saint juliana parish - ·...

Saint Juliana Parish Pentecost Sunday May 27, 2007 [I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. — 1 Corinthians 12:13a MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Saturday for Sunday Obligation 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in Chapel 7:00 and 8:45 AM Saturday Morning in Church 8:30 AM Holy Days in Church 6:00, 7:00, 8:45 AM and 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday following 8:30 Mass & 4:00 to 4:30 PM in Reconciliation Room of church or call for appointment. BAPTISMS First and third Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM in church. Arrangements must be made at parish business office at least one month in advance. First-time parents and parents new to our parish must attend a preparation meeting at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of any month prior to the Baptism. WEDDINGS Arrangements by appointment with a priest should be made at least six months in advance of wedding day. CHURCH 7201 N Oketo Ave CHAPEL 7200 N Osceola Ave PARISH CENTER & BUSINESS OFFICE 7200 N Osceola Ave · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.4127 · Fax 773.631.4150 RECTORY 7158 N Osceola · Tel. 773.631.4386 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Kathleen Barton 7400 W Touhy Ave Tel 773.631.2256 · Fax 773.631.1125 PASTOR: Rev. Stephen Kanonik ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Robert I. Grib, S.J. PASTOR EMERITUS: Rev. Donald J. Ahearn PASTOR EMERITUS: Rev. Philip Dressler RETIRED ASSOCIATE: Rev. Roger Caplis DEACON COUPLES: Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Margaret and Robert Ryan PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Pam Francisco, D.R.E · 631.2239 MUSIC DIRECTOR: Margie Shiel · 774.4956 BUSINESS MANAGER: Jeanne Anderson HEALTH CO-ORD.: Cindy Brennan PARISH SERVICES: Joyce Browne ADMIN. ASSISTANT: Diane Holmen BULLETIN EDITOR: Claudette Link

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Page 1: Saint Juliana Parish - · ASSISTANT: Diane Holmen BULLETIN EDITOR: Claudette Link. Page 2 PASTORAL COUNCIL MISSION

Saint Juliana Parish

Pentecost Sunday May 27, 2007

[I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.

— 1 Corinthians 12:13a

MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Saturday for Sunday Obligation 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in Chapel 7:00 and 8:45 AM Saturday Morning in Church 8:30 AM Holy Days in Church 6:00, 7:00, 8:45 AM and 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday following 8:30 Mass & 4:00 to 4:30 PM in Reconciliation Room of church or call for appointment. BAPTISMS First and third Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM in church. Arrangements must be made at parish business office at least one month in advance. First-time parents and parents new to our parish must attend a preparation meeting at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of any month prior to the Baptism. WEDDINGS Arrangements by appointment with a priest should be made at least six months in advance of wedding day. CHURCH 7201 N Oketo Ave CHAPEL 7200 N Osceola Ave PARISH CENTER & BUSINESS OFFICE 7200 N Osceola Ave · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.4127 · Fax 773.631.4150 RECTORY 7158 N Osceola · Tel. 773.631.4386 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Kathleen Barton 7400 W Touhy Ave Tel 773.631.2256 · Fax 773.631.1125 PASTOR: Rev. Stephen Kanonik ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Robert I. Grib, S.J. PASTOR EMERITUS: Rev. Donald J. Ahearn PASTOR EMERITUS: Rev. Philip Dressler RETIRED ASSOCIATE: Rev. Roger Caplis DEACON COUPLES: Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Margaret and Robert Ryan PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Pam Francisco, D.R.E · 631.2239 MUSIC DIRECTOR: Margie Shiel · 774.4956 BUSINESS MANAGER: Jeanne Anderson HEALTH CO-ORD.: Cindy Brennan PARISH SERVICES: Joyce Browne ADMIN. ASSISTANT: Diane Holmen BULLETIN EDITOR: Claudette Link

Page 2: Saint Juliana Parish - · ASSISTANT: Diane Holmen BULLETIN EDITOR: Claudette Link. Page 2 PASTORAL COUNCIL MISSION

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The St. Juliana Parish Pastoral Counc i l i s an enthus i a s t i c , c o m p a s s i o n a t e , f a i t h - f i l l e d community participating in the ministry of the Church. We are witnesses of the Good News, and through example and prayer we live the Gospel message. Through active listening we strive to determine and understand the diverse needs of our parish and community. We minister to these needs by inviting and empowering others to become involved in meeting the spiritual, temporal and social needs of all. We partner with the Pastor and Staff to support existing parish life, to create vision, and to plan for the future.


Thank you for your support!

“The Spirit of the Lord Fills the Whole World. It Holds All Things Together,

And Knows Every Word Spoken By Human Beings.”

