s3. · web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a...

ENG III LIST 1 1.accentuate – to emphasize 2.ambiguous – uncertain; vague; unclear (ideas) 3. comprehensive – thorough; extensive; inclusive 4.felicitous – agreeable; delightful manner of speaking; appropriate 5.intricacy – complexity 6. introspective – inwardly reflective 7.provocative – enticing; stimulating 8.rhetorical – overly impressive, overelaborate use of words 9.usurp – to take power by force 10. vernacular -- everyday language (of a region); slang

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Page 1: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. accentuate – to emphasize

2. ambiguous – uncertain; vague; unclear (ideas)

3. comprehensive – thorough; extensive; inclusive

4. felicitous – agreeable; delightful manner of speaking; appropriate

5. intricacy – complexity

6. introspective – inwardly reflective

7. provocative – enticing; stimulating

8. rhetorical – overly impressive, overelaborate use of words

9. usurp – to take power by force

10. vernacular -- everyday language (of a region); slang

Page 2: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. allegory – symbolic story

2. conjecture – guess; a guess

3. despicable - mean

4. dissolute – corrupt; wicked; loose morals

5. ferocity - fierceness

6. incongruous – inconsistent; inappropriate

7. misanthrope – person who dislikes most people; hater

8. prologue --introduction; text written at beginning of play or novel

9. protagonist – main character

10. terse - brief

Page 3: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected

ENG III Vocab Lists 1-2

1. accentuate – to emphasize

2. allegory – symbolic story

3. ambiguous – uncertain; vague; unclear (ideas)

4. comprehensive – thorough; extensive; inclusive

5. conjecture – guess; a guess

6. despicable – mean

7. dissolute – corrupt; wicked; loose morals

8. felicitous – agreeable; delightful manner of speaking; appropriate

9. ferocity – fierceness

10. incongruous – inconsistent; inappropriate

11. intricacy – complexity

12. introspective – inwardly reflective

13. misanthrope – person who dislikes most people; hater

14. prologue – introduction; text written at beginning of play or novel

15. protagonist – main character

16. provocative – enticing; stimulating

17. rhetorical – overly impressive, overelaborate use of words

18. terse – brief

19. usurp – to take power by force

20. vernacular – everyday language (of a region); slang

Page 4: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. epithet – descriptive name

2. evasive – avoiding; misleading

3. evoke – to call forth; to bring out

4. foreshadow – to predict

5. infer – to assume; to conclude; to guess

6. laudable -- praiseworthy

7. lucid – easily understood; clear; sane

8. perpetuate – to keep alive

9. scrutinize – to examine closely

10. symposium – meeting over a certain subject

Page 5: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. affluent – wealthy

2. banter – playful teasing

3. brevity – shortness

4. connotation – idea or feeling associated with a word

5. embellish – to decorate; to improve a story with (false) details

6. imbibe – to drink in

7. nostalgic – longing for things past

8. novice – beginner

9. reiterate – to repeat

10. stipend – salary

Page 6: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. affluent - wealthy

2. epithet - descriptive name

3. evasive - avoiding; misleading

4. evoke - to call forth; to bring out

5. foreshadow - to predict

6. infer - to assume; to conclude; to guess

7. laudable - praiseworthy

8. lucid - easily understood; clear; sane

9. perpetuate - to keep alive

10. scrutinize - to examine closely

11. symposium - meeting over a certain subject

12. banter - playful teasing

13. brevity - shortness

14. connotation - idea or feeling associated with a word

15. embellish - to decorate; to improve a story with (false) details

16. imbibe - to drink in

17. nostalgic - longing for things past

18. novice - beginner

19. reiterate - to repeat

20. stipend - salary

Page 7: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. anagram – a word made from the letters of another word

