salman resume.doc

 CURRICULUM VITAE PATAN SALMAN KHAN Email: patan.salman [email protected] Mobile No: 8008813! Career Objective:  Looking forward for a promising, challenging, hardworking & growth oriented  position in the field of software development to work in an organization, where I can use the  best of my abilities, logical and analytical idea on development of quality produ cts. Education Qualification:  Name of te Cour!e "oard#Univer!it$ Name of te In!titute  %e ar of &a!!in' ( of Mar)! B. Tech (C.S.E) JNTU, Anantapur MEC, Kadapa. 2014 6.!"# $nter%ed&ate(M.'.C) Bard $nter%ed&ate Educat&n Medha Jun&r C**e+e, Mdu-ur. 2010 6.4# S.S.C Bard Secndar Educat&n Cha&tana /&+h Sch* , uuru. 200 !2#  Tecnical *)ill!: 3perat&n+ Ste% 5 &nd78"8200089', &nd7! :an+ua+e 5 AS' . NET, C;.NET, /TM: and C 'ac-a+e 5 MS 3&ce 

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Academic &roject

Title: O !"# $OL# O% O'ILI!( %O$ )L!I*#++-# -O++I

Team si"e5 /

En#i$onment: +. #! , 01.#! and +2L +#$3#$ 4556.

%esc$iption: variety of scenarios require agents to share their individual information or 

resources with each other for mutual benefits. partial list includes file sharing and rumor 

spreading distributed computation and parameter estimation and scheduling and control. 7ue

to the huge centralization overhead and unpredictable dynamics in large networks, it is usually

more practical to disseminate information and e8change messages in a decentralized and

asynchronous manner to combat unpredictable topology changes and the lack of global state

information. !his motivates the e8ploration of dissemination strategies that are inherently

simple, distributed and asynchronous while achieving optimal spreading rates.


Implemented 3alidations.

9riting the code as per the requirements.

'ug fi8ing.

7eveloped #nd user interface document and coordinate with team.


• '&t&e Att&tude.

• <d Ana*t&ca* and 'r=*e% S*&n+ S-&**.

• /ae p&t&e and cool attitude towards works. 

• C%%un&cat&n -&**


• See&n+ cr&c-et.

• :&ten&n+ t %u&c.

•  A*7a Th&n-&n+ pr pep*e

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 ame : ! +L ;"

%ather<s name : ! $+OOL ;"

other<s name : . OO$ %!"I

7ate of 'irth : 5=*56*>??@

+e8 : ale

arital status : +ingle

Languages known : #nglish, "indi, )rdu & !elugu.

 ationality : Indian

ermanent address : ! +L ;"

  +AO .$asool ;han

  >A4>>,ain $oad,

  7uvvuru BandalC*/>=>D/,

  7"$ $7#+",



I here by declare that the information given here is correct to my knowledge and I will responsible

for any discrepancy.

B! +L ;"C