sales general notices. -...

■5'.siS“ l,SSSfia=: ^ ^ eants; and c*uto for every e^xbff^ja-at ir- £L4 t F SQr-.^H am r-ccriris^^i? ef Slla^csrU*.^ c= t.a i^a.of th. p»p« *4..: witk- oat tbe paper. 532 per »Dntie>: ret, W erer, far a less ?■” ?*?■-* ■>•'• r<^=^-;tJe iiidamasM for error* wHieh cay ccoar In adrertislng. <:t . frr:,’p s up jo 'i pnr\-'r-rrr; e public 'S/illESr a ' n t '^H^o' n ’/ '/ " ’p L'K'efr K E ' ff-e \o 7 Kr. adfti^t near Wall. PUBLIC WillismH BY WIIiiTAMH '* M P Botjsoi.o. »! the E»t-teo« - n-'-e -fsw'rrt lea. M II Ber.jitn'n. Rceeivt , Sc le*»fl'-frt N ) , 5t r .rrw»y7*»Vp\t » \o 7 Bread ftr^t Fif^r Wa!l. n * i ? t < '■—Tr.e uv'■r’,tr. c.'2oim- c- tr.Tii • 1*^7 .‘ --a ?Y:.Tr.?.'r 4 !'r,.-:';M;::t. 7 .;;i-‘^-t n.v;,. •;,. A ';;;V i’;;.i^r ..: X-';.% ■ ■ •,uiefjf;* c:^rvc:cf:;.r/’- t * : »iuv I-*.’ re WM . U *I r.,*. r. T ,,,p -IS her.-eil.ire. to r-ve f>«r 1 -------- -- AV*io:,> i B ^ s r r , y; ; ; M %VeeLt I ■4 *''• -'•'<»« * ■’•-0*’ '; r , h, i r s - • - ‘ Pro »k>rr». •'iTi-e n % pm' ........ i iif?p . ofti-e io hr «'it;7UN**. 43 Fu;t>'n BT^et. '■ :^ ^ ?!■:;. ;v r i-;i: ... i '!;'• J. & r #*t--A'*t* 4* ' 4. •■ 'y ’o r i' • t ' <»-;*»»»* fern^ipr ' *r , r.p ifp.Toi-r M Trrtrt.nn—/n a • r*■I of 4 months f-jt a.l oo •kt-o . V. d * \n tlt;; , romUnortstT ?i. earh ol -amj ui. mpfis * . *. Ill **r t;— 0-. . , f r V .- r Hamri^r- _<•'••.**»r..f' ■ ,^r. s rf .each 2* er -»»1 r^:r •■ tf om ^ VOL. XL TI. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12 1850 NO. 18 NASSAU, NEAR PINE ST. _PUBL! sales . .¥’^^f^k?rSoSTS.. store No. 57 Beaver atreet. rsr.sPLE se4 Nack end r«. SWro No 1;J V/tlli?.m rtree*. 13- I-Iiicmi sJv.ccc* Oiuia uvaa co-igumea!* wh;a 'MTM.OGl'e'^^Ar.r. I.t fkLN' U. li!liT!.-:I. UCH fi.W.itsrrnMettUeai'' n'< I towns »n I cinch .tn«. -:'.n.‘."v::■ A'R.i 5» ra^es newe'f t-«st i! . i<» itra w boanet* 4 1*0. an ir.r.MPP.ti terv 3-*..-; -Vukgo<«W i C*%*i;oire.?< andsamp’-*- 'nin2..f^c?G. C.ifa.V» 2u}» a.i: »*/r r.i -.' of «..p. c » »JI »; *Jdeutfa. 1. Af o. • .e t” al3«:^^*‘»of ^.r^l^..^’d ir.g l«f t.. <■j > ^ f'i.hJ 11:.i d ®lan ' FU T»**toh iv-mje. f. 'h ni: .n>i» j h : ‘Wt t»n ifj? day *■' -i** ' i Vfa'-s* •2-' > ‘>er>'d' n i 'sf - rj » -r T - , ., ST*’«r> 1 r, .— '] . i- • ' '• f £' -T * J •* lU't.a y 9j f*-i‘r ! on • .o -vrr* -r ..^ ♦e -»• - ’ f ■ ' ;*'p '•. | . n.r 'aoi i of eroufisi u* «z* l«4 ’ ■»■> •••■<»*>r*- i* 5 j ;44 h *f'^'^w Tarreb 4 ^ y-in |j iV-^ ih-* p.'-v *j er. * . _ / ' ' ' ' I ^ ves'le-*-. ^ t ;-.r. '$ . ' y r> ' n . -.o '■* 'i ' a ti- ^ \ ' r .»• ^ r-i I"*!, r ;..* \ j Ji €•?:. f - ;Udhemi «I(es, b i V7iV/WLHinN> V'.-vu.r nt , f>l Beover ■* « 'V f • i.i I 50 fio 7 n-'pl pv.-orkrd em^n*.i.>•«ni linen rnoi'f -. . . ............ ,. 'T ,♦»-• it.-i*. Ml I A!v*. ;s:i f.RR r»mr t ».f F* pu. n i-1 .'.h f»fi'l v.*l . i- . '.-• - f £- -T • I ...,„^ -,-• g e ., r. .• - .e*- . ... . * ., ,„ *> r« -P 11 ;rp k't'** v-i 4. - f I . » ;*'p ' 4 *.. n *.« ' imti- mt..' V - ,y t n n««.l etv • »r ntKefe^rrv— i . »ep r ,, ,. ' . . •' ^ i/.f,*h Or’**-1 f 3:«'« ' r : . ; v. *‘ f n.'h»«l p^c J*rt>tf-* . ".^fifuri.-;,'., i % ;;." .% ;‘;i;;r^c,.;;:;;;;,.,:,,.^;,:,,\:,T ,,,:,,-;:v;;..‘;>,.r; 0.1 ;;r;-“ ____ . .... ^. ................. iV-flhe* i ef. rirf ' b is.. worKeJ ao<l u*m>tnire<i curtuoa a.d <>aptfy musu F r fur^nar partfaulart. .ipp’r to the i'lO'^er. No 7 Bread -4*<» •*<<’e.'.-fne'r»' S''**«u J f'rr.n f V=1»M—One- u> . io-w -i| -’ ♦* .T '' **-j ’ '. t > Pii 1av»no9 —\ Vrt'‘rSffl r? .'» ?t'nr/<» * n *re i. r Vj- y I*'*srreof, bein^ jUiw» ir. vvi.itn by K-- it*.! i __ ______________ __ V . .. . '* V''*' th*f..i wn»rfi‘s. ^ <pf J uis. tfii* u.*-*we-'-''’ r-on um e , u '.. v j \ri »v ' ■oMJe^rh »Os--> nf t;*.->n F.afj.- r^--. (•• , — - _________________________________-——* •■■>- ' \-,J f e' lithe p'.^>e -r r-.*.r*-n • • A Nr.'" :i>r--*r fn** ., - ., -.arr of r syb tprf. .-i , t. he „i,r. ,e,. lu. . fri.m I William Knh\ 0. AnrHonrrr Ji"i’ ;-,t' r.i-T«i.A ^ T .r ^ i -• , j ^ ( ,1-r —? , r- -. 1 .;.,.!.,. o*’ 'j >i mJiT^ T-., :Ir--;. 1 ',. | f.-Ml*' J... .14 .= ;a s,p 3 E :i,S ss A* t2 o r' •!?. ’;• *S K-s ' I - *,. 171 ^ 7 f? . ' \ r ...... *:>> i .’I n • t. »- •- ' e Thir V* '■ir i =* —Tne .1i-* •* ..1- I . •■’ . _ -i 1 ‘ • l j S v >r .* t • j i' •■• ay •»j i 1 1 '^; T'W li-t t! t-i ••> .4; It « 'h.'' f).....' I ^ >*it** ' ■ .'^> : ■. ! I ;,. , J j }4 f .. ^-> •.. .nm «b »is... vvhico ,* lo te lemoved it fo- ex^if'i:i*> •.t'U*: 1 .'..I'y .AI.'-/ »**'•" .■*" - ■'« ,r' ?» » e r. -'7 s V o »»e Wi l{flm.iSur2H. L I —F -n' S‘nU«nc I«*r«i. sdin^.^! "O * .. , r-.ver— deec^ . ' .n ' - :/ : f {.<J Mhp* and farther partjrulart can be ob^aine*! of the : -. r T5 f'^r* r i ' " y rte!:?vi’I** N .1 “ A tnrees'ory hnr'.i (, o3 R 9 « fr-i I'on’ ' > 'i ' ’^*'C '- '.i-'.T.ra- ' ' 'z ■*-•■, .' . r ^rrr.^t M ,,' ., p - ' 11 - ' -I-:' •i'"i n. i., r liucci. !iUC> tn t I. .W WP.; ..les f ' . n* .''t'. ' . \ ', ' .n ' ..l". -, .. . •* ". e ■ . i...... -'. GENERAL NOTICES. OElce ot tlie New YorK R.qoUable insniance CompanY* New Yore. June 10th. 1850. 1 *US 4T X »£2?."£ foil^biggeatlemenwere elects: Richard J. Thorne, Harvey 'Weed, SBss"' ?Ss1'St'.s 5 K '& £ iSSilt* Jo.sei b Do’j.-haud, Robert A lioberfcion, George P PaieD^ ^ Nathaniel Briggs, And thi. fc. lowiitg gentlunun were, at the eamo time chc.-en Inspeetora of the noiteleetlon H-nry S Terball. Matthew Bird an.l Richard L Snydim .It n meefngnf the Board of Directors held this Jay, R'l H AKP J THnuSV. was onanimously re-elected Pre ei ler." or the ensnin,, year iell I' t ______ JOSEPH STPONO. Secretary {i7-Motuial Glte litauraiiee Company of New Y orli.. It the »nnuel election fc- nine Trustees of the Motnal Life Insurance ( ...mpany of Vew York the fcl- loning ...-ntleinen were duly ch.«-n. y.z : SiS'S'f V , Jr nathan MU'er.‘‘FiMt} 'y t h:trlt*« Kin^ 'wi ‘1 elected a Tru^itcn, In placH ‘ «.‘ ..i*T . dfCfajed. tnil .St a n.i'elir.r rI the Boari fjf Ti a«t< , he’d on the .ilL J' ;-.r'H B t ULLINS watursc'inotisly re-elected ' ‘jf o Os'" VFT, S.. retary -o rr„T i;7 ^ ,...c ^ s^ ^ U ; ; tn.-wpr- cf thi ’ ‘ f mruoy bavc d ' i.jcn iTifiiaui.. 1 iraip'jci VMOT’R Trc:iBU’*^“ IiiDM]ft Q8« bi*<*n d» olurc.i a and afl»*r hrtl- fj^igj|£i FV lC N IiN G r P 0 S 1 ' I ^ th sins whioh were n ^ ^ is own, and to die -----------------------------------——-------- ---------------------- California. She is innocent of all the evils of slavery M r. Benton’s Speech. S f.« .t,S a S r,te S Delivered tn ihe Lnued Smics Se»uite,on yioriday^ i.c4 ci-«k «a«A hiaNtr kiastS aa « n 1 IaA .b»e.on Mat>dau, ’‘ F l r e ^ l '. o h n n T N a ^ l M i o o ' ____ ________ ito^-.'r”n ,s r T b r iS s ’lisr-'oi-s'b^sjic e isi o?;'S‘i: and in the form required l>y our rules, which is to a The cemmittee recommended to the Senate the esta- layoortain baronJ the regsion ; and to make sura ’ hlisbment of th-ee Territorial GoverumentB ; and, in or- ;ilS lls “^ 3 ^ ; S s g l S £ ^ have waited a month for the larger amendments to . This is the reason given in ti.e report; and the first bo voted open, and nowJeomit my daly to proceed thicg that strikes mo, on reading :t, is its entire in- Wiih my motion, with a view t.j proceed with the i compatibility with the reasons previously given for bills singly, if this, of many in one, shall be put the same act. In bis speech in favor of raising tlfc oat ol the way. it U a bUl of thirty-nine seetions— , commit toe, Ihe Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Clay) fiirly save one—an ominouo number ; and, was in favor of patting the territories upon Califor- wiih the two little bUU which attend it, is called a nia for her own good—for the good of California her- comprom’ 's’, and is pressed upon US as a remedy for icif-.i.c the .'peedy way to get her info the Union, the national caiam.iic.s i and the safe way to do it, by preventing an opposi- Now, all this labor of the comm-atco, and all ibi* , lion to her admission which might otherwise deieat it rom.:dv, proceed upon the assumption that tbe {leoi !o o!tc.geth,cr This was his reason then, and he thus of Ibo United Slates are in a miserable, distracted ; delivered it to the Senate: condition; that it la their mission to relieve this na- j . Hewouldsay now to those who desired the speedy ad- tional distress, and that these billa are the sovereign j mission of t alifojnia, the shortest and most expeditions K A ' s . t w r ' i . g"L‘%a.a‘"i”'iS ^ s .“ s." ^ ’‘" u .4 ..b ,b ...b , « i Would bo poWeetiy hatpy if tbe politiciaua would oa y permit them to think so I know oj' no distress in from '\cntucky maiio cnumcratLoa on the five fingers oI iu3 IcU batd, und for tbo fcoaling of which, all to- ffi k . oious plaster in the shape of fivo old bills tacked to- 1 know nothing of all lti<, nor of any di'-tro.'-s in the country wc g. t rid of the Hank >.f the I'ni- Ud f^Uitea, and since we gr<t pnssuMton of tho gold saving her. And unfounded as I deemed these rea- sons at the time, and now know them to be, they still bad the merit of giving preference where it was due--to tho superior objeot-—California herself, a state, without being a state of tho Union, and suffer- ing all the ills of that anomalous condition. Cali- fornia was then the superior object: tho territories were incidental figures and suburdinate cousidora- ti- ns, to bo madj lubservient to her salvation Now , f ,} —1 It . ,n ri,.n: * * .................. .... tl»''*1-u fn*ut''’*. 'o I. i/'.fv* I M l ;..r r i lU ' I ( i<\ ;tjp nn ! *uf'.fj'**C .n ' . I.f'■"g '' -T _ - , ' VL r i l*Y K i::.’ •. LiVb\.r,-TnN I iStore N:* It flm.i-i I T.\ST ^\u\ OF Vmf ' 4 li! r*'i i.H-k Hf •' *‘f M»••■. ’•• 1-' I •-( ’. 7 r^*',-,*-.! p. ,i‘i‘ .irr.v I,a irnm Miivtc, ‘i'rt*'T Th*t Lf.rvk** Yv'.ll 1»« g' om ***! from th** l ‘*lb day of ! } uu> tU lh9 i.4t *.f ; m!v ^ N vniA M tL MAH.8H 8ic-i:, tlik* ftr-» .j.iy <-f Ju!r.i. iiy ordk^r } ibt,r v^ere made fuT oacti utbfr; and peace -'ina pi " " I (V rt'i^^Ding I tjn-uf^h the laiid Ibiaistb** <M,udit S S : l ? 5 H ”H i S .E 'S £ may one day bs a distinguished member.” contribute to the trapqnUity and happiness of the amount of compensation to oe given her, thiast in along with her f A compact with one state pat into a law for the I’fe of another ’ And a veto upon the admission )f CaHfornia given to Texas 1 This is a monetrosity I KR \ s r u , ra.«hJ*T ♦»f A’sf'i'iu. Lt»t>tr 1 l‘.n ' te> Dt tuhy -< . ij t e 1 on ’i'-iiii.*. v Ri iie an. 11 streets. amNm the I Vesrent m nn.i i on ' to h'’e7 a ’re-\ an I Avrry '<*t piit up Vb. ; ‘f>*-nl i -> fn -i' r.- the au*:tt/'n**M. .Nu 7 fir-fn! 'i. F.Iei'tloir. -7he M«’cUit" iii> f*l»»ctinn for fhh i.Mt*.,f ,,. 1 - ; r Ilirt"* J :* rl. -TJ ^ ’ ‘ l a* t ih«* ll ->I’fn-' D* xt Th- and f'o-** at I Of lorV, P. By'uder of tb«'iBear I n'vl-l A. S F idTic". r^4 Rf-wi-ry vUy 15, I'S.'itt \ iHa'liientl \ Uivt !*>t*d f*l T**n |»i*r c. at \u ’I iie . ..J t tF: <*f this ( umpany uq and afi*-r th*? \vil! V*« ' fl.T^f .! fi’-*mtb‘ 2'tb By »'r(l*T ut •It*' P.itard I'W\ ■■r!i Vitv lAth itlcei^'h »hat tv** t * iMA'h'I *’!• M'• (Uv ftf J'sT- n'ttirictl t^'^t fill fl.'otinn for thirteen Dirteturs iv-r ’ « t-n-'i Hire y*a.r .'rid ; r i;ire<* Jnwpeefor^ of the n/'Xt »(? g _ _ e- lihj ePrt.-ri h*-M a* th*-'ntT hnxm,- rn ‘'f U* Miuat nr Kentucky, (Mr 'day,) chair- ... 12. w’.’ and at 2 loct, r, M !prK t7bi\c'’Bdi‘?beate,’ ftm rr'y'deH ' cred 'us ‘iLsny '.ucii rcriiali'. about tbe tiiuci that lUc UnlT was to Ic increased, tUo Natitiual i*ank charter tu bo re- wed, the depositea to be rest< r-.‘d, or a bankiapf ' tu be pa;-acd. Ht* has Kccn abicul fur aftiic ) i ara : i, G-n returning among us. seems to begin where t't Lii *t * ^ ■n* .' Hfi.itii w n^-rf r'-Ht< i -O Gird N \ \i N -■ ,,r (. >' U.. O i'a No- ‘tS i'niton, (junior KroritiK, Troo&'yti *■ h'ir.'^i ' P.n . I*' ‘.K m ’ 5U'i * TO 1 ; -.rf... ‘ »aiei« .* i U'*4 ftaiate..* » , ig* cN-ring *. \ ri 0 .1 T^r»f ^ frcMt—p|,f* .MU)"v ^'1 '*. f p-ti'K 'tc.‘ > ••f < \ HiS-ira ,r .'ti rnau (>«'. 1.! ' -irin. 4 *m.f n‘ o- -I •<Ml'V’ /t K f r** '*C’ M'T s4Jj. P^r .-u,' til ' P 111iv 'pm >.i -t i nr, ' -i t' j' i j .' s'l tr.t ii'iv-' lut-em n* an i S'i‘*■c : ’f, *V( h m- < - m Pf, .5ma.Mv uj.inte’Ku! t*rn.e.. i . ***,. h *■* . - .* i‘“* ;. i’ l'..'.' . .I t c 1... II l.-F77 IcM...ce •a s ♦. •' n< 'OJ ix-rjrt u.? t‘u S ‘-:irrz . a - t rerv h;?H, ‘i c . , o eln».t.ii Uc* ’ ' *" "■ f P-■ , (J.iV *^7 ' ' ’ .' ‘i ' ' ho.i-c isAiivtl iii'C’iS I., Af-so. 'ha hvuj'C -i’t t i*» (f ’J - I- 'i*. •h'* n w (v-*r ;> Ia ^f re ( U -T" . n -.J - V-t :'L ' .’ ‘ ■' •■ ■■-— * - ' V. p-n* rer. ■' . A ’-.'•V H A 'v.»i.r . i', I »: ,\ i'- *• *Slore'*i V\ - r *<; I'.ne .--t it !>r.«ft* from r:'vr>K\ ^ • n r. U'a’! *•» lui i upwurilx pav.iM** ^I'hc >uuatnr frum ] , and lepurtcr t f tl f.^rmcrly deli', crei, ___ ________________c tiiut-i that lUt) U bu- increased, tUo Natitiuftl i*ank charter tu bo n newed, the depositea to be rest< r-.