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Standard Operating Procedures

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LHS JROTC CADET SOP 2 January 2017







SERVICE OBLIGATIONS.............................................................................................................4



ITEMS FOR CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION................................................................................5

ANNEX A (ORGANIZATION)......................................................................................................6

ANNEX B (STANDARDS OF CONDUCT)................................................................................17

ANNEX C (PERSONAL APPEARANCE)..................................................................................18

ANNEX D (PROMOTIONS AND REDUCTIONS)....................................................................21

ANNEX E (AWARDS).................................................................................................................25

ANNEX F (MERITS AND DEMERITS).....................................................................................29

ANNEX G (SECURITY OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY)......................................................33

ANNEX H (SUPPLY)...................................................................................................................35

ANNEX I (UNIFORM CARE AND CLEANING)......................................................................37

ANNEX J (JROTC TEAMS).........................................................................................................39

ANNEX K (JROTC PROGRAM ACCREDITATION)...............................................................41


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1. GENERAL: This standard operating procedure (SOP) is to provide directionsInto the U.S. ARMY JROTC/ LHS program presently being offered to male and female students. This SOP is directive in nature and establishes policy which will be followed by all cadets.

2. AUTHORIZATION: The JROTC is a national program authorized by law enacted by Congress and conducted by the Department of the Army, in cooperation with the educational institutions, in response to needs expressed by the people of the United States. Programs are established at institutions that agree to provide the prescribed course and meet the requisite standards and criteria. On this basis, schools participate in national programs provide for by law.

3. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the JROTC program are to develop:

a. Promote/encourage citizenship, and develop leadership b. Communicate effectively c. Strengthen positive motivation d. Improve physical fitness e. Promote high school completion f. Provide incentives to live drug free g. Work as a team member

4. CADET ENROLLMENT: To be eligible for enrollment and continuance as a member of The program, each cadet must meet the following requirements:

a. Educational: Be enrolled and attending either grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 at Leesville High School.

b. Citizenship: Be a citizen of the united state

c. Age: Be 14 years of age by December 31st of the current year

d. Academic: Maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement which warrants at least normal progression and will merit graduation upon completion of all requirements thereof.

e. Conduct and character: maintain an acceptable standard of conduct and be of good moral character. Each cadet must have integrity, must require of him/herself honest, self-reliance, and a sense of responsibility in the performance of assignments. Each cadet must show self-discipline and responsiveness to constituted authority through observance of laws, rules, and regulations, by prompt and regular attendance at instruction, and in his/her general demeanor.


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f. Physical: Each cadet must be physically fit to attend ALL JROTC functions/instruction without compromise to the cadets health or well-being. Each cadet must provide the Senior Army Instructor with a certificate of Statement of Health signed by the parent or guardian.

g. Screening test: Successfully complete the screening test of the instructor.

5. DISENROLLMENT: In all cases a cadet will be di-enrolled from the JROTC program when one or more of the following situations exists:

a. Withdraws from school.

b. Becomes physically unfit to attend JROTC training.

c. Shows inaptitude for military training by demonstrated lack of general adaptability, want of readiness of skill, unhandiness, or inability to learn.

d. Fails to maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement or conduct.

e. Shows undesirable traits of character as demonstrated by cheating on examinations; stealing; unauthorized possession or use of unauthorized drugs; conviction for commission of a felonious act; frequent incidents of a discreditable nature with civil or school authorities; or similar acts

f. Failure to maintain a requirement for enrollment.

g. Show indifference to and lack of interest in military training as demonstrated by frequent absences from class or drill, larger accumulations of demerits, an established pattern shirking of responsibilities, or similar acts.

6. ACADEMIC CREDIT: One unit of credit will be received for each school year of JROTC instructions successfully complete. Only two (2) units of credit obtained through JROTC are authorized in the state unit requirements for graduation. At Leesville High School one JROTC credit may be substituted for one of the two PE credits required for graduation.

7. JROTC GRADES: JROTC grades will be awarded on the school report periods and report cards. Letter grades awarded will be based on written test results, leadership, and practical exercise evaluation. Approximately sixty percent of the grade will be based on academic testing and forty percent will based on leadership activities: drill and ceremony, uniform wear and appearance, and physical fitness participation.

8. SERVICE OBLIGATION: The US. Army JROTC program is a high school instructional program. No service obligation is acquired by participation; however, advanced placement in Senior ROTC and advanced enlisted rank for voluntary initial entry into the military service is authorized.

9. EQUIPMENT FOR JROTC TRAINING: Equipment required to properly support the JROTC program at Leesville High school is provided by the Federal Government. The amount of equipment and type of clothing issued to each cadet is valued at approximately $250.00. Each


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cadet is held liable for the safeguard and maintenance of all equipment and clothing and must return it at the close of the school year or upon leaving school (transfer) whichever comes first.

10. ATTENDANCE: Cadets will attend (3) blocks of JROTC instruction each week. The cadet's overall class schedule will be considered prior to assigning him/her to a class block.

11. ITEMS FOR CLASSROOM INSTRUCTIONS: As a minimum, each cadet will have the following items when attending JROTC instructions:

a. JROTC Journal. b. Pencil or Pen. c. Leadership Education Training Manual and/or Workbook as required.

KEVIN M. McALLISTER LTC, USA (Ret) Senior Army Instructor


A. Organization

B. Standards of Conduct

C. Personal Appearance

D. Promotions and Reductions

E. Awards

F. Merits and Demerits

G. Security of Government Property

H. Supply

I. Uniform Care And Cleaning


K. JROTC Program Accreditation


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ANNEX A – Organization

CADET LEADERSHIP The Cadet Battalion Commander is directly responsible to the Senior Army Instructor and to the Principal. All other cadet officers and noncommissioned officers are responsible to the Battalion Commander through the chain of command.

ORGANIZATION OF THE BATTALIONThe Cadet Battalion is composed of a headquarters company, and four or more letter companies, with two or more platoons, each with two or more squads.

1. Battalion Headquarters: Battalion headquarters is composed of the following staff personnel:

a. Battalion Commander b. Battalion Executive Officer c. Command Sergeant Major d. Adjutant (S-1) e. Security and Safety Officer (S-2) f. Operations Officer (S-3) g. Logistics Officer (S-4) h. Public Affairs Officer (S-5) i. The S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, and S-5 assistants as assigned.

2. Color Guard: The Color Guard is composed of four, five, or six personnel under the direction of the Command Sergeant Major.

a. The Organization of the Color Guard may be as follows: (1) Two armed guards (2) U S Flag bearer (3) Battalion Flag bearer (4) State of Louisiana Flag Bearer

b. Members of the Color Guard may be assigned to flag raising and other color ceremonies for the school, the Cadet Battalion, and civic organizations.

3. Company Organization: Each letter company will be composed of a company headquarters and at least two platoons. Company headquarters is composed of the following:

a. Company Commander b. Company Executive Officer c. Company First Sergeant d. Guidon Bearer (will be assigned to a squad)

4. Platoon Organization: Each platoon will be composed of a platoon headquarters and at least two or more squads. Platoon Organization is as follows:

a. Platoon Leader b. Platoon Sergeant c. Two Squad Leaders (minimum) d. Two Assistant Squad Leaders (if there are sufficient number of cadets enrolled) e. Not more than ten squad members each squad


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f. One Supply Sergeant designated by the SAI

5. Assignment to Units: a. The S-1 and the SAI assigns personnel to units within the battalion. b. The SAI and AIs assign all leadership positions with recommendations from the commanders. c. Every effort will be made to assign cadets to units of their choice, but the guidance office must consider student academic needs first. d. Requests for transfer within the companies are to be made through the chain of command. e. Assignments to the Headquarters company will not have priority over assignments to letter companies.

a. Battalion Commander

This position is the most demanding in the Corps of Cadets. The Battalion Commander has final approving authority in the chain of command. The main responsibility of the Battalion Commander is providing planning guidance.

