saia-scts annual report 2000 .doc

SAIA-SCTS annual report 2000 INTRODUCTION For several reasons, the year 2000 was exceptional for the Slovak Academic Information Agency - Service Center for the Third Sector. Certainly, one of them was the fact that we celebrated the 10th anniversary since we started our activities. On March 24, in the Primacialny Palace in Bratislava, we held a round table discussion titled "Ten-Year Road" and invited our friends to review our successful accomplishments for thousands of people and institutions both in the academic community and in the big family of nonprofit organizations which we came to contact through our activities. In the ten years of its existence, SAIA-SCTS and all people who connected part of their professional life to it, have gone through much experience. They had to learn to collect and process information and manage many new and in our country yet-unknown educational projects. In the process, they had to familiarize themselves with modern management of nonprofit organizations, develop grant proposals to be able to train others committed to working in the nonprofit, independent sector which is so important to modernization of Slovakia. The exceptional quality of the year 2000 was also confirmed by other events in the life of our organization. After a four-year forced break, the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic renewed its co- operation with SAIA-SCTS to provide information about study abroad, organize selection of recipients of Ministry of Education scholarships, administer the bilateral program Austria - Slovakia Co-Operation in Science and Education and the multilateral program CEEPUS. That decision was made based on results of an open tender of the Ministry of Education. SAIA-SCTS successfully continued to perform its traditional functions and programs. The steady interest in its services and activities, as documented by results in this annual report, was especially pleasing. Thanks to our network of branch offices working in all regions of Slovakia we organized a number of domestic and international seminars and round table discussions on current issues such as NGO Legislation, NGO Financing, NGO Boards etc. We also held a series of seminars on international programs for universities, information seminars for students of secondary schools and universities. We published new NGO directories, additional fact sheets about the nonprofit sector and occasional publications related to NGO issues and study abroad. We provided space for discussion on a number of new initiatives which

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SAIA-SCTS annual report 2000


For several reasons, the year 2000 was exceptional for the Slovak Academic Information Agency - Service Center for the Third Sector. Certainly, one of them was the fact that we celebrated the 10th anniversary since we started our activities. On March 24, in the Primacialny Palace in Bratislava, we held a round table discussion titled "Ten-Year Road" and invited our friends to review our successful accomplishments for thousands of people and institutions both in the academic community and in the big family of nonprofit organizations which we came to contact through our activities.

In the ten years of its existence, SAIA-SCTS and all people who connected part of their professional life to it, have gone through much experience. They had to learn to collect and process information and manage many new and in our country yet-unknown educational projects. In the process, they had to familiarize themselves with modern management of nonprofit organizations, develop grant proposals to be able to train others committed to working in the nonprofit, independent sector which is so important to modernization of Slovakia.

The exceptional quality of the year 2000 was also confirmed by other events in the life of our organization. After a four-year forced break, the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic renewed its co-operation with SAIA-SCTS to provide information about study abroad, organize selection of recipients of Ministry of Education scholarships, administer the bilateral program Austria - Slovakia Co-Operation in Science and Education and the multilateral program CEEPUS. That decision was made based on results of an open tender of the Ministry of Education.SAIA-SCTS successfully continued to perform its traditional functions and programs. The steady interest in its services and activities, as documented by results in this annual report, was especially pleasing. Thanks to our network of branch offices working in all regions of Slovakia we organized a number of domestic and international seminars and round table discussions on current issues such as NGO Legislation, NGO Financing, NGO Boards etc. We also held a series of seminars on international programs for universities, information seminars for students of secondary schools and universities. We published new NGO directories, additional fact sheets about the nonprofit sector and occasional publications related to NGO issues and study abroad. We provided space for discussion on a number of new initiatives which originated in response to current happenings in the society. We developed co-operation with both state administration and local governments. We strengthened our position in several international projects, putting natural emphasis on partnership with organizations in Central and Eastern Europe.

In 2000, the organization leadership also changed. One of the founders of SAIA-SCTS and its Executive Director in previous three years Pavol Demeš decided to leave and use his many years of nonprofit sector experience in an international foundation. He remains connected to SAIA-SCTS as a member of its Board. As of January 1, 2000, Katarína Košťálová was named the Executive Director and Oľga Šubeníková her Deputy. They are both founders of the organization and worked as members of the SAIA-SCTS Executive Committee until 2000 together with Pavol Demeš. SAIA-SCTS Board made a decision to keep two members of the Executive Committee until further notice.

In September 2000, we started working with SAIA-SCTS Board to address the issue of organizational transformation into a network of independent nonprofit organizations with more independence and responsibility given to individual branch offices. It is a logical step connected to the planned public administration reform. It is aimed to further improve effectiveness of the organization and create space for its even more active involvement in regional activities. We believe this step will make the organization stronger and will serve as a good foundation for its

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further success in the fields of academic programs and development of viable nonprofit sector in Slovakia.

SAIA-SCTS Executive Committee:

Katarína Košťálová, Oľga ŠubeníkováExecutive Director Deputy of Executive Director



SAIA-SCTS has undertaken activities related to non-governmental organizations since 1993. In 2000, they covered four main areas: (1) Information services about and for the nonprofit sector; (2) Educational programs for NGOs; (3) Communication within nonprofit sector, cross-sectoral co-operation and international activities; (4) Volunteer Center of SAIA-SCTS. Traditionally, these program areas were financially supported by foreign and domestic foundations and grant-making programs of several embassies, based on approved projects. Thanks to long-term interest of donors, hundreds of nonprofit organizations and other people interested in information about the nonprofit sector, were able to use a wide range of services and activities provided by SAIA-SCTS in 2000.


Database of Slovak NGOs

The database of Slovak non-governmental organizations serves as an important medium to store and retrieve information mostly about civic associations, foundations, non-investment funds, nonprofit organizations and other types of NGOs. The database is continually updated with information from various sources such as SAIA-SCTS questionnaires, Commercial Registry of the Ministry of Interior of SR, or the Internet.In December 2000, SAIA-SCTS database contained 2565 records of NGOs, with highest number of civic associations.