*d, or a bankiaj ue' tu bo pa;-acd. He has been abTcnl fur aemc ) lara and, ..n returning among us. seems to begin uhero re lelt ulf. lie treat> us to tho old dich of distress ' .r, it is a mistake. 1 hero is none of it; and if ihtro Was, ihe rtmedy would he in the hands of tho I o.-i !»— in the beafts of thd Va^epb"* —who loVe Ibeir c'.unttv, and mtan to take cure of it- and r ot in the .■oii(;.5arM-cs td pulit)cua-s, who mistuke their offn t« r t ti'Mr **.«n*ry d •'trt >« ; it is all a m\*i jku' It In. V^ 'o me .»kG a j - k e . Hut when I rcc‘-*.lcvi tbe j;nj ‘;r>g nuoAur nt Ihc Ouuimitiee, aiid huW *’ dtS- Liijgu.--*hed“ they a*l 'vore, and fa w*they u *.ud them- .•eivcft freo from iiistruclmni:, and allowed the Senate to laJk. but rjnt to v At.whde they were out, und buw I » tUiy kVotG di bhera* Jl»g w’nn I recollect nil ihe' y ih’ogs, 1 au c jiiiiraincd to believe thecom- ar ■in *.j.TLc5t Ai J a itlo r 'h e .-enamor h c:?v:f, cb,^;rruan of the ecuimi'te* . >ht pt_rlic' y w ;li wuh ti he brought forward h.« rtriuL-iy tfa**oe fadls und the rej-vrt paUv:. wiib Which h*' enforced them, and the h< od single, we all know now that aho might have been passed ■*mgly before ibo committee was raised, if the * '^ 2natur from Kentucky had remained on his original ground, on my >ide ; and every or e knows that the only danger to (lalifurnia now comes from the compa- nionship into which she has been forced. 1 do not believo in either eel of reas--ns. I do not admit tho lorritorial g-veinmetits to be objects of superiorin- terest to the admisMon of ('alifornia I admit thorn to be oiijects of interest, demanding our attention, and that at this session ; but oot at tho expense of Uanlornia, nor in pr- cedenco t»f her, nor in coujuction with her, nor as a condition for her admission' ^he has been delayed long, and is now endangered by this attempt to couple with her tbe territories, wit.i which she bus liO connection, and to involve her jd the Wilmot provisii (^ucati^n, from which she ia free. Tho Senator from ivcniucky has d^*no me the favor to faiame mo lor this delay He roay blame me again when he beholds tho cautdropho of bis attempted corjurn lions; but alimank-od ffiii see that the delay .?• me lo.-u'* of b.-T own ah-md-nmeat ul the position which he originally look wiih mo The other reas which tho >euator gave in his speech for tho corjoi tiun IS riot rep ated in t J-e.-3td lUeU to uur n iutcat lo ( ’uitlorri These are the reasons of the committee, and they L'SflTndA'fTe 4 “rSy^^^^^^^ Bume a controversy between New Mexico and Texas. No such thing. New Mexico belongs to tho finited States, atid the controversy is with the United States. They aasmna there is no way to settle this controver- sy but by a compact with Texas This is another great mistake, looro are three ways to settle it ; first, and best, by a oompact; secondly, by a suit in tho Supremo Court of the United Slates ; thirdly, by ^ 7 :?tutirxrerwhln“ the^uN ifeT 'l?arera'^^^^^^^^^^ he-, anti on to that until tbe question of title U decided, either amicably by compact, or legally by tho Supremo Court. The 1und aments 1 error of tho ::T;r “Es.°f kss ; ” k 5 •Mexico is only the John Dos of the concern. That A. - Ar^v*-.a<>ted, and aU l^ e *•*■•«, -f *u« ------- 1 * ».*• Hire ; I u 1or- '-n J*»!; ,■ *••• • ( .-'titnenf- H 2 '-i •* '■ K.»r'crmaT.n'H’arufu'nr- »iop y vtrpff t*r fre Fultot, s'. Kvu OoBev ■•.•estr*9'—‘2 5.r» r r.r.r-'o 'Ne ...... ». a-»’ I. •' •■ i ■. .»'u -ly i-'i I *<.r i nm \ V' -it. vt'*h >*.-i j ,c ,' i I., n ;>r t* .'* r..r o .ns pair,.a,a — C: Tw" K ' .A' IJii'Hnck. an,.- t r .pk'n I! O .->.'k '=urro2a.*»a'8ttt r-r.^-v b-l .t» .14 ■ . .re ssute o: Win Po-’. ,< .%-a r - r . - v . coun ■>'' ‘ •••>* .«• -It i r. and jfV« ■ * ‘ " ■■ • i.-, a.T .i« J-ig.- m ,. 2 ^ ' m 7 "; ■■ 7 tl ^ i ‘-*ft cC'tre.Q .V vu-.-.i 'If'I meiij iwirind.'n ' *■ ti.-G--t.Tj Nciv ' -e- ri tr.-sp,. . ij t l a l j . n n i i-i *i b ” "'./: Ja.-iiir» \V L( 'io-y.‘a.i i u-r,..Y cert., n ‘* ’a (strVu i»nl in *o vn o» I'-recbr. a.'j,. u ,£ land o f ‘ii*- Oiis'll JiiccKe'\V C- ^ i iw usj de. *"f’7r fJrin™ tmrif-uior* iv i'u*s. ■ •r- a.jv-rHseir!-nt in H.'dokU n En v. J U „ . d M ., l.ijtfi jHi.i .11 ,{ 0«H* r.Vr . Jivu-”--' I* c*I. }• io«jl N>- j'-’r G"*-!*, J^s!rt.hV!.tr*7?\ t. 5 '>"'y ,„.!'.ave- ineni imniii hv»u>e tuio 1 n' --sx.'i ‘** 7-1, Tet a 'm>_ t n-J-*hiJ li n..):,*' ■!.3o r r , -f*. m«*.c tninitr '« and J-iG: »><»»..*-• '•-i -.i iiSx’oj l..j-*'iivr \v.;'i hou^f*.‘u liie* rear '• H '» * J - \ . ‘ 1 : 4 \ J«*> ft lUte snd . »l cot'oc' of John an' f.ctv.* ( f.p p' ;fi;' “;?•! f'lM M t y ? .rT ? i‘'' "-irr:;-'" ■ ' ■" " i;-o. \-w4an-lf'* Li U=» ,ieu »ot.o 2 -rv t'"mc ft. *i.*es H'»'ise Nq4 i- J4 fa^' tr * tr*r»-,r 4 re,. ie-P loiiMl'ce' Ironi. 3J ire'-ertr ->M '**t-' ' in.-n“--t*a,. H'Ui'» *v««r. iT ft f>*I, re *1 tl I f.“” ' . >..J Ii 4 O' -*.'t’,» d ;. ti fr-tn* rtrl ^rp*if ‘’7 “^ iVel ti JOS J-H-,* ^ ^ , . . . ^ M T ‘■'Ti iY.>■ • «• I *4i '.I ib' tI h '-^‘ •'•f '.hr ri 11 '' i ne r, 4- Fu J. ,. , Hr., yn^ H.'.ll I 1» fw^' N \ fVur' P>n--» —VVJifte >o!-t t'lr-cTtoa »t MMl-.,->, F> R;?v^ ^ ,i j^... )(t r, ■?, ( I',* tr' stPA .-*’ 7^1 rG .t ^ i.-( tft-* r7i'. f(il t * re-, .i,-t- . .1 '. . r. ir»ft*"'i’ 'i ‘^ m l I"-* '>** i ^”5 I »•' 1 , , J ..t ' 1.1 !.»'< re.T '-1. - V .,• Ff •' -I*< . P* . nad Jav i .■ •-t ? ■ -.'ii t r- i C ,•■••«’* ti*".‘I l '^ a '-.r,.- nf:/ . Kr ol.') i " Ki¥-’^ ’‘nd M"' '*■ ^ i. tv iis'&re^^ViTrrA. isN .*./, - z - ; - " " " r •’-* aU o. 4 it»u o*ij'»n iftsTme iii»->¥e, ou ut&s tuiftefly v*ue, ^ ;•> the purehn-e n .r.,v retr.-t u ..n l o'l.: " iJ mar Fine* >' I’n u ■j - A vl. ll- II tee ft. 'Pi.'j ■, - .I'.re-«3 ' h t *'(j A. is' ! o . dr .. n, > . U tv . ' *• J fTirjtf H ! ? T' ,ie..c ' ti ..r J . , * ' » < -V I,A,. R ', , ' I.. . Qu I J-'. i'l''*. fe? . 'J ,- 'i ■u h -ft .iw fr-.m pr-v-i'e %u,i am* ' . *1 .r ■ .,1 v^-\ n ■ ; fr. 777 ..... iiM "^ i i .. ri. tn *_■I't if- . ■ 0 I'W -vV'all itre u t j ■ <iO fli 1 It*', j fi t. ll, rlngil-li, niitl Gerninii Kanry Goods, ' I ' .tik-hitih. I i>. •fi -Iu - H r I H f f-rereCtU i r,i: •'( -r ''l: f '.. :' M . o. I r ■ .. \ I'M ] I '*) ilH-ms ‘"i4r •< r. f ■. ‘ if 1t^. .“ ^ . k V . I ■ T’• - •' I’f I. ' \ t . , ■* f 1 s . li 1, ' ir i:i . PHli ' a i f S S S H i H° would amount to abhul; sevehty thousand sqaate- iailee, da be taken by the committee'elme from -its present and ancient pokS^ssbr.anditfftnsferTedto a hefr-^imaiit. Tbisis what the now Jinb wouid do, and injaoing it would raisa the question of tho extension of slavery, and oflts exieteSoh at this time, by Jaw, in Now M.exicoas.apait ofTexas. This statement is too important lo retnain a mere statement. I therefore proceed to yerify it j and for that ] “ ' - ^ V-— •Sl^oj as; 6 proceed to ^ itirse to the h\ poditionr 1 begin with Humboldfc, and quote him to show fcho^bouDteles^of New Mox^o un theeasx, hmU® ‘ a I |I^?282, T o r f Pa-^rediew^^^ It say, he says: “ J ’ai trace les Umitei . -S conserVees dans Irs a rt -------------- , ---- royaute, etdresseeSpardBsingenlenrs au servloaduroi Iit’EMLisH: " I havetraced the limits of Coahuila end Tice-royalty, and draim up by^gineers in the Bervice of Farther than that ho does not trace i t ; but that ia far enongh foi onr purpose It is enough to show that New Mexico, under the Spanish goyeinment, extended as far east as 101 degrees of longitude, p. 6of his appendix to the jouinal of his journey E , 5rsS^i!LS;ISsr 3 ‘. 7 .; fS; Hi«i map—the breadth of the province, stated by him haahua, and thence to Texas, as a prisoner in the hands of Spanish officers, and improved the occasion hands of Spanish officers, and improved the 7 s Z TaS American account of the internal provinces of New *^l he map of Dr. Wislizemus, which 1 now produce. , hr u 111) ■ 't A '■ ii*i I 1 r.u w I ru t. y ' 1 GC.Dg riL.*:--U t-} 'h e * . I t,.- rr 1 r 1.*‘ '■ < '■i "fa*:. ' ' tji , ■ r. K fti'-’- , v‘*'i bu V ' !■. u;i,-irra.i in' by ti v. rp*„ ! K *' Tjuj.ift'*, ar. i i r*-ugut hiiul: in.'iu't'i lU’ f ' f ’’ ’ ' I _ : , . ■t re]: , . I J ■*i;‘t i ' i* I*’ 1.. aU‘ ‘ cJ,ch ' Uf W Ejn-t. ,,, .............. i .• - ■■»•»-«-■'-**... »' S."2 S':US ....... .......... . u; t 'i-- u | ;;f ' ■ - ............. s s js s ftis s is y ; sssu ,*s.'»^s£ ““S ' 4 " ■ .. c"n.: c:,.Trr.iai.yti- r.“ir.:.?i: '.k; : k.V\/ [ * '•' -lik .ri. (i. f') ' afp'ifM* t! IK: *I • r ’ r. r m a . -i " b i. i-».i. !' , f.ed t y U‘i|- * n" ! "r " ' 4,' I ’ i' '''- i-.•ll-!.!-. a ll'i.' MU) ;i>. tl!' el ( uiuui'iia. Ml.... 4'» -m ft -1-*•• * I .' • .Hi 111 Mill V1-1t;J luv., iu . r-'jl'ya I t. .iro tlu ( ; n d -'-..U' * ou..t..ittte t n 7 er- o.i li)' i.i'.t ■ug" ; tlK iw.j t«'r:r » il g"- ‘.'ii i.\ *N by ihf »t'f at . ibu* 1 •- • H Jreiuj • biii. i-r g.r lU-i V . jcar.- iih' , ui. 1 r j.i-'-iu ■ i at iLo j : ’ -.r.t. tb' Kgit . r<.-c Uf) i » . c r ' t j If. in ixiiLti 1 1' i.‘ ;it I i-' <, Uii;:i'i.C- rucij* i f t ! Ji' TUj [ rre.'*''nij 1* . xi 1 .' uutb'kg bal •A.M•4 ll-U. JM-IV*"- b.. i. . j i .* in \ . I >M 'nn -* I urv hpiiiiii M •* ^ ! re' * n i"i' rft > I'' ^ ^ ----- ------ , - t..ifi \V*>«*<1—TOlr,a» oiift ‘Vo.*<t 'MirK-l» . 1, J ’l 14 T THI*—1^ill -.*h« V f 8 ' I -c At b't '1 ! I ’ C * »' I■ ••• ... 'J i> .',dd 'Ab HUT.' M*-' ’T''. I ( iliU rt>t! U .--* 11 » l>'€ I *I ' • • B^rk ’re *r 4-• jry >h I K " I ' \ * '’u'^Pa; - n.;i1 ft ^ Pre i ‘ ‘ c tfKii L i. 7^^v« ! m r ' II f*''r*ere—A' U f.’reluck— sn, ^ ...r ■ :i -J its**vv ...' ' 7 ■ ,*■• iv* .•■(•e -'o ii.ann 5 ••'*» ii very to in hu. tdr;f, ' u-*- | n »ft a '•«* , t H . v n . «l u-afu Ift m ' tr •••'- rufCftrtSf.t •,* . go . n *0 I. -• C - 1 / c ili ‘ue D 'iCk**! u* I'lr* I’’*' ■ '■ --ar.-iu '** -te ■'i'.” '.;? n.iiry ti L^-euc, aVu-.r -i.- --- HY H.-.\KY a-.LKhl<> A- :\o b Wall Ne’??5t iu JofOtf !' *t ■ ; I !.J k KJii voiU. f>uu- I K - y ci ' j 1 . U*. r I.Ja- fJ IV 1ft I aF.H .ireM llc’ i.ftN iF' m Um - H'l.-v t- | pUt Tt 1J n.-1 uu- ugti ’ M j Cti-’b, t!;*. D tacUvd togtth- f r* ■ u re . i :. * ^ , ■n. J J'i. • «Ht **-f -ar*- 18laken ' cr all I . far Kt*. In J a euUx| rouj i?v. ai^d pr*^ «i-cd uj t'U iho ^ I' . Iti*' 'M '.. ri. aftii ' >uv* ui» 1 *♦* «»f j«fre**n j' a.^ d -••V'-u n ruu'ay i-r c.ildUj.tit m which ^7,^ lAclijiy p .Hbl.* j,M\**a theia *n t-dJb.-^rka | hav j lu. c :x*. u “'iLi-'i. tl.u prcscLUUvsu ot the .. . r,.-e ; ai. I li'-vT t*.r the c i “-tj iticlf ,cina me it. i-ihu'.vork'ji‘L m Jj'i *iv-jf I'.io committee"; so p4 ' rtu' rr[ -rt ir.f- rms Uo ; a u J, fr-jia thu licUi >u.-*raLi-...riS 7 , 1 , - re i »;,* Ji'.ur, we i-G-iy ■»uit to have uoeu as lt*au j ^----- u . - - . . ___-- __- - - ' a ui, )jr.‘y tu< parbauioiitary ptoet*eiiIng*J c\er t. * ' (WI iO >T.A1 IC LOA\' ' bPe-i U i.-the work -'f a maj >riiy f that culoi ; i^Mi li R , - s ' ^ ’A 'i’K r,o . \ tf arolu'.u I’rtP. fr -n i'l up *'af CH®b“ t a* «i;M in If of r- ’v ''-r J 'r . l m l Sr. ♦'iJi I wrj 1 1: m; \ r- , «> *. v. **11-ir. h i 7ft .’"u:h*t . 'ifTif'r n f '.’fiMi'n l a i u Lo 'ssurk '»f a maj >rity -f iha-t coloimi S'^’A'i’K r.O . \ tc’i- ar,(l ureui id a m*ij -rPy ul ttirU ori: s >that thi;- w,l).«* . o ujpr'u..-v. whj.-u i.i f-.- Lo all Tvh'K* by the - U.-ir I htidic. 1 ,1 the vioik of teiiatr-r'. And if it *>t ref* *‘ I .-ll ya'd ha| pret, {** Li» tka*; the C 'um ii'icc wa-i f-ur- ^ ■•'^K t ‘ I lo.n-iy roiupu.-’iu'l half .Vad balf-hix of m.o asd half a ' Uamul ' j.i^Pvv' ._f : In* u)..'IveH I Iu* r i/b t - ! ■ ! til. • Uf . r Hi.. r objection to this new argu- ■ial I lovernmeiit bills are uow il.H'ci; ami t-i make more vcr<ain of these bins t-iey uro put into lUo Calilotnia L.ll, tu be c.airiej sale tl.ruugh b> it. This is the argument of the re- poit : aiij it is a plain declaration that one measure 19 to i.e forcrii to Carry tho oiher This ia a bre.,cb of [eirliameuSary law—that law upon the existence -,ts . r . I) .;iK I . , lorVlY .mmi.u.wJ half ,VaU h alf - six ol or.'o at.l h aifa T " ‘‘ Ecu; moky look an issue lX.g t t e HjLrudfvo cuuip igruMis cmpiir.y. '1 hen sbo n \V i:u Iben u* tu Llarno —tho >eualor ) - the tSiuati-r frum dih-souri Au-ii'^ ,-i.y 0- tho *S:m J . Il t . tLl^ I .'jcfiuiiu poat|..'.n*»mv lat mulwe h !, uiritvr del iy t') I d.ifLirnu, und her de- Ik at ;ri tiic t ud, who then is to be bUmod again ] I dt. d*'L ;t'k ttio-Oj'jUv-ti'i'i'^ of tho *5onaior from Kor* t icky U lc uui-iwful tu do .-o ; fur, by liie !aiv -J* tht* iaiui, LK i i? bound tu cr-iuin.ito biuisoli Mi t :.\i, (drum his seat.) 1 do not claim the beni-tit id ,l*e law. ,dr ilE-Mt \ No; a bi^h-spiilted man wiil not china it. hut tfac Uvr giv'ee him the privdt*ge ; fliida.> a law atiidiiig and gi neiuus man, I givo biiu tbe b*mT.'uf t !iu law v.'tielher ho claims itori.ut. Hut 1 think i: is iiu. h ibr him Lo begin to cuosider the rc- bil.ty be hiire incurred in ‘quitting bis positional my huk lor Laiiluruia single, and llr-t to jumble her ‘ifi in crowd, where ifae sure to meet death, o »me the i*>te xvh«.Q it wdi. i think it i«j time for him k.w,:,. f.. tfaidk iib'jut tubmiuiiig to a luU tria l! andletaecm/c facias, eft nofire be >»me the i *>te tv o begin lo thi -s'ithet-aw a ju r i-u! • r I f stft;** ji-!0 n ’ I U * iilf ^lU» t .A»- -ln-rdw»re * ' I 1* '■ iSvKK'- I A' *< '. 