sacrament of anointing of the sick

Sacrament of Extremeunction

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Page 1: Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

Sacrament of Extremeunction

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Source of efficacy and powerof the sacrament

Paschal Mystery

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The act of anointing the hand of the sick by the minister with the sign of the cross indicates the communication of Christ’s healing power to the sick person.

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The oil extracted from the oil trees is associated with the pure oil that keeps the lamp burning. Therefore, the anointing with oil strengthens the soul for the final and great struggle.

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Goal of Extreme Unction

Brings Christ’s compassionate loving healing to bear on those suffering serious sickness by holistic care that touches the body, soul and spirit of the sick person.

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Process by which persons are helped to realize their full potential before God and their fellow men and women.

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• Serious illness brings out our powerlessness and radical limitations as nothing else does.

• We become completely dependent on others, feel useless and isolated from them and from the community.

• Worry and anxiety begin to depress us and sometimes tempt our Christian Faith.

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• Can bring about more mature Faith and allows us to discern what is really important in our life against all the superficial, passing attractions that so often dominate us.

• Faith helps us to understand better the mystery of suffering and to bear pain more bravely.

• Christ loves the sick.

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Serious sickness and pain bring before us the threat of death, and show the power of evil in the world.

Sickness is not punishment for the sin.God gives us ailments so that His loving power

can be worked upon His people to free us from sin and death.

We become one with Christ in our sufferings.

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Concrete sign of the deeper, more general spiritual evil in the world which weakens and pulls us down.

Our concrete symbol of our inescapable need for deliverance from the ultimate evil of everlasting death.

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Christian Attitude to Sickness

It is in God’s plan to make us stronger by bearing ailments and carefully seek the blessings of good health so that we can fulfill our role in society.

Sickness is not punishment for since but the oppressive presence of evil in our midst.

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Christian Attitude to Sickness

All seriously ill need the special help of God’s grace lest, they be broken in spirit and fall into temptations (euthanasia, suicide) and the weakening of their faith.

By joining our sufferings with Christ’s, our very sufferings can take on creative, saving and transforming meaning and value to the victim and his society.

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Christ the Doctor

Jesus came to redeem us from all evil and initiate the Kingdom of God.

God’s healing is proof of His visiting His people.Jesus did not come to heal bodily ailments

alone, even those whom he healed did not become immune to old age and other diseases.

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Christ the Doctor

The real importance of the bodily cures, then, was to act as signs of the more radical healing over sin and death, the salvation of the whole person, body and soul.

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You need to have faith in Jesus and follow Him in loving obedience to God the Father to be healed.

Jesus transformed the whole meaning of sickness and death in His Paschal Mystery.

“At one and the same time Christ has taught us to do good by our suffering and to do good to those who suffer”

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Healing Church

Lesson from the parable of the Good Samaritan and a basic corporal work of mercy:

Take care of the sick.Jesus are the sick. “I was ill and you comforted

me, in prison and you come to visit me.”(Mt 25:36)

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Healing Church

Jesus passed on his healing ministry to the Twelve.

The Risen Christ promised the Eleven that the sick upon whom they laid their hands would recover.

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Healing Church

Presbyter in the New Testament refers to a leader in local Christian congregations, then a synonym of episkopos . In modern usage, it is distinct from bishop and synonymous with priest, pastor, elder, or minister.

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Healing Church

The sick should ask for the Church presbyter and they in turn are to pray over him with oil in the Name of the Lord. This prayer uttered in faith will reclaim the one who is ill, and the Lord will restore him to health and forgive his sins.

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Who may receive the sacrament?

Baptized Christians who are sick and those who are at the point of death

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Extreme Unction to Anointing of the SickThe revised ritual makes a clear distinction

between Pastoral Care “of the Sick,” climaxed in the “Anointing of the Sick,” and “of the Dying” which focuses on “Viaticum” or the Eucharist “with-you-on-the-way” to the next life.

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Presbyters are NOT charismatic healers.They are priests or elders who authority assures

the community’s solidarity and unity.Vatican II “The whole Church which commends

those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord”

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NO MAGIC INVOLVED.It is thru prayer of faith and anointing in the

name of the Lord. The sick are urged to contribute to the good of the whole People of God by freely uniting themselves to the Passion and Death of Christ.

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Primordial Sacrament: ChristFoundation Sacrament: Church (acting within

this Sacrament of the Sick.)Healer: Risen Christ (acting within the Church,

His Body, which applies the Name/power of “the suffering and glorified Lord” to the sick Christian.

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Sacrament of Faith

“the sick will be saved by his faith and the faith of the Church which looks back to the Death and Resurrection of Christ, the source of the sacrament’s power, and looks ahead to the future Kingdom which is pledged in the sacraments.

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Similar to Reconciliation because they are both grounded by doctrine and reality of Christ’s Paschal Mystery, moreover, they rest on the Creedal truths of Christ as Redeemer and Healer, of the Church’s mission to continue Christ’s reconciling and healing ministry.

We must not shun real, substantial but limited help offered by the advances in medicine and the social and behavioral sciences.

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In our life long process of conversion we must learn to develop and practice values and virtues to become ideal disciples of Christ.

The exercise of Christ’s love Commandment celebrated in this sacrament.