s th - digifind-it...^^^s^^h^^ y ^ w, ^ t rf^^i^f t *'^-pii. lit* w^. *. ^sfi i— i...

^^^S^^h^^ Y ^ w , ^ t r f^^i^f T *'^ -pii. lit* w^. *. ^sfi i— I ' - ?£A1« WAY STREETS SStNG UN caawr Tiss^i :•&. *• * | Spring Footwear S For Men-Women Wliy Not a A rv S u lit N .4 r: I^^-> ! v atrir K(W •at 7~ ^ "-"'iHr :• - 1 •1 MaHssVHssi ^assssssss. I Still Cutting Prices [PEOPLE'S CASH GROCER B d G d d M St Bond, Grand and Monroe Streets . -a *•-•-- S2.50. S3 S3.50. $4 Specials for Saturday and lit I Gold Medal Flour, bb! | 1-2 bbl. Sack 24-1 Ib sack 82c 12 Ibsac ! Everybody knows what Gold is. Its The Best" Our Fancy Creamery Butter, Good Table Butter, Ib Butterine, Ib - Fresh Eggs from farm, dozen nday $6.35 S3 20 k 42c Medal Ib 35$ 32 C 20c 24c 51 tl k_ cm&s Mtlt. A CUB Milk a o& 10* >: .i Also full line of Shoes for Boy's j and Girl's f Dr. Poisner ShoesforChildren 1 fe He »n<l *\> aus life, a ma. Oft-n Pa m pt. i a Tot lei , 3 tor 3^ fur . h"u MainSU RaJway t • AH \*IIOO» So-ur Kraal at ^'. t Bauer 12o Irving Street ! J. Malcolm Brook fie Id I Bond, Grand and Monroe Sts., Rahway A :;;• I Made of Pure f"lomc- ice m jgg^^ Motor Car Co. 24 Baranlord Place, J Ch'wUte Peanuts I Chtx\\ate Date> * Peanut Butter J Peanut Briidc 2! LOU i :il i I * ^n:> pound f I1 cents Wasliington L Merritt J H ay « Your ciiriM MAKC-D SPRING SUIT C>IGN MAKER ) Made-tc-Ortier **° j S^3 and up PAINTER ' V"* G ~* %a £ *™~* f Cleaning, Pressing Window Lettering j Repairi "i: .P»-« Send Postal—Will Call Record Office For and L. KLEIN t7* Main St., M SE Ou s Th To Give IO0 cents and Interest for Every Dollar Invested To Five a Make-it-pay-you Service Instead of Only You-may-pay-us Service for Giving Satisfaction are the F- Fire, Tornado, AutomobUc, Marine, Accident, Health, Glass, Bu. s ».. y , allu ^ laDUlty lnsurance OUR COMPANIES: RoyalI Exchange Assurance Commonwealth Insurance Teutonia F.re Insurance New Jersev Fir, In*. New Brunsw.k F.re In, Ohio Farmers F.re Ins. Preferred Accident Ins. OcInTcCdem MORE BARGAINS $1550 chatnee to get a little home a*- 2*- 3; •a* Comfortable Little Home in Good Neighborhood: w on the Tbree room* OD door, ac-i $156 a If vou il *ct REAL $3OOO A Ten Room House ^ Four rooms ou first riix>r. rive he 1 rooms on sr-cond, ami one HD<1 attic ou thirl rl «»r Bam on th** pro^rtv. also *hed. All impn-w- x***rpt^lm»t, *in\ Lou*** is well hui't mid Li>uJitiou. Fin*- opportunity to htiv e in - -AT>-e p trolley. , rtc,ou tti- lot to»u. easv walk to ru*m st^tiou and $3500 And We Have Still More. Call and See US Main Street property paying $ 3 6 0 a year in Rents Brick anil frame building with store and rmn« rooms on first floor, and six room_flaiL u^-stairs. House has gaa*, bath, hot and cold w.»ter. *w»m heat, well wat*-r, large basement ami attic. Property is 27x205. L*T$e mort- ^^f c.in remain. If you want an investment auti oulv have about $500 cash, investigate ReaI Estate andall Kinds of Insurance. Estates 86 Irving Street, Thone 111-R y IN. %!• ^fe^'^Lir.:- 1 ' 1 ' 35 Esterbrook Avenue, 'Phone ^^'£&vifl?^ Ot ctslates R. F. D. Routes Hew BBPi > „?.;<-;;. .• L Qua ^ ha 1 ^ and SSL Vlcinit* &vocate A B S O R B I N G THE R A M W A Y N E W 3- M E R A L'O, T H E S U C C E S S O R OFT H E U N I O N D E M O C R A T . E S T A B L I S H E D VOL. L NO. 205. ONE GENT . N. L MONDAY AFTERNOON, APPIL 15, 1912 ONE GENT AI NO. 205 ML Ci U S E PLANNING FOR THE RECTORY p g To Build Nom« For It* Recto* aro now b»-in L K fl.siar>f"<3 by th« Church of :te Holy Xo* tite erectioa ot x rectxirj IO cite ciiurcia. Ttw buildln* wtU("root na S^raatnAry Aireno*. Tile n«w structure irlll be an ei^fct or nlno HlSffldrti P««f 1* PrOlMt At \ "»m bnaildln*. and wtU be coo*truote<l bollow tile aad coacrcte. Tb« t'yte l Gct3il-c and will harcQcalxe to and s&adlBir with %h** pre*rat Construction of New Dam Is Already Well Under Way LABORER FINED Too* Si J M —1 \ Eetx By Proaiaeflt Spetktn .]«•' work .- \k*> u:-i.J -".Us J . - * in aot ancborv«:J JUJI M tJs*» 9 p i l i n g IM put d o w n iia«* b? a" p-irsulta. BY J. T. ID wttii tena* ond-ex wll! only worW ixt nor Vo nj<?< with no ..fcJSA* i«'ii oxAcf form of xi**st of own formation of li-e U-Affl HA^ wherv in in to Eailroa4 Ul aii Oft- tar tha» *a»n w.rfth of Dis«>an« He Tells tO st ruction U in ia«mber» will prr»vt(J« for a coc- if »TH«*r •whict: wi'.i a *»-r> Uttl« 1 btj* tft* (Jam Tb« prooiptUutJ*' w :i w Inch '.he no 1 W,L«U"* -Ir\iuk fu yl*. 1 1 D-fl,! I nn* 'rta«y (.'hur-ch wu crowded to bun- In a very •.faort tlm* CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION. Vtw: behind »tr-u*-turv I S_i.Liir: Board ich amd wooKtu g*tfajer i e<3 (or ia*l Yoaoj[ Men* Christlao A*ao- •errlce ami In wtUch the two i?-»S>yterian, th« t^*o Metbolist. and Baptist rhurrh* 1 * participated. :h pa*tor hud a pLac« oc tho pl-at- acd had a distinct p^in. in th« ti* will b*> S ^ D by ib<» follow- ot nor% loo, - - - Ord«r of Service •i rvury J tl- Tt>mpkln«, pr-e-iid- k ^p^ultij; pruy tr. by - ^ [-*)? .i i i,; Uruburn. palter of tho Finn •sb>• t«*riun I'hurch Hymu. Scrip- ir*- r-adi:i« by H»-v Prunei« U Mi*r Second A la ri 1 * N * h*- 1 K union nj<H?tlng eariy Sunday in tfa. I'hurrh Kv« w a-i re prea«?n t of ii3tfcub«rs EXHIBIT IS FRATLRNAL SOCIETY MAY BE ORGANIZED b > a. C u ^ JIr u r t n •;. •h<- toit Gr«at Bcnctit Is Expected Sons To Result From the Work To la This City . oi St. George Order Hold First Meeting On WexLncsday Evening T7":—f " s-ti>i he h-i.l 'h to him for work :*.»• POLICE ARE AT SEA OVER DISCOVERY OF SLAIN MAN Mutilated CarjM Fu«a4 U P«i W tter Li Swiinj Netx isd Elin^rti Line NO CLOES ARE LETT BEHIND C-oliie Dot Let^s Hxslei to hx lUniies Victin ti5ed la-i ..J . - ,-ilUf fluj -<I-' M "*> *"•'.] The tern Li > '. h - n; —*— T * • ! ii» Ii. tho Klrst paster of Trinity Moi audl»t l chunh. Hymn AddrtsM T LnjsT. ->•' -try U-m S«rvic« 1a M utll ,, :i y [Otl Malcolm Brookn«*lU. oun^ Men .-* < >fterrorv. of for Tht} OH r. n . tfl and a r<laj "g ts Kibtbtt in t h ih* -trr High -n 1 *«• bo 1 'f St S •- -«% Kr,. of Ur MUl&rd ihn •1 t t » OF VTAYOW On th t ! » . ! ' - A by ,\ 1 rfl ~rr H.1 • » » •f • ii:- .'.ii. I . t :. I Fac« •,.-«•-i Mary •or | of of th.*- evi-nuij;, John T. Sproull, aldent ox tb- Coal and Iron 'oft&k New York City, by JUT. WUllam (orrvnee Stuchell. paaior of tbe Sec- id (*Tgabytertan church. EL6CTRIC SERVICE INCREASES Public Scrvtrc CotsipAay tia?" Its i-I«»ctrtr Itghltnjf: ^orvlcv :i r !' • U «-t:ict!v double what it mug. v* t»d wITh .--1 VCtaa t cozamiitee >f Sirs Aioswortii, >r K .-<. of a«'i sl«n.ifir.» f<r ' d>* ( Ln "he Community's Great Asset." by j statKS: u lllle [otQe ^u^i ^ro^th of T. Sproull Anthem. "Hosanna, ' j tne c i C> ^aj tne aJUatl juen[ men-aaeJ ' ihrou*;b the medium f*>T . I*?*''!"'* IlK^lt .ill i pOVVf, also b«lit?veH ' ha.t the direction plained to ib« gToups of geople tne | v 1 Tn "have b««;n organized amJ loaulicd In of motion lesson pt<- SocKrvil thia Granter H^n^dlctlon. by Rev J \\aahabaush. partor of th« t Merhodiat Episcopal Church- Brockflqld 9pg«k» Wh«o Preaident BrooftHcid was ln- iduced by Secretary Toiapltfns, wno t seldom i~v^r the—mecttngr—h*—TO id ^ iiTTrm^ The Increase tn the service Is *lu«- large degree to i_he e|tU*.leni Kiven Throughout the city. th«* beitig unsarisfacto: > r i w f Imlw— rff —»- in and l or her pboioi;r'jph» of l*n-al condHion* j ctf > nhoul»J <Jo ua well i n ' Thhs LM an Vtiiertciu ur-!*T for .. tiah lx>rn rii*-u ami .l»-»r»-ndantJl I Kaifl 1Hb JKI r*jiin t,*-t •*• e«'D tfieagg tne ^ *-e"S" Tne HnVsasK^tlou , XH dnd ' M ~ Th« "^m^mbrunfw ^7 Kl veil b> tji« model kltch**D la t he t ti*-i i *'i«l tiotii*»H .KTOHS t he s»«a form oi Nt-w Jersey Tne 9n*- siii; of uf pui Liiat an lntonIcatH-1 c^nlUlon «n-l ("»>JiCf ("ourt h'.•* ini.l thta or liche ha<J b«**o s «om*- -is'igaMon th- KfM'Dn** Sta I>an> and ihal h-- hi* eir<*um- "'inn 'u i-u r-i L about ***' it he. as president and representing Board of Director*, had no apolo- |es to make for tne work of the As- >clation during t he pa»t year as i t been promoted by tne present »tary and physical director. He Iked for a liberal collection and tbe >ple responded most encouragingly. Rev. W. T. Stuchell Speak* In introducing the speaker of the rentng. Rev. Dr. Stochell spoke of le unity -which was manifcated in iway through the dmrcoes and organizations, one of which irt#H Atiort—jiflfl__ii moot I^T^" but the- A TREAT FOR MUSIC LOVERS The Music Study Club of Metuchen. i u ...,*_ J * „ « . ro'jnrrv of th*ir attoption they owe meat .'ducatiomil- Hundred* at peo- v •* their tirst duty Alt home h sociability pie who have not vUiUd the school ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ature a ,^ ath beneflt building previou*ly expre«aed pleaded of j, w l u>t a mem t>«r. and $50 for tt factor in the church work. \ Sfcnchell said th^t the association gliwfr r—— w\m tiinimftT rork of the cborches tt to be conducted. of the city Be said it Is to have tne young men and If- of the churches go toa place rhef%~ there was every equipment \r than try give them the ratfinequipment. "*»ddrew By Sft.T. SprouM John W. Sprpullr president' of the iai andiron BanS of New York caty id Treasurer of tbe State Executive Tonunlttee of the New Jersey Young [en's Christian Associations, was tbe Speaker of the" ^ening. Mr. Sproull possesses a plenBlng personality and an energetic manner in present- lg his remarks. His topic was, '-The lty*s Great Asset." Mr. Sproull, as a business man, jpoke largely from the viewpoint -of financier, he "bit the nail on the lead" to regard to the Rahway As- itioB when he said that the people- >f tbe Caty of Rahway should be could an see tbe returns >m tBeir tovestme^to In retopmBnt xg. real inftnl asset tat -andboy* wtf* »*?cure*i by the grand lodge at Trenton and becomes operative lm announce a Lecture recital of Edward j surprise at it*splendid equipment. MacDowelTs music, by the noted A delightful feature of the commit- Englishman, Dr Q. C. Ash ton J orison, tee work, ha* been the co-operation, mediately on Joining, of Lton don on Wednesday afternoon, ' of the women teachers of the city, April 17, at 3.30 inthe High acbool who have, served faithfully according auditorium. - ' j to opportunity. The address by Tickets may be procured at the: George L. Kircngaaner, president of or at Metuehen Street. Pharmacy In the Board of Education, and -he loc- ture on pure milk. Its supply, and . I medium ot contamlnaxlon, have help- and banka engage tfl brf>ad«*f% fh*» work. who*»» <t «»n- they Invest In bonds and mort- gage. There Is first the question. "What is the Security?" and thirdthe question "What is the return T" The Association, has proved that it paya the amount it costs to run it from year to year, even though only one soul should be saved through the largment the state hopes for. work for prevention being most necessary. has been very apparent, by the nrkr~tiiaX BUUJ,"JOSUM said. Is " Hfiore' The" security la safe, it has proved its value In "Rahway as well as tn every community where there la an Associa- tion. Tbe returns are found In th© development .of real manly, virile character. . Investment In Men And Boys An investment tn the Young Men's Christian Association Is an invest- ment not In mortar, brick, building. apparatus but an investment In n&n and boys. We give Just a* we value the price of one of tbe'souls and lives of the young men and boyo of Rahway, ir~we give one dollar, that measures our worth: ol Uiu boy or man whom we are helping. tal and Impressing way by faw—remarks—lit}©—c, and drove home so powerfully and em presented* wer« rendered Sproall C6mp*y©d the pswomb* revelation of local conditions, and Dr. Know I ton will *o report to the State Board of Health. At tbe close of the exhibit Dr. Know lton expressed deepest appre- elation tor the co-otwalluu of Buiud bT Health" of Rahway~5ndl UUU given by tbe- Board of Education. Pr. Know lton declared the service rend- ered by Prof. Wm. J. Bickett, Super- intendent, and Mrs. George C> Alns- worth as chairman, assisted by the able chairman of various committees was the most earnest, yet experienc- ed. In his work in New Jersey. He was particularly appreciative of the work accomplished by tbe press, feeling that the daily columns in the Record had insured tbe attendance. benefit and doctor's attend- ance in given and a mutual helpful- ness ts established. The order has over 500 lodges tn This" ~ country 19 ID the stitte, it U 48 years old and was started in Scran ton. Pa Kngiishmen are now seeing the benefit of organization and of late much progress has been made In this direction. This is a bl« opportunity for tb«5 EnjKlUh tn Rahway and" it s W"WF1ffif*«t»»>&* ed aJn; to ircx. If «* i-«;urt .1 Mow He a stationary -n ^Q^ pntxmht Mi* .idnittt«*<i that he had been finding that tn for an-J thai h* had h«en (n The alcohol)'-! not i n€O ward of St Jo««pb's hospital In Phil* dolphla at one time. Keen an 1* a weH educated. ttn«* tooktng nii»n who ha« had torn* hard ,luck He said that he could gn back to work for the constnictton corapunr and Judge Bnckley wa« lenient Morya%ke«peT of Ellx»- BOY SCOUTS OATH One Patrol Is Complete And WMi B* Sworn In During May pfttrr?| of th** Rjihwiy _ t^oy b*eh and the police of Linden -owu- •hlp O«od About u Ws«lc. When the undertaker arrived lie that the man had be«n dead about a veek. The dead man ws* evidently a foreigner about 15 years old. five fe«t «ieren tscbe* tall mad weighed »boat rS9" pouflds." examination disdoaed that che had been stabbed seven tim*« la the face and bead, once and*r eaca—«7«v- onc» back of ibm right ear, one* at _ grout* ha* been completed, and members are ready to take the oath aide of the month, and the the rfifltf"! ThXL press their wUb«» and have their ova lodge and not have to travel to Eliza- beth to attend the meetings of the order. Officers will be elected, lodge rooms and pbyiidaa appotnrert at »iw» mooting on Wednesday, so every- Qne Interested should come to the Board of Trade committee rooms to meet the oreanixer. LODGCR WAS INTOXICATED HOWARD MAVHAM TAKES BRIDE. Howard May ham. grandson of Rev, T. C. and Mrs. Mayham, was mar- ried to Miss linda KIbbo on April. 10, T. C. Mayttaro-offictaUBg^-goth bride and groom were residents of tPa&ntngtoa HelgM*, Kew York City. He, and Mrs. Maybam are at present on a boneymo<m trip to WasWaeton, as* potots-of interest. Mr. Mayhans holds « re- spoosibte po«Jtios %;,.tne K«w York Bank of knowtt was pa«tor. of m chnfeb for Edward Hart, who claimed Radford, Ohio, as bis residence, was held at Police Headquarters Saturday night when he applied for Jodjtfng. on the charge thai ne was Intoxicated. Yes- terday in Police Court be was fined 13 by Judge Buckley and allowed to so on parole. He hope* to secure work to tills city and will pay tile fine as soon as be can", - COMMUNION SET IS BROKEN. commnrifon ssU have kept In a cabinet to one of QA Sun- day school clt w roofiss. On Friaay «veaioc some cam- threw last, The.wdlglit of the It fd th« floor r (dittr«h *fewy«ar* others wounds could- aot hsv* twurn s e t t ^ tnstion. date- of tht» ba» not yet been flxed. bni will probably be early, tn May. Scoo&naster Max A. von der Hsyden Is now awaitins in- structions from. hea*1qrnirt*r». . not posHkHB of- the- «ttt«. - Murtfmr Lsn No Class. on th* part of Canty their uniforms, but are «ndfi*vorin* to raise money for this imipus*. They have purchased their flat* aad otber material. Tbe membership of the pts- trol is at present tweaty-ftv*, and more applications are coramjc- The boys expect to make a special feature of th* data of examination Detecxivvs and tbe U s d c a poltaw failed to disclose anything by the slay«r. The swvnpy txuuud ts tn* neighborhood of tb* pool to tbe bodly was lyta*. obliistmt»4 all footprints and no weapon near the body. The slayta«Md« fatr to retnatn as deep s mystery of tbe woman killed nemr tlw tne present water worts fax and that several of the ptomBe«itt| « years a«o. Officers of tto lt *** occasion It win be possible to i bees seen- aroosd Bsywsr* the Mayor and several other promt- nenl city officials preseoC recently, but no one knew his COL. QEOROC SAIN TO LECTURE- In Trtnity Msthodlit Kplscoosl Chorch e a ThttTBday « w a h i £ AprO 18. on Ahm mti&*U "XL OwripH ^fiatsstwt He fas*. or where-b» came- frtm such « man, Jn_JRavwsv the proprietor of sble to identify the auu»

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| Spring FootwearS For Men-Women

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• Still Cutting Prices[PEOPLE'S CASH GROCER

B d G d d M StBond, Grand and Monroe Streets

. -a * • - • - -

S2.50. S3S3.50. $4

• Specials for Saturday and litI Gold Medal Flour, bb!| 1-2 bbl. Sack• 24-1 Ib sack 82c 12 Ibsac! Everybody knows what Gold• is. Its The Best"

Our Fancy Creamery Butter,Good Table Butter, IbButterine, Ib -Fresh Eggs from farm, dozen

nday$6.35S3 20k 42cMedal

Ib 35$32C20c24c

51 tl k_ cm&s

M t l t . A CUBMilk a o&


>: .i Also full line of Shoes for Boy's jand Girl's f

Dr. Poisner Shoes for Children

1 fe He »n<l*\> aus life, a ma .

