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Post on 27-Jan-2016




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1Dubai is the second largest of the seven United Arab Emirates is located in the middle east-south of Iran Persian Gulf. Its a magical and exotic country because there you can find the amazing desert dune dinner, the innovator projects in the city like Burj Al Arab and in the Persian Gulf where you can practice water sports.Also it has been a fast economic, technological and industrial increase, their constructions are the principal fact of why the people go to Dubai, to see unique islands and buildings which cant be found in other place in the world.Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. At the same time, the City is very famous and appreciated by visitors for its versatility and multiple points of interests. Aside of the sightseeing and shopping, Bangkok has developed into a magnet for food lovers of all origins. In terms of wellness and relaxation Bangkok has recently seen a huge development of city Spas and Wellness centers, in addition to the long established Thai massage centers. AsieiRegiuni caracteristice- Pen India, Pen. IndochinaCaracteristici? T= 20-25C? pp- sezoniere abundente n sezonul ploios (cnd musonul bate dinspre Oc. Indian spre Asia), reduse n sezonul secetos (cnd musonul bate invers) . Aici se afla polul precipitatiilor de pe Glob Cherapundji, provincia Assam din India- 12 000 mm/an? amplitudini termice anuale foarte mici 5C ? vnturile sunt musonii, ce prezinta o circulatie sezoniera de-a lungul anuluiCLIMA SUBECUATORIALA Pozitia pe Glob- 5-12 (15) lat. N si SRegiuni caracteristice- Africa, N si E Australiei, America de Sud Caracteristici? T= 20-28C? pp- sezoniere abundente n sezonul ploios-vara (cnd se face resimtita influenta calmelor ecuatoriale) si extrem de reduse n sezonul secetos -iarna (cnd se face resimtita prezenta alizeelor, peste 4 luni pe an )? amplitudini termice anuale reduse 5-7 C? vnturi: alizeele si calmele ecuatorialeCLIMA TROPICAL USCATA (desertica)Pozitia pe Glob 12 (15)- 30 (35) lat N si S Regiuni caracteristice- deserturile apar n zonele de divergenta a aerului din apropierea tropicelorint main(){2.#includeusing namespace std.ifstream fin("sarituri.in");ofstream fout("baieti.out");ofstream fout("fete.out");struct sarituri { char nume[10]; char prenume[10]; int lungime;}e[100],aux;int main(){fin>>e[i].nume>>e[i].prenume>>e[i].lungime;int n, i, ok;do{ok=1;for(i=1;ie[i+1].lungime)&&(e[i].prenume[strlen(prenume)-1]=="a"){e[i]=e[i+1];e[i+1]=aux;aux=e[i];ok=0;}}while(ok==0);fout