'J ■ a-- Sre . \- 'ictjon fciu.i <'o.i^ I W , 1 IK I.U *S* CU,N Ni-ire ■'ii.i-r -■ '* ’ -ll'!',.- . \ v r tp.-r 1- n :f:: t h i: lire .1 . *,f. X 7 i Co •!«> 2:i r.(8 Mr I'rei-qlent, (he looraiift 'nforms us that there are «.mo subjecta too light for rer.on —too grave f.,r ri.'-cu'o; ana in such cases the more moral'st may laugh or cry. as he deems best. But not so with the Un-isla'or. 11-9 baainesa is not. laughing or crying VVi,i;tii..>iiiig. f.r simpciiD.?. is n k his mission. W ork is his vocation, and gravity his vein ; and in that vein I proceed to eonsid.r this interjection of I'exsr. with ail her muitiiai.ous <iuost;«ns, into the bowels of tbe CaHfoinia b'li. Id the fir.-t. p’see, this Texe< bill if a compact, de- pemJ'ug lor iU validity on the consent of Texas, and IS pat into the-Uai-Urnia hi" as pai. of a oompromige and general settlement of all slavery qaestious ; and, I:i;,'.-.v2 L'%sewTCw'iIsTissrassagss'^sssjter'fe;tt?ssrJaTr&. 5 K.«: ssfKXoisi^ssrsirarrst Blory frf John Thompson and his hat sign, it would aJ-nitt-d by t oarress.andnot by another state ; and. tund're^ her t( f-om violoQce. 'I bci o 8-e the reasons for thiustmg Texas, with aM her miMt’''auou‘i iiucsiion#', ioio the Cai’foinia bill; and reduced to ttie'^ of ence, they ari'ue thus : Utah mi'4t go in becau.‘'i fhe biudi upon Cai'foiD’a ; New M-xien. mu-t go in because ahe binds upon Utah; j3nd 'I'twa^ must go because she biuds upoD Nev? flesico And t-bu« poor California is crammed and g. iged unt^i she aoout in the coediUon that Jonah Roll'd haio been in, if be had swallowed the whale '•is'erd of -he whale ^swallowing bim. This opens a end iu a dotted red pencil line, tbo r proposed by our Commit'..ce of Thirt eace between the two lines is, as I have stated, about To avoid all. misconeeplion, 1 repeat what I hare al-eady d.olared, that 1 am not occupying myse” With the question of title as it may exist and be eventually aeieim'ned between New Mexico nod nd h. reby ...ujt-J a Dv'v !c •.•niapolii evlanthmelie M«-. oi.'t.. g..ictu tbe . i.niaiiu.e ( f ihiri-jai first, and the .-'e.iate ..! sixty alU'.-i-at'D. For, bo it rtmein- 2;i ..!8 iJo Ibcrt.l, this batch of bills is not to be a law, freely 2 •’ '1 ] nv'.ic by (’orgr.'--', but a eoinpart, to be swallowed, O'. 1. C. v4.o .'. ar,.I «»/.!!..w.-i! v,h b?, ui ler ihe penally of parly .1. J.. 24- J.fs .1.. do do 27 r4". .• j f! l.'i uni p •'■I . ol d.iimialion. J” 'M '-'lx,..; .lo di pi y. 2t ...| .s,r thi.G-.mi.iitte'liiw larked a niirae-a di-reinct- do do 24 Xire 're re 24 xio ’.o .,^4^ i,_,r ,.f rhanet..,i,t,c d.>- nv. , reper- -CPs, riun'.s ai, nr.s I t-aa....i. is re.erre i to romci-.r illy in the report, as ..lor,.,I I•vp;r-17...•r,ata. ....-rted .1... | liio 1 . ou-mittee of Xhirteen b nun Us c .u.po.Mtiou \.'r.t II* rl'*.p..r Ooitc..r-‘.s o .■oinp...te'.i- .j.-toi. f. 1 i tnialitbc Called the cotrti. ft. c OS .n. orr, ,1'/•; not ,Ni .V and Eiok Ink i.uin-1hr .p.iniii j criytio , bui , tor it c. i.i from difierent halves ;ipd B.».,t 1 m-i.le 10 order, of . very • i.Proo! ' i.t the land, witb a ! xr ler ta'.'r.r to su hftweon, . at short nrii... j. Eii - who '« to i>erh rtn 1bc . x i !oit. hithert-j deemed itn- ';s ro N',1 F M'ai! £^., oprosltc Now5t j " a*•.'.. -j . a.'-. - o h .1 . - :.iSSa=So..dviisSTr: 7 T o;.--ifei= H - 3 s;s;;- H-I .. '.-n .ret.* ntfsl ft .H t.<, ,n i c ; .» f i t ? j FK’NJAM'N V:'<'\FV ! r I.ii an.l t*lcg:int SK«fa5eiU au J'-Ih -r v iiu ru*l. rut I w hlc tl wa4 «nit. Ai.l* m Ure* m.^nrer in which n t -t'-r i-fre.*-!!-F*v I " Stcffl Nn ) J ^ ixitt ami 8iiv*#r u^' i*-Tiav*'ifl hu‘I staud ?'-me ve-v . mj'junty **f 5c*ven fi'-l gv.v. rn tfairtccr. an*! ihun pru- \ ^ A*' of «.riw -V r f: - !(-* ' i. *ut j-HUums of ^"Otl f.aU* at irew^r imre^sihancYiTo)- j tu govern the ^ cn a tan d th^n the nbule Tnitcd JT O 'i.v ori'e ed. Bri.t» «II J .. 1,1.Te,.! - 1 ..I ... ;.r...!> r A> . ,■ ' ' iieA ;..iv.rir. r,i. ,i3.-i,...T.«assorir„Mi' ;;;7;‘4:b“ urA H rtvuu, w .., .,i r “ n VVv'iVt. orJ.intire»le.4J 1\ M 1.... B.-not ” U ^ -.l';,rpT. '. ‘ /' i ’ ' ^ ''"J >. r *-r.',.. i'_.'^.v Ki^t \ ,-n. N-iv-rret^^ Snll. iK'i!' n ............. ............ » Cm advances nxncis new Ml coni-sn^enu J.jhe. IC- s,-. Auctioneer. I ' t 1li ‘ .f. V ir 111. t.''E . ?. B77 an.j :><!4 i;rcadway,eoer,ae.- ;-A>f :way,eomor.-.f White st. VrStith'i^’■e*mng i o ^ " t H iX’.v to" ' t Ji'fu' u-in r .„J'. cs*-re i're^r r iws.gnv** u*r mvlT N j - 'Ml?'-. p. j i - ^ k -. -r i« i •- - J.. . ' 1Ti.u va Ot-J ___ ! ------------------------ -- ----------------- ----- - re iTVti;;rggipS nlOOO i f h t ' l . - ' l sfa. iMr rel *iFu**-- und i «rt Lm_u irr-ti I *tiftH t H-Uft*!. TiUl rrureK^T'* nut 1 t ■ h'.* ri"!-' r < h** i iiiln one, ar.d r' -joircd u« to ptss tbnm TS‘)W. I an { fra am- s fin*' 7*nirir.iji'i f*.T «fi*i «u ffi-*- ; ijuvr doi L i> ' C'»iEIU3ttcc giJ^ l» 'Ji*)‘C;'i;iuD (*l thu^O bi*'5 ! I -**(•» -uv*r plate.] t»-:. ftr-i**l nrui yrfrz-i i-nrinij I ti-r t4 « 'T n-k t r tft-’ upfraticn. Ikn.-wthat II-11 ........................... ..................I i 1 ff'iS ! fS " e.^n.rei ...o„ ,„r, . , ,..,. 1 . I. 9, t.. ien...e. j O^K I 'D I A -S-T^BBKK < ,-,il- j wies out _1 w o --------' ''-e .’. -...9- 0.4 ... ''■RI'’ 7 '• •■■■ , I mvu.. th- -n.'llVl, \ L'!].'l.''r.t-J!7rr!rJe | 'l.‘,r s h-o^a.-* in ^ur^uu u] a t u, »*riref trfi, t.f/ndja Kul- | rib, "Tb“ ohligatiuii to uiaml'tifl fans issuv': by d.u'ng no more, he c'^rlt■c^^'cd he coul-1 nut And now Lbo illegality ol ihi« eorjunetiun ^tandtl confessed, with the sujter- additioQ ot uu avowed coudcmnable motive fur it. lutive ia—s ' declared in the rcport--to force ire to carry the oth«r--the identical thing m I in all the books as the very reason why s mission of ('auNirnia. In the n-xt place, Texas pre- sents a great many seiious^ueiitiGnsof her own,6om- of them depending upon a coinp.i''t already existing with the Kuited stales—many of th-ym concerning the T'riitod State's—one (Concerning New Mexico—but tioned in al jects f'f differer guihcr I do m ?s should not be tacked to- what 1 have heretofore sa’d TblTb: aim ll^ vuiiu'ty •»» u"»> auuiiu*uu uy tuo au-ULUuL, auu tbe failure, to cintcst it It is cumpiUcory legisla- tion, and a fi.;gram breach of p^trliamontary law, and of safe legislaiion. Ills also a coinplimunt of no ejfuiroca) chaiaeier to a portion of the members of this Chamter. To put two measures together for the avowfd purpose of forcing one to carry tho other, ia tu propose to tf>T0& the ineodij of tbe stronger mea- furo tu take the weiik nno. under theponaliy of tbe etniDger It implies both that these members cannot be (rutted to vote fairly upon one of the mea- p ^ t . t A m ', a - t r i . tttiirt;-., fP 1 'mn.. - re. .. | v_, k . a ^ U n v . . ahU I mck Rubber . tn.n, 40 anti ,7 , ;T:o? ralJ f r I Ib. *i. ar*- r,x,*n ur» d by the Fuh^-r.^.<*r. fit h.- i a fruli.—?omeibi*-)g like b a rn rg th '’ m a-ler—ID which ; f-'i'-'.Tv J**-t *1 :u*h --.rr. r F i-iTv-r . t > _t ! ail ..fT.. .*v- lAre -i.-i laeu J, a.ll a u lh o rt Vdi. regarded. 'lopo^'* f'' 5 A **». ti *ri;*« N»<-f . f;' ' i. C*1 I *^' ‘ t mW h H ^nk H ^-r ai,«I lei'-er pai/er<. v j r aei. < ah.:ite. . ’ ! ,. .|e,..1wi. w.-tk*. t Evvn mtan-.«.l. f toi.l uJ iUc... x:.evre ... .x.. , g-:n .-.-sPa. A’ S.* „„„ a.i.i en-.1 , 1 .! ' -i '.’ . ‘Ui*iS n ■•' 1 • ,v,. 1 .re...... 1 .«to,v, .. J tili’.- > . ..Vlar.r.v.- ir.ft-i. ! ,pi.-iitv 'jUilltaeis rattiers et-Sitreev. .tump extraetor-t, u«d utisei t-tiUt-rne. i'u i and fVcKt-t Knivt-' o* Wh&TD- rl ir*-. -Tre-ik. tengreas. and a Ta'Uuy of ladiea* pen i Tl la "..uirt.reir f f H*.Td»»ire r?'‘i a • I It 1 ..l'.,.. 9. II i.^^l J.i,lJ .-.1-Bisek I V. ci.v-..n i tn..«R y... . .,u.Vv m l.AuKPNfk i tflMtll.t a c o M F.r.*dft. X C llS tr SilisK ’l 'i SCiS-. - W lilmm.i a:e, t, - .-.UIKiuDJ I fIUNO Jfe (.0., 61 EjicbangfiPUffC. N,.* h«t uuD \h •' i'- •: i *r «tr-**T. Ui -fa.'* J G.'vintbl' 30i..|.r-t |_ga.EiSiS Ft»K, SA LE.-< ue t.ur .servw ^iav.i IT. 5S M in ■'et. >.r If." f r «a'e by je7 bt W HIT t .-: so X. Net li‘1 4. I'll <I'Sst nD.YT W ATKH.-in l-xeii .tr 1 puh.-i. d nrriat- £ 5 ed CJ the. L ' mI brand.-. 1 ' r - 1y j,.n XVI w iliJS.. ll .i.n;:..r *. " 1 17 Hl^SiJ.V t.» ,t T'.\'I’K.\TEU K1.A\ o n m « S a r • I'K 1. •;'• Ilf Vji .."= T<-. ti-T .ViT.1.i. !***bch '^ r-irr- !*-Li L’» 7 tuT tirefa anu f r- t... *: i« vTctl kt 'f‘1, *:.d *u y lii'Af •ip*-Ti.iUyLt- *-sCad:*'--*re i^'x-I *.V '--ry TM*-r** D' ihU 1-J Fuirkti. cor. W i.liaijj “ATcToi-N^ik>daH~NrT^^ . meaii-rnuJluni be *'4» in vnn«»*y .'‘»i»tract>r - liExe bt*ci-o, h* Wl rvi^bter-* Irdits. r c'-ipo.- faftl b-CKS. *■ nrirn« T'alt»'rn..'t •‘tl - >‘f fc»- k** f‘^r 5 d:ij?* ions ar 1 Er-< 'k?< rul»:‘4 a lii tb- un l t * Printing ex*H*nt.Y.i m Ptylixa .icsir**j . card**, cl:cUli^^ Mils, chrckii. nocea, drilt,- rece^ptn. c c KHAN* K & L O lT K ri Bvt-k Bi o-derf* ^t.itioners and rnutir-n jAX _ _ _ T7 MuLkn uMie_ niVOOtr“< KKVrS eOMFLRIF: ^ ai S. Iht* torn« tuf g>**! ‘paaUjy. ina' ate r.^r^Tr J f-r «*■ dtT)*>rv can'*'nki" «»*^./' r t'oc’»**m-a >-e ufy..^ tfat*tr «vi u itcu.--: . ;r lowr t--'- . t*' 5 VT . '•’■-'at ■';it Ir J3 1 .'i if* 7 i -* *-1 a l toe ,q II i ^YOTter* of Hardw-iro a n d u ^ t ^ 3 ‘.dG.jir -i.-ilaeuj, j.! ruiciovorTurnc J, all llcrr ai-ite-i by t»-at nr • j-c..- lorned iv| v turvy l^ut tbtn this \ ' don(3 on' ^ ■> ..>,.11 ,x. 1.11 very lie.vy Iti,;.. tre wa-rnuie.! i all ruici oxorturn.;-!, all licer-e t-.ierateJ, an<J a'J bn- e.vur*G t :; x r;'::: i I'rKe""' Zl r^K Nxw \ rrk Irnii-i liul iiig t Well kn- wr Tr.inref;i. Tort viz : i No 1 Liif .au' k^rt-^Q dry and ffi oii Pra«sxin Ureem i Itnperal A P:*r..i ilf* < j B^d, Ex. Permanf'nt (.rr»en in <fa No 1 iu do ‘iu Fii-I- riu- d y A Pru*^ d'^ i ■a n i ir. *.1 n di do Jr* (if* I im :ariH. h d y do d: v n T v K- th ^ . 1.1 'I'l dry rn 1 A dll puip |iuJv^illicn Turkey Un ter. burnt an 1 raw r<5 do in ('fa je§ No-41 Exchange place, VX1 v>. • 1t.'i.x* r p H K HIOHE.VT wndl^teklnlBcl'^a™ Ausbeust) 94 B6ai3»9 A * K n o V s y :4o.U CUfT Utyeti. rlav with'’ul its r*j2 ts »n —*aken the li- , ..m-e , 4. the iutar'oaih (.I'h-mt i!-i ii.ri.--.-n.?c-maJo pravo work of their giy eport-pred-nced a monster 1 it' t .td of a merry-andrew -and required ns to wor- I .bT' what if is cur du:.v tt kill I I i rr e-.-e i to the d.?stT Jc!i’ja ut tb u monster Tne ; roHi.r. .. t, , i .1..1 • t!.- .'..-aie B-.a' ct all tbe -m- ry ii. t 2t 1T..U J .-tate, -thiti'-.l f miawh eh '.re id U.eiC sih? U u. m ate tho Eoape- , i 3.- i.h'r i“ the first instance of an Ameri--an .itG u r t ■’ >,-.•■ iLa* ancient Jewish mod-* >if ox- riatitg nat.,ji-ul sins, 1 wd: how it was done in .teni'a.fui msiMw how exactly oar committee have lajiwre;.! tba- aueiert expiiatory curtom. 1 rc,.d from an approved volume of Jewish antiquities : ■i bc-eat ti-X in thr hortheast enrner ef tho ecunct tleump.e tod hi- hv»d bcund with scarkt m.-piilici of the ch 'dren ct hracl. and aU their trans- dir. but . » th« s t^ai'‘d fr^iiikt roui‘ th - «-Xiidit I u ’h* r‘-ch 08^ M-of nn: *v*-Uj red c<r >•: t- a t J t*' Einkr cf b.? d^.th. toi* hfier m wvtlH oad h'ci to a h gh-ock ab*. ul tweive m its ir^vu JtiVH.lem.&Dd pc?b hnm off of It backwardSv to prev«»nt ,hk jumping tte$cmrlrtcluthb«dcg first tern fmn h«ut in uken th-at tho fiiiis of Lee people were takeii This was the expia'ion of thi Ecapo goat in andeot J^rasalcn; an innoi^jnt ati4 helpl«» (tolffial, lo& 4«<i refu=“ to sanctK i! the implication, by refusing to vote as required—may Uketh. high gruund that they are not c-.vrciblo. that they owe allegiance, not to tbe o..mmittce, but to honor and duty, and that they ckn tbem.selves for an honest vote, in a bill by itself, altnoogh the committee cannot trust them ! But stop ! Is it a goverumet.t or 'he government which the committee propoi,e to secure by coercion ^ Is it n gt vermnent, such as th.i majority ct the Senate may agree upen ' or is it I.'>t governm.nt, such as a majority (.f t'a-j e.rumiuee have preicribedf If the former, why no". U-aie the .Sen.ate to free voting in a sejeirato bill X if tbe latter, will the Senate be coer- ced will it allow a majority of the committee to govern the .-i..Ti-te ' - sev-n to govern sixty I It is the latter-sa av wed : and being the first instance of suvh an avowal, it .shouid meet a reception which would ma’ac It the last Mr I'residenl. All the evils of incongruous con- m, ctior.s are eiemr.l'fie,i in this conjanelion of tbe terr.l.irial government bjis with the California state aamosion bill, d hey are subjects not only foreign to each other, bat ioyolving different questions, and resting upon princ'p'.es of diff-jrent natures One in- volves confliiutional questions: the other does not Coe 13 a question of nght, resting upon the eons don ot the I uttc-d S.ates and the t.reaty with CO : the other is a question of exp-ed.ency, restir^ the discretion of Cougtess One ia the ca*o of a Ovate, asking for an equaUty of rights with the other states: the other U a question of territories, asking protection from states C>ne is a sovereignty—tbe other a property. : m that at ah points, and under ex ;ry a.