salary survey demo version

Analytical data interpretation Исследование рынка заработных плат и компенсаций по г.Бишкек и регионам Кыргызстана, 2013 Аналитический Обзор по г. Бишкек Книга II Демо версия Salaries and Remunerations Survey, Bishkek and Regions, Kyrgyzstan 2013 Analytical Review, Bishkek city Book II Demo version

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  • 1. 1 Analytical data interpretation . , 2013 . II Salaries and Remunerations Survey, Bishkek and Regions, Kyrgyzstan 2013 Analytical Review, Bishkek city Book II Demo version

2. Demo version Introduction , . 2013 . , , . , , :. 1. , . , , , . , , , , . 2. 2013 . , , , 1- , . 3. . . 4. . , 2013. INTRODUCTION Dear Colleagues and Partners, El Group team is pleased to present you the results of Annual Salaries and Remunerations Survey for Bishkek city and the Regions, 2013. For El Group, this year is remarkable with joining another partner to our team and as usual, implicit anticipation of positive change and new achievements. El Group team always strives to live up to your expectations and this time we are glad to mark the following changes: 1. El Group team made the first step for getting actual data on each job position presented in the Survey. Such approach has been practiced internationally among all consulting industry leaders for a long time. And our first attempt was expressed in renewed Questionnaire for Sales Department employees, which remuneration system differs from other specialists. In this regard, you will get more detailed report on each job position stated in Sales section. 2. In 2013 Analytical unit of El Group worked on Questionnaire improvement, the Employment Terms section in particular. Now you hold in your hands the data on payments for each employee separately, which allows you to see not only the share of companies providing particular allowances, but also average amount of payments per employee in participating companies. 3. We are pleased to welcome new Salary Participants. This year Oil and Gas as well as Construction companies took part in the Survey for the first time. 4. Mining and Geological Exploration Sector is represented almost in a full scale. Moreover, major uranium and other rare earth metal processer has joined our Survey this year. 5. The list of Participants among IT and Telecommunications Sector toped up with major company, which had been developing telegraph communication in the country during 19th century and now implements networks and communicational infrastructure modernization. 3. Demo version Introduction 5. , 19 , - . 6. 5% : 49 47. (. 1) 7. - . 2013 ., . , , . , , 7 . . , , . 6. Number of Participating companies increased by 5% in comparison with previous year: 47 to 49 (Table 1) 7. Finally, the most precious change for this year is training-based maintenance and support. El Group team conducts covering trainings for all purchasers of Analytical Review, 2013 who is interested in more detailed analysis and correct interpretation of the data. And it is my big pleasure to express gratitude of El Group team to all Participants of the annual Salaries and Remunerations Survey, Your interest in such product as well as understanding the value of obtaining the data give El Group a chance to conduct the Survey for the 7th time already. We highly appreciate cooperation with you and the opportunity for mutual development. Wishing you productive work and outstanding achievements. With kind regards, J. Imankulova Founding partner El Group Consulting 4. Demo version Introduction . 1. 2013. : , . Table1. Number of Survey 2013 Participants. Eligibility criteria for participants included: stability of a company in the market, achievements and HR development orientation. 5% 5. Demo version Glossary ()* - , 12 . - . , , , . " ". - , . , , , , . - , , , , , .. ( ) ( ) . - , . , , , . - , ; , , . GLOSSARY Annual Base Salary (gross)* - Remuneration paid to the employee in accordance with the payroll schedule for performance of the specified job functions total before any deductions are made in respect of taxes and contributions to social security schemes required by the law, for 12 months. Compensation - A combination of payments given to the employee in return for work done. It includes the base salary, premium pay, rewards, bonuses, benefits and allowances. A synonym is "employee's income". Earnings - An array of payments required by the terms of the labor contract and the law to be given by the employer to the employee in exchange for the work done and the results achieved. It includes salary, premium and overtime pay, rewards, bonuses but excludes the benefits and allowances. Premium, Overtime and Supplemental pay - The pay to the personnel for specific