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  • 8/8/2019 Saket Final


    By:-Rohit Gunjan (MBA 4525/09)Saket Nivasan(MBA 4543/09)

    Research Design

  • 8/8/2019 Saket Final


    Research Design

    T he research design is the master plan specifying themethods and procedures for collecting and analyzing theneeded information.

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    y Research design is always gives the answers of followingquestions

    y What is the study about ?y Why is the study being made ?y Where will the study be carried out ?y What type of data is required ?y Where can the required data be found ?y What periods of time will the study include ?y What will the sample design ?y How will the data be analyzed ?

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  • 8/8/2019 Saket Final


    FEATU RES OF GOOD DESIGNy It should be flexible, appropriate, efficient, economical,

    systematic and logical.y It should give the smallest experimental error, should be

    reliable and can be validated.y Good research design includes following five important

    elements.y Subject to be coveredy Variables to be testedy T ime neededy Setting of the researchy Investigators role

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  • 8/8/2019 Saket Final


    Classification of Research Design

    Exploratory Research Conclusive ResearchDesign Design

    Descriptive Research Causal Research

    Cross sectional Design Longitudinal Design

    Single MultipleCross sectional Cross sectional

    Design Design

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    Exploratory ResearchExploratory research could be used for any of the following

    purposes.y Formulate a problem or define a problem more precisely y

    Identify alternative courses of actionsy Develop Hypothesisy Isolate key variables and relationshipy Gain insights for developing an approach to the problemy Establish priorities for further research

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    Research Design: Ex pl orator y Research

    A variety of methods are available to conduct exploratoryresearch:

    Secondary Data AnalysisExperience SurveysCase AnalysisFocus Groups

    Projective T echniques

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    Exampley A company wants to change its product perception in

    the market and wants to know the reasons as why the

    product is not performing to the expected returns ?y why the group of salesmen is not performing ?

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    D escriptive Researchy To describe the characteristics of relevant groups such

    as consumers,salesman,orgnisations, or market areas.Ex. We can develop a profile of frequent users of pantaloons retail store.

    y To estimate the % of units in a specified populationexhibiting a certain behaviour. Ex.users whopatrononize discount department stores.

    y To detemine the perceptions of productcharacteristics.Ex.What are the salient features behind choosing any retail store.

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    Research Design: Descriptive Research

    D escriptive research is undertaken to provide answers to

    questions of who, what, where, when, and how but not why.Two basic classifications:

    Cross-sectional studies L ongitudinal studies

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  • 8/8/2019 Saket Final


    Examplesy A company wants to reposition its producty A nd study of competitor analysis

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    Research Design: Causal Research

    It is used to obtain cause and effect relationship.

    Causality may be thought of as understanding a phenomenon in terms of conditional statements of the formIf x, then y.Causal relationships are typically determined by the use of

    experiments, but other methods are also used.

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    C omparison of basic research design

    Exp loratory Descri p tive Causal

    O bjective Discover ideas andinsights

    Describe marketcharacteristics orfunctions

    Determine causeand effectrelationship

    Characteristics F lexible , VersatileO ften the frontend of totalresearch design

    Marked by theprior formulationof specifichypotheses

    Manipulation of one or moreindependent variables

    Methods Expert survey,Pilot survey,Secondary data(analysedqualitatively),Qualitatively


    Secondary data,Survey , Panels,O bservational andother data


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    Ex periments

    An experiment is defined as manipulating (changing values/situations) one or more independent variables to see howthe dependent variable(s) is/are affected, while also controlling the

    affects of additional extraneous variables.Independent variables: those over which the researcher hascontrol and wishes to manipulate i.e. package size, ad copy,

    price.Dependent variables: those over which the researcher has littleto no direct control, but has a strong interest in testing i.e.

    sales, profit, market share.Extraneous variables: those that may effect a dependent variable but are not independent variables.

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    y To find the effect of one variable on othery advertising and sales,y demand and supply,y Economic slowdown and job loss.

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    C onclusion

    Good research results require a carefuldesign of the research methodology and

    considerable evaluation efforts