salt lake herald. (salt lake city) 1903-10-21 [p 5]. · the salt lake herald wednesday october 21...

THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21 1903 5 o r 1 s t Jurors Knight and Say He Talked With v WILL SHOW CAUSE TODAY DBMKMir 3rWIE HE TliOR MOBJflNG Additional evidence against Maurice Btiefel charging him With attempting to persuade jurors by talking with them about the case they were trying before they rendered a verdict was yesterday- laid before Judge Samuel W Stewart of the district court It was in the nature of an affidavit sworn to by Grant Hamp ton and John M Knight The document was first flied with County Clerk John James and then sent up to the judge to tte placed with the records in the case part of the affidavit making speci- fic charges against 8U fel reads as fol lowsThat on said last mentioned date in Salt Lake Qty aforesaid en State street in said city the said Maurice Stiefel ao coated these affiants and made to them the statement That he been very busy with Mr ac counts and If the caw could have been brought out there woull have been nothing to it That thereupon- the above nsraed affiant Mr Hampton said to Stiefel You should not any to us about this case after which nothing further was said Stiefel will before Judge Stewart at 10 oclock morning to cause why he should not be punished for of court To insure his appearance today Judge Stewart placed 100 Fonda MIBW EBLLSa KOBflJBSFSBN CAD 3i tioft For Certificate of Probable Cause to Be Argued Today- A new and novel of taw Is to be raised in the Mortensen case when Attor- ney B J Stewart argues his motion for a certificate f probable cause before the state supreme court today He will take the stand thttt Judge Charles W Morse made an error be permitted trap touM l for the to sec ond motion for a certificate without hav- ing the defendant present of the Mortensen when it came ut in the district court dints the dit Jtrent stages to date that M rteasen was not present and heard everything that was said and done The statutes in criminal cases the defendant must always be present in court whoa any are taken his or the states coun ltd In this particular Instance Morteto- enr was not present and Stew- art win arM that tact in Justification of his a certificate ht cause pending the argument of the tot a new trial As yet no court passed upon the whether the defendant must be when arguments are heard on kstaaaee of such a B SH2RKER WON HIS SUIT Jury lives Him f 1150 4t AgidMt the otter Charts E Shermer won his damage eta against the city The jury rted case in Judge Samuel W Stew vrts division of the district court yes- terday brought in a verdict for 11150 ono easts of the action la his favor Stir Shenaer who is a Rio Grande en- ter and fftSMi ii at 4tt SeWSh FIlth t street sued city for 1600 dam to his home It was shown by the testimony that depart- ment turned en the water hi his house before all the connections were made Tnw basement was flooded and caused a set i E L y u- J f AftfSt The I io I I Th t had- e a thl Otat I That the C tat the t Att t1le request for q tINt aate the and tf the walls Whether tile will be a pJeil to the to MORE S1EFEL Ham on 4 y < AR- t f 4 Davidson this con- tempt at u occaalen was his- tory cage v has a D ages n the cracking cam ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < reoit remains for the city councilt- otUafTlie termination of the be brought to its attention next Monday vexing by City Attorney George L Nye Tour mining Suits Decided 1tt chancery division of the district 1 yesterday Judge William C Hall i down decrees IB favor the Ms In the cases of John Butter t aL vs Allan G Lamson and the Samp- son company vs Allan G LanwOiC A decree m favor of the defendants was down in the rae of Allan G lamuon vs S Hays et al The actions wes tried and Involved titles areas in conflict between the Al- lan Lamson Plant XL M lode claims belonging to Allan G unson and the Agee Claret Protector and Safeguard lode claims belonging to the company All the claims are located in the West Mountain mining district In the case of the Snap company vs Allan G L involving the title to the Pandora Martha and Newfoundland claims Judge lUM deeMed that nether party is to a patent to the areas and di- vide the the action between these j Wtme Oo rt Dismiss Appeal The state supreme court yesterday dismissed the appeal in case t aL involving a mining claim In eesinty sad the costs to On May 3 1901 the lower the decree and findings were to favor of the defendants On July 1 Sultan filed a motion to correct certain Mssjrul errors hi the findings and Jndg- Isimt Mat the court refused to grant It respondents contended that toe order appealed from was not a final one and the appeal should be dismissed The was written by District Judge Charles W Morse and concurred- in by Chief Justice Baskta sad Associate Bartch sustained the respond- ents and ordered the appeal dismissed REBUILDING A Woman Kakss Students Over A lady who used a fatuous food for convenience made a discovery that she erf as follows 1 had been sick for time and was s nervous wreck suffering from beadache distended stomach palpitation and great heart Two physicians said that I had val vular trouble of the heart I was then a widow living alone and was often too ill to get my meals hearing of Grape Nuts as a ready cooked food I pur- chased a package for convenience only thinking It would at least kaep me from starving It was delicious and after a weeks diet with little beside GrapeNuts and cream I had improved so as to be a wonder to myself Then I took on Pos tum Coffee in place of tea and coffee and controlled the steady use of both GrapeNuts and Postum This was a year ago and today I am a well woman for my heart disease to gone along with all my other bad symptoms Some time ago I took charge of a boarding club of students of our uni- versity and following their instructions- I gave thorn luncheons made up of bis suits or light bread cold meat and cof- fee The result on the students was that maRY of them suffered from head- aches dullness and apply themselves to study aft r I luncheo- nI knew that the trouble was