Oft-n Pa m pt. i a

Tot lei

, 3 tor 3

• fur .

h " u

MainSU RaJway t •AH \*I IOO»

So-ur Kraal

a t

'. t

Bauer12o Irving Street

! J. Malcolm Brook fie IdI Bond, Grand and Monroe Sts., Rahway

A :;;•

I Madeof Pure f"lomc-


m j g g ^ ^ Motor Car Co.24 Baranlord Place,

J Ch'wUte PeanutsI Chtx\\ate Date>* Peanut ButterJ Peanut Briidc

2!LOU i :il i

I * ^n:> pound fI1 cents

Wasliington L Merritt J Hay« YourciiriM MAKC-D SPRING SUITC>IGN MAKER ) Made-tc-Ortier

**° j S^3 and upPAINTER ' V"* G~* %a£ * ™ ~ *

f Cleaning, PressingWindow Lettering j R e p a i r i " i : .P»-«Send Postal—Will Call

Record Office

For and

L. KLEINt7* Main St.,



s ThTo Give IO0 cents and Interest for Every Dollar Invested

To Five a Make-it-pay-you Service Instead of Only You-may-pay-us Servicefor Giving Satisfaction are the


Fire, Tornado, AutomobUc, Marine, Accident, Health, Glass, Bu . s » . . y , a l l u ^ l a D U l t y l n s u r a n c e

OUR COMPANIES:RoyalI Exchange Assurance Commonwealth Insurance Teutonia F.re Insurance New Jersev Fir, In*.New Brunsw.k F.re In , Ohio Farmers F.re Ins. Preferred Accident Ins. OcInTcCdem


chatnee to get a little homea*-

2*- 3;

• a *

Comfortable Little Home in Good


w on theTbree room* OD door, ac-i

$156 a If vouil *ct


A Ten Room House ^Four rooms ou first riix>r. rive he 1 rooms

on sr-cond, ami one HD<1 attic ou thir l rl «»rBam on th** p r o ^ r t v . also *hed. All impn-w-

x***rpt lm»t, *in\ Lou*** is well hui't midLi>uJitiou. Fin*- opportunity to htivein -



, r t c , ou tti- lot

to»u. easv walk to ru*m st^tiou and


And We Have Still More. Call and See US

Main Street property paying $ 3 6 0a year in Rents

Brick anil frame building with store andrmn« rooms on first floor, and six room_flaiLu^-stairs. House has gaa*, bath, hot and coldw.»ter. *w»m heat, well wat*-r, large basementami attic. Property is 27x205. L*T$e mort-^ ^ f c.in remain. If you want an investmentauti oulv have about $500 cash, investigate

R e a I Estate and all Kinds of Insurance. Estates

86 Irving Street, Thone 111-R y I N . %!•


35 Esterbrook Avenue, 'Phone^ ^ ' £ & v i f l ? ^

Ot ctsla tes

R. F. D. Routes


BBPi> „? . ;< - ; ; . .•



^ ha 1^ and


& v o c a t eA B S O R B I N G T H E R A M W A Y N E W 3 - M E R A L ' O , T H E S U C C E S S O R O F T H E U N I O N D E M O C R A T . E S T A B L I S H E D



p g ToBuild Nom« For It* Recto*

aro now b»-inLK fl.siar>f"<3by th« Church of :te HolyXo* tite erectioa ot x rectxirjIO cite ciiurcia. Ttw buildln* wtU ("rootna S raatnAry Aireno*. Tile n«wstructure irlll be an ei^fct or nlno

HlSffldrti P««f 1* PrOlMt At \ "»m bnaildln*. and wtU be coo*truote<lbollow tile aad coacrcte. Tb« t'ytel b« Gct3il-c and will harcQcalxe to

and s&adlBir with %h** pre*rat

Construction of New DamIs Already Well Under Way


Too* Si


—1 \

EetxBy Proaiaeflt Spetktn

. ]« • ' work

.- \k*> u:-i.J -".Us J . -* in

aot ancborv«:J J U J I M

tJs*» 9pi l ing IM put d o w n iia«*

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p - i r s u l t a .

BY J. T.ID wttii tena* ond-ex wll ! only





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Dis«>an« He TellstO

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behind »tr-u*-turv

I S_i.Liir:

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amd wooKtu g*tfajerie<3 (oria*l Yoaoj[ Men* Christlao A*ao-

•er r lce ami In wtUch the twoi?-»S>yterian, th« t^*o Metbolist. and

Baptist rhurrh*1* participated.:h pa*tor hud a pLac« oc tho pl-at-

acd had a distinct p^in. in th«ti* will b*> S ^ D by ib<» follow-

ot nor% loo, - - - —Ord«r of Service

•i r v u r y J tl- Tt>mpkln«, pr-e-iid-k p^ultij; pruy tr . by K«- [-*)? .i i

i,; Uruburn. pal ter of tho Finn•sb>• t«*riun I'hurch Hymu. Scrip-

ir*- r-adi:i« by H»-v Prunei« U Mi*r


A la ri1 * N* h*- 1 K union nj<H?tlng ear iy S u n d a y

in tfa.

I 'hurrh Kv«w a-i re prea«?n tof ii3tfcub«rs


MAY BE ORGANIZEDb > a. C u JIr u p« • r t n •;.



Gr«at Bcnctit Is Expected SonsTo Result From the Work To

la This City .

oi St. George OrderHold First Meeting

On WexLncsday Evening

T7":—f "

s-ti>i he h-i.l 'hto him for work :*.»•


OF SLAIN MANMutilated CarjM Fu«a4 U P« i

W tter Li Swiinj N etx

isd Elin^rti Line


C-oliie Dot Let^s Hxslei to

hx lUniies Victin

ti5ed la-i

. .J .

- , - i l U f


-< I-'M

" * >

* " • ' . ]The

tern Li >

'. h -


—*— T

* 4» • ! ii»

Ii. tho Klrst

paster of Trinity Moi audl»tl chunh. Hymn AddrtsM T


->•' - t ry

U - m

S«rvic« 1a

Mu t l l , , : i y


Malcolm Brookn«*lU.oun^ Men .-*

< >fterrorv.

off o r T h t }


r . n . t f l

a n d

a r<laj "g

ts Kibtbtt in

t h

i h *



-n 1

*«• b o 1

'f S t S •- -«%


of Ur MUl&rd


• 1 t t »



th t! » . ! ' - •


by , \ 1 r f l ~rrH.1 • » »

• • f • i i : -

.'.ii. •

I . t :. I



Mary •or |


of th.*- evi-nuij;, John T. Sproull,aldent ox tb- Coal and Iron 'oft&kNew York City, by JUT. WUllam

(orrvnee Stuchell. paaior of tbe Sec-id (*Tgabytertan church.

EL6CTRIC SERVICE INCREASESPublic Scrvtrc CotsipAay tia?"

Its i-I«»ctrtr Itghltnjf: ^orvlcv:i r!' • U «-t:ict!v double what it

m u g . v*

t»d wITh



t cozamiitee>f Sirs Aioswortii,

>r K .-<. of

a«'i sl«n.if ir .» f< r ' d>* ( Ln

"he Community's Great Asset." by j s t a t K S : u l l l l e [ o t Q e ^ u ^ i ro^th ofT. Sproull Anthem. "Hosanna, ' j t n e ciC> ^aj t n e a J U a t ljuen[ men-aaeJ ' ihrou*;b the medium

f*>T . I * ? * ' ' ! " ' * I l K ^ l t . i l l i p O V V f ,

also b«lit?veH ' ha.t the


plained to ib« gToups of geople tne | v

1 T n " h a v e b««;n o r g a n i z e d amJ l o a u l i c d Inof m o t i o n

lessonpt<- SocKrvil thia

Granter H^n^dlctlon. by Rev J\\aahabaush. partor of th«

t Merhodiat Episcopal Church-Brockflqld 9pg«k»

Wh«o Preaident BrooftHcid was ln-iduced by Secretary Toiapltfns, wno t seldom

i~v r the—mecttngr—h*—TO id ^ iiTTrm^

TheIncrease tn the service Is *lu«-large degree to i_he e|tU*.leniKiven Throughout the city. th«*

beitig unsarisfacto: >r i w f Imlw—rff—»-

inand l

or her

p b o i o i ; r ' j p h » of l*n-al c o n d H i o n * j ctf > nhoul»J <Jo ua we l li n ' Thhs LM a n V t i i e r t c i u ur-!*T fo r.. t i ah lx>rn rii*-u a m i .l»-»r»-ndantJl

I Kaifl 1H b JKI r* j i i n t,*-t •*• e«'D t fie a g gtne ^ *-e"S" Tne HnVsasK^tlou , XH d n d ' M ~ Th« "^m^mbrunfw ^7

Kl veil b> tji« m o d e l kltch**D l a t h e t ti*-i i *'i«l tiotii*»H .KTOHS t he s»«a form

oi Nt-w J e r s e y

Tne 9n*- siii;



an lntonIcatH-1 c^nlUlon «n-l

("»>JiCf ( "our t h'.•*

i n i . l t h t a

o r liche

ha<J b«**o s


-is ' igaMon

t h - KfM'Dn** S t aI>an> and i h a l h--

hi* eir<*um-

"'inn 'u

i-u r-i L


it he. as president and representingBoard of Director*, had no apolo-

|es to make for tne work of the As->clation during t he pa»t year as i t

been promoted by tne present»tary and physical director. He

Iked for a liberal collection and tbe>ple responded most encouragingly.

Rev. W. T. Stuchell Speak*In introducing the speaker of therentng. Rev. Dr. Stochell spoke ofle unity -which was manifcated in

iway through the dmrcoes andorganizations, one of whichirt#H Atiort—jiflfl__ii moo t I^T^"

b u t the-

A TREAT FOR MUSIC LOVERSThe Music Study Club of Metuchen.

i u ...,*_ J * „ « . ro'jnrrv of th*ir attoption they owemeat .'ducatiomil- Hundred* at peo- v •*their tirst duty Alt home h sociability

pie who have not v U i U d the school ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ a t u r e a , ^ a t h b e n e f l t

building previou*ly expre«aed pleaded o f j , w l u>t a m e m t > « r . and $50 for

tt factor in the church work.\ Sfcnchell said th^t the association

gliwfr r — — w\m tiinimftTrork of the cborches

tt to be conducted.of the cityBe said it Is

to have tne young men andIf- of the churches go to a place

rhef%~ there was every equipment\r than try give them the

rat fin equipment."*»ddrew By Sft.T. SprouM

John W. Sprpullr president' of theiai andiron BanS of New York catyid Treasurer of tbe State Executive

Tonunlttee of the New Jersey Young[en's Christian Associations, was tbe

Speaker of the" ening. Mr. Sproullpossesses a plenBlng personality and

an energetic manner in present-lg his remarks. His topic was, '-Thelty*s Great Asset."Mr. Sproull, as a business man,

jpoke largely from the viewpoint -offinancier, he "bit the nail on the

lead" to regard to the Rahway As-itioB when he said that the people-

>f tbe Caty of Rahway should be


see tbe returns>m tBeir tovestme^to In

retopmBnt xg. real inftnlasset tat


wtf* 1» »*?cure*i by the grand lodge atTrenton and becomes operative lm

announce a Lecture recital of Edward j surprise at it* splendid equipment.MacDowelTs music, by the noted A delightful feature of the commit-Englishman, Dr Q. C. Ash ton J orison, tee work, ha* been the co-operation, mediately on Joining,of Lton don on Wednesday afternoon,' of the women teachers of the city,April 17, at 3.30 in the High acbool who have, served faithfully accordingauditorium. - ' j to opportunity. The address by

Tickets may be procured at the: George L. Kircngaaner, president of

or at MetuehenStreet.

Pharmacy In the Board of Education, and -he loc-• ture on pure milk. Its supply, and

. I medium ot contamlnaxlon, have help-and banka engage tfl brf>ad«*f% fh*» work. who*»»<t«»n-

they Invest In bonds and mort-gage. There Is first the question.

"What is the Security?" and third thequestion "What is the return T" TheAssociation, has proved that it pay athe amount it costs to run it fromyear to year, even though only onesoul should be saved through the

largment the state hopes for. workfor prevention being most necessary.

has been very apparent, by the

nrkr~tiiaX BUUJ,"JOSUM said. Is" Hfiore' The"

security la safe, it has proved itsvalue In "Rahway as well as tn everycommunity where there la an Associa-tion. Tbe returns are found In th©development .of real manly, virilecharacter. .

Investment In Men And BoysAn investment tn the Young Men's

Christian Association Is an invest-ment not In mortar, brick, building.

apparatus but an investment Inn&n and boys. We give Just a* wevalue the price of one of tbe'soulsand lives of the young men and boyoof Rahway, ir~we give one dollar, thatmeasures our worth: ol Uiu boy orman whom we are helping.

tal and Impressing way by

faw—remarks—lit}©—c, and

drove homeso powerfully and em


wer« rendered

Sproall C6mp*y©d the pswomb*

revelation of local conditions, and Dr.Know I ton will *o report to the StateBoard of Health.

At tbe close of the exhibit Dr.Know lton expressed deepest appre-elation tor the co-otwalluu of BuiudbT Health" of Rahway~5ndl UUU givenby tbe- Board of Education. Pr.Know lton declared the service rend-ered by Prof. Wm. J. Bickett, Super-intendent, and Mrs. George C> Alns-worth as chairman, assisted by theable chairman of various committeeswas the most earnest, yet experienc-ed. In his work in New Jersey.

He was particularly appreciative ofthe work accomplished by tbe press,feeling that the daily columns in theRecord had insured tbe attendance.

benefit and doctor's attend-ance in given and a mutual helpful-ness ts established. The order hasover 500 lodges tn This" ~ country19 ID the stitte, it U 48 years old andwas started in Scran ton. Pa

Kngiishmen are now seeing thebenefit of organization and of latemuch progress has been made In thisdirection. This is a bl« opportunityfor tb«5 EnjKlUh tn Rahway and" it s


ed aJn; to ircx.If «* i-«;urt .1 Mow

He l» a stationary -n ^ Q ^ pntxmhtMi* .idnittt«*<i tha t he had been finding thattn f o r

an-J thai h* had h«en (n The alcohol)'-! n o t i n € O

ward of St Jo««pb's hospital In Phil*dolphla at one time.

Keen an 1* a weH educated. ttn«*tooktng nii»n who ha« had torn* hard,luck He said that he could gn backto work for the constnictton corapunrand Judge Bnckley wa« lenient

Morya%ke«peT of Ellx»-


One Patrol Is Complete And WMi B*Sworn In During Maypfttrr?| of th** Rjihwiy _ t oy

b*eh and the police of Linden -owu-•hlp

O«od About u Ws«lc.When the undertaker arrived lie

that the man had be«n deadabout a veek. The dead man ws*evidently a foreigner about 15 yearsold. five fe«t «ieren tscbe* tall madweighed »boat rS9" pouflds."examination disdoaed that chehad been stabbed seven tim*« la theface and bead, once and*r eaca—«7«v-onc» back of ibm right ear, one* at


grout* ha* been completed, andmembers are ready to take the oath

aide of the month, and thethe rfifltf"! ThXL

press their wUb«» and have their ovalodge and not have to travel to Eliza-beth to attend the meetings of theorder.

Officers will be elected, lodge roomsand pbyiidaa appotnrert at

»iw» mooting on Wednesday, so every-Qne Interested should come to theBoard of Trade committee rooms tomeet the oreanixer.


HOWARD MAVHAM TAKES BRIDE.Howard May ham. grandson of Rev,

T. C. and Mrs. Mayham, was mar-ried to Miss linda KIbbo on April. 10,

T. C. Mayttaro-offictaUBg^-gothbride and groom were residents oftPa&ntngtoa HelgM*, Kew York City.He, and Mrs. May bam are at presenton a boneymo<m trip to WasWaeton,

a s * potots-ofinterest. Mr. Mayhans holds « re-spoosibte po«Jtios %;,.tne K«w YorkBank of

knowttwas pa«tor. of m chnfeb for

Edward Hart, who claimed Radford,Ohio, as bis residence, was held atPolice Headquarters Saturday nightwhen he applied for Jodjtfng. on thecharge thai ne was Intoxicated. Yes-terday in Police Court be was fined13 by Judge Buckley and allowed toso on parole. He hope* to securework to tills city and will pay tile fineas soon as be can", -


commnrifon ssU havekept In a cabinet to one of QA Sun-day school clt w roofiss.

On Friaay «veaioc some cam- threw

last, The.wdlglit of the

It fd th« floorr

(dittr«h * few y«ar*

otherswounds could- aot hsv* twurn s e t t ^

tnstion. date- of tht» ba»not yet been flxed. bni will probablybe early, tn May. Scoo&naster Max A.von der Hsyden Is now awaitins in-structions from. hea*1qrnirt*r». .


posHkHB of- the- «ttt«. -Murtfmr Lsn No Class.

on th* part of Canty

their uniforms, but are «ndfi*vorin*to raise money for this imipus*. Theyhave purchased their flat* aad otbermaterial. Tbe membership of the pts-trol is at present tweaty-ftv*, andmore applications are coramjc-

The boys expect to make a specialfeature of th* data of examination

Detecxivvs and tbe Usdca poltawfailed to disclose anything by

the slay«r. The swvnpy txuuud tstn* neighborhood of tb* pool totbe bodly was lyta*. obliistmt»4 allfootprints and no weaponnear the body. The slay ta« Md« fatrto retnatn as deep s mysteryof tbe woman killed nemr tlwtne present water worts fax

and that several of the ptomBe«itt| « years a«o.Officers of tto

lt ***

occasion It win be possible to i bees seen- aroosd Bsywsr*

the Mayor and several other promt-nenl city officials preseoC

recently, but no one knew his


In Trtni ty Msthodlit Kplscoosl Chorchea ThttTBday «wahi£ AprO 18. onAhm mti&*U "XLOwripH


He fas*.

or where-b» came- frtmsuch « man,

Jn_JRavwsvthe proprietor ofsble to identify the auu»

Page 2: s Th - DigiFind-It...^^^S^^h^^ Y ^ w, ^ t rf^^i^f T *'^-pii. lit* w^. *. ^sfi i— I '-?£A1« WAY STREETS SStNG UN caawr Tiss^i:•&. *• * | Spring Footwear S For Men-Women Wliy

. = *


• ' -v . " ^>- r


OF CHURCH• FALLSi 2Fifty Xors ttort Is Jersey

Disaster. !i



V .

1 i _ n i . * * '<'. V ,

v* xy -iur". r.»


Majority 160,000 Over TaftIn Peassvlvaaia.


Sheriff's Salela of



a <l&> and Nln«ch« Northerly U4*

flyS- 1 tj^onc*'* a t

Sfrr«»f one i l l ) . 1

Uullnsaa an-ifa. Cor u l * o

SiO and Upward.,, .in.! T ^ B ' O ^ ^ I We taJc« roar p cost** to pay. i•i::x on **•# K:i««Jr.r * M * ° * ! ply s a t i s f y UJ *« t o yoOT «fill$ty. , , •.„<.„;•... T - t l - , . i x , . « > . to U Y * up to r o c c *j

ut* * J 1 * and

>" A

i n .


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1 * X T • M ' -!

S t a t e A „• • a

V •.-•» v 4 ' • ""i

i l l t O t b l *



Rooseielt RsjtJices at Results

P£ S N s, * S I A P R l M * R ' t S


1: . k

l i e

•t W L . I . .

