s3.amazonaws.comvol+18...ttle j ~w of newspapers mr s closes his review of the preface etc" mr...

\ I 1 Ittot"tttt WEEKI, Y For the Proprieto;rs, AT WEstERLY, R. I. G CHAMPLIN, EWrOlt .... IJlT " E RgCOSDRa, lIB the OrJ!8ll of the SeveDlil-d1l7 -- , , ____ 1 __ _ - ....... - ..... - "'" ... *. ... , THE ORGAN OF THE BARTIST MINATION. Vol. Xvw.-No. 11. "Westerly. R. I., Fit1th.cJjt Whole No. 895. DonorolDatlOn, IB devot.d to Ihe 6pOOI\Iun nndlcstlon uf the VleWB and moVeJlleolll Clf t.l!al IlII I It alroB to promote Vila! plB'Y &lid ItOP e lenl actIOn at the same Ime Ilia' II urge! 000:- t<n evo to the co';maudmeuts of Gad od IIHi Ai .. of d"nc' lIs columns nre to lite adv_y of lIlI measures which seem Ukely to bDprove of dl1ftJ.se l!nowledge; rtltlilflb " Onr Savionr's way, and that of John, was once prove that the ordmance of baritisllDllllEift':i.i there will be u y Inle Igence uep_ 'k . . matler adapted to tbe WIllIIS Bfid tillites of to ml/o e dIsciples first, and then to baptlze can be duly administered without dippiul!' TItoI'Bnil may warm the p:Il88 to life, tbem and tb8IcaUBe of freledom : I. r: dew tl e drooping Hower h' A every ch,'s of rea?ers. t tb RBcoaDIlR are' them j for" Jesus made and baptlzea. more and that infants are proper subjects of It grow bngbt lIud walcb the Hi"rnt not oll t 18 Terms 01 onbscflp Ion ,or e • d' • I, h J Th throughout tho w"rld' no lIars per year, payable In advaooe. BubllcriP. iflclDles 1 an obn" 5 e COmmiSSIon lD and then it WIll follow that the .tIStS opemog hour; ... ... " , " v will be Ii bI _II .... !\ b 11th f k d Will suft'er, for it to lIOU8 parallel text plainly. directs that are guilty of re-baptlzing They plofess r tno : men look for an pn'rllr"J theIr papt>rs, must pay .n tesc lDg ought to precede baptIsm: .. Preach be agamst the iteration or baptlsm , .ummer time, a practical, a. "utlly tbe publi,her to that etl'eel Payments the Gospel to every creature' be that be· they rue fur hanng it once duly admmister- the dew, Therefore, all ")llercifo;1 I . " Kuowledged In the papet so l1li to JU"""'W ,. ' al rut l' I I whlC'Ii Ihey r:ach, Ii Ie th heves, and IS baptIzed, shall be 6 ed to evelY behever, acc(!rdmg to...o1ll Sa- V! tnfg( Ad,ertlseJne:lts,ofac aracterno D WI The practice of the apost1esabundantly con- viour's instructIOn. or ,an 0 -llers b ectS of the paper, wIll be loserte ... al the rate of \ 1rtbes, we call on our.. Iifelt:rrffi\:i1'1 r per IlDe lor the firsl IDsertiou, ant firms this They taught the people to re- After this, Mr. R. says, "This IS the Illegal and unreasonable re- the Stlltefr jjJiin Bome rqeBllufll Y, pi r A pent, beheve, and then to be baptized, and eral doctl ine of the sacrament of baptism, It cannot be stayed without the accountable, mlly Iloon I>IDJ;: .into ' made 10 tuose advertlslDg largely or by th:'J.e&r. we read of none bemg a.dmltted to baptism, practiced by the universa.l church and blood, let the misery than evell .tbllE qaye klJOWlli p.1t Cum mn lIcatlOUS, and l'tlDUttances, I!ho d be but those who made a profession of repent- ever smce the apostles, tIll men of corrupt be stayed Without inflicting come not OIl\Y vicious, bot dOl cted 10 the Publlshlllg Ageot, E G. OJLlllPLL'I, d' h of the law on very dangerons 'The hcople 01 We lerly I , I - ance all lalt prlncl'ples have brougbt I'n many l'lJtOvati'Dnflir'l IIlPBEOATORY PSALMS. h I c; /:' b r , .. jng:lea,ilel: lin t e revo t, we gneve lor owe at least tbos much to the su 1lldt TtlE J OF NEWSPAPERS Mr S closes hiS review of the preface etc" Mr S first dIsposes of the mR,nv·hl\.rrlf A lof the Bihltotheca the chastIsement. WIll" pie of the South-that tbeir condItIon sbt.Il With tillS remark. That though Mr R had names which Mr R had assocIated With .I;otltliltl8\\;lfl intllrestmg lind somewhat in the time of and not betba worse eontrary are conoldered as Wl8hinlt to cont\f1u, theu. II The in the tIme of war, apd d 1 f, 1 . d ffilbseriptlon' , I elr no hope of convmcmg the Anabaptists, by AnabaptIsts, by showmg that tile OIl .an contro ormer y exerCise Z If slIo'Cl'lber. order Ilie discontlnDDce of til f th' b t' d' h B Ii Id h the Light of he be given up to tbi!! PIP''"' publi,hers may contlDue to eend theJll untilalJ. reasoll 0 elr 0 s macy an Ignorance, e aptists e not mg lD common '!VIm p, h« must endure not only pain 1Ie,,,,f1ftr Hnn" due arc pmd hoped he should have better success wltb sects bearing those names, 3nd the:refBtp.:A '"'''.''''''''U1I, hy Rev Edwards A Park, Ignommy Unr tears How for 3 If ,nb crlbers neglect or reftlBe to take their pa. one of Mr, R's learr.ing and candor, Upon could not be J'ustly reproached with in Andover TheologICal b t 't 11 res here- f I 1.1 pc" Ii'om the office to which they are directed, they d f h u 1 WI P eserv n, 0 p 411 .. we woo"" "re beld natil tbey have patd what Is due, Mr R.'s remarks in hts first chapter upon errot's. IDlny, an one 0 t e editors of the" theft, from perJory, not fall below those of whose lOd discontinned b ' 'fi t r ba db' theca" The Imprecatory ; and let it come But If he hum ... n rights mallY of os !\I'e accuswt1 to 4 to othef places WIthout in- t e sIgm ca IOn a ipto, an apttzo, III Respecttng such as deferred theIr baptism h' hi, h I 1 h f h .,.,. , " t t t III t to t e ega pums ment 0 IS speak in strong terms, if we would 110 and the papt>r Is sent to tile wblch he admItted 00..-.10 properly signifies to theIr dying hOtlr, and othet's who dela,ye<I.I w IC c'1 0 am a reques ,or ID I a e a Id II b S' th 1 d h e;c:- d "'t I 1" Ien WI e la er ess an IS convicted before them nn before Gild The lI"v a pe- to dip or plltnge, but that bapttzo, Its denva- It till they are thirty )eal s uf age, who Mr or even 3. WllImgness, that moral /lgents It IS a terrible woe Bnt that spurious 'PIlllanthropy of whIch we have lIoilie.1 ""nt, IS responsible for \laymenl, if he fI!. tive, had a WIder range, and slgmfies any R enumerated among his heretICs, Mr S reo chastlse!l er pUUlshed-ha.e been not a few only, but been accused, we most ece to It thtl celV" the paper, or makes nse of It, evefl If lie l1iJI k' d f b' h th b d' , deemed With the mIlder wIll be fatherless; not IIlai'es.mm Bomethmg hlY OI"r v /. ,"versubserlbedfoflt,orhasorderedltltopped. Bis lD 0 mg, weer y Ippmg, rms· marks, that lIr R speaks of the .. H .... - 1':JJ'r dnly tn Auch "case IS, not to take pa.per froa the mg. washing, or springling, Mr S replies, (chnICs) which Signifies 81Ok, or bed rIdden of our r1 hglOn "They may have had but hundieds of wives wlll be tude for ltberty W,e ])lust reeerve office ur persou to whom the paper IS sent, but, to no- "A d h-I h . b I use dS alwar trumpet III the shock of an government must be upheld; these black m\lll into the great human family ,ry the pubhsher that he does not wish It n w lee gives apbzo a srger latl- people j some of whom were not baptl7.ed b *tl ,; h f h hIS hou, sebo.ld be left desolate to which we allow they J:je!ong: we must -=-=-=======::-i:=====- tude, he I'ndeed restral'ns I't to wllat he calls t II th d h b t h d ave, says t e wnter 0 t ese te h th II L c _ __ _ I ey wele near eat j u c ose to e- IS Clime on e ga OWB, teach them how to 1i1"e lti'thatrteedom w:hicn, n a mundlfymg act by wate¥, and sometImes fer their baptism when they were in a state cles upon them, " when the soldiers of become vagabonds and beg up to this time, we itave not peen)WiJling to ] or the Recorder OUR LITTLE !ALICE. Wben tbe earth In snow lay sbrooded, On a brlgbt December day, '1 bell our own dear httle Ahce, To tbe grove was borne away; Borne ucross tbe very tbseshbold, W nere BO oft 10 grief or glee, patterlDg httle footstep., Tn her haste to come to me How I ml"S tbose httle footstep', When the dnyhl:ht fodes away, ComIng oft With" Mamma, take me, ' , As sue wearied of ber play, How I miss the fond cnresslDg, Of those soft aod ttDy arms, That vOice sa]mg, " Ma, I love yon All ber own pecohar charms. How I DUSS her, when we're gathered At the honr of mornlDg prayer, Willi my Blole laid before ber Koeehng at her httle chair, How I ml,s her merry chatter, All tbe lonely, weary days, Mi's ber JOYous rmgmg laughter, And ber hltle wlfisome ways That sweet verse sbe loved so dearly, AOII would say With reverence deep, i:ltm I setfltt t.o her _,.lag-- , Now I lay me down to sleep ," nut that httle VOice is Silent, Lonely hours no more 'twill cheer 1 hOllgh oft I start and listen, SccmlDg still that vOice to hear, Darhng child' bow much I miss her, Everywhere, in everything; 1 es, I mISs her own sweet mUSIC, That no Olber tone can brmg How those 11 ttle half-worn garments Fill my eyes With bhndmg tears; Smce the preCIous form that wore tbem, In our midst no more appear- W ceplDg, oft I VIew tbe impress Of ber band 80 fair and arnall, Where In playluln>ss sbe laid It On the newly plastered wall Now Ihat btlle hand hes mouldermg In the grave so dark and cold; Though a flower of fadlDg beanty, StilI those httle fingers huld l,'ke the Vines that wreatbe!1 our wlDdows, Through the summer'a genial hoOfS, So she grew and tWlDed about U8, Fragile JlS the summer flowers; It wai nicet she should be like tbem, For she loved the flowers so well , to dye in colors; whereas dlppmg, whICh lS of health But theIr delay, and that of others, were ndt ripe for gentler words; but it . at tbelr misery. We fort!- (lr, if wllhng to cPnQ(it 1I 0t &hlp J lof a mueh larger extent, comprehends as of Gregory Nazlan,en, Chrysoswln, that we are to look upon of It, we entreated hl!U to sp:ore tosecurethem rWj!;l014 washing: as one of the consequences of It L. d A II gaze at the helmets and coats StIli, unless In theIr persons in, the.prodl cts ot their' u,ose, au 1!gustlne, as we as Constantine h h 1 now rebuked WIth all the empha- labor, and also fbe,rigllts.of famllYJ ma"' be Tingo and baptlzo SignIfy the same thing, the Emperor, who submitted not to thiS or- are ung up m t e museum law allows, every hIli lind dale lionsidered as IIlready l'edq/tllitied, I wi ah! tbat IS, to dtp, whether m water or m colors; dmance till they were adults, though born There are crises m hfe, echo and re-echo With the cry now called upon to provlQe f{J\'; tlieir edUC3" and these words are not used to denote one f Ch' . h h brmg ont the hidden uses chtldren Then let his httle tlOn, "nd that In .. g" s=se ,. fl"'"uch I o rlsttan parents, S OWl> t at mfant bap- I" ", H"".". lIquid more than another ,. but to si-ify the II of the Bible liS had seemed to and beg, rather than t lat lin edupat10n as them .. afe II)'ld bsm was not umversa y received But It f lid b tte d p r: action of dlppmg or Immersion III any liquid k I h 1.1 ' an·tlqU!l1lea, SlIIce the commencement 0 t Ie e sca re, able servants, but such as IS re9-uired by IS remar Rb e t at r R says, 'In defemng the b II h I With thelI babe.s from other moral beings livIng in jlUm:in' socji#!j. I wlllltsocver their baptIsm, they alluded to tIle prlLcticel re e lOll, t e mplecatory wluch bnllg famme 1D theIr an education, which shall mdke ttiem.'indus:t \ To'Mr R 's remarks, that bapbsm is to 'be of Christ, not considermg that he was cir- a new meaDlng III the VlCW 1 trlOUS, thlrfty, orderly, tern-I, admiDlstered to none but belIevers; and ctlmmsed at eight days 'Old" !lIr S says, men had been wont to regll1 d them men have deetded, that if the perate, self-rrpeetll)g; whIch sball I that mfants are such, as being born of ChrIs- "It seems more reasonable to argue for lInchl1stJan Now the Jed planet f contlalfns a re'luefjst the unquench ble thIrst ;fo,r whIch had been unnotIced III our 0 the ma e actor's WI e, autI unfuld their nQw almost ondeveloped' ttan parents, are federally hoJr, and have a adult baptIsm froUl Chnst's adnlt baptism, h ts, the psalm'ls not InspIred mental and spiritual' faculties Proceeding' , I ight to the 01 dmance m right ofthmr fatber's than for infant baptism from Ohnst'R mfa,lt as reappeared The lost hymns have must beheve that the psalm is thus, With due regar\:llto ththr circumstances faIth, and are to be speedlly brougbt to the circumCIsion" found agam It IS a new proof of the provlded that It expresses a and capacities, not'lgnorIbg theIr 'P resentl I ordmRnce, and by no means to be demed It splration of the Bible, that so many of teclUe"t such calamltl(,s, then It IS logl·t'UIifitlleS8, but stflvmg to S replIes, that IS :Mr' R admIts that To Mr R's remark, "that Anabaptists teachmgs have been that the psalm does not ex· theIr dlsabllltills, we must do Ollr peat tp fi h aIC so called flom re-bapbzlllg, anrl now by the maltlal scenes of rt'CII1P',' for them, but rather an ac- prepare them or theIr posterity to enter Into alt , and a confeSSIOn of that falth, l8 neces- after two hundred Yl'ars have chnstened deducmg: the lessons taught Iqllie!!Celuq¢ III them The evidence for the all the prtvileges and blessIngs of an ad- sary to baptism, that as mfants have no h I ill1:oil:litiidil of tbe psalm is clearer than the vaneed civilization" ' f £ h . t emse ves, and will be called BaptIsts," I tbjlse n,,,,lm,,. the writer urges thelefrom Its apparent meaning is Its means 0 mam estmg t elr faitb, till they Mr S repites, "They suppose they may evmce it by their works nnd words-that of all active prosecutIOn of tberefure If It be needful to THE LITTLE ONES Ill' pjJ.AYEa-TIXE t: more properly call themselves Bapitsts, than tbe impOSSibility of a tme Jalt,f'rTlll.i'vp that the psalm is not M h h alth cometh by hearing-with the heart, he calls glviug a name chl'tStemn"', for be h.i,yin or else that it does not ut-, ore parents t an one ave ,. b I th t ht Ii "neutml , and at the woes of the tral'+hrs bons= In not bemg able to kfe p P'Il man e leve un 0 rig eousness, an With that III for the administratIOn of baptism tly W ,,- d 'f tbe mouth confeSSIOn is made unto salvation that these warhke vIews "''' 'no>"o a logICal right to interpret tbe qUIet urmg pra:yers. p dlppmg, may on that account more truly be WIth the merCIful a Spirit not of Ilnn g bIt of may not be , that fllith withont works.is dead, be- iii Baptist, than that '* \\ woes but of cordial g little nearly':' lUg alone, MI R must pardon the Anabap· gIven him, Inay fm that reason be said l\O SEUTMLlTY Thus ' m tists If tbey dare not numbeI mfants among be christened, or made a Christian I MI/on I neutral, when the contost IS drvine plan to afflict the small of blS tbe proper subjects of baptIsm, till he has custom has rendered It common to UBe chrJ" lovmg father on the one I'bous!lholl4l: of the trill tor, and thereby to P oved th t th bl f b . h " ultiituties who had otberwlse been r a ey are capa e 0 earlDg t e ahd nammg as conveltIb)e terms', children on the other! Gospel, so :\s to understand it, and embrace very Improperly', and It is .. ' pIty nPrih.IIJ the strife lS between an the treason TherefoIe, while the ter of t d k ". I .... benevolencfl and a naf."OW o",Ifij!II- n,nomtpT" run down mme cyes, 1 smg , ms I; an ma e a conleSSlOn name of Christ should be inonrt-" I'n a- g, bl t th ' d f = "" lDsplre' Psalmist would fatherless, agreen e 0 ose sentIments, an il shew_ word of profane and common liSe, alia ¢al: He looks above the a Widow mg their faIth by a suitable conversatIOn. the term that sigmfies the diVine work: ofl-tailsofithe ClJIIlO!lt, and SClze8 on the ::!iate Mr R had said tliat the apostles used to makmg a Christ18n, should be applied so ., he SlDgS- bap!lze whole househoIds, of which chIldren often merely t{) thehumaneiloremony of glv- I were a part; referring to the house of Lydia, " Ing a name of Stephanns, of the jlll!or, and of Corneh- ns Mr S shows clearly, tbat as the sacred I writers make no mention of infaots ID those households who were baptlzed, beheved God, and rejOIced, he had no right, or reason, to infer that those households contamed any. If it could be clearly proved that there were infants in all these faollhes, no necessary consequence could be drawn flOm thIS, that those mfalJts were baptIzed, smce It is a common mode of speaking, to say that of whole family, WhICh, in a strICt sense belougs This gentleman Will by no means allow the Anabaptists an older date than about d 'h That thel'oaole one hnndred an etg ty years, yet one of the sects be mentIOns, VIII, that of the He- mero-baptists, was a sect among the Jews, and are said to have been in the world about extOl tlOner catcb all tbat he hath, the strangers spOIL bls labor' stmed up hIS comrades to inhu- deeds, and so I rest sat- thIDe arrangement none to extend mercy unto him, N there be BOY favor to hiB fBtllerlel!8 chil- be cut off, following, let bl DISCOVERIES, glad," and lils sparkled Q,rJPc ran I I '. pay. ) ! There has been no ,Tllore ju hne, and every o1ornin!l' he comes for k Itiil$, ' A similar trial may " good effect ill otller cases A shgtit rewllid timely!lSeStow., ed, may prevent the necessity of a. heav.y In goverlllIlent of God oxer only punishes for evil, bnt reo I well domg Surely, ;it is tor" the great Ortginall-ehHllPGual' Bloomed wllb tbem while they were blooming, And With them sbe drooped and fell only to a greater part, or the prinCIpal uiem- 1.1<""0 Taylor, the celebrated traveler, H W '; ( 11 ) bers of it Thus it IS said," Elkanah, and be Je- up the results of modern dlscov tb all his house, went up to offer to the Lord gUilty of some of these errors saw one so ugly jh3.t. it he 'h .. i1 hi " R h h h d over all tbe earth. ' d t h h 1 6 t'T.! iI''' the yearly sacrifice and his vow" Yet 'We w c IUr . c arges on. t em ere an the last twenty-five years, all an eart, e coU not nd a lIul When the flowers agam ,hall )'I'aken, At \!!JI gentle vOice of spring, Slill her sleep will be untiroken, 'Along the flowCTl! 110 more she'll elDg But there comes a brighter dawning, O'er the wlnter of tbe lomb- Sbe Will waken on tbat morning, Wakeo to a bl ssful bloom MII:rON, February, 186! are told in the context that Hannah went elsewhere; IS the elTOr whICh any man en- one phrase, U confedff1'ate features of the geography .flf worn n sensible to \na'f& 'hitrl: 1 , . b d d 'h th t th suggested to many v 1st mterior regions have been ae- for tlie hopelessiy' plain lind not up, nor Samuel theIr child (1 Sam l' tertams, to e con oun e WIt e ru: the crImes of those States determmed; the great fields -" these tears I" IFnere claall.ofant 21, 1l2)' Mr R, to strengtben hiS asseltion ? Is wholesome of agaInst our TT ., - a have been traversed mcn who knolW> infant baptIsm adds that Peter told his converted mto the deadly pOison of destrue- the tmnper of the old Jewish sqng$!i d from Bokhllra lind Oxus to l'ci",i1it'nro lD hIS first "The promise tlve heresy, as Mr. R would persuade UB it battle agamst these ; tbe river systems to you and to your But this sometimbs happens? Where will he find a to secure our personal AmerIca bave been explored and 1 fc.rmllid, , h h' h Id h' h sectIOnal emolumeut ; not ID ; the ICy &ntinent around the wli ... t"v".'n'A.v iCit3tion' canuot answer tbe end for whIch It c urc m t e wor to w IC many errors orllsell'iVe our Umon as a mere secular has been dlscovered; the REV, JOSEPH STENNETT'S REPLY TO made, Dnless It can be shown that It was may not be imputed, If all the unsound to preserve It as an P-ilssage-the 19nts fatuus MR DAVID RUSSEN. a promise of baptism, ot of that whICh would tions embraced by stfne of Its throughout the ceiiiunes, 1S at last fonnd It wnuU\ be a fairreply give an immedll1te rIght to It j and thllt the must obe put to the account. of the of a to be IIlltlated IS stripped of its fabulous tenors. to Russen WIthout re-pub- chIldren here mentIoned slgUlfied infants hody I It IS certam tlie doctrme tbe embodIment of lIberal of the NIger is no longer a myth, , h ld b h A h the intellect more lsublime secret of the Nile IS almost ji8hing It in full ThIS would not be looked of whteh IS l'>ttempted The context as e y t. e as no. more exact, the from his keeping"; the Mountains i:WOI.IIl, Yor In the columns of a weekly periodical here snfficiently mdwates that the promise to lead men mto those extrll.vagan,mes the WIll more resolute sought for two thousand years, I sball, therefore, only 111m ill giving here mentioned IS the promise of the 'Holy would fasten on tbem That whICh onr natIOnal constItution beheld mlzed replies of Stennett to Mr Russen's Snirlt, whICh retElr declares to have been Mr. R's conduct towards_the An.,abapttsts in qUICken the growth of a leal lemarks E I d t t th t th to enlarge the compass of a fulfilled on the of Pentecost The pro. ng an ,more.B .[an,ge, J,8, a e to discipline the virtuous citi:zeri' In dlsposmg of Mr. mise is anrlexed to repentance and baptism of faIth -pubhshed, as weH as theIr reward in heaven than he w'o!lldl trees hiS cbarge to eogllge the Jews, to whom the selmons, suffiCIently declare that, at least, he were not 1ramed to ..fh;;nlr they eat ollt was ptoollblUg, to snb01lt to these duo a great body of ,bemtltre far from counten- to goveJD hunself, to schIsm, tIes, <hiS words testify, II Repent and ancmg those errors Which be Imputes to the own dren by be baptized. every one of you, m several.sects, by .names lVIII have blocka:dmg squadroJls at the name of Jesns Chtist, for the remiSSIon them To ponvlDce an Impartial and the mouth of every river of sins and ye shall rllCeIVe the gift el' of thIS, I only refer him to the mfantry at every hlgbway ithe Spirit, for the promlse 18 to you, fessiou of faith pnblis,lied by above a hun- we <lan prevent the children" &c. There seelDS dred congregatIOns of tbem ID Epgland and may stlengthen our foes for e,llI)fCl1, , th d d" d' h In laymg thIS embargo u to restrain the term to infants, If e ItlOn, prmte m t e year of the rebels, we are l;..I'lIt1il!:Jews and their. cliildren may/well that we have the terilper 'and their posterity, DS the Chll- "Aften all. 1IIr R has no more reasdn to tn hts ImprecatIOns, fur MEMORY. if a1'6 BO lfrequently mentioned thcise German Anabllptlsts ,to those for hIS prayers thus: Hamilton tells Bome hoge ... therScnptures And the promise apper' these have tothl'0W them li'tilrieiil'in his lectures on memory, Ben l'wa.fI'l, !UiEiCrtitin' to..Q,S many as Gild "hall call. bdlSom of the churoh :wbieh he 1··lOnIISqIl could not lonly J;epl1at all he thcmght," .. 'f h b h but :whole beok8 he IJ.I<lllrilliitIltJ', speaks agah\9t the iteratIOn (If mto/\4le commUDlon 0 many ot el' c urc • 1 d ".. facu ty, we shoul fray words, ",BaptLun mUllt be IlHmjnis- tbat are for pedobaptism -For if these 1: the full exercise 0 It 1'1 '11 .. ,"-" ... enell-it Imprints 'l\n peo'ple-wer\l only for adUlt uaptigm as well youth was employed in one the wblcli DeitMr 8S'tOO !\'il&!iaptists,bete< in Englalld, HUJY of Denmark, where part B\ihlsil'l, bet'esy, nor apostacy itself, were fbr sprinklillg, or pouring <In water accouuts havlUg been lost, be o,tit ,It it becomes tlot to him a toj!;l!n tbeY'Jil'etended to b&'ptlie, as wen " recqlIectioo, Se)lecl' ,:; I old age because he cannot, wvatianl it remaiWiIlp<lu bim th& present j thererore:the .n-na:. I : repeat two tbousand names .•..• "'1 ei:;erti:6il; """.' ft"'" ofllns I agree, ;th,at biptiatil wi1h wnGIn be has to ad, *e's" flit 1 were read to him j and avera (lUI'M lIot ,to. be administered' more Aibau ii'OIn tlie ,t,a;pti8m of tbliiif! when at hiB studies, let once 1I0t' diat nnconnected verses hfp.ving beilJl IlI>la/llwlll" IS to fill biit by different puplls of his pre, 1', / ,J' in a rever!1C4 twO! Whet er them, .wbieb'is DJOte tball"Jllr/R! "II the last to the first admjJllatered b, ,It- tbefl<lpf'etetfdild'bapt;slb;"wlieo A q retentive 'wbeUier infants are pNqiIll' ilie<ltjtapiiral ODe! tiiat-wjlS beftr and thmgs/ is an iovaluable t tre6l"t Let tbis gentleltlkn in'hia -.007iunf.NIlOre!' thrilC.,(iH()uT, may be had Iby, anyone :who wit

