safety product overview

ABB Safety Product Overview

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ABB SafetyProduct Overview

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a e yA leading concept in safety technology

People and technology Through the development of technology,products and solutions, ABB Safetyprovides you with the leading edge inindustrial safety applications. Our globalorganization employs several hundredpeople focused on one business - industrial

safety and control. In combination withimmense resources and know-how inprocess control, project management, andmany related fields, this makes ABB yournatural partnership choice. With worldwidecompetence centers in Houston, Singapore,Norway, the UK, and a local sales &support network across the world, ABBSafety is directly available to yourorganisation wherever you are located. Weprovide cost-effective, integrated systemsolutions, with an unprecedented level of quality, reliability and availability.

Since the late 1970's, ABB has innovated,developed and installed leading edgeprogrammable safety systems worldwide. The ABB Safety product line consists of both duplex and triple modular redundanttechnologies. With the acquisition of August Systems in December 1997, ABB

can supply state-of-the-art safety systemsutilizing the appropriate architecture to suityour plant requirements.

 The ABB Safety product line is the resultof over 20 years of experience in the fieldof industrial safety. It can be configured asstand-alone safety systems or as safetysystems integrated into your distributedcontrol systems (DCS).

ABB Safety designs and manufacturesproducts and solutions to the highestachievable safety standards, practicing strictinternational quality control standards.Partnering with ABB will enable you toobtain absolute safety functionalitythroughout the lifetime of your facility,including training, system operation,service, technical support, maintenance,reprogramming and upgrading. ChoosingABB Safety will ensure that support isavailable whenever required. Ourevolutionary approach to safety productdevelopment always provides you with apath forward in the future. ABB Safety'scomprehensive range of standard hardwareand software solutions, combined withproject-specific applications, provide themost competitive answer to your safetyproblem.

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Triguard SC 300E andSafeguard 400 Series areboth TÜV - approved, andhave been certified accor-ding to Requirement class

(AK) 1-6, (SIL 1-3)

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Triguard SC300E

 The Triguard SC300E is a safety controllerspecifically designed for maximum availabilityfor industrial safety and control applications.

 The Triguard SC300E system was created bypioneering ABB August (formerly AugustSystems), and has evolved along withcontemporary technological progress over thelast twenty years. It has a fully triplicated(TMR) system architecture from inputmodule to output module. The threeprocessors and triplicated I/O circuitry arecompletely transparent to the user. TriguardSC300E is TÜV approved according to RC1-6 (SIL 1-3). It is a system of 

standard identical chassis, each chassishousing duplex load sharing powersupplies, I/O and communicationmodules as required by theapplication, while the first one housesthe three processors. A single systemmay be as small as one chassis or aslarge as fifteen, giving a potentialmaximum of 9,500 I/ O.

Operating system

 The Triguard SC300E has anoperating system known as Real Time Task Supervisor (RTTS), which isinstalled in each of the three processors.During start-up and operation, RTTS runscomprehensive diagnostic routines that checkand validate the correct operating parametersof each processor. Triguard can be used foremergency shutdown, process shutdown,critical process control, fire & gas monitoring

and detection, rotating machinery controland virtually any other industrial safety andcontrol application.

ProgrammingApplication control logic for the Triguard SC300E is programmed in the Tribuild Engineering Workstation, a software

package for Windows 95/ 98/NT, using relayladder logic & structured networks.

Hardware The Triguard SC300E safety controller, likeits predecessors, uses Intel processortechnology, with up to 4 MB RAM and a 1MB EPROM. It has a real-time clock fordata logging with a resolution of 10 ms.

All I/O module types provided for the Triguard SC300E share an element of common design, providing componentrationalization and implementing distributedprocessing. I/ O-modules can be fitted in anyof the 10 slots in any chassis. They can beconfigured for single slot repair or dual slotrepair.

In the Triguard range of I/ O-modules areincluded a line of high-end modules specificto fire and gas applications. These serve as adirect interface between fire and gasdetectors and the Triguard SC300E,incorporating auto-test and maintenancefunctionality.