-itet, the .xubjects'liffer ; and it is well known tnat there are eenaPars here who can unite in a vote far the adm’ssb.n of CaUfomia, who cannot unite in any vole for tee terraorial g.avernments ; and that, bu-ianre these governments involve the slavery ques- tions, from aU which the California biU is free. That is rbe reek on wWch men and parties split hero. Some deny tho power of Congress tn toto over the subject of slavery in Territories: such as they can! support no bill which touches that .juestion, one way or the other. Others admit the power, but deny the expediency of Us exercise Others again claim both the ^w er and the exercise. Others again are under legislative instruolions—some to vote one way. some tho other. KinaJly, there are some opposed to giving' any governments at all to these territories, and io favor ef leaving them to grow up of themselvel laxo future slates. Now. wUnt are the senators, so Lircnmstai ced, to do with lL.-;e bill cor joined X Vote f.,r adl-o: dcdl t a o-mpromise ' as h oaths, dutv, coastituli tax ob! gi-tioD, ard teg'dafivn instruotiors, Were ^ubJcct8 of compromise. No ! rejeotion of tbe Tho corjunction cf these brils illustfatca all evils of joining inpoherent eubjeois together, it prs- Meiiei', rousing the question which the commit- !hnd here I mart insist on the e.f&r of the committee consiitutional and municipal law, before 1 point out their mistakes ia geography and bistoiy. They treat New Mexico as having a eontroversy with Tex os—as being in danger of a collision with her-and that a compact with Texas to settle tbe boundary between them is the only way to settle that contro- versy and prevent that collision. Now, all tb's is a sir^uh tZTo'r tbo I'nitad States ha.v jurisdiction of it. Aga'i, pof- se-si.jn is Ciilo unUl the right is tried; and the United States having the possus-ion, may give a government at once, according to the possession, and then wait the decision of the title 1 avoid all argument about light—the eventual Tgbt of Texas to any other part of what was New Mexico bef.i.e the ex'“ten'-e ol Texas. 1 avoid that quesLion. Amicable settlement ol noutesUd claisK, and not adladication of tit'e. is now my objeot. I need no argument from any quarter to satisfy me that the Texae questions ought to bo settled. I happened to know that before Texas was annexed, and brought ^sigt ti Krt - 1 am avamat tiUturbing actual poxsetsion, eilh in tbe meantime. The proposed Bne of the commit tee violates all these conditions. It cut* deep and arbitrarily into the actual possessions of New Mexico, such as she held them before Texas had exbtenoej beginning, twenty miles above El ras ' ' ttt'es a more serious case of tu^ng than even that o it inTQlvM . i will fUftmiae tbe« Q irqqj with the questions of title or of nower, but with the at all, by the committee’s line j and tho effect of that disturbance io rousing tho slavery question -'n that qa.arter. in that point of view the tact of f " sessiou is every thing ; for the possessor has a rij to what he bolds until the question of title is deck —by law, in a question between individuals or 0( munities in aland of law and order—or by -'•'"'i the Umted'staUs own'h^r t^ Sio stood^ of Ike treaty of peace and cession between the United Siatesandtbe Republic of Mexico; and it is into that possession that 1 inquire, and up to which I as 8 rt that the United States have a right to hold until tho question of title is decided. And to save inquiry or doubt, and to show that the committee are totally ^nnl'^ensLblerthcTiu^^^^^^^^^^^ there are are three xv-iys to settle it, the first and best by compart, as 1 proposed befare Texs Stales to art controversies to w-bich the United .Stales is a party, and that other clause which gives tbe Su- pi ,‘mo Courtoilgmal jurisdiction of all oases to which " stale is a party -, tho third way is for the United tales to give a government to New Mexico accord- :g to the territory she posscBid when she was ceded to one totally independent of her will—and one indepen- dent of her will until she thoses to go into court. Ar 111any thing that Texas or New Mexico may do in is the property of the United Slates ; and she can- not dii^ose of herself, or any part of heiself; nor can ~ ir any part of her. She is to stand leaves aednov^ntto south oftbe island, it was the mosthorthitn toWh, and the frontiei^gar- I rxson of! New Biway i and there riie then Lieut Tro- vernor of New^Mexico, who had escorted him frem El Paso; tarnedhim over to the authorirics of a new piovincq. It is now the most southern town of New Mexico* without having changed its place, but the river which disappeared from its ohasmel in < hat place infl752, has now changed it to the south cTtho island. Humboldt thus describes this phenomenon : •‘ The inhabitants cf the Faso del Norte have pres.-i red the memory of a very-extraordinary event -srhich took . . place in the year-1752. “They sawa'l atonce the bed of the rivey dry thirty leagues.above, and more than twpo- ty leagues heloir the Paso,- the water of the r. coaduits had & vol.l,p,304. I reiterate: J am not arguing title; I am only showing p6ssegsion« which is a right to remain in possession until title is decided. The argument of title haq often been introduced into this qaesSton; and a letter-from Eresident Polk, through Secretary Buchanan, has often been read on the Toxan side, whab ihave to sayof that letter, so frequently edtto, and considered soeonclusive.isthist that, no wever potent it may have beea in indaorflg aouex- atten, or how much soever it may be entillod to eon- sideratien in fixing the .amount to be paid to Texas for her Mexican claim, yet as an evidence of -title, after title, 1 should pay no moro regard to it than a chapter Domthe hto and adventurers of Robinson Cruhoe. Congress and tho judiciary are the authori- ties to decide such claims to titles.and not Presidents isition, then, that the Rio Pi d was a Now Mexican posse auk of the Del Norte, from le month of tho Pueroo ; an lot be disturbed without r in, first, of actual extensi idly, of the pr^entJogal cxii 01 Slavery in au xxew Mexico east of tbe Rio Granae, as a part of Texas. These are the questions wh-ch the proposed line of the committee raise, and force us to face.. They are not questions of my seeking, but I shall hot avoid them it is not a nowqnestion with me, this extension of slavery in that quarter. I met it in 18-14, before the annexation of Texas. On the 10th day of June, of that year, and as part of a bill for a compact with Texas, and to settle all questions n-rtti her—the very ones which now perplex us—bo- 3he was annexed, I proposed, as article V. in the ,..-„_oted clause: Aax. V. The existence of slavery to be for ever pro- hibited in that part of the annexed ttrritory which l .ea west of the hundredth degree of longitude west from the meridian ot Greenwich.” . my opii and as this isa suitable rime lor ageneral deelar-lir.t:, _ jffjee.andscud't-d American bfo'K— n of ISlaokstore's I'dingup a vxluine . _ s:aeK$icnt’s C om- mentaries, imth mlies of reference lothc constiiw ,u and laios of the Federal Government of the Un Ud StaUs^ and of the Commonweahh of Virginia, in five vitlumes, with an appendix io each wMume r ,n- taming short tracts, as appeared necessary to a fe. s X of Law in Ihe Vniversity r f PWHam and iVn y, a d .me of the Judges cf the General Court in 1’<?•- ^ In this American book—this Virginia edition f f an African slavery in the United States, with a to’al > —that old 'Vtirgiiiia school which 1 was taught to re- verence—1 found my principles on slavery; ard ad- here to them. I concur in the whole esssy, exc. .,t ire to them. I concur in the whole esssy, exc. .,t ,e remedy—gradual emancipation—and find in tbre, remedy the danger which the wise men of Virginia then saw and dreaded, but resolved to encounter, bo- causs il was to become worse with time : tho danger to both laoesfrom so largo an emancipation. T ho men of that day wtX4 not enthusiasts or fanatics ; l b.-y were statesmen and philosophers. They knew that the emancipation of the black slave was pot a mi te question between master and slave—not a qiifM;i.-i of property merely—but a question of wbiu- a:,.-) black—between races: and what was to be tb? c u- --o.i^oBO to each race fro—- ............ * .1 ■•rrr.ntViX: .1 IsSSr.*,S” Zig?.',rRtiS:T In refusing to extend slavery into these sevcD^y thousand Bqua.T0 miles, 1 act in conformity not only to ssa^iftUTSI^iajfisjs^ Five timus in four years did Congress nfui-c tho prayer of Indiana for a temporary suspension cf me 2d of Mai lirmsn of the committee to which tho : praying the suspen.sion was referred, made iir'o* ?♦ 'vhicb wj i.»r»sLh'i"rk;v.s •eferred, made a rc.ort rod in by the House — receives no affluents, and has no ____ . side; on the We-'t it has a valley, and many bold affluents, coming down from the mountain valley ef the upper Del Norte. It is valuable for its length, being a thousand miles, following its wind- ings—from Its course, which is north and south— from the quality of its water, derived from high mountains—from its -valley, timbered and grassy, altitude, (T.fii.J feet) ; mild in tbe south from iti great descent, not less than 5,isy) fpet, and with a general amelioration of ohmate over the valley of the Del Norte Imm its openness on tbe east, and mountain shelter on the west. It is a river of New Mexico, and is so classified in geography.- It is an old possession of New Mexico, and tbe most valuable part of it. and has many of her toryES t'aimas.^xran Quivira, are all upon it. Borne of these some have an historical interest, and a special relation to the question of title between New Mexico and Texas. Fecos is the old village of the Indians of that name, femous for the sacred Ore *o long kept burning there for the return of Montezuma. .Gran (^mvka was a considerable mining town under the - vnthla the lart few years, severei Ams Frenchmen have v'sited the place, and althongU oaos nave not found the reputed treesore. tcey certify at least to tnra of the Spanish coat of arms and to many spaolons presdgt day. j9 of these places : s=iL?Hi£:fkSr-s KsKi; onaaiadeTen two doUais S J t S S ! ? /S .S w :(L £ This report of Mr. Randolph was in 1803 ; tbe ext year, March, 1804, a different report on tho same prayer, was made by a committee of which Mr. Rodney, of Delaware, was chairman. It re- commetded a suspension of the anti slavciy clause for ten years ; it was not ooncuG-ed in by the ilo-cse Two years afterwards, February, 1808, a similar re- port recommending suspension tor ten years was mede by a committee of wh’icfi Mr Garnett,of Virginia, was s ' l s v " .”!’®?; i s h S.~™ s " s Febioapr of that year, a eomroittoe of tbe House, of which, Mr. Parke, wasohairman, reported in favor «f tho iodefinile susnension of tho ciauso : the report was not oonourrea in. And in November of that year, Mr. Franklin,of North Carolina, as chairman of a committee of the Senate, made a renort against tho suspension, which wss concurred in by the Senai-: ; and unanimously. »s it would seem from the jouma!. there being no division called for. Thus, five times in four years, the respective Houses of Congrpes refused to admit even a Hmpo- nancoof’87, a ^ v e territory, holding many slaves at Vincennes. These five refusals tO suspend the . - tp;;.£sr.?i: 7 .sr£n 4 .'; to the same effect, or stronger. The Miscomi c , n pjemiso line waO a curtailment of sj^eterritory ; tb.. Bfjie same ; thi rr- ifirmedby Cor fi-'t , y —in faeti-s II .;uil .on; for it isoertainthat slavery existed! :n!. t in the French settlements of tho Ulinoisat ti-ait,..e . and that the ordinance terminated* it. 1 ac. thtn. in conformity to the Jong, uniformly c-Msl’ist. t policy of Congress, as well ps in conformity u> u>r own principles, in re-fusing to vote tbo extem.ii-,. c i' slavery which the eommittee'’s lino would inTolve. 1 return to the point—tho 70,000 square mi.o. o< territory which tho committee’s line would tr n-Ar from the possession of New Mexico to tbe poett. s.< n ,of Texas—and the quertion of the extension of Slavegr which grows out of that transfer. Tbere i« no slavery on itnow, either in law or in facSt It wlli be there by law if the transfer iS made. 1 his Raves other temperate ; and these 70,000 square miles are in the te m ^ te part, it is a long province, stre efi- ing north dnd south, high and monniau.ous in tu-j 3,8C0. T bo Rio del Norte is c a il^ in tho npperi>ait j; “ ss'iiS; - . i j}