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Page 1: s3.amazonaws.comVol+18...TtlE J ~w OF NEWSPAPERS Mr S closes hiS review of the preface etc" Mr S first dIsposes of the mR,nv·hl\.rrlf A '181~:nUlnbt3r lof the Bihltotheca the chastIsement

\ I


~Iht Ittot"tttt PUBLI~HID WEEKI, Y

For the Proprieto;rs, AT WEstERLY, R. I.

G CHAMPLIN, EWrOlt .lNlJ~ .... IJlT "

E RgCOSDRa, lIB the OrJ!8ll of the SeveDlil-d1l7

--, , ____ 1 __ _

- ....... - ..... -"'" ... *.




Vol. Xvw.-No. 11. "Westerly. R. I., Fit1th.cJjt Whole No. 895.

~I't DonorolDatlOn, IB devot.d to Ihe 6pOOI\Iun ~'J nndlcstlon uf the VleWB and moVeJlleolll Clf t.l!al IlII I It alroB to promote Vila! plB'Y &lid vlllF.0~ ItOP e lenl actIOn at the same Ime Ilia' II urge! 000:­t<nevo to the co';maudmeuts of Gad od IIHi Ai .. of d"nc' lIs columns nre O~D to lite adv_y of lIlI ~,brtn"torY measures which seem Ukely to bDprove

of 8oCle~, dl1ftJ.se l!nowledge; rtltlilflb ~~~:J~;:~t :~: ;~~'~,;'~ai,eu, andllenhIlllO~.~tmeene?!'~=iS ~~~ " Onr Savionr's way, and that of John, was once prove that the ordmance of baritisllDllllEift':i.i ~d there will be u .#fifi9io}"A~!faigi~'i~" y Inle Igence uep_ ~, 'k . . ILolt~:~rrnl'u matler adapted to tbe WIllIIS Bfid tillites of to ml/o e dIsciples first, and then to baptlze can be duly administered without dippiul!' TItoI'Bnil may warm the p:Il88 to life, tbem and tb8IcaUBe of freledom : ;.pi~*~~~~~~(;;;~hi:kii~~D.:~:

I. r: dew tl e drooping Hower h' A every ch,'s of rea?ers. t • tb RBcoaDIlR are' them j for" Jesus made and baptlzea. more and that infants are proper subjects of It grow bngbt lIud walcb the Hi"rnt not oll t 18 ~be Terms 01 onbscflp Ion ,or e • d' • I, h J Th throughout tho w"rld' T~o no lIars per year, payable In advaooe. BubllcriP. iflclDles 1 an obn" 5 e COmmiSSIon lD and then it WIll follow that the .analoa~ • .tIStS opemog hour; ... ... " ,

" v will be Ii bI ~ _II .... !\ b 11th f k d Will suft'er, for it to lIOU8 u~~~~~e~~hiJ:t~h:~~~' Snbscn~~hing~ !illOtbb~1 parallel text plainly. directs that are guilty of re-baptlzing They plofess rtno: ~re I~e~ess, men look for an pn'rllr"J i~~:~mue theIr papt>rs, must pay .n arre.r~lanG tesc lDg ought to precede baptIsm: .. Preach be agamst the iteration or baptlsm , .ummer time, a practical, a. "utlly tbe publi,her to that etl'eel Payments "'~'A~ the Gospel to every creature' be that be· they rue fur hanng it once duly admmister- the dew, Therefore, all ")llercifo;1 I . " Kuowledged In the papet so l1li to JU"""'W ,. ' al ~ )~~. 'is:~J~i:1 rut l' I I :~!\~~:Cto whlC'Ii Ihey r:ach, Ii • Ie ~ th heves, and IS baptIzed, shall be sa~ed" 6 ed to evelY behever, acc(!rdmg to...o1ll Sa- V! ll~ef tnfg( ~c~I~f' ~

Ad,ertlseJne:lts,ofac aracterno o~nBl8 D WI The practice of the apost1esabundantly con- viour's instructIOn. or ,an 0 -llers '~IDff b ectS of the paper, wIll be loserte ... al the rate of \ 1rtbes, we call on our.. Iifelt:rrffi\:i1'1r

:,~~ ~e~ut' per IlDe lor the firsl IDsertiou, ant Ib~ee .:i~nts firms this They taught the people to re- After this, Mr. R. says, "This IS the Illegal and unreasonable re- the Stlltefr jjJiin Bome rqeBllufll Y,

pi r l!~~I~ur.:al~ :~::h: ~;s~::on A f~ disco~:; pent, beheve, and then to be baptized, and eral doctl ine of the sacrament of baptism, It cannot be stayed without the accountable, mlly Iloon I>IDJ;: .into ~ d~J1 ' :~;\~~. made 10 tuose advertlslDg largely or by th:'J.e&r. we read of none bemg a.dmltted to baptism, practiced by the universa.l Cbn~tlan church and blood, let the )o~s "".~. misery than evell .tbllE qaye klJOWlli ~!J! p.1t

Cummn lIcatlOUS, ord~s, and l'tlDUttances, I!ho d be but those who made a profession of repent- ever smce the apostles, tIll men of corrupt be stayed Without inflicting come not OIl\Y vicious, bot un~overnao~e ~Ddc dOl cted 10 the Publlshlllg Ageot, E G. OJLlllPLL'I, d' h of the law on very dangerons 'The hcople 01 tBil'N'~tb We lerly I, I - ance all lalt prlncl'ples have brougbt I'n many l'lJtOvati'Dnflir'l IIlPBEOATORY PSALMS. h I c; /:' b r , .. jng:lea,ilel: lin t e revo t, we gneve lor owe at least tbos much to the su 1lldt ~

TtlE J ~w OF NEWSPAPERS Mr S closes hiS review of the preface etc" Mr S first dIsposes of the mR,nv·hl\.rrlf A '181~:nUlnbt3r lof the Bihltotheca the chastIsement. WIll" pie of the South-that tbeir condItIon sbt.Il 1.snbi'Cllbe,.whodonotgiveexpreI!8DOtl\letot~e With tillS remark. That though Mr R had names which Mr R had assocIated With .I;otltliltl8\\;lfl intllrestmg lind somewhat in the time of and not betba worse f~rourim'l\,ioJl,

eontrary are conoldered as Wl8hinlt to cont\f1u, theu. ~;t.~:~~~!~:~~!~~:t,~C~:, II The in the tIme of war, apd d 1 f, 1 . d ffilbseriptlon' , I elr no hope of convmcmg the Anabaptists, by AnabaptIsts, by showmg that tile OIl .an contro ormer y exerCise Z If slIo'Cl'lber. order Ilie discontlnDDce of til f th' b t' d' h B Ii Id h <>~. the Light of tbe.~:~tla~t~r;~~~~~~I~~;~~,lf he be given up to tbi!! (~g;I~i~.~~i~?i:~~~;~~~~~~~!'~'~::~~' PIP''"' publi,hers may contlDue to eend theJll untilalJ. reasoll 0 elr 0 s macy an Ignorance, e aptists e not mg lD common '!VIm p, h« must endure not only pain 1Ie,,,,f1ftr

Hnn" due arc pmd hoped he should have better success wltb sects bearing those names, 3nd the:refBtp.:A '"'''.''''''''U1I, hy Rev Edwards A Park, Ignommy Unr tears How for ~'h~a~i~t~;~~3r~' 3 If ,nb crlbers neglect or reftlBe to take their pa. one of Mr, R's learr.ing and candor, Upon could not be J'ustly reproached with in Andover TheologICal b t 't 11 res here- f I ~ d!~ 1.1 pc" Ii'om the office to which they are directed, they d f h u 1 WI P eserv n, 0 p ~JDest 411 .. we woo""

"re beld natil tbey have patd what Is due, Mr R.'s remarks in hts first chapter upon errot's. IDlny, an one 0 t e editors of the" theft, from perJory, not fall below those of whose di.~eg4r~&f lOd discontinned b ' 'fi t r ba db' theca" The Imprecatory ; and let it come But If he hum ... n rights mallY of os !\I'e accuswt1 to

4 to othef places WIthout in- t e sIgm ca IOn a ipto, an apttzo, III Respecttng such as deferred theIr baptism h' hi, h I 1 h f h .,.,. ~ , " t t t III t to t e ega pums ment 0 IS speak in strong terms, if we would 110 B~~nd

and the papt>r Is sent to tile wblch he admItted 00..-.10 properly signifies to theIr dying hOtlr, and othet's who dela,ye<I.I w IC c'10 am a reques ,or ID I a e a Id II b S' th 1 d h e;c:- d "'t I 1" I en WI e la er ess an IS convicted before them nn before Gild o£ The lI"v t1eCI~r?s ~~:{b:~~ r;::~S1~oeWilom a pe- to dip or plltnge, but that bapttzo, Its denva- It till they are thirty )eal s uf age, who Mr or even 3. WllImgness, that moral /lgents It IS a terrible woe Bnt that spurious 'PIlllanthropy of whIch we have

lIoilie.1 ""nt, IS responsible for \laymenl, if he fI!. tive, had a WIder range, and slgmfies any R enumerated among his heretICs, Mr S reo chastlse!l er pUUlshed-ha.e been not a few only, but been accused, we most ece to It thtl t4jl~c celV" the paper, or makes nse of It, evefl If lie l1iJI k' d f b' h th b d' , • deemed ~DconslBtent With the mIlder wIll be fatherless; not IIlai'es.mm Bomethmg hlY ~xchanving OI"rv

/. ,"versubserlbedfoflt,orhasorderedltltopped. Bis lD 0 wa~ mg, weer y Ippmg, rms· marks, that lIr R speaks of the cl!11c~ .. ~ H .... - 1':JJ'r dnly tn Auch "case IS, not to take ~e pa.per froa the mg. washing, or springling, Mr S replies, (chnICs) which Signifies 81Ok, or bed rIdden of our r1hglOn "They may have had but hundieds of wives wlll be tude for ltberty W,e ])lust actuaIl~ reeerve office ur persou to whom the paper IS sent, but, to no- "A d h-I h . b I use dS alwar trumpet III the shock of an government must be upheld; these black m\lll into the great human family ,ry the pubhsher that he does not wish It n w lee gives apbzo a srger latl- people j some of whom were not baptl7.ed b *tl ,; h f h hIS hou, sebo.ld be left desolate to which we allow they J:je!ong: we must -=-=-=======::-i:=====- tude, he I'ndeed restral'ns I't to wllat he calls t II th d h b t h d ave, says t e wnter 0 t ese te h th II L c _ __ _ I ey wele near eat j u c ose to e- IS Clime on e ga OWB, teach them how to 1i1"e lti'thatrteedom w:hicn, n

a mundlfymg act by wate¥, and sometImes fer their baptism when they were in a state cles upon them, " when the soldiers of become vagabonds and beg up to this time, we itave not peen)WiJling to ] or the Recorder

OUR LITTLE !ALICE. Wben tbe earth In snow lay sbrooded,

On a brlgbt December day, '1 bell our own dear httle Ahce,

To tbe grove was borne away; Borne ucross tbe very tbseshbold,

W nere BO oft 10 grief or glee, ~'elllter patterlDg httle footstep., •

Tn her haste to come to me

How I ml"S tbose httle footstep', When the dnyhl:ht fodes away,

ComIng oft With" Mamma, take me, ' , As sue wearied of ber play,

How I miss the fond cnresslDg, Of those soft aod ttDy arms,

That vOice sa]mg, " Ma, I love yon All ber own pecohar charms.

