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sS Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iw iiilM iH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B in Um traffk UUUtlta M of thU ^ b I eS I s Su for m tnd 19SS roi ft M M l^alle?.485L-.(^ ''' ^ ^ f e ^ y s Cu l | i d W ould ^ Cost of D WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 (U PI) - F IfH-today- that an.v cut in the for “far greater” military apciuliiiK. .meeting on international exdiiin, pH bv the institute ot Internationa <!i!rj.f_p'r8pared speech was. devoJ Mter “people-to-people diplomacy” ir iinderatanding. But hi.s .speech c ^211—---------- --------------------- ing to tl- Measui-e Eyed a f;;; OnRegulating Of Gull Spuds n r'J 3 'S Sr! fSrlncs next week on a bill to regu- securi trVommerce In cull polat^os. rhalnnftn George Brocke, D., Ln- poreiRn tlh said Thursday. cal year is sBrocke said thc bill was outlined {jy • the committee of potato, grow- i^st week K who favor it. ^ mutual al Tbe bill would provl'de that any AnLlclpc p ro c ^ ~ wHtr fauys-cuH- potatoea jq ^rim 'W rom R shipper must label the rc- hower toli imltlnK product aa made from culls, hole rJ«JOUld_not_resWcL only wuul puit^asM of field run poCaloci Ifm but "In th anners.' of our alli The bill waa described to the com- -HoiT’ahd mlttee as a compromise of a num- ship for f itr of bills which had been offered -i shni: eirller, Brocke said. He said views insure thi of pnxessors, shippers and grow- world wll erswould each be heard on separate these Ar days. The hearings were tentatively mined." Y ui for next Tuesday. Wednesday --------------- md Thursday. ? K O Just Normal Magic Valley weather la going to be "Just normal*’-for the next five daya. according to the fore- caat received here via the Asso- puTr dated Press. . "Prom now on we'll Just be States f marking time'untll spring." said killed, 3 the AP reporter as he read this ] c o u n c il ^°^>Z ^ ^ tu r e s a v e r a .ln . above estimqt. normal. Hlgha mostly In the 30*8 injunea: and low HO’a, mlnimums 25 to 36. medical Precipitation moderate." c a hilli/ (Probably.) . ^ _________________paying i P a irlsR ic m g Js,"." N e g l e c t C o u n t were ftee on ^ bonda Friday after two-year jelng charged with neglect of their achieved nlnor children. cent Incre Mr. end Mrs. Harold Cllmer were that peril irreated late Wednesday and charg- 5-® " !d with neglecting the children and vehicle m: adangering their health by "abuse, 21 o: leglect and injury." Two of the Council r Jilldren were taken to the Magic lower th a ^^aJley Memorial hospital for tr^at- preceding nent. One child named In the com- Despite Jlaint was 3‘^ yeara old and the *n fatallt] other four months old. Another was rough Md.Wfts placed in a foster home latlon of >y , authorities, an official said Port, R. I Thursday night. highways An olflcer of the Twin Palls the 38,702 heriffVdepartmenrTraJrcfllleamj- -fewer-^ha nvesUgate the family. After Inves- total com igaUon with the county-nurse. the 35.580, wh ounty doctor waa called to the 1050- w e. The doctor toot two of the 1^ IMl. Pdren to the hospital. One la aaid 0 have a rash on Its body and the other was bruised. The investigating U r6W Mficer laid he did hot lihow how Tfcl lhe child received the bruiaea. rl Judge J. Dean Mosher set bond ^ 0 0 each and-the • pair spent - By-' j e s d a y hlght in the Twin Palls Two «ei ^ ^ ty jaQ. The bonds were posted mote SUvi ^10 ajn. Thursday, sherlff'a rec- today—on ords disclose. A trial date haa been that 36-y' Kt for 10 ajn. next Wednesday, have aurv ------- ----------------- crash. Advisers Meet ca™.! W ashington. Jan. ao H^-sec- Mayor ;et^ of state John F^'D ullea They too Jwled In an advisory group today The sr or talln on the Issue of Interna- Thursday, °nal safeguards against massive 000-foot wrprise attack in the space age. Lieut. Do ^^«-<|Ueatlon1rwltetIft'riC7raBeir ■thfr-Idah< negotiations with thc Bovlet Union. Miller It was the first session of the Tuesday i wvlaory group In several months. Ne ----- — ------------- Newhlll TOKYO UAS QUAKE wreckage 30 (fl — A sharp chance th ^thquake rocked 1\)lcyo today. vlved. t-NEWS-BtlLL l»-The boiler of » nth.r. ", lodny, kllUn*- l e v e i - p e It n u ? * ” »P«f»lor nenr Ihe Bcene reporti ttll.. >" » remote wea 18 mlles^io iadln. T'""' Ben McGre lon n i‘i? " noon T “n on the li,r,e, Ht-Hostlllty towai ‘tnilors iilrf by » report- over . “ ‘■wli'oyotl a border brldge-und Qui I .'P* in the wuthcm area. C plunLJ.rf Mcxlcanj Imd crosacd ‘I" vlllnlse of s»nl« Ano, •l»ard Ji**'*?' Dunlsh ahlp wll illslrf.. il ^ ™ l'i!l)«g olt Orccnland lod 'Irtek.ii sV'* “ W ll '">™ Creenltnd’i locliound ’P'll to the rooue, '“to'ifa*'?,?'.,W ^T lio Bovlet Commi •Mlnaril™ ‘'"1' llllll two moro Kron aftmi?"'’' P«rvukhln, Jormor i PUuun, ' '“"S'' “nil Mn»lm Bnbutov, form« undtr titt. ' - I ^1 ---------- 1 0______ _ A Regional Nev ^ ; ------------------------------------- ------------ -----------------‘~ o r r tc i ¥ r c i u n r n ? — . _______ ________County N<mrwir>tr ** iuts in Sp d Boost 1 Defense : — Pre.sident Ei.sonhower ; foreijrn aid budjiet will lintr. The Pre.sident .spoke n,j I'hiintre of per.sons, .spon- projetti lional education. Most.of nnnnd t devoted , to the.jie.ed .for..^ e,,bi y” in the cause of mutual serious !ch carried a plain warn- d^'ij to the heavily Democratic yjsjnjr ?res.s not to cut foreisTi qoo poi .■;nld that thase who advocated ^*^','1 !'^ nR hLs mutual aid and loan rockel ram.s did noi fully understand / . mean to national safety available world peacc, ny out-back of pre.sent budget- i levcl.s for our mutual Security ®tat! rain.” thc President said, "would high em ire additional outlays for our boosty i securliy forces, far greater than pound- s amount that could be s>o saved." ®°uld sci reign aid spending for this fls- cumnavl e a r is e s llm a te d a t S3.0OO.OOO.OOO. Johns( lis budget message lo congress and spai week h e asked $3,500,000,000 for ^^on cnv aal aid for fL*«:aI 196P; '*()•* J]ol Ulclpatlng a ’tongrc.sslohal effort church.’ *im ‘hi? recommendatibYii-Elsen^ " He oul cr told the meeting at a down- nient pr 1 hotel that forelRn nid cuts not Projec WPUld b0 OTt..mJlitary spending., JJtellitw "In the long run dilute -the faith tfihi aga jr allies in America’s dctermlna- Use o ■*’ahd ability to exercise leader- stallonai for freedom." the Ear shall do ali in my power to tlon.s, re that our friends around the ' d will not have ihelr faith In space sh e American purposes under- the Ear ed," he- said, trajert.oi >8 Traffic De; Lowest Sil CHICAGO, Jan, 30 (/P)—Traffic a^ •te.s took a heavy toll in 1958, but ed, ,37,000, wa.s the lowest since 19f neil, reporting today on motor v( imi(te.s that 1,.300,000 persons inc Irira. T h ^ o s trincliTdilTjrTiTOpBrty Jical expense and overhead cost ot billion dollars. “When you think o ing for highway accidcnts ife and limb ^hd money,” A ^ - council commehted, “there ttle cause for complacency latlsfactlon over the reduction I 111 ha death toll." le traffic death toll of 31,000 ^ 1,700 lower than In 1957 which I I- been approximately DOO below total-ot-aa^M -li^-.iasa. Thus, — toimdl-satd7-the-«aplb--w«s-« BenTTR year saving of 2,600 lives, year-old eved In the face of a five per Increase In highway travel Ior period. The 1958 death rate chalr’mai 6.6 deaths for every 100 million cle mlles. hearing i 21 of the past 24 months, the .p^e co icll said, the death toll was ^ r than the same month ot the william edlng year. Green's! isplte the two-year downtrend senate atallty stutlatlcs, tho death toll g roughly e<iual to the 1960 popu- coirimltti n of Portsmouth, O., .or New- vote , R. I. Last year’s death on the ways were .four per cent under jjfujed ( 38,702 in 1867 and seven per cent :r-'than- the-39,528 -In-1966. The I compared to the 1954 toll ot ^ 18, which pas the lowest ilnce bright w . Tha record toll is 39^69, set Qreen Ml. “Dear l i ocratlc ews Headfor n^m 'a PlaneW reckage . . . - his mem • By Tha Associated Pits* - on theci TO search crews headed for re- BSUver city in southwest Idaho « .y—one clinging to a slim hope I f*o 36-year-old John Miller might i survived a mountain-top plane h. S iller’s friends and business asso- ^ !S made up a pirty of 16 led by pggQ or Kerm Decker of Vale, Ore. ^ y took -along «-doctor. -------- le small plane was spotted rsday. Just 10 (eet below an 8,- j foot Owyhee county peak by ne-Hent it. Don Newbiil, Jet pUot with -Idaho-air-notionBl-guardi— r- „„Mihg Uler crashed while, returning ■ ' sday to his home at Vale from 0, Nev. nieht BWhlli said from the Ipoks of the ^ :kage there appeared little , , j ^ e d ice that Mlller could have sur, <*• Weaver, ------ T------------------------------------- H. Morgi The CO iLEmS__ Ex ______________ __ feet and ef a work Isrie on tbe Mlisls- :n_persons. in d .Injuring three I I |Q | eported. The ejploslon occurred les^south of here and about iS T ||‘ rIcGrew, store operator at Ihe lOon when worken were loading eDBN phone s< the Ede toward neighboring Ouatemalo o.m, Bui jport tHat-QUBtomalan-demon-Twln-P« d Guatemalan planes had llown Mountal ■ea. auatem olan police lii turn Tolegrap osscd tho border TImrsday and New I ' been dlel .......... ..... bo used Ip with 00 p»isenger« and crew office is d today. TliB vessel radioed B Prefix t mi (loodlnr. The J,874-to(i ililp, VAlley ,1 iound ooait, called (or help, A 0. knany houri away, far to Ihe C( BONN ommunlst parly, congrcss went lower li Kromlin votorans added to the parllami mor ambasssUor to communlBt on lmp< fornur high-ranking economlo 0. B. ») ^ mtaMil Nevi-spaper Serving , \ " ..... ' ________TWII )pace C hiel T o T est R ( Stronger N'EW YORK, Jan. 30 (UPI)—The i litod States hopes to fire a rock' V thi.s country ni^w hii.s. Hoy W. Joh jjccts agency, also predicted tho TJn und manned space .station into orbit. J orbited. But he aaid that'within the "iously for manned space platforms i ' delivery to the Kew York State Ba ing a booster with 1,500,- 0 pounds of thrust by clus- •ing H number of iire.sent .-ket eiigine.s. _ _ _ We hope to have Ihi.s boo.ster hmmm (liable for flighl in 1960." he Vith an Atlas mis.sllc for a soc- 1 stage and a third stago using :h energy fuel, he said the new )slcr not only could put a 25.000 md- space .station in orbit but ltd send a manned vchicle to ctr- nnavlgnle the nioon. lohnson said that •"when Earth d space are married Into a com- m onvlronmcnt. the United Stales 1 not arrive too lale at the ^e outlined Uieae-defensfr-deparV — projects; ?roJect Midas, designed to use .ellites in an early ^warning sys* n against surprise misslle^nttac^ of 2,500-pound satellites In .tlonary orbits 22.000 miles above i Earth for global communlca- 3cvi.slng mean.*! to maneuver a ice ship rnther than Just orbiting ; Earth or following a pre-set d e a th s f l ) i n c e l 9 5 4 I [ic accidents in the United but the number qf per.sons e 1954. The National Safety ar vehicle accident.s .said it 3 incurred crippling traffic srty destruction, wage Idbst st of Insurance, was put at ink of the price we are still |[||||| igefl Senator Quits as Head O f C o m m ittee W C WAflHINQTONrJ«nr30-fHPI)-;J --------- ^ 3. mieo^brrTHWtiirt3reenr8P --------- ¥ 7ir-old Ehodo Island Democrat 1 oldest man evef to serve In con- ss, quit unexpectedly today as , Ilrman of the senate foreign rela- W om en 1 os committee becauso of defective F a lls CO' u-Ing and eyesight. ^^,;|| )jg ^ :ho commlttea immediately callcd , aurried meeting to elect Sen, J. an a p ro \ lllam Pulbrlght, D., Ark.» as borhoOQI Ben's successor. I planner Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon Johnson announced after the -------------- nlnittee meeting that the group 1 voted unanimously to ask Green D l defer his decision, but th a t Oreen L J.C lU used to change his mind, rhe conunlttee took no action on A ^ - 1 quesTlon of a successor, but It xVlJl s a foregone conclusion tluit Ful- ght would be nnmed, ' Jreen disclosed his decision in a JLlCi ear Lyndon‘S letter to senate Dem- atlc leader Lyndon B. Johnson BIOHM ted yesterday. plan - by ie made it clear he was resigning the Virg ly as chairman ond intends to through y on as a senator and to letain law that membership—and his seniority— Norfolk aj the committee. day appei --------------------------- lapse tode !rash Claims thlTS with Oov Seventh BoySphS J (ConUn XK30A BEACH, Fls., Jan. 30 « t - jkuto smashup on Ocean Beach ^ __ ve has claimed Its seventh victim. l ; r A W >atrick Costello died In an Orlan- " hospital today after surviving an ;ldent Thursday that took the es of five 18-year-old Orlando Hlghwa: ip5S linuinj P Cenneth Goepper, who also sur- throughou ed the crash, died Thursday th«m to I ;ht. ting one 1 tilled whtn the speeding car lowing th mmed into a beach pipeline were J. O. S nneth L. Oardiner, James E. district, si iaver, Richard 0, Kohler. NIckle 600 jniies Morgan and John E. Roquemore. maintains rhe car, which belonged to Roque- open, but rc, son of a Mloml car dealer, rough." e through the pipeline a t wind- — eld“ level, sped more th a n 360 t and atopped at thc water’a edge. H H j •ialSystemGoes Into Use Sunday EDEN, Jin, 30-A new dial tele- y e a r 106 one system wili go Into effect in inwrst sl ! Eden-Hazelton area a t 12:01 . 1 , a n, Btinday, sayi .W, A, Reynoldi, (In-PollSrdistriot-managep-oMho luntaln States Telephone, and trio proi legraph company. , ^ow telephone directories liavo ^ , :n distributed bUt tjicte should not 1 used until the now dial control !lce Is placed In operntlon Sunday, efix for Eden aubsorlberj will bo Liley ,5 and lo t HoBclton; VAlloy ato„ go ' . . __________ Page 1 COAL DUTy OKAVED BONN, Germany, Jan, ?0 Ufl-Tlio ver house of West Ocminny’s rllamont today approved a 1duty Imported cool dcilgncd to out , B. sales here >s protection lor ‘ ■ neri In th* nultf, , •s.' '• 'v \\' \ //.■ //'/ WIN FAtXsTDAHO. FRIPAY.1 if N otes P] [.ocket 10 T T han at Pi be defense department’s apace chi ■ocket next voar that will be 10 tir John.son, director of the Pentagon’.* United Stale.s eventually will be al lit. John.son did not say when such a the ne.xt three or four years “we s ms and in terplanetary flight.” fn I Bar ciation John.son snid that Leaders Selected umooS^'-'WUl.iead op the, Twin. M il c icll.orianlied Thirsday night are Mrs. la l •treasurerj Mrs. Heber Loughmiller, Tlce . * * * * *■ /^omen’s Couni Civil Defense nder the direction of Mra. Luthei len’a Council for Civil Defense was 1 county Thursday' night. Purposes be to s^rve as an advisory iinit to c provide a warden service, bringing h oods up to a .state of preparedness, ner for disaster relief and civil, defei the steps outlined would be useful ------- ---------------------------- atomic wi an of Solons' skou i ^ bout Schools^'~ ^ear CoUapse S £ 3HM0ND, Va., Jan. 30 ,«V-A by°nSf{5 by ardent segregaUonlsts in Virginia legislature- to ram ““ ““ gh some drastic last-mlnute -"V hat would block integration In llk and Arlington schools Mon- ippeared on too verge of col- todw ............. attack, ' iders of tho group conceded , , didn’t see any hope of success j “JJ oov. J, Lindsay Almond, Jr.. V opposed to their moves.' The I has declined to accept admit- uJJted Stal ;onllniiiil «D P*I« >, ColDnn 1) |oglcol WOT ~ _______ Idaho wouli ewstlonfmue To Widen Roads glTufup ;hway district crews were con- to be done, 3^ m day to plow rural loads* ting uhlidr ghout the county, widening setting up to two-way traffic atter get- homes In tl one lane opened Thursday fol- be confined g the snowstorm Wednesday, "oiyii de D. Blnema, o( the Twin Falls ^ ct, said Pridoy that all of the liles of road which the district “ ''.fSj tains through^the winter were but some of them were "pretty ^ __________________________ tions betwe ISJv S ncws T wo >ge 1—Idaho, senote kills' blli boost minimum driver age, (erful rockct test slated In r, 1068 traffic deaths In notion pAInBA^ 5st since 1064, Women’s com- Bj„iide„d ror defense formed hero. Two , ,. , ond 10 tropped.ln nursing d,„.„t_t„do ie-flfoTCandldalcrfor ■ space' proud W lL^wM e«d, qqu- facing n c g l ^ i m g e j r , qapt. Tor Age S’-Scoutmastors lionol'ed. wnjin^Brfl Ate 4—EdlloriQl: "Circus Ring Tliuridav th ticD": Viewa of Othera! -M«n 55}™ ^ ^ Count/* * for mui'i Kge 5-Officor commlBsIoned, i ro geta new manngcr. ^helr nar 7-Ohurchscrv ceB, released ofti •ga' 9 - Ileavywolglit bout led, ISO-Idaho athletio en- Qijnnon, U ntei's left up to boards, . i.jt , no, n-llcavlor traffic pen- „ii ’ asked by ,orange. aerocni'ent, ■ge M^Mothers collect funds, ■I il " .... by Dtwi dir \ . r /^ ___________ I _________ f.jANUAKxigr3559 ____________ Plans ISe: T im es '] Present ! chief said today the 0 timea as powerful as fon’.s advanced research be able to put a 25,000- BOISE, ch a large station might minimum we shalF be able to plan to 16. Eni Tn a speech prepared a vote, wt that the army was de- inate inti ted for New Wom< , J »1U co w iT . DefenM "^MonlSt'cb I. LaVeri|( Stroi^i IdH, seorti- inan/Mor Tic® cbAlmin; Mrs, Bert (Staft ph( neil for Tw le F o r m ed S ither Douglas, Boise, a . was organized for Twin oses df the organization to civil defenae officials ™ I * ng homes in their neigh- less. Mrs. Douglas, staff _ _ defense for Idaho, stated M njii aeful whether or not an ic war should ever devel- T T he suggested each family IS T Id have a meriiber'trained rat aid and one in home ig^Emergency food! water and tlon provisions should be and 'each family should be led with complete llrst old ® nent, Mrs. Douglas stated. ducting the session, attended j^„(| ,ji b' irly 100 women, was.Mrs. Con- penjj jr « 1J. Lelser, director of welfore webJl* , Twin Falls civil defense and patrolman sf relief. Twin Palls civil de- received a Director Vemon Riddle told hit another omen of jm I oUS JirobLems Jrir. of-the-Idi 1for thia area in the event of had contln without sti explained proboble targets'ln patrolma , wind currentj and how they at Rojersc affect the fallout pattern. He take a bloi pointed out that both the -.u, I States and Russia hava bio- . y," I warfare weopons, to*which * would:ba partlcul^lyjoUner^ c'rrdrtnin vll defense plan lor Twin Palla accident b'e xistence. Riddle said, but there one of the i a great deal ot planning yet cqI q , done, Including means of get- tlon after I Ihlldren home trom achoolsr p a u r — f up emergency eoulpment In I In the event families (hould , Ulned thera, for several days. U delense has many prob- Richard B -on both national and state driving wl ’• Riddle stated, "WhUe the was revoke ' to destroy has Increased a sloner of la ifold, Ilttle progress has been .Wlljon w In the Improvement ol rela- bate Judge between nations since tbe end Indictable ■Hlliii>l-«ii-PM«-VCdM..-l)__ _i-ICmUb» rff Ca^l^date8 ^ 6 l: Are Proud a) RBANKS, Alaska, Jan. SO Uf— dl<^ station lered but proud, two vrteran of tbe men tee test pilots were tiyin* to discloitdne -today-Uie-nows-that-they olals con?ln soon swap tlielr supersonlo Bogan an uies ipr a spaceship, . porory duljf I, Toni BOgan, 35, and Copt, nefr her*/ «iBfiidbury,'J3; were Informed air totci bi lay that they bad been ohoeen Bogan fll( loa other then as candldatel perature te) lan’s llr« venture to outetaPlOlD, < Bogan ol Ir names were, the llrst lo be Bra^bunf. v Id after the spocemeii prograni Tex., to d 0 nnpunced Tuesday by Keith spcoUl traU im, U, B. space chief, ' venture, Du wos pretty hord U> bolleye,7 doublo the "said. Dradbury nodded In houti md i Mnt, , height of ,B two pilots, were IntervlewiU The two dlrtetor Ken,<lonn4f ol tir lh«lr wl«« ine Irrigated Idaho Counties --------------- ^ .... H«nbiTtff"AUa!nilfH4U-Br : .4- . and UniUd-ftw enate Ki To Hike Idaho ] ISE, Jan. ,■!() (UPI)—The Idaho sent ium atje for licensing drivers from 1 Earlier, the controversial pari-muti ;, was withdrawn because of a.receni in thc houae in.stead of the senate be imen’s Defense Cou V ; \m li,''cba|niutnrib>d jttan^ng, Mrs..,yibtor Mi 'More th^n 100 countnfomenr»*‘*”'lca thi t photo-engraving) ‘ . WO D ie , IO T .EN ELLYN, 111., Jan. SO (/P)-Two 1today in a fire in an old mansion 1 •ted trapped and possibly killed in Ing home caved in. Glen Ellyn ia a e , One of the victims was dead on an -> ---------------------------------Elmhurst. ih rD riv C T ' K S . The dead iHeld Here serves as a \ -- ----------------------------------------oien-EUyn-ll 4fter Mishap peSSW ^ two-story- to man-Jay Webster, Rexburg, (^jjor Is atuci ;d with drunken driving, waa ^ony of the i Twin Falls , county JaU Pri- there by Du l n Ueii of a $250 appearance ^4 a day; ,T1 Bet by Hollister Justice of the pearlR.Bflai B^'TOs°'wrrested by State man D.- L.-Oaln -alter police td a repott-thiira-ariyer-had other car about 10 miles north ?ominir Irom e-Maho.Ncvadtt_botdet and ontlnued on tow ud Rogerson lS"e™Sg lo It stopping, Firemen so lolmon Cain made the exrest “ ““ ^ the Glen Ell: ' blood test. ... rived, the he car Webster Is reported to firemen oouli hit was driven by Mrs, Henry noor to evac jer. Eito. Nev, Aaotherjoihl- —m rm eim i l v t h > r S u ^ S w , Hou, coeur le, became Involved In the nt because ol bright lights on [ the olher vehioles. Coin sold, wss contlntiing the Investlgo- Iter bringing Webster to Twin The turret ................. ------------------------- «noU>fit-tne- I Jailed Thunsday was BoB'.B. j ,^ u o n 'h i n, 1338 Eighth avenue east, who *“ urested by Statei Patrobnan rd Bums and charged ,wlth • ANNIVE g while, his driver's license PRANKPD evoked by the atate commls- (uPD—Twei of law enlorcement. .. ion was arraigned .belore Pro- “ ““ ludge J, Dean Mosher on'the Qennony an Ible misdemeonor; Judge bom; Bie aj X CalMMn .1^ ----- py..tne,’P j j g orJa«nt-6ito-Sp and Bewildered Itlon KPBB, mho hod leortied husband’s co men’s Mlectlon Irom on un- Bogan said J ed newi source. Air loroe ofll- reach his wl onfUmed It. . ' London, Ont, m and Bradbury are on' tera- DaytohA duty at Elelson air 16rce base will Bogan lier*/ from Wrlght Jjtttctson theJihMce.U ■OBbase, Dayton, o, tiny globe? infllfsaPlOOlnsubiierotem- i,r„oul(lh» re teS; Dradbury ««ed tesU th.'T rSj^S in' of'Ooodland, Ind.; «nd iry. wlio halta-lrom-Houston, old Ooimer they have had no P ^ A 'fr ™ Iralnlnli’as yet lor the space 0, But bolh hnve more than . Neither pm the teqiilred IflOO Iljing training proi ind Ue within the miixlmtim OUmn^'a ot 5 leot, 11 Inches, satd Uie 13 two pilots ara niftrtlod but are exp«ct«d Rlyu,^9 not y d know ot'their by lat* Man _______ _______________________________ . ■ . ) 1 ' - FIN-/ ^ _______ EDITI *4U'BrCtNUlin6BI----- - ----------------------- pj^ Ud-ft«*v4nUwt*tiootr ------ 1 [ills M ov B M in im i Driver. I senate today Wiled a bill which woi rom 14 to IG. It was defeated by a rol -mutuel raeebctting bilI,-\vhichnIso-w recent attorney general’^' ruling that ite becaijse it was a revenue measure. Ihouae was dei Council troveraial. The senate un |||H |H |||||H H H |||||||||| threls stoni provide prior mort«ae covcred by a Ik slstance law an locsimlle signal ^flclals. In defeating t drlvera licensing tended that it w ental responsibl - sheriffs of the precarious posit Supporters agreed that ^ntrodaoed-in- they felt that I The wouli . mum legal driv . IS and make unrestric censes tween In opening de Vernon who Introduced tbat a move pn -IromkilllngJir- or He admitted the ogi copoble drivers, . ' not that sale drivers, vehicle meets’u hide, - Daniel, citing:' , lorms: of donge Ben;Pre(i M, "sfHrhe would- ' bUU b u t M t h the !’shei1tt wo aj«y,",referrinn lor MiUerr-BiiliLjlcui»!>^ aptasM;:provli led the organisational meati aberUf^itOvIM .. ryri -'. ; ■ ■(Cwtlw<.«i Trapped as E O . ■11 ,'mv O -Two persons^; one of them a volunti sion houa ing-'ft'nursing home. A t leas d in wreickagfaftfir a ropf of the ,( ia a suburban, commuirlty about 80 ir in arrival "at Elmhurst Memorial ho urst. Doctors said' the ? . ,■ iniured-broughtJn,were 1 serious condition.' iU iC C dead 'llreman was Donald ; gen, « , a bgslneamim who : - A . i i t n - as a vbluiiteer olflcer of ttae ,A U iv l Uyn-lbre-department/-^-^ _ ------- nen .reported .thtreiere'26 !■ In n I; naUents and stalf,'iii the : ' liy’ towered .home, .Its,ex- • s stucco, Its Interior'Is wood. ot the patlenU arS assltojKl ly Du Pago Countv for c ^at ly, The home Is.tpetated by “* t. Beard, a World War I nurse, t-ll-penions_^wore evyuatri down a°imU i the-blg.truck- ig-room-smellod^smokor^ni* tooTirtllSTB llrst thought the smoke waa 3 “the b a ^ ' Irom outside, looked up and ,mes,-Then-he heard a woman —irhTTSidrol to? lor help. , WeSgedT tt nen sold the bloze apparently, thon an hour 1 on the second flooi'. When In a log Janui on- Ellyn- lira department ar- separata the t the heot'Waa so Intense .that , The man oa 3 could not reaoh tbe second w d police wei I evacuate patients; license numbei neirweHTiampeted by lack er of tb# tftte Ities,’There Is no fire hydrant Jury, home. The nearest Is about The accldeni blocks awoy. Water Is taken ho town seven 1 In tank trucks, happened ro turreted mansion sits on '» it-tba-edge^ol-aien^llynrJt Jon h S & '°^‘ “ *“ ** lre™buT“ uc . tlllcation. % e INIVEESimY lONOEED ,■ ^U M t^’l NKPtWT^idefinany, Jan. JO tlon ol the T -Twenty-sU yfjin.w_t<K>»y A ,' HlUer beoariia clumbeHor o l ny and t|ia ,thU:d reloh w“ ^ me anniversary'was'Ijinored KOTABY TO ■Oennan-people, OHIOAOO. J ---------- convention o l : n - wUlbaheldln' r S tlS ■■ ■: I , , ' canyon on' Ji d’s candidacy fi »pacemen. Albion will 1 said h e 'h a s been trytog to conditions ,th bU wife, who U visiting In ' Dick Beeson, | , Ont., Both women live a t ness, A '' ' , Or,ews %era Bogan luid Bradbury- accept Into tha area ace.ta.vlew_thB ,Earth »« a beginners’sla lbe?; , . — -#dvw>ped,«kle uld liavo to know more about :f»i[^_beg!nM|n ojcot," Bradbury sold. He i?? out that the IMlnoUsts “ >• Uoye j . . o h l m o e _ t o deoUna. , lid thoy don’t know too much •“ “ < ,he project. . . ' : ior pilot had an Idea ol what g p?ogn«v.mlght n ^ 'a announcament m tday nottta ot VI be n llnal apace'omldldatei vriley, p«ot«d lo have leleotrt ■. ■ - ML - riQN [m PRiCrS-eENTS-'— 7 r e \ ; , 1 i r n i f f A g ei would increase' the ^ M |j|? Lroll call vote of 27, H K lo'-was scheduled for' M l hat it should odg- M l ure. Meanwhile, th e jljia I dealing with.jabout' ; lliBf lUOStly Il0n-C0IF»^ e unanimously opproved irca. Thcao would raise, -’ standards for chlroprac- . i method for foreclosure I |i!H rt«agcs on real property ! ) a Ucn under public as-, ['Vn « and authorize use 'ol ^i|g ignaturu by pubUc ol- lng the blU to raise tha ; islng age, opponents con- 1 it would take .owoy p a r- 1!. !;n nsibllltles ond also'place the state counties in a > . position, ''I '-i;-;.' •s ot tho measure also ;i I it wasn’t the best blU .; -i.ij in-^hrieglslatnrer^ut— ^ lot it woa 0 step In tha i i Jon and would do until i j ivould increase the mini- [I iV l driviog age Irom l i to lke 18 the 'minimum at ' M l istrlcted licenses may be us, only-'rutcict^ U- d be issued fo those be- nd 18. ' ■ " - IH I lg debate on the measure, m Daniel, R.,. Fayette, - ] ■ ■ uced th; bUI, contended | glslotloh was drafted' In . - 1 O t I prevent “our children i njdj |> ffx njrtlniing' fhfttnfiglVM - -i pPw ted that many youngsters . | w ij e ogiB-ol.U and 16 were' y;hll! vers. , . ■ , jijm that the children are n o t' | j||| !, but'when a child In a ■ •;' Iff its’another child In a v e -, " '. j t JJ helt.. breoks ' lose,”, said ; );S ting;'' racing.. and other' ; i S ongenius driving, .. r;.)] iM, Ooop«r, B„ Caribou,., . :! iuinilfe' to.V<itt lor th a .— js] a t he opposed i t because ,. ;, f would be th? Judge,.iuid, . . ,j! ttio,lact that the .,: -ii}! irovldej'Ior .tha.,counlys-r H .:««ie’'{eiiipfl^ iJO-day -• m lij.lw P w l. ,C«lMm.T) IH Blaze I C?, ■ '-w linteer iirenian,’per- ' ■ H least 10 others, w ereli: M le Glen Ellyn,; Acres! ' M 0 miles w«st,of .Chi-1 itllfl hospital in: tieMby , toandCar [•uck Crash m Jan. -so «l—llirM ’ ■ cludtog a baby, were, kill-. ■' in the collision; 0 l theh:, 1 and a W'^flawln* . laid both vehlbles weiit t ; tall embankmmt and th a t. . ueitianded-.wheel»..uo:on . rear, crushing; It ,A man',-. aby. wera thrown out ani . ' f klUed Instantly. : ,' .-5 IjTbrthTWOMajrwas'rtlll-— 1. the snuushed car more :, our loter and poUce caUed i . lanuner 1(1 an^ attempt to , he twilled wreckage.. ' .-,-V n corrled no IdentUloatlott '-: I were trylng to traoe tliBi ':- mber of the car. The drlvr . ‘ Tflieirwwpea serious In--' Ident near this north Ida- even mllft west ol Kellogg on olippeiy; HtehwwJWi uUed Utah <»mty poUce Itm Ibundiub Iden- % a csr 1 « legtotoyd to lulr, MwistdDi- to a tentatlrs’ IdentUlea- la vlctlms as'Barton-T .— ^ a induate student,: In the OTiverslty, of* Id a h o ;' Bd'th^',;b(^.;,. TO MKBT M i s T O ; '.V '"j, OJian, >0 WMClie: ,; •^TtotnrTHteniattoiu^lT^ lln'itokyo.';,'.,'',;V ^ iing Good - ^ He riJ; area In, Howell n Mt. Harrison above ... lUl hOTe excellent: ski. ; I ^thU-week-end; s«n ; ,i lOn, partner In the bM- ; b re opening'ths ,ro«d 'J irea PjldaJr.i ’There 1* a ;; ,i ’ilopii asweUasoaelor o . ; ':! ,8kleri.,Pni8 Instruetloo. imen ; It'-'dllerkl I'luid' ^tree'itransportaU'oiiAto- .lronii>th.’B ^ .^ I M ;||| Bk)utni «i|sH

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Page 1:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

s S Traffic DeathScoreboard

'iw iiilM iH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD ofB i n U m traffk UUUtlta M of thU

^ b I e S I s S u for m tnd 19SS roi

f t

M M l^ a lle ? .4 8 5 L - .(^ —

''' ^

f e ^ y s C u

l | i d W o u l d

C o s t o f DWASHINGTON, J a n . 30 (U P I ) - F IfH -today- th a t an.v cu t in th e fo r

“fa r g re a te r” m ilita ry apciuliiiK . .m e e t in g on in te rn a tio n a l e x d iiin , pH bv th e in s t i tu te ot I n te r n a t io n a

< ! i! r j .f_ p 'r8 p a re d speech w as . devoJ M ter “people-to-people d ip lo m ac y ” i r

iinderatanding . But hi.s .speech c ^211— ---------- —--------------------- in g to tl-

Measui-e Eyed a f ; ; ;

OnRegulating Of Gull Spuds n r 'J

3 'S S r !fSrlncs next week on a bill to regu- securi trV o m m erce In cull polat^os.rhalnnftn George Brocke, D., Ln- poreiRntlh said Thursday. cal year issBrocke said thc bill was outlined {jy• the committee of potato, grow- i^st weekK who favor it. m utual alTbe bill would provl'de that any AnLlclpc

p r o c ^ ~ wHtr fauys-cuH- potatoea jq ^rim 'Wrom R shipper m ust label the rc- hower toli

imltlnK product aa made from culls, holerJ«JOUld_not_resW cL only wuulpuit^asM of field run poCaloci I f m b u t "In thanners.' of ou r alliThe bill waa described to the com- -HoiT’ahd

mlttee as a compromise of a num- ship for fitr of bills which had been offered - i shni:eirller, Brocke said. He said views insure thiof pnxessors, shippers and grow- world wllerswould each be heard on separate these Ardays. The hearings were tentatively m ined ." Yui for next Tuesday. Wednesday ---------------md Thursday. ? K O

Just NormalMagic Valley weather la going

to be "Just normal*’-fo r the next five daya. according to the fore- caat received here via the Asso- p u T r dated Press. .