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Nack end r«.

SWro No 1;J V/tlli?.m rtree*. 13- I-Iiicmi sJv.ccc* Oiuia uvaa co-igumea!* wh;a

'MTM.OGl'e'^^Ar.r. I.t fkLN' U. li!liT!.-:I. UCH fi.W.itsrrnMettUeai'' n'< I towns »n I cinch .tn«.

-:'.n.‘ ."v ::■A 'R.i 5» ra es newe'f t-«st i!. i<» itra w boanet*4 1*0. an ir.r.MPP.ti terv 3-*..-; -Vukgo<«W iC*%*i;oire.?< andsamp’-*- 'nin2..f^c?G.

C.ifa.V»2u}» a.i: » */r r.i -.' of « ..p.

c » » JI » ; *J deutfa. 1 .Af o. • .et” al3«:^^*‘»of .r l ..’d ir.g l« • f t.. <■ j > ^f'i.hJ 11 :.i d ® lan ' FU T»**toh iv-mje. f. 'h ni: .n>i» j

h : ‘W t t»n ifj? day *■' -i** ' iVfa'-s* •2-' >‘>er>'d' n i 'sf - rj » ■ -r T - , .,ST*’«r> 1 ■ r, . — '] . i- • ' '• f £' -T * J•* lU't.a y 9j f*-i‘r ! on • .o -vrr* -r .. ♦e -»• - ’ f ■ ' ;*'p '•. | .

n.r 'aoi i of eroufisi u* « z* l«4 ’ ■» ■> •••■ <»*>r*- i* 5 j;44 h *f' ' w Tarreb 4 y-in |j iV- ih-* p.'-v * j er. * . _ / ' ' ' '

I ves'le-*-. ^ t ;-.r. '$ . ' y r>' n . -.o '■ *'i ' a ti- \ ' r .»• r-i I"*!, r ;..* \ j Ji €•?:. f -

;U dhemi «I(es,

b i V 7 iV /W L H in N > V ' .-vu. r n t ,f>l Beover

■* « 'V f • i.i I 50 fio7 n-'pl pv.-orkrd em n*.i.>•«ni linen rnoi'f

• - . . . ............ ,. 'T ,♦»-• it.-i*. Ml I A!v*. ;s:i f.RR r»mr t ».f F *pu. n i-1 .'.h f»fi'l v.*l. i- . '.-• - f £- -T • I ...,„ -,-• g e ., r. .• - .e*-. ... .* ., ,„ * > r« -P 11 ;rp k't'** v-i 4.- f I . » ;*'p ' 4 *.. n *.« ' imti- mt ..' V - ,y t n n««.l etv• »r ntKefe rrv— i . »ep r ,, ,. ' . . •' i/.f,*h Or’** -1f 3:«'« 'r : . ; v. *‘ f n.'h»«l p c J* rt>tf-* .". fifuri.-;,'., i %;;.".%;‘;i;;r c,.;;:;;;;,.,:,,. ;,:,,\:,T,,,:,,-;:v;;..‘;>,.r;0.1 ;;r;-“____ . . . . .^ . ................. iV-flhe* i ef. rirf ' b is.. worKeJ ao<l u*m>tnire<i curtuoa a.d <>aptfy musu

F r fur^nar partfaulart. .ipp’r to the i'lO' er. No 7 Bread -4*<» •*< <’e.'.-fne'r»'S''**«u J f' V=1»M—One- u> ■. io-w-i| -’ ♦* .T '' ** -j ’ '. t >Pii 1 av»no9— \ Vrt'‘rSffl r? .'» ?t'nr/<» * n *re i. r Vj- y I*'*srreof, bein jU iw» ir. vvi.itn by K-- it*.! i __ ______________ __

V . . . . ' * ■ V ' ' * 'th*f..i wn»rfi‘s. ^ <pf J uis. tfii* u.*-* we-'-''’ r-on um e ,u '.. v j \ r i »v ' ■ oMJe^rh »Os--> nf t;*.->n F.afj.- r --. (•• , —- _________________________________ -— —*•■■>-' \-,J f e' lithe p'. >e -r r-.*.r*-n • • A Nr.'" :i>r--*r fn** ., - ., -.arr of r syb tprf. .-i , t. he „i,r. ,e,. lu. . fri.m I William Knh\ 0. AnrHonrrr

Ji"i’ ;-,t'r.i-T«i.A T .r i -• , j ( ,1 -r —? , r- - .1.;.,.!.,. o*’ 'j >i mJiT T-., : Ir--;. 1',. | f.-M l*' J... .14

. = ; a s , p 3 E : i , S s sA* t2 o r ' •!?. ’;• *S K - s ' I - ‘ * ,. 171 ^ 7 f? . ' \ r . . . . . . *:> > i .’I n • t. » - •- ' e

Thir V *'■ ir i =* —Tne .1 i-* •* ..1 - I . •■’. _ -i 1 ‘ • • l j S v >r .* ■ t • j i' •■• ay •» j i

1 1'^ ; T'W li-t t! t-i ••> .4; It « 'h.'' f).....' I >* it** ' ■ .' > : ■. ! I ;,. , J j }4 f .. -> •...nm«b »is... vvhico ,* lo te lemoved it fo- ex if'i:i*> •.t'U*: 1 .'..I'y .A I.'-/»**'•" .■*" - ■ '« ,r' ?» » e r . -'7 s V o »»eWi l{flm.iSur2H. L I —F -n' S‘nU«nc I«*r«i. sdin . ! "O * .. *»,

r - . v e r —deec . ' .n ' - : / : f { .< J

Mhp* and farther partjrulart can be ob aine*! of the : -. r T5 f' r* r i ' " yrte!:?vi’I** N .1 “ A tnrees'ory hnr'.i (,o‘3R9 « fr-i I'on’ ' > 'i '' ’ *'C '- '.i-'.T.ra- ' ' 'z

■*-•■ , . ' . r^ r r r . ^ t M ,, ' ., p - ' • 11- ' -I-:' •i'"i n . i., r liucci.!iUC> tn t I. .W WP.; ..les f ' . n* .''t'. ' . \ ', ' ■’ .n ' ..l". -, .. . •* ". e ■. i...... -'.

G E N E R A L N O T IC E S .OElce o t t l i e N ew YorK R .qoU able in s n i a n c e

Com panY*New Yore. June 10th. 1850.

1*US4TX»£2?."£foil^biggeatlemenwere e le c ts :

Richard J. Thorne, Harvey 'Weed,

S B s s " ' ?Ss1'St'.s5K ' & £ iS S i l t *Jo.sei b Do’j.-haud, Robert A lioberfcion,

George P PaieD^ ^ Nathaniel Briggs,And thi. fc. lowiitg gentlunun were, at the eamo time

chc.-en Inspeetora of the noiteleetlonH-nry S Terball. Matthew Bird an.l

Richard L Snydim.It n meefngnf the Board of Directors held this Jay,

R'l H AKP J TH nuSV. was onanimously re-elected Pre ei ler." or the ensnin,, year

iell I' t ______ JOSEPH STPONO. Secretary{i7-M otu ia l G lte li tau ra i iee C o m p an y o f New

Y o r l i .. I t the »nnuel election fc- nine Trustees of the Motnal Life Insurance ( ...mpany of Vew York the fcl- loning ...-ntleinen were duly ch.«-n. y.z :

SiS'S'f V,Jr nathan MU'er.‘‘FiMt} 'y t h:trlt*« Kin^ 'w i‘1 elected a Tru^itcn, In placH ‘ «.‘..i*T . dfCfajed.

tnil .St a n.i'elir.r rI the Boari fjf Ti a«t< , he’d on the .ilL J' ;-.r'H B t ULLINS watursc'inotisly re-elected

' ‘jf o Os'" V FT, S.. retary- o r r „ T i ; 7 ^ , . . . c ^ s ^ ^ U i « ; ;

tn.-wpr- cf thi ’ ‘ f mruoy bavc d

' i.jcn iTifiiaui.. 1 iraip'jci

VMOT’R Trc:iBU’* “

IiiDM ]ftQ8« bi*<*n d» olurc.i a and afl»*r hrtl-

f j ^ i g j |£ i F V l C N I i N G r P 0 S 1 ' I ^ t h sins whioh were n ^ ^ i s own, and to die

-----------------------------------—— -------- ---------------------- California. She is innocent of all the evils of slaveryM r . B e n t o n ’s S p e e c h . S f . « . t , S a S r , t e S

Delivered tn ihe Lnued Smics Se»uite,on yioriday^ i.c4 ci-«k «a«A hiaNtr kiastSaa «n1IaA.b»e.on Mat>dau, ’‘F l r e ^ l '.o h n n T N a ^ lM io o '____ ________

ito -.'r”n ,srT b r iS s ’ lisr-'oi-s'b^sjic e is i o?;'S‘i:

and in the form required l>y our rules, which is to a The cemmittee recommended to the Senate the esta- layoortain baronJ the regsion ; and to make sura ’ hlisbment of th-ee Territorial GoverumentB ; and, in or-

; i l S l l s “ 3 ^ ; S s g l S £ ^have waited a month for the larger amendments to . This is the reason given in ti.e repo rt; and the first bo voted open, and now Jeom it my daly to proceed thicg that strikes mo, on reading :t, is its entire in- Wiih my motion, with a view t.j proceed with the i compatibility with the reasons previously given for bills singly, if this, of many in one, shall be put the same act. In bis speech in favor of raising tlfc oat ol the way. i t U a bUl of thirty-nine seetions— , commit toe, I he Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Clay) fiirly save one—an ominouo number ; and, was in favor of patting the territories upon Califor- wiih the two little bUU which attend it, is called a nia for her own good—for the good of California her- comprom’'s ’, and is pressed upon US as a remedy for icif-.i.c the .'peedy way to get her info the Union, the national caiam.iic.s i and the safe way to do it, by preventing an opposi-

Now, all this labor of the comm-atco, and all ibi* , lion to her admission which might otherwise deieat it rom.:dv, proceed upon the assumption tha t tbe {leoi !o o!tc.geth,cr This was his reason then, and he thus of Ibo United Slates are in a miserable, distracted ; delivered it to the Senate :condition; tha t it la their mission to relieve this na- j . Hewouldsay now to those who desired the speedy ad- tional distress, and that these billa are the sovereign j mission of t alifojnia, the shortest and most expeditions

K A 's .tw r 'i. g"L‘%a.a‘"i”'iS s .“ s." ’ ‘" u . » . 4 . . b , b . « . . . b , « i ..b p .ii.d j.

Would bo poWeetiy hatpy if tbe politiciaua would oa y permit them to think so I know oj' no distress in

from '\cntucky maiio cnumcratLoa on the five fingers oI iu3 IcU b a td , und for tbo fcoaling of which, all to-ffi k‘.oious plaster in the shape of fivo old bills tacked to-

1 know nothing of all lti<, nor of any di'-tro.'-s in the country wc g. t rid of the Hank >.f the I'n i- Ud f^Uitea, and since we gr<t pnssuMton of tho gold

saving her. And unfounded as I deemed these rea­sons at the time, and now know them to be, they still bad the merit of giving preference where it was due--to tho superior objeot-—California herself, astate, without being a state of tho Union, and suffer­ing all the ills of tha t anomalous condition. Cali­fornia was then the superior object: tho territories were incidental figures and suburdinate cousidora- ti- ns, to bo madj lubservient to her salvation Now

, f ,} —1 It . ,n ri,.n: * *.................. .... tl»''*1-u fn*ut''’*. 'o I. i/'.fv* I Ml ;..r r i lU'I ( i<\ ;tjp nn ! *u f'.fj'* * C.n ' . I.f'■"g'' -T _

- , ' ■ VL ri l*Y K i::.’ •. L iV b \.r ,-T n NI iStore N:* It flm.i-i

I T.\ST \u\ OF Vmf' 4 li! r*'i i.H-k Hf •' * ‘f M »••■ . ’•• 1-'

I •-( ’. 7 r *',-,*-.! p. ,i‘i‘ .irr.v I ,a irnm Miivtc, ‘i'rt*'T

Th*t Lf.rvk** Yv'.ll 1»« g'om***! from th** l ‘*lb day of !} uu> tU lh9 i.4t *.f ; m!v

^ N v n iA M tL MAH.8H 8ic-i:,

tlik* ftr-» .j.iy <-f Ju!r.i. iiy ordk r } ibt,r v^ere made fuT oacti u tb fr; and peace -'ina pi" " I (V rt'i^^Ding I tjn-uf^h the laiid Ibiaistb** <M,udit

S S : l ? 5 H ”H i S . E ' S £

may one day bs a distinguished member.”

contribute to the trapqnUity and happiness of the

amount ofcompensation to oe given her, th iast in along with her f A compact with one state pat into a law for the I’fe of another ’ And a veto upon the admission )f CaHfornia given to Texas 1 This is a monetrosity

I KR \ s r u , ra.«hJ*T

♦»f A’sf'i'iu. Lt»t>tr 1 l‘.n ' te> Dt tuhy -<. ij t e 1 on ’i'-iiii.*. v Ri iie an. 11 streets. amNm the I Vesrent m nn.i ion ' to h'’e7 a ’re-\ an I Avrry '<*t piit up Vb. ; ‘f>*-nl i -> fn -i' r.-

the au*:tt/'n**M . .Nu 7 fir-fn! 'i.

F .Ie i'tlo ir. -7 he M«’cUit" iii> f*l»»ctinn for fhh

i.M t*.,f ,,.1- ; r Ilirt"* J:* rl. -TJ ’ ‘ l a* tih«* ll -> • I’fn-' D* xt Th-and f'o-** at ‘I O f lorV, P.

By 'uder of tb«'i Bear In'vl-l A. S F

idTic". r^4 Rf-wi-ry vUy 15, I'S.'itt \ iH a'liientl \ Uivt !*>t*d f*l T**n |»i*r c. at \u ’I iie

. . .J t tF: <*f this ( umpany uq and afi*-r th*?

