Worship to God is much more than just the songs we sing;

it’s a privilege, it’s an experience, it’s a Lifestyle !

VI. Free Response

15. Define Intimacy (with God) a deep desire to love and fellowship with God; to commune with God and truly know Him! (answers will vary)

Page 7: Salvation - Glory to Glory Ministries€¦ · Our faith is increased as we use and exercise it. T or F II. Fill in the blank 5. Faith ... of the Word of God for a healthy spiritual

Holy Spirit Lesson Six Review Quiz

Answer Key I. Matching

__F__ 1. Feelings of confession, repentance, and restoration from sin. A. Ruwach

__C__ 2. Hebrew for set-apartness, holiness, sacredness. B. Dynamis

__G__ 3. Comforter (helper); summoned or called to one’s aid. C. Kadesh

__D__ 4. Greek for movement of air; breath of nostrils or mouth of God. D. Pneuma

__B__ 5. Inherent power, strength, and abilities (residing within). E. Hagios

__E__ 6. Greek for most holy thing; a saint. F. Conviction

__A__ 7. Hebrew for wind, breath, mind, and spirit. G. Parakletos

II. True or False

8. You’re not saved (born again) unless you speak in tongues. T or F

9. The Holy Spirit has a personality (intellect, emotions, will, speech). T or F

10. One function of the Holy Spirit is to help get prayers answered. T or F

11. A person can be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirt at the T or F time of their conversion (salvation).

III. Fill in the blank

12. The ____Fruit____ ___Of___ ____The____ _____Spirit_____ are the results of the Holy Spirit producing the conduct and character of Christ in the believer’s life. (Galatians 5:22 - 26)

13. A continuous action or habitual lifestyle that implies progress in spiritual growth in the believer’s life (the process of sanctification) is called,

_____Walking_____ __In__ __The___ _____Spirit_____ .(Galatians 5:16 - 26)

14. ____Speaking_____ ___In___ ____Tongues____ involves you speaking (talking) in another language (unknown or known) through the influence of the Holy Spirit.

15. What areas can the Holy Spirit help you? In Prayer, Understanding The Word of God Remember Things, Times of Comfort, Weakness (of the flesh), Wisdom/Knowledge. (answers will vary)