"Prom now on we'll Just be S t a t e s f marking tim e'un tll spring." said k i l le d , 3 the AP reporter as he read this ] c o u n c il

°>Z ^ ^ tu r e s a v e r a . ln . above e s t i m q t .normal. Hlgha mostly In the 30*8 in ju n e a :and low HO’a, mlnimums 25 to 36. m ed ica lPrecipitation moderate." c a h illi/

(Probably.) .^ _________________p a y in g i

P a i r l s R i c m g J s , " . "

N e g l e c t C o u n t

were ftee on bonda Friday after two-year jelng charged with neglect of their achieved nlnor children. cent Incre

Mr. end Mrs. Harold Cllmer were tha t peril irreated late Wednesday and charg- 5-® " !d with neglecting the children and vehicle m: adangering their health by "abuse, 21 o: leglect and injury." Two of the Council r Jilldren were taken to the Magic lower th a ^ aJley Memorial hospital for tr^at- preceding nent. One child named In the com- Despite Jlaint was 3‘ yeara old and the *n fatallt] other four months old. Another was rough Md.Wfts placed in a foster home latlon of >y , authorities, an official said Port, R. I Thursday night. highways

An olflcer of the Twin Palls the 38,702 heriffVdepartmenrTraJrcfllleamj- -fewer-^ha nvesUgate the family. After Inves- total com igaUon with the county-nurse. the 35.580, wh ounty doctor waa called to the 1050- w e . The doctor toot two of the 1 IM l. P dren to the hospital. One la aaid ” 0 have a rash on Its body and the other was bruised. The investigating U r 6 W Mficer laid he did hot lihow how Tfcl lhe child received the bruiaea. r l

Judge J. Dean Mosher set bond ^ 0 0 each and-the • pair spent - By-' j e s d a y hlght in the Twin Palls Two «ei ^ ^ ty jaQ. The bonds were posted mote SUvi ^1 0 ajn. Thursday, sherlff'a rec- today—on ords disclose. A trial date haa been tha t 36-y' Kt for 10 ajn. next Wednesday, have aurv

------- ----------------- crash.

Advisers Meet ca™.!W a sh in g to n . Jan. ao H^-sec- Mayor

; e t ^ of state John F ^ 'D u l l e a They too Jwled In an advisory group today The sr or talln on the Issue of Interna- Thursday, °nal safeguards against massive 000-foot

wrprise attack in the space age. Lieut. Do ^^«-<|Ueatlon1rwltetIft'riC7raBeir ■thfr-Idah< negotiations with thc Bovlet Union. Miller

It was the first session of the Tuesday i wvlaory group In several months. Ne

----- — ------------- NewhlllTOKYO UAS QUAKE wreckage

30 (fl — A sharp chance th ^thquake rocked 1\)lcyo today. vlved.

t-NEWS-BtlLLl»-T he boiler o f »

nth.r. " , lodny, kllUn*- le v e i-p eIt n u ? * ” »P«f»lor nenr Ihe Bcene reportittll.. >" » remote wea 18 mlles^ioiad ln . T '"" ' Ben McGrelon n i‘i? " noon T“n on the li,r,e,

Ht-Hostlllty towai ‘tnilors iilrf by » report-over . “ ‘■wli'oyotl a border brldge-und Qui

I .'P* in the wuthcm area. CplunLJ.rf Mcxlcanj Imd crosacd

‘I" vlllnlse of s»nl« Ano,

•l»ard Ji**'*?' Dunlsh ahlp wllillslrf.. il ^ ™ l'i!l)«g olt Orccnland lod 'Irtek.ii sV'*“ W ll '" > ™ Creenltnd’i locliound

’P'll to the rooue,

'“t o ' i f a * '? , ? ' . , W ^ T l i o Bovlet Commi •Mlnaril™ ‘'"1' llllll two moro Kron

aftm i?"'’' P«rvukhln, Jormor iPUuun, ' ' “"S'' “nil Mn»lm Bnbutov, form«

undtr t i t t . ' -


‘ ^ 1 ---------- 1

0______ _

A R eg io n a l N ev^ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------‘~ o rrtc i¥ rc iu n rn ? —

. _______ ________C o u n ty N <m rw ir> tr **

iu ts in Sp d B o o s t 1 D e fe n se :— Pre.sident Ei.sonhower

; foreijrn aid budjiet will lintr. T he Pre.sident .spoke n,j I'hiintre of per.sons, .spon- projetti lional education. M ost.of nnnnd t devoted , to the.jie.ed .fo r . .^ e,,bi y” in the cause of m utual serious !ch carried a plain warn- d 'ij to th e heavily Democratic yjsjnjr ?res.s not to cut foreisTi qoo poi

.■;nld th a t thase who advocated ^* ','1! '^nR hLs m utual a id an d loan r o c k e lram.s d id noi fully understand /. m ean to n a tio n a l safety available world peacc,ny o u t-b ack of pre.sent budget- ilevcl.s fo r our m utual Security ®tat!rain .” th c P resident sa id , "would high emire ad d itio n a l outlays for our b o o s ty isecu rliy forces, far g rea te r than pound- sa m o u n t th a t could be s>o saved." ®°uld scireign a id spending for th is fls- cum navlear is e sllm ated a t S3.0OO.OOO.OOO. Johns(lis b u d g e t message lo congress and spaiweek h e asked $3,500,000,000 for ^^on cnvaal a id for fL*«:aI 196P; '*()•* J]olU lc lp a tln g a ’tongrc.sslohal effort c h u rc h .’ *im ‘h i ? recommendatibYii-Elsen^ " He oulcr told th e m eeting a t a down- n ien t p r 1 h o te l t h a t forelRn nid cu ts not Projec

WPUld b0 OTt..mJlitary spending., JJte llitw "In t h e long run d ilu te -the faith tfihi aga j r a llie s in America’s dc te rm lna- Use o ■*’ah d a b ility to exercise leader- sta llonai

for freedom ." the Earsh a ll do ali in my power to tlon.s,

re t h a t our friends a round the ' w ill n o t have ih e lr fa ith In space she A m erican purposes under- the Eared," he- said, trajert.oi

>8 T r a f f i c D e ;

L o w e s t S i lCHICAGO, Jan, 30 (/P)—T raffic a •te.s took a heavy toll in 1958, but ed, ,37,000, wa.s the lowest since 19f neil, reporting today on m otor v( imi(te.s th a t 1,.300,000 persons inc Irira . T h ^ o s trincliTdilTjrTiTOpBrty Jical expense and overhead cost ot billion dollars. “W hen you th ink o ing f o r highway accidcnts ife a n d limb ^hd money,” A ^ - council commehted, “there ttle cause for complacency latlsfactlon over the reduction I 111 ha death toll."le tra ffic death toll of 31,000 ^ 1,700 lower than In 1957 which I I- been approximately DOO below to ta l-o t-a a ^ M -li -.iasa. Thus, — toim dl-satd7-the-«aplb--w «s-« BenTTR year saving of 2,600 lives, year-old eved In the face of a five per Increase In highway travel Ior period. The 1958 death rate chalr’mai

6.6 dea th s for every 100 million cle m lles. hearing i

21 of the past 24 months, the .p^e co icll said , the death toll was ^ r th a n the same m onth ot the william edlng year. Green's!isplte th e two-year downtrend senate atallty stutlatlcs, tho death toll g roughly e<iual to the 1960 popu- coirimltti n of Portsmouth, O., .or New- vote , R. I . L ast year’s death on the ways w ere .four per cent under jjfu jed ( 38,702 in 1867 and seven per cent „:r-'than- the-39,528 -In-1966. The I com pared to the 1954 toll ot ^18, w hich pas the lowest ilnce bright w . Tha record toll is 39^69, set Qreen Ml. “Dear l i

ocratlcews Head for “ nm'a Plane Wreckage

. . . - his mem• By T h a Associated P its* - on theci

TO search crews headed for re- B SUver c ity in southwest Idaho «.y—one clinging to a slim hope I f * o

36-year-old John Miller might i survived a m ountain-top plane —h. Siller’s friends and business asso- ^ !S m ade up a p irty of 16 led by pg g Q o r K erm Decker of Vale, Ore. ^y took -along « -d o c to r .--------le sm all plane was spotted rsday. Just 10 (eet below an 8,- j foot Owyhee county peak by ne-Hent it. Don Newbiil, Jet pUot with -Idaho-air-notionBl-guardi— r - „„Mihg Uler crashed while, returning ■' sday to his home a t Vale from0, N ev. n ieh tBWhlli said from the Ipoks of the ^ :kage there appeared little , , j ^ e d ice th a t Mlller could have sur,<*• Weaver,------T------------------------------------- H. Morgi

The CO

i L E m S _ _ E x______________ __ feet and

ef a w ork I s r ie on tbe Mlisls- :n_persons. i n d . Injuring three I I | Q | eported. The ejploslon occurred les^south of here and about iS T | | ‘ rIcGrew, store operator a t Ihe lOon w hen worken were loading eDBN

phone s< • the Ede

tow ard neighboring Ouatemalo o.m, Bui jport tHat-QUBtomalan-demon-Twln-P« d G uatem alan planes had llown Mountal ■ea. aua tem o lan police lii turn Tolegrap osscd tho border TImrsday and New I

' been dlel.......... ..... bo used

Ip w ith 00 p»isenger« and crew office is d today. TliB vessel radioed B Prefix t m i (loodlnr. The J,874-to(i ililp, VAlley ,1 iound ooait, called (or help, A 0. knany houri away, fa r to Ihe


om m unlst parly, congrcss went lower li K rom lin votorans added to the parllami

mor ambasssUor to communlBt on lmp< fo rn u r high-ranking economlo 0. B. »)

^ “ m taM il

Nevi-spaper Serving ■ , \

" ..... '________T W II

) p a c e C h i e l

T o T e s t R (

S t r o n g e rN'EW YORK, Jan. 3 0 (UPI)— T he i litod States hopes to fire a rock' V thi.s country ni w hii.s. Hoy W. Joh jjccts agency, also predicted tho TJn und manned space .station into o rb it. J orbited. B ut he aaid th a t'w ith in the

"iously for manned space p la tfo rm s i ' delivery to the Kew York S ta te Ba ing a booster with 1,500,-0 pou n d s o f th ru s t b y clus- •ing H n u m b e r of iire .sen t.-ket eiigine.s. _ _ _We hope to have Ihi.s boo.ster h m m m (liable for flighl in 1960." he

Vith an Atlas mis.sllc for a soc-1 stage and a third stago using :h energy fuel, he said the new )slcr not only could put a 25.000 md- space .station in orbit but ltd send a manned vchicle to ctr- nnavlgnle the nioon.lohnson said that •"when Earth d space are married Into a com- m onvlronmcnt. the United Stales 1 not arrive too lale a t the

^e outlined Uieae-defensfr-deparV —projects;

?roJect Midas, designed to use .ellites in an early ^warning sys* n against surprise misslle^nttac^ of 2,500-pound satellites In .tlonary orbits 22.000 miles above i Earth for global communlca-

3cvi.slng mean.*! to maneuver a ice ship rnther than Just orbiting ; Earth or following a pre-set

d e a t h s f l

) i n c e l 9 5 4 I

[ic accidents in the United bu t the number qf per.sons

e 1954. The National Safety ar vehicle accident.s .said it 3 incurred crippling traffic s r ty destruction, w age Idbst s t of Insurance, was p u t at ink of the price we a re still | [ | | | | |

igefl Senator Quits as Head

O f C o m m i t t e e W C

W A flHINQTONrJ«nr30-fHPI)-;J--------- ^3. m ie o ^ b rrT H W tiir t3 re e n r8 P --------- ¥ 7“ir-old Ehodo Island Democrat 1 oldest m an evef to serve In con- ss, quit unexpectedly today as ,Ilrman of the senate foreign rela- W o m e n 1 os committee becauso of defective F a l l s CO' u-Ing and eyesight. ^^,;|| )jg ^:ho commlttea immediately callcd , aurried meeting to elect Sen, J. a n a p r o \ lllam Pulbrlght, D., Ark.» as borhoOQI Ben's successor. I p la n n e rSenate Democratic Leader LyndonJohnson announced a f te r th e --------------

nlnittee meeting that th e group 1 voted unanimously to ask Green D l defer his decision, but th a t Oreen L J .C lU used to change his mind, rhe conunlttee took no ac tion on A ^ - 1 quesTlon of a successor, but It x V l J l s a foregone conclusion tlu it Ful- ght would be nnmed, 'Jreen disclosed his decision in a J L l C i ear Lyndon‘S letter to senate Dem- a tlc leader Lyndon B. Johnson BIOHM ted yesterday. p lan - by ie made it clear he was resigning the Virg ly as chairman ond in tends to through y on as a senator and to letain law th a t membership—and his seniority— Norfolk aj the committee. day appei

--------------------------- lapse tode

!rash Claims thlTSw ith Oov

Seventh BoySphS‘ J (ConUn

XK30A BEACH, Fls., Jan . 30 « t -jku to smashup on Ocean B each ^ __ve has claimed Its seventh victim. l ; r A W >atrick Costello died In a n Orlan- "hospital today after surviving an ;ldent Thursday that took the es of five 18-year-old Orlando Hlghwa: ip5S l in u in j PCenneth Goepper, who also sur- throughou ed the crash, died Thursday th«m to I ;ht. ting one 1tilled w htn the speeding car lowing th mmed into a beach pipeline were J . O. S nneth L. Oardiner, Jam es E. d istrict, si iaver, Richard 0 , Kohler. NIckle 600 jniies Morgan and John E. Roquemore. m aintains rhe car, which belonged to Roque- open, but rc, son of a Mloml ca r dealer, rough." e through the pipeline a t wind- — eld“ level, sped more th a n 360 t and atopped at thc w ater’a edge. H H j

•ialSystemGoes Into Use Sunday

EDEN, J in , 30 -A new d ia l tele- yea r 106 one system wili go Into effect in inw rst sl ! Eden-Hazelton area a t 12:01 . 1, a n, Btinday, sayi .W, A, Reynoldi, (In-PollSrdistriot-managep-oM ho luntaln S tates Telephone, and tr io proi legraph company. ,^ow telephone directories liavo ^ , :n distributed bUt tjicte should not 1used until the now dial control

!lce Is placed In operntlon Sunday, efix for Eden aubsorlberj will bo Liley ,5 and lo t HoBclton; VAlloy a t o „ go

' . .__________ Page 1COAL DUTy OKAVED

BONN, Germany, Jan, ?0 Ufl-Tlio ver house of West O cm inny’s rllamont today approved a 1 duty

Imported cool dcilgncd to out ,B. sales here >s protection lor ‘ ■

n e r i In th* nu ltf, , —

• s . ' ' • ' v \ \ ' \ / / . ■ / / ' /

W IN F A tX sT D A H O . F R IP A Y .1

i f N o t e s P ]

[ . o c k e t 1 0 T

T h a n a t P ibe defense departm ent’s apace chi ■ocket next voar th a t will be 10 tir John.son, director of the Pentagon’.* United Stale.s eventually will be al

lit. John.son did not say when such a th e ne.xt three or fo u r years “we s

ms and in terplanetary fligh t.” fn I B ar ciation John.son snid that

L eaders Selected

u m ooS ^ '-'W U l.iead op the, Twin. M i l c icll.orianlied T h irsday night are Mrs. l a l •treasurerj Mrs. Heber Loughmiller, Tlce

. * * * * *■

/^ o m e n ’s C o u n i

C i v i l D e f e n s ender the direction of Mra. Luthei len’a Council fo r Civil Defense was 1 county T hursday ' night. Purposes be to s^rve as an advisory iinit to c provide a w arden service, bringing h oods up to a .sta te of preparedness, ner for d isaster relief and civil, defei the steps outlined would be useful

------- ---------------------------- atomic wi

an of Solons' skoui bout S c h o o ls^ '~^ear CoUapse S £3HM0ND, Va., Jan . 30 ,«V-A b y ° n S f{ 5 by ardent segregaUonlsts in

Virginia legislature- to ram ““ “ “ gh some drastic last-mlnute -"V h a t would block integration In llk and Arlington schools Mon- ippeared on to o verge of col-todw ............. a ttack , '

iders of tho group conceded , ,didn’t see any hope of success j “JJ oov. J , Lindsay Almond, Jr..V opposed to the ir moves.' The I has declined to accept admit- uJJted Stal ;onllniiiil «D P*I« >, ColDnn 1) |oglcol WOT

~ _______ Idaho wouli

ewstlonfmue To Widen Roads glTufup

;hway district crews were con- to be done, 3^ m d a y to plow rural loads* ting uhlidr ghout the county, widening setting up to two-way traffic a tte r get- homes In tl

one lane opened Thursday fol- be confined g the snowstorm Wednesday, "oiyii de D. Blnema, o( the Twin Falls ^ ct, said Pridoy th a t all of the liles of road which the district “ ''.fSj tains through^the winter were but some of them were "pretty ^

__________________________ tions betwe

ISJv S ncws T w o>ge 1—Idaho, senote kills' blli boost minimum driver age,(erful rockct test slated In r, 1068 traffic deaths In notion pAInBA^ 5st since 1064, Women’s com- B j„iide„d ror defense formed hero. Two , , . , ond 10 tropped .ln nursing d,„.„t_t„do

ie-flfoTC andldalcrfor ■ space' proud W lL ^w M e« d , qqu-

facing n c g l ^ i m g e j r , qapt. TorAge S’-Scoutm astors lionol'ed. w njin^Brfl Ate 4—EdlloriQl: "Circus Ring Tliuridav th ticD": Viewa of Othera! -M«n 5 5 } ™ ^ ^ Count/* * for m ui'iKge 5-Officor commlBsIoned, iro geta new manngcr. ^helr nar

7 -O hurchscrv ceB, released ofti•ga ' 9 - Ileavywolglit bout led, ISO-Idaho athletio en- Qijnnon, U ntei's left up to boards, . i.jt , n o , n - llc a v lo r traffic pen- „ii’ asked by ,orange. aerocni'ent,■ge M ^Mothers collect funds,■I il " ’ .... — by Dtwi dir

\ .

r / ^

___________ I_________

f . jA N U A K x ig r3 5 5 9 ____________

P l a n s ISe: T i m e s ' ]

P r e s e n t! chief said today the0 timea as powerful as fon’.s advanced researchbe able to put a 25,000- BOISE, ch a large station m ight minimum we shalF be able to plan to 16. Eni

Tn a speech prepared a vote, wt th a t th e army was de- inate in ti

ted for New Wom<

, J

»1U cowiT. DefenM "^MonlSt'cbI. LaVeri|( S troi^i IdH, seorti- inan/M or

Tic® cbA lm in ; Mrs, Bert (Staft ph(

n e i l f o r T w

le F o r m e d Sith e r Douglas, Boise, a . was organized fo r Twin oses df the organization to civil defenae officials ™ I * ng hom es in th e ir neigh- less. M rs. Douglas, s ta ff _ _ defense fo r Idaho, sta ted M n j i i aeful w hether or n o t an ic w ar should ever devel- T T he suggested each fam ily I S T Id have a m eriiber'trained rat aid and one in home ig^Emergency food! w ater and tlon provisions should be

and 'each family should be led w ith complete ll r s t old ®nent, M rs. Douglas sta ted . “ ducting the session, attended j^„(| , j i b' irly 100 women, was.Mrs. Con- penjj j r «1 J . Lelser, director of welfore webJl*, Twin Falls civil defense and patrolman sf relief. Tw in Palls civil de- received a Director Vemon Riddle told h it another omen o f j m IoUS JirobLems Jrir. of-the-Idi 1 for th ia area in the event of had contln

without stiexplained proboble ta rg e ts 'ln patrolma , wind currentj and how they a t Rojersc affect th e fallout pa ttern . He take a bloi

pointed out tha t both the -.u ,I States and Russia hava bio- . y , "I warfare weopons, to*which *would:ba partlcul^ ly jo U n er^ c 'rrd rtn in

vll defense plan lor Tw in Palla accident b'e xistence. Riddle said, bu t there one of the i a great deal ot planning yet cqIq , done, Including m eans of get- tlon after I Ihlldren h ome trom ach oolsr p a u r — f up emergency eoulpment In I In the event families (hould ,Ulned thera, for several days.U delense has m any prob- Richard B -on both national and state driving wl ’• Riddle stated, "WhUe the was revoke ' to destroy has Increased a sloner of la ifold, Ilttle progress h as been .Wlljon w In the Improvement o l rela- bate Judge between nations since tb e end Indictable ■Hlliii>l-«ii-PM«-VCdM..-l)__ _i-ICm Ub»

rff Ca l date8 6l: Are Proud a)

RBANKS, Alaska, Jan . SO Uf— dl< station lered b u t proud, two vrteran of tbe men tee test pilots were tiy in* to discloitdne - to d a y -U ie -n o w s-th a t-th e y olals con?ln

soon swap tlielr supersonlo Bogan an uies ip r a spaceship, . porory duljf I, Toni BOgan, 35, and Copt, nefr her*/ «iBfiidbury,'J3; were Informed air totci bi lay th a t they bad been ohoeen Bogan fll( loa o ther then as candldatel perature te) lan’s l l r « venture to outetaPlO lD ,

< Bogan olIr names were, the llrs t lo be Bra^bunf. v Id after th e spocemeii prograni Tex., to d 0 nnpunced Tuesday by Keith spcoUl traU im, U, B. space chief, ' venture, Du wos pretty hord U> bolleye,7 doublo the "said. Dradbury nodded In houti md i Mnt, , height of ,B

two p ilo ts , were IntervlewiU The two d lrtetor Ken,<lonn4f o l t i r lh«lr wl««

ine Irrigated Idaho Counties---------------^ ....H«nbiTtff"AUa!nilfH4U-Br

: .4- . a n d U niU d - f tw

e n a t e K i

T o H i k e

I d a h o ]ISE, Jan. ,■!() (U P I)—The Idaho sent ium atje fo r licensing drivers from 1 Earlier, the controversial pari-muti

;, was w ithdraw n because of a.receni in thc houae in.stead of the senate be

imen’s Defense C o u

V ; \m

li,''cba|niutnrib>d jttan^ng, Mrs..,yibtor Mi 'More th^n 100 countnfom enr»*‘*” 'lca thi t photo-engraving) ‘ .

WO D i e , I O T

.EN ELLYN, 111., Jan. SO (/P)-Two 1 today in a f i r e in an old mansion 1 •ted trapped an d possibly killed in Ing home caved in. Glen Ellyn ia a e , One of th e v ictim s was dead on an ->---------------------------------Elmhurst.

i h r D r i v C T ' K S. The dead

iHeld Here serves as a \ ------------------------------------------oien-EUyn-ll

4fter Mishap p e S S W^ two-story- to

man-Jay W ebster, Rexburg, (^jjor Is atuci;d with drunken driving, waa ^ o n y of the i Twin Falls , county JaU Pri- there by Du ln Ueii of a $250 appearance ^4 a day; ,T1Bet by Hollister Justice of the pearlR.Bflai

B ^'TO s°'w rrested by Stateman D.- L .-O aln -alter policetd a repott-th iira-ariyer-hadother car about 10 miles north ?ominir Irome-M aho.N cvadtt_botdet andontlnued on to w u d Rogerson lS"e™ Sg loIt stopping, Firemen sololmon Cain m ade the exrest “ “

“ “ “ ^ the Glen Ell: ' blood test. . . . rived, the he

car Webster Is reported to firemen oouli hit was driven by Mrs, Henry noor to evac jer. Eito. Nev, Aaotherjo ih l- —m rm eim i l v t h > r S u ^ S w , Hou, coeur le, became Involved In the nt because o l b rig h t lights on [ the olher vehioles. Coin sold, wss contlntiing th e Investlgo- ‘ Iter bringing W ebster to Twin The turret ................. —-------------------------«noU>fit-tne-

I Jailed Thunsday was BoB'.B. j , ^ u o n 'h i n, 1338 Eighth avenue east, who *“ urested by Statei Patrobnan rd Bums and charged ,wlth • ANNIVE g while, h is driver's license PRANKPD evoked by the a ta te commls- (uP D —Twei of law enlorcem ent. . .

ion was arraigned .belore Pro- “ ““ ludge J, D ean M osher on 'the Qennony an Ible misdemeonor; J u d g e bom; Bie aj

X CalMMn .1 ----- py..tne,’P j jg

orJa«nt-6ito-Sp and Bewildered

Itlon KPBB, m ho hod leortied husband’s co men’s Mlectlon Irom on un- Bogan said J

ed newi source. A ir loroe ofll- reach his wl onfUmed It. . ' London, Ont, m and Bradbury are on' tera- DaytohA duty at Elelson a ir 16rce base w ill Bogan

lier*/ from W rlght J j t t tc ts o n theJihM ce.U ■OB base, Dayton, o , tiny globe?infllfsaP lO O lnsubiiero tem - i,r„oul(lh» re te S ; Dradbury « « ed tesU th . 'T r S j ^ S

in' of'O oodland, Ind.; «nd iry. wlio halta-lrom -Houston, old Ooimer they have had no P ^ A ' f r ™ Iralnlnli’as yet lo r the space

0, But bolh hnve more than . Neither pm the teqiilred IflOO Iljing training proi

ind Ue w ithin th e miixlmtim OUmn^'a ot 5 leot, 11 Inches, satd Uie 13 two pilots a ra niftrtlod bu t are exp«ct«d

Rlyu,^9 n o t y d know ot'their by lat* Man

_______ _______________________________

. ■ . )1 ' -

FIN -/^ _______ E D I T I

*4U'BrCtNUlin6BI----- - ----------------------- p j ^Ud-ft«*v4nUwt*tiootr ------ ■ 1

[ i l l s M o v

B M i n i m i

D r i v e r .I senate today Wiled a bill which woi rom 14 to IG. It was defeated by a rol -mutuel raeebctting bilI,-\vhichnIso-w recent attorney general’ ' ruling th a t ite becaijse it was a revenue measure.

Ihouae was dei

Council troveraial.The senate un

| | |H |H | | | | |H H H | | | | | | | | | | threlsstoni

provide prior mort«ae

covcred by a Ik slstance law an locsimlle signal ^flclals.

In defeating t drlvera licensing tended that it w ental responsibl

- sheriffs of the precarious posit

Supporters agreed tha t ^ntrodaoed-in - they felt th a t I

The wouli . mum legal driv . IS and make


censes tween

In opening de Vernon

who Introduced tb a ta move pn

-IromkilllngJir- or

He admitted the ogi

copoble drivers, . ' not tha t

sale drivers, vehicle meets’u hide,

- Daniel, citing:' , lorm s: of donge

Ben;Pre(i M, "sfHrhe would-

' bUU but M t h the !’shei1tt wo aj«y,",referrinn

lor M iU err-B iiliL jlcu i»!>^ aptasM ;:provli led the organisational meati aberUf^itOvIM .. ryri -'. ; ■ ■(Cwtlw<.«i

T r a p p e d a s E

■ O . ■ 11 ,'mv O-Two persons^; one of th em a volunti sion houa ing-'ft'nursing home. A t leas d in wreickagfaftfir a ro p f of the ,( ia a suburban, commuirlty about 80 i r in arrival " a t Elmhurst Memorial ho urst. Doctors said' th e ■ ■ ? . ,■ iniured-broughtJn,were 1 serious condition.' i U i C C dead 'llrem an was Donald ;

gen, « , a bgslneamim who : - A . i i t n - as a vbluiiteer olflcer of ttae , A U i v lU yn-lb re-departm en t/-^ -^ ■ _ -------nen .reported . t h t r e i e r e '26 !■ I n n I; naUents and stalf,'iii th e : ' liy’ towered .home, . I t s , ex- • s stucco, Its Interior'Is wood. ot the patlenU arS assltojKl ly Du Pago Countv for c ^ a t ‘ly, The home Is.tpetated by “ *t. Beard, a World War I nurse, t-ll-penions_^wore evyu a t r i down a° im U i

the-blg.truck-ig-room-smellod^smokor^ni* to o T ir tl lS T B llrst thought the smoke waa 3 “the b a ^

' Irom outside, looked up and ,mes,-Then-he heard a woman —irhTTSidrol to? lo r help. , W e S g e d T t tnen sold the bloze apparently, thon an hour 1

on the second flooi'. W hen In a log Janui on- Ellyn- lira department a r - separata the t the heot'Waa so Intense . th a t , The man oa 3 could not reaoh tbe second w d police wei I evacuate patients; license numbeineirweH Tiam peted by lack er o f tb# tftte Ities,’There Is no fire hydrant Jury, home. The nearest Is about The accldeni

blocks awoy. Water Is taken ho town seven 1 In tank trucks, happened roturreted mansion sits on '»

it-tba-edge^o l-a ien^ llynrJt

Jon h S & '° ^ ‘ “ “ *“ ** lre™ buT “ uc . tlllcation. % e

INIVEESimY lONOEED ,■ ^ U M t ^ ’l NKPtWT^idefinany, Jan. JO tlon o l the T -Twenty-sU yfjin.w_t<K>»y A , 'HlUer beoariia clumbeHor o l ny and t|ia ,thU:d reloh w“ ^ m e anniversary'was'Ijinored KOTABY TO ■Oennan-people, OHIOAOO. J---------- ’ convention o l :n - w U lb ah e ld ln '

r S t l S■■ ■ ■: I , , ' canyon on' Ji

d’s candidacy f i »pacemen. Albion will 1said h e 'h a s been trytog to conditions ,th bU wife, who U visiting In ' Dick Beeson, |, Ont., Both women live a t ness, ‘A ' ' ' , Or,ews %eraBogan luid Bradbury- accept Into tha areaace.ta.vlew_thB ,Earth »« a beginners’s la lbe?; , . — -#dvw>ped,«kle uld liavo to know more about :f»i[^_beg!nM|nojcot," Bradbury sold. He i? ?

out th a t the IM lnoUsts “ >•Uoye j. .o h lm o e _ to deoUna. ,lid thoy don’t know too much •“ “ < ,he project. . . ' : ior pilot had an Idea ol w hat g p?ogn«v.mlghtn ^ 'a announcament m t d a y nottta ot VI be n llna l apace'omldldatei vriley, p«ot«d lo have le leo trt ■. ■ -

ML -riQN [m

P R iC rS -e E N TS-'— 7

r e \ ; , 1

i r n i f f

A g e iwould increase ' th e ^ M |j |?L roll call vo te of 27, H Klo'-was scheduled fo r ' M lhat it should o d g - M lure. Meanwhile, th e j l j i aI dealing w ith .jab o u t' ;lliBf lUOStly Il0n-C0IF»^

e unanimously opproved irca. Thcao would raise, -’ standards for chlroprac- . i method for foreclosure I |i !H rt«agcs on rea l property ! ) a Ucn under public as-, ['Vn « and authorize use 'ol ^ i |g ignaturu by pubUc o l-

lng the blU to raise th a ;islng age, opponents con- 1it would take .owoy p a r - 1 ■!. !;n

nsibllltles ond also 'placethe state counties in a > .position, ■ • ''I '-i;-;.'•s ot tho measure also ;iI it wasn’t th e best blU .; -i.ij in - ^ h r ie g l s la tn r e r ^ u t— ^lot it woa 0 step In th a i iJon and would do u n til i j

ivould increase the m ini- [I iV l driviog age Irom l i to

lke 18 the 'minimum a t ' M l istrlcted licenses may be us, o n ly - 'ru tc ic t^ U- d be issued fo those be- nd 18. ' ■ " - I H Ilg debate on the measure, m Daniel, R.,. Fayette, - ] ■ ■ uced th ; bUI, contended | glslotloh was drafted' In . - 1 O t I prevent “ou r children i n jd j |> ffx njrtlniing' fhfttnfiglVM - -i pPw

ted that many youngsters . | w ij e ogiB-ol.U and 16 were' y ;h l l ! vers. , . ■ , j i j mth a t the children are n o t ' | j | | | !, but'when a child In a ■ • ;' I f f its’another child In a v e - , " '. j t J J helt.. breoks ' lose,”, said ; );S ting;'' racing.. and o th e r ' ; i S ongenius driving, .. r;.)] iM , Ooop«r, B„ Caribou,., . :! iu in ilfe' to.V<itt lo r t h a . — j s ]a t he opposed i t because ,. ; , f would be th ? Judge,.iuid, . . ,j! ttio ,lac t th a t th e .,: - i i }! irovldej'Ior .th a .,c o u n ly s - r H .:««ie’'{ e i i i p f l ^ iJO-day -• m lij.lw P w l. ,C«lMm.T) I H

B l a z e I

C ?, ■ '-wlinteer iirenian,’ per- ' ■ H least 10 others,w e r e l i : M le Glen Ellyn,; Acres! ' M0 miles w«st,of .Chi-1 itllfl hospital in: tieM by ,

toandCar [•uck Crashm Jan. -so « l — ll i r M ’ ■ cludtog a baby, were, k i l l - . ■ ' in the collision;0 l th eh :,1 and a W '^flaw ln* .

laid both vehlbles weiit t ; tall embankmmt and t h a t . . ueitianded-.wheel»..uo:on . rear, crushing; I t ,A man',-. aby. wera thrown out a n i . 'f klUed Instantly . ■ : ■ , ' .-5 IjTbrthTW OM ajrwas'rtlll-—1. the snuushed ca r more :, our loter and poUce caUed i . lanuner 1(1 an^ a ttem p t to , he twilled wreckage.. ' .-,-V n corrled no IdentUloatlott ' - :I were trylng to traoe tliB i ':- mber of the ca r. T he drlvr . ‘ Tflieirw w pea serious In- -' •

Ident near th is n o rth Ida- even mllft w est o l Kellogg on olippeiy; H tehw w JW i

uUed U ta h < »m ty

poUce Itm Ibundiub Iden- % a csr 1« leg to toyd to lulr, MwistdDi- to a tentatlrs’ IdentUlea-

la vlctlms a s 'B a r to n -T . — ^ a in d u a te student,: In the OTiverslty, of* Id a h o ; '

B d 'th^ ',;b(^ .;,.