types of work, work that exceeds in duration the time limits outlined by the Labor Code of the Kyrgyz Republic (LC KR), work on days-off and holidays, premiums for special skills, seniority, frequent travels/geographic zones differential, and so on. The payments may be mandatory (required by the law) or corporate-driven (prescribed by the company's internal policies). Rewards/Performance Pay - Irregular payments to the employee contingent on results achieved. They most commonly refer to a percentage of the proceeds of a sale, commissions, coefficient pay, fixed pay. Bonuses - Additional payment given to the employee based on the overall performance of the company; it is not a regular payment and, as a rule, is not specified in any agreements related to the pay and job conditions. 6. Demo version Glossary () - , . : , , , . , . - 12 . , , , . - , 100% , 40 , . : (50% ). - / . ( ), / . , . / : ; ; ; ; . * () - , ; , . Benefits and Allowances - The direct and indirect payments given to the employee as compensation for the work-related expenses. Some types of the benefits and allowances include cell phone reimbursement, meals, mass transit subsidy and personal vehicle work-related expenses coverage. Also expenses related to organization of functions in honor of state, corporate and individual staff member celebrations as well as other payments. Variable Compensation - Total of all types of payments, excluding the base salary, given to the employee within 12-month period. It includes all the premium pays, performance-based pays, and bonuses. Employment Status - Employment status is calculated based on 100% of the work time that equals to 40 work hours per week, as stated by the LC KR. One of the examples is a partial employment of the sales representatives (50% of the work time). Long-term Incentive System - Long-term incentive plans is a business tool used to motivate employees in a long run. The concept is similar to bonus system (a short-term incentive plan) given its dependence on individual / corporate performance and productivity. The long-term motivational instruments and incentive programs are the ones that cover a cycle over one year long. The examples of the most commonly used schemes of long- term incentives are stock options, stock appreciation rights; restricted shares; deferred cash awards. *Gross - The sum total of all the payments to the employee that includes all the mandated by the law deductions in respect of social security contributions and taxes; the opposite concept is NET pay or the leftover amount the employee receives after all deductions are made. 7. Demo version Analytical data interpretation , , , - 2013. : . , : / 4- 3- 25/75 5- 3- 10/90 5- 4- , , 3 - . . , /, . ( ) , . , /, , : = / 12 . . ANALYTICAL DATA INTERPRETATION, METHODOLOGY Analysis results are based on the data provided by Survey participants as for September-October, 2013. Data gathering method: filling-out the Questionnaire and interview with Participating companies representatives. In the interests of providing analysis credibility and strict adherence of confidentiality of the data provided, El Group uses the following rules on minimum amount of statistical material: Criteria Rule Average/Median Presence of the data on 3 employees from minimum of 3 companies 25/75 percentile Presence of the data on 5 employees from minimum of 3 companies 10/90 percentile Presence of the data on 5 employees from minimum of 4 companies The main approach is that no single statistical unit will be calculated if there is no data from at least 3 companies Information in the Salaries and Remunerations section is stated including staff and non-staff employees. Since some companies outsource part of the functions, this category of staff contributes to the companies results and constitutes the part of salary market. Average salary the number is stated in gross (actual) and includes the bonuses paid to employee for fulfillment of job responsibilities and achievements. It is composed of the basic wage, bonuses and allowances, premiums and increments and is calculated according to the following formula: AS=annual income/12 month. Salary was calculated for full-time job. 8. Demo version Analytical data interpretation , , . , , 10 90 . , /. 25 75 . , , . , . , .. . Information on salaries not corresponding to the actual market environment by the opinion of El Group Consulting specialists, was not included into analysis. In order to avoid statistical sampling distortion with too much data or too low/high values, the data is presented within 10th and 90th percentiles limit. In particular cases values of median and average in the Salaries table can match. It is due to the equivalent/normal distribution of the data in overall array. In case the salary data is presented in the region-wide and sectors-wide graphs and are not presented in any segment or region it means the data is enough for overall analysis only. The amount of analyzed job positions exceeds the one provided in Overall Review since some positions were jointed for analysis according to job benchmarking principle. 