sa2 science test paper

~ 31".:11 r TAGORE IN T . E• . . . R . . . N. .AT,...O .. N .·.ALSCHOOL. cil<R{ ~ ~ . -. - - __ - .:1JJ~;'H, VASANTVIHAR, N.DELHI SUMMATIVEASSESSMENT II SCIENCE CLAS$,X S e t I( . Date: 01.03.12 No. Of pages: O S Time: 3 Hrs, Max.Marks:80 General Instructions 1. The question paper comprisesof two sections, A and B, you are to attemp both the sections. 2.All questions are compulsory 3. There is no overall Choice. However, internal choice has been provided in the entire three questions of five mark ~ategory. Only one option in such question is to be attempted. 4. AU questions of section A and aU questions of section B are to be 'attempted separately. 5. Question numbers 1 to 4 in section A,are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence. 6. Question numbers 5 to 13 are two mark questlons,to be answered in about 30 words. 7. Q ue stion numbers 14 to 22 are three mark-questlons, to be answered in aboUt 50 words. 8 . Question numbers 23 to 2 5 are five m ark questions, .to b e answered in about 7Jl words. 9. Que,stion numbers 26 to 4 1 in section B are m ultiple choice questions b sed on practical skllls, Each question is a one mark question. You are to choose 6 ~ most appropriate response out of the four provided to you. . 1 0 . /(n additional 15 minutes tim e has been allotted to read this question' paper only. / Section A fil{ List two main components of our environment. ~~ffne the term biologicalmagnification. (1 mark) (1 mark), ; , (1 mark): 3. When 9 beam of white light passes through a glass prism, state the component of white . light which deviates the ( i } I~st (ii) ~t , . .9tY. Saturated hydrocarbons burn with ablue flame while unsaturated hydrocarbons burn with a sooty flame. Why? 05. Suggest two important measures to reduce consumption of the various natural resources. (2 marks) (1 mark) ~ List any two reasons fo r adopting contraceptive methods, (2 marks) Q 7 . ( i) W hy does the sun appear reddish early in the morning? p y does the sky appear dark instead o f blue to an astronaut? (2 marks) 1 Set 2

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8/2/2019 sa2 science test paper 1/7


31" . : 11r TAG OR E IN T . E•• .• ..R. . .N .. A T ,. . .O...·N.·.ALSCHOOL .cil<R{ ~ ~ . -. - - _ _ -




. Da te :01.03.12No. O f pa ge s:O S

Tim e: 3 Hrs,Max.Marks:80

General Instructions1 . Th e q ue stion p ap ercomprisesof two sections, A and B, you a reto a ttem pt b oth th e se ctio ns.2 . A llque s tions a re compu ls or y

3 . The re is no ove ra ll Choice . How eve r, inte rna l choice ha s be en provide d in the e ntire thre eq ue stions of five m a rk ~ ate gory. O nly one optionin such q ue stion is to b e a tte m pte d.4 . AU questions of section A and aU questions of section B areto be 'a ttemp ted s epa ra te ly.5 . Q uestion num bers 1 to 4 in section A, are one m ark questions. These a re to be answ ered in onew ord or one se nte nce .

6. Ques tion numbe rs5 to 13 a re two m ark questlons,to be answered in about30 words.7 . Q ue stion num be rs 14 to 2 2 a re three m ark-que stlons, to be a nsw ere d in a boU t 50 w ords.8. Que stion numb ers23 to 25 a re five m arkques tions , . tobe answered in about7Jlwords.9. Que ,s tion numbe rs26 to 41 in s ectio n B are m ultiple choice questions based on practica lskllls,Each ques tio n isa one m arkquest ion.You are tochoose 6~ most a pp ro pria te re sp on seout o f the four provided to y ou. .

10./ (n add it iona l15m inute s tim e ha s bee n a llotte d to re ad th is question' pa pe r only.

/ SectionA

fil{ Lis t twomaincomponentso f ourenvironment .

~ ~ffne th e te rm b io lo gica lm a g nifica tio n.