How I DUSS her, when we're gathered At the honr of mornlDg prayer,

Willi my Blole laid before ber Koeehng at her httle chair,

How I ml,s her merry chatter, All tbe lonely, weary days,

Mi's ber JOYous rmgmg laughter, And ber hltle wlfisome ways

That sweet verse sbe loved so dearly, AOII would say With reverence deep,

i:ltm I setfltt t.o h~a.r- her _,.lag--, Now I lay me down to sleep ,"

nut that httle VOice is Silent, Lonely hours no more 'twill cheer

1 hOllgh ~o oft I start and listen, SccmlDg still that vOice to hear,

Darhng child' bow much I miss her, Everywhere, in everything;

1 es, I mISs her own sweet mUSIC, That no Olber tone can brmg

How those 11 ttle half-worn garments Fill my eyes With bhndmg tears;

Smce the preCIous form that wore tbem, In our midst no more appear-

W ceplDg, oft I VIew tbe impress Of ber band 80 fair and arnall,

Where In playluln>ss sbe laid It On the newly plastered wall

Now Ihat btlle hand hes mouldermg In the grave so dark and cold;

Though a flower of fadlDg beanty, StilI those httle fingers huld

l,'ke the Vines that wreatbe!1 our wlDdows, Through the summer'a genial hoOfS,

So she grew and tWlDed about U8,

Fragile JlS the summer flowers; It wai nicet she should be like tbem,

For she loved the flowers so well ,

to dye in colors; whereas dlppmg, whICh lS of health But theIr delay, and that of others, were ndt ripe for gentler words; but it . at tbelr misery. We fort!- (lr, if wllhng to cPnQ(it 1I0t &hlp J

lof a mueh larger extent, comprehends as of Gregory Nazlan,en, Chrysoswln, Am."jn'~P1n""iI that we are to look upon of It, we entreated hl!U to sp:ore tosecurethem T~elr.l'~bj;Wpro rWj!;l014 washing: as one of the consequences of It L. d A II gaze at the helmets and coats off8prm~, StIli, unless In theIr persons ~:ul in, the.prodl cts ot their' ~ u,ose, au 1!gustlne, as we as Constantine h h 1 now rebuked WIth all the empha- labor, and also fbe,rigllts.of famllYJ ma"' be Tingo and baptlzo SignIfy the same thing, the Emperor, who submitted not to thiS or- are ung up m t e museum law allows, every hIli lind dale lionsidered as IIlready l'edq/tllitied, I wi ah! tbat IS, to dtp, whether m water or m colors; dmance till they were adults, though born There are crises m hfe, echo and re-echo With the cry now called upon to provlQe f{J\'; tlieir edUC3" and these words are not used to denote one f Ch' . h h brmg ont the hidden uses W"UU''r~ll" chtldren Then let his httle tlOn, "nd that In the,~liI .. g" s=se ,. fl"'"uch I o rlsttan parents, S OWl> t at mfant bap- I" ", "H~ ~u H"".". lIquid more than another ,. but to si-ify the II of the Bible liS had seemed to and beg, rather than t lat lin edupat10n as ma~eB them .. afe II)'ld PKO~t, ,,~ bsm was not umversa y received But It f lid b tte d p r: ~ action of dlppmg or Immersion III any liquid k I h 1.1 ' an·tlqU!l1lea, SlIIce the commencement 0 t Ie ~n e sca re, able servants, but such as IS re9-uired by

IS remar Rb e t at r R says, 'In defemng the b II h I With thelI babe.s from t~e other moral beings livIng in jlUm:in' socji#!j. I wlllltsocver their baptIsm, they alluded to tIle prlLcticel re e lOll, t e mplecatory wluch bnllg famme 1D theIr an education, which shall mdke ttiem.'indus:t


To'Mr R 's remarks, that bapbsm is to 'be of Christ, not considermg that he was cir- ~ained a new meaDlng III the VlCW 1 trlOUS, thlrfty, slllf·~upport!Og, orderly, tern-I, admiDlstered to none but belIevers; and ctlmmsed at eight days 'Old" !lIr S says, men had been wont to regll1 d them men have deetded, that if the perate, self-rrpeetll)g; whIch sball exc~w

I that mfants are such, as being born of ChrIs- "It seems more reasonable to argue for lInchl1stJan Now the Jed planet ~bj~stisnemlntehllt f contlalfns a re'luefjst the unquench ble thIrst ;fo,r Imptove~ejJt. whIch had been unnotIced III our !~ 0 the ma e actor's WI e, autI unfuld their nQw almost ondeveloped' ttan parents, are federally hoJr, and have a adult baptIsm froUl Chnst's adnlt baptism, h ts, the psalm'ls not InspIred mental and spiritual' faculties Proceeding' , I ight to the 01 dmance m right ofthmr fatber's than for infant baptism from Ohnst'R mfa,lt as reappeared The lost hymns have must beheve that the psalm is thus, With due regar\:llto ththr circumstances faIth, and are to be speedlly brougbt to the circumCIsion" found agam It IS a new proof of the inRnit,~i1 provlded that It expresses a and capacities, not'lgnorIbg theIr 'Presentl

I ordmRnce, and by no means to be demed It splration of the Bible, that so many of teclUe"t such calamltl(,s, then It IS logl·t'UIifitlleS8, but honea~ly stflvmg to r~ovo ~fr S replIes, that IS :Mr' R admIts that To Mr R's remark, "that Anabaptists teachmgs have been that the psalm does not ex· theIr dlsabllltills, we must do Ollr peat tp fi h aIC so called flom re-bapbzlllg, anrl now by the maltlal scenes of rt'CII1P',' for them, but rather an ac- prepare them or theIr posterity to enter Into alt , and a confeSSIOn of that falth, l8 neces- after two hundred Yl'ars have chnstened deducmg: the lessons taught Iqllie!!Celuq¢ III them The evidence for the all the prtvileges and blessIngs of an ad-

sary to baptism, that as mfants have no h I ~ ill1:oil:litiidil of tbe psalm is clearer than the vaneed civilization" ' f £ h . t emse ves, and will be called BaptIsts," I tbjlse n,,,,lm,,. the writer urges thelefrom Its apparent meaning is Its

means 0 mam estmg t elr faitb, till they Mr S repites, "They suppose they may evmce it by their works nnd words-that of all active prosecutIOn of tberefure If It be needful to THE LITTLE ONES Ill' pjJ.AYEa-TIXE t: more properly call themselves Bapitsts, than tbe impOSSibility of a tme Jalt,f'rTlll.i'vp that the psalm is not M h h • alth cometh by hearing-with the heart, he calls glviug a name chl'tStemn"', for be h.i,yin or else that it does not ut-, ore parents t an one ave jeltple~p,le;l:ed ,.

b I th t ht Ii "neutml , and at the woes of the tral'+hrs bons= In not bemg able to kfep P'Il man e leve un 0 rig eousness, an With that III for the administratIOn of baptism tly W ,,- d 'f tbe mouth confeSSIOn is made unto salvation that these warhke vIews "''' 'no>"o a logICal right to interpret tbe qUIet urmg pra:yers. p tb~m

dlppmg, may on that account more truly be WIth the merCIful a Spirit not of Ilnng bIt of ~xperlenee may not be !I~!!~~:~!t.t , that fllith withont works.is dead, be- iii Baptist, than ~ that '* \\ nBlIl!e'~,{)~ii.GI~rij!ti~mil;y woes but of cordial g little nearly':' lUg alone, MI R must pardon the Anabap· gIven him, Inay fm that reason be said l\O SEUTMLlTY Thus ' mer~D!:Y m tists If tbey dare not numbeI mfants among be christened, or made a Christian I MI/on I neutral, when the contost IS drvine plan to afflict the small of blS "8~, tbe proper subjects of baptIsm, till he has custom has rendered It common to UBe chrJ" lovmg father on the one I'bous!lholl4l: of the trill tor, and thereby to ~ave P

oved th t th bl f b . h " ultiituties who had otberwlse been r a ey are capa e 0 earlDg t e ahd nammg as conveltIb)e terms', children on the other!

Gospel, so :\s to understand it, and embrace very Improperly', and It is .. ' pIty nPrih.IIJ the strife lS between an the treason TherefoIe, while the ter of t d k

". I .... benevolencfl and a naf."OW o",Ifij!II- n,nomtpT" run down mme cyes, 1 smg , ms I; an ma e a conleSSlOn name of Christ should be inonrt-" I'n a- g,

bl t th ' d f = "" '~J lDsplre' Psalmist would c~lldr!!D'" fatherless,

agreen e 0 ose sentIments, an il shew_ word of profane and common liSe, alia ¢al: He looks above the D1SW)!1~: a Widow mg their faIth by a suitable conversatIOn. the term that sigmfies the diVine work: ofl-tailsofithe ClJIIlO!lt, and SClze8 on the "U'!'~'-"Ut~:I~ob~~;1"~fsov~~~~~~:rrd ::!iate Mr R had said tliat the apostles used to makmg a Christ18n, should be applied so ., he SlDgS-bap!lze whole househoIds, of which chIldren often merely t{) thehumaneiloremony of glv-

I were a part; referring to the house of Lydia, " Ing a name of Stephanns, of the jlll!or, and of Corneh-ns Mr S shows clearly, tbat as the sacred

I writers make no mention of infaots ID those households who were baptlzed, beheved God, and rejOIced, he had no right, or reason, to infer that those households contamed any. If it could be clearly proved that there were infants in all these faollhes, no necessary consequence could be drawn flOm thIS, that those mfalJts were baptIzed, smce It is a common mode of speaking, to say that of whole family, WhICh, in a strICt sense belougs

This gentleman Will by no means allow Th~y the Anabaptists an older date than about

d 'h That thel'oaole one hnndred an etg ty years, yet one of the sects be mentIOns, VIII, that of the He­mero-baptists, was a sect among the Jews, and are said to have been in the world about

extOl tlOner catcb all tbat he hath, the strangers spOIL bls labor' stmed up hIS comrades to inhu-

".n,~Ii,plpnt.1p.R deeds, and so I rest sat­thIDe arrangement

(~"lfb!~t none to extend mercy unto him, N there be BOY favor to hiB fBtllerlel!8 chil-

be cut off, following, let tbCl~ n~me bl


glad," and lils e~Bjjfairly sparkled "a~18faqttO'n,'!lw, Q,rJPc ran ~o I I '. pay. ) ! There has been no ,Tllore ,~rouble ju t9~i'

hne, and every o1ornin!l' he comes for k Itiil$, ' A similar trial may La"~ " good effect ill otller cases A shgtit rewllid timely!lSeStow., ed, may prevent the necessity of a. heav.y p)lIl'Sq!ID~ii~, In ~he goverlllIlent of God oxer

only punishes for evil, bnt reo I well domg Surely, ;it is saf~ tor" ~ the great Ortginall-ehHllPGual'

Bloomed wllb tbem while they were blooming, And With them sbe drooped and fell

only to a greater part, or the prinCIpal uiem- 1.1<""0 Taylor, the celebrated traveler, H W '; ( ~ 11 I~ ~ ) bers of it Thus it IS said," Elkanah, and be Je- up the results of modern dlscov uglyo::~:_l ~II:!.;();~; tb ::~, ;:~: all his house, went up to offer to the Lord bav,~been gUilty of some of these errors saw one so ugly ye~ jh3.t. it he 'h .. i1 br~\n"

hi " R h h h d over all tbe earth. ' d t h h 1 6 t'T.! iI''' the yearly sacrifice and his vow" Yet 'We w c IUr . c arges on. t em ere an the last twenty-five years, all an eart, e coU not nd a ~ElIIU lIul When the flowers agam ,hall )'I'aken, At \!!JI gentle vOice of spring,

Slill her sleep will be untiroken, 'Along the flowCTl! 110 more she'll elDg

But there comes a brighter dawning, O'er the wlnter of tbe lomb-

Sbe Will waken on tbat morning, Wakeo to a bl ssful bloom

MII:rON, February, 186!


are told in the context that Hannah went elsewhere; IS the elTOr whICh any man en- one phrase, U confedff1'ate features of the geography .flf worn n sensible e~ough to \na'f& 'hitrl: 1 'nli~ , . b ~ d d 'h th t th suggested to many v 1st mterior regions have been ae- for tlie hopelessiy' plain lind 1iumetyl'fji~8

not up, nor Samuel theIr child (1 Sam l' tertams, to e con oun e WIt e ru: the crImes of those States determmed; the great fields -" these tears I" IFnere 1I~!;a claall.ofant 21, 1l2)' Mr R, to strengtben hiS asseltion ? Is ~he wholesome sw~etness of confed~rate" agaInst our TT ., - ct:d~~~J';~ a have been traversed mcn who knolW>

infant baptIsm adds that Peter told his converted mto the deadly pOison of destrue- the tmnper of the old Jewish sqng$!i d from Bokhllra lind Oxus to 1!t.t·!'/WWW~~.;for,,me,q.-~.t:b~t.;Ql.eP; l'ci",i1it'nro lD hIS first s~rmon "The promise tlve heresy, as Mr. R would persuade UB it battle agamst these ; tbe hlll~-/tnown river systems

to you and to your chIld~eIfl" But this sometimbs happens? Where will he find a to secure our personal AmerIca bave been explored and 1 fc.rmllid, , h h' h Id h' h sectIOnal emolumeut ; not ID ; the ICy &ntinent around the wli ... t"v".'n'A.v

iCit3tion' canuot answer tbe end for whIch It c urc m t e wor to w IC many errors orllsell'iVe our Umon as a mere secular has been dlscovered; the REV, JOSEPH STENNETT'S REPLY TO made, Dnless It can be shown that It was may not be imputed, If all the unsound to preserve It as an P-ilssage-the 19nts fatuus

MR DAVID RUSSEN. a promise of baptism, ot of that whICh would tions embraced by stfne of Its throughout the ceiiiunes, 1S at last fonnd It wnuU\ be dlfficul~toglve a fairreply give an immedll1te rIght to It j and thllt the must obe put to the account. of the of a ~epubhc to be IIlltlated IS stripped of its fabulous tenors.

