s1a1e of the mii--'itia · pl'ivatio11 and tho hnz:u·dii of' tho forest nnd tho...


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[1£1'.\R T Mf, '\I ·~ ~1 1111 I \ \ !\ [) J>n 1.:-.; c r. ,

IJrT.\\\A , f'chr1111r3, l "i .

'l'ho u11Jl'l"-i~11u1l ha,, the honor l•J fol'\\ ar<l to Y o 111· E\'.l't•llcncy t he

in~ Hcpot't t"Clatin!.:' 1n llll' ~fili ti:i of th• !>11111i111111 of C'm1: d for l '~i wh h ·, l'(''JIP<'Lt'u 11 y ,..,u Jm1 i llc<l tot You 1· Execllc11cy·, t·o11' 'dc1·:1tio11 .

. \. 1: .. 10.XI>.\.

Hi,.., 1-:xccllcm·y Tht• < :,l,·c1·n111' t ;c11c1al.




(.\IJ Ll'l'I~\ l{EPOHT, JSii.)

lilil'OllT 01 < ;£:-<1m.\L On !f•1.,1t 1~ ( 'o_,rnA~u uP Tut: .\I11,1TI.\ :-

('n11:uliu11 )lilitia, \'nlualilc 1p1:tlitic:; in........ ................... ............ i. iii <lo , Dcfccti\·c dctniJ.., i11.................... ...................... iii, vi

~\t·tivl' .\1ilitia, th at prc~cnt....... . . .. ........................................... ix

J~C"'Cl'\'C do . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . •. . . . . X

CaYalry..... ................... ........... .... ....................... ............... .. xxi

A1·tillc1·y.......... ................. ......................................... ......... xx\•

Engineer>!. ... . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . xxi Hcdul'tion in C.'Crtain corp...... ..... .... .. .... ........ ............. ............ ... vi, X\"iii

JJi:-baJl(hncnt uf do .... ..................................................... vi, xxv

1:c-01·g:u1ization do .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . ... .. .. ....•...... .... ... ...... .... . .. X\"ii

Exc1nptions fro1n !ScrYil'c...... ................................................. .. x, xi

Pcrma11c11l E"'tabli:-hmcnt.......... ......... ........ ... ... . . .......... •.. . ...... xii

Schools of <; uuncry........... . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . xv

.\lilitar~· Collc~c............. .................... .. . . ........ . . .. .. . .... .. ...... ,·i, xii, xv Train in~ !'Scho<>b ... u~gc-.tc1l. ................................ . .......... . ...... .

f:ich•)of~ of ..\I ilital'y I n:otrncti<)n ................................................. . xxvi


llc ... cn·c ~tore.... .... . .. ....................... . ....................................... xxii Ulotlii11:! .. \ nn .... , c. ...... . .. .. . .. ......... ....... ..... ......... ............. ....... 'ii

Drill ·1in1J ... an<l .\1·rnon1·h'........ .. . .. ..... ... ... ............ ..........•. .... ... .. .. xxvi Hi tic Practice. ....... .... . . ..... .. ... .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . . .... .. . . .... ...•. ........ ·xiii Hi tic ~\,..,..1>cintion-. .............. . ........... . ... : . . . . ............... . .. ... xx iv

D·1mi11io11 Artillery .J\ ... .,ociation..... . ..... .... ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :\--Vi

• 'c11io1· I n~pc<"tor of Artillery. rank ....... ..... ... ............. ........... x\'ii

Point T,c,·i..; Fort............ .... .. ... ... ...... . . ........ ........ ........ .... ......... x"riii

Ob:-<lk!o ont lyi 11g wo1·k..;, < Jucbcc......... .. .. . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . . .. . .•. .. . .. •. .. x,·iii

E:u·th\VorJ, Battc1'}', Yanco11,·c1· 1:-larnl. ... ............................. ... xx l'alli-cr Uun..;.. ....... ................... ... . ... . . ....... • . .•..•.... ..•. ..... x\·iii, xix

.\ i< I to C'i\'il f>O\\'CI'. . .... ....... •·• •• •··· · ·• ·•· •·•••••••••••• ..................... ix, xi :'\1 i Ii tm·y 'l'itJ, .... , Bn.:vt>t. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . x~·-vi

Vi-.it to Jl1·i11eo l~lwm<I ]..,Jnnd........... ....•• •.....•. .....•.•.. .... ....... vi

Staff........ .. .. ........ .. ........ ...... . .... .. ............ ... .. ...... .... .. . .. . .. . . xx iii

. 'tnff, H.:iports ot... .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . ... .... .. xx iv < •Cnnrnl!R, mru·J, 011 tl10 .Militia .................... . ....... ..... vi, ,·ii, XX\'iii, xx.· • ~orth·'\'c t .\lountcd Police........ ................ .......................... xx\i

\pJ} Sltl E" :-

X 1. 1. Uqmty .\djutnrab Gc1 c:rnl, nt'l)()l't' by-

~\Iilitn1y l>i-.tiirt :-;, . 1. .................. .. ................ . ........... . 1 - :.i t.lo So. :! ••.•.•.• ..................... .... ..................

.to Xo. 3 .. .. . ...................... .... .................. . . .

ti, So. J .................. . ...... .. ..... .. .......... ..

do Xo . .> .............. . .. . . . .... ...... ...... • ....... ..

do Xo. G ............ . ...... ..... . ... . ...... . ... . ... .

do do


do <lo do

• ·o. ...... ........................ .................... So ......................................... · · · ........ ..

o. 9 ......................... . ..................... ..

Xo. 10 ........................................ . ...... ..

........ 11. ................................................... .

·.i. l:! ................................................ .



rn :!!



37 50

:>G •)-') ... , ...


- !I

-- o)') _.,

- 30 - ;;3

- .,~


- ;;11

- ,j1j

- ;;~1

- ·1--_,,, - ti!

- ·o. :!. !11'}' t•lion l~uport-. of C 11')1"-

)Iilit:iry l>i-.tril't :\11. 1......... . ...... ....... ..... ... .. ...... . . .. ....... t)~ - ri:1 I(•


Iv do


<l J



'\o. :!........... ...... .. . .... . . . . . .. ..... ........... 70 - !l

~o. :;. ... .. . . . . . . . . .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . !lO - IOi

\I). !. .................. .. .. .. ............ .. ............. 10~ - 121

X o. .,.. .. . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I :!2 - 1 :~:i - ti,


:\o. ~o.

,. '-'············ ..................... .... ........ ..... .. ............................. ... ..................... ... ··················· ··················· ··· ··········· 'I '- ........................ ............................ .

110 - 14;;

U6 - l:Ji

15 - llii

168 - liU do x o. 1 u.. ... . . • . .. • . .. .. . . • . .. .. .. ... . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 1 "0 - v-:! do Xo. 11. ................. . .. ........ . .... .. ............. 27li - '277

do Xo. I:! ......................... . .... .. ..................... 181 - l ._i

- - 1. 3. l:eporb on tho .\rtillory. .... ...... .... .. .. .. . .... .... . .. .. . .. .. .... . .. .. 1 S - :!07

J>ro,·i11<'i" of' 011tn1-io. .••• ... .. .. .. ... .. .• .. . .. .... .. .. .. .... . .. rn2 _ 1 u;;, :!O t - :!Oi

ti!) Qnche<'... .. .. . ... .. .. .... . ....... .•. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 195 - l!l <lo do

• ~e\\ Bruu'""i<'k .................. . .... ... .. .. ... ... .......... ..

X O\"n :-.coti:1 ...... . .......................... . . . .. .............. .



110 Prirwc Edw:ml I ~Jnn1l. .... .. ...... .. ....... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. 1!1~ Gencml Rcrn:irkr; ............................... t _ J !>:!, l!l!l _ ~01, 20;; - :!OI:

J. Ifoport 011 '.\'' )Jntt.~1y, .... ·hoot of t:uuuory, J\iugr;lou .... ....... :!O - 2111

do "B' lo do 1 Juclwc ..... . ...... . ~ 11 - :?'l'~

J• \(

·o. ;,, <'1·rtilkutc' f1orn S1·lioob of<:u1111c1·\-

l'1·0\·in1·0 of< l11t:11io ......................................................... .!.! I -

do l~11c!J('(' ........................................................... 2:!i - :.! .. '

No. fi. Ce1·tili1·at,. .. from Sdwob •JI .\lil it:11y ln,.,t111l't'01

l'rod1111• of" :\t•\\' l:1·1111:>wi1·k.......... ........... .... . ........... . ~.!I '.!,

do, Xo\':t S1·otia .............................. .. ..................... :!'!4 .,

..T1 ._ i. <'crtifil'at•' ti11· Biard,.. of 1:xaminc1" ................................ 237 - :.! "'

· s \ :?R!I - ~ H No. . Hep111l 111' I>ircl'to1· ••I. lore-.,,<: ..................................... ..

!l. Palli"'l'I' <:1111-. ......................................................... ·•• :.!!:? - :.!I

\I ,. 'I)' o_1-, - •_>•' ~(I. 111. < :cnPl':ll < >rdc1·-., • i• to ( n·1 •\\"CJ'.. . •.• .... .... .•••••. ........... •

d11 Be~11lation,-Ex:uninntin11 l>y B lard" of< )fl'-

<·er' for· <'01nmi...-.ion ... in the .\c:th

)lrlit ia !11fant1·) ....... .... .......... ........... . :.!J't - :,!;,

II I) :.:11 No. 11. .\lilit:11·.'· ('o 1'!;:1'. ' ''l101·t ................ . .............................. . ,,_ - _,


. .\.KNU AL REPO R'l'

• ON TII.-:




OTTAWA, bt J anuary, 18'78. Th e Ilonorablo

The )I inister of )Iilitin and D\Jfencc, &c., &c., &c.

Sm,-The longer l rc--ide in C.::muda tho more trongly I bcco:ne c·o11n11 c thnt.

both a regard~ material and r-pirit, and ai ... o a rc,;nrd pr ficioncy in ordinary drill,

nc<J.uircd under dkv.l•nntngo.:, the .Militir. of the Dominion i of great 'nl 1 •

In t:1ting thi..; I am not iutlucnced hy nny p.11-tial or profo .. ional pro ·lh·ity, but

lJy the broad oxporioncc of the world'., hi ... tory, whi ·h ha never foil l tu prove tJ1nt. militMy protection j.., an indi:;pen-.nblc, though it mny be n co tly in:.ur:mcc for tho

safoty and indopcndcnco of o,·ery nation.

Prn~tigo j, 1>owcr-it permit,, the effect of'power withoutcon tnnt rcconrs to it -it mnkc:- pN1plc oucclicnt to rule; and if nny one think that good rnle nlonc 'viii

rc~lrain tho hand-1 of either foreign 01· dorne-.tic foe ... , or, unni led. mnko n nntio11

re.;J>C<"tc<l in it ~way, i10 ha-- not nd,·anccd for in tho "tndy of l1umnn 11ntnrc.

Tl is our dut:r, therefore, whether through the un hino of peace or tho dnrkuc"

and gloom of wnr, till to ai.h-ancc -.J1011ldcr to houl lcr, helping the we:&k nnd cheer­

ing on the strong, until \\ e hnvo prcp:ir l for those \\ho come ofter u n afo CJimping

groumJ (Ill the bore or tho great futUl't , then, nnd JIO till then, CUil WC take tho

rost or the weary-confident that ... o far ns 111 u lie. " • lul\c done our p rt to en ur

thnt this lnnd hnll rcmnin one nnrt i.ndh·i .. iblc.-till wn. nn I cont 1tio11 h·11l n o

in all tl1c world . 8-A


O\\ ing partly to a bcliof in the f1 icndly fl•clin.:;. and the pcncoful a .. pccL that~<>

l1n1 pity cxbts throughout, tlii-. gn~nt conti11cnt, n-. well as the nb!-cnco of ~lily .. ymptom

or cnu e for nlnnn, the irkn hns grndunlly nnd in,,cu .. ibly mutlo it:-clf foll that 110 ~rent

uced cxi,,ts for militni·y prepnrntion:-, nnd ... o I n'~rct to :-ny the Cunmlian ~filitiu,

though not 1 cdurell in nu ml c1·, yet, from tho :-hortne.,s of trninir·g. f1om the uli"t'llCO

of nny pe1 ni:111ent or ]l!lid Bcgimcutnl Stall~ a111.l from other wantt> :rntl n·quiremcnt~

of '~hic:h l h:ffe g:ivcn warning notice in three pre\'iOus reports, hns not imprn\•cd

iu i11tcrn11l (•ondition if lllClblll'Oti U)' U milil:ll)' i-.tundurd.


I trn-.t the time muy novcr come, uut in the nature of things it mny come, when

uddcn er :L-.h will uronso tho fem~ nm! nwakcn to a t-l'U"c of danger tho hearts and

miml ... oftho!-O wl101 Lu ... ietl in tho peaceful occupation nnd gaint:i of their tnlling in

lite, cnm1ot cxpnnd their idcns to the nctc -.ity of protection in that daily work, till

too lntc th(.ly may tind that the irritation due to lo ...... e.-; would not be ultogethcr allayed

l1y the co11 idemtion of the foct tbut they liad loutlly rai ... (.>(.l their voite::. agnin~t pro­

Yhlin~ tuud,... ... ullicient for their "Ccul'ity nnd defence.

The C:mndians po-.:-c .. :-, in a marked degree, qualities to make excellent 1<oldicrs1

Lein~ both hardy anJ indu:-.trious, n:-oJ to rough lifo, easily subjected to distipline,

and willing to -.ubmit to nccc1< ... ary authority; the habit of adapting them~elvci-. to tho

differ~·nt comlition:-1 of life peculiarly tit them for tho requirements of a soldier.

~\ccu .. tomo<l to hor,.e::. they ride and dn\'O with c~o and i;elf-possc:-; ion, and

thc-.e hnbib are proved by tho manner in which their Ca:rnlry can bo handled, and

tho lncility with which.their :Field Bntteric:i nre manreu>red.

There i ... no better mate1 inl for. oldicr .. than Canada can produce, and that there

j n military -.pirit nmong all cla-.:-c .. of the populatinn i::. proved by tho popularity

of tl1e Militia nnd tho willingno .... -J may call it enthusinstic alacrity with which, on

mnny nu occasion they have tumed onL for any pl'Ospect of ac.tive duty. But yet

being purely n >olunteer forcl', nnlc:-::. cnconragecl by more interest on the purl

of tho-e whom they may i-ome day h:we to defeml, peace and lukcwannness

mny tcn1l to ru.'t their arm ... , and in dcfaulL of proper training cstabli ... l11nents

which I have "u curnc-.tly acl\·ocated, or the :ib,,cnce of any trained and rli:-<·iplincd

ho<ly of men, or of regular troop,; lo furni sh a standard of excellcn<'e, a gradual dimi­

nution of ctficicncy, year by year cannot be surprising.

I can imagine no finer t1·oops than could be rahicd from backwoodRmen and lum­

l>crrnen who earn a li>elihood in our forcl'!t.~. Their hardy nn<l hmmr<lom; lif'o in tho

wood , nn<l in navignting tho mighty rivers of thi!'! country, enures them lo clanger

and nccu torn them lo clic;ciplino awl organization in their work, whilo thr> \'ariouli

dCEcdption of lahou1· on which thoy arc cmployccl calls forth the energy, the intelli­

gence and tho re ourec, which are invaluahle in oldicn;; thefr life of mutual rlcpen­

dence on each other for 11ppo1 t, as together they encounter the harclo.;Jiip", tho


pl'ivatio11 and tho hnz:u·dii of' tho forest nnd tho flood , hintl;1 thcrn together in a pirit

of manly brotherhood, "imilar to what prcvnib amou~ the mnk of veteran regiment. Jtud bodies of troop::; sorviug together in tl 1e field.

\Yore I to confine my:-clf lo mol'Cly referring lo 111y three prc\·iott'.i ann11a

1cpurtli anti recommendations, antl submit for· dotail<.~I inform:uion thii yeal' tho

i·cpol'ls of tho ntrious staff officers whic:~1 I subjoin, pol'l1ap-s it would bc1>ufficicnt;; hut

my tienso of duty and desire lo leave no appeal untl'ie I for tho material impro,-cment

and consolidation of tho 0L1·ong right arm of national clcfcnco which I have the

honour temporm·ily to command, impels mo again earnestly to advocate tho

cnuso of tho high spirited and admirable body of officcr:i and men who comp<bo tho Uililia ofC'anada.

• When I an·i,·ed in thii; country upwards orthreo yenr:i ago,I confc:; that comin~

almost. immediately from the command of regular troop.:, an<l nil their complete atten­

dant military c::.tablbhment.s, I was &truck with :;omodbap1~iutmcnt on my fir~t tonr

th1·oughout the country, which I immediately unde1·took to make rnpelf acquainted

with tho nature and character of tho organization with which I hatl to deal. ~fony defects an<l doficienc:ics presented themselves to my mind, ancl a-. :-oon as

possible I brought them to notice, bnt with all thc:-o shortcomings in the

important dotail!l of a. military organization I was immeasurably surprj..cd and

plcnscd, when a few months afterwards I inspected the )fonf.renl Brigade and tho

various camp!! assembled for tboir annual drill in Ontario. Strong, able and hardy

men composed the rank and file; zealous, intelligent officN:s commanded, and willing obedient young gentlemen officered tho companic~.

A powerful forco of all arm~, Ca,·alr.r, Artillery, En~incei., nnd Ia fan try; dofoc­

t.ivc 011ly in detail~ nnd rcquiremcnts O\'Cr which they had no control, ;;ome of which

have t>inco recci\·ed attention, nnd othurs Than~ more than one, pointed out. I may again rohcnn;e somo of them, viz.:-

1. Too sl10rt a period allowed for drill. which i-.hould, if po. sible not lte le~-. than

twenty-eight dnys, heven of which at Battalion hendquartor::-. if prncticable. and the

1·em11indor in l3rigado or Di\·isional camps of exel'cise.

2. Th1·00 model traiuing i:.;chools fo1· Ca~alry un1l Infantry, by ornbodying threo

<!Ompanics permanently on tho basil! nnd with similar objecb to tho two Gunnery

Schools. l<~rom these, }Car by ye:u·, mnny oflicer·s and men qualified and capable of

instructing in drill, discipline, interior oconorny, tho mnnngemcnt of bodies of men,

l'ifl.o instructors, and C\:olll'Y c,...sontia.l for tho consolidation of regiment.:, woultl he annunlly t>ent forth.

3. A paid and permanent Adjutant nnd Sergc:rnt :'lfnjor, to net n..; Regimental

Storekeeper h ·sidc.-1, fo1· ench corps. In the ~[ililia of tho United Kingdom tho per­S-A~

mnn nt ncJimcntnl taff con i ~ of two Oflicor.;, Adjutant and Qnartermn tcr, ix

H ,.!imcntnl tnff 'Crgcnnt and four C:orgonnt for each l'Olll pnny, from t hi1·ty to

tJ1i1 ty-,.ix in nil accordinJ to the ... ticngth. 'fhc-.c nrc 11-.11nlly old drill\' I oldio1· ... , :UHi

throughout the ycnr whon not othcrwi" • employc I, they an' kept up to their work

b\ le tt110 ... nn I ... 1,clcton drill. -.o that when tho men a:-.~cmLle for· thirty day:.' drill

n~d the r cruib for fom tcon du):-. prcviou:-.ly in addition, the.Y arc '· lmcwkcd into

hnpc inn ... urpri ... iugly rnpi1l mn11ne1". .. \lorcon.~1" this :--taff b ~pcl'ially thargctl

'' ith the t•aro of n1·ni-.. acc·outremcnt nml clothing. which nre thus maintained inns

high I c1fcctio11 n-. in the rtgnlnr l'l'\'ice, :md the uo,·crnmcnt llCYCI' suffor,. tho

tcriiblo expcn ... c from abu ... l'. 1wglcct1 lo:" ... , which unfortunately p1·0\·ail. I h:wo

frequently called nttcnticin to tlii-.. It b a clelu:-.ion to imagine that an etfkient mili­

tary for co cnn be kept up without a properly paid pcnirnnent !"tntl. and the attempt

t 1 do --o ean only lead to an unprofitable cxpcmlitm·c of public money. •

I must not bo mi-.tnhm in thi-. recommendation to propose that thc-;e regimental

tnff oftlcer ... -.hould be brou~ht from the rc~ular army. There i:-- no need to import

mnte1ial thnt exi-.b in abundance among the intelligent youth of thb l'Ountry, who

nr in-.pirlil by n z<.'nlou-.1 patriotic :-pirit nnd nrn ~olc\ic1::. at hcnrt, but we mu. t

i1 trnct them before they can tench other:--; and admirable a:; tho :\lilitary Uollego

\\ill prO\'C to future generations in Jll'O\'idi11g a flow of mathematically anti :-wicntifi­

cnlly c lnC:mcd men, we yet rccpriru for regimental officer:-. an elcme·it:u·y and pral't ic:nl

dotnil of in ... truction in nil the minor· c ... -.cntinl"; to render tbe whol ' military mnc:hino

rnpnblc of being rl'linulc and well di ... eiplincd when required for :J c: and thi,.. can

on)) be obtained \\ilh ... ati-.faction thl'Oll rh the pr!IC'licnl experielll:) to he guine1! in

dealing" ith permnnently embodied corp... . I refer to the three :\Io 1 ;,clwols a lvo·

t tcd in my thrco JHC\'iOll" unnunl reports, nnd -pecified in detail in that of ln-.t

year • mountinY. to •other to "113.~:,o. 1;;0 imprl' -cd nm I with tho importance of

tl c"l' that I c:u nc...tly uLmit the ubjcct nJnin for mature nnd 1·cflectivc con-.idcration.

The time i" uot di~tant whcu not only thc~c elementary :-.c:hoob mn:.t ho

in titntc I, but a: I belie' o it \\ill be found desirable to h:wc three permnnont I nfant1·y

regiments in the P1'0\·ince-. of Quebec nnd Ontario each of them at lca~t 500 :-;lr:mg.

L I Jinn• bcfo1 c recommended that the arm"', accoutrcrncnt.... an l cloth in!-{ of

each co1p hould be kept at regimental hendq11:11·tcr.1, uncle:· pcrmanl•nt caretaker,,.

Jn the <'it) cor1 the effect of thi i palpable, they arc, with hardly an exception,

in rood order In manyofthc rurnl ('Ol'Jl"• I fear I rnui:;L ay the same amount of

cntc i rot lnl,en pm! nbly it i" not po ... jl;le. •

A 1denta !·· I cnrno a~ro a F1en h comp.111y this :wtu111111

at drill in a

fi Id I pn al 11 • the 1 • I I \\' nt O\'Cl' rm I watched iL unknown at

fi t. 'J h ofh u doin,; hi utm "t with l1i company, hut he w.1<11 to uso

un expr '01 known in the nnny "kn eking ·them about." 'l'hc men Jrnd no


' v

le:uliue <11 no preliminary drill; they got tl11·011gh a few company formation in

a porf1111ctory fa hion, but it sccmo<l to me thnt if they h:ttl to Lo mn lo u e

-0f1 wnfu~ion wonl<l h:t\'e re nltPd. I g:l\'c thu oflic:cr gladly, much c1cdit {i r hi

well intent i onctl clfort~, and if he had :spc11 t six rnon lh nt ad i cipl i net! trniniu" S<'h'lOI,

his company would ha\'O Leen ,-01·y diffl·1·cnt. H erc, too, I noticc.-d the al.hence of

}>roper means for protecting the Government arms :me! clothinr.r; hardly one tunic

w1ts c·otnplotc in bn ttons; the tron--crs were of variotb pat tel'll:; :u11l material ; boo with high heels an1l na1Tow toe~ lhaL would ha\'O lame I tho men in a fow mile -O\·e1·

a m ndrly l'O:tcl ; lhe !U'ffi'> unt tolernble. !\It({ SOlllC Of t!to lock out of ordt•r j there

wc•re 110 slinl-{~. 110 :;nap cap~, anrl I j.hiuk I mi (•d somo rarnt•o I ; the ighh of

tho-o rifle,, if examined, \\'Ot1ld I am Hll'O, hll\'O been found dcfoetin.>. But thi i tho fault of tho exi,..ling ::iptem not of thit> partfrnlar ofllccr, and T hcliovo only

could be JH:>s ible in an independent company. Hc.,.imental nrroouric nn1l clothing

:::.lores 1111de1· a permanent 1·cgiment:tl stall~ wonl l be n !\\'in~ to the Militia I»part­

mcnl in tho end; hi•t from lung h:ibit 1 do not th'nk mq1tain:> ofcompanie would be

pers11aded into the nccc ... :;ity for thi~-it mu<;t he by rcgulntion nnd a rcJimental

order. Hnntl Companie~ as a rule, prefer keeping thnir own -.tore-. and tho 1 c ... uJt

is \'err bad, except when they ha\·c go:> 1 <11·ill ,,he 1-. au I a1·mo111·io,, atl:iched.