I !l iMi

;: rta:c» nit*-**••••• .'? t an i i ut>**

,-T K Hon.*m A . i i r v i v

... r v . . . i ! . * i M


No matter whAt rate you *r*e &«

lower rxi* Mid on A&&16X tsTinj n:#saTo you moMy. ET«a 11 TCu or -#•fcuave a loan call and s«o UJ-


BITU 'Phone 163 •

American Loan Co.120 BROAD ST. ELIZABETH

O v er W oodb ul I A riartio' *Take Elevator

1 i ' - T M r - N * 'U>-

•* . ] • • : n C r \ ) i i - ; i n - l

1 • ii .Hi i +i*y.i\—1_1

or by

. s . . f . . - . " n r K - - • i i l > - ' ' *

v v .1 r*' ! } • • '

of Primaries.* ^-

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?. . r ^ t ^

I 1 1 ; . » • ' . -

^•/r• ; * • \ | K l • U v ! . ; ' K A . 1 . * I 1 ' - • " . $ J :

Sheriff's Salein >

M«^*», ij»-a-— » ^, ! . - ' !

1 i

S I t K K i Y'V S > A L.l-I

New J i - n - ' v t*

• ^ • w

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fh»* 1 "our" '•>? i'li.nu-t»r> of N e w j

J O H N KL'Vp A l l P M Ali .SMi r ' r TTTirtPT *Tir w->* r* H a i p


,• .Ui'.1.1:1.'*! ; i ' *':<• oTTlrv of I.'Wli'i'1"1 H!I : .M»' TTT TTroa.T STT»**T*• M N 1 Vnii .ir i h e office of•11 .iii-l l. '-i-our A t : u ru i«y» of

•... Cli 1: i-h S- -v*-: N i ' w Y o r k

Halsey Vanderhoven164 MAIN STREET

l e l e p h o n c 1 -7

My \ - n u «f p"'Tic above-3Tait»ft



a v\ •- N J' j » >• ... . .

•1 • • ! ! n v f - n r - . - t

1 -1 ••} ' \\ t *t ' i n


MsiteuFor Treatment oi 4p?ricans.

int tho vole of fcl. T

ui TluriL C. A- Dl*atiitt

Willinni H Keller, the two d«*le^:»testu tin- I.nii'-aster distri<-t. This

B S i t *•••••!-•••..

manufacturer..f whl< U $_' l tilt* 1'nfl 1

l > \ \ . 1 1 .

. H i d (-


1 hi* parttK»u a n d fa t r au*iof Viuen^Tlu r i t txea> in _ . _ all bave

lUlnol.H atula n d woillii «i«'

Mttd^r>i a l Mcxwv t "11 > an Jtbe

mouQtaiu» ofto the non' rise

state calls Mf\Uv'» attetnum i . t lit*

uai Ion of Mr.

ructed dele

d«*T Of \rii*-r \.:* li . Xi s d o r - n*'i r im ra>-t«-rw«-

nation I'r^lJetu Mad«*r

\ m r r u - a n s . a n d i*fi ba n d r e i w s t%n* \r«rne<l t h a i t hey

* t h e ui t l l tar> l a w * ->f

n--w h a v e t en. v» ti,i would vote for m e If noilul T»MI m o r e a r t r e a d y t "

t hit t ttav. a int I wi ' t i ty m o r v will

for m e if Uiejnj i -y i jw n h

i n i o Llie n a t i o u a l

l*ri tin-ias u> mt- d.n-v led 1 shall ex«>»e (.ir sal** l«> public \en<iu.-. n ihesherirr 'a office . ID the t'ourthous*? luthe I'Uy of El izabe th . N J . oa


u l .day. oil thoa«* tracrg or parcels ofland and premisea aituauv lying and

In th*> Borough of Unden. in theCoua >" of I'aloa and Stale of NewJersey

First Tract—Kaovs u and designatedi-crtatn may eotltlod—i31ao—ol

ESTATE OF JOSEPH W. NORTH.DECEASED. 1'urauaat tu the orderoTT^EORGK T. I'AKHOT. Surro«ate o:the Connty uf i'nion, mad-* on thff ap-pllcatlon of tlie ujidersixned. Executorof said deceaaed, no«lc« ia her«byglv*3S to the creditor* of said ieceaaodto exliiBlt to the aubacrtber underoath or affirmation their claims or de-mands ajtainat the estate o( aald de-

wlthln"" tiUHT THoTiXliS" tronr

unun yMaple Park property, situate in the

h f Lithen Township, now Borough of.j«»n in rho County of Union and State


eleventh day of March. 1912. or theywill be Torevor barred from proaecut-ing or recovering the aanie againstthe aubacriber.


For tbc.Hea Who Waat the


109 Main Street


Something New,. . The .-.

In the sum total of the TuftH .('lupieie returns mak

Not ouly h:u e the Roosevelt followen* t*\vept the state for their d*»lejrutes,but they hn\e elected the majority ofthe :1T*J r»xi»resentiitlves to the state

vent Ion. whVh will elect twelve delar lni-ite to the national. Thow

W. E Clark, surveyor, and filed In theCounty Clerk's office in the County ofUnion as lot number three hundredand twenty 1320), in block number



Second Tract—Known aud desig-nated on a certain map entitled "Mapof Maple Park property, situate In thethen Township, now Borough of Lin-den, in the County of Union and Stateot Me*v Jersey. 1891," surveyed by NY.

lark, surveyor, and tiled in the


Poultry FeederJennings&Bolmer

—80 Irving-Si,


S. K. Tombs H. Roarke


G. H. Bartells haa recovered afte

a slight illness and expects to move

into his new home in Weatftelil Ave-

nue about May 1

(/harles-«^i,ent2 expects to build a

barn on the property purchased by

Air Heating and Tin Roofing.

Uartiw»r«. Pitlnta. Oil*. S tea no »ud

Hoi W»u»r Roller*. Wire

Union, as lot numbertwelve delesrntos nre atrenfly couutecr j" County Clerk's ofitce of theCouuly ofor Roosevelt, Uut the state convention "" * " --•-•----- • -«—-will hiive amtther and ujore t>olfnt ef-fect uiwin Pennsylvania. It murk* thepassiui; of Untied States Sountor B

aud tunny persons u rv pre-5

and twenty-one (321). in block num-ber eight (8).

Third Tract — Known and designated

Civtllx**«J o«ti«'ur. i u I heLr I rt*.i ( m«* 111 ofA m e r l c n n pri*«»nrr» t>f « a r anil luns tg lvp irn»ni faw *r<ni *n^t^-*ttt ••r*»h-*<Htng

"Conspiracy," S*y« McKinUy.\Va-*hluKion April XX- Director WU

Ham li McKiuley of tin- Taft camPMi n issutnl a \HriolW- >t:»temeul. in

outcoiuo of the lvnnayivania

*lti«* drTel ' - i - t i i ' -uI- f«-r th.- la*t f ewd a r n . lU4l\i«ltnu t l ie m u r d e r of All>«*rt

i u A tu t - rwnu w h<- %\ »> * u pw h i l e s e r v i n g in a r e g u l a r r a -

p a c i t y iu itti- f e d e r a l :i n n v . l h*j sh^wt-i u s u p ..f in t i i i> a n d knlSnii and injur-

pH'uury ts yilainty Vit*H*Hit-* e \>tfad that natloual Usuos are playing.mly a small i»«rt in wuiu- states iu the.•aiupalen for the Republican uomlnaHem for prwideut Instead of construet i re «tatm*uirtiishi|> put forth inan effort tu w h o the pr**t»lems Uefore

in*; «'f AiuttH-aii '-itir^-u-*. (!»•• r iding ( ^ j o country ;utd ;»s a bid f»>r \ot»*s ouof I 'ul ted State* IU»IIN an«l «»-neraUy ^w p n u m d of inorit. * nation wMedc-iiaut .iud iu>ulitu*; ttiittuUe ato^uiueU j j ^ m i ^ j j ^ of ..ilful an*l malicious mist»y t>r«*Xft.i to\\«r\ls» Au.*«*ri* aus and the I p^pt-j^^imntio^i ^Aoiern-au go\ #*t n int^*eonus»» the be I \ o u ^ \\rv^*W\i\ "f e I n i i e d Sta te

moveineut h a s no>i ] ^ s i»*«-u stil»?-ti;iii*-d Such a cam». amoutitiii^ in fa<~t to « consulr

ran *i b e

>u to a crisis s.o far »*• j a c > uir ttle uot only t< liuiullUle theadtuln is t ra t iou \* cou

tiiotiuj: tbut it also marks t h«-

y la Grand Street.

Mrs. A. Schneider and daughters

were visitors In Madison Hill yester-


ili^iii Mihireii H. 1 .itnrt-ix'f la. hpenii

ing the wm-eriil at the residence of

then Township, now Borough of Lin- £. R Howard of Orchard Street. KHz-

lu tliis itjnue*-tion the twenty-

den. in the County of Cniou and State a b e t n

Chirk, surveyor, und nTedin '"X no

five u.*»u uaiiuuiiteii as candidates forthe state s**uale. when elected, will

TOMBS & ROARKE128 Main St.. Rabway. N


104 Ghurch Street

hold over until the time comes for the j and t\veuty-three C--3),

Counry Clerk's uttice of the Couniy oflpoaitoa as head dairyman at the NewDniou as lots uuinbers two hundredand twenty-two {22ti) twu

selection of a siu-*t*ssor of Senatort-'rmii tale returns flghttH»n of

hundredy hundred

and iwenty-four (22A \ and t wo huu

jersey IU'-formatory.

" •

1 I i a n s to move

dred**attfl' twenty-tivp t--5 > " in block on Monday. ApriT 15.«"sf iiu*u arese ami t!ieKvi-ry mini

tni to S<»nator Pens Tor wtitcti tio smndsH-ttMl as a ltooi-t'vell

T h e


wvut into I h«' rij:lit not oul\but (iistrxiottM fur Roosevelt.

^ ' d Taft delepwtt*s aiui thosel<> Tail enlrnMl I In* ba t t l e

* i»'"i w»'rv i-W-vWHi un

six '(€)'.

WILLIAM H. W f t W H T , ^HAROLD D E P E W . Sol'r,

apl MM E O J & H P K Adv. Ki'»-s-•-$ll».74

Inio her new house in Madison HI!

Seminary Avenue




r\ Collins hus recovered after an I Estimates CilQerfullX #JNW _a f l i


»«««o« Famous Army Nurtt CannotB* Burt«d in N*tiotim*_C«m»t»rr.

Gleu fcicbo. UK: "April I3.-Atr*r

•HTtunally. »tut to couiiuihe Uepui'li'-in jwrty to rank socialism,lius noi »iuly IMH«II munienauced. but

U.v former

•elU 1uot

The complete vote t'f the state probabfy will slu»\v t hat t he K.MJS»*V ehtleleyali1-** polled liill.iHRJ \ u4c» mote

There Is but inlP"-stH-tr»>n of the eutir*-state where it is thoujrbt that tbe volewas [wrsoual for Uuosevelt. TUe coatminers voted for him to a uiuu. iiutX witha su»i>eusiuu of opemtious ui presentthey turned out lieuvily. In the othercountry rtlstrlrts the farmers\.-ell on?ani***<.l as agninst

Notice is hereby given. mat nn

attack of sore fhroat.

The property ot Fred Kittt-r husbe'-n rented by Mrs. Hill o(-New York.

The new township school in West-field Avenue, is expected to bo open-ed rn a short time.

Mrs. A. Lambert. St\, spent Thurs-day in PlaiHfi-»l<i.

All Work Guaranteed

Telephone Connections


WKDNKSPAY, THK TWK.\TY-| The township road near HazelwoodI-ttl'ttTH DAY ttrs APttit.. N:l.\r:-

TKHN UrNDRKl) AND TWELVE.cemetery has been put in thoroughcondition after the late storm whichwashed the road out considerably.

atuTm *. umce iu m, Loan nouse m R e p a i r s a r e b e t n g m a d e o n ' t h etin-* C IT v or Elizabeth, New .Jerj>*»\, thefollowing described land and ivul es- s^iIIwa>" o f Middlesex Water Co.. un-tate will be sold at public auctlon-tol der the supei*vlsion of Supt. E. Kram-

o'rlockoffice iu

V. M.. nt theCcari iiUU.se iu

t h p

qoieklT uoertmla on* opinion

Situate in the *. ity of Rahway, In'©T.

Ho dwelk ut*uu the di-^iitieil silence ^ ^ JQ p b U a t J e | p h l a t h e people sliu- the County of t.'niou and State of New

^ the-Gleu fcicbo.*hort funeral men-lcem Uad been beidhere today tbe remains of MUs Clan.[Urluu were •tarteJ'fur Oxford. Ma

will be interred


tfieut bas tbrtt'wii all restruiut to th**\riiuU aud that l>oth S*jiitttt»rDlxon and t'oipm*! K»Ki?«»vt?tUe prvsitlent \vHi» tH.*iii» "a retflver of

same thing they did n year) Jersey. im»re particularly laW down,overthrew UVe "macEiue "wb'eu dtwrfirmrted- und dtsttneuisned on U" cer-

tain map entitled: "Map .of PropertyIhey elecjsd u reform mayor.Senator Pen rose is saying «otfalns,

EUirly Satunlay luornlng he went to


Ttee body of Mim Barton could nv>be burted lu A-Hloctou National ceuielery uear Wnt*blngton. U- C^ much• s her aUuilrem wished, without »

al act of coatfreBiL Frjotida who! hum Uncolu is 1-started a nftovenien*^for aucb w| of tf

searched tbjktrar departiueut j »wnrecords and eonUT not find that Mis* I H«S eVt«d b«a enter** <« anl '"«« p»»ldeui.J» ia thU

**^^ after reaching there, had I >arded hisL* Is now' >ttcbt and Sunday »Ue pointed her

fnrontion Is p«b«fely pftsntabl•Sllfitsv* ullSWt •fl.BBDT'fOt'JIStX.

Patsnta tnken tfirooah Mann.tpieial Aotlest witlront «&nss«Jn


"of the Estate of Ralph Marsh, deceas-i , _ . - — — — —ed. situated in the Fifth War*. Rah-1 T1"3 Bervo-raclong disease is caused fromway. Union County. N. J." (on file in I ^ P 0 1 0 blood-ond uric acid poison. Externaltbo Register's office or Union County) I «WU«»tionaMmfitimaigwe teiuporaty re-•w irtft. m . m K A ^ ^ r \ « « , i \ r *i I liei out won t cure: the sure wuv to sennrfl

A handtonKljr (llnit«tfta T?«aoalmtlon Q% mnj sdentlflo toor_r u r i fonrwonthi, tl> 80W by

to w,var tbe mantle of Abra u o S e s e a w a r d ; t H e d * d .D O t *?Part'

• thnt the aciiu*! however, until he got the late edition-*of the uewspapen* aud rend of the de-feat *yt his machine.

us lots numbers One i l l frontingthenue.

mt won't cure; the sure wuy to secureEasterly sWe- cf Pt George's Ave- P«>^«-J«OT-to-atQthotouBh'ly«radicate. at the corner of Seminary Ave. f r o m _t*?™V,?d'l» ^ e impurititoa. Nothingcorner of Seminary Ave-

nue: Two . . , froutius-ou tlje Easter-ly side of St. George's Avonne; (ex-

au* oCrow s:Hn In

kH+* •&• a- - rn tr nr described In

toHe will be tbe nominee of tbeIrmT n«rie Tbe law permlUi onl> «tay. He win be tUe nomioee or

S S ^ S T t o te-bartofl aVArlln«toiL \ ttepubllcau c-onventton at Chicago.-

governor Wuodn,- Wilson will bava ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n ^ ^ S ^the rutlrv lX'Uiocratlc delegation^ hts

— -— — — — v ~r-m r w v « _ • - ' W^WIVV. A*«^|>U(HU

ou earth wiU drive out the poison*.' «nyou* system, ke**p ibe bowels, kidneva andliver in good couditu»na» SEVEN PARKS, thewouderiul FemetlyTBanias proved its greatmerits the pust 4*2 year».

SEVEN BASKS can be ha-1 of nil dru{-gi*ita*1 f i l l ^mg*A«"»»ii«» X%r*^#lj^ f*1.2*r*m. £* ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ . J A _ * _ l

t h e r u t l r v D e m o c r a t i c d e l e g a t i o n ^ UXs ( M l , i n i w i l l . , . , „ .1'^ . .»• , I . - " - - — • 3 £ « u i n u u i m Q D O m u i o i n u a r u R g j s t a ,

l » « t e d . t e c u , r ; 1. S I s t e e a ( X B ) . S e v e n t e e n I .YAUN RfiAWN. AA H n t - m v ct_ r u ^ , V l ^ v v(XB). Seventeen LYMAN BB0\VNt6SMnrrajSt,NewWutN>Y,

Boars the,Signature of

Sentiments Eipressed6 f a WrtfBf i

t n

( l o u - m o r Woo»ln»w \ \ up ia>» (." \1 i t u o

dl«r. wri t ing In tii« S a v i a i u b I«».I •Pretsia. um! urn K ' * J that I ihail tu <ethe opjjortunit> ou May \ nx-xt fur tbc

pf ; f In^fi JQ r"y 11 ft> ''f V «ntiiinj *JI <>

"rail* primary dirc«-t!y for tho

**^ hil*? fur * r«>v cnior \V |L*H)U 1 am

not a^-ln-it m j of t ho procilnotit I v m

o c n t i w h-e*t,<c* UJI 1114*3 a rv» n*.-w a ruler

:cousidcruLU>u tiy th« par ty

"IISOQ. Tliirnsoo, Vn*l

iifen WTto >lre Looking After the Interests of the Presidential CandidatesSay About Their Charges


bix.>itu nude (IVtn

la an


ta^tojc tx»Ch rntla aui! tb« inMdW

R«>cA«vcii In hu Newark tJO»•ay* tftc I*ater*co 'juiirvllan. Bona N\itreat U UUAJT amoujs hu ajaxb1^' f l>!

low«n teillujf th<rai what a granJ oUlI'eaiocrat ('hum;) ( l a r t i*. A •£•">«ttaac aj£u ib« Sinltb >Uifeot nun.titn*w«j for JutJ HaruaoQ After ib^t ft\MtN'tajcvsat wb*>»p»HS It up for t 'm^rw. -^for awbi3« \'ow Clark Ls tbe %iitfTaccordinc to tfi« »warfc Nw«» Afte-rIt U all over SaaJtb «4id Nojeot wiiitoe looklnjc intund for a rli*a<-r tu eel


Oi \ii*iW l U o n 1)*IQ<S w


for w i a « tliiu* im«? aadffreat biufT that h< did not lntf.i.l*H»nr him name tit e» u» »fag i.uiai-

i iovM tbe al l ies lu t ho a n d Wl.> (!•• nunouni"***- y"*t«r\^ ^ l r ^ bl» niiui*1 to npin-nr

:ni>»4« of h\

In p. ID- ][•

fur them

>ut. broadly -niman rij;ht»

•« a n d I* not ;ifraU) I.J

I r ipn**. t l . )n u*>r •ut>-

1 k I n / , ti^ *ttji n«l.*t for

fYoiu b«.*:id*iuan«-r« t h a t 1 l u m p ("lur'iw o u l d iii*t ru t ' a <M-t "f il^U'ttairn* 1 >JW-JKaJH" hu *•*< t* TTin I •» t h«* wa> *''•••c-oo*»'<lrai-y »urW* N H H H T t 'Uirk. H.ir

i n a m •»* a r *• *» ) n * r < * t f>.« r t - •» 1 •• * • • •>. • 11

\ • TU«* •*) W i n •«] WU •»•

Biggest BusinessNow Run on Modem Basis.