\vil! V*«' fl.T f .! fi’-*m tb‘ 2'tb By »'r(l*T ut •It*' P.itard

I'W \ ■■r!i Vitv lAthitlcei^'h »hat tv** t *

iMA'h'I *’!• M '• (Uv ftf J'sT-

n'ttirictl t^'^t fill fl.'otinn for thirteen Dirteturs iv-r ’ «t-n-'i Hire y*a.r .'rid ; r i;ire<* Jnwpeefor of the n/'Xt »(?g _ _e- lihj ePrt.-ri ’ h*-M a* th*-'ntT hnxm,- rn ‘'f U* Miuat nr Kentucky, (Mr 'day,) chair-

... 12. w’.’ and at 2 loct, r, M !p rK t7b i\c '’Bdi‘?beate,’ f tm r r 'y 'd e H ' cred 'u s ‘iLsny'.ucii rcriiali'. about tbe tiiuci that lUc UnlT was to Ic increased, tUo Natitiual i*ank charter tu bo re-

wed, the depositea to be rest< r-.‘d, or a bankiapf ' tu be pa;-acd. Ht* has Kccn abicul fur aftiic ) i ara : i , G-n returning among us. seems to begin where

t't Lii *t * ^

■n* .' Hfi.itii w n -rf r'-Ht<i -O Gird N \ \i N -■

, , r (. >' U..O i ' a No- ‘tS i'n iton, (junior KroritiK, Troo&'yti

*■ h 'ir.'^ i ' P.n . I* ' ‘.Km’ 5U'i * TO 1 ; -.rf... ‘ »aiei« .* i U'*4ftaiate..* », ig* cN-ring *. \ r i

0.1 T r»f frcMt— p|,f* .MU)"v ^ '1 '*. f p-ti'K 'tc.‘ >

••f <\ HiS-ira ,r .'ti rnau (>«'. 1.! ' -irin. 4 * m.f n‘ o--I •< Ml'V’/ t Kf r**'*C’ M'T s4Jj. P^r .-u,'t il ' P 111 iv 'pm > .i - t i nr, ' -i t ' j' i j .'

s'l tr.t ii'iv-' lut-em n* an i S'i‘* ■ c : ’f, *V( h m- < -m Pf, .5 ma.Mv uj.inte’K ;» u! t*rn.e.. i . ***,. h *■*. - .* i‘“* ;. i’

l'..'.' . .It c 1... II l.-F 77 IcM ...ce•a s ♦. •' n< 'OJ ix-rjrt u.? t‘u S‘-:irrz . a -trerv h;?H, ‘i c . , oeln».t.ii Uc* ‘ ’ ' *" "■ f P-■, (J.iV

* 7 ' ' ’ .' ‘i ' 'ho.i-c isAiivtl iii'C’iS I.,Af-so. 'ha hvuj'C -i’t t i*» (f ’ J - I- 'i*. •h'* n w (v-*r ;>

I a f re ( U -T".

n -.J - V-t

: 'L ' .’ ‘ ■' •■ ■■-— * - '

V. p-n* rer. ■' . A ■ ’-.'•V■ H A 'v .»i . r . i', I »: ,\ i'- • *•

*Slore'*i V\ - r *<; I'.ne .--t

it !>r.«ft* fromr:'vr>K\ ^ • n r. U'a’! *•»

lui i upwurilx pav.iM**

^ I 'h c >uuatnr frum ], and lepurtcr t f tl f.^rmcrly deli', crei,

___ ________________c tiiut-i that lUt) Ubu- increased, tUo Natitiuftl i*ank charter tu bo n newed, the depositea to be rest< r-.*d, or a bankiaj ue' tu bo pa;-acd. He has been abTcnl fur aemc ) lara and, ..n returning among us. seems to begin uhero re lelt ulf. l ie treat> us to tho old dich of distress '

.r, it is a mistake. 1 hero is none of i t ; and if ihtro Was, ihe rtmedy would he in the hands of tho I o.-i !»— in the beafts of thd Va epb"* —who loVe Ibeirc '.unttv, and mtan to take cure of i t - and r ot in the .■oii(;.5arM-cs td pulit)cua-s, who mistuke their offn t« r t ti'Mr * *.«n*ry d •'trt >«; it is all a m\*i jku' It In. V 'o me .»kG a j-k e . Hut when I rcc‘-*.lcvi tbe j;nj ‘;r>g nuoAur nt Ihc Ouuimitiee, aiid huW *’ dtS- Liijgu.--*hed“ they a*l 'vore, and fa w* they u *.ud them- .•eivcft freo from iiistruclmni:, and allowed the Senate to laJk. but rjnt to v A t.w hde they were out, und buw I » tUiy kVotG di bhera* Jl»g w’nn I recollect nil ihe' y ih ’ogs, 1 a u c jiiiiraincd to believe thecom-

ar ■ in *.j.TLc5tAi Ja i t lo r 'h e .-enamor h c:?v:f, cb,^;rruan of the

ecuimi'te* . >ht pt_rlic' y w ;li wuh ti he broughtforward h.« rtriuL-iy tfa**oe fadls und the rej-vrt paUv:. wiib Which h*' enforced them, and the h<

od single, we all know now th a t aho might have been passed ■*mgly before ibo committee was raised, if the *' 2natur from Kentucky had remained on his original ground, on my >ide ; and every or e knows tha t the only danger to ( lalifurnia now comes from the compa­nionship into which she has been forced. 1 do not believo in either eel of reas--ns. I do not admit tho lorritorial g-veinmetits to be objects of superiorin- terest to the admisMon of ('alifornia I admit thorn to be oiijects of interest, demanding our attention, and that a t this session ; but oot at tho expense of Uanlornia, nor in pr- cedenco t»f her, nor in coujuction with her, nor as a condition for her admission' ^hehas been delayed long, and is now endangered by this attem pt to couple with her tbe territories, wit.i which she bus liO connection, and to involve her jd the Wilmot provisii (^ucati^n, from which she ia free.

Tho Senator from ivcniucky has d *no me the favor to faiame mo lor this delay He roay blame me again when he beholds tho cautdropho of bis attem pted corjurn lions; but alimank-od ffiii see that the delay .?• me lo.-u'* of b.-T own ah-md-nmeat ul the position which he originally look wiih mo The other reas which tho >euator gave in his speech for tho corjoi tiun IS riot rep ated in t ‘J-e.-3td lUeU to uur n

iutcat lo ( ’uitlorri

These are the reasons of the committee, and they

L'SflTndA'fTe4“rSy^^^Bume a controversy between New Mexico and Texas. No such thing. New Mexico belongs to tho finited States, atid the controversy is with the United States. They aasmna there is no way to settle this controver­sy but by a compact with Texas This is another great mistake, lo o ro are three ways to settle it ; first, and best, by a oom pact; secondly, by a suit in tho Supremo Court of the United Slates ; thirdly, by

7 :?tutirxrerwhln“theuNifeT'l?arera' ^^^^^he-, anti on to tha t until tbe question of title U decided, either amicably by compact, or legally by tho Supremo Court. The 1 und aments 1 error of tho::T;r “Es.°f k s s ; ” k 5•Mexico is only the John Dos of the concern. That A. - Ar v*-.a<>ted, and aU l^e * • * ■ • « , -f * u « -------1*

».*• Hire ; I u 1 or- '-n J*»!; ,■ *••• •( .-'titnenf- H2 '-i •*'■K.»r'crmaT.n'H’arufu'nr- »iop y vtrpff t*r fre Fultot, s'. K vu

OoBev ■•.•estr*9'—‘2 5.r» r r.r.r-'o 'Ne ...... ».a-»’ I. •' •■ i ■ . .»'u -ly i-'i I *<.r

i nm \ V' -it. vt'*h >*.-i j ,c , ' i I., n ;>r t* .'* r . . r o .ns pair,.a,a — C: Tw" K '

.A' IJii'Hnck. an,.- t r .pk'n I! O .->.'k'=urro2a.*»a'8 ttt r-r.^-v b-l .t» .14 ■. .re ssute o: Win Po-’.• ,< .%-a r-r .-v .

coun ■>'' ‘ •••>* .«• -It i r.and jfV« ■ * ‘ " ■■ • i.-, a.T .i« J-ig.-m,. 2

'm 7 "; ■■ 7t l i ‘-*f t cC'tre.Q .V vu-.-.i 'If'I meiij iwirind.'n ' *■

ti.-G--t.Tj Nciv ' -e- ri tr.-sp,. . ij t l a l j .n n i i-i * ib” " './ : Ja.-iiir» \V L( 'io-y.‘a.i i u-r,..Y cert., n

‘*’a (strVu i»nl in *o vn o» I'-recbr. a.'j,. u ,£land o f‘ii*- Oiis'll JiiccKe'\V C- i iw usj de.*"f’7r fJrin™ tmrif-uior* iv i'u*s. ■• r- a.jv-rHseir!-ntin H.'dokU n En v. J U „ .

d M . ,l.ijtfi jHi.i .11 ,{0«H* r.Vr . Jivu-”--' I* c* I. }• io«jl N>- j'-’r G"*-!*,

J^s!rt.hV!.tr*7?\ t. 5 '>"'y ,„.!'.ave-ineni imniii hv»u>e tuio 1 n' --sx.'i ‘**7-1 , Tet‘ a 'm> _ t n - J - * h i J li n..):,*' ■!.3o r r , -f*.m«*.c tninitr '« and J-iG: »><»»..*-• ♦'•-i -.i iiSx’ojl..j-*'iivr \v.;'i hou^f*.‘u liie* rear '• H '» * J - \ .‘ 1: 4

\ J«*> ft lUte snd . »l cot'oc' of John an' f.ctv.* ( f.p p '; f i ; ' “ ;? •! f ' l M M t y ? . r T ? i ‘ ' ' " - i r r : ; - '" ■' ■" "i;-o. \-w4an-lf'* Li U=» ,ieu »ot.o 2 .« -rv t'"mcft. *i.*es H'»'ise Nq 4 i- J4 fa ' tr * tr*r»-,r 4re,. ie-P loiiMl'ce' Ironi. 3J ire'-ertr -> M '**t-' ' in.-n“--t*a,.H'Ui'» *v«« r. iT ft f>* I, re *1 tl I f.“” ' . > ..J Ii 4 O' -*.'t’,» d ;. tifr-tn* rtrl rp*if ‘’7 “ iVel ti JOS J-H-,* , . . . ^

M T‘■ 'Ti iY .>■• «• I *4i '.I ib' tI h'- ‘ •'•f '.hr ri 11'' i ne r, 4- F uJ. ,. , Hr., yn H.'.ll I 1 » fw ' N \fVur' P>n--» —VVJifte >o!-t t'lr-cTtoa »t

M Ml-.,->, F> R;?v ,i j^... )(t r, ■? , (

I',* tr' stPA.-*’ 71 rG.t i.-( tft-* r7i'. f(il t * re-, .i,-t- . .1'. .r. ir»ft*"'i’ 'i ‘ m l I"-* '>** i ^”5 I »•' 1, , J ..t ' 1 .1!.»'< re.T '-1. - V .,• Ff •' -I*< . P* .nad Jav i .■•-t ? ■-.'ii t r- i C ,•■••«’* ti* ".‘I l ' a '- .r,.- nf:/ . Kr ol.') i " Ki¥-’ ’‘nd M"' '*■’ i. tv

i i s '& r e ^ ^ V iT r r A . isN .* ./, - z - ; - " " " r •’-*aUo. 4 it»u o*ij'»n iftsT me iii»->¥e, ou ut& s tuiftefly v*ue, ^ ;•>

the purehn-e n .r.,v retr.-t u ..n l o'l.: " iJ mar

Fine* > ' I’n u ■ j - A v ■l. ll- II tee ft. 'Pi.'j ■ , -

.I'.re-«3' h t *'(j A. is' ! o . d r .. n, > . U tv . ' *• J

fTirjtf H ! ? T ' ,ie..c ' ti ..r J . , * ' » < -V I,A,. R ', , ' I .. .Qu I J-'. i'l''*. fe? . 'J ,- 'i ■ u h -ft .iw fr-.m pr-v-i'e %u,i am*

' . *1 .r ■ .,1 v^-\ n ■; fr. 7 7 7 . . . . . i i M " ^

i i .. ri. tn *_■ I 't if- . ■

0 I'W -vV'all itreut

j ■ < iO f li 1 It* ',

j f i t. ll, r ln g il- li , n iitl G ern in ii K a n ry G oods, '

I ' . t ik -h it ih . I i>. •fi - I u - H r I H f f-rereCtUi r,i: •'( - r ''l: f '. . :' M . o. I r ■ .. \ I'M ]

‘ I '*) ilH-ms ‘"i4r •< r.

f ■ . ‘ if 1 t^. . “ ^ . k V. I ■ T’ • - •' I’f I. '

\ t . , ■* f 1 s . li 1, ' ■ ir i:i . PHli '

a i f S S S H i

H° wouldamount to abhul; sevehty thousand sqaate- iailee, da be taken by the committee'elme from -its present and ancient pokS^ssbr.anditfftnsferTedto a he fr-^ im a iit . T bisis w hat the now Jinb wouid do, and in jao ing i t would raisa the question of tho extension of slavery, and o f lts exieteSoh a t th is tim e, by Jaw, in Now M .exicoas.apait ofT exas.

T his statem ent is too im portant lo retnain a mere statement. I therefore proceed to yerify i t j and for tha t ] “ ' - V-—

•Sl ojas;

6 proceed to ^itirse to the h\

poditionr 1 begin w ith Humboldfc, and quote him toshow fcho^bouDteles^of New M ox^o un theeasx,

hmU® ‘ a I |I ^ ? 2 8 2 , T o r f Pa-^rediew ^^^ I tsay, he says:

“ J ’ai trace les Umitei

. -S conserVees dans Irs a r t-------------- , ----royaute, etdresseeSpardBsingenlenrs au servloaduroi

Iit’EMLisH: " I havetraced the limits of Coahuila end

Tice-royalty, and draim up by^gineers in the Bervice of

Farther than th a t ho does not trace i t ; bu t tha t ia far enongh fo i onr purpose I t is enough to show that New Mexico, under the Spanish goyeinment, extended as far east as 101 degrees of longitude,

p. 6o f his appendix to the jouinal of his journey

E,5rsS i!LS;ISsr3 ‘.7.;fS;

Hi«i map—the breadth of the province, stated by him

haahua, and thence to Texas, as a prisoner in the hands of Spanish officers, and improved the occasionhands of Spanish officers, and improved the

7s Z TaSAmerican account of the internal provinces of New

* l he map of Dr. Wislizemus, which 1 now produce.

, hr u 111) ■'t A '■ ii*i

I 1 r.u w I rut.

y ' 1 GC.Dg riL.*:--U t-} 'he *.

I t,.- rr 1 r 1.*‘ '■<'■ i "fa*:. ' ' tji , ■ r.

K fti'-’- , v‘*'i bu V' !■. u ;i,- irra .i in ' by tiv. rp*„ ! K * ■' Tjuj.ift'*, ar. i i r*-ugut hiiul: in.'iu 't 'i lU’f ' f ’ ’ ’ ' I _ : , . ■ t re]: , . I J ■ * i;‘t i ' i* I*’ 1.. aU ‘ ‘ c J,ch ' Uf W Ejn-t.

,,, ..............

i .• - ■■»• »-«-■'-**...»' S."2 S':US

....... .......... . u; t ' i- - u | ;;f' ■ • - ............. s s j s s f t i s s i s y ; s s s u , * s . ' » ^ s £

““S ' 4"■

. . c"n .: ‘c : , . T r r . i a i . y t i - r.“ir.:.?i:

'.k; : k .V\/

[ * '•' -lik .ri. (i. f') ' afp'ifM* t! IK:*I • r ’ r. r m a . -i "b i. i-».i. !' , f.ed t y U‘i|- *

n" ! "r " ' 4,' I ’ i' ■ ' ' '-

i-.•ll-!.!-. a l l 'i . ' MU) ;i>. tl!' el ( uiuui'iia. Ml....4'» -m ft -1 -*•• * I .' • .Hi 11 1 Mill V1-1 t;J luv., iu

. r - ' j l 'y a I t.

.iro tlu ( ; n d -'-..U' * ou..t..ittte t n 7 er-

o.i li)' i.i'.t ■ ug" ; tlK iw.j t«'r:r » il g"- ‘.'ii i . \ *N by ih f » t'f at

. ibu* 1 •- • H Jreiuj • biii. i-r g.r lU-i V. jcar.- iih' , ui. 1 r j.i-'-iu ■ i at iLo j : ’ -.r.t. tb' Kgit . r<.-c Uf ) i » . c r ' t j If. in

■ ixiiLti 11' i.‘ ;it I i-' < ■, Uii;:i'i.C- rucij* i f t !Ji' TUj [ rre.'*''nij 1*. xi 1.' uutb'kg bal

•A .M•4 ll-U. JM -IV*"- b.. i. .

j i .* in \ . I > M'nn -* Iurv hpiiiiii M •* ! re ' * n i"i' rft > I''

— ----- ------ , - t..ifi \V*>«*<1—TO lr,a» oiift ‘Vo.*<t'MirK-l» . 1 , J ’l 14 T THI*—1 ill -.*h« V f 8 ' I -c

At b 't '1! I ’ C * » ' I ■• •• ... 'J i>.',dd'Ab HUT.' M*-' ’T''. I ( iliU rt>t! U.--* 11 » l> '€ I * I ' • •B rk ’re *r 4 - • jry > h I K " I ' \ *

'’u'^Pa; - n.;i1 ft Pre i ‘ ‘

c tfKii L i. 7^^v« ! m

r ' II f*''r*ere—A' U f.’reluck— sn, ...r ■ :i -J its**vv ...' '7 ■,*■• iv* .•■(•e -'o ii.ann 5 ••'*» ii very to in r;f, ' u-*- |n »ft a '•«*, t H . v n . «l u-afu Ift m '

tr •••'- rufCftrtSf.t •,*. go . n *0 I. -• C- 1/ c ili ‘ue D'iCk**! u* I'lr*I’’*' ■ '■ - -a r.- iu '** -te ■'i'.” '.;?

n .iiry t i L^-euc, aVu-.r -i.- --- HY H .-.\K Y a -.L K h l< > A-

:\o b Wall Ne’??5t

iu JofOtf !' *t ■;I !.J k K J ii vo iU . f>uu- I K - y ■ ci '

j 1 . U *. r I.Ja- f J IV 1ft I aF.H.ireM llc’i.ftN iF' m Um- H'l.-v t- | pUt Tt 1J n.-1 uu- ugti ’ Mj Cti-’b, t!;*. D tacUvd togtth- f r* ■ u re . i :. * , ■n. J J'i. • « Ht **-f -ar*- 18 laken ' cr all I . far Kt*. In J a euUx| rouj i?v. ai^d pr* «i-cd uj t'U iho

I' . Iti*' 'M'.. ri. aftii ' > uv* ui» 1* ♦* «»f j«fre**n j' a. d -••V'-u n ruu 'ay i-r c.ildUj.tit m which ^7,^ lAclijiy p .Hbl.* j,M\**a theia * n t-dJb.- rka | hav j lu. c :x*. u “'iLi-'i. tl.u prcscLUUvsu ot the