A. Control1) Control of the Staff through the Executive Officer2) Control of the companies is through the Company Commander3) Commanding the Battalion at all formations4) Preparing for and conducting the training of the Battalion on drill days

B. Maintaining 1) a direct and personal relationship with the Staff and Company Commanders2) Encouraging communications with the Staff and Company Commanders3) Using the Staff to assist in gathering information and preparing plans for training and

controlling the BattalionC. Designating

1) Staff Officers to assist in the preparation, supervision, and execution of ordersD. Ensuring

1) mutual respect and confidence between the staff and the Company Commanders2) compliance with JROTC regulations, policies, and directives

E. Seeking 1) Assembling any required meetings of your command-best conducted at monthly

promotion board2) advice and assistance from the SAI and AIs while insuring all instructions are carried

outF. Coordinating

1) With the school principal coordinating activities with the Cadet Battalion and with the organizations of the school to ensure that the Battalion activities are in accord with school policies- Principal Briefings


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a. Coordinate Scheduleb. Prepare agendac. SAI approvald. Back brief

2. The Cadet Battalion Staff

A. The Battalion Executive Officer1) Assumes command of the Battalion in the Commander’s absence2) Organize the cadet battalion staff properly and ensure that it works as a team3) Inspect the work of the cadet battalion staff and make other inspections as directed by the

cadet battalion commander4) Ensure that the battalion staff officers prepare and submit reports on time and that they are

engaged in future planning5) Ensure that instructions and orders issued to the cadet battalion are in accordance with the

established policies of the cadet battalion commander; report all violations of orders to the cadet battalion commander

6) Perform other duties as assigned by the cadet battalion commander or the instructor staff 7) Act as the commander of troops during ceremonies

B. Personnel Officer (S1)

The Battalion S1 is the administrative assistant to the Battalion Commander. He/she is responsible for all personnel actions, awards, promotions, and individual orders.

1. Awards a. Coordinate with the company commanders and the battalion staff on

recommendations for awards and promotionsb. Prepare and publish any orders necessary for the operation of the cadet

battalion (awards and promotions)c. Maintain and update Awards SOP

2. Promotionsa. Review and prepare promotion recommendationsb. Prepare promotion packetsc. Coordinate with Army Instructors (AI’s) to establish promotion board

schedule d. Oversee promotion boardse. Prepare and submit Promotion Board Summary Reportf. Publish promotion orders

3. Personnel Recordsa. Prepare Enrollment/Opening Report at beginning of school year in JUMSb. Prepare PART Report in JUMS (Continually update)c. Prepare graduation and submit reportd. Maintain the qualification records and personnel files on all cadetse. Consolidate Company Alpha Rosters

4. Battalion Operationsa. Assist in aligning the battalion at all battalion formations


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b. Receive the report at battalion formations from the company commanders and receive the names of absentees from the sergeant major

c. Executes Adjutant Duties during Change of Command Ceremonies5. Ceremonies and Special Events

a. Plan for special ceremonies in coordination with the S3b. In conjunction with the S5, assist in Public Relations, VIP invitations, and

receiving/escorting special guests6. Recruiting

a. Publish and execute the cadet battalion’s recruiting planb. Assist in the planning, preparation, and execution of Leesville Jr. High School

briefings and Orientation Day Activities7. Merits/Demerits

a. In conjunction with S2, maintain, review and update Merit/Demerit SOPb. Collect, consolidate, post, and maintain all merit and demerit reports and

records8. MWR

a. In coordination with the S2, make recommendations to improve morale and welfare of the cadet battalion

b. Assist in the planning of Battalion Organizational Day Activities

C. Information and Security Officer (S2)

The S-2 is responsible for advising and assisting the battalion commander with all tasks and issues associated with Physical Security, Information, and Special Events.

1. Physical Security and Sensitive Itemsa. Coordinate with XO for weapons inventory

• After every drill meet performed in, we check weapons inventory.• Oversee monthly sensitive items inventories

2. Maintain Cadet Portfoliosa. Prepare new portfolio folders for the incoming LET 1’sb. Organize portfolios by companyc. Make periodic inspections of Cadet portfolios and advise Commanders on your

findings3. JROTC Ball

a. Primary staff officer responsible for ROTC Ball staff orderb. Coordinate with the battalion commander and choose theme, crowns and cups.c. Assist in planning for decorating committee, honor guard, narrator, clean-up crew,

servers, Ball court escort4. Merits and Demeritsa. Maintain, update, and publish the Merit/ Demerit SOP

b. Process Merit/Demerit forms (Take to S-1, BNCO, instructor, and SAI to sign for approval)

c. Maintain Merit/demerit logs5. Weather

a. Provide updates on forecasted weather for JROTC events and advise the staff accordingly; when necessary, recommend appropriate uniform for JROTC events based on weather


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b. Keep Staff up to date with the current weather for the week.

D. Operations Officer (S3)

The S3 is the primary staff officer responsible for advising and assisting the commander on all issues associated with training and operations.

1. Master Training Calendar and Training Schedulesa. Responsible for working on master training schedule at the end of the year.

(Coordinate with SAI to review last master training schedule and new school calendar)

b. -Responsible for having the 2 (two) week training schedule done each weekc. Asst S3 will use Master Training Schedule to complete weekly schedules, provide

copies to each AI, and post them in battalion aread. -Responsible for maintaining and updating battalion calendars

2. Staff Ordersa. Responsible for overseeing the planning for all battalion operations and eventsb. Responsible for completing distributing staff order’s to BNCO then to each company

commander. (i.e., Homecoming, Veteran’s Day, VA Hospital, Drill Meet, and COC)3. Battalion Tasking’s and Volunteer Tracking

a. Produce and publish volunteer rostersb. Supervise all tasks assigned to companiesc. Unit Report and PART Report in JUMS

4. Cadet Challengea. Get with AI’s and see when the dates for cadet challenge areb. Leave a note to the commander in each company’s box and ask them how many

males and females there are in their companyc. Forms will be found in filing cabinet located by COL’s officed. Make sure companies know the rules and order for cadet challengee. Input the cadet challenge results recorded on forms into JUMS.

E. Logistics Officer (S4)

The logistics or supply officer is responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue, and turn-in of all U.S. government property (except ordnance). The S4 coordinates the securing of property with the S2.

1. Clothing and uniformsa. Create a JROTC clothing and equipment record for each cadet and ensure all are

in proper orderb. Issuing clothing, insignia, and other supply items as directedc. Receive awards order forms and then pull them for issued. Create Clothing record folders for each cadete. Assist AI an assistant with pulling uniformsf. Assist AI and assuring uniforms are properly stored by size


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g. Maintain security of all items of clothing and equipment in the supply room h. Assists the Army Instructor in receiving, issuing, and inventorying uniforms and

supplies.i. Assists the Army Instructor in maintaining individual clothing records.j. Corrects uniform violations when observed

2. Supplya. Execute logistics and supply planning for all staff ordersb. Conduct periodic inventories of supplies and equipmentc. Maintain security of all training aids in storage aread. Maintain supply room and training aids storage areae. Maintain accountability of all nontraining equipment and supplies used by the

cadet battalionf. Perform any other duties assigned by the battalion commanderg. Insures that the supply room is clean, neat, and orderly at all times.h. Informs the Army Instructor of shortages and of availability of expendable

supplies.3. Veterans Day Assembly

a. Ensure all materials (to include toasting glass) are pre-positioned in the LHS auditorium

b. Make a sign for you to read when you do a toast to the flagc. Supervise the return all materials back to the JROTC building before leaving

F. Public Affairs Officer(S5)1. Public Affairs-

1. Keep Track of all public appearance and community activities that involve any part of the cadet corps.

2. Keep a scrapbook of all events the cadet corps participated in or sponsored.3. Designating personal of each company to report any newsworthy events to the S-54. Reporting JROTC news of local interest to the school paper.5. Forwarding a news release for city newspaper, television, and radio to the SAI for

Approval.6. Put ads on local TV Channel.7. Monitor website weekly.8. Collect pictures of events, trip, meets, etc... Throughout the year.9. Update picture boards in hallway and rotate pictures as needed.10. Organize end-of-year- picture board.