TO MKBT M is T O ; '.V '"j,O Jian , >0 WMClie: , ; • ^ T to tn rT H te n ia t to iu ^ lT ^l l n 'i t o k y o . ' ; , ' . , ' ' , ;V ^

iing Good - ^He riJ; area In , Howell n Mt. Harrison above . . . lUl hOTe excellen t: sk i. ;I ^thU-week-end; s « n ; ,i lOn, partner In the b M - ;

b r e opening 'ths ,ro«d 'J irea PjldaJr.i ’There 1* a ;; ,i ’ ilopii a s w e U a s o a e lo r o . ; ':! ,8kleri.,Pni8 Instruetloo. imen ; I t '- 'd lle rk l I'lu id ' ^tree'itransportaU'oiiAto- .lro n ii> th .’B ^ . ^ I M ; | | |

Bk)utni « i | s H

Page 2:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

E l , '■ P A G E TWO' ■

| j W o m e n S t a r !

l l L l p D e f e n s e X l H

r 'lT " " ' .... •*" ( Tn>»' w n n Bi y ’~ '& ' ' 'I Il| : (I I ' Teita have shown tha t I

^ ltf—i—«vent-o{-«tomlo-«tu c lci- p<!op ijii V ] s f -U -ro -p e M e n t- ja Je r- ln -a -b M ;E <i .1 th a n on 'tho main floor of a U . I - M n : Douglat itatcd. In the ev ■ ' • J ' l ' ; ; 'emergency,.the women's unit a l 1-1 ini I 1! bo. aslted to wor^on welfare, i V' ' ) lil ‘ Ity,-registration aiid houslnt

i f . ' ' th e ir duties ol present will beniL , educational,

iff ■ , Si nce the slate has no fur 1! ',' ; aid lh expenses of counly-wlt illk ' fl .i, ganlzallons, Mrs, Douglas sugi ,>i;. , 'th a t the, organizations repre!

>'.j; a l the meeting contribute to a liii ‘ ;.]! eral expense'fund, ' fij; 'Selected to head the organl!j (■' .' , vfero Mrs. Bert Morris, cbnb J i. L i „ Mrs. Victor Miller, Buhl, and

I ' [ll" .) Heber Loughmlller, Berger,

l l ' i / chalnnen and Mrs. LaVeme 81 il l l ' II secretary-tteasurcr. ■

U l l Clialtnicn to be named In " ’n i l progress speakers, publicity, tro

HMI I moterlols. These commn i l I "I’N i l 1’° ^^ 1 ^1''°n R | II to the county chalnnen, Mrs. I

II, las reported.•’ i.l **1.1 1° ^ ? if-^e -°untJ'»'ere

5 ' . I 1 1 w M '1 1 ‘ 1 p| Twin Foils county's chalrmo

civil defense, Jomej H. Brti,1 . was unoblq to attend the mei

j J l I since he Is ono of three personsH , ' i r I Idaho receiving spcclal sohoolli

Ii 11,111 ' radlologlool monitoring In Lm| j | I I j i ; gas,Nev^________________

| j P l a n o f ^ o l o n

j l I A b o u t S c l i o o

I N e a r C o l l a p----- -J T;<yiei« fiirO in)-^—

1,'j i ting Negro pupils to whlto scil'i I I'li ' r under federal court orders, tti— ti.L , ■■— _!!He!»_rem»lned-lmmoval)ler- a :■ p j f »■ senator from Virginia's hei

' ' I 1 Negro populated southside. "An< I are losing some of the weaker

. I ’ I we fe lt would go along with ug.' fl ■ I Almond, who fought the bI # 1 against Integration as attorney

' I U ; eral and ahics lost yeor as govei ' n ) ■ h u taken the view there was n

II I f f l ^ ‘‘1' 'Jjl II I chasoe ot success, i '. il# I -‘I In Oharlottesvllli today, the so

: ^ :f board announced the city's■ H ' V ^ __^closed achools will open next V

v" ■ k T ' fiesaay o i r s segregnlcdTosls."f![ V board said Wednesdiy was chi

• to effect an orderly reopening. I !|Q < I fjm a High and Venable elemeni

: I '■ ichoola.I , i'fl; . II Chief Judge Simon E. Sobelof . tho U . , 8 . fourth circuit court

I, i' appeals Thursdoy granted 01 i " ’ i .lottesvllle a postponement ot Its ij ; : :ij' y . ; . aegregatlon o r tt r until next fall,

; ; I ' ii; ;| refused, however, to staj? a lo ; il court order directing tho admlsi

: « Jour WBre-isrplls' Monday1 ‘ : M , S tratford Junior high school (wh

ta Arlington. .

| | | i ; I d a ^ R a i s e i r

I I I O f € u U S p u d

I s n ’ t W i a n t e

4 3 ® S |l_ .^ U a C O T A r J iI e ,r J a n f^ ( H f l^I i I f New England state ,wanta no t

■ j i i i ;Jj I o f Idahoans banished from tlI ■ l fll I I growing ouU pc

I l j toes. ■ ■.-Itl-piHiES-__ , ThB MalM-house-of represen; r F j t l ' i V, la cheek re' l l [ll li ^ reporti the Idaho legislatun

I H ') considering a bill to ban the m (• I ! ; keUng of cull or olf-grade spudi

! i I II ■ Th® Idahoans are thinking ob — bonlahlng-vlolatots-to - Slberla-

.“'.“ 'I of MallV i l . ‘ 'i, ' legislators here were told.; j j ; 0 ' ^ P - E. Perrin Edmunds, R„ F

■rl 'f.! , , ; ,■ Fairfield,, president ot tho Mo . II i - i — B!itatQ:counclLan4.theJJatlonal'

N tato council, commented;D i “We In Maine have known

t ' --Borao^tlrae .that .the .popularlty■!’ B ! the 'cuU' variety wss Increasing) ,n n i Mohp. Evidently leglslotlon Is n

m r essary to protect the Idoho p{ [ ip i ■ ducer from his own mlstokes.; £.1, I 1 “Portunately Maine's a u p e r l

I I lll ' II program hos long sl'j, flf li rS "* Ptoritable producUon= I ■ I tMs vMlety and Its culUvaUnn i: (/.» / B I olMontlnued here many yearsM ' M i ' r l ' ""ggestedthelegUlot

; i ' l j il P” "'*"'® banished Idoho -r | — ^Wlth-travel-«xpenses-b«ck”home,I I i | i ' f i ***W couldn’t cam si [ J ) ■ expenses here since there are

y i cull spud fields In which to worl; ! I ’ , S 'P - Carl R. Smith, R„ Exetei' II lorm er Maine commlissloner of at

I culture, added:I i . / F ® t>»«m (banlsl

J k U ; __ Idahoans) out fast. 11 might-■ caldUng.’*..........

'Ij Cuba War Crime M ^ — ^ r i a l - M e i a y e

I n , HAVANA, Jan. so (DPI) - 1■ i J ' l provisional government suddei.'?)■ : ' postponed Its "war crimes" tri : ■ ll' lo r 13 hours today without glvl

(;’jl on (xplanttlon.j; , ; H ie trials wero scheduled to ii f n «ume a t 8 aan. but two hours la tI.V when they stm hod not starti

I ormy Judgo Advocate. Humbei•4 11 J l BorliW arln announced they hi

I I , • F ; been t u t off until tonight.J l l —f , . --------He-aald-they-would-b«gln-slmu, j (U taneously a t Comp Columbia at ' I I I 1 1 Cabana fortress In an attem pt '

I I c u p proceedings.

‘ I I I k e e p th e W hite F lagI 11 l l o l S afe ty 'H y ing

i f c '1; . I f o w 'f lv a dayt te ithout a

J >*‘a//.<o d<at/i In our Jtfaolo J vaiioj/.

W e a t h e r ,

" ' MAOIO VAltEY—r a t l l y cll

M m dayi s r t i r l^ loir 2$ and 32 fti noon.^ ----------

8 w a rn c d r n ORTHEQK ID A H O -P arll h a t m .tn e uttle cooler-jouthera valleye tr-pcople—arc- -f t-b a « cm en t------------ ----------------------- 1 -• of a Home, ^onK, Ian. 3 0 (DPI)"the event of nallon-lbU momlor w ai 23 unit would B.Ifore, secitf- j j M ytrs, ria . ouslng, buf ' -lU bem alnly m « . uin

Allanr__________1.— at S410 futldfl to All)u(juer<iu» ------62 - 211tv-w IdTbr- Anehorw#---------------- 28 2Jity-wiqe. o r- ________ nIfl BUggeatCd Olimar«k___________ 13 -10represented w u in n ---------:---------a'l j^ tor a gen -' = 1! t

lJuf/llo _____________39 IVjrganlratlon iiuriey ---------- _____ a? 22

chairm an. ----------- -------^o «; Chicftfro __________34 nI, ond, U ts. ciev*Unj ______ __ _ 47 uerger, vice Denver .... ................... 37 Mm e Strong, D« Moine*--------------- as i

Dflroll ..... ....... ............ 37 . Jllj « , J Forth Worth ..... ...... .....74 SH

ied include fiooding____________ u 2sty, tra in ing Heieni... 2fi '-3

stole leveli u< v « n __________cn iiiO(ne h e lp Ijm An«<lw_________ 75 jn

Mrs'. Douk- l^ ii» iil* ----------------61 <»■’ M«inphll I___________'67 «' were re p - . "

lalrman of . T 0, B rtiham ,

se rv lc e i forin Dorrlnglon will be held

n r i . V . P-™-n LHI v e - ^iti, Q „ i | 3 j | officiating. Itlwds m a y call a Payne motluai;, B u rle y , prldaj Saturday ollcraoon a n d evenlnf

o n s at the famllt home Xrora 10 Saturday until time ot services.

_ _ 1 _ eluding illei will bo h e l d ta theo o l s craeHry. _____

TWIN P A U 8 -ru n e ro l ser ' i l T l S A wUl ■>« conducltil fo? I»aullne 1

g are t‘ Hcck and D oro thy E---------------H eokH it-s-prnir-S8tu«lay-alIte schools Whlte faortuiiry chapel by the I. Earl Terpeiilnii ol the T y l tr AvfU)len-«ald- Bopllsl-churtli-Plnol—rltes-wt I's heavily held ta Twin Palls cem ete iy .s. "And wo -------eoker ones FAIRHEU) -> R o s a ry for lh UJ." Mary V. Olbbonj will b e recite the b a ttle 8 pjn. Mday In U ie Thom imey gen - chapel, doodlni, and xnoss wll I governor, celebrated st 11:30 a o n . Satu was n o th - In St. EUtobiUi'i O atbo llo chi done w ith Qoodlng. m Rev^ W U llim (

way will b« Miebrant. Pinal the school will be. held at H agerm an cemeilty's tw o -------lexl W ed- BURLEV - Funerol services f a i ls . 'I f ie WfflIaiirAl(fS‘D rew "w lirbe"l OS chosen a t 3 p. m. Mondiy a t t h e new P penlng o f by terlon church with t t i e Rev. B lem entary neth Beoll olllolatlng. F riends 1

call a l the Fayns m o rtu a ry Soi Obeloff o f day, Sundoy and M onday until t court p f o t services. In Uiu of flowers,

!d C har-

|sB Magic TaladmlMlon ^onday to 'Jl (white) M a g ic Valley M e m o r l

■ visiting houii In t h e moler ..I ,•'! f',.". waM are fram a to 4 and 1 I M " pjn.; all otbin are f r o m a a ji "•I 8 pjn.

J ADMITTEDi l l Q Rlchonl Tbomai i l l f f . Ohorlei

Sattnwhlte, Jamos B . Don _ J James'Rose, Mf Uo M esslck, I

l l 6 ( J*' S. Totflemlrt, Mrs. C la r a Sm------------- Mrs.,Aml?.Jonw,.Regina TtilemH fl-m iis and-JrSrPorirall-T w lrr-Fsllsri

no p a r t Everett'.L Motrlj and Mrs. Je om, .th e ir Cox, Jr., both .K imberly; Mor uU p o ta - Shockey.Burliyibobyelx'lLemb

'Wells, Nev, and A n th o n y Bo presenta- Holley, sek rep ly DlSMlSSEtt

Mrs. John Bahr, Mrs. B lo lr Os wuilona Chess,

n l " “ d Thurtell, Mts. W a y n e WyH f Nelson, Ma Jock O rsner 1

» Benord Evonj, all Twin I ^ I l s ; Hf M aine. ,^ u i ia m i , LoR " P ’’- Bi^li Mrs. Roy H(

. field ond dsuihter, H ansen ;. 1ionM nS ! Thlomi, K im berly ; Jlonol p o - Clyde SiiilUirFIlM, a n d 'M rs . Alllown fo r " ^ " ' W t a ~ N e v .

n ta n e S and Mrs. John M. A nderson, T aho p ro - _ _ _

i p e r i o r Minidoka C o u n t yuc5on'“ o f M in idoka Coi

lars ig o .” S pJB.eglslature ADMITTEDI d a h o ^ Mra. Stanley Temple^ Paul.home.-_ ' DISMISSED

Health Unit Staff S K Studies‘Q’ Fevi

The stoff ot tlu loutlxcentrol d trlcl heolth unll met F r id a y to

I P over field sludlti on Q fev er wh hovo been madi by t h e stale 1

a y C t t S i‘ otc°1u '’‘- T h e A higherlallo ol tho disease 1

suddenly shown up In thlj area t h a n olllcl s Irla ls hod thought. Thm also I s « hlgl It giving ratio of the lenr In s o u th e rn Ii

hp thon to Ull notlhom p a r t ot I 1 to r e - atale.ITS la ter. Through tha itudles, a n olten Blotted, will be msde lo (Ind t h e meth

Umberto o f dissemination ol the dlseose. ley h a d preventotlve meaaures n a a y be li

en,'saj55 Keith Harvey, acttag 1 i-slm ul- rector. ----------- ^

impl to

j g /I-P la g t f G I A - r


. V dMc ^ a-Mmbump.

u< 0 yafflo k

- . . 1 _______________ ________1 - - -

; r , T e m p e r a t u r e s

rtly cloudy to cloudy tediy, to n ig h t'an d tomon oir flnrriei. Little tetaptritpre chanire. H lih b< ht a to 28. H im ycwfiifty 40. low 23. a t f a

-Portly cloudy today, tonight an d tomoh-ow Ileys today, high both-dayi-30-to 40, low toni;

(UPI)—Tbe coldest temperature recorded in : AS 23 below xero a t loteroatfonal Fallii MixV. 8.' weather boreau reported^ U Jgh yesteri?ia.

« . Uln. Pep. Mliinl ------------------- ------- 79 t i6 S4 .05 MJlwaukw • _________-34 212 - 2« UplJ.-Sl. Paul — ____36 t8 2i New OiJeim------------ - 73 612 6] ' .01 New York ----------------- 40 .173 -10 .01 OkUbomi Clly ................212 I .09 0fn»h* ....— ................ 33 fi■I JO 0»den -------------------- 40 24I 3H ' Poeatello ------------------ 34 20 ‘9 IV .51 PblUdelphli _________ 3H 267 22 Ph«nU ----- ----------- C6 400 6 Tr. PltUburgh...................... 4H 4t4 M .25 portlond, M». ____L____ 40 Tl7 »fi .47 Portlond, Ori. _________ CO 407 14 .01 Ilapid City----------------- -- 105 7 .20 llichmond ___ t l 4«7 I Jll .26 {lock Sprlnui _________ 28 «4 SH Hpokane -.... ............ ...... ;i5 21« 26 Bl, Lftuli __ _________ fi.i 2D '? '-3 8ilt L«k« CItjr ......... ..... 3t> 241 SS .11 8«n Diego ..................... 69 49f IK .03 Sao FniDcUeo________ &6 4M? 21 B«altl« ___ _________ 4K 3HI 48 Tamp« ..... .....................HiI 40 TWIN FALU _______ 40 13r 40 .01 Wajljinffton ....... ..... ...... 46 41

ei for Lo- fam ily suggeitj contributions to t a held ot 1 Presbyterian ohurch memorial fur Elba word ‘m e y may be left a t th e mortua ;ll Beecher or w ith the Rev. Mr. BeaU. Ls call al the rites will be held In th e BlversI prldoy ond cemetery at Heyburn.ivenlng and , ---------S -i® vraSTOElL - Services fo r Pomi

Jeanne Pomll will be held a t ta the Elba p j„ . Saturday In th e Method

church with the Rev. M . D. Vand •ol services Jerom e EplscuUnemr- Pal Jchi)roh, olllclatlng. Prlends m hy Elolne c a l f ^ t h e Weaver m ortuary un

«’*the^v* w S i f ^ e m e t e ^ . ’* T l ler Avenue euggests donations lo tl


- JEROME - F uneral services f / for Mrs H olle r will be herecited at 2:30 pjn. S atu rday In Wll Thompson lune ra l home, Jerome, w ith the R« ISS will be W. A. MocArlhur, T w in Falls Meil

Saturday odist church, oKlcIatlng. Final rlt Uo church, '''Ul be In Jerome cem etery.Ilom Ord- . ---------Pinal rites WENDELL-Punerol services f 1 cemetery. Mrs. Olorence P. O rth will be he

al 2 p.m. Mondoy a t th e Wendt irvloes (or M ethodist church w llh th e Rev. .irbe"lTeId E ~Q llSefrom 5IilIH gr"C 6fia ird linew Pres- rites will be held In th e Wendi Rev. Ken- cemetery. Friends m ay call at tl lends may W eaver mortuary from 1 p jn . Sui jy Sotur- day un til time of services. T he (an until time lly suggests contributions lo ll iwers, the American Cancer society.

Mey Hospitalsm o r i a l S t . B e n e d ic t ’s , J e r o m emolemlly VUltlng hours a t S t. Benedict nd 7 lo a hospital,are (rom a (o 4 and ftom a ajn. to to S p J i i . .

ADMITTED . M rs. Jomu Qabettos. Shoshoni

Dhorles A. M ichael Prince, U zzle G rass, Mr Donald, M ary Long, Mra. D orothy Smit

sick, Mrs. Barbara Fuller, a ll Jerome, ira Smith, DISCHARGEDTtllemonn Rodney Lam m o n s , Wendel ’sIls-Mrsr ®uirI6«-JohnMn-ond-WUlIam-Sliew Irs. Jessie m aker, both Jcrome.

Morllyn --------Lembock; C o tta g e , B u r l e y

v is iting hours a t C ottage hospl ta l a re from J;!0 to 4 an d from 7 t

. _ . 8 p jn .air Oster- ADMITTED

OrvUle Doty, S h erri Warwoo< ne wyolt, Howard Morley. awner ond Burley; Mrs, Josephine B arry , Hey Ils; Harry ijyrn.I" DISMISSED;oy Holll- M rs. Beatrice Pou lton . Rober sen,. Mrs. H artzell. Mra, Thelda M arUn. Jos y! eph G reen and Mrs. G eorgonn Boll .rs. AlDerl a ll Burley; Mrs. E s th e r Hymaj

Mrs. Mildred Whitesides and Mr; Vivian Swarncr, all H eybum ; Mri

I Uoyd. Bupcrl, an d Mra. Flor son, Twhi enQg Adams, poul.

BIRTUSA daughter was born to Mr. oni

Mra. E arl aemhort, Burley.

Md°(rem G o o d in g M e m o r i a lv is iting houn ot Gooding Memo

rial hospital are (rom 3 to 4:30 oni , , (rom 7 to 8:30 p.m.™- ______ ;-BiaiilISSED_____

M rs. Ralph Rlley, jr ., Rlchdeld mkel and 0 H. Lowry, Shoahone; Dorothj

Dalby and Mri. WlWam Dunham both Gooding,

Services Are Held 'ever For Elmer Oliverntral dla- services .wtte^conduotod-W ldnj5 ®'“ ' “ J' W hlto mortu- w Which ary chapel Kith Rev. H. L. Tnyloi state do- m,d Rev. Earl Tcrpenlng olflclatlng ISJlmUa —MTB.-ItvlnB-MncDonaId-Mr3rCar-

roll Knapp, Dale Adams, and Joe seaso has P harrla sang, accompanied by Mrs, 1 oHlclals Nellie Ostrom Babcock, who olsc0 higher was organist,

lern Ida- Honorary pallbearers were E, C, irt o( the Montgomery, Harry Eklund, Carroll

Knapp, Don Andrews. R alph Balsch oltempt and R alph Baird, Active pallbeorers

! method were Jam es Brooka. Law rence Swen- iseose. eo son, M . W, Dougins, C lifton Bailey, ’ be tak- Mox McCoalln nnd H ans Hagen, :ttag dl- Concluding rites were conducted ------------ ^at^SunserMeracfliil park .

Asubsifaniiah Savings/Iccouni C ^ H |i luHh our Insured Sskiysnd msitnaciive Mends, wHle se many ^1 S A V E A N D H A V E ! J

■ iH l I' TWIN FALLS |j|!

___________________________ fL i_____


Idaho D river' T q T T p l f i T T p i * A

morrowIh b o th A f i ' t 8 a jn . r \ l

■ {ynm r* f . UMI.... . ■„ Mosher set th e m an’s bond a t $S(

tonight Claverl D. Nelson, Jerome, w

_____ of the Pence C. B. Rudv for fa lluI in the yl'W the r ig h t of way followli

Minn ^ truck-school bua accident a t 8:Hterdar Friday three-fourths of a m l

east o( Btihl on a county road.' Nelson was backing a 10S9 Dodi

,j ponel tmck Irom a driveway w hen il J l collided wllh a 1945 Chevrolet scho a bus driven by M rs. Lula Howar

5} -JJ Stale Patro lm an ' R ichard' B u n 21 ' who Investigated, said none of tl t .:i children was Injured, He cited Ne

‘‘ , son. Damage to vehicles was est „ Jr. mated at $S0 each.<0 Henry W itherspoon, -Twin Pal:II .57 was fhied $20 and costs Thursdi J; " J by Jerome Justice of the Peoce G li 10 j l Vinlng tor speeding 10 miles pi

hour In a 60-mile zone. He was clt( ,? by State P atrohnan Marvin ,

- Wrlghl.!< Olen L C ochran and Prank« Stone, both Tw in FaUa. were fin< j l »7 each P rlday and Thursday I

Jerome Police Judge Roberta K e l Jl rer (or stop' sign violatlohs. B ot *■ were cltcd by Jerom e policemen,

1 Albert P. Davis, Jerome, was fine ------— trandTRBts F riday by JUitlcS Vlr1 Ing for moking an Improper D -tu n J He was cited by Patrolman W rlgh

w u n d New Volumes for r s Hagerman Listec

‘ HAOERMAN, Jan . 30-PI(ty Ju venlle and 50 ad u lt books have bee received by th e Hagennan vUlag

9 library, reporta M rs. O. B. Russel ihndist »lV>lnnan of th e library board.

Besides a w ide selection of (IctloEnlscortiim ni (Ictlon volumes. T h e se , taclude0 im Si ■>' A lbert Switzer"; Posdlclt win hjJ "Riverside Serm ons"; "Table S e t

tlng-Bnrnower-A rranglng"; "Com , plete Book fo r Camping"; "Plays fo

Living and Learning"; "Teen-Ag--------- Plays for ■ AirTDccaslons"r‘Slngta:

Oames ond Dances."„ h»irt wlU be kept for o perlo.

•m ii; ‘bree monlhs. Mrs. Moble Vadei J librarian, said th e library Is o p a

(rom 2 to 6 an d from 7 to 8 p j i >1 ritM and 3:30 to 5 pm . W ed


Richfield Relates _ Honoris _Studenii

to id S RICHFIELD, Jo n . 30 - RlchfleU at the school second semester openec

g tast week wllh a n enrollment of 6;■ students, a decrease of 16 since th i a th e school last (all,

Irene Reeves, formerly o( Nampa and Alden M onroe who had attend- ed Maglo Valley Christian h ig t school ond college. Albion, laat se-

2 mester, are new students.Semester honor roll lists four s tu -

dents'On th e ^ ilg h honor“llstrThe5 aro Unda Patterson , Larry S tubbs

im e Darrell Pelley an d Ella Dean C ar- ledlct's din. Honors w ere attained by Sandra (tom I Chatfield, M elvin P ^ey , Marvin

Flavel, Sharon Hubsmlth, Jeanne Jansen, Lyim Prldmore, Cheryl

shone- Sweat, Carol Ifaubrlch , Leo Paddls, Mrs. Edwin Rees, and M ary Moates.

Smith' -------------

Founder Day Set —By Garey^Parents

CAREY, Jan . 30—A special Foun­ders dny program will be presepted at the meeting a t 8 p.m. next T hurs-

hospl- day hi ths h igh achool.-Mrt. Everett n 7 to Twombly Is In charge o( arrange­

ments o( tho program .Flnol plans fo r the evcnl w ere

rwood, completed Tuesday evening during t. all a PTA executive meellng conducted , Hey- by President R on d a Hunt.

II was decided lo hold a p an ­cake supper, w llh th e tentative d a te

lobert Peb. 28. Committee chairmen fo r . Jos- the (und-ralslng supper nre M rs.1 .Boll- VInccnl Olsen, H . K ay Thatcher en d lymas. Ronda Hunt.

Mrs. Hunt. Alton P atterson and 011- Mrs. bert Cross were nam ed ns a commlt-

Flor- teo to represent th e Carey PTA in (uturo Blaine county meetings in which school bu ild ing Ideas (or th e

'. ond county will be discussed.

I Eden Visits.(cmo- EDEN, Jon. 30—M rs. C. H. Prowse0 ond Is visiting her pa ren ts . Mr, ond ^ r s .

Ouy Dixon, s h e w as called here by illness o( hor m o th e r ,-

field; Mr, and Mrs. G erhard Meyer re - rothy turned home Wednesday evening iham, (rom American r o r k . Utah, where

they took their daughter, Mildred Meyer, who Is employed there,

p P A u u f r "

g T V ^ R V I G Etiylor IN DACK O F MOON’S i

Twili Fol l i RE 3-22601 Joe Filer D A 6 -4 3 0 0

The only Service company ilrlng OOLp STR IK E STAMPS

E, c , wroll al2chnrers 'vwen-allcy,n,Jcted . ^

W ( 5 \ 0 G ^

SSSk i 9 'II'* I t ~ W l< msInUini

I A funeral wef b ^srdleii o f \ (he family X ipend.

S IS* ' 6 twin f a l l s "

. / RE 3-1300 D

L r__ i ___■.......______________.____ ____

r ^ N PALLS, Id a h o '

’’ T w i l l F a l l sF e - ji^accs Check charge T

■ Bob Ensley, 21, Twto Palls. i f j | Y » iielng-beld-to-the-cIty^alHW daf

f f e l ony chamir Br WflHlHrTUP '■ ■ ., eount-2-«heeksr^^>olIce-i«pofted- t $SOO. checks totaling more than (680 h !, w a s been w ritten by Ensley hi Idaho i Ju s tic e Nevada. He was to be s i g n e d I fa i lu re day afternoon for one ol the I lo w ing checka.It 8 :25 . --------a m ile Fle B ak e r Competes »d. Judy G all BMousek, 15, daugh D odge 0( M r. and Mrs. Frank J, KaloU! fh en I t former Twin Falls residents, now sch o o l Fallon. Nev., wlU compete to Chlci ow ard . Feb. 19 in the national cherry B u m s , baking contest. Miss Kalousek v ot th e the N evada stalo championship d N e ir Las Vegas. Jan . 11. She Is 1 e s t i - granddaughter jof the late Mr. «

Mrs. » . J . Schweitzer, niece o( P a lls , Rose G am brel and cousto o( li

u rsd ay Donald Zuck, all Twin Polls.e G le n _____'S p e r Membership Open

Mrs. Constance J. Lelser, dlrec “ ■ o( welfare. Twin Palls civil defei

, J and d isaster relief, announced F ' day th a t women's organlzallc

“ which- w ere not represented ot ( K-»h 1’">‘'“ l“ y “ Ish t meeting o( I

Women's Council lor Civil Deter may. s till become port o( the coui

fl H organization, sh e suggested tt cnnlaiit - o ne -o f - th e —oHIeers.—a

I ti, watch fo r announcements o(.. t W g h t county-wide meettag.

ir T e e n s Driving ted B i l l Approvec

B yA reaG rou]JEROME, Jan. 30-Jerome Char

1; , , ber of Commerce members endors ic u o n proposed legislation raising the a

of teen-age drivers and requlrh 'f , * the highw ay board lo serve al tl

o pleasure of the govemor at a n a'r S m ' h 'K th ig th is week.........................V S r group also endorsed 11 hi

A pending in the house bf represent Jlvea ,Jo llD »lilg^-repott-hy-Fra i

” 8^2 ^ Rettlg., . K. O lark reported on the Nortl

side Communities meeting held la week. W . B. Churchman, secretai

o pen fgported on the Chamber of Con ni®n:e valley wide meeting held Buhl Tuesday.

The group briefly studied tl questionnaire supplied by the re

rj e n u e 'a n d taxation cominlttee, ar d decided th a t a representative groi

. including Frank Rettlg, as spoke t l l . S man, should attend the tax mee

^ tn ri^ 'T w l^rF alls at7:30 p. m. Sa lifleld urday, t o present their views, jened ---------------------------

e“'t Raft River Co-Op 3 : Sets Yearly Meeh ig h BURLEY, Jon. 30-Twentleth ai t s e - nuol m eeting o( the Raft Rlverjlle'

trie Cooperative, Inc.. will be he ' s tu - a l 11 a m . Tuesdoy at Malta. GraniThey-'WBHSH—wnrTSrVd-Ti 'lUBcheoh iubbs, 12:45 p .m .C a r- H ighlights o( the bustoess sessio J id ra to be convened at t p.m., will IncIui orv ln reports by the organization's trea a n n e urer and manager, Edwin C. Schlei hery l der. and elecUon of officers, iddls, John M. Qeorge, president. Ni

tional Electric Cooperative, will 1 the principal speaker.

