sail tfinrinrnrri declared cn ori.: ails from san francisco. mexican, july 22. fop can franciaco...

I.: AILS From San Francisco . Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S !, ! i i "i :l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 - o From Vancouver: ' litrura, An, t 7 v For Vancouver: llttrx, Jtly ZL .- Ertslrs DuIIctlx Eat US2, Ka'CSM 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TEKTUTOBY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 191G.--- 12 PAGES. rc:c:: :t.: c Hawaiian Etar. VoL XXIV. No. 7574 - r ?1 : ' ! V t - ' Platform Denounces Liquor ; y Trains ana urccs rJationr . Vid3 Action . . . military pnoonlri of . ; parties is y r vsTRor:GLYco::DEr:r:ED Sulzcr Given Demonstration : ; i. eut Vctir.a Ci:::!;Iy Ends I ST.. PAUL, Minn., July 21. J. ; Frank Hanly, former governor of Indiana and former, congress- - man, .was nominated on the first ; ballot today by the National Pro- - ' hibition party as its candidate for - president.' ' . '' . ; ' Hanly, received ballots to ' : 181 for William Sulzer,- - ex-go- v k pernor of New York, 51 .forFinfey i Hendrickson of lar-lan- and 10 for Mason -- of .New. James Gilbert, .; r Jersey. Henry - Ford, : the auto manufacturer, received one vote. ; -- ' When Hanly was placed inno-'- . minatiori. there was a demonstra- tion. Briefer but vigorous demon- strations were also made when v Sulzer and Hendrickson were no- -' minate'd. . ' - v The platform as drawn yester-- ;' ted after the addition day was 1 :1c, of a f !:::k iavoring'thc initiative, : referendum and recall. ; " ' Ti'.s latfcrm denounces" the liquor' tr: r": as a cr!:r.: "It uit, j rn!.:,,!t;-.":- zrA equal suf-l'-- '. fra-- c. It a!:o advocates several r::rc.oi seen irisation. it op- - ms rl tr.c Kc;u :r.tts!fljr i A:, i : bf -- force v.l. J.. J . i k l Tfcere cay le a few fireworks nt the rr.c:Vz Oafcu Loan Vvn Ccrt:r:!c r. Ti::y ncmics it 11 o'tlcck. tie report or Lie sreelal ccr:r.;ltfc cf 1! -- clula e (oc;!::.-::- 8 the stability' ot lis c"- -n cr r- - rvcir rubber 4, 'Ln K;:-:- . u v!!-r- , c :"wrp to be sir?-- ' Tl.:. " '.l cvrrs.:'..t, the- report v-- 3 t.i L.';,: :l r.t t.3 tie the board irct Tucsiay rxrr.In;.and the cvn elite irer.tcrs tzxa yet to., sign- - U. A fir cr; y el tve report fcas been r-r- .t Ct:lr i V, V,. sn:thj,fjr lis t. -- strrc'-tai 1.: till rrecenfit to th 2 c th e r r; : r..l c rg - to arflx their V,'!':' :r Ce; of raying ho ccr.r-:tt:- l cc-3.- .cj? Tuesday is c:t l.::wa. tut tha cr.?ineers may ap-rc-r ta d!:cv-- 3 their conper.satl on vlih 'th.e ccr.r-.:-.'.!c- it that ; time. !:;r:l-- a Cc;: ;:i. cce ol the five cr;':-:r- 3 t' ? c:r:!ii!tte!, hes "aJ re. .y tht te would jut hare tervel cn.ths c:-r-!t- tee nai tiUre tec i tzy tr :r:l:riins that tae work w;s t" t 3 c:-- 3 en a. to-pa- y oasis. No rrcAi ; h- -: L:ra nade for paying t:.o c . ".1; , I :zcc the possibility cf lyr:'.;-.- : r: - rt the next meeting r n r - i, v ff-rri- al Catle to Nijpu JU) " TCIIIO, Jar. JuJy 21. Baron O. Ilayiihi, ccwly trr;-te- d minister to PcLls, E'jccecl:rg II. IliokV who Is 'rsw cn Ll3-w- to Japan,. will leave fcr Chiza cn Aur-s- t i. The two dlplo-CLt- 3 will he' i a conference in Toklo Cie tiae th'j ' " .""::.:- - TWO OFFICIOS V;iLL-7:.'::- - ge r;to:.:oTED soon (IssocUltl Trtus lr, rderJ Wlrelett) ''''- - . v ' : - 4-- ITASIIIN'GTON. D. July 21. ' Col. Jchn VV Huckman.. Coast 4-4-- ArtHIerr. cow et the aral War f College, ICewport,' was nominated 4- - today fcr tiri?adier-genera- l. 4-4- - L!;wt.-Co- L Taeuel neber, of the 4-4- - C :ril Cc-rrs- wes tcainated'for 4-4- - r. c:' 'm- - - , . . ,4r . f 4 4444t f.EW YOHIC STOCK f.!An;CET TODAY Fotlowlnj arc the cloilnj prices of atocka en the New Ycrk m a re kt to- day, tent by the Attoctattd Preaa over the Feoeral Vireteaa. . - Yeater- - - : Today, day Alaska Co d , ..... 17 wr a American Smelter 94!,4 American Susar Rfg.... 1C34 American Tel. A Tel....1234 IZS'e Anaconda Copper . : . . 78 KT, Atchieon i. 104'2 104 Baldwin Loco. ..;,...;. 72' 71H Caltimore & Ohio.... .V. 83A Cethlehem Steel . . . . J.l. . ; . J- -' Calif. Petroleum 21 20 Canadian Pacific 17S'2 178 C M. & St. P. (St. Paul) Colo. Fuel A : Iron. ... .. 44 432 Crucible Steel mi Erie Common ....... Zvz General Elearic 1M General Motors ..... . . ;'.t . . I Cret Northern Pfd..... 118Ja 2 Inter. Harv, N. J ....... 1 1 S 117H Kennecott Ccpper ...... 48 '! 45H Lehljh R. R ........... New York Central.:.... 1C3 103'A Pennsylvania .......... SS'a Ray Cohsol.- - ... .... ... 22 22'2 Southern Pacific ...... 97Va 87?, Studebaker J. .. ...... 127 Tennessee Copper ...... Union Pacific .......... 137 137 U S. Steel . :. . ''-- . i . . en ; S3 U. S. Steel Pfd.......'.. 117 117?; Utah ... . : .... . ... 76 78 Western Union . .;. . .. .V 822 M'a. We$tin;houee .. ... 58 68J4 The Waterhous Company liaa tele graph- - advices that- - rubber is 53.81 cents a pound at Singapore and cents, on th. Kevr York; market - ' Cld. fCxlvldend. tUnuoted. i f7H IT liJd.Hl fir rrrr kfyiT wiiiiii Jh:r.:3 V. zz Expected to Look rOvcr: Pec:;!:::;:;;: of, Craters ..It- - . ' t ," .Local-- developments-- . In . thg . JnyestlM gatloa of, .the . hotei possihiiHles ; nere by James Woods," manager'of the S. Francis hotel of SanFtancIsco, 'will probably-b- e at a standstill, for sev- eral days., .Mr.? Woods has gone to the volcano and not until early next week wlll-ii- e again take up his dis- cussions with businessmen here who have been showing him possible sites. Several stories have appeared In San jFrandsco papers recently, notab- ly that reprinted by the Star-Bulleti- n q few days ago, Indicating that if Mr. Woods' should reach a favorable de- cision upon the matter of a new hotel here, the project would 'be on a much larger scale than has so far been shown. Wide local Interests as well as mainland capital might be secured. - . " ." 7--- - While .Mr. .Woods trip- to'.ihe; vot- - !s considered probable' that iie' ;m look into tcurish hotel at r the crater. The elaborate, plans, outlined L. A. Thurston some weeks ago are ex- pected to "be presented for his con- sideration.' '. He has already, expressed hhnself as ; much attracted by r Hawaii's climate and scenery. and general tour- ist possibilities and Mt' is . presumed tW tenor of report will depend largely on the practicability' tf en- listing various Interests necessary . to carry ; out the . project on the scale desired. N: .:'"-- ! . ' - ii I - ;.i ; - fSnecial Cable to Nippa JIjl.) Ttohio, Jspan, July 21. Art Smith, American aviator, Vho has heen mak- ing a number cf fllsMs In Japan, was a passenger on the Hawaii Mara fpr Seattle Thursday. ' Smith has recover- ed sufficiently from his injuries, re- ceived In a fall, to make the" trip to the United States. ; r t STEEL COMPANY PLANS.' C- -i , : , IN OHIO ',- . ' v , .: - v YOUNGSTOWJ, Ohio. Carnegie Steel company, engineers have started survey of the big tract of land Jate-l- y purchased near its proposed bar mill at McDonald, on which it ex- pects to promote a model town. The plant will not be -- completed for a year, and . it is understood the cor- poration will do no grading or platting until next spring. - r During the Interim plans for the de- velopment of a model ; town will ; be worked out. It la said. -- XJhief Elngl- - neer Brown cl Carnegie Steel com-- ; pany of Pittsburg attended the recent Cleveland city planning convention.' An Australian Commonwealth loan cf 4.000.000 , pounds is' being under written' st hozioz-c- - :;- - .' I7iTE0Si:c:iTAGE m sail IS Annual Report of Hydrograpfl- - cr States City is Menaced : By Real Problem iUfe TWO S0LUTI0TJS ARE S -- OFFERED TO Suggests. . Territory r Shall Control all Wc ;k ' in Stated Distri Honolulu la one .more ar nearer m aenong water an ktaf which : can only be Tjrerente J bjf territorial con trol of all arteslaells In the Hono lulu basin between Fort Shatter and Diamonl : Head, and by the acquire- ment, transfissiou ncd storage of sur- face flow, says the annual report of O. K. Larrlson, superintendent of hy- drography, presented to the board .of agriculture and" forestry '.'at, Its meet- ing 'today.: ',-- v ir- 5'?'T''-:'.- The artesian well records obtained by the; department of public worki," a the report In part, "show that, re- gardless of the heavy rainfall of the past year, the amounts pumped and flowing fronvtfte wells have exceeded the supply, and one more year haa been deducted from the period whlth much asrely. end in a serious water ahortage for "city of .Honolulu un- less one of the two following; courses of procedure Is followed; V Preventive Methods Suggested. ,Flrst The, acquirement or control of all artesian wells In the Honolulu basin (between Fort Shafter and Dia- mond Head) by the Territory. (Itfls estimated that there are about 66 ac- tive wella in this area which are dla-charsir- g, either by being pumped or flowing, about 35 million gallona per day.- - The total supply used by .Honc- - ; p ;'-J--- V. ' ', f ' . (Ccmtlaned on page two). ;;;; YcUng Nipponese Born in This ; City Planning to Kcquest J-- Admission to fJG. H. ' ;--t u cy V; ;o-- ' : Down to 1 o'cl ck his afternoon na application hadeemade to National Guard headqu-it-f- a for, permission to form a Uawap' born guard oennpany by 100 or m S Japanese young men born In Honolulu, educated here In the public schools,1 and now of military g' : r - -'- .-.':-. i i ...- - -'- :- - r Repbrts reeive4;by;jhejapan,e59 correspendent .ofthe JrBqjietjn ,to- - flay state that theitara,10a ftaUr to . form a--. National: Guar5;V;company. here but hesitate to 'apply, because of rfisannroval .of' their jsarents-'asn- ot all of them favor the idea, holdingrthat for their sons : to Joip the National Guard ? Hawaii would be disloyalty to the mlkada The young men, however, detlaro their allegiance fco bo, al t for the United SUtes.v:- nu. r v in commenting on this peculiar sit- uation! where native-bor- n' Japanese youths are torn between filial duty and patriotism : for the country, of tholr birth, Hawaii, the Hawaii HochI in its Thursday edition : encourages Haw- aiian-born Japanese' toy join the guard, by making application to Brig.-Ge- n. "Samuel 1. Johnson assign- ment to various guard -- companies. There is noW a company of HawalialT- - l born Chinese in the guard. . .. -- j - There is doubt expressed by the Japanese pres 01 uus ciiy - as 10 whether GCtt Johnsou or - Governor Plnkham will accept such offers from the. "young 1 Hawaiian-Japanes- e, even Ihough the latter are American, cltt-sen- s by virtue of birth In tho territory. 40,000 JAPANESE PARADE Wt IN- - HONOR 'OF -- TREATY ' - f Special Cable to Nlppi JUU TOKIO. ; Japanv July Mors than 40,000 Japanese residents' of this city marched in the lantern parade last evening, celebrating thei signing of the treaty S between. Jiussla jand Japan. The marchers visited the fort eigtt ' offices,"; Imperial;-Palac- e and. Russian embassy jbv r ENGLISH RESORTS - ' s .;.; : HARD HIT BY WAR LONDON, Eng-Owt- ng to the war the picturesque east coast summer re- sort towns of England are In desperate f light No. visitors go there, because of , the; fear of bombardment by the Germans, and for other reasons, and the fishing trade 'and" other activities have dwindled. Members from jtha districts where these towns are' lo- cated have appealed to Parliament relief and the government Is about to take action to remedy : matters the' possibilities; for by his MODEL-TOW- N the BOARD Official say the for for Tfinrinrnrri -- r: Shareholders Vct3 to Increase Capital By . $1,000,000 'jfj; ancTFor. Uft'r Issue,? r TW0PEa?CENT4,lb?JTHLY:v PAYMEMTS TO CONTIfJUE Securities May Be: Listed in San Francisco as Directors . May Decm: East : t Stockholders of the Ploneerr Mill Company this morning toted to;ln: crease the capitalization of the; com- pany from J4.O0O.G0O' 16' $5,000,000 and for the Issuance to. present stockhold- ers - ai: & dividend- - 50.000 shares .of a par . value, of $20 each,- I The . other proposals of the directors were 1 also acted upon 'favorably?; : ri? Announcement1 Is made, that the company will continue l paying regu-Ja-r monthly; dividend of 2 per cent i . The proposals which; were submit ted to the stockholders' were first the matter of Increasing the- - capitaliza- tion of the company by $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. and the issuance to stock- holders of record of one share stock for each four shares which they now. hold, that is to say the' payment to stockholders of a 25 per cent divi- dend in new stock of the company. - A second matter was the amend- ment .of Jthe f bylawsl to make, more easy the dispcsal of fractional shares of "stock, i This has iormerly bee ; a complicated matter - and aiTXarrahge-m'en- t for sale at putlift iuctlon is pro-vlde'- d- In tha. amendment x . The third matter was the authoriza- tion to the .directors to arrange for the listing of stock in San, Francisco and the opening there of hi transfer of3ce at any time they may deem it advisable to ccts 3 , t ch listing, 'i ' " " ' rr. ".' f.S Mi llpfflG 1 1 TfaiStyHis Said 3d juEnjoy Privileges l Not-Usua- lly v; Miven rnsqnei Is "John T. i Scully, member, of tne notorious , Scully McGrath - Boggs-Bow- er gang which : came into promi- nence; more than a year ago when:the members, were arrestfed and convicted for engineering a series of daring hold- ups and opium transactions, being per- mitted liberties In excess of ; those usually LgranteM-- : tor prisoners, serving V'trusties?: ; , . .v-- .; :;.;:. Persi6tent f report h which : jhave reached f the Star-Bttltetin:- -, answering the foregdmg .questionT.inthe affirm- - tttivft wpTfe.mohatically jdenled'today'l by Marshal J; J. Smiddy, -- who has con- - troi over several unnea , Qwuwy oners iiow ser ving as nrustiesr-t- o the federal building; --Scully being one of them. ; - y ' v -- ,' v-'- 4" ' Tnersistency of these reports, led lo an investigation by the ffUpBulle-U- n today Marshal Smiddy being asked for a .statement It is reported that "Ccully has, on a number, of occasions, been permitted to visit his wife out- side the prison or federal court, unac- companied by n guard or other officer. '- Marshal Smlldy denied emphatical ly, that there is any "et dayr on wnica Scully b . permitted to don civillao clothes and visit hla wife.'; '' "On me oc two . occasions ' Scully was permitted to visit his wife when site was sick," the marshal says- - ; It; has been reported to - the Star Bulletin that Scully also waa ". (al- lowed .Ibcrty,; w ithout guard, .when his daughter, wrh6 recently , died.? traa ill in the hospital. r''V-;- , ' iJ'i ";' Marshal Smiddy called ; Sculiy ; Into his office and, in the' presence; of , a Star-Balletl- n ? representative, ; asked him if was any day set aside for him to visit his wife.C ,:;:,cf - ' Scully sald,thtere was not ? .v The Star-Bulletl- ir has been informed ihat; for several months past,: Scully has been in the habit of accompanylnj the other "trustiest to the- - federal building on , Sanday , mornings .and, ahnnt n'clock. changing his .clothes f- - ririiion ttire and- - leaving building, presumably to visit hist wire, Scully has been in the habit t re- turning to the federal . building at about 6 o'clock in the. evening, to time to walk back to' the prison with the other "trusties," the report states. .. Convicted of transporting ana haniiiinff ' ooium., Scully !was 4 sentenced to serve 18 months In Oahq prison. He is scheduled w oe re- leased next October.: As ar"nrusty, the marshal reports that his behavior has been excellent ': ': :''-;- j f Under bond In the sum of $255 Wal- ter- C. Shields has been appointed .ad- ministrator of "the estate - of. Donald "Kent An InventnTywiH be filed within ;30 day. Cv Declared cn 13. C. V 4 4 , ::'; h'' " " Vin addition to "itsl regular monthly dividend of 25 cents pcr share Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company win pay aa tra dividend of $1 a shar ?. Bo'h regular and extra dividends are "payable August 5.'-;- - This action 4- - was taken at a meeting pt. the directors of the company iu San Francisco today ' " f ; ;' r 1 Hawaiian CommcrcHl and Sugar bas s capitallzatToa ; of 110,000,000 divided r into 40Q.CU9 shares of a par value of 2". This , makes the extra dividend to be paid next month amouut v to $400,000, v : ; V- -- r.;;. ;' r.r-.z:-- f Fv'OuTII SEA W TO COiSSXSJ Sentiment of Naval Bill Fram- - ers Swings in Favor of y :;: 'Dreadnoughts; ; URGED IN UPPER HOUSE "(Since the following was . written the ! senate . has 1- adopted ; an even stronger naval' program, as. told in re- cent despatches.) ;, -- . ' :',..;.; By C 8. ALBERT. ; 1 ' ; (Epcll gtr-BnlIti- a Corretpoa4eae) ; WASHINGTON, rD. O, July 6. President . Wilson , has 1 materially strengthened the naval program. He has succeeded In; adding four dread noughts to the deasure as par-:- I by the hoie.l Other' I:ainr? M ?, .'H-- l "M ipropo;' tlonatelyf enarcJ.: ;T- -r reasoajot ctlpn was the d U if of usefulness vin the recent 'North Lea battle,' which ."detaonstratcri LV:t tbs dreadnought tls-ithe-- 5 chif rc;: zzs when heavy vfib.tii wai r,equi:--- i i Senators fTillman, 1 Swansea t ana Lodge, alUlarge n$vy "men " were in- vited toMheWhlU House.! Th pr.csh dent oced ;th,ea Ho boost :the'hoM's bllL ". The aigrcei Jwithhini iuniiim-mediatel- y began framings substitute measure. The members of the naval affairs committee also conferred with Secretary Daniels, Bear Admiral Tay. lor, 'chief constructor, and Rear, Ad- miral , Blue: chief ;" of the navigation bureau. The";, views advanced. "by these experts; caused a determination to reduce the numner of battle cruis- ers from ' six to four and add four dreadnoughts for immediate 'construe tion. In addition, provision was made for the building of 'ten;dreadnoughts during the coming five year period. ' The Program . ; v ' ' " ; ,' ' The five-ye- ar ; building, program, recommended by; Secretary; r Daniel and the .general Aboard was adopted. . The, five-yea- r; program is: ';;-- , "' Tot" rfroaVfn'nnfrhta fntii this r vn" ' Six battle cruisers, four this year. l.n'Ten scout cruisers, "four this yeat.' Fifty; destroyers,' ten this year. Five ;fleet submarines, none this year. ! 'rl;;': ;.-:- :' , irFlfty-elgh- t coast submarines, t 21 this year. ' ;V-'-- ' ':- - ;;, i Three oil fuel' ships, 'one this year. One' repair ship.. n;.vy? ;;;.,.: j'One transports '...:l;c!-- One hospital sblpV ' " 1 : ; ; Two -- destroyer tenders, one j this year.' . v'v , f One fleet submarine tender. .; ; . Two ammunitloa ships, one this year. . '', :';:'';- -' i. Two gunboats, one ' this year. It is believed the naval affairs com- mittee will stand by the draft of the sub-committ- as both ; Democrats and It e publicans virtually agree on all the important features of the meas- ure ompleted today. .; . "We have ; prepared an" excellent bill, said Senator Tinman, chairman (Continued on page two) GERMAN OFFICIAL CABLEGRAMS GERMAN HEADQUARTERS Ju?y 20. Between ,' the sea s and Ancete there Is lively fire activity; and nu- merous patrol engagements -- taking place. 'Considerable Briti sli forces at- tacked: positions . north and c3t j of FromeUes, being repatse-- l and, when Khey ; ' penetrated, . were - - ejected ! by counier-auacas- . : un ; sou s,iaes oi Somme, new heavy combats were en- gaged. .,;' ..- .;::,:J(.V. ;- i 1i - Strong British attacks against lxng-nev- al and Bois Delvtlle whrf e . the enemy again penetrated.' Our Counter- - attacks drove them back.. Tha enemy still occupy parts of the village and wood. " -- -' - . This morning, Anglo-Fron- t attack on the whole front of Foureanx wood up to, Somme. The first strong storm- ing party broke down. The Trench this . afternoon twice attacked with- out success the vicinity of Balloyj la the districts of Estee, Soyecourt three times; ,the-enem- y , .were . bloodily re Plsei From salient trench at Spye y Jo or 1 r-- , r f- - - ib'L 3 Disorders in Many Conquered Citi23 S Repbr ted:--S- u ppr er: : e d by ;Jbl n I . : y AuthoritiesCanadian Minister ij i Cleared of Scandal 1 Vo LC)NDOX,iEng July 21: The possibility that the sub- marine, issue and Germany's pledges to the United States' may be in- volved, .surrounds with interest the reported sinking ot the British steamer: Yzer in the war zone. , ; Three Americans are aboard, rs ? of the crew.! r ; f.; V;'- ; . :; The Yzer was from Portland, Mainer carrying a cargo of oaff. ' Kd details as to the linking, or casualties, are; given in ;thc cfUcial ait . '. ; - .V" 1 "''-v-',':;- : nouncement. r -rv- --1;'"" '.; ,'.' . The American bark Prince Valdemar, captured by a German .war- ship, has been taken - to Swincmunder. ; The bark sailed from San Francisco in February with grain and groceries fori Tellcborg; ; George W. McNear is the owner. v . ' ;.;';:' 'y ' ' ."' 'V ;:,,, ..' ALGIERS, Algeria, July 21. been sunk in the Mediterranean by ties ' I - .;; - ' : .' . ;' - LONDON, Eng.; July 21. With incessant fighting the British on the west have pushed their line from Bazcntin to Longucval north' iu Foureaux wood toward-Bapaume- . They first drove th Germans in nv the wood and occupied 'it. but, later counter-charg-es by the Gcr;r.:ni caused the Britishjto lose-par- t of their positions.' - y " 1,1 ' ' ' V l 7 IT . . i. qMEItalyJuyf21.A'Jii:;lcrial decree has Lccn ; r ',; '.. ! placing1 the persons. zvA property of Gemuns ' in .Ita!;:n C .: ; the same .'footing as those of the 'Austrian and I Iuhgaria::.,. '.. 'vo' j formairy; rated as-subje- cts of 'a ' hostile nation, j The decree does r. . t dirccdy jmeritioniiie' Germans 'but' states that allies tf-Attstr- ix ttz to b: treated-- . as enemies ;.i;4?-1';. .;';$..' ,i.tKi--'.---v J t J h i il'i -- Germany and 'arc not formally at nnrdi cnticibht cities J." British Grangemco submarine. said have taken failed. The their Iczzzs. and ments were rcnaf? attac'.-- d vi:!" ::ty drcva- r::::.; trce-- 3 Italy's allies lusbeen because the government Hc:r.e, though declaring war on Austria, has not taken active belligerent Jt:p! against Germany. Indications for some been that Rcms was about to break all relations with Germany. V pec d Riot 3 in DsIud; ;V:!:cd U X l av ww ROTTERDA5T, Holland, )ily are reported in many Belgian cbnauerinir Germany. Riots are 2 -- Food riots of a serious nature towns the of. the yervierSv Roubaix, Renaix, St. Nicholas, Lokern and lermonde, a::4 been suppressed by the military authorities. V ;VSHINGT to. European ulers personal messages urging general cooperation for thg purpose of getting food from the United Poland. He suggests that relief be extended as in the case Belgium; neutral commission took hold of the situation, arranging not only for transportation, but for the distribution of relief supplies th starving populace. OTTAWA, Can., July 21. After sensational series cl:3rgcs months of investigation,' Sir Samuel Hughes, the Canadian of militia, has been declared innocent of responsibility for ths mil.i:y of goyernment contracts wjth American manufacturers for fuse, as j,'art of for war supplies. On the fuse the manufacturers are alleged have profited unduly, Hughes was charged- - with allowing the The Meredith-Duf- f co;r.::ih:.icn now reports absolving Hughes of K PETROGRAD, Russia. July 2LThe Russians have t!:e town of Gumuskhaheh, in Turkish Armenia, the Turk garriica retiring. .they were ejected by bayonet attacks. ;Artillery fire, on" both of Somme is of the nicest Intensity. On parts ?of Champagne frout, tem- porary lively artillery. Aionni mine-throwe- rs combats. At Jieuse sector, no incidents Importance. A German" patror was " isuccessful cn height. Hostile aeroplanes were sfcot down In Arras. Perron e, Elaches and Ber-ma- n d. of were 6Lct dawn by Uents. Wsrs-a- w and IlcchaJorf. Accorflin? to a delayed report, Iloe'aa-dor- f on 15, 6f Ferone shot down a French biplase. T:e empercr bestowing a Pour le merits cn tin. Jllndentcrs's anny: Ye:.;r':r re- peated atiac!:3 cn tcth ft:: cf kepia, EC'jticist c! r.';:. !" .. ' 1 - - -- . '-- T ' f The steamer has a There no casual t - !. J to pi: ice at Lice. cztTzy large stronger recrr.: evcrywi: Prince Leopc'.J's z ccr. tj c:'. be:.--1 Cat! re;u!.:! LiZilrr.ra's arr:y: lea cn ZV.',.: 11.-a- a trrcrs r.'l; a ; r.-:- ' tur-- ?i :.. s. z z-- : I - ! Tcrr:;.:r: -- z : V - L among aroused at ,: weeks, have ' . . . ' ! and under rule to have ... a , States to of where a the to ; t a cf and min'iter ; large orders orders ; to and financial scandal. royal blame. : ; ;' ; ca-lur- ed court 4 sides At of Combres ; ' Two then July south 3 : . were hand - - - 1