Mr~ S~ennett to ~fr Russen WIthout re-pub- chIldren here mentIoned slgUlfied infants hody I It IS certam tlie doctrme tbe embodIment of lIberal of the NIger is no longer a myth, , h ld b h A h the intellect more lsublime secret of the Nile IS almost ji8hing It in full ThIS would not be looked of whteh IS l'>ttempted The context as e y t. e nabaptis~, as no. more exact, the from his keeping"; the Mountains i:WOI.IIl,

Yor In the columns of a weekly periodical here snfficiently mdwates that the promise to lead men mto those extrll.vagan,mes the WIll more resolute sought for two thousand years, I sball, therefore, only 111m ill giving here mentioned IS the promise of the 'Holy would fasten on tbem That whICh onr natIOnal constItution beheld mlzed replies of Stennett to Mr Russen's Snirlt, whICh retElr declares to have been Mr. R's conduct towards_the An.,abapttsts in qUICken the growth of a leal lemarks E I d t t th t th to enlarge the compass of a

fulfilled on the ~ay of Pentecost The pro. ng an ~e ,more.B .[an,ge, J,8, a e co~- to discipline the virtuous citi:zeri' In dlsposmg of Mr. mise is anrlexed to repentance and baptism fes~lon of faIth -pubhshed, as weH as theIr reward in heaven than he w'o!lldl

trees hiS cbarge to eogllge the Jews, to whom the apost1~ selmons, suffiCIently declare that, at least, he were not 1ramed to ..fh;;nlr

they eat ollt was ptoollblUg, to snb01lt to these duo a great body of ,bemtltre far from counten- to goveJD hunself, to schIsm, tIes, II~ <hiS words testify, II Repent and ancmg those errors Which be Imputes to the own :~n:~lr:l~~~ hIT~:!~~re dren by be baptized. every one of you, m several.sects, by ~ho~e .names ~e lVIII have blocka:dmg squadroJls at the name of Jesns Chtist, for the remiSSIon them ca~led To ponvlDce an Impartial and the mouth of every river

of sins and ye shall rllCeIVe the gift el' of thIS, I ~eed only refer him to the mfantry at every hlgbway ithe Hol~ Spirit, for the promlse 18 to you, fessiou of faith pnblis,lied by above a hun- we <lan prevent the

children" &c. There seelDS dred congregatIOns of tbem ID Epgland and may stlengthen our foes for e,llI)fCl1, I~nl(lit,~y()ur' , th d d" d' h In laymg thIS embargo u

'Iir~iast)ll to restrain the term to infants, If e ItlOn, prmte m t e year of the rebels, we are l;..I'lIt1il!:Jews and their. cliildren may/well that we have the terilper

.4ijil.e~~lii',r,ovel'tbeir..CtEI~1ty'l:thems,elves 'and their posterity, DS the Chll- "Aften all. 1IIr R has no more reasdn to tn hts ImprecatIOns, fur l!e·un;loltl~ MEMORY. childf,IiI1"M~ if Israe~ a1'6 BO lfrequently mentioned thcise German Anabllptlsts ,to those for hIS prayers thus: Hamilton tells Bome hoge

.~f.~'Ii; ... therScnptures And the promise apper' these have tothl'0W them jDtal~'H)';lif!~~~,::~~ollll'l~'~~".c..~! li'tilrieiil'in his lectures on memory, Ben l'wa.fI'l, !UiEiCrtitin' to..Q,S many as Gild "hall call. bdlSom of the churoh ~ :wbieh he belllilgs~ Th'~~~t~!;~:~,~~~~;'I~~~;na 1··lOnIISqIl could not lonly J;epl1at all he :ua<~'I·;' thcmght," '1!/I.id:'~he,prteQeher ..

~" 'f h b h i*"WJtj.t~D, but :whole beok8 he had,.~,,!!,,+,.'1 IJ.I<lllrilliitIltJ', speaks agah\9t the iteratIOn (If mto/\4le commUDlon 0 many ot el' c urc • 1 d ".. ~~.~~~ facu ty, we shoul fray n,l!lt~ir~,\Mc,:p(~(

words, ",BaptLun mUllt be IlHmjnis- tbat are for pedobaptism -For if these 1: the full exercise 0 It 1'1 '11 .. ,"-" ...

enell-it Imprints 'l\n j~4.~lible peo'ple-wer\l only for adUlt uaptigm as well youth was employed in one ~R.~;-,~!~M~iJj!~;,:4j :ntli~~Witbldld>~tbg:llobl~ral~ter/u[lQn the ~el'sonl wblcli DeitMr 8S'tOO !\'il&!iaptists,bete< in Englalld, HUJY p~lli~.loffices of Denmark, where part

B\ihlsil'l, bet'esy, nor apostacy itself, were fbr sprinklillg, or pouring <In water ~ accouuts havlUg been lost, be o,tit ,It it becomes tlot to him a toj!;l!n 'bo~ tbeY'Jil'etended to b&'ptlie, as wen " 1!I~Qred:~t bi~ recqlIectioo, Se)lecl'

,:; I ~;~~t~'ili;:t~E old age because he cannot, wvatianl it remaiWiIlp<lu bim ~ ~BtimOI!.Y th& present ~bapttstB j thererore:the .n-na:. I: repeat two tbousand names .•..• "'1 ei:;erti:6il; """.' ft"'" ofllns oo1\l\el'\n,"io~.~ I agree, ;th,at bapt~~ biptiatil wi1h wnGIn be has to ad, *e's" flit 1 c~m$!11 orllel"~,ev were read to him j and avera tb8i~I~'Or;wbom e:~::~~~:%:!~:~~ (lUI'M lIot ,to. be administered' more Aibau ii'OIn lJatlk'Jiowledgill~1 tlie ,t,a;pti8m of tbliiif! when at hiB studies, let once 1I0t' >the-qtteat'ionl'liet'W~n diat 'lia:dJ"4)":llIbl~'w ~)f nnconnected verses hfp.ving beilJl IlI>la/llwlll"

IS to fill rrl\lill~ed'; biit pr~'nq~lnC!ld by different puplls of his pre, f~~j~f!1dI1tl!;CJ!D~ 1', / ,J' ..Jl'tI,.,,,,~. 1~,al,IO'ilIt;a-".to,,,sle~E~,:lne.u~a,~~,~:!~;:' L~!R~~~;;~;e~~:;~~~l~tllem in a rever!1C4 or·r!~~~~g~ ""!"'V~¥ twO! Whet er b~p- them, .wbieb'is DJOte tball"Jllr/R! nlW~!!~ "II the last to the first u~

admjJllatered b, ,It- tbefl<lpf'etetfdild'bapt;slb;"wlieo :'~i!~~II~!~~~~~~!~~~~~~~ ~:~:~~~~~j;i A q retentive mem()11:,'~ ~~~~~~~:t::~==~il,l~ 'wbeUier infants are pNqiIll' ilie<ltjtapiiral ODe! tiiat-wjlS beftr and thmgs/ is an iovaluable ttre6l"t 1:~tAed l"irt.'lle'CI~ai11!~ 18dlijel~;hr'JbapUilll~'? Let tbis gentleltlkn in'hia -.007iunf.NIlOre!' thrilC.,(iH()uT, may be had Iby, anyone :who wit QIl-':t~lIJIi'ljj;7d,

Page 2: s3.amazonaws.comVol+18...TtlE J ~w OF NEWSPAPERS Mr S closes hiS review of the preface etc" Mr S first dIsposes of the mR,nv·hl\.rrlf A '181~:nUlnbt3r lof the Bihltotheca the chastIsement




lit ., .t bidden; but neither of those days are de- ing every by the palltor, The rapid increase of the 1, t l!!!. t t 0' t '" t r . signated as Sabbaths They are days of increaserl seriousness and the encourage- no Sabbath" system is domg send you for pubhca-

, 'I .~. "holy convocatioIl," and so is II the morrow ment 01 a good attendance the bands of moral obllig!ttic'll, land of several PCfoUIl- J( ~clttly lVIISTE£t.Y, .. I, FI!TB DAY, Wl!CII 18, U62. after the seventh Sabbath." They are alike With a little pains for a and God's law It dl)c¢:~~ei~ I am so often called to mInister more r in character, but not called Sabbaths, If standing for the preaching and conference I would make no occasions, to sympathize with the

~B OF DANGllB ~D GODLY FEAR. they were intended for Sabbaths, would not exercises, our Quarterly Meetings may ai- sectarianism, yet we not and offer the consolations of OOlllGBESS. F~ar of danger and godly fear differ so God have named them 80? He has so nam- ways be seasons 01 intense mterest, aud truth is always and entirely the solemnities of death cannot An elaborate tax bill has been prepared

widell in ~eir nature and origin, as to pre- ed the first, tenth, fifteenth, and twenty-thIrd thorough rehglOus profit to the churches, The Sabbath of Jehovah can from my mind Last yellr I and presented by the Ways .mil Means elude a deflnition that embraces the two of the seventh montb, but they are not calI. Brethren and sisters of this in common Wlth the "no Sabb,~th funeral sermons for thlrty-eight Committee, A bnl has also been preijented They~are both emotions; one, occasioned by ed four Sflbbtltlis, all in the fOlmer cllse, ing, let us devote outsclvcs renewedl.1 to or to-day, and his perfect law knpwsldiil[e~!~n~1 persons. 'fhe sad partings, the for confiscating tbe property of rehels Th. the apprehension of an evil i the otlier, by a where they are called seven Sabbaths The Lord, and pray earnestf): that OUf next I witL the" no law" of of hands, whIle fond mothers and pay of army chaplains lnis been fixed at knowledge of the good, Both are accom- feast of unleavened hread continued seven sion may be even more1bleased and glorious Now, if we "loosen have clung to thpJ! dear, but $1,~OO a year. The President read the fol panied by a delilre ; one, to avoid the evil; days, and always embraced one, and only than the one uow enjoyed W l[ J, • these, can there be any exclaiming, " How' 0 how can ~owmg m~~sage to Congress on thp 6th the other, to cleave to the good, They are, one, Sabbath, and beside this It embraced WALWORTH, WIS" February 25, 1862 result 9 I fear that in OUI 9" are scenes that c~n never fade Illst. then,both passions; one, painful, the other, two days of "holy convocation," wbich, if , for Sunday-keeping brethlcn, we memory The bill of mortality for Fellow-clU .... ofth. SeDO'. aDd Ho,,". ofR.p, ..... taU\"

pleasant. they were Sabbllths, would make the feast THOUGHTS BY THE WAY-SIDE,---NO.I0, lost sight of the command to .. Cry year tas begun to be WrItten I recommend the adoption of a JOInt rellQ. A bi'u~animal may fear danger, but noue contalD three Sabbatbs Now only one Sab- Having given the figures I new proceed and spare not" But of tbis, anon the names of SIX already h~t~~b~~!~:[I;:0~~t:w~0~le8, whICh shall

other th,\n ~pirifual beings can experience bath is named in the law from which to com- to show, in my opinion, so~e of tbe causes Next a glllnce at the future note book Whose name shall be Besoved, That the United States ought tll godly ,fear, The,former f~eling, therefore, is me~ce to number seven, thus ,clear~y indl- whIch have produced our decline, I propose I A H catiJ,loghe? Who goes next to oo-operate wit~ OfJ State whICh may adopt lI,0metime8 an animal passIon; but the latter catmg the weekl:y Sabbath, wInch might oc· to seek them mainly III ollr change of char- MISSIONARIES FOR PORT account 1 Of whom is It written a gradual abohsllment of Slavery, glVlng to i& purely spiritual. Objects, both animate and cur on eIther of the seven feast days, and acter If I mIstake not the days of our I I' h . thou shalt die 7" Perhaps tha~ such S,tate pe~uniary aid to be used bY"such . , , b f h h h S bb h 'The steamer At antIC, w wh 18 State m Its discretIOn to compensate for the IDaDlmllt~, mlay occah810n the. formrerh ~t the ;omd w ~e t e ~even R a\: wherefi n~m- greatest prosperity, both in numbers and spir- sail fr(JJm New York for Port Royal lady, or that tboughtless young inconvemences public and private ploduced absolute IS a ways t e occasIOn 0 t e atter, ere n no ot ler way cou t e ftwth Ituality were the davs of our greatest sim. I 'II k' h, what a fearful thing it will be for by such Ichange of system J

' . d h h ''J my stores WI ta e out about sIXty I In godly fear, tbere IS a reverentIal awe for ay Occur t e morrow after t e seventh Sab· pluJ'tty jalth and ea:rnestness The hi' M Ed d L p'Z these to " fall mto the hands of the ,If the proposition con tamed III the lesolu'

O h "b' b th 1 b h I G d " , w 0 accompany r war , leree t d t' Jt th I the Supreme ne, t at cons trams Its su ~ect a ,un ess It can e sown t lat 0 ap- of those days tells of ns as Ii simpl& .. h f h ' IOn oes no mee e approva of Congress tQ Bhun everything that can offend, and to pointed seven extra Sabbaths-Jesus was unassuming people Shut out from the world gov-er.rmdent agenbt JUdc argpe 0 te, not entreat all the dear youth to and the county, there IS the end; but If a

\. th· hI' rfe 1 h P • d h d f f. ' " bons an contra an B at ort Hoyal does cpmmand sU(,lh approval I deem of 1m I do ,every lUg t at can p ease so pe ct a ;, a~u atht e asso~er, an on t e ay,o 0 - around by ollr pecuhantles, we sought- no these ~ersons aud their miSSIOn the liel\lernu1eJ their Creator," Do not delay portance that the States and people InUlledl billng ermg t e wavesheaf he presented hunself applause and strove to pass these Y k iP t f . h th d longel "Tq.day, If .vou Will ately mterested sbould at once be distinctly

T '~f d th I'" tL fi t f 't" f th' or os urms E'B e annexe _ ,~O?ellSlOn lear 0 anger, no 0, er ?Oll- a lye, e ra rUi s 0 e. res~rrectlOn, only that we might wage war, for truth, lall)! : I • voice, harden not yonr hearts" notified of the fact, so that tlwYamay begIn

I dltlOIl IS nece88Bry than a reIiJ or Imagmea th¥arnest of the harvest of hIS samts; lind the camp of the enemy The trnth I ' J lI, T, consider whether to accept or reject It '

-4 jlre~nce of an evil; but to experience god- here OCCurs fift:y days to the day on which to be realized that such a people could th" N'rllet~e pel rFsonsdwer~ aRlI \. f The Federal Government would find Its, • t ' , f h th tl d d h h HI' e a IOna ree man B e Ie of II Saxton" m the RECOR- hIghest mterest ID such a measure as one of I y. fear, besldes a consClou.sness 0 t e p.re- e .. apos e.B,were en ue Wit teo Y only bv. constant rowing against the tide, and auxiliary, the Educational 'th t ffi' t f If. t

\., _'~L S E:i I P d 6th " L'" t' IfF b- e mos e Clen means 0 se preserva IOn ,eure of the good, there IS need of a Just pmt, Vluent y, aul an the evangehsts Other denominations are built to sail with Boston, Three.fourths of tbe ' upon s ar IC e 0 e The leaders of the existing insUJrection ell

apprehension of divine character, and a real had this in view in making their record, the current We are not We are to hve, are men who are to be the does not do JustICe to the latter tertain tlm hope that the Government \llll love of holiness, Tbe worshiper must be- which otherwise would be peculiar aud ob- if hve at all, by the firm adherence to our of the abandoned estates, "nothing, He" takes his ultimately be forced tQ acknowledge the In

lie,~e the Deity to be righteous and love this scure, but in thIS light there is a reason why peculiarities Such was the practical b lab?rs of ~he negryes, WI ho 3, 1) and talks on in a straight dependence of some part of the dlsaflected i '.. h 'II ti h" 'I d th h d th lIt d f tb e ID suc agflcu tura manner, and with an earnest, prae- region, and that 1111 the Slave States 1I01t" attriuute, or e WI ear tm as an eVI I an ey ave use e p ura JUS ea 0 e HJU' of our fathers Hence, wherever they went culture and raisJUg of such parts willithen say, II The Ullinll fOI

worship him for the same reason that au gular form of expression The Corinthian uot only the Lord of the Sabbath, but support lind for the use of Christian spirit He has eVident- which we have struggled bemg 1I1rcalh Egyptian worshiped a crocodile, that it Chnrch were required to have their contri- Sabbath also, went, and men were brougbt pomt T~elve or firteen "favorIte theory /J Every gone, we now choose to go WIth tho ROllti,

might not devour him, Sueh fear is not butions ready against one of the S(tbbaths, to face with truth upou tbis' point ar~ ladl~s, wbo WIll mind must see that" L 's" ar- ern section" dl .» t 'l . f h ~ f ti P 1 h ddt d t b t J I of an JUdustrJal which I not" offer proof that the last days To deprIve them of this bope, substalltJalll go y, n IJCIVI e, a speCIes 0 t e lear 0 or au a e, ermme 0 e a erusa em Theirs, too, was an unshr!nking faith They establishe!l at d b I ~

d Tbi ' h fi h h .. I t h P 0 h h h are rapldlv approach mg." en s ~he ,re e hdn, an the imtiatlOn ot 8.llger, !lIS t e ear t at t e CrImIDa ate entecost n 18 way e met t e had lead how "Israel" stood upon the banks of Rev, M " J. emanCipatIOn co~pletel ! deprives tucm 01 has for the l~w, He dreads its justice, de- brethren at Troas, on one of the Sabbaths of the "Red Sea," while their enemies crowd- Mrs Senator Harlan of he hiS \ Iews, the ,l frOi ~ to asso- it As to all the States imtlatmg It, the sh'ee to escape its penalties, but still prefers between the Passover and the Pentecost ed upon them, and how, moving at God's tbe ladles, aud will a8sillt in WIth Second AdventIsts, IN unwar- point is not that I all the States tolerating to diflObey its injnnctions. This fear, in the If these things are so, then why may we command, they passed the flood m safety, of tfhe work, his article, and betrays a apm Slavery, would very sQon, If fit all, imtlRtf

f J h ' h h' II lId h' h 0 the supellntenueuts in the catalogue of ChrlH- emanCIpatlOlI, bnt that, whIle the offer IR presenCe 0 e ovah, cries ont to t e rocks not live an IDte Igent Item rea mg, w IC and it taught tlmm to obey, They had learn- who a emp\ d II d t 11 th b II • '. ,"1 Ie oye , receIVe DOOR KEEPEIl equa y Il!a, e 0 a, e m~re nort ern sail, !lnd monntaID8, "Fall on us, and hide us shalPglve the entIre sense of the orlgmal7 ed of one who saved a part of the herds and Ifrom the associatIOn in this by such IDitIatlOn, make It certam to jl!p

from the face of Him that sitteth upon the Luke 6 : 1, IS another eYldence tbat the fore- flocks for an offering, aud in so doing , but some are volunteers more southern, tbat III no event Will the thronl! i" while godly fear says, "Put off going conclusions are correct "On the obeyed God, and it taught them this truth, are men of almost all AND MISBION~Y ITEMS. former ever 10m the latter in their proposed thy sboes from thy feet, for the place where- second Sabbath after the first," the diSCI' that II to obey IS better thau slIcrifice, aud to pi ofesslOns There ale T~IBF.l~!r·rot;esjGants were recently cendemn· Confederacy

, h I h h I fi Id II d and one or two clelgymen to long imprisonment and hard I say, "lDitlatIon," bec.ause, m my Judg on thon !!tandest, IS oly ground" p es ID gOIDg t roug t Ie gram e pu 0 hearken than the fat of rams" Thus they espeCIally of those from galleys, for the crime of readmg ment, gradual, and not sudden emanCipa

The physical effeets of the two are far off some of the ears" and did eat, rubbing felt that duty was theirs, and results God's, have been teachers, and are liberally "crut~ur'es, Th I .,' I bon is better for all In tbe me~e finnncml S d 'i' e nqmsltlOn on y needs different, The mastery of the former causes them in theIr hands" That thIS abbath WIth such men, prayer was more tban • e ; otheIS of them are quite familiar _' i""lI" S ' , or pecuniary VIew, any Member ofCongless

• 'It Ifni 10 pam, to reuew Its atrocious 'tl th t bl d t4 Tte ' pe.len\1l88 and trembling; but the prcsence of Wail a particular one of the seven, 19 eyidcnt fOlD, Tt wns the cntrelltyof JJ\ln2:IY souls agIlcu lIla oper,l IOns WIle census a es an e aiUl'y II\.

