s0589.0-r-001 - software requirement specification.xls

http://www.globalcybersoft.com Form: Software Requirments Specification CPD V3.0 Page 1 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION Project Name CPD Vxx Revision Description 1 Specifications and GUI Layout No. Requirement Specification ID Last Review Comment 1 #VALUE! 2 #VALUE! 3 #VALUE! 4 #VALUE! 5 #VALUE! 6 #VALUE!

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Master ListSOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATIONProject NameCPD VxxRevisionDescription1Specifications and GUI LayoutNo.Requirement Specification IDLast Review Comment1DM-002: Start System2DM-003: Stop System3DM-004: Suspend System4DM-005: Resume System5DM-006: Exit System6DM-007: Shutdown System

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://www.globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirments Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P


&L&"Arial,Italic"http://www.globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirments Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PHost systemAccess Point(At least 4 locations)Monitoring PCMono- tone Laser PrinterHUBHUBRF communication Network segment should be separated.DM Server(FT IA Server)LAN CardDistance between HUBs should be less than100m meters.Industrial PDA TerminalWireless handy Label PrinterScanner with USB connectionWireless CommunicationOptional1) Cart Picking Director (CPD) system is a picking system which is used in a warehouse. The system consists of a Data Management component, Data Monitoring component and many Cart Picking sub-system.2) Data input for the system is received from a Host System by Shared Folder(or FTP protocol). This data will be controlled by DM while MON can view and do some controlling related to Cart Picking functions3) Cart Picking sub-system will get data controlled by DM and do picking by picking order, the picked information of orders will be updated frequently when cart picking. 4) The picked data (orders finished by cart) can be sent to Host by Shared Folder (or FTP protocol)&L&"Arial,Italic"http://www.globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirments Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://www.globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirments Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://www.globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirments Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://www.globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirments Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P

Common_DMRequirement IDDM-038: Common Processing in serverReturn Master ListUse case DescriptionThis is the common processing in the server systemFlow EventsIn Data/ConditionExpected ResultsDM-038-001: Connect to server with server stoppedAfter 30 seconds, if the server is not connected, the system will show an error message ErrorCannotConnectToServerDisconnect to server.System will show an error message ErrorCannotConnectToServerDM-038-002: Connect to server with server suspended.In case the Server suspended, the device will tell a confirm guidance message CG_MSG = ServerSuspendedMsgSuspend ServerDM-038-003: Connect to server with an exception at databaseIf there is any exception at server, the system will show an error message ExceptionAtDatabaseMake an exception relate to DB such as: DB crash, stop DB service, stop other servicesSystem will show an error message ExceptionAtDatabaseDM-038-004: Connect to server with an exception(exclude exception at DB) at serverIf there is some exception (not at DB) at server, the system will show an error message ErrorExceptionAtServerCrash serverSystem will show an error message ErrorExceptionAtServerDM-038-005: View device operation at web monitoring with server stoppedIn case of the user view this screen by Web-Monitoring, if server is stopped the system will display a message ServerStoppedStop or shutdown the server.System will display a message ServerStopped.DM-038-006: Return to Main menu screenIf the user clicks Main Menu button, the system will show Main menu screen.Click 'Main Menu' buttonSystem will show Main menu screen.DM-038-007: Return buttonIf the user clicks on Return button, the system will return to previous screenClick 'Return' button.System return Picking Progress screen and system must show old picking progress data correctly.

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://www.globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"SID v1.0Return Master List

1Requirment IDDM-002: Start SystemUsecase DescriptionThis function is used to start the systemFlow Events/Test StepsIn Data/CondtionExpected ResultsDM-002-001: Start system successful1The user click Start System button at Main Menu screenCondition:1. The system must be stopped2The system shows a confirmation message StartSystemConfirmationA dialog with a message: "StartSystemConfirmation" appeared3The user chooses Yes buttonClick Yes buttonThe status of the system must be changed to "started"4The system executes taks as:1. Start connection client service.2. Start host processes if they are enabled.3. Start Expired Data Deleting process if it is enable.4. Create operator Administrator with operator ID 9999995. Activate buttons as: Stop System, Suspend System, Receive Picking Data, Send Picked Data, Resend Picked File, Delete Error File, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress, Order Maintenance, Operator Master, Item Master, Application Setting6. Inactivate buttons as: Start System, Resume System, Order Data Clear, Exit, Shutdown7. Change status of the system to Started8. Log this event to database as System Event1. System connected to the server2. - Enable function Auto Send Data To Host and function Auto Receive Data From Host (Go to menu\Application stetting, from tab "host parameter", choose "yes" for function "Enable send auto" and "Enable Receive Auto"), - Prepare a file sample (\Disciplines\Test\Test Data\DM-002-001\20090306030001.txt), copy to C:\ CPD3.1\ host\ Receiving - Finish (pick) a order, check if it sent to host automaically (check file on: C:\ CPD3.1\ host\ sending)1. Client service was connected to server.2. Can send/recieve data to/from host3. Activate buttons as: Stop System, Suspend System, Receive Picking Data, Send Picked Data, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress, Order Maintenance, Operator Master, Item Master and New button Delete Error File always activated.4. Inactivate buttons as:Start System, Resume System, Order Data Clear, Exit, Shutdown5. System status is "Started", Host status is "Waitting".6. Log was written into OPERATION_LOG table.(LOG_TIMESTAMP = timestamp of an event YYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSS,DEVICE_NO = SYS,EVENT_TYPE = '0'(System),RESULT_TYPE= 0 (SUCCESS), LOG_DESCRIPTION = the description of an event(start server), RESERVED1= Reserved field, RESERVED2= Reserved field.7.Auto Receiving, Sending must be activated if there are enabled (refer to Host Parameters screen)DM-002-002: Start system canceled3.1If the user chooses No button, the system will close the dialog and do nothing.Click "No" buttonClose the dialog and do nothingDM-002-003 Start system failRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in serverDM-002-004: Send/Receive data failed- Some errors occurrs when running Send/Receive data. - The system sets Host status (on screen header at the upper left of screen) to FailToProcess with Red color. At which, user can click on this status label to reset Host process.Prepare data wrong format at (C:\CPDv3.1\host\receiving (sending))System set Host status to FailToProcess with Red color.Screen Layout

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PReceiving Status:1. Stopped (Gray Color): Server not started2. Waitting (Yellow Color): The Receiving process is waitting3. Running (Green Color): The Receiving process is running4. Failed (Red Color) : There is an error while receiving data. User can click on Receiving status to view Operation Log screen with current errors of ReceivingSending Status:1. Stopped (Gray Color): Server not started2. Waitting (Yellow Color): The sending process is waitting3. Running (Green Color): The sending process is running4. Failed (Red Color) : There is an error while sending data. User can click on Sending status to view Operation Log screen with current errors of Sending&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in server

2Requirement IDDM-003: Stop SystemUse case DescriptionThis function is used to stop systemFlow EventsIn Data/ConditionExpected ResultsDM-003-001: Stop system successful1The user click Stop button on Main Menu ScreenCondition:1. The system must be started2The system shows confirmation message StopSystemConfirmationA dialog with a message: "StopSystemConfirmation" appeared3The user chooses Yes buttonClick "yes" buttonThe status of the system must be changed to "stopped"4The system executes tasks as:1. Stop connection client service2. Activate buttons: Start System, Exit, Shutdown, Application setting 3. Inactivate buttons: Stop System, Suspend System, Resume System, Receive Picking Data, Send Picked Data, Resend Picked File, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress, Operator Master, Item Master, Order Data Clear, Order Maintenance, Delete Error File 4. Change status of the system to Stopped5. Log was written into OPERATION_LOG table.Check status of buttons1. Client service can not connect to server.2. Cannot send/receive data to/from host3. Activate buttons: Start System, Exit, Shutdown, application setting4. Inactivate buttons:Stop System, Suspend System, Resume System, Receive Picking Data, Send Picked Data, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress, Operator Master, Item Master, Order Data Clear, Order Maintenance5. System status is "Stopped", Host status is "Stopped".6.Log was written into OPERATION_LOG table.DM-003-002: Stop system canceled3.1If the user chooses No button, the system will close the dialog and do nothingClick "No" buttonClose the dialog and do nothingDM-003-003: Stop system with remain entry order3.2If there is at least an entry order, the system shows confirmation message AlertEntryOrderRemain- Set 1 or more entry order.- Stop systemSystem shows confirmation message AlertEntryOrderRemainDM-003-004: Stop system with remain on Picking order3.3If there is at least an On-Picking order, the system shows error message ErrorOnPickingOrderRemainStopNotAllowed- Set 1 or more Picking order. - Stop systemSystem shows confirmation message ErrorOnPickingOrderRemainStopNotAllowedDM-003-005 Stop system failRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in serverDM-003-006: Stop auto receiving when host communication is in progress3.6While the process for communicating between CPD server and Host is still running, and a request for Stopping System is occurred, so in this case the user cannot stop the system. The application shows message ErrorProcessIsRunning- Choose option "yes" from ApplicationSetting\ HostParameter\ Enable Send(Receive)ToHost\ - Set send(receive) Interval to 30s- Exit, start system again- Stop the server within 30s from the time startingSystem cannot stop server and shows message ErrorProcessIsRunningDM-003-007: Monitoring don't have this functionThis functions is only activated at Data Management PCLog-in by monitoringThis functions is not used.Screen Layout

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in server

3Requirment IDDM-004: Suspend SystemUsecase DescriptionThis function is used to pause the system for maintaining dataFlow EventsIn Data/CondtionExpected ResultsDM-004-001: Suspend system successful1The user click Suspend System buttonCondition:1. The system must be started2The system shows a confirmation message SuspendSystemConfirmationA dialog with a message: SuspendSystemConfirmation appeared3The user chooses Yes buttonClick "Yes" buttonThe status of the system must be suspended4The system executes tasks as:1. Stop connection client service2. Activate buttons as: Resume System, Order Data Clear, Operator Master, Item Master, Order Maintenance, Delete Error File, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress, Language, Application Setting3. Inactivate buttons as: Start System, Stop System, Suspend System, Receive Data from Host, Send Data to Host, Delete Error File, Resend File to Host, Exit, Shutdown4. Change status of the system to Suspended5. Log this event to database as System EventCheck status of buttons1. Client service server can not connect to server.2. Host processes is stopped if they were strarted.3. Activate buttons as: Resume System, Order Data Clear, Operator Master, Item Master, Order Maintenance, Delete Error File, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress, Language.4. Inactivate buttons as: Start Start System, Stop System, Suspend System, Receive Picking Data, Send Picked Data, Exit, Shutdown.5. System Status is "Suspended"6. Log was written into OPERATION_LOG table.DM-004-002: Suspend system canceled3.1If the user chooses No button, the system will close the dialog and do nothingClick "No" buttonClose the dialog and do nothingDM-004-003 Suspend system failRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in serverDM-004-004: Suspend system with Host Communication in progress3.4While the process for communicating between CPD server and Host is still running, and a request for Suspend System is occurred, so in this case the user cannot suspend the system. The application shows message ErrorProcessIsRunning without suspending system- Choose option "yes" from ApplicationSetting\ HostParameter\ Enable Send(Receive)ToHost\ - Set send(receive) Interval to 30s- Exit, start system again- Stop the server within 30s from the time startingSystem shows message ErrorProcessIsRunning without suspending system.DM-004-005: Monitoring don't have this functionThis functions is only activated at Data Management PCLog-in by monitoringThis functions is not used.Screen Layout

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in server

4Requirment IDDM-005: Resume SystemUsecase DescriptionThis function is used to re-start the systemFlow EventsIn Data/CondtionExpected ResultsDM-005-001: Resume system successful1The user click Resume System buttonCondition:1. The system must be suspended2The system shows a confirmation message ResumeSystemConfirmationA dialog with a message: ResumeSystemConfirmation appeared3The user chooses Yes buttonClick "Yes" buttonThe status of the system changed to "started"4The system executes taks as:1. Re-start connection client service2. Re-start host processes if they are anabled3. Activate buttons as: Stop System, Suspend System, Receive Picking Data, Send Picked Data, Resend Picked File, Delete Error File, Operator Master, Item Master, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Order Maintenance, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress, Application Setting4. Inactivate buttons as: Start System, Resume System, Order Data Clear, Exit, Shutdown5. Change status of the system to Started6. Log this event to database as System Event3,4. Check status of buttons1. Re-start connection client service2. Can send/recieve data to/from host3. Activate buttons as: Stop System, Suspend System, Receive Picking Data, Send Picked Data, Operator Master, Item Master, Data Progress, Not Completed Item, Time Progress, Picked Order/Item Search, Order Maintenance, Operation Log, Device Status Control, Operator Performance, Device Progress.4. Inactivate buttons as: Start System, Resume System, Order Data Clear, Exit, Shutdown.5. System status is "Started".6. Log was written into OPERATION_LOG table.DM-005-002: Resume system canceled3.1If the user chooses No button, the system will close the dialog and do nothing.Click "No" button.System closes the dialog and do nothing.DM-005-003 Resume system failRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in serverDM-005-004: Monitoring don't have this functionThis functions is only activated at Data Management PCLog-in by monitoringThis functions is not used.Screen Layout

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in server

5Requirement IDDM-006: Exit SystemUse case DescriptionThis function is used to exit the systemFlow EventsIn Data/ConditionExpected ResultsDM-006-001: Exit system successful1The user clicks on Exit button in Main Menu screenCondition:1. The system must be stopped2The system shows a confirmation message ExitSystemConfirmationA dialog with a message: "ExitSystemConfirmation" appeared3The user chooses Yes buttonClick "yes" buttonSystem must be exited4The system executes tasks as:1. Export Master Data to CSV File2. Exit server3. Close Data Management- Check Operator Master.CSV file following the direction showed on application setting, modify updated time- System export "Operator Master", "Item Master" to CSV" file with modified time correlatively.(Refer to "DM-010: Manage Operator Master" to verify the structure of file.) - System Exit server.- Data Management is closed.DM-006-002: Exit system canceled3.1If the user chooses No button, the system will do nothingClick "No" buttonSystem will close the dialog and do nothing.DM-006-003 Exit system failRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in serverDM-006-004: The Exit button changed to Refresh button at Monitoring functionsThe Exit button is replaced Refresh button if the user runs Data Monitoring. The Refresh button is used to refresh data.Log-in by monitoringThe Exit button is replaced by Refresh button to refresh dataScreen Layout

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in server

6Requirement IDDM-007: Shutdown SystemUse case DescriptionThis function is used to shutdown the systemFlow EventsIn Data/ConditionExpected ResultsDM-007-001: Shutdown system successful1The user clicks on Shutdown button in Main Menu screenCondition:1. The system must be stopped2The system shows a confirmation message ShutdownSystemConfirmationSystem shows cofirmation message: "ShutdownSystemConfirmation"3The user chooses Yes buttonClick "Yes" buttonThe system must be exited and PC must be shutdown4The system executes tasks as:1. Export Master Data to CSV File2. Shutdown server3. Close Data Management4. Shutdown PC5. Shutdown all of MON PCs (Their IP is define in config file)- Change some information on menu\ operator master maintenance, Save and Exit system - Open "Operator Master.CSV", "Item Master.CSV" to verify the data. - Click Shutdown button, check if all Monitor PCs shutdown or not.- System exports "Master Data" to CSV file.(Refer to "DM-010: Manage Operator Master" to verify the structure of file.)- System shutdowns service of server.- Data Management is closed.- Server PC is shutdowned.- System will shutdown list of MON PCs is defined in config file.DM-007-002: Shutdown system canceled3.1If the user chooses No button, the system will do nothingClick "No" buttonSystem closes popup and will do nothing.DM-006-003 Shutdown system failRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in serverDM-007-004 The Shutdown button changed to Close button at Monitoring functionsThe Shutdown button is replaced Close button if the user runs Data Monitoring. The Close button is used to close Data MonitoringLog-in by monitoringThe Shutdown button is replaced by Close button to refresh data.The Close button is used to close Data MonitoringScreen Layout

&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &P&L&"Arial,Italic"http://globalcybersoft.com&R&"Arial,Italic"Form: Software Requirements Specification&L&"Arial,Italic"CPD V3.0&RPage &PRefer to DM-038: Common Processing in server