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Page 1: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t


From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22.Fop Can Franciaco

Eierra, July 15. , S !, ! i i "i :l I"! M 1 " I '

0 - oFrom Vancouver: 'litrura, An, t 7 vFor Vancouver:

llttrx, Jtly ZL.-

Ertslrs DuIIctlx Eat US2, Ka'CSM 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TEKTUTOBY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 191G.--- 12 PAGES. rc:c:: :t.: cHawaiian Etar. VoL XXIV. No. 7574

- r


: ' ! Vt - '

Platform Denounces Liquor; y Trains ana urccs rJationr

. Vid3 Action . . .

military pnoonlri of. ; parties isy r vsTRor:GLYco::DEr:r:ED

Sulzcr Given Demonstration: ; i. eut Vctir.a Ci:::!;Iy Ends

I ST.. PAUL, Minn., July 21.J. ; Frank Hanly, former governorof Indiana and former, congress- -

man, .was nominated on the first; ballot today by the National Pro--

' hibition party as its candidate for- president.' ' . ''

. ; '

Hanly, received ballots to' : 181 for William Sulzer,- - ex-go- v

k pernor of New York, 51 .forFinfeyi Hendrickson of lar-lan- and 10

for Mason -- of .New.James Gilbert,.; r Jersey. Henry - Ford, : the auto

manufacturer, received one vote.; -- ' When Hanly was placed inno-'- .

minatiori. there was a demonstra-tion. Briefer but vigorous demon-strations were also made when

v Sulzer and Hendrickson were no--'

minate'd. . '-

v The platform as drawn yester-- ;'

ted after the additionday was 1 :1c,

of a f !:::k iavoring'thc initiative,: referendum and recall. ;

" ' Ti'.s latfcrm denounces" theliquor' tr: r": as a cr!:r.: "It uit, j rn!.:,,!t;-.":- zrA equal suf-l'-- '.

fra-- c. It a!:o advocates severalr::rc.oi seen irisation. it op- -

ms rl tr.cKc;u :r.tts!fljr

iA:, i : bf -- forcev.l.

J.. J

. i k l

Tfcere cay le a few fireworks ntthe rr.c:Vz Oafcu Loan VvnCcrt:r:!c r. Ti::y ncmics it 11

o'tlcck. tie report or Lie sreelalccr:r.;ltfc cf 1! -- clula e

(oc;!::.-::- 8 the stability' otlis c"-

-n cr r- - rvcir rubber 4, 'Ln

K;:-:- . u v!!-r- , c :"wrp to be sir?-- 'Tl.:. " '.l cvrrs.:'..t, the- report

v--3 t.i L.';,: :l r.t t.3 tie the boardirct Tucsiay rxrr.In;.and the cvnelite irer.tcrs tzxa yet to., sign- - U.A fir cr; y el tve report fcas beenr-r-

.t Ct:lr i V, V,. sn:thj,fjr list. -- strrc'-tai 1.: till rrecenfit toth 2 c th e r r; : r..l c rg - to arflx their

V,'!':' :r Ce; of raying hoccr.r-:tt:- l cc-3.-

.cj? Tuesday isc:t l.::wa. tut tha cr.?ineers may ap-rc-r

ta d!:cv-- 3 their conper.satl onvlih 'th.e ccr.r-.:-.'.!c- it that ; time.!:;r:l-- a Cc;: ;:i. cce ol the fivecr;':-:r- 3 t' ? c:r:!ii!tte!, hes "aJ

re. .y tht te would jut haretervel cn.ths c:-r-!t-

tee nai tiUretec i tzy tr :r:l:riins that tae workw;s t" t 3 c:-- 3 en a. to-pa-y oasis. NorrcAi ; h- -: L:ra nade for payingt:.o c . ".1; , I :zcc the possibilitycf lyr:'.;-.- : r: - rt the next meeting

r n r

- i,

vff-rri- al Catle to Nijpu JU) "

TCIIIO, Jar. JuJy 21. Baron O.Ilayiihi, ccwly trr;-te- d minister toPcLls, E'jccecl:rg II. IliokV who Is

'rsw cn Ll3-w- to Japan,. will leavefcr Chiza cn Aur-s- t i. The two dlplo-CLt- 3

will he' i a conference in TokloCie tiae th'j ' " .""::.:- -

TWO OFFICIOS V;iLL-7:.'::- -

ge r;to:.:oTED soon(IssocUltl Trtus lr, rderJ Wlrelett)''''- -

. v ' : -4- - ITASIIIN'GTON. D. July 21.

'Col. Jchn VV Huckman.. Coast 4-4--

ArtHIerr. cow et the aral Warf College, ICewport,' was nominated4- - today fcr tiri?adier-genera- l. 4-4- -

L!;wt.-Co- L Taeuel neber, of the 4-4- -

C :ril Cc-rrs- wes tcainated'for 4-4- -

r. c:' 'm- - -, . . ,4r

. f 4 4444t


Fotlowlnj arc the cloilnj prices ofatocka en the New Ycrk m a re kt to-

day, tent by the Attoctattd Preaa overthe Feoeral Vireteaa. .

- Yeater--- : Today, day

Alaska Co d , ..... 17 wraAmerican Smelter 94!,4American Susar Rfg.... 1C34American Tel. A Tel....1234 IZS'eAnaconda Copper . : . . 78 KT,Atchieon i. 104'2 104Baldwin Loco. ..;,...;. 72' 71HCaltimore & Ohio.... .V. 83ACethlehem Steel . . . . J.l. . ; . J- -'

Calif. Petroleum 21 20Canadian Pacific 17S'2 178C M. & St. P. (St. Paul)Colo. Fuel A : Iron. ... . . 44 432Crucible Steel miErie Common ....... ZvzGeneral Elearic 1MGeneral Motors ..... . . ;'.t . . I

Cret Northern Pfd..... 118Ja 2Inter. Harv, N. J ....... 1 1 S 117HKennecott Ccpper ...... 48 '! 45HLehljh R. R ...........New York Central.:.... 1C3 103'APennsylvania .......... SS'aRay Cohsol.- - ... .... ... 22 22'2Southern Pacific ...... 97Va 87?,Studebaker J. .. ...... 127Tennessee Copper ......Union Pacific .......... 137 137U S. Steel . :. . ''--. i . . en ; S3U. S. Steel Pfd.......'.. 117 117?;Utah ... . : .... . ... 76 78Western Union . . ; . . . . .V 822 M'a.We$tin;houee .. ... 58 68J4

The Waterhous Company liaa telegraph- - advices that- - rubber is 53.81cents a pound at Singapore andcents, on th. Kevr York; market - '

Cld. fCxlvldend. tUnuoted.

i f7H ITliJd.Hl

firrrrr kfyiT


Jh:r.:3 V. zz Expected to LookrOvcr: Pec:;!:::;:;;: of, Craters


. ' t

," .Local-- developments-- . In . thg . JnyestlMgatloa of, .the . hotei possihiiHles ; nereby James Woods," manager'of the S.Francis hotel of SanFtancIsco, 'willprobably-b- e at a standstill, for sev-

eral days., .Mr.? Woods has gone tothe volcano and not until early nextweek wlll-ii- e again take up his dis-cussions with businessmen here whohave been showing him possible sites.

Several stories have appeared InSan jFrandsco papers recently, notab-ly that reprinted by the Star-Bulleti- n

q few days ago, Indicating that if Mr.Woods' should reach a favorable de-

cision upon the matter of a newhotel here, the project would 'be ona much larger scale than has so farbeen shown. Wide local Interests aswell as mainland capital might besecured. - .

" ." 7----

While .Mr. .Woods trip- to'.ihe; vot- -

!s considered probable' that iie' ;mlook intotcurish hotel at r the crater. Theelaborate, plans, outlined L. A.Thurston some weeks ago are ex-pected to "be presented for his con-sideration.' '.

He has already, expressed hhnselfas ; much attracted by r Hawaii'sclimate and scenery. and general tour-ist possibilities and Mt' is . presumedtW tenor of report will dependlargely on the practicability' tf en-listing various Interests necessary . tocarry ; out the . project on the scaledesired. N: .:'"-- ! .

' - ii I - ;.i ; -

fSnecial Cable to Nippa JIjl.)Ttohio, Jspan, July 21. Art Smith,American aviator, Vho has heen mak-ing a number cf fllsMs In Japan, wasa passenger on the Hawaii Mara fprSeattle Thursday. ' Smith has recover-ed sufficiently from his injuries, re-

ceived In a fall, to make the" trip tothe United States. ; r t


: , IN OHIO',-


' v , .: - vYOUNGSTOWJ, Ohio. Carnegie

Steel company, engineers have startedsurvey of the big tract of land Jate-l- y

purchased near its proposed barmill at McDonald, on which it ex-pects to promote a model town. Theplant will not be -- completed for ayear, and . it is understood the cor-poration will do no grading or plattinguntil next spring. - r

During the Interim plans for the de-

velopment of a model ; town will ; beworked out. It la said. -- XJhief Elngl--

neer Brown cl Carnegie Steel com-- ;

pany of Pittsburg attended the recentCleveland city planning convention.'

An Australian Commonwealth loancf 4.000.000 , pounds is' being underwritten' st hozioz-c- - :;- - .'


msail IS

Annual Report of Hydrograpfl- -cr States City is Menaced: By Real Problem iUfe


Suggests. . Territoryr Shall Control all Wc;k


in Stated Distri

Honolulu la one .more ar nearer m

aenong water an ktaf which : canonly be Tjrerente J bjf territorial control of all arteslaells In the Honolulu basin between Fort Shatter andDiamonl : Head, and by the acquire-ment, transfissiou ncd storage of sur-face flow, says the annual report ofO. K. Larrlson, superintendent of hy-drography, presented to the board .ofagriculture and" forestry '.'at, Its meet-ing 'today.: ',-- v ir- 5'?'T''-:'.-

The artesian well records obtainedby the; department of public worki,"

a the report In part, "show that, re-gardless of the heavy rainfall of thepast year, the amounts pumped andflowing fronvtfte wells have exceededthe supply, and one more year haabeen deducted from the period whlthmuch asrely. end in a serious waterahortage for "city of .Honolulu un-

less one of the two following; coursesof procedure Is followed; V

Preventive Methods Suggested.,Flrst The, acquirement or control

of all artesian wells In the Honolulubasin (between Fort Shafter and Dia-

mond Head) by the Territory. (Itflsestimated that there are about 66 ac-

tive wella in this area which are dla-charsir- g,

either by being pumped orflowing, about 35 million gallona perday.-- The total supply used by .Honc--

; p ;'-J--- V. ' ', f '. (Ccmtlaned on page two). ;;;;

YcUng Nipponese Born in This; City Planning to KcquestJ-- Admission to fJG. H. ';--t u cyV; ;o--': Down to 1 o'cl ck his afternoon na

application hadeemade to NationalGuard headqu-it-f- a for, permission toform a Uawap' born guard oennpanyby 100 or m S Japanese young menborn In Honolulu, educated here In thepublic schools,1 and now of military

g' : r - -'- .-.':-.i i ...- - -'-:- -

r Repbrts reeive4;by;jhejapan,e59correspendent .ofthe JrBqjietjn ,to- -

flay state that theitara,10a ftaUr

to . form a--. National: Guar5;V; but hesitate to 'apply, because ofrfisannroval .of' their jsarents-'asn- ot

all of them favor the idea, holdingrthatfor their sons : to Joip the NationalGuard ? Hawaii would be disloyalty tothe mlkada The young men, however,detlaro their allegiance fco bo, al t

forthe United SUtes.v:- nu. rv in commenting on this peculiar sit-uation! where native-bor- n' Japaneseyouths are torn between filial duty andpatriotism : for the country, of tholrbirth, Hawaii, the Hawaii HochI in itsThursday edition : encourages Haw-

aiian-born Japanese' toy join theguard, by making application to Brig.-Ge- n.

"Samuel 1. Johnson assign-ment to various guard --companies.There is noW a company of HawalialT- -

l born Chinese in the guard. . ..--j - There is doubt expressed by the

Japanese pres 01 uus ciiy - as 10whether GCtt Johnsou or - GovernorPlnkham will accept such offers fromthe. "young 1 Hawaiian-Japanes- e, evenIhough the latter are American, cltt-sen- s

by virtue of birth In tho territory.



- f Special Cable to Nlppi JUUTOKIO. ; Japanv July Mors

than 40,000 Japanese residents' of thiscity marched in the lantern paradelast evening, celebrating thei signingof the treatyS between. Jiussla jandJapan. The marchers visited the forteigtt ' offices,"; Imperial;-Palac- e and.Russian embassy jbv r



LONDON, Eng-Owt- ng to the warthe picturesque east coast summer re-

sort towns of England are In desperatef light No. visitors go there, becauseof , the; fear of bombardment by theGermans, and for other reasons, andthe fishing trade 'and" other activitieshave dwindled. Members from jthadistricts where these towns are' lo-

cated have appealed to Parliamentrelief and the government Is about totake action to remedy : matters

the' possibilities; for












--r:Shareholders Vct3 to Increase

Capital By . $1,000,000'jfj; ancTFor. Uft'r Issue,? r


Securities May Be: Listed inSan Francisco as Directors .

May Decm: East :


Stockholders of the Ploneerr MillCompany this morning toted to;ln:crease the capitalization of the; com-pany from J4.O0O.G0O' 16' $5,000,000 andfor the Issuance to.present stockhold-ers - ai: & dividend- - 50.000 shares .of apar . value, of $20 each,- I The . otherproposals of the directors were 1 alsoacted upon 'favorably?; : ri?Announcement1 Is made, that thecompany will continue l paying regu-Ja-r

monthly; dividend of 2 per centi . The proposals which; were submitted to the stockholders' were first thematter of Increasing the- - capitaliza-tion of the company by $1,000,000 to$5,000,000. and the issuance to stock-holders of record of one share ot.newstock for each four shares which theynow. hold, that is to say the' paymentto stockholders of a 25 per cent divi-dend in new stock of the company.

