sally deneme2

Aren Arda Kaya – Özgü Öztuna – Halit Bingöllü

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Post on 11-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Sally Deneme2

Aren Arda Kaya – Özgü Öztuna – Halit Bingöllü

Page 2: Sally Deneme2

This is the most sexy advertisement I ever seen. They have done well how to attract attention. A dirty women and her body in shower.......

Page 3: Sally Deneme2

This strike is really lucky. A hot blondie near a motorcycle for a magazine. How they look like each other for the creators? This is really disgusting

Page 4: Sally Deneme2

Here is the another motorcycle add from Aprilia. We can see a group of naked people. Can you imagine end of the ad?

Page 5: Sally Deneme2

Every man imagine a woman like her (on the ad) in their opinion but this is impossible. Despite of this there’s a real thing called “FRIES”. It’s totally perfect.

Page 6: Sally Deneme2

In this ad we can see the girl as a mermaid. On the other hand they show the girl as a meal!

Page 7: Sally Deneme2

What does it means? Sundek is a beachwear brand. They use the women body to display their product. They also use men but they look like a detail. They focus on women body.

Page 8: Sally Deneme2

This ad symbolizes sexuality. As a jean ad I can’t understand the main point. It just a sexual intercourse scene. It can be a pornographic movie poster.

Page 9: Sally Deneme2

Axe’s advertising campaigns are focus on sexuality. In this ad they use a sexy model.

Page 10: Sally Deneme2

This advertisemnt is very sexist like we see. İmage of sexy woman isn’t related to main idea of advertisement. İmage of beauty are used to effect to men. Mentality of better performance, better price try to be associated as romaticism.

Page 11: Sally Deneme2

This advertisement is about underwear for women. There is a woman for advetisement. She looks like altruistic, fragile. In addition to this I realised that many adveritsers use to similar images of beauty. I didn’t coincide that different images for advetisemnet of underwear. There are only one figure of ideal women.

Page 12: Sally Deneme2

Of course being sexy is not a crime. Everybody wants to have a sexy and beautiful image. However, beside of these articles, there is one important point, concept of being sexy shouldn’t de used for commercial interesets. This is not ethical. People’ life can effect negatively becaus of these advertisement. Because most of people don’t have advertisers’ standandarts of ideal body.

Page 13: Sally Deneme2

This advertisement is extremley sexist. There are some fantasias for men. İmage of woman has ‘ideal’ body are used with commercial interests. Additionally this advertisment includes classic figure of mini skirt.