sacred heart and saint thomas more—june 21st 2020—-12th sunday … · 2020-06-19 · 2 sacred...


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Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More—June 21st 2020—-12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

F & S S & D

75 Commercial St., Weymouth, MA 02188

234 Pleasant Street, Weymouth MA 781-335-6868

Please see the announcement of our new partnership, providing Catholic Education on two campuses for Braintree, Weymouth and the greater South Shore.


Reconciliation: Temporarily by appointment Baptism: Temporar ily pr ivate and by appointment. Please call the office to make an appointment and to register. Marriage: Congratulations! Contact the par ish office at least six months in advance and prior to scheduling your reception. Sacrament of the Sick: Please see a pr iest at Mass or contact the office to make arrangements for the Sacrament prior to surgery. Devotions - Adoration & Rosary: The Rosary is prayed every Sunday following the 9:30 mass and Monday at 6:30pm in the Adoration Chapel, and on Friday at 5:30pm in the Chapel. The Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Help is prayed Tuesdays in the Chapel at 6:30pm. Rosary for Life, Wednesdays 1pm in the chapel. The restrictions for this space remains ten persons and safe distancing.

Mass schedule: Public celebration of Masses have begun. We are following guidelines. This week we have opened Sacred Heart only: Sunday Masses, Vigil Saturday 4pm & Sunday 9:30 & 11:30 am

Collaborative Office 55 Commercial Street Weymouth, MA 02188

Phone: 781-337-6333 +

Our o ces are partially opened, with restrictions. The front door is open and the lobby available for contact free food pantry drop-o s, Mass cards, and questions from 10am to 2pm Monday through Friday. Our pastoral team may also be contacted by phone or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

M 25 M is e : Thank you for the generous food donations & gift cards. Please know that we make direct deliveries to those in need.

If you are in need of assistance from the food pantry, please call the office 781-337-6333x 110 and you may receive immediate assistance. To drop off donations, please come to the office at 55 Commercial Street. Simply come right up the ramp and the front

door is unlocked from 10-2pm for safe no contact drop off.

Current needs: gift cards, canned meats, SPAM, deviled ham, chicken, beef stew, soups, pasta, sauce, can or jars, very low on fruit, vegetables, fruit juice and coffee, cooking oil,

desserts. We are feeding almost ten times as many families than a month ago.

SHSTM Collaborative YouTube Channel live stream celebration of Daily Mass, Monday through Friday at 3pm and Sunday Mass on Saturday at 4pm Or search on YouTube site, click the subscribe button to be

alerted when we post. You can also go to the site anytime and watch posted live stream. You will see videos and uploads.

We already have 220 families registered. Many families enjoy watching at their familiar Mass times.

Year of the Eucharist: Saint Philip Neri was a true proponent of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He died on the Feast of Corpus Christi, a feast he promoted. One day while he was celebrating Mass, a man received Holy communion and left the Mass early. He appeared to have no regard for the Presence within him. Philip Neri sent two altar boys with lighted candles to follow the man outside the church. After walking for a while, the man turned around to see the altar boys following him. Confused, the man returned to the church and asked Philip why he sent the altar boys. St. Philip responded: “We have to pay proper re-spect to Our Lord, Whom you are carrying away with you. Since you neglect to adore Him, I sent two acolytes to take your place.” The man was stunned by the response and resolved to be more aware of God’s presence in the Eucharist and that after receiving this Most Blessed Sacrament, he was truly carrying Christ within Him. Food for thought: 1. How do I spend time the time after receiving Jesus in the Eucharist? 2. Do I receive the Eucharist so that I can have Holy Communion with Jesus?

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Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More—June 21st 2020—-12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Not getting your

Weekly Newsletter?

When Covid-19 began to close our churches and businesses, we began sending a newsletter each

week to all parishioners for whom we had email addresses.

Since that time, some parishioners have called to let us to know that they are not receiving this weekly

communication from our collaborative.