- A second matter was the amend-ment .of Jthe f bylawsl to make, moreeasy the dispcsal of fractional sharesof "stock, i This has iormerly bee ; acomplicated matter - and aiTXarrahge-m'en- t

for sale at putlift iuctlon is pro-vlde'- d-

In tha. amendment x .

The third matter was the authoriza-tion to the .directors to arrange forthe listing of stock in San, Franciscoand the opening there of hi transferof3ce at any time they may deem itadvisable to ccts 3 , t ch listing, 'i

' " " ' rr.".' f.S



TfaiStyHis Said 3d juEnjoy

Privileges l Not-Usua- lly

v;Miven rnsqnei

Is "John T. i Scully, member, of tnenotorious , Scully McGrath - Boggs-Bow- er

gang which : came into promi-nence; more than a year ago when:themembers, were arrestfed and convictedfor engineering a series of daring hold-ups and opium transactions, being per-

mitted liberties In excess of ; thoseusually LgranteM-- : tor prisoners, serving

V'trusties?: ;, .

.v-- .; :;.;:.Persi6tent f report h which : jhave

reached f the Star-Bttltetin:- -, answeringthe foregdmg .questionT.inthe affirm--

tttivft wpTfe.mohatically jdenled'today'lby Marshal J; J. Smiddy, --who has con- -

troi over several unnea , Qwuwyoners iiow ser ving as nrustiesr-t- o thefederal building; --Scully being one ofthem. ; - y ' v-- ,' v-'-


' Tnersistency of these reports, ledlo an investigation by the ffUpBulle-U- n

today Marshal Smiddy being askedfor a .statement It is reported that"Ccully has, on a number, of occasions,been permitted to visit his wife out-

side the prison or federal court, unac-companied by n guard or other officer.'- Marshal Smlldy denied emphatically, that there is any "et dayr on wnicaScully b . permitted to don civillaoclothes and visit hla wife.'; ''

"On me oc two . occasions ' Scullywas permitted to visit his wife whensite was sick," the marshal says- - ;

It; has been reported to - the StarBulletin that Scully also waa ". (al-

lowed .Ibcrty,; w ithout guard, .whenhis daughter, wrh6 recently , died.? traaill in the hospital. r''V-;- , ' iJ'i ";'

Marshal Smiddy called ; Sculiy ; Intohis office and, in the' presence; of , aStar-Balletl- n ? representative, ; askedhim if was any day set asidefor him to visit his wife.C ,:;:,cf -

' Scully sald,thtere was not ? .v

The Star-Bulletl- ir has been informedihat; for several months past,: Scullyhas been in the habit of accompanylnjthe other "trustiest to the- - federalbuilding on , Sanday , mornings .and,ahnnt n'clock. changing his .clothesf- - ririiion ttire and- - leavingbuilding, presumably to visit hist wire,

Scully has been in the habit t re-

turning to the federal .building at

about 6 o'clock in the. evening, totime to walk back to' the prison withthe other "trusties," the report states... Convicted of transporting ana

haniiiinff ' ooium., Scully !was 4

sentenced to serve 18 months In Oahq

prison. He is scheduled w oe re-

leased next October.: As ar"nrusty,the marshal reports that his behaviorhas been excellent ': ': :''-;- j f

Under bond In the sum of $255 Wal-

ter- C. Shields has been appointed .ad-

ministrator of "the estate - of. Donald"Kent An InventnTywiH be filed

within ;30 day. Cv

Declared cn 13. C.V 4 4

, ::'; h'' " "Vin addition to "itsl regularmonthly dividend of 25 cents pcrshare Hawaiian Commercial &Sugar Company win pay aa tradividend of $1 a shar ?. Bo'hregular and extra dividends are"payable August 5.'-;- - This action

4- - was taken at a meeting pt. thedirectors of the company iu SanFrancisco today ' " f ; ;' r1 Hawaiian CommcrcHl andSugar bas s capitallzatToa ; of110,000,000 divided r into 40Q.CU9shares of a par value of 2". This ,

makes the extra dividend to bepaid next month amouut v to$400,000, v : ; V-

-- r.;;. ;'




TO COiSSXSJSentiment of Naval Bill Fram- -

ers Swings in Favor of y

:;: 'Dreadnoughts;


"(Since the following was . writtenthe ! senate . has 1- adopted ; an evenstronger naval' program, as. told in re-

cent despatches.) ;,--.

':',..;.; By C 8. ALBERT. ; 1

' ; (Epcll gtr-BnlIti- a Corretpoa4eae) ;

WASHINGTON, rD. O, July 6.President . Wilson , has 1 materiallystrengthened the naval program. Hehas succeeded In; adding four dreadnoughts to the deasure as par-:- I bythe hoie.l Other' I:ainr? M ?, .'H-- l

"M ipropo;' tlonatelyf enarcJ.: ;T- -r

reasoajot ctlpn was the d U ifof usefulness vin the recent 'North Leabattle,' which ."detaonstratcri LV:t tbsdreadnought tls-ithe-- 5 chif rc;: zzswhen heavy vfib.tii wai r,equi:--- i i

Senators fTillman, 1 Swansea t anaLodge, alUlarge n$vy "men " were in-

vited toMheWhlU House.! Th pr.cshdent oced ;th,ea Ho boost :the'hoM'sbllL ". The aigrcei Jwithhini iuniiim-mediatel- y

began framings substitutemeasure. The members of the navalaffairs committee also conferred withSecretary Daniels, Bear Admiral Tay.lor, 'chief constructor, and Rear, Ad-

miral , Blue: chief ;" of the navigationbureau. The";, views advanced. "by

these experts; caused a determinationto reduce the numner of battle cruis-ers from ' six to four and add fourdreadnoughts for immediate 'construetion. In addition, provision was madefor the building of 'ten;dreadnoughtsduring the coming five year period. '

The Program .; v ' ' "

; ,'' The five-ye- ar ; building, program,recommended by; Secretary; r Danieland the .general Aboard was adopted.

. The, five-yea- r; program is: ';;-- , "'Tot" rfroaVfn'nnfrhta fntii this r vn"

' Six battle cruisers, four this year.l.n'Ten scout cruisers, "four this yeat.'

Fifty; destroyers,' ten this year.Five ;fleet submarines, none this

year. ! 'rl;;': ;.-:- :' ,irFlfty-elgh- t coast submarines, t 21

this year. ' ;V-'-- ' ':-- ;;,i Three oil fuel' ships, 'one this year.

One' repair ship.. n;.vy? ;;;.,.:j'One transports '...:l;c!--

One hospital sblpV ' " 1 : ; ;

Two -- destroyer tenders, one j thisyear.' . v'v ,

f One fleet submarine tender. .; ; .

Two ammunitloa ships, one thisyear. . '', :';:'';- -'i. Two gunboats, one ' this year.

It is believed the naval affairs com-mittee will stand by the draft of thesub-committ- as both ; Democratsand Itepublicans virtually agree on allthe important features of the meas-ure ompleted today. .; .

"We have ; prepared an" excellentbill, said Senator Tinman, chairman

(Continued on page two)


GERMAN HEADQUARTERS Ju?y20. Between ,' the sea s and Ancetethere Is lively fire activity; and nu-merous patrol engagements -- takingplace. 'Considerable Briti sli forces at-tacked: positions . north and c3t j ofFromeUes, being repatse-- l and, when

Khey ; ' penetrated, . were -- ejected ! by

counier-auacas-. : un ; sou s,iaes oiSomme, new heavy combats were en-gaged. .,;' ..- .;::,:J(.V. ;- i 1 i -

Strong British attacks against lxng-nev- al

and Bois Delvtlle whrfe . theenemy again penetrated.' Our Counter- -

attacks drove them back.. Tha enemystill occupy parts of the village andwood. " -- -' -. This morning, Anglo-Fron- t attack

on the whole front of Foureanx woodup to, Somme. The first strong storm-ing party broke down. The Trenchthis . afternoon twice attacked with-out success the vicinity of Balloyj lathe districts of Estee, Soyecourt threetimes; ,the-enem- y , .were . bloodily rePlsei From salient trench at Spye

y Joor 1

r-- , r f-- -



Disorders in Many Conquered Citi23S Repbr ted:--S- u pprer: : ed by ;Jbl n I . : y

AuthoritiesCanadian Minister iji Cleared of Scandal 1

Vo LC)NDOX,iEng July 21: The possibility that the sub-

marine, issue and Germany's pledges to the United States' may be in-

volved, .surrounds with interest the reported sinking ot the Britishsteamer: Yzer in the war zone. , ; Three Americans are aboard, rs ?

of the crew.! r ; f.; V;'- ; .

:; The Yzer was from Portland, Mainer carrying a cargo of oaff. '

Kd details as to the linking, or casualties, are; given in ;thc cfUcial ait. '. ; - .V"

1 "''-v-',':;-:nouncement. r -rv-

--1;'"" '.; ,'.'. The American bark Prince Valdemar, captured by a German .war-ship, has been taken - to Swincmunder. ; The bark sailed from SanFrancisco in February with grain and groceries fori Tellcborg; ; GeorgeW. McNear is the owner. v

.' ;.;';:' 'y ' ' ."' 'V;:,,, ..'

ALGIERS, Algeria, July 21.been sunk in the Mediterranean byties

' I - .;; - ': .' . ;'

- LONDON, Eng.; July 21. With incessant fighting the British onthe west have pushed their line from Bazcntin to Longucval north' iuFoureaux wood toward-Bapaume- . They first drove th Germans in nvthe wood and occupied 'it. but, later counter-charg-es by the Gcr;r.:nicaused the Britishjto lose-par- t of their positions.' -


" 1,1 ' ' 'V l 7 IT . . i.

qMEItalyJuyf21.A'Jii:;lcrial decree has Lccn ; r ',; '.. !

placing1 the persons. zvA property of Gemuns ' in .Ita!;:n C .: ;

the same .'footing as those of the 'Austrian and I Iuhgaria::.,. '.. 'vo' jformairy; rated as-subje-

cts of 'a ' hostile nation, j The decree does r. . tdirccdy jmeritioniiie' Germans 'but' states that allies tf-Attstr- ix ttz to b:treated-- . as enemies ;.i;4?-1';. .;';$..' ,i.tKi--'.---v J t J h i il'i

-- Germany and 'arc not formally at nnrdi cnticibht



British Grangemcosubmarine.

said have taken

failed. Thetheir Iczzzs.andments were

rcnaf?attac'.-- d vi:!" ::ty


trce-- 3

Italy's allies lusbeen because the government Hc:r.e,though declaring war on Austria, has not taken active belligerent Jt:p!against Germany. Indications for some been that Rcmswas about to break all relations with Germany. V

pec d Riot3 in DsIud; ;V:!:cdUX l av w w

ROTTERDA5T, Holland, )ilyare reported in many Belgiancbnauerinir Germany. Riots are

2 --Food riots of a serious naturetowns the of. the

yervierSv Roubaix, Renaix, St. Nicholas, Lokern and lermonde, a::4been suppressed by the military authorities.

V ;VSHINGT to.European ulers personal messages urging general cooperation forthg purpose of getting food from the United Poland.

He suggests that relief be extended as in the case Belgium;neutral commission took hold of the situation, arranging not

only for transportation, but for the distribution of relief suppliesth starving populace.

OTTAWA, Can., July 21. After sensational series cl:3rgcsmonths of investigation,' Sir Samuel Hughes, the Canadian

of militia, has been declared innocent of responsibility for ths mil.i:y ofgoyernment contracts wjth American manufacturers for fuse, as j,'artof for war supplies. On the fuse the manufacturersare alleged have profited unduly, Hughes was charged- - withallowing the The Meredith-Duf- f co;r.::ih:.icnnow reports absolving Hughes of

K PETROGRAD, Russia. July 2LThe Russians have t!:etown of Gumuskhaheh, in Turkish Armenia, the Turk garriica retiring.

.they were ejected by bayonetattacks. ;Artillery fire, on" bothof Somme is of the nicest Intensity.

On parts ?of Champagne frout, tem-porary lively artillery. Aionnimine-throwe- rs combats. At Jieusesector, no incidents Importance. AGerman" patror was " isuccessful cn

height.Hostile aeroplanes were sfcot down

In Arras. Perron e, Elaches and Ber-ma- n

d. of were 6Lct dawnby Uents. Wsrs-a- w and IlcchaJorf.Accorflin? to a delayed report, Iloe'aa-dor- f

on 15, 6f Ferone shotdown a French biplase. T:e empercrbestowing a Pour le merits cn tin.Jllndentcrs's anny: Ye:.;r':r re-

peated atiac!:3 cn tcth ft:: cfkepia, EC'jticist c! r.';:. !"




- - -- . '-- T 'f

The steamer hasa There no casual


- !. J

to pi:ice at Lice.


stronger recrr.:evcrywi:

Prince Leopc'.J's c:'.

be:.--1 Cat! re;u!.:!LiZilrr.ra's arr:y:

lea cn ZV.',.: 11.-a- a

trrcrs r.'l; a ;

r.-:- '

tur-- ?i :..

s. z z-- : I - !

Tcrr:;.:r: -- z :

V -


among aroused at

,: weeks, have '

. . .'


and under rule

to have ...

a ,

States toof

where athe

to ; t

a cfand min'iter


large orders orders; to and

financial scandal. royalblame. : ; ;'

; ca-lur- ed

court4 sides



Combres ;


Two then

July south

3 :





- -


Page 2: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t

.'' ; "

'.. " ..

' i '


I ,1



i j111111111 UEA FRAY bcod, tcdy-bnUdi- a- v tX ') ' ; --n - -

i!,M,l satisfying ; .': r ,' : v



(Continued from pact one)

lulu for domestic and municipal 'purposee at: present it about 15 millioncaJIons per Jay):- - . ' ...

fcod The V acquirement; trans- -, , mission; storage of surface flow!

"A small amount of srork done atthe request of and tn cooperation with

, ' member of tbe city 'water eommls- -sion resulted Jn definitely determining

the principal source of. leakagefrom resertoir No! '4 In the huperj uuinu taiiey due to a break inthe; outlet pipe." '

'..,' Tells 6f Year's Work.: In speaking of the ' work; done .by

? ' his department in the year, the terriv - torial nydrographer-says- i

' -"Awefr'and --'continuous - record

- station was established. In, May lnIilllebrand glen to deter

v mine the' actual run-of- f from this val- -. icy. , . , .. , , .f; Military Cooperation.

"An mvestlgatlon of the water resources between Walalae and Maka-pu- u

point ' was made for the U. S.military --authorities. The cooperative

tV - stream v nd ralnfall . measurement

orir.ber.gdoae' in relation to; thea- - water supply- - cf Bchofield - Barracks

"!4 was continued during the year. ;- - "Other Cocperauve" Work.

: ;Te flood storage .Investigation be--J.

lng made in cobperatlori with'the Ka-f.'- i'j

hckn and Laletinned. Other cooperative. .work :ln--

, )I tlrJcd la bout . 70 - stream and ditchstations,' aid'about ' 62

hinirrt' :""rr3nunt tatIons' on allil:'-.a-d3. .'lliay'dlich' seepage jnvefll

li:lvUations were also ntde. . - h-'--t

U;al Work Undertaken. ;"A large amount of hydrometric and

other idlcatinc work was done In con--,. . jBectica with ' the Walakoloa water

case which was tried at Waimea, Ha-waii, and Honol alu in July, August,and September, In 'cooperation withthe attorney general's department.WaUhcIe Tunnei Projects " v

"The V.'aishole Water, Company'sfrcj :t, which was completed In May,

:'.'l3 tl.j lar cn tf Its kind, in Hawaii




' ."





; 4

an3 ccst twiween 2,50,ooo. ana ? 3,--

Its rrirc!ril feature "1s ' av : ?t;- - ' 'ch pierced --the

nsmits 'the

.'aiahole to thePearl Harbor.



V'. iradirvj


. x r--t

. illc chlu's Hczis tr :

; It has long; been apparent that kheChineee market is short of a stock ofrefined.sugar, says toe Japan Advertiser. In spite of this no sign pf acwtlty-ha- s been" noticed ' because thesugar firms In Shanghai and .variousplace J In China are anxious about, thefuture development pf the ' Internalconflict and are 'reserved 'In, placingorders except" fpt pmall amounts' for.immediate consumption. ' Another rea-son for the Hulmess' to Chinese busl- -

Pess Is that sugar Is In brisk demandjn Australia and India at a good price.11 yen" r.'o.;b..Takao, andit; willhardly afford them to export refinedsugar to China at a much cheaperprice. But the demlse of Yuan BhihKal has' removed --the possible ciuseof. internal trouble and the' merchantsthere are now of their anxi-ety somewhat with the result . thatthe business nas become Active, Thesugar . merchants, , already : feelingsome Inconvenience because ; of theshortage of stock, are offering aboutE0 sen higher prices and the-export- ?

era here are' also ready-- to take. Chinese orders' now.5 Thn the situationha' been" changed. entirely in' the lastfew. days.; It is reported that the eon- -

tracts for about 50.Q00 balps. have beensigned for export' to' China, qt.'srfcicbthe Nippon Sugar Beflnery'Compkhy'slot of SOOlbales is said io'be at 12yen per bale.r This price, is the hijfhest' point reached kmce last stimmerWXit'M. eC?Cfted ' thatar irew --recoroprice 'will teuctpathii slimmer! ' aathe;prospects arei jail the Utrpflger. ' ,

' ' f' r''.t Per Matson hereJuly 26: R.V Pender,; Mr. liIcAdaina;Mrs La Motte --and s daughter, Mrs.Key SkaugrMIss"Mary"-prfhle'Mrs-


Jones, Mies Bertha, M. Boody, Mrs.Belle La CajTMrs. Charles Andrews,Arpiur Baldwlh,-M"t- er Jlenry Bald-v?in- r-

Master .Frod " Baldwin, ' 'Mrs.Rosenblatt, T. 'Furness, "Mrs. J; P.Cocke, L. Pender, 1L Mott-Smlth- , RoyEkaug, f Miss Mildred r' Skaug, !Mr.Jones, Mme. Elizabeth Buck, Mrs. MoAdams and 'child, Miss Irene Andrews,Mrs;' EU JeffersoniMrt.; Arthur Bald-win, Miss Louise taldwln, Mr. Rosen--

a. ss, Dinciajr.

..VI - I - -

,'iy: ?vt?.; ji4?r.... i',. '

thetr Aria, and creil

4airjve to err'.st you In s -

with ' tKose "who "r



if - a Ur M

: "AUctrcit cf Infinite?'i

inuuo, - 4. !

Under an . Entirely 17ct7 and Enterprisiiig nanagernentTUL. XLTO 612:XYni:3 &DEiniICT0IT;wprietcr3;i

(Continued from pas one)

of Hhe committee "on naval iffalrs;ntfc ve'rynaoch- - better than T evetthought we jwouid De .auie, u get iuIf ! we: succeed 4n getting it aaopiea py

the full' commlUee, passed in the senate and accepted by. the house, it :wulbe a'fiu piece of legislation and wewJU be'ion' the; way to. a great andvaluable navjr, v lf we get the law, andbare the ships 'provided buOt we willsoon have a - fleet that swill. makeother countries keep off the grass' cathis side ox. the. water., ., .JtThe revised biU ? Js; weltbalanced.

and free from provisions that wouldprovoke - points '.of --order against itI hope that we will be ble to pnt Itthrough the senate without much' de-lay. I do-- not expect-th- e 'Republicansto develop much opposition to it." The senate sub-committ- ee bill provides that the total nnmber of . commissioned officers, exclusive of ommissioned

warrant officers, shall befour i per -- cent; of the . total t enlisted I

strengthtof the active list authorized Jby , law. The1 personnel is increasedfrom t ta 74J0,a Immediately,wtth-- a provision that, the?; presidentshell-b- e --authorized ta time of emergency 0' Increase; the personnel to ap--

pra unately.-.;'S- 7 Toe increaseyvtuid give a full complement' to a allparY:veasels. la. b' fitted 1 fortse4sctvlce ; within the next.Ul monthsaaa.iouiesoipsi .in reserves perCfettt-'ipf- . fhelrj fujl JcopiplemenC- - ThesubommItlee Increased ' the marinecorpa'Xrom MOO loi 15,000 'In itlme Ofpeace and; aout 17.0Q0iin timeiripfem ergen6y,? maintaining the ptopor-tic- n

of one to Ifive' tct thef persohnelcf the; navy. ;A

- ; -- .