D a l e W . H o a ) t , 2 2 ,

; i s “ c r a i m e a i ^ ^■nted William Hoag. 22, routelu rs - ^ ' ' " ’'e re t* home a t 8:45 o.m. Frldn„ following a prolonged lltaess. He wb '“ bom Dec. 26,1936, In Oxford, N, Y,

He cam e to Pller In 1956 tra jrina Morris, N . Y.. and was a member c ic ted Baptist church. Flier, H

is survived by his parents, Mr, an p jn _ Mrs, A rthu r Hong. Filer; patemi

grandm other, Mrs, Ethel Hoai Morris, N. Y.; maternal grandpai ents. Leslie Valentine, Mount Uptoi

'a n d N. X.. an d Mrs,..Myra VolentliSi B ingham ton, N. Y.,; two brother

Qlj_ Arthur Hoag ond Wayne HonJ, bot Pllcr, and tliree sisters. Mrs, Beverl

, In Wilson, Boise, and Orace Hoag an . jj , Carla Hoag, both Filer.

Funeral services will be announce, by Reynolds mortuary.

MAN FINED BUHL. Jan. 30—Henry Maestai

Buhl, was (toed $S and costs by Jus tice o( th e Peace 0 . E. Rudy Wed

JJ” - nesday fo r having no gross weigh “y signs on W s truck. Hejvas cited b

S late P atro IpanT achord Burns,

nlng M0000OC30tS!CX3C<XJ0t30tJt3C3CS3f




m * O ne q u o lity ifainiTd In every

w e direct re - ;i o f ih e amount mily decldei t o

euTySipsLLS MORTUARY- M D a y or NIglil


________________ _______ __ :

I s N e w s I n B r i e f -:---------+e«im tll-to-*leot— ----------— -------ii« BM Twta County Council (o

n Retarded ChlMren '

f t e i t ^ HI^Mld,.ayeOM ',-,„ ■,,'....

S?o*Md Meetinf. Setned Frt-* Stradley chapter No. 6, Dlsabta(h- 'had" SH«i'I«anrBtennis', and auxllhny-----------■wUHneet-flt-8-pm.-Monday- a t -lhi

DAV building a l the comer of Bar rlson street and Shoup avenue.

S e k ^ Reportedr,?.m nf MT' and Mrs. Marlin Resa. ■Twli

PaUs. received word lha t a dauBh te r was bora Wednesday to the!

and daughler-to-law, Lieut, ani , , M rs. Elvtod Resa, Lompoc, Calll

R esa graduated (rom Twto Fall U- h igh school and the University oT l 'lS s

Marrlflfe Licenses Marriage licenses w e r e Issuet

Thursday by the Twin Palls countj , clerk to Wesfey C. Peterson am

director p Oalyan. both Twin ■Falls 5 Bobert P. Owens and Glenda L

ied ^ 1 - Peterson, both Filer, and Russell J Izatloiu Jerome, and Lynette A. Wise-

IJ® m an, 'Twin Falls.of the * _____Defense,county ^ gyjj geeklng $153.63 claimed du(

° on a promissory note to the Magic valley Mfemctfitu ho^pit&i was' fnec Thursday in Twin Falls probate court by the Professional Adjust­m en t bureau against Carrell Smith

^ T h e bureau, represented by H. *N Jewell, Twin Falls, also seeks In-

O te rest and attorney fees.

^ 0 ( 1 ScouU See News PlantCub Scouts of dens 2 and 6

„ pack 66, of the Presbyterian church f l l l j were taken on a tour of the faclil-

Jl ties of the Tlmes-News Thursdaj Cham- afternoon. Mrs. A. L. Heinrich. Mrs idorsed w . P. Neale, den mothers. and’Mrs iie a«e David-* Dingman and Mrs. George qulrlng Thorpe, assistant den mothers, sc­at the companled the boys.

a noon _____. . . Trucker Fined ^

II bills Estle W. Sadorus,' St. Anthony,esenta- w as fined $8 and $3 costs Tues--Prank d ay In-Twln Palls-Justice court for

operating a motor vehicle whichNorth- d id not have a flag or light on o5ld last load which • extended more than:retary. e igh t feet beyond the rear of the' Com- vehicle. He was fined an additionalleld In $5 ^nd $3 costs for driving with an

expired driver’s license. He was cltcdid the by State Patrolman Marvin 8.le rev- w rig h t and appeared before Justice

and of the Peace George E. Scott.! group ................................................ ................

^fef M S S S IS B M E E Mn. Sat- • 4 ^ ......................

) p '

[eet^Ve":e h e ld ,.30 <1/ \ WJrangelOh ol Most men Tarry “ their'Timi

stumbling bloek wllb them and lesslon, cover 1( wllh a hat.

J e t I q u a l it y It, Na- P I I P I I,111 be I FUEL " I

t I O t t Sute 2, I S to m p i j !

Palls' t ■ I


“ i f OIL C O .S lXL; I h a z e l t o n Coll 3 7 ^>thSs’

botheverly (g and ^ ^

unced f c l _ I t

No “narrolesttts,t Ju s- u. ■

E can offer

4 \ / / ^ y sgsai|gH!


H o a i l - l e s t t h e

Driving liko thia wos With tho widest stana Pontiac roducca sway minimum . . . huga th

takea' tlio Tbumps aunboliovablo cone. Ih you’ll discover the ma in tho wholo wido worl

America’s Numl• . drive IT AND



; __________ _______________ .

■ FR

“ 7 S e n a t e K i U s

R i l l t o B o o s t

icU (or - r \ • • "Aii‘‘\n L*r^v^^g A gp— ................ (rmrnSut-OMi---------------

■ • perm its t o cases o( emergency, such ii,.hlKl as harvesting, to the 14-16 age group,

- T h e CarlbQiUM HMtorsaidhfciell th a t th e sheriff

, „ ; a d ifficult spot, ' because ic would pe ue under h is Jurisdiction lo say if they

could drive," ’Sen. Lester C. Polroer, D., Adoms,

L ■Twin said h e agreed with Cooper, a n d also added th a t he felt ll was th e "par- ental. responsibility, tha t, th e child

u t and bo educated lo his responslbllllies."calK "I “ easure shifts th o par-

1 Polls ent'il responsibility to tho leglslo- •sllv o( ture,"

Sen. Nellie' Cllne Steenson. D.. Bannock, said she was “not entirely pleased" with the measure, b u t “we

Issued have to have protection fo r our comity children."m and “We m ust do something to stop ■Polls; this hlghwoy sloughter.” sh e said,

nda U In noting th a t 11 wos nol th e best ssell J, measure, but would do un lil some- , Wise- thtog better came along.

Sen. J . Held Hoggon.'D.,'Pranklln, said one of the reasons th a t he was opposed lo the meosiue w as that

ied due he (elt th a t "we are passing the Magic buck" wrongly. He said children

s llled between 14 and 18 ore n o t respon- jrobote slble for the mony accidents on Vdjust- highways “so i t would be folly lo Smith, pass th is measure,"H,-N, Sen, R . M, Wetherell. D„ Elmore,

ks hi- served notice thot he may move to­morrow for reconsideration o( the vote. I

md 8, t u g of WAR“I 'h? OOSENDE. Portugal, J o n . 30

' ftJPD—Ci-Isallda Duarte, a 15-year- ? old shepherd. Is wary of wolves but j'.? ; nol a fra id of them. When a woK 5 seized th e choicest lamb in h e r (lock

Crisallda grabbed the Intended vlc- ” ■ tim by its head and yelled fo r help.

She won the tug of war. T h e woK fled.


i r t ------ 7— ----- ---

on athan .


1th an s'Inlustlee



= s n s K

1 1 1 . 0 0I HOME STj l H e re ,o r to

Home MadeII Order Your Favori

jF ile r Avenue Eost

T f lw - g a u g e ” c a i

e r c o m f o r t l i k e


The w heels ore moved out 5 Incjiei (or Iha w idest, ilead ie il Hance in Arnei

lie only c a r with Wide

a wos never beforo possible. B B stanco on tho Amorlcan road, g g l sway and lonn to an absolutoiga the curvcii likn m iigin. . _ipa and the comera with le. Ih only a few minutes H m le most beautiful roadability HBI 0 world! , ipW

lumler4 ) RoalCar! ivfIND YOU’LL BUY Ift 1 ! S



FRIDAY, j a n u a r I


m i blue slack, turnL“ ^ M I IlC. fiecond-strpff tiv.r. .r® I'« lk to g l n ^ o f S " S ^

----- , Sm,olJ,-blacli-puppy-such smi a t Main and s h o S I coup smoU. boys wresUlnB t o L ' i ' ’^*' ILJelt>M- I:d to Teen-age girl snioWn ° r a re ^ a a a - T n o n j - l i T ^ W l n r l they W: Prantz tiurrj ing ^ ‘ ■ ■ • Vt. I

' without hat , I loms, woman's aid on ni'riil rnnrf” ?.*”* f» I a ls^ to y ia car 1„,„ I

■par- trytog to reach mailbox ^ 'I'lii I child Robert V^^haw walitinj I es." to downtown Twin FalL, ^ I par- (ellow shaktag head as oni.' i^ ' I ;lslo- 0 three soys somethin^ I

nled by violent gestures I D.. stondtog on postollicc comer’ J?/* I

.Irely tag up al crews worklno m , J “we Idaho Power company bullrtin * '■ our Uttle (ellow loo^"” ," ' - I

portant as he struL, aJo""'' ta' I stop ovenue north . . . And o v e rh ^ I said, Ita a lot colder than th a t^ ' I best make you believe!" I

)me- • ----------- ------------- I

Devices Ordered I ih j t For Space Trials I^ . n o r a S u t S " - : - " ^ I on ; f ™ y '’W'"'<l«''edl8propulslo?r, I

hides to be used In the elforftoj , I ' a man Into space. ' Ilore disclosed by Dr. T Ktlik IJ"*: Olennon, head ot the nasa S I ' the ‘“ “"’“"J' belore the seiut, I

Upace and preparedness com m lttall Glennan said the vehicles fisT I

been ordered Irom the army balll! I Uc missile agency al HunUvllle, Ali I

'ear- VISIT PARENTS I1 but ' ELBA. Jon, 30—Mr. and Mn I woK Ralph Collins and (amlly visited'ha I nock parents. Mr, and Mrs. J. r huw I vie- en route (rom Billings. Monl i ^ l

help. Sacramento. 0«1I(., where he Is’bM woK tog lrans(erred, Collins' Is a tor.

emment employe,




S P A G H E T T Xw ith Green Salad

and H o t Garlic Bread ■

7 5 cIt y l e c r i i uto Go A n y tim e

de Cream Piesvorite To T a k e Hdme

R U G ^it RE 3-8931_

dS rI


Je-TracK Wlieels


(lr-CorffjTni#-CH(«irlrobflava heavier droiD(, tblck«__.-J.=—lnln|,(of!on|»tU(«indpr«di^,invuylai control itop *II« *toP' • • ,



■ I

, ; . ’ ' I J i i i i i

Page 3:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

^Scoutmasters R

iVrchle Brown, r ig h t, a n d Orville C o le , cer niBSltre p resen tta a w a rd s from th e N atior America, to r ou tstan d in g troops d u r in g the

* * * *

Seven Scoutmasters At Annual T. F. E

i Seven Ecoulnw.iters w e re honored ro ll Heldly the N ational council. Boy ScouLs e r keys.

■ ol America, a t the a n n u n l Twin e d lo J.falls d istrict m eeting Thursdny a n d Deunljht n t S t . EdwntWs sch o o l:...............-D r . Ja

Leaders of ou tstand ing troops nne t h e Snn Orville Cole, troop 65: A rch ie Brown, p rin c ip a l

6B; D ean P a tte rso n , troop ea; J . L,. E Franlt Mogenson, troop 67: Leslie T w in Pn Jones, troop 62: Colllns Helm.s, post o t ceren- (J, and George Honey, troop 100. New d:

Tmlning nwnrds w ere presented b y Dr. ( by Morris Roth, tra in in g chnlniinn, c l l presli to Mrs V lnettn Koch a n d Mrs. Dar- s o m , dls --------------------------------------------------- a n d Wll

William Smothers Honored at Rites

DECLO. Jon . 3ft—P u n e ra l services a e y ^ f lafor William E. Sm others were held m e n t . orat 2 pjn. W ednesday a t th e McCuI- o rg an lz aloch funeral home ch ap e l with the T h e diRev. K enneth Beall. Burley-Declo ©f S t. E(Presbyterian minister. offlcintlnR. O penlr

Prelude and postlude w ere plnyed b y Orvll:by Mrs. Gnll Wolf, who a lso nccom- M o rse ]panlcd Mrs. Wayne Newcomb. p ray e r .

Pallbearers were R othm ore Fin- ley. Dean Wilcox. Harold Anderberg,Bob Phqui . Heber Robinson and K l f

-Ray—Sclubldt— Jla w era — were I n ----------- -charge of Mrs. Lola VosberR, Mrs. ENell Matthew.5, Mrs. E o la FLsher, p i n n n i Mrs. Lillian M atthews. M rs. Mln-nie Parke and Mrs. N e ttie Richard- C>'

^ o n .1 Last rites were-W the •t>eclo ceme­tery. . . F

--------------- -------------------- ^

Present Books p ,' SHOSHONE, Jan. 30 — LincolnCounty Parm Bureau h a s present- 291 Fll

T d - tt iB c sh o sh o n e 'c lty - iib ra rr ’two' -------- B Feople; of "Y our Farm B ureau ," by Allce Sturgis, a book ''o n the pur- ■ I H m pose, history and achievem ents oftit organization, _ .

Amiounosment of th o gift wns imade this fteeic by W a rd Mills, Jpresident, a n d Mrs, E rv in Braun, MKcretary ot the Parm B u re a u . i l

SPEAKEB NOTEDH3EN, Ja n . 30 — W a lly Kaster, ^

Clover, d istric t W a lth e r league o f B thalrman was guest sp e ak e r at the o f C to l W alther league m ee tin g this »Mk at the T rin ity Lutheran JCtool Muse south o t t own.

W P ^ / A

U I I I E E I sto y o u r g a s ! p

iHEETabsorbs gas lank moiB- *-iture before it has a chance to~ ~

'■ ^ .H E E T turns danger. ____y moisture ^ j uai '".'.o jnotor^ /X \ _ H an g -u o l l H E E T j ^ j ^ ' v-typ. ‘ftps your car .■.JKZT H eat i

stalling H E E T " * seul*' • . y o u p h Qgjji

. f t A N T j L E C ^ A^cti■oils, Buhl, Joromo tam m

J A W A K Y 8 0 .1 9 6 9

i Receiye Awards

' S R

le. c e n te r , a re two of (he S c o u t- Seoul *«'nUnnal council. Boy Scouts o f Harri ; the a n n u a l Twin Kails d la t r ie t engm

* * * * --------

irs HonoredMr.s. .

. District Meet S ”1 Holder, who received den m o th - keys. S cou te r keys were p re sen t- , 10 Joc Dod-son, Myrou D ossett

i D ean P a tte rso n , by Roth.>r. Joseph MarshnlK-prcsldentnor ! Snake R iver council, was t h e ncipal speaker of tho evening, r. L. scavy , vice chairman of t h e J in Falls dl.strlct, served as m a s te r ^ ceremonies.>Iew d is tr ic t officers were Installed Dr. G eorge Scholer, past c o u n - president. Officers are E. R. B a -

n, d istric t, c]inlrman; J, L. Sevy , d W illiam Rappleye. vice c h a lr - n; Myron Das.scil, di.strlct c o m - ssloner; Rappleye. c h a i r m a n , n p in jj-ac tiv itie s ; Morris R o th , J O rm an.-readership trntnlnpr L ^ W ande N elson, and R, D. M cK ln- ■

ilnapcg ; Ked Otto, advance- f f nt. and Collins Helms and S evy , J anlzatlon and extension. ■^he d in n e r was served by w om en St. E dw ard ’s church. f f>penlng cerehiony was han d led JP Orville Cole, troop 65. The R e v . f i rse L a te r gave the opening M yer. K

K itch en Planning“ “ F X P E T n T ^ r I ''lanning on remodeling yo u r I Id, o u td a te d kitchen?

I f So. Coll Us


E. Von Houfenn F iler Ave. W, Twin Falls W ~ T « r3 ^ 8 0 6 -o rB E ^ ;3 !7 1 -------- 5 %

A U C T IH a v in g rented my f a rm , I wi

o f B uhl the Castleford road ai o f C astle fo rd .

M O N D A YTime— 12:30

MACHINERY8N P ord 1951 model tractor o n excellent

en g in e in top condition— w ith e ttn 400x19 new tires

John D eere model B tractor in A-1 co on good rubber

1054 P o rd H -ton pickup w ith V-8 en| e x tra good condition

1950 S tudebaker 3-ton truck w ith 4 ne an d ex tra good U-foot b e e t and gti w ith 2-speed axle

John D eere No, 5 trail mower. 7-foot 8ky U n e m anure loader to ( I t SN tracto David B rad ley manure sp reader—tracto

■ on n jb b e r .......... ............u ila C halm ers PTO ilda rales In good

on rubber Baley h a y loader for tnick Dearbnrn t e r ra c ln i(-h la d e .-Jm t.-n e g J

types olt adjustments a ' i ” tool bar with 4 aprlng coll ahani

corrugatora mounted Several sp ring coll extra ahanka to aell ii Oearborn spring ahank beet a n d bean cul )-polnt h itch , Self-type beet a n d bean cul !-atill rubber-tired oottle tra i le r Utility 2-w heei trailer on ru b b er

B n n d new John Deere 14-T a trin f tit n i th m o lo i^h a s done Tery lltlle worl

— Is Uke buying ft new one.

I L in d en n an plows with 3 -p o ln t hitchflang-on Jo h n Deere plow/-ty p e d itch er with 3-point h itc hJot of F o rd tractor chilna, lik e newaent h o u se r for Pord16-hole, wooden box grain drill, works yetBet o t ro rdT narkcrs------------------------- —

rwo 6 -Io o t tandem dlscj l-scotion steel harrow l-»cotlon wooden harrow ATooden la n d floatJtabUlzers aiid cloii liltch tor Ford trv

T G A S H ; P A Y - 01

x w T b r <y i i c t lo n c c r a ! Klana nnd fflnnB

d s f o r O u t s t a n d i n g

S c o u t m r c t i n f : h e ld T h u r s d a y n i j ;h l a t fc H a rris , Irfl, council c o m m l x s i o n e r . p re s e i i te d engravinj-)

V I S I T NOTFI) (SHOSHONE, Jan. 30 — M r. nnd KING

Mr.s. Jerry R e e d and Mts, G ooi-rc Mrs. J{ Zerphy vi.sited in Ponupllo th is ne.sday week. Mr. a n d Mrs. R ejd vi.sitcd Mr. vLslt.ed and Mrs. D o n Aslett a!id d a u g h te r tick, wl and Mns. ZciTphy visited M rs. Sm -ah of he r Devaney. ford Bl

- ^ f


j SAT. & SUN.& J a n u a r y 31 a n d F e b ru a ry 1

m f s M A T I. P .8.-Pearles8 Parris is s til l looking’for

to be h i s guests in H aw aii on an alNi Why n o t-y o u and a companion?

n o M S iI will sell the following articles loc

ad and 2'}4 miles west, o r 2 miles ea.

F E B R U ALunch b

Y 2 6 H e a d T<

X tttt ■ DAIRY (PUDGY—Registered Ayr

V-l condition solo 'OLETA—Registered Ayrs

-a entln. In ESTIA—Registered Ayrsli 8 engine in WHITE LILY-RegU tere

lng n o w4 new tire s n A L A -P .e g ls te re d Ayrs)

.nd grain bed A D A -G rade Ayrshire c(WBEN—Holstein cow, m

'oot RED—G uernsey cow, juatractor ROONIE—Quernsey cowtractor tvne BRENDIE—Gucmaey COi tractor type. S TA B -G uem sey heiter,

■ ------------ I R I S ^ u e m s e y ^ l t e r . - igood ahape, SHOBTIB—Guernsey he

BEOKIE—Guernsey helf( LADIE—Guernsey heifer,

PTO with rTI Most all o f the above C( cw,..witii_iiii--------- tattoed. A ll have been tt

ahankj and * They aro w ell cared for a die of th e ir lactation ho

aell separate p roduction te s t and have ' an cultivator p ro d u c tio n recordaan cultivator

YOUNGJ-Ayrahlre heifera, open

I 3 Holstein heifera, open ■ 2-Guernsey heifera, oper

i | tie baler 3 Holstein heiter. calveae work and j Ayrshire heifer calvcs

" ■ All young; stock of ag tattooed, * '

dtch MISCELUPorks, Shovels, Hammers

wiscenoneoui Item s'

;H Aka very good ■ Approximately 30 tons 1st — — -----------------— of-good-hay------------

--------------— ^WltKING-EC2-unlt DoLovai magnetlo 1 Small crcdin sefinrator •<;, 4-can miik cooIc!^-opona'

d traolor mil|t .qni;»

> 0 F C A I C Except o n major item v r i J ^ ^ f c E ^ u g n e e r two dayi prior

{0 D E E N , O ^IB n - . ■ . Clc

■* • •

r - | - p ..... ................


Iff T roop s AS*. A . BURLE

^ — scrvuUan


h H P

a t St. Edwurd'H Kchooi, Halph eiited the awardn. (S taff photo-

GRANDFATHER lU •UNO HILL, Jan. JO—Mr. and s. James Gerkc returned Wed- iday frotn Panna where they ited her grandfalhor, J. T. B it- i, who is ill. They were guests her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cllf- d Blttick, In Panna.



KEfffli ITIONski If'for 2 volunteers in Idaho all-expense paid vacation.

l A H i rI located 4 m iles south V3 east, and 1 m ile north ■

A R Y 2 1:h by Lutheran Ladies ■

I Top Q uality 1

C A T T L EAyrshire cow, due day of

Ayrshire cow, m iiklng now vlyrshire heifer, miilclng nowstered Ayrshire cow, milk- I

Ayrshire cow, milking now re cow, milking now », milking now , just fresh cow, Juit fresh ,

! COW. Jusf fresh / ______________Iter, springing heavyter.-uinkMrMW---------------- ---------------------r heiter, apringer heifer, apringer eifcr, milking nowive cowa are vaccinated and I A ■ m teated amnoUKd clean, [ tor cowa, Tliose iacthe mid- * f |n have outstandingly high _lave exceptionally fine bags, . | | |cords will b« given doy ot

IG STOCK I Bpen•pen H ■

v T F lIvea ■ ■f Bge are vaccinated and

l l a n e o u smers nnd lots and lotj ot | / erns--------- . . ................................... / 2HAY -----—IS 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuttlngi------- ------------------------------- ---------- ----J-----

-E Q U IPM EN T-* Ietlo milker In top condltloii ' I

pens 'ln fron t-s tra lner and'>

Itemi, See »uo-___ Lj—— .prior lo iale d»t«<

. R id(

> W i i e rScrvico

Clerk! D. M. Cininey ^ Q g p_,,



ASC Plans Told z:*:'URLEY. J a n . 3 0 -M . W. C ra n - tenan t

chairman of the Cibsiii c«Mtniy urges th( cultural s tab lliza lio ii utu! t o u - i t o make atlon progrtuJU-reptJrls Un‘ 'Main o ffa rin g ,ie d c n ii lil\i..s1uu -! B^^rlt'y.for-coaiervaLtpu-ivO^k.m -iO.^Ur-1------------=.though ap p lica tio n im \ lie m a r i i '* l^tlAD T

Come to


M i t . .

I v\otvcK ^

I on<

I g

V\ r

1 v a s V9 ■ doots andV pon’t

m »v/ay-■ Tarty


EVERY J 4 H O U R ; ■ | |

“ F R F E = c m t 1

D I N N E R S s u t

Ide F re e H o r s e !rse Sll li B us leiivcH t o l j Gcor's vlco ovory' dny^nt 7 :00 p, ni. Tv


......................-1------------------------ ---------- : ....................... - . - , . . 1. '

--------------- ----------------- ---------

time during Uic season'by ony LDSn or ranch ownrr, operato r or PILER,Ult In th r coiuily, C ranney placcd at t;s those iwpivtms lo parilclpn te .Idahomake appliiiuioii .m,,,,, n t thc I'™ j Olllce, 1J« 0,,kl,.y jxverm e,

__________________ quested 'tn

T li^ fE a -NEW S \V .\N T A D s I u i°u |q "^ ‘' I

D Rny~Fe

, J j j jH P I B ^ ' \ ' M


T ^

\ H a w i i j

n r r a

3 5 \ M l

\ D A Y\ ■ 'A '\ Yourh

I t lF U E E S


r S h u B u s W Io r ' f W M .B P d itts \

Two trlpii Suwliiy,,, .y, \W l’EE:both:w gy»l===!=r-.:ri-_l\:.i.V ';;

. . « ' * . , ■ . .......---------------------------— . — --------------

LDS PENNY PARADE '-ER, J u n . 3l>-Contalner3 are J p « d a t t h e Modern rirURstore and ? **** ® Idaho Power company office T for Uu* pt>nny piirade fo r th e I IV. 11 p r im a ry chlldrcn h o sp ita l in sJ

Lake CiU'. DoiiaUojut-are-Wu- S — # 2 4 - i cd 'tn th e nmount of n t Iqast s\ :{’nL<TO!'‘>HciryetrFof~l'he con- lor\s aKt*.

e z I e r ' s P

H M VI d l '

b B

m n m rend t l ^ , .

i i a n G l a n r o

R I E ! ^8-9 p.m.


X and RUTH FEur Host and Hostisss at Hor


mS U N O

. ’ l ' l ; f I

i T ( !


; I - T

■ . ■’ : ; : l | P A G E T p E E T " l i

' i n

' Complete Sanitation T ■

itty Utter 11lt Q B E -S E E P ^ l|jte (i


) ' ' ' IK ;.

■ H M M H j j H m

h ;;

iw. | H I H

■ t I H



d 2]tij

k‘. {HI


T e mo r e t t e s f ^ j


^ D A Y ~ — - V

^EZLERIbrseShu . ; ,

I f l C t l l T E i i :


w m

k j m ^

Page 4:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

■ M l^ n A •ttnseiiiafloB 6( F«h. f. IfilS ofL ««ublUM ia JMI t i i ib« iwln fftlU

M ^ T I i i r l ^ ^S!rin :T w iB -r» iiirid itiS ft ■ All MUf« rtoolrtd lv orjjf orU r l J I { :iArUdlctlon to M pabliih«l* wteklyH B i f " m i i i f l n n o t m P«P«fI* V; l . r ■*: ' • BUSSCBIPTION B

j t - # ' ■— l . - r v .g y ^ » M MIII ' i ; ' I'r i .... ^ "” .....l l ,T. ' I -p By IhMo montha ■ ,ff.] I lly »li wontbi ,11 ....

iJ - ’h; By th< y w i ' .........X IftiiK’ ' BV MAIL-PAYABLB IPli -i: ll; <t! • WIUU Idiho oad Rk®If -.‘. I f ; BytbtUonlb;^------ --------------------

!.i'. -.i-!.!] .n. ■ By-U>m ponthi „»i. • 11 , tf - • By il« aoBthi.... ........ .M' ■ ‘ jl ^ By tiw f tt t ' ' i;. ■■ ' ill OBliUallUlattMaiwi

Ii f " ' ;••» B> Uit iTOtli r ................... —‘I;!’ ■: :: } Br ihm montlu------- ------------- —

Hi ■■ 1 I, Br •!« «mU“ --------------------—,-V |; ; B , tt t r tir — , 1—


J.;'| , |l; ; l i l Blmt. a.n Fn

" If,11 IMPARTIAL PII : The senate rackets comn

substantial Job In bringing tlon the corrupt Jlnanclal tlces which unhappUy seer efatlons of some labor iinl(

I Wide support for the con

p ' gress,. But som.e feel Its efi],' ] I be 'damaged If Its present!? I Rl acter should'he altered andjl I ' f! t y the dom inant Democrat■j! : i' Majority Leader J[<yndonI I I h proposM th a t this be doi

fj, I' flH leaders are said to be uiI ' j I s t r o n g l y upon the Democrt i |i{J. , The present compositlo 'I ‘' mI: V committee W^four Democr i; ■ ilil; publicans, .thiough one GQ jl ■' ! : Democrats could take over ;♦ : th is spot w ith one of-theliII I But the committee's cha

' : i: McClellan of Arkansas, Is i;i : : i ' ! aihy change as n o t only lesj I ■ f i i' ■usefulhejsa bufreflectlng u i ;l ii; j He Is 'fa r from .alone In ! |j , : ii4_-Liiluiry-intQ-the heed for lat I . llll] be a bipartisan venture. Si

■ ih ;• nedy, cosponsor of last j ’ ' InU which passed the senate Wt

. |U | M> th inks the Issue should I

. ' w t ^ partisanship.- II leaders, however, ' n i | . ^ feel the committee Is stacl■ uLS^K-:AnA-4haf ftnvutOM ILnRhmild

[ ■ m composition the heavily K Uti. i l I ^ victories. .

; lli; 11 Labor can fairly ask tlu■ “ Ing body not be weighejl a■ i’EiSii; ' cure for th a t would hardlj V || I.'i’ I t be stacked lh its favor.

1 I il i j '' .. S trict Im partiality and bl ' Uo need, and ought-to be-■r 'pjl i b es t long run Interests of

There is as yet no broad I i ’ . 'I .'i jjl‘! bers of e ither party In thi

; ; McClellan commltteB-haa i i vsji ji-j! to meet th e proper standar i ;.: ;;i f f < 'bU Its conservative compi■ ' “i -!:;; , The trend of support w<

I , t " - toward conMnulng it, wltl ;; 4*t spU^'ot'&emWtAts in ^

p - C IR C U S R IN G J ; Many things were on exh

. roorts arena where Fidel Ct £•> crlm lnar. tria ls, bW real w among them . _

[ -S— ^IHsi)erhftpirone-of-the-ni I 5 misjudgements of these t

):|f » . should Imagine! these publ ^ B^geance would serve as a i

-S -those -w ho-have-assalled J ' ‘ cutlons. .i I 'I Bl " Castro w anted the world

li 111 k . Ainericans, to see and hear riif ^ was^UkTsfSo-whardidihB-Bli

■ i l He showed It a circus atr j 't ' ' !• 000 Cubans, th irs ty for p< • f f ' S sentence convictions, slttl

. ,iiia.«lveJ!!]ury-behlncLthB-jI I I |[?i t: S , Never in history has true

^ out wniie tne mob looked i l l 1 ^ l>Bve been different In exp!

Castro..also showed h ts i i f j I B - ^ o b s e rv e rs televislonrand lit

ffffll »• served only to enlarge the f h ff '. J: spectacle. m L ^ — T o -th is-g au d y ro lam o r £ ;y ija -U -b ro u g h t B atista m en t o -

ill 1f [iij I IP < Unquestionably m any ni I'l l | ' unspeakable crimes cc I'!: ' I'ii ' But the world will never! ' j l ' V measure of the ir guilt.I'l 3 -i' V; B!or-Castro m arshaledi; ij I m en who could testify to'! 1 <. these crimes. They were lc■ ; rade of witnesses who "krJ ; sayw hat the defendants hi' , Many obviously were ratei

I l K - m ent they stepped onstaii ... There Is no Justice in h<

) ' '• an t, unsupported brandinii4 1 - ^ noise of a crowd, in the.w;i :{■ : r. era,,I " Justice Is found in theV V ' 1 » books of law, In the som:i u i ' ; ? slow unfolding of order)I ll I painstaking buildup of rei

; I J Its car?ful weighing by nj £ process stands a t the verj

i'|i I | J If Castro does not learn|ii || i great test of responslblllt;

i r r — does riot<!are,"how-i3-he-be% o t which he seeks to rid i

i _ . - I - - _____ ____ _ j i L A K m y. jJ The federal communicI ti reports th a t the numbei! S ♦'ho United S tates is apprc: ( »■ lion mark—more th a n hi4 n i shQumn't syrurlBa-m !I % customed as we are to ouI g liylng. ■II g The fu rth er inform ati ' ; S million calls arc made dall , f S5 won’t shako up many ofI |. « are by astronom ical figurei £ and Whatnot,j S B ut w hat may give u s II " news th a t wo take th ird Ii * o t calls per person- p e r yI 8 ada loads w ith 497; SwI 1 w ith 401. ,i 5 • Maybe now wo Can coul{ S tldn of Yankee tatilturnll j t; i^ g ^ it^ a n B tlln n a o a u v il t jy a !

p i I : ^ P A G E F O U B • .

■ ' , ■ ’ ' 'I

'» ^*‘* W Asm^qi

r by order of court of conptUn^ teller WlthOUtttkiy will ‘ r i . become «n aciramat to 8*c» I(m OB Idaho Codfc jlyalION _ votes l u t Nov

" ■ ' ■.... • « U i— lm .oo


■ u i | H S ^ «' b ^ M K i

— - * 1 M......