2. assertion –a claim or declaration, usually without evidence

3. coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected

4. fulminate – to argue violently and loudly; to explode suddenly

5. goad –to prod; a prod

6. inexplicable – impossible to explain or understand

7. noncommittal – not willing to decide; not committing to a position/action

8. proboscis – a snout

9. quixotic – foolish

10. surmise – to guess; a guess

Page 8: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. anecdote – a short, funny story

2. climactic – dramatic, exciting, of the most intense part of a story

3. epilogue –concluding section at the end of a literary work or play

4. extemporaneous –unrehearsed

5. fidelity –loyalty, faithfulness

6. forte – a talent, strong point

7. hypochondriac –person who worries or imagines he's sick

8. prodigy –highly gifted child

9. staunch –loyal; steadfast; firm; solid

10. stigma –a mark of shame, stain, disgrace

Page 9: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. bumptious –arrogant, conceited

2. cite –to quote; to commend for bravery; to summon to court

3. consonant –harmonious; agreeable

4. gibe –v: to make a taunting or sarcastic remark; n: a taunting or sarcastic remark

5. repartee –a quick, witty response; the skill in making such a remark

6. rudiment –a basic rule; the "basics", early or undeveloped stage

7. sanction –authorized permission; to permit officially; to force a country to obey international law

8. satiate –to satisfy (an appetite)

9. subservient –submissive, obedient

10. vivacious –lively, spirited, animated

Page 10: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. comely – attractive

2. decadence – moral decay; self-indulgence

3. erroneous – false, mistaken, incorrect

4. flaunt – to show off

5. hypercritical – overly judgmental

6. irascible – easily angered

7. miscreant – villain; evil

8. ostentatious – too showy

9. pretentious – claiming undeserved credit; pompous, showy, grandiose

10. stereotype – characterization; oversimplified view of a group

Page 11: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. abridge --to shorten (a text)

2. emendation – a correction

3. finality -- completeness

4. garrulous – talking too much

5. impromptu – spontaneous; without preparation

6. invoke – to call forth (a Higher Power)

7. lucrative – profitable; producing money or wealth

8. shrew – a bad-tempered, nagging woman

9. supercilious – showing disgust or scorn

10. verbose – wordy

Page 12: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. affable – easy to talk to, approachable

2. bolster – to support

3. expletive – a cuss word

4. furor - rage

5. idiomatic – pertaining to a certain language

6. intangible – not material; can’t be touched; can’t be grasped by the mind

7. reciprocate – to do/give in return

8. subterfuge – a trick to escape something unpleasant; a deceptive strategy

9. tawdry – tasteless, cheap

10. wistful - wishful

Page 13: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. ambivalent -- having mixed emotions; indecisive

2. beneficent -- charitable; doing good

3. betrothed -- engaged

4. congenital – inborn; present at birth (though not inherited)

5. consensus – majority opinion; majority agreement

6. interminable -- endless

7. intrepid -- brave

8. repugnant -- disgusting

9. sallow -- sickly pale; grayish-yellow

10. sortie -- sudden defensive attack

Page 14: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. adamant -- inflexible; unyielding

2. antagonize -- to annoy; to irritate

3. archives -- n: a place where records are kept n: records kept in such a place v: to keep or store such records

4. autocrat -- a ruler with unlimited power; an overbearing person

5. factious -- causing disunity; quarrelsome

6. frustrate -- to disappoint; to upset; to thwart or hinder

7. peremptory -- bossy; overbearing; domineering

8. procrastinate -- to delay without a good reason

9. resilient -- springing back; recovering quickly

10. supplication -- humble request or prayer

Page 15: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. exonerate -- to clear from an accusation

2. expedite -- to make easier or faster

3. forgo -- to go without

4. incoherent -- impossible to understand or explain

5. incredulous -- skeptical; disbelieving

6. plebeian -- common; ordinary; unsophisticated

7. provocation -- something that stirs up anger or excitement

8. query -- n: a question; v: to question

9. secular -- worldly (not sacred); temporary

10. shibboleth -- a password; a custom or slogan used by group members

Page 16: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. blithe -- happy; joyful; cheerful

