salary guidelines 2009 anglia

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  • 7/29/2019 Salary Guidelines 2009 ANGLIA





    Pay in museums

  • 7/29/2019 Salary Guidelines 2009 ANGLIA


    3 Introduction3 Purpose o the guidelines3 How the guidelines were

    compiled4 Approach4 Introduction to job proles4 Parameters5 Other considerations5 Training and development5 Updating the guidelines

    6 Job proles6 Collections and learning9 Visitor services11 Director/heads o service

    This updated edition o the MuseumsAssociations (MAs) Salary guidelinesshould, perhaps, be issued with ahealth warning in the light o thecurrent economic crisis.Encouragingly, the MAs researchpoints to an overall improvement andgreater parity in pay at most levels inour sector, but there are recent signsthat the pay gap between nationaland university museums on onehand and independent and localauthority museums on the other maybe beginning to widen. Rather moreworryingly, at the most basic entrylevel pay in some non-nationalorganisations is still so ar behind theguidelines as to be almost insulting.

    What this may suggest is that asunding becomes more constrained,some organisations may be inclinedto lose sight o the need not just toretain and reward existing expertisebut to develop promising newcolleagues who will in time becomeexperts themselves and who willbring new energy, resh thinkingand greater diversity into ourorganisations. Because people areby ar the most cash-expensive

    element o museums budgets,and thereore obvious targets orknee-jerk cost-cutting, there canbe a tendency in times o nancialhardship to lose sight o the act thatwithout good people our collectionseectively become dead assets.

    Building and maintaining anincreasingly condent and diverseworkorce, as we have been doingcollectively over the past decade orso, hasnt happened by accident.We must make sure that we dontslip backwards to a point where wehave to begin building again in orderto respond creatively to economicrecovery when it comes. In the short

    term this may indeed mean ewerjobs and more rozen posts, but itmust not also signal a lower valuebeing assigned to those that areavailable. Pay levels thatappropriately reect skills,qualications and experience arevital to museums abilities to meetboth public expectations andunders requirements. Whateverelse happens, we must not lose sighto the act that, in our commitmentto public and academic engagementwith our collections, in the end weare all about people.

    The Museums Association stainvolved with the report, particularly

    Rebecca Jacobs, Caitlin Grifths andMaurice Davies, have put anenormous amount o time andthought into its accuracy andanalysis; it is now up to us,collectively, to ensure that theireort is not wasted!

    Nichola JohnsonConvener, MA ProessionalDevelopment Committee anddirector, Sainsbury Centre orVisual Arts

    Contents Foreword

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    Museums are places o inspiration,engagement and creativity. Boththe government1 and the public2acknowledge the contribution theymake to society. They preserve,research and illuminate the past andhelp us to make sense o the presentand the uture. Museums not onlyenrich our cultural lie, they alsomake a valuable economiccontribution.

    This is only made possible throughthe work o museum sta. Theybring the collections to lie andenable the public to have accessto, and engage with, their culturalheritage.

    These best practice salaryguidelines have been producedin response to the ndings o thereport Pay in Museums3, 2004,which highlighted the state o payin the museum sector.

    Purpose othe guidelines

    The guidelines are intended as a practicaldocument to be used when setting startingsalaries or posts within museums. They canalso be used as an advocacy tool to raise theissue o pay with employers and undingbodies. Content includes suggested salariesor a range o museum posts, andcomparisons o salaries o similar posts inrelated sectors. The guidelines seek to raiseawareness o the issues surrounding paywithin museums and generally improve levelso pay within the sector.

    How the guidelineswere compiled

    The guidelines and suggested salaries havebeen produced with inormation and advicegathered rom:

    Pay in Museums report, 2004 recent job descriptions local government and civil service banding personnel departments related sectors such as libraries and

    archives job evaluation schemes and competency


    Many groups within the sector contributedvaluable input and advice, such as theAssociation o Independent Museums, theNational Museum Directors ConerenceHuman Resources Forum and the MuseumProessionals Group. From the MA, members

    o the council and in particular theproessional development committeeprovided detailed guidance and suggestions.Members o sta who contributedcomments and support include Mark Taylor,Maurice Davies, Caitlin Grifths and CatrinaLucas. Nikola Burdon was responsible oroverseeing the original 2006 project andRebecca Jacobs managed the 2009 updateo the guidelines.