" « ■-Ofl

•resentativm ^IAY CO.. IKO. -Un rr«neiito. Calif.____________ g ra a s -ro o ts P(

* Th6 membersL PROBES - met a t Dea Mcom m ittee h a s d o n e a unazUmoufliy.iglng to pubUc a tten- As the aou nclal and o ther prac-seem*tO m ar. th e op- contMii The:

■ iinions. • himatif. - J committee's contlnu-

ts effectiveness m ight JSiiTthe'toi isent bipartisan 'char- struggle betw 1 and its control taken aifair.ocratlc party, nnrKEPEi idon Johnson o f Texasy done. Certain labor j„ent problei}e urging th is course gives Nixons ttocrats,' . m e vice piMltlon of th is select S f "“J?S«ornocrats and fo u r He- ‘ aovemorHs GOP vacancy exists, in pressing hiover simply by filling cr»uc year, tth e ir own. , ' “ f t S 'v e aI chairman, Sen. John. ,b°e ^ l o nI, Is against i t . He sees in im , and iy lessening th e .group's hence, in'iactig upon his leadership. >>• nomiaatei » In believing th a t In-ir labor reform sh o u j^ himwif in bcire. Sen. John F. Ken- until he,’wasis t year's refOrm ttll the same paite almost unanimously, ‘t*' ?>■“ *<*' uld be removed^ from

. gun to prepai ever, are reported to organizaUon : stacked against them, ence ot th t i^nnlrt nrmf In ■Will- M. »ly K ihocratlc election

• ___ _ ator Knowlatr tf ia t l in ^ in v e s llg a t- ftee hand asled against It, bu t the personal and;ardly seem to be that ^nd and i&iVOf' In conlerernd balance Is th e pub- wu. Nixon h ) be viewed as .in the raising, year-i s Of labor Itself. .:oad sign among mem- n the senate th a t the would b

ndards of fateness, for action to shed omplexion. that has bedir t would appear, to be p\;‘* „ K ipp , w lth \th ? .established „ nSSona ™ i imd^Reto'ubllcans.' moods.

> (mien*

r c JU S T IC E . , T T n « I exhibit in th e Havana VIEV [el Castro held h U " ro r ■ real Justice w as not

iheinost-pltlfully-tragle- -^ J ^ H o iidese times th a t Castro we came to,public fiestas Of ven- count wtero

s a Tinging answ er toled-his. sum m ary ..exe- gut now ti

Ion picture,(world, and particularly her it?-theh ea r what rebel Justice ^hBTShOWihB-WOrld? „lth walsUlrIS atmosphere w ith 30,- higher, ohetor pop and fo r death- “au thesositting as a kind of »' “ '

tViB liirir" fashions ot— : r “, r dated ptesj.

1 tru e Justice been dealt (or a new w oked on, How couitTlt as that. And I explosive Cuba? “ “ t ‘® “ “ h is eagerly summoned ? ‘JJu^ fts” Id liews cam eras which jjow tascina I th e proportions of the her day."

Our orlgliim orous-s e t tJ i^ g -h e -

to -b e tried i o t theirla newa. thi

ny may deserve to die, control over ies against th e rebels, “t lashion.- lever know th e actual

Latest ofllied mere handfuls of six workingfy to solid evidence of Eleven mui:re lost in a shabby pa-) ' ‘knew" only by hear-its had or h ad no t done. ,!(,„.( ^iminra ted “guilty" the mo- tho ten utu, hearsay, in th e blat- tS ,” ,™ ndlng of a m an, in the ..Nine utt he.whirring news cam- one swiu

"isight Utth e quiet room. In the sometimes Irritatingly u ,,“ end i

rderly process, in the «o suppose, )f real evidence, and In every i.eoo by men who know this very core of liberty. SSfoj eve

learn this, he will fall a iu to capiu iblllty. II he knows and Tho rutlo ae-better-than-the thlng- -peoplo-us- rldC uba? ■

fY-YAlC .......................lunlc'atlons commission Indians thi m ber of telephones in, xpproachlng th e 70 mil- joui in halt the w orld total.5M tonyJ\.nicrlcans,_M-to our high sG S d itd q r

average Bim atlon th a t some 260 jor things i! dally over these phones a wcek-bi / of us, hardened as w e' crown a wIgutes in federal budgets, ,

' , ' , ‘ But give! US a little shoek H the now hsbitlird place In 'th e number emment co)er yean w ith 480. Cnn. •; awedm. cofties aecond

' . which one iI,counter the «>ld repuin- lUrnlty with th e charncs It's fun

.Q.1U J>hQ,8,


an active poUtlcal headquarters since his onl rival swept New Yorlc by more thari f00,00 It November, while C allff tn la was goliig Dem

, - nfrfti.- hy fr tm juinflnn..In .a mil uon volts.

Both th roughout the natloit an _ Y- In California. - the -vice presldei

has already begun to mend fence M w j P thnt,w ere weakened or leveled b f l M g j i the opposition's off-year landilldi

E s bos-consulted’, personaUy or b IS U H rto r re sp o n d e n c e , with the respon

Able party leaders throughout th ^ ^ ^ B ~ I ountryri j e ' has" had-the-advantag

of reports llowlng Into the Repub llcan N ational committee.'., As ot: today, Nixon haS' a stron

" lead over th e untried a n d - to tli ota poUt|cos-^tho unknow n man a t Alban; nbers of the National committee who recentl 3es Moines favored th e vice president almoi luflly.! aoldwater-Slmpson outbursts demonstralei mlzatlon leaders do n e t hold him reapomlbl OOP lOM-66-88 reverse* In the cohgresaloni , They blame those losses on the Presiden

:heless, many committeemen cast sldelon

rotes. I f he does n o t tu m out to be too libera le Impression grows th a t "Dick can 't win," tli betwen the two could be a neck-and-nec

• • • .;EFEU.EB c a n w a i t —H ie Californian an Yorker are confront«d-wlth two entirely dll

roblems, however. A nd theh- nature obvlousl xod a certain advantage for 1960.Ice president faces th e necessity o t wlnnta ilnatlon In th a t year. Bhould he la il of tl ) becomes only a haa-been.Bor HocketeUer. however, need be In no hun Ing h is luck; Should 1980 shape up as a Demi ear, he would win friends among the NIxo by stepping aside abrenvdly,and gracefully, SO years old now, he would be in an Invulnei Itlon by MM. especlaUy If he wins re-elecUo and the OOP goes dow n to defeat two yeai n'fact'. h e would hav 'h jio comEetltor and wui laa ted by accU m atlqn 'sim ltr-such flrcun

feUer'a closest frienda beUeve th a t he wUl pa( In accord^Wlth

ie"patlence, th e sam e caution, w ith respei residency. Time Is oh his side.

• * • rr BEBinU>INO—Meanwhile, Nixon has bi jrepare tor 1060 by rebuilding the Republlco ,tlon In California. H o realizes th a t perslsi th e party 's low es ta te In his home balUwk a distinct UablUty to presidential an

•esult of the stunning defeats ot former Bet lowland and O ovem or Knight, Nixon has a a s undlsputed‘ Bbssr'The“eHrornaisastroi i and factional feuding haa ended. Both Knov d K night havo declared lo r him as "OaUto; rarlte son."nferenee with CaU tom la visitors on caplt ion has advanced a program ot more fui year-around activity, recruitm ent of youngi u precinct workera and candidates, and •recapturei, the Democratlo leglalature.


0 shed the "big business and anti-Tabor Imag1 bedevUed the OOP. H e urges fewer llOO-i nnera and more door-to-door coUectlons. I

support the rlght-to-w ork movement, local mally. I n short, he la In one ot his llghtli

RsIciMd bJ McOliirir mwipspcr Byndli»t«)

e w s o f o t h e r i--------- — MEN-DO-CODNTyear, when tho chemise dreas appeared to ’ g wide acceptance from the women lolk,^otld-eutc^Iea-from-hU8bands-and-boy-^tlenI,e to th e reluctant conclusion tha t men doi rttere femUilno toshions are concerned. Tl Iress to Impress o the r membera of their si than to please the moles, wo anld. low th a t tho chemise hns faded trom the tisl luro .even faster thon the New Look—remet - t h e men of America are receiving crcdlt ( lk demise; A story from New York the oUi IdjlM sscilthli-SprU ig wUl be back , to norni; alsUlnes where they should bo or only allghl

Chemises and trapezes are definitely out. theso tldhigs ot Joy.-tt seems, are largely 1 ot a mass m ale-protest ogainst the firotean a ot the lost tew seasons," reported the Ass Press. “W hen-husbands reluae to (oot thfrbl lew wardrobe, women don't buy. I f s os slmi « And It was tho furious roar ot husbands Irc0 coast tha t blasted the trapeze and mode h a t modem men do not want their wives earts to look llke Empress Josephine, no matl isclnatlng th a t royal lady may have been y.“original conclusion Is not entirely shatter

ir. The ladles d idn 't go bock to the natu:1 please th e ir men. b ay becauae liusbands i lo-pay lo r the outrageous sacks. And thla, t a. th a t enough American husbands atlU hn 1 over tho tamUy checkbooks to affect the tre lion.—Portland Oregonian.

TIIE TENTH LITTLE INDIANst official records show tha t one out of evi irking Americana Is employed by governmc . mUllon men and women are being pold I, s ta te or local governments with tax dolla tho percentage ot employed people who w< vernm ent grows, the percentage of people w diminishes, like the old nursery rhyme abi a Uttle Indian bow. Brought up to date, It gi ila:1 little taxpayers sU ndlng In line, goes to Washington, so there are nine,

le Uttle taxpayera fo r the state, swltchea loba. so th e re are eight.

town hires one, so there are aeven." so on and on. Now there'a no queation tl

end Is up In government employment; on ppose, tbe percentage was as low as one out 1.000 workers, and we can remember how i !d we were when we first learned some yei h a t government Jobs had Increased so thot o : every 10 people worked (or Uncle Sum, 1 :apltal o r clty liall, o r their various subdlvlslo rutlo now—one to five—means that 11 mill!

I nre employed bv Bovernmcnt tliaL wlialci hey m ay lie, are certahily non-producilvc n mable to contribute to their own eslstnue i ly taxing producers.ha_sometio4y_had better dU u:t, couatliu .1 IS th a t stlU work off the goveiimient rracn Or who'U be left to pay the tjises to keep lovernments th a t support aU the resl7-\v , Journal.

TIIE BKALISTIC BRITISH________J^IftrCllISo ' (t:iniRl '"liislollinent buying In , I d Statea) Is growlnc popular lu Brltuln, 1 ge Briton Is now reported to be In debt I lings he Is buying for a dollar down aud n doi ek—beg pardon, a tanner down and a ho I a week.1 average Drlton Is a piker, however. Thc avi .merlcan Is reporteil to be In hock laoo,

give tho l)rltl.Mi time. Illrc-puroliase Is n Inl liablt and until recently woa under strict gi !ht controls,'’ seems an awkward term ol (li It shines forth as an excellent example ol Drill ni. Hqw better lo describe buying aoniethl I one never actually o w n s? -8 alt Lake 'I'rlbum

! f u n n y how so n io w om en , a f t e r tryl


A L P - ^

^ POTNixon n ' ^ S M 9iimirt' —

iu has ■ta only • - .................1100,000 'Dem- FAST ll t tL

I mll-i -.Bklers - m lglrt—be i IrtterMled Inlo w in g tha t th e ski runs-On Baldy

^ and up S un Valley way are Ughtnlng- isldent fast. Or (lae th e re has been a t least fences one real"sw ift a'i;ler ualng those led by slopes.idallde. OccaslonaUy a akler wlU lose his or by h a t and/or goggles and a skier haf

espon- been known to lose a ski, or even ut the both of them. But It was none of antage th e se lte m s th a t turned-up on the lepub- ski slope to attest to someone's

speed.strong Johnny KeUcer, “Twin PaUa, made to the the find. He promptly tum ed the ilbany. item over to th e ski patrol. But we icently never heard who went so faat they almost skied right o u t (rom under their

upper plates I trated, , • • •jnslble PUPS F O n KIDS DEP'T.

Three male and two female pup- isidcnt p i„_ cM ker spaniel, h ied new T,' Homes a t IHe’trad er age'OTff weeks delong y o u OArileld 3-8973 oi

plek th em up a t -th e.-Vemon-6trol- liberal, berg place one mile south and three- J' fourths of a mUe west of Hansen, d-neck _____

Lloyd Camey, who lives a t 179C , O sterloh avenue, wants to find a

I,” S l good home to r a smaU, brown, mak « “ I" puppy. He has lour white feet, white viously chest and sm all floppy cars and li , , "awfully cute." You can phone REd-

wood 3-0908.Of the _____

P ot Shots;jJ lJ J? These colUe-ahepherd puppies an

■ heeler atock and ready for ney rullv hopes . One white toy shepherc

stray must go,- too. W e Uve twc miles south a n d . eight mUes wesi

) years J*™!” '- KEystone 6-2615J Muid Howard NlccumIrcum- ; (Route^a, WendeU)

II pace m a y BE YOUB CHANCE waited By the pu rest accident, ws havi n h o w st^lHbled~ltcrosJ■^omething— tha- respect someone m ight be able to work lnt<

a profitable venture. Anyway^ It'i w orth a little thought.

103 lu- N ot long ago, Roy Painter wa ibllcan driving his "couhtry car” trom i lersist- aide road on to U. S. highway o; liUwick south o( th e Nevada-Idaho line ll am- 'While he was waiting for trafllc ti

r gen^ aaked. "Is thla the bus to the Horse has B S hu club?"

aitrous —'Dntortunatoly, tho source of thi Know- Information, faUed to report Mi jaUtor- Painter's reply or how much hi

ch a rg ed .'caoitol • • •B fund OUB BULLETIN BOARD ounger Big Deal, Gooding—Thanks fo and a your note, b u t we never prin t any

th ing without knowing what we'r getting Into, I f you care to exploli

^L ike w*'at you have in__mlnd, we migh smands consider It. T hanks, anyway.

W ant One. Tw in F»il*-8cems Ilk ’ , every’ so otten we have to explali

I t aU over again, so we might jus i S ; as weU explain It tor you. Sorn ignung jijj, ajiything. fo, anyone eiicept In rare cases wit

extenuaUng clroum atanoesr-But-l _ ~ you have anyth ing a t all to giv

away, we can help you get rid ot ii

— - - -UE DESERVED IT1 to be Pots;[oik. In One ot the fellows a t tho plan fripiirig rnm e tn work not so long ago,wit! n don’t a long scratch down the side o( hi J, Tlie face. He explained tha t he ha elr sex, been working o n .something a t hom

and raised up quickly, scratching hi e fish- face on a na.ll sticking out ot a wal remem- B ut It d idn 't "iSok like tha t kin :dlt (or of a scratch, so everyone kept work e oUicr Wg on the giiy until he (InoU normol, broke down a n d admitted his wU allghtly scratched his lace, ut. Then a puzzled look came and li ;ely lhe adm itted lie couldn't understan otesnue why she h ad done it, or rathe e Asso- how she’d found out enough i h e bills th a t she knew what he-h ad 'b ee I simple up tg.dslrom " I t waan't as though I hadn mode It told her I’d be late getting home (Ivcs or he explained.' "Why I even phone I matter her trom the b a r and told her I ha been In to work lale."

Ever hear th e background noli lottcred, in a bar oyer tho telephone? noturol I. Heordltinds re- - (Twin Palls)hla, loo,lU hove THOUGHTS ON THOUGHTS le trend Dear Pot S hots:

. . . I do n o t know If a perso can think b e tte r after smoking cigarette or no t. But I do thin

)( every everyone should think for them rnment. selves and decide whether they war pold by to smoke cigarettes or not. dollara. And no m a tte r how they dcclde,

10 work do not think i t wUl mako any dll ple who terenco obout thinking for tliem0 obout selves., It goes Now I th ink if you will think lh:

over It moy help .you to think fe yourself,

T. N. Subscriber(Buhl)

• • •ren;----------------- FAMOB8- lAb t -11NB------

. . This w eather will spoil us f<on thntL; oncc. GENTLEM AN IN TIIE9 out Of * FO URTH ROWhow ns- —

i r tg m . FU1S12 C o ck ta il llo iK U E E C h ick en

01 Ilrst,

* 1 0 0 0 F rIbunc. ' ;


W l l ' i


----1--------------------------------------- -— —


■ JN IW Vo r k - -rtui New- Ym IC— T ln iM -iiB e d -te^ ^ e^ ^ w t-rep o tte

attaraeys-'oUered-selfrM rvlng atufunder anonymity, and said, "my clt

■■■■■J (iwtc no w e forO n Inquiry* 1 leam from the Time

H In th a t Mike Haggerty la Uvlng In re ^ tiren)enl;on £ t e t .” />5K » < i * s i *

en la lS d . t s a - g g | S ^ | le u t an elders who Ihose set a fine example ?

t o g r e e n h o r n « ; ' ^ ^ ^ ^ l i ^ j , hk ’ately in from the : | ^ B | I K |H k

the m e l o d r ^ a t l O ' - I ^ B g g l

M arie Torre,g o s s i p column-Is t. to .th e .N e W i '; ! 5 iW A ! |^York Herald T r i - " ...

,,, bune, served 10 w«ib™«k P«il*r ,h ,„ days, to a quiet, comfortable JaU a

a federal prisoner for refusing I name tile source ot contldentlal "In torm ation" c o n s is ^ g ot an abusiv personal-opinion ot ono individui about another.

,P“P- The offended individual wants t l.i'ew sue the "inform ant" for damages veeks, . j j , , federal jurisprudence lu 173 or eagerly m ade itself over toto a B trol' agency to serve a syatem thal sut

Jects decent citizens to degradhi Inalnuallona; put In the form < queatlona, by lawyers or notorioi

- H90 reputation under license of Judicli Ind a subpoena.' male congresa never* passed any la white pennlttlng th is persecution of goo tnd is citizens, but it passed into couj REd- procedure. Thus Judge Sylvesti

Ryan gave Miss Torre 10 days I ja il and could do It over and ov< fo r years, i n fact, Ryan could gi\

ts are her life for ''contempt," just f« new flouting a law whose evil qualll

ipherd many Judges frankly admit.5 two • •

west The lawyers for the plaintiff I 1-2675, ---------------------------------------- ------- ;

!S) J e r -Id a Clubs have W in n ers Tol(

—t h a t -------------------------------------k inlo JEROME, Jan . 30 — Mrs. Sue Wl y; It'a Uama won first place, with hi

speech ,"Beware roj-JjriQe tag ba r was galna." a t the-mee'tlng of the Jc ■om a Ida Toastmlstress club Tuesday evi ay 03 n lng at the Gingham Inn.

line. Othera giving speeches were Mi ftle to G«y Kennedy. Mrs. Lloyd Cycrmo c»and * n 4 -M ss.-W otmaa-Hintz- - ■ Sorse- ' i® s. A ^es-H O rist woa toostml

1 tress: Tim ers were Mrs. Haymoi Df tbe Buiter jn d ._ M ra ,. Dwight .McOl t Mr. Judges were Mrs. Jack RusseU, Mi Jh he Russell Howell. Mrs. Oene Jepsi

and Mrs. Jewell Depew, Tellers f the (Inol count were Mrs, Cal Han

a cr, Edith Nancolas and Mary Ma u lor «*>aU.t - n y The buslnesa meeting was coi

ducted by Miss Nancolas, preslder I . F inal plans were made (or tl

speech contest meeting Peb. 28. Tii “ Is the eaat end meeting o( the Soutl

western Council o( Toastmlstre ns like clubs to choose a speech contesta ixplahi to enter the atalc contest, Mrs, A it ju st nes Hurat is speech contest chai Sorry, nian,ng for Mrs, Elizabeth Day was In char ! with o t table topics, given by Mrs, Ge: gut - 1(. Jep30n.-MiiiT(. -Mar.sholl n n d M i, give Sue WllUams,

• “ ■ AIRMAN VISITSPAUL. Jan . 30-A3/cl Jim Rebhi

Is spcndlngi a' 30 day leave with 1 parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Rebha

plant bos taken (lve montha of 1 O.wlth .T g Jpt mprhnnin nt. to( his Sheppard ah- (orce base, Tex. He w

e had leave here peb. 9, for Spokane, whe ' home h e will be stationed at Oeiger i Ing his lorce base.a waU. - ----------—t kind work- (InoUy Is wife

»nd he

rather Igh so 1 'been ,

hadn’thome." Nphoned

I lOW-COST t 600» LOOKS•ITS Get m ode rn good looks Inperson Butler m etal buildings. Everyking a c®'cr panel dle-formed for Ita

thinic spcciiic function on the build-them- ing. O verhanging eave panels

y want gracefully curved for addedxlde I beauty. All doors and win-iy dif- factory-located. FieldUicm> flash ing elim inated. Ask to

see our sound-sUde films. Callnk this or write today,nk for ____ ■



2,17 Pierce St., Twin Falls t h e ItE 3.4535

I — —C om e to Ray's


H orse Shu C lub!

y — ' m p ^ c H O P " -


Iloiir 8 to !) Kri. und Sat. cken Dinners Sundayi

F r e e S u n d a y


T O F A L L S , I D A B O

* '

1 . .

' ___ l u --------- ----------------

S APPEAR FROM]^ tANGEE-York the TDire case are niit Included^to

pprtV any nf the (oregohig. 1 cm ic^e t t o t j

stuff S ^ r ^ 5 « T ^ T H m s ^ , » cltv may s i j Uiey are. I am QCaUng wiin

a loathsome condition created by , lim es Judges, not wlUi the 'In rc- any individual concern^ In this ^

? | S , u is s Torre has l?een absurdly * over*blUed In ber role. Sbe bammed \

i e i it up. clut<ilng her tattered shawl f S i about ber Madonna’s visage in, a i j B i scene re ^ ls c e n t o f I>aura. Jean

Ubby, but she was, by pure newsr .y f H paper standards,'not-a-Ucentiftte put

to sacrifice for maintailning the ae* I f S cumulation of sordid rubbish...- .

“ ’TfiTIaayTreverliHd-lt-so-gOod-be- *£ ® 1 fore she 'beoame, In Judge Ryan’s

corny dictum, the Jeanne d’Arc of a profession. She has- no warront from the pubUc as people or from

|aU as any branch of the govemment. ng to Any reporter who would'accept an kl “In- official license to. practice journa- buslve llsm, subject to regulaUon and dls- vidual clpline at Uie hands, of, say, P aul

Hoffman, Eric Johnston or congress- n ti to man Manny Celler, whose names lages. come readily to mind In such sw - 5 has roundings, would repudiate the prln- 1 to an clple of freedom of the,press, t sub- * * * *radtag Wo hold no writ from anyone. I t : rm df Is our obligation to teU the trutl^ ; arious as we know it. subject to no other ; idiclai forblddance than that of the "desk.”

whloh Is our only auperlor. The y law "desk” hos Ita own responsibility( good and we are not the keeper ot Its con-

court sclince, thank Ood.Ivester ,In all this mawklshness over Miss lys in Torre I hove thought tha t Judge i over Ryan should have hammered home d give the faft Uiat decent Americans st tor may be put lo the moat appalling juaUty persecution solely (or the prodt ot

lawyers and the private companies, usuaUy on cordial personal terms

titt In with bench and bar, which fatten-------- on Utlganis by takhig down frank,

' cynical admission o( the judges, need

S not have Uie slightest rclevance to the issue.

.> This wos the basic evU In the ■ \ l r l Torre case. Judges have thrown

the citizen to Uie Jackals ot theh- I , W l l - o m trade. "' hpr But there would have been no , h": caso a t all If Miss Torre had said,. as Mike Haggerty o(ten did, "my ,y eve- ' “‘y desk, has no use for gosslpl"

^ o n . Tobacco up, ®Bln_.i:B,Utj.-.<»haloBaVe._lobacca

istm tp dealers bcgon charghig higher prices tor smoking and chewing to-

«-COlll. liaocos thla week„ ------I, Mrs. Dealers explain tha t a majority JepMn uf tobacco companiesers (or bijreased their prices od smoking

and chewing tobaccos eftectlvo with ' " " 'I ' hivolces daled Monday.

!ud“ nt’. GRADUATED)r the ■■ PAUL, Jan. 39-Threo boya were 8. This graduated (rom the LDS primary Southr this week. They ore Charles Selbold, ilstress son of Mr. and Mra. Norman Sel- testant bold; Scott Malan, son ot Mr. and rs. Ag- Mrs. Robert Malan and Larry Stol- chalr- worthy, aon ot Mr. and Mra. Gordon

Stolworthy, They *ere promoted In- charge to tho MIA.. Gene

' LONG'S TV..vhnn *> S errlc elebhan m h aIth his RE 3-4590lebhan. Eveninn C»H BE J-MM of in- * t- th e He wiu

r»^ LocatetJ V2 m i I e We; ^ or 1 mile East from


/A 26 T op Q ua HOLTSEIN D air

) in Holstein cow, reiistered. 4 yra.k-ery

1* projcct,, , , nolsteln cow, 5 yrs. old, heavy

when fresh ndsleiu cow, 4 yrs. old, heavy :

Ided I when fresh vin- Holstein cotv, S yrs. old. heavyield ' ’ ben freshK . Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, sprlngl_ ,, Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, sprlngli

Holsfeln cow, 3 yn. old, sprlngli I llolsteln cow, B yn , old, Jost frc

Holstein cow, 5 yrk old. milking Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old. milking

consln cow Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, milking Holstein cow, 4 y n . old. Just

r ------ I — IreBvy-ftorr---------------------------! Holstein cow. S yrs. old, mllklni

ils Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old. milkingHolstein cow, S yrs. old. Just fr<

— I Holstein cow, 0 yr«. Did. Josi fn Hobtein cow, 5 yrs. old. milklni Holstein bull, 20 mos. old, out

bull and ADS cow, a good hen Long yearllnr iloliteln belfer, c

aled3 HoUteln heifers, 4 monlhi oI(

------. - -a-Hobteln bull calves,-4-monthi. Z Holstein bull ealves, 3 months

2 Holsleln heifer calves, 1 to 3 nMost nil of the above herd calfl

-------- -- . upiancD- Bangs tested withinBreeding dates and productior

I t day of sale.D ! DAIRY EQUIPM

2 unll Conde mllkinf machine ■ pipe and ilall cocki — I t 1C

/ ------ —Ne»-tnllk'M>Iei-----------------------Ducket, ilrainera and milk cart

/ FEEDAppte>lmateljr 2S0 bushel 3-wa]

' 40 tans lop quality baled ha] cutUni

t e r I


I I’huiio WE 4-4364 Goodi

' I

■■—r-—........ ........................ ....

------------------- '.-------------------------- 1--------• ................ .....

' , <■ "


M P ro d u cer CriticL i^ — C taF ge^StarsJ

B j.H A L BOYLE miNEW Y O ^ ^

aHe g n f r h i^ , ^^ share of - .'—1— ^ 7 ®

In a tare b i t of public breast- beating, producer Sam Goldwyn last w eT ^ d & ared exorb itan t salary *' d e m a n d s b y H H a K M H l i <°

— ,i.U ua.»ui.^ chief d u g e r- fa c -

mg Uie movie n d u s try .- '- ^

Thete camer e b u t t a l - t r o m B p M M B W n Otto.. F r e m l n g v , ^ ^ n ^ B H h< one of msuccessIul - l n d e - ^ H ^ ^ 9 | | M SI

i * g ? i r a l B M l -‘* ™ ? ' U i e V o n g | H l a ' J B -thing to cry In Hal Bwi. m publio obout js ta rs ask ing for too B’

■f „ much money," P rem inger said. ^ “In a tree com petitive society, „i

' r , , anyone Is prlvUeged to ask any- !>■ ^ , , 1 thtog he wants for h is services. But “

it you don’t w an t to pay them , you n, don't have to. ' ' 5>

r r "If I find a n ac tor asks too g X much^I simply don’t employ hhn. „

I thid somebody else. ti__ "T. onv actor w orth a million doi-, Iars a picture? You ca n 't generalize. |J

He might be w orth m ore than a » J e s miUl'on doUars—It fils services are '

truly u n l q u ^ r he m igh t be worth J The Uion nothing. The public really ,

jlllty decides thot ejuestion a t the box- con- office. j,

Preminger sold producers them- J, Mis, selves were largely to b lam e for the bl ujge present high salary dem ands o( ,ome acton. mcans "’Thla aU s ta rted by bribery." he > lUhig declared crisply. " I t resulted from fj It of producers persuading ac to rs to play bl inles, in scripts the actors really didn’t u erms want iny p a r t of. T he only way |j otten tho producers could get th em to was j, rank, to pay them m ore and m ore money.’’ ol need a j o producer. Prem inger some- j| :e to times Is a b it on the daring aide p

when "It comes to casting. One the gamble he feels sure wiU pay oft

rown Is the Wring of Boston lawyer Jo- „ theh- seph N. Welch, s ta r ot th e Army- ii------McCartKsnrearlngs-ln-MSC to'play ii1 no the judge In h is la test film .“ ' ‘J; Preminger feels the motion plc-

ture Industry la undergoing a long- range change th a t wiU tilthnately « Improve IL i

•’I don’t th in k television has hurt „ motion pictures." he said. "We have had-only-a-temporaiy se tback . Tele- ■

iiiher visTon wlU face the problem of be- j to- coming a second-rate advertising p

[orlty ' ____

" f H l i i iwere H O See Us Nom

S : ^ S E E D S - I£ J l FER TILd hi- ,

_ Have ’em ready a,

Security SeeA c r o s i from Y

E i O

West, 1 mile South antJ Va \ Drn the top of Justice Grade

)AY,FEBRUT T 2 ;3 0 p.m .__________ ^

luality Machin• ■ ■ r IH C model,C tnO i r y L O t r i e Ue&vy duty mai I yra. old, milking 6 »"■*, raised aa an FFA « o'' «

Two-way hangoii e a v y .p r l„ .e r , . . .K

eavy .primer, 7 , aia.

eavy sprlnier, S gals. ™ C manure apr . IHC bean planteprlnginr ^aa* bean pianti„ l n , i „ . Four-section steiir in g in r - Two-aection spriist freah. 1 lollona Rubber-tired waillklng 5 fillons wheel wageliking 6 plloas, W ls- Case 6-ft. tandei

AC 5-ft. comjiln liikhig 5 gallons a n d grain atti

Just fresh, mlikin* Case aide ta le------ ------------------------------- Wooden-land>flcallking S ln slc ^biillklnt S gallons culllvatoru t freah, 4« .allons CBlUvator ihanli ist fresh, 9 iillons t®?’*lUklng SK iillona , out of s u i t lehoold herd aire untreated n iter, calfhood vaccln- » -« ■ dump raki

Shallow weU p ha old • " g a "•*' oontha-old- ---------------H«»vy-set-work-

ro " ? L ”l s o l d •

uction recorda given M S^™ lek% eer

IIP M E N Tichlne complete w ith P lan e t Jr. bean 1« mllli c a m Three-horse frei

: ■ ----------- - ^V iller^M tfond ti; Two-aeotlon stee[) 8even-ft. single i3-way mil train Rubber-tired wad hay, mml aU l i t , D onble ( r tu , i

a rilclei

ERMS: Cash Day of SH p a l m e r ,A ucti.onccr8 ■ ' ''

io o d in g , or K E G -2028 W e n d e ll I

I . '

cizes Goldwyn Ii-Make too Muc^J

i-rt nreeasary (or us to compet, “ ■ , what we did before, n t II “» to be b e t t o . t h S - B

I c o o t a l e s c in g T t ^ ome II and v „ II Ployd .-.-BlajeemQre-'have reU irS S 'B I home ftom Boise whtre Mrs bS ? ■ I m oje-l^ei-w ent major su rg trf ,; I I St Alphonsus hospital. She u « ! ' I I Vttleadng a( home.

I LEGAL A D V E R T I S E M ^ IBEAL E S T A T E O f f ERED r o n c . l f l

) 0 BY T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S ; T W 1. l o c t « i o . l h . H u n , c^niT, id.h., 11 „'ii.i

y , o l Ed<n on > d i r t r o .d . o n t m il . ' h u i - . u r t i c r f r o . d . 1, I ? " '

J , « t t o , m o r . or ! » . . m , | i, t , „ , r; " t e U o n . 3S .n d SS T o .n .b lp j

>U R i n i . 10, B„l.,formerly owne<l »nd oerupi«<| by Jnh. ^

» for 87.1 »cr«i from Ameriftn K»lli p. n. volrDUUMKo. 2 aUhou h

ii u ta art now beinir lrric«i«|.— L ^ i-

irrl*»Uon water ch*r*» n i^k.*® P«r K.r f,.r th, k: ■

re Irrfttble »crei. The d«me*tle »unn th ^ ‘ »'ll. Th. d.,1 ,J {i mod«ra. The oiitbiillHine* rotui,. r ly 1 michlne ihd nn.l urunnry .•..mhmttinr X- diiry barn, md nhpd. Thr t,.rm» „f ik'

llle *re <n Ctah. or (2t twenty tv»r f»n* do»« . n d lh, b » ] . n c . In l iv ,

ptymenU it 8 per cent Inierm. Se»lH tie bidj for the purchase of thi* prt)p«ri| *r; of he «ceepted af the K»rmrr» Admi«"

UlrtUon. 20S South Ninth Sir, t n",.' Idiho, until 10:00 o'clock A. M.. Tuwdi/

h0 February 17, 19S0. m<l ihfn publidr _ opened. The Government rwervM the ri»l,*" to rejcct any «rta •!! biiU.[ly bidden may inspect the pmiierty «i I’t Ume, 'AddItlon«l informRlion tm) b'd

formi m»1 be ob iineti at the Karmen ^ Home AdminUtraUon, Keilersi Huildlaf OS Jerome, Idaho. Bid forma may aliq f." obtained al the Farmen Hom# AdmC

trtllon, 205 South Ninth Street, po Idaho.

de PublUh: Jan, 29. 8^, Feh. t, I. :i, 1».M

U j N O T IC E T O BID D EH SThe State Purchaaing: Airent will retriti

lealed bids at bla office. lUwm 226 Suti y- Hooie, Boite, Idabo, until FVhraarr V ay 1W9 at 2 :00-p. M. tor the foUowlhrr *'

Req; No. TB 53M for heddini and towela f r.lhe Idaho Slate Tiiberculotlj

C' Hoapital at (toodinit, Idaho, g- All bida will be publicly opened and rwj ;Iy at the above time and place.