~e latter mfuses joy and confidence, The from the fact that the glam was not h:llvcst· "tlllec tllOuS I\lel tloll'lI' PCISCClllIO'H; ports befole lam, call readIly sec fOl hun , , ' for heavenly food, and for bleasmgs on a Implements, mcJudlllg self how very soon tbe iCnrrent expfmdlhlleR

appearance upon Mount SIDal of Jehovah, ed, but ready to harvest, and also that It dymg world 'fhe Ilarnestness was that of and others in most common lise t of ,1 ~r.lssuclJ1lseUs paper of this war would purchase, at a f,l1r vnlna '3ttenaed by thunders and lightnings, smoke was after the offermg of the wavesheaf, for bellef, of positive assurauce, tbat "the effec- been purchased and will be taken t~ of Roman Cathohcism in hon, all the slaves In any named State

i and fire, had very dlfferen,t effects upon Mo- the l(tw forbade eating of It uutil all offellng tual ~elvent player~f a rl'.,,,,hteo\\s mall aval'l. Royal In the Atlautic; also a I Such a propositidn on the part of the Gen (; 11 e dId b I alld, IS wholly ut ,arlunce WIth the e I G ttl,' f h ses anU the sensual and idolatrous Israelites, to the Lord was made, a sheaf plcsented eth much" s e s, mc u mg one arle ra overnmeu se s up no C ,,1m 0 a rig t,

h r ff bl' the Patent·Office at Washmgton statquleijis of se"eral bIShops and other by Federal authority, to mterfere With -While t e latter stood a,ar 0 trem mg, aud waved before the Lord Theologically, we were ill a new coun some medicmes: and ~ther pf(l~inl/~i~ mcn of that church, who admit slavery wlthm State hmi'ts, mfemng, as It

the former went confidently up the mount to Tyndal and some other early tI,tuslators and no one could afford to be Idle, tic\es does, the absolute control of the Rubleet III I convert they lose at least twen- J meet bis 'God; bis body may have been come nf(trer the literal sense than more mod- was labor and toiling, and till must thIS-CIty, fOlty barlelR and of the statistics of the each case to the State .md Its people 1m

bowed, not with fear) bnt with adoring awe; ern ones Are we not entitled to a transl Hence the clergy were not left to labor seven or eight boxes of shoes, mediately mterested k h B I machines arc sent for the several periods, hkewisc rei utes It is proposed as a mattel of perfect], the pulsations of hfe may have, been quic - tion, and not an exposition from t e ib e Each mao n fielt "'at he had ~ p~rt to from th' e '-socl'atl'oll I'n .d..il~ti~er':ltedstatemellt:s J

". " m = 'f abont thClr pro- free choice with them, ID- the Annual MEs-. ened. bnt !hey were throbs of JOY, at behold- Umon? May the truth be houored and ~re- and thus, single, strong in faith, eamest machines will be last December, I thought fit to say IDg t~e brightness of glory. there. revealed vail, to t~e glory of God and the SavIOur in action, they sought and found tbe I Besides these a 111 Glasgow, Scotland, stili Union musl be p!eserved, and benc~

Godly fear, of a,l1 passlO,ns, IS the mo~t Jesus ChrIst J CnoFFUT ing They gIew strong in God The of llpxes and packages of all all indispensable means muBrtie emllloyed" ltelI d h t bl Wh tb co t 'but' ~ th forward A number of young I saId this not bllstily, but delIberatel, - exa an t .. roos enno IDg en IS QUAIfTE"'LY -EETING AT WALWO"TH, mons of those days showed little of classic n fl Ions or e k II th k b W h be d b

• ed 't te t' t 't th fi . te .........u. lInd persons were put on wor • a e wee ,are preac mg ar as en an contmues to e, ,m In 18 arous to I 8 gres s l~ ensl y'd e m Tbe Quarterly Meeting of the Seventh-day polish, or knowledge of scholastic philoso- the' people WIth great power and dispensable means to thjs end .\ pi Ictlcal spirit seems conscious of t 0 imme iate pre- B h h' th W' phy Men trusted in God mOle than gram- Boston, about twenty-fivc labors of the l?ree (Scotch) reacknowledgment of trw natIOnal autlJOIIi\ sence of God, It sees him in the changing aptlst ~ lIrc es lD'SOU ern . ISCOllsm con- ~ 'h I' Th f I

d h h· , vened WIth the Walworth church on Sabbath mar tor power m t e pll pIt e story a and many barrels of goods dRIly Union player meetings would render the war IInnecesRary, 'IHlll phenomena of nature an ears IS VOIce h d d f I h " I$ve been forwarded ,.' wonld at once cea:se , k' ad" "'" alld First day the 15th and 16th of Februa- t e cross was eeme more power II t an superlntendeuts alld teachel O of an assoCIatIOn of ChriS- If I ' t h !DVO!Dg orlDg awe: ' I ' ti t1 'f', S h ~ , IOwever, resls auce cOlltmues, t e Wfil '''F_God,' thethouderssaYj 'r...!rGod,'thewavesj ry Tbe cold was mten~e, and the roads .og~c: ~r Ie con~erslOn ~ sthmncrs hue to take the oath of are all much blessed It is said must also continue, and It IS impOSSible til 'Fear God,' the lightning or the storm replies; "wele qUIte blocked up by the drifted snow, ID fie was ollr c araeter ID e days w en States, previous to going ale 100,000 persons III Glasgow foresee all the inllidents whICh may attend I Fear God,' the deep loudly answers back to deep, On Sixth.day mornmg the thermomcter stood thele wa~ most of grace in our heal'ts and and to be provided with no place of worship and all the ruin which may follow It Such

, A at 250 below zero, NotWIthstanding the most rapId accessIOns to our numbCls CollectOl of tbe Port, liS may seem indIspensable, or may obvIOUS 'BIBLE R"'VISION. f h h h d T d d ti It 't h . . is passel! from the ., , t.. t Q 'd Iy promise great efficiency toward end 109 ~ severity 0 t e weat er, t ere was a goo Ime passe ,an we e I s c augmg ID' astel.Generaltn this city" "!,",,oue,u IIlISSlOnalles sen \Jut 0 UI - the struggle, must and WIll come

An article in the RECORDER, Number 4, by representation of brethren and sisters fftlm fluence II EducatIOn" became the qnestion h coast of Dahomey, write home Tb ' t IS connection It, perhaps, would e propOSition now made, though nil Eld, Bailey, on Bible revision, is something the churches-even from Christiana-forty Tbe theme fonnd a welcome pl~ce in our not out of place to mention to ou! read. been well lecOlved, and a offel only, I hope it may be esteemed n~ of

ill the right way, and I nope it will stimulate miles distant. Among the missing were thoughts and efforts \Y e have done much ers tlic nrgent necessIty of BIbles, Tekta- residence aSSIgned them. They fense to ask whether the pecuUIary cODsul I>ther& to express their views of this impor- Elders V Hull, RogeIs, Coon, Whitford, and this direct IOU Both east and west we retlei1{ed an lDvitahon to Ylsit the king eration tendered would not be of mOle valur

t' ib' U tt 28 I Th t th C II bave aSSOCiated onr name with the foremost ments, and other rehglOus leading m Ithe , and have accepted, but only on to the States and pl'lvate pel sons concerned, " tan r ~u ~ect on lila,: a e re- Prof, ornwa C II b d army There probably never was a meld than are the iulstltution and plOpm ty ln It, vj~ rendering of Dr, Conant is incorrect, Eld 0, p, Hull preached on Sabbath eve· 1Il educatwnal movements 0 ege re wher~ mission(try labol could be more leffi. that tbeir VISIt shall not be made in the plesent aapfct of affairs no silho!ar, I think, will den:y, It is, in fact, ning, from the 119th PSlllm, last verse, glY- men have filled Seventh.day Baptist pulpits . tl ~ d d 'th th t f human sacrifices, WIth whICh WhJ!e It IS tlllC tllat the adoptloII ()l tl:r

'. h CI II d tl fl' h Clen y perlOrme ,an WI e prospec 0 h f . II I I not a translation, bnt rat er an exposition ing a forCible Illustration of going astray assIC a USlOn, an smoo I owmg r etor- such benefici(tl results, as among our Isol- t c IlolTll~>\1 0 sbangelH IS USIH! ;l ('f e lrat- plOposed resolutioll would ue merely IDltll to sUit a epmmon and almost universal tra- II like a lost sheep." !C, have pleased ourearA We have learned diels jl ~[any deuomination~ have adopted tory, aud not witIlm itself (I practical meaR dition, based upon the supposed, though not Sabbath mOInmg, E1d Z Campbell deliy- to ask of mOl!, with reference to 'lualifica. h f fi d f C01~~ESPO'~'iDI~NT of tbe N y, EvangBhst ure, it IS recommended in the hope that It

C h k · t e p an 0 or war ing quantities 0 would soon lead to important results III undispnted, fact, that Jesus rose from the ered a discourse from Matt 16 . 24, m which tWllS-" Is he smal t?" II an e spea easl- religi6us papers to be dIstributed m paper, that twenty-fivc ne\y sub- full VIew of my great respons.ibJlity to ml grave on the first day of the week,0and is he argued th,lt the Author of the text-Jesus Iy 1" ~I Will he dmw a crowdQl, General in- way i land we would suggest to our obtamed by a tborough can· God and to my Country, I earnestly beg tb~ inteaded to CoDV,ey the impression of Sab- Christ-bad given to the world (t rcligion, telhgence has been more widely diffused th . t f Ii d . vass;,ng:n~f Ius congre!!ation, afteI [It was attentinn of Con!!'ress and the peopln to the e proprle y 0 orwar 109 copIes ,~ y p .. bath .. nctity of the first day of the week, and the religion which above all others claim· among liS as a people OUi schools have RECORnER to the camps, where it at nearly all tne fanll!Jes '0 ho subject I ABRAHA1I1 LIXCOI ~ ~Steid of the seventh d'lY, as God com- ed the world's attention, lohy self·denml is a not only educated our own young men, but read 8IDd perhaps be the meaus of !"i~inp' hkely to take a reiIgious paper IQjiiaed i a transfer or alteration, which in· test of disciplesbip, the extent of the duty have brought liS ill coutact with, a large mnch informatiou respecting our people, 'RliimliiPil. He first called attentIOn to FOREIGN NEWS, voi~ a. greater responsibility than most enjoined, the benefits accruing from a faith- mass of growIDg and ImpreSSible nlln~, upon at the same time be of much IOterest ;;l1lbjfi'~t from the pUlpIt, ~nd then engag- Recent amvals1from Europe do not bnng tl!l1l8Iators seem to re.alize, We have a ful discharge of our duty, tbat there is no- which to leaye our stamp, and by whICh to benefit to the recipients The Pawca~lCk to assIst him III tbe work of so- news of great importance The Umtml rlpiito e:rpectfrom the Bible Union, through tlnng in Clidst's rehgion to contravene man's send out to the world our truths OUf &et- Church has already taken up a coultrilbutliion, bscrIbers States TIIBC&rOra is Ieportea til itW~, a pnre tra1'ls1ation, withont re- happiness, but everything to iucrease it, to tlp.ments have spread we~tw,lrd wltb the and ptoposes to do so onee a month, have where the pm., ~aw. to opillions or sects, Bnd independent ennoble man and exalt God in man's estima' tide of empire, thus givIIIg liS themealls of the money thu8 raised 'h"R"jt,.F'IVF. million pages of reading mat- teer Sumter still unable to pur of an;'or,lll,er tran8Iatio~s, and perhaps no tion, that by making 'Kit entire con8ecratio~ establisbing oUtpostR, amI of IDtrOducing a payiug for the RECORDER to he distrIbuted among the soldiers chase coals for of cash, and incapabrn ODe point in the common version of either of himself to the Savioul', the ChrIstian's system of missionarJ WOI k by way of 8cat- by express, III such a manner ;:iPotoma.e. One hundred thousand of getting away them In the Brit the'0ld Or New Testaments, so much needs peace would become hke a fiver, aud m the tering tracts and otherwise, which it wonld appointed by the church COlli~~ the (]hru;(lan Banner, a semi- Ish House of the additional Atom IIj&1~ieall'endering, different from our com- practIce of self-deuial, according to the, Gos- seem, under God's blessing, might be made Express Compauy pr()Poseli m01ntliljiipa]per of the Society, have been dis. blockades nt Qbl~r)E'8tU,jJ ~~ ~l:ved reading, liS this one, where pel rule, he would find that II therp IS that a means of no httle success Our facilities reading matter free of ehl~rge, tedium of the long sell8OnI.o~Jf~Lo:~rd~~~;I~~~l~~~uif~:l/;~~~~~~~~]~;i~'~ ~ lI_ original Greek word is given to scattereth and yet IDcrellseth," _ <_ for O'f thef11:JiCI6Riiili:lfwiU f.1 Ie the-Bu~1t remhh, ill a few ('I) inBtll11lll!!f; -sBvDath-afternooD, Eltf1J P Hull preach- paper at $2 a hundred for this these works lind drunkenness ply to the of IllS GoYemrncnt, tbr i~1 'ellti~ery a different sense from that in ed from Romans 8: 23 Subject: The pro- tio, untIl within a little time donatmg one-half, if the mqlney in check 'EJO'ht hundled men American Government had said that thele w'hicll it is.l'lsed In all other places, Is there visions in man for the future hfe We will is well, If properly applied But the fact shall forwarded for the other half regiment are r:ported to have was no intention of permanently dcstroYlDg ~., p ..... icular rell80n for it, or is it to an· not hele steal his thunder, bnt say that the that as these fayorable CIrcumstances have temperanco pledO'e whIle III Southern harbors The distress in the man

" .... 0 , f' d' t < t t f tl e bloc~ &werla particnlar purpose, tbat it is thus discourse waR able, and the argument con- tncreased, our numbers and piety have d~ "UNIVERSAL SALVATION," is a general rehO'ious interest u actnrmg IS ric son aCCOUl1 0 I prese~ted to ns? I cannot think that Dr vincing creased, IS proof, without any argumeut, that article from Bro E Lanpheal, • 0 ade was mged III Parliament as II re"son e'olilllt has given liB his own translation of 'I'he ovcumg tollowlllg the Sabb(tth, the we have faIled somewhere I am no enemy the subject, docs gleat IDJustlCe to M~J,ill~fs MUSEUM AND YOUTH'S CABINET, tor why the GOVClI1ll1Cllt shoull1 seek to dc~clop

d' t I I I ddt' f 'other sources of cott.Jn supply, The Go~ this verse, but has followed a common re- audience listened to a searchiug IS course 0 BO 100 S cem e uca IOn iI means 0 class Christians called full of good reading and pleasant d h f If. t d I" 'f' I tl I' d I ernment is pre[lanng all information Tela • ceived opinion, and yielded to tra ition by Eld. '1' E Bahcock, OIl t e duty 0 se - grea goo III re IgIOU, I rig I Y app Ie have read their views. I have Tl'ict~tEi~l for tbe young people Publis'hed

h h h h d tJve to our blockiW.e to lay berOle Parhn The Gi~eek text ~ay perhaps appear alittle examination in order to arrive at perfect onor t ose men among us, w 0 ave an any Universalist writer who J"il'ljU,te:unIB, 111 Fulton'street, N)Y" at d . III b t t d' ment, and the O'Donohuc gave notice of a nblleOfll, from the same word, repeate ID faith in Christ ale stl a ormg 0 promo e our e ucatlOn· an" such view as that set

., J motion for leturns as to all Britlsb veRsel! ~"plut'I\I, with only a ~meral between First-day mornmg, Eld Babcock preach· al mtelests; stilI, thiS IS patent, when we dialogue, No Uni~'lrI9~list 'c h L d h h H I which had run the "blockade, or been cnp t"eIJI :, but compare with ark 16: 2, 9, ed again, lind upon the farther elucidation oug t to ave one t e most, we ave done salvation without Sv:rin;!!' Term of the Alfred UniverSity ..