    1We in government are passionate about the importanceo our cultural heritage, and its place in the wider world.I believe that museums and galleries are at the heart othis. Estelle Morris, arts minister. Understanding theFuture: Museums and 21stcentury lie. Departmentor Culture, Media and Sport, 2005

    2 The 2,500 museums in the UK receive more than 100

    million visits each year, more than to all the countryslive sporting events

    37% o UK adult residents, over 17 million people, visitmuseums and galleries at least once a year. This is oneo the highest proportions in Europe

    Research shows high public satisaction levels with

    museums, rising rom 73% in 2000 to 80% in 2002 one o the ew increases in public satisaction acrossall public services in that period.

    Maniesto or Museums, 2004

    3The ull report and summary can be downloaded romthe MAs website:


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    This document is intended to be o use to allUK museums, whether a large national withover 500 sta or a small independentmuseum with one paid member o sta.Regardless o the type o museum or job

    title, it is knowledge, experience and mostimportantly responsibilities that shoulddetermine salaries.

    It is recognised that museums have manydierent grading systems, job evaluationprocedures and competency rameworksthat they adhere to. Existing rameworkswithin a range o museums were taken intoaccount when producing the guidelines.The guidelines are not intended to replacecomprehensive evaluation and competencystructures, but they will sit alongside andcomplement them.

    The guidelines state a starting salary range;this range does not reect the extent o thegrade in which the post sits. Movementwithin grades is linked with the applicationo knowledge and skills, attitude andcontribution to the organisation, which isusually monitored through internal appraisalsystems.

    Introduction to job profles

    A series o generic job proles has beencompiled to determine progressive levelswithin the sector Entry I, Entry II, Career I,Career II, Career III and Senior.

    One o the key ndings o Pay in Museumswas the lack o career progression throughthe sector. The guidelines, and the jobproles contained within them, have beendesigned to map out a clear careerprogression structure to encourage this.

    Inevitably there will always be exceptions anddiering circumstances that should be takeninto consideration when using the guidelines.For example, a person may have extraresponsibilities such as managing largenumbers o sta, caring or an important orlarge collection, or specic expertise. The jobproles should be used as a guideline and

    starting point with salaries adjusted toaccommodate specic circumstances.

    The job proles section includes exampleso posts advertised in the past year. Thisdemonstrates that some museums arepaying salaries at or near to the levelssuggested in the guidelines, and that thesesalaries are achievable. The selection oexamples has been made on the inormationavailable in the basic job description or thepost released on application, not on the totalpackage given by the employer. Please note,the examples are taken rom the nancialyear 2008/09, unless stated otherwise.


    The job proles are limited to collectionsand learning and visitor services in the rstinstance. There is hard data to indicateexisting levels o pay or these categoriesas they reect those established in Pay in

    Museums, 2004. Conservators are notincluded within the job proles. The Instituteo Conservation (ICON) is the proessionalbody or conservators and has expertise inthis eld, thereore it is a more appropriatesource o inormation and advice.

    Examples o posts at director/head o servicelevel have been given, although no job prolehas been described due to the extremevariability o such posts, depending on sizeand prole o an organisation.

    It is recognised that the current range o jobproles is limited and does not reect the

    wide range o posts held within museums.Further data needs to be gathered in areassuch as undraising and marketing in orderto extend the scope o this document andbetter reect the museum workorce. Anextended pay survey is intended, with up-to-date inormation eeding into the guidelinesin uture years and ultimately producing acomprehensive rangeo job proles.


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    Other considerations

    co o lvngThe cost o living varies within the UK.

