sa red · 2016-01-13 · all year...

1 SACRED HEART C A T H O L I C S C H O O L Autumn Term—Issue 6 Friday 16th October 2015 IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE WEEK (Commencing Monday 19th October 2015) Assemblies: Monday 19th October: Year 11 Tuesday 20th October: Year 10 Wednesday 21st October: Year 9 Thursday 22nd October: Year 8 Friday 23rd October: Year 7 Events: Monday 19th October: Full Governors Meeng Wednesday 21st October: Yr 11 Expectaons Evening Thursday 22nd October: Thailand Mission Departs Dear Sacred Heart Pupils We would like to say a massive thank you to all of you who were willing to give up your bar of chocolate or packet of crisp for one day and donate to Cafod. Through your act of generosity we were able to raise a total of £ 362.92. The money you alone have raised is enough for either: 120 spades to dig a compost pit and create rich soil for growing food. 90 twelve kilo bundles of millet. 10 goats for families to drink and sell milk The salary of 3 nurses for a month at a nutrion centre Once again thank you for your donaons. Mr White

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Page 1: SA RED · 2016-01-13 · All year 7 students are welcome to attend. Madam Akinwale (Head of KS3 Science) House competition:



Autumn Term—Issue 6 Friday 16th October 2015

IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE WEEK (Commencing Monday 19th October 2015)

Assemblies: Monday 19th October: Year 11 Tuesday 20th October: Year 10

Wednesday 21st October: Year 9 Thursday 22nd October: Year 8

Friday 23rd October: Year 7

Events: Monday 19th October: Full Governors Meeting

Wednesday 21st October: Yr 11 Expectations Evening

Thursday 22nd October: Thailand Mission Departs

Dear Sacred Heart Pupils We would like to say a massive thank you to all of you who were willing to give up your bar of chocolate or packet of crisp for one day and donate to Cafod. Through your act of generosity we were able to raise a total of £ 362.92. The money you alone have raised is enough for either:

120 spades to dig a compost pit and create rich soil for growing food. 90 twelve kilo bundles of millet. 10 goats for families to drink and sell milk The salary of 3 nurses for a month at a nutrition centre

Once again thank you for your donations. Mr White

Page 2: SA RED · 2016-01-13 · All year 7 students are welcome to attend. Madam Akinwale (Head of KS3 Science) House competition:


A Catholic School with an emphasis on traditional values and a moral framework. “An outstanding School” OFSTED 2007, 2010 and 2012. A school with excellent discipline and pastoral care. Sacred Heart students celebrated outstanding successes in this year's A-level results, with an overall pass rate of 99%. Over half of all entries received a grade between A*-B. 100% of those who applied are going to the UK’s top 100 universities, over a third of which gained places at Russell Group and 1994 Group universities. Excellent Higher Education and Careers Guidance. Destinations have included the following universities: Oxford, Cambridge, Nottingham, Bristol, Kings College, UCL, Warwick, Southampton, Lancaster and Sussex. Comprehensive Academic Enrichment Programme with Oxbridge preparation.


11-18 CATHOLIC SCHOOL a specialist Mathematics, Computing & Language College

Students attending the Open Evening must be accompanied by a parent. Please email: [email protected] with your name, address and a list of 5 subjects that you would like to view in order of preference by Monday 2nd November 2015. Again please note, that you must attend with a parent/guardian.

Thursday 12th November 2015 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Sacred Heart School, Camberwell New Road, London SE5 0RP Telephone: 020 7274 6844 Website: email: [email protected]

Sacred Heart Sixth Form Open Evening for 2016 Entry

Page 3: SA RED · 2016-01-13 · All year 7 students are welcome to attend. Madam Akinwale (Head of KS3 Science) House competition:


For updates on fixtures and results and away

journey times follow Sacred Heart Sport


Extra curricular activities

Upcoming Fixtures

15th October Yr 9 v

Thomas Tallis (A)

London Cup Football

21st October Yr 8 Sports

Hall Athletics

22nd October Yr 7 Boys v

Cardinal Pole (Away)

Inner London Cup

Fixture Team/Result Player of The


Southwark Cross Country

Champion-ship 12pm-


To Follow

Yr 8 Rugby Festival

Won 3 Lost 1

Nana-Kwame Osei Dapaa

YR 9 v St Mary

Magdelene Won 3-2 TBC

Yr 7 Sports Hall Athletics


U13 Girls Football

10am-3pm Quarter Finals TBC

Yr 10/11 Indoor

Athletics- Lee Valley

To Follow

Page 4: SA RED · 2016-01-13 · All year 7 students are welcome to attend. Madam Akinwale (Head of KS3 Science) House competition:


Camberwell New Road - London SE5 0RP - Telephone 020 7274 6844 Email [email protected] -


This is a particularly important term for both Year 7 and Year 11, who will soon be taking examinations which will have a major impact on their future success at Sacred Heart and beyond.

YEAR 7 - 2 SCHOOL WEEKS TO GO ! In the first week after the half-term holiday, Year 7 will be sitting their first set of SCHOOL exams. The re-

sults of these will determine whether they stay in their current form-group, or move up or down.

PREPARATION TIP FOR YEAR 7 - Make sure that your exercise book(s), notes and all

the worksheets you are being given in class are stored sensibly NOW, to save time later. If you are ex-pected to stick worksheets in your exercise books, make sure they are all stuck in (in the right place) so

they don’t get lost. It is a good idea, too, to keep a folder for each subject in which you can keep any loose sheets you have been given in class. Remember – every loose sheet of paper you are given in class will hold vital information from which you can revise later. Every minute spent organising yourself now will save you

hours of searching for information later, when you are trying to revise.

YEAR 11 – 7 SCHOOL WEEKS TO GO ! In the final 2 weeks of this term, Year 11 will be sitting their mock GCSE exams. Some of these exams may include a component which counts directly towards the student’s final GCSE result. Teachers will also use

the results of these exams to make decisions about which tier of entry (foundation or higher) is best suited to each student, or indeed whether the student will be entered for the GCSE exam at all.


The rules for these are now available to view at the bottom of the ‘forthcoming exams’ page of the school

website. Click on ‘News/Dates’, then ‘Forthcoming Exams’. It is vital that they are read, understood and

respected by all prospective candidates in Years 10 to 13, as any form of malpractice could well lead to dis-

qualification from ALL public exams.

KS3 Science News

Scientist of the week Congratulations to this week’s Scientist of the Week: James Manley for getting 0.2 marks off a level 8 in his last test.

Science Club Year 7 Science club started last week Wednesday. There was a good turnout and pupils started working on a volcano project. Science club is held in B10 from 3.15 – 4pm. All year 7 students are welcome to attend. Madam Akinwale (Head of KS3 Science)

House competition: Year 8 Boys football

Wednesday the 14th of October saw the Year 8 boys compete in a five a side football competition to see who would be crowned the best footballing House in year 8. It was a very exciting affair particularly between Becket and Bosco. There were some excellent displays from the Bosco team in particular Brian from 8T and Divine from 8M. But it was Becket who won the day and it was with the help of their star man Jovel from 8T. Well done Becket! The House competition is truly up and running now. So far it has be a very competitive start with all Houses still in the race for overall supremacy. Mr McEvoy