The senate sub-committ- providedthat an amendment saying that rulesatfd "tegdlatipni prescribed by thesecretary of the navy, governing 'thecoiei oioperauonp, db inserted in tnelaw as amendment to' the house bill.

An appropriation of 118,873.500 iforammunition as ' against: 41145,925carried in the house I bill It lrovidedfdr: by the . senate? e. : Ahincrease of 11085.-00- 0 U given td theCharleston navy yard,v!$600.,000 fchraiioaxmgiHcrane- - or; the 'revolving ' typeJori'thetAIa're' Island-- ' naW'-rtrdZ-hn- d

f90.0DO: Additional ;i for.:-- ? touhffiotf

tThe llmtf of 'cost fo? each' battle'cruiser, etehisiv-'o- a armor ana arma- -

aaentristflted r at sj60Q;coajl and,

U Ther hoo"viJroTlsloh''.'for i3'OOL00nfor-- alr;?afti W'kept InVthe Uti lth jan: toendmeBt-tmikl-

a ataRablefoir-t-

ha jjurchlse at I fliHeib'lc;' V." fstmctlon or sh!pff'lTrbvfdiViort't4

ri"-- J "' " 4gpX9reanJ,jres; iUiVl 'i .i ..--

,; TFcr xuirnLag"a motor, Tehicle without

a license John Lopes was assess-ed f court' : : S '


TToshiuralpaid l51n ioiice i coarttor selling Ice cream containing- - butterfat far below the percentage feaulredby-la- ".-!;- . t;. t .TK.:'

TJ.' Kahikina, accused of a statutoryoffense,-wi- s fined by Judge Mon- -sarrat. bentehce was suspended .uponAnnia JCaUn, the wpman Jn .the case.

&'" '.t m J- - ";,'-

Paul Leu ' :was ' arraigned beforeJudge Monsarrat on. heed-less sald'io have runnto. "TACtorrycle ; ridden . by Police-man Jane's tupplbeenrby turningin the tiWdle-o- r ashlockf'tj w hetried "August ; 4s l - - :. .:

."' 1 ''b m$ '.i



; YOSEMITBauto stageloads ofJ touristsv. enteringthe Yosemlte' Valley were '.held upt re-cently, at "Wawona try a highwayman,who

A operated .ingle-bande- d hu-- i

escaped on .a motorcycle.' , He collectedabou. 400.7Tno victims Included sev-eral tourists from the Eastern1 cities

The banjlit. stopped the first car bymeans of a Jog rolled- - across the Toad-wa- y.

As.'lt' stopped he stepped joUtfrom Ihe'-erus- h and with a sawed-of- iEtoignn iussumed 'jch'arge-o- f ;the situa-tion.' V He waited until the jive coacheshad reached' his blockade and then or.pered everybody out to the roall -- 4

If H f USB AN D'S C2LAY f .

i Vv V ..?;,, , RWtrtAJ ION euiT1 - BOSTON,'. MassTAtfred 'Lowen-stel- n

a rlch.hliCaelphia cldthfngdealer, Joses his 42,00emaraage snitagainst Howart Druikhbuse pf PHil-aderphi- a,

jQt alienatlbnf .thai affec-tkns- of

--Atrs. Blanche Xowenstein: 5 i:r; i This result follows- - hnderfa rule re-ceni- ly

. adopted bythB,SoJfolk superiorcourt which 'all 'cases bnJhe 'docket to be ; automatically dismissed5rhen there 4ias'-bee- d 3ao' acTTontl fortwo years prior to 'April ! last " Low- -ensteht entered-hi- s suit here1913.-- - ' :

' , ' :

1 -

" "i . ..1


';- - I. M. ..WANTE Br, -- :'.r .iV:, r:

?c2d-han- d: JhducUia rmotorl ?4 ot 2. --iorBepowerv - AfloriiSH Box 358, Sta j

C.aIletIatf aivy t.;.: y 6533 5r I


: f :'

,'p7n-. ';.t yT-- - J.uU, T---,

1 Ii 'Ml 5T (

fade from

The Aero" Club pf America has re-

ceived ; infttrmaUon that orders." tortwenty aeroplanes have been placedby the War Department This brinpsthe total for the month up to thirty

1 iCharged , with 'jrepres'enting himsellon a uuvciuiueui utiitct . iui uuiyvnaof. fraud,- Chjef.'.lk Horn Johnson hasbeen sent o hf Tombs, New York-b- j

United, states "Commissioner ;Hbughton in; defjujt iof It50p ,b ;

I B UOUEtlare so 'ctjbjecttoheadache are 1

languid, paw ana neTToiisicauseitheirMoxiuthinorbsuffident'TheYsrc nui Xv4tuy sua wau ucaiutc ( vy4-- 1

plain, but they lack that tmhitum andfviyaciry which isthetrbirthnght.' 1eydoncAncdrugsbufdqnetbetoriicand honrishmentin Scott's-EmiilMon-


that 'makes richer blood, fills holloiycheek5suppresses nervousness and es-

tablishes 'strength. - NouHshmentaloneinak'esblood andScott's Emulsion is theessence tf'cWcentrated nourishment,free from uic alcohols or opiates, fV If mother or daughter is. frail, pale.orjaenrous, give her Scott's for onemonth and seb the betterment--T It has


siirtiriiteslmanj fcitg stored l-- I:'

15-4- 4

' ' ,Tr I ' ' I ,.1".

k (Oil


to i ?.f.. 'ijS'ip' iti '. vf'QO.'riJ-a- !

riiitt hi 'Jta

, v'' 8 "4"'

j. the Star9r


''y ,''-'-- ' ''







? The Curtesy

'I. ,

JIS jcolumns; and; a


4 .. ;'. ; V-- v.- -

we! ssrre it rich withpx3"exnilk and a floating'

wafers, Is ahIdeal lnnciu

Try It and you'll ,want it

Hotel Cti llwa Fort 5


lClf;r;TCrrr3;AttO :AWfilNCJ i:, i Luau ft Canopies for Rent

Jr :;ThWY.VMra? (Experiencec fftrt t near Allan itptU!r;:


Bishop and Queen.(i TcL 2182


UConsultIe9 OsalsnJng ? and r Con-,.- -'

.um psirUet'R? 6Bgine,traM'na;i;i:T!Br4gesf'JBuildtng4, ' JCqncsete ,8trc--.

Steel. Ctrjactures, Banitary sys-tems ' JReportS; fnd. estimate rP.n ?TP3-iet- s,

Jh6ae i045.- --- 1 V t t

r 5 , - " 5?, North? King Street. .Ai. ,

(Between Ma'unakea,aB?(dj,8injlb).-.-l.laU arid seV cur j5ranirhe'V. QH$P

.i aoies rnay rescrva igr cpwnc,

v.. v.;If'JutiR '.vJi'v''



.1. f.







.. t , i-- t

y: ,";-- Mr:'Merchant,attiie' - .,.. ' it - it .



want k::ow the best--

4 typewrite r buy:ask theopinion of the besf typistknowHUnderwood

1' i

is t

- T , .T -



,'ivi- - : : 'J1. 1 ft ft i;tlir'


:'.v, ,y-:- .s!;',-.- ',


fr v f

V.-- '

;' !l'


so ready to extra troublearticular ' '

? I?' .

of the Advertisingl I T i. . liJit J t . '

nr.-7"- e

:;vx "jrwef of assttring of keen

appreciation of theycbnrte?y we have received from your ad

vertisin2r department durin oiir smlll campaign. The splendid

results achieved have in a large measure been to the carefulnianner :in wUeh'he; teye' been set, as wejl as to the readi-

ness to change cbpv at almost a moment's notice. .

you results.'

of newspapersto meet the demands of somewhat





ake you pur





and care that Hr.? - a part ; of thexcill' Vourlf; hands







Star-Bullet- in

Norton refers-t-o representreceive

quick, courteous, -- efficient Service is one. of the means we employ

rr n rrri

. - - .



. ; r

' : f v J

; .y

r." tt i

i i i'



Service you JDepartment. ;

: ' 1 . 1 .'

to fee that




The Ad Man

Page 3: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t

.The superiority of V.,.

J) 'lV d DHAYI1IO C0 LTD. 5 v ?m fJST

v -

1 k. . ' c"ttTrvrt t?tt'!i CT0IIAG2 mm e5 to 71 couth quz:

m as to


J. i.

A .

v;t' .


basedBetter Llaterials;

.Better EquipmentBroader --Experience.

Phones 1542-467- 6. 1,'


mmm-- ;




10 PEIOTE&Jerent

every knownfcia. Abo ji.



supreme ckta

la':Youna Culldlng .

r;n5 ;N

I z

iii 1

I i



is on ' , :


pur--two cop

sr :

Cs Uia la

v u u




- ...






AcciDEjis aiYu:i:;,:!iNet f one basiMiger of the Oaha

Hallway A Land Company, hat beenkilled by accident during; the 27 ytnnoperation or that railroad.

Fred C Smith' general 4 passengeragent of the O. it & U Co., mad thisadmission n hen queried today oa thesubject . The Information waa j notgiven toluntarily however. In ' faetSmfth hocked rood - energeUcaliyfollowing the remarkable statement

"Infrequent?, of accidents is tome-thin- g-

that ; no carrier; or corporationbrags about for :one - can never- - tenwhen they tnay vetaae Smith tays.Although we are proud of our rerord

we are not beating. The Vorstthings often occur4 as they say, in thebest regulated fanullea." t- - -

. Millions of passengers have : beencarried at a rapid rate In' many dailytrains daring the last 27 years bythe Oahn railway and accidents ofany kind have been", surprisingly ewBmith Is saying nothing about; this,

- - ' -either.- - t ;



rHILADELWlti, Pa, In thW ayaof Ramesea, the treat Egypt boastedof museums nndtj archaeologicat"! re-search equal to that . of, the. . presentday, according to reports which naveJust reached the university of.' Pennsylvania's mnseum from the JSckleyB. Coxe eipedition to Africa.

Dr Clarence 3; Fiiher,-- . leader'' ofua expeauion, itpons- - inai a ' xewweeks .ago --his party unearthed .whatappears to have i been a ' museum Inthe palace' lof Msncmptah who. was(he son and successor to the throneof Rameses and who hasbeen,ldenufied by - some historians as the Pharaoh of the oppression described in



. TYwnnN Cftf.ii-Ll- t "Ttrlln-sat- s

the Rotterdam cofrespotdent bf theIxndon Dally Tesraph. Tienha' hibrcadand sugar darts. but lio'tneatcards-.- p r. .-.-

r, :, i a:--'- " Advices YronV. AhStiriai explaiii4 thatth people-hav- e 410 meat cards becaute.ere. is ,cot jsuSclent- - meat? toafford the smallest' portion --that mignibe. allctt by the- authfirtties;r!V;

th eir meats, but the1 worklngclasses

and the greater part ;0 "the ? middlerl f.r- - tnc. c .t tiLTne.res- -

nt ri ice' ur ai tiny portion' AV4?1I '-. . - . -

jawing tothefenBiye

mad e in bur estab lish -

merit, we find it neCiccary i

temporarily to c 1 o oe our ;

store on Saturday evc- -At other buGini:3:

1; w u 3 u v; i 1 1 rcilv

'tlis came cpurtedli ser--

. McINERNYCcrrcr Pert tid' trcliistXiti




r- i



Fifty-on- e mothers - and children, s?lected from various tenements, ; leaveMonday;; In charge : of Ml-- : ilabelSmith, a ipalama Settlement forte.for,- - the Fresh Air cam? at V ajaluato take - he place of ihow couingIn Sunday who : will havs ;lmis?ledtheir two weeks, free vacation. ,

Tte vacationists tow at the cam Anumber an. eyes i0 aar4ir all Hawallans .from KaUhL 'They tre ' incharge ot Miss Reba DoTsoa, alio 1Palama - nurse. : ' Several H&wa'iahsliving near the. camp Join&l with themln a luati - this , week, according taHeadworker James A, Rath) rh waIn town from the camp for -- a shorttime Thursday,


.';v v BORN. '7 ':FARIA---I- n Honolulu; July 20,' 1916, te

Mr. and M3 Jose Maceda Forlu of' Leahi avenue, Kaimukl, a son. ; y --

WtJKAlla, Honolulu, July .15, 1SK,: to UK and Mrs.; Tokumifitt Mukal: of' 1034 Desha, lane, Palaaa, a son---

TAVARESIn;'- -' 1J1, rfev Mf.1 and Mrs1. Mahuel Ta--.'"tares of Kukul street a sonPeter.CASTROf-I- n Honolulu, J,tlly,i2;,t?lC

to-- wrana Mrs. Manuti yj cajtro oft 2035 Wilder venue,i 4 i daughter1 Bertiice. :-- Hilda p,'-- . v

SOUZA-It- t Henolulu, July iz, 916f tostrand wrs. wiuiam Boufa of Cap t.Cook avenu and Faril street Au- -iwaloliittu son-Hert- san,

LEE In Hondlulu. July iiO j' UlL to

Hr.'and"Mrs. Lee Sut oMIotet nearMaunakea street, a son ilun Tuckv

OKAMOTC Honolulu, July J6, 1916,to Mr. and Mrsw Takuji .Okamoto of

,1302 South Beretania street a son'KoichL .' ' -v-j- v:-

JAMES In; Honolulu, July 4, lSl, t&;Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicester, James


or vfiv sin avenue, ivaimuKt, . 'adaughter Margaret Helen. ,r - .

LEE In Honolulu, June 25,1916,' toMr. and Airs.. Tai . sung uee of Z2ZIolani avenue, Auwaiolimu, p. daugh-ter '-

-PearL . A . .v" jr.: . i. v

TANAKA-I- n HolulJune 22inKto Mr; and Mrs, Jiro Tanaka of Dow- -

1 r sett lane, 'mama. : a aaugater ro--

MATSUSHIMA In Honblulu, July 1.Mr. .and Mra -- Toichi .Matsu- -

j hjlma" of Robello lane,: a . ioa-St- il'

. suki. v4; i I v-'.-

tUKlfaoA IA WHoholuUu Clly ll7iSii-tiTMr.rtn'- Mra,;j!2sujroTa- -

'ktnhJra ' 6f Beretania v r f t near- Mauna'Kea.r son Takiihl. r ;GTIAN'CINGi Ia.II6no..l-- i i,J; -- :ti916,vto; Tar.p bnd - Mrs,--, Tfcwrcio? Guanclnfe ;of Kukui end Frt iitreete,

tarUrDorothy rrtBARRlKGTDNMCAM'AWAE InHo--

nolulur'Jnly 20, 1916. Janes W. Barfringtbn and Mrs.-An-ha Milla Kama:

vae. Rev. samuel'K. Kamiopm, $s- -

sistantpastorr- - of the Kaunakapuichurch offlclatlhgf . witnesses Mrs.

1C- - Bishaw and :Mrs- - K. Kivazh

KAULANA-SILYAv;.- -; In .Honolulu,; Jmy.17, 1916, Samuel Kaulana; and

Mrs. Mary Sllvvttev. Henry K. Poe- -" ooe. pastor . of .. the --'KaaaakablH

church,' otrtciaiing: ; wltB'esseB-WU-

ST. OERMAIN-S- l NHOFF ' In Hor; nOlulu, July 15 lSlC,--GeotgC-

' StGermain and ' Miss rAnna steinhoff,'Pastor ? J3avid : C." Peters ot theChristian ' chnrch,r offlciatlng: iu

: hesses-Bust- er WV Morris rattd .JuH- -

ette .Gay: , :v ,3- V- -

AILEHUA-SAtlkALI- U InIn, July. 15, 19)6, Charles . AUehua

I ahd jifai Keaho- - Kaukallu, Elderhelt LT aaef of !the Church of JesusChrist of Latter Dar Saint cfficiaVing; rwitnesses John Kahoomiha

h HattlA Kahoomiha: A- '

PARICHA-SUEL- O In Honolulu, July.13,.1916, Sepherino Paricha and Miss

; Sixt4 SueloReverend Father Victo-rious of the Catholic. Cathedral offi-ciating: witnesses Juan r,; Yurongand Juana Ambalon: :"v; r: -

EBY-HASTlE-r- lo Eleele,


Harry, J. Eby ahd Miss: EvaM. W; Haatie, Rev. M.pastor of the Lihue hurch.

HAY-SWAlN- tn ;Hfci -- July




Hawaii2, 1916GUbert Hay, Jr and Miss

... j fj :.. i

v 3


ll i. .woria nappemngs at san Krancisco ana vicinity oetween tna nours ot 3 am. & p.m une umeIf day when things' usually do happen)-mus- t come to the Star-Bulleti- n first. ' ' 4-

- : ' w :: I !

. 2 World happenings at Washington, New York: and vicinity 5:20, a.m.r to 18:20 a.m. must "come to Star-- .l! Bulletin 'first :

r...-:A..iV:rr..-r::- : :.-- .v.. ,

. 3. World happenings in London, Paris and vicinity. 11:30 a.m. to 12:38 p,m. next day must come to Star- -

i : Bulletin erst . v'

.. Ks'

r..-.-.-- -f v... .J; . . w-- .u-- '

j 4. World1 aappehihgs on European battleflelda! frbmiioo pjn. to i :00r a.m, next day must come to-Stir-



nMMMMBMMMMMtMraiwMt)jM MMBBnasssirtavwSMi',,aHisu'swwMawiras


ji. ji






v ". f :.


'ypolyncsia feacsmpmeht 1 X O' Fhas . wcrkr fzr the Patriarch degree at

hregalar meUag.tonlght :'l rfetk" Lodge, knights ot 01beets for regular business 'at 7:30tonmsfo-h- a Jythlan :halt -ilDceanie Lodge confers the thirddegree at special meeting at 7:30 thisevening In the Masonic temple. '

"' " '" :.

P Circnlt Judge i',Whitney has grantedto Katsue Uilal a divorce from MlzueHllal, the grounds being desertion.

.permission to adopt Kahe Moku hasbeen granted , by --Circuit Judge .Whitney to. Joseph

.Kapolulu and Kelllhoo.

ka&o Kapolulu.-hi- s wile.'

About-10- 4 Sunday 'school childrenof the Japanese - Methodist .church.South.. King. streeL.'enJoyed a' picntnat wauiki beach yeaterdayv ---.-

'On tha CTOlind' of dfcrtk ClH?iiltiudge Whitney has granted . to Archtnaia .iiictman a oivorce trom xreneHickman, ' . i : ' 1 ;1 i ' ,

::4Ahilnmeut 6f Katale , Rodrigues,charged withi first degree i burglary,win' be had. in. Circuit Judge Ashtord' 9 o'clock; tomorrow mornings

'C fheUcVihplic "iathers Tsit Ihe FortStreet mission and : visiting . fatherswhd hate been attending the annualretreat ? Were t6 be the. guest at aluau : ftt; the ; mission.4, this . afternoon.The retreat was to come to a cloa at3 o'clock. lA-.:-r- i i ,:xi Charged with' assault: and battery

with, dangerous weapon. Ah Hung,Chineso, .pleaded rnot guilty in ; Cir-cuit Judge .shford'a court today.Bond has beenifixed at 1750 and thecase placed on the calendar to be setfor trjat ; : ; ; ; X A-- i

' --Because the prosecution's 'witnessesnave left te territory. and. because, thederendiat .has, jromised to , eava, theterritory the case r0f Charles.; Martin- -

sen,' charged 'with assault and "battery;was nolle prossed in Circuit JudgeAshfo's jiourt today at the instanceneyMw...0 Lufr ; 'ithei 1917 atttomobiKanduork :3tunUf.1Ugs,re'.', beingdm i l ' Deputy SheTtff,Aih;Trhey

i tbihjiears tags; th&.Inference being ?the

colon-- - t "tlie- -f utnre . hne will Deg

AiChjt;t.eJiaig. ;Last year, it. wasnlue-tan- d - titfs-y- ear I red. vThe col(rs

.....if ..!. m ...j trfMft'frt('fi3f'h-rVi!Ji- . tinttl ; nil , Hp.









ana oi




sirable colors. havefteen used.

2,m ope;theii sdclar seasonl forthe. present term ' byglvjng' k danceand 'card, party' aV the Outrigger CinoeClub on Saturday ievening." Odd

anditheir friends' are"cordially lnvited. There" will be dan c-l- ng

ffbm8:S0i .to? lltse and music bySahU, Clara orchestral? The cdrmnit'tee- - in charge is Hattie M;: Blackburn,Margaret: Slmotton, j-

- Alice l Samson,Marion vWright Id&.Fenton. i '

DAILY REi.lUlDEnS !. Roead -- thafiUlinjla" autOr I4.C0.