2. Special Events-1. Assist invite and programs for the drill meet, Change of Command, JROTC ball,

and Veterans Day.3. Staff Planning-

1. Prepare staff briefing and keep up monthly at the beginning of the year and so on.2. Provide public affairs portion of staff orders as necessary.3. Up to date points of Contact.


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4. Blood Drive-1. Coordinate with AI’s to establish Blood Drive dates.2. Coordinate with Lifeshare (Jennifer Perkins- (318) 306-0982) to set-up blood

drive events.3. Produce Blood Drive sign-up rosters for Blood Drive and distribute to English

Teachers at least one week prior to blood Drive.4. Distribute and collect rosters and 16 year old permission Forms.5. Oversee Blood drive execution.6. Maintain Blood drive sign-in roster.

5. Scholarship Officer1. Serve as primary point of contact with counseling office concerning

scholarships/scholarship information2. Maintain a notebook with all scholarships available to high school students3. Update notebook through counseling office at least twice monthly4. Serve as primary point of contact for all college/university recruiters5. Serve as primary point of contact with NSU ROTC program6. Serve as primary point of contact for all military recruiters

G. Staff Assistants: There will be a number of assistant staff officers and NCO's appointed during each school year. They are responsible to the principal staff officer for duties performed as required by them.

1. Drill Team Commander: a. Recruits members and organizes the cadet drill team. b. Schedule the Drill Team training program, with the AI. c. Coordinates uniform and arms requirements with the S-4. d. Schedules drill programs, parades and competitions for the Drill Team;

coordinates these activities with the Cadet Battalion training schedule, with the AI.

2. Raider Team Commander: a. Recruits members and organizes the Raider Team b. Schedule the Raider Team training program, with the AI. c. Coordinates uniform and Equipment requirements with the S-4. d. Schedules Raider competitions for the team; coordinates these activities with the

Cadet Battalion training schedule, with the AI. 3. Rifle Team Commander:

a. Organizes the training program of the Rifle Marksmanship Team. b. Arranges and schedules shoulder-to-shoulder and postal matches, with the AI. c. Supervises the maintenance and care of the JROTC Rifle Range. d. Develops the rifle marksmanship program for the Cadet Battalion, with the AI.

3.Battalion Command Sergeant Major (CSM)


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The BN CSM is the primary advisor to the Battalion Commander. The BN CSM advises the Battalion Commander on morale, welfare, discipline, and training.

A. NCO Issues1. The BN CSM advises the BNCO who should be promoted to an NCO rank

(Corporal to Sergeant Major) 2. Participate on any board with an NCO being promoted3. Advise the BNCO on disciplinary action, to include merits and demerits.4. Monitor the first sergeants to ensure they are briefing their companies and

following their SOP’s. If necessary, call a first sergeant meeting to address issues.)

B. Battalion Details1. Monitor flag detail

(Make sure you pick two people each morning to raise the colors in front of the office. Monitor the Company that will take care of lowering the colors.)

2. Monitor Color Guard (Keep the flags in good condition. Ensure Color Guard detail has two full teams plus alternates. If the flags are worn or torn, inform your AI.)

3. Police Call(Make a yearlong schedule and give a copy to each first sergeant, as well as putting a copy on the bulletin board.)

4. The Company Commander: The Company Commander is responsible for everything his/her company does or fails to do. Each of the company commanders is responsible to the battalion commander for the following:

A. Responsible for the training, discipline, and appearance of his/her company.B. Planning for all Company operations and events C. Supervising the execution of assigned tasksD. Recommending job assignments or relief from assignments.E. Recommending promotions and reductions/demotions.F. Reporting disciplinary problems to the battalion commander without delay.G. Making weekly inspections of cadets in ranks (on uniform days) H. Correcting uniform violations when observed.I. Ensuring that all company officers and non-commissioned officers are thoroughly

familiar with appropriate drill regulations.J. Utilizes the chain of command when issuing orders and directives and insuring that

others in his/her company do likewise.K. Attending Battalion Command and Staff Meetings when announced.



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5. The Company Executive Officer: The Company Execute Officer (XO) is the second in command of the company. The XO must know all the duties of the commander and to be ready to take command in the absence of the commander.

A. Assumes command of the company in the absence of the Company Commander. B. Assists the Company Commander in all of his duties.C. Maintain company records for the following:

1. Promotions/Reductions2. Awards3. Cadet Challenge4. Alpha/Alert Rosters5. Volunteer Rosters6. Supply Records7. Cadet Portfolios

D. Serves as merit/demerit officer for his company.1. Submits merit/demerit requests2. Maintain current merit/demerit ledger3. Recommends actions based on merit/demerit totals

E. Prepares and submits requests for all awards and promotions orders and ensures that they are processed quickly

6. The Company First Sergeant: A. Advising the commander on morale, welfare, training, and safety of the companyB. Serves as the company subject matter expert on drill and ceremony (uniform, formations,

marching, inspections, protocol, respect and handling of the colors, guide on bearers, etc.)C. Supervise the platoon sergeants in the execution of their dutiesD. Coordinating with platoon sergeants to insure proper training and supervision of the flag

detail, when appropriate.E. Recommending job assignments and relief from job assignments.F. Recommending promotions and reductions/demotions.G. The first sergeant maintains a file on weekly reports of findings during inspections,

periodically reviews those reports, and counsels pertinent individuals as appropriate.H. Corrects uniform violations when observed.I. Accomplish the duties that are directed by the Company Commander, executive officer,

and/or Army Instructor.J. Attending First Sergeants'/NCO meetings when announced.

7. Platoon Leader: The platoon leader is a very desirable position in the Cadet battalion. If you are a platoon leader, you have a platoon of Cadets for whom you are directly responsible. Primarily, your job is one of leadership, training, and discipline. You also have the opportunity and privilege to be a role model, coach, and counselor. You must:


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A. Keep the company commander apprised of the status of the platoon at all times. B. Establish and maintain command and control of the platoon at all times. Organize and

maintain an effective chain of command. C. Provide assistance/counseling to personnel in the platoon, especially when requested by a

squad leader or the platoon sergeant, and/or when necessary for performance or disciplinary reasons.

D. Conduct an inspection of the platoon at formations. E. Use the chain of command to accomplish tasks; work mainly with the platoon sergeant

and the squad leaders. F. Know all Cadet regulations and ensure that all members of the platoon also know and

follow them. G. Enforce the orders from superiors whether you agree with them or not. However, if you

think an order is morally or ethically wrong, discuss it with your chain of command and, if necessary, your instructor staff. Do not complain or gripe in the presence of subordinates. Develop a spirit of teamwork so as to instill respect, obedience, and cooperation in the platoon.

H. Know all phases of drill and ceremonies and be able to supervise and conduct platoon drill. Additionally, if you are the senior officer present in a formation, be able to conduct company drill.

I. Set high standards of personal appearance and conduct for yourself. Remember, the platoon leader sets the example for the platoon to follow.

J. Make an effort to resolve all leadership, training, and disciplinary problems at your level. If you cannot solve a problem, seek the advice and/or assistance of the company commander, company executive officer, or first sergeant.

8. Platoon Sergeant: The Platoon Sergeant functions as the platoon executive and administrator; therefore, the Platoon Sergeant must:

A. Set the example at all times. B. Form the platoon when prescribed by the platoon leader and submit absentee reports to

the company first sergeant. C. Assist the platoon leader in supervising the squad leaders, while maintaining a close

relationship with them. D. Develop a spirit of teamwork within the platoon. E. Learn the names of everyone in the platoon and use their names when addressing them. F. Provide assistance/counseling to personnel in the platoon, especially when requested by

the platoon leader or a squad leader. G. Assist the platoon leader in training the platoon. H. Be completely informed of all platoon matters in order to assume control of the platoon

in the absence of the platoon leader.

