saint gabriel catholic community · 10/21/2018  · saint gabriel catholic community at st. paul...

Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us Phone: Parish Office: (603) 934-5013 Rel. Education: 286-4554 Youth: 286-1290 Fax Line: 934-3469 Mail: P.O. Box 490, Franklin, NH 03235 Street Address: 16 Chestnut St. Tilton 110 School Street Franklin E-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Raymond E. Gagnon Deacon: Rev. Mr. Thomas Matzke Office Mgr: Claire Connifey Bulletin Editor: Meri-lynn Banton Rel Ed. Coord.: Mary Ellen Shaw Youth Minister Karen Ober Music Ministry: Debbi Gibson Food Pantry: John Bruno Cemeteries/Maintenance: Gary Plourde & Mike Parmelee Office Hours Monday thru Thursday from 9AM - 4PM Food Pantry Monday & Friday from 9AM – Noon (Tilton) Join us in prayer Weekend Mass Saturday at 4:00PM (Franklin) & 6:00PM (Tilton) Sunday at 8:30AM (Tilton ) & 10:30AM (Franklin) Weekday Mass Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:00AM in Franklin Reconciliation Saturday at 3:15PM (Franklin) & 5:15PM (Tilton) Eucharistic Adoration Every Tuesday from 1:15 to 3:15PM (Tilton) Second Sunday of the Month from 3:00–4:00PM (Franklin) Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Please call the office to request the Sacrament of Anointing or homebound visits. Baptism–Marriage Call the Parish Office to schedule instruction and the ceremony St. Mary St. Paul We’re here for you

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Page 1: Saint Gabriel Catholic Community · 10/21/2018  · Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us

Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin

At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton

How to reach us

Phone: Parish Office: (603) 934-5013 Rel. Education: 286-4554 Youth: 286-1290 Fax Line: 934-3469 Mail: P.O. Box 490, Franklin, NH 03235 Street Address: 16 Chestnut St. Tilton 110 School Street Franklin E-mail: [email protected]

Pastor: Rev. Raymond E. Gagnon Deacon: Rev. Mr. Thomas Matzke Office Mgr: Claire Connifey Bulletin Editor: Meri-lynn Banton Rel Ed. Coord.: Mary Ellen Shaw Youth Minister Karen Ober Music Ministry: Debbi Gibson Food Pantry: John Bruno Cemeteries/Maintenance: Gary Plourde & Mike Parmelee

Office Hours Monday thru Thursday from 9AM - 4PM

Food Pantry Monday & Friday from 9AM – Noon (Tilton)

Join us in prayer Weekend Mass

Saturday at 4:00PM (Franklin) & 6:00PM (Tilton) Sunday at 8:30AM (Tilton ) & 10:30AM (Franklin)

Weekday Mass Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:00AM in Franklin

Reconciliation Saturday at 3:15PM (Franklin) & 5:15PM (Tilton)

Eucharistic Adoration Every Tuesday from 1:15 to 3:15PM (Tilton)

Second Sunday of the Month from 3:00–4:00PM (Franklin) Ministry to the Sick & Homebound

Please call the office to request the Sacrament of Anointing or homebound visits. Baptism–Marriage

Call the Parish Office to schedule instruction and the ceremony

St. Mary St. Paul

We’re here for you

Page 2: Saint Gabriel Catholic Community · 10/21/2018  · Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 20 & 21, 2018


Readings for next Weekend

Thirtieth Sunday, Ordinary Time

October 27 & 28 , 2018

First : Jeremiah 31:7-9

Second : Hebrews 5:1-6

Gospel : Mark 10: 46-52


Sun Oct 21 9:00 AM CCD Classes K-8 (BC)

Sun Oct 21 6:30 PM Conf./Youth: Lesson Two: What Makes Me Happy? (T)

Tues Oct 23 1:15 PM Adoration (T)

Tues Oct 23 6:30 PM RCIA The Bible & Divine Rev-elation (T)

Fri Oct 26 10:00 AM Mass @ NHVH

Sat Oct 27 2:00 PM Mass Video Series (BC)

Sun Oct 28 9:00 AM CCD Classes K-8 (BC)

Sun Oct 28 2:00 PM until 8 PM

Retreat NET @ Immaculate Heart of Mary, Concord

Sun Oct 28 6:30 PM No Conf./Youth Class (T)

Offering October 14

Loose Money 1,859.00

In Envelopes 3,824.00

Building Fund & Fuel 657.00

Masses 390.00

Candles& Memorials 65.00

Donations 100.00

Religious Education 835.00

Angel Fair Prize Donations 1,425.00


Free Will Hurricane Relief 445.00

Priest Retirement 50.00

We have placed jars and envelopes at the church entrances to collect your offerings for the hurricane victims in the Carolinas and other recent disasters. They will be there through the month of October. You can make

the contribution by check, payable to the church. Please deposit your donations in the jars provided or in the collection basket..