9. Demo version Analytical data interpretation / JOB BENCHMARKING , / In order to benchmark jobs, Participants were provided with Questionnaire which includes job descriptions with breakdown by managerial levels. : Positions are divided into the following managerial levels for matching: /Managerial level /Job description /HeadofOrganization , . . Reports to the shareholders, a board of directors. Leads company's overall operations and activities. /SeniorManagement . . Reports to Head of Organization. Leads and responsible for a business area or a function within the company. /Management . . Reports to Senior Management. Manages a department or a team. /Lead Specialist . , "" . ( ), . , .. ( 3- ), / Reports to management. The most highly experienced specialists have a "unique" for the organization set of skills and knowledge. The employee independently develops methods and tactics towards the end goals (in accordance with the company's policies), sets joint goals. Frequently acts as a subject matter expert (SME) during project implementation, core businesses development and so on. The position requires extensive work experience and successful track record in a specific area (3 years and longer) of expertise, hands-on experience and familiarity with the internal policies and procedures of the company. /Senior Specialist , . . , . 1- 2- . The goals for this position are established by the management, job planning and organization are performed independently. Responsible for a specific work cluster. More complex operational tasks are being handled under moderate level of supervision and control; the decisions are made by the supervisors. Requires specialized experience in a specific area of expertise, no less than 1- 2-years. 10. Demo version Analytical data interpretation /Specialist . . , , . Reports to senior experts or managers. Can perform supervisory functions over other staff members. Higher education/graduate degree in a specific major, for example accounting and sales, is required. - / Administrative and Technical staff / / . / / , . Reportsto a manager/supervisor/teamlead. Performs administrative / technical tasks / assignments related to the manual operations. 11. Demo version Analytical data interpretation 1 / OVERTIME PAYMENT DATA INTERPRETATION Table1 example, Employment Terms , / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION /according to LL of KR 70% 75% 65% 100% 38% / according to LL of KR and internal regulations 8% 8% 5% 0% 25% / not available 18% 17% 20% 0% 38% / according to internal regulations 4% 0% 10% 0% 0% % - , . The table indicates the share of companies as % of Total number of participating companies that positively responded to this question. " " -. ( ) %, - . The column "total" shows the share of companies out of the total number of participating companies The columns that specify particular sectors (for example, financial sector) indicate the share of companies in % of positively responded to this question out of total number of participating companies in this sector. 12. Overall review Analytical data interpretation 2 / Table 2 example, Salaries and Remunerations /INDUSTRY-WIDE OCCUPATIONAL MODEL /MARKETING /ADVERTISING SPECIALIST , . , . () . , , . (, , .) . . , . Develops and executes advertising activities to promote existing products and services and to inform clients about the merits and competitive advantages of the advertised products and services. Manages, plans and coordinates advertising campaigns. Develops advertising plans for one or a group of products (services) and determines their budget. Contributes to the formulation of the advertising strategy consistent with the company's prospective lines of development, innovative and investment activities. Determines choice of media (newspapers, magazines, video commercials, etc.) and optimizes their mix. Controls development and implementation of product and service advertising budget and contracts. Liaises with other divisions of the company during advertising activities development and implementation, engages consultants and experts to solve assigned tasks. / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION - , - , /Value / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay 5 5 10- / percentile 10 489 12 618 / complete information presented in the Analytical review 25- / percentile 12 