    London weighting and regional variants andmarkets will aect the setting o salary scalesin general, and should be taken into account,where possible. Investigating the cost oliving in your area will assist to set appropriatelevels o pay, unortunately there is oten alack o up-to-date research in this area.

    Hour o workThe guidelines assume a 37-hour workingweek (excluding lunch break). Considerationshould be given or the number and nature ohours required or a post.

    Bn pakag

    In a sector where earnings are modest, agood benets package can help attract theright person to the job.

    Essential requirements o a benets package: leave entitlement (annual, maternity,

    paternity, compassionate etc) pension.

    Desirable requirements o a benetspackage: childcare travel (discounts and loans) exible working (job-share, exitime, home

    working etc) opportunities or career break or sabbatical car benets (parking, loan, mileage

    allowance) relocation packages discounts (shop, reduced/ree entry, catering) leisure acilities.

    Training and development

    It is essential or the museum proession thatits workorce is trained to the highest levels inorder to oer the best quality o service tousers. Proessional development also ensuresthat museum sta are able to meet thechallenges o a constantly changing andevolving sector.

    Good training and development leads toincreased job mobility, opportunities orcareer progression and the development oskills such as management and leadership,which are all vital to create a dynamic sectorand a committed workorce. It is theresponsibilityo all employers to ensure that their sta has

    access, opportunities and support toundertake training and development.

    Many museum posts are on a xed-termcontract basis. It is recognised best practicethat all sta, regardless o length or type ocontract, should be able to access trainingand development opportunities, that willallow them to build skills and knowledge thatwill aid their career advancement.

    Updating the guidelines

    The guidelines will be updated annually, withsalary gures reviewed in line with inationand current trends. The most up-to-dategures and inormation will be available viathe MA website,

    Actual pay levels will be monitored andpublished on a regular basis, together withcomments rom relevant bodies,organisations and individuals. A ollow up paysurvey o the sector is intended to analysethe eect o these guidelines and keepabreast o current trends o pay.

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    When creating a new post orreviewing an existing one withinyour museum:

    Match the responsibilities andrequirements o the post to the

    most appropriate job prole andread the related salary range. Thesalary range is an indication o anappropriate starting salary or thelevel o knowledge, experienceand responsibilities required.

    UK museums are extremely diverseand individual actors, such as theregion and the total employmentpackage, including pensions,should also be taken into account.Due to this variation a starting

    salary range has been given.See other considerations (p5*)or more details.

    Job profles Collectionsand learning

    Entry I

    A ba nry or ran lvl rol. i no xpd ha andda wll hava pogradua qualaon, bu hyhould xp o rv ranng hrough

    h workpla.sarng alary rang 2009/10:16,000-19,250

    Proonal knowldgWill have a basic level o proessionalcompetence and knowledge.

    Managmn o rourNo signicant budget or peoplemanagement responsibilities.

    Don makng and nunWill be expected to deliver on short-termtargets through an established workprogramme.

    Frdom o aWork will be undertaken with the adviceand guidance o more senior colleagues.

    communaon and nworkngAbility to work as part o a team.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonLikely to have degree (or equivalentqualication/experience/training).

    Prvou work xprnMinimal or no relevant experience.

    Job xampl 2008/091 Museum assistant (Middle East),British Museum, London, 16,830

    Documentation assistant, RochdaleBorough-wide Cultural Trust,15,153-18,430

    Learning assistant, Falkirk Council,15,105-17,517

    Documentation assistant, Royal Air ForceMuseum, Hendon, 16,200

    Documentation assistant, Exeter City Council,15,153-16,217

    Starting salary or unqualied teacher,outside London 15,113, inner London -19,007, September 2008

    Entry II

    An nry-lvl rol ha rqurandda o hav mor rlvangnral knowldg o h or hanenry i, uually gand hrough a

    pogradua qualaon, or hand-onxprn and ranng.

    sarng alary rang 2009/10:19,750-23,750

    Proonal knowldgWill have a good general level o proessionalcompetence and knowledge and someworking knowledge in a particular proessionaldiscipline.

    Managmn o rourNo signicant budget or people managementresponsibilities.