Prayer to St. Michael Saint Michael, the Archangel,

Defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the

wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him,

we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts,

by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan

and all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.


God Bless our Newly Baptized We warmly welcome Joelle Marie Les-sard, daughter of Eric Lessard and Mariel-le Galera Lessard. She became a Catholic and a member of our faith community last Sunday. May our prayers and example

help her get closer to God!

In 1884, Pope Leo XIII requested that Catholics throughout the world say the following prayer after each mass to seek St. Michael’s protection for the church, which was under attack by Satan. Pope Francis has asked us to resume the practice.

SELLING CEMETERY LAND The Town of Tilton is interested in buying 5 acres of land from St. John’s Cemetery to build a new police station. This is the land they are currently leasing for their athletic fields. We have enough land left in the other section for at least 20 more years of lot sales and we really do not need this land. Both the Finance Council and the Pastoral Council have voted unanimously to proceed with the sale. There are many steps left to take (appraisals, surveying, approval by diocesan boards, setting a price, town meet-ing, contract) before we see the money. We have drawn up a “wish list” of capital improvements we’d like to tackle with this money. More details as things progress.

Cemetery News Please note that the cemeteries will officially close on November 1, when the water will be shut off. However, the gates will remain

open until after Veterans’ Day (November 11). Burials will continue until the ground is frozen.

Keep in mind that as the weather gets colder, access to the church buildings can become more difficult. We will do the best we can to keep entrances clear but please be pru-dent and use caution!

Page 3: Saint Gabriel Catholic Community · 10/21/2018  · Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us


Sat. Oct 20 4:00 PM (F) 6:00 PM (T)

Anticipated Mass Charles Mc Adams & David Menard by Anne McAdams Richard Colby by his daughter

Sun. Oct 21 8:30 AM (T) 10:30 AM (F)

Twenty—ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Roland Robichaud by Judy & Jack Manning Jacques Hebert by Rita & Family

Mon. Oct 22 8:00 AM (F)

Ordinary Weekday (29th Week) Judy St. Louis by Karen

Tues. Oct 23 8:00 AM (F)

Ordinary Weekday Edward Serino by a Friend

Wed. Oct 24 8:00 AM (F)

Ordinary Weekday Dick Irving by George

Thurs. Oct 25 Ordinary Weekday No Mass

Fri Oct 26 8:00 AM (F)

Ordinary Weekday Oliver Lagace by Mary Cohen & Joe Garneau

Sat. Oct 27 4:00 PM (F) 6:00 PM (T)

Anticipated Mass Nelson Sylvestre by Michelle & Family Dick Leclerc by Tilton Mercy Meal Group

Sun. Oct 28 8:30 AM (T) 10:30 AM (F)

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Marjorie McLean by Judy & Jack Manning Nelson Lefebvre by Theresa

Sanctuary Lamp

From this Sunday thru next Saturday, the sanctuary lamp in church will burn for these intentions: St. Paul’s: Gary Kulacz by Walter, Marie & Family St. Mary’s: Will Gauthier by the Parish

ST. GABRIEL’S PRAYER LINE If you’d like to call in your prayer requests, this month’s contact is Muriel Paradis, 496-9673. You can also write in your request in the book at either church.

Prayers Requested Will Gauthier

Rev. Jim Keegan Pauline Methot Gene Tucker

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for October: For Mission of Religious. That consecrated religious men and women may bestir themselves, and be present among the poor, the marginalized, and those who have no voice.


Fighting to be last! If you’re looking for a contrast be-tween the Church and the world, here it is. While most people in the world seem to be obsessed with being first: getting ahead, keeping up with the “Joneses”, meeting all their wants and needs, it seems that many Catholics are quite content to be last. They are the last ones in Church for Mass, they sit in the last pew, are the last to volunteer for any program or project and usually toss their last dollar in the collection. When Jesus said that the first will be last, I know this is not what He had in mind. In today’s gospel. two of his disciples (James & John) were looking for special treatment (they wanted to be first) and Jesus used the oc-casion to teach us all a valuable lesson, though what He said seemed very strange in an era of slaves and absolute rulers. If you want to be first, become the slave of every-one else. In other words, place the needs of every other person ahead of your own. Stop what you are doing when someone asks for help, let them have that last dollar you

were saving for a latte, let them use your car if theirs won’t start, run their errands, lend/give them money, let them talk your ear off, etc. If you do this, two things will happen: first, your plans will take the back seat. It will take you longer to get your own projects done, you will probably lose a few bucks or half a day, you’ll often come home exhausted and once in a while, you’ll find that you’re in over your head. But secondly, people will come to depend on you. You will be the first one they think of or turn to when they have a problem, when they face a crisis or need a sympathetic, understanding friend. Jesus says that this is the kind of first we should be looking for. While the world may consid-er this a loser strategy, anyone who lives this way will honestly tell you it makes them feel wanted, needed, like a million bucks, like they’re sitting on top of the world! And that’s before they even take their seat at Jesus’ right or left!