Forma staUng eonditloni mnat h« Mcnn before bIddlnB. Theae are available fnq lhe State Purchasinff Aeent.

ve The Sute reaervc* the ristht to rajw In. any and all blda.

TED CRAMEJl State Pur«haainff Acent

ng Puhllaht Jan. 80. Feb. 1, 2. 10S9

H E R ^l o w f o r Y o u r r ^ l- G R A I N S ^

I L I Z E R S L E I Iy at planting time.

.'n: . 'Oji.

eed i Supplyn Y o u n g 't D a iry

4 West of Tuttle sto,re,3de.


linery-2 Tractors A0 traclor In“g60a"condUlon— — manure -loader w ith .manure (pr»

II bucket, Uke ncw . WIU fit either actorsingon plow for C tractor ingon monerMck coitlval-ora fo r beet and beam bean cutter to fit on C tractor traotor. In good condlUon

1 spreader with steel box lanter, .shoe type lianter, double disc typeI steel harrow sprhijtooth harrow

1 wagon and rack wagon with grain bo l andem discmjilne with grain bln and aU beanI attachmentsIked-floa l_----------------- -------------------ChatUn ditcher

hanka, clamps and other coltlialor

I scrip ironId treated railroad tiei Id railroad Uei

rakelU pressure ijstem water tank ■

mk-ham eas ,f o u o w in o e q u ip m e n t con- FD DV NEICIIDOBS! . ■one-ton InternaUonal truek ?■ „. h

and dual wheela I : ■Deerlng hone mower ■dump rake - ■

wan and b e e t c u H lv a to r ' ■

freino Hi d t w o - r o w - e o i n i « « t o t_ , - : „ _ -------1 ^steel harrow -< ■

igiodiio , . n

L " a ‘SiS f f B

f Sale ., ::s I

1, O w n e r f l' e v e r b w ■

P hone W E

SroAY,JAmjARY80,i95 I

.1.. . '." ‘..I .^B

Page 5:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

J^ee Guests L-^aUtfor Meet ^O fT ,F .G irls ^

l e a t W th f ee guest speakers fc S j *, r t , Lroeral G irls' letgue m eeting

■ ® l !v at Twin PaUs hlgti school. l j | | | ‘ im td a Dillon. P™‘ i ' B

■ ^ i d m iro ig irr^n tro d u g ed ---M rt. •■ P S p Hiyea. past president o f the

congress o( ParenU and who told about lie r trip

- - ^ « ? r H a y e s said many leen-asera , „ w a n < ie learning Amerlcar. ac- S /tf« Olrls never see boya while

> ■ ^ “ “ •,0 school alter the fourthS Lately, girls and'boys have O K n ■ colne to the. same school. HriJ?h is dlsllted by the boys be- ■ H*“ J the girls are more Intelligent. H

i Kurt MOSS, native of ^ n c e . ■S . t^ se d tho lujportance of today 's HS ta g e r s and their duty to take H.Vantage of school system a n d to H M Ihelr growing country. H e ealdr m L e 14-year-olds take trigo- Hifometry and a t 15, Jorelkn lan- H

Higgs, born and ra ised in nwland. told how teen-agers ol S K are Me-tK6si of the U nited ■ ^ t e s . There Js little delinquency

" " l ^ T r n g T l ^ g l r b now w e a ^ lp -Jtlck and women are often w ithout m uloves or a bat.

M«. Hayes. Moss and Mrs^Higgs stressed the Importance otjtmocracy and how A m ^lcatu canmaintain It In schools and country . ‘

S appointed standing chair- • _ ,n were Introduced by Nancy Dn-

yU president of the league, with -r ig n i t i o n given last sem ester's I q / chairmen.

. New Secretary ■$ Told for Area second

serves ^

Chamber Unit t ^b h o s h o n e . Jan . 30-New sec- ,

retary for the Chamber of Com- I J | | “ Dftrce here is Francis Bergln, re- A U J

placing Harrell A. Thorne w ho re- ^ ilgned after holding the position more than two and one-half years. k J l l

Bergln was appointed by the board of directors a t a recent m eel- \ y tag fnd announcement of h is ap- x V l polntment was made to .the C h am ­ber at the Tuesday noon m eeting SHOS held at tho M anhattan cate. session.

Standing committees for th e year meaaurt also were announced. They are Jack at the 1

■ MrMurphy, Howard E.-AdUns, H orb ment of Cove, Prarilc Carothers and K.W. bers. Drove, legislative. Matte

R o b ^ Haddock, C. J. Rapp, Joe proxlme Broyles. Harley Handy and R alph spring e

' VUlera. sports and recreation; R alph Ing pri' Villers, Roy Gipson and C harles and m l Hansen, Halloween: J'. H oward Of pr Manning, Harley Handy, Ceoll Cope view c(

■ and Ealph Smith, grassman o f the code of year; Henry Oabica and Qene Pou- Ing to ser, street numbering, and R alph Russell Bmlth, fair committee, with J . H ow- Idaho, i

-■ard Manning, assiitlng. range arMembers of the finance com m it- the revi.

tee are Ray E. Oyer, Thomas W. The i Conner, James P ate and M yron D. covera f

L Johnson. mltted i■ Ottier committees Include D r . R. on all T 0 . Neher, Dr. J . E. Potter a n d Dr.' public Ii

E. D. Saras, community h e a lth ; ganlzed HdwanI E. Adkins. WUlard B aker. Policy Conner and Bill Anderson, tra ffic proper safety; E. I. S iaw , John Thom as, other mi Chalmer Martin, Rupert M anning, practice Omer Shook and J ! . 0. Hahn. B (v adjustm Bcout t o akfast. ^* ^ 1 ,1

John Thomas, Gablca and Villers, <Ung of fanners' night; Douglas Hansen, E. Other L. Oomes. W ard B. Rawson, O hal- were prc mer Martin. T. V. Stnink, B u rton ervatlon

- - K.Hiome and Mike Umitia, m er- specifiedchants; Harrell A. Thome and B u r- trlbuUot ton R. Thome, Ohrlstmas bon lire; private

__Burton Thome. Joe Pagoaga, O m er provemeBhook, W. A. Hall and Hall Roes, sures, v Christmas lighting; Jos Berriochoa, better Is Prnitls. Wlllis Larsen and Shook, Bureai Christmas party, and E. L O om es, Dale H. C. M. Pethlck, Oliver Payne and 8«r: Hi

- -Em i, July 4 fireworks, d lstrtct:Tho annual Boy Scout b reakfast Jensen,

*as announced for 8 am. Peb. 8. a t Qabett^ the Uncohi school cafeteria. AU present Scouts. Oub Scouts, Uielr la th e r s »><* 'or tnd leaders wlU be invited. derUch.

Hie annual Farmers' night b an - Norwood , QUet waa announced for March 19. assistant Bl Trado stamps were discussed hut Advise f f no definite action waa taken. I n d i r - Martin,

IdnalJ expressed » dislike fo r the represen- trade stamp* in bualness. ' BeUevue

Notice was made that the now repreaen 1»9 state highway department m aps <'“ n, a , jmlaln the Shoahone Ice Caves. PauUmei Tie cfves were not listed o n the sentatlvi nap a year ago and the cham ber Pert, a ( pretested. A le tter of thanks w ill be McQlocli aeat to Wayne Summers Boise sentatlvi

and Wll

Thespians’ Play Slated March 13 , S‘•’ree-act comedy-droma and of BYM

^•racter study. ■'The,Bus Stope «'re. by Robert St. Olalr, w ill be P^ented by Twin PaUs high school n i r p r I “ ^ ‘"“ ' “n<ler the sponsorship of

Marie Perrin, March 13. - -^ » -p la y rT ff ll ia rW T 1 8 V e rT je e ff

presentedWy one night, TryouU wUl be held

^ ThVpll.'"' t*****In the county seat In a J ' I

Middle w I IWI ' 'W e s t e r n states, the p l a y , ? ' ,lh th. w,;. '■’aractcfa, takes place In t

1 "PaW e hotel #nd ?«rvca 'a* a J

- - tm '* ''" ....... .

q u a l i t y Ci

4 : 9 5 ^Wwi

Sq. Yd.

h o o s i e r ^_FURNiTUfeE

- - p ^ A T , JA N T JA B Y S O , 1959)9

jj ew Lieutenj


Capt. M. J. Bays, Jr., rifht* company com reserre unit, pins a fo ld bar on the should left, Twin Falls. Lleut(;nant Spario took h for the Twin Falla a reL (Staff photo-cnrri

* * * *

jocal Man Is Commi Second Lieutenaii

Larry F . Spargo, '430 Ostrander A meitreet north , was commissioned a police gecond lieutenant In the army re* Spargeerves Thursday niffht a t ceremonies ence E.leld at th e Twin Falls reserve cen- vLw foer. serves. (-----------------------------------------------pany coi

1 1 • -pv • ' lice res<:^ublicUomaiiiUeute

S t u d y M e e t f o ri i ' t 1 . <or twoArea Complete »'

r In clviSHOSHONE, Jan. 30—A four-day Is forem

leasures was completed this week Is marrl t the local bureau of land manage- year-old lent office by advisory board mem- return ti ers. plana toMatters Included the review of ap. retlreme

roximately 600 applications for Major jrlng grazing me, transter of graj- wm be t ig privileges, range improvements artillery od management plans'. Palis resOf prim ary Importance waa a re- there, lew concerning revisions of the ‘ . xle of federal regulations pertain- _Ig to u se of the public lands. J. l i n usseU Penny, state supervisor lor A CIIJ laho, an d William Mathews, stale , inge and forestry otflcer, presented A le review. ^The code ot federaJ regulations „ ivera ^1 subjects relating to per- .Itted use of the surface resources ^ 1 aU vacan t and unapproprilfe)! ibllc lands within and without or- 3 inlzed districts,Policy, concerning seasons of use, . ‘ •oper salting and bedding, and her m atte rs relevant to good range ' •actlces were discussed, resulting In ? ljustmenta In opening dates on all irlng ranges and specified methodi / rsa ltop^ l'U vestoclm nd-the bed! moderot< ng of sheep. otOther items receiving attention Qwcuwed sre proper control of trespass, rts- fluestlom vatlon o f feed for game, reseeding lems^wil leclfled areas ot range,-better dls- ““t by. t Ibutlon of water, contributions by Foundc Ivate Individuals for range ta- conducte ■ovements. and protective mea- a sUver t ires, w hich would contribute lo ceived is liter land use. leadershlBureau personnel attending were One hall als H. Kinnaman. district mana- national r; H apley M, Handy, ossistant atasa in strict range manager, and Morgan will be s< insen, Thom as Heller and James mothers, abettas. range managers. Also Appoln esent w ere Corson Wallace, range bornmltte d for th e district; Eugene Wun- meeting irUch, range conservationist, and Albert Gi Drwood Borsvold, administrative son. slstant. ■Advisory board membera ore Pred f / ~ " artln, Bhoshone chairman, aheep “ “presentative; -Everett—Gampbelli -------iUevue, vice chairman, a sheep preaentative; Fred Laidlaw, Mul- on, a sheep representative; Ralph luUmer, Gooding, a sheep repre- ntatlve; LaVem Montgomery, Ru- rt, a ca ttle representative; Prank cQlochlin, Plcabo, a cattle repre- ntative; Donald Sandy, Bhoshone, V id William Knox, G lenns Perry, I . ttle representatives. LFloyd Silva, Shoahone, Is the wild- F e representative to th e board. IFollowing the meetings, two Ilinu . | ire ahown which dealt with phases BYM work throughout the U.,8.

P IL O T S D E P A R TOAIRO, Egypt. Jan. 30 UV-Egyp- in pUota training th e Iraqi air ^

turned to Cairo, th e newspaper Akhbar aald today.


RE 3-2900

C A R P E T I . ' i

; E l k t B l d g .

enant Commissioned

f l

J_y_--- -----

ly commander of th e 809lh military police fUj shoulder of newly commissioned Second Lieu ook his oath from M aj. Clarence E. McCoy, r i-enrravinf)

- * * * * . • I-------------

m i s s i o n e d asDURAI

la i i t i n R e s e r v e Audrey Hdon’t say

A member of the 809th military X-rays)llce guard company. Lieutenant actress fsargo was sworn In by Maj. Clar- Wcdnesdjice E. McCoy, regu lar army ad- from' a \ser for the Twfn P ails area re- th e w e ^rves. Capt. M. J . Bays. Jr.. com- Ing on tfiny commander of th e military po- for at ler:e reserve unit, p inned the gold Miss Hira on the new officer's shoulders.' immobileLieutenant Spargo has been a rented hember of the local resene unit restingr the post three years. Prior to bulat tim e he was on active duty been In c<r two years with th e eleventh air- I________ime division. ^In civilian life. L ieutenant Spargo I . I t l p i foreman of the body and fender

married and the fa th er of a 3- ar-old daughter. H e saya he may * * turn to acUve duty , b u t definitely y t ans to remain in th e service until tirement. X 1 C <Major McCoy said th e new officer sH n su r 11 be transferred to th e 381st fleld wnrm Wnrf tlllery battalion, another Twin ^ere clven ills reserve unit, to fill a vacancy organls

of Mr. and Mills presii

’anel Slatedmeetings. I

A t B u h l P T A . M ^ a20-21.

BUHL, Jan, SO—A panel consist- Cal Bate: ! of Andy Anderson. Dr. Stanley ganlzatlon inil p obert BaUey, Mrs. .Denny Pocatello. I itrlck. Mrs, W illiam Watt and for all me rs Chester Pence w ill conduct a Ho explain jndtable discussion on "What do made and

as parents expect from our bership dri lools?" a t the B uh l PTA meet- miii,! at 8 p m Monday a t the F, H. president i

suggested 1Mrs. Alva Borders will serve 9s taken at e Jderatois-Bcrders-will-give-ft-res- org&nl*atlo! 10 of problems t h a t have been ren t at tb cussed a t prevloua meetings. A asked from utionnalre regarding Bchoolprob- meeting, ns will be distributed and filled Orvel Tl b by- the-parents a t th e meeting;, suggestions 'oundera* day observance wili be between th< Iducted by Mra. A lva Borders, with bers and c( lUver te a offering. 'Htio money re- meeting wi ved Is used for exlenalon work, ne)rt, regula dershlp training a n d workshops. pl&c0 to be e half of the fund la sent to the Refreshm tlonal fund dnd th e other half Braun. v5 In th e sUfte. A blrthulay cake *—1 bo aerved by second grade room — ------- \

ELBA, JaIppointed on th e nominating Seamount, nmlttee at the executive board ents, Mr. a etlng were Lee PoppleweU, Mrs. Their son,, >ert Oebardl and M rs. Alfred Iver- them after

____________________________ parents,


( 1 0 , O O O . S q u a r e F epnsi^ B U I L D I I

W ill soon be u n d e r constri on B lue Lakes Boulevard I

L Y N W O'^ H D P P K T C E l

T his bulIdlng'wUl have aU th e latest fei Ing air conditioning and heating. There o f stoDge apace in lla large basement. / •pace for c lien ts and personnel wUl be pr

' a re reasonable and offices will be fit tenants. . ,

For Complete Detail

T W I N F A L L S RC113 Main A ve. E. '. Twin Falli/li

o r R a y N e i h e n a t l y n i

S h o p p in g C e i t te r

RE 3 -2 2 8 2

= = X = = = = = = = = S S = S = = = = S S....._';i - '

•. '• ■ ' V

( ■ .

■ - 1

ied Here New. ------- Cer

the Fo

Magic Vnllc Bom In

■ ■ ■ I I H ill WlY nkim irrw

" Inc., parent son chain.

■ n ^ ------ ^ T\vln P a lls :chandislng

' ' Marche stor Hunting 1

Puckett's ''{ Ma(;ic

opportunltle bios.for I

an<co m b ln ea^o'P u c k rttb (

AUicd.rimv.a display dlrcotcd ad\ mollon.s.


Uien r worki]

V,'jHifi move

tothem lo kee tunilles for

' turned to M:e Twin Falls new.spnper cl Lieutenant Larry F. Spargo, the display

'oy, resrular army u n it adviser Pucketf is and a daugh

________________ . 7 to 18. Hla-p, .'ioon os th<

runny “ , m cURANGO. Mcxico. Jan . 30 W Ing busy me

only hu rt when I laugh," ployes and iroy Hepburn told visitors, "so lij operationt say anything funny," he .snys. " t l-rays indicate the 29-year-old organizationess fractured two vertebrae where." Inesday when the w,as thrown As soon asI a horse during flUnlng of cd with the weitehi, "Unforglven," Shoot- clt expects on the movie was suspended men and loo at lonat two weeks. Puckett a Iss Hepburn wa-i being kept In the army loblle in bed at th f home she belonged tc ed here. She was reported Yakima,ng comfortably Thursday He replace it, but friend,! said she had ly awaiting . In considerable pain earlier. AUled firm.

■ I , Leaves are

acoln Areas ? a p h " ^ i. , ts reS T h te tc

armer Group —— [ears Report S\)SHONE,-Jan. 30—Reports on Bureau policies and projects

given a t a special meeting of | rganizatlon held a t the home' T B . and M rs. Ervin Braun. Ward ' ^presided.roval waa given for the pur- of a flag to display at all

Igs. E arl Vlnsant reported on policy development- classes he attended at Pocatello Jan. g k j |

Bateman reported on the or- L e g l itlon closses he attended at G o lc !llo. H e said Nov. 1 is the dateII memberships In tho state. Ride lilalned changes th a t will be ^and suggestions fo r a mem- p drive.a reported oh the classes for ent w hich he attended. He ited, th a t a few minutes be at each M eeting to explain

*allonal-pollclei-that-are-cur-^ it the time. Reports wUl be from each chalnnan at each

!l Thompson, R upert, madeitlons for better cooperation r - ^ H P;n the s ta te board, a ta ff mem:jid county officials. A specialij[ will be uUIed before theeguiar inreting. th e time and 'to be announced' la te r . 1eshmenta were served by Mrs. j

- V ISIT NOTED HA, Jan . 30—Mr. and Mrs. Sldunt, Boise, visited her par- S K Q S BMr. and Mrs. J. Roy Eames,son, Joe, returned home with • ^ u j f jatter a stay with h is grand- -HI. • S r- - — ' — • t

IDERN5 Feet) '


W L - Iw . .. ,

in s truc tion ‘ " ']fd In th e ■

X ) D BIN T E R S —

Ilt features, Includ-. ,rhere will be plenty .•nt. Ample parking 1 J lbe provided. Hates

)6 finished to su it

fails, Call.

R E A L T Y Jl l / I d a , RE 3 .3 6 6 2 : *



. . . ■ ' ' ^ L w iiiiiiii

w Anderson Store iertain He’ll 01v€

P u ck e tt, who look over n.smg___ti irector —Wednesday _oIIn F a lls <7, C. Ander.son store,

Valley. ‘In M inne.sota, (ho 39-yrar-

-c h a n d lse r moved lu lh e West r, w o rk in g In Tncoiiin and I, Wasirr^for^Ainpa^'Stores,' ire n t com pany of th e Ander- a ln . H e was Irn n sfrrred to “a lls Trom a po.sillon iks hier- ling m an ag er ot th e Bon

s to r e in Yakfin.i,Ing n n d flsllilli; n re two of.'s f a v o r i te piuiiiiw s. Toldagic Valley ofln.s abu n d an tin lt le s to pursue b o tti hob-ic k o tt said, ‘i 'm rea l hii.ppyt. I l ik e desert nnd m ountain H H M k' a n d np p a ren lly Ih ls areae s ^ o th ."'I t b e g a n his rn ri 'rr w ith thc i m v i n 1047, woi'lciiig f irs t ns ly m a n in Yaitimii, L.nter he I a d v e rtis in g aod ;uiie.s pro-

Ig 1950 and 19.SI P u rk e tt a t t h e finn 's Tiu'>>nui .store

en re tu rn e d to Ynlcimn In ro rk inK throuch p rnclita llyep a rtm en t again ns a man- ---------------issistan t, _rove W est in 1W7 a ' K P re la tives In PorUand, “ I iold ) k ee p an eye on Job oppor- RIOHP: for m e. Not long a f te r I re- b e n e fi t ci

to M innesota thry .sent me a p irh f per clipplng'whlch told nbout )lny opening in Ynklmn," ® P.**ltf Is th e father ot th ree sons orean lza tl au g h te r, ranging In age from sp o n so r tl His family will Join him os B ridge

i th e school term ends In be played A ll proce)

e m om ent, Puckett Is keep- of Dimes y m eeting the store's 42 em- d o n a ted o m d getting acquainted with c h a n ts are atlon. “As near as I can tell," _I. " th e store is as good an p p . . n tt itlon as you can fin d any- “

3n a s h e feels more acquaint- the sto re 's operations Puck- K |

eots t o meet local business- d look, for a house. - >itt. a veteran of th ree years I Jarm y during World wnr II I 1 to the Elka Jo d g e In P h o

places M, W, Edson. current- ^Itlng reassignment by the . ^

_______________ C3 a re really "the lungs" of a R /eports tho NaUonal Oeo-

WKlety. Leaves have tiny W eti^tntBuciK tH ihalBainy- 1 ca rb o n dioxide,

S W I F T S H i ^(New Location

TRUCKLANE-TWIP ro d u ce rs o f S w ift's f a m o u s c F ro m the p ic k o f the n a t io n '-

>ki Hi Layers ( Sex L ^ghorn Austiilolden Neck Layers VantiB idg. North of M ain Plant

H rf .

'J X

Wr a il A i s i i S ^ ' N G I

t A l l O O

D I N E o n d ^

- 4 ^ ^ — M

• HW \ a t r : 0

, • Pi

i’ALLS, IDAHO_________________ k*

►re Manager Studei ke This Area beSE

Y Jf # sell, Ganne= = = = - g lv lng 'the-

Hdlevue ni

Warren ] student min

W flUIng theB —--------------- ehureh;-----------------------------

A minlste GUbert Cro; ley, William vey Smitli c

Uie Care Johnston, \ E. E, Wllllar na Murray, : ler and Mr; ciium, Tlie tjie Rev, Cl the pulpit li

W B M Spe'Fl

A. J , PUCKETT_________I-----------------

Benefit Slated ICHPIELD, Jon, 30 — A polio L itit card party wlU be held at Richfield American Legl6n hall | 1 | | |

p,m, Saturday, Community ilzatlons nre cooperatnlg to l f l l ior the event.dge. pinochle and games, wUI ------------ ^lyed and a food booth operated, iroceeda will go lo the March The Inlmit mes drive. The holl has 'jeen atyUngs o ted aa weU as all (ood. Mer- WUUama, 1 :s are donating prizes for games, Saturday.

-------------------------- , enjoy thi:3 TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS,

R a d i a t o r s ANEW AND USEDService l i Repairs M K

»hono RE 3-6080All Types—Klndf


l-Way 30—On Trnok Lan*

^ -------*

T C H E R Y 1 ^ion) '


u s ch icks ^ I ^ion 's b loodlines I /

!X Links - L ijstra Whites uitress Broilers

PH O N E RE 3 -5 5 5 4

w i i i P


I e v e r

) N N I G H» >. ; ________;________ '■

DANCEI fiMusiGrby— -5 yfs u s t i e B r a u n

Hammohd ® OrganPiano Vocql ,,

dent Pastors Rep m Area Pulpits weTmliEVUE, Jan. 30—Prank Rus- Reorgan 3annett, . student minister, Is of i

ue repair -v

ron Hewitt, Hailey, also a u 'n d ^ d fr^ ^ it m inister tor the church, U womLi's do

the pulpit a t tl>6 Ketchum

ilnlster hns been requested by H ave vc I qross, Mrs, Alfred BllUngs-milam Aitkon and Mts, Hnr- 1 iiltli o f tile board of directorsI Carey church: Mrs, Charles . re'centlvton, Wayne Clnrk, nnd Mrs.’ ..n ttnm oiVilllams, Bellevue, nnd Thom- ' • ..0 ''° rnerray, Pnul Bragg, Hnrold MU- U ep artrd Mrs. Eugene Flowers, Ket- ■Tlie minister would replncc TW IN

ev, Chnries Shlrl;. who filled .'•■■TRUS ilpit In the.three towns.

ipecial Ehgilgemi F r i d a y - s a t u

T a r r y ] %

V I L L I A M S ^Inimitable piano

rday. B e aijre to 1



2 S A T . l O pby fhe Airlines


- T h e colorful and exciting H a' —O lil-Dinreerrsijonsored b y w e a r

Pan Am and Aloha nlrUnea wU aent a complete ahow Saiurday

No cover chargc ol Soiilhorn IdaKo'i finetl nite ipot.. . -—:

' ’« / / C l l ,

o f F O R T I


„ 1 0

.. ■ ■ - or m


the W h e e l s o f F o


r r s G o o b a l l t i h r e

- I ,

H T a 6 0iHlJNi5)V i^FTEfth

B e s t F o o d A t " !

" C h e f a e w is Cra"Enjoy Our Slqtsp^

. _________ __________ ' ’ 1

■ P A G E P i y f s ^ S

epairs Made; IBRM A N pf»ii:^o-=r-B epffi i j n P H ide. in the dining room 0 n t & S rganized LOS. church a t ’t h i | l | l B l of th e Adult'class. . .

r-Stokea WM in charge, o B M lr .work with Hale O la u n e iin 'M

k Vefreshmenta were t e r v e d i S | | | irection of Mrs. Ed D a v ls iM M

departmenlr-pre a ld e n t:^ i i £ S

I y o u E xam ined your

WIL.L/T J in t l y ? ' . . . S e e your r n e y ond o u f T ru s t . . a r t m e n t ' i ;;i;ii'


h e n tl ' pURDAY . l l i


', -> j|! ^ ft! ffl

•' i io w n K - M. m . n n ^ l l

H aw aiian iK y jyfe a r c s a a t7 ~ I l e M

w ill pre- J m Mla y a t 10. { In jra

W , ’i i E

o t j 11

l l

f f i lr d a y I I

IIImore - -v-r

I U T E S ¥ m

o r f u n e ?: f l

f l


I CASH i l l F PRIZES §11

S g h e f f r S f lINNER;:t m S N e s N f l

I I, r a f t H . 4 ^ . = - 4 I

Page 6:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

|B 'G ^n g e .;^| S | | JNb Change it

li 4sK| fdhuiBe .m e in b en opposed;^ » M I ch ttie la I d a b a ’s minimum d rli

w » u ^ g g j^ t^ U e v fl^ tr ic fa e r -lleaiy .-r t ; lUlloM are needed. ' ■ ' - 11 A tth e re g u la r m eoUnghere W -^bcsdmr^at-AeOronge-hiUl, m em l

I ' “ ' I - i i called for s tr ic te r regulntlim on t ' l l l l , itouahce of U cew u »nd more sti ll ' • ' S lifl-B «nt enforcement of driving li • . ; r , :-‘ ' ,', ene fB Ueense la iMued. T he j

' ^ " ; on tlis driving qucatlona came a;■ : I comlderible-dlicujslon.

i'l ■ {■ )' . Jn olher business, Heber Lou J ‘1 ' nilUer, the group 's agriculture chi!t ■ ■ if 'man, discussed :Idaho taxes fi (I ' i: i th«lr Inception to the present, cc ]' . 1: 2 ' mentlng on th e cost of govemmi ll i, ' Mra, Loughmiller reported of i , ■■ ' frtcilPff i-m-inir o t cheeae ^ :i| V k fc ' ™ nu tritio n , ■

f t f t . l II wns repo rted th a t six Gra: 1 i V*': merabers assisted Ked Orosa work

i t during the'bloodmobile vlalt to Ti■ ■ , Fnlla Monday. ;

■ I The Oronge Is sponsoring a pi ' I fcenellt carnival and dance a t 7 p

■ I nexl Friday a t the Orange h 'i H I supper will be sold. All commiit

■ I >hih« are inv ited to participate■ ^ f H l r tha event. ■

' ' I ' ^ r A letter w as read asking for voli ' 1 i l i ' “ tten to aid in diaaster relief i

' •'! I civil defense work. i t r s . 0. H. L a W i B l ing was chosen to..-represent 'l, f ’l Orange nt civil defense m eetli 'II . : - Mrs. Olenn Nelson reported- or 3' i i l i r I Pom ona'lecturer's conference I i’' l l t l l rcccntly .' , l i ' i r i l , ' During th e lecturer's hour, Da

l l .iL - '; ' Ohadwlcli gave a .re a d in g , “Ll ? Thlnja." An In itia l con te it was, rccltd by th e lecturer, Mrs. Nela

■ ri '■ . Kclroshments were, served by : . ■ 1 end Mrs. H om er Roberts an d : ■' <■': 1 gnd Mrs. A. E , Kunliel,

|:l" |M rs.C .F .brth i ; I \ M e y

I Dies at Age 6WKNDEILL, Jan . 3 tt-M rs. 01;

nee’P. O rth , 82, clvlo leader lh i Itaurd V alley community, d lulradasLat-her-hom e-foilow lnt jigerlng Illness.

Iia Irene F airch ild was bom C 0, 189S, a t Oakley. O n M areh me,'ahe w aa m arried to^CTnrei

D3S they re tu m e d to Idaho, s e tt i tflafeerman, In the-spring-of-1:

. . . .. ,1 uiiejntoved t o O rchard Valley w h , ivr'..; I thw h*ve res ided alnce.

'■ i l ' i ' ; ' Mf*’ Orth wos a member o f 1 > FoU;anaolub, tau g h t in the O rchi■I, j l : i ? Valley Sundoy school, ond was ;v ' 8 ; member of th e Woman's Society

’''. ''.'li,? i f ' Ohiialinn Serv ice of tha Method _L^i!:J-;i..i-ohuroh-Bnd—tho Wendell H ea 7' v 'f l 'colmcU. ■ ■ ■i :;-v .ji U ; S h e wns ft le a d e r In a ll clvlo d rl' 'iY lT i ” Including p o lio , . cancer and S fivM ;,'-: -, Oiejj,. Bhe .w a» ;»_m em ber_of I V vll li Ooodlng O ounty Homo Demonst:

ii:’' f ' : tlon council.i < ' Survivors include h e r h u sb a

;■ ‘CM a o n ,.r ra n lc ,L .: .O r th , an d !'r Ta; ' daughter, M rs. Ruby Croeby. bi

Orthard V alley; seven grandcl > U dreni alx b ro the rs, B ther F ah iihl l l l l l l K l I 'a lrch lld and Acel F alrch

nU Buhl; W U llam FalrchUd, T i ■ ■ i W Falla; C larence Fairchild , Oaki I H l |0 -in d 'D aR e irT v ln sh lia rT < jrt~ A h g e S B H ' Wash.; th ree ^ t e r s , Mrs. M ln m | | t i n Zimmers, W endell, ;and M n . B ' M jn i | B I'let Rtmclsco. and .M rs. Ruby I

Services w ill -b e h e ld .a t a p ' ( J l ih '. l ' Monday a t t b e W endell Methoc ^^VTlltir ehureh with th e Rev. A. E, OUb iii-ji <11 otficlaUng, Concluding rites .w ill ( ^ 1.1- , ^ — h e ld -a t—th e — WendeU—cemeU ! I '’' ' I Glenda may- ca ll a t th e W ea

1 . t t j mortuary fix»n I p.m . Sunday Ul ,1 i tlma ot‘ serv ices . T he family ai

t seala m eraorl61s~to~th?r“Amerl(i ' ■ 1 ' I t ' Cancer society.

