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Saba Tariq Roll# BB-11-44

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Saba Tariq. Roll# BB-11-44. Patience & Tolerance. Group Members. 1- Saba Tariq 2- Malik Bazil Dogar 3- Raisa Perveen 4- Husnain Naqvi. Patience. The capacity to accept delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. Tolerance. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Saba TariqRoll# BB-11-44

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Patience & Tolerance

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Group Members1- Saba Tariq2- Malik Bazil Dogar3- Raisa Perveen4- Husnain Naqvi

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PatienceThe capacity to accept delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset.

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ToleranceWillingness to accept feelings, habits or beliefs that are different from your own.

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Patience VS Tolerance

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Beneficial skillPatience is the skill that most people do not have but would most definitely benefit from would be patience. Mastering this skill can be difficult and problematic.

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“Patience is a virtue”

The phrase 'patience is a virtue' means the ability to wait for something without excessive frustration. It is a valuable character trait.

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“Hardships and ease are a trial for you. Everything Allah chooses for you; from good or evil, is for your benefit. Whatever occurred to you could not have missed you and what missed you could never have reached you. Rewards are only for those who are patient with the Decree of Allah.”Panic and impatience cannot prevent Allah’s Decree. Shakwah (complaining) is contradictory to Sabr (patience). Sabr is obligatory!

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Continued…Allah Subhanawataala says in the Quran:“Nay, seek (Allah’s) help with patience perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit, Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they are to return to Him. ” [Quran 2:45-46]

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5 steps to be patient1. Figuring Out What Makes You

Impatient2.  Writing it Down3. Overcoming Impatience4. Seeing the Big Picture5. Stepping Back

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1- Figuring out what makes you impatient

a. Try to figure out why you are in such a hurry.

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Management•  Reconsider

your to-do list• Try to spread

out your tasks• Delegate respon

-sibilities to others if you can

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b. Pinpoint the triggers that often influence you to lose your patience.

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c. Look for patterns.

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2-  Writing it Down

• Keep a journal

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3- Overcoming Impatience

• Overcome bouts of impatience

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a. Remind yourself that things take time

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b. Think about your happiest memories

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c. Remember what matters

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d. Always remember that you will eventually get what you want.

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e. Always have a positive outlook in life

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a. Expect the unexpected

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b. Give yourself a break.

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Malik Bazil DogarRoll# BB-11-67

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Four areas in which we should exercise patience

1. In problems. “He who is slow to anger has great understanding, But he who is quick-tempered exalts folly.”

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Four areas in which we should exercise patience.2. With people. It is said that of all the negative emotions it is anger that is the worst. In fact, the Buddha said that a single moment of anger can destroy the results of a hundred of years of positive deeds. 

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Four areas in which we should exercise patience.

3. With yourself. Patience is one of the most important qualities to develop if you care about personal growth. It’s also one of the most difficult.

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Four areas in which we should exercise patience.4. With God’s plan. God’s delay may be a test of your patience. If you’re discouraged, turn it around by remembering God teaches you patience during delay.

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Raisa parveen

Roll# BB-11-45

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Tolerance• The ability or willingness to tolerate the

existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.

• Tolerance or Toleration a fair, objective and permissive attitude towards those whose opinion, practices, race, religion, nationality, Etc., differ from one’s own

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Difference between tolerance and patience Tolerance is the ability to accept and live

with people who are different from us, treating them with respect and dignity.

0n the other hand patience is the attribute of waiting calmly for your turn in a queue

"Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself."

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Dr. Martin Luther King

• The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy

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Where to practice tolerance

• Tolerance at home

• Tolerance at workplace

• Tolerance at public place

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Tolerance at home• Tolerate the behavior of elder people.• Tolerate the individual that is

different from you.• Tolerate the kids mistakes.• Do not hesitate to teach tolerance to

kids.• Tolerate your guests.• Tolerate neighbors.

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Tolerance at workplace

• Tolerance helps employees build bridges and capitalize on the differences present in the workplace, such as those related to diverse cultural backgrounds.

• A lack of tolerance thwarts team and company progress and encourages a breeding ground for misunderstandings and unethical behavior

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Continued• . For a small business, tolerance is an

essential part of working toward goals and developing creative solutions to a wide range of workplace issues and difficulties. Demonstrating tolerance in the workplace requires a concerted effort to develop an understanding of another’s background, experiences and beliefs

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Workplace Importance

• Tolerance encourages open and honest communication, promotes creativity and innovation, fosters respect and trust, improves team work and cooperation, and encourages good work relationships. It also enhances cooperation, loyalty, and productivity – all of which are highly important in the workplace!

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Tolerate at public place

• Tolerate when you on the road and highway.

• Tolerate when you are in restaurant. • Tolerate at public meeting. • Tolerate at parking lots.• Tolerate at every step.

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Why tolerate Tolerance is important because the

person who learns to be open to differences will have more opportunities in education, business, and many other aspects of life.

In short, success depends on it. Success in today's world — and tomorrow's — depends on being able to understand, appreciate, and work with others.

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Why Tolerance is Important

• Human beings aren't born intolerant. If you watch young children playing in a schoolyard, they care nothing for the color of someone's skin, their gender, or the way that they're dressed. They see nothing other than a playmate.

• Often, as we get older, we're taught to embrace the differences around us. For some, however, these differences may begin to challenge a sense of "safety." People often relate easily to those who are similar to themselves, but they may struggle with those who are different.

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Continued…No matter how different someone else

may seem, the reality is that we all share the common bond of humanity. Our emotions and life experiences bind us together, and we often have far more in common with one another than we might think.

This is why tolerance is so important. When we have an attitude of inclusion, a world of possibilities can open up.

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Tolerance is the oil which takes the friction out of life.

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How to improve tolerance

Participate in a diversity program.Read a book or watch a movie about

another culture.Assess the cultural diversity reflected in your home’s art work, music and literature.

Add something new to your daily routine.

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Ways to improve tolerance

• Try to figure out why you are in such tolerant behavior

• Pinpoint the triggers that often influence you to lose your tolerance

• Keep a journal• Let go if you want to do anything

about the intolerance trigger

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Continued…• Remember what matters.• Always have a positive outlook.• Expect the unexpected• Remind yourself that they are not

your enemies and be grateful for having them in your life.

• Focus on positives about them rather than negatives.

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Disadvantages of tolerance

• People may ignore you. • People overtake you.• People may degrade you. • Too much tolerance become one of

your weakness that create hurdles in your way to success.

• You may be deprived of your rights.

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Conclusion • Knowing g all about tolerance

advantages and disadvantages, it comes on the surface that area of advantages is much more greater than disadvantages.

• So be tolerate.

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Hasnain NaqviRoll# BB-11-40

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Tolerance in Islam and Islamic


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Importance of tolerance

• God says to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

o "But if the people turn away (then do not be sad because) We did sent you to be a guardian over them. It is for you only to deliver the mes sage." (42:43).

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Important of tolerance

• The Qur’an clearly says that reli gion cannot be forced on anyone. It says,o "There is no compulsion in (accept ing)

the religion (of Islam)…”

• Why? Because:o "truly the right way has become clearly

distinct from error. " (2:256).

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Tolerance = peace

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