On the day of Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus and all who heard them were astounded and in amazement at the universality of what had hap-pened. The coming of the Spirit affected bystanders as it affected the peo-ple gathered in the “upper room.” “ We are Parthians, Medes and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, and people from the U.S., Europe, Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, all the countries of Af-rica, and the Pacific Islands, Iceland, South Africa, YET WE HEAR THEM SPEAKING IN OUR OWN TONGUES OF THE MIGHTY ACTS OF GOD.” For a long time, my image of Pentecost was that the Holy Spirit de-scended on those few disciples in the upper room. They were “sent out” empowered by the Spirit. In my earlier view of things, all the people could understand the disciples because the Holy Spirit had given the disciples the charism of speaking all the languages of the world. But, upon further reflection, I’m beginning to realize that the coming of the Spirit was a universal event - emphasis on the UNIVERSE! It touched the lives of the whole world. This “noise like a strong driving wind and tongues of fire” touched all reality, transcending time and space. It was intended for all peoples and has revealed the accomplishment of God’s will to save universally. The coming of the Spirit was not for a special class of people; it was an unconditional gift to the whole world. Because of the Spirit all peoples of the world are capable of hearing and understanding each other. The universality of the life of Jesus, whereby He broke down barriers separating people from each other on the basis of religion, culture, social status, race, or gender, takes on a timeless Divine Reality in the coming of the Holy Spirit. God assumes human history as God had assumed the individual Humanity of Jesus Christ. By the power of the same Spirit Who impregnated Mary of Nazareth with God become Human, the universe, humans of all times and cultures, are called to be Jesus, to be CHRISTENED. The Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God, and if children of God, then brothers and sisters of each other. One does not become a child of God. We are children of God; we are brothers and sisters of each other. In Jesus, God has revealed that the Spirit possesses the universe and all that is in it. Father Bob Grib, S.J. RCIA - “He’s got the whole world in His hands…”

Sunday & Holy Day Sunday, 5/20 $ 19,166 Weekly Goal $ 17,260 Ascension $ 2,117 YTD to Budget $ 7,414 Parish Projects Fund YTD $ 8,721 School Collections Support Fund YTD $ 37,844

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Thank You!! Thank you to the following women for their donation of time and talent to make Baptismal Bibs for our Parish Baptisms: Geri Carr Liz Dolan Charmaine Garica Vivian Morrissey Peggy Ryan

Holy Hour

There will not be a Holy Hour on Monday, May 28th - Memorial Day. We will resume on Monday, June 4th at 7:00 pm.

Please call the parish office at 631.4127 before June 1st

to register for this special celebration.

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Fun for the Entire Parish Family! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s Party! Party!!

Happy 80th Birthday St. Juliana Parish Sunday, June 3rd 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Join us in the Parish Parking Lot

Entertainment - Face Painting, Free-throw & Beanbag Toss, Pony Rides, Split the Pot, Bingo, DJ & Dancing! Refreshments - Hot Dogs with trimmings, Soft Drinks, Sweet Treats, Wine/Beer Truck & Birth-day Cake!! Birthday Grand Raffle Drawing—$30 per ticket...4/$100 - 1 - $8,000 + 2-800 & 10-$80 ad-ditional winners will be drawn at 3:00 pm. You don’t want to miss the excitement!!!

Show your raffle ticket and receive 4 wrist-bands per ticket to join in the fun, food & activities! 1 raffle ticket 4 wristbands– 2 raffle tickets 8 wristbands, etc. Additional wristbands may be purchased for $3 each upon entry.

ELIZABETH MINISTRY Saint Juliana Parish is starting an exciting new ministry. The Eliza-beth Ministry responds to the needs of women during their childbearing years by offering like to like ministry through personal visits. It is an outreach in special times of motherhood. Elizabeth Ministry is a church based ministry that follows the story of Mary and Elizabeth by bringing women together who share a similar story. By sharing personal stories and similar ex-periences, women are able to support, encourage, and assist one another during this unique time in their lives. We celebrate the gift of each child conceived and born. We mourn each miscarriage and infant or child death. We treasure the gift of fertility. We support those suffering infer-tility. We encourage in the adoptive process. We assist families experiencing an infant or child crisis or special needs. The church recognizes mother-hood as one of the most sacred occasions given by God to women. St. Juliana is proud to implement this ministry here and is proud of the women already willing to share their experiences with others. If you would like to learn more about this ministry, would like a visit from an Elizabeth Minister or would like to become an Eliza-beth Minister, please call Joyce Browne at the Parish Business Office 773.631.4127.