9. The Squad Leader: Squad leaders are responsible to their platoon leader and platoon sergeant for the appearance, conduct, training, and discipline of their squad. They ensure that each squad member learns and does what is expected, and maintains high standards of behavior.


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Squad leaders must:

A. Set the example at all times. B. Know the number, names, and personal information on all assigned personnel. C. Counsel/assist squad members with matters related to JROTC activities and help them

find solutions to other matters (when possible). They also should refer them to the platoon sergeant or platoon leader for assistance if they are unable to handle/resolve an issue.

D. Develop responsibility and leadership in team leaders and be the first person they turn to for assistance and advice.

E. Form the squad correctly. Make an accurate report by name of those persons present and absent during common hour activities, company platoon/formations, and other Cadet battalion activities.

F. Be thoroughly familiar with individual, squad, and platoon drill. When conducting drill, instruct/demonstrate the movement, allow time for individual performance, then supervise team leaders and squad members to ensure they perform properly.

G. Inspect team leaders and squad members at all times, ensuring they know what is required of them.

10. Assistant Squad Leader: A. In the absence of the Squad Leader, assumes the duties of the squad leader. B. Assists the squad leader in roll call duties, training,and drill activities.

11. The Squad Member: A. Maintains and wears the entire cadet uniform immaculately when prescribed. B. Properly safeguards and cares for all equipment and materials issued to them and for

which they are responsible. C. Is on time for all official formations requiring his presence. D. Becomes thoroughly familiar with the contents of FM 3-21.5 (Drill and Ceremonies). E. Conducts him or herself in such a manner as to bring credit to him or herself, the Cadet

Battalion and the school.

12. The Color Guard: A. Carries the Battalion colors while on parade. B. Represents the Cadet Battalion at athletic and other schoolor civic activities as directed

by the CSM, the Battalion Commander, and SAI. C. Assists in training potential members of the Color Guard. D. Becomes thoroughly familiar with the contents of FM 3-21.5.



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ANNEX B STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR JUNIOR ROTC ACTIVITIES 1. GENERAL: One of the major goals of the JROTC program is to assist cadets in developing the good citizenship and leadership values of loyalty, a sense of duty, respect, self-less service, honor, integrity, and moral courage to make good decisions. Because of this the cadet's conduct should at all times be above reproach, with respect shown to family, teachers, school staff and peers. References include: The JROTC Cadet Creed, Army Leadership Values, LHS Student Handbook, Cadet Command Regulation (CCR) 145-2, paragraph 3-18. 2. CLASS ROOM: a. Classes will be considered in session with the ringing of the second bell, and calling the class to attention. Cadets are expected to be at their assigned seats, and to maintain a good posture. For the most part, classroom instruction will be informal unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. One may ask questions by raising his/her hand and being recognized by the instructor. During informal instruction, talking will be limited to discussing the current topic being taught. b. When addressing an instructor or responding to a question, cadets will stand and reply: "Sir or Ma'am" (if the instructor is an officer), and by their rank in the case of noncommissioned officers. When addressing an equal or subordinate, the cadet: will use rank and last name (i.e. Cadet Sergeant Jones or Lieutenant Smith). 3. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: The same courtesies and standards of conduct observed for the classroom will be maintained for extracurricular activities with the following additions: a. When addressing an instructor or superior cadet, you will stand at attention until told otherwise. b. Salutes will be exchanged outside and during indoor ceremonies and inspections. c. Cadets will utilize the cadet chain of command for all questions and requests. 4. TRIPS: Again, all standards of conduct and courtesies will be observed with particular attention given to the group leader. Trip rules are designed for the safety and welfare of the group and will be strictly followed. 5. DISCIPLINARY ACTION: Disciplinary action for violations of the standards of conduct can range from demerits to dis-enrollment, depending on the severity of the offense. If the violation is a school policy as well, the cadet could face suspension or expulsion from school.


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1. PURPOSE: This annex reviews the uniform standards and appearance cadets must meet IAW CCR regulation 145-2, paragraph 10-5 Appearance thru 10-20. Uniform standards and appearance requirements are also listed in the LHS JROTC syllabus.


See para 10-6, subparagraph a-d

2. HAIR STYLES. The choice of hair styles is an individual decision. There are a wide variety of hair styles that, if maintained, is neat and acceptable.

A. Male: Haircuts for male cadets, without reference to style, must conform to the following standards, in order to receive a passing mark on uniform inspection.

1. The hair on top of the head will be neatly trimmed and not of excessive bulk, or length. The hair will not be allowed to fall over the eyebrows, or extend below the bottom edge of the collar to present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. Lines or designs will not be cut into the hair or scalp. If dyes, tints, or bleaches are used, colors used must be natural to human hair, and not present an extreme appearance. Applied hair colors that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, purple, blue, pink, green, orange, red, and fluorescent, or neon colors.

2. Males are not authorized to wear braids, cornrows, or dreadlocks while in uniform.

3. If male cadets desire to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed and evenly tapered, with a clean shaven horizontal line and no flare at the base, and they will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening.

4. Beards are not authorized.

5. Mustaches will not exceed the standards authorized by the US Army.

B. Females: Hairstyles for female cadets, without reference to style, will not interfere with proper wearing of military headgear, and must conform to the following standards in order to receive a passing mark on uniform inspections. 1. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows, or extend below the bottom edge of the collar at

any time during normal activity, or when standing in formation. Long hair that falls naturally below the bottom of the collar, to include braids, will be neatly, and inconspicuously fastened, or pinned, so no free-hanging hair is visible.


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2. Hair holding ornaments (barrettes, pins, clips) if used, must be transparent or similar in color to hair, and will be inconspicuously placed. Beads or similar ornamental items are not authorized. Females may wear braids and cornrows as long as the braided style is conservative and the braids and cornrows lie snugly on the head.

3. Cadets will keep fingernails clean and neatly trimmed so as not to interfere with performance of duty. Female cadets are authorized to wear cosmetics applied conservatively and in good taste. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are inappropriate with the uniform and will not be worn. Lipstick and nail polish may be worn with the uniform as long as the color is conservative and complements the uniform. Extreme shades of lipstick, and nail polish such as purple, gold, blue and white will not be worn.

4. HYGIENE AND TATTOOS. Cadets are expected to maintain good hygiene while in uniform. Tattoos are authorized except in areas of the body (i.e. face, legs) that would cause the tattoo to be exposed while in uniform. Tattoos or brands that are extremist, indecent, sexist, or racist are prohibited, regardless of location on the body, as they are prejudicial to good order and discipline within the unit, the school, and the community.

5. JEWELRY. Cadets may wear jewelry (rings, watches) with the uniform, if they are neat, conservative, and discreet. Neat, conservative, and discreet is defined as meeting the uniform criteria of this regulation.


6. The uniform will be worn once a week on the day specified (normally Wednesday), and at other times as directed. On days designated for wearing the uniform, a complete uniform will be worn the entire school day. No articles of civilian clothing will be worn as an outer garment with the uniform.


7. UNIFORM DESCRIPTIONS: A complete uniform will be worn at all times when the cadet is out-of-doors, under arms, or in a military formation. Complete uniforms are described in CCR 145-2 , paragraph 10-3, 10-4, 10-8 thru 10-20.

A. Male Uniforms: 1. Class A: This uniform consists of a beret, blue coat, grey shirt (short sleeve), white t-

shirt, black necktie, black belt with brass buckle, blue trousers, black socks, and black oxford shoes

2. Class B: This uniform consists of a beret, grey shirt (short sleeve), white t-shirt, black belt with brass buckle, blue trousers, black socks, and black oxford shoes. The black windbreaker may be worn with the Class B uniform, with or without the liner.