the wrong selection of food and It was not long before I persuaded sorre of them to take only GrapeNuts cream for lunchecn This worked like a charm and on after another followed the ex- ample until now rapeNuts is the principle nrtkle of diet for breakfast and luncheon in the club Some e f the r rof M rs in the uni- versity have noticed the change too for the student s brain when fed on GrapeNut Is clear and active the memory Is gv U hi ambitions ap pear to be heightened because he body and brain are in good steady condi- tion Name given Iy Postum Co Creek Mich Look in each for a copy of tie famous little look The Road to Vovillo cue U handed tIt Ute Helene and I I 1a I I 7 the Cuneu VII Harry lIe t faintness to r with r a the d to ou saa aop en- titled iRO or MtSew a Mein Bark court 4 4 1 a long disturb- ances r f tr inability c c 0 and Bat- tle p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ holding however that the review asked have been granted Sues For ft96 Damage The W personal damage soft of Joshua Mldgtey against O F Ford Jacob man manager of Gaidars and She- riff Emery was begun bafore H in the dty court yes- terday The dismissed the action and ordered the case to- go on Just as though b had never been made a party to it It Is alleged that was acting as a special at par- ley while arresting him one ai Ford mistook Midgtoy for another slew Case Involving Damages Argued The afternoon session bf the state court was largely takes up yes- terday arguments in tb ease of M Jenaen vs the Deep Creek It Is an appeal from a Judgment ren dered In Judge J E Booths court some two years ago when Jensen was award ed a of tl9182t6 against the de- fendants The original action which grew out of wool transac- tion was for a 20000 The ac tual judgment hi the lower court for being interest Court Fetes The suit of Mrs Clomlnia Inns a ali l Anthony C Inns for divorce on the of will prbably be heard by a Inadvertently it was stated when the action wee begun that Mr Irma was the bead of the Mexican Mormon missions It is another Mr ivtn who 1 In the case the two men who ar related having the same Initials On Saturday Oct 24 Judge Samuel W Stewart will Mt jury cases in his division of the district court R E Armburst of Btngham yesterday made application In federal court asking to be a voluntary bank rupt Armhurst was in the sa- loon business at Bingham Ha liabilitl were given as 217810 of which is due the California Wine company and 335 to the Salt Lake Brewing company His assets amounted to 75 TAXES STLLjOLllNG IN at Lake Oounty Has Broken All Past State Records Ssflt Lake county te making a better record in the collection of l es taxes than any other county In the state ac- cording to a statement made yesterday afternoon by State Auditor Cnorles S TttMfey The last two days he has had occasion to talk with many county treasurers over the longdistance tel ephone regarding taxes and from them learned the condition of affairs in their respective counties While many of the counties are be- hind just now In the payment of taxes said Auditor Tingey they will makd up for It the ant two weeks in Novem- ber As a rule in some counties almost 90 per cent of the taxes are collected between Nov 1 and Nov 15 That due to farmers not paying up until they have received returns from their crops Especially is that true in Box Elder Cache and Utah counties Where the farmers raise sugar beets in large quantities This hi their harvesting and marketing time and they are too busy now to pay any attention to taxpaying The record that Salt Lake county- Is making in the collection of taxes is really phenomenal I am toll and L have every reason to believe It is true the record has never before been equalled In this or any other county- I hope that other counties will strive to copy it in the succeeding years The prompt payment of taxes is always a benefit to the state and counties as well as the cities and school districts County Treasurer WiUtam O CarWs said yesterday afternoon that up to last Saturday Oct 17 5256 tax accounts had been paid sis against U700 for the same period a gain of 55 for 1103 The receipts last year up to Oct 17 were 7343341 as com pared with noi 2ftl for this year an increase of 328872 1J S maltreated last at font Big ph Farm I UvtDk A T Joseph E and Dan C Sl759 grounds nonsu ft the rlv Sl2S I II year depu- ty sheriff reeott It was stated su- preme Tay- lor Ta for little over was referee last ac- counts ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PARK LAND DEEDED AWAY Claimed Council Bxce ded Authority in City Oreek Canyon Property owners in City Creek canyon- are against what term an act of usurpation of on the part of the city council in deeding a portion of land supposed to B en set aside for city park purposes to a private In a small piece of land adjoining It was that the matter would have been to the attention of the city council at Mondays meeting but protestant did not put in an appearance According to the protestants the portion of the of the can- yon just above the mouth was set aside by the council some time ago for public park purposes the intention being to im- prove same those lines In con ttc of that alleged determination n the part of the city either side of the proposed park in the canyon time ago the council decided to canyon In order to do BO it was necessary to triangular piece ot ground Just an one corner of the proposed area set aside for the park CRNMM V L strip of ground below the north constitut ing a portion of the proposed park proteftanta say that the deeding of that piece of land to Mr will the proposed and insist that the council rescind Us action y deed to Mr Halliday and the of land revert back into tile proposed park STAG SOCIAL TO MR WARDE Elks Propose to Have a Jolly Time at Their Club The social to be given this toy On Elks In their club house In of Frederick Warde and his com- pany pitMrtses to be the Biggest ene of ever given the local lodge Lack of time In which to make prepara- tions toe an elaborate programme will Impromptu vocal and instru- mental and music by an or There will be a few addresses by sottte of the