    Don makng and nun

    Will be expected to deliver on short-termtargets through an established workprogramme.

    Frdom o aWork will be undertaken with the advice andguidance o more senior colleagues.

    communaon and nworkngAbility to work as part o a team.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonLikely to have degree and relevantpostgraduate qualication (or equivalentqualication/experience/training).

    1 All job examples are taken rom recent advertisements,with salaries quoted or the nancial year 2008/09unless otherwise stated.

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    Prvou work xprnSome relevant experience (up to one year).

    Job xampl 2008/09Assistant education ofcer, National CoalMining Museum or England, West Yorkshire,19,885

    Museum assistant, Whipple Museum or theHistory o Science, University o Cambridge,19,263-21,681

    Learning coordinator, National Centre orCitizenship and the Law, Galleries o Justice,Nottingham, 16,000-20,000

    Education assistant, Harris Museumand Art Gallery, Preston City Council,19,370-20,591

    Starting salary or qualied teacher, outsideLondon 20,627, inner London 25,000,September 2008

    Career I

    th rol rqur wo o hr yarxprn and knowldg o b ablo ak on raonabl rponbl.candda wll b arng o gan mor

    oud knowldg or xpr n hrhon arr pah.

    sarng alary rang 2009/10:24,250-26,750

    Proonal knowldgWill have working knowledge in a particularproessional discipline and/or responsibilityor a discrete area o work/collection.

    Managmn o rourMay occasionally play a team leader role.Likely to have supervisory responsibilitiesor volunteers and/or reelance sta.Will not have signicant budgetary

    responsibilityDon makng and nunGenerally working as part o a team to deliverwork targets.May be responsible or small projects.

    Frdom o aWill work within set procedures and standardsand report to more senior colleagues.

    communaon and nworkngLikely to have good presentation skills.Ability to communicate well with the public,

    contractors and colleagues.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonLikely to have degree and relevantpostgraduate qualication (or equivalentqualication/experience/training), workingtowards Associateship o the MuseumsAssociation (AMA).

    Prvou work xprnDemonstrable relevant experience(around two to three years).

    Job xampl 2008/09

    Derek Williams curator o modern andcontemporary art, Amguedda Cymru National Museum Wales, Cardi,22,446-27,056

    Learning and outreach ofcer (secondaryschools), Cartoon Museum, London, 29,000

    Curator, National Trust or Scotland,Edinburgh, 24,314

    Museums ofcer (interpretation andoutreach), Falconer Museum, Moray Council,22,375

    Documentation ofcer, Ashmolean Museum,

    University o Oxord, 21,681-25,888Learning ofcer (amily learning), CoventryCity Council, 18,907-23,749

    Salary or teacher ater three years, outsideLondon 25,898, inner London 30,047,September 2008

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    Career II

    th rol rqur h dvlopmn oom xpr n a hon ara.candda wll bgn o ak on ragand advoay rponbl and/or

    ubanal af/dlvry rponbl.sarng alary rang 2009/10:26,750-31,250

    Proonal knowldgWill have considerable knowledge in a particulardiscipline and/or responsibility or a discretearea o work/collection.

    Managmn o rourLikely to manage a team or discrete areao work.Likely to have some budgeting input/responsibilities.

    Don makng and nun

    Will have a degree o responsibility orprojects and/or specialism.Will contribute to the development otheir area o work.

    Frdom o aWill have procedures/standards to ollow.Will reer to a manager or guidance.

    communaon and nworkngWill have well-developed and eectivecommunication and presentation skills.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonLikely to have degree, relevant postgraduatequalication (or equivalent qualication/experience/training), AMA.

    Prvou work xprnIn-depth relevant experience (around ouror more years).