» ; ! ! ! ! ? ' ■ ^ - — - 7 , — —

I if tassiaLounty

lu 1959 Relatep BHRIjEV-. J a n . . St^-Casala b o u

g t t Sheriff LePage Layton einnoun todny the t r i a l Jurors se lec ted '

‘iK* .the winter te rm of court star!— M a rch -« .-ln -th e -e lev en th -Ju d i

M 'd la lrlc thm .( I - Those chosen from Burley r l l -Henry Tilley, Cloyd Taylor, H i

J. Bchmidt, Jam es Ferllc, U Sohm, C harles F . Chadwick, H li Bynus, DeLoss S toker, Mayme P i

■'(J; Charles L. M artin , G eorge M itel Raymond Bigelow, M a tt W arr, -

S L ■ O. Gunderson, W illiam E. Rei f Clnrcnce B u tle r , J . Sm ith Sei ! C,’LeRoy G a rn e r , Newel P. Bake (. Ellen 0, M ltcheU , Russel H. Ji sen, Thomas A. O sterhout, C la n -i T-rHBii«!l,-P.-H—W aUr-Kathleen-H S shlinllt, S h lrley W ard , Warren; 1

W. 0. Hanaen; M. A. Carlos. N '! rlne Stocks, M axine W allace, H a

ion Powers, R . J . Huckabce, A r ' Badger, K a y AUen M cParli

li,; , Arthur F rahm ,. Sy T rout, Alex 1I l'l I : ^Cnrl Helner, T e d W hiting a n d 1 ffl'i : - ^ m n n T h o m a s Bench. •Jl - f l . Oakley m em bera o re H arvey I ill Mllla, Uoyd M a rtin an d A lb e r t : 1 I ' Intosh. T h o se from R upert (! >tt Herman V lllh au er and J o h n I; !. : | t ' Trncy; Jesse P leree, M alt*, a n d < i j j ____ B e la J KBlP.__ ___________ ____;

inl^BurlerMaii Gets : Farm Retail Pc

BURLEY, ja n . 3 tt-A ppoln tn ol Don Chlshohn, Burley, as a m ber of a N a tio n a l B oard of F Implement R e ta ile rs waK annou i a t a convention o t th e In term c

J I tain Association of H ardw are-: a — Im p l e m i n t^ a l w r s r i l l J b T lw . : ■ Clilsholm wllI represent th e In tl 1 . Uounlaln a r e a on th e board fo r a . I Natlonnl R e ta i l F arm E qulp i f.j I .association. H o is associated '

T. . Chisholm B ro th e rs F a rm Equlpc f f ; company h e re . ‘ , ,« . ' Otlicra a t te n d in g th e 'co n v e n I ' 7rora Burley were -Dredge B ol l l and Jett Oaldwell, o f Roberts Im2 , ment com pany. Roberta is a d in

- A —'-- - on the board- fo r th e m te rm o u n

l j . . . .; . . .d A ia iN a .B U X v W M J P ; i K . v;.01U5YKNMB, W y o ., J a n . 30 l l ; ,T h i- .W w m ln B h o u s e T h u r s d a y

^ 9 b p A ^ j b i j s ,

K A V T . ! I| v e r , i«pm oM Clea)

f lo n is te r - J U J - i ;!d a n y i . tg N tn • m uJ drlvlpg um Top c lioniiin - ’ ' ' USI . . n J n . t t i i T m il i i i Pm i . > 1 0 I J 7 AC*** 7 loo J fW« ‘ ilOlPO

J L ' . . 7j16 CMibofra T rill • fiOO Osre W e d - T:SO .To p O 'U orolnK l i io om e m b e r s .T i4 i .p (r^ d jiiL E £ 9 f r x i » ____ lO iO O ^n o n th ® ® NtW f ■ — Itt o n t n e gjpg po»-.8 bop g,ire s t n n - SiSO U m A ^ot UuaUln g la w s iiO O .N tw i' , ijoo Til ? a v o t e \ ^i f l • f f i r • C t l i n , T .m e a l t e r f , 6 s N if f l i ib t A rU at n o o s<

lO tO O N iw i. . . f itO Ol• T ^ u f f h - lOtOS Mid About l l u a l t ' JmJ m T S 11:00 N tw i 1 ,2 6 Rr e c ^ l r - | , j o o w«w« ' • l u o fl­ics f r o m . 10 tio Dl n t , c o m - !?•?? Tilk Sports MiOO S*

i2il& Hofdown UtSO S* 12530-KAVT R4port*f p.m.

d o f t h e i2 ; « F irm F«lr »:0& W e se v / i th i>oo n«wi i m i s*------ -------- tTOfri^oIJnrTlmr-^------*------- 1 tO O ^ ‘

UiUflM v iriitiM tiOo a*G r a n g e 2 ,0 0 n # » i iioo s*w o r k e rs isCO N u n 4100 c<t o T w in 1:08 H itln N V ir liU t* Hi

4:00 N«wi 4)06 U'4i0& Ulllboird ItlO 8 ’

; a p o l i o 4 ilO T h f iu r Show card li£& Nii t 7 P .m . U i t l n i i V ir l i t lM I jOO MiCTA h f l l l DlSLaVSf!; «505 Sport! Bwltw 7 lis 01n m u n l t y e-oo n «wi . i:ool lp f t te - I n «:IB OowllDf Nfwi M O Di

---------------ffn o -N iw m M d ilw -------------«j30 nhiptody liOO N(

>r v o lu n - 7,06 N.WI • nao. killle ! a n d k o o O iiir DtvoUou OiH . l j o n t * 8>16 O ff iOlOO M l e n t t h e

? d "o n * a -G e n e r a l A v e nn e e s n e

" 'Sm" ’ R o c k e t S to c k

N e e d B u i l d i ian d MiS: WASHINaTON, Jan . 30 W - l

Oen. Bernard A. Schflever, the lorce'a top mUsUemnn, Thun

. f l i ' ? ' urged a peater buildHp in- li U l k rongo rockels to counter a ■'

■ dangerous \ ; balllstlo ml^ I ■ threat" from the Soviet Dnlon. I C X « Shrlever ipok'e out at n sei

' hearing after Secretary of D e f , f i n iteU McElroy had conceded ui ‘ questioning thnt th e United S t— —_ w lil-nevetJiavo-few et-ln terce

ncntnl balllatlo m issiles.than f J ' f Soviets in the nex t two years, ty, died jjowever, MoElroy streased K owing a range bombers, th e fnat-develo]

Polaris intermediate range baU “TO Oot. mlisile and olher weapona in sa; a rch 33, stUl.wlIl have □lorence {, je te t an attack."

■a-MftW lrgy J BctvrteVMi'--* - -t o p -Iliefii'bf the varlous^m tcd-ren testified a t tho opening of hea r

:-of-jl)30 BimedTitTletennlningliow^uari ly where (jfy jtrenglh stacks up a ^

the Soviet union's. They ttibml tne to stiff questioning from mero

O rchard the Senate Preparedness aubc i"'®* “ mltteo and the new space comi

e le ty of“ ytaS th e re hns been

H e ^ tn markable progress on a varietj , . , - U:S. mlisllM, McEh-oy diapute lo drives contention that th e Soviet Di “ . ^ now leads the U nited Statea In _of toe. iQ B M -fIeld .,H e-sald-nellhe t.- nonatea- cotmtry nor the Soviet Union h a

. . operational I(3b M a t th is tfae . ■ lusband, echriever, who heads the nlr f

“ ' “ . , 5 bttUiatIo mlMlla program , tald S< poaseasion of a long-ronge m i endangera the deterren t power the United Slates and lls cha of survival,

; n T ? This country could Increase halliatlo-mi«aile-output-by-«-obt

M gele s, (fjijiii, anjouut, h e said.M Io tH Earlier, McElroy hnd said

™‘ first operational base for J utty Ba- lOBMs.wlU be In use next i

--------- •t^andenberf-air-force-baaer.Olormerly caUed Camfc Cook,

M ffin Welal, counsel for th e n ? ? ; Tcatlgatlng group, Inteipreted

Elroy's testimony a s m eaning- ejnw eryr llrst-operatlonanaiuadron o f i c

WlU be ready in Ju ly ol this yet K “ S i 0»mp Cook,"

. AllhQUgh M cE lto y -d llJ io t- t jn e rissH i j j j j j statem ent, a h igh

force official said i t didn't qulti fleet the altuation.

T his oltlclal to ld a newsman * 7 *"• have tome opera tional ca p n Ity then,’*~liurthat a fuir tq u a

l U l eral months afte r that. An , - squadron will consist ot abou

i f A f l mlaailes.I I . C U McElroy told th e senatora th i t b o u n ty *n effort lo speed the prom m ounced P olu ls missile in to use, its p la Kited for ■‘‘‘hge had been c u t below 1,B00 rStarUng McElroy declined to say what

-Ju d ic ia l m oreJim ited-rangeJa J iu t - h e- ... . thls rocket does n o fn e e d tt> trley a re nilles to be able to s tr ll r H arry targets in the Soviet union.' I ^ o y The Polaris, designed for 1

i H lrven l>;om submarines, is expected I me Price , hi operation Inte nex t year. M ltcheU, McElroy lald h e beUeves the 1 ra rr -Leo '<1 States has a "very marked iI. Reedy, riority" hi heavy bombers, ai 1 Searle, somewhat lesser edge in me B aker, bombera. American plane crew; H. J e n - niuch belter, he added.

C larence Counting both fighters and b e e n -K e ri erarhe-aald rlhe-P en tagon la^ , ren BeU, ment Is 'that the two major pi os, M au- are about even in numbers.

whether he considers e, A rehle relnlintoiy power superior to £ :Parland,^ offensive capabiUty, McElroy

H lgley, ^)Ued)-“M y*«n6wer-l»-»lllnna Uex M ai, Hj j j i j there dre no serious go and N or- u ,s . defenses.

Meet PostponeJo h n B. A apeclnl meeting schedulei a n d C arl Saturday night a t the Pllgtim

■ nnm nlnirnh. Tw in Falls, h m canceled because of the Uhic

— D r.Jflllinm H. N elt^genera: B I S perlntendent of th e Pilgrim Ho - r j J church, whq was to spenk. No J r O S l ‘nlle plana hnve been mnde fo

i i in tm m t Scheduling-the-meeUngi— — i a S . Df' Nctf also was aUpposi of i S ™ • ' ' ' Sunday m om linn n o M o S Sunday night services, but li to m o to ^ abaence regular services WlU b e

lie In te r- V 'TOKYO, Jan. 30 W -Ja p a n 'a -d fo r the Milsublahl heavy Industry h aa quipm ent ed a contract to build a IS.U ited w ith iugar refinery fo r the United qu ipm ent RepubUo, It wlU produce.<00

o t cane sugar, dally »» apeolfl jnven tlon the conwact’ ilg n M recent I R oberts Cairo,ts Im p le- I , I n , ( 1 1 M «> M I i T t T

lERViPI .BO ( * - , |-li .«* lll 'M »M H lsM «D -

i ^ u i u J g ' U n M O n C o .

iG IC VALLEY I_ K B A R - I- k e e pn i J # KUoejelei) ( I | » KUoejeles)

i f o S " " * ' -

Urtiiwtn iro l* mill 1,3} y4u „ ,-„ HurthOO o u KilUl 1 ,1 1 0 P | i „ Oood UulU’l l i o u u KilUl Ihow 1 , 0 0 Tg K m p Vomill iO O -M iu u J w ------------------------l iO O -A l-U tir t --------------

- 'O w j m l n i liOO U u iliSA T U B D A t lOlOt N «w i R tp o rttr

. B , - ■ 1 0 , 1 1 B D rinklU ' S itn lu il1 , 0 0 T o w n iDil C m nU T n , s i i f r m t l l io N fw i S A tU B P A fI 1I 6 T ow o knd C«unlr» i,m .rmo S o u r .1 r io n H n K , { | N „ , B u d l lo nru o O r u k f u l WIUi liJO H « .d lln « ., w iiH ii

1:1! Prwtrh » N «w i t , s i S t r i n i d t In DIMll io S Wotidflrful Show 5 . ^ 5m o D W Iw 'l UiuU ( , 0 0 Ke>p EnW rU lnrfllOO S W ondirtul iJbow 0,20 W ciU isr1110 S ‘W oiiilltl*l Show . ( , | 0 S p o ru t l 10 .n. am N iw i

. . o,. * « P E n l t r u lm l1111 S 'W ond trlm Show g,oo w ith U o n jliO O ^'W oodtrfu l-B bow ---------- Srl0~8iKirtl----------------- "liOO U'W oDdtrfui'. ib o w g , 5 s M iw i a t I IliOO S ’W -iodtrlul Sbow g,oo U n n f HM Urinin1100 Coplni wllb 10,00 WIUi Pop Uuili

* > • " » , . . lliO O .N tw N lf t j 101101 l l ‘i Wondir/Ol ijiOO Top 20 fo r T m m l l io S W ondirliil Show i ,o o Ko«p K om tra I l ls M ow i IilO S p o ru I t 10 liOO U u i l i 1 iSI K « p F o iu d'I J S r t T . , I ' 2 1 0 0 N lllx -F I tU Conl'l l l s O U kllU i J ioo M o n NUly-lD

IlOO N tw i 4 , 0 0 Top 20. Kom tril i lO D in ^ ln i P ir tj liOO K ttp N l jh l T rtlnB 3 0 -i;« m M ltliM O reh. SlM K m p N ln b l T rtln l l te N tw i 7,00 K n p N l jh t Trtlnllio, F r td d l i U trtln g ,o j N ljh t T r t ln 'III 11

P /o h . „ 10 lOO S p rln k lln ' SUrduitliOO U uilo .'D rum lD fl liO O S lin O ff

* * * * p f * S This dally schedule ot (eleTliloi ^ .1 . B a lervlea to readen of the Timei

^ ilalioD. Any enprs or ehaniei ib ind o o t the Times-Nraa.

l in g T e l e v i sm—MaJ. ■

. : KLIX-TV-.-a ''very (Channel U ) ,mlSjsiles r u i D A i

lion Cuty Jone*ft RPnufA TiODCIieo Kidfl s e n a t e 7.30 Phu . s i iv tnf D e f e n s e gioo F r id iy Night Figbued u n d e r rms s p o r u "

Iterconu- im-Chtrr-Bbowroom----------than the lOiSI} SaU Uk« W mUIng • a n 121DO K U X BMdlInn -

evelophig-----------------------------------------------I ballistic m • ! 1 11

,'£ ?cJc'2 T r i b a l C o u n c i l

54 R o a dhearings „ -i

u a m i i u : I f r a T * — l T v p a t n i * l iI a& ilnst .»• ' - ' i submittedmembera HAW*. SO W - THI aubcom . ,H all Tribal , Business coun com m it- cU Thursday voted 4-3 to reopen lh

livestock tra il across the India been re - feservatlon.'ariety of Roscoe .C."Rlch of Buriey, spenk sputed a Ing for fou r livestock organization et D nlon anld closure ot the road would wor ea In the a hardship on the parties he reptilh e t„ th ls aented. _____ .on h u nn The council laat June 10 passe yne, a Irosolutlon closing the trail be rn ir force onuio it- I'contended ' it waa beln •Id Soviet overgrazed. Rich aaid livestock owt le mlssiU era would meet with the council I powers of tiy and-w ork out- an arrnngemei 1 chances to aUeviate. tha t problem,

A“ t. Secretniy of the Interlc . “ J l . ' Roger E m a t met with memberi ( a-oonsid* ih»-conncU-prlor-to the vote^rta eald tha comment a t the hearing, for A tlas appeared In behalf of th lext Ju n e Orowers, n^oclalloi lae-OaUlTi Idahtt-Cattlemen.'a.asaoi:HtlanjM I, ' em Id ah o Grazers association, nn ir' th a in- tba M aho Citizens Grazing assocla eted Mc- tlon- _ nintf - "the ----------------------------

Sy S'S? Foreign Policy Is not_chnl- -D iscussed a tM eeh igh air ^

; qu ite re- lh e mechanics ot making an carrying, out foreign policy throus various agencies ot the govemmei

l ^ n a b u ! “t the League,t

u M t hight a t - th a hom e ol Mra, T. Ii Robertson.

al]Out 10 Robert Hnas: was the dlicusslon leader,

ra t h a t in Mrs. V an Wilson, tecretary of It promising 1'**“ county G reat Declsloi '» planned Program, woa a guest. She oulllni l.BOO mUea Pli'ns fo f the Orent Decision dlscui w hat the •lo"* w hich wlU be held in cot

I t-h e snld lunction with the lengue mcellni 1 tb travel In Pebruary and March. All peraoi

s trike at Interested are welcome (b alten in, with no obUgatlon lor lengue menfor firing bershlp.cted to be M erla Smock, pubUc educi Jf. Uon chalrm nn for Twin PaUs couiI the U nit- of th e Amerlcnn Cancer soclel tked supe- “liowed a film entitled, ‘Time at irs, an d a Tw“ Women."n medium W” - Brannen, Pocntello, at crews are Ronan, Twhi Falls, wei


and borab- . . , , , ,

K w e « “ R ic h fle ld ^ e w s■S' RICHFIELD, Jan. 30-M r. atslders U.S. Mrs. D onald Walker and dnughli r to Soviet Dawn, returned Wednesday from lEiroy re- 10-dny visit In Seaside, Ore., at flnnatlVe.!^ jfat lm a , - a nd QuIncyr-Waahr-^i IUS gaps In were guests 'nt Seaside ot her ti

Uier, C. R. Shonk; her slaters. Mi Kenneth Smllh nnd Mra, Hem

J Joluison. and nlcce, Mrs. Ed. Tti t n e f l -*t Quincy they visited

brother-to-lnw and alster, Mr. an eduled for Mrs. C arl Ball, and aon. gtlm HoU- ' Mr. and Mrs. Roget* Benegar ar

h aa be t a aon,-Eocatello.- visilcd-^cr -mollit Umcss of Mra. B uri Aklns) and tamlly la

BnerBl_«u= week.__ __________________ ' .m Holiness Mrs. Dorotliy Medlln, Pocnlcll k. N o dot- waa a guest ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Eiljet ide fo r re- Alexander Tliuraday.

l f f i '* a n ‘di^ t in U , ■ I IE H R ^ . >r«n. Jan. 30 (fl-Ro, ilU b e held. “UUders in western Iran have foun _ a Itone slalue believed to lieLANNEU'"

ShinII h a a algn-» 18.010,000 » .

n'g.r • a t t e iwwntly l n | ,A u tl

----- Milwaukee PoJ **/*”' O'

Contact Your Aulho

i r D a r I K t C . ECo. 8 1 4 N orth .M anYille SlNt


») ( U i o KUeeyclesI (W t i

==......•»» . ■ P.01. •

S :0 0 v D « * » E trd ln r l a -----— ^ a A nd»W .Jl««j___ —

^ iiiS ,°^ lib " p-i , 5;5; Km - T :0 0 S p o r u ' MlSO Albu---------- - 1 l0 l - B j r .< L H o tm t» .................._ l ‘« : C t v t

8 :0 0 T . F . B u k ttb tU l iM ir » , a o N o r m 'i N lu S Id t J 'J J OS'*W iu i 1 1 :0 0 N . w t tn d 8 l»n-oK .lOllO « N ti

8 A TU B U A I » * ’ ■

ir.b., “ *.fo.Nt.» ja o ' B t r a n i tb to r O t j JiOS Top

IIU) > : l l H o l l r 'tU o a iu M id ! '* *7 ! < 6 I d tb o N .« I r * 1

Intd 7 :ai) S b in o Soondi O II ] 1“ “ pl 8 :0 0 K L IX N tw ib t t t ‘ y ,°8 :0 S A r t S m ir t ! 'S J ‘ u ‘» :00 K L IX N tw ib t i t • '! ?

ln>d , » :05- K i t t a U t i u n J 'J*> : I I M u l e . B m trt S i t } ' ! ? £ “! '

------ ------- ) 0 -rfl0 - K U ) e - N n n b » t ■ -11 :0 0 A r t B m tr t ! ' ! !

rmin IZ :0 0 G o rd o n Shiw .mil 1 :00 K L IX N .w ib t t l moo H t l .O ' 2 :0 5 M u ilo w ith;,Gofdl«KBI S :00 N « w i p .n .

4 :00 A r t S m art 1 106. MonS :O O N « w a 1:20 UonS :0 0 J u o e iu S b ln o ^:00 N tw

ZoiH'i .B :1 S S n i r t 8ir«nada SiOl Wea0 7 :0 0 N tw a « i l l 81x-ii n 8 :0 0 T . K. 0»ilc«lb«li 6 tl0 U . <traiB » :90 G o rd o s Sbiw * 7 >05 MonrralD 1 0 :0 0 K L I X N aw iW it ftIO sG nrrain 1 1 :00 8 « t . w ith Sbaw IsOo.kNa*UI 10 1 2 :0 0 M u iIo a t U id a ish t ||i l> U onirduit 1 :0 0 N «w a - 8iS0 Mon

1 :0 6 S lg n o f f 10«00 tD a iA * * *

Ttilon t n d r a d i o p r o f r t m i U p resen ted a i rim ei'N ew s. L l s t l n g i a r e f u m b h e d b ; (h e e t ibould b e r e p o r t e d t o t h e i ta t lo n J t ie lf

* * * *

i s i o n L o g1 2 :0 0 P r o H ocker

• R lO O lU e e a <rom H ltlM b 8 ;3 0 W e a te m T heaU r 8 : 0 0 C a p t . GHef 4 :8 0 M lf fh tr Uouaa P k y b o tu a 5 :3 0 P e o p la A ra F unny - 6 :0 0 L o n « RaDgar 6 :3 0 A n n Ia O akler 7 :0 0 L a w r th e a Welk ADO 8 :0 0 O u n im o k a CBS 8 :3 0 H a v e Cun. WUI T n v a l 9 :0 0 P a t t i Paga 0 :8 0 D eco y

u n m r W a n U d Dead" o r Allva 10 :30 P r i c a l i R ight 11 :00 T w o on tba A lil*12 :8 0 K U X Haadllnca____________________

jil L iv es to ck Carrier aA J R e r a d t J k Denieid'« u =

public utUities commission deniei t irt I f U n ir s d a y the application of “Parri: P i/lV M ary o f Rupert tor a permit as i

U vestock carrier In the Mnglo Valley - Tne T h e commission grnnted Budd am coun- EUls Trucking company ot Hazel'-

ien the ton a p e rm it to engage in contrac Indian h a u lin g for the Jerome Producl

com pany . Inc. spenk- I t canceled the carricr permit-o: atlona, the la ta George Hoffman ot Jeromi d wotk in view of his death, repre- ----------------------------

T i i r e e B u r l e y

B o y s R e c e iv ejement - - k --------------- i -

r* a i ’m A w a r d snterlorleri ol B U R LEY , Jan. 30—Ihree i-H anc te-:biit th re e ITFA award»:were mada toJo . :lng, cal boys h i presentation ceremoniei .> t),. h e ld by th s Cassia Beelgrowers as- -latlon 5ool“ t io n and tho Amilgamatec ' S u g ar company. - n, and W in n e rs of tho 4-H awards weri ssoclo- L aM on t Anderaon,' son of Mr. anc

M rs. C o n Anderson,, fhst; Kendal B m g h am , son of M r. and Mrs. D

• R ex -B lnghanii eecond, and Bandj B in g h am , anolher son of the BUig.

f P P A recipients were, Oene Weber Iv C li son-T>f-M rrand-M rsrH enry Weber lg anj tlre t; D enny Beck, son ot Mr, anc hrough G ra n t Beck, and Erick Ohurch mmenl aon o f M r. and Mrs: Jack Ohurch. gtio ol G ash awards of $50, 130 and $3( lurtday io - t h e first,-secDnd-and thlrc T. M. p laco winners, resp«tlvely, A spe­

cial ca sB g ifffb r exceUehcelii main; , , o|,. ta in in g his beet project nbtebool

was g ran ted young Beck, and wa< p re sen ted by Ernest Blauer, districl

.»i.i™! “ a n a g e r ot tho sugar corapany.E z ra Bingham, veteran CaaalB

luiiinea ijjet; grow er and 30-year member 61 th e growers' association received (

^ .ii™ tie c la s o for hia m any yeara of serv- ^ ^ ico I n - t h e augar Induitiy. 0 . E . t S C hristensen , asaoclatlon president

m ade th e award,' “ ™‘ S peake rs tor the dlimer meettag

p rov ided by the Idaho Bank and T ru s t company and Cassia NaUonal hank, w ere Don C anon, prealdent

2 B urley PPA chapter, and Dan War- ren, s ta te 4-H club leader,

llo nnH S p ec ia l PPA awards ol recognltlor , ’ " were presented by Carson to Larrj n. «ete E dgar a n d Francis Bearlo.

STUDIES COMMtlTINOy s n e w v o R K T Jiasrso -rapD -abv

Nelson A. l^ e f e U e r yeaterday r. and nam ed Financier Robert W. Purcell lUghltr, a j special consultant to deal with Item a problem s ot commutera who comi

her ts- avenue, walks to and trom work rs. Mrs. every day—34 blocks each way.

Henry ................ ............... .. ............. —.d. Tre- sltcd a ,

h and Professional;ar and

r i S ' ------P h arm acy — :'cniciio m 6ltt^Avenue East ’ Eilgenc I . '

‘ PRESCRIPTIONS ONLYF re e OeUveiy—Fre* Parkin*

r " RE,'3-7901 :be A

f rc n lp r i4 g = g p ; y . , > , y L ^ ^

E N T I O N !Authorized

Power T o p i Service0 Olher M a k c i lulhotlicd D e a l t r o r Send lo

. ELECTRIC 'Sirtel, BoIm . Ida., Phon^ 2-4801

im m m m m m

. :t im e s -n e w s , T \


^ 0 K U oeyctof) 0 ^ H llo rre le j)

— ^ F B tD A I------------^ i^OO-Uihft-Naw---------^1:06 B ovllfli B a p e rt--^

• l l i o Ron Thoroo Show ) i M tfw aa g « t i> _______' ! ' ! ?

} Sbow T u ae T i n t ; . . TiOO H tiile AU K a r t^ . , » A lbum T lia i - 1 :30 Ron Thome Bbow> A lbum T in a • 7:11 NawiU C avalead»of-8po rti--------tiOO-Roa-Tborse-Sbow^9 Sporta H Ich lish ti l:6S Newi } Danee T late 1:00 Bon Tboma Sbow) iN aw e . . 1:81 Ne«^i

10:00 Mcitly UuiIe

SATVBOAT ' ilioo s E 'o f fi . N t w . on flo n , ' BATUBOAT( T op o f U orn tD f o i— — *I O na M an'a Fim lJy *} ?!*?■ A " .i V .Jle» A th e a ltu ra Idabo-Dowafi C a o llA l D a n e N a w i^ W o r U N . . " , - l i j l Bob Pbllllp. Show1 .A lt. Drl.! {i*T‘ uD «M a«a ■ 7:00 Id ibo N iwiI Melody C oroty Bob Pbilllpa .Sbow0 B uaSnau cidiUOB T:SO N«wit 1:35 M irk«t ReportO k N e W r ^ ^ ^ ^ -------------- T?lO’ B 6 b -T b n H p rS b a rfi M ilod* C4)rBcr ' T:fiB Nawi0 M e l ^ ^ n Z >:00 Bob PblUlpa Show

8:S5 Newi, • 1:00 Bob PblUlpa Bbow1 *565 Newi

iw " tb .,B lr i . l i ’5! S ' t fI B ls-rifteen B d lU w0 M. V. H ayrida M onitor , 12 >00 Bob PbllUpe Sbow 0 sG ra n d OU O p il N ortbld.a Notes0 xNawa 12:80 Newi1 M on ito r « s56 M irket Beport0 M onitor 12:40 Bob Phlllipa Sbow. } tD a n ce Time__________ 12:86 Newi_____________

Wool Grower Group Urges

Tariff Props_ _ J PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. SO Wl —

The NaUonal Wool Growers asso­ciation renewed ils annual plea Thursday lor inoreased tariff pro­tection, spoke out sharply against w hat It aees as a new threat from Uruguay, and elected a Wyoming sheepman as president.

Delegates wound up their S4th annual convenilon after approvhig more than 60 resolutions, none of

■ ■ them causlngHebate;A report that the secretary ot

tho treaauiy wos planning to lift____ the special tariff on tJniguayan

wool brought n quick protest nnd a request tor delay until the Amer-

. '1 lean wool industry has a chance • ^ I to be heard.1 . C U . » T h f l turlff l«-_nni> Inlpnrlwl fjirdaho etpial'tlw amouut Uruguay-pays aa lenied an export subsidy to its growers to Parris get doUar credits In this county , , as a Production ot light, lean la m b s- ^ailey. favored by housewives tn Uieh- re­id and £aU buybig—is hampered by federnl Jazel'- grading regulations, the association n tract said,-oduce ■" I t called on Secretoiy of Agri­

culture Ezra Talt Benson to dis- nlt 'o f continue tederal grading immedi- erome ately.

As in past years, the delegates said tarUt protection Is vital to survival ot their hidustiy, trou­bled with heavy foreign competi­tion and weakened prices.

■ Harold Josendal, Casper, Wyo.,0 one of, the association's five irice

presidents, was advanced to the presidency:----------------- --- -----------

QS N1«1»P. Yakima, Wash.,was elected a vice prealdent to hia

S and place and the oUier vlco p r^ d e n ts to Jo - wero roelooted, lonies They aro Angus McIntosh, I j s rs as- Animoa, Colo.; Penrose B. Metcalfe, nated San Angelo, Tex.; Dnvld Little,

Emmett, Ida.; and W. Hugh Bab- were CHco, O aifT E aw ® ^, fifarsh,

’, and Sftlt Lake City, was conUnued as endali secrctary-treasurer. rs. D. In the convention's only major landy aurprlse, Uie executive commlttce Btag- turned down Las 'VegiS; Nev, for

next year's meeUng.Veber, I t gave no reason for upsetting Veber, Its site jiommlltee’a recommenda-

and tlon, but it was known Uiat some lurch, women opposed Vegas, widely ch. known (cai-lt9'‘'gsmt)UIlg, because id | jo many teenage girls attend the con- third ventlon. M-Competitorsjn Uie Muka

, ™ . I t Yourself WlUi Wool contest, malii^ “ The lOM site wiU be-plcked later, ebook Denver and Ban Antonio, Texas,1 was wa™ believed In the rtmnlng.Istrlct --------------------------

Budge Gets PostI WASHINOTOM, Jan, 30 «V-Rep,

, e ~ . Hnmcr Budgp, R., Ida., was reap- Q ^ pointed Thursday to membership on ddenL national -forest reservation com­

mission, The bl-partlsan commls- e t ta i ** composed of two bourse • and “"d two jennlors, pluaUnnni secretaries ot army. Interior andIden"War-

FUND IS VOTED nition WABHINOTON, Jan, 30 tfl—The Larry house Thursday voted <3J7,000 to

continue aoUvltles ot ils committee on un-American activities, despite a flurry ot criticism, Thero waa no

-O bT -------------- -------erdayurceUwithcome

1, bus / /

worif1- ■


by the horns"?775 Friday Bank Nlte!


I FR E E Cocktnll Hour F r i ­day hnd Snturdny!

FREE Dinners Sunday,! Come to Ray’s Partg!



S o m e o f G Q P

J W a n t C u r b o f c

s r U n i o n A c t i o n

hSnr S fw S t '* P r ^ e n ? * l S e n -£?__ ‘ g e r w o ^d foUOw up new la-

S w move la tw this year to curb unionpoUllcal acUviUes. __

>"»- —cb n g re ss is s sT T su tc a reported how th a t Labor Secretary Jam es P.

' M itchell taUtfd Eisenhower oiit of Includliig any pollUcal restricUons In his. labor proposals w hich went to congreaa yesterday. . • •

Talt-H artley Act Included . Tha President's 20-pobiit <iUl

would subject unions to th e h a n h Show spotUght of publie-acmtiny; I t also

would am end tbe T aft-H artley law Show to tigh ten curbs on secondary boy­

cotts an d ouUaw coercive pickeUng. ‘ , _ J e n . JotmJPi-Kennedy, D ., Mass.,

th e au thor of a more m oderate la- Bhow bor reform measure, la ld Elsenhow­

er’s proposal went too. fa r . This, he said, would lessen th e chances of

w congress p ^ h ig any labor clean-up bUl this year.

* GOP sources said MltcheU feared the poUtlcal curb on labor would

Sho, confuse the Issue and Jeopardize ap-— provai o f the President's o ther pro­

posals.S l,„ Ike Favora FoUUcal Curb

But one o( these Informants, a------ RepubUean congressional leader.

said Eisenhower personally favored legislation to reduce th e political

• power o f the labor movement.Tho G OP strategy m eeting a t Des

S Moines. In., last week gav? no nt- ^ tention to proposals fo r curbing la­

bor's pollUcal power. I t stressed, hi- r | B stead, th e need to streng then the r ® RepubUean organization to offset „ labor support given to Democrats," “ The Taft-H nrtlw law. whloh for- “ f r bids unions to mnke poUtical ex- P p e n d i t u r e s or Contributions from P''®! dues coUections, iieS h o t ' Interfered

seriously with poUtical action by labor. Any attgnpt to tigh ten the present rule might be Judged by the courts to be an Infringem ent ot

84th oonsUtutlonal rights, ivtag ------------------ ----------

* “I Activity PlamtedFor Youth Week

nd a Activities are being planned for mer- this week-end at the P lrs t Ohurch ance of the Nazarene to cUmax Youth

woek w hich begins a t 8 p jn . Friday. Wright, Shreveport, La., wlU

ylrarr , to to be held a t 8 p.m. F riday a t the ntry church. A -quartet from-M orthweat i l j j J Nazarene college, flam pa, wiU prd- r re_ sent special music a t the service je ra l Friday night. Members of the quar- ition te t a re Larry Jackson, SutherUn,

Ore.; Je rry Groenlg, Y akim a, Wash.;, I Beth Schwnbaure, Sidney, Mont,. “;*■ and Sharon Satrum, M olalia, Ore, "1, A youth banquet wiU-be held at. 6:30 p.m. Saturdny, n t th e church,

w ith W right ond Uie q u arte t on the jates program.1 to ■ At both the evenhig and morning trou- service Sundny, -Wright “ Bnd—the peti- quartet wiU pnrUcipate.