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Adult Beanbag Tournament Reservation Form

Send $10 fee (checks made payable to St. Juliana) & this form in with your ticket purchase by May 25th - Space is limited - pre registration is required. Person #1__________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________________________ Person #2 _________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________________________

Calling All Volunteers - We Need Your Help For The Parish Birthday Party!

Set Up - Saturday ______Sunday am ______Clean up _______Check in _______

Hot dogs _______ Sweet Table ______ Any where I can Help ________

Children’s Games ______Split-the-Pot ______ Pull-tabs ______

Please send this reply form to the parish business via school or the collection basket. Please call Todd or Melody Steffen at 773.594.9758 with any questions.

Please Join Us… Sunday, June 3rd at 12:00 Mass

In Church

As We Celebrate and Thank God for 80 Years as a St. Juliana Parish Community.

Our Parish Choirs Will Be Leading Us in Song.

After Mass You Are Invited To Attend

our Parish Birthday Party From 1:00 pm Until 4:00 pm

in the Parking Lot

DUE TO THE BIRTHDAY PARTY PARKING WILL BE LIMITED ON SATURDAY, JUNE 2ND & SUN-DAY, JUNE 3RD. IN ORDER TO SET UP FOR OUR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION THE PARKING LOT WILL BE CLOSED AFTER THE 9:00 AM MASS ON SUNDAY. We are certainly aware of the incon-venience this poses for many people and we are grateful! Part of the success of this celebration is due to You!!


St. Juliana Class or 1977 We are looking for classmates from

the graduating class of 1977.

Please email [email protected]

with information or contact Renee (Refka) Lynch at 847-223-4654.

We are planning a fall reunion.

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Today Vivian Morrissey

June 2nd/3rd

Janette Byron

Saturday, May 26th

5:00 John & Zita Stack/Marge Pilior/Gloria Kish/John & Mary Lessner & Family/Marie Larrimer & Walsh & Brady Families/Violet & Edward Brow/Charles & Elsie Welter/Mary Ruane Foley/Richard Oakes & Walter Oakes/Rose Smiderski/Sister Catherine Hinchy/ Mathew & Loretta Mirek - 64th Wedding Anniversary

Sunday, May 27th

7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/Mary Rzany/John Maddalozzo/Mary Ruane Foley/Maria Russo/Ann F. Hendzel

9:00 John Mollica/Ruth & Mary Lou Jess & the Intentions of George Jess/John Russell, John & Rose Zbylut, Billy & Vera Everett & Andres Mendez/Betty Connolly/Mary Ruane Foley/Deceased of McNaughton & Wilson Family

10:30 John & Lorraine Papantony/John Oplawski/Frank Laske/Mary Ruane Foley/Roland Gangler/John Naughton/Kurt Goff/Joseph Vaccaro/ Robert & Jean Losinski - 60th Wedding Anniversary

12:00 Joseph Antenore/Mary Ruane Foley/Bridie Fallon/Lorraine Connors

3PM Kyle Radke & Margaret Burns - Wedding

Monday, May 28th - Memorial Day—One Mass in Church Today

9:00 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish

Tuesday, May 29th - Chapel

7:00 William & Blanche Weber

8:45 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish

Wednesday, May 30th - Chapel

7:00 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish

8:45 Irena Dlugosz

Thursday, May 31st - Chapel

7:00 Intentions of Joseph Beireis

8:45 Nora Brennan/Joseph G. & Mary V. Martin

Friday, June 1st - First Friday - Chapel

7:00 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish

8:45 Bruno Zielinski/Helen Hickey/Ashley Smiegowski

Saturday, June 2nd - First Saturday - Church

8:30 Josephine O’Gara

5:00 Marge Pilior/John & Mary Lessner & Family/Loretta & Edward Rutkowski/Jane Niemann/Daniel & Kathleen Uhlir/Henry Kampka/Intentions of Joseph & Kathy Beireis

Masses for the Week Page 6

John Ignatius Mitchell, son of James & Eileen (Wrenn) Mitchell Bridget Mary Mitchell, daughter of James & Eileen (Wrenn) Mitchell Kaitlyn Marie Quigley, daughter of Matthew & Diane (Sajzak) Quigley Hanna Elizabeth Stopka, daughter of Robert & Jennifer (Oslowksi) Stopka Jack Walker Wall, son of William & Melinda (Oslowski) Wall Braeden Robert Zielinski, son of Robert & Kambri (Hauser) Zielinski

“I baptize you

In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, Amen.”