(1 ma r k)

(1 ma rk ),;,

(1ma r k ) :3 . W hen 9 beam of w hite light passes through a glass prism , state the com ponent of white. lig h twhichd e v ia te s th e( i}I~st (ii)~t

, .. 9 t Y.S atura te d h yd ro ca rb ons b urn w ith a blue flame while uns atura te dhydrocarbonsburn with

a soo tyf lame.Why?

0 5. S ug ge st tw o im porta nt m e asure s to re duce co nsump tio n of theva rious na tu ra lresources. (2 m arks)

(1 ma rk )

~ List any two reasonsfo r adop ting con tracept iv e methods, (2marks )

Q7. ( i)Whydoes th e s unappear redd ishearlyin th e mo rning ?py d oe s th es ky a pp ea rdark in st eadof blue to an a s tronau t?

(2 marks )


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,/., '.

/Q 8. Anobje ct is p la ceda t a d is tanceof 10 e mfrom a co nca ve m irro r.If its im a ge is o bs erve d(2 marks).:',' a t 6cm from th e m irro r, ca lcula te fo ca l le ng th o f th e m irro r.L( '. --_~< i :'~) ,

.. _ ., . ,.'___ "\t"._: ·_if£,.?~_-::

Q9.8un is the uliim atesource of energy ()ffossil fuels,jl)stify thisstate tilenL (2 m arksWritetwodisadvantagesof using fossilfueis. '

010. (i) Write the va lue s of fa r p oint a nd ne ar po int of the hum a n(ii) W hat happens to the im age distance. from the eyewe increase the distance of an object from the eye?

011 . Illustrate the process of rege neration in P lanaria w ith the he lpofasuitable rlbr.;-'lrn

1 2. Th e fo llowin g ta ble s hows e lements re pre se nte d b y th e le tte rsA,B, C, 0, E, F , G, andlLGroup 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18Element ABC 0 E F G H(i )Which of the elem ents has the a tom ic size(a ) B ig ge st a nd (b ) smalle st?(ii)Wh ich e lemen t h as v ale ncy (a )3 and (b) zero?

013 . 8 ta te Mode rn P eriodic Law. H ow ma ny group sand p erio ds a re th ere in th e mode rnPer iod ic table?


014 . (3 ma rk s)

Name the parts A, Band C shownin the give n diagra m and sta te one function of ea chpart.

015. B rie fly explain the role of natura l selection and gene tic drift in specia tion by citing an(3 marks)example.

016 . Descr ib e any t hr ee me thod s o f tr ac in g evo lu tio na ry r ela tio ns hip s among o rg an isms.(3 ma rk s)

'Q17 . How do prote ins control the cha ra cte ristics th at a re inhe rite d? Ex pla in w ith the he lp of a n(3 marks)example.

Q18. (i )Define powerof a lens and w rite itsS.I unit (3 marks)(i i )A co nv ex le ns o f p ower40 is pla ce d a t a d ista nce o f40 cm from a wall. At whatdistance from the lens should a ' candle be placed so that its im age is form ed onthe wall )t,

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01 9. A person is una ble to se e obje cts ne arer than50 em . He wants to read a book placed at a (3 m arks)dista nce o f 2 5 cm . N am e th e d efe ct o f visio n he is suffe ring from. H ow ca n it b e co rre cte d?D raw ra y d ia gram s fo r( i)t he d efe ctiv e eye(ii) Its cor re ct io n us ing a suit ab le co rr ec tiv e lens .

Q 20. (a ) With the help of a ra y diagram show tha t w he n light fa lls obliquely on a sideof a (3 m arks)re ctangula r g la ss s lab , th e eme rg en t ray is p ar alle lto th ein cid en t r ay.

(b) The refractive index of w aterfor light going from air to water is 1 .33. F ind theR efra ctive ind ex o f a ir fo t a b ea rn o f lig ht gOJngfrom wate r to a ir.

Q 21 . Wh a t is h yd ro ge na tio n? S ta te o ne ind us tria l a pp lica tio n o f th is re actio n w ith a n a pp ro pria te (3 ma rkequation.

Q22 . An elem ent X placed in 2nd group a nd4 thperiod of the periodic table burns in the (3 m arts)p re se nce o f ox yg en to form a b asic ox id e.( a) Ident ify the e lemen t(b ) Wri te i ts e lectronic conf igurat ion .