G. 'rhat a continger.t allowance a~ in the nrmy, ,.Jionld be pnid t'l each capt:ii11

of a company to CO\·c1· los~e ... , holding him l"C"pun ... iLlc to keep the arm-., ' "' in

repair, with power to recorn1• penalties from any ,·olu11tecr Jo,,in3 or darna~ing public

pl'Oporty. Thi,,, I con,,idcr, might p1·c\·ent tho improper n~o ofnnn-, which oc .,ion·

ally occurs anil tho glaring impropriety of wo:irin~ <:vvc1·nmcnL great coat ... ,

which. I am told i:,i of frequent occurrence.

I think the pre,cnt sy:-.tem of payment for drill in truction i;; fault~~; ... omc

officcri! aro in<'apable of properly imp:irting tlrill, which cannot I ncq tir I I y

inspiration but hy Ion; application :rnd practice.

G. I Lcfo1·e s11~;c~tC1l that the B1·ig1 lo ... nff h!)u! I b pni I a c 11-- Iida 'I allow.

am·c vr 1p 1rtione1l to tho am on ri t they now r ·ch·c, i u"kad of bci n.; pai l l'i •ht doll.1r

pe1· annum for each ctti.c:ient company. It is hardly to be expected from the m t

con::.cicntiou-; ollh:c1· that he will willin rh· hrin,.,. 1-1) notice an l rue m ncnn the dj ... . :::; J ::>

b rn1lmonl of :\ll ollic:iont company at the price of 1·cducin r hi'i own income. r nm

awaro tho p1·e,,enl !"y,..tcm ha'! thi" ro,..11lt--'.d1ich h1 n bl I offo t an I clctcr om Cl

fl'Om independent nction.

i. 'l'ho battcric con LitntinJ tho Guun ry or \r ·11 ry ~·ho I

four liold gun It >t' cl. Thi ... w 1nlcl rcquiro .1t. lc.1 t ~Oh 1·.- fur ca h b:ittcry, 1 ut n

I am nfr:iiil thnt n l lition may 11 tho imm Jiatcly nuthJri:r.e I, 1 uggcst n•1 incrca·c

from ni,;ht, to ten hoi·:-.e .. , in order thaL tho Xo. 1 of cnch of tho two gun bo

mounl01l, a without a hor-o ho cannoL do hi duty.

s. lf circum-.fancc.s ronder it beyond our reach at pre-.ent to instituto tho

C.wnlry nnd ln1:111try Schoob, which aro so imli,,pensihlc, then :1s a tempora1-y 8 uu::.ti­

tuto, I ll~"C"t that an ndilition of 5ll men anil two ollh·cr,;, as c:wah-y and infantry

iu ... tructor,, bo ml led to tho two G11n11cry Schools, rc111lcring thom the1·cby i-chool!'\ for

the three nrrn,, until more cornprch\'flsi\'L' mcn.-;11n's aro adopk'<-1.

ti . . ..\.tl<litionnl assi,,tn.ncc is ncccs .... :u-y fo1· tho ropair of rifles ; there nro only two

qnahtiod :umourcr:-; nt <~1rnboo uncl )[ontrc:1! respccti\·oly, bnL in this wi<lo sp1·oad

comrnnnd, nt ll•a-.t two moro nl'c rc(1ui1·ed to keep tho J:l,000 riflos in proper n'pnir.

A I urge sn pply of t-crcw.-, springs n11d s1mLll articlc<1 ot' ovcry ckscri ption i:;hould be

n<ldod to our prCEcnt -..canty stock for this purpo,,c. 'l'he arms reqniri11g repair could

then ho ... cut in nt :i tritHn~ oxp9n.,c to th<> different :\(ilitnry Store:> along tho whole Imo of country.

10. That a briti:11lo of (;arri-.on Artillery he rai-.cd nt Quebec and anothc1· at

J\ i11cr,.ton, compo ... ed of four battcric,., in c:H·h, to mnn the im po1·tn1it fortrc,ses at thoso :-tntion-..

Corre-.p mrlingly n reduction to tako place in certain corp~ hereafter to bo

con i lereil, c-.pccially in<lcpcmlcnt comp:rnie" of Iniantry; at p1·csent, liYcof thcse,·en

b:lllcrie-. of tho Ottnwn Bri~a Jo may be ... pare 1, leaving two only to fire salutes and

perform nct~sary dutie~ on ~tnte :m I other ceremonial occasions.

Mnny other imp1·0\·cmcnts sug~cst tl1cm ... clvo.;, but.I shall not rcfo1· to them nt

prc.'-cnt. If tho-.e I h:wc v1.:ntun .. ><l to submit <:oulJ be n<loptcJ we sho11IJ make a

t,ro:it tri<lc in :i h·nncc, an I tho -'lilitia would taken pride in fcelin;; that an intcrp,;t

w.1 lK'in,; rnnnifo-.tc l in their impro,·cmcnt and perrn·ll1l'llt \·:lluc as an armed force of great power for llational <lcfcucc.

During tho mouth of Angu-.t I vi,,ited Prince E<lward hlnn<l, proeee<ling by the

Gulf port, and thence by Picton to Halifax; c•ro ... si11g the Bay of Fundy from Annapo­

li nnd Digby I reaehe l St. John, Xow Bruu ... wick, and thence to .Frc lcricton; return­

ing l>y tho Intorcoloninl Rnilwny from St. John to Ri\"iore du Loup, I proccedc I n.long

th.c .Xorth · 'horo of the St. Lawrence to .examine the strategic point~, and :-;o to Quebect

woero I pent four day,, in the Engineer cnrnp at Levi~, inspectillg tho cll·ill and

progr~ "of·' R" Battery; rctnrning at tho end of tho month to Ott:i.wa by -'1ont1·oal.

Endy in October I went lo rncct Hi~ Exccllcncy the Governo1· General at Kirw­

ston, 0~1 lii return from .Manitob:i, :it the same time attending Hi~ l•ixccllency~s in pcctwn of tho )filitnry College; nrnl Inter on I went through Ontario, rr.viowing

trOOj) nt vnrion point-., anti . hortly afterward~ twice to Montreal on :.imila1· duty.

ln .tho whole of that tour, which togethor with the )faritime Provinces, includes

tho o~l1rc length of 0una<la proper, I hrvl the opportunity of making my:;olf fairly

aCl}uamtcd with tho condition arnl progre ~ of the Militia in this ycn.r'11 training. Tb()



,. ii

result wni; ~ntbfaetory to tho extent poi-sible in tho meagre instruction of twclvo

day~. I saw i;omo very fino battalion:i of Infantry at Quebec, U ontrMI, Otbwn,

Toronto, IInmilt.on an<l London. I occasionally mot bolnteu cornpani<li' performing

thoi1 <ll'ill with what knowledge they bad. The Cavalry Troop at Quohcw, nndor

an :•Lleoffic:or, Liout.-Colonol Turnbull, gave me i;ntisfaction. Tho Artillery, wherever

1 met them, woro far beyond an average. },anding at Pictou I wn'i ngrocably 1mr­

priscd hy firnling a amnrt and very efficient Garrumn battery, which both in the fiold

and aL their gumi, woro inRtructod with intelligence and goo<l effect. S trange n it

may scorn, the brigndo at llalifax, which from its ad\Tnntage in the pre--ence and

oxamplo of Her Majesty's regular troopti ought naturally to hnvo licen the boot,

compa1·es loss favorably with the other~. The rot\-.on for thi~ i apparent to me.

All tho corps that I intlper.te<l, wi)h ono oxception pnrn<led in tho field, and thue

I was ablo 10 judgo of !he proficiency rf their mounte.<l officers in taking up ancl

drc~"ing points and generally superintending the battalion; likewi"'o the knowledge

of c:ompnny 01'ficor::11 guides and marker:., I can speak favorniJly a .. n general rule.

Every p<l:-;t<ible effort was appnront; all eagerly intent upon appearing to the he~t

ad>nntuge. The broken ground on whic:h they m:tnit' u\·red trioJ the i.teadine"'s of

the several battaliomi. The regiment that prefcrrecl the drill shod wa. ~trong in the

rankfl, well clothed, well armed and equipped, looked well, and on the tint floor on

which they moved thoy wore Cl'editnble. Of their proficiency in the field I form

no judgment, nor whether thci1· field officor11 can rido, with out which accompli!-ih

mont :t t>taff _or field officer is nselesg for nctirn 1:1er\"iCc. Only two of all the Infantry

battalions I reviewed hnd praefoied the new formntion for attack. prohnLly iK'cnuRe

t was Jato in tho rioa,.on when tho change rcachod u .... fmm En~bnd. nnd ali-0

becnu~e from confined space t-ome of them hail no mean-. of practice in cxtcrnlod


The clothing, arm!! and appointments of all the city bntt.alion~ are inn. -.crdcoahlo

state. I c·:mnot speak too highly of tho great care tnkcn hy the commnndrn~ arni other

offi('cr:; of these good battalions, and I regret to :.n.y "omo of them 1:11.>or nn !or di-.n<l

vnnla.~e in point ofnrmouries and ::;tQroroom~, which leave. ... me in nd111iration of the

zeal that animates them .

In l:!O lurgo n forco some aro n.nd must bo hotter than other~; hnt I mn->t. not

c1·iticisc, for ull rMlly <lo their be-.t. lam nfraid I could not speak r1'1ite conlidontly

of ~Otnl' of tho country bnttalion-;, anti it i-1 not in the nature of thini;,; that thoro

shonl l not be exccption-1, but it i~ ca .... ily uncler-;tood that so Ion~ n .... our "m:lll appro­

priation rcndcrt1 it impo~"iblo to ns-1emblo companies Ht bnttnlion hondquartcr.;, nncl

tlrill them under tho order~ and superintondenco of oxporionco.t commnrnlin~ oftieer!I,

so long will it ho c;ocponding money to no purpo'le at nil in what i-1 tNmed "company

drill," under ofilco1·:i who though over so willing, nro in many in-;tnnco~ rusty in their



\\1th n \"ow l() gr<'ntcr dlil'ioncy I ln-.t yc::ir rccommcmlc1l that if we conlu nnt

n rd (1l I rill the 'holo 1:1000 111 n \'!\" 1y ) enr for at lc:t t Hi day:; in t·amp, it

,rnul I I I tier to 1:1co tho difli ·u!ty hy rcducinu the .Acth·o \filiti:1 by one h11lf1

comm ncin • with the j-.olntc l c rn1pn11ic-. hclon~ing tel 110 liattnlior11 :illd then

follo" in~ Uf) the plnn by di .. b:tnding tho-.c lmttnlion,.. who,;e compnnit'" m·c so !':11· lt·om

hcndq1111rtor .. :i.. lt• he out ,,r n•:l('h of propt•1· co11trol1 or nt nil enmt:-1 to maintai11 only

their ... he" l rt.!po .. t with 11111('h r<'--pc<'l, my proposition of l:\"l year :-11 !he J>ar­

linn1cnl 11 y .• 1 nut c·.11111ot ho in('1-cu-.ctl, I a.-.-.•u·o yon that monoy is now hoing "(lt'llL on

mnny 111 .rntrycomp:rnic• . not only for nr111-., nccoutrcment~and clothing, but for daily

)llJ' nn ILi" norniual trninin~, wl11ch wc u1ge11tly rl'quirc for the portimi-. ot' thoforco

' c. n mnko certain of beinJ efiici 11t nnd ready for any eme1·gent 1wr,·ic:c. .\11d

\'Cn 1,· roducing tho pre .. cnt fi1rl'e one halt', ... ay to :W,000 men. we ha\ o 011ly bl!en

nl le, with the voted :ippropii. tion. to drill I hat number ltht ycnr and thi), yen1· at

l1.1tt 1hon nnd compan~ he dqum tcr ... Jor twch·c day:-.

(' • 'l ly Ulld cfll ·it~ntJy a~ :>Omc Ol the !Jnttnlion.; nppenr, U\"Cll with that

me·1ti1 111 ll u lion, to what ~111 it nmo1111t in the mai11, towards tho1·011gh, oli I ctfi.

ci ·my ll 1elinble .. oldier-.? Wo hn'o 110 srho:>l..,ofin:-.truction at which tlH• co11 -.tit11lc<l

ten h1J1.., .ind in-.tructor ... of thc .. e men can lcnrn. 1l'hey do nil in their powor h5· aid

of boo'• and "m lei~," :111 I wo11dcrfully :-nrn1·t and self-po,-scss(J(l arc many of tho

c 1mnH11u.Ji11g and other otlicer ... , but in -.ome it b tho remain!'> of i11bln11'li o11 gained

iu ii mer day ... and without 1·encwal hy rne·rns of some permanoni rnodcl forces,

thi ~oocl clement can hnrdly be cx1>ccled to endure fo1· a Jon" time at lea 1 a~ n • b '.

guncr nl 1 nle.

Where ,..Judi we in tho futnro ~o to .. e<'k compnn> officers and sorgeant instruc­

to1 u l c .. we have tl10 merm,. of 111aldn..!' them qnaliticd? llow t>hall we be, hy-a11d­

I) c, 11 n i,ud len c:dl or "or,·ico nl'i~c .. , nrnl •11Lr young men nrc foun J on.y clothed

n1 d 1. but. witlwnt di ciplinc ~ ,\rmo1l men without discipline an<l p1ofc .. ~ionnl · n n1e n dan~crou to th ir frien!-. a to their foe~, an1l a.'< wc hn,·c cvcl'y

I l'\"cry H)>plinnccnn l q ialiticntio11 011 the -.pot to make onr force i;olid,

ub t 11ti.il, real anrl effective, I cnnnoL hut lament the nbsonco of ::;ufli iont mc:tn:,,, wlt"c 1 I doubt 11ot l':u liamcnt will ultimately -.upplcmcnt.

Equally Jiar<l is it to rcafo;c in thi:i country full of intelli"onco and o lucntion, .... ' 0

while a dc,·n tntin.; aJl(I utrociou w.,r j ... ra6i11g i11 the Eu .. t of Europl'. up , 1 who~c l"tlm· iti 11 it i not pO!: iblc at 1n·e-.011t to pla<'~ a limit, why we should in this

' 1 xpanding country nc l11ct to put 0111· hou~e in order and as~uro our ch·c_.,

'' may happen beyond our lio1('s1 n 1 throntm1i11g h1111rl i<h.111 tlJ11n lor fit

our gate \\ith impunity.

I wntl hcd with intere t dur·n.; tho p:i t au mm or, when rnon of nil hllllcl:l

of opinion expre ed tbom elves frocly, whether nny allul:lion would be 111n<lo tu the


Mil itin. 111 only one in tml<'o t·onld J 11ole 1my reference, :m<l to tho effect, thnt

a:i cl·onomy w:L ncc·e" !LI')' clnring <·ommet·ci.11 dcpre ion. the \lil itia ,. to wn that mo L easily 1·e luct~I. JI:ippy :ll c we in 0111· 1•011lc11tc I curity from C!)m o­

tion; I tm"t iL may 1011g la t, and that 110 rn lc hand 1111y c\·cr gh·c n w.1rning

kno('k :it 0111· door.

Il m:1y 110t, lie :unj,..,.. here to 1·c111:11·k. that tl111·i11g the pa t year p?rtion of the

.Militia ha,·c lieun u .. ed with tho Lc't cil'cl·L in J,cepi11g the pcac~ in ui l 1. the ci\·il

power. Tho .. (~iwen' Ow11" aud p:n·tio::. ot' 1Jthe1· CfJl')IS dicl good :111 i cflici.m1t ~rvicc in

tho t:tso llf the U 1 a11<l 'Prn11k strike i11 .January, als 1 upo 1 t.\'O occn 1 n m July

the pi u:,ci·rnlion of lifo and public p1·opcrty fro111 a tui:bulcnt mob W:l'S 11110 to, tho morn! clkc:t of' tho prc-.cuce of the ~lou t1·eal Briga lo. In otlior pur!Jl o!

tho Dominion, notably in B1·ifr .. h Columbia anJ Capo Bret.on, u tho oppo .. ito oxtrcm

of our )lilitarr lino of 3,000 mile.~ cxlcut: partio of )Iilitin huvo been callol out in

aid of' the c·ivii JI ,,,.01. during the pa .. t; year, and alway,.. with ~ood e foct in re toring

tho ]>llUiic p~ll'O witlJOut rc:-.01·t lo force. [ t•cgrct to notice the UI 'OUr:t!!ement With which ~omc of tJie,,o good :'ervice:; were met, in the hc., .. jtatio11 if not ~1cL1ml rcfu~nl for a timt• lty thn ;\fnnicip:tl .\nthoritic-. to p:iy tho fc11·co omi'loycd in th~-.e irnpor-

' . l tant ~crvicc... J b..:lic,·c it wn" not till after p1·osccuti11u w.1" tbroaton..?d or corn me nee<

by commnndin~ ofliccr,; thn.t tal'tly ju .. tice was done lo thc'c tl'uups who "t promptly

rollpondeil lo the c:lll of duty, and :-o cheCI·fully at·eompli-.hc,: it with foruca1·anco

undc1· cou::;idcrablc provocation.

Our .\ctiYo )lilitia, ' the ad .... ance guar<l of tho Domini )11 force~, 1s al pre:-ont

con~tituled ns follows:-

Ca,·alry .................................................... .

l•'icld .\.rlillery ............................. · .............. ·

C:al'ri"on .Artillery ........................... · ..... .. ... ..

1, oa 1,:1'.?6

3p18 •)3')

Engin~<'r:-. ................................................. ··.. - · -,,_ !l!Hl Infantry} .................................. ...... _,,. • } 3- ?•>o

I) "'\{) I ,v-j{iflCS .................. · .... · .... .. .... ".... '")'

'l'ot~11............................ .. . 4:~,'i:Z!)

'l'hc Field Balleric", li in numlior, a1·0 compo"t'l.I nml armed a" follow:-:-

1~ with n po111ulL•r m11zzle-loa<li11~ ritlc<; of l:tlc't p:1ttcr11. 1 with ti·p mrnlcr .\nn,.,trong hrcach-loadmg, at, Balifu.-.

:! with !l·pnnndcr bronze -.mooth-hc.u e. and n :! l·pou 1der howitY.cr.

1 al )lclbourno al'mcil entirely with hninzo :!4·poun !er howitzer-..



Thero aro nlso ei~ht !l-poundcr muzz.le-lo:vling rifled gun~ rn posscs,.ion of the pcrmnncnt "A" nud "R" Batteric.-. -.chool!> of Gunnery.

'!'he Infantry i~ c:ilculntC1.l nt !>:i per compnny, making n total of :n,3:.?0, to which extent they nro nrmod; but rucont reductions ha,·o placed tho compnnios at only 42

C'nC'h which ~use~ n corre:-.ponding totnl in tho numbo1· now only bionninlly trninctl.

'Tho Hc:-ervo Militin, in three clns:<cs by the Militia Act, cornpriseR 655,000; in ronn<l numbers tbo total force by lnw linblc for the defence of tho cmrntry is 700,000, between tho n~e ... of 18 nnd 60. I rugret, I can :<ny lilt lo n to tho Rcson·e. It is duly rc'7imonUtlize.I nod in bOrno mo~b111·c cffi 'iont, but it has not heon mu-,tcro<l

:;inco l"i3. I trust n new mu:.tcrmny -.oon he mn<lc, and if it bo pos::;iblc, that both oilicer::. nu<l sergeants bo annually trained. I have before recommended that

u i eli:&ble orticer of the Rc-ervo should l>e e,·cry yeal' t;cnt through o:t~h regimental

division to a ... certnin that each man on tho rolls is effective and not fictitious. l oolic,·c thnt in a tloatirw populntion i:mch as wo ha,·e, this mode would be more :-nti-.factor5· and economical thnn pcl'iodical mubters at long intervali:<. It would also

lend to ke.ep ulive the fooling of gencrnl liability fo1· national defence. Upon this

ubjcct I venture with re~pect to !'ulnnit tho following suggestions:-

.By the pre-.ont :llili tia Law, a largo numbe1· of persons arc exempt from sorvice in tho ~Iiliti:i, nnd the only contribution made by those porl'lous towards the defence of tho country i,, the payment of thei1· rc:;pective shares of general taxation.

Tho 43,i~fl men of the Acth·c "llilitia not only contribute towards the defence of tl10 country in the .. amo ratio as the privilege.! class abo,·c alluded to in tho

g1.:nernl tn~nLion, but they may have to give their personal son·ico tihoul<l occa~ion demnnd it, in addition.

The Re.~ervo in like manner, though their services would be contingent upon the magnitude of any nationnl <Ji,,turbanl'e, arc c11ually liable to contribute both in

purse nud per on toward the defence of the State, while tho remainder of tho com· munity ouly pay with the pur,,e, and that not in a higher proportion than tho othor!'I.

'I'hc pro~,,urc of taxation upon the community at lar!{o by dill'cront classes is therefore unequal. No calli11g or pr >fo ~ion from tho Bi,;hop to the poasant, i;houl<l

cxompl any mnn of i.ny <legrco whalc\·er, who lives and pursues his ,·ocation nnclcr the nntional flag, fi·om bearing a share in monetary contribution proportionate to

thnt of other mcmbcr"R of the community who have to prntcct them und pay l>csicles.

rfhcrc lll'O in every C!OUntry cert.nin "CCts Of person., who hnvo cithor penuriOU'I, conscic11tiou or pretiju Jiccd crn plo.i, a •ain t con tri bu tin~ towards tho ma in ton:m<'O of nny milit.nry force. Thero aro sorno w:10 having livc<l an ovory <luy-lifo of


bnsino:-;s or, trado 01· pluasurc, huvo novel' been tronblcd with alarm at the pos.,ihility of any rupture in the oven tenor of their way, who may havo never eon i:;oh1i1•r at nll, or ha,·ing i;ccn thom ouly in times of rc:;t nnd quiet, ncYcr nllow their mimL to

grasp o1· from tho narrow groove of thoir callin~, mny b~ una~lo to _compre~1ond th~ oxtont, of powu1· a mil i t:u-y force cxorts by the ,·e1'Y moral cllcct of1t~ o~htcnre, 11~ allo" -ing tbom to Jiyo in pence. Par less can t)UCh p<'ri;om; ri~c to ~1pprcc1ato tho v1rt110 of military forces ~honkl wars oi· alai·ms iu·oul'O them from the11· prolongecl dreams of sec·urity an<l their ilHlitforcnco to Lhoi-o uy whom they hiwe, unknown to them,,elve,,,

been protcc:led.

Po~siuly th"i·e might he gl'Ounch for some of tho:;c Ya1·io~1 .. :.ha< le~ .of.''cruplc, if t~.c Militia of Ca11ada could be mado the in,;trumcnt of' n~;;1·c ... .,11rn ; hut. it 1" the e ... -cntial nn~uro of a con:;titutional Militia, that it should ho only a purely dcfon.,i..-c nr~_.rmi7.a·

tion-to be employed bv tho Go,·ernment in rc-1i:-tancc to unj11 ... t attack, cith~r fl.'orn

I l · ·1 c t >quell Ji,...tnrlnnce :l" un ... t rebellion, im·a-;ion or insunc<'tion, or >y tie c1v1 pow r, 1 • •

which tho or<linnry police forco is insufficient.

As the assistance ofthc )filitia has been so frcqucntlycalll•l Ii.win the pa-.t ye'.\r,

by he civil authorities, I hn,·e con::iidcre<l it arfri.,ablc to pulili-...b in General Order4

· · ·cl h · "l ·er and to cxplnin that ,...uch tho linties of tho .Military in g1 \'lllg at to t e cn 1 p vw · • · .

ni<l ran only lcO'allr be afforded upon the requisition in wrilin~ of tho chall'lnan or b . . "1f. . . t . c of whom m:t\' l>c the )f:tyor . custos of Quarter Se::1s1011s or by three D aghll ll e,... on •

warden or other head.of tho municipality 01· county.