MVO podľa právnej formy/NGOs according to their legal form

Občianske združenia/Civic associations 1 541

Nadácie/Foundations 480

Neinvestičné fondy/Non-investment funds 280

Neziskové organizácie/Non-profit organizations 123

Iné/Other 141

Spolu/Total 2 565

MVO podľa krajov / NGOs according to regions

Bratislava 883 34,4%

Trnava 163 6,4%

Trenčín 188 7,3%

Nitra 242 9,4%

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Žilina 249 9,7%

Banská Bystrica 260 10,1%

Košice 319 12,4%

Prešov 261 10,2%

Spolu/Total 2565 100%

MVO podľa oblasti pôsobenia / NGOs according to their areas of activity

Vzdelávanie/Education 1357

Sociálna starostlivosť/Social care 791

Rekreácia, voľný čas/Recreation, leisure time 703

Zdravie/Health care 625

Konzultačné a informačné služby/Consultation and information services 577

Umenie, kultúra, masmédia/Art, culture, and mass media 542

Šport/Sports 489

Životné prostredie/Environment 389

Ľudské práva/Human Rights 247

Charita/Charity 220

In 2000, the database served as a basis of information on the nonprofit sector. The nine offices of SAIA-SCTS received questions from 9034 clients - representatives of NGOs, state administration, local government and from businessmen. Most questions dealt with NGO financing or general aspects of nonprofit sector, volunteerism or NGO management.

Library of Publications about the Third Sector

SAIA-SCTS Library of Publications about the Third Sector is the only library in Slovakia to systematically collect, process and offer for in-house study nonprofit literature from within the country and abroad. In 2000, the library acquired 473 new additions, including publications, annual reports, periodicals, information materials, videotapes, student theses etc. The database of publications was continuously updated and grew to 1225 records. Moving the library to larger premises had an effect on the number of clients which reached 1439 in the year 2000.

Legal and Tax-Related Advisory Service

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS continued the project Legal and Tax-Related Advisory Service for Non-Governmental Organizations, financially supported by the Open Society Foundation. Contracted partners of SAIA-SCTS provided legal service to NGOs in Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Košice and Žilina. Throughout the year 2000, they provided a total of 337 consultations in the four offices.SAIA-SCTS organized several events which offered space for discussion on issues of NGO legislation. The most significant ones included the international conference International Principles of Non-Profit Law - Regional Perspectives and Recommendations (organized in co-operation with the American organization ICNL - International Center for Not-for-Profit Law) and a round table discussion for representatives of NGOs and state administration which focused mostly on issues of public procurement.


In 2000, SAIA-SCTS continued activities aimed to enhance further professional growth of non-

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governmental organizations. It provided 93 training workshops for a total of 1375 participants. The share of open training workshops in the total number of trainings provided was 43% and 57% in case of targeted trainings.

In addition to training activities, staff of SAIA-SCTS nine offices provided approximately 1436 consultation hours in various third-sector-related areas. As a part of the Incubators Program, they gave assistance to starting organizations. They also prepared 52 lectures for various fora.

Open Training Workshops

This type of training has traditionally been open to the wide public. In 2000, 40 training workshops were held for 419 participants. Most sought-out topics included fundraising, grant proposal writing and European Union projects.

Targeted Training Workshops

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS organized 53 targeted training workshops based on clients' requests, for 956 participants. Topics covered mostly project and grant proposal development, starting an NGO, and general questions related to the nonprofit sector and NGO functioning.


All SAIA-SCTS offices delivered 990 consultations, representing in total 1436 hours. Most frequently consulted issues were the management, fundraising, grant proposals writing, NGO

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establishment and the general questions on the third sector and operating of NGOs.

Incubators - Assistance to Starting Non-Governmental Organizations

The Incubators Program continued also in 2000, with greatest success in the regions of Poprad, Trnava and Prešov. The total number of non-governmental organizations which were offered material and technical assistance and advising services was 62.

Board Development

For several years, SAIA-SCTS has worked with the US-based National Center for Nonprofit Boards (NCNB) to improve the situation in board development in Slovakia.In 2000, the project manager Marianna Belejová participated in an NCNB-organized international program in the United States. The result of previous participation in this scholarship program in 1999 included also translation and adaptation of a self-assessment manual used by board members of the Modrá Torysa Community Foundation. In May, SAIA-SCTS and NCNB organized the seminar Board of Directors - Guarantee of NGO Credibility and Transparency with 30 members of staff and boards of important Slovak NGOs.


SAIA-SCTS employees in all regions of Slovakia prepared 52 lectures and presented them at various fora to a total audience of 1800 people. The most requested topics included operation of NGOs, NGO financing, fundraising, pre-EU-entry funds EU-SAPARD, ISPA and PHARE, partnership development, SAIA-SCTS programs, volunteerism and charity, civic participation, co-operation of NGOs and state administration etc.



SAIA-SCTS has always put great emphasis on communication within the nonprofit sector. In 2000, it co-organized the 7th Stupava Conference, dozens of round table discussions, seminars and meetings to talk about issues important to the entire nonprofit sector.

Stupava Conference

7th Stupava Conference of non-governmental organizations, traditionally co-organized by the Gremium of the Third Sector and SAIA-SCTS was held on October 20-21, 2000 in Poprad under the name The Third Sector - Let's People Work Together. The conference was attended by 400 participants from more than 300 NGOs and several representatives of state institutions. The diversity of participating NGOs became an evidence of the diverse activities undertaken within nonprofit sector and it became apparent also at the 1st Fair of Nonprofit Organizations. To conclude the conference participants issued an appearance on constitutional officials of SR "Stop Blocking Public Administration!"

Round Table Discussions, Seminars and Conferences

Round table discussions, seminars and conferences contributed to further professional growth of

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NGOs and allowed various groups within society to learn about the nonprofit sector and start talking about possible co-operation. In 2000, SAIA-SCTS organized 102 round table discussions and seminars, some of them with international participants. These events were attended by 2200 participants. To illustrate, we mention at least some of them:

seminar Development of Volunteer Centers in Central and Eastern Europe (Bratislava, January 27, 39 participants from 14 countries)

Third Conference of NGOs in the Prešov Region (Prešov, February 16, 47 participants) meeting of NGOs with representatives of the World Bank (Bratislava, February 17, 57

participants) conference Concept of Regional Development in Slovakia (Banská Bystrica, March 21,

96 participants) conference held in co-operation with ICNL - International Principles of Non-Profit Law

(Bratislava, April 4, 60 participants, guests from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Great Britain and United States)