If you have changed your email address, please let us know. If you have not, but are not receiving this worthwhile newsletter, please call the

collaborative office at 781-337-6333 and we will ensure that you do receive

one each week.

Just a reminder….

The safe no contact lobby at the office is open Monday through Friday from 10am until 2pm. You may also drop of mail,

offertory envelopes, etc. in the mailbox after hours.

Prayer to Our Lady Of the Most Blessed Sacrament O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, The glory of Christians, The joy of the Universal Church and the hope of the world, Pray for us. Kindle in all the faithful a lively devotion to the Holy Eucharist, so that they may all be made worthy to receive Holy Communion every day. V. Pray for us, O Virgin Immaculate, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. R. That the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ May Come Among us!

AMBASSADORS ARE HERE FOR YOU! Welcome! Let us rejoice as we celebrate Mass together today.

To help keep everyone safe and well, please let our team of ambassadors (ushers, greeters and guides) help you navigate the “new normal” of entering and exiting the Church, and receiving the Eucharist. Bulletins and the Pilot are available when you exit today. Once seated by our ambassadors, please remain in your pews until you are directed to do otherwise. Please wear your mask at all times and please join with us as we say,

“Thank you, Ambassadors, for sharing your time and service with us

As previously announced, Cardinal Seán has dedicated a Year of the Eucharist, beginning on the Feast of Corpus Christi, June 14, 2020. The hope for this year is “to bolster the faith of those who

already believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and to encourage those who struggle with this belief, to learn more about the Eucharist, and to spend more time before the Eucharistic Lord, asking Him to reveal Himself to you. Fr. Paul Soper, the Secretary for Evangelization and Discipleship, is also the Director of Pastoral Planning for the Archdiocese of Boston. Recently, Fr. Soper explained that: “Parishes will be encouraged to appoint coordinators and "missionaries of the Eucharist" to pray for the initiative and assist their parish leaders in implementing activities related to the Eucharist, such as Eucharistic adoration and training in how to share one's witness.” Fr. Sean has appointed Maureen Simmons to serve as the planning coordinator of activities and events for this special year. Do you have a deep and abiding love for Jesus in the Eucharist? Do you wish to share this faith with other parishioners? Would you like to serve as a missionary of the Eucharist this year? If you respond “yes” to any of these questions, and can commit to the 3 Ps: PRAYER – Commit to praying an additional 15 minutes for greater devotion and understanding of the Eucharist in our parish. This can be done at home, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, by going to Mass, or reading Scripture, etc. 2. PARTICIPATION – Commit to helping with and attending Year of the Eucharist events at your parish or school. 3. PROMOTION – witnessing to the power of the Eucharist in your life. You can do this a few different ways: give a witness talk at the end of Mass, on a video, or at a faith formation gathering; write something for the bulletin; make a picture to hang up at home, at church, or at school; spread the word about the Year of the Eucharist events at your parish. If you would like to become a missionary of the Eucharist for our collaborative, please call Maureen (781-337-6333 ext. 114) to discuss ways and means that you can participate more fully in this special year. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Every week, the bulletin will contain anecdotes, catechesis, quotes from our Church fathers and the saints that will help ignite a greater devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist.