members of the lodge which it is hoped will be responded to Mr Wattle James Light wily be served It was decided ev ninz to chance the hour of the soda from WM to M Each member of the lodge Is entitled to bring a guest with him t d lots on road up CIty to hay the land In tWe M It Is ted the of the aJ Illn tae It a expected cen- tral St ten Cave hove coael4 gave owner triangular o jr tins 1 they let i area Tight even- Ing b refresh- ments ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TWO WOMEN FOUGHT One Beat the Other Over read Alarm Clock- A Mere fight between wsmsti In a house on Commercial street was suddenly interrupted the appear- ance ef veer Brown uoa the scene yesterday morning at about 3 ocloek Fanny and Lilly Muel- ler Frtqch were onte tants Fanny that Jrtt her ringer before she he Indwced to enter on the other hand seemed to have gotten the worst of the and says that when he ar- rived Fanny was time on hot adversarys whir an alarm clock Lillys story was kept from the police because said Je ne sarle pas which was Interpreted by the desk to mean that she was not guilty Both were fined 10 in the police court BANK BUILDING WRECKED Lincoln Neb Oct 20 Robbers blew open the bank at Pleasant Dale Neb here at an early hour today com pletely wrecking the building and shat tering the vault but were evidently frightened away helots they could se- cure the money vault held 30000 and with a little move work it would have been easy to have secured the en tire amount A posse is pursuing the robbers 9 IS PBZXTXKS oar STBZEB El Paso Tex Oct entire typographical force of the El Paso walked out today be cause or the future of the publishers to allow claim for overtime ef 9Mf No was published today WICk the tIt oDd t IIr she rat The I 20The I Eventug News a i I u twit y t a encoun- ter Al- lah o o near paver ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ REUKETHERM- GMS SALISBURY Republican National Committee- man Discusses City Ticket PRIMARIES WERE BOUGHT TJC3OKE j I t DoJII T E1e 4 REAL KKFOTKLIOAIT PASTY Orange Salisbury Republican na- tional committeeman for Utah and for many years one of the Republican wheeihoraes in the territory and state declared yesterday that the machine Bruce Johnson etty ticket clod not represent the Republican sentiment I am as pod a Republican a any man ia the state said he but this ticket does not represent the real Re- publican party It represents a emn- btnation between a certain man and nfl the elements that can be purchased by corrupt methods In carrying out campaign they did not consider good of the party or the city It was not party question with them at all They carried the primaries by going out and buying everything they could They are attempting to carry the same methods into the j for election I am willing to 90 on ree ord as saying that I am utterly op- posed to such machine methods They should be rebuked I The delegates to the Republican convention from our district Included some of best and leading citisens- of Utah a former congressman of the United States among them And yet they were not allowed as much voice in the convention as the colored man Bruce Johnson That shows the char- acter of the men who are pretending- to represent the Republican party Mr Salisbury has expressed his views even more forcibly In private So nave a number of other men who have long been prominent in the Republican par- ty They take the ground that in this campaign the best interests of the party demand the punishment of th3 ring that is seeking to rule with high hand regardless of the rights or wishes- of the other seeking to carry all points by the brute force of dollars and threatening to permeate the whole mu Mclpallty and state corruption In the Fifth precinct especially they do not relish the Idea of taking orders politically from Bruce Johnson colored proprietor of a Commercial street re sore Bruce has been recognized by the machine as the boss of the and Fiftysecond districts where he has as white slaves the workers in that bailiwick If the machine wins is to be promoted and the num his white slaves increased- A leading Republican who would not allow th use of his name said yester Civic patriotism should be the issue of this campaign It Is not a question of party The ticket labelled as Re- publican really stands for rule and in politics The ticket labelled Democratic for pro gress tempered by wisdom for a nose of city for honeaty As between honesty and dishonesty plain moral Issue the honest voter should have no hesitancy- in deciding PROTEST AGAINST GOLDBERG Objection Made to His Acting As Registrar Colonisation of voters prepara- tions for repeating have already been begun by the machine To head this I J I i the j I I j i I I i I I I I r i 1 the a com car apaIVL Bruce dai band i rigid ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ off In some degree the Democratic com mittee in the precinct yesterday riled with the county board a protest against the acting a registrar in the Fiftysecond pf Julius Goldberg It is alleged that Goldberg is generally unfit I for the position and that he has reg istered persons under age Charges were made against him a year ago but he was retained This fall the are determined if possible to the fraudulent padding of the I lists toad subsequent illegal voting The tip was passed around In certain quarters by Republicans yesterday for i peraons who bad moved since last Iec- tion not to get a transfer but to regis- ter in their new district and allow their name to stand on the list In the old district This would make It easy for t repeating Numerous voters yesterday he would have many on tion day All voters wh have moved since last election register next Tuesday Oct 27 After four years of Republican rule there is not muck oity property left for Knox to sell if h elected may- or but he might try to dicker for a disposal of the city hall io meet expenses Several check books were used up yesterday at the headquarters of the white slaves in the There are plenty more however Republican canvassers are out all over the city making a poll with the- I intention of ascertaining the where I abouts of