,~ , I tured in the effort·, ~18o, nil British ve~selH Lui!e 2': ~, John 20: 1, Acts 20: 7, and of the same subject. In the evening, lIpon the least It IS possible that we have not who maintain that sin onl:y ICPI~I,1JI~"'C" on Wednesday, the 26th inst, 1 , h M ' .. " h d ' I d d which bave put into Nassau and oilier pOlIS, L,Oor, 16: 2, and it appears paID t at at- the failure ofthe VISIting ministers to preach, given our attentIOn too mue to e ucatlOna inheres man, while in his f1mrTJl1 HIl.IlppSe with the IIsual faCIlities an ,,- ~ d

\ be' t' d' d '1 I b h h hId with contraband i war, and been p€rmitte Uiew espresses t same sentlmen, ID a the pastor Iscourse frOID II att 23· 37 matters, t may e t at we ave not soug t that it cannot pertain or inh .... " advantllges, thoug I we are no~a -... "ub h Dr C t rIb I k h B b' , to refit Prince Napoleon had offered an l1iuenmt fOrln, 8S do the 01 ers, "no The con,erence of the brethrcn and SIS- too muc I to e 1 e ot ers ,e t IS as It pU!'el~ spIritual existenee, While I reference to thIS matter h E.! I I tr I t' I th' , , 'I d d 'd' d 'd I b t d h amendment to tlie Address in the Frenc havlllg given a itera ans a IOn 0 IS ters, mmlsters me u e , III Icate R Will m may, we eVI ent y ave no one w at we in the doctrine of universal ,

r , • Chambers, the Pope did 1I0t tA!:rt, ought to be a suffieient reason for an fellowship for eaeh other, and a determ.i~a- ought 1ll other directions We do not seem tion, am nnwilling to let a perverted of th~ Ohnstutn Watch- listen to the propositions of ... ,!on _0 WI to accord with tlie original tion to lIerl'e the Lord with renewed dIli- bave learned this trulh, that Seventh-day through the R~CORDER without from Washmgton, makes the of the Roman Iht I will iry ib present, so as to be under_ gence, The congregation WitS attentive and Baptists cannot be PlYJlular, and yet be true to timely remarks: ~ uather reillion, which seems to have serious tbcoogho.ut the meetings, At the their bigh trust IIow far the drnwmg of. induces taUt' of cbmpromlse been e'atitely overlooked, why it ought to be close, Bro. Haven, ,superiDtemlent of the our energies and pride in the direction of our II Saxton" please to give kt8 pardon Men speak of re-literally r>eniered, The Greek phrll8eology Miltolj Sabbath-selioQ>\, but 1l0W a volnnteer schools has tended to develop the present of 2 3: 1., II In the last days llerilOtlS rnlivini~ I the Prodigal So~ with open agreell with t/Ie ~aw or the seven Sabbaths, in the service of his COUlltr~, gllve a brief state of things, I will not now attempt to shall come 1" The arf;icle of not the time for indUlging in '~e:d¢l~D. ~"J~ill'8 ~;;~l,t

. h 1>" f We are not out of the woods tive to tU at liiV, 28 ~ lli';'l:iI, but feeling address, lind offered p,rauer Bro, say. How far our desire for popularity, lind upon snbject, m t e "",CORDER 0 r 'j r~!.IJ • 'th yet disposed tQ rush into of the P,"11(ilEii~~,;OILbiliet,. ,t h~v~ b41r~J.,~11 mihe RECORDER these Haven is known m liis I'egi~ent as.a .de.vo~ our efforts to be like others, have tended to 20th, ~ims,to; me to be wl'ltten WI Some thing's must be settled

~ ~~II"Jj, ,ilq,w ,U1l, to repeat them, man, fearing God, and one determined to c,l'ipple onr love for God, and zeal in his IIbility, and is well SU~lpOl·te~ live in peace Slavery must be tt,la,·t.Eing'I'h'~':'~~:'I(';;.';-~" _liII'Prthem upon thecOlJSiftl1<l'ation of the live hili religion at all h~alds His addresi, cau~, ~ le,tye others to say. I wish mainly Witliout bringing forward to give no further trouble. The dltlOn, ttinatl4IaUd the<wise !}lhere seemB to be a delivered in full uniform, told witb effect to pt"esent the fllr.lts, all our past and present in proof of h'MJ position, II Sa,xtj<:m understand that they are beaten, SpaiD

~~ 11 1 S b h b ' I' h' t' I f "arch most be hung, and tli~ir prop- in tbe m: C lin 'p.la,·m n'" an extra I' bl\t .for upon t e audieuce them, There ill anotber influence IU e 08IDg IS ar IC e 0 lU h ... ..,.. d h ""elli~EirJhat Tbe expenses of t e war pel~da.lIM~iij~;:"IMirt~ :f+i,' ~~et, ,cdr t¥ feaSt of unleavlllllld ¥ondl1oY evening foll~wing the quarterly abroad in the Ohristian world, which now just remin t e. paid b:y thc -authors ofit, Of'lM:llltiCO .(iri!.,rfroll Wq r"ot thu on the If"t day, interview, Bid, 0 p, Hull preached 011 the doubtless had ~n effect upon U8, I refer seem to me to stand OJ)lltilsEld nation must hlIrmonize ,_'llIorOli ihe ) .. & day' of fhe fwi, (the Pusion of 'the Saviour. the hreaking up of sectarian 118 ~et forth by , L!" civilization, ,and freedom teut beIng 7 days,) ~mll)(jn labOr .alJ for- The meetin~ba"'e been continued Preach- "loosing lip ~ lin the question of II. CANJ)lD "', li!,ADE'Rj.~ conrse, to nm and be glorified!'


Page 3: s3.amazonaws.comVol+18...TtlE J ~w OF NEWSPAPERS Mr S closes hiS review of the preface etc" Mr S first dIsposes of the mR,nv·hl\.rrlf A '181~:nUlnbt3r lof the Bihltotheca the chastIsement

THE TAX BILL the Potomac there arc from 121000 to 1&,- with 01I'r offi~rs POBLIOATION OF W AQ

000 men At Gnm SprlDgs, between Lees- of secessIOIl gray are 'ul\,inOl'ton correspondent of the',New [hw duclImcnt col1lprlseH 0\ er one'thou bnrg and CentrevIlle, there are three regIe way to other hues, and the lJeltlD·/.l QU,,, .. that arrangemenltts~:~~;!:;ri~~j~~

, llId pagcs of foolscap, lind contaldnsl one ments of mfantry, with a squadron of cav· to frequent the streets on lluE\inellS made by whIch the g huudred alld eIght sectIOns It was elver aIry :At Leesburg there are three regl pleasure up a bnlletln of all

e(i to the prmter Immediately on beIDg pre- ments of IUfaotry, one battery and 400 cav A special dispatch to the Cairo nmes It IS wldlllDg ~ have pulf,Uslled, h U Ctl n aIry At a POlUt five miles south of Brent- that 40 cannon have aheady been found poste m t e rooms 0

ofltcd to the House, WIt an IUJ nOd VIlle, that IS to say some ten miles south Columbus, whICh had been thrown away by the censor, for the Mencsy until the commIttee have revIse Manassas, there IS one brlgadc of Infantry the rebels In evacuatmg the place correspondents All

eruptIOn of Vesuvius has depnv- " THE PEN IS MliG~rIE:1t people of bcd, foOd and subsis t

dispatcbes frpm WashlDgtou state on cot~on will be mserted 1D the

~n,ate Fmance Colbmlttee has struok ",,,",uu,,,,OOO of the gunboat approprla-

THE i>EN·1Tiil~lilEST

the "roof. sheets The bill reaches every of 3500 men These forces do not IDclude Letters from Port Royal state that Fort Will pass through the halad/l .. 1 t te d fi th or Mr Sanford At pre~llnt!1 .1000 of property except real es a ,an 18 any part of Jackson's army, ormlDg e Pulaski IS entIrely surrounded by UnIOn 1{1:pIel-j SPEOIAL lIrOTIOll8

' ",., b II f t h h G Banks news will be sent by Gen ~ I ,trueted so as to tax property ~n tra1l8itu re e e t WIng, agams W 10 en troops, and efftlctnally cut off from Ian Sanford's office, and news --!-!-l+i--hand to another The foI1owlDg IS operatlDg mcatIOn With Savannah, and also tbat n~w by the correspondents

hOrn one I At Manassas thllre IS not a smgle full battenes \lre belUg .."cted Savannah ~ to the censor, IS 111 abst~act of the BII regiment, whole compames and even regl- been very well fortlfie~ by the rebels, and or forwarded

[t prOVides for the appOlDtment by the ments havmg gone home on furloughs large numbers of rebel troops are cOJltmual· whIch It was Ilc,ldent of a ~ommlss~ne~O of mternal of ten, twenty and thirty days All the lyarnvlDg Our troops are In good health wIllm no event p1'Eip~Jred. revenue, With a salary of 1'5,0 DPer atnnumt, troops from South Carohna, North Carolma, The news of the recent VICtorIeS produced a

th T asury epar men h h a defeat, and government bls office to be mere 1 k ' Tennessee and LOUlSJana ave gone ome dlSCOllraP'lng effect on the rebels, servmg to bl b f c er s k V ,,- to prevent the C1l(lulatlOn th a sUlta e num er 0 wlthm the past two or three wee s ery stimulate desertIOns rp.r,,,,,ltA

W(rhe !Jountry IS to be diVIded, as the Presl few of the men whose term of servICe has t dIrect mto convement collectIOn 1

len may, d 11 t expired al ere-en Istmg listllctB With an assessor an co ec or ap- B 1 f h h milted by the PreSident for each district, IntellIgence from a tlmore, 0 t e 5t

Pwho sh"ll have powel .to apPOInt such depUe mst, says tlie vessel whICh arrIved last " Dlght, supposed to have been the fflgate 8t

ties !IS may be necessary Lawrence was the Sh1p DeWItt Chnton, [h( bill plovldes for a dutJ on spmtuous d D h


The amval of the Northern Light brlDgs late IDtelhgence from III partR of Central and Sonth AmerICa