(c) Wr ite a b ala nce d e qua tio n fo r th e re actio n when· t his o xid e is d is so lv ed in w a te r.Q23. (a) W hat is placenta? Mention its role d uring pregnancy. (5 m arks)

(b) W hat will happen if the egg is not fertilized? .(c) C olo nie s o f y ea st fa il to multip ly in w ate r, b ut multip ly in s ug ar s olutio n. G iv e o ne

re a so n fo r t his .. O R

(a ) Wh at is v eg eta tiv e p ro pa ga tio n? How is it a dva nta ge ous ? G iv e s uita ble e xample .. (b) How ~ill an orga~ism?e benefittedif i.tre pro~ uce s thro ugh EB ore s? .0. h Y i-

( c) HowIS reqeneraton different from fragm entatton? 13e.n e dI ~

Q24. ~am e the type of lens use~ to o ?ta in : .. .,C ; ;n 'je""" ~:r

p . _ (5 ma rks )(I )An e re ct, e nla rg ed a nd v irtua l Im age o f a n o bje ct.13i /'1 ,< 7k 0ly' ~- ni(e(ii) A n e re ct, d im inis he d a nd v irtua l im age o f a n o bje ct.f~ Yl ( .kA'Ve Le,II'~.Draw labelled ray diagram s to show the form ation of im age in each case. W hich ofthe se le nse s could also form a m agnified and rea l im age of the obje ct? Sta te the positiono f th e o bje ct fo r which th is co uld h ap pe n.


Draw a ray diagram in each of the follow ing cases to show the position and natureof im age form ed w he n the obje ct is pla ced:' C J .u., j,! ~ lbY v {/)_-t iror .or.6i~'l;?__t(i) B etw ee n p ole a nd focus o f a conca ve m irro r.B e kw. . . D-< Iice VY (' _k; ej/ e -r ./(ii) B etw een fo cus a nd ce ntre o f curv ature . o f a co nca ve m irro r.(iii) At the centre of curvature of a concave m irror(iv ) B etw een infinitY and p ole o f a co nv ex m irro r.0

() t i fi 't f . '._ r: ; '/I I Aft = -"r""-V a In tn l y rom a convexrmrror j f t;,l..::. !/[, /?O --/YUJ rrHtf(f a b'(/

025. (a) W hat is soap chem ically? Explain the form ation of m icelles. Also, draw a diagram of a (5 m ark


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micelle.(b )Howwilly o e h ard ne ss o f wate r w ith s oa p?

{a} An organic compound X reacts with sodium m etala gasY .Id entifyX and Y .

(b ) VVhat h ap pe ns whe n e fh arro lish ea te d a t 4 43K w ith co ne .H2S04(c )Wr ite th echemical equationto illust ra te es te r if ica tion reac tion .(d )Drawth e s tr uct ar e o fEthanoiCacid.(e) Nam e the chem ical you would use to distinguish experim entaUy between an

a lco hol a nd a ca rb ox ylic a cid .

S ec tio n B

Q26. A cha in of ye ast cells form s beca use:

( a )Ye ast ce lls do not separa te afterb u d d i h g(b )Daughte r cells a re una ble to survive w ithout pa re nt ce lls( c )Buds reproduce as soon as they are form ed(d )Daughter ce lls stick together with the he lp of mUCl)S


f:":}(b) c : : : ._ ) .- ~ .\~J

. E;P .(1mark)

(0)8 (d)

Which one out of toe aboved i a q r am scor reo tly depict s r ep roduction in Amoeba?• ( a )A(b ) B(ciC(d ) D

028. 59 of ra isins were placed in50 ml of d istille d waie rfof2 hours. Theweightof soaked (1 mark)

raisins was found to be 79. The correct percentage of water absorbed by raiSins is:


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·~'1 0-

. . .: ._. . , ._"_ ' ' . .=W :!~1 0 0

. (c )

Q29 . Astudent observed a slide ofyeastunder 'a m icroscope a nd saw colle ction' of ce lls(1mark)in differentpa rts of th e s lidemarke dA,B ,C . and0 as shown below :