Lewis Etsablea. i Phone JUL Adr.' Exclusive icorset shop The Good-wla,- ".

nai. H 23t Pantheoa b.ldg.Adv' Wantadvertise, without delai andthe new- - lodger, may ) arrive the samedsy. the old one leaves. i- -f ;.. ,

tlf "havfe Vbmethlngj to "sell orrent .you have something, to adver-Use- -

In .the Star-Bnlieti- n, v v ; v - w

h For.xktilled, Water; Hftrt RootBeer "and all "other fPojular ; Drinlatry the Cos SbdaiWaNr Wdrxi Co;-- dr. r:-:.- . IV- - m

t Louise K. Swain, Rev. Father James, C. BeiseeV pastor of the- - Catholic

: church of. 6t Joseph, officiating. IMATTHIAS-SWAI- N In HIlo, Hawaii.

. July 2,1916. Gwynn. Ji Matthias andMiss Rose Swain, Rev,' Father James

. C - Belssel, pastor of i the Catholic. Church, of St Joseph, officiating-- .

. V DIEO.FARIA-InLHonol- olu July 20, 1916;

:the Infant son ofJr. and Mrs. Jose! Maceda : Faria' of Leahi avenue,

Kaimukl, a, native of this city. Body'cremated yesterday. 'iv v

KULIKE In Honolultt, July 20. 1916,James JKulike 'Jot y. KukuU nearRivet street married, ; . keeper of

;Aala park, a natlve-o- f ; Hawaii,40- years old. i -

CARTER In Hik), i- Hawaii, . lJuly 8,1916, James C. Carter of .Volcanoatreet married, constructor, a aa-- rtlve of NewZealandrMavyeara old,

KIKUA'-I- n? Honolulu, r July 21, 1916,Mrs. Kalwa Kiajia, married, age 26yearj 9 months and 36 days. . BodybnrieX 1 today : InU the Kawalahaocemetery.' - . Pi: :A. ' ?


Hp'nrr-Chew-rChon- Chinese .... 31

Ahan Lam, Chinese : . . .... ...; 20

. . J -- .Y Lee Sunt'Phil, Korean .'. . : ; ;i . .... 36

Esther Lee Choon Kyung, Korean; . , ai.' ,sa ;


Frank Harrington, who confessed tomurdering Billy Clarke a, near AJbanylast March, was committed to Matterwan. 'f

Health, department Inspectors destroyed ,496 botties of cognac and oth-er liquors seized from Raffaele Casne,of Brooklyn; .

- : 1 : '

A badmakes hard

jj) - All day the dulltnroo ana ueaharp, ' dartingpains make youmiserable,

: thfre's no; restat night'Maybe tt's

your dally wdrkthat hurts the

, kidneys, for Jar--' ring, jolting.

8 lilting, reach--

'SCS . ing, and : manyother strains do weaken them. .

. Cure the kidneys. Use Doan'sBackache: Kidney Pills,.They havehelped : thousands and should do aswell for your- - - v , f . :.

"When Your ' Back is Lame Remember. the Name. DOAN'S BACK-ACHE KIDNEY PILLS." Sold by alldrucstes as 60c ; a box (six bekee

ormailed: en receipt if priceby the WolHster Drag Co or Benson,Smith & Co agents ' for the Ha--

iiian Islands- - v -- t



I - BUILDIMG PERMITS rP. Fukuda.' owner., Location, ma--

kal side of Klng: 'street,: feet eastof McChlly " tract ; Addition , to dwell-ing, K.' NekomotO, builder. EsUmatiedeost 1385. m:i mW. Charles' a' S. AUrjicaVtlon, Oahu." Dwelling. oKena and Wai-ama-

architect Charles B. S.' Ai,Builder r Estimated cost,. 8200. . -

S. .Yamada, owner. Location, Ewaside of Cedar street, 200 feet makalfrom King street Dwelling. ; N. Nlshl-har- a,

builder. Estimated cost, $320

i 'C: twAna;gW'''owtter.v-'Location- , Ewaside of Fott street 200 feet .makalfrom Pauoa. road. Dwelling.; U. Ymamoto. "builder, Estimated cost$23()o. r'''l1 ; ;

k v;?!

'UB3 ,Agnes ja. - xnoiniyre; o wner.Location, Ewr side jot Neuano; street300t fjeetmakai irrom Wyllie streetDwelling, garaga:and servants quar,ters. pSankp Co bultder."TEstlmatedCOsti,t4iaa. -- '. .- -- ', :v- - - ;


t Mrs .MarytMartlnl mother of Rev.Dr, AVIUlam B.tMartln. . first assistsntat SU Patrick's Cathedral, New York,ia deadii is.z. J

. .mi ''iiiiii: .'II

M; !l!llli.llll':

; - . .' ';,



:m- j .. ' .. ' .

Now anwhen Ton nsc to clean toilet bowl.

i little sprinkled into'the howl every few days will !'.

j" onghly clean it and keep it spotless and sanitary. .

l Biucicn irap is rcacnea uy, - -





It is not n general cleanser, but a patented pretion to clean: toilet bowls and keep ..them ; clean.Sani-Flus- h at our risk money back; M itcfaila to dowe claim. m. mm---''-: :

Tns.nsxaxL cross


Hold .v V ''?r--5-- 1--

lira aWon



V The One Really Good Steel.)'tv,-r- Kltchenc Cabinet V

" ' on feis Pay merits' '



KS ': k: hc:

all. cr. nc: a: - '.f.'D fc? -- ;,te.:2TC v,:,,.,,. FIT. -- WOO J, AND


at Any Call ca or:; . .


24 Sansome Street San Francisco




srm,- TT

Fcrt til XU.


:H0u:rJ or! i'sucUv.--a St,



Anywhere Tine,


are - tamed right into our kitchenLlllUUgll VJUO



ypipes. A; Every cent

y moment of the use6f G cooking g e tsimdmte

v coricehtrated, instantaneous results.

water heaters :

convert hot kitchens i n to pleasant ,

places where coolness, neatnesp andmaximum1 results at minimum cost '





- f

What kind of a meter do you prefer?A straight service meter or an ,


automatic, pay-as-yop-u- ss cse. - '

Phone 3421 r- ;





J V- -

.- -

1 --s

; - :,







Page 4: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t




Chairman hermit of the Republican is quite justified:n the neat-ultimatu- m he lias given farty leaders.

Unlessii?s a$tie&Wh ft' 'jpttnjf'men. progres- -i ve men on khe territorial central committee in whom

the so-call-ctf "business community" has confidence,I.e willthrough

rw.igti. ljdt ses no prospect of real successi trie VffoiaS ol"acemmittee controlled by re--

: ctionarie. Z; ;' . ;...;- - '

As a .ttjr of fact? the lack of confidence in thiscommittee isVnot confineJttp'the "business commun-

ity" It S held by Republicans ami independents alike..ho han.' aiv knowledge of-- ' local "politics and whohave bedf n-

- jtvHlics not for profit but for.hat they conceive to bevWe7r"duty as citizens. Such

tors as lbej.feiuYej3Aj;onfidcncc iojhe present, com-:te- e,

for they expect it to exemplify narrow partisan: rit and the patronage or spoils system of party ac--

The nun credited with engineering through the re--t

ionarj slate are busy denying any hand in a "frame-.- "

V lethef the result of the committee electionss of a as not a frame-u-p does not clymg the com-ttc- e

mtke-u- p. The result is the amp y .V riTrue, Joo; that much of the fault rch wlh the'3k

: c d "jirogressive clement of the convention. 'The;rtssives yieldwi'tO'the? talk of Mparty harmony' ;'

' led p the talk' of "vote-gettin- g planks yielded.'h it'was a bitter pill, to the proposition that Dele- -

Kuijio should be indorsed. They-were- . f f

n now. rue fully puts it, "good fellows," and"m,re- -

i they got what the-goo- fellows in politics general--

:ta couple of swift Jocks when their usefulness

ended. . - '.'V: '.' :':r'-:X- r


y are the goats of the situation. Their plightkvaken 'some complaisant Honolulans to the fact


t (Torts of unselfish leaders are needed now asr before. M so', the knocks they' endure, will not,c orators say, have been in vain.' ..; ''


iuval. experts: in it i"Vnt !d ates q'i v,

roz are still disputing aXOircc !t .North bea.Datuetnere is a. lainy-gcuc- i

: i ' 1 "pf irpln10 the dreadnoughts amply

.I trfVr!ZThcbihip& sustamea. iigUt;

-- c: iscK 'are now held in less esteem. -- Cor

; ro rarsilopj feqiate contains to$a!6?4tfchtfy. iix.bir

rr J A- - few weeks. agQf)CtTSfihad virtAiv1 ..uuv. icicgiiv..v1 Ji- -'

, :


hhhte ilugfiesvisgettingintohxsmpaign.with.'2 )Ttcm""an'(rtfemendous-- : effectiveness' which

I ! his preparation for a big law case ; At hisvr few swats

thetime Iater;on.'-;Th- e pira- -

nationalr.r. V,;,v,; .


!e detail Democratic: "covering"

and appearuth Hughes. Washington'

Verified reserve befitting a member the"newspaper; os'vfrite

h.r.-- i this and breezy.:, g j r. and very approachable candklate--an-d

uitc oiivyjusiy 10 ngni insJ

I wish ; repeat, says Chairman' Pacheconcratiq 'party, "that Judge

andT that- iiandeletes $t Louis convention sub-t- o

.the. ,ame" The-- ; Democratic "hasohly: proper .' attitude; with reference

;rt's outrageous attack president. Butarty" done anything-t- o disclaim 3tuarts

, or to assure national administration that iCis.iiated , by .the Bourbon organization?they allowing it stand without protest

-- vn-j;f

.';ar!es-Ilughe- tells Republican to get.ther.' - They miglit bury Jlie as

here other fellow's

J 1 DOMINIS: Circuit tto inake money on

Month. They beingof ibout two

STAINBACK, attorney-gen-Ti.!- s

time of" ' a

tiklnS it easier --usual

: ; : DOTLE: ' 1 Tes,::;rta letter pretty

toneparty thanjWJ

. . . - ; ; - j"

' ". v.TLDZIt,' deptity asressor,: t motorists yell'





. .....v,....v..JULY(Prom an Editorial Advertising.) 4

x Charles Evans Hughes has been nominated for President the 'Republican's,1 and; as this written it isevident, that Woodrow Wilson ; boisterouslyrenomidated, first ballot, by the Democrats.

then what promises the most dramaticnational campaign American history will

Mighty issues confront the voters jiew andheard-o- f issues created I by conditionabroad; The world will concerned American politics next few months. The whole

world may affected result. Certain itat United States never faced a momentous

disaission great questions.Advertising as an capable shaping

public opinion noTo'nly buying done by peo- -

pie 01 people now meets 11s nnoiopportunity. ; '

Are party leaders going depepd upon, "pressbureaus" as a means delivering their political messages to thejieopTe? 'If they Vlbheinjmjelybeadvertising tli.emselves and tHere'it; good'Jadvertiser in world who doesMot'icnow'thar sucH

advertising does'nt pay. nnted only irit is not needed. ;


"' fThelonty

; way to''reachesboating' qr, mdepdentv'fete'iJJ 'trJ independent media, iof

faith, and thai canonly bedorteby "mean's

paia-fo-r advertising. -:



Political advertisements Iiave many times the atten-

tion value boiler-plat- e service committee head-

quarters.- The party that realizes this most thoroughlyis party that will make .most headway. : The partythat does advertising stands best

making inroads independent voteThe party that best platform will neces-

sarily winner.; must'sell that plat form andwhose ; feet? iipon" 'Ah5 that can

done effectively, thefe''iqaynceVfusis4eflienfcy, good advertising; and other way.

e scored cbluriiis'"6f ?neivsnapeVtmeit.1 t?.jCVi'-- Hi"

uponine 01 cuy yreic.aiiqjiiu sin-

gle sentence te4,praise. ,

and onV"oTth"eHiTi l financial fiarufesUnited States

illg Oj

,'oinrmm-es- c

.Where thousands whtftVrvwoman


ite'yZ tSehrnN

nve-ye- ar program r'rv rv.

nlKi. AWlU. JWUUUUU; Tint familiar slogan 'Swatithe'Frv'O.of irtaS.flma



cities lias bet $tvejSeJjilhealth authorities' soon realizcdthat withmillions flies IciHed wat method little head --

way pests was being made. Likecampaign mosquito,: has, been found that

the place do the swatting: .''St source.';;rtie Hridgehampton, N. Y'and atthe Re-- the places where flies and mosquitoes'

campaign- - Iiea'dquarters.' mctropol:sA he breed worth uhtold numbers of swats a?the indivi- -

.Urge. part? of his docu- - dual injects outbreak irtfantile;vTf; he studies wM York has given, new strength the anti- -

i;. :ring..a scries of speeches 'on fly "cajiipaignV 'Wt..V present Mudy largely, grasp V'Vthe weaknesses of

Newspapermen the na-urte- rs

Bridgehamptoh beIn he pre- -

.nu-.U-c- but now thel:e thrown, off resent'' Is

hj.rcaav ior cuhvu.uoh.

to) of thedo not approve' of

.rt's cbursij am quite sure none of theto the

chairmanth.e .to

on the haslet- -



factionshatchet in the re--:

platform convention in the

IN' A. cour:.zz divorces

are filed nowrate day.

?r.lsat the year for

'dz Tushlngthan

rzn- - A.was

Lvt he tss more for the::;:a Hawaii





bv is.will Ie

on theto be

in be on.un

unprecedentedwhole be infor the

be by thetli the- more

ofinfluencein the the

out tne voting tne


tothe- -


the oppositeof


thethe strongest the

chance of on. thehas the fiot

be the Itthe candidate are in

by no

offt. A.:--- 't"315ueain


eni b:sr of the




on a j : ,w

- v




' ' '.


A liangedj to. ert' the

of by the sihexterminating the

the on the itto is the A

! in at thein are ;

a surrounded by of, y to

1 ; 1; is to in ,r I



1 :




ofj ? ;




-- "

: z





: - :




VVe venture to make aw prop'hecy. Four ears fromnow the nation wili be watching another convention ofthe Republican, if not the Progressive, party. There

I wjll be assembled at the .same time and place a 'sup--

jjuiiicidiycynyciiuonvo. women pviiiicians ,r nui in1920 Jhe n's .'6fJ.hirrT6nnance$ rtt. net tbe dis-missed, to the sixth page. They will be promoted tosomewhere near the fifst.-T- he New Renublx.-

f. Comparisoi.'of I?rsiUcnt VVUsbn's remkrk that, He

never feared a hoisy man and Candidate Hughes' ap-

proval of quiet men make. us believe thit tfie twowould be rather good friends if the did not have to .be

cnernies.Philadelphia Evening Ledger. : v;

' .tlie new program Sam fronv

going to build 157 varieties of ships in three years

r Germany should next start an aerial mail servicewith the United States.' ;.Give;the Zeppelins a turn

'vv;:. :.'::-v- "-r ;n HV;

One must bein"ateful to Judge (Stuart. for. givingHawaii entertain:rnent during a &hI months.' ':-'- '

Is Ir. Fairbanks stlU running foyiceresident?over ..paying, the '. 25-ce- nt tag fee re-- any rumor that I am to enter into part--

quired by territorial law than they dd i nershlp with my sister.about paying their car taxes.


A. W. NEELT, deputy assessor,tax office: It's the fellows who useautos for rental service and then skipout overnight that give us gray fcalrsto locate when It to collectingauto taxes. ; - ;

GDDRGE R. CLARK: It's prettyhard to get anything done in federalcourt these days with a strong odor offaint and turpentine floating around.However, the interior of the buildingla much improved, and thit helpssome.- - '..-'.;;:;.

HURON K.;::ASHF0RD:i Yes,when I finish: my . three-yea- T

- :lavrcourse at California" university X expect to come back tbUbnoIuiti-td't-ry

to be x lawyer. I know nothing of

PHILIAS GORIER, chief ' clerk,Moana hotel: Summer business herenow ts better than ever. The Euro-pean- war is certainly benefiting Ha-waii for it 'causes many people. frromthe SUtes to "See America. First,"whethar they want to or not ; Butfrom scores of favorablewe ha7e heard, this year from first-tim-e

.visitors wo find they have not.regrettsd their western trip. - And it isremarkable how many are here for" thefirst time.' - v ; "

::' ";::v: ,

I jOHK P. G; STOKES: Who said 1

had resigned from the Puunui Im-provement Clni'in order to Join theKalmukl ClubX; l,-- not only .a member- - cf those;itwt organizations-- but ;ofithe two others, the Nuuxnu Im-

provement Clubr of which George


LUdiLl 1U bll I


Fourteen mllegHor rounwy road r - indieationa. that- - ifte uate. or dabout to be cut jan in.ordr.that the larture of the U. S. protected cruiser,army


may, save approximaieij - - -

in hauling ccsts according to Super- - p . HarboP . not far or ara con.Charles N, Arnold. "It will cost u,ntyA in . fmm.RHAr.'

Honolulu .between-$500- 0 and JIO.QOO

to repair the roAd after the army isthrough with it,? he says. "In othorwords the city is "contributing to armyhauling costs."

Arnold says that there ate 20.000cubic yards of sand to be transportedfrom Waimea to Castner; . that therailroad asked $70,000 to carry It nndthat the quartermaster's departmentfigured that it could be carried the J4miles by truck for $45,000. The roadis in good condition all the way. ex-

cept foVa stretch near Castner cut upby heavy ara.trujijkirig' declareTh4 road departraent'hai Jast fihishr

ed oiling and sanding it through Wal-aiq- fA Most, pf tlifet Yovrtef ; laijeg is

paved with--' watertfoundJ inaeadam,:The est Is asphalt tnacadam. Jt willhate teen'Cui 1 to ..eces, unless, .heViehtler Is 'htehly favorable 'knd' :tnebest type' of trucks 4 re jbsed.hea thearmy is through : trucking: that sand.Then people wni' begin "t6 talk" aboutWhat "wretched roads .we Rave aroundthe, ?id'fe-;- ; t ':'r:


, ,Wite Ifive fuirsquads of 'eight meneach ; in Tattendance;''?tll.i biggestturbouL in'--' Idne tlnve 1 greeted, theTnuidav ieht drill. ofitthetntfchWe'!guh 1 'xionipaTty 1 1 st id fab 7; tNationalGuarfl'of, HawaIH;vi,nK hgt-- 1

yjiity, U'lie mure "men ncfa iweii- -

listed the' cmrtiif of

upCflllff'abiy;r-v.-- .

Among ' the pesefrtatfie I.I'd-- f

lacs wco Mave'' 5ofaea;iie a'towstWH?th!s week 'are tr.:A; Bifffl.reasuyert? t;; th e Wu ttfal--! Tel epfibrte7 Cnipii y

ai rStHn iV.liiii Vri a

; VISIT" Tomorrow' Brlg.-Gen- . , R. ,K. Evans,

commanding the Hawaiian - Department, and stall will. make an automobile .tour .around the island tofamiliarize themselves with the topo--?ra?hy cf Oahu and observe various

improvements ;: have tobeen in progress - in the Jast year.

Sunday Gen. Evans, Samuel I. Johnscn, commanding the Na-

tional Guard of and GovernorLucius E. Pinkbam, will make visitsto Waimanaio to study thttopograpay.of that portion of Oahu.





yet thehcrse and feed DIx, andit is believed shels at Naga-saki. No cable is when

leaves Manila. First notifkta,4 on sailing', when

According to naval uncle is fsteams; K'agasaii



Sherman is ,v2ee-preslden- t; and ofImprovement And

I eveiyoae. kno'w that I amgoing to fhove back to Puunui as soon

to a point I itcal to home there Is too

,ftse, I haveto a T own in Kai

Miukl. i;'




Lou L from ffrftmcrtnn Nvt Yard.

messagejust by Rear-Admir- al CliffordJ. Bcuah, commandant at Pear) Har-bor. '';- -: '': m'

The message says hat Lieuts. Wil-liam II. Stiles (j. g.) of the navy yard.Puget Sound. Washington, and William k. uresbam (j. or tne

ship, Puget Sound, will comedown On the SL Louis. ' It requeststhat Admiral Doush arrange returning

I transportation for them on an army.transport. '"',.-- . ,

It is believed the two lieutenantsare with the n vaotlonUrip.- - No reason for trip wasjassigned n $el niessagef and1 t fist

are on leave iffem h0 prniertP5nvyyard. The Louis, or-ders issued seytraj monihs ago 1 ythe, navyi epaxtit,njtj toi fhkvisteamed fromu3nefa"ioi tpi neajHatbor July 13, to bAtatiotflhlp here.v


HAWAIIAN MUSIC TO " u:fill ji;; h;;armoby!