3. Class C: Army Combat Uniform (ACU) shirt and trousers, ACU cap, tan belt and buckle, tan T-shirt, and ACU boots.

B. Female Uniforms:


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1. Class A: This uniform consists of a beret, grey shirt (short sleeve), blue trousers or skirt, black neck tab, blue coat, black socks or skin tone hose, and black oxford shoes.

2. Class B: Same as male Class B. 3. Class C: Same as male Class C.

C. All insignia and belt buckle (brass) will be highly polished at all times. D. Shoes will be highly polished at all times. ACU boots are authorized for wear by

members if the ACU uniform is worn. Boots are not required unless issued by JROTC. E. Berets and cords are authorized for members of the color guard, honor guard, drill team,

rifle team and raider team. All other cadets will wear the purchased beret and no cord. The beret will be removed when entering a building and placed under the belt (this, placing under the belt, is to preclude loss).

F. The coat may be removed in the classroom and placed on back of the chair.G. A mixture of civilian and military clothing is not authorized.


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1. PURPOSE: This annex establishes the policy on promotions and reductions within the LHS JROTC Wampus Cat Battalion.

2. GENERAL: During a school year, cadets will generally be promoted to PV2 thru CPL the first year, providing the cadet meets academic and discipline standards. LET II's through IV's not earning a leadership position will maintain their current rank, but will not be eligible for promotion, unless their rank is below that of their year group. Additionally, a cadet must have demonstrated the qualities required of the position for which recommended, and a vacancy must exist in the grade for which recommended to earn a promotion. When a cadet is considered for promotion all of his/her characteristics will be evaluated. When promoted, he/she must perform in a satisfactory manner in order to retain the rank.Company commanders will use the chain of command for recommending promotions and reductions.

3. OPERATIONS. The S1 will record all promotions and reductions in the JUMS cadet records. The S1 or company XO will create, print,read the promotion orders, and collect the appropriate rank for presentation during company promotion ceremonies.

4. PROCESS: Battalion Leadership - Submitting the Promotions Request

Squad Leaders/Platoon Sergeants/Platoon Leaders should recognize that they have a Cadet eligible for a promotion by becoming familiar with the promotion system and by updating and maintaining their Cadet Information sheet, and recommending their cadets for promotions to the Company XO.

Company XO should consult the Company Commander about the recommended promotion, and wait for the Commander’s approval to submit a promotion request. Once the cadet is approved, the XO is responsible for filling out the Personnel Actions Request and presenting it to the Commander for their signature.

Company Commander should determine if the cadet is equipped for a promotion and determine what rank by consulting their Company XO, their instructor, and the Colonel.

See the “Promotions Procedure System” document for further information, located on the S1 flash drive, in the folder “S1 SOP”, and then click the folder “2-Promotion SOP”. If the cadet and rank of promotion are approved, the Commander must sign the Personnel Actions Request that the XO has filled out and submit that form to the S1.

o If the cadet is not fit for a promotion- the Commander and XO should determine why that cadet should not be promoted, and what they could possibly do to help that cadet reach a promotion. This might include counseling, positive peer pressure, or giving the cadet new challenges to complete. However, it is the cadet’s responsibility to work hard to achieve a promotion, not the Commander’s.

S1 is responsible for checking their Personnel Actions Request every day. They should leave the folder in their box, preferably with new Request forms available to the Company XOs, and easy to find so that the XOs know where to submit the orders. Once the order is submitted, the S1 should review the cadet’s qualifications and determine


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whether the cadet is suitable for that promotion. If the cadet is qualified for the promotion, the request should be signed and submitted to the Battalion Commander. If the cadet is not qualified, the request should be submitted back to the Company Commander with an explanation as to why they will not be promoted.

After the Battalion Commander has approved and signed the Personnel Action Request, it is the S1’s job to present the request to the cadet’s instructor, or AI (Army Instructor). After the AI has approved and signed the cadet’s promotion, the S1 will present the request to the Senior Army Instructor, or SAI (Colonel).

After the Personnel Action Request has been approved and signed by the Chain of Command, the S1 is responsible for entering the new promotion into the JUMS system and publishing the orders to the S4.

5. REDUCTIONS: Cadets may be reduced for the following reasons: INEFFICIENCY (Failure to perform the duties expected of the rank held), MISCONDUCT (Conduct unbecoming of a cadet), and GRADES (Failure to attain and maintain a "C" or above average in JROTC and/or listed on the school D and F report for more than 3 weeks).The reduction authority is the Senior Army Instructor.

(See Standards of Conduct, Annex B)


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Promotions Procedure Battalion SOP

Table of Ranks in Ascending Order


Promotion Test

Cadet Creed

23 Command Drill Sequence

Promotion Board

Commander Recommendation

Private No No No No Yes

Private First Class No No No No Yes

Corporal Yes - 80% Yes No No Yes

Sergeant Yes - 85% Yes* Yes – 75% No Yes

Staff Sergeant Yes - 90% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Sergeant First Class Yes - 90% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Master Sergeant Yes - 90% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

First Sergeant Yes - 90% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Sergeant Major Yes - 90% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Command Sergeant Major

Yes - 95% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

2nd Lieutenant Yes - 95% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

1st Lieutenant Yes - 95% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes


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Promotion Test

Cadet Creed

23 Command Drill Sequence

Promotion Board

Commander Recommendation

Captain Yes - 95% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Major Yes - 95% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Lieutenant Colonel Yes - 95% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Colonel Yes - 95% Yes* Yes* Yes Yes

Cadet Private through Cadet Private First Class – Recommended by the Company Commander with the approval of the AI and SAI.

Cadet Corporal – Must recite the Cadet Creed to the Company Commander and must pass the Pre-Promotion test with an 80%.

Cadet Sergeant – Must recite the Cadet Creed to the Company Commander, pass the 23 command sequence drill with a 75%, and pass on the Pre-Promotions test with an 85%.

Cadet Staff Sergeant through Cadet Lieutenant Colonel – Must pass the Pre-Promotion test with a 90% or 95% to be eligible to attend the Promotion Board, and then must pass the promotion board. (The Cadet Creed and Drill Commands are considered part of the promotion board process and do not have to be tested or executed separately)


*Elements of these tasks will be incorporated into the Promotion Board; there is no requirement to test these tasks separately

Exceptions to this procedure are authorized when the SAI and both AI’s approve a special promotion based on selection to the Battalion Command Group or a specific Leadership Position.


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1. GENERAL: The awards program of the LHS JROTC Battalion consists of DA, unit, academic, athletic, military, miscellaneous, and organizational awards. Awards also may be earned through extracurricularactivities for excellence in competition, contribution to JROTC goals, or outstanding performance or service. The awards described below are authorized to be worn. No ribbons or awards not in these paragraphs are to be worn without authorization from the SAI. Reference for the JROTC awards program is CCR 145-2.

2. Award recommendations will be sent through the cadet chain of command to the SAI for approval.

3. Procedure:

Company Leadership - Submitting the Awards Request

1. Squad Leaders should recognize that they have a Cadet eligible for an award by becoming familiar with the awards available and by updating and maintaining their Cadet information sheet, and recommend their cadets for awards to the Company XO.

2. Company XO should submit a request for the cadets to the Company Commander.3. Company Commander should sign the request and submit it to the S1.