    Job xampl 2008/09Curator ne art, Leeds City Council,26,067-27,594

    Collections and curatorial services ofcer,Newport City Council, 23,749-25,320

    Curator o geology, York Museums Trust,

    24,612-26,238Curator: Illuminating Cultures, Tate, London,24,375-32,250

    Salary or teacher ater ve years, outsideLondon 30,148, inner London 34,768,September 2008

    Career III

    th lvl o rol rqur andda ohav ubanal knowldg, kll andxprn. candda wll hav hably o manag a dr ara or am,

    and onrbu o h ragdvlopmn o h organaon.

    sarng alary rang 2009/10:31,250-36,250

    Proonal knowldg

    Will have a high level o proessionalcompetence and knowledge relevant tothe organisation.Will have technical/specialist knowledgeas well as a range o management skills.

    Managmn o rourWill have supervisory responsibilities and willprobably act as a team leader.

    Will likely be assigned a budget.

    Don makng and nunWill be responsible or public service deliveryrelevant to their role through projectmanagement and/or specialist input.Will play a role in developing the organisationstrategically.

    Frdom o aWill have reedom to set team and own worktargets, subject to meeting organisationalobjectives.Will likely be responsible to a senior manager.

    communaon and nworkngWill have good negotiation and inuencingskills.Will be expected to have a range o contactsand represent the organisation externally.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.


    QualaonLikely to have degree, postgraduatequalication (or equivalent qualication/experience/training), AMA, likely to beworking towards Fellowship o the MuseumsAssociation (FMA).

    Prvou work xprnSubstantial relevant experience (around sixor more years)

    Job xampl 2008/09Curatorial services manager, Birmingham CityCouncil, 30,598-37,543

    Adult programmes manager, National PortraitGallery, London, 34,312

    Deputy head o education, National Gallerieso Scotland, Edinburgh, 29,699-36,784

    Learning and access manager, Grant Museumo Zoology, University College London,

    31,620-38,250Start o upper pay scale or teachers, outsideLondon - 32,660, inner London 39,114,September 2008

    Collectionsand learningcontinued

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    th prmarly a managmn rol.thr ar omplx dgr o norydpndng on h lvl orponbl, and z and prol o

    h organaon. Alhough on jobprol ha bn drbd blow, hralary brak hav bn gvn odmonra h varyng lvl.Managmn lvl n a mall muum wllon qua o h rponbl andpay a carr iii, or no go byond snorlvl 1, whra a managmn poonn a larg, hgh-prol muum mayqua o h rponbl and payo a dror lwhr.

    sarng alary rang 2009/10:Lvl 1: 31,250-36,250Lvl 2: 36,250-42,500

    Lvl 3: 42,500-68,750+Proonal knowldgWill have the acknowledged authority andability to draw on extensive experience todevelop policy and solve complex issues.Will have leadership and extensiveorganisational skills.

    Managmn o rourLikely to manage a complex unction anddepartment and act as team leader.Will probably manage a signicant numbero sta.Will have nancial responsibility o whole

    unction and have skills to balance conictingdemands.

    Don makng and nunWill play a signicant role in planning, settingstandards or others to ollow.Will be a decision maker or major teams andprojects, and have the ability to justiydecisions to directorate.

    Frdom o aWill be able to introduce new practices underthe guidance o agreed policy.Will be signicantly involved with theormation and implementation o policy.

    communaon and nworkngWill have advanced communication skills,oten leading negotiations with importantstakeholders and representing the museum.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonLikely to have degree, relevant postgraduatequalication (or equivalent qualication/experience/training), and relevantmanagement training, AMA, FMA.

    Prvou work xprn

    Substantial relevant experience (aroundsix years or more).

    Job xampl 2008/09Lvl 1:Head o collection and exhibitions, TheHepworth, Wakeeld Metropolitan DistrictCouncil, 34,107

    Head o learning, River and Rowing Museum,Henley-on-Thames, 30,000-35,000

    Learning and access manager, Luton CulturalServices Trust, 30,598-33,291

    Lvl 2:Learning manager, Museum o Childhood,Victoria and Albert Museum, London,34,981-42,048

    Lvl 3:Director o learning and knowledge,Shefeld Galleries and Museums Trust,46,550-54,765

    Head o transport, industry and technology,National Museums Northern Ireland, Ulster,40,000-50,000

    Director o education, inormation andaccess, National Gallery, London, c70,000

    Entry I

    A ba nry or ran lvl rol. i noxpd ha andda wll hav muhknowldg o h or, bu hy houldxp o rv ranng hrough h

    workpla.sarng alary rang 2009/10:14,500-16,000

    Proonal knowldgWill have a basic level o knowledge relevantto the role and organisation, including visitorcare.