General GuardIOla, PreSIdent of Hondu

AT NASIIVIU.E -A C?;;:~~~~n~~~~~il th~ Cilncil~nalti Oemmermal,

N aRb,PilL._ says the good condItIOn

~~~~~:;n:of; onr troops compared al and behaVlor of the rebel

I f 15 cents per gallon, ale and bound south The RlChmon tspatc says [qnora 0 1 f t b 0 3 Colonel Corcoran, Colonel C M Wilcox, beer Sl per barrel, stem or eo. 0 ace, and other federal prisoners, to the number cents pel pound-io add, when manutact~r of one hundred, arnved here on Friday from cd v cents, and on cIgars 5, 10 and ~O ColumbIa, S C, and are awaltmg trana-

ras, had been assasSlDated The CrIme IS ceelsio~ism supposed to have been mstlgated by a hIgh mIlitary officer The PreSident was murder ed In broad daylight, In hIS own reSIdence,

· ... ~·in~ mnch to kill

cents per pound, accordmg to value, on N N Th lord and lInseed 011, burnmg flUid and coal shipment to ewport ews ey, " d I I 10 ever, may not start for several weeks

011 5 cents per gallon, lefine coa 01, come, as the arrangements for sendmg F C tb h fi t cen'ts per gallon, gas per 1,000 feet, 25, rom ar agena, we ave a con rma IOn

[j t d: not yet been completed." of the news of Arboleda's defeat, by' the ents bank note paper, cen s per poun j IS the officer who acted as of General Sanches, 011 the 11th Jan Pllutl~g paper, 3 mJlIs per poulld, soap, 5 Al d h t h II

Ilulls pcr pound, salt, 4 cents per 100 governor of exan rIa w en I was uary He was forced to retIre WIt a sma

and an officer of hiS body guard, Pablo nn(JP.r!hIR cODlmllDd,


c~~':~l~~~;;~:::d~fOl" 7500118 the LuclcY , • Pen I tor 81 25, tIle-IKI!'OBTiijrr F J.CTS.-CODl!tant wntlng for IIix JIIODtbI lilrcebllOl" Pell 'l~

are 1;'-, with lrId, WIth Gold Pens ,ban 1I'1&h Sleel Pens, OSJDin ~,er.p of lIverJ ODe of :Wblch

18 economy to nse Gold Pens. wIII far outlast a grOllB pf the belt Sleel Pens. Pen remams unchanged by years of con· The name Uk Monon," "Number," and 'Quality,"

th Steel Pen IS ever cbanslng by ~ped OD tile following Pena; andlhe i'ointaare I I e WIIITIlIIted for fllX monthe, except ag&1Dst lIC\1ident. f

wear, therefore, perfect uniformity of The numbers Iudicate size only No 1 being theJimall-Ibtal.ned only by the use of the Gold 'peD et!t No 6 the largest, adapted for the. pocket! No 4 Pen IS always ready and reliable, while uW smallest, lind No 10 -the largest Mammotn G~

mnst be often condemned, and a new Pen, for the desk. tong and mNedi~ ,,1!i61bs ofdali7 ~Iz 8 t f ti and qualities. Sbort NIbs of 08 .. , u, ,an , \

' therefore there i. grea BaVlng 0 me made only of llret qnality The engravings are tae-the Gold Pen smules 01 the sizes and styles. '

of receIVIng any degree of elastIC! Gold PeUlsexactly adapted to the hand GOLD PENS, 'WITHOUT CASES

, therefore, the nerves of the hand and a No 1 Pen, 1st quality, or)l. "No not mJured, as 18 known to be the case by

o~l~lteel Pens Pen is JII1ght1er than the Sword," In an-

I I 1 1: d occupIed by the federals It was portion of hiS men to CahblO, lellvirll!: ound~ 8 Ie eat lei, cen ,per poun , that Colonel Corcoran and Colonel h ~ d I h h i.mn~edliately. VA BD'l'S.-JlABOH 10. 1881. ~prCl l~athcI one hall 'cent ~r pound, yan to t e 1e er I s, W IC was market IS qlllet at $5 75 for Pearfs, and .Q.!~ua.~~l: t/1)m 10 cents per barrel, all ~er manu would be now held as hostages fOi Generals occupIed Dr Manuel D Camacho, one 8trM'XABY OF NEWS Pots. lactmes , per centum a<l valorem, on raIl Buckner and Tilghman, but thIS was merely Arboleda's pflsoners, but now relieved, was Yi e learn from LOUISVIlle, lUld MMl-The mqmry for Westem and State [( ad pa"eengel S, 2 mIlls per mile of travel, rumor admmlstermg the government of the state sourcQ not hk({ly to be mlsmformed, and the low grades are eBSler, but

k " t t b at A dispatch from Washmgton, of the 4th of Cauca Tbe entire news, as uSllal, IS In Umted statiCollector of that CIty good request and are firm, owing commutation tIC ets,,, per cen ,s earn 0 d c'- d supply, but the receipts of Intenor de-ilalel, 1 mill per lillie, ommbnses, feny mst, says Gen Banks' forces occuple favor of the hbetal party wlthm the p ten days, dlspatCile a ample, and m excess of the demand, at boats and horse rll;llroads, 3 per (ent on MartlDsblll g yesterday Without OppOSItIOn, BuslDess III Cblh IS revIVIng, and the hur fident~al agen to oanvass the State superfine State and WeBtern ,5 50@ glOSS receipts from passengers, advertIse and the pIckets contlDne to brmg m prison vest 18 abundant and promIses well The nessea, cspeCla11l. those portlUns on grades of Western extra, 5 65@5 65 rnents, a per cent on amollnt of receIpts an CIS Although few 10 numbel they are mmes are aald to be Yleldmg better crs la~ely opened by onr gunboats and BYco;~o~~i ~te::: !'!f~ ~~ quality, or a Nit 5 Pen, 3d quality llually for the use of carrIages, annually, of much Importance Among those taken From BollVla the news IS more favorable, to feel the pulse of the loyal busllIeas Ded'Dleli~i~~i1t~I:~~ forJersey aud 3 25 tor Hrandy Fort2 M,aNo 4 Pen, 1st quallty,t,ort. 'No from $'1 to $10, accordmg to vallie, gold last mght was the Rcv T J McVeIgb, and peace IS for a tIme re-estabhshed It and to ascertam the true extent Il~ Flour 18 l!C~e aud firmer, at 2@2 P~F~~.i,u:Wl '5 o;fn~~t ~::I~ty~~~a~~ 6 Ptn, 2d

L \Iatches, $1, sllvel watches 50 cents, CbaplalD of the 2d Vlrgmla Infantry He has been proposed, lD VIeW of General Belzu allegeU Uluon feelmg If the report of ""old plate 50 bents per ounce, SIlver plate, was cantured by Company K, MIChIgan bemg a very lalgc creditor to the govern agent (sball be deemed satIsfactory, Wheat market 18 dull and In-egu1ar l- qU~~!"'3 50 B No 6 Pen, lsi quality : cents pe~ on~ce, b11hard tables, $20, on Cavalry, Capt Mann, near PerrYVille In ment to gIve hIm an advance of fifty thou IlIvest,gatlons will be of the most IS very limIted, but the supply 0 ' Alalloo-htered cattle, 50 cents each, hogs, 10 telhgence from Wmchester leads to the be sand'dollars and a diplomatIC mISSIOn to charaater, there IS good reason to IS IIghl, 8Dd most holders are indil PENS ALL 1ST QUALITY, IN b'lLVER.

J k f 11 fi d has h d 11 b d tel d nnless at full rates, the demand IS maIn MOUNTED DESK.HOLDERS "nts ean1- , slieep 5 cents each .LIcenses IlCf that ac son IS m u orce, an Ellrope bllt It IS doubtful whether he Will t at tll8 e WI e Imme IQ Y opene I tee' nUn de p-

c ~u d b t t IIr ' II f h S h at lrregu ar ra ,or 0 ary sen Fop $2 • No 4 Pen, for "2 25 1I..No. G Pen, for -for bankersl $100, auctIOneers, $20, complete IS prepara IOns 0 oppose 0 accept the latter a partB 0 t at tate, t e same as better request at S8@39lC for $2 76 a N~ 6 Pen I for $360, a No 7 Pell \\holesale deaiers, $50, retail dealers m approach three mIles east of that place General Castalia has pubhcly disapproved the rebellIon, With the exceptIOn of andR40yeCf.'~,f:l~~~: lior $i, a No 8 Pen, for $0, a No 9 Pen, and for llr[nors $20 Ttall dealers ID goods, $10, The same authOrity says hiS army 1~ well of the artIcles for re-electlOh published ID strICtly contraband of war at 84@8

4lc Com IS more Be $6, a No 10 Pen

pawnb;oker~, $50 , rectlf~ ers, $100 , brew PlovlslOned, supphed and clothed El Oomercw of Lima CertalO parties are THE gratifyIng IDtelhgence recently from 18 ample, and pnces favor tbe The' 1st Quality" are pomted .. !tb the very beat ,rs, $50; hotels, mns, and taverns, graduat A dispatch from Fortress Monroe, dated trYlDg to prepare publIc oplDion for a propo Washington III, tbat Gen Premont Will 5~~r new Southern Yellow, ~~,;:;~~:~r:h~~I:t~~~::~e~~:'o;~~~ e(1 accotdlDg ~o rental, from $<> to $200, March 8th gives the followlDg account of sltIOn to re-annex Peru to SpaID. and are proballly soon be vested With a command, aklil and tbe closest scrntiny can detect "fltmO' houses I $10 commerCIal brokers,' said to be seconded m theIr endeavors by the on~y dlffioulty seems to be that he IS 01 P'f(~OI\.t--T1~e Pork markel IB leBB llAlth-e, lind The' 2d Quality" are snpenor to any Pens mado $50 ,<> otber bJokerJ. $20 I theaters, $100, a se, ere naval contest the bishops and. other leading members so 11Ig~ a grade, if put mto active serVIce, ~l~o:~~llJ:a. n:a.~~~ 'f~:! by bim preVloW! to the year 1860 Clrcuses,I$<>O , bowllDg aUeys, 85 each d~{ey , The dullness of Old POInt was startled hat amono- the clergy he may perchance Jostle, and thereby als- IS In moderate r~nest, and IS to 1f:r~b~t~nE\~~t;:l!;,~~g~~~al~dtiJiIQ~Wt~~! wholesalli pe diers, $50 I other fe cr" 10 0 C\0( k to-day by tbl;: announcement t at \." I k t tl k j It t uncer.t another of qll:ll rank It IS und~1 ~ for pJam Mess and 14@14 25 for (Ihe only true conSJderatlOhs) any Gold l?ens IiuIde rI \ \ d t 11 '10 J I d t 1 til H( vme H I)C () • ~ I lLF11 e \\ IS e I d hIt C tt I t c b I are firm at 16 from :';,do :';2'1' coa 01 IS 1 era '" 11 I BI) t(l ( UR \Csse, ~upposc 0 e c Palta on the 8tb of February, which fortn Hloo t e lives Igat1l1g omml ee ale so is In fu~r ~~m~n:;, ~n~ IS firm at 7!@ elsewhere come-tJlree WI cent on all over $600, de-I Memmae, lookmg like a submerged house, tId ff wlthont dom'" anv dam well epnvtnced of the mJustlce ot the aile- firm and pnme State IS m faIr requtllli In regard to the Cheap Gold Pen!'1 he begs leave to dllctlng the In l-ome derived from dlvldendR, wltil the roof only above water, was movmg na e V passe 0 " gatlOIl8 made agamst 111m, III the famons, BAy that, prevloW! to opemlmgbls ))lew and Patent.il

' P I d I fi aO'e prci~ioDI'iraltes. Cheese IS qmet, but steady at 5@ I4llAlbines, he cob.ld not han made as Good Writing &c, wb1cb arc taxeel separately, ral roo. down from Norfolk by the channel m ront " Taomas report, that they have all exe¥d and 6@7!c for ordinary to selectedStaj;e and Dnrable Pens for the prleehad the Gold been fur bonds and diVIdends of banks and Savmg of the Sewall s Pomt battenes Signal guns " W V Ih to have hIm again taken Into mshed grBtWtoW!ly mstltu!ldns 31 pel cent, payments of all were also fired b) the Cumberland and Con THE COl\srrTUTlO~ OF EST lRGINIA.- e favor ~ParUu ordtriftUmuat an all 1m/ant'" '1It#f1l tJu

salarieS (f)f ~ffibcrs m the. CIV11, mlhtary, or glOss to notify the Mumesota, St Lawrence, ConventIOn whICh has been m seSSIOn for are rumors afloat of trouble m the B...!lIPOC!±~~~T!.EBl!UB.:-~ =: Wis, December 7, "NumbtfJ' and' QIf4tIIII' of 1114 PtnIl wont«i, tiitd I;,~ naval se~vlce ~f the U mted States, mcludlDg and ..Eoanoke of approachmg danger, and some weeks at Wheelmg has complp.ted Its Office As lDvestlgatlOns are the 11011, Eld T E. Habcock of Albion, "!iculat-."...",Io"",,,dacri .• :fiu::. Allllot Ptmpr<ferrtd--toh«herrb!11I' Senll.tors 1 and !Members of Congress, 3 per aU ~s eXCItement lD and about Fortress labors and snbmltte:i a ConstitutIOn to the the day, It IS not to be Po\ter, of HartSVIlle, N :r ,.-For sala by all desJm in \lie IInQ throui!h!Jllt cent, legaCle~ and dIstrIbutIve shares of Momoe There was nothlDg of the Mern eo I: of the propolled new State of II West msbtutton can escape l~i~r~~t~~~1~the20lhofFebrnary, 1862,by theconntry Address, A ){ORTON, persoual propdrty uf deceased persons, from mac protrndmg above tbe wate~ but a flag p p tbe ellst shoe contactors have re81dence,253 B.rldge-street, No 25 Mlliden Lane, New York 1 to ... per cent accordmg to tbe degrees of staff flymg thc rebel :flag, and a short smoke Vlrgmla" Forty four COlmtles are to be dIed Government In the most ~;~~I~;:;it;~~:C~tGIII, of New York, lind ,.. Auf one sendiriglillingle letterpoat-fltaDlK 11'111 relatIOnship, and stamp duties on all kinds stack She moved along slowly, and turn Included m the hmIts of the State The Another IDvestlgahon °w'lltllr'ageolls v1tIJ.t~RitCCI~::-ll.! ~~~:=;'~E1:.~an :elVC a ClrCnlar, Wlth the ClIgrBVlDgs ab6v~ ~.Tsed ot leO'al and cPmmerCial papers, aU patent mg mto the channel leadmg to Newport ConstitutIOn leaves the State a slave State the nlll:nes of the cOlltractors and thc n ~'2~~~!~!~.~rt:: Ha1Tlson Keller, medl~meB t21egrapbIC meSSageR and nil News, steamed dIrect for the frIgates Cum· followlDg prOVISIOn, under the head of paId the contrnct AII'red. G. B & J HUT T E R,

g( (\, h\ exprr" I ~rfBttd'llndfJoJJgrei!lt, r"~~~:~:*:~!kJ~~~!f~~~fi~~~~~;!l~N~~~~~~ '---+---'-'""----:J"'", , 4te month of James fIVer MWBR PRINTERS, AND PUlI''''HERll, I WAR NEWS was accompaDied by the two rebellron-elad of the subject from the ~

"111(1 ll.e ~ cretary of War's lestnctlOns steamers Yorktown and Jamestown, whIch II ~ No slave shall be brought, or " Read all calls foEr:ictlm~lDd wmTERLt, R I i f t II engaged the two frIgates, whIle the Mem person of color be permItted to come 1U to advert18lDg colnmns, nnd Are prep!lred to do every kind or n neWflpapel leports 0 war lD e Igence, mac kept steadily on her course, and slowly thIS State ror permanent residence ,. I f h cmnp:t- . Il(I~)uJt#[-!IWCBOl'.,.-:\D BrQOldIeld, NY, January, JOB P R I N or I N G ,

the ne" 8 lack the eXCltlDg nature WhICh It approached the Cumberland, wfh~~oshe a:d The prOVISion that "snch parts of the p n~: ;~n~~for~ ;o~a:~e Heary H Iosraham and lias had fOi f few weeks past It seems the Congress at tbe distance 0 yar s, common law of VlrglDJa as are not mcon arms nolens nlens" Mi~~J::J~::~._In qUIte probable that actIve preparatIOns are ranged theIr full broadSIdes on the Iron clad slstent With thiS Constitntion" shall relnall11 Columbus, N Y February 1101\ lJemg III rde for all' advance movement mOllster The shot took no effect, glancmg lD fordt, covers the whole slave code of fer6h~~~!II~:JJ~~~~'g~~~C,bwas Tuttl~e, Mr Edwin Bnnllck and )l1ss ~ upwards and flymg off, havmg only the ef VlrglD!i as nothmg IS said agamst It un the hne 91 the POtomac The mud IS fect of checkmg her progress for a moment IS r1ght to add, that the Wheehng Intelhgen. the Government a few months rapIdly drymg up, WhICh has been osiensl After recelVmg the first broadSIde of the cer WhICh ably urged the Convention to for servICe at Port Royal, bly tI e chIef obstacle m the way two fflgates, she ran to the Cnmberland, gl~e the new State a free ConstItntlOn, be near Cape Henry on the

The news from the Soutb West IS exphClt, stnkmg her about lI)1dshlp and lIterally lay heves that the first LegIslature to be chosen , and all hands on board naJrro~ d d b h mg open her Sides Sbe then drew off, fired WIll do thIS But It 18 scarcely hkely that an untimely death

THE NftRRAGAN~ETT WEEKLY, Pnbllshed at Weeterly, R I, by G 13 &'J HUtter,

~~~~mR~J~:~ Hopkinton R. L March 6, 1862, Miss IS a thirty two column paPll~evoted, to News of ,tile 8, aged 48 yel\rs. AflecellaneoW! Reading S~ial prommence


(olumbuR IS abandoned an burne y tea broadSIde mto the dIsabled ShiP, and agam Congress will take s1jJlh a matter on trust Kansas Legislature have ad()pb~d Rebel. and h~s been Qccupled by the U mon dashed against her WIth her Hon clad prow The ConstitutIOn IS to be voted for on the .~.,,,,,:,~';n,n. nearly unanlmonsly iDEltflIC~]ing

J)~,j~:~;!~ePlscataway, N J February 15, 1862, b ' t of her uncle, Comelina C B.Iackford, to New England news, and especially 10 Inc

Dunham In the 15th year of her age &8 RhOlJe Islanders, ,esldent at home or abroad, .Yi,denCE of haVing il good hope m Chnst. wonld be likely to fe~ BU Interest m .As an 1\d",~ t100jl~ A MemphIS papel of as long ago as and, knocklug m her SIde, left her to 3d of AprIl next Senators, and requestmg

th~9th of Febrllary stated that Gen Polk whIle sbe engaged the Congress, whICh In Congress, to aid " .1 b te f I d tant Tbe Con Rolhns PaCific RaIlroad

L. C R. tl81nll medIum, 1118 atlmitted to be the best m ilonth HO$DAR!1T-ln O~:~j~~~:':;I~b;~J~anuary 29, 1862, of em RhOlJe Island Terms $1 50 per :rear In ad harllssued oroers for desttoymg tile track a out a quar r 0 amI e IS h Faoll MEXICO -The followmg IS thc gIst of \ h

h gress had, m the meantIme, kept up a s arp b h C I b of the treaty Wit 1 t c Ir aged 13 years. "

I f the Miemphls and OhIO Rmlroad, and t at engagement WIth the Yorktown and James the MeXICan news y t e steamer 0 um ns, Indians Febroary 17 1862 Mrs. vance. -

, MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS L tumor was cnrrent to the effect that Co town, and havmg no regular crew on board at New York from Havana Chase has Issued a


l\lmbns was to be evacuated, the guns re of her, seemg the hopelessness of reslstmg " Generals PrIm and Doblado held a con ruleJl and regulatIOns 1ll0l cd and Ithe fortificatIOns demohshed the Iron clad steamers, at once struck her ference at Soledad, an lDland town about commerCIal Intercourse di~~~f,~~~rH:;rookfield N Y l<'ebruary 28,

I ut of tills111an has now been carrIed oilt, ~~!lrdays~~~;:,e:n~att~:e~o~~~~~;;e~f sfu'e ::;~~Z:n~~ {~~~ Jeer:l~:~zi;~;~ ~t~~I~~ armIes, dIS~~C!~~~~kd"Mrlhi"il Br!k!~::e~tg;d ~e~;"~ 1,1862, II e towa bas Ibeen left, som~ of the guns re- naval brigade had been put on board tempo· pass the stronghold of Chlqlllhllltl and oc a very strIDgent character a brIef bn~f d~~~:n~n~lI~rl~::

l;IOi'GE-f!In Colnmbos NY, Febrnary ,ddd~nly, Mra Adelia J Hodge In the

moved, and the property WhiCh conld be de- rarlly, uutll sbe could be relieved by the St cupy the CitIes of Tehuaean, Cordova and Fremont's Defence has been pu She dIed In full hope of bemg .troyed by fiJe has so perIshed The fortI Lawrence, whIch was to have gone up on Onzaba,dunngpendlllg negotIations These some thIrty colomns IS far better" ficatlOns havJ, howeveJ, apparently been left Monday to take heI pOSItIOn as one of the conceSSIOns by no means gratify the loyal throws much lIght on to stand It [S probable that the pamc of blockadIDg vessels off James rIVer On the MeXIcans and Doblado IS suspected of agamst hIm-some of h 'I' 1 Id tilth t Congress strlklDg her colors, the Jamestown treachery 111 grantmg them By this ar- UDJust It WIll well repay 11.

t c r~ue s Wull no a ow em a pause approached, and took from on board all hel ran ement the alhes hold the prlDClpal for who are mterested for the complrtlOn of thiS work The Mem officers as pflsoners, bnt allowed the crew to tdie~ mIand towns of EasterpMexICO, WhlCh phl~ paper already alluded to saId that the escaped In boats The vessel be1ug tbus otherWIse they could have gamed only by J os.J!na Qumcy reached cthc)UeU1I!1Il evacuatIOn of the town was to take place cleared, was fired by the rebels, when the bloody battles It IS, however, stated that, 90 on the 19th ult He IS under the Im~edlate directIOn of Beauregard, Memmac and her two Idnhlad co~amons should the pendIDg negollatIOns result un bY:ec~:~:ceh,m:~tOh'Ce(:"lssiQ]ned

d th t tli bIt fall back to opened With shell an s ot 611 ewport favorably the allIes WIll restore these towns nnd hIS frIends hope soou an II e ~e c army was 0 News The firmg of the batterIes was the M;.lncans before commenclDg active c01lerl.nlr ... Island No 10, or FOlt Pillow, whICh seems bflskly returned hosllhbes agl\lll to be another name given to the same pomt Later mtelhgeoce says In the meantIme, It 18 alleged that General PrIm has con from Charlestown, '\ a , Another meee of lHtelhgence IS that Gen the Bteam fngate Mmnesota, havlDg part1y fessed tbat It IS the mtentlOn of tbe SpaDish states that Polk "ho;tly ~efore thIS time called for 1 000 got np steam, was beIDg towed np to the government to mterfere Witil the Mouroe I .. " .. ,,''! ~f,o)rrmce.idaat.bIWermchester

, ehef of tbe two frigates, but dId not get up doctrille and that Napoleon WIShes the ~ICOlJJl)letE,d 1\ ""lrt.h'lVorks negroes fIOm: the planters of the MISSISSIppI nntll too late to assist them She was also Arcnauke Maxlmlhan to be king of MexIco" N,:'~~~r~~,I:d With 60 guns, inclutlling to ~ork on fortificatIOns, thIS Imphed tbat followed up by the frIgate St !.lawrence, • ,11

a rcslstancelwas contemplated there To whIch was taken m tow by several of the CHEAP LANns IN IOWA-A CO]t~~:~.~~~:h~~JDn~~;~~~:~~~ thIS Island tHe rebels have retreated accord small harbor steamers of tbe N Y Tribune, wrltmg from Aften, mg to our la~est news A dispatch to the The telegrapblc hne to Fortress Monroe IS Umon Co, Iowa, says that land can now be

I JUs~ completed A dispatch Just receIved d th I T ts War Department, dated Columbus, March 4, t tes that the ErIcsson arrIved at Fortress purchase m at regIOn very ow rac sayS that th~ reconnOlBsance of our forces M~nroc last nlgbt. Eady thiS mommg she that halve ~e2en.3he12, at $ldO ;0. $1fi5 an acrell:lret aoyfear wel.!hillg ellrht ou

I I I h oft'erm at" '" .. <t, an ,,[) II ~x~c v I ~ ~ 2 00 18 52 on j Ie 2d, crull~e(l the enemy to beat a husty was attacked by the tillee rebel vesse s, t e ralle land, and $5 to 810 an acre fur tIm of a gentleman 1D 2 00 18 52 retreat, thelworks of the place, said to be MerrImac, Jamestown and Yo~ktown ffAf~r ~er BrcalunO' land m the sod COstM $3 per It was procured IS known 200 18 52 of great Mtreno-th, conslstlDg of fOflllidable five hOllrs contestkthey werdet rIven 0 ~t e acre ~nd cont~aets for 40 or mOle aCIes 1U a It 18 said to be wlthm +d,n.'~iI " ; ~ ~~ ~~ Ii f " MerrimaC m a SID IDg con I Ion 'I b d t k fo Ie amount cIty 18 2 ers 0 battenes on the water SIde, and on Th ~ II wIng was r~celved to night. by smg e 0 yale a en I ad 88

d Watson, NY, 2 00 18 0IS

th I d d ddt h d b tt e 0 0 G Wid I 'd Lands broke m June arc a apte to any dated Chicago, March 50 e an SI ~I. a eep I c an a a IS MaJ Gen McClellan frorr: en 00, are kmd of agrlcultnre the follwmg season, and House atBloommgtoll, ~~~?~S~~:~~:ft~~d,~2 00 18 52 A dispatcH from Commander Foote to the FOitress Monroe at 6 0 clock Two hours are cultIvated WIth the common plows With deii,trbved by fire last mght Loss :O;')('IU~'U. Lucel,bl 00 l~ :~