Fifth Conference of NGOs in the Region of Banská Bystrica (Banská Bystrica, April 12, 40 participants)

seminar Phare Partnership Networking (Bratislava, April 14, 45 participants) third meeting of NGOs about the Week of Volunteers (Bratislava, April 27, 23

participants) Conference of NGOs from the Region of Žilina (Žilina, May 9, 47 participants) international seminar Exchange of Information about Activities of NGOs in Slovakia and

Austria (Prešov, May 10, 24 participants) discussion forum on volunteerism (Košice, May 10-11, 90 participants) Second Slovak-German Conference of NGOs (Bratislava, May 11-13, 79 participants) information meetings with young unemployed (Nitra, May 12, May 19, 71 participants) meeting with the topic Board of Directors - Guarantee of NGO Credibility and

Transparency (Bratislava, May 30, 30 participants) regional conference Civic Participation (Žilina, June 14, 98 participants) international conference Building Bridges of Democracy (Vienna, Bratislava, May 26-27,

40 participants) meeting of volunteers about the project Volunteers in Hospitals (Bratislava, September

9, 21 participants) presentation of the publication Current State of Public Financing of Non-Governmental

Organizations in Slovakia (Košice, October 5, 24 participants) meeting of service-provision organizations from V4 countries (Bratislava, October 6-7, 13


Cross-Sectoral Co-Operation

Co-operation with state administration and local government at all its levels and developing partnerships with businesses took an important place within activities of SAIA-SCTS offices in 2000.

In Bratislava, SAIA-SCTS initiated meetings with representatives of the Office of Government of SR, and Anti-Drug Fund of SR regarding NGO financing and distribution of funds. Meetings with the Ministry of Interior of SR dealt with provision of information about NGOs registered in Slovakia. Several meetings were held with businesses to discuss possible financing of the project Volunteers in Hospitals.

The office in Banská Bystrica contributed to better communication between NGOs and regional and district offices, and the local government of the city of Banská Bystrica. Common topics included regional development and sharing of information about NGOs in Banská Bystrica.

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Employees of the Košice office of SAIA-SCTS Zuzana Kalináčová and Eleonóra Bánovská contributed to development of new partnerships with the District Office Košice 4, Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of SR, Slovak Gas Industry and the Technical University in Košice. New partners agreed on mutual provision of information and on future co-operation.Dana Plučinská, director of SAIA-SCTS Poprad started to work with the Employment Office and representatives of such companies as Chemosvit Svit, Autonova, Slovak Insurance Company and many others.

SAIA-SCTS Prešov worked closely with the Regional Office and Local Government of Prešov. Julianna Hajduková, the office director, organized meetings with representatives of the Regional Office with the goal to establish working contacts and improve understanding of NGOs. SAIA-SCTS Prešov co-operated with 11 local governments as a part of the program Renewal of Rural Areas and Cross-Border Co-Operation.

Co-operation of SAIA-SCTS Žilina led by Alena Mičicová, with local governments, district offices and the regional office focused on public administration reform, financing of NGOs active in social sphere and construction of highways in the region. The office successfully completed the one-year project Citizen Participation in Public Affairs which involved several dozen representatives of local governments and NGOs.

Director of SAIA-SCTS Nitra Ľuba Lachká prepared a series of trainings for NGOs and local governments focused on building partnerships between these organizations, project planning, grant proposal writing and development of projects for the European Union.In the first half of the year 2000, most activities of SAIA-SCTS Trnava related to provision of information regarding Konto Globtel Program. Information was provided to various institutions in the Trnava region such as hospitals, museums, schools, businesses, regional offices, district offices, and local governments.

Together with SAIA-SCTS Trnava, also the Trenčín office was one of the most active ones in cross-sectoral co-operation. Office Director Dagmar Lišková helped create very active contacts with local governments in the Trenčín region. Mutual discussions dealt with regional co-operation, community initiatives, financial management of NGOs, Phare programs CBC, ISPA and SAPARD, cross-border co-operation, education, construction of the House of NGOs etc. The office organized meetings with representatives of the Trenčín Regional Office, ministries, Office of the Government of SR and businesses.

One of the important projects in the area of cross-sectoral co-operation was a survey of how much and how the state contributes to NGO financing within its budgetary rules. This project was managed in Bratislava by Marianna Belejová and resulted in the publication Current Public Financing of Non-Governmental Organizations in Slovakia in both Slovak and English versions. It provides a picture of public financing forms used currently in Slovakia and their relation to the State Budget. It shows mechanisms used by individual ministries and state funds to award grants from the State Budget as direct financial support to NGOs. In its last part, it provides detailed overview of public funding disbursed in the form of grants and subsidies within individual ministries' sectors in 1999.

International Activities

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS continued its active co-operation with partner organizations abroad and presented results achieved by Slovak NGOs at various international events.

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A. Co-Operation with Partner Organizations in Abroad

Cross-Border Co-Operation

Dagmar Lišková from SAIA-SCTS Trenčín participated in the First International Conference of Euroregions in Slovakia and Their Cross-Border Partners. She has already organized several round table discussions on similar topics for Slovak and Czech NGOs as well as special ceremony to mark the signing of agreement to establish the Bílé-Biele Karpaty Euroregion.

SAIA-SCTS Žilina, as represented by Alena Mičicová, participated in the development of Regional Operational Plans and worked on common projects with partner organizations from the Czech Republic.

The Prešov office, represented by Juliana Hajduková, started co-operation with a Polish organization from Krosno and discussed possible co-operation of the two neighboring regions.Under the auspices of the international organization CIVICUS, SAIA-SCTS, Austrian organization World of NGOs and Hungarian European House the conference Building Bridges of Democracy. The conference was held on a boat on the Danube between Vienna and Bratislava and was attended by more than 40 participants from Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Belarus.

Orpheus - Co-Operation in Central and Eastern Europe

Within the Orpheus Program of the European Foundation Centre in Brussels which links around 30 service centers from 15 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, SAIA-SCTS chaired the program's Advisory Board and actively contributed to decisions about activities of this informal network of partner institutions.

Co-operation with organizations from Central and Eastern Europe took various shapes in 2000. Whether it was a meeting organized in Warsaw, with its discussion Ten Years of Civil Society Support in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges for Building Support Infrastructure in the Region, or it was an invitation of partner organization NIOK to the seminar on the Hungarian model of "1% Law". In November, SAIA-SCTS organized, in co-operation with C.S. Mott Foundation, a two-day meeting of service centers from V4 countries to exchange experience and discuss their sustainability and strategy for further development.