Sun.! J •41 ' V l N ' *

Way.- tnsi rv>T(»*5j«*nt« t


% [4-riti of


: Tries False Pretenses to: CootrttotiiHs to tbe Gsn-

p a l p Fund ot Its Candldatu,

OF COLLAPSE'cncUUR TO WALL STRSTOUTflr»t *-1a«i oaaii. in<3of thi«" «fir noatr an^

rhat It t u tonaj u«

and to <u-rr« doc*ac<i» of a<3-p eo esiittlac rooX«« with

UXtl« or 00 Locrcm vU ccmt. But Cfa«T»fl pro«rn» m of postal reform aa*lpro«rT*» ii not >

r tb« readjustment00 a bmsla of co«t. w

1\-«:-i- ut 1 aft -UUL>J< t»- *-<-r -t ,

New Tort :Ut v o t by Ul« Son fbr

.0 aU ila*

• e n b e tr> tJ t- J*an



f r u c l i 11 lilt.-&.-••* kUs*- nuuufil >]<fliU hi

will erect us My p*rn:

way for £if'>njt to *

now <-UJOTC«1 by • H

peputa tlou

of a 1 ratr



t o


La part'iMj.ir J « wifli «« tM LLr rv-"4-:i

t l c o g*. T i» u , t a * .\ n- t>rv«?G t a 111 c a r *3 ofo f

.nMan'U' _-*»t- i

<"oci**Iil*T«f ltJii .jf f u n b«*r r v f o r u i i mi . ]

of w h u U !i t h e t n i n i i D i ' n t p^wwibtl if y:jf JJOUc-y [»>«i]i£t* i j i n v ••th<»r r%*f> . u i * 1

of tbe p. not abl-h

1 0 *

" t b* l « * i l Tr- f •<• > fc*- T A f 1

Tuft il \** l n a u i u ru r i- l t l -« i o :tt-rtn "f th.* T a ' l ml nr.:ii *t: i

11 t r a n s p o r t a t i o n P e n • •iatt-u^M«t ih-it itndU* w i t h i 111 !•- tliocj«ts •xi<>M-'j j !b*.* r--»:

n rt

I . . 1 1

At t ho iff umlnt - i t rn t lon tba r r i - a m t<> tin*

1 1 »*»* ' t j r.

' ' . ir'» li^i on t he

• n ti** tUii

. 1 ni I


and to

two 10


! y t

er t

tb*- fr-r h«- [-

f j UljC f U« « . • ! I t . : ; • • . • ! )

, h

o r t i . - ur . i t i - i i . - T 1 ••-1. •»•»

T h « - *••*I I : ! ' : 1 *

. i . - n i

H a t

f !**-»-•

l i , ' '

r h-T t r i u )• » t i

| d * ? n t it u d a t ' i ! n l i . . * r

1 It**' pa*<t ! l»r i s 1 .rt ^ i »-«.-., \ «-

• T h i n ! |U«. 1U.-.V I;,- W M ; r - ^ ^ l h i m

*Tf a "TOa- lTorTr i ; m m i - -i. t i i i - a n T n ^ Tn TN

ijci • »t . i t j . l T U . - M - : I - * . H e ^ . u ^ v * , .

lt»D > w w !>. -•• 1. h :• 1 .1 !;.•%•. ' " U*:n1

i«*iu. a m i tn*» l«*ti»i

j r a c t l c a l tfov«*rtiLU**nt." F o u r t h I1*-*-»U*M? I bclU'T** h*»

M h i • » t - ) i n i l I i ! : I Tt» I n t h < » < i - n « r

f u r i m - r in i !)*

u-1 m a t l . - it * . i u _ - t h o r i z - -

.11 r - - n n i r k ' - ' i i iy m i • 1 t a l e m

« i r r i ' l o r * « •<? 1 h** * t . r , n»<r»* '

* ! » ) • • t l . i v . !' t l . . - * . - •• 1

I AH UhVbATS ffftiLTOftOT.t ' > '

Pr*v«oti !»*• r -

DANGER'"" AHEAD."\ '1 l h:it i

1 J«J<T A :J.-'

a w .t \ >» I- jv> .1 r JTt*«- potSTio of

•?w* nrul tttatitl In w i t h '"th«- ..id •£A n n l n n i a k l n s h i* p a r t y n n y h > ' . 1 yft b ; . f .-ill-

in residence Is In a s t a l e und uIon in wbifb **•* n«>«Hl to ***-• ur*1

[oral voti»s, and thai no t«i not orjj«n-:• t>> rtif* mn*«!.«*-« nf *h« pnrtv in a t

•»e»t lou 11 L- is* tMinr*»i v frit* from r "** rTi"^1*'1^1 k.sLI l-.i.ti ,,r pre»t-nt i i t luin ' t- . whlcb t J u * r t * a t o f t h t *

-. ' \Vlrl- lJ\Vf.l ln. HlM'uJltT'-. . V . T M I M n-i.i '


hi*- t n w l W'l l«*on tn

i^ t:t

" I - t t t h - T b e r v art- tbc»uj*and.*' nil o v e rl>oih < 'nru(lii:i*j nntl fJ<x»rKta

and bia .


- fa tbor In lawv;rs na*l mothers IOVLHI anU h.murtd t h a t ' " " " " ' ^ a i l d t h e People there ar«-

WJUon ami Axxm. who -iiH-ot fuI1y aroasert to the situation,

leir lou f arid t-ouse<*rat»*d lives* la the iauil mural upliftlus of the ' D o n ' t ! e t anytHxiy tell you that

>urb and in tbo advaacement of right- I Mayor Wtitin-n and Sheriff Wed In areraaneu In our mtdst. Such lives, ln a t °*ld*- I n t h l * Wll^m mutter TKef resace and iu war. eadearvd them both ' u s t a 1 O V 1 D « ^apl*-. that-* all There'•the «'hun-li nnd ^late. Governor WtL i n o i l w d to worry about (food old Hud

and rypk*al of tht? old son.

mtti. lu wboae l ife and work hm* beenth<* spirit of tlm new

"A nil, lastly. I am lox him becaune\t all tbe public men tn this country

uiui to be tbe moat typieulFeffersoalan Democrat. 1 have read

no utntMTnnn In fhpupdnvw>Udcal doctrtoea and tenrhlngs «o

learly track those ot that greatest otDemocrats, Thomas Jeffersoo."


To former Governor Fort: Ye*. Samyn trT not n<7w_uft rfsffit. but hV

went out Just when bj*_sald he w«oM-at the end uf hi*t term. Ar* to yourcampaign promise to put him out oh. 'well, let bygones be bygones.

By the way, don't forget to organizethnt Wilson club at once.

}ow th« Governor Put It Ov«r the Leg-ialative Schemer*.

CSp«dai Corrtaapondettce.JiTrentoxv-N. J.—Tho beginning of the

Ihe iJemocrats or Maine want, aMfl Be 8mail we're


islon of tbe legislature was accom---by bug4e blasts-of hot itlr t-eli-

what tbe Republican majority wasling to do to the "schoolmaster" whonow governor.'he sequel Is found ln tbe vetoesTeh Governor Wilson Is sending to

lo legislature exposing and blockingte legislation which has been enacted

the Republican majority ln tbe In-of ottk-eholders, the political ma- ;

le and those seeking graft through i at Trenton these days. , They1 dodge arooiid and-look meek.

Mrtloo called upon Governor Wllnon at ;Trenton one day last week. Despiteall biased reports to tbe contrary, Sen-ator Gardner was very emphatic In de-<-lartng that Maine la ln tbe Wilsoncolumn. - "Wilson Is tbe- kind of man

t .>

f o r p A y W^iat u-c U J « N *

w ly n l h*- -•• — -• t . i. 1 r y <, f

rtpal• • * • *

part/ to\ .

and w


>te p

tn Novtmb«r nex



e * « * ' r « - ) 1 . " , * » . • • T i . . j

• o n i r n r , 11> • •.- 1 I- . ;•

a r e

rj^ -*Sa

—6L T.ools 2S.

to have/' saM thej.^o_$ng7 for mm! mrriem. £ronv^a79

What's happened down Kentuckyway? It Is now '-over a week sinceW a tter.Ton has bad himself Inter-viewed.

— j ,bosses don't strut haughtily

about the corridors of the

• — • • • " • — •

To legislature in the history of thette was ever a worse offender in this So far as New Jersey Is concerned.

While the fltatebouse hns I t b e ^ ^ f o r b e e P i n S Platform pledge*loed with lofty sentiments and spo-

periodfl of rounded righteousness,political machinists have been busy

fifty year fronohbto T t a a t 5 h e v P°,rPor

i Km •• .* through nowadays.

by passing harmless, meanlngleaa. cut-orless acts has passed. Only acts wltbreal teeth In them and meaning~~Ju»twhat they purport to mean can go

Woodrow Wilson never promised thethe fake grade crossing bill, the

ith drawinc amendments to the elec-law and <x>rropt practices act, the -miWennlom. but Tie'& giving t6

jngresslonjU gerrymander and ail sorts of New Jersey the next best tiling—asalary grabs and bills for the bone- government able and honest, with ev-of tko. JlepobUcan organization In .erytblng done to.the light of day.

ite-and 0001117.hlg-yetocs^ Governor Wilson tere- -Ar rtittlgcHtlgn—frffin'"KigwBriE['""wattgd'

the true inwardness of this per- *opotk tbe governor tng'Otheg'flay^ Tbeyras aha partisan legfalation. That \ wanted him €0 sign a long term frnn-

•wby the machine senftton are sore; cbise bllt B e told t h o m t e wonldu'tit is why they tried, to set eren by do it and^iplalned why. His explann- \

to conflrJQ^appolfltmente. - ^ ; tion laid b a » ttueren this plan failed, tiecause there

tal amount expended for salaries wasapproximately $14,000,000 greater thantwo' years nga.~ Tbe aTeroce aniraai

Preaident Taffs metnod* of h U

salary has been increased front

$1,062 for nostomcc clerkfl, from $1,021to $1,084 for city letter carriers andfrom $1,168 lo $1,183 for railway pos-tal clerks. Tfaos a marked extensionof the postal Pervlce ' and Increasedconxnensatiou for its cmployeeo aa-frpone band In hand with a vamsfcin;;deficit-

BonUs Great OuBy persistent effort the present Re-

pubHcan ndoilalstration secured tbepassage on June 23, 1910» of the actcreating the postal savings system.Ts-bifrb Is now in operation at practlcnl-ly all the 7J5OO presidential postoffiees.Preparationa are being made for Usextension to 40.000 fourth class post-offloca. It !s confidently antlgfpatjdthat tbe deposits at the dote of thepresent fiscal, year -will aggregate

iBa-tfeat^bo income of thetern will be sufficient to pay all operar-lag expenses..

department has engaged in an

use ot tbe mails. Last year tbe In?vpecton

tbe sale of worthies* stock inimaeinaTy minine Wmpante«

tbo bnif nettts^^jcimeeta*:^ wewt fltof. . . . . . „ ^ ' incar -gmra ipgg^o^tBw^^

no Justification for such an acfe bcra smiling and convinced. One of Boasftdth bnt 32 flcq«Utal9> '"" """ not the delegation remarked as he reacb- e? cfi*e«s aw pesdlaip 5 t o «ravU?ted

work as president' withoat seebins; toa chiere persona I notoriety from bUgood works^ was never better UJmtrated than tn ni» uitomattiro"

of the y pa general increase In railroad rates Jtj*tprior to the adopti m of wmendmrntsfo the railroad rate law two yearsI*he president verred notice upon therailroads tbst If they anticipated tbe

TWV- ta w ttigy wbqg~lie "haleff"Intocourt, and as a result ofconferences tbe railroads, agreed topostpone their action until the new lavwas passed.

Is the new lav of coognss PresidentTafZ assisted tn Inserting a provisionwhich transferred from the shoulder*of the shipper to that of the railroadsthe burden of proof in gjttaMMfttng the

liev»-r» tn « rt»*»ft ami out otthe *.*•>{ l'-i**-» 0 / ttuMr par ty .thijf ''la** of lii*\Mtjitf~iiBM ar** ni*»r jchsntM, importers. \m*ine*m men Jt«*n-eraiJy and prof»«*loDal men and thmraok and tiW of mnaJl R*T>abll an

The Son then »oy«**ft«v«r I month* ago influential Re-

publicans, s«m« of th«m very etomm toPrwmkdent Taft. dmeiarmd b*nmmt* t>t«irbrettth that t*»« pr«sid«nt if

toA hot be re-eleeted. Wnueexptesetns* thU optoloo thry bads't theremotest shadow of a doobc tlut tbe

rvoitoo < * f lii»•Hlk~tfrux oiin

asiffc« enVtttrd

tbewe fartx iy tx*£oc«>the eiectorair a erf to Insure theinallcm of PrwUScfit Taft a

t* trxauetttJAL We

coatrilmte to theof carrying: on tbe work.

iSSc-Vs...'- i .

Among tbe reasons gtren by tne Sonwhy President Taft cannot befd the Payae-Aldrtcb law U cited as ofcre*le*t importance

Is known that what tte(Sinarr session of coosxess In tbe ercnt•f Tart's election to revise tbe tariff-In ouvtlteoce to his party's platformPresident Taft called thv-extraordinsrjsesnlan of congress, which

law. and tbetroabln and Us parry's comjvU-

caHoits 'bare crown and become xoorrentrm|-ied from the day he *fgn«dtow. That law tbetnxbstantlaJ footing tor tbeSr opposftlaoto the Taft administration arid afforded tbeas c^ounds to *p» before- the peo-ple 00 tbe qne^rton. l a Mtf tb

reasonableness of railroad ratePrior to that time (be practiee. badbeen Joat 'tho cipporito, with tfom rasaitthat many: shipper*) who were or hadbeen son>rtns fromratgyor-pwirtWi. were tmabte-tothen* ca«-w wtthoot grest expense or

Bepnl?Mcaii machinists

-a J

atfcm u>. which thea myrnid oth*r

president and to befnff afiootdiscord fo tbe raaha of his

has Dccn thf* discord, these cotn*-that- hare.IcA WEATHER EVERVWHERfi-

elare tfiat, «hOi h* ewU wtfttter hasenr ttftsct atloo* litigation or both. Under thTslaw the- raQroeas subsequently made

for an fncreaae to tbelr

flnsaton. not behiff saOsfted witb Wat H«» pruTiiiiil e—fJ K«tWmany cases' ln- of tte railro*a» as to


dent Taft tame to; paw, anwarn tm&ag

SB «nd chnd la tbe «otmter« but i t wna«o qoi*t(y that Jt

Bef of an tte nactiato WasblBgtoa cad ttinacith* has ceased to tw

nrrtwhlivil TbiflhceMtse one soleiy to pnf t t t t t eToters of tfc» tsstson fromtheconigntltHo aod facdD*tSos of Theodore

This i# a feaicesvfaHs to t t e

Page 3: s Th - DigiFind-It...^^^S^^h^^ Y ^ w, ^ t rf^^i^f T *'^-pii. lit* w^. *. ^sfi i— I '-?£A1« WAY STREETS SStNG UN caawr Tiss^i:•&. *• * | Spring Footwear S For Men-Women Wliy




issued Eve^v Weekday

J 0 Hz s. » E *: v rs.


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Rahway Publishing CompanyIRVING STREET


M. B ROLL1NSON Pre»iC«nt

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from po«tgen t l eman , w i a t e * to txwirdt e n a a t s . Addresa VSS4 Keconlofflc*.

TO KENT -A runilshetl frontnv:u 3* Hamilton St


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Present CasKet

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i hen no* fun bcotuiajt Tb«**eii r m*o uoi tui^f b«*t.*n ";u«*. bui

same ihtnj: has ctuii* up lK*forvCommon (^'ouucil t*«*for»- and n di

Its policv ooniniiii***1 ui m> e -confer with i b«- cviiirsftlnjt

rrlat i\«- to ob\ iaiUii; an>condttoo ub«*r»- nir*a i^mlj i>«*

tso the communli)lo oth«r vonla Lheit u a :

with the elevation »orkth* Council should fa-end U»toward findtns sotu*- SKMUII




TlacK*»nsarte Apr*! 1» —John SisUi-

;* uf Kmi:s>lHDd ihnmjth. his ivuti^l

» : i

a suit against PoPUcomairMichael J. Mclntrye of ih^it plaw. u>

• h a n d s of ( ! i f (njlU'r--

o f (**»!«*» h a i r i n i ti*'

f :t 1 s»«* i n i p r i s* »(i tii« • ii i

teu hours. .tn«i buimluitUui m

thf prfseoci? t-'f b-is fi units



William J UttW. as^tl 40 _i his homo in <.*aru*r**»

Mr Lull* belonited U) th»- H V O. K.tii t ho Kor***tt*rs. anS also to th*1 voluot^ef nre company RabwajNo luTo an- making


St.pa! rhurrfa £*<***t:» from tht*

VeaiCti. iu tho W Aclub hoose. Thursday ntsht Tht*

tilled lor ibe perform.;uir»* which %\-is jsiveil »*\i*'pt.UTially\* tf 11 Tin. much cannot b*- said inprais*> of thtr partifipAnts Kvervonvnt them display**! ""^^ ability Sel-dom do^s tht* publtc have an oppor-

- ~'--:~7tunitT try -9*r- aueti ^ ^ » n :amateurs. Th<? young ladiesiht* result of untiring »urk and care-ful training

An eight pievv orrhestni und*T thedirection of J O VVirve. ot Sewaren.end^d a pleasing musical programduring the play. The play was fol-lowed by an enjoyable social timewhich included refreshments anddancing. The cast of characters forthe p)»y was as follows:

To rtia. Anna l> 1) DUou. NerU,>a. Helen Wyetti Pelrcf Basaanio.Verna Lov*-. the Prince ol Arragon.Kuth Dunn, the Prince ot Morocco.

VlNMN^i AND PLVilBlNT. IN ALLbnan<-b*?s do&« oy C Ttce. AM or- ;dt-rs \r-ti at rvdidetK*1 19 Campbell> • -*'x-< 17 '5 lues-in- tT


\ •. o * £-e r I e s will b-e o p-e n ed April: \\h For luformaiiou address

lovauon. i blocks fr\?m th*? ata ' : ••:

Price $1SO*.» John J Coftey V.\


•,b the lx*- ,


c.i.l :s .i rtatterin^ o r - uthat Mr Jordan will not ^cre^rJordan is a native of New Yoik

tttv4 (h*> t=tiitr«»i ILL Newis his firs; and only oiw He has


$20,000 to loan on bond andat ti per c«nt.—no premium.

FRED C HYEH. solicitor.K. CARTWRIGHT. Treasurer.


KOH SALE—One Rubber Tire Eaira-sion Top Surrey, one d«*t 8urr->7harneus. one spirai sprlug cart. .v.

Hamilton Street. litMS-204- Oti i *

FOR SALE—Nice Fresh Shad atW. H. Little "Pish Market. 103Main St rwt .


ANNOUNCEMENTJ o h n I h l a n . o f I ' h r o i u f w. l io w a s

in j i i r^ ' i i m iiii e x p l o s i o n u i t h e p l a n t

of the I'uited S

1 Mrs. B. Oerofsky of 169 Main Street.i

1 announces that lo her millinery stoclcMetals Reflnins a h e h&& added a nae line of waists and

Company, Chrome, on Saturday, is Inu serton* condition at the General

hoMred-t t i o * ' l i i a l - EUiiabiiK HT» sKuTT ts! fractured, his Jaw brok.e.n and the

sighr of his right ey? is gone! The explosion was caused by water. coming in contact with molten metal

He was taken to Elizabeth in an auto-mobile by Or. John Randolph, of thiscii> While the machine was soingforty miles an hour a tire blew out.und the injured man was taken to thehospital in an ambulance.

FOH SALE—50 E«g} Cycle Hatcher.all metal complete $5.00. P. O. tot


underwear, at reasonable prices.(104-1 OS)

S"WTTCHES, P-UPPS. E-te.. »ad« tromcombings- M. A. Runyon. 67 AJb«rt

Railway (196-269) •

FOR SALE—One-hors* delivery w%.gon in ni-3t-class condition. Former,ly used by News-Herald. Cash of-fer only considered. Address. K. iReeves, Dally Record.

t o

Hoard; attend bu funeral, u Di*b w 111 be hold


alt e moon.