Navy Depa~tment, datl!d CaIro, Monday, after my telegraphiC dIspatch to the Secre- no more trouble than the best farms.#.in for $:Jo,ooa ~ gg 18 62 gives an aoclmnt of a bnlhant expedItIOn of tary of War last eveDlng, the Momtor ar N w England The soli IS a black sandy Lander died on the eve,nin.g' 2 00 18 52 gunboats upl the Tennessee RIVer These, rIved She ImmedIately went to the asSIst l:m about two feet In depth lYlDg on a at Paw Paw, Western Vilr.rilni:lt.. 2 00 18 52 nndel comm~nd of Llents GWlll a~d ShIrk, ance of the Mmnesota, whICh was aground s~ra~ of mixed soIl and olay, ~nd pecniiarly of the bram Gen 4 gg ~: ~ went tQ a Jlfllnt near the MISSISSIPPI hne and oontmued so untIl a few mmutes SIDO" ad~ ted to the culture of corn If the sea- hlS <i'lmmand 2 00 18 There a bat~ry opened on them WIth SIX The New York Tlwunlrs Fortress BOD Pta favorable and corn well worked at 200 18 guns The Igunboat8 800n silenced them spemal states that the least three tImes WIth a plow, a YIeld of 75 Price had bnrned several 2 00 18 Then 90 mo~nted men landed and charged crew of five hundred men, nearly of to the a<;relsn()tuncommon Many at FayetteVIlle, >~p~!:IIlI~~;Jr~~!I! 100 18 upon the en my, driVIng them some dlstanoe whom went down, but a negro states that 0 r best farmers obtalDed 100 bllSliels to lead factory, several ~+±~6~~~~~~Z=OO==~19== nt first, then bemg forced to ret1Te by rea- some of the crew who swam ashore, th 1\ and 100,000 pounds of flour ~ QOn of the atrlval of strong reinfo~cement8 the number as one h~ndred e acre I Baltimore and Ob1~ RadToad 1S ljeilng'iI The next molvement was an attack by three A dispatch from Charlestown, Va, of DESTRUOTIVE FLOOD IN MECCA -The BOB' rebUilt, and WIll soon lie £eglments oli,: rebels on tdhe gutnhboajf:ts Thde March 9, says the report last th~t wr ton Traveller has the followlDg Item ofnewB About forty mIles of -~b,eI8~ ormer were repulsed, an BO e a air en forces had occupIed Leesburg been carned off by the H

ed confirmed Tile enemy intelbgent gentleman, wbo has for of the GoverI1or The 1[erafa>s WashlUgton dIspatch BayS on Fnday mornlDg, taklDg resided lD 8~a, says, In a

advlCes from the L~wer Potomao state and baggage to MIddlebury, to 6 frIend 1D thta CIty that the rebels are ulldoubtedly concentral- known whether the troops retired or been a flood of rain In !~!~lJib~:i.~~i~jf~Jl IDg IIll1rge force III a directIOn opp081te to started toward WlDcllester Col G,eary OQ- hundred hves lost, -one-thlrd of ~~3~:~~:~~i~:fJ~~~ the PORltlO* of GeD Hooker's dIVISIon cupled the town unresisted yesterday. mol1l. destroyed, the gr~.t .8!i~!ei~~~:~~~,~rl~tII~ t~~-::r~~~ rebel army of the Potomllc has been greatly tted to the rebel army AU was qRU)t 011 and the great. Ilbratt II-

augmented 8lDce the r'geent UDlon vlctones our frontIers last mght adds, v8ny. nata; ~:~~~~}t~i~~:~~:~~t£~~~!,~~~ Ii'l tbe west,J A/dispatch from the same place, of We cannot, ~~J::.: .;.I.'.l1m

At Centre),ille there are 55,000 Infantry, 10th, Bays Yesterday, for the firilt time Ii. IU tb t 11,000 cavalry, and 120 plecea of cannon, IlDC8 onr arrn:al, country carr~ ~NIltI 0U8 upo a bar'lllIlU)llf, lIght aud bel",. Bebind the batterIes along mto town, and tbe occupants held 8001111:10- same 8IHlallll<t

$1 00 to vol 1SNo 26


I H & J HUtter havmg purcbaBi!d the BQOI9,

Prillted Sheets, SterJotype Platee EugraVings and Llthograpbs of the Sevenlli day Hapli8t PulibsHulg SocIety, offer them fot sale at low prICes Tor cal!hl

I \ -) I __ ~~~~~ __ ~~~~ __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Page 4: s3.amazonaws.comVol+18...TtlE J ~w OF NEWSPAPERS Mr S closes hiS review of the preface etc" Mr S first dIsposes of the mR,nv·hl\.rrlf A '181~:nUlnbt3r lof the Bihltotheca the chastIsement



We klv-e the i'61idwilrg seasonable hint~ o( gardens:

PIiT~~()f.ttolIle, and some other lleop~el 'uri(le(~inl),erj~1 protection. A

advising farmers

t:~t~~~~::tf~i.J gardeners to nse every means to entIce }i 'h;."" to their gardens slid orchards and

What a change of fortune for the feathered gentlemen I They have

mercIlessly ptil'8ecuted, and now they


For \lie Cbndren


What AIIClent mltn stood On a pulpit of Wbod, From morn to midday, To read and to pray, Midst a crowd very great, In a street near a gale?

Hplm'll»l OF, II1IILIiI ENIGMA ~o. 7.

.. Id. Delt.;

the principal Cllies and 'l'0If1\l fn tl1e.j:lI;'adK' United SllItes. I

~~D[(lKl AORNT, MYStIC BIU/lGE, Gml's.

... I '~~~~~~!i~:~~~r~i.~1:~:~ o V E R &; B A K E R S. M. CO. ha'ene.~ru.en;;;


<I CUTt, when !!,sl;aru'e of dll \

the contrary, llflt!,ration8; lind lIJleak In

~~.g~!I,li.!epeclI! alld 'hi " wluu Wt

~::~~:;~;a:; ~,,-y-".< """"" Iii 8Uffmng frOlJl

ill administered, 1 :~;§~j~§~~~i~W~llt~1 ~be fo Iud In Uftcen or prescriptIOn of one

llrid II""'" III Eng &; Bater a haa il8I!d In

" macblnes bere.; THOUSANDS ()F OASES

~:~~w~~!~;; have taken ihe at every SW.u Pall' IhlS season

It not only relieves the child from pain, but iUVlg orates tbe stomach and bowels, corl'<lclS acldlt9, 8i1d give, tooe and .pergy to 1JI~ ~le .y.lem. it Will almOlillnatantly relieve I

the New Yor.l: ImJepentk • .t.) I GIUPIING Ip '1'HE lIDWEJ,S, AND WIND COLIC '~'III~On"Y'earB ago, Mr Elias Howe, Jr, demonsirat- and overoothe convul.J!JDs, which, If not speeddy Ie

praetlc~bJIlty of sewing by m80hln· medied, end In de&th We believe ,t the but and_I ~!Idl J}i'le~,~e~ the ftrst praotioal sewing machine t!e IDOTld,lO all cases of QIlItIII/!!'Y alld dltll'7 Raa

that time there lias been more whether It arises from IcetblDg, or trom ab, for improvements on and devices w. w~uId say to Every mother Who MI

the sewing machlDe, thllD for any from !jny of tbe furesoIDg complRlnt. the r_rda of the PatllJlj; Olllee. and 1"'1I.mcu, tIiIr 1M PfJud ~ Df. V .. "

The law~t improvement In yoo and ,/lur Bulfenng Chlla, and Ih, brain of Mr. LQuls reli.r tbat WIll ht' ...... -)e8, ab.oI.fJ,Idy _.-to lollow

Gelrm"n. tor mllnY.leal'!' the nile of thiS JijedrOfn~, If tJJllely nsed Full du'1c-

OANllTON ~;1~[~rr~,~~~el;~~~]~E~~~III°Cbme t\oosfor U8lDg will aceoln!J&nl each bottle None are <1ieyond dOubt unphtlLs· tP"IMfJ In whose gennlne uoI~ ""fa.c-/illlIIle 01 01JltTlS &; PERKINR I.J;~~:~:~O~~~ it'bas New York, IS oti'the outside wrapper ;0 ; and "yet, wollld it be material Sold by tJrngg.stI! througbout tbe worlil:

:their little shuttle or PrlnciJl&! OMue, 13 Oedar/3tr~et, New) ork impulsive objects. For Prlce only 26 cents per bottin

fearful momentum at CENT"O' L "AlLROAD OF NEW JER I CalDn(I~~I)all tra~veJ8. it would be ~.... .... n.!!~.ril~inl~a mon I't would SEY-From fool 01 CorIIBDd-al-Connecllnga. I :' _. aamptoD JunelrCO with the Delaware. LocbWlluD.

IOjlOU.SIY aM Western Railroad, Bnd at Easton wJlb the Lehigh """'lUg MachlDe Company are VaUe, RlIl\rOad and Its oonnect/ooB, formiog a dlteel

no;,~~~~!::~~~; on exhibition at their Iiue to PIttsburg and tbe West wlthou~ cli&nge of~ .... di theee unproved machine. of the 8mlllFRABlwiG~ommeDclng June 10, 6L

lJaJ.~Y;~i tne lallle prICes as t1Jeir well· Leave New York as fOllows 'Ii "',..'U''''" stitch machines, 80 tbat alllD- Harmi>urg l!JJ;rrUIJ, 8\ 6 A. If .. for Eastoo, Readln! \

t~~;~r:~~~a;r'~r'"~g~w~, suie by side, tqe latest improve- Pottsville B"fflsburg, .Mauch Chunk, and Wllh'm> IE two great rival stitches-the port.' I ,

lind the lock·stitch-aod dfeide Mail 7hun at 8 AM, for Easton, Water Gap,ScflIn vr:ed !qlte'.ti(lD, "Which is the best .', for them ton Greal BeM Pittston, Wllli~sbarre. &a.

6-32 12;M fYmlUgh fi'am forEMton,lIlauoh Chnllk, Rend mg, PoltBV1lle, Ramsburg, WiillallJs~ort, &C.

4 P. 'Jl 'I'hrlYlJflh 7\oai" for EMlon, Be,blchom, Allen town, anll Mauch Chnllk.

5 30 P. j[; Wall 1M" for Somerville I!dId Intermedl ate statlol1s


Protected from Counterfell'


8 00 P. j[; lV..tern JiJrpre81, for Easton, Allentown Reading, H>tlTisburg, Pittsburg Bhd the West. Slcep

ling Cars from Jersey City through to Pittsburg FOR


Unittd BalM Patent npplied fM'


E,xpr ... Pr~I" fM' H ..... "rn.rg-The 6 A. M. ,Exp"" I TrlWl from New Yorlli a.tnvesat Bamsburg at 1 rK I (nobn,l ill tilljC to connect With faEit I ams on POllu"l I van", Oen1DI a .... 'rood, Northern Central, north an. BOnth, and with Cumberland V all~)' Railroad

I 7~. 'l1,roug~ Erpr ... 'l!;",,, for t~e WeB! lea~cs New York at 7 30 P. M.,d&ily, (Sundays exctpted,) making close connection at BarriBbm g With P nn~lmlR Ratlroad-with no change of cars to Pittsburg, '""

MERE SllELLS bul one to CmClDnat. and ChICago FOII~ hOllrs tlml j , h' Preserved and Restored. ld saved by takmg t )8 tram

ELIZABETBPORT Al/n NEW YORK }EDRY ( &pe~!~ Gold. .A.! lwd and durabr, a.! Ih, nell. 1 U4fJO NtuJ York/rom P_ 2 NMth R,ver al 720 and

FElfALE AGENTS WANTED. 11 20 A. M., and 3 20, 4 20, and 5 20 P ~ , .~~~U~~~M<~ONTH, urD STEAD Y EM- I The boats ,atop at Bergen Point and Marmer 8 Ha' T ;!T HOME OR ABROAD. I bor every trip each way. rl.

JOH'! O. STER,?S, Supermtendent-

con- THE lllERICAN SABBATH TRACT SO 1!~~~~~~~1l~~~~~~~!~~.sn~ooeM. k •• Id""", ClEl'Y publish.. the foJlo1l'in~ Tract. wblcb are eCI~en;tri'CI-l ,. for .ale at Its Depository, Weslerly, Rhode Island

~*fJlir~~ In diJl'erent L an answer DR. Eo

of the country. Bstamp. kOO,




riz-: ..... ) No.I-ReIl8ODB lor lOtroducmg the Sabbatb of Ib,

Fourth Commandment to the con8lderal1011 or III Chnatllu Publlo, 28 pp.

No. 2-l(oraJ Nature and Scrtptural Ob!leIV"IJ'" the Sabbath; 62 pp

No. 3-AlltbOflIy for the Change of the Day 01 Sabbath, 28 pp.

No _The Sabbath and 'Lord'. Day: '" history their ob",",anee In the Chrtstian Church; 62 pp

No 6-A ChrlstiBOe Caveat, 4 pp 6-Twenty Reasoli! for keepmg holy, ID e,e

week, the Seventh·DIlY, IOslead of lb. FII'H1>dny pp. th

No 7-1hirty..u Plain Questions presenting e mOlD I pointe In the SlIbbalh Controversy; .. Dialogue be tween a MinIster of the GORpel and a Savbatlm,. Oounterfe,t Com; 8 pp.

No.8-The Sabbath Coutroversy, the True 188116, 4 pp, ,"0. 9-Tho Fourth Commandment, False ExpJlRltlon ~ pp. I

~T'~Ih'P"" ExmIJ.UUTES, INVIGORATES, B~ WILt. No. i{)-The Sabbatb Embraced and ObSlLtved, I~ pp NOT INTOXICATE OR STUPIFY. (In English, French and German)

'~~~:~~:dit is quick and etrectual, ourmg the No ll-ReliglOW! Liberty EndllDgered by Leglsl •• Ii eaees of Dyspepsia, Kidney Oo'll1' Enaotments; 16 pp ~' ., ~

GBEEK l!'IBE. other dera.ngements of the Stomach No. 12-Misuse of tb, term" Sabbathj" 8, No 18-The Bible Sabbath, 24 pp 1\"

wonderful pro.iectrle, cal1ed bl80 ilIJSltantISPy~e:!'v~~e:-nost melancholy and No I4-Dol"'1101\ Obedience, 4 pp 1 fite," is said to have been In~dJted ~~]m~l~~~~; restore the weak, nervous, and No. 15--An Appeol fOI the Restora.tlOn ~ lbe CILI,

• '-t.' • t f d Sabbath, In an Addte., to tb Baptiat8; I\:om IIw Callicimcus, a mauulDlS 0 an v'gor. Seventh-day BaptlMt General Co. ferenco; 40 pp

the seventh centu"", an~d~it~~: I i~!~~~§~~IDJ~Uidi~C10UB usc of hquors, ''" .,. b h' ol G Its and their nervous slstelM 'l'ha SOClety has &lsG pubUshed the following WOIi' tel~rific euect y t e ree brokeu down, and subject to to which attention Illiavited : 'known to other the DELIRiuM Talll· A Dt(tnee 0' 1M &MJ.ti" In reply to Ward on Ih

elements, and their feel the .Fourth Commandm~nt. By George Carlow FU1I\

be a matter of spmt printed 11\ Loudon lIH124; reprinted at Storung\ll1J "pe:asciriaf)le. to I In 1802; IlOW republl!bed In a reT\~ form; 168 pp • WHAT IT WILL DO f?w Royal Law ~ rM'. By Edward SteOllot

JJOlj]'.'~tN'". wme glass full as often II! necessary. Finlt printed In. Loudon In 1658; 64 pp WIll remoVe aU Bad Spirit. \1indiClltlilft of 1M 1rut SabbiJt.9. By J. W. MOrloQ, i.le will care Heart-burn. lfisiIonar)' of the Reforlned Fresb'ltenad Cl!ofj1h

'rbl~ <~!s WIU cure Ipdige<tlOn. WIll give ;Y0ll a Sood Appetite. 64,llP, ""-SaiJlJath Vi of caW, Will stop the distressing paine of Dyspep- A180, a periodical6haet, qu.rt~, ".. on ,

Price $1 per linndhld, '

~;~~~~~?]"~and~1~dIaa~gre~e- Th'e !erie! ollli'teen tri.llt8, together with Ed'WJIIJ as ilia I~te!ll'~" lWYal Law Contended for,"and J. W. lIor

~~~r\l~~~~~1 I: "Vmdical/011 of The true Sabbath," may be h,d hOUJltl volume.

d::~:~C~;~~~.~a&~~. mfl~o,:~'\'T,,~it~~~ The lratt.e of the .OO.,e Berlee will be furnished to com bustl hIe, .~ ~E~!;~1~ for distriblltlon or .ie, at the rate diminished its ; it of Persons desiring them can have

d . mall or otherwISe, on sending Ibelr extingUlshe by ville gar, or "4dre!l • remittance, 10 GEO BUTTER, Gen>r.! j while to Its other horrors ,.,~.~_~..; }I,eJ\JDt,ricI.n Sabhath Tract Society, Wei den8e smoke, a loud report,


ber of 21th-lit. and 4.tli~v •• /)lew York, at 1215 P m and 8 p. 10., DAILY, 8und~f~ jt,':!'r~OUN, Sup't _

constitutIODlI,bQu\d tali:e _ times a day; It Will LO~A.:i[.4.GlilN~B FOB THE RECORDER,

s~o~~~"~~~~~: happy,remove aU olr ~~w YOItK. m from the menstnlsl portville-A. n Crandall

blOOm of healUt and beauU ,::~1 ~i3~;,~~[~;~e~~~l~: I Poland-Ab~1 tltillman Ptkr,/nrrg- H. m"ko,

will be fOllnd an Riclolm gfv.:-J. B. Cottrell dlS!lgrtoeable !en1llltioDS 8I.aU B ~~-Joseplt west

&plointoiim-J, ll. M:uSOf

&it/rtI1" ~""'E Frink &/lit -3. B. Clorke 11 S...BroookJid4 a. A flu VorOll4 c Jot Lewl' WmG _ _ E.I.Maxson

I W~ L. n B,bCQIlk WiIIr<nr-D. r. WlIllam~ Ifm ~-E Maxlon