Co-Operation with American Organizations

SAIA-SCTS continued to work with its traditional partners from the United States. In co-operation with ICNL - International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, it organized the international conference International.Principles of Non-Profit Law - Regional Perspectives and Recommendations, attended by more than 60 participants from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Great Britain and the United States.Working with NCNB - National Center for Non-Profit Boards, SAIA-SCTS organized a seminar Board of Directors - Guarantee of NGO Credibility and Transparency.

The Project of NGO Sustainability - Slovakia Index 2000, organized in co-operation with the United States Agency for International Development and Freedom House, reviewed the state of nonprofit sector in the country in the given year.

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International Co-Operation in the Field of Volunteerism

In January 2000, the Volunteer Center of SAIA-SCTS prepared a conference Development of Volunteer Centers in Central and Eastern Europe (Bratislava, January 27, 39 participants from 14 countries). At this event, an informal network of volunteer centers working in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia was established under the name Volunteernet. It includes also the Volunteer Center of SAIA-SCTS as its member.

Based on SAIA-SCTS co-operation with GAP, eleven volunteers came to Slovakia from Great Britain in two groups to assist in teaching English language at primary and secondary schools. On the other hand, the Volunteer Center arranged two six-month stays in Norfolk for two Slovak volunteers to work in the charity Break which provides care to people with heavy physical handicaps.

The Volunteer Center took active part also in the preparation of the International Year of Volunteers 2001 at both the international and national levels. The official opening of the International Year of Volunteers in Slovakia took place on December 5 as a part of the special ceremony to present the awards Heart on Palm 2000.

B. Presentation of the Nonprofit Sector Abroad

SAIA-SCTS considers communication with partner organizations abroad very inspiring and important. Its employees therefore take part in various events to learn new information and build new experience but also to present results and activities of dozens of Slovak NGOs. Here are several examples of events in which SAIA-SCTS participated in 2000:

Eva Mydlíková participated in an EU seminar in German town of Kőnigswinter where she presented her contribution Development of Social Activities (February 4)

Katarína Zvonárová attended the seminar Supervised Work with Volunteers in Prague (February 17)

Oľga Šubeníková and Katarína Košťálová visited partner organizations in Berlin and Bonn to discuss organization of a joint conference of German and Slovak NGOs (March 6)

Zuzana Kalináčová and Katarína Košťálová attended a meeting on the "1% Law" in Hungary (Budapest, March 1)

Katarína Zvonárová participated in the seminar Volunteers in Hospitals in the Czech Republic and Abroad (Prague, April 6)

Juliana Hajduková participated in the seminar Towns and Cities on their Common Road to Environmental Development (Warsaw, June 12-16)

Katarína Košťálová participated in the 4th International Conference on Nonprofit Sector Research in Dublin (July 4-7)

Katarína Rajcová and Dagmar Lišková presented in Mikušovce activities of the region Biele Karpaty (White Carpathians) at an international forum of representatives of ETP Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland

Marianna Belejová and Katarína Košťálová attended the conference Sustainability of the Third Sector in Central and Eastern Europe and facilitated the seminar on the role of service centers (Budapest, September 28 - October 1)

Paula Jójart attended the seminar 9 VOLONTEUROPE (Prague, October 13-16) Paula Jójart attended a meeting of managers of GAP program and its representatives in

Budapest to inform about the GAP Program in Slovakia (October 19-21) Katarína Košťálová facilitated the meeting The Role of Service Organizations and

Coalitions in Building Image of the Nonprofit Sector in Central and Eastern Europe (Warsaw, November 11-14)

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On November 22, Dagmar Lišková attended the opening ceremony of the Czech and Slovak Environmental Exhibition for Children in Uherský Brod

Marianna Belejová participated in a study stay in Washington organized by the National Center for Non-Profit Boards (November 5-23)

Katarína Košťálová attended the special ceremony of the United Nations to open the International Year of Volunteers (New York, November 25-29)


In 1998, SAIA-SCTS started to implement the project of the Volunteer Center as a part of development of new services for the nonprofit sector. The long-term goal of the project is to revive the ideas of volunteerism in Slovakia, increase its recognition and expand the number of volunteers working in various fields of public life. During its existence, Volunteer Center started several activities which promote volunteer work and increase its recognition with the public, such as the awareness campaign The Week of Volunteers and recognition of the work of exceptional volunteers Heart on Palm. The Volunteer Center supports development and growth of volunteerism in Slovakia through new projects such as Volunteers in Hospitals.

The Volunteer Center worked to meet its goals by providing volunteer opportunities to potential volunteers. Information was provided by center staff and assistance was given to select a suitable organization using the database of nonprofit organizations. In 2000, a total of 105 new individuals in Bratislava registered in the database as having interest in volunteer work (a total of 260 people registered). The Volunteer Center published two issues of the DODO Newsletter to bring information about current and long-term volunteer opportunities in Bratislava and surroundings. The Center also provided information and consultation services to those who look for information and literature on volunteerism (in 2000 it was 230 people who showed such interest). As a part of increasing internal capacity of NGOs, the Center prepared training on volunteer management to educate coordinators of volunteers on volunteer project development, volunteer recruitment and motivation etc. (In 2000, 126 participants attended such trainings).

Week of Volunteers

In 2000, the Week of Volunteers took place in all regions of Slovakia for the first time, thanks to co-operation with SAIA-SCTS branch offices. The entire project included 135 NGOs from all across Slovakia. The Week of Volunteers (May 9-14) included workshops for coordinators of volunteers (114 coordinators), panel exhibitions (12 exhibitions), presentations of NGOs in schools and other places. Representatives of NGOs presented their activities to students and wider public. More than 20 NGOs participated in the Days and Weeks of Open Doors.

Heart on Palm 2000

Under the auspices of the President of SR, the Volunteer Center awarded for the second time the prize Heart on Palm to exceptional volunteers. Laureates in the category Volunteer Work were Július Hron from Bratislava, Štefan Kruško from Prešov, Agneša Kukumbergová from Šenkvice, Jana Lalíková from Slavošovce and Ladislav Pleša from Košice. In the category of Volunteer Act of the Year, the award went to Marta Győriová from Košice. Volunteers in Hospitals

The Volunteer Center, in co-operation with the University Children Hospital in Bratislava and thanks to the support of the Children of Slovakia Foundation from the Children´s Hour Fund, prepared the project Volunteers in Hospitals. The goal of the project was to make the time children spend in hospitals more enjoyable and assist the care-taking personnel, teaching personnel and children's parents. In 2000, the project involved 20 active volunteers.