    Managmn o rourNo signicant budget or people managementresponsibilities.

    Don makng and nunWill be expected to deliver direct customercare through an established work programme.

    Frdom o aWork will be undertaken with the advice andguidance o more senior colleagues.

    communaon and nworkngAbility to work as part o a team.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonGood standard o education.

    Prvou work xprnMinimal or no relevant experience.

    Job xampl 2008/09

    Gallery assistant, Victoria and AlbertMuseum, London, 16,329-19,628

    Museum assistant/ handyperson, NationalSlate Museum, National Museum Wales,Llanberis, 13,105-16,327

    Museum assistant, Exeter City Council,14,197-14,882

    Visitor assistant, Shefeld Galleries andMuseums Trust, 13,644-16,053

    Visitor services

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    Career I

    A rol ha rqur modra xprn(wo o hr yar) and knowldg o babl o ak on a ba lvl orponbl and uomr ar.

    sarng alary rang 2009/10:16,000-19,250

    Proonal knowldgWill have working knowledge and skillsrelevant to the role and organisation,including visitor care and access.

    Managmn o rourMay occasionally play a team leader role.May have small budgetary responsibility.

    Don makng and nunGenerally working as part o a team todeliver set work targets.Will deliver direct customer care.

    Frdom o aWill work within set procedures and standardsand report to more senior colleagues.

    communaon and nworkngWill have the ability to communicate wellwith the public and colleagues.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonGood standard o education and relevantproessional training.

    Prvou work xprn

    Some relevant experience (around two tothree years).

    Job xampl 2008/09Gallery supervisor, Pitt Rivers Museum,University o Oxord, 17,026-19,645

    Museum assistant, Colchester and IpswichMuseum Service, Colchester Borough Council,15,237-18,058

    Museum attendant, Royal Air Force Museum,Hendon, 16,200

    Career II

    A rol ha rqur om xprn a hon ara. candda wll bgno ak on rag and advoayrponbl and/or ubanal

    af and dlvry rponbl.sarng alary rang 2009/10:19,250-24,250

    Proonal knowldgWill have considerable knowledge andskills relevant to the role and organisation,including operations, team managementand visitor access.

    Managmn o rourLikely to manage a team and/or discretearea o work, and be responsible orupholding standards.Likely to have some budgeting input/

    responsibilities.Don makng and nunWill have a degree o responsibility or thedelivery o workloads and customer care.Will contribute to the development o theirarea o work.

    Frdom o aWill have procedures/standards to ollow.Will reer to a manager or guidance.

    communaon and nworkngWill have well-developed and eectivecommunication and team-working skills.Ability to engage with users/visitors to

    support learning and enjoyment.QualaonGood standard o education and relevantproessional training, working towards AMA.

    Prvou work xprnDemonstrable relevant experience (aroundour or more years).

    Job xampl 2008/09Floor manager, Tank Museum, Dorset,22,000

    Visitor services manager, Manchester CityCouncil, 22,664-25,940

    Temporary exhibitions supervisor, NationalMuseum o Science and Industry, London,17,500 -19,500


    th prmarly a managmn rol.thr ar omplx dgr o norydpndng on h lvl orponbl, and z and prol

    o h organaon. Alhough on jobprol ha bn drbd blow,hr alary brak hav bn gvno dmonra h varyng lvl.Managmn lvl n a mall muumwll on no go byond snor lvl 1,whra a managmn poon n alarg, hgh-prol muum may quao h rponbl and pay o adror lwhr.

    sarng alary rang 2009/10:Lvl 1: 24,250-31,250Lvl 2: 31,250-36,250Lvl 3: 36,250-47,500+

    Proonal knowldgWill have the acknowledged authority andability to draw upon extensive experienceto develop policy and solve complex issues.Will have leadership and extensiveorganisational skills.