the voters tbetr sentiment and places where voters cjtn be placed by one mode or another The payroll- Is rapidly Increasing The number of patri for fth only ha not been exhausted Democrats generally were more con fident of success yesterday than they had been at any time previous The feeling is growing Ask your grocer for Vienna Model bread Its the Fist Utah Commercial and Savings Bank General banking business interest Demo- crats I JABS i l I j t t o pre- vent poll- ing POLITICAL sold shoo were Cur- rent t a ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = paid on deposits w F Arm- strong president T Caine cashier The U S Govt Reportss- how Royal Baking Powder superior to all others John Varrington liveryman Car- riages and light livery No street hacks Phone 273 Let toe GOLD DUST a I TWINS do A woedcrfal aid in waahinj dishes Els 8war ether pots aad vans is It softens the water dirt and grease nod makes evnytaiac slime polMtiic bnu work clOM4 tr reofls Me ana BMktag MM beet fott soap ton apwraoxii atsn WATER SOFT 4 ct SOLD DUST I cuts GmxRAT USES FOIL GOLD D t I otaIes sad alltg woodwoft pf r seer revil- er obiT 9- r y piss floor otkioth ellerarr us ere hang ¬ ¬ Kolich Nervous indigestion 1428 Eighth Street St Louis Mo August 26 1903 Had Charles a 3Tr Kolich says I had no App- etite food did not taste good was full of gas continually indigestion became a ba my stomach refused the plainest food I became thin nervous and gloomy By advice of a very good physician I took Paines Celery Compound It an ¬ did me a world of good My cUp ticn has never beeR so good in y as it is today Since using I Pains Celery Compound I have learned of hundreds of others who have used it for the same trouble with splendid results I The Leading Cloak Suit Skirt and Waist House in the City WE WILL show a line of handsome Suits and Coats this week ranging in price from 750 to that surpassos anything ever shown in the west These are not factory goods that there are dozens of a kind but all the exclusive styles of Hamiltons in the smartest styles shown in the city Our Waist department is now complete and we can show you the newest things that are correct in both style and materials The Hat department speaks for itself It stands alone in this city Having only Pattern Hats prices 5 to 50 and smart dressy Tailor Hats 2 to 10 We are showing some swell things in Hosiery and Neckwear Phone 1738K 216 MAIN STREET ing Our stock comprises a magnificent of the latest styles in CLOTH SILK VELVET COATS for Children 2 years to 18 years The largest variety of any season Prices from Out Sale of 2 to 6 years value to 450 for Kenyon Hotel Celery Compound Cured Him I v I lllEfSFIIJJ1IJHfll II 40 HAM IL TONS i i I CC oE en QJ co- c c CCtu I Qj CJc en IQJ 3 r Q- JSpeci l Exhibit and Sale of llDRfNS COATS AND DRfSSfS 150 to 4000 Special Closing I Fall Light Weight Jackets 7 c 1 7 J p J- I I 124 Main St i- s 0 tOO l t o- s Opposi e 11I Jfil Jqj i IW J 0 Paine s l r I I a I r 1 ta 1 Opcni assort- ment t Child rens t1 a Lichteristein p I ¬ = = = = = = > = = = < 3EITEHBURGER PORTLAND CEMENT German HERCULES Brand STRONGEST AND FINEST CEMBNT Now being Public Work For Sale by P J MORAN Board of Trade Building Salt lAke- I City Utah J IMPORTED The Saturday Evening 179 old halt a rallliat weekly circulation Is handsomeb- ited and illustrated and wonts thou saadfe of boys to wOrk tel It Vrhe our effe- rIHE CURTIS PUBLISHING CO Post- Is ears Philadelphia Pa 0 copies > For 15000 Stool With Piano Daynes L Romrey 40 Richards Street GARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS TO THE LAMES i Dont wait till Christmas to kv buy him that House Jest jjj 4 Get it now and let him tore the full benefit of it 1- I Then hell slave more time J appreciate sadi a sensible ifift range in price from 300 to 1800 With a great many stops r the two The sooner yon come the greater the variety yowl have to choose from For the earliest shoppers are I already making their selection Anti even sUCh a large and varied stotk will be broken Ask to ace the long Lounging Robes too when you come in 136138 Main St ORDERS BY HAIL PROMPTLY ITCiKD i f iit EEach Piano Cornp ny i t t J t Thy 8 be- tween soon 6 ONE J r 4ARO NFR rRIC Nesv Pianos 1 FULLY WARRANTED and 1 t- oP 1 A Celebrated Conundrum ANSWERED AT LAST Use Mazolene Furniture Pol- ish from Calmer Thats the Answer 20 E first Soith St Paints Oils Glass Busta WE Smedley Alan Wakeliny P O Box 1 77 Telephone 8O6 4 Rings Office 142 Main Street Upstairs Representing Following Well Known Cesaoanies Comm Union Aasoraaee Co of 3MSMWM London AssoraaOe Cecp mtlofl MAMUK4 M Manchester Insurance Co et- Standard Accident In Ce 1JIMW Losses paid through this Agency exceed 500000 If you need glasses you need them now not when too late We test your eyes free and if the test proves the need of glasses we guar- antee to properly Oculists prescriptions Utah Optical Co 337 MAIN STREET J H KNICKERBOCKER O D ROYAL W PAYNES O D For tine bread and phone at the VIENNA MODEL BAKERY AND CAFE Phone 19U 19 East Third South Bread ITS THE BEST CHARLES Q SEYBOLDT Proprietor Tie J08B0OX Ofc- KedAlU PPPPPp rpPPPP I I Why Is mouse when It spina I I G w E SMEDLEY COQ INSURANCEI the Phoenix tJl don England 1 n New YorK Underwriters K I Y QlasS s J u cakes call or yor grocer for the Vienna Model u a a- a t o e a r- oa o e a ew r- oa ti- o ti r- oa o e- a r- oa ro O1F1CULMERBROt ro- a r- oa m ro- r ro- I r- oa a s aaaaaa11 Jgaiaia London Aaeurunce Ca Lenl8e11sM 00 t Op M American M 122NW0 00 1 Ask TYe hl0essatf fffJOANSfH on ece outroa al ever WUilda ¬ ¬ A Delicious Drink One that satisfies every lover Qr good ANKOLA MOCHA and Unequaled for Its rich nefsw f1a Orders for and delivered Union Tea fAffee el 14 EAST THIRD SOUTH PHONE iY we attach Worth this tall the more frtrstas ors we ma claim fart string t I i LOWNEYS ASSORTED I CHOCOLATE CREAMS and BON BONS Are always fresh iicent to a IDceAt package f Dill DRUG CO faMHy I Cor Pl8tlJfIce f coffee JA1A- e vor called and 0 i The nacre fsllnws earl sazf- ie tBllgr s fig Pell iE3i O D eq aatd tusbrcrt ELL ORTH 3 50- SHU I and delicious A package a is is dent i pAoa r