.. . r,.-e ; ai. I li'-vT t*.r the c i“-tj iticlf,c ina me it. i-ih u '.v o rk 'ji‘L m Jj'i *iv-jf I'.io committee"; so

p4 ' rtu' rr[ -rt ir.f- rms Uo ; auJ, fr-jia thu licUi >u.-*raLi-...riS 7 ,1, - re i »;,* Ji'.ur, we i-G-iy ■»u it to have uoeu as lt*au

j ^----- u . - - . . ___-- __- - - ' a ui, )jr .‘y tu< parbauioiitary ptoet*eiiIng*J c\er t. *' ’ ( WI iO >T.A1 IC LO A\' ' bPe-i U i.-the work -'f a maj >riiy f that culoi; i^M i li R , - s ' ^ ’A' i’K r,o . \ t f a ro lu '.u

I’rtP. fr -n i 'l up *'af CH®b“ t a* «i;M inIf of r- ’ v ''-r J 'r . lm l Sr. ♦'iJi I wrj 1

1: m ; \ r- , «> *. v. **11 -ir. h i 7ft .’"u:h*t . 'ifTif'r n f '.’fiMi'n l a i u

Lo 'ssurk '»f a maj >rity -f iha-t coloimi S' ’A'i’K r.O . \ tc’i- ar,(l ureui id a m*ij -rPy ul ttirU o ri: s > that thi;-

w,l).«* . o ujpr'u..-v. whj.-u i.i f-.- Lo all Tvh'K* by the- U.-ir I htidic. 1,1 the vioik of teiiatr-r'. And if it

*>t ref* * ‘ I .-ll ya'd ha| pret, {** Li» tka*; the C'umii'icc wa-i f-ur- ■•' K t ‘ I lo.n-iy roiupu.-’iu'l half .Vad balf-h ix of m .o asd half a

' Uamul' j . i ^ P v v '

._f : In* u)..'IveH I Iu* ri/b t

- ! ■! til. • Uf . r Hi..

r objection to this new argu- ■ial I lovernmeiit bills are uow

il.H'ci; ami t-i make more vcr<ain of these binst-iey uro put into lUo Calilotnia L.ll, tu be c.airiej sale tl.ruugh b> it. This is the argument of the re- poit : a iij it is a plain declaration that one measure19 to i.e forcrii to Carry tho oiher This ia a bre.,cbof [eirliameuSary law —that law upon the existence

-,ts . r . I) .;iK I . , lorVlY .mmi.u.wJ half ,VaU h alf - six ol or.'o a t.l h a ifa T " ‘‘ Ecu; moky look an issue

lX.g t te HjLrudfvo cuuip igruMis cmpiir.y. '1 hen sbo n

\V i:u Iben u* tu Llarno —tho >eualor) - the tSiuati-r frum dih-souri Au-ii'^,-i.y 0- tho *S:m

■ J . Il t . tLl^ I .'jcfiuiiu poat|..'.n*»mv lat mulweh !, u iritv r del iy t') I d.ifLirnu, und her de- Ik at ;ri tiic t ud, who then is to be bUmod again ] I dt. d*'L ;t'k ttio-Oj'jUv-ti'i'i'^ of tho *5onaior from Kor* t icky U lc uui-iwful tu do .-o ; fur, by liie!aiv -J* tht* iaiui, LKi i? bound tu cr-iuin.ito biuisoli

Mi t : . \ i , (drum his seat.) 1 do not claim the beni-tit id ,l*e law.

,dr ilE-Mt \ No; a bi^h-spiilted man wiil not china it. hut tfac Uvr giv'ee him the privdt*ge ; fliida.> a law atiidiiig and gi neiuus man, I givo biiu tbe b*mT.'uf t !iu law v.'tielher ho claims ito r i.u t . Hut 1 think i: is iiu.h ibr him Lo begin to cuosider the rc-

bil.ty be hiire incurred in ‘quitting bis positional my huk lor L aiiluruia single, and llr-t to jumble her ‘ifi in crowd, where ifae sure to meet death, o »me the i*>te xvh«.Q it wdi. i think it i«j time for him

k.w,:,. f.. tfaidk iib'jut tubmiuiiig to a luU tr ia l !a n d le ta ec m /c facias, eft nofire be

> »me the i *>te tv o begin lo thi -s'ithet-aw a ju r

i-u! • r I f stft;** ji-!0 n ’ I

U * iilf ^lU» t .A»-

-ln-rdw»re *'

I 1* '■

iSvKK'-I A' *<'. 'J ■ a-- S re. \-

'ictjon fciu.i < 'o.i I

W , 1 IK I.U *S* CU,N

Ni-ire ■'ii.i-r -■'* ’ -ll'!',.- . \ v r tp.-r 1- n

:f:: t h i:lire .1 . *,f. X 7 i Co •!«> 2:i r.(8

Mr I'rei-qlent, (he looraiift 'nforms us tha t thereare «.mo subjecta too light for rer.on —too grave f.,rri.'-cu'o; ana in such cases the more moral'st may laugh or cry. as he deems best. But not so with the Un-isla'or. 11-9 baainesa is not. laughing or cryingVVi,i;tii..>iiiig. f.r simpciiD.?. is n k his mission. Workis his vocation, and gravity his vein ; and in thatvein I proceed to eonsid.r this interjection of I'exsr.with ail her muitiiai.ous <iuost;«ns, into the bowels of tbe CaHfoinia b'li.

Id the fir.-t. p’see, this Texe< bill if a compact, de- pemJ'ug lor iU validity on the consent of Texas, and IS pat into the-Uai-Urnia hi" as p a i. of a oompromige and general settlement of all slavery qaestious ; and,

I :i;,'.-.v2 L ' % s e w T C w ' i I s T i s s r a s s a g s s ' ^ s s s j t e r ' f e ; t t ? s s r J a T r & . 5 K.«:s s f K X o is i^ s s r s ir a r r s t

Blory frf John Thompson and his hat sign, it would aJ-nitt-d by t oarress .andnot by another state ; and.

tund're^ her t( f-om violoQce.

'I bci o 8-e the reasons for thiustmg Texas, with aM her miMt’''auou‘i iiucsiion#', ioio the Cai’foinia b ill; and reduced to ttie'^ of ence, they ari'ue thus : Utahmi'4t go in becau.‘'i fhe biudi upon Cai'foiD’a ; NewM-xien. mu-t go in because ahe binds upon U tah ; j3nd 'I'twa^ must go because she biuds upoD Nev? flesico And t-bu« poor California is crammed and g. iged unt^i she aoout in the coediUon that Jonah Roll'd haio been in, if be had swallowed the whale '• is'erd of -he whale ^swallowing bim. This opens a

end iu a dotted red pencil line, tbo rproposed by our Commit'..ce of T hirt eace between the two lines is, as I have stated, about

To avoid all. misconeeplion, 1 repeat what I hare al-eady d.olared, tha t 1 am not occupying myse” With the question of title as it may exist and be eventually aeieim 'ned between New Mexico nod

nd h. reby ...ujt-J a Dv'v !c •.•niapolii evlanthmelie M«-. oi.'t.. g..ictu tbe . i.niaiiu.e ( f ihiri-jai first, and

the .-'e.iate ..! sixty alU'.-i-at'D. For, bo it rtmein- 2;i ..!8 iJo I bcrt.l, this batch of bills is not to be a law, freely2 •’ '1 ] nv'.ic by (’orgr.'--', but a eoinpart, to be swallowed,

O'. 1. C. v4.o .'. ar,.I «»/.!!..w.-i! v,h b?, ui ler ihe penally of parly.1. J.. 24- J.fs .1.. do do 27 r4". .• j f! l.'i uni p •'■ I . ol d.iimialion.J” 'M '-'lx,..; .lo di pi y.2t . . . | .s,r thi.G-.mi.iitte'liiw larked a niirae-a di-reinct-do do 24 Xire 're re 24 xio ’.o .,^4 i,_,r ,.f rhanet..,i,t,c d.>-nv. , reper- -CPs, riun'.s ai, nr.s I t-aa....i. is re.erre i to romci-.r illy in the report, as..lor,.,I I•vp;r-17...•r,ata. ....-rted .1 ... | liio 1. ou-mittee of X hirteen b nun Us c .u.po.Mtiou

\.'r.t II* r l'*.p..r Ooitc..r-‘.s o .■oinp...te'.i- .j.-toi. f. 1 i tnialitbc Called the cotrti. ft. c OS .n. orr, ,1'/•; not,Ni .V and Eiok Ink i.uin-1 h r .p.iniii j criytio , bui , tor it c. i.i from difierent halves

;ipd B.».,t 1 m-i.le 10 order, of . very • i.Proo! ' i.t the land, witb a ! xr ler ta '.'r .r to su hftweon, ■. at short nrii... j. Eii - who '« to i>erh rtn 1 bc . x i !oit. hithert-j deemed itn-

';s ro N',1 F M'ai! £^., oprosltc Now5t j " a*•.'.. -j . a.'-. - o h .1. -

: . i S S a = S o . . d v i i s S T r : 7 T o ; . - - i f e i = H - 3 s ; s ; ; -H-I .. '.-n .ret.* ntfsl ft .H t.<, ,n i c ; . » f i t ? j FK’N JA M 'N V : '< '\F V ! r I.ii an.l t*lcg:int SK«fa5eiU auJ'-Ih-r v iiu ru*l. rut I whlc tl wa4 «nit. A i.l* m Ure* m.^nrer in which n

t -t'-r i-fre.*-!!-F*v I " Stcffl Nn ) J ixitt ami 8iiv*#r u^' i*-Tiav*'ifl hu‘I staud ?'-me ve-v . mj'junty **f 5c*ven fi'-l gv.v. rn tfairtccr. an*! ihun pru-\ ^ A*' of « . r i w - V r f: - !(-* ' i. * ut j-HU ums of ^"Otl f.aU* at irew r imre^sihancYiTo)- j tu govern the ^ c n a ta n d th^n the nbule Tnitcd

J T O ' i . vori'e ed. Bri.t» «II J ..1,1 .Te,.! - 1..I ... ;.r...!> r A> . ,■ ' ' iieA ;..iv.rir. r,i. ,i3.-i,...T.«assorir„Mi';;;7;‘4 :b“ u rA H r t v u u , w . . , . , ir “ n VV v'iVt. orJ.intire»le.4J 1 \ M 1.... B.-not ” U - .l '; ,rp T . '. ‘ / ' i ’ ' ^ ' ' " J

>. r * -r.',.. i'_.'^.v Ki^t \ ,-n. N-iv-rret^ Snll. iK'i!' n■ ............. ............

» Cm advances nxncis new Ml coni-sn^enu

J.jhe. IC- s,-. Auctioneer.I ' t 1 li ‘ .f. V ir 111. t . ' 'E .

?. B77 an.j :><!4 i;rcadway,eoer,ae.-;-A>f r»:way,eomor.-.f W hite st. VrStith'i^’■e*mng i o ^ " t H iX’.v to" '

t Ji'fu' u-in r .„J'. cs*-re i're r r iws.gnv** u*r mvlT N j- 'Ml?'-. p.ji - ^ k - . -r i« i • - - J.. . ' 1 • Ti.u va O t - J ___ !------------------ ------ -- ----------------- —----- -

re iT V ti;;rgg ip S nlOOO

i f h t ' l . - ' l sfa. iMr rel * iFu**-- und i «rt Lm _u irr-tiI * tiftH t H-Uft*!. TiUl rrureK T'* nut 1 t ■ h'.* ri"!-' r < h** i iiiln one, ar.d r' -joircd u« to ptss tbnm TS‘)W.I an { fra am- s fin*' 7*nirir.iji'i f*.T «fi*i «u ffi-*- ; ijuvr doi L i>' C'»iEIU3ttcc giJ l»'Ji*)‘C;'i;iuD (*l thu^O bi*'5 !I -**(•» -uv*r plate.] t»-:. ftr-i**l nrui y rfrz-i i-n rin ij I ti-r t4«'T n-k t r tft-’ upfraticn. Ikn .-w tha t

II-1 1 ........................... ..................I i 1 f f ' i S ! f S “ "

e.^n.rei ...o„ ,„r, . , , . . , . 1. I. 9, t.. ien...e. j O K I 'D I A -S-T^BBKK < ,-,il- j wies out _1 w o --------' ' ' - e . ’. -...9- 0.4 ...

''■RI'’ 7 '• •■■■ , I mvu.. th- -n .'llV l, \ L'!].'l.''r.t-J!7rr!rJe |'l.‘,r s h-o a.-* in ^ur^uu u] a t u, »*riref trfi, t.f/ndja Kul- |

rib,"Tb“ohligatiuii to uiaml'tifl fans issuv': by d.u'ng no more, he c' rlt■c 'cd he coul-1 nut And now Lbo illegality ol ihi« eorjunetiun ^tandtl confessed, with the sujter- additioQ ot uu avowed coudcmnable motive fur it.

lutive ia—s ' declared in the rcport--to force ire to carry the oth«r--the identical thing m I in all the books as the very reason why s

mission of ('auNirnia. In the n-xt place, Texas pre­sents a great many seiious^ueiitiGnsof her own,6om- of them depending upon a coinp.i''t already existing with the Kuited s ta le s—many of th-ym concerning the T'riitod State's—one (Concerning New Mexico—but

tioned in al jects f'f differer guihcr I do m

?s should not be tacked to- what 1 have heretofore sa’d


aim ll^ vuiiu'ty •»» u"»> auuiiu*uu uy tuo au-ULUuL, auu tbe failure, to cintcst it It is cumpiUcory legisla­tion, and a fi.;gram breach of p^trliamontary law, and of safe legislaiion. I l ls also a coinplimunt of no ejfuiroca) chaiaeier to a portion of the members of this Cham ter. To put two measures together for the avowfd purpose of forcing one to carry tho other, ia tu propose to tf>T0& the ineodij of tbe stronger mea-furo tu take the weiik nno. under theponaliy of los.ngtbe etniDger It implies both tha t these memberscannot be (rutted to vote fairly upon one of the mea-

p ^ t . t A m ', a - t r i . tttiirt;-., fP 1 'm n .. - r e . . . | v_, k .a ^ U n v . . ahU I mck Rubber . tn.n, 40 anti ,7 , ; T : o ?ralJ f r I Ib. *i. ar*- r,x,*n ur» d by the Fuh -r. .<*r. fit h.- i a fruli.—?omeibi*-)g like b a rn rg th '’ ma-ler—ID which

; f-'i'-'.Tv J**-t *1 :u*h --.rr. r F i-iTv-r . t >_t ! ail ..fT.. .*v - lAre -i.-i laeu J, a.ll au lho rt V di. regarded.

'lopo^ '* f ' ' 5A **». ti *ri;*« N»<-f . f;' ' i.C*1 I * ' ‘ tmWh H ^nk H ^-r

ai,«I lei'-er pai/er<. v j r

aei. < ah. : i t e . . ’ !, . .|e,..1wi. w.-tk*. t Evvn I .e s .e . mtan-.«.l. f toi.l uJ iUc... x:.evre ... .x.. ,g-:n .-.-sPa. A’ S.* „„„ a.i.i e n - .1,1.! ' -i '.’.‘Ui*iS n ■•' 1

• ,v,. 1 .re...... 1 .«to,v, .. J t i l i ’ .- >. ..Vlar.r.v.- ir.ft-i. !

,pi.-iitv 'jUilltaeis rattiers et-Sitreev. .tump extraetor-t, u«d utisei t-tiUt-rne. i'u i and fVcKt-t Knivt-' o* Wh&TD- rl ir*-. -Tre-ik. tengreas. and a Ta'Uuy of ladiea* pen

i Tl la "..uirt.reir ff H*.Td»»ire r?'‘ ia • I It 1 . . l ' . , . . 9. II i.^^l J.i,lJ .- .1-Bisek IV. ci.v-..n i tn..«R y... . .,u.Vv

m l.A uK PN fk i tflMtll.t a c o M F.r.*dft.

X C l l S t r S i lisK ’l ' i SCiS-. - W lilmm.i a:e,

t , - .-.UIKiuDJ

I f IUNO Jfe (.0., 61 EjicbangfiPUffC.