· 't' of teri·it.orinl, military or It can no,·or be u1·.,cd that tho p redatory ncqu1 ... 1 ion ,., . . . l 'tl J ·1tin11·1l i·irrht or uccu-... an· w the commercial adYnntngt'" 1~ ellhe1· 111 aceo1·1 a.nee w1 i 1. • ,., . •

b d f ,,·er • J>oint of ,·icw to ... lick to the progress of ci,·ilization; but we arc onn l'Om c ) , , . . . . t no,·er ·1b·rn1lon :>ult (H "1:1' nt1on advantages gaine<l fo1· us by our fo1·cfathcri1, wo mu,., · • ,

I f l · \ . moralities· we mu-..t ne\·er lo~c UR a fir:;t Jaw Of CXi::<tence, to think Oil )' 0 Hg lCl . ' , .

t crmiL the chance thatGommnni-.m si.,ht of conscience and honour, nor for a momcn P . II 0

. ti n·ill , ... t poi·tion oft hat c i cc-shou ld with impunity make a grand l'Xpcrnnent on io :;1 ' ~ ... , . ·Id! -. . . ·~ . . 1olil')' ·rnd nat10nal ,.afot\ .11u\\ 01 ) ti on of prnpol'tic~ tcrn1ed t.hc B1·1 t1,..h .i:.mp11 e---1 · . · , .

. f t ·1! o-.mcn A" u con-.e'l ucnco consi<lorntions but, the_\' a.ro qui to worthy the atton t1011 o .., . . ". . I . . th ' . t' ti ·it on·n· i nthndna nun m o iL docs not scorn to me nn unre:\~onnblo propos1 ion 1• •

, II t tlw Aetinl \liliti:1, should p:iy an appro· communit) who is not borno 011 the 1'0 s 0 - • . . ' • ' r . ' . , . f two doll:u·,.. tow:wd .... n11!tlrn cxpcnt 1-

xirnntc C!\pitn.tion tax 111 monoy each ) c:i1, o l I I tie nnchincn· of I . l ho ld be collcl'lo( t iroug l i . . ture alone ancl that thi,., l:lx, w lll' 1 s u . . .

1 , . . xl'ng to

, ' 1 •. , • orlioncd h\' !\ .. 1idmg H':I c ,\CCOI I the val'iou~ Pro,·int•i:tl (,o,·ol'nmcnt.-., uc p1op •

the rncnn,.. 01· ineornd of each indh·idunl.

. . " · 1· . to contri bu to lO\\ n1ih nntionnl defence. I t·on~ider no one can d1~puto lHs lt.1b1 il) l . b ine b t I an expect to <.'arn· on 11" 11 ' " llo\V <.':tn tho merchant, tho broker, t o rut usm ' - . l. iblic peace? d f ·om us..,ni Inn ts n~m n~t t ie pl anti gain hi~ livolihood unlo~s protectc 1 • • •

x ii

{ nr lcm110 • lily diminish I re\ cntll 1 duo lo cxccptionnl cntt!'l'~ o\·01· witif'h no inan I

1 o (; 'c11 mer t <.: a 11 hm o 1 11) <·onl. ol, i unoqual nt prc-.cn t to gi \"C us a mi I lion arnl

n hnlf f d I nr. whil·h \\O roqniro a111111ally for thot'lrn~h 11ational dufcnco an1I w mainln·n om· rnpplio-. and 1c.-.cr\"l' of nil warlike mall'riaL and ~o it b onlyjn~t that

we hould 11'0 ext1.1ncou menu-.., which l nmturc to hopo, no thinking man who di~-

1 nssionntcJy and e:1lmly :urnlyze:- tlrn :-uhjcct l'lUl object to for oblaiuing it.

\\' c luwo nl prc-.1'11 t. three permn11011t. nud '.·ory imporlnn L C!-llnbl ishmcn t::; nt wol'k,

which will p1·oduC'C1 ... o!id ulli.·cb in tho future prog1·es~ of this growing c:ountry. rl'hcy

nre nil three bnt young and bnddin" a,; yet. though two of tbo:a :ll'C old enough to

hnve borne good nml pro lncti,·e fruit. 11·01~1· to the two Gunnc1·y 01· Arlillc1:. Sehools,

termed '' .\." and 1• ll" Hattori , and to the .Military Collcgo n.t King,; ton.

11he latter ia-..titntion b p1 gra,.sin~ under tho ahlc an<l zealous command of

Licut.-Colonel Howett, Hoynl Ea~i11eur .... in a manner that retlccb cnti re crc lit on

him elf nnd the officer ... of hi... tnfl', to whom he rcfor:3 in hi~h terms in his report,

cxpr .. irw tl1c olJli~ntion-.. ho fccb Ull(lcr for the ability an<l talcnL they have applied

in the performance of their rlutic ...

In the cour-.c of la-.t year Captain Ilnwkin:-;, Royal Artillery, one of the profcs!'<>r:3,

i • ... i_:ned much to tlH• regret of the Commandant, who alludes to him in limns of high com rm•ndatiun.

Thu Instl'Uctional Staff ns at prcsunt compo~c·l, con,;isls of­

J~ient.-Colonel Oliver, Royal Artillery .

.:\fojor .Kcn:-ington, .i "

Oaptnin Walker, Hoyal J•:nginecr.~.

~Injor 1Ucfont, DOth I..iight Infantry, und

Mt·. Fer,:;u on, who j .. Profo~ .. or of )[odern L~nguagcs.

rl'hc number of ~adet... on ht December CfHhisted of thirt~·-ciorht anrl about. l . J t>

t urtc •1 more tire expected i.t thi half.yearly examination, am! so on until tlw total

numl>cr 01 100 to 1~0 i CM1plctetl nt the end of four year~ frorn the i,.t .)11110, 187fl.

Licut.-Coloucl Hcwolt. ha~ sulimitte<l estimates for the progrc ... ,_ivo incrca~o of

~he ~'lff o: i·•-.fruct-01· in propol'li '" to tho incl'easo of the c:adct1:1 and has nccompnn-1cd 111 c lunate with cogent and practical 1·caso11 .

He tnte the nl'cc ity fore talilishing the tat!' l"C{]lli itc, npon a definite and

prop '_ fo tinJ f~·om tho pre cnt time until its complete 1Je,·eloprnc11t, IJa ... e I upon tho

cducntionnl curriculum as already dctc1·mincfi by Council, for gmt!ually carrying

o~t tho gcncr::1I intention of tho Act c t:1bli hing tho College. llis pla11 do not lo o 1glit of' the knowledge ti ... m I · 1· · c<l • 1 .. ., can )Ollig 1m1t and economy a nocos 1ty, they

mu t therefore bo eonfined to the srn:1llost scale compatible with ollicicncy, to

• xiii

ntford n :mitaLle 1·ctu1·n fo1· the outlay. Attention to e<'o11omy i-i nppnrent from tho

fad that with a inorc exlc11de1I range of i1.:,trndion, tlrn tnfl' i muller ti.tan t11at

of any kindrc<l institution. It is Ii:i ... ed fo1· SO to 120 cadets; and a the ame number

of 1mbjccts lrn,·c to be taught to the ft•w as well U'i to tlw many, it l'OUl<I 11ot thcre­

forl' uo matol'ially 1·c<lu(·e1l fo1· even !cs:, tha11 80 c•n<loli. 'rhe full vnluo of tho

college tan h:irdly be Lrou~ht out. while the numbC'r of 1•aclcts i ... btnall. It i ... ,·cry

desirable that tho early conbidcration of thiR ... chomc for the future organization of

he c:oll l'g<' l';honld b<' adopted, as working withont a 1·lcal'ly nndor-.tood nnd ackr1?w

INlgcd end must be unsafo.faclor~.

I therefore recp1csl f:wourahle consideration of Lion!. ('ol. 1J cwctt'~ pro-<pcctive

eliti matc1 as follows:····

At JH'e"l'nl the ";taff, including the l'nplain of cadet .... number..... G Subordinate !-<lat!'........ .. ................. . ................................. 1

F'or 1878, 75 (•ad cl,;, staff........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .... .. i

Subordinate,;... . ......... . . . .. .. .. ..... .. .... .. .. ......... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. :;

For 1879, no cadets, stall'..... . ............................................. 11

Subordinates .. . ......................................................... ·· ... .

For 1880, 120 cadets, staff .... . ............................................ Hi

Subordinates .... . .... . ..... . .......... . ..... . ....... . ........................ 12

Tho t'uhjcct~ of instruc~ion have been mathem:lti(:-., goometricnl d1-awin~, freehand nn~l instrnmcntal <lrnwing, .French. {;cnn:rn, fortifiC'alion, artillery,

mil itary topography and su1·,·cying, military history, militai-y l:iw. clemcnw.ry cho­mistry and gcolo~y, drill and di-.t'ipline . Four aihlitionnl :-nujcct... will he tnkon up

after next term. 'rho progrc-.s of the cndot... in thl· study of tho nh'.lvo :<ubjecb ha,,

been remarkable, and their conduct is -.talc I to be vory ... ati ... factory. 'fho-.o

appointed non·comm.:-:<ioncd officers have continued to mel'it remark.... for tho

manner in which they hn'i"C performed their duty an1l as .. i .. tOll to maintain tho good

disC'ipline which has beon conspicnou'. Artillery :1111\ infantry drill nre t:mght by the captain of' C'aclctt' with great ::,ucccs.... Tl•nt-pikhing. guard·monnting :11111 tho

dutic:-; of i;cntr.\· arc also pl:l<'li;;ell.

Hwimming i~ cncom·agcd, n"' well as 1·owing :ind ~ailing. :mil in fo1•t m:mly

excrc:ise,; of t'\'ery kind arc practised, ~o nCt'l's:<tll'Y to the thorough do,·olopmcnt :111'1

Lrnining of' youths of' their ngc. A erickct ground and ~ymna:-tic :1ppar:\ltts have

greatly a-.:;i-.ted in phy,,it'nl cxcrci~_,s. The gymnasium lmiltlin~ i ... \cry co~npfctu and in winter will Lio a mo-.t u:;efnl and hcalthfnl r ... ort. 1 roquc-.t attention to

the nct·cssit\· for a mon• c:omplete ~1rrnn~cmc11I for l' C'apo from fire · it ''n"'

hronght to ·my notit•c 011 my Inst inspc<'tiou, arnl I i;11ggcst that one or two iron

l u.d1ler:> i-1ho11ld be placed agaiu-.t the building for that ol~cct.

Jn tho month of June, I rn:ide nn in p etion of the Colll.'gu, and had the satisfl1c­tion of presenting tho pdzc, a\\nr1lcd nt tho conc!n,.ion of the tirst annual tcnn. It 'rn n plea-.urc to mo l<> fool thnt I had e\·c1-y rc:i-.on to complirnl.'nt lhll Commandant

nud t. tr upon tho untirin~ zoal arul ability they hail applied, to pcl'fol'm faithfully

their duty to tho ender-. who hud been entrusted by thei1· 1·arent8 to tho educational

curriculum of tho C<>lh,~e. And ccrtninly, as I then :-;aid, nny p:u·ent who could seo

for l1im .. olr the conto11tmcnt arnl happine,.s that prornilod among thoso manly young

fcllow .. 1 won Id gladly gi\'e his -on the adrnntn~e of the tiOuncl e<lncation, tho di:-;ciplin'l

of mind mul body, the intellectual. elns:-.kal, :-.cientilic and phyi;icnl fraining, tho ltnhib of rl.'~nlal'ity, and tho di ... cipli110 and rc~pel't for nnthol'ity, which will i;orvo

the ri ... in!! ~enorntion of C:u1adn in whatc,·01· position of lifo tbctiC young men may bo Jnunched ror thoil' tultu·c career.

pon that occn .. ion I had the honor, in the absence o! the G0Yor1101· C:oneral, to p1mont tho fir .... t of a ..,crie::.of me lnJ,.. which tho Earl of Duffcrin bas been ploaslld,

with hb 1i...1rnl libcml ~enoro-.ity, nn l with tho hearty interest His Excelloncy always

{Wince ... for tho welfare of eYcry institution of the country, to besfow for competition by tho cadet.;.

Ili,., Excellency the Go\·crnor-t:cucrnl has been pleased to bestow three medals,

viz., a Lronze modal for June, 1 ii, a i,il\·cr me<lal for June, 18i8, a gol<l medal for

.r1111c, 1~ 0; the luttcr year completing tho four years Course of tho fir~t batch of c:1cleb whn entered in 1 iG.

'fhe conditions of tbe ... e medals nrc, that one ho given in eacb of the above ycal'S

to tho cadet who from tl10 time of ... hi ... J0

0inin•r tho Militnrv Collcrrc to tho several , ;::, - 0

date- specified, has obtained tbo grcatc,,t number of marks on all bubject:-;, moral,

mcnt.'ll nnd phy'-icnl, that i" to ay, ~ho i>C; t lad ull 1·ound for tho term at tho time of

tho examination; the ohject being, to lot conduct, military, physical and intellectual

cxcrc:i c" fb ''cJJ a" nil branchc,, of in:.truction, ha\·o due weight, nn<l to test these,

not hy any one examination, which might ocra,ionally be attcndc<l with a goo<l dral

of lack, but by mark8 cumulative from day to day throughou~ tho cadets ontiro

'ollegc cn1ecr, tho :,amo radot might in fact in duo time tako all three medal~, but it hardly probable in tho cour:-o of tho fo111· yo:m; that this should occur.

I nco<l hardly say more in regarJ to thi8 excellent and useful Ins ti tu ti on, than tlint it otlcl'S O\·ery proi;pcct of being a complete i-ucco:s<l, when fully developed, :ind

ovcntually de~tined to be a most valuable and permanently beneficial csl:iblishmont

for tl10 Militia, perhap for the future army, but cc1·tainly fot· tho general public of Canada.

. I m~y end my rcfcrenco to thi College in tho worda of Liont.-Coloncl Hewett, with which I fully concur:-" I \'Onture to cxpl'css tho g-ratifieation I feel in boing u nLlc to report my confident n ... urnn..:c that tho o who havo completod their fin~t


'· hH·h·c monlhA rt' iclP1H·c in tho !\Iilitary C.:ollcgc will return to their It Jme", having " nil eaih· :1<'1p1ircd \'1•1-y materially irn f>l'O\'Od t.-.l11cntio11 and J.inbit of ;;.irul a~d l)()IJ~·, ,, f''< 1 \ ,~·hidi tht•y thl'rn-..ch-e-1 will foci tho ho11cfit thrnu~h hfc, an1l with wl11cli thou· " r:n:.:.lltl'> a11d the ('011nt1·y may foci -.atisficd. I,t. !nay be fairly cledn.c~ 1 thn~ :\ stil,1, " mol'O bc11ctieial result will follow at tho end ot lour ycu1'S at tho .\I1ht:try <;ollcgc.

J ha.vo alluded at somo length to the )filit:llT Collt•ge bccan-o it i,; '-till a wry

young iu,,tilulion, hardly O\'On yet F;ulficicntly k11own or appreciated throughout the

Dominion at large. It i-3 intended that each )filitary Dist1·ic·L ... hould annually

send to tho collcgo two ca<letH, 01· 2·1 for the whole Dorniniou. F1·om O\•cry Province

and )!ilittu·y Disfri et sa\'e one, within reasonable reach, we ha,·c now rcpro~entnli\'C . N O\'a Scotia alone holdH aloof'fo1· no reason that I know of, except want of proper cnco11r­

nrrcmcn t and Yentilation uy tho )filitary Stan of tho Di~ti·ict. The :-i .. tcr Maritime

P:·ovince not only i,., represented, but I bcliern one of it-: c·adot.-. h:b taken the

highc:-t uurnhc1· of mark:s l,,y GiO at the cornpctitiYo cx:1111i.n:.tio11 fill' e~llr:meo Bri ti,.,h Col urn uia, fro111 i lH g1·ont distance, and tbe cxpcn-.c of the Ion!! JOm ncy

•by tn11il aiHl sea could not Lo expected to sonJ C'adeb; and Prince falwa11l I-.lan<I is aliso um epro:-entcd from :;imilar unavoidable rca.-;011".

r have not yet l'CCl'ivcd tbe report:> of tho Dominion Iu ... pector,; of Artillery. and tho Co:nrnandants of".\.'' and "B" Battery, Schoob of Gunnc1·.\·. '.I.'he,c two oilicers,

Licut.-Coloncls Strange and Irwin, Royal Artillery, ha\·c no need of further com­

mendation from mo; their profc!"sional acquirements :11·0 of tho first order: and tho

zeal wlii~h they ahly apply in tho performance of their dutic:-;, -.omotimcs under

difficult cil'curn;..tnnccs, entitle tbcm to tbc credit I have the pll•u.-.uro to award them.

Their icport:-, alwayi; i:;enrching and instructive, will ~ponk for them,e!ve ... , and f

am sure will receive n.ll tbo n.ttontion they fully do-:cn·o if I mny bo permitted to

prejudge by tho high character as artillerymen thc--c officer. po,.se:."'.

I in:-.pccted both these permanent batterie during the autumn, comman1~t-.l re:;pcctivoly Ly Lieut.-Coloncl Montizambert and Liout.-ColonelCotton, two C~o.nd1an gci.tlcmon of high nbilitic:; and fully qualifio<l for the important post· tho~·ctf1riently fill. "B" Hattoi·y I 1-iCl'ntinizcd minutely at the Levis Camp, !lllli I cannot too well

expi·es~ my ... atisfuction with tho profic·icncy alt!tined hy it, which :ipplil':-i equally to

"A" Battery. Tho value oftho~e .Artillery Schools in instructing otliccrb and men of

the GaiTison nnd Ficlcl Batteries of tho Dominion, is pro,·ed br the efficiency of tho

Aitillcl'y goncrally. In this respect howevc1· as mny be expected, much still ~·c.rnnin to bo aC'compli:-.hcd, and wo t·nu hardly look for n really high standard of eftic1cncy in thi:i 1-iCionlific nrm, unlc:-s officers commanding batteries exert themseh·c., to tho

full to obtain, and to rotJiin, tho services of officers and non-commi,.. ... ioucd officer:-i who tako a keen intcre:;t in, and ishow n mt.turn! procli\•ity for their <lnlit\!;, hy a

willingnesH to nndo1·go tho nccotisary courso of training at a .._chool of gunno?··

It happens that isomotimos tmbaltern oflico1·~ urc ret:li111 .. '<l. who c:m linrcly d1~l~ a gun uetnchmont, while non-commi&iionoJ officers :ire somet11ncs found who ... o cl11oi


rccommencl:ttion i' ngo or length of c1Ticc, thort by ~tnndi ng in tho wny of younger

nnd moio energetic men, of whom there nre plenty who hM·o qunlitiod n.t ono of tho

gunnery chool. OflicN comm:rn ling Unttorfo,,ofArtil~cry an' i.n ~Clll'l'fll ,·cry. well

qunlified; they fill a rl pon it.le JlO>litiou. 'l'hc incrcnso Ill tl1c clhc1011cy of Arl1llory

cnu:,cd hy the gc11e1·al ub><titutio11 of till rilled for the old smooth-born gun demands 0 , cry exertion for n lditional knowledge on the parL of those who ha,·o to u:-e them,

nnd ~"Gunnery Sehoob p •rmit en~ry facility for tho llCl'Cssary im;lrnetion, I hopo

:ind t'!trnc ... tty 0

rcco111rncml, that olli cors of G:u rison nnd Field Batteries will sec tho 11cco":-ity for obliging all yom1~ ofliccr" and men to obtnin the ll<)cc:;sn1-y <Lll:tlificn­tion.

Jn the clothing of .Artillery I tiwl the "c1·~l' O\"cralb nro 11nin11·,,ally condcmnod,

e"pccially for mounted men, tJ10y arc totnlly un,,uitable for Cavalry 01· .Artillery, who

ought to h:wc l'}(l(h tr<>u-..cr-. \\ ith foot t.traps invai·iably. lt i:-; 1111:-ightly to ob crvo

mounted men with w1·inklcd trot1!'C1·,. h:llf way up the calf of the leg. as slon~nly to look at n.-. un-.orYicoai.)lo in prac tice.

r Jinn: alrendy ullmlc<l t(l the cllicicnt :mnamcnt of OUl' 11 Field Bnttcrie--, they

nrc U.'- n ~onrr:.il rule. quite -.cl'\·iceable fo1· rou!!h field work, and in m ost, if not in

o~cry in~tunce, al·l.r commanded hy intclli~c11t and competent otlieor!'.

I can hardly :-peak too highly of the salisfactory result already attained by the

~euernl i11tro<l1H:tion of the co111peliii\'c .~nn practice un1lor the rule:- of tho Dominion

Artillery ..1\.....-.ocialion . AltJ1nugli thi" .\ ... :-iociation. introduced through tho indornitni.)lo

enor~.r and per,,m·ernncc of Lieu L·Col. ~frm1~c, with the able assistance of J;ieul.-Col.

Irwin. i yet in its infnnc-y, yet the incrca ... ed intol'c:-t taken b>· all ranks in the result

of tl1 i.; prnctic.-e, with the olJ\'ious ncc·c. ... i ty of' carnfn I i11><tr11ct im1 i 11 dril I. awl a

knO\\ I Igo of um munition .m 1 61lllllcry. i"' of it-.clf very safr ... fal'tory a11d must load to a mu L higher -.;tandurd of cflicicn<"y.

'fl:c Dominion \1 tillcry \ sodatio11 which wa~ foundc·l lW<• year-. ngo for tho

de\ cl pment of gunnery and kill, and the dis ... cmiuation of artillery kuowlcdgo

tl11oughout the Dominion hnc; oxtitt I emulation for prize"'. arnl ha St1L·cccdc I Wl•ll.

Iii Excellency the Go,·orn >r Gene:·nl it< patr<rn, and ha ... , with his usual interest,

pre cntcd mcdnls for t'Orn petition. 'l'he <;o,·crnmcnt grant,., a srnal I :rn li::iidy. 'fhe

Hilitin Artillc1'Y. I bclic\·c without exccptiou. suh:-C'rilJc :11111nally. 'l'hc p1·ac­

tice is ean·ic.'<l out whcnuv1•r po"' iblc i11 p:·o .. e111·c of' one of' tlie Dominion

lnsp ·ton>, with a qualifioJ \rtillo1-y oflicl•r to a i t and m:11·k the "lt'Ol'C, and ~ol<l , 11broidc1ed b:u.lgc and b:·onze cro gun ... arc awarded the Slll'l'C .. fut <·111npctit1>1-. ... in

the vndou corps. 'l'hu , inc•roa"c l cfticicnc·y year by ycn1· will I>· obt:iinP I, n:.d the w.1 le ofvnlu·1i.)lc :imm1mition by 111 killecl men lie :wo:oled.

lho l>Jminion In p l'to· of \rtillcry, who nrc abo Gornrn 111 lanl.s of the .\r·til­

Jcry or Gunnery School , huvc independent du tie~ to pe1'1'mn in tho:,o capaeitie, upon

xvi i

w hich they corro~pon<l <liroclly with tho Adjut~1nt-Gonernl nt lie:tlliuarters. Their

oilil'crs and rncn arc moreover om ployed for cert:1i11 portion of each dny upon dnti,

of l'<h11:atio11 and in~tn1dion, pertaining only to tho gnunory c:Jn e,,. J found 1t

n ccc-sa1'Y thcroforo to issue an Ol'<lor to tho rc,,pect in.1 l>cputy Atljnttlnts Goncral of

.Military District~, i11 which thoy Droqua.rterc<l, to alJ taiu fn1111 "Cllding JJi tril•t 01,l1't"'

to lheso ofiicors, but to communicate when necc.ssary lJy lol lcl', fol' c·om·t.. mar:ial,

board~, c•ou1 t~ of in<l'liry, or other such dntic~, 1·oque~ti11g c:o1111'li:u1<·e in furni ... hini;

th o 1·cc1ui1·ed detail at, timos and hours of mutual eonvcniulll'c. 'l'his u1·nu1gcmc11t i,

noccssai-y for tho public service, in ordcl' to avoid a11y approach to a contlict of autho­

rity whic·h would I.Jo <lctiimcntal to disc.-ipli11e, :t-< well a lo the: lrnrrnony n11d goo I

unde1·.st:u1ding which must not Le di><Lurl1cd, nnd thereforo I require thi::. order to be attended to. and ea1Tiod out with mutual good foeli11g.