Those soft, heart-movin- g strains ofgenuine 'Hawaiian music the bestone-ste- p Tag' music In the

incidentally will fill the Na-tional Guard armory tomorrow night,when a Hawaiian club of nine mu-sicians will furnish melody to speedthe steps around the bigfloor. : , ; .. f--, r,

The feature of Hawaiian music laa new and it be the first timethat genuine Hawaiian musicians'organization has played dancingin .tne armory, TJek dance wilt startat S continuing until miftlghVThe general; pbllcJuiAvited, anj,.aathe' ahepa. areflhder eceUent'superi,vision bei of order atjftll.JtJnj Ig

before ; comaiiOttaWIt col a 1 inuMCHM ic i'Bfrongth m K KftSgJffiS,; X "? ?;s,flfQhrJoffivThiaiM

'. ;


. ANp;MOt'G::?JEMBp;'ff.-'I'wfiM-.,- A f,'-- " if-- t

j jdennrdinrlo an bnmlon. written DV

aavoca;e ox,ine;iawanam uepanmeni,jrig.-ue- n. pamuei i. cwiu- -

:-- :. : : out standlne in the'feaeral oranlza--


;. jrigv-Gen.- '






tlon which the kuard ' has ..becOmS un

'ine new iawaoes noijinaKeanin the. case Of the "kdjutant-genera- lof the Territory :of Hawaii,

Capt. Gallogly says.; The office of theadjutant-genera- l does not fall withinthe scope of the National Guard, anorganization for defense of the na-tih- n

Aa the adiutant-ieenera- l wouldnot be called on to go to" the front.

military which, j, his pay Is the territojial gov


onmont Putit fJallntjIV V

Gen. Johnson, cn learning of theOpinion, suid that he now holds twoterritorial positions, cne-- as brigadier-gene- i

al of the.' Hawaiian militia, theother as chief of the governors staff.

.. kim m " ' ' )''fil e iir1 r rt n A M P C rrfi jfs a.


of. the frest dances of

Cable advicea received today by thei ,,. 1,.1 , toat.aTzaxtermiijwr's office from Nagasaki .- - p., CKff.. l, i7ifoi Rnu1stae jthat the U. S. transport : ;war ' Vetdrans ArrahgeraenWSherman sailed July 20 from the;;haV6i been maae-fo- r buses to" meetJapanese port for Honolulu, after tak-- ; gue3f3 ts they 'eaVe the 'street caraiur cjfu the usual


'of bunker ftt ' Kamehameha IV 1 road, between-ccal- .

: (7:45 and 8:30;""and"'ToretUt'n"theraT6e Sherman ;s expected to arrive after the dance. "Music will be 3t

4 or and to sail for.'nlshed by .the Royal Hawaiian-- orSan Francisco the; following day. No chestro.word has-- been received from

transport; . still

sent a trans-port r

'.' ' ! ,T' It cf comes the



Kawalloalele Club:want to

bor,here Relieve economi

. Myfop prseat spt

larger liduse



g.) re-





coming cruiser athe



and .world,



one, willa






jonnsyn,- -

es-cei.ti- on





' ' ', ',






" Py permission of the commandant,Rear-Admir- al Clifford J. Boush. theNaval Militia of Hawaii, in uniforhi,will embark on the V. S. naval tugNavajo at the navy: wharf in this citySunday morning, July 23, at 7:30o'clock, and will proceed to Pearl Hai

as the price of material goes down where they. wiU be shown the sta- -


mot-I- d




tion, returning, here at noon, on theNavajo. ;

' ' ; ' .;..' - '.;

Several of the Siberian rivers flowover the beds of solid ice. ....

.. :,'--- "'' ' '.'' r -


.' (

Area. .. . .;.'-- . .'. ... . . . . . . . . . Nearly an Acre

Frontage on Beach ............. . . . . . . .......144 FeetLocation. : . . . ... . ..Choicest Bathing Section

Possibilities. . . r. '. . . ... Beautiful private home or hotel

Lease. ... : . . ; . . . .,. . . . . ; 1 . . .Vor a long term of rears

x? a'iStariarenw;


U.UlGJLJr.;i.Yoa Bilieve That All Intelligent

People, A I g o Read

v You Judge QualityUJi hy what Vou r read of

others and what otherssay of them.elves,

Your Quality and '

; qualifications will beV judged by what you say

' of yourself and how you.; say it. ; ;;

Von Don't iro aroundto the back door and ask for pie. Then why sliohld ;,

you go chasing around "asking for Free, Publicity.

U Quality Pays Its Own Way. r

1 I i. ....... , t


H ; i- -f;' lulv 19. 1916

Wlnl" (inters 'No'llt. t : 1. '

't- -, r -- - - - n i . r . .VI.2. ahe following-iraneie- r uc euii-e- d

men ire-'ordered- : - :""

Private xEdward Snow, Troop M

4th, Cavalry; to Company K, 2ndShatter. . -

4rlva'te rMUUre a. Trash. CompanyK, 2nd; infafitry. to Troop M, 4th Cav-

alry, Schofield Barracks... ...

. First Class Private Llewellyn1 Sulli-van, Telegraph and Telephone Pla-toon, Company M, Signal Corps, to the3rd Company, Coast Artillery . Corps.Fort Kamebameha. r

3. - Private WlUiami Lambert, Com-pany B, 2nd Infantry, is transferredto the Medical Department, and willreport to the commanding officer, nt

Hospital, for duty.1 --;

'' -



'i .

v j- .'.; ?''' ". -. v ..



I- -'

, .



LONDON; Eng. NVhat would Jyfcttrla; hae thought'; Otthe beavt ! "n:chorus composed of society w6nJe1, 1

. .

JM4 X'rls, ,that la beconin va urual ,' ;

feature 'af;charttf j matinees her-?- 'iJukes and earls now consentjrnte as

matterjjof eourse to their youngdaughters appearing at any Wet Kndtheaters. - Rehearsals with young pro- - -


fessional a'ctcrs1 are part "of the, fash- - rjcnable girls proam; makeup' ia a . .-


familiar to her as stage jargon ,tself; .

and she is on terms witn many dress-ers whom she'-


. regards aa - dears.",She is bosom fr.ends with actors andactresses and entertains, th;m. forweek-end- s in .the country "and con-stantly in London. ,: J , ' v

' Thomas A. Reid, a Sing Sing prisoner, has been made editor of the. Mutual

CubaThaa'-- a quflless porcupine. ; ' Welfare" League's prison paper.


. .....'-..,.,..-- : . .. . .11

?.iM I ; Ik t--r 4: X School stic, i pretty. bw4

,,:.r ;--' "

; '; ";;. ; isewer, - water, v etc., . ayalbDld. ;

Nice level lot: ; Easy walking

distance.; r ' . .a '.

I Sa

YdUr TbleiSilveiam never he"any " too nice.': ' The'patterna we' carry in Silver atwell as Heavy Plate will appeal to your good taste. r; '



VIEiKA 'JEWELRY COf- - 113 Hotel zi 1 '


Have you ever seen our magnificent twenty-fiv- e acre '

t. tract ia Manoariglit in the heart of the valley f ; It3 all Iready for your inspection nowimprovements are all in

; and many, fine houses have already beeii built or are nowbuilding. ,' :"

:''-- ;v '.;'",T,'.,

x j Can 't you 'arrange to see this choice subdivision;soon! If its inconvenient for you to go out. there through

'the' week with one of our salesmen, why not go out Sat--'

urday afternoon or Sunday f . You will find it at the endof the car line on your right ; ; f

. Lots, average about 13 cents per sq.' ft and. ranger -

in price from $1100 to $2500. : - j ; . ':

; REMEMBER 'that WE are pledged to pay the 2

cents per sq. ft. assessment .that ;s to-- be levied against: Manoa property. ;; ;vr; .; ;.;,

; Henry WatcrhpFort 'and Merchant v ':.







8- -





Page 5: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t




APiireRichi Dainty Confection that 10 3 YouAT BOTH .' AT BOTH

V? 57 !

hops mm mmW.--- . -j

Sweet ShopsV r. i


is uie iwency-sixi- n oi our; vveeK rsnu specials, vvaccn ior mem eacn weeKWrwpeI WrappedWe tishe this DELICIOUS Ccndy in oar kitchen the day it coxnes to yoq Not more than 2 pounds to each person

Re$u!ar 40c per pound

r " '"rrr'f'rr"

!! II - . I


Hotel St.near AlakeaPhone 3229


'IjV.liLOiT.-- i

i : r.Ir. L: Vis-Nort- oh

Saturday next, 22nd. July


pjxo7iaionoai aTfoawelUi..;ui.auiil


ri doBthmTt'at-- I'K'ger

ccCLial), Iluttcn. Veal Fork :;

l;;:t prccv-:- t cr. rirI:crdHind;Rancl:2si;:

A r!c-di- d new. shipment cf. Cillr Embroidered Z

L. La- - Li V-- m


.;IIxccpticnal Vduc3 end Gtyles"- - V: ''r3'

11C7 Tcrt Street :'.''.. 7; 'Ccmer Pauahl-- ;

the Euhmarine wonders, of the bay, from the new:

f;le:3-bqttom- ed boat, Aquaium.,, Boat landing on the

hotel fjroniids. Row boats fishing ;&ckle to;nt

7 V'TTft TTTk ;A' TTTi

(At'the head cf Keeaumoku Street J"


'Drive up Sunday and enjoy wonderful andcool Makiki atmosphere. 'A sitef real home.


Also See Our Daily Candy Special




"A-- ipeclal approjDrltIcv; niftyby the eqpenrjsors Tuesday

night ' tot jay ,'tlii: Incurred .'bythe dtruit- - eotrts duVinir tba Jlrsi, tollof 'the ;year,' according, SuperrlaarDaniel Logan, chairman of thecommittee. W. T. Carden, deputy cityattorney, Thursday delivered op-

inion James Bicknell, city auditor,setting forth that the bills notbe paid out of the appropriation madefor expenses during the secondhalf of the year, but he said thismorning that there nothing pre-vent the supervisors from appropriateing from the general fund moneymeet the bills.- - V.;;r-'- - V'

"The board not compelled apJpropriate,- - but may.v 'he- aaid. He

Called --attention 1 --the factp'ientl'fr mohe'y eicess ..or thft! aV


UlU J iWUUI IVU VU. nudges ik.wawjjissJ2-?- j

. . ... .. f ftii'Mf"-- . ijio .exF'eBBniiuiUii.iah.iaUuiUUliUl.utwailUwv.. Circuit. Judge Ashfofd, referring

--r:jo theiatC'pt-coureaes.'bh- t

to--C W! pfIni;toiWorresent




.Cc3 i





v '

. . ., .

4 --. .



. ,




the viewreal or a



- ,



4 -

' , VbJmade .






is to

to;:, f

: !s toIt .

to ; thatf- - In) in ;

Mf. j

r?. V

--.r7! re-


Judgi Asfor4 poIAts, orit.thatfUj Tistcoirt liot' one .cent .has been soeiJ

. since ijiepBrwriaepiVa f;eihaust'





was i tw"BOn's .according JU --Prosecuting. "!.'ad ' not Veen ' ChUllngiwlFtaJ rTbe

. .these,' wiU; hearingbeen approved, Id the before the

had run out;S-- am of having

approved - bills against : thatafter I was informed it hadJudge ,Ahf6rd adda.,::.,.

t - The anly money. Clerk; Henry Smithhas spent was $5 which; upon the ad,--:vice Judge . Ashford, went tor pur-chase Stamps for the first and third

, dlvlskms.;1' We keep things, run-- v

Ashford said av note - - to'1 Smith when the stamps were re--,

Quested : - ...

fAnd I was a : veryunwilling par-- 'chaser;' Smith' declares.,

No 'bills were -r-un-fey VWhitner's eourt - after Approprlatioa

was exhausted,, according to; one of-th- e

clerkai &: . inattiar ;of ; IicJ he"

says, the judge the clerks oougncsuppfles out pf own pockeU-j-th- a

got ice water, O.' M.v Hite purchased pencils and '.A., k.. Aona pougm '

paper.' . The ; laaa and. Juvenile,appropriationg1 couia nave oeen arawnon, but only for sippiies needed Inthose .courts, and ; the juvenilemoney roon became exhausted. - y

; -- MRS. GEORGE, DUNCAN of. Olaaplantation undergone a slight; op-

eration at the Sanitarium..;.;;

DAVID L. WITHINGTO.N, JR sonof the attorney, has theentrance examinations, for admissionto Harvard., He a graduate, ofPunahou."" .

" ; ':"


v. - :

MIS3 ; CLEO -. WINTERS of Port-Jah- d,

Ore, who has been visiting InHonolulu.' intends to' travel In Canada.She has applied tofederaI court for

'a -- .-- :;r,-' .. ;

F. W. MILVERTON of ? the law firmof .Thompson, Mllvertonexpects to leave Honolulu dri' October

for a triar to Tahiti, New Zealandand Australia. . ' .

v r-;;- ,

DRf GEORG E . HERBERT , expectsto - leave fcr Canada in the steamerMakura." - today, '. accompanied ; byMrs. Herbert. Miss Rose Herbert, andCharles Herbert, t . . . r

" '

MRS. R M. DUNCAN "departfor Hilo on the. Mauha Kea Saturdayafternoon for a" three tour ofthe Big. island. ? She: will visit thevolcano. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph AndradewfU accoranv her. .

'c ;' s y

Teutons to, $500 on Safe. Return Trip- of Merchant! ;;

it- it in ; f ; --'

', 4 ,f ..,rfs- -

i With rolls of bills in their pocketslarge enough to wchoke aUgnHono-Inl- n

fJprmarm ara offcrine to bet inmsof money up!t6 0d-nt?- e 01merchantman : Submarine Duuca--1

land will make her return .Journey Jfrom Baltimore to either a home orneutral port," in safety? and withput' in-

terference." l V- - ., J jAccording to one Gcriuxi tnis

mcrning, who has $500 to bet. he hasnot been able to find anyone 'willingto "take him up." lle'atlil bashopesthat someone with sporting blood inhis veins will take a chance . andwager an equal urrunt on the sum-marin- e's

;return ypyage,, Jtj, y,vt L'

This Teuton saythem ate manyother Jjonblulu r vGtrmans ?wbo areeager' to !bet not . only a tlfs )Ueut4h-land'- s

return voyage, butJth3 uicomeof a;the- fwar 'in the Central Povrer?'


fajbra-8- i jvij- ,io:-- ' '. - ,: .. .. .;. , , v



The jtase; o.fA; HTjcflsed of j onH amtij ; iCompaapx f yvhil envvpIo;ecf Ty that cw.cetQ. as, a:DooKeeiher,, nas oeen posxponea .again g inecase' Wa called ;thjs moringr Mi i .,'

Attorney; E. , vl ,erf 1 4s assistingthe prosecution, In Uya interest o( ,thi

'ea.,.rui waen ne imormeq .m surety wuiyujiiiji" hm,exhaustionXi?' 'eaysihere, were" soinei' f IbJond,

bills standing whih j Attorney 5 latterpaid.- - vome of vhowevfiif.' .bad.ays thiere prabaWy fee. ay

but Ignorance k J grand jury how-ef- t ttogi'fact .that the money, 1 j' i.; H

An notconscionsappropri-



mustnlng, fn





court iy



local passed






; ;



-- ;

v 1t.


James .W.- - Barrington and 'Mrs.Anna Mallei Kamawae wire marriedThursday by Rev. Samuel K. Kamaio-pil- i.

Mrs. E. K Bishaw and Mrs.K. Kamaiopill were witnesses.;


ti t t . A--4 - f




; TVery strong was the only expression uued by brokers' this morning Indescribing the stock; market : Theyapplied ,1$ to listed aad unlisted secu--

rttisalike. Of the listed securitiesOahu,' Ewa and Pioneer1 were all Indemand and at advanced prices. . I

t . Among the unsted securities Mineral Products was being "sought , and90 cents was offered for blocks of1000 shares but offerings at that pricewere not at the time forthcoming. ''Sales between boards amounted to

2311 shares and at the session 1140were dealt in. Olaa sold up from 19to J19.50, McBryde rose an eighth to13, Oahu was up to 43.75, Ewa from$35 to $36.25, Pioneer; to $54.25, San ,

(Carlos $$15.75, Waialua $23.50, Brew-- 'ery 720.50 and Hawaiian commercial,'

r,,Of unlisted securities 2GaO shara-ox,-rMineral) j Products sold at 93v ceuits, .

CaUforaia-Hawaiia- nfDevelopment at 8

:Bop!oiulu OiasJimiBJandTlp.- -

row wouldn carry



Port St.Pantheon Bldg.

;.Phone 4127Regular 40c. pt pound - 7


V x "who that bernew home ia not thoronghlyf u

Window Drap


qfe-- p

or who finds not exactly to her taste, Trill

the grapery Section an unusually good . 5collection, including Suhfasts, which rather; ;p

- hard to get at this 'tim, but which arestill' v priced ante-bellu- m prices. "

i ir.y:.; .


aasS' ill " 11 - - " m ini '. .' 1

cjru V .irp - end Isspsctioihccri- - ,

VWlotifcm iBfmM, Japanese :Dazani": ., :


. i

U.: fji Catholic CtatK

d fgunwhith wq go ng.You've to be able to depend

on dpm:iX: With clothes--wh- en you into an office or aballroom, you want to wear d business siiit or a dress suitMai is sure to fit you perfectly and to reflect good taste inmatiiand caretin'lzw ;.'.r.X

You get dependably want in Mctnernyy, Clothes. Suppose you visit and see our individual suitings:

tv - TT TS, TMel;

T7L23Ycsrifyc3v;fedOEarc -TryTlsriss Eye Cczcdy



them --

see inare




--'; .Opposite


the; us

TT--rv TV: T TT ri. ...

f ri.

WMtVForijahd Mcrc!:r.::t Streets

.:...r?-,i,.?j- (


Page 6: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t

t ' r



Honolulu Slock-Dcclumfi- e-


IIMi P. f,L;


Th Oanadiaii-Australaslu- n steamerMakur.i will nit arrive here until 4

o'clock this afternoon, f She4 wasscheduled, to arrive here at 8 a. awbut probably due to head winds, aashe left both Sydney and Suva . Ontime, she J, eight hours late. Shewill leave for Victoria and Vancouverat o'clock thin evcxlng from IMerC, ta 'ring mail for. all American andEuropean points except Jermany.Mall will close at 7:30 for regular andt:Vi for registered. v.:;-;,-


i Th Maknra has 1 9 passenger forHonolulu, and fnlght and mail, litthe did not state the amount.From here she w 111 take 43 passengerand I'M tons, the greater part fwhich . Ik Gf'00 capes of canned pines.She wtii also take the 500 hags ofcorn walch arrived from Japan In theDain Mam md was refused entry

rhere. Through passtrngers ate 9.--. ,



. . j :

. i.' FroTn now on the Matson NavigationCompany will have absolutely nothing

'to do with the longshoremen's union,nccording to advices received, from

'San Francisco.' They will hire and'discharged men as they, see fit andpay them their own f cale of "Wages.If the union men want to work forthe Matson people' they can and Ifthey do not they can quit In regard

i: to tha present strikers, where : there. is a vacancy they will he given .posl-- ,

tions, out they will be paid only whatthe Mntsoa company deems fair. The

' only tequlremerts teat will, be de-manded are that the men, whether

pinion or non-unio- n, do the - workproperly.., r. ' :. ;




" li ONTRCAL; ' J uly-- : 1 The enforcejnent of the new seamen's act in the

!. t'citf ' ft-t- ct fcss tf en followed by ajtcy 4 rir r : ".t between Caraia andU'..2 " :r:t!c? c-rCJrr'the

.tr-.i- t i ci L..;;:!:n'?Mr:!ri ia U.S. j orts. On account of the U. S. reg-Hlatio- as

ronceruir.g the numbef t)futle seamen carried on fort ten' ves-pel- s,

the department of marine hasv .... ' .a : :.. :er nti v ;lh tl; 4 V.'ashfciS-- ;

u . i. i .. .!r ..Kf rec ; .itioa tt' Rl'.a bf.a::..u cciUficites granted In

Canada. ;Tbf5G cert!C!cates .are: pro--"Tid- ed

'by the Canadian collectors of. cKrrs X6 eatnen f who have? Quali--- J

vier - the "proviiioos-vol- J thes. iprri:-!at!o- ;

ii.:l;igratio!j station r;: EMPLOYES ON TRIPS

F"vc ral" emplcyes of the U. S. Im- -

:..:c:t!a Elation m'ttis' c!ty are nowen t'.r ar.nual vacation ctrit days, cf holidays and Sunlays.