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Based on its contract with the Ministry of Education of SR to provide services, the Slovak Academic Information Agency - Service Center for the Third Sector organized and performed administration of the program Academic Mobility. The Program is co-financed by the Open Society Foundation in Bratislava. Thanks to the grant from OSF and financial contribution from the Ministry of Education of SR, SAIA-SCTS was able to continue providing information about study abroad in 2000 in Bratislava and in its branch offices, as well as to inform the public about existing scholarships, organize open competitions for scholarships, organize seminars on international co-operation for universities, offer seminars to people interested in study abroad, produce information brochures about study abroad, publish the monthly Bulletin SAIA and provide information through the Internet.

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS provided information about scholarships from by the Ministry of Education to more than 6000 people (close to 3000 in Bratislava alone) and processed 1118 applications for scholarship stays (study, research and language stays) in the academic year 2000/2001 to Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and Ukraine.SAIA-SCTS worked with domestic and foreign organizations in selecting students for foreign study stays. For ten years, it has helped promote scholarships for the one-year postgraduate study program in European Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium) and in Natolin (Poland). For the sixth year, it has provided information about the $2000 grant awarded by the New York-based American Fund for Czechoslovak Relief and helped to select the candidates. Since 1999, SAIA-SCTS has worked with the Slovak Gas Industry in Bratislava (SPP) to select students for SPP scholarships for one-semester study stays abroad.

SAIA-SCTS helped arrange study/research/scientific stays for 136 applicants from 20 countries at Slovak universities and institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the spring semester of 1999/2000 and the academic year 2000/2001.

Interest remains steady in information about study abroad, about language and standardized tests, and about how to prepare materials for scholarship applications. In 2000, more than 26,000 people visited SAIA-SCTS to inquire about study abroad, which averages 105 visitors per day and 13 visitor per day per each office. The highest average daily number of people visited Bratislava office - 35 and the least number of 3 people visited the Trenčín office. The greatest interest was shown in scholarships of the Ministry of Education of SR (over 6000 people). Broken down according to individual countries, the greatest interest was shown in Germany (over 3300 people), followed by Austria (over 1600 people) and United States (over 1500 people).

Prehľad o uchádzačoch o štipendiá v jednotlivých rokochNumbers of applicants for scholarships in individual years

Rok Počet uchádzačov o štipendiá Počet nominovanýchPočet členov

konkurzných komisií

Year Number of applicants Number of nomineesNumber of members in selection committees

1990 150 8 15

1991 525 222 152

1992 1114 503 203

1993 1113 626 293

1994 1214 626 224

1995 945 412 153

1996 515 198 67

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1997 274 138 41

1998 163 117 53

1999 201 136 21

2000 1118 687 189

Spolu/Total 7332 3673 1411

Table: Fields of interest of people visiting SAIA-SCTS Academic Information Centers in 2000

Table: Information days, seminars and trainings for secondary schools and universities - 2000

In 2000 SAIA-SCTS, within its activities focused on provision of information about study abroad, organized 83 "Information Days" for university (56) and high school (27) students. They were attended in total by 16175 students. SAIA-SCTS also organized 34 seminar for universities, 9 trainings for under- and post-graduate students and university staff. They were attended by 1348 participants.

SAIA-SCTS also organized seminars on the topic "Academic Mobility - Let's Do it Better" for representatives of higher education institutions (vice-chancellors for foreign relations, vice-deans for foreign relations and employees of foreign relations departments) with the following program: current information from the Section of International Co-operation and European Integration of the Ministry of Education of SR, introduction of academic programs of SAIA-SCTS, selection of recipients of scholarships from the Ministry of Education of SR (guidelines, criteria, background materials, composition of the selection committee etc.), acceptance of Ministry of Education of SR scholarship winners from abroad at Slovak universities (role of accepting university/school, deadlines for submission of background materials by foreign students at Slovak universities, scholarship payment options etc.), role of the House of Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Education of SR (scholarships, travel expenses, health insurance etc.), and involvement of universities in international exchange programs.

Such seminars were held in October 2000 in Žilina (also for representatives of Trenčín University), in Košice (also for representatives of Prešov University), in Banská Bystrica (also for representatives of Technical University Zvolen) and in Nitra (also for representatives of Trnava-based universities) and in Bratislava.SAIA-SCTS in the Tempus ORBIS Project

SAIA-SCTS co-operated within the ORBIS Project (Tempus Program) with the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Žilina University, partner Slovak organizations - Matej Bel University in

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Banská Bystrica, Prešov University and Trnava University and foreign partners. The results included an internet-based information system for existing scholarships ( and A Manual for Employees of Foreign Relations Departments at Rectors' and Deans' offices. Both the information system and the manual will be available in 2001.

Gift Books for Slovakia

After a two-year break, SAIA-SCTS received for Slovakia the 13th shipment of donated books (7000 specialized publications) thanks to the Sabre Foundation from USA, Peace Corps, United States Embassy in Bratislava and the Open Society Foundation.

Prehľad knižných darov v rokoch 1991 - 2000Number of gift books received in 1991 - 2000


1991 18 000 kníh/books -------

1992 29 000 kníh/books 3 000 kníh/books

1993 23 000 kníh/books 8 000 kníh/books

1994 30 144 kníh/books 25 000 kníh/books

1995 18 144 kníh/books -------

1996 18 000 kníh/books 19 960 kníh/books

1997 14 844 kníh/books -------

1998 ------- 10 425 kníh/books

1999 ------- -------

2000 7 000 kníh/books -------

SPOLU/TOTAL 158132 kníh/books 66 385 kníh/books

In June, branch offices of SAIA-SCTS worked with libraries to exhibit donated books in Bratislava, Nitra, Trnava, Trenčín, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Poprad, Prešov and Košice where library representatives, teachers and students were able to peruse the books and order them.

Language Courses

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS continued to work with the British organization EF International Language Schools and offered client-paid language courses in Great Britain, USA, Ireland, France, Germany and Italy.

In July and August, branch offices of SAIA-SCTS in Nitra and Žilina organized English language courses with foreign lecturers.

Program Austria - Slovakia, Co-operation in Science and Education

After a three-year break, SAIA-SCTS continued to organize and perform administration of the bilateral program Austria - Slovakia, Co-operation in Science and Education.