In view of tho long military service and attainment... of J.iout .. C:c' t ·1ngo

the S 'nio1· Inspector of ..Artille1'Y for tho Dumi11io11. l am of opinion it is (..1.I_. Jn t to

him to recognize so much of the cancelled 1;011eral Order ... of'2Hh Xo\·cmi.)er, l"'il ,

as dctinctl his" rank" with that of Depnty .\djntnut ... Gencml of ~Iili tary !Jist1icts,

who howc,·cr Ly law command, a111! I have gi,·en orders aceonlingly.

I harn more than once suggested tho propriety'of rc-01·gauiziu~ the olcl iMgmlc of Gal'l'ison Artillery of Quebec, because of all places in Canndn. tho import.:mt

fortress commanding tho gate" of the St. Lnwrcneo "liould be ndcquntc!y 111:111ne I. At prc ... ent the "H ., Bnttcry is the only artillcr.r fo1·(·e in '~ucltce. au•I they have not

men enough, withont making- an.'· allowance fiw <·a ... 11.11tic ... to rnan onc·folll th of tho

batteries of the Cit:ulcl .md ib on ti yin!! line-. of import:mt work1> includin~ tuc 1 orn­

m:mding fo1·h of Point ],c\'i ,;. 'l'hc Gunnery :::chool h on tho pot to tr.1in :md

instruct thb b1·ig:ulc. aud tho citizen~ of tho pince would make tho Le ... t .\rti lcry

material, being rc ... idcnb acq nnintotl with the loc:1lity :ind the rnngc ... , and if need be,

ready to <lefond thei1· own p1·01H.wry. 'l'hou~h I Jul\ e rceommcnded u numel"icnl redue·

tion i11 tho .1\lilitia in general 011 tinaneial ground ... , I 11c,·e1·thcl~ ... l'On idcr it impor­

tant to maintain cfiicicnt forces at pomt-. \\lWl'L' thoir :-Or\•icc niight be required,

and where be:-ides there is mnplc ml•ari... fill' i11,.trncti11~ them. Quebec I.Join~ a-..;-.ai!.

ablo hy• prirnteer:- 01· '-'hips of war "·hich might in fog 01· d:1rk1w ... c~c:1po lMti ... h crni-en; in the (;111(, should he sfrt111gl,,· manr cd :111 I l':1p:1iilo ofrc ... i ... tm1rc.

'rhough in a IL'""e1· dt·~rec the auo\·c re111:11·k-. apply p:lrtinll.\• to King ... 1011, wo

haYe thorn nlso :1 fir:t-el:i...s f'l'!wol of (innnt•r.\', but tho battery coul 1 11ot m:in one·

fom·th of the works of FJ1 . H enry, FrcdcriC'k. :111 I outlyinti )Llrtollo 'J'oweri> an I

ad\':Ul<'C I batll'rio.s. 'rt1c1·0 :il .... o a Brig:11le of Garri>-<rn Artillery .... hould ecrtflinly

be c tnloli lied, if' oven by co1werting one of the luf:tntry battaliou .... iuto ni·tille13. lt

i o l'lf oYidcnt thnt Qnohcc and King"Sf.<•n. our t\\ • fortified cit\.; (the Jbnncr

pcrhnp" the most important Jortrc-.,.. on thc \\ hf1le co11tino11t of .Americn), ... Jiouh.I

be i;trnngly manned 1.Jy di-<cipli11ed and well lrillod artiller.\ mou. that 1 11oo<l not. 8-:s


I ·1 'I lie fact of the two C:unncr.Y Sc!.ool~ l>t•ingon tho enln1 go t1 rt her t1 pou t it• 11oc " 1 y. pot would on:-uro tho 1.'tlicicn<'y of tlic:-e \ 'oluntccr Brigade:-; the 1wm1.•-. for the

13110 ade nt Quebec lwin" actunlly nlrl'ntl.r enrolled.

view of the nbovc. I rcco1111ncrnl a corrcspoml ing reduction in G:trl'bon Bat,.

icrio,.. 1.·l~1.·whcn.i; notably, tho Ottuwn Brig.\do of 1>evon battC'ric:-1 might bo rodul'ctl to

two to uc rl'l:iiru .. -cl for thl) guns in po-.ition on Xopenn Point. Thero is no need for n. Jnrgo n:irri,ou Arlillcr\' fol'tO at Ott11w1i where there nre no works of dofoncc to mnn,

arnl there i-. bc:-ides a thoroughly good Field Battery in nil respects scrviecnblo.

Jn the tOlll"·C of th<' !'llmmcr, IC'n new rittcd P:illii:;cr ~!·pounder gun!'\ h:wo boon

added to tho nrmnmcnt of Quebec nntl mounted on the rnmpnrts, nnd those with the

:irmnmcut ulrc!'ldy in position, will pretty well lock tho gntes of the St. Lawrence,

when artillcrvmc:n ul'C authorized to man them: we have ~00 rounds of :-he'll for

oach ~un . Fin of tho :-oume clus,, of gun hnve been mounted on Negro Point ta St.

John, .X cw Brun:-witk; the .. o with two 32-poun<lei· guns in the same battery, comm:i.11d

iho cutr:mcc ·o St John, a harbour of great importance, owning after London, Li,·or·

pool, (;111,gow anJ Bri,..tol, tho lnrgc::;l amount of regi:;tered shipping in the world.

Concrete platforms havo also boon lui1l npon the ... alients of tho three ~plcndid

fort11 nt Point Levi...; for tho sc\·on·inch guns ready to be mounted. I nm happy

to :.ny these fol'!" have been l'nrefully pointed and thoroughly rcpnirccl by the Depnrtment of Public \Yol'ks. Mm·h has abo been dono tu the work~ ot

the citntlel, e,peC'i:.lly in rooting in the bastions with wood to protect them from the

arctic wcnther prc,·niling in winter; lmL much still remains to be clone,-in fad Engi­

neer' ought to I e permanently attached lo "A., and ' ' B 11 Battc1·ic::; to keep the

,·nluublo worb of <luchcc and Kin~ston in repair. ·when garri~oncd by Queen's

Troop the lfoynl Engin"er:- were employed on repairing the d!'lmaging ell'l'Cb of tho tor'b fro .. t, all the yc.:lr round.

In rcferrirw to Que! cc a11tl tho demolition of "Omc now obsolete outlying works of b

defenec, I cannot refrain from an oxprf'""ion of.~def at ba,·i ng witnes~cd the de ·tl'Uction

oftl1c tern old .Te:-uitBarrnck~, whi(•h :;o m:my thou--anrl Bl'itish bOl<lien; l1avc inhabited

!'Ii nee the day;, when Bri ti.:-h troops landed 011 these 11h0rcs, and 1·onnd who~c walls

without the fol'tcs~ of Quebec havo 1;u1·gc<l tho1;0 mighty waves of battle that havo

finally ilccidcd tho fate of C'annda. 'flie wall~ of the Jebuit Barrack;i WCl'l' ~o thick uncl olid that dynamite wa nccc• "ary to de ... troy tbem.

He pocting the itponndor c·om·crtcd Pallber gunl', 1 may ob,,ervc l11!'lt we ordcl'od

the.-:e gun from Woolwich n•lyi11g upon tho prico li!lt, " by autho1·ity" publi heel in

18i5, wherein tl1e price of each uch gun is laid down at £111 G .... 2d. pin~ :; per cent,

but tho charge dcrntrndod is £1.,!I llF.. Sd, plus;; per cent. for each gun, and upon

r mon trance we arc told liy tho Sun·c.)Or (;cnoral that we mu ... t have taken tho


pritcs frotn an old Ii t. Well, we i;cnt homo the order in lSiG, and we took our

infiH'ma.tion frorn the> War Office price Ii t of tho pl'cviou ycnr-thc latest wo knew

of As the 11pprnpriatio11 for Gal'l'bon 01·<in1.11co wa specific ar11l definite, we arc tbu

i11notently plaecd in 1~ difficulty by tho \Va1· Ollicc dc<·bio11. I thcrcforo .1·cconimcnd a fo1·th<.H· appeal for it.~ l'OYOrl'lal.

In connection with thi~, I lately had very interc:.ting un<l in~tructirn interviowi;

with Captain B<lward Pallhier, Jato of the 7th llui-... ars L1·othor and agent of Sir

William Pallisc1· the inventor of tho converted dfted gun. Captain Pulli:-cr entered

with great zest into the 1mbject of the conversion of out· old smooth·horo guni-.

Wo have i11 the Dominion :-

rn.8-inch guns.

I:J3.3Z-poundcr guns.

209.24-poun<ler <lo

32.18-poun<ler <lo

The l!J.8-inth guns can be converto<l into G4-poundcr rifle.,, capable of firing bat­

tering charges with tho Palliser chilled shot of 80 pounds weight. The 32 and

24-pounders cnn be converted into 64-pounder rifles nnd the 1 ·poun<lcns into

40-pounder rifles. Captain Palliser went into tho "Subject of manufac-turing,

an<l ini'ipecte<l tho machinery of the Canada .Engine Works at )fontreal owned

by Mcssni. G ilbcrt. Uc states there will bo no difficulty in carrying ont the con,·er­

sion at the~o works. The projectiles for this artillery C'Un al-.o be made there and

when a little experience has been gained, the manufacture of the fl-pounder riflo<l

field gun its gun carriage, &c., can also bo undertaken, i:;o that there need be no

nec·c:-1sity to :-pend more money ou·t of the country. Canadian workmen und C:rna ­

dian iron can do tho whole work, and the cost would therefore go to Ctmadian

citizens. 'fhercfore, no iron gunt; 1;,hould be :-old, ag they can be utiliz.o<l

o,·er 1,500 converted Palliscr guns arc i~sucd to tho Volunteer and 11ilitia ~\.rtil­Jery of Great Bl'itain, nnd no accident to tho gun has yet Leen reported.

As to tho C'O~l. Hir W1Ilinm Pnlliser will make no chm·ge against the L'anadian

Go,·ernmC'nt, 01· lo tho manufacturer, on the scoro of" lfoyalty " on the im·C'ntion

nor of commi ... sion, nor in fact auy wh::i.te,·or; tho Cana1lin11 no\·e1·nrncnt would

thcruforo rotip the whole benefit of tho mnuulhctu1·c in tho Dominion. I under stand tho Mo,,sr~. Gilbert nro prepared to unde1·tako tho convor,.ion of 3:! and

24-poundor:-1 Hmooth-boro to 64-pounder rifted guns nL a to~t of £120 }ll'J' gun

A. 32-poundcr gun ha..~ now boon lent to )fc."sr,.., Gilbert ns un experiment fo1· con­version at l':>ir \Yilliam Palli::1cr's expense, Ui'i well as tho coni-trnC'tion of ~5 c·ommon

11lwlls. On tho com plot ion of this gun, tho Dominion In,..pcctor of .\.rtillcry will h:n c

the gun tc!'tcd, and after trial will be able to report upon tho Cnnndian manufacturo of guns and projectile~.


J 11 tho..:\ ppendix (So. !.I) will !Jo foun 1 n de cri pt ion of the m:\Unfacture of coiled

\\l ought iron tube ... for I'nlli er guns.

· nofo1c quitting tho ... uhj~ct ofordnnnce, l beg again to rcfor to a ;-,ng~estiou i;nlJ­

mittc'I in Deel mbcr 1 'j;, hortly nftor my rctnrn from Yancon\·c1· hl:md, ,·ir..: fo1·

tho con ... t111ction of an enrthwork battery upon a promonto1·.'· ~·allc<l ~1c.\.11lay's Point,

commnndmg the entr:\llCC' tv tho hn1·bour:- of Vittoria anti the .Xarnl Station of

E ... quimnlt.

I hnd plnn and f! tim:it~ of this work p1·cpm·ed by 11iont.-Col. Blai1'. I?oyal

. .:\rtillory, :md ho c-,timatc the expcn c. cxcl11:-iYe of magazines, nt about :,ix hundred

doll:n'. The uumhcr of men requi ... itc for thi:- b:itlery would probably be :ilionl 100

nn I I l1m e no rloul>t that the loynl people of Victoria would rvadily 1 ai:-o n small

hrigndo of Yol1111tcc1· .\.1·tillor.r fot· tho purpo ... c. Boom,; and lorpedoc" wonltl of cour:-o

b :m :tdditional protection, but this batter) i" really a necc,;;;ity, be•·:w:-c, in tho

nbscn<:c of a mnn uf wnr fiom tho auchorn~o in E=-qnimalt harbour, which ometimes

hnpp n ... , there j,.. no kind of protection foJr the rnlunblc n:tnil :,,torc .... in tho dockynrd,

nor for tho city of Yictori:i . .\ny piratical erui ... cr or priYatec:· entering the ~trait"

ofFuca ~ould blow up u11d dC' ... troy both p'acc-. with perfect impunity at pro cnt.

n , j ... itinfl' tho docln ai'Cl or E uimalt, at the rcr1ue:<t of Yice-Admiral the Hon. C> •

Arthur 'ochrnnc. I fuun<l two I-inc} au I four !O·pouot.lcr breech-lon•!ing rifled gun-.

ob clctc for naval service, and about to he sent to Engla111l. 1 l'eque:,tC'd that they

might l c detained will1 their !'hell nu I crl'1ipmcnt;:, pcnllini:; my pmpo"ilion to hn\'C

them hnnd<' I overt the D mimon C.ovcrnmcnt. I :,11hmi tc<l this ::;chemc in DcC".

1 1;;. I n w fin i n tc1 lm\·c l en t. 1 en to p1ocurc the tran fer of the gun" and

I c. 11 <' tlj J ope th' mn.r b do1 o.

1t might be n id l\.d thnt the protection of E ... quimalt i ... an 1 mporinl, rather

tbm u D iminion 1i.1bility lmt it intirnatol)· conc:cru the hono1· of IJolh and the • I

sup1 cm. \ ofB1 "tish nuv. 11 O\\ e1 in thut 1 ogion. It i nccc..i;;sn1-y f'or ottt· ::iccnrity on tho

Pnci11c that it houl<l be" oil guar<lod. Our fleets mu~t keep that sea and they can nut

do , '' ithout c nl. ~ T nturo ha~ provided thh; in am plc "tock and fine t <ptality at

Nnnairno, and British in~tinC't of n former ago. ignorant or iti-; \"a\no, \)I' C\'Cll of

th C i tCntC Of this aJI }IOWCl'fUI clemcnt, CC:llrec\ lO lb the p}fiC:P ! f ill. niJ0<\0, \rail•

<: 111vcr 1 lnnd.

'l'hc Biiti h nnvy is C'attcrc<l O\"Or tho whole Pacific; thc1·c at o no wnrki> of

de c 1.1i d Ly Imperial han l nt Vnnc )lt\'N when a <'row11 c·olony; no forts for

the p1ot t'o11 of our c:onl, nothing but p10 tige nnd the cornpani<' of Militin nt Yk-

1 11 •11 ll N'nunimo. l tr u t that whcthc1· L) hnpol'inl or Oum inion ham\,,, w1• may

t I i h ut a p \\Cl' ul batter.} to p1·otc ·t the o hm·b nr :-1 havo

to how it is an h1111ori.1\ as well a a Dominion

one 11n1 aflccL boll mul so thcro ought lo be 110 dilliculty


01· he itntion in obt.ni11i11ga f'rce grant of the Imperial gun to nnn the promontory

that would c<l'ially g11:ml tho H iyal clockya1d <if l~ .. quimalt nnd the Capital of B1iti h


I am :-OtTy il has not hccn po:i~il.lc for me to tic· Htuch of the Ctwn\1·y th·., ycnr, owing to tho u11cc1·tain period of drill,Lul tJij.., 11 cful arm i in fnil'ly go I order fo:· or­

vicc, and the sq ua<lrons in general c·ommnntlcd liy ofl1c:crs who hnvc made a tudy of the

~01·\'ico. Of al l :mn-<, <':wah-y pl'rhaps, ha\·e 1110 L to contend againsl in 1·on "111onc1•

of' their horol'" being untrainc l to the ranks; hnt for out po t duty, patrol-. an I the

va1'io11:i dotachc 1 dulie . ., upo11 which C:wali·\· w ild he employed in thi 1·01mtry, they

aro as a rule admiruLly well adapted. C"anadiun 1 idc well nnd arc :rncn-.tomed to

ltor::<c:-< from their early ye:ir ... ; tlwy arc goo 1 lio1· c-mn"-101 , nnd ns they have p1ornd

themsch c.s before, '-O I am co11titlc11t they wouJ.1 ::igain be n most useful force in t!ie

field, as the "eyes and cars" of an army.

Among many excellent Cand1-.r officer" T mu t take thooppo1·tunity of -.poci:tlly

reforri11g to Licut.-Col. George T. Deni.:on, th~· author of a treati eon ~lodcrn U.1ml1-y,

arnl who this year wa,, fortunate cnOU!!:h to bringhirn ... oll~ am\ throu;h him, tho .Militia

of Cana1\:t into e11\·ialil<} 11ot1cc liy ~ainin,!! tho hr::it prize of ;1,000 roublu .... ofi\ red liy the Go ... crumcnt of Hu ... ~i:t for the Le .. t .: hi ... tory nf C:l\·alry from tho catlic ... t time .... " IL

cannot Lut boa tionrco of much --atii;faction that the prir.c, for thi-. hblory compiled

after much labJrious ro~carch, thon~h open lo all nation:- ..,J10uld luwe hee:n carri•· J <lll

by an offieer of tho C.rnwli nn Cnrnll'y a~ain ... t all competitor", c~·on thongh at la-.t the

number of COIDJIOt i11g otliters "as r~duced to th1 oc. two of whom woro fureigne1· ....

The vnrions:-addlcry and clothing -..tOl'e .. that r in pcclo in tho cour:-e of tho }"C'Ur

co1winccll me that the Gcffcrnmcnt property in 1·hm o of thi nrm b carefully prc­

sen·e<l .. \:; a rnll·, they wcro in the l.>c... 01tl r; th• '• ith r .rn I iron work properly

cared fot', arn\ comploto cYcn to :i I uckle.

Bofol'c di,,mi:-1!.i11g tho ;-;nbjt>ct, I mu ... t n0tico 11 .nmrably the Ottmm Troop of

Cavalry, which hy ri~ht, from the con:-;pi<:n 111 , i hns nimu. lly Jind to perform,

ought to Lio a :-;how Ll'Oop. lfad11~ the hon Jttl' of c c.orliu.; J{j,, Excollc11c:· the

Governor Gcnen1l upon the cercmouk ... of upo • .i11~ :ml clo in.; the 11 iu-..c" of P 1rlin­

me11t, and t-iomctimes upon other oei;a-,ion-<, thi-.. troop on_;ht to have been one ol tho

be:;t er).ltipped, mo1111l(•d, ofliccl'ed arnl drill cc\; \mt I rcgrt•t to :'ay it Jia noL l•cen :-o in

any of thc,..o q11alitication:i :-inco my cxpcricnco o! it. I havo oftC'n loolH· I with

C'hagl'in at the g11c1·illa-likc appo:mlllCl' this troop pr ·~ontcd to tho ob ... cn·:rnt l':·c .... of

tho~o as:;t•mblcd al tho Parl 'amcnt llou,cs. when formin~ lliq Excellcnc.) ·,..mounted

01<corl. l tru:-;L tho District Stall' will Jic ... tir thcmsch c to com erL thi .... troop into

what it ~houl<l bo, for hitherto 1t has been a \'ury frrl'gnlar l>ctly of hor ... ollll'l1.

Three companies of Engineers form a ,·cry u efnl nrm of our Militi.1. Tim f

ho:,o at Montroal :iro goo1l, but thnt at •rorouto. c >nunun lo I hy J,iout.-Col. coble,

who p cinlly 1:-ulect0<l a high cln .. of nrtizans nnd artiticcr:i, i~ n vory .-.upcriot· eom.

p:my, nm! it.. cornmnnding otticor b mo"t cap:iblo of rondol'ing ' ':lluablo ~un·icc.

The rc.-.cn·o <lf -.tore of nil kind., i .. mnintainc(l nnd roplcnishc I m·t•onling to

onr rnc:-ni... We h:wc n foir nn~ra~o :-.npply ot' most things ncc•c-isa1T for general uso

n11d under Lieut.-Coloncl Wily'::. direction nnd that of his Di~lrict 14torckeopcrs1


oquipmcnL nnd wnr matl)J'inl in ehm·go is in good ordor. Tho Bosorvo is porhnps

i-.ullkil•nt for tho . \ cti,·c foree whilo not required to take tho field; but with a

view lo omcr~cncy and tho possiblo noccssity for calling out some of tho RcRern>

~lilttin. I should :-.11g,;c"t tho prndonce of :ulding to our btores.

Wu have no rc-.cn·o of military clothing; the yearly supply hardly meets tho

ycnrly w. nt-., :rn1! n,q I "aid last year, undet· tho prc~ont system this will soon bo

ah-.orbed. With ;J:~.000 men wo should rcquiro one-third. or 14,000 :-nits to bo ii;sued

ench ycnr, nnd n,, our fund:-. only onnblo u,, to purd1~e outfits fur about fivo or tiix

thou and pct· annum, we shall ... oon reach the end unloss n lal'gor voto is taken or tho .Acth·o forco reducocl a,, boforo propo'-od.

W c lin~o n re-.01Tc of 21,000 ::Sn1 ior ritles, nnil about 8,000 riftc-i and cnrbinos of

\'llriou., p:ittern!", which I think bnJ better be .~old and their place~ fillc<l by 10,000

Snidl·r,, from England; of gnnpowd01· wo havo about 200,000 pound~, and of Snider

ball l•nrll'itlgo;-;, about bC\'On and a half million rounds. In addition, about a million

nud a half of cartridges n1·0 ordorccl from England, and upwards of 30,000 pounds of

powder. Of -.hell of rnl'iou.; ~orts we hn,·o about l'i 000 for Field Artillery or about , ''

290 t'Ollll() .. per gun, bc-ide-, 100 rounds pet• gun in audition ordered f1om J~nglnn<l. For tho new ! 4 co1n-crte<l rilk'<I gnn~ we have 210 rounds of shell for each. In tho

Hern t•f ammunition tlicrnforc we are fairly provi<lo<l, uut WO ~honld have at least

10,0UO nddition:1l f'ni<lcr rifle~ in tock Wo hn,·e !"Utl'crc1l muc·h lo~s t!1i:; roar fl'om

nc~idcnt:il fire ... in \'arioth parb of the country; in rifles alone we h::we had 2 013

dc.~ttoyt .. '<I, up,rnrd..; of 1 ,500 of' tho:.c in the appalling fire by wl1ich half the City

of :-;t. John, Xe~ Ilnmswick, \\'U~ burnt; these WCl'C lodged in the bu1TaC'ks and

,,tore adjacent, :ill of which were laid in rnins. B11t our lo:,s by the g1·cat fil'e of St.

John i 11ot confin~l to 1 itle,, :uicl t'lothing. When r;o many thousand pcoplo in the

('OUI e of a fow hour::. uccamo hou-olc,,:-, an urgent appeal was made liy the )lnyor

fi'H· te11t nm! blankets from )filitia ... tore:-; about 58G marquoe11 and ro11nd tents,

anti :!,fiUO blnnkets were immc<liatcly i~sucd from Quebec and Halifax, and sent

wholc-.nlc to tho )fay·or of ~t. John in lead of' bei1w dclivcrecl fo1· is~lll' hy· ' b

the )lilitary Stnfl 011 tho spo. But then· was littlo limo fo1· reflection

and so in ha tc the o arti c·lcs were handed to tho unfot·t a nato ~n ffurCI':'.

We hn,·e lo,,t all the blanket , "C\·en rnanl11cc and twelve circular tent~, Lc'lido3

the o 1uipment for nil the tents i uo I, I fuar tho c returned are hn1·Jly i;erviccaulo>

and n the amount of sub cl'iption sent to St. John was e11ormo11s, tboy Oll!_;ht to pay for the Io wo hiwe su tainod :rncl which we C'annot afford.

xx iii

Wo hav(l only cnmp erplipment complete for nbout 40,000 men, nml hlnnkct.B

for l1alf' that nurnucr.

'l'cn yct~rr1 ngo wo had tho complement of our milit.'\ry equipment, nmmnnit.~o.n

and ~toros in Qnobcc only, nt one end of thir1 spnciou,.. command; now we lta,•1; m1h­

tary ~tol'C accommodation with woll tillocl magazine~ aL Halifax, Montreal, King" Lon,

Toronto, W 11111ipog, V icLoria; and more 1·ecently, iu order to lt:we n 1·o""orvc romo,·cd

from tho frontier, a consi<lernble depot has boon ostubli!'lhod ut Ottawa, 011 Ncpean


Tho Staff may porhapscall fora brier roinark. We have twelve Deputy Ac.ljnt.'\~1t­

Gencral,.;, 0110 for each )lilitary Di~trict, and olevcn Briga11o-~fajor-<. A t;tnall rcdnct1on

in tho number of tho latter was made two year:. ago, and the rc .. ult bn-. been good

instoacl of' t.hu i·evori>c. With trifling exception, tho Staff as n whol1; b ctficicnt and

some of them us good ~ coulcl pos,.;ibly be desired.

~fy thanks aro again due to the unremitting attention of tho A.djntant-General

who carries on the offico detail, which in the regular army is :-.ub-OiviJe<l am'.rng the

Adjutant-General, the Quartermaster-General, Medical, Commi---..m:iat, ?lot_h,rng. and

Transport Officers. In fact, overy requirement of the ~Iilitiu, inclurhng F ortttic~t.10ns, Ordnance J,ands, etc., etc.. in some shape or other, pu,,-.es th1·ough the M1htnry

Dopartmcut whatever its ultimate <lestination may bo. ln tho event therefore of

the sue.Iden callin<r out of the forco for war bcnicc, it musl not 110 expected that. the 0

· d ·l" " t1" m A workitw :-.!alt' wonld hu,·c lo he maehinei·y would start m VOIT goo wo1 ,1110 1 · n ·

immediately extomporizod, and much anxious rc.;pon:.ihility thrown upon the g'n"ral

offi ·er in eommnnd whose mind and attention sboul1l at such a time h~ free and

un:-.hackled from t~e consideration of "mall 1>cpartmc11 t:1l dctai J.;, Wl11 I~ c\'e ry

-d · I ah~ no objection a••a111-.t re· thin., mo,·os on in nu every :iy ronllne, m ' • => .

qui:-.~ion~ fo1· every article from gum .. to snow-:-.bo,·ob pa-.-.in~ unilcr my "' 1~nntnr~, . 1., II ... ·t of the c-0untiT liut 1t in addition to tho complex matterJ which como up 1om n p .. t ., · '

. " G , .. I Ollkcr in chil'f com:n:tnd :ul<l ou is an unpreCl.'<-ientod occuptitton ior a ronct .1 •

. . \ 1, . doubt c\'eryonc would tlunk aclivo so1·\·1ce would bo 1mpo~tble. .1-d t l.\t tune no . . . TL· . - nn"lll•'crnont-. and "'n·at himself' uolh called upon and competent to Cl'lllCH!O llll I •ll.) • ~ 1 • o

'f' 1 ·1 oc ·urrerl. but oven with ,.nch woul<I bo tho outcry after tho event, 1 rmr n1 uro l •

b I II d ·t' . 'HI I Di-.trict. St:ttl' would im perfoct ml'tmH, I make 110 doubt that ot l en q um c.1 • l · . , • , , .

. 'bl i ti at with Jn lgment :\s cu um t.1ncci; nc·c·ompli~h all Llrnt m1~ht be poss1 I), an1 l .' .

roq nirc<l thoy would o\·orcome critil'itim by tho re,, ult of t hc11· l1tbou1.

· l• t ti ' ·n ··ous r'\ll"ll'" to much Rifle practice has boon cnrrtecl out th usua .a 1c '· 11 . · '." • .. praclit·o cannot be given to Eioldicrs in this e ... ,..cntial, in winch, with ~h.u m 111" of

· k'll · · "l · n know I' l"c of rillc -.hoot-pn·ci~ion of modern days oxtnonhnnry s 1 1.; roquu c1 · . :-. . . .. in~ is thorcfo1·0 of paramount imporlnncc, and n skilful u,..o of the ritlc an 111~peiatne

nt•cc~~ity in every trained military fo1·ce. In I\ country whore the populauon -ocm


t-0 hnh: n 1olinnce upon n pccinl exemption from d:111~01-, it j,.. hardly po ...... i!Jlo t<> J>Cn-u o thum of the 110cc ..... ity f11r nny criou military prop:iration, 01· that to forc­

stnll nny di .. ng1ccnblo O\'Ontuolity i ... oftl'll tho hc. ... t modo to prevent its Ol'l'lll'l'cm.:e. it

w 11 d be only nffoctntion to 1·cir.1i11 from .. elf protot'tion throtwh a :-.en iti\·c fooli,1w

tl1n · • ::> n• our rntcntwn might lie mi i11l1.'rJJ1·et1· l. It j,., therefore most de it-.1Iilc to

onco·1r:1JO rifle pmcticc, not only a ... a nationnl pa..,time and rclaxatio11, but :d ... 0 lll'cc:;­

... 31') ns an '.ll"lll:mcc fi_ir "llCl C ... ,fnJ <lcfonN'. l trust that f1·iendly emulation in this ~·nluablo '<"ICll<'<' 11wy llC\'t'r llag. '!'he a ...... i,,tantc of trained Hillu lnstl'lltt1)1·,, j of' "l'cat import " f ·. · I · · ,.., 11."~c, 01 tt 1 t 10 ca ... 1 th:1t without <.'nrefnl rnstruction cartrid~cs arc fi·o1p 1c11 tJy wnslt I 111 c111·"lc s ti ·· I• · J

• t.: ... t lllg. ~ \\:l., on l 111t llctount that two year .. a~o it, was 1·ccom-

mon lld Ly pnittic:1l 1•flitcr .. , thnt until morc time und bet !er instrnction could be

nflord<.'d it wa ... cJc ... irnhlc to r<• lncc tlw 1111anlit3· allowctl for an11ual practice· but

whcto\er there i" n Ion~ rillo 11111~0 awl a 11u:1liricd Instructor, I entirely :t}>pr;vo of the full allowance ofl'Ound,.. hcin!!' ~ivcn.

When bri~nde cam Jh wot o furrnod it wn,.. more easy to e1H11 rc p1·oper i n:,ll'llelion t110 I •h CV 'II tl1on the f . t h ' . . ' . ' nno \\ :t-< oo "' or! fol' ri tlo pract.1cc and the other ron tine of drill ·1 woll o mncl · ·

• • :-. , 1 t1rnmun1lton Wth thl'Own n..;ole,..sly away, hut the «rnulat on

\\ I ubtf.c ... ,, benoficinl. l 11lc~-- with propc1· time and goo I in"1ructio 1, it onh· lends to 1111 tcadme-. .. an I 1 cckle-.-< tfri11g- to hn rr.r thro 1gh a :-peeitic<I nnm bcr nf' ... h :l,.

'I'h n · · . 0 ommion and l'roviuciul 11illo ~\..,.ociations haYo given valun.Llc ns,..i,,tanco m mnl,m~ g<1o<l mnrk .. rncn, an I i11 koepin~ ali\·o a healthy emulatio11 in litlc practice thr u liouL the countn· 'l.'I · fi I \ · ·

• o • • 1c·c tt--<.' u .t ""oc1at10n._ de:,en·o wa1·111 t-npport atHI it i~ ]>rm,,ewort lry lo (':maclinu that the.\· hn\·e for i;o many yea1·s pa,,t l1con ;...O ,,,'.ell rc111·e-

nt d :it tho Irnperial:l'illc nu1~c" of \rirnlrlc.lon. Tl.e thanks of tho .\lilitia. tho P pie, ~nd the l>omini(ln at largc arc duo t.o tho in lofatignblo effort~ of LieuL. C'ol.

liz. J. •1

1 '\ho h: ".r ':lr afte1· ycardovotc I himself ~vi th well dircctc:tl zeal to h.1vo Ca 1ada effi le~t Y rcprc.-.ented at Wimlil(Jllon, where his Jw,.pitality wa-i a:; Jibe al :b his P• t1 ot1 · c e1 ti on wore effo ·th· . n I ·k ·I I c<l e m ac rHm c g . I tru,.t that e\"cry at on ion m \ ( n t n c to be Jnitl t. ·1cq · · 1· • • - • '•' 111mg pct cct1111 111 the earn a ... well a in tl.c kilf'nl u c f tLc ri.flo: \dditio11cil er11ulatio11 woul I ti rnbtlc."' !Jo iu1ipirc I l>j the in:-.titutiou ofa b.idgo &tmilar t•J that.,wom in tlio nn11y, to be :-up1ilic<l l1y tho 1tlilitia Do i:tl't­

mur t, anti cJi ... triliutcu to tliu be L i,hots in oach l'ot·p:, aft.er the annual pi·:icti1.:~'. an<l to be worn 011 tho nrm.

Yiz. L~HWC the li•JllOI' to pl'C~cnt th<' n p JI'! ()f the following Stall' oft he Dom i I ion,

L. ut ·C'l". S ·unJ!e am! Irwin, of the Horn! Artillery, tho DJminion fn"]lOCt H'S nr d 'ommaudun ts of the G u11nc1.r Schoo s. ~

1Jieut.-Col. llowctt, Hoyal Engineel'f', the Commandant of the King ton -'fili-t. 1.) Collc~c. 'fhc o.will l1u found t< •-- t 1 > cmvrn<·o wo pcriJ .s en li11g re peclivcly in Juno, 1 ii, and January, 1 7 ....


'!'ho I>uputy Adj11ta11L General oi the twch·o lilitary f>i tricti; oi the D minion, extemling from Sova Si.:otia to Vancouvc1·',.. b>land.

In thc:-c Hoport" dutailcd information <·an Ii· ioun 11 n well n omo u cinl and pmct ical local :-;uggo,,tions wo1·thy or con i,101 ati<1n.

l ina,r 1ipccially rofor to a p1·opo-1ilio11 of fhut.-Uol. h·win, to disband tho Ganbon But.torius at. T1·cnton, _ 'apn.nec, t :ode1·icli, Colli11gwoo•l, ~t. Cathcl'i11c.:;, i>•Jt'L

Ilope, Couom·g, anti fivo of the "0\'ell in tho Ottawa Brig.L le, a 110 uofon in: works

oxi:it at. any of the station~ named. 'l'hc Sal'llia TI:it tury i:; in a ll"cfnl pla<·c, IJUl it

has not. trninc<l :;inco 1 71. It is, thc1·eforo a quc,,t.ion whether il shoull not ho di;;­

bande:I also, or 1·omodelled. a,, :such inllifforenco to training :-hould not lie overlooked,

Garri1ion Butteries he again :..ugge:.l", should not uo train~! only a.5 Infantry, which if limited to tho twelve dayt:> without Kpccial 1.lrilld at lei nro time", i uarely enough to make a recrnit steady an<l handle hi, ritk, and thcr<'forc they ... hould be brought to tho neart·st fort 01· work where gun" of po ... ilion arc mounted an<l proper in ... truc­

tor~ at hand. 1'his is likewi..,o the opinion of !Jient.·Col. :-5tr:rngo, in '\ hich 1 iully concur, and have the1·cforc recommended tho formation of'< rnr1 i ... on Brigndcs of four batteries each at Quebec aml King,..ton to man thoc:c fortifit'd work .... with the instruc­

tion of tho Artillo1-y Schools.

I am •rlad to know that the C:a1Tison B1·igade of .\.1·tille1T al ~font real b being b -

rapidly reorganized. From one cau ... e 01· another thi-. once excellent briga le has

laLterly been in le1is ofiicient order, but that i~ only tempornry. .\rtillerymcn in

.Montreal arc spec·ially necc,.. ... ary should the line of outwork~ on the opp<.hitc. :-.idc of

the St. 1..nwrencu be co11:-t1 uetc<l to cover tho approaches to that city from the .;oulh

and lo p1·ote<·t tho Yictoria Railway B1i<lge, and that c:..vo1· the Ottawa at t. .\nne'~. Tho want of a drill :;hed in )fontr.:J:d i ... greatly fc lt. I cnnnot umlm'titand tho

apathy and rw~lcct ot' the <'ity authoritic-. in thi"' continued indifforcnco to the train­

ing of thoir .Militia :md tht' --torago of their arm nnd c.:lothing. 'I'he con lition of tho prc:-ont mi11011s bui !ding is simply a. disgrace to nn opulent city ... uch a_ ... )foutreal, the

commercial l'api lal of tho T>ominion, which ha~ been twice a\·c<l thi year from a

turbulont mob li,r tho alac1·ity with which the h:igmlc of ~{ililta. o\·er 1,000 "'tr 111g

turnod Oltt, and by the moral effect. of their prc.;encc, without recour ... e to arm ... , aved the C'ity from boin~ wrcl'kc1l. Some ycnr,.; a~,) a :-11m ofSl~,000 \V:\..; :ulvanl·c1l to tho

Corporation of 1ifontrcal to assi~L in tho con:-trnetion of :\ drill "'h1..'<l. on

the lmdcr:-tanding that tho city 1ihonhl maintain and keep it in r~pair.

But it was :.o badly !milt that boforu l.ici11g long c1·ectc<l the roof collap ... cd from

tho woighL ot snow, leaving hut little of tho building of any u~c. The city hac.. been often prc,..scd lo rubuihl tho --hcd in compliance with the !Jargnin under which they

obtain~1l the S 12,000. 'l 'hoy I :b:iiYoly abstain from ~my net ion whnto\"er. whkh, under tho ci1·curodt.a11eO!l id a po:,ition not oasil.r or agreeably dofin l. I -..ugg t

xx vi

thnt proc etling bo tnkcn nt law to recover the" 12,000 now duo to the Go\·oi·i11nont,

nnd thnt tho buihliug oo rost-Orod nnd mndo tit for u ... o. It is hnrdly foir thnL rcgi

ment-. l1ould oo put to tho oxpon o of hiring tho t<knting rink and other

buildinti ... for their evening clrill,... .Anti it i,; renlly tho ca ·o thnt tho nrmourios

tcmpornrily titted for tho purpo-.o nro neither secure from robben11

nor tlofon­

tiiblc from nttnck in cnso of riot. This city, which spends millions of dollars on

pnrk .. , public buildings, nud contributions for Railways, abstains from afli.m.ling

slieltor to the volunteer force, who not only piiy their share oftnxo!:I, but protect the

mei·chant · ancl trade,,mon of tho city. The drill Rhed~, I belio\•e, in o,·ory other city,

ru· wdl n~ in mnny towns, nnd some country village:-'!, uro no! only spacious nn<l

connmient, but nre very much u,.;edfor drill. nm! for t\rmunrics n:id ~tores. Somo of

thc ... c city armouries nre really in ndmirnble order, and it afford ed mo plensuro to

cc arm-. n;; neatly clennocl an I regularly stnckccl ni:i in tho T ower of I;on Ion.

I.iout.-Col. Maun,.ell allude in i;ome clctnil to tho <lisa trous conflagration in St.

J oh111 X ow Bruns\Yick, in J nne Inst. The -.c1Ticc of the Militia was mndo uso of

for tlic protection of life nnd property. Tho .\layor applied to IIalifax for a detach­

ment of re"ulur Inf;iutry; quite 11 ncedlo-.:; proceeding. as the Militincould haYe been

drnwn in from :,urTountling districL-1 of New Ilrun-.wick to take the place of the force

in the city who~c nrms 11nd clothing were unfortunately burnt.

Liunt.-Col. Jfaun~ell has ma<lo some :mgge:.tions dernrving consideration. I

ngrco with him in much, c-.pecially his opinif)n of the nccc.-;:;ity for drill anti disci­

pline nnd experienced leador:-.. On tbnt point I think there is no clis:;entient voice, but

for tlii-. don.:lopment we want funds to o~tnbli,,h training .-;chools, which o\·en tho

~rmcd n~d monntccl Frontier Police at the Cape of Good Hope, hn\'O Ion,; ngo cslab­

h hcd with rnnrkocl succe.-.::. nt King Will iam,,town, Bi·itish Kufrari,t. Surely thit-J

grcnt Dominion will .,oou Le in a po ition a111l n tempo!· to gi\-e ii.::! .\1ilitia (tuitl tliough

not nuder my command, the Xorth-We,,t Mounted Police also) ::.imilnr adrnutngcs.

1hc recent n<ldilion to the Indian population of tho prairie~, by tho arrival of a

lnrg~ body of Sioux undel' the notol'iou .. Ghiof" Sitting Bull," nt Cypress IIills, calls

fo~ .111crca od pr~caution:-1 and strength j and e:-.pocially for the g1·eatcst possi blo

officicucy of the ~orth-W OAt Mounted Police. From my pol'sonal experience of this

vnluublo body of mcu I can s peak in high terms of approval. In my Repol't subse­

qucut to my journey through tho North-\Vcst T o1Titories two yeni·1:1 ago, I vontnrod

to iccommcnrl a r!opot and training Cl'\tabli luncnt in Ontario for officers, mon and

~iors of the Xorth-W0; t Poli co, to be an ohviou8 nccc:;bily; to spend six months for

m h1lction before joining their troops o 'vidoly detached over tho 1:1pnc·ious region of tho o pathless prnirieR.

'''l . I .A iroo) oar~ ngo vcntnrc<l to refer to a l'ubjoct which, I am afraid, will not bo

gcncrnlly acceptable: I menn tho cornp-iruth·o facility with which military titles iu the: higher grades arc obtainoo.

xx vii

Tho runk ofI,icutenunt Coloriel for in I.an cc, which in tlto Hoyal .Army j <!cqu i11~d

nftor twenty oi· muro year.~ i-pcnt in a world-wide t<Cr\'ice, :md omotim inn ldition

b<>1c>1·0 tho ont·my, is in Canada !oLtnined in a much Jes time, merely by a scale of

year~ urn! tho good fortune of tho:l'Cc·ipient to livo long cnon •!1 . Con e14uc11tly, tho

h igher 1·:mks ltavo bccorno loo common and too numei·onq, a1111 therefore lo c rnuch

of tho weigh ( aml tli-,t in ct ion they dc~orve and 1·ecci,·o in 1·cg11lnr nrmi<'". Promotion

by brevet ii; obtn.ine<l by l'Ogulation after five years in each rnnk, no muttol' what

sorvito the roci pioi.t, may or mny not have had. It i therefore unly a qnc,.,•i m '' ·

simple ('alculalion when all the officer~ of Canarli:in .Militia now cr\·ing, 110 inntter

what. their iegirnental rnuk may uo, will ue('omo Licutcn:lllt-('oloiH•I , hcyon<l which

they cannot rise. 'l'his cannot ::.i.1·oly be i·igh t, and nppcnr~ so unre.'l-.01.ablc :i-. likely

to become by·and-byo ulmost ridiculous. IL might he a c·a1i c of dilli 1~ 11lty, if not

of mortificnlion, should tho Queen',., Troop'> ancl Cann Jinn .l\lilitin he callccl upon to

act t >got her, bccau~o inexpcrienco<l office1·s coul<l uot till po it ion-. o!' 1·e~p rn-.ihilily,

whith their rclntivo rank might indicate. }:,·cry officer should be eligible for a -top

of rank for conspic.:uou~ or gallant. :;crvicc, but as a general rnlc•, l think prom •Lion

from grndo to grade i;hould uc lc~s ca,..y of acquirement, :ind would therefore he

mot·c highly e~tcemcd.:i:I refrain throut!h delicacy frorn -.uggosting a special m otli­

:ficntion, but I know the good t>Cn!'o of tho Militia offiecr:, will :.upp<n·t my vie \\:;, and

I inYite their own solution of the que:;tion.

l clo not think the S 10,000 gra11tc<l for :-o called School.; c10Witnry ln-.trn ·Lion in

Nova S ·otia and New Brnnswick, l!:ivo n :-.ati-.fol'lory return for ... uch an outlay. I do

not f'Oe that the officer~ in these prodnccs arc bettor in .. tructc I than tho-.c el"cwhorc i

in fact in II:dilhx I almost was irnpre ..... ol unf:woi-nlily. liu r."rtain:y there wa-. sornc

excuse from n he:l\·.r downpour of rain which prcvente,I 111.r te--lin~ their aeq ui n men ts

sufficient]\-, a,. wcl l as so mo \\'a11L of ,..teadino-s, pci ha JI" expcriem:e in the mode of harnl­

ling tho Jlrigntlc. In the )laritimo Pro\'incc-.. where tho Qnceu 's Troop are "'t:\lioncd at

Ua; ifax, more u.;c sh on Id be made of tl.c i n~trnction that i-. a,·ailablo awl won Id be ~i,·cn

if appliccl for . .All1'ndanco nt regimental in-.trnction would bo far more protit:tblo thnn

in tempor:iiT .\lilitary S ·boob of thb description, arnl therefore. if "uch -.chool- aro an

aclrnntngo (whit·h J am informed they were not fonrnl to ht' when they did oxi t) they

ought to bo in othe1· pro\'inc·c-. than those whcl'O tho benefit nf the Queen' . ., 'l'roop,.;_i,.,

close nt. hnnd. 'l'hc i,.nm of $50 boslowml upon t•nch i-tntlcnt who goc-. thron~h n

perfunctory cour::.;c a111l ohtain,, a Certith:alc, may he :-.omo indur1'mcnt foratlctul:lll~O in i:;pal'o ho ui·::.; on winter evenings; but thcro is no :-uroty that thc"o yonng men will

bccomo nrnilnblo or t:iCek employment in the .Militia.

Tho Stnff cor. i ts of the Deputy .Adjutant Cencr:\I, n,; Comm:rndant, roceidng

a dollar and twenty.five cents per diem.

Tho Bl'i~'lcil' 'I:1jn1·1 ns Adjntnnt, one dollar per diom.

.A Medical Officer, sovonty-fivo cont:; per diem.



'P\\o In ti ucto1 1111 lor fm ty tn<lcnb, nt one dollar pe1· dil'lll, each.

\ third in ti·uctor O\ er forty tu1lcnt , nt one dollar per diem.

T o Hnlifox ... chool nt. pre ent rcprosenb forty one :-;ludcnt~, an<l the daily cost

ix I I.~. I think tJij,., might bo &'lvcd, :mil hotter insfruction obtained by classm~ formed upon thu Hcgimcnb of lfo~tilar lnfant1-y.

I lcli 'o I hn\·c tonchod upon 1wal'ly 0\'01-y point calling for 1•ommc11(, in a

go1 c1 .11 n prirt of thi" naturl'. W cro I to on tor in to detai b, thoro i~ much morn romain­

id; but 1 only wi h to in-.piro moru encouragomcnt from the l'l'))l'C...;ontati\'O~

of th p plo towarJ,, tho;c patriotic men who arc willing, n0t only to ~tantl in tho

fr m i nk for tho lnnrl of their birth or their adoption, but also in tlofo1wo of the

lJdt' h na l nnd tho Briti h tin~, n mnny hn.vc honourably volunteered to do during

the pn"t ignificnnt ~·ear.

T \~oluntcers have gone through many phn es of puLlic opinion and pnhlic

There wa ... n tirno, when j)Crhap ... th a militnry hody thoy were O\erprai~cd in

t]1 C Jy dn;p1 of tJ10 1110\'Cmont, ,.,imply uecan~c it was thought a CllsO of national

nc d, nn I n numb r of public ... pirit<X 'nnn !inn,; came forward nntl look upon thcm-

eh c whnt by law j,., O\'crylio I.r's duty, n~mcly military ser\·ico f1H' home dcfr•1H'O;

hen Inter on when pca('O wn.; ... afe and an lhin~,.j righted, they grndually got a cnhler

houl r, pm·tly becnuso apprehcn:-.ton had pas..,e1l away, pal'tly bcl:nuso, thon.~h till popnl r/'thoy woro con ... i1lcrod a bur lt•n on the oxche'l ucr when not "·nntocl for

immc liato u ... c.

r ho1 c oon to sco thi ... force returning to incrca~od popularity j their phr i1iit0

nil ii. "'urerior to tho la 1 ... nt prn ... ont taku11 for the B1·iti"h line. I ham hocm

1uck wiU1 tho effective «li:iplay of this phy!;ically fine b·Jrly of mcl! wl\O

t h •o I or ill repute, encour.1gc l by public opinion or not, beliedng it

I tl fo1 o houl l exi ... t, have with booornin!!; pride held 10Jethc1· and I

"f c I J upon to-morrow, would be a ... numerous an1l as willing ai at

\ ou pcri l of their lii,..tory. ~<>thing could ... how thi~ morn :-;lrongly th.m

i nnl "pirit which ollcrod voluntt•crn for scl'\·icc in gnropc thi-; year, ~houl<l

f:rc 1 R itain ha\·o rc11nire i moro mon, allhough it i:; contrary to the con titnli<1n and

n:ihue of tho force. J know that rn 111y )Jilitia Colonel~ feel confident that their

re6imcnt if invite I wonlil wilingly :ir·cept nctivo set·vi1.:o in aid of the Empire, !Utd

T h nor the pirit which in~pii the o patriotii.: men; the.\· 1loscn•e C\·01·y

rncnt, md 1 t1u t when tho finnnc-inl c·c111dition of the c·ountry rch1ltlnd ,

t11nt th vnluablc force mny re ·ci\·o tho attention they clo crvo from thci1· l'ount1·y­

mcn. We nre not aggrc ive: our y tern is defcn<·c, not dotiance, but wc mu (, try to

n cm ·iontly the trong righ arm thnt enable~ n to hold 0111· own : and hon 'cl

tho assi tnuce of thi couutry C\"Or ~ rcc111iroo a:; u. mombor of tho lMti:-h family, it


xx ix

shonlcl not he t1·call..-<l merely a n. rccrniting ground, hut <lc:alt with n n powerful

and loyal :rnxiliary orthe Empi1·c. To thi,., c11<l, undcrtl11• di turl>ed con lition oftho

political hori7.on in the old world, we :-hould in Canncla incu)cntc and cncourttge by

ovca·y mean we can nlfonl tho ... olidity :.uul the <:Hicicncy of the plcndid body of

men who~c !->el'\'iCO'< arc at ou1· dbposal.

Thero is Home dange1· Jc.,t a counl1'.)' may Le mi:-.le1l by military stati,ti1•s and au

outside 1iltow of nume1·ical f'orce when rcnl militai-y strcmgth i,., ~till wanting. The

aceidonts-Ho tn Hpeak-of a.n army sometimes ton<l to <.:onconl its wcaknc" in pince

of adding to it~ Htl'cngth1 by the influence brought to hca1· npon sentiment. Bright

u nifoi·mi<, i<til'l'ing mu::iil" a.nd a few i,;howy mn11<~11vro'l, 110 uot prove that roal roquiro­

mcnt-; of an army arc available. For the military or 11avnl profc,,ion~ special

cu llm·e and training arc quite a!:! nccc,.,i<ary a:. for tlrntof' tho ~tate .. man, the lawyer

or tho phy-.itian, and tho knowledge of life and discretion iu dcalinf{ with mnnkiml,

in acquii·ing and inspiring a confidence that w1 II cn ... ure morn! rc,pcc1• a.1tl comma nil

obedience, aro more called fo1· in thc"e than in any other }){)"ition of life. It i better to

maintain a small f01·co HO educated as to ,_cr\'C n-. n nnelcu-. for a greater. than to

b:wo a large force which we cannot afford to drill or mo\·c. and whcro :-omc oftho,c who

subordinately c-omman1l may know little more than those who are calle l on to obey.

Trainc l officer:-; nnd non-commii;sionod offic•c1·s arc then•foro an alN)lutc nccc..,.,ity

to prevent the disn:;tor that woultl follow in c:.l.'-'C of wm·1 when troop~ unaided by such

prcp:u·ation might too late be founrl mo1·cly multit111lc, of :mncd nndi~cipline•t mcu.

Enry chain j., only :-;trong in proportion to its weakc~t link. The olli ·or, the non­

commi .... ioncd oflkcr an1l the intelligent ... tnft' at'<' the main link nn:l sl1ncklc- of

even· nnny; the rank arnl file arc but the machine easily put in order fir u-e; their

valu~ consist'l in COlll":tgc, obeclicncc and thor,1ugh knowlc Igo in the u o of their

cannon and thci1· rifle-.

I trmst thaL -.omo of the many mcmLcr,of the :\Jihtin whorop1c,ont con-, ilucn

cic:-; in Parlinmont may undcrtnkc m hol1l up theia· \'oicc-. on their bchnlf. I hu\·o

often fol t how moagru i,., thl' ::;npport tho Mil ilia rccei\·o-. from tho-o who by pr.ictic!ll

cxpel'icnc<' of' their l'l'(lltircmcnts, ba\'c it iu their ]!O\\Cr to mnko their C'a,e clear

bcfi)l·c tl1C' Legislalnt·l', Somo of tho iuditfort•nco "ho\\ n townr l thl· 1\Iilitia when

no alar111 i~ l'ifr, only ari..;o:- frvm wa11t of the information :11111 warm upporl. their

officc1·~ who HI'<' in PurliamC'nt might re:ison:tbly be cxpoetcd to a1lrncnto.

I ti·nst it will be felt that the few :mgg~tion"' r ha\'C vontur l to mnke arc

tmbmit tee! with all <lcl'crcnee from the military tufri er ofthc bO\'urmnent l lmvc the

honor tcmpornrily t" ... cl'\·~·; they :ire ~u~~e. t..,xl -.olcly with tho moti\'e of utility :uad

uilvant:i~c to tlw military for('I' of then nninion. nml the"e remark, nro meant in no

i:,pii it of clidation, but only a~ the cxp<>!lOllLi of profi ""'ional ~·ie\~'. which I. hopo,

:IA opporLnnity and cin·u111-.ta11t'C" permit, may he duly wo1ghe l an I cou .. 1 lcrcd.


nn nrgun cnt i fnidy tntc I it i hn1dly po" ible to g1np11lo \\ith it.

I came here with willingnc to ca t my lot fol' a time in thb imporl:int.1Jo111i11io11,

vobi hi-. fl lvnucing tep uy >;top into n g1·cnt fut111·0; dc ... iring uy every mean to aid

in tho \\Ork I u11dcrtook a ... one oftl1e "table foundations of national piogn·-.s. I clctc1 mined to npply the :tdrninbtmth o and acli\'c experience gained in many distant

l:md:s to tho furthcmrrcc of thnt object, to tho improYcmcnt oft ho nationnl <lcfonl·c;1 of

the country, "liile l eaccfully p11r:-ni11g the arts of commerce um! m:mufacture under

the trong n1 m ofib power. lli,,tory tcnchc ... us, nml our cxpc1·ic1wc as::>111·c,., us, e,·ory

nation mu:.t po ...... e.,..:-i that power thnt wi ... Jics to mnk as .such, and to lh·o in peace.

And l 11 uly ho1>e thnt whcnc\'CI' the time mny arrive for me to lca\'O the-.e ~hore:;

where in my pntb of duty I ha,·e made many ngrccnblc ncquaiu:ancc:-; and I think,

ome fJiend,., I may not bm·e to lcflect that 1 clo -.o with tho disappointed feeling of

hn' ing, C\ en through u11fo1 c ... cen and una,·oidablo circumsmnces, been nblo to etfoct

but little for the !-Olid improvc1ncnt of tho national fon·es O>cr which I haYc the honor

to be temporarily pla1.:cd .

1 t i unnecc ...... ary for mo to make any nllu~ion to works of defence fo1· this

onormou-. tcrraqm ... m" re,; ion compri ... ing three mi I lion and a half square mi Jes; they

con Ill not ju,.t now be couvcnicntly atfonlcd, and they arc not eme1·gont. \Ye hn,·e the

r<1po1 t of tho Delcnec Commi ...... ion of 1 'G~,and that of General Sir William J cr\'Ois,Royal

Engineer::, of 1 G;;, to scn·o a., Olli' guide ... when required, and wo Juwo practical

lcctur and nblu b1ochurc:; of Coloacl Fletcher, who has devoted much study to the

uhjcct, in nddition. To expect C:nnada to erect and build fortification:; which con­

ide1cd trom a purely trntegic point of view might be thought nccc:; ... ar,,·, would

1uobnbly nt prc-cnt he beyond our_rcnsonnlJ)e mean"; but we shall I hope mai-ntain in complete repair tho c wo po e .

\Yo mu t nc,·cr nil ow the f ortitications of Quebec aud Ki ng~tou to fall in to had

repair; they ... hould Jin,·o a larger armament ot' rifled gum; when wo can afford to

com·crt them. Montreal. hould be co,·ercd Ly a line of defensive work:; on the ri1rht 0

bank of the St. Lnwl'cncc, . uflicicntly distant to save the city from damugo by

nrtillcry or rifle fire and -.imilar works to co,·cr the railway lJl'idge nenl' Vau<frouil

at tho junction of tho Ottawa und • 'l. Lawrcn<·e. While Toronto s hould have n lino

of earthworks runmng ca t ancl we t about thl'cc mile" from the ohore~ of tho Lake J

in councction with. c:u·bo1 o' Height.'-, utilizing 01·d nnncc land which tho Coq>onttion of

thnt dty arc m:iking strcn11ou ctlurt to got i11to their po:;"e":-.ion for the erection of

Exhibition building. It is needle to allndo here to entrenched camps with atlvanco

redoubt , which of course would be re ortl'ld to in case of commotion. Such t·:unpd

in 'veil chosen po itions in variou parts o!' tho country, would he stronghold from

whence wlumns of tl'Oop !..'Ould operate with n nfc bu c of .,upply and defence to full

xx xi

hutk on, an1l they woulrl give gcnoru1 confidence to tho population n rnllying points

:lll<I for prntcction of their property.

Gnu IJOats and urmeil stcamol's on our J;aJw nivl Hivers would of Colli o l ccome

parnmountly ncces.,nry in any :.crious operation . 'l'heso may never be required, or at

any rato at. nch a 1·cmoto distance of ti inc a\! to render their pre cnt con i<lcrntion of

no moment.

I have the honor tr> be, Sir,

The Hon. Minister of Militia and Defence, Ottawa.

Your <1licdic11t erva11t,

ED. SELBY S~fYTJI, f, ie11t .• (J mer. ti.


MILI'l'..:\ HY DJS'l'IUGT No. 1.

IT •:.\JIQl ARTf.R'I,

Lo~110N1 :~ December lSii.

Sm,- I han• the honnr to forward for 1mhmi sion to thu bcncr:1l Ofl1ccr in com­mand, tho a·· 11 1p nyiug Iti.-pcction Report of tho oorp of Acti\C Militia in tho Dbtri<'t undPr my <.ouunand, whiC'h have performed lhcir annunl drill fi r the year l 8'7'7-78, i 11 <>hcdiPnC'c to gen oral order:; of' tho 11th lay, 18ii.

The ,\(·live _\filitia )i'orC'c in thi-. Di-.trict consi ts of tho tollowiu, corp , who nro 11.ll provided '' ith 11rm". acc,-outrcmont-. nncl uniform:-

'rhc l ... t HcJimcnL of Ca miry; Tho 110110011 Field Batter.'·; Tho W cllington Field Battery; Tho (~o<leri<:i1 GaJTi-.on Raftery; ']'ho Sarnia Garrison BaLte1·y;

An<l the followi11g Battalions of Infantry au<l Riflos, viz:­

Th <• 7th T1oncion ; 22nd •· Oxford" Rifle,,; ~4th 1

• Kent ": 25th ,: Elgin"; 21ith "M1dd lcsox " 1 27th '· r i:un lito11 ,. ; :l8th "J>crth '' ; 2Dth ·' W~1terlo0 "j :$2ud " Bruce "; :-i:J1tl " II uron," 11.nd 'l'hc Iudepcndout Companie of Leamington and Win ~l'Or.

Roing nc•cording to tlic rotlucod -.trcngth of compani , n ordered in 1 iu, a tot:1 .-trcngth on:!Gi otliccr~ and 3,G~ll nou.commisRiouod offic rs nod men, with dJht field guns nnrl l GO nbrc-;.

In accordnncc with the in~truclion limiting the number of Actfrc M11it"n for Militnry Di~trict.No. 1 for lhil'i year's drill to ~.350, the following corps were duly warno<l to pediirm thci1· drill, viz :

lilt Hegimcnt C:walry, under commnnci of T1ic11 t.-Colo11cl Cole; Tho London Fiol<l Battery, undor cornrnnnd ot .Mnjor· Petcn:; w· ellington !field Bat-Wry, under commnnd of Mnjor A. II. Mncdonnhl; ( :od1 rich nurl'ison lhttcry, uuder )lnjor 'l'liornson i 7th Battnlion, under 1·ommand of I1iout.·Col. W nlkcr; 2~n<l Battnliu11 1 under <·ornrnanil of f/cut.-Col. Cowt111, 2 Hh Bnttnlion, 1111<lor comm:md of T1iout..Gol. Smith; ~ith Bnttalion, 1111d1•r cornmund of IJicut.·Col. ])nvi j ;{~rnl Hnttalion, under commn11d of Li-Out.· ol. ~proat, :i3rd Bntt.alion, 111111or commnwl of Lieut .• f'ol. Ro and Tho \\'in<l or I 111ilntry ()vrn p:my

1 S-1


I inspected tho four '.l'roop of tho 1-.t Regiment of C:wv.lry at their own locnl h d-qun tcr1:1; thuy turnod out clean nnd :-oldiorlikc, the h.ing:,villo 'l'roop boing 1 m 11rnbly '~ell mounted, nnd O\ idcutly t:Lking much pritlu in ti1oi1 <'•H'ji-.. cava ry 1 tru tor is bowen· 1 much ncc<lcd for nil tbu troop,,, wlw m·o VCl'.) a11."\iou.­to Lecomo pr'11iciout in Lhcir drill.


Being on other rluty, I ~•n:< unnLlo to iu-.pcct the London Field Battery, whith }>erform their drill in <'amp here, and wn iu:.pcch,'(l by the 111 pcctor ol' A 1-tillery. I wns, liowovor, informed that he cx:prc-. cl him elf very Wl'll sati tied with them.

l in pected the Welli11~to11 Ficl1l Battery at their tamp ut <iuelph; they marcheJ in full strength, nrnl l found tho Batte1-y in every rcspet:t \'cry dliciont, all -0f the officer:; being mo-.t pninstnking nnd :r.enlou,-, thin kin~ 11otbi1w a trouble that woul imp1·<H·e tho eflkicucy of their corp... l rcgrot, however, havir:g to 1·eport that thi oor1 houl l not hn,·e been able t. pc1form their annual :,;hot nnd :--hell practitc thi e. n, on account of there not boin~ any rnnge sufficiently safe mul convenient. J;:ist) r they \\ cro obliged to limit their practice nL Pu-.lineh Il:mrrc 011 a<'eount uf the d • 6 r of arci icnts, nn I I hope they may, in future, bo pormitt~d to hnvo some days f xtr drill to enable them to m:u"C'h to tho Oalrrillc lfanr.o Jor tlu~ pr.teticc.

I mu"t al"'o r port the London Frnld Battery iu c much in the i;a1nc conditior. with 1 ,.pect to obtaiuing tho u::e of n 1·1mgc tor -.bot and shell practice, and it hi to be hoped that arrnn~ement.8 may be "anctioned by which the ... e two mo t t•fiicicnt Bat· tori may h~n-o tho opportunity of pcrformi1w i,uch an impu1 urnt pot·tiou of their drill. 0

1:0.T.\:-iTRY A:'.'iD RIFLES.

The Infantry nmJ Uiflc Compauic:i, with the exception of the 7th Battalion at London, l erfo~·m~d comp!tn~· d1ill at. their o":n local beadquartcr;,

1 an<l gonorally

preferred to dnll 111 co~1>0C~t1ve dny:,, m ... tcnd ot during the evening,;. Jfany of thorn wo10 cucampccl for then· dnll, tho tcnb and lilnnket,, being provided by the .Militia. I?epartm.ent.. ~hey al o fired twc11ty round:. of blank ammuuition, pol' man, prac­t1 mg k1;1'm1:.hmg, nm! twen~y roun~-. o~ ball at target practice. Upon my in-.pection o~ the O\ era! Compa1_11c. ... d_unng their drill, I have to report that I found their arm-., with very few exceptions, m good order and well roken ~ire of their nccoutremonts <:lean and thoir uniiorm sci viceahlo; new uniform ha.-, bceu ir:vnriablv i suod from hoadquarton; 'vithout dclny, a<; 1>00I1 a .. the rcqui:;ition wa!i mndc, -.o that the Com· panic "'ere all \\oil clothed.

A few rifle in each Company require trifling repairs which it would be ndvan­t.agoon. shoul_d be atte.ndc<l to by a duly qualirlcd armorer,' so that evcrv rifle may be tit for 1mmcdrnte sorv1co. · . . ~bo.Comprmies,. nt~y ini:;pcc.tion, ~ent through :-iquad, compa11y ru1d some 1:1kirm-1shmg ~h 1!1, .nnd takmg IIIW cou 1dc.r::1t10n tho fow daya they had to practic·t', and that the IDfiJOnty of th~ m.en were rocru1ts, 1 can report that they appeared to have made ~ho be tu .e of their t1?1c, and where 1 hud to find fault, which was only in a ve1·y fc\Y

m U:1 c , it w:i.s occ~ Hrncd by the want of u qualified instructor, and not from any ueglt co on the part of the men.

The 7th. B ttal.ion was im;pected at London by the Goncrul Oflic··r in r.ornnrnnd, the C ' 1;« l~twrng po'!ormcd thci~ drill by consocutivo dnys in tla.y ti mo in1:1t.c.1d of at cnm drill, which 1s au exceptional cnso for a city Battalion.

1 ' much Atruek with the numl>ors of recruits in overy corps nearly nil tho oltl meml, 'Ml of the Comp1mies hnving sorv~ thoir time, and their pla.cds arc fillotl hy fine youn m n, mo tly tho sons uf farmers m tho neighborhood I noli<·cd that a hotter cl

1:· of mo luwo now joined tho force. 1 might give at1 an· exarnr>l~ the ·Nntl Bat·

ta ion " Ox rd l~i1l " th • h n,. · ~J 63, e 01g t vvmparnes of which tw·ned out i11 full sLrongth,


and the I3:1Ltnlion (alwnyR a good ono) ha 11ovor nppoarel to me to have a finer or more respect.able cla i; of men in it~ rank . 'I'ho :imc remark will n11ply to other corp • :nu! l wns frcquontly told by the Cnpt.ain thnt they could hnve tnrncd out their Corn panic without difliculty up to the old trcugth of fifty-fh'e rnen, and thnt the re pottablo ) ouog men of tho locality ap11cnr more willi110 to jom thnn formerly.


But now thaL the g,.cut majority of each Company con i l8 of recruit;;, I find a serioui; rlifffrulty in r1litaining the .;en·iecs of' propcdy <J!Hllified oftic·or:- and non-com­missioned ollice1·s, and unlc:;,, Infantry S1·hoob aro opened or sorno other method of providiu,; duly <111nlifio I ofikorl' and non-cornrnii; ionoJ otfieo1·11

1 I fear the result will

soon be a bcriou1:1 dotriruont lo tho efficiency of the force.

" BATTALlO:\' <l.UIP:-o.

I;havo to report u very generally oxprc od wi h, hoth by ofllcera and men, that the coming yo:w'i; drill i;hould be in camp. l Lelie,·c that regimental camp" will ho found mo t suitable, as the Companie· ar<.', prnctirally peaking, ii?n0t'fint of battalion drill, and should bo quietly ~lrillcd by their own H<.'gimcntnl Officer:; in rccrimcntal camp-, before going into Bri~atle camp; nnd hfi\·ing for the ln'it two ycm'S hce~1 drillod a-; isolntcd c•ompa11ic", it b vory import:mt tl1n.t they hould have some practicnl knowledge of battnlion drill.


Should tho l'Oming ycar't> drill take place in Battnlion camps. l would beg to recommcrnl lh:tt a small monetary prize be gi\·cn to the be. t :-hooting Company in each Tiattalion; this would be of much ':-cncfit to ini;uro tho moro carnful ca:-ryiu~ out of the proper regulations for tnrgct practice.

I have the honor to he, Sir,

The Adjutant General -0f )filitin1 Ottawa.

Your mo:-t obedient ~crv:mt,

JOll:X B. TAYLOR, Lieu t.-Colonel

Deputy.Adjutant General Military Di:.trict .(\o. 1.


OLD FonT, 1'onoxro .• ith l>cC'., 1 I"/.

Sm,-1 hM·u the honor to forwal'd. for imbmi" ion to the Genl•rnl Oiliccr in oomrn:rnd, the nccompanying In~pcction 1fopOl'tof c·orp of tho Acth-c )lilitia, rclativo to the pcrformm1<·0 of the annual drill of tho yc!lr 1 ii·7 , in Ulitmy l)i ... tJicL No. ::?, in t\{'c·o1-da11co with the lTcneral Order,; tinted at Ottawa 11 t11 )fav, 1 ";'j.

By the above order, tho ~trcngth of tho Force, in tho JH ... trict, w.i... limit0<l tu 3,·100 oflic'crs, non-cornmi ioned oilicen; :111d men, nuthorizcd to perform the aum1!ll drill of this year.

Iu ndrlition to tho above, :!iO olticers, 111Ja-commi ... ioued ofliecrs nncl men who bud ;1crformccl tho annual drill of tho pre,·iou« year, were 1ww permitted to du ;:o under l he r<•!!nlntion uf the above order.


Garriw1 !Jatterie~. 'l'or{ln to. Co 1li n g wno<I.

l llfantry.

!?0th Battnlion 34t1l ,, .... . .. .. ..... . ......... . .. .. ... . . .. .. . .. . . . ... . . . . . 8!.ith " .. .. . .................... .. ....... . . ........ ..... .. 3flth ........................... . . .. ........ ... . ... . .. ..

:J Companie~ ~f:1h·~ "i"iti;·n~ti~li·~;;: · ... ··· ... · ·· · · · · ·· · · ·

7 Companio:-1 7 " 9 " ~ "

To comploto tho quot:-i, the following eorp-. "·ere selected hy lot:



~~undrou Governor Gonernl' ... Bod.)· <-.11 .,.J

'' d l' . ' !Uu. wn ;eg11nent.

St. Catharine .... Garrison B11ttery.

I11ja11try. 13th Bnttalion 31 ~t " .. " · ...... ·" .. · ............. · · .. • .. · · .. · ·· ·.. .. 6 Companior1.

..... . .......... · ················ · ··· ··· · . . . ... . 7 ,, ,, :.17 th 3"th 1Hb ~a ult

. .. . .... ... .. ... 7 " 8 oflicors 11n<l 'iii'·~-- ~·:·· · .. ··: .. :--· · ... , " " u comm1::-~1onod officers ::tlHl men

St. Mari~ 'jiiil·~·(~~;1p~;;)~· 'i ~ffi~.'~~· ~n~i· -,:~· :;..:. · -0. 5 fCfiompnn iuR. · ·' ~:> n . · o cer:-< ancl men.

l he followin"' corp b 1 . 01 111 Of th


.}'""r :o bU oqucnt ." reco\·ccl I)O. · · '"" 1 m1"~1011 to perfonn the annual

~nd llilitnry I>i hid Engineer Com >Un • -ud Bnttalion. Queen' Own mn I ' .} . 10th .. I) Ob.


1 "oynl~.

-l I c, 'TO 8 ( • .. · JOrnp~my.

~ 'l'hc following corp not l1::n ing been sel t d b . .o perform tho annual drill : cc e ~ lot, were then1fo1·0 not required

12th Batt.-1lion :33th ,, 77th ,,


. ·················· ····················· ............... ·························· ·· ·· ················· ···············

7 CompaniCH. 10 " ti "

'fhu it ''ill be I lOr thi" '·e··r. ccn t iat tho aho,·o three battalion I ·~ .1 .. lll\'l' 11ot pc1fonucd any cl rill


Cavalr?J. 'fh Go1 enwr flintrar~ !Jod!J Guard

Co c two t1 oop", or "qundron of ti & I . 101.el .<ieoi:gc 'l'. Deni on weni into ir~e tY (,uft•l, u111~e1· the cornman<l of J.Jicut.·

Jl Ir I 1on 111 order to I 'rfi rrn tl . \\ a1Tnc < ' having 11l1tni11c<I the n1•re .. c:nry 1cn· nnnunl drill ( , I 1 . ' goo~ i;t11 1lei; for tl1u11· hm·.,o~),

Wl'l'll i11i;pccto1I liy mo mi tho ~ Hh . 'cptcmhor, <111 tho 1 :nrri on Uomrnon. 'J:ho "q uu<lnm JH'O: ontcd av l'ry ere litnblo appour:mec, very f:tirly hor od; \\ere put through 1.ho Fici<.l <'iwnli·y 1110,·0111c11t<; by their commnnclin~ ofllccr. Gon ... 1doring the hort time allowod for i:arnlrr drill, perfonnou them :,,mnrtly nnd \\ell. \ go <l band (mounted), lately 01·gnr1i"c<11 now belong~ to this quadron.

'211d R1?1ji111eut.

Xu. 1 Trmp, ~l. C.:alh:u·incs, under the N>mmanrl of )lnjor Crcgory, parntlod for my _in~pection at 8t. Cntha1·i11c ... , on the :!0th Oe10Lur, with tlio l!lth Battnli(ln.

The troop pamclcd urnl rno\'ed \'Ct'.}' fairly. 'Plic material i'l good. Thi• l'l.'rnai11in~ troopi; or thi I c~imcnL \\'())'() t;C\'Cr:dl~· i11"pcdc I, at thch· troop hoa l <tU'll' LC'l'b. Ly the Brigadl' .Ma.io•'S of tlieii· 1·c pcdivc llrigado lli\·i ... ion-., who c r1•port how 1he Rnmo zeal on the pa1·t, of tho ofliccrs commamli n~ tl'oop,., to 1lo their bc-t, and who..,c ~euernl appca1·a11co anll th·ill i::; rep1J1°tc<l upon fu\·01·nlJIY. Troops of l'!lvalry lnhoi· uniler mnny difficultier.i, when pcrf<inniug their annual drill apm·tor ~oparatcly. 'J'ime ii; ne<'c"-snrily taken up in getting liol'"C'-, :-ad<llcry, &c .. in nny thi11g like order; ,jx con-.ocntive <lays, is but n hort time for a troop of caYalry':, annual drill.

I woul1l hero rC'}lC'Ctfnlly 1'lll-{!!e ... t that the :-arne number of1lny-. dtill, he allowed the euvall-y, in tho pc1formanee of their nnnnal drill, n-. ii; allowod the field b:1tLcric , antl whuu at nil practi<-ablc, tho d1·ill be pc1·forme1l a-. n regiment; when more uper­vision will be natm·ally exerci ... ed; hence moro uilicil..'11cy nttnincd.


'roronto Field Battc1'.)' . Ila mi I ton " \Vcllaml "

Toronto .Fidd Battery.

Unde1· the commantl of Major Grny. h:-ivin!! receh·e<l lho nocc ...... arv pcrmi-. .. ion mn1·ehc<I on the ~Zn<l .I uno, with p• niscworthy zeal. from 'roronto to Whill1y. with t• full equipment, :-omc 32 miles, halted al inten·at .... durin!! the 11ight in i.ruin!! and r eturning without any casualty. in order to,ioin tho <-.11np at 'Whitby, formed hy the 34th hnttalion, under T;icut.·Coloncl ·walluce. who obtninod permi-.. ... ion to r1vnil him-elf of the none1·al Order, which permitted him to perform tho nnnual 1lrill prior to tho 30th June. 'l'hi-.. f111'('0 Wlls cn<.:ampc l in thl' ..\~ri<.:ultural c:-1·ound ... !lt Whitby. nn oxccllcnt plncc for that purpo~c, good ael0omm<><iatio11. l\:c.

J,ie11tc11:mt-Culoncl Scoblo with n detnchmc11t of the Toronto En~ineor Company, also joined the e:nmp, with tho Yiew of rendcl'ing ~l·n·ice i11 throwin~ np an earthwork.

l'hc (':\III)> ,,·as 11nclc1· the command of Lieutenant-Colonel \Y:illaco. 34th 13atwlion. Tho fon·c paraded Jill' my in"pection on the ~~th .lune, on a <·ommo11 ailjnccnt to

t h e town. whic•h pn•:·H.rnted n. very Cl'cdit:ihlc appe:u·nnCl'. c. ... 1wciall~· the Fichl Bntlcry. .Aftor Lho uo.;ual i111'pcuti<1H and nrnrcbing pa..,t, the force wao.; di\'i<lc<l into two column~ w hich proeccclcd 1hrongh tho town with tho ~nppo-.c I intention of re lucin~ an cnrth· work, whi('h ha<! Leen vot')' clever!~· th1·own up prt•\·ion--1~·, near tlw h:u·honr, by tho Engineer Company, :\'lsiste<l by fotiguo p:1rtic ... from tho :l Hh lhttalion.· After ptt~~in~ through tho town, tit·c was opcnc<l by the Fil•hl Bat.tel'.)' 11;1011 the work. which u ltimntcl .,. b!Pw up. TJioutcnnnt-Coloncl "'tr:tll!.!l', H. ,\ .. J n .. pcctor of Artillery, with :Mnjors Jiolmc-; "A" Batlo1·~'. wao.; pre.,ont on thb o··•·:\sion.

Thi~ olllco1·, who had prcYiou,,ly arl'i\·cd at Whithy in order to in,pccl tho Field B attery, kind I,\' rcllflcrc<I ho th nth· ice :tllfl a-.si"t im·c.

!Jieutonant.C.:oloncl Dl..'nison Ikitta,lc '-'fajor, ron1lcretl good "cn·icc with the Infantry. I nm happy to ropol't tht\t no accidont m· l'H"'nnlty orcnrrod <luring tho dny, ulthough tho town w:b crowded to exec..,, by the country people.

Toronto. (', llingwoo<l. St. Catharine".

T ... B ttc1 fo .. wore in .. pccted b,· It C 1 • , . o one! It win, Inspcclor of Artillery.

, . Engine r Company. flu .. Company nnde,. th

pnrnded at the nmv B:i . . :k 0 commniul of Captain and B., . . of men well cloth"d .. ~me "?u the nftcrnoon or tbo 4th A I c' ot Lieul.-Col. Scoble

Innnnl ·1n..t fiu .- .m llPJ>?mt-0 I, nil in b"oo<l o1·Jc1· ugu::.t. A Ycry tine body < ll llD"' OXCl'CJ I .

men relieved them cl.. i;c .. ,.nn< (·ompany <frill ver ' ll <l very pmcticnbl => 'e::. of then· ueco:rtrcment t y vc one; aft or which tbe into tho wntc•· ~r1~rnnner, tho tiJ ... t part of a Pier b;·ir~u~' se~ to wo1·k and made, in a erected C'ar ;: II ' m the cmliankrnont. Al o er b 1' wh1e;h was cnrofully lowered attcnti~n hm~ ;1 y au~! well. Xo :u:eiclcut T~ .. ma~ ed a Spar Bridge, }ll'eYiou,,ly

iecn p:nd in tho i n,..tructio11 to. ti . cCoa \"e :-;how,;, thuL Ou th c·u·o ~n-' Jh mpany. • • u

The three City ButtnJ' ., :i B ... ions. - n1 !lttnlion .. Q 0 R'tl 10th Royal .. , ~r~ro~to· . .i °'"· 13t.h Battalion, Hnm!lton.



?.nd Battalion 11 o R;il p 't· · lpCS - nrn led in full .. trotwtl (" r

No\·cmbcr for in . t:- l m i:1ct O\'Or ih trcn.,th) hy Capt.'li~ s . 1"'poct1on by tl1c Gcnornl Ollie . o o~ Sn turday afternoon 1 -th

. ...,m.} t l A. D C . I CI command111<r •I ' ' this occn ion ' · ., rn t 10 Queen's .Park 1 . h ::>• '~ 10 wa.-; ace;om1>anicd

· ' w He; W'1 vc · I After the par-10

'=> rJ muc i crowded on Col I

uu Wtl O\"Cr th (" . one Utter, nf,o the F' ~ ' e ..-cneral called tho Co . . •

Jnm olf in gr11tifyi1w tcr ~uld Offil:or ... , to the front who mm,rnrl1,ng Officc1·, Lieut. mo\"cmont which '":'ere ,m ' on tho a;:ipcarance of die R· ~, iflo <.rcnend exprc~sod lrn boon fumi-.Lc1l with ~~~lb' tlmmgh. 1 mu><t not omit t~i ,i ion! tlll(f the difforent men. ios, at tho oxr>cn"c ot' ti mention, that tho corps 1c non co · · · mmis~1011Cd offie;on; and

Tf1" ' . 10th Battalion (Roya~.) 9 ,, 1 lhttahon parndc<l . - -lh September. 1 m'u 'L .rn .strength, at tho Olrl p . body of young men ~ llJ Uu ;Battalion is muel .

01 t~ on tho afternoon of tho llanunl thino cxcr~iso. n1::l b clotl.ung and accoutrc1~o~r;:,p1 ~v.e<J .. com po orl of a fino

attnhon mo\·cmcnts well d ' c c.m .• md rn good order. ' one. Lieut. Colonul Stollory,


w ho c:ommn111l the Battalion, a well !l'l hi· otliccrs de en·c much c1·c<lit, for their exertion" in thus imprnviug the Battalion.

!Bth Battrilion.-Ilamilton.

This bnttnlion wnq in-pcctoil by tho General Olficc1· commandin '• nccom­p:miocl by Captain Smyth, A. D. U., in tho Ifomilton Drill :Shod, <111 th• en:ning of tho I:Hh So\·c111hor.

'l'ho batL:.iliun mu'llCl'CU :,trong (in fact O\'cr itt; strength) nn I elici tc l from tho Gono1·al, nf'tcr tho p:m1do wn~ O\'Or, wor<b of warm commcrnlntio11 with what he had Heoll ol' I he battalion and tho mannc1· ill which the <litforont oxerci~c~ and moYomont.8 wo1·0 pcr!ill'lnod, cxprc.~~cd to tho Comma111li11g Officer a111l bi::; ilcl<l officer:'. lJiout.-Colonol Skinner, who command~ tho liatlalion, wa present on this occasion, althongh unable, from an accident, to take command. )fajor and Brevet Lieut.-Oolunol I 1'\'ing commanding the parade.

.. Yo. 8 Oompany, 1?.th Battalion.

Thi ... C'ompa•1y lin been lately ro-or~aui:r.ed, nt Yorkville. um.ler the commar.d of Captain Vicini. ] have .. cldom '-OCn a finer oody of young men. pnrn<lo<l clean and isol<lierlike; nil their appointment", arm-., &c .. in goo l order. Unpt..nin Viilnl dc::crve much ere· lit for hb cxortion:s in thu.., rc-orgu11izing tJii,.. company 'l'heir compnny drill :i.bo wa,, ,·cry good.

19th Battalio1i.

This battalion nnclcr the comm:mrl of Licnt-C(/lonel the IIonoml e J. G. Currie, a":-cmhlcd at ib battalion hendqu:irtc1-:-., St. Catharine><, in order tJ pc1fvnu it,, annual drill, was inspected by me on the 20th Octobor.

The nppo:nauoo of iho battalion was decidedly good. Arm~, clothing, nrl·outro­ment:; in good ordur. )lanual, tiring cxcr< j,..e .. u:; well a,, battalion movement .. woro well douc. 'l'hc Liout.-Colonol cornmandi11g bad cvi<loutly taken more than 01-dinary attention with hi:; ballalio1 ..

20th Batfalioi, (Rifie.s.)

No-.. ~. :~ , and •1 Companie:., under the command of their r "'pecth·e C<lptain-., para.de I for my jn ... pl!c:tion, in a field adjoinin~ George-Town. on the afternoon of tho 28th . 'uptcmbor. Lieut-Colonel )lurray (who commnnd .. the battnlion,) anri .Major ~\.llan being prc .. cnt. Tho"o compani~ ... mu:.torcd woll arnl lookod well. Arm-., accontrPtneni.. and i'lothing in ~00«l order. After tho manual am! firing cxcrci-.c-. were fai 1 ly poi form ·d Licnt-Colonol )[urray put them through ... omo bnttalion rnon rnent-. which were creditably done.

.No. G <-Ompany of this battnlion (~\cton) w:1.:; inspeclcd liy Lieut.-Colo11ol Murray, on tho l h lktohcr, who reported fll\·orably .

The n•m·ti11i11g t·ompanic><, of thi,.; hntt:llion wore in.;pcctcd by Liout.-Colonol Yillio1·"· Brigndo >Injor, who:ic report.-; were favo11rablo. Thi~ uattaliou pcdbrmod its l\IHlU:l.I drill hy COlll p:mioi;.

31st Battalion.

No..; ~ ptunfwd), ~ (Loi th), 1 and ;) (Owen , rnn1l ), comp:rnic.-., paradc<l nt their rc"poctn·c comp.my Head Quarter.; on tho ~!)th and ;{0th ot' .h1110, for my fo .. pc<·tion. Thc:-10 com)':inics all 1111bt~rod well. arm .. nnd app 1i11tmcnt clc:m arnl in good ordc1·, Comp:tn." 1lrill gocxl. Thc ... c l'apwins tlc,erYo more thnn ordinary credit for tho rnanrwr in whi ·h th r turned out their t•ompa11ic ...

Captain 'I'olford,0

Xn. :l Company, order<'<I hi-. 'omp:my to ath-nnc nnd, kirmi-.h, and by l)llglc cnll", entirely, put. thc. ... o thr ngh their companies . kirmi h drill.


The romnmw~ Mmp. nie~ J crforrncd thoir :mnuul drill nL thdr 1·c pccti\o com1 J Head Qunrto1 "· L •ut.-Oolonol Bwdie command" ti.ii b:lttnlion.

36th Huttal"o11- /.,, • ll.·Coloncl Oracy

Nos, I nn I 3 c·ompanio , Cnptnin-. eomrnnnding-, p:iradod for my in ... pcction on tl-.1 Agiicultuml l•r'Ound ... nt Br11111pto11 in tho nftorn ou of the Gth 0l'tol·cr. I eannot ~penk 11.-.highlyof the etwo<'imp:mio ... , :\'i llichorro done ot' tlto,,u whieh I ha,·cin ... pcctod; thoir nrm , :ic:coutrc111cnb, dothi11g and drill. fair, bt1t uot quite up lo the mnrk. ~'he rcmninin~ companio.'5 ol this l>:1tlalion whieh scnmtlly pe1'1o1·rn1• I thci1· annual drill nt their Company II~ul Qnm·t~1·,. were inspel'tcd by l1ic11t..()oloncl Denison Brignde ~fojo1·, who reported ,·cry fail·Iy of them, -,talc of n1·m .... a<'C' mtrcmcnb, clothing nud drill. 'l'hi"' battalion labor" under tho .Ji-.advantag1• of h:l\·ing- l'!othing now wo111 out (nnd ''ill be thoreforo untitlc1l ton new j-.,.ue) which alway" militat<·~ ngninc.t n lmttnlion, n mcu doclino to wcnr clothing mnC'h worn. •

37th Battal"on (Rifle.~.)

This bntt..'llion under tho commnnd of LiC'ut.-Coloncl Davil'.i, mu tercel and perform I it-. drill .it it bnttnlion Hen lqumtor.... York. Connt.r of' Hal lim:md, nndor cnnms; wa .. in-.peet-0d by Liout.-Colonel \.illicm, Bri .. ai.lc ~l:ijor. on the :!2111! Juno, who reported vory liwornbly. -'lu-.tcr \'Ory ~oo<l; an~ .. , accoi1trcmcnts and clothing in good order. Drill ve1-.r fnir. Camp clc:u1 urn! in goo<l Ol'dcl'. Cost of rationi-1, inclu ling milk, Lutter, rice, ve •ctn hie .. , liread, moat, woo I anci wi1tcr, ub:mt 23 cents per men. Moreover, being a woll con luetod camp.

3Sth Battalion ( RUles.)

X os. 1, ~. 3 and 4. Com pa nil'", nn ler their 1·es11ccti \'o Cnptains. 11:1r~uled at Brantford, or~ tl.10 afternoon. ot the IGth? ·toli71" 011 thoil' drill t'ihed l{l'1>111ul><. Liont.-Coloncl IJ1 ·krc, oornmnndmg- the hath 0 I uo111g pre,onl. Thc .. o 11 Jlc C.l!npanio .. lllllstored in fu~I treni?th .. '~·ith thoir Regrmcnt;il Band. all in good or lcr·. ('loan nnd s 1l1licrlikc, drrll .' l .r l:ur, n well 1.:ond11cto I pa1·.1 lo. The remaining Gum panics of thi,; Lnttnhon, "ere 11ot required to perform annual rlril

;j9th /Jattal"on (/(tfeij.)

'f.hi battnliou 1" cmblcd, under the command of Lic11t.-Colonel .\fobe:c, nt its bnttnl1011 hca.Iqunrtcni, Simcoe, (County Xo1-fiJlk) and was oncn111pcd 1in tho Rnc·o 'o~r ; \\ ~ m pcctcd hy .Lic~t.·Golouel \'ii.Ir er . Bridngc .\lajor, 011 the afler110011 of ~h1.: -1.Lh cptombcr .• Con.iJcr111gthe hortt11nc allowed fo1· drill, fj COJhccnth·o day11, nel~din;.r tho marchmg in and out du,· , and tho long di-tancc nc 1rh· 111 Lhc com­

p 1~1c lmd ~ tmv.cl, to rcat:h, tho lbtt..'llion hca lq 11nr·lcl',., that otli ·er·~ 1·oports, that tho.procp·c w drill wa 1<at1~tact-01-y, the conduct of the men wa,, go »I.

41tlt Battalwn.

In p~clo<l X~. l Gomp~ny, at 'rhorold; :~,at Gnippcwa; 4, nl Fo1·t 1~1·io; 7, aL ~loveui.vrllc, their ro pccttvc c:ornp:my head qna1·tcrs, on tho J Ith aud 15th September. I !'crnarkcd the o comp:mics wero all c·ompo~ed of fine honlthy looking youn: m:n i dr11l~.l well. We1·e elc~u nnd flold!crlikc, mu tc:rcd full Rt1ength. Tho remnr!1 ng compnrue. performed tll(.:11· ,1n1111nl drill at their comp 111v !read qual'lor11; were Ill p Clod hy J,1eutcnant-Gnlor.el Villicr.; B ·igadc Major who rep Jl'(C I equally favor.tbly of them. 'flus b:1ttnliiJU i commar:dod by Licutc11;111 ~<Joloncl Barnett.


f I · · fi I l ·11 tho goncrol mu tor of With rc!Orc11e1• to thl· pcrfo1·manc . o t ic11 nlnuu 1 t. nl 'd1 "111 better thnn could . I .·Jo lh· ~ood bettor t mu u 1111 ,

the for·cc, liy corp-., '~us' ~cu I< ~ t mo .:lk1wod which I can ouly n1• nmt ft r,on the Lo oxp?~to<l <'bOH11llor~11g, t iol . i<i~I •1:1ging. going' o11 tho men mu t hm o rem rncd moro sapposilwn t.hatt 1010 'rn" c 1• '

slntion:tl'.}', lo<1s inducements for them to 1110\'C.

Sault Ste . .Jlarie Rifle Company.

Tl j .. Com1>1u1y urnlcr tho C'Omrnan<l 0f)fajor ·wilc:on, was inspected Ly Lieutenant i . ' .• l ~r· . . on tho !Hh No,·ernbor. . h"

Colonel l>«n.1r.;on, B1·1g,l< o ,, •IJOI, . . ~I· . . \Vil i;on h:Hi paid c\·e1-y attcnt1011 to 111 Thifl olhcor'tt report fihewb that • .lJOIII . o<l <>J'd"r 'i'h" com1>an,.. J>aradc•d

· · t •nlt< a 1n "0 ~ · "' J company a.nd all tho11: appom me. . ' , • ha1ttlled very well in tho fiol 1. . . with 1wo nflp1) monntarn gun-., wh~~h ih~) · . , I n1ul attention in the public crv10-0.

'rhiR oUi1·cr de crvos m1~ch ere .1t 01 II"_ ,,~.1 ,·ho \\·n~dclnin<>d nt the :s.mlt by .. trc Li<'ntcnant-< 'olonel Dc111-.o!•• 13ngatlo },1~~101,,' >any during the performance of

of wcallwr, ro11dcrod C\'ery a .. ::.1:;t:rncc to t is corn1 thoir dri II.


I T\ :11 tLc 'l'n1·1Yot Prnotico for I. · l t' 10 for the An nun ut • ' t> • • Owing to the vory m~rtc1 m . q tnr, •t m1otice or riflo hootrng, is, this yo:i1· has not been cllk1cnt~y caiT;odFmt. ;: o :11c1! dcpeu<l. upon it, I would I mi<•ht almo ... t say, the ve1-y life oft ie ot1l-c.o . >< r•~11t. 'Tnneh Gonnedod there­

e. . b riven to 11-, Hll] J u.1 u • • ti ' re:;pectfully u1~ro mo1·e tune .cg . ,, d "Hi fie Tn tructl')r,," aro urgcn y with Ritlc I n,.fi·uction, " Dnll Instructorb t an l drill or g<md rifle prnctico without rcq uir1-'<I. As ll rnlo i L is ~opclc:-s to c~p·c\ £?~~1001,., whon•by the al>ovc iu'h~1ctors good instruction i the Cbtabhshmont of m1ht<1 J d Tl ~-c .. dwob would :1!"0 ~1vo an could be obtained, it:> rc .. pectfully recommon e . • ioftic~r:-1 uml non-commi:;:;ioued

·tnnit , which it:1 much needed, to co:npan) . ~llc~~·s to libtain COl'tificatcs of qualification for promotion.

Arn TO THE C1nr, PoWER.

. . . b ' "lllcd u1m11 on moro th:m or c orcn .. ion, t•> Tho forct> in mv D1:-itr1ct, bn'i ecn c. I h" l I l i.cen 11rom11tl,.. re-ponded

J. I 11 · . I· 'lll l Ol~ Cl' w I<' l ll ... u . J 1. aid the civil Powo1-. Ill up io < rn~ .nv, < • i, \It! ou"h theflut\• roqmrcfl bu' ~ecn to, reporL~ of whit'h ha,·c bc~n all'ca•ly ;"11Lm1~t0l. ;,rc::t difilculty in obt iin:ng t~·om Performc<I :-.afo•factorih·, :-:till there .1pp.enrs 3 ,.,I 11c11 \ ... in tho cn ... o :it I llcnlle,

· · I) t0

l · fur tho otti •er~ nn r · ~ . f ix tho authont1c" (loca IC P11) - r ti (luoon's Own for up\\, .,, 0 ... puy wus noL given to the otficors and men o -.o l~· tho otUccr co~1mmlllillri that co~·p~ month~ and thou oiily when compelled to do • t IK>tl1 to officer :ind men ''ho

' I nCOUI"l"Clll('ll cnteri11g an aetion at nw. n P?or c . · o ~· .

prompth· obey o1·1lcr" and do then· dut}. L' t 0 lone I. Dcni..,on and ' ii hers, it ;•i\'l"'" mo l)IC:t~urc to report thnt D' IC~l t.·l,_>l.}"lll":ler h1wu c .• "h pol'formod

r:o • C I 1 \lrrer l~ll'IC • ·• • Brigade .\lujor", and L10~1t:· o O!lC .1:. ~ •. ·

their dntie11 in a very l'llthlnctorily m'.1nne1. All of which i~ respectfully submitted.

I havo the honor to be. S!•'. Your mo:st obc<l1l'lll M'n·ant,

• .-. DlTH! E, Licut.-Color ol. "· .:--. t G ii l>l'JHlt\· Adjut:m :011:11 •, "

· lfilitnry D1::;ll'1ct ;-;o .... The Adjutant General of ~lilitiu,

lle:\u Qunrtors, Ottawa.





\.INOsTo.:.;, Doc. bt1 187'7.

m,-:r hnvo tho honor to ubmit, for tho intormntion of tlrn Gonornl Officer ~~::nndm!!, my nnnunl report on tho :.t:tto of tho .Active )1i litia in l'lilitnry Dbtrict

. T~o "bon!!th of tho forco to bo drilled in my Di::.trict was 2 330 of all rank, rncludmg l:-iO nllowcd to drill for lSio-'ii. ' !'ii

001 p::. noL performing drill iu 1Siti-7i wore fir::.t detailed for drill, a11d tho romnin­dor,. tO C~)mpJoto tho quotn, Wl.ll'e :-electl.lU uy lot in tho prO::iOUCC of two OfiiCCl'd of the Acuvo Force.

Tho following i:; U1e detail :-

1 i G-'17.

Four Comyani~·4o~h Battnlion. numbcrin~ 176 of all rnnk~. Thc"e com :mies performt:d lhetr dr1ll.p1"1or to the 30th J unc1 in accordance with the in::1t1·uctio1f:;.

18ii-i8. 3rd Cavnlr.r, Two Troop . 4th " Throe '' Kingston Field Battery. Durhnm " " T;cntou Gnrri-.on Battery. .r np:rnee " " 1 !th .Bnttnlion. 15th " lhtl1 ,, 40th ,, 46th ..

Three Companie::..

4ith •. 57th "

Four Compnnie:;.

The fi I wing- Corp-. were relieved from drill for 1

3rd Canllry, Ono Troop. 4th " " <' Lou g Gnrri on Battery. Port Hope " " 40 h Battalion, Two Companie ... 45th " . 47 h " 48 h "

Th1cc Companie~.

49th "


Tho drill have been rf, e<l · 12th May, l ii. pc orm rn accordance with tho Gcnornl Ordon;; of the


3rd Provisional Rf!i;iment.

. The P t r rOUJh and Cobour Tr f · . drill nnd' c in pcctcd by me the gformOO~J 0 thi .,rcg!ment have pc1formcd their l'nd tho ln tcr on the 23rd Nov~mbcr at J:,i::~1rg~10 1-th .:::>cptcmbcr nt Petorl>orough,



. 'rite. Pot orb 1rc~11gh 'l'roop. ]J~rfonnOjl tho drill in eight day . 'l'hc men wero L1llolo I 111 the Agn,.ultnral uuild111g, blaukots hcing uppliod from tho Go\"ernmcnt r,loro. 'rhc• ann , a1•coutr~mc11t-., clothing and i;ad<llcry, wc1·., clc:m and in gocxl order. II or o,, good lmt not a hue as la t year. '1 he men were rntionod at one of the hotel payi11g :$:; <·~nt :t <1:1.r. .'l'ho fc!r:tgc ration co .. t, HJ ce11ts1 owing 10 hny and oat being nry do:u· tl11 yon1· 111 tl11s i;oct10n of tho couutry. 'l'ho drill wn Ycry "oil performed and the wore! exc•r1•i c n·ry fail'.

Tho Coli<1111·~ '1'1·oop po1fo1·mc<l tho clrill in six clny , tho men drilling ix hours n da.}:- 'l'l~c 111c1! tu1110<_l o~t.. wi~lwui u11ifo1·111, t.h? cloth!ng for thi troop not ha\·i11g :t1T1vcd from r~ul'Opc 111 t1mo for tho annual t1":1111111g. 'I he weather wa iso wet on tho clay of in,..poctio11 tbal l was p1·cvcntcd from t-ccin({ tho men atcil'ill awl hnd to content myself' with i11~pol't~ng lhe111 awl the!•· Jim ... cs 11n<lc1· a shed. 'l1ho


a11n nut! is.vldlcry hnvo been 1·ccc!1tly 1~'111cd and ~re quite new. The ll'?OJ• i compo ~l of a fine l>ody of men, and, with a fow excopt10n .. , well hor::.cd. A few men wo1 o mo1111tc.-<l on l1irod hor,;ei;, whic·h I eon .. idor objectionable.

4th Procisio;1al Re'.}inu:nt.

Three Troop,, of this l'O rimem (Kin,..,rsto11, Pictou and ... ~apnnec) ])Cl formed their drill to!!ctlicr in <.:amp at Bath in eight day.i. and wo1·0 in ... pcct<.-<l IJy mo on the 2fith June. Camp equipage wa,, h11pp!i,"!d t1om tho militnry store, the 1c,;imcnt de rnyin-. all tran:-pOl'l ehar~cs. The camp was under the commnwl of Licut.-Col. D if!, and tho :-itc :-clectc1l wa 011 the J,ako :-bore, about hnlf:a-milo ca,t of tho' illuJC of Bath nnd wv" woll adnptc<I for the purpo .. c. The dutic, of the camp we1 o c.m i<.' I on with regularity, and I wa~ glad to ob,,crvc a mnrked impro,·cmcnt in tho gcnorul UJ pcnl'­nncc of tho men . Tno nrm,.., nccoutl'crncnt.,, l'lothinl{ and "addler.r wore clc . nnd the hor-.e::; goo I, c~pocially those of tho Picton Troop. Tho drill and i;w 1 I cxerci o was pod'onncd in a nry creditable mnnncr1 tho King,.ton Troop boin~ tho IJo.,t up in their drill. 'rho men',, rations Cht :!O cent-., an I the fornge ration 30 cents. Tho conduct of' the mon whil::.t in camp wa.., excolh•nt. and there were 110 complaint!. T he Picton Troop pai·ndod without belt.•, a .. tho:.o fol'\\'Urd041 to them lhb ye l were found to lie of' n11 ob ... oleto pattern, anrl were therl.lforc not i:.-u1.'<l to the m<.'n. I mu t. a~uin hcg to remark that the t'iOl'gc trow.,cr,; is,,ut..><l arc totally unfit for cavalry, and will not Ja-.t the required time.


The Kin~.,ton Field Battery went into camp for tweh·o dny nt th· Artillery Park, King ton, ::uul were in ... pcctcd by Licut.-Col. Irwin on tho ~r.itb June. 'fhi lmttcry turuod out in good or<lcr: accoutrcme1 t ... , clotlung nn I barn s <«c n1 .!Ull., well hor'l'icd, nnd the field moYenH•nt" performed with prcci ... ion, elicitin,! fo\Ornhlo <'ommonts from tho Jn,,pcctin~ Ofllccr, \'110 cxpl'e~,cd him ... elt perfc<.'tl~ at tioo with the. J>.m~r~,.s made since l:bt in,.pecliou. 'l'ho con luct of the men w 1iht rn ·.mp wa sat1stacton·.

'l~h1• Iiurham Ficlil flattery went into c::imp aL Po1·t Hope for l\\•cl ·c I ) -i. n!1d w~re 111spcc·tcd by the rn-.pcctor of ~\.rtrllery Oil tho 29th of June. Jfr1 •.ulo MnJOI' L1cut.-Uol. Worr.lcy aceomp·111i •I the [11 ... pccti11~ 01H ·er, ant I r•grct to i; ) th·lt ho W:l" unnl>lc to 1,•porl favorauly o:i the i;tnto of thi hattcry1 lio hor-e bc·inti poor, n.rul ~ho di cipli11c, l hnve rca.-.~m to bolic\·o, hOmcwhnt .,Jn k. I t1 u t th it nuxt year" report mny ho moro fo\·orable.

'.l'h1· .S npancc C inrl'i~on Ibttcn· wa ... jn .. pected by BL. J .ieut.-Col. ()otton. "A" Ifat-tcry, l)n the 2 Hh .Julv. The men \urned out clean und performed their 1pn11y drill, mnnual nn<l firii1g cxorci c,, in a ati factory mnnner1 con i lcrin • th tl1el'O were thirty recn1ib in the 1~rnk'. Only ono .,qund had l>oou prncllc l d_rill, an~ thos~ men di I uot nppcnr to hn\ o much knowlodJO of_ to1 o mm 11-

t10n. L1out. ol. Cotton will douutlc ...... report tho r ult of 111 ui:-p 1 n. The 'Ironton Garrison Batt-Ory w~ in poctocl by Lfout.-Col. Irwin on tho ~';-th


1-lth R tt z on.

Bit : J"on I t form I the d1 ill in the onmin,:,. on tho pnrnde g-round • 1 l>r"ll. Sh I, Kini{ ton, •md w.1 irhp ·ted &.r me on tho t:Hh July. r.., p. t 111 lumn :md quarter <·olumn, the B11ttnlion wa \\ hcclud into

Ir UJh the mnnunl nu I hrin~ cxcrci-c-. by the .Adjut:tnt, Unptnin terwnrd thr( u~h I nttnlion rn \ omenh br Liout.-Colonel Kerr. whil'h I in n mo,,t crcditnblo munn r. '!'heir act",·nnce and 1·otirc in lir.c wa~

d, nnd tho ki1 mi hing drill nbo. 'hort ritlc-. :rn1l new cloth in" ha\"c ~hi- coq "ine;e Jn ... t in p ction, :md I have rnueh plc:buro in n•porling

hon prc-ented 1111 excellent npponmnco on parn1le on the dny of in:>pec­nr. Dlll ·h credit Oil OOth Ofli<X'r nnd men.

1.itli B ittal'on.

'Phi fl" hnving been thorou~hly rcor.g-nnized. wenL into camp at Belleville, P :~ ·min..; u1c d1:ill in ix days. nnd was ill-.pc ·ted by me on the l~lh Scp1cmbcr, 1 .' 1 .. r.ho Bn~tnholl marched pa-.t an l perfonnc l a few battalion movement:- and sk1ru11shrn.: drill uuder the command of Lic11t.-Colo11cl Lazier.

Owin,; to tho 1111mbor of recrnih an l the -.hm·t nc.-s of the time for tmini1w they worn not p1:1 ·ti-e l in the 111:11111nl :md tiring cxcn:i-c-., but in othc1· 1·c,...p!.'ct~ tl~' drill wru ' .ry I. 1 r. ~ nm gl:td to s:_1y thnt thc1·0 app •ar. to be :L desirn on the part of' all the ofht ·1 to brm~ tho 1·01 P"' 111t1i a thomugli ,.late of efficiency, arnl I thcrcfo1·0 trust 1hut n!.'xt y~:ir I may be able to report a m:u·kcd imp1·0\·cn:cnt. M1wh c-onld not bo o pc ·tc l th1-. ye. r, a all but fifteen wore r<:> Tuit . :Xcw clothin"' ha., licon i-.-.uccl to th! c· 1 p . ' 11e 1t wn entitled t 1 it, lmt 011 tho c1111 lition that it ,,hall la t the J)l'C •

< 11L. I I 1 lrom the dnte on which it wo lid h 1\"o hcen entitle I to thl· i -.11 ·. 'rho 1 <l ·1 utrcmcnt.. were fairly clean, rnrl tho men wore 1·atio11c I i,,. ofliccr-.

comm. n 11~ c mp:mici ... nt :!:i cents p<-'r rnt1011 thi~ -nm indndin"' the p1~1·ch:i...o of m ,.., t n , t~ •• 'l'he c 111duct of the men wa" rcp;rted ~<JO l and thei1'.'\cnl th oxcclle11t. rt c 111 1 3 hn ... been r?fittcd by Lieut.-°?loncl L:tzior, at hi ow11 t-Xpcn-." and cad1

. pro~ 1dod with a 1.o ·ker fill· 111 ... :w outrcm.•nt-.. clothing, ,\'.c. The :u·m" u11.: 1 · I 111 ~1~cul:11· r:1 ks m the m·mou1·y, ant.I I tru:,t that hl nl:cfiirth thc1 c may be no rn ~ · ·1enc1{'~ to .1eport in. thee 1uipmcnt of thi:, Battalion.

. r.J ul -( 1ln11cl L:u:icr J:; dc:;on·mg of JrO'lt <:l'C lit for lib cfl'orb to J•IOll\Oto the cffi 'IN CJ of the corp .

l r. th Bil t talion.

Six C?mpanie ofthi,. corps porfi>rtnC'l tho di·ill at their 1·c ... pe<·tivc head1piartor-1, :m I w1;10 m pooled by me on clillcrcnL day in X11\•c rnhcr. 'l'hc\· tul'llcd onl vory w~ll · n~ e \ .man in u11ifonn. 'f'ho arm nrnl aec·outJ·cincnts \vc1·1· clean and tho drill 1 ti ·toril.r pcrtimncd, <'On idc1 illg that the Jhttalion hac:; not d1·illctl 'for four yem ' 1, I· 11~0 t ~ill tho rncu i11 the mnk were 1·ec1·ttits. The \\'ollingt•m and (;on-ccon ( . I It hn,·i11g f:ulo<l to tum 0111, nml tho ofli<·cr~ lately in 1·ornma11d having


hr 1 , I wonld 1ccommc1HI that they lie di bandod.

40th flattalion.

l' t C mpnnics of thi 1•-0rp performed the!r drill in camp: No. I at ('obourg1 No · 7, 8 and 9 nt Golboroe; anrl the rcm:wu.ler nt thoir ro pectivo Cornpnny

11ondqu:u 101· • I am glnd t I lio nble to l oport thnt tho drill of thi HnWHioll '\\ mo t l:'l!lti foclOI'.}. 'l'ho OfiiCCl'll1 from tho 'olonol down, taken Jh•cly illt<.'IC tin the wolfnrc of tho Corp which i in a 111n t cilkicnt. tnte. Xo. - Corn puny, 'obour •, I crl rmCi'l it· drill in a' nianm r rcllct"ti11g tho grcatc"t c·1 edit Oil all cor cc111cd. '!'ho nrm:'> nud clothing (•f this co111pan


y.wcrc rema1·k~hly <·lo'.rn, and tho manual an I ~ri lf c~crcise wu .. :uimir.d,Jy done. 'l Into. may be attrdJ11lcrl, Ill a j{re:tt me.1~uro to .M:iJOr :Smith, tho late Jkigudc ~lajor, whn has hcen indol:ttigablo in dl'illing tho men

4Gt/i Bnttnlio11.

'I'hi ... Batlalirrn pc1forn1crl itt; Drill 111 camp at Pol'l Hope, nncl wa inspcctod by me oil the l ilh Hc1>tcrnhm·. Tho reir11lat1011"' for c11carnp111ent \\<'re c1 upulou ly

Cl • , f h "'h . cal'l'ic l out, all(! [ was much pl.c:1 011 with tho hnc appc:~rn11co o t. omen. .1 cir !\rms, accoutt·emcnh and cloth111g wc1 c c.:lca!1. an~I tho drill o~ the \\ holu \\fl \"ory good , thnngh the corp" had not been J>l'UClr:.er! m the nxcrc1so for tho long litle. Thi, c:orp ii, certain!) one of the best 111 my IJ1'4r1ct., ::inti lmr, n \"cry finn band.

4 7th Battalio11.

Fi,·o comii:Lnie-. of thi Battalion hnn: pel'f01·mo1l ddll at their rn-pecti>o hend­qnnrtor , a111l lrnvo been inspcctcJ uy mu. 'l'h~ arms, accontromcnu :md clothing were. gcm·rally :-peaking, ''cry c.:l<'an, and .tho drill goo I. 'fho Barriofiel l Company wasdceitle lly the bc::.l dl'illcl compa11y this year.

57th Battalir.11.

}'0111· c·ompanic!i of this Battalion drillot.l together nt hen lq11arto1 , PctcrLow', and Wl'l'L' in .... puctcd hy mo on tho ~:>th Scptcmhc.r, l~i7. 'l'hc men \\"<:>10 billc~c-~I in the Agrieulturnl :)ocictr'!:i buildings, bl:mkets homg •~ uetl LO tlicm fiom lho 1111htary store:-i. TIH• men WCI'(: 1 ationcd bv t·a11tain:; of com panic...,, at a co t of :!U <'cnts pc1· ration. 'l'hc drill of the e 1·ompa11ie,, was sati,.fndor~:· hut tl~o men did not present a:; lino an appcnranc:e on p~u·nde as other cOl'JI'? ch1cfl~; owmg to many of them boi11~ in the rank-. irnpropol'I~· dJl• scd. 'l'he dotl11ng of~ oi:;. 1 nn.d 4 w: \Cry hn<I, and ·there wero rnuny <lcticicnci.e . No. :> Com.i•n.ny . \\a entitled. to u~~,· clothi1 g. bnt the oflic·or corum1111di11g fmlod to apply ~o · 1t rn. t11110 For tho drill. ~· !! Com1 .my pro~cnted hy fur the he I appem ~me~, tl1e1r clothmg bom~. uow, :u~<l their !\rm::. and uccoutr1;11.~nb Ycry dean. <'aptmn honnc<ly de er\ c er edit for tl11"-. On the 2tith "'cptcml;er l mspc«tcd the Norwood <"'ompauy. l r1;gr~t to say there" e:o ma11y dcfilie11<'ie" in the ociuiDmcnt, Lut in other re p ct tho msp ctt< n "a i;ntu;-foctO'r)·· '!'his ('Om pa11y wn-. prct•y well up in dlill,: n I ~hem 1 hing.go d. They porli•1111cd the m:muul .111d tirin~ exe1ci ... o 101 tile ho1 t 11fh;, not I 1 v-100 proc-tiflt~ l in that. for tlw long riilc. The :;kirmi hing ddll w:i:i nl o \"Cly ft ir. .No. G, the lfo ... tii1~"' ( 'ompany, Gaptnin Howard, hn" Jl~rformc I drill,. but hn uo .} Ol been in:-;p<'cll'll. 'l'hron~h ·omc mi-.undor,.tandi g th1 U-Ompa!lY dul n~t turn out :it tho i;nmc time :i:s tho rc"t of the battalion, :111 l hud only put rn two <~11lls w~ien I "n" at Norwood. I thcrcforn did not consider it n(h·iqahlo to mnko the lllspcctiou. l how­oYor diro.:tcd 131-iirn<io :iiajCll" Lieut. Col. \Yor. leY to make the in pe<•Liou \\hen ou hi~ tour i11spel'ling a~m .. , but' through :-ornc mi-mui1ngomc11t th~ con:prm.r ~1g ·u foiled t<> tn111 out. I havP nnw rc11110:;tot.l Lio11t.-l;ol. Pu low mnko th<· mi:,pect1on. l wn" llOI \·orT Wl•ll ,,atisfa•d with the nppoar:rnco nod drill of thi>< <'Clll1Jl.lll)' I: t yo.1r, aml wn" thc1 cfo1 c mo t an.xiou" to i11spcct them my olf thi yl'm·. Captnin Hown1 l ":is "Very ru,.,1.,-, and hardly qualified to in t11wt hi mou.


The Hille .\s,,lwiatio1i.. in thi llistri ·t uppe: r to bo in fl0111 i ... hin • conditio 1, ly :111 ha\"ing hcl<l <·Om)' 'L°li n-1 thi"' .'en; -ti ub cr1pti n al •. hn\"e b n :n I be -nl.

J nm hnppy to 1 l)ort thnt two new . .\ ocintions h:"~e been formed, one at Po1·t. Hopo a1 d the oth r n \•tcroorough, nml hun: held mcetmg ... , although tho latt.cr (~Ill uot ]l31 ti iJ :lto in th no, crnmont. grant for this yo:ir. l tru~t ~hoy 1u:1)· rccc1vc it 11:xt y . r. ) <'Oil idc1· that money i ... woll pent on thc ... c .As-.oc1at1on", wl11ch arc co~1rlucn·o to the 1 icr y f tl10 force. encou1·n •ing many of the men to taken greater 111lOJ'(1 ~t in target prm ticc nml thcroby to licw1110 mnrk--mon.

HH'LE It \:-i<Jf:'.

Tho lmtb of the Kirw ... ton Haiwc hnvo been put into a tho1·ough 1--tato of l"epuir· :it n C-0 tor 150. 'l'ho c tinrntod uo~L wa ... s~oo, liut tbnnkl'i to Licut".·Uolonol Cotlon and t\ mgcnnt of·.\" Huttcry,who ~11perink1vh•d the work, tho l"cpni1· wc1·0 cll'cdod at u t.-in-irw ot 50. 'l'ho Hum;o b now in Yc1-y ~00<l ordor. 1111 ... t } 1.•a1· I i'illlimitle1l an np1 hc~ion f1om Lieut.- olonol Wdlin1ns for a grant of ~!:>O fu1· thoyul'f>Ol'iO ?f foncmg in the Hang" at Port Hope. nn<l fol' nn nnnnnl grunt of ~10 fo1· lca ... 111g l he bllld Runrre buL f re •rot to ... a\.· that n ... Yet the fi(•}llieation hat' not been ~ra11tcd.

0 ' 0 J •

l•RILL "llEll~.

Tho Drill Shod1> remain in the -:nmc l'011<lition a-. last ycn1·1 most of them boinK ome\\ hat out of J ejmir, with tho oxccptinn of tho:!" at King1>ton :rnd P11rt llupo. In

tho f rm r n 1oom 10-. brnn fitted up with :>helve" a.-. a Quartcrmasto1"1> -.tor~, at aco~t of ol in ,d1il'h tho <'lothing of tho 14th H1ttnlion ha" been stored, ... o that it cm oo pr 1io1'.ly looked ntt.:Jr by the c111 otakcr. I think that Drill :-:ihod,; onghL to bo erecto<l m nil tho lnl'gc town:-.

llE:-<ER.A.T. RE'.L\RKs.

It niford;i mo much plen-.urc to report that the undermentioned officon; belonging to my Di tr ict. hn\"c gone through a short COUl':-C of instruc·tion nt the School of Gunn ry, obtaining ti1·8t·cl11..,ti ccrtilicat1.:,.,, Yiz. :-

"Major Ifon1y, rnilh, -11th Battalion. Cnptniu Kelly, ·Hth Battnlio11. < 'apt:lin and A<ljutnnt <Jordon, 1-!th Battalion. Onptain nnd .'u1'utn11t .llcGill, ·!th Cavalry.

I tl·u t thnt many more will avail thcmsch e:; of thi~ privilcg() noxt yo!lr, a~ it ii; the only opportunity they have nt pm cut of acquiring :my real knowledge of the du tic of u i;oldicr.

A tho c:;tablishmcnt appears to be fi:xe1l at forty-two r . .mk nnJ file, per troop or cornpnny. I would strongly recommend that nil arm,; and accoutrcmc11t at pre,;ont in po, cseion of corp~ iu oxce of that number be returned into store. Mn11y of' the corp have a number of rifles totnlly u"l'ic:·d for want of nocdfol repair~. If tho ... e were returned into store an armourer could be employed to repair them lllHie1· the direction of tho Milit:u·y Storokoeper, o that they would be fit for bsnu in tho ovont of it being nccc ary to au~mcnt the Force.

I am gin<! to say thnt thorn i a 11111rked imprnvcment in the Forc•c in my Dill­tTict thi year, 1 early all tho corp« 1 umcd out prnperly d1·ossc<l, and lhc ann s aJHI acumtrl'mcnti; were, generally spc.11.ing, c;le:lncr and in bctto1· ordo1· than last year. ()fli CTS <·ommanding COl'j> Uppcar to take greater C'!ll'C of their <'<jUi]llllCll1 1 un l tho Bri •,de Mnjor hu in c•('m cquen(·c fewer dofi<'ic11cics to l"Cpm'l. 'l'hct·c i , however, till JOom for impronHnont in thi r1.:,pect. The drill ha., been wel I performed on

tho "hole, and, in some of tho corp , rcmnrknbly so. [ believe tho be t mode of promoting tho eflicien<'y of the Force, woul<l ho to a sernble corp1 in camp at Bat· tnli n he.w-qunrtcr for sixteen <lay , the officers anrl men receiving pny aecording to rank rn ions nn l trnn port. Hy this menus tho lield oflkera und :vljuwnt could de\O th ir whole ntll:ntion to the drilling of the companies, and in u much more :;ati1·

factory manner than when brigaded with other cior{> , \'}1011 so much time• i taken up with brigaclo p:-iradc~. It seoms t.o me an n' tmlity to nn><omblo iu bdgat.le bnttaliou:-. which 111·e ulmo:-.t alway:; compo~e<l of one-third ro<:ruit • Jt i ul o '!uit~ ccrlaiu that un.r woll drilled battalion will alwny be uhlo to hold its own in brigade. Doubllos 111 igat.lc camp,, aro the most , opular with the f<'orce, but the qu lion is not ono of populal'ity. but of efficiency.

'l'ho host drilled corp$ in my District thiH year wcro <lccidodiy tho o which woro in 1i position to a%cmblo tho men in tho afternoon" or o,•onill, , pnttin~ iu thu drill in twenty-four day$. Town c-0rp$ can do thi~, lmL rural corps C"lllnot and therefore rotommo1ul the ~raining t-0 be at B.1Wilio11 hc:1.1l-~1111u·tor:i for at least l\VCl \'ll full day1-1.

.My hunks n1•0 Jue to Brigade lfa.jor Tiicut.-Col. \\~ orsley, to the tntr generally, and to C 01111:\IHling Officer:; of Corps who hu\•o been :b ic.111011 in their dutiei n.ncJ rendered me every 1~ ... l'iibtanco.

I l>eg to appornl a return of r.orps in detnil wliid1 have performed drill (mnrkeJ. A), copy of DistricL Order relative thereto (marked B), a11<l B igndo t.Mnjor Lieut. Col. Wor:;loy's Report (marked C).

I have the honor to be, Sir, Your mo!>t obedient crvnnt,

BOWEN VAN STHA UBEXZEI.J, Liont.·Colonel, Deputy .A.djut:mt-Gcnernl, .Milit:1ry .Oi .. tricL Xo. 3.

The .A.<ljutant-Gonoral, Ilead-Qua1'lerb, Ottawa.