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TriBuild Engineering Workstation

 TriBuild is an easy to use, menu driven,software package running under Windows95/ 98 or Windows NT. It is used for the

creation of system configuration andapplication control logic for the TriguardSC300E safety controller.

 TriBuild provides on and off-line functionsfor configuration, programming,documentation and testing. The programmercan use either relay ladder-logic displays instructured networks or boolean functionblocks. These can be developedquickly and efficiently with the

assistance of 'search and replace'and 'cut and paste' functionality.Completed application controlprograms can be loaded into a Triguard SC300E system and theexecution of the control programcan be monitored on-line with the TriBuild Engineering workstation.

TriCommand Operator Workstation

 TriCommand is a PC-basedoperator workstation softwarepackage. It provides real timesystem control and monitoringfacilities. It operates as part of a TriguardSC300E system in a single stationconfiguration or as multiple TriCommandstations for distributed applications.

 The workstations can be connected to

 Triguard via peer-to-peer, single, or dualserial communication links, networked viasingle or dual redundant LANs. TriCommand is Windows 95/ 98/NTcompliant, and designed for efficient use.

TriLog Data Logger (forWin95/98/NT) TriLog is a message logger, designed tomonitor Triguard SC300E controllers,accepting and storing sequence of event and

alarm messages from each system. It uses adedicated PC with Windows 95/ 98 orWindows NT compliance. Windows areallocated to display time and date togetherwith current and automatically archivedinformation from each system.


The TriBuild EngineeringWorkstation and theTriCommand Operator 

Workstation offer com-prehensive and quickaccess to the impressivefunctionality of TriguardSC300E.

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Safeguard 400 Series safety controllers aretwo of the main building blocks of ABB

Safety. They combine the features of high-integrity programmable electronic systemsfor safety applications with thefunctionality and software architecture of modern process control stations.Safeguard 400 Series controllers are TÜVapproved, RC 1-6, (SIL 1-3) programmablecontrollers intended forindustrial safetyapplications. They are

utilized for emergencyshutdown, processsafeguarding, fire & gasmonitoring, critical controland equipment protection.Safeguard 400 Series are anintegrated part of AdvantOCS (Open ControlSystem), and hold thecomplete object databasefor all detectors, sensors,manual call points andactuators. They also holdthe configuration databasefor the integratedaddressable loop controlpanels for fire and gasalarms that ABB provides.

Safeguard 400 Series object databases offera standard data interface, which simplifies

application work regarding control logic,operator functions and the graphical designof displays.

Safeguard 400 Series application logic isconfigured within a high-level functionblock-programming environment calledAMPL.

For design and implementation of safetycontrol logic, Safeguard 400 Series, together

with AdvaBuild Safety Builder, offer aunique environment for engineering andimplementation of cause and effect

Safeguard 400 Series are based on a singleor duplex architecture that utilizes refined

versions of standard controllersfrom the ABB Advant OCSproduct platform. The idea of offering safety systems with highsafety integrity combined with a

generic ability to be easilyintegrated into modern controlsystems, is a core strategy inABB Safety productdevelopment.

Safeguard 400 Series safetycontrollers have two powerfulMotorola 68020 CPUs (25 MHz),each with 8 MB RAM, and aredelivered in two standardversions: Safeguard 410 is acompact version with capacityfor approx. 400 inputs/ outputs(I/ O). The extended version,Safeguard 415, has a capacity forapprox. 1,400 I/ O.

A single failure in the safety system will notprevent a safety action from beingexecuted. Extensive diagnostic coverage is

implemented per control branch, and if afailure is detected in one branch the otherwill ensure continuous protection.

Advants Safeguard 400s Series

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Since the Safeguard 400 Series controllersare based on the Advant Controller 410,

they can be fully integrated into an existingAdvant OCS (Open Control System).Using the same Advant workstations, thesame communications system, the sameuser interface and related hardware,Safeguard can function as an integral partof the DCS, thereby contributing to animproved flow of information, resulting infewer errors.