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Page 1: Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1903-10-21 [p 5]. · THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21 1903 5 o r 1 s t Jurors Knight and Say He Talked With v WILL SHOW CAUSE TODAY DBMKMir


o r


s t

Jurors Knight and SayHe Talked With



Additional evidence against MauriceBtiefel charging him With attempting topersuade jurors by talking with themabout the case they were trying beforethey rendered a verdict was yesterday-laid before Judge Samuel W Stewart ofthe district court It was in the natureof an affidavit sworn to by Grant Hampton and John M Knight The documentwas first flied with County Clerk JohnJames and then sent up to the judge totte placed with the records in the case

part of the affidavit making speci-fic charges against 8U fel reads as followsThat on said last mentioned date inSalt Lake Qty aforesaid en State streetin said city the said Maurice Stiefel aocoated these affiants and made to themthe statement That hebeen very busy with Mr accounts and If the cawcould have been brought out there woullhave been nothing to it That thereupon-the above nsraed affiant Mr Hamptonsaid to Stiefel You should not any

to us about this case after whichnothing further was said

Stiefel will before Judge Stewartat 10 oclock morning to causewhy he should not be punished for

of court To insure his appearancetoday Judge Stewart placed

100 Fonda


3i tioft For Certificate of ProbableCause to Be Argued Today-

A new and novel of taw Is to beraised in the Mortensen case when Attor-ney B J Stewart argues his motion for acertificate f probable cause before thestate supreme court today He will takethe stand thttt Judge Charles W Morsemade an error be permitted trap

touM l for the to second motion for a certificate without hav-ing the defendant present

of the Mortensen when it cameut in the district court dints the ditJtrent stages to date that M rteasen wasnot present and heard everything thatwas said and done The statutes

in criminal cases the defendant mustalways be present in court whoa any

are taken his or the states counltd In this particular Instance Morteto-

enr was not present and Stew-art win arM that tact in Justificationof his a certificateht cause pending the argument of the

tot a new trialAs yet no court passed upon the

whether the defendant must bewhen arguments are heard on

kstaaaee of such


Jury lives Him f11504t AgidMt the otter

Charts E Shermer won his damageeta against the city The juryrted case in Judge Samuel W Stew

vrts division of the district court yes-terday brought in a verdict for 11150 onoeasts of the action la his favor

Stir Shenaer who is a Rio Grande en-ter and fftSMi ii at 4tt SeWSh FIltht street sued city for 1600 dam

to his home It was shown by thetestimony that depart-ment turned en the water hi his housebefore all the connections were made Tnwbasement was flooded and caused a set

i EL y u-

J f AftfSt






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That the C tat the


Att t1le

request for


tINt aate


and tf the walls Whethertile will be a pJeil to the to



Ham on

4 y

< AR-



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occaalen was his-tory cage




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n the


















reoit remains for the city councilt-otUafTlie termination of thebe brought to its attention next Mondayvexing by City Attorney George L Nye

Tour mining Suits Decided1tt chancery division of the district

1 yesterday Judge William C Halli down decrees IB favor theMs In the cases of John Butter t

aL vs Allan G Lamson and the Samp-son company vs Allan G LanwOiCA decree m favor of the defendants was

down in the rae of Allan Glamuon vs S Hays et al The actionswes tried and Involved titles

areas in conflict between the Al-

lan Lamson PlantXL M lode claims belonging to Allan Gunson and the Agee Claret Protector

and Safeguard lode claims belonging tothe company All theclaims are located in the West Mountainmining district In the case of the Snap

company vs Allan G Linvolving the title to the Pandora

Martha and Newfoundland claims JudgelUM deeMed that nether party is

to a patent to the areas and di-

vide the the action betweenthese

j Wtme Oo rt Dismiss AppealThe state supreme court yesterday

dismissed the appeal in case

t aL involving a mining claim Ineesinty sad the costs to

On May 3 1901 the lowerthe decree and findings

were to favor of the defendants On July1 Sultan filed a motion to correct certain

Mssjrul errors hi the findings and Jndg-Isimt Mat the court refused to grant It

respondents contended that toe orderappealed from was not a final one and

the appeal should be dismissed Thewas written by District

Judge Charles W Morse and concurred-in by Chief Justice Baskta sad Associate

Bartch sustained the respond-ents and ordered the appeal dismissed


A Woman Kakss Students OverA lady who used a fatuous food for

convenience made a discovery that sheerf as follows

1 had been sick for time andwas s nervous wreck suffering frombeadache distended stomachpalpitation and great heart