Rutherford Avenue p £ R T H AMBOY DEFEATS R. Mhold rto consider th**

mailer Walter K Harn*. whoto bulM. the brldse for $60,900

not carried out bo« contract Ber 'of this join i con - jt W nd laiuc lor

that amount tiavntf; b*NMi voittl lastJune About $2 *.*Mw »onh ot »ork!UL» b*ren don** Tht- couties arv lullyprotecit?d b>. bond Su work

Marguerite Browne. GrailaH<> trt«odsof Rassamo. Eiertha Huber. Halthatar.u servant. Kthel Dunn, pajces, Caro-

OPtNlON ON TEDDY AND TAFT.A Jefferson county Pennaylvanian.

who is one of ttfe unique charactersof the county, has been engaged lararmins: and lumbertng on a smaltscale and is now keeping a hotel. H^

with a slow, inimitable drawl

Drug Store-TALTS-

Chapter XIII

There are many people whoobject to belrfQ criticised. Toour mtnd JUST criticism is agreat help tta a business manwho is seeking to improve and

>s. We busi-




down loiVrth;h<: e i



Go Down To DefeatBy Margin Of Three Run*

Th»- lark of prani r i ' ot tlir K H1 baseball team vnx^ «*-e4i ^u-vtiU

uhfh i Uf locals «Vat at t h«- haiuU "t

Am t»«->> 11 i«h SchtH>l nine. l>yi>c M'or\ ui 1" u> ', on i he lat

N ronsider inp the eircunv

of R \i S wa»» i-xo-Uent but

! thf) did noi ha\«- such team work at>

The Ldincheon Club v u »-nu-rta.ln«*<l t their oi>jxment» St-huUrt, the t a r&A.tunlay ev^nittfi at th« home ol Ml»a j teret pupil uf H H S . starUHl trieKull« M Gafr in New BruiiA« i< k A\ e- J t w irllnj: lot t h«- ii>ca.l» -but w as woontout*, and a mo»» enjoyable- evening i i r l i r \ . d l>> L>ui.tnd who did remark

The roomn »er*- pn-nily ! abh uell as be \» a rwruU fur U)e«l ib d*i»i**» and palmi*. the <itrhinic position Ackvu as catcher

U-iuu decorated with whltt- car. played bU usual Rrvat Rurae, andOipiuln Ritchie pla>ed a stead> pumeat the initial sack Th«' rest of th*>

played w l l .U thf lineup ot R H S.

Ackisn. c Durand aud SchubA*rt, pRitchie, l b ; Bracher. 2b: LIHIIOW. «a

Brooka. 3b; Durund and Schnbart. XtWttdrtcte. rf; Armirtr-ona. rf.

Ilawthrone and Mllnea urv v«rproud of the record they made on

Bn«f» and Personals

Mrs IVter (.'hristen&^n spentday afternoon in fVrth Ambo>

Mri. Pftter Sc hen dor I ami daugh-t«M-"Myrtle vibueil rvlulivea m RailwayFriday aHetrnoon

Krv Sr«**«rt ti««* u <iX 1 in MHHHH was

Lasi Monda> a comru^rcial traveler««ke<i htrn for his views on the con-test for the Republican nominationfor IVesidt'ui . after some deliberation

and »ml in. i S«*v«raJtbe prises bein£ > on b>

th* MLuet Hojx Mojid«ville untl,Crosby, ttecsr* Chas. £. Reed and A.Corkhurt. Tnv con»olttikon award»uent io Wm He-im. ChAa EJ. Reed,


wm. pIrving •tr««t.

AJt. for

, M. J.

tlaSom Natfcwi

•Jto a\aeMWrt •*&

m*m fiu.

a Woodbridge visitor Friday.Arbor Day was observed iu the pub-

lit schoola Friday wlih appropriateexercities Karh child was preseutedwith a small «dn> tree, which had be**i\donated to the schools by Hahne andCo.. of Newark -

Miss JeanncUe Numbers and MissI'arrie KwinK were ePrth Araboy via-llors Friday afternoon

Mrs Charles Numbers and MWsRuth Numbers were Rahway visitor*Friday attenuxm

Miss Rena Allen of Oceanir. visitedfriends In town Friday,

Mrs. 3, H Love was a Perth An\-boy visitor Friday afternoon.

Mtoa Bloodjfood. of New York wasthe tniest oT Miss Anna Hart Friday

their trip to Perth Aiuboy to witnessthe ball came botween U. H. 8. andP. A. H. «, The* claim Unit theystarted out forty mlnutea behind thtpupils who went on the trolley carand they arrived at their destlixatlorten mlantwi ahead of the others. Theydid not state how languid they were.

Mrs. l \ Campbell and Mrs. EdwardI'ricv of Rahw&y were guests ot MissJohanna Simpson, of Fulton StreetThursday afternoon.

Miss Grace Huber of Kahway apentFriday night with relatives In town.

Miss C. Zimmerman, of Roose-velt has been vleVtlhff 7*Vtu.Flanagan.

B. 3.

Wa-al. now. I dunno, but I kind ofthis ma-an, Mr. Roosevelt; he

knows what to do when he t^ets tn abo-ox > on se^n th**y «ot into an aw-ful sirfirl out thert- iu the PhilippineI-latids, bm Mr. Koos-e-veli knowswhat to do anil \\** sent a fellow by themum* of Ta-uft out there ami h** fixedit up purt> nice Tlw'H these h«ire fel-lows down in Cuba giX to kickin' upa kind of a ruction and Mr Roos-e-vell sent thi^ here ma-an. Ta-uft, downih«-re and he smoothed things outpurty we-11. "And then, you Know. Mr.Roos-f-veli he atoU' a piece of grounddown t here somewheres about Pan-«-ma. and he wanted folks to think he.K«i It- honest, "fto he call-ed in thiahere Ta-oft and ^ot him to fix it upon pa-\H*r so that It looked about ha aUdecent.

"And you know Mr. Roos-e-velt h^was President about seven ye-ars anda ha-alf and he ,got the Republicanpar-ty. and business nnd the who-lecountry Into a hell of a muUlx. andhe put this man Ta-aft In to nee if hecouldn't fix this up to-o, and It's ade-vil of a big undertak-lne and no teUlow could get through with .It Insideof about eight yeanr: so I think weought to stick to Mr. Roos-e-velt and

The Ladles* Aid Society ot the Pres.hyterlan church, ot Woodhrldge, willgive a supper In the parish house. (

give his ma-an. Ta-ufL about fouryears more la which to finish his

\* !•

nesa men maythat our «yatem of-'tloing bust-ness Is just about perfect wh«n,in fact, there may be weakpoints about our stores and ourmethods trtat we do not seefr^m the tm»lde but which thenubile may have detected.While we feel that our stock ofgoods is the best ever, and thatthe terv4c« in our store is aboutperfect, we will consider it afriendly act upon the part .ofthe* oitisefls of Rahway if theywill- teM us our faults and sug-gest to us whetp we may Im-prove our store so that we mayinduce a stilt larger proportionof the* peoptst to trade here In-stead of gotng out of town totra***v rt was a great* pleasureto us to welcome the crowdsthat came to our store last weekto buy their Caster supplies.We feel happy because our ef-forts seem to be appreciated.We thank the public for theirpatronage,

(To be continued).

SATJE—BeautnnTpaln Lings and landscapes^reasonable prices. We will rep»duce from any small photograph •splendid life sized painting, at smallcoet. Drop in and see ofl, we wlUmake your time profitable. IS*Main Street, second floor RIBway N. J. l«S-tt

FOR SALE—Black Walnut bedroom:suit and Brussells carpet. One goodjhall rack. One platforoa scale witfcjwheels. 140 Seminary Avenue.



BOY WANTED—For wort, i

WANTED—Ladles ahlrt waistskirts. mens negligee shirtslaundry. Emily Peterson.Avenue Send card—will call.


FOUND—A bulldog, male, white.N. Y. license tags on collar.tag, A. S. P. c . A. No 4475R,1907; the other A. S* P. C. A, No3361. New York, date 19 l l Own«apply to George Lw Harvey,Toton SttaeC Rahway. 204'

William M. DavisPhamt&CGUticcil

.-Qbeod&t146-148 Main

The Rexatt StoroRAHWAY. N. J,

LOST—Saint eBrnard dog on M<day. Name ~Rover.'* Ation plea&e notify W. H. Mellor,Lennlngton St.

LOST-*Betw«ea High ScHooling and 78 Maple Avenue—iPur. Reward. Return to 78Avenue. ,201-105

BOARDING—Withgentlemen. Good table.Hazel wood Avenue.

NOTICE—I can furnishundertaking or position of tWSba. bond la required,. COnBultWUUam H. Wright,can Surety Cumpftpy


and PERSONAL.J j~V.JVr>f

IAL.\v. H t'lc-lte of th is city * bo

»li. in ^c. LociSs w u th* gTi«»*t

or IJLS*- '"'"tieik i t t b<* mt^tjt i njc

iv rmwM State* History (*la*» ott-'lofee la a membi»r c'.Of Club o Newark

truui*? three errorv QOQ« ot whicfc^ • r y co^ciY Th<» s c o r e

ty '• 0 •<• 0 0 1 ' > iv- 1 \ 2 .y, , „

«*-» o : o l < i l l 2 i — 7 11 3 ^Te<"Ln

'.ti»ne»—KuT-S^r*. IVnn l i xv.<i -,,-.,,„

• c . Trinity W a r n e r JinJ U ^( j^v ,

irv^i u I* tti t^rv- <%o \ \,i -

« • * . ; • r . t ' •*

To :ii<- E-dftor. Doily fteeor\J

1 ^»r.t-u' wuk > o*i tIiai tL«? *: ^e ROY \ \ m Torn'ncv Stu»:ii«?li

; *: *• IVxi r kl ot T ra d-e oc

Ato<ulai Club—o; K-ih* a-.

W. LAa*stroth auj Mt« HIGH S C H O O L N O T E Sof tau city ir^





i>- ' . to &••

K:.. c



u Team.•. •• i "a r • e r " ' p u p i l s vv So .»t *, <»n .1 R

- j r - c V v » " - . - T - a - ! - * • • • • " • ; > ' . « •

IL f

.u'fc ;«-4:i

*-r-s v'^n>Jyn ajad EUi^l Tier

ot it r a42il Mm Waiter

\T. of Wood bridge w «TT? gue*ts > es~

oi their cxujiiip-arvnts. Mr iaU

Tier u( ri4_jnUtoa Street

Borxlen. w ho haa b<?*n very

Ls pruigreaaLtiS favorably.

'he*ter Howard formerly ot Ra.ii-

h .a atarte-d in the hard* "ire

**J* in >

H C t

- w i l l o- p*"»*»

Uvx.Hibrid.Sv H





rf an 1

n AtlanUv City.— — Ml • ^ « ^ ^ ^ ^

rs *.'. J Martin o pil!aJl *in<er * u h rheumatism. \A re-

io afternoon * en A rt > buj a«M ir.tc

Overfa^arJ "Sir Hest What is

who "* •> r vtlr and Mm

Arts \isitiujc

hiIAJ* Mar> Andlt»tinx«r ut

;-t;t la ha^ia^t her bouse

h- R M S

. now of P*-rth A m VJ A i<ray and daughter. Miss

of PLiiuneM vUited over Sun ,/ j

t t e home of Mrs H cH-b:Urt-' v -.

r r A»euue. this city '.j,

j.) ^ in i s have bt»en sent ou: to

of tbt? Baptist Brother w

l*-cturv rooin of The rnurrti cm- ^

of the i

of 11 uf H Hr "i K H S

\Vawav j-iu

We Give and Redeem Surety Coupons I

BRASS BEDS BRIGHT AS GOLDLacquer Absolutely Guaranteed for Five Years' Service—Every

Bed in Our Stock Insured Against Tarnishing". i . ; i». w i i i«• w e.-* k \ *- • i n t At « M i t * T1 ! i r . \ v

: v- b . t ^ < - u , b u t i t w:v.-* i > t ! \ A n i i i U ' - r • >t

» •-[• II.- u - f ' . r v " f A I : V k m « l . " T i ' \ f u i

Anvtliiu^; bu t :ui orii.tmwith :i 1A<"«|U*T th.il -t.<

Prof. Hiiiat-^. of I .ouilon. auvl is l^iki*\l «m tm-t*"» t% t*rYHtiiiij;t**l iiivonu^;

new rvialaili. l)n>p au^ of the»** cluMuiral- mi a t-^i •••«»cut tfa.rou^h the tint>*h aia\l |>*n«A«*;iitU i.it?»troy ii.

Us l in our st*vk is u^w ^ " " T * ^ « u i . tin." ^ANTKK r'UK FIN E YEARS :ui-i if at the t-ua of th«t

YOU ma\ h a v e a uew I«*•*!. K.vt-r% LK i—Ua--* ihis*with anv otluM- mat«'Kjfcl tluin

r i

V L l t l l l l i ] *• H l - 1 . .

tv:-- i \ , • r

t 11.

i t hw i t h

tl- .c

i^ «>f

h h . t - n - t p r - v ^ i . •.*'! Ui U w, -p ^ i i i p - - u i t

^ i k ' ^ I I . A \ . I ^ « . ' I-.- r h r t . * n

h t h i > n««\» c u i u i n t ' 1 - - - ! t i n v n h

ill,- , - :

Brass Beds—A Feature of This Week's Bedding Sale»n i' t ' u * * 0 , a

n u * ttf i." a! S f l > ' •• i



tX-'U I

n l


iin-i t i i iw- ' . \ \ r o s t e r Ramson. •

H o i v. oo4 Conn .

oj l>r I' \V

bu*. who arv not lnteresunl ci;. ».ior t t e other m us good or ba-i

Third—<ho»«- who on n'rouni 'f •>

po«i- moiiotwl with D « « ( d ^ t g n nf v»««j.rod*. 1 foot •!£«, R«-«ul*r p / i c t t f l l ' '> •

. o p

*al fur (\ •• - T r>« r

p* r-.1 w th

tu b< Uji OQ


o f

or t«uo. t o

la* Mr M a r t i n •* aa an his way

t.is m o t h e r . M r-» .V^nes Thorn l^y , i't~**f«-Ido* of T h o m a s Mar t in Mrs Mar- U»<h

foreign lanKUJ'^'1^ >n thecour se The ^trvDorter*

n < . ! i i r e b » « « v * n-J

root » r• i y 1«* o f c » ) c n « f

i [ t i * « t t i n u u p r u v "« i . u ' u r t i i t**evi . 1 t l M t tl l n < i o f (

J iD<"h e o f O « r p « j « t » • i t Q < * u t * y b r u s C | k p 4 . It b * 4

« K » « u I n - p f i<*«< $'•£*. t b i * « s o l o n l y

t b «

I n

bad atuiine*! ux the advanced age'7 \i'urs and r\i£aine<j her Iarulti»r3to wTlMn a fPW Ctays' TrrTcrr TO b t t

She died at her late hom«? inThe body «a« brought on

day for Interment this niorniag in

»f i hr* ifflrmain e j re ['rnv :md Mac-a n d > up

Thei n ' t i t -


A t: •!ru or y <J >o

|A mass meeting in called (or Thura-allfirnooa at 3.30 o'clock In the

>pubUcaui Club rooms to discuss for-ition of a Civic League. Thewripaj 8peaTters win t>« Supt ot

WUUam J Btckett. Rev.in A. O'Brien and Rev Wm. T

The Harmonv orehestra held a to t"hv nnni'b<?r~'ol

hearsal Friday nigh- at th* tKJTne of , : h e 'houfjh'.ful

Carl; on

The walking club of R. H Sbeen diabande<3 and Lt is rumored thata t)icycte chih wtU IM* eriKlnate«i bytile same four who were the walkingclub members.

At the home of Roy I fill of the

ipy do and"ih»-y offer

for the cit> 8 advancementThe second do not count at all. They

are crossed out by cancellation Theyamount to "nothing'* In their

HAHNE & CO- NEWARKadvancement, and I say **»claaa. if they haven't enough civicpride to perform positive acts for thegood of Rahway by all means to

larold Gordon, a Rahway young

Weatfiei<h iu the menale.[Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hulaizer en-Irtained ax "The Elms" over Sunday.|r. ao<S Mrs. Wm. Hahn of New

tswick.[Mra. Cornelia Archer of Campbell

rt and Central Avenue, U "putting[new fence around her property. C.

Rowland is doing the work.[Sidney J. Hulslzer jr., returned>me Saturday from Denver, Cot,reatly improved in health.The members oX the Baptist C. E.

:iety are hustling to get everythingthe presentation tomor-

»w night of their playlet "A Quietto' be given in the lecture

lilding fund. The participants areUs Ethel Boulton. Robert Misdom.lss Jennie Worth. Russell Mantlo.las Mae Crue. Miss Gladys Millerid Richard Morton.

-Tonight,[Vnion Council No. 31, Junior O. 17.

L In Union Hall.iway Lodge No. 57. P&ughters ot

>bekah. I. O. O. F.. tn Odd Fel-i' Hall, Cherry Street.

Aerie No. 1863. Fraternaljr of Eagles, in G. A. R. Hall,

Street. A class will -be present-tor degree work.

iwaclt Tribe No. 165, Order ofMen, in Stamler's Hal), Main

and Elizabeth Avenue.Meetings Tuesday Night.

. 101, Knights of», In G. A. R. Hall,

iway Council No. 1146. Knights

Columbus, in Ball;

[Cpurt Daly No. 3234. Independenttor" of Foresters, in Odd Fellows'

RUTUfcJUH XT0LI*EGE iTOTESa score of 7 to- 1 HutEero de-Trinity CoUegfi at

tpltched a good, game for thet, ujluwing TXttr—tear-v the Trinity twtrler,. was


Freshman class the Liberty Fife and , 3ta>" " they are—for they amount toDrum Corps held Ma weekly practice1 nothing and at least will do no h;irm

It Is the third claaa—the minusquantities—who are instrumental Inkeeping Rahway from going forward-

evening.Mr Nestor, the "English teacher of

•ft- fi-.--&T. -wao a gtattor in, -2±&XB--XIIX)L~City Saturday afternoon and eventngr-

The chorus will soon be picked byMUs Coover for service at the Highand Grammar school commencement,which is not so very' far off.

Overheard: "Eccy" Hall, after thereception Friday evening—"Neveragain for the refreshment committeefor mine." Reeves duplicated.

The various committees Unr theJunior reception spent moat of thetime Saturday morning talcingthe decorations, etc.


Mrs. George C. Alas worth/ chairman

of the- "Demonstration Committee of

through the columns of the DallyRecord to express appreciation forsplendid co-operation of chairmen andcommittee members, during, theweek's sessions.


Elevation Work Brings Many Strang-er* Here.

The elevation of the tracks of thePennsylvania Railroad-*— which willtake about two years to templet© will

Into our city hundreds of strang-ers of aU classes and nationalities.Among these people U is not at allunlikely that there will be many whoare professional burglars, and ordin-ary thieves, so that we will have~totake every precaution. In order to pro-tect our goods from theft and larceny.Of course, there is always the dangerof theft by servants, etc. that weshould be protected against, bat when-that.djiiger Js added to by presentcondition* It makes nnsity to enrty Insurance that will pro-tect you against Joss. We write Bur-glary, Theft and Larceny policies atthe lowest rates. Think of all thevaluabTes you Tiaverthe above eonol-


tions, and the. small expense tor In-ouronee -that protects you/—and act


All kind* of^PEPPHENS,

ihoy act <mi> da nothing IQ helptheir city, but subtract from th« Gity*»(

success. And who are these Individ"uaia with the mln as sign tacked onthem' They are the selfish, doubting,stingy, dishonest, faultfinding, disloy-al, pessimistic unreasonable class whoho Id the city back. U nio rt unat el ythere are so many of this latter CI&JLS

in this city that even Mr. Stuchell(who ha-s studied conditions in Rab-

T. H. ROBERTSOf Course you Will a Have a

What is home without a garden ?-.- r^fH^ning i« ft pleasure enjoyed alike by the

rich wndxtic ponr. tr is a hcaith^pTing exercise that


for the last nine years from anoptimistic standpoint) wa* forced toadmit them as the cause of the city'sun progress iveness.

The only hope that Rahway canto become a buster and

city Is that the majority of this nega

develop the desire to serve ~£aKE7generosity, honesty, just commenda-tion, loyalty, optimism and reasonable-ness to a large degree. When thesequalities are developed In the major*Ity of the citizens. Rah way's equationof civic success beccfmfifl ma3e up 6Tpositive quantities, the result will bet£at",~ wllh~lts natural resources, tHscity will once again become one ofthe most thriving towns tn the stateof New Jersey.