In 2000, Ministry of Education of SR funded the program with SKK 4 million while the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture of the Austrian Republic provided Schilling 2.61 million. The entire program budget for the year 2000 amounted to Schilling 3,910,800.

In 2000, the Managing Gremium of the program met four times, evaluated 63 projects and awarded financial support to 38 projects.

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In addition to projects, the program supports also study and research stays and language courses. A total of 100 scholarship months were approved for the academic year 2000/2001 (10 months for language courses and 90 months for study and short-term research stays). A total of 92 people applied for scholarships for their stay in Austria, of which 34 were selected (24 people for study and short-term research stays and 10 for summer language courses).

Study stays and language courses were approved by the Managing Gremium to 6 Austrian candidates - 3 study stays and 3 Studia Academica Slovaca language courses.

Multilateral Program CEEPUS

After four years break, SAIA-SCTS organized and provided administration of the multilateral program CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) as the program's national office. The Ministry of Education of SR funded the program in the year 2000 with SK 2.35 million.

For the academic year 2000/2001, the Slovak Republic promised to offer 320 scholarship months for study, research and lecture stays, summer technical schools and expert trips. Only 240 scholarship months have been used.

Participation in international seminars, conferences and study stays:

January 21-22, 2000; Pilot Phase Seminar on the Tempus ORBIS project - development of information system for scholarships and international programs, Harmónia; SAIA-SCTS participants: Daniela Drobná and Oľga Šubeníková

May 7-9, 2000; "Slovakia on its Way to the European Union" - Slovak-Austrian conference in Alpbach, Austria; SAIA-SCTS participant: Oľga Šubeníková

September 2-10, 2000; Finland, study stay as a part of the Tempus ORBIS project; SAIA-SCTS participants: Marcela Grošeková and Stela Rebeťáková; stay in CIMO and selected universities in Helsinki

September 14, 2000; "Are Austrian Universities Ready for Academic Mobility?", Vienna, SAIA-SCTS participants: Oľga Šubeníková and Ingrid Vernerová

September 18-22, 2000; Austria, study stay as a part of the Tempus ORBIS project (Technical University Vienna, Austrian Exchange Services); SAIA-SCTS participant: Ingrid Vernerová

October 7-14, 2000; Tempus ORBIS seminar in Stupava; SAIA-SCTS participants: Oľga Šubeníková, Mária Guregová, Marcela Grošeková, Nora Bánovská, and Stela Rebeťáková

November 14-25, 2000; Germany, two-week study stay at the invitation of DAAD; SAIA-SCTS participant: Zoltán Nagy

September 14-15, 2000; meeting of ACA Board and ACA members in Brussels; SAIA-SCTS participant: Oľga Šubeníková

Participation at Information Fairs

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS made its presentation at the following information fairs and exhibitions:

National Career Days 2000 (Bratislava, March 22-24) 4th Fair of Post-Secondary Education AKADEMIA and 2nd Fair of Employment and

Travel VAPAC (Bratislava, November 9-11) 8th International Book Fair BIBLIOTEKA and 5th Exhibition of Teaching Equipment

PEDAGOGIKA (Bratislava, November 9-12)

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4th Specialized Double-Exhibition "SALON PRACE" and GAUDEAMUS (Košice, November 29-30)


In 2000, SAIA-SCTS continued to publish directories, publications and fact sheets on topics of the nonprofit sector as well as publications for people interested in study abroad. With the financial support of the Ministry of Education and the Open Society Foundation, SAIA-SCTS produced 12 issues of the SAIA Bulletin - information monthly for people interested in study abroad. SAIA-SCTS also co-published the NonProfit monthly magazine for and about the third sector. In compliance with the decision of its Editorial Board and wider discussion with representatives of various nonprofit organizations on long-term sustainability of this project, publishing of NonProfit was taken over by the Media Foundation in the second half of the year.

Publication activity was financially supported primarily by the Nippon Foundation but also by further partial grants from the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bratislava, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Civil Society Development Foundation (NPOA), and Open Society Foundation. The publication of Current Public Financing of Non-Governmental Organizations in Slovakia was made possible with the financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy.

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS published 13 directories of nonprofit organizations working in various areas with different target groups and registered as different legal entities (Directory of NGOs with a Community Program in Slovakia, Directory of NGOs with a Women-Oriented Program in SR, Non-Governmental Nonprofit Organizations Working in the Fields of Human and Civic Rights Protection and Democracy in Slovakia, Foreign and Domestic Financial Sources for Slovak NGOs, Directory of Foundations in the Slovak Republic and eight regional directories of NGOs). Encyclopedic in character, the publication Who is Who in the Third Sector focuses on personalities of the nonprofit sector in Slovakia. One hundred NGO representatives form but a modest selection of excellent representatives of our civic organizations.

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS also produced publications on NGO management or related to interesting areas of the nonprofit sector in Slovakia. One such publication Civic Advocacy or How to Achieve Change in Society was authored by Pavol Demeš who draws both from his foreign experience and general conclusions from the many remarkable cases of civic advocacy by nonprofit organizations in Slovakia. The goal of the publication is to stimulate interest and enhance understanding of civic advocacy. The publication How to Start an NGO, authored by Nora Beňáková and Zuzana Kalináčová, describes methods to register nonprofit organizations in Slovakia. It provides detailed classification of NGOs according to their legal forms, legal conditions for and administrative process of the registration. It includes sample bylaws and statutes of individual types of NGOs. Another publication Volunteer Management, compiled translation of selected chapters from the publication of two acclaimed American consultants Steve McCurley and Rick Lynch, is aimed for anybody who works with volunteers. Managers of volunteer programs can use it to learn in detail about the volunteer management process, find practical advice on how to recruit volunteers, how to work with them, motivate, evaluate and keep them and how to create good relations between volunteers and paid organization staff. The publication authored by Marianna Belejová Current State of Public Financing of Non-Governmental Organizations in Slovakia presents a picture of forms of public financing in Slovakia (their current state and their relation to the State Budget) and shows mechanisms used to assign funding by selected ministries and state funds in the form of direct financial support to NGOs from the State Budget. In its last part, it presents a detailed overview of how state funding was distributed by individual ministries in 1999.