Mon. Sir 17:20-24; Mk 10:17-27

Tues. Sir 35:1-12; Mk 10:28-31

Wed. Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Mk 10:32-45

Thu. Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Lk 1:39-56

Fri. Sir 44:1, 9-13; Mk 11:11-26

Sat. Sir 51:12cd-20; Mk 11:27-33

Sun. Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15

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Stella Federighi Frank J. Pope

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Masses for the Week cont’d Sunday, June 3rd

7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/William & Cecelia Schulte/Stanley Potwora/Theodore Potwora/Theodore & Evelyn Pilarksi/Ann F. Hendzel/Eleanor Browne

9:00 Ruth & Mary Lou Jess & the Intentions of George Jess/John Russell, John & Rose Zbylut, Billy & Vera Everett & Andres Mendez/Betty Connolly/Jennie Cappa, Prudy Denisi, Esther Messina & Joseph Antenore/John A. Oplawski/Pack, Gafke, Harmon & Jackson Families/Nena Larocco/Miguela Gaecia

10:30 Margaret Micek/John & Lorraine Papantony/Joseph Antenore/John A. Oplawski

12:00 Parish 80th Birthday Liturgy - James Moriarty/Edward Kaszewicz/Frances Zielinski/Charlotte Wrezel

Pray for the Sick Eileen Abbinanti George Adamick Rita Allen Grace Antenore Marjorie Arbogast Edward Arrison Celeste Baehr Arlene Belcore Bernice Berowski Gina Blease Baby Luc Bonaguero Baby Sara Brushaber Hugh Cameron Connie Carlson Marie Chrusciel Herb Cole Peter Conennas/child Jane Connolly Frank Conosconti Joe Contreras Linda Cunningham Della Curran Beverly Cusick Stella Demaret Angie Dembski Chris Dettloff Paul Draths

Fran Draths Edwynn Dunn Gertrude Dunn Francine Eggleston Katie (Vergis) Ekstrom Sandy Elliott Joyce Epifanio Eileen Farrelly Katherine Fenton Tom Fleischhacker Helen Flood Jerry Fowler Elsy Giacomuzzi Frank Grabowski Patrick Grace Albin Great Carol Gurga Arthur& Isabel Harder Marlene Higgins Peggy Halloran Joe Hora Bob Karas Frank Karl Jack Kelly Martina Kelly Jerry Kennelly Hank Kilian Ken Kilian

Rose Kinzle Helen Komperda Joel Koskiewicz Lyn Korten Richard Kossak Evelyn Koziol Jean Kriz Beatrice Krzeminski Ray & Gen Kula Dorothy Lachman Amber Ladera Nancy Larson Toni Lawrence Jean Losinski Gail Maines Lillian McCloud Connor McKenna Cecilia Varisco- McCormick Erin McDermott/child John McDonough Michele McDowell Patrick McNamara Therese McNulty Margaret McVey Susan Michaels Emilie Mierzwa Mitchell Miklas

Mathew Mirek Randee Molitor Maureen Mulcrone Mary Mullozzi Vince Nally James Nickel Daniel O’Connell Helen O'Connell Patricia O’Connell Margaret S. O’Grady Joe Panek Luigi Paolini Renee Parlick Louise Peters John Persaud Joe Pilior Leroy Plier Michael Pontrelli Andrew Prociuk Crisstella Richards Dorothy Salatino Arthur Schmid Joseph Schneider Julia Sebastion Lottie Shannon Mary Shepelak Helen Simon Al & Margaret Smith

Michael Smith Denise Solvig Anthony Spano Rita Spinelli Mary Stacey Robert Stoeck Dorothy Straube Bill Sullivan William Sweeney Tracy Thompson David Vandergriff Sidney Vine - Child Kathleen Ward Shirley Watson Ignatius & Mera Wel Andrew Werlein Helen White Joyce Wilkey Paul Wilkey Genevieve Wolf Ellen Zwiciel New to Prayer List Evelyn Henek