S1 - Processing the Award Orders

1. S1 should sign and submit the request to the Battalion Commander, if the cadet is eligible.

2. Once the Battalion Commander has approved the request, the S1 should submit the request to the SAI and AI.

3. Once the SAI and AI have approved the request, the S1 should enter the awards into JUMS through the S1 computer.

4. S1- Entering the Awards into JUMS5. First, log into JUMS6. Second, click the “Search/Manage Cadets” tab (a scroll-down menu should appear) 7. Click the “Cadet Batch Action” button8. Search for the cadets on the left side of the screen9. Then add the award(s) on the right side of the screen, by selecting “Award” in the scroll-

down menu10. Click “add new” and then select the award that the cadets are receiving11. Now that the awards have been added, go back to the “Search/Manage Cadets” tab and

select “Award Orders”12. Here you can print all of the awards you have submitted13. Submit the printed orders to the S4

S4 – Filling the Ribbon/Award Request (Locating and Distributing the Correct Ribbons)


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1. S4 should be familiar with the awards and where they are located. They should also be familiar with how to keep supply stocked and inform instructor when supply is low.

2. S4 will collect the ribbons for the awards and make them available for the companies to pass out

Company Leadership - Presenting the Award

1. On uniform inspection day, conduct a company level awards ceremony.2. Maintain a system for tracking awards that were not issued (due to absentees or those not

in uniform).

Ribbons and Awards

Ribbon/Award Precedence Criteria

Medal of Heroism The Medal of Heroism is a U.S. military

decoration awarded by the Department of the

Army (DA) to a JROTC Cadet who performs an

act of heroism. The achievement must be an

accomplishment so exceptional and outstanding

that it clearly sets the individual apart from fellow

students or from other persons in similar

circumstances. The performance must have

involved the acceptance of danger and

extraordinary responsibilities, exemplifying

praiseworthy fortitude and courage.*

Superior Cadet The Superior Cadet Award is awarded by DA and

is limited to one outstanding Cadet in each LET

level in each JROTC or NDCC unit.*

Distinguished Cadet N-1-1 Top overall cadet per LET Level

Academic Excellence N-1-2 Awarded to cadet who earns the highest GPA

per LET Level

Academic Achievement N-1-3 Awarded to cadets who maintain an “A”

average (4.0 GPA) all year (all courses)

Perfect Attendance N-1-4 Awarded to cadets who have no unexcused


Student Government N-1-5 Awarded to cadets who serve on SGA

LET Service N-1-6 Awarded to cadets who successfully complete


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each LET year

JROTC Honor Roll N-1-7 Awarded cadets with “A” average in JROTC

High Academic Achievement N-1-8 Awarded to LET I on Principal's List

High Academic Achievement N-1-9 Awarded to LET II on Principal's List

High Academic Achievement N-1-10 Awarded to LET III onPrincipal's List

DAI/SAI Instructor


N-3-1 Awarded to cadet who displays highest

proficiency in leadership

Personal Appearance N-3-2 Awarded to cadet who consistently presents

outstanding appearance

Proficiency N-3-3 Awarded to cadet who displays highest

amount of leadership, academic achievement,

and performance of duty

Drill Team N-3-4 Awarded to members

Orienteering N-3-5 Awarded to cadets who compete in an

orienteering event/completion

Color Guard/ Honor Guard N-3-6 Awarded to members

Rifle Team N-3-7 Awarded to members

Adventure Training N-3-8 Awarded to cadets who attend an adventure

training event

Commendation N-3-9 Awarded to cadet who goes “beyond the call

of duty”

Good Conduct N-3-10 Awarded to cadets who show exemplary

conduct (must include no ISS or suspension)

JCLC N-3-11 Awarded to summer camp participants

Best Drill Cadet N-3-12 Awarded to cadet who exemplifies best drill


Best Drill Company N-3-13 Awarded to company who exemplifies best

drill techniques

Best Drill Platoon N-3-14 Awarded to platoon who exemplifies best drill



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Raider Team N-3-15 Awarded to members

Varsity Athletics N-2-1 Awarded to cadets who participate in varsity

athletics (Includes Cheerleading)

JROTC Physical Fitness N-2-2 Cadets score 85th percentile rating or better in each of the five events of the Cadet Challenge Program

JROTC Athletics N-2-3 Awarded to all cadets who receive a 50th

percentile rating or better in each of the five

events of the Cadet Challenge Program

Band N-2-4 Awarded to members who participate in Band

(includes Dance Line and Flag Line)

OPENAcademic Competition N-2-5 Awarded to cadets who compete in the

JROTC Academic Bowl, JROTC Leadership

Bowl, LHS Quiz Bowl, or Literary Rally

Parade N-4-1 Awarded to members who participate in the

parade (Homecoming, Rodeo, or Christmas)

Recruiting N-4-2 Awarded to cadets who actively recruit

members of JROTC

Volunteer N-4-3 Awarded to cadets who volunteer in an out of

school activities (every 8 hours)

Gung-Ho N-4-4 Awarded to cadet who displays the most


Super-Salesperson N-4-5 Awarded to cadets who sell the most items

during a fundraiser

Service Learning N-4-6 Awarded to cadets who participate in service

learning projects

Excellent Staff Performance N-4-7 Awarded to cadets who perform excellent on



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Demerits/ Merits

Infraction occurs/ Achievement accomplished

• Report to their Company Commander

• Company commander does a recommendation to the S-2

• S-2 fills out the demerit report and signs

• Then takes it to the battalion commander to approve

• then to the AI to approve

• And last to the SAI to approve

Requirements for Promotion

To be considered for promotion a cadet must receive a certain amount of merits depending on their LET level.

• A LET 1 with a zero balance of merits/demerits may be promoted up to the rank of PFC.

• A LET 2 must achieve a balance of 15 merits to be eligible for a promotion.

• A LET 3 needs to receive 25 merits to be eligible for a promotion.

• A LET 4 needs to receive 30 merits to be eligible for a promotion.

Justification for Demotion

The demerit balances below indicate the level of demerits at which a cadet may be demoted in accordance with LET level:

• A LET 1 & LET 2 can receive no more than 50 demerits.

• A LET 3 & LET 4 can receive no more than 35 demerits.

• A cadet in a leadership position: PSG/ PL can receive no more than 30 demerits.

• Members in staff can receive no more than 20 demerits.

• A company commander, company XO, and a Company 1st SGT can receive no more than 25 demerits.

The Company commander will review merit/demerit balance at the end of each calendar month. If, at the end of any given calendar month, a cadet has a demerit balance that justifies demotion


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and/or removal from leadership position, that cadet will receive a one month probation period to correct necessary deficiencies or earn additional merits to improve the merit/demerit balance. In the event that the cadet is unable to improve the merit/demerit balance after the probationary period, the chain of command will recommend administrative actions as required ( i.e., demotion and/or removal from leadership position)



A. +95% Participation Per Week 5

B. Volunteering (min 2 hours) 15

C. Color Guard/Drill Team/Rangers

Participation In Competition 5

Drill Meet Placing In Performance1. 1st Place 302. 2nd Place 203. 3rd Place 10

F. Report Card

1. A Honor Roll 302. A & B Honor Roll 15

G. +95% Inspection Grade Per 6 Weeks 15

H. Recruitment Of New Cadet Into JROTC 5

I. JROTC Work Outside Of Normal Class Period, Including Lunch 2 per hour


A. Tardiness1. First (1st) 12. Second (2nd) 53. Third (3rd) 84. Fourth (4th) 10

B. Dress Code Violations 5-10C. 50%< Participation/ No Homework 10D. No-Show Volunteered Events/ Competition 10E. Incorrect Wearing Of The Uniform Outside Of Class 10-30F. Insubordination

1. First (1st) 202. Second (2nd) 403. Third (3rd) 504. Fourth (4th) 70


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G. Monday Detention 10-15H. ISS 25-30I. OSS 35-50J. Classroom Disturbance 5-10K. No Uniform 20L. Unacceptable Conduct 15-25

Merit Description

A. +95% Participation Per Week - The cadet must have a weekly grade equaling or exceeding a 95%, including classroom participation, uniform inspection, and homework.