Operators and operational staff 

work on a system that is uniformboth technically andoperationally. Operator stationsand printers can be dedicated tosafety functions, while operatorshave quick and easy access toinformation in other parts of thesystem.


Advant OCS Integration

The integration of control system andsafety system hasmany benefits,including improvedinformation handling

and a better instinc-tive overview of thefacility

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When safety and control systems areintegrated, the operation of the Advant

Controller 410 is transparent to theoperator. Only the application program andsystem databases are visible, unless otherfunctions are explicitly accessed.

In the Advant Operator Workplace (UNIXor NT based), the primary softwarepackage is AdvaCommand. AdvaCommandis a family of operator control andinteraction software, and providesfunctions for presentation of information,

command entry, event and alarm handling,system status etc.

 The Advant Engineering Workplace(UNIX or NT based) is the standardengineering and configuration platform forAdvant OCS. The primary softwarepackage is AdvaBuild, which covers allfeatures needed for configuration andprogramming of the Advant OCS system,throughout all phases of the project frominitial design to commissioning,maintenance and upgrading.

 The Advant Station 500 InformationManagement Station is utilized forprocessing of process data, statistics andgeneral information management.AdvaInform is the software packagesupplied with this model.

AdvaCommand Safeguard Handler AdvaCommand Safeguard Handler is anoption to the AdvaCommand software, andis required for the handling of Safeguard400 Series products.

Safeguard Handler is essential because itoffers transparent duplication, allowing the

duplex-configured Safeguard 400 Series tobe operated as a single controller. The mainfunction of AdvaCommand SafeguardHandler is the dual handling of theoperator interface.

AdvaBuild Safety Builder AdvaBuild Safety Builder is an option tothe AdvaBuild software package. Designingand documenting cause & effect matrices isessential to industrial safety. A cause &

effect matrix is a presentation of therelation between a set of process inputsand the actions they trigger. Theconfiguration model used in AdvaBuildSafety Builder saves manual work andreduces possible errors in translating thematrix to control logic.

AdvaInform AutomaticShutdown ReportAdvaInform Automatic Shutdown Reportis an option that can be added to theAdvaInform software package forinformation management purposes.Automatic Shutdown Report will documentthe course of events, as well as the status of all safety-related equipment, at everyprocess shutdown in a given setting.Because this function is automatic, theworkload and effort put into regular safetyshutdowns can be significantly reduced. All

necessary safety data is accessible minute byminute, day by day.

Safety specific software for Advant OCS

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In the Advant Operator Workplace, Alarm and Eventmessages are stored andpresented in chronological list

 A Cause & Effect diagram:

 A user defined shutdownhierarchy in the AdvantOperator Workplace

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Advant Safeguard fire & gas products

ABB has made strategic alliances withselected partners representing the bestproducts and expertise on the fire safetyand gas detection market. ABB can supplyproduct and application know-how and

take full project responsibility regarding fireand gas safety engineering, systemconfiguration and supply.

ABB cooperates with the Eltek group andAutronica in Norway on fire safety andwith Zellweger Analytics Ltd in Englandon gas detection. Products and servicesfrom Apollo Ltd in England and DetectorElectronics Corp. in the USA form theproduct portfolio on fire detection. Inaddition Zellweger Analytics supports theSieger gas detection products and services.

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Addressable loop panels:

Local fire alarm panelsFire alarm panels from ABB's partners aredesigned for operation with addressable firedetectors and monitors of several types,including smoke, heat and flame detectors. The fire alarm panels are an integral part of Advant Safeguard's fire protection system,and work transparently on the Advant OCSplatform. The panels are tested accordingto standards, to meet environmental and

functional industry and marinerequirements.


Integrated ABB Safety products

Local gas alarm panelsGas alarm panels from ABB's partners aredesigned for operation with addressable gasdetectors using catalytic and point-IRtechnologies. The gas sensors are capableof detecting many different gases,including combustible, such as methaneand propane, and toxic such as H2S. Thegas alarm panels are an integral part of theAdvant Safeguard fire & gas system andworks transparently on the Advant OCSplatform.