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SAIA-SCTS also continued to publish informational and analytical materials within the series Facts about the Third Sector in Slovak and English language versions. In 2000, a total of five fact sheets were published - Volunteers of the Velvet Revolution, Stupava Conference, Public Financing of NGOs, Public Financing of NGOs According to Individual Ministries, and the Profile of Nonprofit Sector in Slovakia.

Another brochure on study abroad was produced to expand the list of existing brochures: Study Abroad, Study in Germany, New Zealand, Benelux, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Scandinavia, France, Italy, Great Britain. In 2000 the publication Study in Canada was produced by Zuzana Kratochvílová. It brings information about educational opportunities in Canada, describes ways to apply to schools in Canada, and mentions possibilities for receiving a scholarship.

Two practical handbooks of previous years How to Successfully Pass Entrance Exam and How to Write a Curriculum Vitae (in Slovak and English, respectively), were succeeded in 2000 by the publication How to Write a Curriculum Vitae in French. It was produced by Nora Bánovská in co-operation with Ronan Corfdyr.

In 2000, SAIA-SCTS celebrated its ten-year anniversary not only through several events, but also through the publication Ten Years of SAIA-SCTS in both Slovak and English versions. It provides a brief overview of ten years' existence of the organization.


In 2000, SAIA-SCTS was a member of numerous international organizations. It engaged actively in activities of an informal network of service centers in central and eastern Europe within the Orpheus Program of the European Foundation Center. As a member of the International Association of Volunteer Effort - IAVE, SAIA-SCTS contributed to the preparation of the Worldwide Directory of Volunteer Centers 2000, published by IAVE in co-operation with the American organization Points of Light Foundation. As a member of the international organization CIVICUS, SAIA-SCTS worked with its members in Hungary and Austria and prepared the international conference Building Bridges of Democracy and actively participated in the work of its European Board. In 2000, SAIA-SCTS became a member of the International Society for Third-Sector Research - ISTR based in Baltimore. Because of this membership, SAIA-SCTS also enjoys access to the interdisciplinary magazine VOLUNTAS which is available to all visitors of the SAIA-SCTS Library.

SAIA-SCTS is also a member of the Academic Cooperation Association - ACA, international non-governmental organization which supports, seeks to improve, manage, and analyze academic co-operation within Europe and between Europe and other countries of the world.


The Board of the organization performs conceptual work, makes decisions and performs controlling function. Members of the Board serve for a three-year term.The Board meets as required, with a minimum of one meeting every six months. The Board appoints and recalls members of the Executive Committee. SAIA-SCTS Board has eleven members.

SAIA-SCTS Board of Directors in 2000:

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1. PhDr. Helena WOLEKOVÁ, CSc., ChairwomanSocial Policy Analysis Center, Bratislava

2. Prof. Ing. Milan ŽALMAN, CSc., Deputy ChairmanFaculty of Electronics and Information ScienceSlovak Technical University Bratislava

3. Doc. Ľubomír HARACH, CSc.Ministry for the Economy of SR, Bratislava

4. RNDr. Pavol DEMEŠ, CSc.German Marshall Fund of United States, Bratislava

5. Prof. Ing. Anton KLAS, CSc.Institute of Economics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

6. MUDr. RNDr. Gustáv KOVÁČ, CSc.Association of Hospitals of Slovakia, Bratislava

7. RNDr. Vojtech RUŠIN, DrSc.Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Tatranská Lomnica

8. Prof. Ing. Juraj SINAY, DrSc.Technical University Košice

9. Ing. Marián ŠUBENÍKKerametal, a.s., Bratislava

10. Ing. Miroslav ULIČNÝTatra banka, a.s., Bratislava

11. Filip VAGAČChildren of Slovakia Foundation, Bratislava


Executive CommiteeKOŠŤÁLOVÁ Katarína, Executive DirectorŠUBENÍKOVÁ Oľga, Deputy of Executive Director


Academic ProgramsDROBNÁ Daniela till 31.3.2000DROBNÝ Róbert till 14.2.2000GROŠEKOVÁ MarcelaGUREGOVÁ MáriaKRATOCHVÍLOVÁ Zuzana (maternity leave from August 2000)KRUŽLÍKOVÁ Lucia till 15.9.2000VERNEROVÁ IngridVESELÁ Veronika from 1.4.2000

Programs for Non-GovernmentalOrganizationsBELEJOVÁ MariannaBEŇÁKOVÁ Nora till 31.1.2000ČARNÁ KláraHRIVŇÁK Ľuboš till 31.1.2000JÓJÁRT Paula from 1.8.2000LACKOVÁ Zuzana from 1.5.2000MEDVECZKÁ Anna from 1.10.2000MYDLÍKOVÁ Eva till 31.8.2000

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PANÁKOVÁ Silvia till 31.10.2000SIKEĽOVÁ MartaZVONÁROVÁ Katarína till 31.8.2000

Administration and Technical ServicesANDRÁSSYOVÁ EvaBLAŽEK JozefKOVARIK RomanMUDRÍKOVÁ Helena

Financial and Personnel DepartmentKRIŽANKOVIČOVÁ Mária,Head of the DepartmentHOLÁ IvetaHORVÁTHOVÁ EvaKISSOVÁ Monika from 21.8.2000


BANSKÁ BYSTRICA CHMELÍKOVÁ Helena,Academic Programs Coordinator,Branch Coordinator from 1.9.2000HULLOVÁ Danica,Branch Director till 15.2.2000NAGY Imrich from 1.4. till 31.8.2000

KOŠICEKALINÁČOVÁ Zuzana,Branch Director BÁNOVSKÁ Nora,Academic Programs Coordinator

NITRALACHKÁ Ľubica,Branch Director NAGY Zoltán from 28.1.2000,Academic Programs Coordinator

POPRADPLUČINSKÁ Dana,Branch Director

PREŠOVHAJDUKOVÁ Juliana,Branch Director ONDKOVÁ Zuzana from 1.2.2000,Academic Programs Coordinator

TRENČÍNLIŠKOVÁ Dagmar,Branch Director RAJCOVÁ Katarína,Academic Programs Coordinator

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TRNAVARADKOVÁ Libuša,Branch Coordinator

ŽILINAMIČICOVÁ Alena,Branch DirectorREBEŤÁKOVÁ Stela,Academic Programs Coordinator