000 13 546 / average 15 874 18 791 / median 12 346 19 753 75- / percentile 20 170 20 749 90- / percentile 23 291 25 045 13. Overall Review Analytical data interpretation 3 Table 3 example, Salaries of sales department employees () /SALES SPECIALIST / MANAGER , 9 , 38 . , , , , . . , . Ensures planning, reporting, control, and analysis of the sales and the rate of sales meeting the targets in order to determine new sales plans, distribution options, and ways to strengthen company's position at the market, expansion and pricing of the trade marks / services of the company. Directs and supports sales personnel to achieve distribution goals. Provides administrative support and ensures optimization of the operations in order to achieve established sales targets. / TOTAL 25- /25th percentile /Average / Median 75- /75 thpercentile 90- /90 thpercentile /Basesalary 10 190 17 000 14 770 21 470 25 305 (%)/Taskbonus (%) 25% 41% 35% 70% 70% /Spotbonus 1 667 8 571 6 105 14 467 18 743 , , /Additionalbonuses - - - - - // Total of salary variable component 1 667 8 571 6 105 14 467 18 743 ()/Avaragecummulative income per month (GROSS) 12 578 25 942 21 701 36 531 40 190 14. Demo version Components of compensation package , , / , COMPONENTS OF COMPENSATION PACKAGE Employment terms Overtime payment Vacation Travel allowance Paid sick leave Maternity leave Employment termination compensation Vehicles for official use Provision of meals Coffee break Payment for move Rent compensation Salary Payment Policy Currency of salary Mode of payment Exchange rate Financial Incentives Periodicity of bonus payments Bonus payments occurrences Profit sharing Distribution of company shares Long-service increment Night-shift increment Nonfinancial Incentives Alternative retirement plan Alternative disability insurance Alternative accident insurance Alternative life insurance Alternative health care / insurance Medical treatment reimbursement Occupational injury Insurance Occupational disability benefit Staff discounts on products/services Company credits and loans 15. Demo version Components of compensation package , / , - 18 , 2014 2013 2013 2014 . 2012 2013 13- , Mobile communications Company-provided individual vehicle Reimbursement of fuel expenses, depreciation & amortization of personal vehicles utilized for official use Vehicle for official use Transportation to/from work Company-paid education/training Gym, fitness clubs Company-paid corporate events Under 18-year-old child allowance Child allowance for personnel who sustained injuries at work Salary Revision Policy Budgeting timeframe Projected inflation in 2014 Actual and planned change in number of personnel in 2013 Actual and planned change in salary level in 2013 Planned change in number of personnel and salary level in 2014 Regional Branches Branches in other regions Salary Level Salaries for jobs in Bishkek Salaries for jobs in the regions of Kyrgyzstan Remunerations Level for Sales Department workers Fixed salary Task bonus Actual bonus paid for the period of August, 2012 - August, 2013 Long-term allowances Year-end bonus Sum of other allowances, increments a 16. Demo version List of job positions , 2013 , 400 , : , , , , . LIST OF JOB POSITIONS Salaries and Remunerations Survey, conducted by El Group Consulting fr the year of 2013, covered more than 400 job titles, which includes the following models: Industry-wide, Retail, Mining, Finance, IT and Telecom. / Occupational Model /Share /Industry-wide 49% /Banking 8% / Retail 19% /Mining 11% / IT and Telecommunications 14% 49% 8% 19% 11% 14% /Industry-wide /Banking / Retail /Mining / IT and Telecommunications 17. 1 Analytical data interpretation Employment terms 18. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / PARTICIPANTS INFORMATION / SURVEY PARTICIPANTS / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / Survey participants 49 12 20 9 8 / Percentage 100% 24% 41% 18% 16% / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / this information is not available in demo version 19. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / TYPE OF OWNERSHIP / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION 100% / 100% Kyrgyz capital 27% 100% / 100% Foreign capital 41% / Joint capital 31% / this information is not available in demo version / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION 27% 0% 41% 31% 100% / 100% Kyrgyz capital 100% / 100% Foreign capital / Joint capital / this information is not available in demo version 20. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / Minimum 0,50 1 0,50 4 3 /Average 12 10 12 15 11 / Maximum 63 19 22 63 20 / NUMBER OF YEARS IN OPERATION 10,50 43 19 22 63 20 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 / Minimum / Maximum / this information is not available in demo version 21. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / NUMBER OF STAFF / NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WITH OUTSTAFF / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / Total 23 003 7 294 3 943 5 341 6 425 / Minimum 13 5 5 5 5 /Average 460 561 197 534 918 / Maximum 4 216 1 420 1 189 2 674 4 216 / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / Distribution of employees by sectors / this information is not available in demo version 22. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / TOTAL / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / Chui region 12% / Talas region 3% / Naryn region 3% / Issykul region 18% / Batken region 3% / Osh region 5% /Jalalabat region 6% . / Osh city 4% . / Bishkek city 47% / COMPANY OFFICE AND BRANCH REPRESENTATION BY REGIONS / this information is not available in demo version 23. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / SALARY PAYMENT FORM / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION /Cash 10% /Non-cash 71% / Combined 20% / SALARY PAYMENT POLICY / this information is not available in demo version / TOTAL 10% 71% 20% /Cash /Non-cash / Combined 24. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / EMPLOYMENT TERMS / OVERTIME PAYMENT , / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION /according to LL of KR 70% / according to LL of KR and internal regulations 8% / not available 18% / according to internal regulations 4% / this information is not available in demo version -__ , - __ , __ , . : 2 , - . Average amount of payment per employee is minimum - __som, maximum - __ som, average value is __ som according to the data provided by Participants. Note: According to Labour Legislation of Kyrgyz Republic first two hours of overtime work is paid at a time-anf -a-half rate, for the next hours - at a double rate. 25. Demo version Data on Employment Terms /ALTERNATIVE INSURANCE / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / Aternative Retirement Plan* 2% / Alternative Disability Insurance** 0% / Injury Insurance** 6% / Alternative Life Insurance*** 10% / Alternative Medical Insurance**** 10% / this information is not available in demo version / BENEFITS * 2- ** () . *** / . , ( : . .).**** *the munber of companies provide alternative retirement benefit plan for emloyees after 2 years employment period in the company **many companies indicated compulsory employer's liability insurance according to LL of KR ***number of companies provide life insurance for top managers/foreigner employeesaccording to internal policies. Also number of companies indicated such type of insurance for employees in risk group (for example: collection department workers etc.) **** some companies provide voluntary medical insurance for its employees. 26. Demo version Data on Employment Terms , / LOANS AND CREDITS PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION /Head of Organization 10% /Senior Management 16% /Management 18% /Sales Department Specialists 20% ( )/Specialists except Sales Department 24% - /Administrative and Technical staff 18% , / LOANS AND CREDITS PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY * , , . * , , .. * loans and credits are issued to employees according to terms and conditions established for the company's clients except interest rate which is upon the decision of company's management *companies of FMCG sector stated that credit is issued to the employee to support purchase house, vehile, furniture etc. / this information is not available in demo version 27. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / monthly* 33% / quarterly 27% /half-year 6% /annual 71% / upon project completion 12% Majority of the ocmpanies indicated the practice of 2 or more types of employee incentive programmes in company policies / / EMPLOYEE/COMPANY BASED PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES AND BONUSES * ___________ . 2- * () ____%, . * according to the data provided by some companies Employee incentive fund (EIF) iformed from company's income in amount of ____% which is later distributed among empoyees *number of companies indicated the presence of ____ bonus / this information is not available in demo version 28. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / MONTHLY* / QUARTERLY; / HALF YEAR; / ANNUAL; / UPON PROJECT COMPLETION 20% 20% 75% 50% 32% 17% 40% 100% 400% 539% 130% 276% 0% 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% 600% ( ) - 0 0 10% 10% 10% 80% 26% 17% 90% 350% 100% 430% 100% 100% 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% 400% 450% 500% ( ) - 0 0 / this information is not available in demo version 29. Demo version Data on Employment Terms , 2012 - 2013 ( %) 2012 - 2013 / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION 5-10% 3% 10% 1% 20% 5-10% 37% 10% 47% T E / SALARY REVISION POLICY / this information is not available in demo version / this information is not available in demo version 30. Demo version Data on Employment Terms / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION /First Quarter 21% /Second Quarter 27% /Third Quarter 12% /Fourth Quarter 13% / Data Not Provided 27% / this information is not available in demo version 2014 / PLANNED PERIOD FOR SALARY REVISION FOR 2014 27% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / this information is not available in demo version 31. Demo version Data on Employment Terms 2013 (%) /CHANGE IN STAFF NUMBER IN 2013 (%) / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION / No Change in Staff Number 31% / Increase in Staff Number 47% / Reduction in Staff Number 4% / Combined policy of staff number increase and decrease 19% / CHANGE IN STAFF NUMBER / this information is not available in demo version 32. 1 Analytical data interpretation Salaries and Remunerations Data 33. Demo version Data on Salaries and Remunerations /ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - , - , /Value / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay / Base Salary / Average Monthly Pay 10- / percentile 10 000 11 800 14 881 16 402 9 920 11 533 15 358 16 638 16 215 17 206 25- / percentile 13 200 15 167 16 402 16 402 11 000 12 272 17 395 18 845 18 262 18 616 / average 17 581 20 039 15 847 16 279 16 864 19 416 21 937 22 903 24 229 30 184 / median 16 402 16 402 16 402 16 402 14 000 16 921 20 790 22 523 19 682 29 663 75- / percentile 19 400 22 523 16 402 16 402 20 148 25 833 25 905 26 771 25 648 41 230 90- / percentile 28 212 31 578 16 402 16 402 27 180 28 380 28 974 29 321 35 881 43 578 /INDUSTRY-WIDE OCCUPATIONAL MODEL 20 53 /OFFICE MANAGER , ( ), , , . , .. , , . , (). ; . , (). (). Maintains inventory and oversees distribution of the office equipment, controls procurement process (negotiates with the vendors), coordinates security and building safety matters, arranges meals, insurances and provision of other allowances in the office. Resolves matters concerning office building lease and the lease payments, building maintenance, and so on. Puts in place necessary processes to ensure uninterrupted operation of the receptionists, phones, mail preparation and shipment. Determines drivers work schedule and coordinates maintenance work of the car fleet, as well as controls compliance with the vehicle utilization policy of the financial institution (company). Reviews and recruits the administrative personnel; analyses results of their work and takes disciplinary measures. Makes reservations of hotel rooms, air tickets, and provides visa support to the employees of the financial institution (company). Manages secretaries/assistants of the financial institution (company). / TOTAL / FINANCIAL SECTOR / FMCG AND PROCESSING / MINE AND GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION / IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION 34. 1 Analytical data interpretation Data on Sales Department Employees 35. , . Demo version Data on Sales Department employees, Bishkek city /Salary components 25- / 25th percentile / Average / Median 75- / 75 th percentile 90- / 90 th percentile /Base salary 32 277 67 964 60 146 71 865 73 699 (%)/Task bonus (%) 20% 88% 33% 100% 183% /Spot bonus 4 893 13 295 9 851 20 324 27 972 , , /Additional bonuses - - - - - // Total of salary variable component 4 893 13 295 9 851 20 324 27 972 ()/Avarage cummulative income per month (GROSS) 48 148 81 259 68 664 77 622 79 883 /SALARY DATA FOR SALES DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES . , , , , . , . . . , . / . Jointly with the Marketing Services determines pricing policy, discounts terms, sales methods, develops budget to cover sale increase measures and activities, special campaigns and motivational rewards. Develops sales budget, controls expenditures and ensures efficient resource utilization. Determines sales areas and sets sales goals and targets. Evaluates and implements new business development trends. Develops and improves sales policy based on prior sales and market assessment. Manages direct sales department and/or puts in place and coordinates a network of dealers. /FMCG AND PROCESSING / Position title , /Number of companies which provided the data for this position , /Number of employees occupying this position /HEAD OF SALES SERVICES 7 11 /Region 36. 1 Analytical data interpretation El Group Ltd 720017, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Frunze str., 404 Phone: (+996) 312 323926 [email protected]