Two physicians said that I had valvular trouble of the heart I was thena widow living alone and was often tooill to get my meals hearing of GrapeNuts as a ready cooked food I pur-chased a package for convenience onlythinking It would at least kaep me fromstarving

It was delicious and after a weeksdiet with little beside GrapeNuts andcream I had improved so as to be awonder to myself Then I took on Postum Coffee in place of tea and coffeeand controlled the steady use of bothGrapeNuts and Postum This was ayear ago and today I am a well womanfor my heart disease to gone along withall my other bad symptoms

Some time ago I took charge of aboarding club of students of our uni-versity and following their instructions-I gave thorn luncheons made up of bissuits or light bread cold meat and cof-fee The result on the students wasthat maRY of them suffered from head-aches dullness and applythemselves to study aft r


nI knew that the trouble was thewrong selection of food and It was notlong before I persuaded sorre of themto take only GrapeNuts cream forlunchecn This worked like a charmand on after another followed the ex-

ample until now rapeNuts is theprinciple nrtkle of diet for breakfastand luncheon in the club

Some e f the r rof M rs in the uni-versity have noticed the change toofor the student s brain when fed onGrapeNut Is clear and active thememory Is gv U hi ambitions appear to be heightened because he bodyand brain are in good steady condi-tion Name given Iy Postum Co

Creek MichLook in each for a copy of

tie famous little look The Road toVovillo

cue U


UteHelene and I






theCuneu VII Harry














iROor MtSew a Mein



a long




tr inability

cc 0














> ¬




holding however that the review askedhave been granted

Sues For ft96 DamageThe W personal damage soft of Joshua

Mldgtey against O F Ford Jacobman manager of Gaidars and She-riff Emery was begun bafore

H in the dty court yes-terday The dismissed the

action and ordered the case to-go on Just as though b had never beenmade a party to it It Is alleged that

was acting as a specialat par-

ley while arresting him one ai

Ford mistook Midgtoy for another slew

Case Involving Damages ArguedThe afternoon session bf the state

court was largely takes up yes-terday arguments in tb ease of

M Jenaen vs the Deep Creek

It Is an appeal from a Judgment rendered In Judge J E Booths court sometwo years ago when Jensen was awarded a of tl9182t6 against the de-fendants The original action whichgrew out of wool transac-tion was for a 20000 The actual judgment hi the lower court for

being interest

Court FetesThe suit of Mrs Clomlnia Inns a ali l

Anthony C Inns for divorce on theof will prbably be

heard by a Inadvertently it wasstated when the action wee begun thatMr Irma was the bead of the MexicanMormon missions It is another Mr ivtnwho 1 In the case the two men who arrelated having the same Initials

On Saturday Oct 24 Judge Samuel W

Stewart will Mt jury cases in his divisionof the district court

R E Armburst of Btngham yesterdaymade application In federal courtasking to be a voluntary bankrupt Armhurst was in the sa-loon business at Bingham Ha liabilitlwere given as 217810 of which isdue the California Wine company and

335 to the Salt Lake Brewing companyHis assets amounted to 75


at Lake Oounty Has Broken AllPast State Records

Ssflt Lake county te making a betterrecord in the collection of l es taxesthan any other county In the state ac-cording to a statement made yesterdayafternoon by State Auditor Cnorles STttMfey The last two days he has hadoccasion to talk with many countytreasurers over the longdistance telephone regarding taxes and from themlearned the condition of affairs in theirrespective counties

While many of the counties are be-hind just now In the payment of taxessaid Auditor Tingey they will makdup for It the ant two weeks in Novem-ber As a rule in some counties almost90 per cent of the taxes are collectedbetween Nov 1 and Nov 15 Thatdue to farmers not paying up until theyhave received returns from their cropsEspecially is that true in Box ElderCache and Utah counties Where thefarmers raise sugar beets in largequantities This hi their harvesting andmarketing time and they are too busynow to pay any attention to taxpaying

The record that Salt Lake county-Is making in the collection of taxes isreally phenomenal I am toll and L

have every reason to believe It is truethe record has never before beenequalled In this or any other county-I hope that other counties will striveto copy it in the succeeding years Theprompt payment of taxes is always abenefit to the state and counties aswell as the cities and school districts

County Treasurer WiUtam O CarWssaid yesterday afternoon that up to lastSaturday Oct 17 5256 tax accountshad been paid sis against U700 for thesame period a gain of 55

for 1103 The receipts last yearup to Oct 17 were 7343341 as compared with noi 2ftl for this year anincrease of 328872




at font


phFarm I UvtDk A T

Joseph E and Dan C


grounds nonsu ft






depu-ty sheriff

reeott It was stated


Tay-lor Ta for

little overwas


last ac-counts















Claimed Council Bxce ded Authorityin City Oreek Canyon

Property owners in City Creek canyon-are against what terman act of usurpation of on thepart of the city council in deeding aportion of land supposed to B enset aside for city park purposes to aprivate In a smallpiece of land adjoining It wasthat the matter would have beento the attention of the city council atMondays meeting but protestantdid not put in an appearance

According to the protestants theportion of the of the can-

yon just above the mouth was set asideby the council some time ago for publicpark purposes the intention being to im-prove same those lines In con

ttc of that alleged determination nthe part of thecity either side of the proposedpark in the canyon

time ago the council decided tocanyon In order to do BO it was

necessary to triangular piece otground Just an onecorner of the proposed area set aside forthe park