G*-t tbe PLUS habit.SUGGESTION.

the brain and brings oat oar bett thoughts.Vegetables thai arc **out of our own garden" al-

ways tasie beiter than OB? We Can buy.Good tools remove the drudgery aD<* increase the

interest. A garden plow is a real help. A hoe thatis just right, and other tools that fit. make (fJtrdeningone of the world's best pastime*.

Not many toots are required but they should bethe best- " "*•

Decide to-day ftod )et u* equip you with all thenecessary implements,.

We call your aitaUisn to a few stasonabU artuUs, 6uf wecarry an ~&fe*sfv* tint *f kardt&s** and kaus< fugoods.

T. H. ROBERTS19-21 Cherry Si. , Rahway


ILDERAN6 BOWL ROSEVTtLEThe Uderon team will have for op-

ponents tomorrow nlrht the crackRoaeville Athletic League qolntetto,generally fated the strongest combin-ation of bowlers tn the State.

Captain Martin has been notifiedthat the Roaevllle's will have out antheir regulars, le: Wood, Van Ness.Motfatt/ &ierson and Myer. Thettderan TrtU place thefr tall stren«taon the drives In Howard; Miller BtackMcCormlck and Martin.


Pure Milfctand Cratra tvery boo<»k*tpor rboald lastst upoo«• thmy «r- tle«llbs« G r u l « t ICeewait « . Ttiw MUk usd Cwmm

tb« R»cb»»i »»d porfsi •»•* •Aid in H-U»«y. W# also supply PORKd U 4 ! t f l* it T»UfXIW

«r* tb« R»cb»»i »»d pCRBAMEKY BtTTTBR. «oort« d»Uv«r»4 u> • ! ! p«rts of l*» city. T»UfXI-W

SUIT tand up

Window Lett«H:naTho Taato© Plf«r - a d Dram Corp«

of Rahway bas. been WHIC-IIofficered aa "fallow*:

Stuart TerHIl. Morris H'^^^-^rT^^ZTP^O'Ji???-.".-,- J, !•.'!?^STvW^

cuffwa inSlmtoaas saS Mastir

Your '-g+gg

waeonThis is the time of

year that your deliv-ery wagon should bebrightened "ujTby" a !fresh coating of patnt.'A n ice lywa^on isavertisement, and at-

the streets. We also -make aspecialty uf stationwagons:

Our service is of theb e s t . In fact wegoarantee satislaclioa,A inal «f&r s

dH.TrembleyCor. Irving Stree?

and Elizabeth I mRahway, N

Page 4: s Th - DigiFind-It...^^^S^^h^^ Y ^ w, ^ t rf^^i^f T *'^-pii. lit* w^. *. ^sfi i— I '-?£A1« WAY STREETS SStNG UN caawr Tiss^i:•&. *• * | Spring Footwear S For Men-Women Wliy





- ' "" : • " ~ 1 1 - ^ ^ ^ • '• s v <H~ •. ^ G i ^ t g » ? ^ | |

^ r


Pastor Russell Explains an UD-scrlptant Error,


wtsuU b* so totally diflptrtt brtns that. n« !*c

Is oar rwrnrrvn-tioa • u


it not«*<i.

t o dIf


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Him n« !{«> N

not th<* tfcl3c» •>?li*-T r u n h*» k..i*r * r» «-p4;rtsu-st' ,.

rh*t W •»* Ulna •*•

of Hi* rt*^

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1** ami tcr


•;• • . . . « *

IViltttxao-r*. Md, ,Ap«il \ 4 r»««rnu«*«"13 iddrmi 1 i II A r r<* «adl*»tnr« i

itxliA y W e n *

OQO trf bl» <llS

t bat fb«*T l*.»r\* dViTrrvnt gU-trie* JCtffJU u» thai lh*« tint Adam *ra.s aud*a IITIUJI mul. a human bpiajc. but that

:hly nature, "for IK«

by ttu* ll^lj spsrutU. ITS fh r t r T w : i r


Jones' Break-Up|


l.-\ ic *»At.E BY

Your Druggist, Jot. G.32 Cherry St.j

will nx'vt^T1 «[itrHr i ^ i a m i In our . v


o T s DO W S

t iwa ftail ('«!&««**-ratloo of th*ir t i t to

r know that tfcpy ha*» oo< b**»u t^vffi of ta<> Holy Spirit (t*osu*** i-*<nij

to coo«i«3«*T what I «*T. and b<»M It,U th*y . unrti V : : i . t c i j i

tb* 8<H- >Q«i Adam th«» n«*«T-r-nly I^rd | b# b#coct*a of th«» Holy Spirit. nn<1Th<* w1d«* tlintin-<'tlo« fcx*<WTK-Q tb* S<**~ | thus b* oodibl*«S to anderatando n d Adam ami tb*1 flrmt Ad-am la clear i m*tt*rv a-m-ta a* this.


N . ->*




sr.w roax orrici

I. U PHONE 3941 »PJUN*.i


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St. PaiiJsi wi that w

^<* T*«!aTTvctIoo of tft# Nadv« dlfflvnit to unl«*ara error Wh*-.iin i rgiiooj land* and l*«miiii "f

bold »»f «ap«ratltlon upon th^ h*«

Thomw\.. - and Cemetery %


tah jif m i ;i, ,i ; * « » * 4 ^ »-* • *BL#**^. S«5ti«i*i i is tw tp«rpo««» of a pp«urr*>i

w b ootiior of and tn o u r *»rri>r» «

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i ' o r R i s l ^ - i i i i M - i i - u i u s t i . i t

i • : . ' .•* • . \ , t ; ,

, . U - . ! | . i • >\

The Sanitary; Plumbing Co>

P l u m b i n g Hcatu~1' Tinning


Office. 92 Irving Streetj


What Want to HMvtnfT * i « ' M i i . \ i b « " i c h i i n i Mi n « t t^« M

i n l O i t * * i n n » > | i < v t i • J i * « t i < . v l ,* ;» l l» u n i l

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#r «ia«o. nud

w b u t i hn%\ t(o.»k If to tnHe Txa» h^ii tii.ii t-xlv c*v#r •that J Io w r ' li.-i \ «• u to all iMiTim*.uiarrtHt u u U the prtni <>r ih«* t ta tu inHis b«4jda HU*I rtM*(. t b«~ t born.* uj^'UH i s brv»\v, aud ih»* upcar mark In Hi:*R1I)C W h a t .i irtraitilT t bought * How

tbn t WT sbouUi tfv^r haM' IH*V'I

Into »o u t i sc r lp iuml nod uarvaa tb*onr: Soaw roUoaror tottwrttw by

Lima's flrtib H cksrit.««d—that Uthe uhlnlng

( 1 t M * n i t » r i n - , - t v. i n I t - r t ! n * 1 . n w t • • • •

( t i*> - , * , i . ; i • ; . . > f U - 1 " , . .•»•• t ! ) « ' ; i

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h f r " H . M I •- I t n - i !« . i l U « » f :1 t l .i H i . .

I I . > n . . H I .1 i , t l i a w u l T t s t . ^ l l ! » . ' |

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Ttl .niof tloi

for tin* suffer M ' •»


• I.- t h a t H e ti:tt!

^i\ i-lv to i 'ur l.»»r»l •* I ' A ^ r i o u - > -x t h*1 w-i t r i lu w hb ti \\f B I Kn* h f'*r viir * n k c i N v a t n e poor

thj*t w »• (hi«Miclt 111-* [v>vertv m l t h t In-m«»i»' rt« h S u n ' l j It ts* iinsupi>a***bk'thftt tb<» F u i h o r w-uiUl arniivjcv a l*Unby TT hJt'h otir Itoi.it'^ui^'r'w

vsrrac tbai OUT ^ accompliahiuj: man'swould ot*»t lll»» «u I'toiuttv ofhumiliation, degradation to n plane "u

• > i i t . - u i i i n * i i t !i«- i

ptVvof t o t i n t t»(Tts tA u d «'Vi«n if J H M I ^ hittl : i | ' i- ' r triHl i<> n i . - , -s h

t h e m a n H o *iid t o S a u l " f T«r**u». ' -, r i . M I Ma b o v e t lu» 1-rlKltt - h i u i u * ; i*f ' l i e - n u i h.»t , u it h i s w o u l d li. 't h a v e I w u « «m\ In. u i j ; , . ^ _a n d sw(t»fH*'tory. Th*»v niijzlit h a \»said. Her** t» u phenomenon, but howran wo positively n«*o*-lrttc H with tho

• t r •• it m i »• - i !"H j i i i i ik i .is w o r v iUso g i v o n o t h v r w o r k to d o .

• li -. . i\ > T U : ^ i :•• .»•« • lit \ M o m of t h « f r e s h i n f i i c a m l i d a t t ' a vvcrt*

I ' l i i h l I f i l l l U ' l . ; : t • i - ; . I s . • ' I I t t K ) S t i f f f r O T l l M a i U l o > "^ t l M H " I d l l o

s t i ' p . u i i l . \ M i i c M ! > l i H . i . t i . . u n > v o r k y i ' s t t » r d u . > i i l i h * > u j ; h H i l l t i n y

W i ] • [ - . • < i n a h I- i : . t . k n u n *.\ h o s n - i n s T o b v r o u i n i i t i K i n f o I n r m .

i ' - l 1 " . • \ 1 n i - u i - ' h a l 1 [ n v s i n a i i * ' M i o < i t m i . - m , i l i a i r m i l . - i r t . i l

t l m I T t ' . W t h » * n » C l H , i r . u . i y , H . i t k ' M ' . I i M l l l \«. U i t i l l I h l l l i i s . U ' 1 f \

i \ . ' . t i l [ t < * * j t « i ^ j t > l i o l p t i l M j i h t l i i n | n - < i i ' i i . w a s o n \ h v i r i n k , b i n d i d i n n

b o i h iwi ; v n d u t t th*> i ' « ? n i | a n y s d , i a u v r u i m i i i K , w h t l o H r u i i i i o ^ . t . * u m -

ri> aud to djL>*. novvsaary burning minxa aud North ih<j freahmen broitd

Something-HawThe 1-2-Poultry FeederJ e n n i n g s ^ Bolmer

80 Irving'St. Ra&way, J;J .

LOANS $10 to $101

on tlfeo

llf(» and deaUk of Jesus? Manor* worv ' l ( t>l)J ' l**a derbts." <*t , when ther-- jumper**, w er« permiTTed tn n*sT bo-mskinfi « h * | 2 ^ ^ ^ \ ^ * \ " h o B ' u ^ u V " ^ w l l h ^ ^ o f Tnmu*. Uo is tho least daiiR.V from tire Su , . a u S t . (>f , he fold u ealher

t'hcireb would tx> made rVb. and would needrtl something to thomuRbly arouse pervtsom am offered tn hav.- th.- The veirmn of the tram, however, T O H O U S © k e © D © r 8i him ajid tn teach. Mm for all U m ^ . Hirtrt-crf-wtkr ifcmM- o w to n r+"^^l • VT?rr att nn The job. Havens fraue |

oT tW iUTluTaa i «n4 otta«* thiwiab. him. that the I.orxl , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ t r f l c k ^ h e ^ v r r ! Marl>ouRat and Silvers putting in theta not a Man, but "that Spirit* Bo- . . V . . . . . . , . . ' a ^side* some of tbe dUclrW*s who al- I h l s lS ««*«**•• t n t s Provision b,>in}i hardest day 3 work so far thla season.

aM the moreOar Methodist frlendu h a w not j«<

their »tatomeat of (he matter. "He aweaOvd up on Wffh, tnk .,

UU flwihlj bodr with Him. .od all • « » w l l r w o r ^ 4



b a n d o f G^xL" T h i s u i e . <-*a (ho «*>uin*rY. ' A(»of Tamus m*e*«r«i«'e« of what


•titvmont rtirrrcfh- sdmltn that Utf wbo tctls us of our 1-ord » huoilUit ,pcan-mcDi rxirreexiy aumui* iua< *• knew roepeoUuK tbe re»urr«ctlOD of

flemhly bodr nai not tbe Lord>. ! W°n t-arcte»,the matter to tho cUma\ *tbat He. the soul, took It with Him ! toUiuc ua of ll»» faithfuloesa, asTbe statement, "and all Mau rhrtst Je«u\ unto death, even I N«

that appertained thereto.** nr*-«*.n*,aM\ the death of the cross, and th«?u botn B«bl«


menta of the New Jvruey Hut 1 road ; madt t»od pace for Frank, the Ireaii-^ hirt* 1-ine U * . They are to further I tnau aprtntlns candidate. Val is no inI notify the Stale Firewarden in Mary- - very good shape at present, being| land, New Jersey and Penn*> Ivanla if j troubled with pains in hla eyea. Mac

• i forvst fln^ occurs on land not owned j Ooug-il probably did the hardest workrefer to oar Lord1* *amtnt». \ add* *u «s*yurauo« at tbe heavenly | Tho Lord adopted Iho only reason- J by the.conipany i)peratnr» are rr- j Of ail, running a quarter mile in 60•UcV and nifc-h clotbln* u> tho ' FntfeerH faUhnilueRs In not leavtug \ nWe way or helping TTU disciples to j q u i r v t i t o transmit "w"itnouV~rhan;e all seconds and two 220 ' m i In "4 and thedid o«t dirWe •moaJr»t them 1 HU -^ia: ou a lower piano "When- J understand that He w B 8 no longer I m t > a j u l K e i l w l a , , n g t o r o r , .B t n n > s o n o l n e r i a 2(J s e c o n T l s - M a c ^

at tbe time of His eraeiflxtoo If U* T for*." s a y *fr* Aportte, "tyod also Wjrh- • d«»d—that He bad H«en from tbe ~"*

lf, urnUar*; h« matt«ivo you good value to aold your trad*.and we must give reasonable ratsa and «n-tins natla faction in order to do traslaes*-Our cbarffea are fair conj»lderi»jj t&« ns*tun) of the uunsactlon. We m*l« (Ii*coat only Huffldent to (rive us a nasonabltm&rsln on our Investment.

Loans made in a tow boors tlmej, call!i h 7 R Twrite or '

l773 R Ellxahffth. T


Elizabeth Loan Go.< . . » L L _. i . , . ^ . * . i or near tho company's property, runninj; durinir vucatioti and iinearn

deed H e bad any otb<*r»: But «ur dear I l j exalted Him. aud hath given Him » --and that l i e was no lomrer uuxnaa. : , . , r u u u m * t u u n u t l B l " u o " a n u a i w u "Metliodtmt fnemla want to b«* *urv tt-at name «N.ve e v e n ' name." Tbla. too but had bewn plortfled. and had beounie ^ ht*St' r u I c s a r e supplemented by l o be in the best of condition. Crane.

ix w a s l en behind l» l» harui*»n>- wi th our Lord** word* a spirit holng. Tbe two things were ' b<"ief but comprehens ive instruct ions who lust yeur won his varsity letter in ! U O O M a a , H E B 8 H B L I K x .8KUOND FLOOR.207 Broad 81XU this 1* of • piece with tbo thevr> to Hi* prayer to the Father A. Joy ; necessary «mi they were done at the tor iho prevention and flKhttng ot nre. the halfmile. stepped a quarter tu 58

that tbe SQ**3* when ibey dlo jro to had U*ou wl befv»ro nina liy thw FabMrnL and then, later, oome t*a,Si a»d t her ** joy of pleaMnu the Father, ofKet their bodie*. "and al! thinjrs api^r brtnsiUK a aleN*Lu£ lo mankind, andralxxl&ic thereto" (bt* lni-*-xuit»nic*u«>--tbat t bey Ua vr l****u rid .'f for o-u

How maiiv tmtik.Uiad» . f

the linal para«ruph or which reads as 2-5 seconds and Jogged a 220 in 26.follows: i Silvers, varcity quarter miier for the

"The fundamental object in sup|»res-• past two years, made the best timetation nfaould bo under NUCB .ooditk>n_s M " s l t*rrBl nri*a l s I o p r ° U ' 1 ' l i m p f r t y - ' n f t h e •*»*-rucion. and circled the track

Hut i be Uedeemcr. Umorim: all the ; as wwiW positively pro*, e th;»t He had l*-*rlicularl> butldni^s. fen<*-s. timber. | n 57 42 : s.-ctMids

ELIZABETH, N«j*'Office Hours 8 till ti(Saturday « till 8

HmMjf^^Y'.'''.'' i- *j B

timo.on the ocoaMon** when our

in a body tike IO rho one c1

the )DV nlsM* of o\altatt.*n. as a special I clfled. Do look cart1 tbat tho ma nil'AN EXTRA MONTH'S DISCOUNT

(when account is puld), will be allowed all. . . . i. u * j » * «• * - i borrow«'™ who brfn« in ihls adveriJsamen*

appertaining t beretu" mny U- prooitw»» af a lumber glory aa a reward j -beoouie a »|*lrlt belnj: l i e came Into lcrt'Si piautaiioUB, » u-. it slumlcl atao t Mer>hoti and Slater, the two long wbeD making application for loan.takvn by aome. and how mlx.Ht nn a* for Hi> fattbfulxtwn. t«**re*y prayed to | tbe room where tbe> w «TV while tho b« remembered that the supi>**ssion oi distant.<• men. also seem to be in good' F e b l 3 m<MI

fcorUuoni by oUiors U u«»i lUaini \ H tbo >Vj <-%r iu the«« words, "Father. I door was shut, and utlr. a few wools . urea i> an essential »i.'p in ih»- ron condition. runuiiiB a mile yesterdayOicr *T* rvmicular> n > m rv*M*-Un= c*ortfy"Thou Me w1ih the fflory Which ; with thorn He vanished frv»ai their ' , , .ryatio t i of our forest and water re- ' i n 5m 19s which considering theUK** whoa* doth!**, eic have mean I had with Thee before the world ; slsht. as no human btrfus - a i d havo s o u r x e s T n e various states have tire heavv wind is remarkably Kood time.

won- om- But we tmv«- ha*1 « i « " In humiiity He asked no re- •done and as Ho uerer did during His , , , . . K u e * l u a Is> r«-marKttD1y gooa u m e -

of this. If tt ha. helped u. t - ' r d . He did not pny^ Bem«nber I e«rthly rawer. Thai the Apostles I a W B a a d "^-aniEation* to nj;ht them. : The trials for the relay team will be Ithe absurdly of oar tbe«rVes n - ! that you promised a ntOX eroeter exal i cauirht the thoupht Is well evidenced i 1 h e s t t t l o « alono, however, cannot at held ou Saturday morning. April 20, it

fmtn fhe "T>art Agwi"-lf It hn* i tattoo tn gtor?-: No. He wouM be quile j by St. Pan fa arirament on the sub- present suppress all fires, and it Is being thought that at least ten men-tt>~*«»ye- acrvtd the F a t h e r ^ jett tn oar fcxt.—Tbere »--«» <W4*b- .-obviously the duty of all land-owning ; will try for the team. Among the

James N* Tayl<; to tb*ju^br sxid t*T"mt*-tr*'j*on tnl* Important an<] In

What Say th*Bible prmentatUin of this

etit and hattnonhmiL St. P«nl point*out tbat "there Is a natural body andot4here U \ body." H e <5oen

not «ay that ~U»ebody t» a bmaaa bod?

Quite to the itjmUai j . S «thai: MFl«ah and hleftfl cannot Inherit

of <3otf"--f*o aatt«r bowu utlfint be, X bomaa beta?

and plans anfl Tben lo rerarnto the {ftortous state tn which-He wasbefore H* teft the ciory, and for onrsake* became poor and took upon HJni-aelf tbe hanxun nature. And wtiat saidtbe boav»eoiy Father In response to thatprayer? Oh. we remember the wordsof Jeharab w«re. hare glorified

_ I will plorlty Thee ff^or farther—the Implication Is t iut of a

bl£ber ^ory than tbe one Trhlcheti^oyed before B e was made flesh.He Appeared and Disappeared.

Two Hoe* of dtfflenltiefl preeaxt them-

In tbe Bible a boat Jesuuhavtne a fletihly bodv Lu heaven—thatta all tn our creeds and hymn books*prepared for us by our well-but mistaken forefathers, who used tobarn ono another at the .stake If theyfailed to promptly agree together onsuch propositions.VCs mourn th» dead, but they ahall vaks;-

Tti* lost, but they shall b» restored!Ol w»U our human heart* ralcht break

Wttbont xhmx smcrvd wonj^ iOtm «res, look up! sad h«arta. rejotea!