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Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More—June 21st 2020—-12th Sunday in Ordinary Time After the proclamation of the most holy of all holy passages of Sacred Scripture during Holy Week, and on Easter, Pentecost, and The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity and The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, the Church now moves into Ordinary Time, where the readings of the day teach us how to be “holy as God is holy,” i.e., how to grow in our mission as disciples of Christ. And, on this Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the message of today’s readings teach and remind us that-as His disciples-we should consider ourselves “blessed” when people insult us, persecute us and falsely say all kinds of evil against us because of our faith in Jesus and our commitment to living a Christian life in an anti-Christian world (See Mt 5:11.). Our attitude in this life should be like the young prophet Jeremiah, who in today’s First Reading is defamed and “trapped” by those who eventually imprison him because he dares to point out their sins against God’s Law, most especially their worship of false gods. The difficulties he en-countered are described in the Books of Jeremiah and Lamentations. Jeremiah wept “tears of mourning” over the wickedness of his people and God’s impending judgment for their sins, Jer 13:17). Jeremiah is called “the weeping prophet.” Jeremiah’s life was filled with loneliness and suf-fering, but the Lord was always with him (Jer 1: 7-8). When Jeremiah complained to God about the persecution he suffered for his obedience to God’s call, the Lord told Him it will only get worse…and it did! Jeremiah was jailed, beaten with rocks, starved and constantly insulted and perse-cuted because he tried in vain to call others back to God. Because he told of the Lord’s coming judgement upon His people for their disobedience, Jeremiah was thrown in a cistern where it was hoped he would die. But he was rescued, as God had promised he would be. Despite such brutal pun-ishment for his obedience to God’s will, Jeremiah continued to prophesy because, as he once wrote: “if I say, ‘I will not mention his word, or speak anymore in his name, his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot’” (Jer 20:9). Although the destruction and exile of the Jews that Jeremiah had predicted did come to pass, his message also gave people hope that if they would turn back to God, He would indeed forgive and bless them, because our God is a loving God. The Psalmist, too, obeyed God when he was insulted and shunned even by his own family. Why? “Because zeal for your house consumes me and the insults of those who blas-pheme you fall upon me” (Ps 69: 9). His love for God com-pelled the Psalmist to endure any adversity so that God’s Truth could be proclaimed. As Saint Paul reminds us in the Second Reading, because the original sin of Adam entered the world, we all-even those who did not commit that sin- still suffer the effects of that sin: violence, sickness, and ultimately, death. But, “God is Love” (1 Jn 4:16) so “the gracious gift of the one man Jesus Christ overflow for the many” (Rom 5:15). Because “God so loved the world, He sent His only Son so that whoever believes in Him would not die but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16), we can endure any suffering because of Him who loves us. We can-we must-trust in the Lord’s protection and “Fear not.” Remember: Jesus does not say, “try not to be afraid.” No, He commands His disciples, then and now: “do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Jesus knew He would soon be crucified for our sins.

He knew that His disciples might be afraid to continue His mission to build up His kingdom on earth. He was preparing them to persevere in this task even after they had witnessed the horror of their Master’s death. At the time this Gospel was written (c.85), Christian communities were suffering persecution and some were even losing their faith in the face of opposition. In today’s Gospel, the phrase, “Do not fear,”appears 3 times. Disciples of Jesus must remember that “perfect love casts out all fear.” Fear is the enemy of true, pure love, and fear of how others might react to the Truth can prevent us from proclaiming and living the Gospel. This is why Jesus tells us to “fear not.” Trusting in God’s promises, even in times of suffering, despair, or violence, is a requirement of those who follow Jesus. Many, many times throughout both the Old and New Testament, God tells His People not to worry for He is with them in all circumstances. Jesus came, not to abolish this truth of the Old Testament, but to fulfill it. Hence, He repeats our Father’s message: “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?…Rather, (Jesus says) we must seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomor-row, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” (Mt 6: 25,27, 34). But we humans are emotional beings and we often, without thought or intention, find ourselves fearful or anxious about our material needs or our relationships and interactions with others. St. Paul offers us a way to overcome these emotions. He urges us: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Phil 4:6). Sometimes this means we must “pray without ceasing,” trusting in the goodness and kindness of our God who loves us, rather than focusing on our own worries and fears. When we keep our eyes on the Light of Jesus in our world, then, we can truly, despite any darkness that surrounds us. When we walk by faith and not sight, when we continue to hope and to pray, “Jesus, I trust in You,” in all circumstances, then we can “Rejoice and be glad, because great is our reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before us (See Mt 5:12). How important is today’s lesson in Ordinary Time? Jesus tells us that if we fail to stand firm in our faith, if we fail to proclaim His Gospel at every opportunity, if we fail to share His Love with all we meet, then we could lose His blessing and protection, just as those who did not heed His message in Jeremiah’s time did. He expects us to proclaim His message of love always and in all ways. There are consequences if we choose not to obey His call to evanglize: “Everyone who acknowledges me before others, I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father” (Mt 10: 32-33). The final judgment before God will be based on our faith-fulness to Jesus during the controversies that are part of every generation. Today, we are confronting sickness, violence and racial unrest. How can we, as disciples of Jesus, face our fears in this time? In this Ordinary Time, let us ask ourselves today: What fears keep me from sharing my faith in God? Am I neglecting my spiritual life? Am I storing up treasure in heaven with my words and deeds in this life or am I working for things of this world?