N,.* h«t

uuD \ h •' i'- •:i *r «tr-**T. Ui -fa.'*

J G .'v in tb l' 3 0 i . . | . r - t

|_ga.EiSiS Ft»K, S A L E .-< ue t.u r .servw ^iav.i IT. 5S M in ■'et. >.r If." f r «a'e by

je7 bt ■ W HIT t .-: so X. Net li‘1 4. I'll < I'SstnD.YT W A T K H .-in l-xeii .tr 1 puh.-i. d n r r i a t - £ 5 ed CJ the. L'm I brand.-. 1' r - 1 y

j,.n XVI w iliJS . . ll .i.n;:..r * . " 117 H l^S iJ .V t . » , t T '.\ 'I’K .\T E U K 1.A \ o n m «S a r • I'K 1. •;'• Ilf Vj i .."= T<-. t i - T .ViT.1.i. !***bch '^r-irr- !*-Li L’» 7 tuT tirefa anu f r- t... * :i« vTctl kt 'f‘1, *:.d *u y lii'Af •ip*-Ti.iUyLt-

*-sCad:*'--*re i 'x-I *.V'--ry TM*-r** D'ihU 1-J Fuirkti. cor. W i.liaijj

“ A T c T o i- N ^ ik > d a H ~ N r T ^ ^ .meaii-rnuJluni be *'4» in vnn«»*y .'‘»i»tract>r -

liExe bt*ci-o, h* Wl rvi^bter-* Irdits. r c'-ipo.- faftlb-CKS. *■ nrirn« T'alt»'rn..'t •‘tl- >‘f fc»- k** f‘ r 5 d:ij?*ions a r 1 Er-<'k?< rul»:‘4 alii tb- un l t *

Printing ex*H*nt.Y.i m Ptylixa .icsir** j . card**, cl:cUli^^Mils, chrckii. nocea, drilt,- rece^ptn. c c

KHAN* K & L O lT K ri Bvt-k Bi o-derf* ^t.itioners and rnutir-n

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je§ No-41 Exchange place,

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w n d l ^ t e k l n l B c l '^ a ™Ausbeust) 94 B6ai3»9

A * K n o V s y :4o.U CUfT U tyeti.

rlav with'’ul its r*j2ts »n —*aken the li- , ..m-e ,4. the iutar'oaih (.I'h-mt i!-i ii.ri.--.-n.?c-maJo

pravo work of their g iy eport-pred-nced a monster 1 it' t .td of a merry-andrew -an d required ns to wor- I .bT' what if is cur du:.v tt kill I I i rr e-.-e i to the d.?stT Jc!i’ja ut tb u monster Tne ; roH i.r. .. t, , i .1..1 • t!.- .'..-aie B-.a' ct all tbe -m-

ry ii. t 2t 1T..U J .-tate, - th i t i '- . l f m iaw h eh'.re id U.eiC sih? U u. m ate tho Eoape-

, i 3.- i.h'r i“ the first instance of an Ameri--an. i tG u r t ■’ >,-.•■ iLa* ancient Jewish mod-* >if ox- r ia t itg nat.,ji-ul sins, 1 wd: r .ad how it was done in .teni'a .fui msiMw how exactly oar committee have lajiwre;.! tba- aueiert expiiatory curtom. 1 rc,.d from an approved volume of Jewish antiquities :

■i bc -eat ti-X in thr hortheast enrner ef thoecunc t tleum p .e tod hi- hv»d bcund with scarkt

m.-piilici of the ch 'dren ct hracl. and aU their trans-

dir. but . » th« s t^ a i '‘d fr^ iiik t roui‘th - «-Xiidit I u ’h* r‘-ch 08 M-of nn: * v*-Uj red c< r >•: t- at J t*' Einkr cf b.? d^.th. toi* hfier mw vtlH oad h'ci to a h gh-ock ab*. ul tweive m its ir^vuJtiVH.lem.&Dd pc?b hnm off of It backwardSv to prev«»nt

,hk jumping tte$cmrlrtcluthb«dcg first tern fmn h«ut in uken th-at tho fiiiis of Lee people were takeii

This was the expia'ion of th i Ecapo goat in andeotJ^rasalcn; an innoi jnt ati4 helpl«» (tolffial, lo&4«<i

refu=“ to sanctK i! the implication, by refusing to vote as required—may U k e th . high gruund that they are not c-.vrciblo. that they owe allegiance, not to tbe o..mmittce, but to honor and duty, and that they ckn tbem.selves for an honest vote, in a bill by itself, altnoogh the committee cannot trust them ! But stop ! Is it a goverumet.t or 'he government which the committee propoi,e to secure by coercion Is it n gt vermnent, such as th.i majority ct the Senate may agree upen ' or is it I.'>t governm.nt, such as a majority (.f t'a-j e.rumiuee have preicribedf If the former, why no". U-aie the .Sen.ate to free voting in a sejeirato bill X if tbe la tter, will the Senate be coer­ced will i t allow a majority of the committee to govern the .-i..Ti-te ' - sev-n to govern sixty I It is the la tte r- s a av wed : and being the first instance of suvh an avowal, it .shouid meet a reception which would ma’ac It the last

Mr I'residenl. All the evils of incongruous con- m, ctior.s are eiemr.l'fie,i in this conjanelion of tbe terr.l.irial government b jis with the California state aamosion bill, d hey are subjects not only foreign to each other, bat ioyolving different questions, and resting upon princ'p'.es of diff-jrent natures One in­volves confliiutional questions: the other does not Coe 13 a question of nght, resting upon the eons don ot the I uttc-d S.ates and the t.reaty with CO : the other is a question of exp-ed.ency, restir^ the discretion of Cougtess One ia the ca*o of a Ovate, asking for an equaUty of rights with the other sta te s: the other U a question of territories, asking protection from states C>ne is a sovereignty—tbe other a property. :m th a t a t ah points, and under ex ;ry a.-itet, the .xubjects'liffer ; and it is well known tnat there are eenaPars here who can unite in a vote far the adm’ssb.n of CaUfomia, who cannot unite in any vole for tee terraorial g.avernments ; and that, bu-ianre these governments involve the slavery ques­tions, from aU which the California biU is free. T hat is rbe reek on wWch men and parties split hero. Some deny tho power of Congress tn toto over the subject of slavery in Territories: such as they can! support no bill which touches tha t .juestion, oneway or the other. Others admit the power, but deny the expediency of Us exercise Others again claim both the ^ w e r and the exercise. Others again are under legislative instruolions—some to vote one way. some tho other. KinaJly, there are some opposed to giving' any governments a t all to these territories, and io favor ef leaving them to grow up of themselvel laxo future slates. Now. wUnt are the senators, so Lircnmstai ced, to do with lL.-;e bill cor joined X Vote f.,r ad l-o : d c d l t a o-mpromise ' as h oaths, dutv, coastituli tax ob! gi-tioD, a rd teg'dafivn instruotiors, Were ^ubJcct8 of compromise. No ! rejeotion of tbe

Tho corjunction cf these brils illustfatca allevils of joining inpoherent eubjeois together, it prs-

M eiiei', rousing the question which the commit-

!hnd here I mart insist on the e.f&r of the committeeconsiitutional and municipal law, before 1 point

out their mistakes ia geography and bistoiy. Theytrea t New Mexico as having a eontroversy with Tex os—as being in danger of a collision with h e r-an d that a compact with Texas to settle tbe boundary between them is the only way to settle tha t contro­versy and prevent tha t collision. Now, all tb 's is a

sir uh tZTo'rtbo I'n itad States ha.v jurisdiction of it. A g a 'i, pof- se-si.jn is Ciilo unUl the right is tr ied ; and the UnitedStates having the possus-ion, may give a government a t once, according to the possession, and then wait the decision of the title

1 avoid all argument about lig h t—the eventual Tgbt of Texas to any other part of what was New Mexico bef.i.e the ex '“ten'-e ol Texas. 1 avoid tha t quesLion. Amicable settlement ol noutesUd claisK, and not adladication of tit 'e . is now my objeot. I need no argument from any quarter to satisfy me tha t the Texae questions ought to bo settled. I happened to know that before Texas was annexed, and brought

^ s ig t t i

Krt -1 am avamat tiUturbing actual poxsetsion, eilh

in tbe meantime. T he proposed Bne of the commit tee violates all these conditions. I t cut* deep and arbitrarily into the actual possessions of New Mexico, such as she held them before Texas had exbtenoej

beginning, twenty miles above El ras ' '

ttt'es a more serious case of t u ^ n g than even th a t o

it inTQlvM. i will fUftmiae tbe« Qirqqj

with the questions of title or of nower, but with the

at all, by the committee’s line j and tho effect of that disturbance io rousing tho slavery question -'n that qa.arter. in tha t point of view the tact of f " sessiou is every thing ; for the possessor has a rij to what he bolds until the question of title is deck —by law, in a question between individuals or 0( munities in a land of law and order—or by -'•'" 'i

the U m ted 'staU s own'h^r t^ Sio stood^ ofIke treaty of peace and cession between the United S ia te sand tbe Republic of M exico; and it is into tha t possession tha t 1 inquire, and up to which I as 8 r t tha t the United States have a right to hold until tho question of title is decided. And to save inquiry or doubt, and to show tha t the committee are totally

^nnl'^ensLblerthcTiu^^^^^^^^^^^there are are three xv-iys to settle it, the first and best by compart, as 1 proposed befare Texs

Stales to art controversies to w-bich the United .Stales is a party, and tha t other clause which gives tbe Su- pi ,‘mo Courtoilgm al jurisdiction of all oases to which " stale is a party -, tho third way is for the United

tales to give a government to New Mexico accord- :g to the territory she posscBid when she was ceded to

one totally independent of her will—and one indepen­dent of her will until she thoses to go into court. Ar111 any thing tha t Texas or New Mexico may do in

is the property of the United Slates ; and she can­not dii^ose of herself, or any part of heiself; nor can ~ ■ ■ ir any part of her. She is to stand

leaves a e d n o v ^ n tto south o ftbe island,

it was the m osthorth itn toWh, and the frontiei^gar- I rxson of! New Biway i and there riie then L ieut Tro- vernor o f New^Mexico, who had escorted him frem E l Paso; ta rnedhim over to the authorirics of a new piovincq. I t is now the most southern town o f New Mexico* w ithout having changed its place, but the river which disappeared from its ohasmel in < hat place infl752, has now changed i t to the south cTtho island. H um boldt th u s describes this phenomenon :

•‘ The inhabitants cf the Faso del Norte have pres.-i red the memory of a very-extraordinary event -srhich took . . place in the year-1752. “They sawa'l atonce the bed of the rivey dry th irty leagues.above, and more than twpo- ty leagues heloir the Paso,- the water of the r.

coaduits had & vol.l,p,304.

I re itera te : J am not arguing t i t le ; I am only showing p6ssegsion« which is a r ig h t to remain in possession un til title is decided. T he argum ent of title haq often been introduced into this qaesSton; and a letter-from Eresident Polk, through S ecretary Buchanan, has often been read on the Toxan side,

whab ih a v e to sa y o f th a t lette r, so frequently edtto, and considered soeonclusive.isthist tha t,

no wever potent i t may have beea in indaorflg aouex- atten, or how much soever i t may be entillod to eon-sideratien in fixing the .amount to be paid to Texas for her M exican claim, y et as an evidence of -title, after title, 1 should pay no moro regard to it than a chapter D om the hto and adventurers of Robinson Cruhoe. Congress and tho judiciary are the authori­ties to decide such claims to titles .and not Presidents

isition, then, th a t the Rio Pi d was a Now Mexican posse auk of the Del Norte, from le month of tho Pueroo ; an lo t be disturbed without r in, first, of actual extensi idly, of the p r^en tJoga l cxii

01 Slavery in au xxew Mexico east of tbe Rio Granae, as a p a rt of Texas. These are the questions wh-ch the proposed line of the committee raise, and force us to face.. They are not questions o f m y seeking, but I shall ho t avoid them i t is not a nowqnestion with me, this extension of slavery in th a t quarter. I met it in 18-14, before the annexation of Texas. On the 10 th day of June , of th a t year, and a s pa rt of a bill for a compact w ith T exas, and to settle all questions n-rtti her—the very ones which now perplex us—bo-

3he was annexed, I proposed, as article V. in the ,..-„_oted clause:

Aax. V. The existence of slavery to be for ever pro­hibited in tha t part of the annexed ttrritory which l .ea west of the hundredth degree of longitude west from the meridian ot Greenwich.” .

my opii

and as this isa suitable rime lor ageneral deelar-lir.t:,

_ jffjee.andscud't-dAmerican bfo'K—

n of ISlaokstore's I'dingup a vxluine

. _ s:aeK$icnt’s C om-mentaries, imth mlies o f reference lothc c o n stiiw ,u and laios o f the Federal Government o f the Un Ud StaUs^ and o f the Commonweahh o f V irginia, in five vitlumes, w ith an appendix io each wMume r ,n- tam ing short tracts, as appeared necessary to f . i m a

fe. s X o f Law in Ihe Vniversity r f PWHam and iVn y, a d .me o f the Judges c f the General Court in 1 ’<?•-

^ In this American book—this Virginia edition f f an

African slavery in the United States, with a to’al >

—that old 'Vtirgiiiia school which 1 was taught to re ­verence—1 found my principles on slavery; a rd ad­here to them. I concur in the whole esssy, exc. .,tire to them. I concur in the whole esssy, exc. .,t

,e remedy—gradual emancipation—and find in tbre, remedy the danger which the wise men of Virginia then saw and dreaded, but resolved to encounter, bo- causs il was to become worse w ith time : tho danger to both laoesfrom so largo an emancipation. T ho men of tha t day wtX4 not enthusiasts or fanatics ; l b.-y were statesmen and philosophers. They knew tha t the emancipation of the black slave was pot a mi te question between master and slave—not a qiifM;i.-i of property merely—but a question of wbiu- a:,.-) black—between races: and what was to be tb? c u- --o.i^oBO to each race fro— - — ............*.1 ■•rrr.ntViX:

.1 IsSSr.*,S” Zig?.',rRtiS:T

In refusing to extend slavery into these sevcD^y thousand Bqua.T0 miles, 1 act in conformity not only to

ssa^iftUTSI^iajfisjs^Five timus in four years did Congress nfui-c tho prayer of Indiana for a temporary suspension cf me

2d of Mailirmsn of the committee to which tho :

praying the suspen.sion was referred, madeiir'o* ?♦ 'vhicb wj

i.»r»sLh'i"rk;v.s•eferred, made a r c .o r t rod in by the House —

receives no affluents, and has no____ . side; on the We-'t it has a valley, andmany bold affluents, coming down from the mountain

valley ef the upper Del Norte. I t is valuable for its length, being a thousand miles, following its wind­ings—from Its course, which is north and south— from the quality of its w ater, derived from high mountains—from its -valley, timbered and grassy,

altitude, (T.fii.J feet) ; mild in tbe south from iti great descent, not less than 5,isy) fpet, and with a general amelioration of ohmate over the valley of the Del Norte Imm its openness on tbe east, and mountain shelter on the west. I t is a river of New Mexico, and is so classified in geography.- I t is an old possession of New Mexico, and tbe most valuable part of it. and has many of her toryES

t'aim as.^xran Quivira, are all upon it. Borne of these

some have an historical interest, and a special relation to the question of title between New Mexico and Texas. Fecos is the old village of the Indians of tha t name, femous for the sacred Ore *o long kept burning there for the return of Montezuma. .G ran (^m vka was a considerable mining town under the

- vnthla the lart few years, severei Ams Frenchmen have v'sited the place, and althongU oaos nave not found the reputed treesore. tcey certify a t least to

tnra of the Spanish coat of arms and to many spaolons

presdgt day. j9 of these places :

s = i L ? H i £ : f k S r - sK s K i;onaaiadeTen two doUais

S . « J t S S ! ? / S . S w : ( L £

T his report of Mr. Randolph was in 1803 ; tbe ext year, March, 1804, a different report on tho

same prayer, was made by a committee of which Mr. Rodney, of Delaware, was chairman. It re- commetded a suspension of the anti slavciy clause for ten years ; i t was not ooncuG-ed in by the ilo-cse Two years afterwards, February, 1808, a similar re­port recommending suspension tor ten years was medeby a committee of wh’icfi Mr Garnett,of Virginia, wass 'lsv " .”!’®?; i s hS . ~ ™ s" sFebioapr of th a t year, a eomroittoe of tbe House, of which, Mr. Parke, wasohairman, reported in favor «f tho iodefinile susnension of tho ciauso : the reportwas not oonourrea in . And in November of th a tyear, M r. Franklin,of North Carolina, as chairman of a committee of the Senate, made a renort against tho suspension, which wss concurred in by the Senai-: ; and unanimously. »s it would seem from the joum a!. there being no division called for.

Thus, five times in four years, the respective Houses of Congrpes refused to adm it even a Hmpo-

nancoo f’87, a ^ v e territory, holding many slaves a t Vincennes. These five refusals tO suspend the . -

tp ; ; .£ s r .? i:7. s r £ n 4 .';to the same effect, or stronger. T he Miscomi c , n pjemiso line waO a curtailm ent of s j^ e te rrito ry ; tb..

B fjie same ; thi rr- ifirmedby Cor f i- 't ,

„ y —in faeti-s II .;u il.on ; for it iso e r ta in th a t slavery existed! :n!. t

in the French settlements of tho Ulinoisat t i- a it ,..e . and tha t the ordinance terminated* it. 1 a c . th tn . in conformity to the Jong, uniformly c-Msl’ist. t policy of Congress, as well ps in conformity u> u>r own principles, in re-fusing to vote tbo extem.ii-,. c i ' slavery which the eommittee'’s lino would inTolve.

1 return to the point—tho 70,000 square mi.o. o< territory which tho committee’s line would tr n-Ar from the possession of New Mexico to tbe poett. s.< n

,o f T exas—and th e quertion of the extension of Slavegr which grows out o f tha t transfer. Tbere i« no slavery on itnow , either in law or in facSt It wlli be there by law if the transfer iS made. 1 his Raves

other temperate ; and these 70,000 square miles are in the t e m ^ t e part, i t is a long province, stre efi- ing north dnd south, high and monniau.ous in tu-j

3,8C0. T bo Rio del Norte is c a i l ^ in tho npperi>ait

j; “ ss'iiS; -

. i j}