~/~;;~~-~l~ C~(b f~jf1~\1, ,c 13 . ' 1

\lk:: I I ~t-/~-"--, .i.>W h . iy ho f the fo llOiNingpartsof th e slid e sh ow s p ud ding in ye ast?(a )A(b) B. (c) C(d) 0

Q30. Following diagram s were drawn by four different students on having observeda (1mark}p rep ar ed s lid e o f buddingin yeast

The co r rec t lydrawn dia gram (s)i s / a re :

I(a ) Ionly~ (b ) IIand III(c )H and IV(d )lflnd IU

Q31. One of th e precautionslor th ~ exp eriment :To determ ine the percentage of water(1mark)absorbed b y ra is in s is ,.....Wipe.the soaked raisins gently using a ' filter paper beforetakingfinalmass .This precaut ion is importanta s it e ns ure s th at:


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,,(a ) O nly the w ater a bsorbe d by the ra isins is w eighed(b) H ands do not ge t .w et(c) Sca le pa n does notgetw et(d )The r ais in s lo se wa te r b efo re we ighing.

032. In an experim ent on tracing the path of a ray of light through arectangulargla~ssl~b, (1mfour s tudentsA,B,C,Ou se d th e fo llowin g v alu es o f a ng le o f ine id en ce an d. th e d is ta ncebetween the feet of the two pins (fixed on the incident ray) : .(A )(3 00,4 50600) and 1 em(8 ) ( 3 0 0 ,450,600) and 6cm ,(C ) ( 2 ( ) o ,500,8 00) and 2 cm(0 ) ( 2 0 0 ,500,8 00) and 5 cmO ut of these the best choice is that of student(a )A(b) B(c )C

. (d ) 0

033. P ara llel ra ys from a dista nt tre e incident ona concave m irror, form s an im age on the(1mark)screen wh ichis :

,(a) Real, inver ted and d imini shed .(b ) Vir tu al, e re ct and d im inished.(c) R ea liinver ted and en la rged.( d) Virtu al, e re ct and enla rg ed .

Q34. Outof the four set ups shown for carrying out the experim ent to trace the path ora ray of (1mlight through a re ctangular glass sla b the be st se t up is



...................= ~ JDD •..• ~,l. I: i'

L~~." __ .~"JDc

(a )A. ( b ) B(c )C(d ) 0

Q 35. Asha rp im a ge o f a d ista nt ob je ct is o bta ine d o n a scre en usinga convex lens.In o rd er to (1mark)determ ine the focal length of the lens, the student needs to ll1easuJethedistancebetween:(a )Len sand lh e object.(b ) Le ns a nd th e S cre en .. (c ) Ob ject and th e- sc re en.(d ) Le ns a nd th e scre en a nd a lso ob je ct a nd th e scre en.

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(a )A and B.(b ) C and D(c )A and C(d) Band D

039. Dilute ace tic acid was added to the four beakers conta ining(I) NaC I (II) NaHC03(II!)K OH (IV) K2C03Briske ffe rv esce nce a nd e vo lution of colourle ss ga s w as ob se rv edin th e be ake rs :(a ) I and 1 1(b) IIand III(c)H Iand IV

; . ( d ) I I a n dIV

040 . 5m l of a qe tic acid wa s a dded to 5m lof wa te r in a te st tube . Afte r sha king the m ixture and< (1mark)k ee ping it und isturb ed for a bout 1 0 m inute s it is ob se rv ed th at:(a ) The m ixture turnsre d(b ) A strip of red litm us paper dipped In the m ixture turns blue(c ) Two separa te laye rs of wa te r and ace tic acid are seenin the te st tube .

,,(d) A cle ar so lution h aving vine ga r lik e o do ur is form e d

Q41.Amittooka blue coloured solu tion ina te st tube . In this solution he pla ce d an alum inium (1ma rpla te a nd a fte r a bout 2 hours he ob se rve d a re ddish brow n de posit on th e a lum inium pla te .On the basis of th is observa tion he m ay conclude tha t the solution couldbe of a saltof:(a ) sodium(b ) i ron

(C )copper·(d) z i n c

, , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

8Set 2