Ai.A.r.z those now enjoying vacation.. . rro r.lw Li. .Tanner, Inspector;C. .. ...a, 'J?; -- .ise lnter:retfer, endI.f :.n IK. v. '.tailing, laborer. y'

Nxt ir.cnth ether employes will go

iltir U.ce hwvv a ay return. ;

"v vnrirtles can bo culturally


. - f

" right to call

Postum4 comes' in two

cost is atx)ui same.ten-da- y trial w

' prove'

x .1



The T. K. K. has Increased Its capi-tal stock from,l,00Q)C0 yen to 52,-500,0-

yen. : . ;

The next mail rjr-Sa- Franctscdgoes In the Oceanic steamer SierraTuesday, Jaly 23. , , . s

The Federal Telegraph Company re-ports the Oceanfc stsamer Sierra 15C2miles from Honolulu at S p; mn July20., ' :'" .- r.

Strained relations with Mexico havecaused no Interference In the sailingcf stenmers between Gulf and Mexi-can ports. .

1 VThe hulk of the German Iron

steamer Marlechen, wrecked 10 yearsago off the north coast of VancouverIsland, is being broken up by: wreck-ers for her iron. : ' , :

The Hawaiian Dredging Companydredge Reclamation went on the inter-

-Island drydock this morning forrepairs, which wilt be made theformer firm' workmen., .Saturday ,..the ., American-Hawaiia- n

steamer Mexican- - arrives with 22bags of mall and following her thenext mall will come In the Matsonsteamer Lurlino Wednesday, July .26.

The lumber mill companies of PortTownseni ,wJll, according to a reportfrom there, finish loading all vesselsIn their respective plants using non-union men and then will close untHthe strike Is settled. ? v r ? y

..The following tramp steamers' aredue hete In the next two weeks torbunkers! 8t PalrlcS. fron the canaldoe July 29, Royal Prince from Jrugasakj;due "August .1, and the Swedishstearosr Xlpron5 frontH Japan due Au-gust 6 - ';. ; , ,

According to advices received atCastle Cooke's office, the T. K.,Ksteamer Nippon Maru'will arrive herefrom Yokohama August 25 instead ofAugust 23 and the Tenyo Maru'aschedule has been changed so j thatshe Is due here August 9 Instead ofAcgust-7- . . ; . v':. . :; ";. The Hon. William Morris Hughes,premier Of 'Australia, hag purchased15 large steamers In London for mov-

ing the Australian harvest. The.vessels will be operated as the Common-wealth Government Line. - All :. thesteamers average 4400 gross ton andare . aald to have cost an average of5650,000 for each boat -rThe ; construtfflonr of ; an additionalwharf for the corporation' that, ownsand operates the tonly ; modern wharffutilities-- . In ; Hongkong, is well underway. The government j is dredgingthe approaches,' and .the new wharf

vben'rc-mpleted-.'will'b- 650 feet. la1 1 ngth an d; will jafiordL iccommodatlonsat low tide.: for two;; large. ; vesselsdrawing up' to SO feet.;1 .

The cause of the breakers' off Capenatttrr whlch haver been-bserYe- d

and rej)orted by coastwise tiSYigatorafor the past .20 years has been' defin-itely determined fby Capt. R. S.Pat-ten- ,

of the coast and geodetic surveyservice, who reports that he found anuncharted, rock' a He ind a haltsouth end southwest cf Tatoosh, Island iiad-.Cap- a. Flatterj-- ; but that theundersea obstruction at extreme lowtide is 45 feet under, water which: preeludes anylchance for in accident' The. hoisting engineers of. steamlighters at New York have etruclt for524' a week. 'The strike Is not; gen-eral and la directed by local branchcr the ' intefeatlohir Irhion of Steamand Operating Engineers. The : de-

mands also include shorter hours.' pay-and-a-h-

for overtime and ,: doablepay, on.. .Sundays and holidays andrecognition of the union.' The presentwaged are from; 518 to 522 a week.The i. point. tupon . which; the ;: strikerslAy greatest : stress is recognition ofthe union, and this is likely to be thechief bone-- of contention, v . f v v.,

lidding thht water cc:ti petition 'be--

U . V . ..(V C--' " V.4

the kettle black." '

forms: T1ig oricritial Pdstum ?

' , ; ; :

ill place 'the 'average person far;;:

. 4 - r-- j

.: ;ul

' f ; and Instant a'soluble form thatto of

ii- -


- Mi


An Interesting sequel of the unusualactivity in the steel shipbuilding In-

dustry in this, country is shown in amost remarkable revival of woodenshipbuilding, i "

For a long. period of years subse-quent to the development of steel ship-building in the United ; States andelsewhere, the business of buildingwooden vessels gradually declined asthe steel vessels at the prevailingprices wer& more desirable invest-ment. Accordingly the large woodenshipbuilding. plants along the Atlanticseaboard have gradually, fallen into acondition where In many cases theywere pot used at all, and in othersonly at -- infrequent intervals would avessel he constructed. - --

- Some six months ago ahipownersand ! those interested In having com-

modities transporte'd by waten findingit impossible to have steel ships builtfor them'j with sufficient despatch tomake them available and. further rea-ilzlnii-- th

Enormously ofsteel constructioni commenced to pon-

der dver .the advisability ,of;.buIIdingwooden' ihips. . ,.'"'..; V ;

' As .the necessary equipment forbuildin? wooden vessels Is exceeding-ly simple as compared jwith the es-

tablishment rrequ-e- d . for steel con-

struction; it was evident that theqf J& wooden shipyard should

be governed primarily hy the lumber'situation, and that xther thihgs heihsequal; wooden should be . builtwhere, lumber combe mostprocured. ; ; .

- 'H''''C-Accordingly-

while the already. es-

tablished yard throughout the Mainecoast have been given a number ofcontracts and are still receiving more,a nnmber of entirely' new concernshave gone into the shipbuilding busi-ness and in. the southern states thiscondition is particularly -- marked.' ;

: An interesting feature. Of woodenshipbuilding as l.Ow carried on is thatthe vessels are t ow cfrefnilydesignedby competent naval architects and amnot merely buUt by rote of thtimb andcopied after some pretlous vessel, aswas formerly,: the case.'- - Thearchitect has, of courser at his dis-

posal models i of . successful vesselsthat hfl' heen built and by combiningthis Mnformatton wlth his own kntwledge a material improvement in tneAmaiimifttr frrtrf nnmiii? raDacltv. of any

vtsK js certtiv,t,o geoured.

tweeri, the-Atlaht- .anda.cinc coistshas been icOmpletely-destroy- ed underun. mmiiftfthft. the 'Interstate. Goto- -

mere .Commission ; JuhCf 27; v orderedtranscontinental railroads , to revisetheirratesifrom the East to vthe; Pa-rin- p

rnat hv Seotember ; l : SO: thatthey shall not . be lower .thin rates .tointermediate pomts.;.. Tne oraer appueatrt a Ion cr H of i commodities in, weSUhound traffic;' iron and steelwtlcles from jnttsburg and many food

from the just generally- - ,ualso includes eastboimdf, Urates - fromCalifornia . points wy , of rail and

routes through gulf to.the Atlantic seaboard.


Jirtv 21: .k.AlexanderlMiss:irene K; Mrs. ? Fv 'P. 'Rosecrans,' Mrs:

J, W. Fleming, C C James, A. uer-ego-,,- 8.

Asakf, Miss Fleralng.tMrs. H.11. Carter. 'Young ? rI -


Cereal, which ' mustthe t beverage, instantly ;equally delicious, and v

t v

cnqugh.awa from pffec

-m'A ':'.--

hv. Tltoeern evervvrherc :::

Tn a recent article, W; A. Evanss "editor of the "How to Keep WeHV olnmn" 'of the Chicago Tribune, &ays: . ? ' - '

"In order that no misTinderstanding may. arise 1 should sayv

that physiologists Vrc'jardL. Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, arid Whiskey .

as dni in. the same sense as Opium and Cocalne'afe. From; coffee at one end'of ihe line to cocaine atthe other, no pot has

. the



;K' The average eup of coffee contains about 2 1-- 2 grains of caffeine, a habit-formin- g

drugnot enough inine cup to seriously harm. But, when used regularly,it is with many the cause sleeplessness, nervpusness, heart: trouble, .mental and. physical fatigue, and- a host oi other complaints. j iLi :;': -

' on other hand, is a pure food-drin- k made of roasted wheat ano; a little molasses.' It tastes much like coffee, but contains no caffeine nor other injurious drug, v

boiled Postum, produceslevel teaspoohful a cup hot water. Both forms are


Even atroubles, to




high cost







bywater ports







v V, Friday July 21;

MERCANTILE Bid. AskedAlexander A Baldwin....C, Brewer Jk Co. ........ .... . .: SCQAR-- r. -

Cwa Plantatkn Co, ... . . 3H 36iHaiku Surar Co......... .... ..Hawaiian Agri Co. . . . .'.. 210Hawaiian C. :S. Co. 514 52VHawaiian Sugar Co. ..... 474Honokaa Sugar - Co. . . . . . 15Honomu Sugar Co.......Hutchinson Sv Plant. Co.Kahuku Plantation Co... 22Kekaha Sugar Co. 225Koloa Sugar, Go. . ........ 225KcBryde ; Sugar Co.. Ltd. 12 13

Oahu Sugar Co... 42 43Olaa Sugar Co, Ltd. . . . 1ST. 20Onomear Sugar Co,Paauhau Sugar Plant, do.Pacific Sugar MU1.. 23Paia Plantation Co. 240Pepeekeo Sugar Co.....Pioneer Mill Co 54 54

San Carlos MU1. Co., Ltd. 15 16Walalua Agr. Co 3fi 3CVt

Walluku Sugar Co ...... .

MISCELLANEOUSRafki) F tc P. Co, Pfd..Haiku F. tc P. CO., Com.Hawaiian fcleetric Co....Hawaiian Pineapple Co... 45 46Hon. B. Sl M. Co Ud ... 20 20ViHon. Gas CoXtd.. 30Hon. n. T. tc I. Co. 15?Inter-Islan- d S. N. Co 190 200Mutual. Telephone Co. . . . 24Oahu B & L. Co. ....... 159,Pahang Rubber Co. . ..... 15 21Selma Bindings Planta-- -

ticn, Ltd.,' Pd.i . .......Selma - Bindings Planta-tion, Ltd. 49 Pd.)....

Tan Jong Olok Rubber Co. 30

Ham akua : Ditch Co. 4s . i.ilawallan Irr. Co. 6S. . .. 80Haw Tcr.:4'Rfr. 1806.Haw Tsr.1 Pub. Jtapt.Haw. Ter. Pub. lmpi. 4

(aeries lSlMIlt)HaW, ftT.AWei.HAW, Ttf. 4H. ... ... . .Haw. Ter. 1;........Honokaa Sugar Co. 6 . . 96 9T

Hon. . Gas Cox;- - Ltd., 5S ... . . . .HonvR.T. & L. Co., 6.. l01Kidal Ry. Co. 6i....... 100McBryde Sugar Co. 8s. . .Mutttal Telephone 5s . . . . .v . . 106Oahu Ry. fe L. Co. 5... .... 106Oahu 8. Co. - (redeem-- s

ablent 103 it maturity) I0t 109Oiaar flugar C0v 6 .' .; . 102 103Pacific G. & Fertv Co.s"lt)l V;Pacific Sugar Mill Cb. Cs 100San Carlos MllL Co. ;i-40-

0 101

- Between Boards : Sales : 200 Olaa.1 9 YiV ; 20, .40, 60, 50,' 80 Olaa,. 19;15, 50, 100, 85 Olaa, .19; 100, 100 30McBryde, 12r 24, 10 Oahn Sugar C044 f 100, 4 100; 14, J 10, ; 10, - CO OahuSugar C6V'4tt 80, 20, 9t), 50, 50, 50.5, 83JEwv 25; .35. Bhra, 35; -- 200Ewa,-35- 0 Pioneer, 63: 90 Pio-pee- n

54 ; lv 25 Vaialua. 36: : 00, 25Saa Carlosit5? Hon; Bi M.. Co--20-?,

m HaWaUan Pineapple, 5.iv: Session Sales:. 5, 5,':10, 50 Bwa,;3;

54:10! Pioneerifi4 ; ; 15OahuV Sugarft Co.- - 42; 50; ; 10 OahUSugar Cb.r2rilO, 10, 40 Hwa. 26;40 Walalua, 86; 25 Ewa, 36f 10, 21100: II C & .S; Co.,' 52; 100, 50, 590McBryde 13 J 15 Ewa, 36 :. 't. dij

'V . Honoiuhj, T." tiZJJuly"2l, isi&'--

M a hieetlng! of Ihe directors of. theHawaiian Commercial & Sugar Compady,. hld in San Francisco today; anettra-- ditidend. of II per ahare'was de-- ;clared, payable August 5, in . additionto the regular dlridend payable onthat date.- - '

' Latest .ugar quotation i 96 deg.tV 4t.i5 tsnts, or f123 per ihtu ; ";

Suear ;6.15ctsHenry Waterhbiise 10st Co;

Members ' Honolulu Stock, : and T BondExchange ;'; r:; Q

Fort and Merchant Striata $ .,

;' , , , Telephone 12C8 ) : '



: t ' ,, ; r-- t. Following 5 Is ths poiloffiet! tlme

tabla far Julv and the first hi If ofAugust.-I- t Is subject to chaHfltnf sud- -

acn arrangements are maa ror untxpeeted mall Mrvlea. ,.UNITED STATES MAIL-STEAME- arriva from. ''.Julv ''.- '

..-ir ii. ....... Salt Frinciseo

2&6lerra 1 ........ : Svdnsy25 Luriin ...... San Francisco23 Persia Maru . . ... .. HongkongIt Sonoma . . ; . . . ... sanv Francisco

1 U, S. A: T. Buford..V-.- . .Manna......'.San Francisco

4i-U.S.- A.T Sherman ....... XanliafS Tenyo Mam-- . . . . . ; . IVJ Hongkong

8 China J:. . ; '. . 4 .. San. Francisco8 M ahoa San Francisco9 Makura .... ...... .iw iVancouvsr

14 U.S.A.T,Thomas.. Sini Francisco15 Ventura i;.. . .... . . . i..'.: . . 4 Sydnsy15 Matsonia . . San Francisco

Stesmsra to depart for hJuly ' - . . :: :

. -- 1

25 Sierra .......... .. . San Francfsco26 Matsonia ........ San t Francisco29 Persia Maru ...... 8an Francisco31 Sonoma i. . . . . . . . . SydneyAugust - v ' :

1 U. S. A. T. Buford . . San Fra nciscoJ Lurline . . ; .... . . .Sin Franciscd4 U.S.A.T Sherman . .San Francisco8 Tenyo Maru ......San Francisco8 China .it.;... . .. Hongkong9 Wilhelmina ...... San. Francisco9 Makura ' .... , . . .' Sydney

14 U.SA.T.Th3Tnaa . . . . i Manila15 Ventura ......... San Francisco15 Manoa-- . . . I ; . :L . San Francisco

t&mcd br ftprar t ' un,Ia( d Wind

uiarilojr. lutEy,V,iaf'rt.'AtTl'Dwi --

r ir SOe vr ktt -- Tot Book vt theKi tree, ak Starts Xf ftOMdf Go CUoago.

THE von HAMM-YOUN- G COLT04 Honolulu,

" Agents .


BAILKPiirnittire Co.

Lore Bldg, 1144-114-1 Fort SL

Collegian Clothesfor

Particular PeopleAt THE CLARION

Souvenir Novelties Employing theHAWAIIAN COaTF-ARM- S

' ":A Fine asortmentK, CULM AN, LTO ForstSL

A. : S. Connmghani, Mgr. '

XFor Private Detectives V7hoq 4Jbbtaiii Results, Call ; ; i

Bowers Merchant Patrol v

Phone 1515 1079 Alakea



i 10M Fort 8trtt

.1...;;4.;.TaUors,: :Sing Ct.f between tort

and Betiiel V:;

1029 Fort St. '

i "4 ! Fcotcrahed Yet? v '; ; MQAL BdOT.skpP '

' Fort and Hotel Streets

;vTh?;Waterhouse.Co.rLtd.:;Z tlnderwood ypeTTrittra

tiblTOWLU LTOSld C0.;4

:.' Everything . tlusicdlFort, next to the Clarion

Phona" 1467. V

; For that Pure,Delicious Ice Ortaa

Te e 2zo


THfe STORE FOR OOOO- clothes

Elks' Building. t klng Strttt

Jtlnulacturedl to Oraer aid Rs--.

paired. s work-- ! Guaranteed .) ; i. '

E. GOMES 'v 307, Boston Bldg. V ' x


HATIONAL GUARDAll ;of'...Moss Books on Sale At



;. Dealers In Old Kona Coffso ;'


Marchant 8L ) Hanolulu ;

l e r t


i By fitting It throughout With ourdependabla electric fixtures,"

'. : ELECTRIC SHOP.Phono 4344 1135 Fort St.

MUTUAL'. Fhona 1574


A.FEW G3NTS;a day will enable you

4against loss by fire. See v . .v-'. ... .. ' ' ' ' '

. i ' - .

CASTLE & COOKE, LTD.. mSUBAHCE AOE11T3 L''r:' '?' ':

aynrXf.uw y gwiiiwi w


for using a letter or credit whenyou travcL' ; Thtra ax plentymore, hut these two good rea--.sons should appeal to you.

.'First,; its convenience.' Second,its safety: You can' get moneywithout any troublt and a let-

ter o!r credit fs 'auscepUbUneitner tc: forgery nor theft

'Investigate. further before youtake that trln.v

Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.Cor, Fort and Merchant. ;

AlG:;aat!or &; rs . m n. t .'

ua;s'.v;ii)Umltsd. X '

Sugar FactorsCtmimiss

n and InSurcd'Agfinti..:;'

Astnta for 5'

.Zlavaiias Ccaaerclxl A. Euxir rCompany.. viiwA;: '

e Halkii' Sugar Coiap'aay; "v'Yy"

Paia Plantation. ;:, : Maur Agricultural iCotalf aay;.:'VvHawaliaa 5ugar Cotnpany.','; Kahuku PlanUtioa Consiny;V

4 McBfyde Sugar Company.v Kfahalui Railroad Conpaay. r-

Kauai Railway Company. --. A

Kauai ITult i Land Co.V UL :

- Houolua Ranch.

Fi. V. HALSEY It CO.Now York, r San Francisco.

.- Chicago. '

- -. , . - . '

Wo Own, Offer and Recommend

iNVESTf-iEfi-T do;:ds

At Prices to Net 3.0 to ICC'

H. A. BRUCE ..SOO Bank of M awalf Bldg.

: Telephone 131 ;Honolulu Representative

i'J. F.; MORGAN CO., LTD.;':--

:,;, STOCK- - BROKERS W'',information Furnishod and Leant

r, Mado. :

Isfarehtnt Stftat Star Balldlna. i'r Phona 1572 : : V

S'FOR'RENT.v.:;;.Electricity, gas, screens la aU tdaaaa.Neat house; $14 . ; -- '

house; nn location;; tin locitloa; 125.

Large house; $30. i

J. H. SCHNACC842 Kaahununu SL, Opp. Bishop Bank



lv T J9rchant 31

J 1 CITY MILL COMPANY, LTDimporters' of best lumber and buildingmaterials. Prices low, sod we t glreyour order prompt attention whetherlarge or smalL '. We hare built hun-

dreds of houses in .this city with: perfeet satisfaction. : If you want to buildconsult us.

h.u: WlllS-If- .



to protect your hens

jPJtVi yv'W fmmm mm i w w ' t

mm if!


issues K. H. i K. ettersof '

Credit and TraTtls'Checks available throcjbVout t. A ;-- v -; .: -CABLE TRAirSFEHaAT LOV7E3T 1QAT23






Lilt cf Oftlcsra sad DirtcicfiJE. F. BISHOP........Pre x!i:at

iU'.; ROBERSTON. .'..i.';-- :

yice-Prtslit- at aad llaiifat--

.nnaIYEIISM .Cccntiry"XnC R(5i d TTTii . Xmz'tt

rO: Ha CAUTn. J;.V.;DiTtcl:r -

J. R. OALT. . i. .j.'...CIrc;l:f ,


d a iiAt. w .a'-::- r

- f DISHO?C:CO. '

pay 4"r.ytJrtyi Cavl:s C

posits, contour ied twUt'Z'.y--- - - .Anni::y. t C '


Yca.tiCapIUl wbiCTft4.V41,CCa.c:jCapiUl paid up . . . . ; .2 3.C : 3,t : 3

Resenrs fund . . . .'. .20.4:0. . 3

S. AWOKf, Lccif f.'irs-t- f.

FonoooB :.:n,iL0

Tils Pd:c2 of .;:;.j

; : 0 T 13 1 1T.V7 A Y; -

Thayer Ficnb Co.,lti143-15- 0 Hotai CL ; Phona lill

; tl F. DILLINGHAM CO LTp.; ; pnoini oi5 V ;;

Flrt, Llfs, Accldint, CompsntstlsnSURETY C0NS3 v V

FOR SALE. $ieHLoU EOxlCQ 10th stt.; Palo!x '

$10 down, $3 per no.. r ,

$509 Lota T5x200,"4Ut tt : nealcar.'" .' : ' ' ' : . .