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Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More—June 21st 2020—-12th Sunday in Ordinary Time M I S

The gifts of bread and wine, candles and sanctuary lamp

this week are offered in memory of

Thomas Bolton

4 V M J C (5 ) P G (10 ) 9:30 Timothy O’Neill 11:30 M P G A L P A N P ————————————————

M , J 22 S J F T M , M E T (7 ) T , J 23 W 12 O T A J R M H (3 ) W , J 24 T N S J B P P T , J 25 W 12 O T A C (3 ) F , J 26 W 12 O T A K —————————————————

S 28 J 2020

S V 4 C D M N (I 50 W A ) F S (10 ) R S (20 ) S 9:30 D M (4 ) 11:30 P C , P H D D

Please pray for: Peter Aitken Joan Anderson Linda Antoniou Jean & Tony Athas Marianne Bagley Paul Boback Joyce Brancaccio Ruth Campbell Linda Cannon Bob Clifford Pat Coleman Denise Cremins Tracey Cronin Raeanna Cronin Marianne Crooks Noreen Curtis Paul Donohoe Lee Doyle Bridget Dunn Bill Earle Colman Feeney Francis Finnegan Mary Fleming Jackie Fuller Mary Gallegos Joseph Gavin John Gifford Herbert Gillis Irene Griffin Cara Holbrook Rosemary Haley Robert Harrington John Hastie Roseanne Hood Paul Hughes Tom Itri Dan Jansen Amber Johnson Mary Anne K. Esther Keeley John Keeley

Mary Keeley Anita King James Larson Patricia Lee Doreen Lehane Patricia Lochiatto Theresa MacMillian James Macozek Maura Marino John Mastrangelo Elizabeth Mastropole Michelle Matrone Richard Francis Maurano Bill McCaffrey Chris McCarthy Robert McDermott John McGrath Theresa McIsaac Paul McNamara Elizabeth Meola Margaret Micele William Morales Daniel Morin Meaghan Morneau Francis Murphy Marjorie Murphy Bob Murray Ellie Nyland Dan O’Brien Marie O’Neil Laura O’Neill Joseph O’Reilly Donna O’Reilly Robindra Panalal Gina Pappas Richard Pattison Joanne Plahn Barbara Pugliese Claire Rice Kenneth Rice Jr. James Roche Dorothy Rocks

Bill Romanoff Carolyn Ryan Ginny Salvaggio Antoinetta Sheehan Janet & Robert Shiels Pat Smith Karen Stachelek Sean Sullivan Donna Tocchio William Twohig Carmella Varraso Leone Walls William Walsh Julie Williams

Our young people: Amelia Driscoll Carly Silva Maeve Wilson Isabella & Arianna Gill Dolan

Our little ones: Mark & Ethan Mondello Wil Rooney Quinn Walters Caleb Liam Anthony Delgardo Baby Emma Baby Jacob Baby Lincoln Baby Lucas, Baby Owen Baby Roland Baby William Baby Liam Thomas

e, p

S J 21 2020

Year of the Eucharist

New Daily Mass Schedule

Beginning on this Tuesday, June 23rd, Sacred Heart

Church will be open for public worship at 9am. During this phase of re-openings, Masses will be as follows:

Tuesday—Thursday Sacred Heart Church at 9am

Please follow safe distancing instructions. (the Mass will also be live streamed, please see instructions)

Monday—Wednesday—Friday Live streamed, various times

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Sacred Heart and Saint Thomas More—June 21st 2020—-12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

At Sacred Heart & Saint Thomas More

The Archdiocese also recommends that: In a collaborative of two or more parishes, only one church should celebrate Masses to allow for thorough cleaning and disinfecting between Masses. For the time being, Masses can be celebrated at Sacred Heart Church. As the larger Church, more persons will be able to attend Mass and also maintain social distancing more easily. Saint Thomas More Church will remain closed at this time. The Cardinal also stated that; Safety guidelines require that no more than 40% of the Church capacity can be in attendance, with strict radiating social distancing must be followed for pews and restrictions for the safe distribution of Communion must be in place. (Weddings and Funerals may proceed but with the similar restrictions. When we are ready have received permission from the town and local Vicar that our safety plans are approved)

ALSO… DONATIONS WELCOME: Because of the need for much cleaning and disinfecting of the worship space, we will need many more supplies than usual. Your donations will help us acquire the approved cleaning products, gloves, and hand sanitizers and are most welcome. Thank you. LITURGICAL MINISTERS & TRAFFIC MONITORS (Ambassadors) will not receive a schedule. Rather, Fr. Sean will schedule liturgical ministers and volunteers by phone each week. Fr. Sean will distribute the Eucharist unless an addi-tional EOMHC is needed at any given Mass. HOLY COMMUNION: Keep mask on, receive the Eucharist in your hand, step aside to designated spot, remove mask and consume the Eucharist. Put mask on immediately before returning to your seat. (Keep 6 ft at all time.) Please follow signage and directions offered by staff and ambassadors.

+Cardinal Seán has continued the dispensation from Mass attendance and reception of the Eucharist until further no-tice. High risk individuals (elderly and those with pre-existing conditions-respiratory, cardiac, diabetes, immune-suppressed) are encouraged to wait and continue to stay home and not attend Mass until later in the future (phase 4-vaccine and treatment).

Starting this week we will post a link on our website, and in the on-line bulletin, which is also emailed to all those on our email list each week. Please use link to register for Masses using Eventbrite Please note this is a free service, but you will have to create an account to use it.

+Please register electronically or call this office and we will register you if you do not have a computer.

O ertory for the Week of Week of June 8-14th 2020——NB: Some o erings were dona-

ons for the en re month Thank you to the many new families who have signed up for on-line giving during the pandemic, please consider supporting your parishes. For more information please visit our website,

Sacred Heart Mail-inJune 8-13

06/13/20204:00 pm

06/14/20209:30 am

06/14/202011:30 am



104 92 62 258

Cash $ 336.00 $ 209.00 $245.00 $202.00 $ 992.00

Checks $3,507.00 $1,260.00 $520.00 $515.00 $5,802.00

Other $1,846.00 $ 250.00 $ 47.00 $ 55.00 $2,198.00

On-line $3,375.77


$5,689.00 $1,719.00 $812.00 $772.00 $12,367.77

Saint Thomas

Mail-inJune 8-13

06/13/20204:00 pm

06/14/20209:30 am

06/14/202011:30 am


Cash $110.00 $175.00 $ 72.00 $41.00 $ 398.00

Checks $1,595.00 $587.00 $105.00 $50.00 $2,337.00

Other $ 320.00 - $ 60.00 $35.00 $415.00

On-line $1,497.58


$2,025.00 $762.00 $237.00 $126.00 $ 4,647.58

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Sacred Heart, Weymouth & Saint Thomas More, Braintree, MA 4840

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Sacred Heart, Weymouth & Saint Thomas More, Braintree, MA 4840

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