B. Volunteering - The cadet must volunteer for any event, and execute the mission as defined by the event’s supervisor, or the SAI

C. Color Guard/Drill Team/Rangers Participation In Competition - The cadet must be a member of said team, and partake in the event he/she is competing in.

D. Color Guard/Drill Team/Rangers Drill Meet Placing In Performance1. 1st Place: The team must place 1st in their event, and the cadet must have

participated with said team.2. 2nd Place: The team must place 2nd in their event, and the cadet must have

participated with said team.3. 3rd Place: The team must place 3rd in their event, and the cadet must have

participated with said team.E. Report Card

1. A Honor Roll - The cadet must have at least a 94% average in each and every class.

2. A/B Honor Roll - The cadet must have at least an 84% average in each and every class.

F. 95% for uniform inspection - The cadet must have at least a 95% on the uniform inspection for every inspection for the current six weeks.

G. Recruitment of new JROTC member - Have the recruit say how he was introduced to JROTC to his/her Company Commander.

H. JROTC Work Outside Of Normal Class Period, including Lunch - The Cadet must help outside of a class period for a certain amount of time. Can come here during a class if it is permitted by the instructor. Coming during lunch is included also.

Demerit Description

A. Tardiness1. 1st - The first time the cadet is tardy one point will be deducted.2. 2nd - The second time the cadet is tardy five points will be deducted.3. 3rd - The third time the cadet is tardy eight points will also be deducted.4. 4th - The fourth time the cadet is tardy ten points will be deducted.


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B. Dress Code Violations - If the cadet wears the school uniform incorrectly. (For example: no ID, no belt or wrong color, etc.) The cadet will receive a demerit with a specific amount of points deducted.

C. 50 %< participation/ No homework - If the cadet does not provide the grade needed for participation or does not turn in homework when due, the cadet will receive a demerit with a specific amount of points deducted.

D. No-show Volunteered Events/Competition - The cadet must provide a doctors note or parents note if they are a No-show to a volunteer event/ competition. If not the cadet will receive a demerit with a specific amount of points deducted.

E. Incorrect Wearing of the Uniform Outside of Class - If the cadet displays improper wear of the ROTC Uniform outside of class. They will be given a demerit with a specific amount of points deducted.

F. Insubordination1. The first time a cadet performs insubordination they will receive a demerit with a

specific amount of points deducted.2. The second time a cadet performs insubordination they will receive a demerit with a

higher amount of points deducted than the first.3. The third time a cadet performs insubordination they will receive a demerit with a

higher amount of points deducted than the second.4. The fourth time a cadet performs insubordination they will receive a demerit with a

highest amount of points deducted.G. Monday Detention - If the student receives a slip for Monday Detention, they will

receive and demerit with 10-15 points deductedH. ISS - If the student receives ISS, depending on the violation committed, they will be

deducted a certain amount of points.I. OSS - If the student receives OSS, depending on the violation committed, they will be

deducted a certain amount of points.J. Classroom Disturbance - If a student commits a disruptive act during class they will be

deducted a certain amount of points.K. No Uniform - If a student does not wear their uniform at all without a valid excuse, they

will be deducted a certain amount of points.L. Unacceptable Conduct - If a student commits an unacceptable act they will receive a

demerit with a certain amount of points deducted.


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This directive establishes policies and procedures to be used for safeguarding U.S. Government property issued to LHS JROTC Schools programs.

Items subject to pilferage are defined as those items having ready resale value or civilian interests for personal possession and subject to theft.


CCR 700-1, ROTC Standardized Logistics Policy and Procedures.


a. LHS is responsible for providing adequate facilities to properly safeguard US Government property, uniform items, and air rifles and drill rifles at each JROTC unit.

b. The Military Property Custodian (MPC), SAI/AIs, S-4 and S-2 , are entrusted with the security of government property and responsible for controlling, safeguarding, and accounting for government property issued, including keys to rooms, lockers, and racks used to secure this property. All possible precautions will be taken to prevent the loss of government property with particular attention being given to safeguarding sensitive items to include serial-numbered items and other equipment highly susceptible to pilferage.

c. The S-2, S-4 , company supply NCO and each JROTC Cadre member of the JROTC Department will continually scrutinize and evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures established to safeguard government property, and immediately report to the SAI in writing any condition observed that is a risk to property security. The cadet S-2 is the JROTC security and risk assessment officer.

d. The JROTC Primary Hand Receipt Holder (SPHRH), is responsible for the care, safeguard, and maintenance of such items until they are returned to JROTC. No member of the JROTC Department will transfer (sub-hand receipt) government property to another person, or remove it from its regularly assigned storage area for personal use.

e. The assigned Army Instructor SPHRH will ensure that all inventories are conducted as required. The S-4 will assist

f. Each JROTC unit will have an appointed key custodian who will ensure that only authorized personnel have access to keys and locks, and that a joint inventory is made each time custody of the sensitive items storage room keys are transferred.


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The key custodian will ensure that the number of keys used to secure government property and personnel authorized access to these keys is kept to the absolute minimum. This normally is one key to each JROTC cadre and a spare stored in the JROTC key box.

g. The SAI and the SPHRH will insure that all U.S. government property is marked with the words "PROPERTY U.S. GOVERNMENT or ARMY.” LHS JROTC School’s bar codes may be affixed to US Government property for identification.

4. SECURITY: The JROTC Supply room will be locked at all times when the SAI and AI are not present. The Arms room will be locked at all times and weapons securely in their racks when rifles are not being used for drill or marksmanship.

1. RIFLES: All rifles will be stored and locked in the arms room at all times when not being used. ALL RIFLES WILL BE CONSIDERED LOADED AT ALL TIMES AND WILL NEVER BE POINTED AT ANOTHER PERSON. No ammunitions or any other item; (except cleaning rod) will be inserted in the chamber or barrel of any rifle without the presence and/or supervision of an instructor. Once issued a rifle a cadet will NEVER, NEVER, release it to another person or LEAVE IT IN AN UNGUARDED LOCATION.

B. SIGN IN/SIGN OUT PROCEDURES: In order for a cadet to be issued a rifle, they must leave their school issued photo ID in the rifle’s slot on the rack. In the event that the cadet does not have their permanent photo ID, the cadet must instead sign for it…………


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1. This annex provides guidance for cadets on the security, accountability and management of government property, uniforms, and rifles and sensitive items.


a. Items of clothing and equipment issued to cadets will be signed for and are the responsibility of the individual cadet. Items which are lost or willfully destroyed through neglect will be paid for by the individual cadet concerned.

b. All items of clothing and equipment is the property of the federal government and will be returned to the JROTC at the end of the school year, when no longer a member of the cadet corps, or when you are requested to do so. Cadets who transfer to another school MUST RETURN all items of clothing and equipment before grades can be transferred.

c. Secondary minor repairs and alterations (trousers shortened, etc.) will be at the expense of the school (or the individual cadet depending on the availability of funds). TROUSERS WILL NOT BE PEGGED OR FLARED. If trousers need to be shortened, the hem will be tucked under and left intact (do not cut off excess material).

d. Uniform will be kept cleaned and pressed at all times. After initial issue of uniform, replacement or exchange may be made by coordinating with the instructor and unit supply personnel.

3. SECURITY: The JROTC Supply room will be locked at all times when the SAI and AI are not present. The Arms room will be locked at all times and weapons securely in their racks when rifles are not being used for drill or marksmanship.

1. RIFLES: All rifles will be stored and locked in the arms room at all times when not being used. ALL RIFLES WILL BE CONSIDERED LOADED AT ALL TIMES AND WILL NEVER BE POINTED AT ANOTHER PERSON. No ammunitions or any other item; (except cleaning rod) will be inserted in the chamber or barrel of any rifle without the presence and/or supervision of an instructor. Once issued a rifle a cadet will NEVER, NEVER, release it to another person or LEAVE IT IN AN UNGUARDED LOCATION.