'" : . :.' $t$0(H-L- ot fa Perry Tract, nr.

School and Emma, 9885 sq. feeL .

- . p. e. r. strauch; -P..E. H. STHAUCH

B. Kfa? SLWanty.Bldg. : ' 74

,;:';- - HAWAIIAN TRUSTf :

: 'XO, LTD, .: "'.;';.

' : ;' ;. ',.. " '. :.y . : CarHat an t trail"Bttsintsa - In all Ha

' 'branches.

v SHELL ' FLAKES ;for 'Inlaying Da ' Luxa


if 7'. ': Younj' BuIlitnS -

And at All .Hotel NawsT K-'- Stands. ,: f






Page 7: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t

s si.



i ,.


tier-- ' '?'-- '




.OD :

or.'-- .



" f-

. i'

.m,2 .

A. v


1 Up:Ufl

r;r, W.,--




- - ': ;



J,fdrink J

?T.Ci 5



.Federal Compan has awarded U. S.ernnieht contract to enip.all battleships three of thelargest radio stations in.the world (including Pearlbor) Poulson apparatus.

828 Street



r-- n i 1(1 Pax tiveiv ; I v




'-. , ,

'- .

' and Eijjropean- - very Room" 'Rates'; ,;ttoora il

IfAii-.- Plaiw-- -

.50 day. Xv&: pay.

'and titCO;ff V :.V4 r

fc O Jl;" 6a

" Ti

r B

";! J I





in irir? in


est ctaryl'f&ct:ory.iatheiirorld;


that- -

else will,


The been Gov-- 4



Fort Telephone 4035.

Flreoroof.'".Acerk&a Plans... sBath.

American Jit-r-'a,---- i1

a persona rrtm4260 a -

iriforaatloa' nieas'e" addfest-- , i'HOru!&NSTllUCTlONpRTTVULU

-- yr'CS SIIawaia Islands' ReresnJaUvea.--i'w General 'Offices -- Queen Stfeer'"


fvV"? :Miy asortmsnti.bfV.V'jA Wa vill$ and cotton crepe

Hotel Street, Nunanu


."i;: f ITniianu hear Pauahi

Each cake

insure delivery .toI you canit--

l -- ; x I r rpthinH it's original:



:; i'

I - -"'""'the quenche?












III .s ... ia t" ;



,, .







- - 14


f; ,






The Best of Late


' Among Others: H

'Border' Legion Grer. '

'Beltane, the Smith Farnol.Behold ihe Woman Harre.

"Cappy Ricks Kyneu. Door of Dread Stringer:

Dear Enemy Webster. '

Fortune of, Garin Johnston.Gray Dawn White.The Lady of the Big House-Lon- don.

Loot Roche.

Hawaiian Hem Co., Ltd.

Bishop St '


:tr..... v- V .!... :?('.J ' k

. Selling-Agent- s .

Mannf actnrers '

j Jobbers. , ......- .'. ! .:


P. 0. Box 395

Room 12, First Bank Bldg.

speciaCsale vkntn'and ponaeo waist

Patterns .u.f

s: Paper .Bags,. Xupi ' Plates,--Aia4ilclf ttritJowfertrirt

MtWJ APER IcO&UdS6oa 1 1 ! 1

,Anman r$eaveh, Mgr. ft t

J3 fj

Gruenhargen'BIuf Ribbon r :'

l'I. ... ?rt?VA "t



1 HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. VJ4 - Hotel jm(,Bethel Streets ''



Rgmoval aiicoSana Yuen Kee. formeVlv of Nuuanu.

neai King; '1 "hbw located tt 165 :3.Klngti pp; -- V. H.--- Y. 'Generalhardware, and. houehold. utensils;plumbing and tfhning. Phone 4727.

Tbbnjas. Kelly millionaire contractoraccused of defrauding Manitoba Pro-vince In the ' erection of Parliamentbufldtogs at Winnipes. ites placed on

; I 4 iv' triaiUheree --Tv o.i?

ijiW.I I A loiinill P--S

' ' " .... 1 I . W i.TI. --V ..': ,


i 4




'Peroxideis an antiseptic


' ''''''V "

soap, made for KWutsery, iouetand general Lpurposes. Vi Has: a most pleasing

jeffect m delicate skin, "

besides making itjhealUiyand iclean.;g .v

f W'm m mm mm mmm mm is


iay H.'Cfemons; Owner of BigAcrqages; Praises Climate I

and Scenery of Islands -

Jay H. demons, one of the officersand principal " stockholders of theUnion Land & Feed Company of Ne-vada and California, arrived here thisweek fronvhis home at RecoNeTada.He is acepmpanied by his wife andtwo young daughters. They ..are tour-ing the islands and ptan to spend thenext several days taking in points ofinterest on Oahu. They returnedThursday from a visit to the Volcanoon Hawaii and are stopping at theMoanav. . t 71' The Union Land & Feed Company,of which Mr. demons is one of thedirecting heads, owns 275,000 acresof land In Nevada and California.Their holdings extend for a distanceof about' 600 miles through Nevadafrom th Sierra ' range, comprisingthonsaads of 'acres of rich land giv-en over to raising alfalfa. The baKance . is devoted to range for thous-ands .upon, thousands of head of cat-tle, horses, sheep and 'pigs'. J';? H is tmderStopd ?that one of thenlans of the comuanv now fs to subdivide, a large , portion of these ' holdings for settlement One, or the pur-poses of,iJtf r demons . visit to Ha-

waii is tOj study th,e land laws hereidd become faniUAr witli the meth-r- il

used hv - this , territory in aonor- -

Honing" luid Vto" homeste'ades.v ' Gov--' J . JT-- i At' J J ,1 'ernor . Jci nKflam. , toflay ' wrnisnea wr.Clemons ,with a quAntity of literatvlrerelative ! to1 lands ifl Hawaii and iv isprobable" that- - troinV.thls a, plan forMr. demons' company ' handling . ItsNevada holdings wli be evolved.: In addition-to- . stockraising the Uni-

on Land f & Feed Company is also en-

gaged in the slaughtering business anda large portion of its stock is slaugh-tered and 'jolOy the cOtnpahy ht SauFranci3Co. '

v .V"We have been very much delight

ed with our visit to Hawaii", said MrClemoas this morning. : "You have a

open voneWbo would dare; tor. lingertiaro too inn e. J am certain that MraCiemojSM. jan4, piyse (


11- - w.i8f it:ch i surprised t learn' thati' a stoalitaiount

tr irailible :fa)5id daftd; heie. 'ImNe-,ack-v-

have ,nsbf e. ib at eiithtrJluhdred,Mimnn Tviihlid ?!anl 'aad d!

tha tinaoi-iB- i earning: ' wnen, pracucaHy

tba land ;iai?Tit I Only gbtting 'n- -

der: va-r-) ntms. ijiba iwe . ; uf't jhe whnahe,niatt;with: a lamuy wao

. wna 150 acres: of tillable lahd wm b6i mare .inlepfendent ttban CM goverr-o- r


Three Hawaiian boys, aged about10, 12 and. tl V years, v respectively,were found sleeping under a tenementhouse on Aaja street early this morn-

ing by the police. Hue boys wereallotted a corner of the jail until noontoday when they, were turned over to


the probation officer, rDeputy Sheriff Julius W. Asch says

the boys admitted running away fromhome and Hying 'on the, street bystealing fruit from Japanese stores.Former Probation .Officer .Dad" Huttrtn 'W ;ivb of'the tria were in hiscustody :incjRf.;befor,-fortelta&-

Dreatfri icuewerjrieasBu.w4ii,ii''.for Hrial, he say but'd&l not comeback'.' ' ::t--

.feefore,.tJie yqungstersj Ief t the cityjaiV today they were given a --

: bigrfefi'd," rthgnrst "rdal meal ; they hadeaiten for , several days, they say. ,

iH kpewjested byi:browns'' Jiz i ,

j ,"Anycn$ has ,tbe right ii appear, be-

fore 'and - ckihand a hearing by theschool commissioners" ' says HenryW; Kinneyr' superintendent of publicinstruction, . referring to Hhe' applfca-tlo- n

for a hearing made by II. ' C.Bro'wn and : M rs. Brown, former iy

principal and teacher.,at the Waimea; Kauai,' school; ' TheErcwns were not' reappointed at "therecent annual ineeting. of t the schoolboard. Kinney , says he has no ideaone way or c the other; whether theschool ' beard wflf conisdei: ecppjung

" 'the Brown easel s; -


u club Selects membersJohn F. G. hieih.b?r of the

Puunui inijro"vn.ent cr'4 active inthe campaign ran'M!Wet tor. the dis-

trict, was "ctectGd inthcKaimuki Improvement Club at itsTOttx5VII3iutdarsnlSht Stokesmoved into Kaniuki-'sdm- e time agobut still owns property in; puunui andhas . been keeping 'v.y 5ai wcrk forPuunui. i.'?' 1

Dr. WilKacv jnc3-:an- his son,Kran'i I-- James, Vere .ako-elected- ' tomenberh!;: .


''.'Two, Filipinos, Francisco. and Deo:dora. wore 'arrested'- - early this morn-asic- j

en tlie?porbix ef a tenc-ivr-

hruse near Aala4 Park. Theywlli lc heJd pending Investigation oithe rcblery early, yesterday momingtf tHo Pins Yuen and Sin Hop Chi- -

cese Etcres in. mat vicinity, i rafweraiJweril fer.diae wa carritni awayfrtH'r-hbt- frfaeo" 'Entn-- was madei.hrikUi tiif tics in- -aide coot hooks.

170:.MI A .



Tells in Following Letter HowSheWas Restored to Health

fcy Lydit .' Pinkham'sr 'Vegetable Compbtmd.

! '

!ill ;,Yf- :-'

ilflwauJoee, Wis. " Beforo takingLjdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetabk Com


4 ' fc.-- t V V i V--

pound I was asical wreck. I hadbeen going to a doc-

tor for several yearsbut ks did tne nogood. T A friend toldme about Lydia E.Pinkham'a Vegeta-ble Compound, so Idecided to give it afair trial,and it gaveme relief from bear-ing down pains

which had been so bad that I would haveto lie down. I also used the SanativeWash and it has done me a great deal ofgood, and l am not troubled with, a weak-ness any more.' Mrs. P. L. Brill,1299 Booth Street, Milwaukee, Wis.

' The most successful remedy for wo-

man's ills is Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, it has stood the testfor forty years, which would be fmpos-- j

sible if it did not have genuine merit? ; J" ' For x special advice free, 'writtoXydia-- Pinkbam Medicine ;

Co. ' (Confidential) ,Xynn, ' Mass. I

Tour letter win be opened, read 1

and answered bra "vroman. andbGld'ia1 strict confidence. 4 "


r:Hawaiian Music The best thathas ever been furnished at any

? of our dances. The music alonewill be worth the admission, v

Saturday, July 22nd

, : .Benefit Dance for Enlisted."hvf ; Men's XlubrooiTrtivr j

P'g::Admls.tei4i '(Udieii PreeX vn-l-Vi:- "

Program BeaJnhtna t1 -- 30j f. .m, Un,p.,-p- . i v-' 'ti t

Evening (Two Shows), tf:30; and. 8l33SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR .TQ.ftAY

rl-:- ... AND , EVENING., ,;v lA Doomed H.ecp-- j (two-par- $ comedy),El ko. t iM ' .!f iritvi';.'- -

"One von Mother" (drama). Rex, , , rHaunting Winds". (drama)rPowera.- - ,

"Hearst-Seli- g Newa" (illustrated),-- . Sel I g.

' ;; y 'ii

""Articles of incorporation were, filersat' Albany, N. Y, by the Victor Elec.trie Corporation, capital; S2.5QQ,00( f

iTh ' i" 77 77 77.

iimym urn

are rejan

fi n n

t NAt 7:40 o'clock VZ!7j THE BIG (V. L. S. E.) PBESEHTS


esOif :




A laugh from start to finish. The kiddies V

will snrely enjoy this comedy production.

PRICES to,' 20 AND 30 CENTS.


At 7:40 o'clock




In a hilarious comedy of thrilHng"' adventure and humorou romar:

From farce to melodrama From sentiment to adventure

" :' 6th Chapter of




Best Pictures Best Musli Best People Always at the Liber


Phone 6060 afte 6:30 p. m. for refcervatena4 A i A vu X '':


ul3r2:l'.ei-rW)LLJA- rp., BESEN.TS,v.,:;

fV:?rXmerfcV.;:Crea ' ActoiVifn Af.'?1 . .

' A'' photopiay romance of entrancing ..jjower nd . thrilling inter?, Also: The. Sixth Chapter otj tne xopnotcn ;5eciai ?ir


Jl 1 1U lVarVj JUAV 2mU--A

o o

UimJULULiULL, ..... ... '' :' - . r " ,







.'. .'

-- SB.



( ar

A A--10,20 'AND 30 XEf.

' ' '- ii1 ' " - ..-- . ,''- - .v.- -

A .. ' V f ... ...

Agents for Territory of Hawaii

have been appointed agents forthe Territorv for the celebratedStudejbaker wagons and harness andhavesolicit



full line how ininspection




best their class.

m Hawaiian



Up4o-the-Uinu- te


"- e, as prices


Hold Street Between Alahed and Richards





of the

r r"

Page 8: sail Tfinrinrnrri Declared cn orI.: AILS From San Francisco. Mexican, July 22. Fop Can Franciaco Eierra, July 15. , S!,! i i "i:l I"! M 1 " I ' 0 From Vancouver: '-o litrura, An, t


Territorial r.IAUICETIWG DIVISIONMaurea fit. Near Queen Telephone

DuCohor DbporthlbniSpecial. fillet of. beef, lb.. .50c,Choice prune rib roast beef . . . . ... . . . . ....... J.8cJuicy porterhouse stetlks. . . . . . . . . i .V. ..COc;Prime sirloin and tenderloin steaks. :.y; . 17c to 18cClioice brisket corned beef . . . .C. ..I.. .. .12 l-2- c

All clioice cuts "veal ...... . v: V.. ;20c ;.:

Home made Cambridge pork sausage ........ .20c '

V D:!i:it:::cn';cf OlltyMetrcpcIiUn F.!eat !.':.. ITlv r

Phone 2345 - i1 n t11 MaI U. JLVJ. W

Jls.1 Vejctatlci ,



Y. & CO.Limited. ; i

--NAT CO" CRABS, packed In jJ Cinlnr Cana, wood lined. . s I

; Z ' tlv.'j ner Kfna 1'f. . .

at S VEGETABLESAll Kinds Freeh Every Day .r

Oetlvery Every Way Every Oay

Trr!t:r!2l Marketing Division CHUN HOONtr.-Quec- : Phone 1840 KekauIIke, Nr. Queen - Phona 3992 i




- ......jj-V-





: t:,eV ,s&3

: fa Siring. California

.I'cr. u;g Pcoific coqg4.

IT '..

Edz:i2 Agents fcn Racrii:

::cc!TeG Go.

, 71 Queen Ct ; . ;U x - Honolulu, Hi

1 rEii5-- V;





"Tho Puro duicb

. l a m

f I MM I I

7 n

of the Fruit"- t v ' .


v Just the thing for your Sunday, Dinner. It will quench your thirst, stimulate

your appetite and aid your digestlonl ;Kothlnf could give a daintier or more colorful

touch to your .table, than this, popular, sparkling drink. - 1fc

.. wf -f W.Vi-tss- ,, J, .;;. vv i :. ?:, rrrr-V'- . .v.

TiH:TIi lwftliiifl.T)iiritv,n.nd The . real fresh fruit Pheasant Lotranberrv

freedom ' from preserva- - Qualities of Pneasant Lo ' Juibe testbucnffial

only beneficial effects. - Vadiitate. temS



fruit ;aci(t which'4iiost ystucrave. ,


' 'hef 'ate1 well recommended, byr the; welFnowb hostesses mentioned, ,below, andshoulproreta .spiendiodiiin JVe Sjt3uUetin Coo1cqBQok


' ;SALAI;"; v;,.;"--.- : ; 1 cup grated cheese.4 !l ''iekspoon ' Worcester--;1 aoant 8Wd.ap6pxi,of mustkrdspoon of mas- - X cup bread crumbs. .

" shire sauce. . .


'oiL- - 1- J 't1' ? tardi;'- - Itgil P irx uiJSalVaiidipeppCT jt?aste,l'cones'pcoafMneEaVrcest , -mustard,,, ..4 y. -

H teaspoonful of salt ' ' or drops. ' Vlethod: ; Pour 'a little boiling Vateft0 vierr bread

I dash reC'pepper.A'-','- i --

j TtlAatocataupyl;.rt't6oirte9i-Stl- r (w ell and fadd cheese, egg,. 4 dashes of black pepper. drops. . " 'ealt and pepper and mustard (mix mustard with 1

Mix ' in saladspoon and pour on to lettuce hearts, tablespoon water). Butte r chafing dish and pour

ana aaa, ip.? AVfc j, mwjw; w ""i reams saaa rounq:ae .iaDiespoux('. poller ana ;enough Shake




,iue lenutc ouiuo m iu serve on. toasted crackera-V-; " ' jhave the powl rubbed-Wi- th garlic previous to 'putting in the lettuce.

Mrs. Arthur Wall.




' - Mrs. James


: . "LL-- uXL- - Ibates. . . :3 eggs. - .a cup crown wiT; " lb nui8 (walnuts); 2 teaspoons baking pow--3 heaping .teaspoons of der.4 . . - IsmB RnMf. fwhitPi x dPr

;. 1 cups chopped wul- - t b" d' mb--


- V,i' V Chop tfce dates and nuts, mix all together, bake; Put in well buttered pans in small teaspoonfuls anA rv rM with Vhinn.ii m .and far apart Bake far hot oven, v ; : TT. T "rT " - 7 - " " - I

r- - r

" ,


Mrs. Wells Peterson.

prderihg: tomprrpw s . supphes don tfail to order :

' :

v v . v 1 . L L

then yoii-llbe- , sure of gettiiigihe one 4eally first-clas- s

- New : Zealand Butter.4 --.4 . f V: :

Fop Salo-a- t all r.larJteto and Grocer

Visit us tomorrow and see for yourself the dozens ofsavings we offer you in. 7 ;;:V.-v'.:;-v-

Pork Sausage T-Bo-ne Steaks r;.;

Hamburger ; Sirloin Steaks

Breast of Lamb , Porterhouse Steaks






Fill Your Sunday Wants Here ; ; :

:i Cor. Alaea and B:retania --: ,

u-- u

Finn iJoatG von uunda!:Iorterhouse gteak,- - choice cuts. "s J ;r ; ). :TeiodCTiomJ''b1ealr,;;?

Sirloin and Bump Steak . .. . . . V .'. . . .'. . 48c per IK

M A P H Boiled, sliced, per lb. 45c ,ITJ Zu u J .. Raw, sliced, per lb. 30c

f f

llomiiisfe IfcnicumGr SE'i

I LI DA? California

absolutely fresh


rTn PI A A brand thatLNa uO- - for flavor and

"f-"- aroma cannot beV.OuySS duplicated. at the



Finest ranchproducts, .




Full line 6f vegetables, onions, . carrots, cabbage,,

' lettuce, corn, etc.:t-- -''

Visit us tomorrow or Phone 1104

jVsf v f ( i ii in ii u ii vf j vn jj u i , )i t i i i a i i aifii ea ai ifieitriaiaiiiAAB MtitmiiiMMt ffirr 'M4aaiffavaiai.. aia i I'lfaTiiaTLvaa v- - ij. .v a , 1 v ii.ifcw

I v" J .'' I "Vil AT ...1 a I V TaTV ." Tk r .. IB I i. f X J X. ? 1 r I M . At t,