Liturgical Ministers - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27 & 28, 2018

4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM

Servers Maurice Laroche Marilyn Plourde

Thomas Dube Owain Dixon Jeremy Dixon

Sean Gettemy Chris Gettemy

Lectors Claire Wallace Christine Dzujna

Doug Dube Cecile Cormier Blaise O’Mara Ken Merrifield

Eucharistic Ministers

George Dzujna Joe Landry Pat Tuck Bronwyn Walsh


Deacon Tom Hope Dube


Bill Driscoll Elise Driscoll Kathy O’Brien


Deacon Tom Rose Archambault Kathy Russo Marty Russo


Greeters Betty Meyerhoefer - Anna Mayo - Wanda Hebert

Peg Halm Kelly Chandonnait

Page 4: Saint Gabriel Catholic Community · 10/21/2018  · Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us

Raffle Tickets: The success of the raffle relies on each family doing their part to sell tickets. Extra tickets can be found in the back of both churches. White Elephant: Each weekend this month

we will be collecting donations for the White Elephant at the Gym in the Parish Center in Franklin from 8AM until noon on Saturday. We do not accept furniture, televi-sions, electronics, large exercise equipment, skis and ski poles. Please be considerate and do not drop these items off—it ends up costing us to dispose of them! Jewelry Collection: There are baskets at the entrances of both churches for jewelry items you would like to donate. Great chance to clean out the jewelry box! If you have any questions or comments or just want to add your name to the list of volunteers contact Sandra Burney at 934-3564 or [email protected].

Travel Group 2019 Trip to Niagara Falls/Toronto

This year, we’re going to Canada. We’ll be staying in Niagara Falls, Canada for 5days

and 4 nights (June 24-28, 2019). The cost is $675 per per-son (double occupancy). The trip includes 4 breakfasts and 4 full dinners; tour of Niagara & Niagara-on-the-lake; a day trip to Toronto, featuring Casa Loma; and much more. So far, we’ve filled one bus and have 11 places left on the second. If interested, sign up soon. We will defi-nitely not take more than two busses. You can find fliers and registration forms at all church exits. Note that a valid passport is required for traveling into Canada! Your $50 deposit is fully refundable until March 31, 2019, should you have to cancel.

Angel Fair Theme BASKET # 6(October 27 & 28)– Thanksgiving Dinner! Great way to fill a basket full of your favorite holiday items. Some suggestions

are gift cards for a turkey and trimmings, decorations for the table, any non– perishable items will work. Why not a fa-vorite family recipe? Have fun making this a great success! There are collection baskets in the back of each church for your contributions. This is the last basket for the Fair. Please come and take your chance (s) on these baskets. Thank you for your support in filling the six baskets!

Council #11868 Meets 4th Wednesday @ 7:00 PM in Tilton. Council #12147 Meets 3rd Monday @ 6:45 PM in

Franklin Assembly #638 Meets last Monday @ 7:30PM.

BOOK DISCUSSION CLUB: If you have signed up, you will be contacted shortly and invited to an organization-al meeting. It’s not too late to sign up: just call Marilee Horn (393-6539). BISHOP BARON’S MASS VIDEO SERIES is sched-uled for Saturdays at 2 PM , at the Boutin Center in Tilton from October 27 to December 1.

Page 5: Saint Gabriel Catholic Community · 10/21/2018  · Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us


Knights of Columbus St. Mary of the Assumption

Council #11868 Grand Knight: Aaron Boudreau 603-998-2806 Bishop Leo O’Neil Council #12147 (Franklin) Grand Knight: Mark Lemire 603-738-3101 Fr. A.J. Timon Assembly #638 (4th Degree) Faithful Navigator: Francis (Frank) Ruffing 603-491-2613 At

Catholic Schools Holy Trinity School (Pre-K to 8) 50 Church Street Laconia, NH 03246 Phone: 524-3156 St. John Regional School (Pre-K to 8) 61 S. State Street Concord, NH 03301 Web: — Phone: 225-3222 Bishop Brady High School (9 to 12) 25 Columbus Ave Concord, NH 03301 Web: — Phone: 224-7418

Catholic Charities Laconia District Office 528-3035 17 Gilford Ave., Laconia, 03246

Counseling - Elderly Services - Adoption/Maternity Parish Nurse - Children’s Home - Food Bank

St. Francis Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 406 Court St., Laconia, NH 03246 Phone: 524-0466

Parish Outreach Franklin Regional Hospital Leo St. Pierre At Merrimack County Nursing Home Meri-lynn Banton NH Veterans Home Rev. Ray Gagnon - Steve Archambault Mt. Ridge Nursing Home - Deacon Tom Nancy Carr - Mildred Sullivan - Chrissy Avila Golden Crest Senior Resort - Deacon Tom Nancy Carr - Mildred Sullivan At Peabody Home Angela Mundy—Christine Dzujna