ANASOFT APR, s.r.o., Bratislava British Embassy, Bratislava Canadian Embassy, Bratislava Civil Society Development Foundation (PHARE), Bratislava Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Flint, USA Children of Slovakia Foundation, Bratislava European Foundation Centre, Brussels, Belgium Ford Foundation, New York, USA Freedom House, Washington, USA Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bratislava German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn, Germany International Book Bank, Baltimore, USA Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Bratislava Ministry of Education of the SR, Bratislava National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, USA Nippon Foundation, Tokyo, Japan Open Society Foundation, Bratislava Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart, Germany Royal Netherlands Embassy, Bratislava Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Tokyo, Japan Tatra banka, a.s., Bratislava TEMPUS, Bratislava United States Information Service, Bratislava


SAIA-SCTS BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 2000

ASSETSSoftwareEquipmentGoods in inventoryMonetary and other financial assets Bank accounts Receivables

18 746 Sk1 208 323 Sk512 224Sk133 662 Sk8 684 893 Sk969 295 Sk

$ 406$ 26 154$ 11 087$ 2 893$ 187 983$ 20 980

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Tax claimsPrepaid expensesAssets Total

28 257 Sk54 205 Sk 11 609 605 Sk

$ 612$ 1 173$ 251 288

     LIABILITIESAccounts payableOther obligationsTax from subject activitiesDeferred incomeBase capitalSocial fundProfit (loss) accountLiabilities Total

187 443 719 903 Sk132 059 Sk7 019 518 Sk3 378 349 Sk78 516 Sk93 817 Sk11 609 605 Sk

$4 057$ 15 582$ 2 858$ 151 936$ 73 124$ 1 699$ 2 031$ 251 288


ECONOMIC RESULT 2000 - 206 306 Sk - $4 465TOTAL INCOME (A+B) 27 202 891 Sk $588 801     A. INCOME FOR CORE PROGRAMS 21 872 750 Sk $473 431

1.Income from activities 2 093 132 Sk $45 305

  Payments for services 2 056 421 Sk $44 511Payments for goods 36 711 Sk $795

2.Grants, Gifts, Refunding 15 000 280 Sk $324 678

Grants, gifts 14 351 220 Sk $310 629Refunding 649 060 Sk $14 049

3.Contributions from the state budget 4 535 994 Sk $98 1814.Contributions from corporations 58 000 Sk $1 2555.Income from financial operations 185 344 Sk $4 012

Interest, currency exchange    

         B. INCOME FOR STIPENDS 5 330 141 Sk $115 370

Stipends, projects (Ministry of Education) 4 816 325 Sk $104 248

Contributions from private persons (EF) 513 816 Sk $11 121EXPENDITURES TOTAL (A+B+C) 27 409 197 Sk $593 267         WAGES AND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES (A+B) 21 665 282 Sk $468 941


1.Wages and social security 9 503 896 Sk $205 710Wage expenses 6 978 839 Sk $151 056Social security 2 198 497 Sk $47 586Social fund 229 402 Sk $4 965Employees insurance 97 158 Sk $2 103

2.Contracted services 1 341 166 Sk $29 029Legal services 510 000 Sk $11 039Other services 831 166 Sk $17 990

       B. OPERATIONAL EXPENSES 10 820 220 Sk $234 202

1.Operational expenses 4 703 166 Sk $101 799

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Office supplies 707 413 Sk $15 312Costs of goods to be sold 26 572 Sk $575Maintenance and repairs 399 253 Sk $8 642Printing and copying 2 093 072 Sk $45 304Insurance 30 926 Sk $669Telephone, fax 763 823 Sk $16 533E-mail 213 533 Sk $4 622Postage 345 482 Sk $7 478Fuel 123 092 Sk $2 664

2.Rental of space and energy 3 191 707 Sk $69 084Rental of space 2 447 862 Sk $52 983Energy, gas, water 743 845 Sk $16 100

3.Conferences and exhibitions 51 207 Sk $1 1084.Membership fees 25 260 Sk $5475.Advertising 40 567 Sk $8786.Refreshments (conferences, workshops, etc.) 609 130 Sk $13 1857.Travel expenses 725 835 Sk $15 711

Domestic travel 242 932 Sk $5 258Foreign travel 403 043 Sk $8 724Car rent and maintenance 79 860 Sk $1 729

8.Financial operations 314 911 Sk $6 816Interest, payments 314 911 Sk $6 816

9.Taxes 17 480 Sk $37810.Depreciation and legal reserve 1 050 526 Sk $22 73811.Other expenses 90 431 Sk $1 957

 C. STIPENDS, REGRANTS, STUDY FEES 5 743 915 Sk $124 326

Stipends, projects Austria-Slovakia, regrants, travel non-employees

5 219 153 Sk $112 968

Payments of private persons 524 762 Sk $11 358  1 USD = 46,20 Sk

Auditor's Report

of Closing Financial Statementsof the Slovak Academic Information Agency -Service Center for the Third Sector,as of December 31, 2000

To: Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Slovak Academic Information Agency-Service Center for the Third Sector

We performed an audit of the closing financial statements of The Slovak Academic Information Agency-Service Center for the Third Sector, Ružová dolina 6, ID no. 17337674 for the year ended December 31, 2000, in accordance with the Law No.73/1992 Zb. about Auditors and the Slovak

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Chamber of Auditors, and its later amendments, as well as in accordance with the standards of Slovak auditors.

Our responsibility is to give our opinion on those statements as a whole. The audit included verification of figures from the closing financial statements, accounting procedures used, pricing methods, property depreciation and estimates used in the closing operations. We collected information necessary to perform audit of the closing financial statements. In view of the importance of presented figures, we verified them on a selective basis. The audit has given us an objective basis for our opinion about the organization's closing financial statements.

We have not identified any significant facts which would indicate that accounting records used to prepare the closing financial statements were inadequately documented or failed to be presented in a prescribed way. We have not identified any facts which would fail to meet purposes of and conditions set for use of funding in the form of grants, financial contributions, or gifts.

In our opinion the closing financial statements present fairly, in all material aspects, assets, liabilities, equity, and financial position and of the association Slovak Academic Information Agency - Service Center for the Third Sector as of December 31, 2000, and its economic results for the period from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000, in accordance with Law no. 563/1992 on Accounting, with later amendments.

Bratislava, June 10, 2001

Signature: Katarína Zavarská

Katarína Zavarskáauditor in chargeLicense SKAU no. 000215

AFC Audit s.r.o. auditorLicense SKAU no. 000175

Round stamp: The Slovak Chamberof Auditors; licence no.000175; AFC-AUDIT, s.r.o.