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 The ABB Group is a global engineering and technology company, serving customers in automation; oil, gas and petrochemicals; industrial products;power generation, transmission and distribution; contracting; financial services; and rail transportation systems through Adtranz. More informationabout ABB group can be found at: http:/ /'s Automation business segment includes major product areas such as control products and systems, instrumentation, analytical devices, meters,robotics, drives, motors and machines. Major industry lines served are pulp and paper, metals and minerals, marine, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, oiland gas, food and beverage, manufacturing industries and utilities (electrical, gas, energy, water, etc.).More information about Advant automation and control products can be found at: http:/ /

Argentina Asea Brown Boveri S.A. Buenos Aires Australia ABB Industrial Systems Pty. Ltd. Lilydale (Melbourne) Austria ABB Industrie & Gebäudesysteme GmbHVienna Bahrain ABB ARESCON E.C. Manama Belgium Asea Brown Boveri S.A. Brussels Brazil Asea Brown Boveri Ltda Sao Paulo Canada Asea Brown Boveri IncToronto Chile Asea Brown Boveri S.A. Santiago China ABB Industrial and Building Systems Ltd Beijing Colombia Asea Brown Boveri Ltda Bogota Czech Republic

 Asea Brown Boveri S.r.o. Praha Denmark ABB Energi & Industri A/S Skovlunde Finland ABB Industry OY Helsinki France ABB Industrie S.N.C. Décines Charpieu

Cedex Germany ABB Industrietechnik GmbH Mannheim Greece Asea Brown Boveri S.A. Athens Hungary Asea Brown Boveri Ltd Budapest India Asea Brown BoveriLtd Bangalore Indonesia PT. ABB Sakti Industri Jakarta Ireland ABB Industrial Systems Ltd. Dundalk Italy ABB Industria S.p.A Milan Japan ABB Industry K.K Tokyo

Korea ABB Industrial Systems Co. Ltd. Seoul Malaysia ABB Industry and Building Systems Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur Mexico ABB Sistemas S.A. de C.V. Estado de

Mexico The Netherlands ABB Systemen B.V. Rotterdam New Zealand ABB Industrial Group Ltd. Auckland Norway ABB Industri AS Oslo Poland ABB IndustrySp.z.o.o. Warsaw Portugal Asea Brown Boveri S.A. Lisbon Russia Asea Brown Boveri Ltd Moscow Saudi Arabia ABB Saudi Arabia Riyadh Singapore ABB IndustryPte. Ltd Singapore South Africa ABB Industry (Pty) Ltd. Johannesburg Spain ABB Sistemas Industriales S.A. Barcelona Sweden ABB Automation Products ABVästerås ABB Automation Systems AB Västerås Switzerland ABB Industrie AG Baden Dättwil Taiwan Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Taipei Thailand ABB Industry Ltd.Bangkok Turkey ABB Elektrik Sanayi A.S. Istanbul United Kingdom ABB Industrial Systems Ltd. Stevenage U.S.A. ABB Industrial Systems Inc. Columbus Ohio

Venezuela Asea Brown Boveri S.A. Caracas

Copyright: ABB Industri 1998.Specifications subject to change without notice

ABB has proven its ability to provide

integrated safety installations world wide

ABB Industry Pte Ltd ABB August Safety Division10 Ang Mo Kio Street 65 #05-13TechpointSingapore 569059Republic of SingaporeTel: + 65 323 7433Fax: + 65 323 7422

ABB August Inc1880 Dairy AshfordSuite 110HoustonTexas 77077U.S.ATel: + 1 281 497 3333Fax: + 1 281 497 7316

ABB August LtdManor RoyalCrawleyWest SussexRH10 2PYUnited KingdomTel: + 44 1293 442135Fax: + 44 1293 442149

ABB Industri ASSafety Systems DivisionHasleveien 50PO Box 6540 Rodeløkka0501 OsloNorwayTel: + 47 22 87 20 00Fax: + 47 22 37 42 01

Main offices forABB Safety: