s the sabbath reoorder, july 8,1 · .!j s we ha:ve fears hat one of on most mpo ant depa men a of a...


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Page 1: S THE SABBATH REOORDER, JULY 8,1 · .!J S We ha:ve fears hat one of on most mpo ant depa men a of a bo s soffe ng neg eet aDd that a Many of nB seem to ba og got sta ted
Page 2: S THE SABBATH REOORDER, JULY 8,1 · .!J S We ha:ve fears hat one of on most mpo ant depa men a of a bo s soffe ng neg eet aDd that a Many of nB seem to ba og got sta ted

.!J S

We ha:ve fears hat one of on most mpo ant depa men a of a bo s soffe ng neg eet aDd that a

Many of nB seem to ba og got sta ted

they can now ake ea e of them sel e. Tb. Bag ea m stake Separa e them from onr .ym~athy aod aoppo ond bey w d e 0 Shon d they oon nue 0 I e tbe r ex • eoce w be a feeb e one, and the re.nlts of the r to w II be mea ger They want 0 feel tbe hrob bing of our wa m bea to and the g p of on • ronghand. We moat deal generooa y by them f we would gaLhe from them a nob e harveBt rhe profe •• o 0 aDd teache a n O1Ir aem na es of I a 0 ng want to feel that hey are rem6mhered and 10 ed The fie d of 0 I s lahar

The Commeneemen Exe c aes of A f .d Un era ty hel last week we e of a most sat .fac 0 y cba ao te Al tbe ar angemeoto were oa red oot to perfect 00 The weather W88 del gbtfol frequent .how.rs ho d ng 0 res ra nt tbe dust pm< fy ng be al aod wasb ng to ab<tolute oleannea. the gra n tbe gra.s aDd the beant fol forest. crown Itg w tb aboodant and r oh fol age

oor h I tops Fr end. acqoalDt a06fi'8 aDd 8trange 8 from lo.rroDod og tf'wn .. cooot es aDd greater dill

tanc<\<! oame to enJoy the r cb 800 al aDd ~erary feas a wh oh auoh Oc 01lB 00 lurruoh The fraternal greet 109. ere co d a and be new 80

qoa otano a formed were very pleu aot.


The In odnctory Se mOD was preac.!Jed by V. num Ho I (om Matt 21 40 Theme- The ost

oa ng Comm adJou oed to meet a 3 P M ed 0 on byV Hu


The A.BOO a 00 w • ca d to 0

We ton Car too Fanna Loop aod J aekaoo Ceot e


Under he 0 d r of common ca

tent at the ses. On of the A.aoc .. t 00 at Hart •• lle

TheBe delegat.a we • heart y and thankfol y weloomed on mot 00 of V Ho wbo a 80 .poks wordo of weloom. to the Aaaoo at aD 0 be Iia f of tbe Jaokson C.otre Chn cb

U oder tbe 0 der of m soe laneoos

Varnum HoI moved tbat the Clerk exteod the sympathy of tbe AIIIIOO at n to Eld Tbr.lke d a~d t wu :;0 ordered

J",lten from Stone Fort Rool: n ver and Soothamptoo hav ng come • 000 the Ie t.n were read tbey were preseoted at th18 t me Also a I.tter from F F Johnaoo epeakiDg of the memhenb p atEnon and Rale gb and plead ng for belp for them 0 ~he form of evaogeI18t 0 labor

The Cb. r ap».oml.d Wle follOWIng SaDd ng Comm ttaes


o..P_A. A. Dt.V18 J T Davil W H1I!!he ..

0.. n .... nu-.r T Dt.vI. D H1I!!h .. J H Babooclt

0.. Ru<>lvt""" S H Babeook P F R""dolpb L E L "'UI\pre J B Cia t. M S Wardn. F F Rando ph

0.. ,.. Stat. 0' Rel/g/<m-V HQ W C Tilllworth W Hugh ••

0.. "tf'f'ang_IOf' P each "II Th omce.:at he Jackson CeD re Chu ch

On N""" rIMing EuaIfY/.Iand ]),ugam • s;,t.,. .A.~AJ. Va. Ho. W

C Tilllw rth J T Davl.

The Co eSPODa Dg Sec eta y e portlld 88 fol ows

cent y 0

StaDd ng eady

The Comm ttee on Pe taos re he po ted 8S fo ows

voted to devot anal exere BeB

0n mot on the .ermon by W C T towo th on The prac a nBe"Of tho doc nne of the ncarnat On


Af er a balf honr from 9 oolock speD t devot onal exe 0 se. the Mode ator called tbe Assoc a on to


S H Babcook made the openmg prayer aDd tbe m DOtes of tbe Be8'

s on of S xtli day were read ani! approved

rhe report was adopted, and the expe se repo ted refer ed to th& F nanoe Comm tt.e

The t me hav ng com. for the spec a orde the co", derat 00 of tbe 0 ntb reBolut 00 t waa read aDd adopted aiter ema ke hy V HG

Tb. teotb reaolotion wao adopted after remark_ hy J B Cake L E L ve more, and v: Hull

The appo D meot of a Comm tee on Ob tnanea hav og been ov.rlook ed the Moderator IIPPO nl4!d S H Babcock, V HnIl and A 'van Horo as that Comm tlee

V Holl moved after remarke by A Van Horn ae to the oabU Iy of the Ca ton Chorch to pnt np 800h a hoose of wonh p a8 th.y Deed that that ohnrch _end some Doe among the otber cbn cbee of the Assoc at 008 0 so (j tad

The A.BOC at on now gave way to the .e man by L E. L ve mo e wb ch loaed b. mom og exero ses

Al'TrmNOON 81188 ON

Tbe m.et ng wall aa ed to order hy tbe Mode a 0 aud opened by prayer by J T Oav 8

The 1111 of delegate. wasil 8t read and correoted

The ComlDlttee on F oaooo rs poned SIt follows

Yo", commltlee JroWd aubm1t th. tol

appo ned E M. Dunn

H Babcook aDd G M. Co tel In accordance w th a resolut 00

ng been eID braced n a re80 n on and d Bonssed by the Assoc a 00

that epo t was aken from the tab e and dOJlted

S H Babcock moved an orde on tbe T easn ar to the Eogros og

aDd the ABsoe at 00

J oroed 0 meet w b the Chu eh at A b 00 W. 00 tbe F fth day befo e be fo~ h Sabba h of Jone 1881


EDUOA.TIONAL Not oog "noe e wa_ added

BUT RECOIIDlClC a Mis, a ana y Departm.ot n wh ob s p esent.d all tbat perta DO to tbe Dteres of tbat caose It s geoer

ally conoeded that Ib _ 8 as t .boo d be fa some of oor peop e beg 0 to ea ze tbat nod er to become

awake to be mpo tance of any de Dam oat onal or a her wo k of re­form t s necessary to know 80m. tb og of the demands fo that work and the progress a mak ng and thlll w II be beot done by bavmg tb_ pr.sented th ongh he only med OlD that reacbeo al the people aDd by some one tboronghly nter asted n the subject and fam lia w th to wo king_ Th. nerease of ote est n m ss onary work now ap

parent a not a oDe to be attnboted o the send ng of 10 ss ona es to

tbe fore gn field tbongh th s may bav. been tbe osp at on wblob oao_ed the department to be started

The Sabbath School and Trao Departmenta a e do Dg the r work of ednoatiog Ther. s a grow og fee nil' among onr edncators and amoog those wbo compr.hend the full soope of deoom nBt ona1 I fe that there 8 .. d.mand out met by our denom national paper and that we are 8.dfermg on th18 acoonot n uter.sta v ta to oor growth and

prosper tv nteMsts Just as m portant all e tber of the olhers-,. a department of EdDoat 00 ed .d by someoDe thoroughly mterest

ol!\ tot aDa and WIth ns theae are not met, a8 w tb other. by new en dowmeot!' so tbat we mnst e tne 00 n d.bt or oontract tb. work ng

forces tbereby weaken ng oor .f fio eocy ootead of nc ea! ng \t ae cord og to the demands of tbe age Wonld we have fa len ao far aho t of the propOjjed one hundred thon sand dollars for,oo sohoola ae a memonal fond and wonld BO few emember th a lOt •• kt n tb. WIlls f we we e p ope Iy posted on all

oor De d .. and esp.c ally tb a WIth th. otben P Th. neeess t es for a v goroos denom nat onal growth are many and a Degloct n any d rec on takes from the effie enoy n othe s and t does seem that w. a e beh nd 00 do y sod .ulf. by r .... on of our fa 10 e to ha.e the edoea o~al

y p e_eoted B C C


Tbere a e many readers of the RECORDER who eagerly follow the wake of tbe A.soo at on. wbo do not g ean from tb. M notes al they most dea e Some of the con. tn ent members of ,bill I ttle Church at Ha ta I. who a e now far away w 11 ead w th sDch ote eBt as only lone Sabbath keepe 0 can wbatever pertaln. to he eeent s .... on of the &soo at 00 he e

From the fact tbat a formal ron t De of bua nea. had been tbe eh ef part of the wo kat oor AuOOlat on .. and h. wo k bolIng ma Diy repeat ed at the Coofe eooes D September we bad come to regard the Assoo a ooal gaLhI'l" og. "'" tread m 110 aDd not very esseo al Bnt tbe recen aess on of he Weate 0 ba_ beeo ladeD w tb b flO"e. of anotber c mOo How much of tb s may be due to tbe lac bll h18 Cb n ob 18 on the moonta n. we w II oat proph.sy

The bUd ne s part bas Be.med n a dents s q u etly sod .arne. y dooe w h dlllpa eb DlSon._ ng aod pass ng fo mal reso nt ana d d not d a orb the eqn I hr nm norconBnme tbe t me Tbe matters dillCns.ed we e I • ng facta for preseot actioo Tbe epo to to d of work dOD. and be og done

Fo he first t me _ 00. we have known these gathenngs, a womao came upon the p atfo m and read a

We thougbt so loud wbat tbey hav.n thad thlll wo k

tbat snme brotber sa d Amen Tb s tent wo k _ new bnt • handled by the lad es aB a matter

of OOGn. and we pred ot that D~ Po te s d sbu semeot of tents haa beguD a wo k grander tban he knew Mav tbey aont nne nnt I many peep e _hal Bay How gOod y a e thy \eota ob Jacob W.

learn Wl\b JnIIIt Bat sfact OD that a teDt 8 deSlgoed forthe N orlh Weat eo Aasoo at on

The rei g on_ e"'ere ses were the oh .f f.a ore of tbe Asaoo atIon In he foor davs sess 00 Viere w.re te~

or twelve d 8eoorse_ The Intro­dno ory Se mOn by Eld N V Hn made a I fee bow good t was to hea tbe gospel preaohsd D th. sp r t of the go p.1 E d George W Bord ok of W scona n preaohed a ReO ble aDd excel ent d lCOurse on F fth day even ng and the SIXth day •• en ng meet ng led by Elders L verma e and Summa be w II nev.r be forgot eo An mmense ODconne of people assembled un

Sabba b morn og to b.ar Eld Ma 0 of Rhode Is aDd nor d d they as 8emb e n va n

How .ball the for W9 most not send them away uo t I tb. day 0 work _ doo. bothered 00 bot the Har.v Ie peop. 800n _olved the quest 00 by m raole or otherw ae for all were abondantly fed aDd there were fragmeotli I.Ct yethowmaDllbasketafulI wed d Dot learn Feed o~ th 8 multitude took mo • thaD Dve loaves aDd two fisbel.

The afternoon Will ooonp ed WI'" Sabbath school work, led by Ela Morton Wardoer and tbe excellent addrelllle, made Deed not be meD t.IQJled bere.

The even ng after tbe Sabbath was g ven to tb •• 0bJect of mos c Tbe tent could aoarcely hold the an dienoe Two aad esses we • Rlven aDd a I vely 0 !!Teat wae shown by the peop. n th.subJect Th. _ Dg ng by the yoong men f am the

Un venIty led by Wardoe W ams, "'so 8t rnog and d d ev.ry

"ody good Th. lameD tat on of the we.p ng p opbet that the yonng m.n have ceaHed from the ma80 was Dot applicable he e

00 F n!.'day morn ng came the <led oat ou sorv co of the tent I leemed as -thoogb eve ybody from everywhere bad come The ded ea t on d 8OOn... on ',rhe Sohba h by E d Hn I waa to os peeo a We have nev.r befo e alened to 80 olear an ontline and soch c ea ng away of d ffianlt eo wb ch h nder 00

many bonelt mod_ on th • qu.. 00 hefore A F 8t day mao who we bel eve th oks fo h mBe f aa d to n. I dun t se. how h B can be ans wered

10 the even og E d Huffman preaob.d a trn y good dIScoaree a_ a very la ge Dum fie es fied and a op n~ of bomeo eknes. seemed a reat 00 all tbat the ent mu.t be

great 0 ed t for the geDerooo maD ner 'If th wb ob tbey ca ed for aDd .nterla ned tbe peop e The e was one po pas. for a I The la 0 wao gr.at. E d H. P Bn d ok was eve ywb.r .. b.lp ng .ve y body and aot c pat ng wbat oogh 0 be done He was warm y soppo ted by a A moreharmoD oos work DgChu eh caD not be foond The. lR a d ep regret that he r pa8 or E d I L Cottrell s to leave them H a pra .e a n a I the Charon l\fay God

ke.p th 0 1 ttle Chn oh nu al ob go where 00 maoy of the have gone s nee be th y b ee m and we. 0 gao zed 0 0 a e~nrch th ty three yean ago 0 b. e yof tbe Great K Dg R C

sbo meet ogs bas not beeo a we n ou greal anx ely for bose we ove cou d have w ahed yet W. a e I th nk, no reaoon for d _conragement God bao been w th os aud bas g eat Iy help.d B a Rogers to br ng be fo e u. not on y tbe Sabba bub bu alao otber p ofit.b e and n e ... t og 8ubJ c • He bas g en ua oome very loc d na oct on on B b • saDe fication wh oh com •• throogh abed enee and fa b had a prea 008 commUD on sea 00

Sahbatb eveo ng rho a ene "f the Last ~opp.r was neve brought 00 v v dly befo e my m nd as when oor b oth.r read to DO the wo dB of J e ons on tbat oooas on Wh e 00

sad by

ANOTHEE STEAMBE HOREoR a cu d ou Long I od SOGud on the af e ooon of J DOe 28tb The SLeam

for a rooms room fifteen

Page 3: S THE SABBATH REOORDER, JULY 8,1 · .!J S We ha:ve fears hat one of on most mpo ant depa men a of a bo s soffe ng neg eet aDd that a Many of nB seem to ba og got sta ted

18 18 III

fo III


B6 III 81 III 81 III 88 III 88 III

III lIG l5

Page 4: S THE SABBATH REOORDER, JULY 8,1 · .!J S We ha:ve fears hat one of on most mpo ant depa men a of a bo s soffe ng neg eet aDd that a Many of nB seem to ba og got sta ted


... ·-"11 .. t 'lrhat some mao a yi!ar ID a feeble gthoei!v ku~ 'Wa~ ry """" se I 18 the fint to IlliliBt under ltb~ 1iall of th nb a'bdilt tile B ble " obght, hy GOlieroor Reyoold. for voluoteel

fOro~8 to go ag~ list the S~bs and Foxes of whom Black Hawk war chief I

By treaty these Ii/dmns had beed removed west of the M .s ss pp J\t~ lowa bull,: tb nt .,!;"th~I~:oId huot og ground. the be ter they bad re

cro .. ed the nver with tbe r 'Of'a* pa ut On OOWl og .ome trouble arid a great deal of alarm among 'h1 settlers Such was the onglO of th war and the handful of govdromen troops stationed at Rook IiII .... d wanted belp. Hence tbe State oallj

is : 5 "" ~ATIOIiAL LESSOJI!, 1880

Mr Lmuolo was &wenty thre~ y.a. old at that t me DIne yea,,! olde tban h • adwted State Tbe 00 ntry- was th nly set led aDd, oompany of n net~ meo who 0001

e spared f om hame for mJi tar I v oe had to be ~athered fiom ,j w de d stnet Wheo filII the com panv met at tbe ne gbbonllg vllioge of R chland to oIioo!le t. omce fi In those days the mIt a men ,were allowed to .eleot the r leaden 0 the r own way aud theV had a very pecul ar 'Ilode of expre8B ng the ~ profereo e for capta n. Fo. thenj a. oow there were ~Imo.t always two cand dates (or one Gflice



FfW 8abIHJth day July 17

G&NIf.SIB '" 3-15. «:0...-.1" to memo..., venn 8-13

GOLDEN TE:rr YWho8oever bat.. etlll hI_ brother la B m~derer 1 J hn3

AUTHOR. Moss TDnI. Ab u 38 5B C P.i:.t.~ .In Eden ou ! de oUhe garden

OIJTLINE L ~hO O:IDl'ring lor 8 n T 3-5

It! 'rite fruit or sin 8-10 IlL 'rile cane upon sin 11 16

INTRODUOTION Adam and E • had tal en by dlsobed

enee They knew good and eVl a.nd we a re,liz nglh. oDs.qoen .. s of 1!In In Ihis le.lOn are ... n the d.v.lopment aDd lor tIbIa wo k of Sln FIB r c dal murder s he irs -overt a of 8 n showing 'he dire

fnl ... 1. ilud fa ure calam tI •• which won d., eome 0 man from hil I.Jl


I 'l'he offerlu~ ror 810 v 3...'!

cnme 2 To obey 10 beller than ... rlfIce and

1;0 hearken thaD 1ihe fat of rams S One a1n leads to snoChe de 8 op ng

from. bad to 'Wone 4. The fiiilt des h Is lor he _ke ot e

III on fJ Faith a the way of acceptance w th

God nnbe ef the way of rejeotlon • The Sabbs.tb-aohoollD the AsaocjatioDB

They wou d meet on the gree~ somewhere and at the appolDte hour the c\i"9'et tors wonld step dU from tbe erowil. On the 'OP\loE to s des of tbe ground alld eaoh would oa I OIt 'aU the boys wbo wllDtlid Ii m for oapta n a flln 1n hab n~ Ii m As tbe I ne formed the DIad next tbe "and date 'Would ptrt Iti~ haoda 00 the 6andltlate iI ~h0ll1d6r the h ra mllo a 00 0 the OIime mBn ner to the second nbn and BO on td the end And i'lIeo tbey woulq nardl sod cheer f!lr the r leade~

I ke 80 many w Id theD n nrder to w n over the fellow. wbo d db t .eem to have" clio ce or whose m oda were Bare to ran after the greater nO .a When all bad takan • des tbe man who lad the longe, Itne would be declared oapta n

M L ncolD never oatrew the lam I ar n oknama "Abe but at hat t me be coold hardlv I e .s d to

bave anv other nllme 'than Abe" n faot be had emerged from ol~rk og n tbat I ttle corner grocery a8 Hone.t Abe He wa. not onl~

liked bnt loved In the rongh fash on of the froot er by all who knew

h m He was a good band at guo n ng fish ng rae og wreatl og and other games be had a tall and stroog !igore aod he eeemed to have been 8S of teo rem oded of a I ttle story n 32 a8 0 62 Aud tbe few men oot won by these qual t es were woo and held by b 8 great common sense wh eh re.tra ned hIm from eX~e88e" eve~ n sports, aDii made h m a 8af. fr end

It • not. ngnlar therefore that Lbollgh a .tranger to many of the enl " ed men be should bave had h • warm fr end. who at once deter m ned to make h m capta a

In pro.,., .. or tlDie A he end of days Tb s phrua we bel eve deDo 88 Ih. Sobba h h. end of the .... today. Abe and Ca n b ought offerings and wo .hlp.d Jehovah on th, doy .ho .. lng tho Gcid n he very beginning made be Slob bath a day of wo ah p Cain The golt n 0 po BaBEl OD Eve be evell he wu be p om 8 d seed the de Ive.re1 Froll ortbe II'rouud an offel'ln .. Ii. m.. olfering or thank olfering Exod 22 29 80 Lev 2 12- 6 7 12

6 We ale 01ll' bro her's keepe and wll b. held reapoDB b • the .to

7 The paDlBhment of II n w always b. ha d to bear

• Hints for the BlaokboaM.

But:rdr L ncoln bong hack WIth the feel og he sa d ,hat f tbere was any 0 der aod better estabbshed c zen whom tbe boys" bad confi deoce n t woald b. better to make .nch a ooe cap a 0 H. povertv

In the Central A8B1lC at on the was even more ma ked thao h s mod Sallllath school work was crowded ea y aod for h a stock 0 edlloat 00

out oot oveo tbe usoal seaa on of about that t me he wrote a a letter the sohool belDg held Th s • to be to a fr end t .. euty .eveo years later

I d d not koow mucb st II some Make 5 step. 00 the board Bod regretted for sorely some place bow I could read wr te lind 0 pher

eaIl oot from the school tbe down ollgbt to be fonnd n onr annnal tv the role of three but that was

I WB8 an offe ing exp essink grat inde no~ one tha exp eSBed a lenBe of S D and need of p&rdon and econci at on "'bel Vanishing b ea h of fe h. perishable Prophetic of his short 1 fe 0 Eve B selUMt ot her fa en sta e and mortali y Flnt lIoll'S or bls lIock Peace olfer ng L.v 8 N nmb 18 17 18 Th. peace .m.rlng • gD1l1ed expiation of Bin and recon Uk on with God Abel In hIa of

ward road of 8 D BS 8howo n the gatberwge for tb. mportant pa t a lesson lot Willflllnes& It 8 of the Church work Thu report of doubtless dne to Co. n. w llfalnes. the B ble .ohool Board bowever n bnngtng ao mproper BOcr fice showed tbat mucb ote est waa felt

tbat he was not accepted 2 Anger ID tbe work W nfalnes. generallv leads to anger 10 the Westero As.oOlat on tbe partlcnlarly f thwarted 3 Mur wbole of Sabbatb afternoon was de der Th,.. only the work og oat of voted tQ the Sabbath schoo nnder the end thongbt wb ch came from the leadem p of Rev M SWard

S M tt • "" 4 n~ ... - Der and the exero aes we e I stened f.ring .ho .... d & ..... of .. n BIld n.ed of nager ee a ~.. ...,,,n""711 .ton.lII.nt The Lord had J'elpeet natwn He was condemned of h s to With marked attent 00 bV a large 0010 A.bel aud to bls o.lferlull' own conso ence as well a8 by God aud enoe The 80bool was held 0

By 80me token 0 • gn CalD tn.w hat 5 Bani.!hment A fugllive aod a the lellt, ~n which -all tbe meetlDgs Abo • olforlng .... , ....,pled aDd hi, Own vagahond 00 Ibe face of the earth for- tlie last two days of the Assoe .J'. ,d. Some commenlato.. hlnk hat S b '-- b that on were ~lso lIeld We g v. be

tG9d .et on 11", Abel. offering b, tire from 0 nngs "",n s ment 0 t e s noer h.aven t. to Lev 9 24 (Jnto Cain See Matt. 7 23 25 46 Rev 21 10 .. the programme a,. ao dllletra

be bad nol relpeet Wh,:did 27 Tbe board w II now sLand t on of a good revtew As w 11 be God accept Abel. olf.r ng .nd reJ.eI seen the snbt ties of the le •• oos, as Fain.! (I Abele offering expreMOd • 'rHE PA.TH OF SIl'{ pnhl .hed ID Ih s department were .e ... of .fn &lid need of Bcone kUon L WlLLFI1LNES8 lakeo as tlie tBeme., aod from tbem ",llh (lod CIWl. only gramnd. for I.m 2 ANGER the seyeral speakers soooe~d d 0 po!&l b 81WlgB. (2) Abel ...... the pre. erlbed offe Ing Th.ra,. ... heddlng of 3 MURDER. dlilw ng iii beautiful p nture of the blood In Ab •• offe Ing not In CaIn. to CONDEMNATION I fe of J 88US Abel. w •• exp a 0 yand sa. lfIclal CaIn e 5 BANIBIDfENT ProgNm_ 0/ BabbatlwoMolll!urcUu at ,. .. no Lev 17 II H.b 9 22 (d) WooIM1> >d1lOfta/io" Haru.Uk Abels waaofta th ClllD.IIWaaJlo'f; A.be 8 hu1.9lA 1880

, • Q.OARTtmLY IIRVtEW-IIUl!J&Cr mrnrsr .... a) mbo e of Ih. promiBed Lamb of What, Wh~ and When tho Tea.oher should }. Bbiglng: God and •• pro •• ed fal h In h. promloed Study 2 Prayer b" Jome8 ffammerbell Dell .rer C. n. did nat H.b 11 4 BY RBV L A. PLA'I"l;S 8 Reading Ia&. 42 1 16 (4) CaIn. worka ... ere evil Abel. right. 0 I f -'d d red .L 4 Slngmg eou. 1 J~D. 3 12 Jade 11 n_ln re U De 0 &n..... eBs e ve at.ld.1e 5 Omnipotence and Jnstice Lesaons I

-.. Sabhath •• hoo •••• on of Ih. Eas e n &lid VIn Chao A Bard ck fILled to e der h. d •• ired &lid doabtlesa A.aocl. lor. beJd at Roekvll e R. l

cob J one 4 h 1880 and published .... requeat R ghleolLln ... and glory Leeson. III proacn .d •• rvIce Ab.l WlIo obedlenl of h. AIISOeI&I. on ¥1 &lid V J B C ark. Calii dlloobi!dI.n (lod had e.peel 10 7 S njJlnlr Ab.r &lid Ii. om ring and no to Cala .nd The snhJect, a. thus Bnnounoed 8 Tendem ... Ind rewarWng Le •• OILl II

h h &lid IV. P F RaDdo ph hI.o offering b.caa •• of dJJf. ence nih. lIssomes t at t e teacher s a It 11 9 Invhlng and ......,tOILl LeSlOD. VI and talth ana- oharae er 01 Ihe brolh." deot If there • a teaoher here to VIL J L Huliman (laIn wa. wroth Hebrew II wbom the word stDdeot w II oot ap 10 8 ... a:et'g IUd .Ionlng l~·~B t ~ burned CaIn 80re In on8e &lIgB H. hung down his head look ng upon tho ply I.t h m 6 .... t go aod learn what S nglng. ~.

th • meaneth Stody to sbow tb" Tli"~Dg of Chrfst g o"lid os po. u e of da \ brooding &lid r L E L verlllore .YIl 'P Oiling !elf approved lIuto God a rworkmlln God-man-lIvlDg L .... n Xl

II The &lilt or ,,10 "S-10 It 'tbat neelletb not to he a.hailled, A E Maln P",1or tboD'doCit well eood beb.vlw ... d nghtly d v d n.g tbe word of truth fr1~~~TOn. • rlghtlnnerolir. • woUld bring peace &lid The fir.t two th rds of the quest 00 JlLACltBOARD. b&ppIu ... to him bUll! h. gave himself to dark bodings .nd evil pl6tllng. guut nvolved ID the sabjeot, may be JUST BEIlAUBB OIolNlPOTENT .nd pllniahm.nt would onrt1f.ke him aD8~ered ID general tetms :8rudy ill V GLORIO'!8 BEOAUBB R 6RT IIln IIlIIlb allbe door Sin ... ach tM Bible bcoolUd 1M B "le .. w; be n. IV REwms BECA'uSE TFi;t~ -.lth .t ~he doo Just ... lI.rco hl>l81 laughl Tb 8 general statement

h I VL VU INVlTESBRCAUSE GRACIOUS ,",oue e. 0 •• lZe III pr.y an........ .. may be comprehenaed 0 leveral punllhment wan d a .. all him I! he oom 1nItted &n1 Ilansg ... on tJUlo Ihee partICular .Lalements Study the Iball be III. de.lre If Cain did ... I lesson 888 gned for I'ny g veD week he .hould hold h • natural po. I on in the oocause t • theoentral polDtaroDnd fam ly .. b. elder Abel.hoUld be oab. wh.h all the B ble Instruot 001 of jo .. to hIiIL Some think his ere .. to that week are to olUsLer study the on .n4 Ih.tll .e.b ilie m .. l8ry over coo texts, OOtlanBe tbeV often g ve 0alD but b •• h.U rul. over It(oln) Aod 'Call~ talked \Wllb Abel EIth.r. the key to the lessoo Itself stady qua"" which led to the !ala! dllOd or. parallel :-ages hecaD.e they often diIIIIembled lreache", .... nva_lion held g ve a VIeW' of the same sllbJect (rom to -'e lUI opporlun y to eX$eale hI.o a dilf.reot 8tandpo nt aod 80 takeD 1IUIld00000B pur-. Alld Ilew blm all OOgether g ve a fnll v ew of that EnvlolLl Cain a lo ... lng Bin to reign in h m murdend hIa brolh.r Ho... "b oh otber .. se wer .. bat mper IOOAhad.ln d.veloped to. horrlblo orim. fectly leen study the Old Teota 1'h.re aro m.ny who are marde .... in ment mnch even Wh41D the regalar - If 1101 In dllOd WhOtlOOver I. lelsona are lITthe New: beoause its em With hI.o bra her Withoala ........ hlilory poetry propbecy forms, ~ I 5 a2) hU lb. 'plritof. mllrll ..... &lid WhOtlOOnr ha olh hIa broiller Is. and oerem'ODle8 at t mel!',olearl,y fore manlenr. 1 John 8 16 W .. e .... l. ohadow and_totbert mesmost bean AIoeI .. I .. y .... Other r Gad calla CaIn "fuHy lIuetrate tbe dOGtl'ines ol'the 10 _uVfor hIa ~rother In"""d of New Testamenl stoely tbe whole ooiifilOolnK hIa crlllle Iolho AllolleOlDg Ono BIble In order tol'roperly ilnd~r h. dell1~ Ii thor.b;' OIddlng 11lni" to IJlo staod any part Of t IUs£ a. ODe stud crlol. 10 Cdtl-' II. H.ll1oUlIlr eOd by-in ea Ibe geograpby of a whole SLate IlIIpadonllllld hoa.rt ... qn .. Uon Am I -1' brotb.,!'!1 keeper r Whal. IUd coantry 10 order the better to , .. dal' adVIIDce from Ih. IOIOrI and ex uuderotaad the resoorceS" and rela calpodfOll of our lim parenlll .fl8r lb. t Ye mportance of any gIven local tall"" fnll olahain. and f"gnIoh to thi. ty StudYllommentarles,"helps, &0 .h.mel_ I, lng lb. brulalli1 80 ~d., becAUSe they pllt tbe student at a I .... &lid f .. llng -1D~ No ano Unlorellelto hm..Jl W.aIl .... bold Ol&udPOlDt dilfereot from hll-oWl> ~DI ble f'l' alll nil ..... &lid _ and from whIch he may See t'lld GOd wiD hold Iu rooponllbll In • \up hath In .. clearer or .tronger l~bL 1II_.re for Ihe grogshoptllD on' oomm. He wbo will Dot Wle the comments


i\V bllo the Blallk Hawk war hroke on~ in 1II 0018 abont 1832 yonog :AbtaliamLlnooln washv Dgat,New: Solem "I ttle VIllage of ~be eiasl fam harly known at the west as

one boree toWlI8, alid lOcated near. the e&plcal ij ty of 1II1110ls

He had JWlt olosed b 8 olerkablp of

nENSON S VAPClNE POR­n OUSPLASTER Tb.on 1ImProVe­ment eve made on the Common PorollB PI .. l8r

Over 2000 Drugg 'Ill have • gu.d 0 po­per .Ia Ing thai


CAP C I N E POROUS PLASTERS are BUpe or 1;0. 0 hers

P .... 25 Conlo


TO GltAl1Ji Y hl~ WIFE

AD. luterest ng Bto I-A Hope e88 Case Cured-A (lood """"'n fo Happlne ..


MENT oB TDII SUNDAY THB SAlIBATB TDII ClIAI'I8B.\lID RB.T TDTION A Dla _on belw.en W H L1l11eJolm S.v enth..ay Adv.ntIsl &lid Ih. Edllor of the OA_ ~ 884 pageo Price oloth ,1 paper 40 COllto -M&Iled pool PaId oa reael.plof prteo Add%euSABBA'''' 11.1100"",", Alfred r.on 0 N Y


PIoepahlcl Dylh. SABBATII-ScHOOL BeARD of Ih. GaberaJ Coaf.renco and publ .hed a$ the









" ~e POB five Cure

For all Female Complaihts. If'hIafln'PU8.tl II, as ita !rAm6 81Q'8l8ea, ~ of ,.~ Properties U1d are hzI.n:nles3 to the most del ka$einvaUd. Upo ~th II16rlts ot hill Com pound will be recogn!zad asrelle ts f..rwnedlate and whom ts'll8&llIoo tlnned 'lnnInet,yDlD casea1n&hun. dred.aJ'l61'Dlllll.Nleure1aetbcted,asthOllSlUlda 1riIl toe. t1f1: On account ta Proven rn rlts, Is to-da;r reo COlJUllended II.IId pn!SOZ'ibed br tbe best ~ :In "-w1l1 enre enttre!:y tho WOl'st tonn of faDIng

the ute.ro.. Lcucorrhma, Jrre8"alar and paWul MBIlBI:&'Ua.tton.alIOn.rfaD.Tl-oublo&, 'lnft"""m,t'on And lJIcera.t1on, Flcod!ng:s. all D.iapl.a..cllments &hd the COIl< eequon ap1nal1real::nea and is ~ ada ted to theCha.Dge Ute. 1 wtUdfsso 1lI and m:peJ ttunora .from theutena:lnau.ero;-iJ"~ otdtml opment. 'l'he Ioendeno7tocancorou&lhumolSt.bero is checke4 ft:7 -"' ....... In _ jI ".. pro<e<I to be tbo ..-Uti and bed I'mnI:IdJ' tha h.a.I lWetI' been disoove~ ed. pmntlatcs 1'llr1portl nOf~~a.iLd.giveI lJe1'I'lU and'l"'lgoar. :removeatalhtuNr,tlatu1Emcr; de-


..,..--~~ ......... -... _llob .. ,>,"_ De_ .... In<U. ...., .... TbatJ..u.. .. """"'*' __ ..... ~1io4_10_~_'" ~.... nwlllat oJI ___ in """"""'" ~ 'd hlll&l".lllOll1' 'WfUlt.he IG.w ~ ~ &.be ...... ..-.. ... 1adne7.....,..",. ......... _."" ~ "-lydra E P nkham 8 Vegetable Compound

l!JIl'OPIl'Ildat2SSADd 2S5WesternA'Venue, Lymi, YaM. P::!ce.1J,.OD. Sb: bottlt'il or 8S.0Il. SeD bJr ma.a in U.

rrn pIlls. also In the t rm Lozexiges. on roce p prioo. fl.!» pe be%, IoJo elth !I:ra. PINltll.A1f.

!reelyaDl'WOl"lllall et;t.er:got Inqutry Be d or p&Ul plilet. Add.ree:8 as aho~ Jlcn on lI.{.J paper,

R ta.mll:;rlhouldbewith LYDU E. ~ t.mm.PU.t.& 'l'hey ewe Constl}llltlon. ~ and Torp1dlt1' or the UTu 2S centa pel'" bo:. C.Jr CRJ:rlXlI'rOll,G • .lot 115 Fill ... St,R y

-",. DaUGG ST~ GE]~IllR\LLY

tiEW ADVl:RTISEMENTB From Danchy & Co



~ ~




and e err weak. y a ck y person caD su e­Iv .lrengthOJl and bu ld up the broken down system by t.ak. ng


No emedr has 8 e1 madill mOle wonde fal cur .. of DYl:ll'EPllIA NERVOUI:l NES!! and .v.ry WEAKNESS and DE BILlTY

It Is the be.t regUlator of the LIVER and KIDNEYS and h. oaf •• and b •• .tomach bHln and nerve tonic In he wo d


18 Ve.ey Ht New Yo k

DragglBlIl sell It



AT ~H&


No rICE TO CREDITOItS -PlllflJOant to an orde of HOD James

S Green Surroga e of A ega.Dy CoOD Y DO ce i8 hereby given to B. 1 pe1'BODA I a. iDg cl.1ms agam. be ""late of GABRIEL CORNlilLIU8. a e of the awu ot Ward In sard eouoly. deceased Ihat Ihey are r. quiled to ptel6Qt tbe-'8&mtt wi h vouche 8 Ihereof to Ih. und.rslgued th. .xec.to of Ihel .. , will and \e!ltameDt of the Bald d.oeaoed al lhe 0111 .. of A. E & W H emndall; in the village of Alfred Von • In oaId COUllty on or before the 291h day 01 Oclober 'j!86

Daled April 28th 1880 4. E CRANDALL lilJ;ecllto.


.<taopt d Jun 2" lSao·


4045 A M exoep SWlday. tram Ho neD.vIIle etopplng at Almond 6 1~ Al fred 5 40 Anao e 6 26 W.II. I Ie 7 25 Bello 749 Belmonl 8 16 B. vide. a 85 Friendship 9 06 Cuba 10 87 HinBda .11 12 A M Ol.an 1205 Al .gany 1248 Van daIl. 124 Carro tou 206 G eol Val &y 2 80 Sa alll&Ilca 240 L II • Valley 4.20 C. tar&ugus 6 05 Dalton 6.20 P.rry.burg 6 55 SlIUili a MUla 7 3e Forestville 7 50 ShcrldOll 8 08 and arrIvlug at Dnnkirk at 880 PM

6.57 A M f om Canol on stops at. a ata ODB ani ng a Dunk k 9 05 A M

765 A M except Sundays f om Coba atopp ng a Hinsdalo 8 14 0 ean 880 AUeglLIlY S 37 V.ndalla S.2 arnv ng a CILl 0 an 90'J A M

400 P M dally from Hornellavilla stopa at a. ata ons a.rriy ng at; Sa am&ll

ca1050P M 4.3a P M f om Calro on da y ex

tip 8undays a 1'1 mg a Sa WIlanca 440 PM

9.25 P 101 da y lrom Ho n. &vil e a r vas at We fin e 1 'SO P M

Sunday Train 1 wil WI be ween Bala m&Dca and Dunk k

* Dally t DaUy betw •• n Port J.

k rk


pr Through Tlcke • to .11 polnls at he v.ry Low~st Ral.. fo sa..t the

COmpanr. 0111 ... Baggage will be Iiliecked onl, oa Tis "'."pur_.Ull. Companr· oIIIee

JNO N _ ABBOTT Gen.ralP~r.DI N.wl:ort

LIST OF LOCAL AGENTS A monlhlv paper aoYble4. 10 tbe Int., .... of Olll BlIJ!BATH"I!CBOOL8

NBW YORK. .ddamo A B Prentice Br{)(J~R clnI.rd S\lJlm&n B.,. ",..cJ Byron WhItford a. ru-R A Ba b. D,Ruyt'1'-Bartoo G 8tm_n G,,... e-E R em.da I In~Sh rollm G C aDda Leonard8oill8-Asa M West



L ncklaen-'-Ben am n H B Dman N.", Lontkn-H. W Pa miter Nile-Ezekl.1 R CIa ke PO'rlflille--.A B Crandall R .. hbuTgll-Edwln S B Isa 8Iat. Bri<lge-Jo80ph We,t 8«>tt-Byro. L l!&rbe V"rona-Watson B nJ F 8t man Weat BdmuIQn-J B C ark.


1!lIlJm Bridge--George Greenman Watt for&-:-olive Mt.J:Bon


lot Hopk nton.-Alf ed B BUldi." 5ld 2d H~kin"'" S S Gnswo d Rookflilk-Jame. R Irleh Wester 11 Sanford P Stillman Wi drn le Ho a e S lUaD

ILLINO S Fa na- sallC aWBon Vil {) RUitJe-M B Keny 1 m Ha took 1£ B SalWde •

OWA Wel on-L A Lao boro 7: ledo-~ axeon Babco k

l4INlmSoTA Lll<le <--J E N Backn. IJ all Cent 6-6eo W Hill. 1'ra""t-Jo\ul M R hey

""" ....


.Nor ". le-Oeman W B.bcock PMau-Samue R Whee e

lIIDlBABXA La"" Branch-JoohlUL G Babcoek NO'I' h Loup-O.C8 Babco k Orltano H E Babco k

2.,."., 2Ii U..." p., ]' • Add ... wltli remlt\&nce THE BUlJ;

SCHOLAR Atl,,;a Centre :All""", 0 NY

D afta and P08~III.. llolley 0,.. • ,fionld be made JIIy.bi. to D' R STILL­MAN




ALnlID CIm'ru N Y

N ATORB S (lOD AND Hrs MElfORIAL SeneB of Fou Sermons on tha Bub ee of he Sabbath By N.t.han WOldn a em 58 onary a1i Shanghai China flUb..

.eqnen 1 engaged In Sabhllh Refo"" labors n SOoIla"d. 112 pp P."" ! conlll

THB SA.BBATB AlIDTmI StnroAY B11!e A H Lewl, A. M Part FirIII Argo.. menlll Part. S.oond HlItol)' 161ll 268 pp FIne C10ili ,I 26

This volume is an eameet and ab e Ph aentation of the Sabbath qoeltion argu menlath-ely and histcric&il1 &lid oh u d b. In he hands of .vory ODe d •• hing gh on the .ub eel

THOUGHTS SUGa:gsTBD BY TBB PBRU8AL OJ GILPILLAN ANDOTHKRAlJ'l'BORB DB n. SAlIBATB By Rev Th ... B Bro ... Pasto of ilie Bev.nth-day lIiptlBl Chlltd! a Little Gen .... N Y &eooid Edltl .. 125 pp FIn. Cloth 60 cento Pape 10 oento ThIs Is In Ill&Ill .opecII! t1je mOM ab •

.. gument y. pnblished TIl<! ~dth .. " .. edUCAted In the obaervancorOf1llulU,. and wa.8:1.o several yeara • )UplJ .... .eemed DllniBter in ilie BaptIsl deJlll~ Tho book 18 a earefu renew of the &rgumantl lD f&V01 of Sunday and especial y of the wo k of Ja.meo GillIJlau. 01 Baotland which hao been ..;dely _led among he clergymen of America Mr fuo ... h.. horoughly oIfted 1he popular moo.., '" a • to Snnday ..tth glM \:and lUnda ••• and oblll y We 9Ip<>Oi&Ily com mend to hose who J.ilI.e Mr Bro1fll. have been laught to ....... re Sl1lldar .. th. Sabba h

A DEFENBB OF THE SA.BBATIi In rep1l1O Ward on tho Fonrth COmmandm n By Goo Carlow Thtid EdIIion Rom .d 168 pp 25 eonto This wark ...... lirBtpnbHahedln Loud »

In 1724. It. valuable alj)iowlngth .... " of he Sabbaili argum.n~ .1 thai tim.

VIND CATION OF TBlro 'l'Bw SA.1mA.TB 1D 2 parts Part. FIrst Namtlve of Racen Evenlll Part. Socllild DlVIn..- appoint­men of h. Sevenili Day b1 Bev J W Morton late MIuioIWY of lb. Re­formed Pr •• b;ytertan cp.UX<lh 60 pp Pape 10 can.ts

ThIs "'0 k Ia ono of decided valno • oUly as regards ilie argum.nt adduced bu aa showing ilia .xtrem. wan of llbar&li 1 and faim_ which charaeleri&ed tho U!JJ and eXCCllWlunlcatioo of Mr Morton bom h. Pre.byterian Church.

THE ltOYAL LAw CONTEND"" >'OR. III Edward SteDllet FIrst prillted In L don In 1668 64 pp P.per 10 ce

LIFE AND D ..... TH By ilio I.te Be AI :ullde Campbe of BeLhany V,

B P n.d from ilia M Demnl&i SOl b ng. Ext a 30 pp Pnce 6 <en"

COltlliUN ON OR LoliD S BUPl"lI.R A & mon d vered a.t Milton JanctioD. \\ hi Juno 5 h laW Ily R.v N War""o D D 20pp

Th. 80cle y &loo pabHah .. ilie fou.;,,1ng Iran .. which will be .. d a'.... In rug or smell. qUUtities !to aDI who may desll them BpeClID.en packages sent:the to lll]'

who way wish 10 ~amme ilia 8&bba question Twen y per ten dJ.tcoUQ made to e ergymen on &D,y of the .bOve n&mt!d

books and a liberal dIeoouht to lb. m.d. Olli. wo ko BOOn to be publl8hed

TRACTS No 2-Moral Na ure and Scriplura 01>

S.rv&llCO of h. Sabbaili 52 pp No 10-Th. True Sabbaili EmbIaCOd ILd

Observed 16 pp No 11 ReligiOUS Liberty EJldang.nod bl

Legis .tive Enactmenie. 16 pp No 15-An Appoal for ilia Beato .. tlo.ol

the B b • &bb.,h ~ pp No 10-Th. &bbath and Ito Lord. ll!I p~ No 23-Th. B b e DOotrIn.eo1 the W .. iJ,

Sabboth Top CAL SBBIBS-'-No 1 )4y So 1

Day No 2 Th. Moral La" b,ll. Jam •• Bailey 28 pp .&eb

TBB SABBATH A Seventh \)0.1 Tll6 lSevenili Day Whlchr B1 Rev N Wardne 4pp

TBK LoRD. DAY OR CmusTUll SAD RATR By Rev N ~ ordn. 4 pp

DID ChrlBt 0 his Apootl •• Chang. th. Sabb. h from th. Sev.nili Day to th. Finot Day of ilia W~k f By Rev N Wardne 4pp

CONST.A.BTINB AlfD TDB 8UlfDAY BI Rev N W.rdn. 4 pp

THE NEW TIt.T .... ENT SABBATH B7 Rev N Wardn.. 4: pp

DID Chr ot Abolish ilie Sabbath or th. D.caloga. f B" Rev N Wardne 4 pp

ARK h. T .... Co!DUl&lldmen .. BInding aI k. upon J.w &ad GantU. r By RoT Wardn. 4 pp

WmCK Day of ilia Week did OIirlo Lana K.ep as h. S&bhlth during 800

years afl8r ChnaH' By Be.. N Wa:d n .. 4pp

There iB a sma! BUppq of \he lu o ght "",to In Norwegian.

Ord ... lor ilie _.'1'. Pablloallo .. aocompanled with remltf&n_ for the ... of It Agen 8 0 for gn,tui1ioUi 4\lUibu­

on .hoUld be addTeoo8d to D R: "iITllb M..\ t; Alfred Centre N Y

elht ~abbath ~br PUBlJBRBD WBB.KLY



Fo Bea&h01' or Moun a til GEMS OF ENGL RR SONG CLUSTJ;:R

OF GEMS *2 0 on. of 80 a her V ca 0 nB umen a Bound Vo umea of Shee MUB cAl &htt flBme p fee

FO'I' Sunday' Mol Con.enl "'" WHITE ROBES SO ceD. By Abbey

a.nd Mungtl:r Very popu ar

For CluJ r. Con_ WIll 8 ng nil C'Iau .. VOICE OF WORSHIP $1 L 0 Em

e Bon THE TEMPLE f By W 0 PerklnB

Exam ne for you Fa C 88Ses

F<Yr Amal ... T Perform. I


and many 0 he Ope as and CIlD.t&taa Any book .enl poat-f.. for ilia relaU

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o(J B D TBON & Co 848 Rroad ..... y N Y


A. A. SHAW Will oft61' 101' he next S x y days & he

BLUE FRONT STOllE H s eD he stock of




A.o ilia D.nomlnatloDal P.per of Ih. S.venili-dayllaptIslll I~ Is dOToted Ii> \he .exposition and vmdieatiou of 1htt J.tltnrl of tha peopl. n will advoeate all alorm. tory me .. nre. whlch.hitJl _ lit. 1 \0 \nip 0 .... the moral I!OCi&I or phyolW ""n dlt on 01 hwnanity hl 1111 Llto..,y and IntelligOllCO Departmenta ilia InIelB8fO and tao •• of all 0Ia0uIea of >MdorI will be conaalWd

T.£Bl(. OF S1JlII!ClUP1'I01I

Per )'OBI' In w.-nC8 f2 00 Papel8 to fo e gn counirlN .ill be

chlLlged 50 ","to additional on account of pos age dr U palm.nlla d.l.yed beyond ,Ix

mOllth. 30.111 addltlonal"ill be charged No paper discontinued, IIDtiI arrearog ..

&I. pald .xcept.1 ilie option of tho pulo IIsher


TI&IIIIIen. ad_m.,1II will be luen ed fo 50 conto an mch fdr the fuwI -U n and 26 ceolll .. bleb for1!ach;uiJoe. quent Inoertion Specl&l aonV&etl! .modI wiili partI .. advorilBillg e:x1oaalvoly or for long termlI

Lega\ ad .. ortlaemtmll 1noe:\Od. .~ I..-J rate.

Y _11 adverllso ...... y haT. ilie1r ad venla.m •• 1e changed qurtul,. 'tIIthoo1 .nn ch .. ge ,.

No Mv.rtIsom.llto of obJIictIOJIJIl)le char "",or will be r.dmItted

lOB rJUlI'1'III8 Th. 0111 .. Ia fnn>ioh.d Wiili • oappllof

obblng materlal and more will lie added as ilia 1" ....... m.y demand 00 thai aU "0 k In lhat liDe on be .x_t.d willi llealn ... and cIlopalch

J,l)ll .....

All communic-.tiona whe1iller VII. bal-

~:.!f::r ~';/'M'~Jt:(4;~~ Jm, AlfnMl 0...,. .&lltpaJ 0. III t·

.nglD of 1 f. 'CIODtrAry that decide tbat the n8~I,r~,:_"\