III Kyle Radke & Margaret Burns

III Tim Kinsella & Jacqueline Ceffalio

II John Scaletta & Kathleen Kinsella

I Louis A. Farinella & Katherine Connor

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Pray For Those Who Serve

United States Air Force Major Michael Cerbin Major Don Domkowski Airman 1st Class Christopher Earle Airman 1st Class Paul Quentin Fisher Airman 1st Class Timothy D. Fonseca Senior Airman Emily A. Johnson LTC Jim Needham Airman 1st Class Karen Shaw Airman 1st Class Carlos J. Vega Major Tom Walters Captain Patrick Ward Captain Claudine Ward United States Army Captain Grant Banko SSG Daniel C. Berowski Captain Thomas W. Dorrel, Jr. PFC James Heiderman, Jr. Captain Michael Mannion Major John Moreth PFC Michael R. O’Connell Major Kevin Powers Major Louis Rago, II SSG Daniel Roche PFC Gregory Spina Private John Walsh Lt. Kevin Ward Captain Laura Wood Sgt. Daniel R. Zielinski United States Marines PFC Seamus Boyle 1st LT. Katharine Dietz LCPL Justin Grayczyk LCPL Anthony Kelly LCPL Kevin Kiesgen LCPL P.J. McGrath 1st LT. Alicia Willoughby United States Navy LT.J.G. Sean Driscoll LT. Nathan Scott LT. J.G. Michael Sturm LT. Sue Connolly Tutwiler LT. Cmdr. John Tutwiler LT. J.G. Paul Wood

SON and SAND…..A Walk on the Beach With Jesus Event: St. Juliana Vacation Bible School

Date: July 16 - 20 Where: Ahearn Activity Center Time: 9:00 am - Noon Ages: 4 - 9 (Kindergarten through third grade) Price: $40 one child/$15 additional children

It is that time of year again! Vacation Bible School is just around the corner and we could use some help!!! As it takes many hands for VBS to run efficiently, we are making a plea for teen age and adult help with the children. The help would be needed during the week of VBS from 9:00 - Noon. If you would be willing to help out this summer please call Joyce Browne at the Parish Business Office 773.631.4127.

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D.A.R.E For the past few weeks our fifth graders participated in Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education, or D.A.R.E. During this class Officer Ruehlamn from the 16th Police District did another fantastic job instructing the children and making them aware of the detrimental effects of drug and alcohol abuse. The children also learned viable responses to persuasion. Through this pro-gram, the students become better able to successfully cope in their ever-changing world. The children were happy to share some of their feelings. • Through D.A.R.E.I have learned that it's not who people think you are, it's who

you know you are. Rachael • One of the things I did not know is you can pressure yourself. I always thought

only someone else can pressure you. Elizabeth • I have learned ways to be in charge and how to get out of risky situations when

dealing with drugs. Sean • We are just kids and we are still growing, so we have to make healthy choices.

Bad choices will effect our bodies as we grow. Mary • You hurt those around you when you are a drug or alcohol user. Sarah • I learned about healthy choices such as telling a parent or any other adult if

something is going wrong and staying away from peer pressure. Emily T. • D.A.R.E. is a fun program! It teaches you to stay away from drugs. Emily B. • I have learned so much from the D.A.R.E. program. I would like to thank Offi-

cer Ruehlman and the Chicago Police Department for taking the time to teach us these important facts. Mary Kate

• I hope D.A.R.E. teaches others that drugs can kill you and never help you. I want to thank Officer Ruehlman for being such a great mentor. Aran

• I think D.A.R.E. should be taught in every school in America so every student can learn to say no to drugs and alcohol. Ryan

• I have learned alot from D.A.R.E. and had alot of fun too. Now I know what happens to us when we use drugs and alcohol. Rory

• Because of this program, I know the dangers of drugs and how to deal with situations involving peer pressure. Genna

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NO PROBLEM IS HELPLESS There IS help… please call!

For alcohol and/or drug problems, call a member of the team for

confidential help or information:

Emmett McGovern 773.792.1469

Leo Miller 773.631.1929

Bill Steiner 773.792.0281

Vic Switski 773.775.7987

Paul Trudeau 847.696.4835

Sue Wolford 847.541.3038

All Meetings are in Parish Center AA meets Thursdays · 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM

A 12-Step Meeting for female survivors of incest meets Fridays

from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. For more information call Judy


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Hall Operators: Maureen & Pat Stauffer Concession Workers: Josie Evans, Mary Kulinski, Jane Richards, John & Debbie Ganz, Noreen Peters Sellers: Kim Kovac, Cindy Epifanio Payout: Nancy Gall, Gerry Kulinski Pull Tabs: Jim Flynn Jackpot: Cindy Kamka Bookkeeper: Lynn Gibbons

Ahearn Center Callers: Katy Antosz, Jerzy Jaworski Sellers: Kathy Olivella Payout: John Brow Pull Tabs: Faith Smith Bookkeeper: Cheryl Miller & Carrie Jaworski

Bingo Volunteer Schedul - 1st Week Volunteers - 06/01

Bingo Volunteer Schedule...If you’re unable to make your scheduled time, please get a replacement or leave a message for Kathy Gavin at 773.631.4127 - ext. 40.

Bulletin Articles and Mass Intentions To insure placement in the bulletin, all articles and Mass intentions for

Sunday, June 10th are due no later than Wednesday, May 30th