CRNMM V L strip of groundbelow the north constituting a portion of the proposed park

proteftanta say that the deedingof that piece of land to Mrwill the proposed andinsist that the council rescind Us actiony deed to Mr Hallidayand the of land revert backinto tile proposed park


Elks Propose to Have a Jolly Timeat Their Club

The social to be given thistoy On Elks In their club house In

of Frederick Warde and his com-pany pitMrtses to be the Biggest ene of

ever given the local lodgeLack of time In which to make prepara-tions toe an elaborate programme will

Impromptu vocal and instru-mental and music by an or

There will be a few addresses by sottteof the members of the lodge which itis hoped will be responded to MrWattle James Light

wily be served It was decidedev ninz to chance the hour of the sodafrom WM to M Each member ofthe lodge Is entitled to bring a guest withhim



lots on

road up CIty

to hay the land IntWe M It Is ted

the of theaJ







St tenCave


coael4gave owner triangular o

jr tins

1 they

let i area










One Beat the Other Over readAlarm Clock-

A Mere fight between wsmsti Ina house on Commercial streetwas suddenly interrupted the appear-ance ef veer Brown uoa the sceneyesterday morning at about 3 ocloekFanny and Lilly Muel-ler Frtqch were onte tants

Fanny that Jrtt her ringerbefore she he Indwced to enter

on the other hand seemedto have gotten the worst of the

and says that when he ar-rived Fanny was time on hotadversarys whir an alarm clock

Lillys story was kept from the policebecause said Je ne sarle pas

which was Interpreted by the deskto mean that she was not

guilty Both were fined 10 in the policecourt

BANK BUILDING WRECKEDLincoln Neb Oct 20 Robbers blew

open the bank at Pleasant Dale Nebhere at an early hour today com

pletely wrecking the building and shattering the vault but were evidentlyfrightened away helots they could se-cure the money vault held 30000and with a little move work it wouldhave been easy to have secured the entire amount A posse is pursuing therobbers


El Paso Tex Oct entiretypographical force of the El Paso

walked out today because or the future of the publishersto allow claim for overtime ef 9MfNo was published today


the tItoDd

t IIr




IEventug News





t a



o o









Republican National Committee-

man Discusses City Ticket




I t




Orange Salisbury Republican na-

tional committeeman for Utah and formany years one of the Republicanwheeihoraes in the territory and statedeclared yesterday that the machineBruce Johnson etty ticket clod notrepresent the Republican sentiment

I am as pod a Republican a anyman ia the state said he but thisticket does not represent the real Re-

publican party It represents a emn-btnation between a certain man and nflthe elements that can be purchased bycorrupt methods In carrying outcampaign they did not considergood of the party or the city It wasnot party question with them at allThey carried the primaries by goingout and buying everything they couldThey are attempting to carry the same

methods into the j

for election I am willing to 90 on reeord as saying that I am utterly op-

posed to such machine methods Theyshould be rebuked I

The delegates to the Republicanconvention from our district Includedsome of best and leading citisens-of Utah a former congressman of theUnited States among them And yetthey were not allowed as much voicein the convention as the colored manBruce Johnson That shows the char-acter of the men who are pretending-to represent the Republican party

Mr Salisbury has expressed his viewseven more forcibly In private So navea number of other men who have longbeen prominent in the Republican par-ty They take the ground that in thiscampaign the best interests of theparty demand the punishment of th3ring that is seeking to rule with highhand regardless of the rights or wishes-of the other seeking to carry all pointsby the brute force of dollars andthreatening to permeate the whole muMclpallty and state corruptionIn the Fifth precinct especially theydo not relish the Idea of taking orderspolitically from Bruce Johnson coloredproprietor of a Commercial street resore Bruce has been recognized by themachine as the boss of theand Fiftysecond districts where hehas as white slaves the workers inthat bailiwick If the machine wins

is to be promoted and the numhis white slaves increased-

A leading Republican who would notallow th use of his name said yester

Civic patriotism should be the issueof this campaign It Is not a questionof party The ticket labelled as Re-

publican really stands for ruleand in politics The ticketlabelled Democratic for progress tempered by wisdom for anose of cityfor honeaty As between honesty anddishonesty plain moral Issue thehonest voter should have no hesitancy-in deciding


Objection Made to His Acting AsRegistrar

Colonisation of voters prepara-tions for repeating have already beenbegun by the machine To head this























com car apaIVL











off In some degree the Democratic committee in the precinct yesterdayriled with the county board a protestagainst the acting a registrar in theFiftysecond pf Julius Goldberg It isalleged that Goldberg is generally unfit I

for the position and that he has registered persons under age Chargeswere made against him a year ago buthe was retained This fall the

are determined if possible tothe fraudulent padding of the I

lists toad subsequent illegal votingThe tip was passed around In certain

quarters by Republicans yesterday for i

peraons who bad moved since last Iec-

tion not to get a transfer but to regis-ter in their new district and allow theirname to stand on the list In the olddistrict This would make It easy for t


Numerous voters yesterday hewould have many ontion day

All voters wh have moved since lastelection register next TuesdayOct 27

After four years of Republican rulethere is not muck oity property leftfor Knox to sell if h elected may-or but he might try to dicker for adisposal of the city hall io meet


Several check books were used upyesterday at the headquarters of thewhite slaves in the Thereare plenty more however

Republican canvassers are out allover the city making a poll with the-

I intention of ascertaining the whereI abouts of the voters tbetr sentimentand places where voters cjtn be placedby one mode or another The payroll-Is rapidly Increasing The number ofpatri for fth only ha not been


