salt marsh outline of this talk

1 Salt marsh Salt marsh Salt marsh Salt marsh Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations: Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations: Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations: Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations: Bio Bio Bio Bio-Physical interactions & Bio Physical interactions & Bio Physical interactions & Bio Physical interactions & Bio-Geo Geo Geo Geo-morphology morphology morphology morphology Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, et al. et al. et al. et al. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Spatial ecology • Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes – some basics some basics some basics some basics • Principle of ecosystem engineering Principle of ecosystem engineering Principle of ecosystem engineering Principle of ecosystem engineering • Modelling bio Modelling bio Modelling bio Modelling bio-geomorfological feedback loop geomorfological feedback loop geomorfological feedback loop geomorfological feedback loop • short short short short-term interactions (1 tide) term interactions (1 tide) term interactions (1 tide) term interactions (1 tide) • long long long long-term development & self term development & self term development & self term development & self-organisation organisation organisation organisation • effects of species traits effects of species traits effects of species traits effects of species traits • Underlaying mechanisms Underlaying mechanisms Underlaying mechanisms Underlaying mechanisms • Small Small Small Small-scale flume studies scale flume studies scale flume studies scale flume studies • Large Large Large Large-scale basin experiments scale basin experiments scale basin experiments scale basin experiments • Management applications Management applications Management applications Management applications Outline of this talk [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Salt marshSalt marshSalt marshSalt marsh

Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations:Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations:Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations:Ecosystem engineering by coastal vegetations:

BioBioBioBio----Physical interactions & BioPhysical interactions & BioPhysical interactions & BioPhysical interactions & Bio----GeoGeoGeoGeo----morphology morphology morphology morphology

Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, Tjeerd J Bouma, Stijn Temmerman, et al.

[email protected]@[email protected]

Spatial ecology

• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]


• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]

Global distribution of salt marshesGlobal distribution of salt marshesGlobal distribution of salt marshesGlobal distribution of salt marshes

after Long & Mason (1983)after Long & Mason (1983)after Long & Mason (1983)after Long & Mason (1983)



Why do marsh plants live where they do ?Why do marsh plants live where they do ?Why do marsh plants live where they do ?Why do marsh plants live where they do ?

ColdeweyColdeweyColdeweyColdewey & & & & ErchingerErchingerErchingerErchinger (1992)(1992)(1992)(1992)

Elevation gradient

Inundation gradientHalimione ElymusSalicornia

Vegetation zonation

Stress gradient structures marsh communityStress gradient structures marsh communityStress gradient structures marsh communityStress gradient structures marsh community

HIGH marsh

LOW marsh

mud flat

---- above groundabove groundabove groundabove ground---- hydrodynamicshydrodynamicshydrodynamicshydrodynamics

---- below groundbelow groundbelow groundbelow ground---- anoxic sedimentanoxic sedimentanoxic sedimentanoxic sediment

Bouma et al. RCEM 2008Bouma et al. RCEM 2008Bouma et al. RCEM 2008Bouma et al. RCEM 2008


• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]

Ecosystem engineering:Ecosystem engineering:Ecosystem engineering:Ecosystem engineering:

modification of the abiotic environment by biological activity (Jones 1994)



enhanced elevation = reduction inundation stress


Example: Example: Example: Example: SpartinaSpartinaSpartinaSpartina anglicaanglicaanglicaanglica tussockstussockstussockstussocks

50 100 150 200 250 300 350
























Bouma et al. RCEM 2008Bouma et al. RCEM 2008Bouma et al. RCEM 2008Bouma et al. RCEM 2008

Salt marshSalt marshSalt marshSalt marsh

can ecosystem engineering lead to

landscape development?

SpartinaSpartinaSpartinaSpartina tussockstussockstussockstussocks


• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term developmentterm developmentterm developmentterm development

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]

Spatial ecology

Modeling shortModeling shortModeling shortModeling short----term interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tide



Temmerman et al. JGR 2005Temmerman et al. JGR 2005Temmerman et al. JGR 2005Temmerman et al. JGR 2005


Modeling shortModeling shortModeling shortModeling short----term interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tide

Temmerman et al. JGR 2005Temmerman et al. JGR 2005Temmerman et al. JGR 2005Temmerman et al. JGR 2005

vegetation (marsh)

no vegetation(mudflat)

Simulations: plants have crucial impact on flow and sedimentation

Example 1


Detail of marsh-mudflat edge

10 m

Modeling shortModeling shortModeling shortModeling short----term interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tide






vegetation (marsh)

no vegetation(mudflat)

simulated flow patternwith vegetation

Simulations: plants have crucial impact on flow and sedimentation

Example 1 flow velocity (m/s) at beginning flood




10 m

Modeling shortModeling shortModeling shortModeling short----term interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tide





