
Sacraments Sacraments of the Catholic of the Catholic Church Church

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Page 1: Sacraments


of the Catholic of the Catholic ChurchChurch

Page 2: Sacraments

A sacrament is an __________________ sign, instituted by _______________ to give __________________.

Sacraments are visible forms of invisible gracegrace.

GraceGrace is a share of God’s own life and love within us. •Sanctifying grace is the new life received in sacraments•Actual grace comes from prayer and sacramentals. Actual grace gives us strength to live a moral life as a follower of Christ.

Sacraments always give grace when we receive them with the right __________________.

Sacraments are symbolic actions which celebrate the coming of the Spirit at special moments in the life of the community of faith. They express the Church’s faith and interaction with Christ.

Page 3: Sacraments

In the Catholic tradition, there are seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders

=> There are three types of sacraments: Initiation, Healing and Vocation

Page 4: Sacraments


1. Catechism – the teaching of the principles of Christianity2. Catechumen – a person who is studying the Christian faith; one who is

preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation. 3. CCD – Confraternity of Christian Doctrine – a religious education

program for children4. Chrism – sacred oil used in the sacraments; the blessing of the oils and

consecration of chrism takes place on Holy Thursday. 5. Doctrine – the teachings of the Church6. Dogma – core beliefs of the faith that must always be upheld7. Mystagogia – a time of deep study and reflection on the mysteries of our

faith; study of the scriptures and sacraments; the last stage of RCIA8. RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults9. Rite – a form of ceremony that has standard (usual) symbols, words and

actions. (a ceremony done the same way each time)

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SACRAMENTS OF SACRAMENTS OF INITIATIONINITIATION•BAPTISMBAPTISM gives new life, frees us from sin, and makes us members of

the Church.

RITE of Baptism: The priest or deacon pours water over the head of the person being baptized as he prays, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

A godparent or sponsor is present as an example of faith. He or she renews their own baptismal promises

^ Mark 1:9-11 & Matthew 28:19

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•CONFIRMATIONCONFIRMATION strengthens new life we received at Baptism and makes us living witnesses of Jesus in the world. In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit comes to us again in a special way.

=> RITE of Confirmation: The bishop lays his hands on the head of the person being confirmed. He anoints the forehead with chrism (holy oil) and prays: “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

^ACTS 1:1-5 & ACTS 2 :1-4

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EUCHARISTEUCHARIST celebrates the real presence of Jesus’ Body and Blood under the consecrated species of bread and wine

Eucharist is the central celebration of the Church and our greatest act of worship

The word Eucharist means “thanksgiving”

The EUCHARISTIC RITE takes place during the celebration of Mass

The Liturgy of the Eucharist includes the Eucharistic Prayer, consecration, and the Communion Rite

The priest or Eucharistic Minister proclaims, “The Body of Christ”

The recipient responds, “Amen”, which means “it is so” ^Mt.26:26-29/Mk 14:22-25/Lk 22:14-20

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•Benediction – a blessing of the congregation with the Host•Blessed Sacrament – the Eucharist•Communion – “sharing” – the moment during Mass when we share the Eucharist•Consecration – the blessing which changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus (v=consecrate)•Sanctuary – the area in the church surrounding the altar•Tabernacle – the place in Church where the Blessed Sacrament is kept•Transubstantiation – the sacred mystery by which bread and wine are changed into the real presence of Christ