Democrats generally were more confident of success yesterday than theyhad been at any time previous Thefeeling is growing

Ask your grocer for Vienna Modelbread Its the Fist

Utah Commercial and Savings BankGeneral banking business interest








t o

pre-vent poll-

















paid on deposits w F Arm-strong president T Caine cashier

The U S Govt Reportss-how Royal Baking Powdersuperior to all others

John Varrington liveryman Car-riages and light livery No streethacks Phone 273


A woedcrfal aid in waahinj dishesEls 8war ether pots aad vans is

It softens the water dirt and greasenod makes evnytaiac slime

polMtiic bnu work clOM4 trreofls Me ana BMktag MM beet fott soap

ton apwraoxii atsn WATER SOFT





GmxRAT USES FOIL GOLD D tI otaIes sadalltg woodwoft


r seer revil-


obiT 9-

r y


floorotkioth ellerarrus ere hang



KolichNervous indigestion1428 Eighth Street St Louis Mo August 26 1903

HadCharles a

3Tr Kolich says I had no App-etite food did not taste good

was full of gas continuallyindigestion became a ba my

stomach refused the plainest food Ibecame thin nervous and gloomy Byadvice of a very good physician Itook Paines Celery Compound It

an¬ did me a world of good My cUp

ticn has never beeR so good in yas it is today Since using I

Pains Celery Compound I havelearned of hundreds of others whohave used it for the same troublewith splendid results


The Leading Cloak Suit Skirt and Waist House in the City

WE WILL show a line of handsome Suits and Coats thisweek ranging in price from 750 to that surpassosanything ever shown in the west These are not factorygoods that there are dozens of a kind but all the exclusivestyles of Hamiltons in the smartest styles shown in thecity Our Waist department is now complete and we canshow you the newest things that are correct in both styleand materials The Hat department speaks for itself Itstands alone in this city Having only Pattern Hats prices

5 to 50 and smart dressy Tailor Hats 2 to 10We are showing some swell things in Hosiery and


Phone 1738K 216 MAIN STREET


Our stock comprises a magnificentof the latest styles in CLOTH SILK

VELVET COATS for Children 2 years to 18

years The largest variety of any seasonPrices from

Out Sale of

2 to 6 years valueto 450 for

Kenyon Hotel


Cured Him I










enQJ co-

c c

CCtuI Qj


3 r


JSpeci l Exhibit andSale of



150 to 4000Special Closing

I Fall LightWeight Jackets7 c

1 7J p J-


I 124 Main St i-

s0tOO lt o-

s Opposi e

11I Jfil Jqj i IW J


Paine sl














Childrenst1 a





== == == >=





Now being Public Work

For Sale by P J MORANBoard of Trade Building Salt lAke-

I City Utah



The Saturday Evening179 old halt a rallliat

weekly circulation Is handsomeb-ited and illustrated and wonts thou

saadfe of boys to wOrk tel ItVrhe our effe-


Post-Is ears

Philadelphia Pa




For 15000

StoolWith Piano

Daynes L Romrey

40 Richards Street


TO THE LAMES iDont wait till Christmas to

kv buy him that House Jest jjj

4Get it now and let him tore

the full benefit of it 1-

I Then hell slave more time Jappreciate sadi a sensible ifift

range in price from300 to 1800With a great many stops

r the twoThe sooner yon come the

greater the variety yowl haveto choose from

For the earliest shoppers areI already making their selection

Anti even sUCh a large and varied stotk willbe broken

Ask to ace the long Lounging Robes too when youcome in

136138Main St



f iitEEach

Piano Cornp nyi

t tJ








Nesv Pianos






A Celebrated Conundrum


Use Mazolene Furniture Pol-ish from Calmer

Thats the Answer

20 E first Soith St

Paints Oils Glass Busta

W E Smedley Alan WakelinyP O Box 1 77

Telephone 8O6 4 Rings

Office 142 Main Street Upstairs

Representing Following Well KnownCesaoanies

Comm Union AasoraaeeCo of 3MSMWM

London AssoraaOe Cecp mtlofl MAMUK4 M

Manchester Insurance Co et-

Standard Accident In Ce 1JIMWLosses paid through this Agency

exceed 500000

If you need glasses you needthem now not when toolate We test your eyesfree and if the test provesthe need of glasses we guar-antee to properlyOculists prescriptions

Utah Optical Co337 MAIN STREET


For tine bread andphone at the


Phone 19U 19 East Third South



Tie J08B0OX Ofc-




Why Is mouse when It spinaI






Phoenix tJldonEngland 1

nNew YorK Underwriters


I Y QlasS sJ


cakes call or

yor grocer for the Vienna Model


a a-

a to e

a r-oa

oe a ew

r-oa ti-o ti

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Aaeurunce Ca Lenl8e11sM 00

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122NW0 00



TYe hl0essatf


on ece outroa al ever WUilda



A Delicious DrinkOne that satisfies every lover Qrgood

ANKOLAMOCHA andUnequaled for Its rich nefsw f1a

Orders for and delivered

Union Tea fAffee el14 EAST THIRD SOUTH



Worth this tallthe more frtrstasors we ma claim fart string






Are always freshiicent to a IDceAt


f Dill DRUG CO



Cor Pl8tlJfIce








The nacre fsllnws earl sazf-ie tBllgr s fig Pell

iE3i O D eqaatd tusbrcrt




and deliciousA package

a is

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