Sevlna* God'a bow of promlaaAt sound of tnst prophetic vole*:

•I wtJI make nil tblnsv new." I

and corporations to helpcreate a public sentiment adverse ioares and to take all possible action Intheir power to curb the evil."- This Is the most thorough and de-tailed provision tor the control of for-est fires yet made by any of the rail*road companies of the state. It isfurther an unqualified endorsement byone of the largest successful businesscorporations of the policy to whichNew Jersey la committed In the con-trol of

candidates will probably be the fol-lowing: Havens. Silvers, Crane.Mac-Dougal, Gay. Harker, Johnson. NorthSkUlman. Taylor, Peebles. Howell.Brandow and Merehoh.



All Kinds of


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A Romance of Colorado


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t o h i m l h a a «»*r S b * 1

t o . £ r e a 11 y r h a 09 «vl AH <1 b BETWEEN TWO FIRES.

B O A R D S ACT V*. i s

Tr**«">r. v . i 1 : . in.

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l i p * ' H H ' l ' " I f * 1 • • p l l l l

" tCiIT»<CB •TT«r«3Vi *» £- .T - «•*««

v * v c R

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Sole Agent

Bauer^s125 Irving


k •-' ~ ^ * 4* » -

UtT. Ii I «<

RahwayTelephone 107-W

4^<^_ 4oJl

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W 1 N M A L L T O « _ O M f > L V

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*«r what at * e B-att ie e* W t g r a ^

A t a c r r t s T i « f a t * ^ t)«« l«*iti*» **W » ^ r « a 3 . wbi . -h t-»»k i-U'-w !n l * ^ti le pn>«"v^»i'i»jf« d**1 **i"i»M l«t>.' a i"» '«th a r v h' lUl l"lj*-r** ** .*rv M 1 >.•»» b u n to n . tiAlf 1 rvn< h :n;*i ha ! f \ uHtrlaO-^.

The ^v ( .

of f • • • ! .

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m a n o n o a r ' h

jr o n e w ' t h ^ h i i rv .* v* h - fi t b e l o n e m l v a i n v

A r . 4 If t h « r e w e r e n a l J * l o n « y o u o f < h** t w u n r m ! « - « ha>i f i r i v ^ u t n t u a

" o u l i l »• I'. 1 b « fh«t o n l v O Q O H u t It n a r r o w « ! • « . - l' 'rijctit**»4*'l t-y tii—

t a '. T - r > o u r b*?u ' . . 'y a l**a« t h a t I l o v « gixo.* " f th** h ' n - n h t h«»y r-»-i f.>r r h o ; r

Y o u kn*«w a l l t h e n;iM» U : i i tssy M v ^ ^»*1 • »wt •••. i.«-i t>> r^ iu >%nttl t t ^ r

;fat a x u i t j s t l o v : n ^ 5 y o u w a j ba^t-et! u p - ' n*U' li***l f h*> \ : - * ' r . i i i Mn«"« T b " r «

m I s ) n ' o r p r e i a t l«m a i n i 4 ' . i i i # y * ; u t l i * > w . T * - : • n*» ' !)•• .•••«« t >• r-* ii»*« 1 4 ».!

w**> t»^>j****4» yiJw a»fa.ca?U4» ruAJil: ,.—1-j .l—:.*.% -•„ t *i«- I rvi- ) . .

u£ a poor woT tf*. , The auM:*::

"Should I have told y«>..'" by th»* frunf

' Nu, 1 hav*» though*. It a'i c i'. I « a i ara*i ruuM h

1 y a i 1 Is roujc ti a m 1»ta ft-e, but y

V .1*

YORK SPRING FASHIONS* M N • • © • » • * - » - •


z-' l-y


A' •

n * 1 w t • i t j i m i n ,

>\ m l

h •* * ,if*n' plot t o

t h » 0 0 0 b « i u | [ 1 hat . r«u ieu ib* r»*J h ^ r . ! n o ti>It th« eip«ns« of your own happlnea* ' plum,nd If there were nothing ©!*• I ruuldive you for that " th«

«f i


And U tb«re e l « ' ' a«kedL» who would fain be lovpd for otiver

"Kverythin^.** h« answered-, rap*-ber once mor« to bis

t"1 knew that th«re would b« somety." answered the satisfied womanlly after a little space, "lo-ve llk«

aot bora to fall abort of

t h f tu . n nd t b*" vi"i:ir t h** r a n k * *>t

so arm nifp u n bsiyon«»t

j _ p £ !?/_j onwt. of fh«enemy cuu<ht ui> th*» trrmbfiuic milmain to th»»lr haiul*

There wa» that du-> « icTvat •laujfi*ti-r of H3*"ii and uarv«. aud mauy u

on«» of the««> anlmalv who

ipt«test happln#«i ou. how rorru-for me was thai idle impulse that

up tho canon in»te>d of1. "for tt~U Imtf nor tr«en fur

•1*9 would have b«e.n 00 meeting—-*">b« stopped suddenly, ber fac«im« at tbe thought of the condltions-that meeting; she must needs hide

Sr face on hla shoulder.laughed gayly.

f'My little spirit of tbe fountain, rnr>. my wife tbat Is to be! Did you)w that your father had done mehonor to give tse your band, sub-to the condition tbat your heart

;» with it?"Tou took that first." answered the

>man looking up at him again.(There was a knock on the door.

'nrfll 1nsr for p^rmlnion It?n*?d; this tfmo three men entered,

old Kirkby had joined the group.le blusbjng Enid made an impulalre

hold's armjs. but be ahamelully»ld her close. Tbe three men looked

tbe two lovers solemnly ior a mo-mt and tben broho into laughter. It

Klrkby who spoke first.

•He Shamefully Held Her CTesa.near «s how you found gold to

1, l i t . Nqwbofet"found somethfiBS tar more ralua-

than ail the sold in Coloradoittto tnoutnains/* aa*wered *he oth>

rAnd "wixat"Uersman, curiously asdiflHocently.

1!" answered Nfcwboltf « kmtiuidrl

l*»IU*Yeti—thaJ.—f hr . gp-fl*•

v*"> ! \ f n ' u r » u> «ay tnai

wiimuu has n«v»»r ha*l a b«*'

t*< l4«>k h**r b--»t 1 nan 111 pr*.

Ju<ilci»)u*ly •^l^^-ti-d

tui i her individual

It is not difficult to wcur*1 A w»'ll ftt.

dre»» or suit if a * ynian pay 9

»-r ut t f in Jon I«J » ^ u h i i K Ju»t th*»

r ^ h t kind of n r o r w t and bra»»i«-rp

for no« that fu«hlon demiinds a c o r

*•• 1 with u IonK ftk 1 rt and short top

r t>>: brujml^rv U lndi»pen*abt*» for

Instead of t<> buotHa rx>«r' a.

slight or stout peopleTh*» newest style of th«»e shajK'ly

1111U* wstrap arrangement that 4» ea*Jty ad-justed )u»t at the top of the comet

therlnaiu* ot'l^ls or -Wa^u^ot'uo l ln t h e ba<:it- «*v'°« l h e »™«*» fla«pan*, will .-uiiae a xwarui of beeit t« set , lin*- that everyone de»tr«a. The "La

Kelne ' bnusiere haa also a Mrtl** hookdated bade tu the reltfD of. Alfred th« tbat catches cm to the comet lare* undGreat, wbo, la order to prevent di*- j prevents the slipping that is th* faultpute* regarding the ownership of H

0*U» and B««tIt la a foolish notion tu »t*ppose that

of tbU ruatonjtie- Th*> real

iwarm, ordered tbat tbe owner shouldalways Hug n bell when hisswarmed, and ever since tben the goodfarmer's wtfo ho* betfu. TO»Wag ot*twith ringing boils wbeuever the bee^sxrsrnied. aud tbe fact tliat they s*-^tied vert fled. In ber own mind, the belief tbat th&beiidl&lt-=^

of so many of these garment*Buttons without end are employed

as trimmings and afford an excellentchanre to smartco up a last y#ar'B- riff.


A Rural pinmneimr.

or improve a too plain costume. Formake-overs these are invaluable aids.as are also tbe Httle frilled and scsi-trtppti trlmmtrigafrockn Pearl bluttons aro ver^ pop-ular, both in white, smoked and com-

and, after hnllinc a- pasains farmer,tried to arrangf* a dicker for help.

-Why >a-Q». Urotber." said the farm-er, bringing hi* team to a standstill.T i l help ye out. Le's see what it'llcome to—one day's use o* tbe team.45" - — — •

"One day y n-torted Boggs. " Tlsn't[pipg to take > ou a day to bauTTSalmachine oat. U HT

"Why, no," returned rhe farmer., "butarter I git the $5 I don't callate to dono more work ontll tomorrer/'—Har-per's.

No Idolatry There."I hope VOD are not bringing op

your children to worshipHawkins." said Dobblelgb.

"No. Indeed." si shed Hawkins."Whjr. Dobb. my children despisemoney so mncb that tbe minute a do!Iwr corner their way they get rid at It

H«rge are made cblc by white button*In fiat or hail shapes, with shanks, orsewed through. In many inntane***the*** ary accompanied by fancy but-tonholes bound with white or simalat-ed in whlt£ braid. Some of the buuton hole devices ar« very elaborateand "Utmost an TtnposaitottfQ'1 for any-on«> mrt a skiHed -tailor t& produce.

Patchy coats with the waist lineraised, sometimes half way up tb«»back are seen on every «*!d<\ Tuismedf v, as notable* during ibe Fall andWinter, but «tt?( -.•»» exceptional, then

Tb« only perfect

wiS a" pe.t«»t

vtnu Ihm &r*m-


Candies and Ice CreamKor strictly PURE CANDIES

and ICE CREAMYou have to go at the

New York Candy Kitchen18 1-2 Cherry Street


BOARDIHQ AMD LIVERY STAPLES127-129 Irving Street, Rahway. W. J .

has nni" i *t-t>or*r Qt

as fast as they can/*—Harper's.

Obvious."I cueaa. Mr.. Shoogaand*" said tb«

obtcrvant customer to bin (croeer.

f'"':i ittilored ntyles hold tnejr owti tx*.vt-r with coats just to the hips Ifthe figure will stand It. or lower Ifthat ii more becoming.

!*annier» are with as to tncreasvIhg vogue, and the pannier influenceIs seen tn the great number of coatsthat follow tbe same lines, rounded off

did."Oh. I thocfral maybe If jon had

you mlpbt bo *core correct In your

Comic *"And so this to the *nd-" said tbe

as he b«nt over the form of tfiebcretne. ^-wbito tfie orcbeatra

played «jft u d oraaic. "Thanfe

from th* i?a»*»ry.—

Tho present type of pannier iv notlMit cots cloaa to tho flgsre, |

and Is apt to tr^ll off into somedroopy form, tike a sash of coat trailstn *he tteefc. Later -we mxy get ihmregular Wattean ontUites tranchad outoa ©Ither Trip but lth©f« -is smalt in-dication of tb«ae ootH^c* at present-

r i dTrlmnalng» mad«rof t i e dress in»-nny tfJUwt.lj*:tjrfjtct»ft #refasntoaabte. An the otd

In*Helms and

frill* and Fiwhw, «beUand tiny ptpafing*

pt, coots,*f* la

The Food Withi»iwit»ii6BMB,

Page 5: s Th - DigiFind-It...^^^S^^h^^ Y ^ w, ^ t rf^^i^f T *'^-pii. lit* w^. *. ^sfi i— I '-?£A1« WAY STREETS SStNG UN caawr Tiss^i:•&. *• * | Spring Footwear S For Men-Women Wliy

&"7 " M * " ^ • r : ' " i^w^v'ex^tmeorto.MON^v^mfc^^; '*' '"""- -r "-T..: ~ '' -^- r '" - - ^ - ^ --Tv ^ M ' " '^""^W ' ' r /fcHtVtiH-yi

wffl b* to&d offland


Will C«Ub«-«ta Hi«



Tfcat Is, to ttoe Favored, ItIs Said.

in tn*


C-HWI Uo« will txs^i

*1U consist Of til*«• C ta-* iwaillc* ot Zb

of! J J*irv

tta 11. f»Uo v» .» . a by nan


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j*^ t* anj t hi» »hi ami. f>

Kroaa 4r e v i v e »t


to tta*tnapcvtocm. so$S tti* i

ppomlwm tS "The 7^v

ciaav that tb* 'Atv o

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B4^OrT-» « i fh . i t t

BSttfvd to rr>~i»l** rayVrfatJon of th» ru'


BOW •tarr»-»1wfO to til*



J . Aprl! IS Mo*tjc with hutur?. IO^-I

In PaltT i-burvh b*re. l*taj[ tb* t5r»i »t#p in

bu-fa u lot»n<l*»l to l

a formt n




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I n t i i a t f\'»'-a3 Tv>«'

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- .1. W


t o

Trvu t \\ r 11 r

• t ^ t . T \


I >r»i

I-I« t

— ... . . .{-&«•

h a *


$1700Well built six room

house in good conditionCity water, and toilet mthe _h o u s t . Locatiounear trolley and walkingdistance to railroad. Lot

Itlou l- *«»rtoua. l h«* •4<riMtiii IU

ttiln * hi* •vriti rpd'Tff Pu*i**?

ihot hla wife yi 1,4>oj; Hmu- h la-t f*ui«

m#r after .aicnipl lujj to kin b«*i ui

leic«d art!alt?



tpjrru* Vo'^m* £ i O v4lto In Egypt

M««t Importjnt of D'SCO^trift.

I ,OU<!i>U \ [•: ' '• 1 l.t- 1 1 in*--. ,i n

H i

r h«»

W»« N<rt«t*

French of D*pyt>«

is dead atkt Bri>-

obauitH»r of d«*p*iM«*itj ***••* en years of .-igei nineteen tluie** t>rv-»i

rwiUT part of 1 »o*lter»»o-»>m>' h^ v\ hnif of .1 <nn( b ,nul u»-«t i ' \ ill I 11 .•.Vet* i)f t b«* \ !->*•( U-*». u In- h it *]<•!»or1 bes a*» [M-rh.i [>« rno tnu»t luiijort ;i mfind of all i bo exc ivn t lons in Euypt

T h e vo lume H « n : t n j In th-e dUiU-vr-rrf—uptxrr—Kg* t,H trittl *->*«* pa rtyoq w i inother




50 x TOO. V e r y * e a s yterTns can be arranged

$2500Six r o o m house,

attic, cellar, and all im-provements. Lot 50x100.Sitttatien near school,trolley, and walking dis-tance to station. About$Snr>r**h «i!1 Kn, tk^

1ST6 tn 1UTJ He was tone* tirue*»

1 Verier au*i

ui* rlpts liulU-at«^ that l! i-«

1 ban any . <THpl*te munu

100 leaver, 11 by fi Inches, but It prob-ably contained originally 2OO or more


Jack Johnson Sp**ding Again.April 13 Jack Johnson.

tien v y w*?Uf ht putfU lat.tuToated in Kvaocton for speedinghla aatutuoblle. Johnson wasCtmr blocks by a motorcjele policeman

Showen* und warnior today To-morrow, showers. »tK)i«»r by nljrhr;modernfe to brisk east to south winds


properly, balance on




Cozy little home inexcellent neighborhood.Three rooms on the firstfloor, and three bedrooms on the secondfloor. Hardwood floors,bath, hot and cold citywrater, gas, set tubs incellar which has cementfloor, furnace beat. Con-dition of house is A T o.i. Nice lawn and ter-r a c e . Kight minuteswalk to station.

v. c.

Comprehensive Indeed ts ourselection of new types of smartfootwear for men. They arethe products of such well-knownmanufacturers as <!5feOfifliM~~l£.KEITH, RALSTON HELTH;CLARK A HUTCH INS CO., andother dependable manufactur-ers These shews represent ox-ceptiona.1 value and guaranteedquality at


Tht» product of Lbo mo<t de-

pendable manufacturer* is our

of ih«y» wtyl<?a tor wo-

m«B. &hee» mod* by


und others.

We are very particular that

au accurate fitting of the foot

Is mode with every sale.

$3.50, $4

Real Estate and

TelBphoni Ill-R

Also full line of Shoes tor Boy'sand Girl's

Dr. Poisner Shoes for Children


This Disposal of the Kinsey Stockr*Yhe Fifth Avenue Linen Store" >

Brings the Finest Linens, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery'and Women's Neckwear at Unheard-of Low Prices

F r o m ihc most elat>or.ue L a e e - m s e r i e d lUmjuet Cloth to the s implest plainLinen Handkerchief , every piece in the who le col lect ion is marked at H A L F theorignnaJ Kinscv price, or even lcs>. except rhc ho*i<-r\. on which the sav ings runfrom a fourth to half

A s you read this N e w Y o r k e r s are sharing enthus ias t i ca l ly in an event thelike of which this city has never k n o w n . F'articularly those former c u s t o m e r s ofthe F i f th A v e n u e Linen Store , w h o know In exper ience the exquis i te qual i ty ot itsmerchand i se , and are delig+ited to «ecure it at such extraordinary price reductions.

There arf wonderful Linen* S*»autjri*<i bv n oh. r*&\ Lace* and intneal*? h*i:d *mbroid«S7P XhMtar« worthy of b*:n^ pni^d »* £*irloom* Thf sto^t of st«pl« household lan^ns o^ high qn»iitt«»»roi^i as D t n u ^ Tail*- Tloths iiapVin-i an-1 Towels, is full of interest u the haua«krep«r. ^ Th«T«mr* fln# Lac€ aiad Embroidrr^j Tiandk^-rt-hicfs that will make delightful we-ddinu or OUtaoaygifts , aji-d the pUinrr Icind^ art* not lacking Th^ Women's Neckwear and M^u • &n<3 Wom-en1! Ho«a«T7 * r * *<)UA11V nch >n '

B««?«us« qu&ntitie« int«y accrsrately what you ma>tomorrow Bur -Tie thinu i •* *areniach to rep*. TOU fth«s« prioo ra n(f«•*Embroidered and Lace Trimnaed Linens

MS 1 .CDCh

are imato find here

you wall findTn

of tii« choicer pi©<»«, it to

^ Men's ajsd Women s

Embroidered Linen Bedspreads

Embroidered Sheets and Pillow CasesH a n d an. l mai • •• f .• ••:•. b ro ! ,1-M—•; . - ^ • i ^ . ' - f r fr»vn

Women's Neckweax

Damask Table Cloths and

k i n s or


HOUSEWIFE, Read This-The "Domestic" Is Doing the Spring Sewing

In Thousands of American Homes11

nomer 1: n

$2 Cash Does ItT h e r e m . w n . l e r o l l h r j >r i r , , • • ,u;i.




t : r.

$1 .KX


The "Domestic" SewingMachine at $22

is far and awav thr b *st machine thar you .-:iri buythe price We eouki not possibly ofl>r it at thufigure, if we had not made & spociail> favnnible I' nt

The Domestic Shewing ^Taclime (,'onipany for a \eryquantity.

Ir haa the a-ondirfiii LOUPES, which allows }<"_i 'o•«w eithei" T&cS""*^ clialB" siixeh,"~as~you "proTer" TH^"Domestic'" ia the only sowing marhme p*.ssesaini? thwvaluable feature

It ia the new drop-head model, quiet and easy running,with full a«t of attachments and a handsome yolden oakcase with five drawers. WE 01'ARANTEE TlfESEMAGinXES FOR FIVE YEARS.

DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR, if you live on one ofour wagon rout en. AT YQUB NEAilEST RAILROAD STATION, freight pnspfci& if you livewtthinoux-frse del ivry limita. And if your home ia within 26 miles of our store we will wadm n^BTBUCTBESS WITHQUT CHARGE to teach you how to operate the machine.

Other "Domestic" Sewing Machines at $30, $36 and $46—the last the beautiful "Domestic"Cabinet Machine, that is an ornament to any sitting room.