    Managmn o rourLikely to manage a complex unctionand department and act as team leader.Will probably manage a signicantnumber o sta.Will have nancial responsibility o wholeunction and have skills to balance conictingdemands.

    Visitor servicescontinued

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    Don makng and nunWill play a signicant role in planning,setting standards or others to ollow.Will be a decision maker or major teamsand projects, and have the ability to justiydecisions to directorate.

    Frdom o aWill be able to introduce new practicesunder the guidance o agreed policy.Will be signicantly involved with theormation and implementation o policy.

    communaon and nworkngWill have advanced communication andteam-building skills.Ability to engage with users/visitors tosupport learning and enjoyment.

    QualaonLikely to have degree (or equivalentqualication/experience/training), and

    relevant management training, AMA andworking towards FMA.

    Prvou work xprnSubstantial relevant experience(around six or more years).

    Job xampl 2008/09Lvl 1:Gallery manager, York Art Gallery, YorkMuseums Trust, 24,612-26,238

    Visitor services manager, Tate Liverpool,23,700-29,550

    Visitor services manager, National Trust,Berkhamsted, 22,000

    Lvl 2:General manager, Museum o Flight,National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh,30,612- 37,347

    Principal manager: visitor services andoperations, Manchester City Council,30,456- 34,107

    Lvl 3:Director o operations, Ironbridge GorgeMuseum Trust, 43,000

    Head o operations, Ulster Museum,National Museums Northern Ireland,


    Director/heads o service

    salar o dror and had o rvar xrmly dpndn on h z andprol o h organaon. in ordr ogv an ndaon o h lvl o arng

    alar ha ar bng ofrd ompardwh h z and yp o muum, alon o rnly advrd poon dald blow. th xampl gvn ard o gv an ndaon o lvl andrang o pay. Gnral managr o vrymall muum, whr hr on nomor han on pad mmbr o af havbn nludd n h on.

    Vry mall (on or wo proonal af)Museums and heritage ofcer, Litcheld CityCouncil, 18,907-20,736 *Local authority

    Museum director/curator, Green HowardsMuseum, North Yorkshire, 25,000-30,000*Independent

    Curator, Norolk Nelson Museum, 20,347*Independent

    Curator, Lyme Regis Philpot Museum Trust,Dorset, 23,000 *Independent

    small (up o 15 af)Principal ofcer museums, galleries andheritage, Rotherham Metropolitan BoroughCouncil, 30,598-33,291 *Local authority

    Director, Freud Museum, London,28,000-32,000 *Independent

    Director, Scottish Maritime Museum,33,000 *Independent

    Director, Dorset County Museum,up to 35,000 *Independent

    Mdum (up o 50 af)Principal museums and heritage ofcer,Aberdeenshire Council, 38,965-40,762*Local authority

    Museum director and chie executive, BlackCountry Living Museum, Dudley, c75,000

    *IndependentDirector, Foundling Museum, London,45,000 *Independent

    Museum director, Robert Burns BirthplaceMuseum, National Trust or Scotland,Alloway, 43,664-55,728 *National

    Larg (mor han 50 af)Chie executive, Royal Armouries, Leeds,up to 95,000 plus bonus *Independent

    Director, Manx National Heritage, Isle o Man,73,680-92,097 *National

    No recent examples o directors o university

    museums were available at the time opublication

    Salary range or head teachers in Englandand Wales, excluding London and the ringe 41,585-100,424, inner London 48,359-107,192, September 2008

    All job examples are taken rom recentadvertisements, with salaries quoted orthe nancial year 2008/09, unlessotherwise stated.

    Director/headso service

  • 7/29/2019 Salary Guidelines 2009 ANGLIA


    Museums Association24 Calvin StreetLondon E1 6NWT: 020 7426 6955F: 020 7426