2. cede -- to abandon or give up; to grant ownership to

3. chagrin -- disappointment; embarrassment

4. debonair -- charming and smooth

5. filial -- pertaining to a son or daughter; child to parent relationship

6. interpose --to put between; to intervene; to interject in a conversation

7. intrinsic -- inherent; innate; inborn

8. precipitate --v: to cause to happen suddenly; adj: hasty; impulsively

9. proficient -- advanced; skilled; qualified

10. remission -- a release; a pardon; a lessening

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1. acquiesce -- to submit or agree without protest

2. altercation -- an angry argument

3. assail -- to attack violently (even with words/questions)

4. beleaguer -- to harass; to pester; to surround with troops

5. brunt -- the main force or impact

6. deprecate -- to belittle; to condemn

7. palliate -- to ease (without curing); to lessen the intensity

8. phalanx -- a formation of soldiers; a closely united group

9. predecessor -- an ancestor; a person who precedes another

10. redress -- n: a correction; v: to set right; to remedy

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1. bulwark -- a wall of defense; a person giving support or protection

2. coalition -- a partnership; a league; a temporary union

3. exodus -- a departure of a mass of people; an emigration

4. heinous -- abominable; wicked and vile

5. insidious -- sly; devious; working in a hidden, but dangerous way

6. invidious -- likely to cause resentment or offense

7. martyr -- n: one who is tortured for a good cause v: to torture for refusing to deny a faith

8. peripheral -- unimportant; secondary; minor

9. repression -- control; holding back; pushing back painful memories

10. waive -- to give up a right or privilege; to delay

Page 19: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. affinity -- a natural attraction

2. array -- an orderly arrangement; splendid dress

3. audacious -- recklessly brave; fearless

4. convivial -- festive; social; fond of eating/drinking with friends

5. deign -- to stoop (fig.); to lower oneself

6. derogatory -- offensive; unflattering (as remarks)

7. epicure -- a person with sophisticated taste in food and drink

8. fastidious -- hard to please; picky; demanding

9. ingratiate -- to charm; to seek favor of someone

10. oscillate -- to move back and forth (between places or ideas)

Page 20: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. bandy - to toss back and forth; to discuss lightly

2. degenerate - v: to worsen; n: a person with low standards; adj: having gotten worse

3. efficacious - effective

4. equestrian - n: a horseback rider; adj: pertaining to horses

5. felony - a very serious crime

6. flay - to strip off the skin; to scold or criticize severly

7. imperious - overbearing; arrogant

8. malevolent - harmful; wishing harm on others

9. rationalize - to explain away; to explain in a reasonable (but false) way

10. relent - to bend; to yield

Page 21: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. abash - to embarrass

2. allure - n: attraction; charm v: to fascinate; to tempt; to entice

3. auspicious - lucky; fortunate; favorable

4. deference - respect; reverence; esteem; admiration

5. demeanor - behavior; conduct; appearance

6. guise - outward appearance; a costume; a way of dressing

7. immemorial - extremely old; ancient

8. integral - basic; vital; essential;

9. purport - n: main idea; meaning; significance v: to (falsely) claim to be or do something; to lie

10. syndicate - n: a group of people or companies united for business v: to form such a group

Page 22: s3. · Web viewanagram – a word made from the letters of another word assertion–a claim or declaration, usually without evidence coherent – clearly expressed; logically connected


1. arbitrary - random; haphazard

2. browbeat - to badger; to intimidate; to bully

3. bureaucracy - rigid government procedures; red tape

4. contraband - smuggled goods

5. inane - pointless; senseless

6. politic - wise; sensible; shrewd; diplomatic

7. premeditated - planned beforehand; deliberate

8. proxy - a person with authority to stand in for another

9. scapegoat - a person who takes the blame for someone else

10. transient - n: a person or thing without a place to settle or live adj: temporary; fleeting