C. SIGN IN/SIGN OUT PROCEDURES: In order for a cadet to be issued a rifle, they must leave their school issued photo ID in the rifle’s slot on the rack. In the event that the cadet does not have their permanent photo ID, the cadet must instead sign for it…………

4. SUPPLY MANAGEMENT: of expendable and non-expendable property, both school and government, will be conducted IAW the appropriate ARs, CCR 700-1, Cadet Command and DODEA policies. The Battalion S-4 and company cadet supply NCO will assist the MPC with daily supply operations eg: uniform issue, turn-in and inventories.


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5. ACCOUNTABILITY: Daily, monthly and annual inventories of property will occur IAW appropriate ARs, CCR 700-1, and local Cadet Command policies. Sensitive item to include rifles will be inventoried 100% by serial number whenever those items are used off campus or in conjunction with an event involving other schools with like items.


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1. PURPOSE: This annex establishes the policy on the care and cleaning of all uniforms and/or equipment issued to JROTC cadets.

2. GENERAL: The care and cleaning of uniforms and equipment issued to cadets is the responsibility of the individual cadet. While parents of cadets are legally responsible for unnecessary damage or loss of items, the cadet is responsible for the Appearance of his or her issued uniform and equipment.


a. See paragraph 7 of Annex C for description.

b. Uniform Item - Care and Cleaning:

(1) Care:


(b) Spot cleaning of slacks, ect. Minor spots may be done with a damp cloth.

(c) Brushing of uniform items (caps, beret, coat, and trousers) will improve the Appearance by removing dust, lint, etc.

(d) Pressing of uniform must be done according to the instructions inside the coat and trousers. DO NOT place an iron directly on uniform items, a damp cloth must be placed between the item and the iron.

(2) Cleaning:

(a) DRY CLEANING ONLY, is authorized for coats, trousers, and caps of the class A uniforms.

(b) Washing of the perma-press shirt is authorized.


a. All metal items issued, except buttons on AG 489 coats and black belt buckles, will be highly polished at all times. New brass items have a protective coating which can be removed. CAUTION: Never attempt to polish brass items while they are on the uniform. Buttons do not require polishing. Always remove the items to polish and reattach. Failure to follow this procedure will result in the uniform being stained and made unserviceable.


a. ACU’S are available for issue to cadets participating in special activities. (eg: Raiders, JCLC, Color Guard)

b. Uniforms are wash and wear.


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6. MISCELLANEOUS ITEM: Miscellaneous items of equipment checked out from JROTC supply will be returned in a clean serviceable condition by following equipment care instructions.


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Drill, Color Guard, Rifle, and Raider Teams

1. DRILL TEAM –SGM Santelices, Drill team coach.

a. The Drill Team is one of several teams that a Cadet can participate in as a part of the JROTC program. The team practices Tuesday and Thursday, 3:15-5:00 pm, and every day the week prior to a drill meet. It is important that you be at the practices and most important, that you be able to attend the Drill Meets where we compete against Drill Teams from other schools. A schedule will be posted on the JROTC Bulletin board of Drill meets.

b. For our competitions we wear our regulation Class A or Class B dress uniform (ASU). After competing in one meet you will be issued a drill arc and red shoulder cord to distinguish you as a Drill Team member. The red cord will only be worn by active members of the drill team.

c. Our main activities are performing at Drill Meets in competition with other military teams from other schools. The Drill Team marches in parades, such as the Rodeo and Homecoming Parades. The Drill team also performs at some school functions such as the Leesville High School and District Veterans Day activities.

d. The rifle that we use is an M-1903, Daisy Drill Rifle and cadets will be trained on the Manual of Arms and other rifle procedures that we will be using.

e. The drill team ribbon is awarded after performing in one or more drill meets.

2. COLOR GUARD – SGM Santelices, Color Guard coach.

a. The team practices Tuesday and Thursday, 3:15-5:00 pm, and every day the week prior to a drill meet. Its main purpose is to present the colors of the country, states and the battalion at schools and community events.

b. The uniform of the color guard is the regular ASU uniform, white gloves, a white pistol belt, and beret.

c. After you have been accepted as a Color Guard Member, you will be issued a white shoulder cord to distinguish you as a member of Color Guard Team. The white cord will only be worn by active members of the color guard.

c. The color guard ribbon is awarded after performing in one or more CG events.

2. RIFLE TEAM– 1SG Babineaux, Rifle team coach.

a. Anyone in JROTC can join the Rifle Team. The team practices Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 3:15-5:00 pm. Our indoor range is at the LHS JROTC building. The rifle teams enjoy competition with other schools and military academies.

b. After you have scored 100% on the marksmanship test you will be accepted as a Rifle Team Member and receive a Rifle team ribbon. After competing in one meet you will be issued a rifle


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team arc and yellow shoulder cord. The yellow cord will only be worn by active members of the rifle team.

4. RAIDER TEAM – LTC McAllister, Raider team coach.

a. The Raider Team practices Tuesday and Thursday, 3:15-5:00 pm, and every day the week prior to a Raider meet. PT clothes are required to work-out.

b. For the Raider meets, the cadets wear ACUs with patrol caps and bring their JROTC T-Shirt, Black Army PT shorts, white socks and gym shoes for the PT test.

c. The possible events at competitions are: a PT Test (pushup’s, sit-ups, and two mile run). Single rope bridge, Orienteering course or map reading test, litter or rucksack relay, rock wall, tug of war, and vehicle pull.

d. Cadets will be issued a Raider Team Ribbon, Raider arc, and black cord after they have participated in at least one competition. The black cord will only be worn by active members of the raider team.

5. LEADERSHIP: Team Captains/ Co-Captains are senior ranking cadets of each team selected to lead that activity and report to the Colonel or CSM on matters concerning that team.

6. ATTENDANCE: The policy for excused and unexcused absences to team practices are the same as that followed for normal school attendance.

a. Absences not verified will be unexcused. Two or more unexcused absences will result in the cadet being placed on probation and possibly suspended from the team competitions. If unexcused absences continue this will result in a cadet being dropped from a team and they will return their team shoulder cord.

c. Attendance exception: Cadets participating in school sports or other school activities after school hours that are approved by the JROTC instructors will be allowed on the teams if cadets attend team practices after the season ends.

7. SUSPENSION: Cadets that miss practices and competititions without an approved excuse, display poor conduct or receive a “D” and/or "F" grade will be suspended from a team until grades or discipline are improved.


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1. Once every three years, the staff from the HQs, JROTC, 6th Brigade visits every cadet battalion for a Jrotc program accreditation. The purpose of the inspection is to establish a constructive dialogue with cadets, instructors, and school authorities to determine the degree of adherence to the principles of the JROTC program. The observations are recorded and graded in a report and sent to the United States Army Cadet Command, (USACC), which will designate the JROTC program as Satisfactory, Merit Unit (MU), Honor Unit (HU), or Honor Unit with Distinction (HUD. The reference for the USACC

Organizational Inspections Program is CCR 145-8-3.

2. The areas inspected are:

a. Color Guard–max 5 points

b. 23 drill command sequences – max 5 points

c. In-ranks inspection– max 5 points

1. Continuous improvement briefing– max 35 point

2. Service learning briefing – max 20 points

3. Staff briefing– max 15 points

- S-1 – max 3 points- S-2 – max 3 points- S-3 – max 3 points- S-4 – max 3 points- S-5 – max 3 points

4. Cadet portfolios – max 20 points

5. Instructor portfolios – max 30 points per instructor

6. Unit report – max 35 points

2. During off year inspections, as a minimum, the inspection team will conduct an informal inspection (IFI) to examine (2) areas:

a. School Support

b. Program Support

3. For the Jrotc program accreditation, the Cadet Battalion is assembled in a battalion formation with the Class A or Class B uniform being worn. The Battalion Executive Officer is the Commander of Troops with the Battalion Commander escorting the inspecting officer.


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