No vegetation

Simulations: plants have crucial impact on flow and sedimentation

Example 1 flow velocity (m/s) at beginning flood


simulated flow patternwithout vegetation

no vegetation

Uniform flow

10 m

Modeling shortModeling shortModeling shortModeling short----term interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tide



no vegetation

Sedimentation (g/m²) after 1 tide

Simulations: plants have crucial impact on flow and sedimentation

Example 1


simulated sedimentationpattern with vegetation


channel formation

10 m

Modeling shortModeling shortModeling shortModeling short----term interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tide

No vegetation

no vegetation

Simulations: plants have crucial impact on flow and sedimentation

Example 1 Sedimentation (g/m²) after 1 tide

simulated sedimentationpattern without vegetation


Uniform sedimentation

10 m

Modeling shortModeling shortModeling shortModeling short----term interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tideterm interactions: 1 tide


• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]

Spatial ecology

Modeling longModeling longModeling longModeling long----term self term self term self term self organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation ((((~100 yr)100 yr)100 yr)100 yr)



Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

dynamic changes in plant cover


Model descriptionModel descriptionModel descriptionModel description

Delft-3D flow + sediment on line + vegetation module

Matlab plant-growth model

1 tide flow => ∆ bed-level x 1 yr

1 year vegetation growth

Plant growth module Plant growth module Plant growth module Plant growth module –––– S. TemmermanS. TemmermanS. TemmermanS. Temmerman

Vegetation development:

• Random seeding

• Veg. density = logistic growth

• Lateral growth = diffusion function

• Mortality = f (elevation+ bed shear stress)

Spatial ecology


Vegetation module Vegetation module Vegetation module Vegetation module –––– R. UittenbogaardR. UittenbogaardR. UittenbogaardR. Uittenbogaard

Effect of rigid cylindrical structures on

• drag

• turbulence generation, transport & dissipation

• vertical momentum transfer

Preliminary model results: plant colonization initiates channel formation





ion1 year time

step forveg. & morph.

Hydrodynamics: 1 tide


Modeling longModeling longModeling longModeling long----term self term self term self term self organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation ((((~100 yr)100 yr)100 yr)100 yr)


Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007


Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007


Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007


Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007


Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007


Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

Plant density (stems.m-2)

Depth-averaged flow velocity during flood (m.s-1)

Elevation (m)

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600Distance (m)

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007


Field observations

Temmerman et al. Geology 2007

• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]

Spatial ecologySpatial ecology


• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]



shoot density



shoot density

Bouma et al. OIKOS 2009Bouma et al. OIKOS 2009Bouma et al. OIKOS 2009Bouma et al. OIKOS 2009

Spatial ecology


• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]


� Bio-physical interactions & bio-geomorphology can be modeled well

• short-term => hydrodyn. & sedimentary processes• long-term => self organized landscapes

� Plant traits => directly affect landscape development:• lower stiffness => less/no creeks

less sed. accum.higher density => more creeks


� Flume exps. => basic principles• plant traits => scale dependent feedbacks

� Modeling => needed for up-scaling in space & time

Tjeerd J. Bouma (Tjeerd J. Bouma (Tjeerd J. Bouma (Tjeerd J. Bouma ([email protected]@[email protected] ))))


• Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes Salt marshes –––– some basicssome basicssome basicssome basics

• Principle of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineeringPrinciple of ecosystem engineering

• Modelling bioModelling bioModelling bioModelling bio----geomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loopgeomorfological feedback loop

• shortshortshortshort----term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)term interactions (1 tide)

• longlonglonglong----term development & selfterm development & selfterm development & selfterm development & self----organisationorganisationorganisationorganisation

• effects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traitseffects of species traits

• Underlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanismsUnderlaying mechanisms

• SmallSmallSmallSmall----scale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studiesscale flume studies

• LargeLargeLargeLarge----scale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experimentsscale basin experiments

• Management applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applicationsManagement applications

Outline of this talk

[email protected]@[email protected]

Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention ☺☺☺☺

Questions ?

[email protected]

Spatial ecology

T.J. BoumaP.M.J. Hermanet al.

M. FriedrichsG. Graf

B.K. van WesenbeeckM.B de VriesL.A. Van DurenE. Martini

et al.

J.T. Dijkstra

S. TemmermanW. Vandenbruwaene