Let a* demonstrate these machines to yon at our store. ^ - Fifth Floor


fn Ftv« trtrrtno Game ThursdayScrub Team Loses; 3—0

James ricCollurnU4-I20 Main St*1 Rahway


In a lively five luaing guiut* of base-

ball Thursday afternoon at Riverside

Park, iho R H 8. second team went

down to deft?.-* at i h*> hantls ot the

rt*£ ul*H' u ine- T ho bjt- vity of *h«

Ka me w as *I ue to tjpfr k U^BS. M i 1 U*r

twirled for the regulars and WHScaught b> K Aruwtron.c, owiug to the

ot Afkfii, the rfgnlar catcher,c«£ 4uo lo ii crl|Milcd

For the k>t>ens "Monk" Armstrong' pitched a K°O<J game and wM

by Manllo. Hall for Uie st«:ond teamplayed a good etuue. as did Ritchiefor. the victors.

Tb*> lineup: R«galax*—Brooke 2b;Ritchie. 1b; Bracner. 2b; WUdrick.as; MlUer, p; E. Armatronc c; DurandIf; Austin cf; Short rf.

Seconds—Hall eff SchwelUer lb;Sctroffer 2b; Goodwill *a: It Mantloe; R- Durand 3b; MaeWhlnney it;Mantlo IT; A. Armstrong p. ••

The score was h to 0» and the n o twftm mnrfft In the flr^t toning.outs, WWer 5; Armstrong 4. EftTore,Reculam J: 8*cond« S. 'WUd J trOT

Umpire. Charlefl Howard.

r a t >FOR S A L E

A ' KWe- ttoom BOUM with watertut*;*. UOUIM) couvculenl to

and S uilnuu-B from MainflvauU 11. R. lu Rahwiiy

plot SO x 2u0

Ka»yA snap for u qutok buyrr.

Kline,, RealtyImprovement Company

25 Ctetfa St. Kev Yort ^

l New Dover

and R- F. D. Routs


and Vidnh?

e r s e v H b v o c a t cA B S O R B I N G T M £ R A H W A Y N 6 W S - M E R A L 0 . T M E S U C C £ . - » 9 O R O F T H E U N I O N D E M O C R A T . E S T A B L I S H E D 1 8 4 ( X



of Wl'i

cltjr w fco *rw In

Jrat 16, As t ie Day far

ol Tine Hiamd Fmndka


Sp«ial Soi-Oaennineej Ait Oases

Witi Fall Power to

All Anuigeffleafe

A IWI«etin-g of

AU women o$i«d in ch«'n jLssistltis to aiAke U

citj xr-e conluUy laTtted to at-tend * m*j» m<*tlat. tlilcli win bebe id In tit« Rep*ab4ic&n CE ub roccna in

April IS, al 130 p m.The object of tbe m««tlzif \m to

for ^h* p'arpo** ot forming a clrlcfor the purpose o<

tor the bettermentaniiat o£ R*ixyay.

The oqcanUauoa will b* formedA civi-c W'txxM^ j iQd ml

Arthur Keefe May BeMissing On Liner Titanic


o "1

*.: pi., :;

ay p.eopJ**. m hil* twrnfl<

•D*» AAiouiwliiLS d i s a s t e r wo i*b

t ix 'k t b *

AC«3 AT th«*

a ovtMis p-kii>e<S

b r

on* who ia

oc«aja Un«r

iOSi« Of

tfi« disaster. have

foellns tn th*

oc e 1 ( ha c H1 was.

fcno* n to a mjijontj-

. majr

*L ill

y b.*.* r»


tor m

b u

reck tuned *o pea*

*j by

a box ot

h thl* city oo

bis vi>



*wa y

fYvcu \ e w York to J

Mr Toaipkins

h«* 1 'i'jiuoi-t» ITS

with n<J o.f

waJklnjc b*for>


turt:••*•$ <*

h l <tafiw,g


11 Vs

will b*» nia*l^ (rom '.he floorhof*<3 that women fro.in

of tluj city will be

be. Ui—

ot tLxst Kah^ay.) tended to %&i\ f-or America on Apr,I

is b«iti2r bw»TL. or p-er- i TO rrom t-rauton. •Stccis t&xt no com ;

th--b-est of all a* tb«» >! ayor

Hroni. i* »uppo*e*i to h«iv^ » i:tf<i

from Kngkuad about tb^ da.te :b* T\

muaicatioo bx* b^en rw«lT«l

him. .iid It l» not known wh-etJier

sailed on tb* T1taal<- or a-ot All


A; •h^ oca] \ M i

\Ati A 'laih iDi] i •isort

H a i5i «•• v w1Jf»o «-»»rT i !S- h 1*

At A. me^tHXj UtMi. oJ^bl o£ Uie ox- At the meeting on Tbur^daj Superc-onsmitte-e ot the Ex-Plre Cbief»' lntendent o£ ScbooJa William J BlciU'lon The daie of the bi« ax- ' e t t will speak on tbe subject o( Edu-y io decided UJJOC. tbe v arioua oatkja. ifaowjrue how th+»

N'o d«flaite infonxutiioTi ha* rv »*•'. but hi* family fear tb»»

ci parvnts will aid th«? school* R»-v

Johia A O'Brteo will tip^ak OQ th»-

o( m o n l e-ducailon. an4

NV tihiim Torrvni'c Smcb«*ll *lil ti»



"A Qu*«t Family

This evt»ninj? a.; S.15 in thr- 1- > tu r

room of th*» Klrst Baptist (.'burcb. ih**


No 1( " r o w e l ! ,t ii 1

N o 1 Ho***- < <vfrt><]uen'ly.

•i* > \



oi Its CoJJetlwnj Htde t* Aid


Ia Tta City Caotriiwte

Toward tit* StmTkat

Expended By New Brmswidk

oJU- tion

• • * • *


c d , in-t .'udi


t h«-

Negro Accuses Man of Rotbmg Him of f l 4 In Main

Street Pool Room

<3 Time Sloop Ts RottingIn K<ar ot the Pottery

In Lower Main Street




- % N a t K n i f e

and Stdn**' Ha-ris, No. 1 Trurk. ReU-• arond "Daly and Ramlolyfl sjiiurr, Nc3~Truck. Edward I-eooard and Fredtrick. Totna, Waa-hln^co t'neuiU-ai Englae. A. T. Crane and David K Ken-nedy" ^fo i ETTjjln? t ompsn *•. rruiwiRjrno and Fr*ed Frank

Tne s*?Q«raI ccminlttpp UTr*?r Tt>-*~ cuaalon aa to tb« moat de«lrabl*? da.te

an(J thr? b^si place for the roast to beheld. .1 p polu t ed t ho following sm •

-Appoint Sub-Committee*.Grove Committee - F{enr>

F. TCirstein



• M I : t>

t ::•

gioclgcy o f

du<- 10 m a k e


full oi wit xnd h u m o r

.ill profcabi!r> « •*-[ th,-

all r. he ' irrie,

r() th** piay. t he re will

bv solos r**nd*;r»**i by Mbd Kr^tv-R«;e<i

: and Mlaa Jennie Wrigbt, two of Rah-way* best tjoloista Mls« Ma-rjorteI'ook, the Sunday School pianist, willi» reside, at the piano.

} iTolkxwi!i£ t-h*; play tlterw will b** t«-*>

! cream, tar sale, and a. r^ai sosiial timeid anticipated. The net proceeds willKO to th*' building fund of rhe Sunday

_rjiiafid. for thg er**<tior> oi a n*»w Sunday school room 10 be bulil adjacentto th»* church in Elm Avenue. A.1-

\ U ;

-i — '" lW-s

It U an

ve*a«j| *hat

A :i;

-. •• n.: s*-

£ D

D« J

\i .-

>< tt*. Daily


i-« aJE i*• ot

dllnpldat'M bulk

to *aj: brwk. And 'i»>n. trio

ri r r»



oT « ailegeil r-,(,-

l..-r\ .toil (h«- detective, with Chief of'

Police lian.iwy, weal to Tfae pool room1

whert- rhe mini saJd ' he mhb«»r• oc

curr^tl. Johnson Mfaa apriiwllag over

,i .. n>; r.a;>i<- an71 +i> .i 'JruuKen vulc*1

auus«-ii iiKotiier r.i'^ru of taking r he

monev Sergeant Cooger iiid <"hie£

Ra.iii3e> searched the acttis«*<i citre-

fulJy but were not able lo find any1

i j . [.••' « n h * : j ! i**> M f y * . . o k J o h n

To *h»l bay .in.

ittar* 1 n< fn tin


o f a r o p < ? t h a t d a a £ l e a f n j t u thf

broken maat.

th^ prow points heavenward from ihc

somewhat redolent water* In wblcb

lies ail that is Wfi ot «hat * a.* once

one of the beat of til** i»mall fleet of

rfc-- r***-»?ipt .)( J*T do l l a r s A3 .% coo .

' r i b u r i o n from th* r « « m m m . n at Ran

» »T t n » i p j d«-.'raj 1 ni; to-- l-*<al rx

P«*na-»»a of Th«* '-Drnrr-. t i ta t i^n m! * . AJ«-*

b« /o re '.he I ni erst a:* r . ^ m n e n - f t'.jir.

: : i * - •> • i . I ' h : * -»a:a . ij a . of 1"7 -.-y-

r.-(t-'ii 1% th»* t .>(j . . i n i i K j n ! iotl«<fi .*ti a n d

* 1:1 full, i t a J and MUafa.-tory i^t t le-

tii.mr >,f i i j cootr tbut ions rvewiv^d by

•-••'jr ommitt*-* to tiato h«reoT.

A.- .-it*-nd •*> your OEEIT; it :»*»• m l

of Rahway nur «tJV'«-rv

rendered in

* hi. our»i k

.**1 !•-> e. J ' f a

wounds on htm fare .in«! h«*a<l

Rondel] and Dr Jame* S <ire**nformed the natopsy

Tb« tdentlficatioo of th«* r,«--<l

* a h.-irtj»»r j»hop :iniJ

• In H a r * m . n fn r •* h*-r** f h<* m a n

(nuiiii s l a in ri;olbo «*.i)-) 'h.ir ->o

h*1 had shaved 'h<" tnan an<1sold htm socks and buttons which

wurfe before the InterstateComaiiajtloQ la rvdacln^

th<* commutation ruto to New York, do

Kennedy., Printing ConinUtt«© — Frederick

Toms, A. T. Crime. Frank Hyno, Raudolpn Saaer, John Gehring. RedmondDaly and George Crowell.

The officers who will be In charge* of the entire affair will be Financial

Secretary Sidney Harria. TreasurerPhilip Gehring, and Recording Sccretary J3avld B. Kennedy.

OHgln of Idea.* The idea of repetition, of the fam-

o u s 01-roaat which was held fortyago originated several weeks

Chiefs' Associa-tion, and was taken up readily. Themajority -of the present ex-chief a rec-

roast, held on the grounds nowh

and a large attendance la anticipated.Following is the cast: Benjamin T

Bibbs, Rooert MUdom; Barnaby:Blbba, Russell V Mantlo: Mra. Ben-;jamin Bibbs, Miss Ethel Moolton, !Mrs. Barnaby Bibbs. Miss Jennie'Worth; Peter Parker. Earl Seamen;Miss Selina Summers, Miss GladysMfiler; Grumpy. Richard Morton, |Snarly, Miss Mae Crae. Time, Sum-mers Place, Dining room of bouse

occupied by city water works



plant, and they couM think of nothingbetter fitted to revive old memoriesand at the sanie t ime to bring the

into .public prominence- than on-

RAHWAY MEN ON SPECIAL JURY.Arthur R. Wendell wan foreman and

F..A. Jones was a member of the Jurywhich yesterday heard the case be-fore Judge Vai! In the Circuit Courtat KHCTIM»U» yesterday, for poasessionof 104 Broad Street and & West Jer-sey Street In Elizabeth, against IsaacM. Pocxass of the Empire Suit andCloak Company. Two other Rahwaymen were drawn on the jury but werenot called upon to serve.



other big feast ot a similar character,ueorge uecnier of union Street,

who Is still very much alive, was oneof the prime movers in the old timeox-roast, and will very probably be aparticipant m the" festivities whichwill be held under the auspices of the


v p l o y m «• n i . „-*:• •

\ 1 W I I 1p • yilary

whilt* l*-a_ru-

which will not dnly bring tbmtion into promlaenee. bnt winto let the ontsJdo pnbUo k n o v tluctRahway ts on the map and is alsovery much alive.

Idea of Old Roast.Tne old roast was. If the memories

of those whd took part in It are to berelied Upon, originated for the purposeof'_ celebrating either one of the vie-

lifg. torles. of the Germans during theFranco-Prussian wnr, or the success-

. rui ter&Inauon of tfiat" unpleaaant ih-T ctdent—-that, -^rom the German View-

point. " \'

$1 P«r Sat ForOld F«Is«-

wfaieb turn of no Vmlo« to you."fe»OW ColdLOtd U

* S loan.

Richestd r y

Phil*. Smeltiajt & Befiaiaf C826 Chestaat St-, PWU^ Pi. E«.

tfeat occftfllon. the ax wbichi waslater to be slanghtercd to make a Rah-

holiday -was led ia processioni k tran%-

fp* "•• . , way. a wt i e streets and

toothsome Beet ©a. tbe


Took P»i*» in Alumni

Play at St. Mary's Recipients

The membecs of the cast in the re-

St. Mary's were•wasii

called togetherKev." John A. OTJrTen last" night andeach one presented with a photographof ,the participants tn a body.

Those receiving gifts were ThomasPollard. John Geyer. William Dona-hue, Ed. Davtci. Jlmfie Xharfrana^ "Ed-

Kearney, Philip" Sullivan "M"tssEdna Fox. Miss Dorothy McMahonand Miss Loretta Hornby.

Rev. John A. O'Brien made the pres-entation personally, accompanied bya brief aim

were acknowledged In aing manner by tht president, JosephMe Mohan.

A dance astl social followed.

mestic science will for the nones tareto give way to the ruder and equallysatisfactory methods of the out-of-doors life. The committeetees tlutU&e ox shall be tender, thatIt shall be well roaflted-and tnat gveryperson who attends w in hare a thor-oughly good time- -• -•*• .-.--." . ,

Wfctle the™TOv«ral" sub-commltteashave not yet met to axranffe alltails. It was decided last nl«ht thatthe tickets shall be lamed individual-ly, and that they sbatt berferable.


chief Ran!2»«> said thu morning jtbat the trouble with the employesof the construction companies had notreally yet began, and that without anyday men on the police force, he wouldhave a hard time keeping order

"The rlff-ratr which will come tntothe c»ty on this work." he said, "willbe great and I don't see how I am go-ing to handle all of the men* who aretoo lazy to work, with the force that 1have at present."

The chief declared that many of theworkmen who came here to work forth~e construction companies were Tax>-and good-for-nothing an.d that whenrhejgj^r^discjiar«ed. they, dr

sance. Many of these cnen work partof the week and then lay on\ spendall the money they have fn saloonsand are discharged. They are stranct-ed in the city and the city has to carefor them in some wax.' Of the casesof intoxication which are tried-ln thelocal Police Court, nearly all of the of-fenders declare that they are em-ployes of some of the constructioncompanies at work on the elevation.of the tracks, most claiming that they

cmjjlu>t?j by the Keystone Slate?Company

Chief Ramsey is very anxious thatthe Common Council take some defin-ite-action and appoint new patrolmenso that he may have a force of m«non the streets daring the day. Ye«-

morning five men in badly In-ytoxicated condition were seen on Mainand Irving Streets within ten minutesand of this number only one, Johnson,.gran arrested.—Tht« f« wn f*fnit nf th«? 4eaypolice department, but is due to the

-fact that aro m«mfor day duty. It is probable tnat theCaramon CoancO will take some ac-tion on this matter 1n thm near tttnwand appoint new p»treUnea as aBowed

was Brakes yesterday for *Procter A QasabU sosp tactoty at

thos** dayrf—**R«»Co1 il»* Wah."

Rahway was tn ft* prime.

The old pottery wttit does some

•«**•»•, aad baa *&4* year received

an impetus, but the carrying trade

has. At least (or ttn* time being, been

diverted from the rtver to the rail-


Along ih« river front there are

other remainders of the "brave days

of old" oi -a. similar character, 'but

the venerable old sloop Us rear of £he

pottery establishment has a doable

story to tell. It speaks not only of

"tfae decadence of tile* freight traffic xrn~

Rahway river, but also of the decline

that the man was slain Saturday,in his opinion, and that tfeawas done by three or foot men'

who hare escaped. He aiso bints at]the presence of a woman In the case-He aJ*o says that be baa discovereda motive for the crime, probably rob-bery. He will continue to work onthe case in the hope of rinding someclue which will lead to the captureot one or all of those who are sup-posed - to bave been eo»n«et»ij withthe crime.

Munlck t u employed by the P«oo-sytvanla Railroad in connection withthe work oftruck*.

ih# u m e time express their bia:fanod thanks to tltoee who

so fefndiy and cheerfully

city was at one time famous.

The Roosevelt Progressive Republi-can. Lengnf* ol Union will

«I1 99K

Street, ffllxabeth. Rev. William T.Stuchell at Rahway will be the mainspeaker. A large representation fromRahway is expected to be present.

ARREST BOROUGH MARSHAL.Borough Marshal John Corday and

Vincent Parnpallonl. both of Falrrtew,who w«r© arrgjtod tn Fort Lee on thenight of March 5, on complaint ofNorman Coyle, street superintendent,who says they held htm op with re-volvers, were tried yesterday beforeJudge Demarest in Haiefcentarlt andconrtcted of assantt, . They did not

batthey held np-8nnt. Cflyie.ey took him for a footpad

fogy were

COUNCILMAN IN THECotinciSmsn Otto C Xjvtto* e£

ken. wmired esiuniBsiSoB fcetorefiefeert Oftiwjr Ji _

ye*terrf»Sr ajuj ^ ^ ^ ^ for tB*CI*r


Variner** Harbor. 8tats& I s to t i tort »W0 from VVutcis

iVvatins Che raHroadts known abont him.


Th* El Ctd» and the Elks will com.meoce m series of bowtte* punee to-night on McCartney's alteys. Someeood- scores. ar» looked tor, as bocfeteam* IULT*

The Elks' team will go to Qoeens-boro on Friday nlsnt to bowl theirfriends of the tall end in the Elks'league tournament.


Workmen under the direction otth* City Engineer's office Are

sum realized Is not Tlff^».to the fact that tt was sever In-

tended to msvke tnla other than apopular subscription, gtvtn* to eacnone on opportunity to show gratitudefor favors received.

"Therefore none was asked Cormore than one dollar, and BOB* con-tributed more than two. Tb#r» hsars.b«et» many others ttow«v«r. who mldit.have helped tn this matter If so In-clined, bat the ffwnmtrt— from Ises:of opportunity, both for soilcttlns;from those known to- TM»the stffi lsrser nst of those that

contrtbote, were prevented tnm mas>torn thm tsrcsr ratnrns that webat we feel that we have seenred teqnslity what we have lost la qaantity.The total amount secorwd. tm f7T. andthe complete list of contributors is a»

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B. M. Banter. W. H.

M. Walter Pratt. H. U Rootzeson. W.EL BoQtnsos. W. C? Fymeman, IL CCarsonl B a n r Stmnumsv Jr^ Qaesr. BuGarthwmlf > A. C- Watsqfc BSBTT "I»:

F. W. FTTtH, Jn#. R.son, J. 3. Walsh. P. J. Gibbon*,Brown*. J, H. WHlIam*. T. W.ston. W. C. HobUCieJL H.

Chartes W,

and-- the tn-stntcted the drainage conunftts*

tne worn «on«v Tn* sewerBOW ron

t» CAirryfraos Mstoth*


ywe«»vtgiitAw cwtiwot

Harold a Glbboa*. ttsc^

completJO« the work of open** t a e | Q a r t a w s I t ^ a P Carthwatte.dead-end of the sewer on Main 8lr**tand the Junction of Cherry Street andmaklns eonsecdons between th* two.Complaints had been made that wh«ntne sewer backed up, obnoifeus cases

An***, U. mtttn AFreeman. M*nrio» E. X.dy, w. A. Baker, Jame. B. H c n l m .

CHHord Mtltor. >\ W.

X a.

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