Wo.. t r a d i n g s ta m p b i l l ETED vice HELENA, Mont., .Jan . 30 Wl — the teetallers would bo required to re-

— “ deenrtrBdlng-Btamps-in-caab-imder ’aeh., a bUi introduced Thursday in the 1 his M ontana senate,lanta * —


Ittle: FR I.. SAT.Bab- Rex Reason—Nancy Gates


la or M itch Mlller - Connie Boswell i t te e - Bob- Oroaby • K ecly-6m lth_-;- Toni Arden • Louia-•'^rima’--

tt ln g SENIOR PROMsomeIdely ^

ISS! FR I.. SAT.Andy Orlftlth h i ____


t STITW^mJlRept H U U p p f l h l Heap- i ^ v i ; I : i ? i I *

i i hits V** *and t h a | a U ■

-The '0 toit te e ' j m i a m lite a1 no


■ f ___ YOU'U M V l

J .....’

rl- I - ^ S T A R T S ------

' T O D A Y !V ALL NEW, FIRST RUNB l'l , ‘l ' l

Thief Leads Pu>fv Chase Over C

________- . ■

OHIOAqO, Jan . 30 Ifl - AU th is i

e» e d TOtmday, ^ t - ^ ^ t h e —lat«i-lnt& Isen- movle.v ia- ’A youth In a Madison s trw t radio | ng a stdre snatched ♦2S0 from ' the.owli^ j

er's wife, Mrs. Jean e tt Rosenbloom, ‘ nntl dashed out the door.

Drted i ^ e f , poUce. robbery ,' scream- . > ed Mrs; Rosenblobm. Tw o employes, ' ‘t James Neal, 24, and WllUe Preency, ' 't*<>“ 35, Jumped to her aid . , ' ' n t to B „t Neal and Ite en ey got caught

Ul the revolving door. -When Uiey , ■ freed Uiemselves, th e tuglUva had '

^U1 a comfortable lead, larah Neal began ycUing, "S top thletl"

also passersby obUged by grabbing Free- r law ney. The tnlef gataed inore yardage boy"- whUo 'Seal taUied th e m into re- ■ iUng. leoshig Preeney. ;I ^ . , A t Madison and La SaUe streets ' e la- Traftle - Officer F rancis O'Connor ' how- Joined the pursuit, A block soutli s. he a t .Monroe and Ia SaUe Officer ' >s of Joseph Smith rushed to O'Connor's n -up aid.

In Uie fhianclal d istric t several La 1 sared gaUe 's tree t bustaessmen, carrying ' rould ^yief cases, moved h ito action. ' e ap- . Between Monroe a n d A d a m s pro- streSls Robert Huckle, 25; a WaU

Street Journal sales representative. ' brought the thief down w ith a hard

ta, a tackle. Policeman Eugene Cassidy,m der.________________________________ 'nored ^Itlcal Burned uptD es LONDON, Jan . SO Wl — Alnn0 nt- cmbbe complntaed to a divorce g in- court Judge T hursday thnt his 1, hi- wife unnerved him by keeping1 the Tfer tlrst husband's ashes to a offset food cupboard.ats. He sued tor divorce on grounds 1 for- of cruelty by his wife, Jenn, 31.1 ex- She nlso asked for a divorce on from a cruelty charge, fered The Judge described Crabbe's u by complatot as ahnost macabre 1 the and rejected his application tor y the a divorce. Instead he grnnted n it of decree to Mrs. Crabbe.

Bhe charged th a t A lan got ted , up with the u m fuU o f ashes and 1 tipped them - over t t e house- i hold's coal pUe. ;

iek_________lurch K odak F in ish ingrouth —DAILY BERVIOB— |

LEEDOM PHOTO St the We Glv« S B G i S e n S t t m p i j


lerUn,‘ H J M iM ) r i l l : l i v 9 ( l t v c v

lurch, n the

mlng I f, ^ n h e ---------

’ED ■XI - ^0 Mm der ---------1 the

i- prSstw^s' sss*'■ ■

l a ;^ a-lrtl» «llUT■ ■ BtllM phftin.* ^

(iiMt llll IJ I

) ' S l i ^ A a m p a

,,,so.dgora ■ m m i

I T Mj jL i i l l t k , J

u rsu e rs^ rry Chicago Streets

it& ea r-and -coH ared ' SThe two traffic ottlccrs

,t° the ir com ers to untan.i??!? H=- ^ t r o f - c a r s T r a b J - a n d t r u c i u ^ n i, had' become Ued ta Uieit abwn..

-At the detecUve b m - e a r S V 5 :: lect-ofTU l the aao id e n im ^ i ;? ^ es. self as R alph Gayles, 19 By. and e y la ta e d : "I saw all that

ey and Just got exclied." h t • ---------------------- — ,

ad Gem Plant SafetyMeasures Lauded

ge WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 i/fi--3tn ■e- Henry 0 . Dworshak, R„ idj,

cribed Thursday as ‘'reassuring" tes. sts timony regarding' sateiy (actor, lor which are being employed ai u,! ;th atomic energy commlsslon’i ataUon ;er in Eastern Idaho, r 's J . R- H oran ot the AEc and H I

Doan of the PhiUlps Petroleum com- La pany; Idaho FaUs,-appeared betori ng the special -T-adlaUon subcommittee

ot Uie Jo in t committee on atomlt „ s energy,all "T heh testtoiony revealed," Dwor ,e , ahak aald, " th a t only 10 per cent ot j ( j the nUowable safety maruin ot ly radioactive wastes, liquid and gase­

ous, are released per yenr irom tha phint.

"This precludes .any danger ol radioactive contamination to people

n working a t the plant, or to re,sldent! e of surrounding areas Itom waste 3 products from the n reactor expert- g menta now going on."a --------------------------- -

NEW REGION SLATED a WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 i^'-The 1. otflce ot clvU and defense moblllza- n tlon wlli se t up n new region with

headqderters a t Everett, Wash, el. s fectlve M arch 1, , e I ■ — ■ -------

" VEGETABLE * I PLATTER' [ SERV ED GARD EN FRESHI—i Delicious, refreshing I Calorie s — counters Ideal treat!


^ w s r t d

^ S e y jg w a N

W Robert-^ r g e n s D o N a tA d u iu ISc TiU (laei 11.00 AlUr

CblUrtn J!« Anrtlnt-------------------F r l . F ea tu rea 6 :28 • 9 :20 :

S « t l ; 8 O . < l l 6 > 7 i 8 O . B t « 0

t t z b i e q

S I ADMISSION ro lC T i, , ,

^ , ch lM w nltSoA S yto '

U.SiiHlOO-llH-IOI**- ' i J

. 1 ■. ---------- L.»

F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y SO. 1959

Page 7:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

the. ChurB * “ ^ S ^ A ck tr. P " ' « . ,

__ 11 M i» % i _ A r « . r a i t> P .m i iro n U p . 1 10 «•« . 3m

t y o | . m . B t t u r ^ r-m. m o l ' i ;

■- ......i- -—. . . . ' I I -------------' i n r i l ® P B N T K O S IA L .11.

! ■ •-------L S' ■ * * * ! « 5 P « w l« ’* B M l l” *- C

■ l i 1:30 .nd' - M i ■ ......... .................

; I “ ■ ' . r - H a ' i

I Sit'cJ(oUowlMvSi'® f“" S S tliu., I;SO ,

U * ' ^ t k m b " ( " " “ I M ond.,. W*i«n ind m m o n ; 7 p .m . »<>“«» g p.n,_ isyp

7 P-®* M ondw.Uoy wcin«<lay.I / J V , .T' 'k " ‘»

k t t L WidnW. iS f ;"'■ 'l*r. AJullI f l ^ j ^ O o U d meeU In tU i. m .m orW

y j 111. i tJ re li . _- tor l . i t ra c t

T tL E R STREET BAPTIB T ^ !M W * r i U w t f

, ^ l T * rp tn ln f, P M tor f n „.lu B . S undv ■ M.’ u ^ S e n n o n . “Th# l* r « e r for Sin. ,

B'l _______c h u r c h OP TUB B RETH REN 1

iSI n ie r tvenue w e it • Shi)Kh<iRobert E. Kelm. p » ito r Donil

c-,rth innu*l GroundboK d in n e r Satur- nii,i,i ! I tm . Sunday. Junior choir. 9:45 .m. i([;^o ,.m . !S 'i i r te b o o l 1 0 :W a.m . m orning wor- of tht chvVld “Mary M artha* T ake He«l. «frvir« th r

r l ; routh feUow»hlp. 7:30 p .m . Monday. le- ‘The H«w rf’ of commiMlon*. 7 p .m . ^ e a d a y , g p.m. yoi

SfMt troop 88. 7 p.m . Wedneaday, chartte o f tf- .r» clrele. 8 p .m .'W ed n ead ay . aenior of ih* fvcn

s D.m. Thuraday, Tw in FalU Ml- cepilon fo rr t i t eomnrittee. 1 p.m . Thurw lay, Berean their one y.Vj . 6:30 p.m. 'tiwe. --------- Wednf*<lny.

r e o r g a n i z e d l d s Thurtdiy a‘ !1M Elitabeth boulevard CWF i t thIrao 0. Hootfomery, paator nie«t with

Z 1» ».m. ehureh tchool. 11 •on. commu- -venue h iirriee. 8 p.m. Wedneaday, fellowahip A. C. Mart■•B ^ 7 Adimi. 7 p.m. Friday, junior leairue No. 8 will H K Ziona league at 667 Adami.

T VALLEY C H R ISTIA N ">«“ •1T08 Heybum avenue e a i t

C«ll Warner, ad In terim m ln lite r |-(6 t-m. Bible aehool. 11 a.m , mornlntr

: : i ' c K " n S u . '• - • »

P l j i s r M ^ O D I S t ' mW-WMl pSbMhone and Fourth avenu* eaat PorUllon tc

V W. A. M aeA rthu r,.j^ ln iite rliU church aebool :m u rtb ry in the f

lev addition. 11 a.m ., w o rsh ip ; choir an-bf!n;i«nnon. “ A Faith fo r Rough TIme».’’ (r:l(|p.m., evening iervlee. 7:30 p.m ., 8«n- B:< ind Intermediate MYF. 4 p.m. Mon- 7 p.m. youIf, Blue n iid i and Camp F ire G lrli. 7::t0 »rvIcM. 8I.B. Uonday, Boy Scouta and th e Explorer Ing, 8 p.misIt. l!<5 p-m. Tuesday, WSCS Study tnd prayer

• i n iK ^ ^ V l) :jb in .v y ^ .% d « ttd M u ^ 1 P ra 7 « ru n * n M m x x r

lad itreet easL 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. JE I;kMel choir rehearsal. 2 a m ., Thuri* v in«

— i" W S C S 'E x«uH v? eo m m U tU T M t v .n s lko. Tlitirtdty, policy and p lann ing eom- by a reprenglUM. 8 p.m. Thuraday. o ffic ia l board dety, H. S

U n t 'l i L l(,' nible Itudy

BETOEI, T E M PL E P o « 'ri “ 7. . . B. M. D .Tld, p . . l . r „M ), n d lo h ^ n u t over. K U X . to n ir .( . t lo i

0 rm-rSuoday school. 11:80 a.m ., morn- student apeDK irorship, lennon by the p a ito r 6 p.m. talk on, “ 1•WBf people’! m eeting. 7:80 p.m ., evsn- Solved.’* T lttlltUe tervlcet: congregational ainglng —llth ipccltl a u ilc by th e cho ir and 2& ^ liaci orchestra. P rayer fo r th ^ vick aivl op-icrtunlty for baptltm . 2 p .m ., Tuesday U O Iiroarb Priday, prayer bands. 8 p.m . Tue*. _ky. BIblp ttudy. 8 p.m . W edhetday, p ra fe r R Caretlng. 8 p.m. Friday, church feilowibip ’Getting. I p.m. Saturday, ch ild ren '^ chureb. FASTI

■------------ to b* 81UNITED .BRETHREN IN CHRIST p la te s ,!

soi H iird av en u t e M t >n pl&ccL Lloyd O U rtr, o u t o r . . . No e:un0 *.ra. Sunday Jfth irf .. b o u ? i^ ^ i l - tm . ='

I n lB i wonhlp sewlceT 7 ' Chri t - '» o ld ) .E“ k i r r e jn r o r . T U .« ."m rvc*tB rs';m eeirn tf. $dor bj

p.m. evening gotpel -hour. 8 p .m . Tuet- CO admlnliirtllve board m eeting . 7 p,m,

Wednesd4y. te tc ie r t n ln in g course and t m i ^ S S m irajir metUng. .8 p .m . Thuraday , worn-

.. m t .B li^nary -m eetiB g a t th * home of Hrt Zenith J te n js , 810 T h ird avenue eaat. vW^Pjin. Friday, Boy«- e lub ia chuitb

| | T <

E S B „


Valley Sales Listed Here

taU ct th» Tlmej^NewB - FMmw oepirtm ehl foTrom pletT ia:---------- —^ 8 coverago ol youi farm

.hand bUla, newspaper cov-«je . advahce billing; afi a t one _ .^ low rate. Every eale Ujted M ,1

A“ Uoq OaleniUr H JJ” 10 dayj beloro .a le 'tlm s a t no . . W

^ pebruTry 2 ■A. W. Baker ^

, MtertlMinent, Jan . SO-Jl PXtek a Klaa., AoeUonect. _______

FEBRUARY 2 1, J. W. Brodeen • MM»trlljement, Jan . 30 nnd 91 M

and Klaaa—Auotloneen

«nrtl«m ent, Jan . 30 and Sl wnon and Roe—AooUoneen

Yes.Keith Thbmai

a*« . t i *•’ • p ac(U ld K l a a a - A n c U o n e e n ^ •

— -P^BRUABY-4— ^..M 'l, L. E. Fool f o r 3

Jim M ’™ '" ‘ *'«'’■ 1 *>“ »nn iljh , AucUonter '

PEBRUARY-5 .Jan . 3 S S T

“ “ »nd Klaaa-Auolloneen

' 'EBruary fl

“ *"'> Klaai_ABotlone?nl . . J

On, w !!‘’*>iu a r y g ' ^. «nd (I.. 0 . Mailer . | %

* E l l e ^ A n e U o n t e t i | %

^.^nRUARY 9 ;

" I d K l a a i - A u o U o n e e r i i m m m m

' ’I ■ ' '

K ^ A Y , J A in J A R Y 30 , 1959)

Strad ley «

lurches , S H------------------------------ 1 »nd

“ “ “ « " i - '. • ''« n u e vrctt . KJve la I

■ea ___..IU-m. Sunday tch o o l; U a.m.. m o ttjlng n H *

___ »MMA,Nyj g - i . i r T B E n A N _____ - S k o h S j^T^“^cc6nd j jC. A. R a lh jeo . pailor 8:W « a i

SO t a d 11 a.m.* divine lervIre*. 11 a.m . ble cU a t. u -C o»m unlon . ThU -««rv ie*—ia—also de*st on KTKI. Paator U atb jen will day, c h u rc k o n the them e, “ H u rt for H u r t !" 9:45 Ju n io r cb<

Bunday tchool. 10 a.m.. A dult Bible excculjve 1 . 1:30 p.m., The L uthertn h o u r on PA,I,? p.m ., W alther Leagufc baaketboll Hrm aUon t at Clover. H pim .. Adult In itru c tio i#1. 7:30 p.m. M onday. Boy Scouta. 8 p.m. dtjr, W allhor Iragiie executive board, m. Tuenday. LW M L. D to 11:30 a.m. nes<lay. v i,iilng dny t l M emorial Lu- »•"an achool. 8 p.m . Wedneaday. W alth er *hip. «erm i ue. 8 p.m. WiHlncaday, Sunday school’ V'hen meelini:. B p .m . Wedneaday. L L L IT“ Pel ■«' uilve board m eelt. 6:46 p.m. T hura- T w o 'N a tu Adull Inatrucilon claaa. 8 p.m . T hura- m eetipg. fjioir r*h«ir*aj. 8 p.m. Friday, board

duration meeU. 0 a.m. Saturday. Ju n - J EInitructlon clasa meeta In th* p o a to r 'i ;e. I

------------- 10 a .m .C nU RCH O P CHRIST In tendent.

r avfnue eaat tn d Sunriie boulevard people an« M. K. W aU rnm , rainlater " P n»

l.m : itibte claMes for all atfea. lO^M BcneraJ Aaaembly. CummurUon. a ina . prayer*. Hibl* reading!, prenching .

w»nip. 7 p.m . teacher .tra in in g pro- 'n. H p.m. evening worship. W ed.. 7:30 Re*<linif ing lesaona. 8 p.m. mid-weelt aervlcea. Monday, ri., 2 p.m. ladles' Bible elaas. P-'*'. Sund.

_______ Ice I I a .nFIRST CHRISTIAN '^ 7 ' 'J''***'

Shi>-hone nnd S ix th avenue n o rth Pn'motPH jl>on.ld 1 .

ibl. .oho.,1 ,M . .m , M ornin , w o r.h lp , S n l s . r ' . :0 l.m , Sunday I t .^ o u lh day. T he youlh one (I Jo the church will be fcdtured In the n,ent hnvi ir« throughoiil th e day. W orahip top- loveth Cod The Healing C h ris t. Kveninff se rv ice : fr«,m. •'Sci. •m. youth <if th e chureh w ill have S crip tu res ' se of the en llre servlcc. At th e clot* elude th e ' he ‘■venlng len-ico thero will be a re- ,p i r l t he lp Ion fo r th sT to ffm an family, c e leb ra tin g hoodr oti* year w ith us. CYF will m oet a t F a th e r • a r

p.m. Chl Kho will mort . t 7 p.m . hli b ro lh .i newiny. 7 p jn ^ o rch ^ tra rehearsa l, h jj ow n I rrfiy al Z p.m . group meellngs o7 {Re x „ t la frc • Sl the foUowlng homeii N o. 1 w ill ^ o t know e1 with Mrs, Tom BucUin, 1674 nin thlue eMtsI: No. 2 w ill meet w ith Mrs. ,

M nrtin. 661 T h ird avenue ea a t and ^t w ill me*t w ith Mrt. Haxel F itt-

itk, 4<W B uchanan. Thursday, 4:16 p.m . .^ choir rehearsal. 8 p.m. Elders board

elasscH fo r

B IB LE BAPTIST ‘j" ,?I V p r a ld .n t '

TiiVi psitor p reach ingl.m . Bible school. 11 s.m. preaching '. 7 jn th e S<il young people. 7:30 p.m. serv ices. 7 p raver tin Tuesday v U iu tlo n , 8 p.m. W edneaday. ionag«, 4(

week prayer service. For f re e tra n s­ition to chureh phone REdwod 3-6312. p i

----- - DonPILGRIM irD LIN ESa * e : U a n

203 M adUnn street ages, incl0 . A. WeUa, paslor w orship, t

<S a.m . Sunday school. 11 s.m . w orsh ip , tlon and o m. young people’s tervlce. 7 :3 0 p.rak the s e n io r IcM. 8 p.m. Wedneaday p rayer m eet- lor h igh 8 p .m . W ednesday mlaalonsiry s tudy Robcri R.i< prayer m eeting. I p.m. F riday k d le s ' konya Cat

'~ J E B O V A H ’S W ITNESSESK ingdom -ha ll, .440 MadUon--------- ’-

p.m. Sunday: B ible discourse deUvered repreionU tlve of th* W atch tow er a o

, H. Stradley. aubject. “How Im por- il L ife to Y o u !" 4 : l j p.m. S u n d ay :

I Itudy, subject, "T he March o f W orld en ." 7:26 p.m . Thursday, Theocratlo ltry school; instrvctlon tjUk to the regatlon by H. Strsdley, Th® f ir s t ent speaker, W . Hfilllnger, J r . . will on. “ The Sacred Secret of th e Seed ^^-|j|y;{jj

ed.’ The second' siudept sp eak e r, - S.

50 FALSE TEETH WRock, Slide or Slip? n

PASTEETH, an' Improved poWder 0 b« sprinkled on upper or lower iliitea, nolda false teeta more firmly n place. Do not allde, allp or rock. lo B:ummy, gooe?, past; tosto or :eellag.PA ST ^H lailkpH M (non- k { § W iold). Doea not sour, OtieOka '‘plata f t ^ p B tdor breath". Get PASTEETH at iruK coimtera everywhere.________ ______ . A dyertiaem enl L —

D o l l a r F o r D o l l a

Y o u r B e s t B a r g e

I T s T H E v< T H A T T E L U

^ E W O R I J


A J t SYes, buying, selling, or trad Want Ad will bring you more : o r 7 B a v e i r o u T n o r e “ m o n e y ; ; i

coatlJt’a the world’s largest r place in,the World’s smallest. Turn to the clasBified section a fdr yourself. . .

NOW!J u s i P h o n

R E 3 - 0 9 : !

d le y w ill r ra d a n d ' dlacuaa N fh e n ila h ihs M o n d a y to . : 8 frx>m lh « N ew W o rld t r a n . l a - to m e e l in t o f lh e H eb rew a e r i i . tu r w . T h e th ir d p.m . M o n d a y

f o u r t h a iu ilfn t »p«ak*r» . .S’. i l o l l i n « r will b o w i a l , J . , .D e « n v uriU u l k on - H o w th e M onday . Tro<

. tu y >*sradi»e w as L o s t ." 8 :3 0 p m . room w ith D< lc e m w tin g , “ C a r ry in g o u t O u r i{e- p .m . g ro u i» I

" e « ‘ * P e s e e a n d U n ity .” by J . M rs. ■ R o b e r t : r id g e . QuM U on s n d s n s w e r p a r t i c i- Mra. U r r y : ^ o n ■ 'M a ln ta l ir tB t T h e ^ ' r a t i r u i n t ^ 3e r»on w lU D . H e rn d o n . T a lk a n d f le m o n .ira t lo n A. D . G ille « (

P r e a e n t in g th e G ood N e w s ." by I. T h a i la n d . 4 i iyw r ^ . ,Talk 4m-^*n>P*e-6en»-4W ;h e d .‘* b r G, (h fr-^ tiree t^on -U a n d aong by K . G reaa ley . thc Y g u lh ch '

O U R S A V IO R L t ’T H E R A N K . 7 ” n !COivl^lr«t-*ttd-lrooTtk^v«nuFTiAHh~

R s a b e n G. P J rn e r . p a i t o r vU era. M rs .U a a n . . S u n d s y aohool a n d a d u l l HI- H an n . 8 p .m .

11 a .m .. w o rd s h jp . S e rm a n sub - a t lh * ho m *- i- ^ D u ty - a n d Iyrudtfm-9:15 p .m . M onr W « h > tjfc 'I 'h * -

c h u r c h council. 4 :1 6 p .m . W c ln e .d a y , J o e H aub< T olo r c b o l r r e h e a r s a l . 8 p .m . T h u rsd a y , die K a s t ." Mu l jv e bo a rd o f th e D orC aa »«>cicty m f f l i the dev \>tionai i e pa .r»onaue. g a .m . S a tu r^ lay , con- eM n’s c h o ru s• U o n in i l ru e t lo n . riM)m u n d e r I

--------------------------------------------- p.m . W ed n c inG IlA l 'E B IB L E ne*day c o n f i

260 T h ln l e v e n u e n o r th m eel lu th e <M e ry l R. N e m n lc h , p a i lo r W ed n e sd ay , I

45 a .m . S u n .lay achool. 11 « .m . v u r - s t t h e ho m e. a e r m o n , -W h y Y ou S houl.l I<« S a v .n l," H e in . 120 W•ftu y o u n g p(>ot>le'i mei>tiitg. >i jvrn. ni-«iluy, t h * 1lel a crv ii-e, » e rm o n . " T h e lle lie v o r’a me<l a t t h e h

'N a tu r e * , il p .m . W ed nea.lay . p ra y v r U n rm ire . 304^ P « - . ■ T h u r» .U y , l b

• — ----- ------------------------------- W o m e n 's asa<JE R O M E B IB L E B A P T IS T ly m e e t i n g I

><wond a v e n u e e a a t T h u ra d a y . tbL ealle T o m b e rlin , p a a to r lhe b a lc o n y

■ a .n i . .Suii.liiy »chiH.t. ^ j , r l H u d . » u i.e r. L E . M eaam in d e n t . 11 a .m . pr**aching. 7 p .m . y .iiing IM w il l m eei►le a n d s .iu l t i tm iy . 7 :4 5 |i.m . p roaoh- T s lk in g to n , iI p .m . W ciinnedBy p r a y o r nie.-iitiif niid day. lh * f i n

r p rA f t ic r . l!r,.a«Ica* l o v . r K T I 'l t-.vch K aiih w il l td a y a l T i i i Uie le a d e rs h l

— ---------------------------------» p .m .; th e ' aC H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E fh o ir l o f t t

e a « lin g room ;i;M .Main Av.-. E . Oi.end a y . W eiinesd;»y a n d F r y 1 i„ 4 '

S u n d a y achoo] a ; j 5 a .m . Sun<lny i.orv. P-'"- ^ ” d a y . I I a .m . W i-d n r« ia y 8 p .m . H ow1 u n d e ra ln n d in g o f G od aa d iv in e U n e J« m e s S in c l i notpH fn iP h ra ih .- rh o o d w ill l.c b r..u iih l a i C h r ia i la n S c ie n c e a iT v lfen .Siin.lav

p l u r a l ael»<iiftnii to h e r e a d In t h r U v * 'S e r m o n e n iitlo il •i> *ve" in c liid f th i i _____________

(1 J o h n < : : ' l l : “ A nd th in roM ininnti- H R S T C H II h n v e f ro m h im . T h a t Iio whn ^ '* 1th C o d love hia b n i lh e r a lao .” Roudink'* ' *1- " S c io n f e and H e a lth w ith Key to the 0 :4 5 a .m . ,B l u r e . " I.y M .r y l l . k t r K.lily w ill l„ . « .» r .h lp . Sp<e t h e fo llow ing ( M R : U ) : 'T h e r ic h in N o r th w e s t NIt h e lp the jH>or in o n o g m n d b ro th e r - W r ig h t , 7 p .i1, a l l h av ing th e na m e P r in c iji le . o r K<*liBtic ssrv l<i e r ; a n d Ijli-aswl Is t h a t m a n w ho ace th hnvo c h a r g eb r o th e r 's nce<l a n d s u p p lie th I t. aee k ln g M o n d a y , c h io w n in a n o tiiu r ’s g o o d .” T h o (i^ td cn r h u rc h . 8 t1 ia f ro m 1 Jo h n ( 4 : 8 ) : " H e th a t h tv e th r h s p t e r o f thk n o w e t h no t (],hI ; f o r G « I in lo v e .” V.avoid, I W I

- . — I^aileen D ie t] U N IT C T M IS S IO N A R Y ''" ‘‘o n s w il l

( lO O F h a i l) V era H c y o r ’D . L . M ik e l, p a s to r W e<lnesd*y. !

a .m . S u n d a y . " Y o u r W o rsh ip H o u r" c?® ''K T F I . 5:4.-. a .m . S u m la y « h « . l . B ible b>» d in g f u n

ICH f o r th e c n U re f a m ily . 11 a .m ., w or- I’e H o w sh ip r h o u r , se rm o n , " W a lk in g W ith (Jod." p .m . y o u th fe llo w s h ip . P eg g I Hoy«i la

i d e m . 8 p .m . e v c n in t^ sc rv icc , puNtorc h ln g on th e th e m e , “ A gencie* D ied S h w h o h e 5 « ilv s tlo n o f M e n ." 8 p .m . Tiiea<iny.’e r t im e . S q rv iro wIB b e a t th e p a r- D :48 t .m . 1Ig«, 4CA B im a t r e e t n o r th . in g w o rs h ip .

• W o rd D lsc lp lF I R S T P R E S B Y T E R IA N ' e v e n in g t e r v

D o n a ld B. B ia c k s to n e , p a s to r W ay n * Rob<4£ a .m . c h u rc h s c h o o l— classes f o r a ll & o u ta . 7 p , In c lu d in g a t lu lu . 11 a .m . m o rn in g W ^ n e a d a y , < ih ip , s e rg io n hy th e p a s to r , In a ta lla - n e sd ay , a l l e a n d o rd in A tlo n n f new o fflc e ra , 7 p m . , n e ad a y , a d v is

s e n i o r h igh WK w ill m e e t in lh e sen - tees m e e t . 2 h ig h room w ith th e i r a d v ise r . M rs. c irc le , M r s . ]

t r t lU c h n rd i. 4 p .m . M o n d sy , th e W *. nue n o r t h . 2 ra C a m p F i re G ir ls w ill m e e t n t th e Im e i r« l e . M »irttnJQiu=aiiABV''Mrfi-3obD>-l\»ir-M7: EW^ BUndh » B » r 4*^p.w; ‘M onrf*prthfli# .r* ttandfjT ^)« ,B R ~-IJB M 5li< ;

H styled for good loolWe have a wide variety of deska and chairs to suit any office need . . illl reasonably priced.

Office FurnitureFor proof tha t office furniture can

W S > efficient, seo our 'wido selection, service without obligation.

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l i a r ,

g a i n . . .


i t H

;rading,‘ a are money

8UYIN6■ t i 3 i a , s

3 n ana tee • d re d s of i t e m s .a tJ 5


I , • C h e c lr th o a t t ic , flc•, 'e v e ry room In y o u f

^ — ----------------— ^ g o fh e r ln g d u s t-c o nv y o u ,

T R A D IN G -n e D iam ond rings, bol

so m eo n e w an ts the - , . . h a s w hat yoii W ant

1_ 1 . . . th e W o n t A d S ec t' J : I p o p c r l ,

‘ , I •


_____________ . .'1iday conlirmation claaa are aaekdlf

io tht chapel (i>r rcgiatraliun. ' k Ionday, th* church bottling team | \ | p ,vi at the Ma*;u- K.* [, T ;30 ti.m. '

T r o o p 66 w ll! inevt in t h e ju n lo r i ith D eAn P a t t e r x 'n S ^ 'o u in ta a ie r. S , out» 6 w ill m e et %\ ih c h o rae o f ^ 3 b e r t P e te r s o n , i :> U h o l n w ith i r ^ l ^ j b ^ M a iaiitn f. M rs , J . A o- _____ HjW JBI

lilleaple w ill give ihp p rog ram on A.1. 4 p.m . Tuesday, ttie Car«>l choir 10 a.m . M ori*ET*^B -the-prim arr-TV i<im —u n d e r V.rt4on-of-M w r-Jam e»-tvin iir y:--<-1i;mr P-w.lh cho ir Mfill r e h fa r .f in ihe aane- ScouU. Tnd er tb* dlreclion ..f M rv David th e church . ’I p .m . Tuesday, thr ju n io r high m eeting o f Ut^ m W = ln -e u o o i..i-u ;u U .- ih e U - a d - 1 :3 0 •;^d>aU rs. David B arry and Mm. Uoy<l S r.. d; p .m . Tuesday, gri.up 7 w ill meet The Boybom* of Mra. Ju lian Johnaon. 167 '*'*“ 'h e servl'l'h*-Tm>»r«m-will t^ rtren -by -M r*-.- B uy-Scout-. dli

iber on. "Conaervm ion lu Mld-l." M rs. C laude W ilhiie w ill lead WEN.otions. 7:16 a.m . W rtlnevday. thc A*horus Will reh«*ari.e in th e 'P r im a ry 10:1S a.m.idcr th# d irection .il* Jam es lU Il, 4 ***- superliiHfdneaday, those a ll.‘n.linjf th e We»l- •‘-•r'lce- 7 l30 ic o n firn u llo n eU*« «re aake<i to 1’^'th* chapel fo r rvk-iMniiion. 4 ,p,m . " ;3ll p,m. Bo>

lay . lh* B lue Blue Hird. w ill meet U ild r e n a Milhome of th e ir leml.r, Mr*. F ran k ‘ P m. h a lb er-20 W iiem an < ,vm . We.i-' ‘ holr practiceth* T aw anka Cami. h r e ('.Irl* will ^th e bome of th e ir Im.U-r Mr». Sam nU R L B. 304 Seventh avttiu.- n ,.rth . :! t).m. (L utherany, th e executive of the Overlands asaociallon w ilt h.<l,l th»-ir m unth- ,■ Arroaiing in th e p rim ary 4 p .m . Sunday schy. tb e Bell choir vvill r,-he»rso in >1 •:ony under the dlr^-iinn „ f Mrs. ** P-m.:easman. 7:30 p.m. T hurvU y. TnvVf tx ’" c la « 4:S0

m eet in th e jun io r r.H.m w ith Lee '***<‘hera K p.rtton. S coutm aster. ::U i p .nn Thurs- ^ B f i r s t m eeting of the Konim onvill be held in iti» ptiap^l under n , . t , .le rsh lp o f D r. I)»i>«l.l I tla rk stone „ , B l HIth e ad u rf chfilr v m rrheaVae \n lhe Pt|l«thMHla ft under the <lir«sMiotr o f M r.. “chol 11 s.m .

Klwell. 8 p.m . ihe biiiMIng eoni,- f." 1-’will hold a m eeting in room 8. 4 H u n t: U anlIday. the P ondero .a Blue B irds will ^ p n firm stlo n .I th e .home o f th rir leader. Mra, d iction . KIwrS inclair. 4 p m . Friday, th e F ta- ^ ^C am p Ffre Cirl* will m eel.^al the P-*"* MIA I h i

f Ih e lr leader, Jlra, It. K. Davia. ler avenue e«at-


401 Sixth avenue n..rth 10 a.m . Sun.W . E lton Green, paator «. Ing. be tte r jol

a .m .. .Sunday acho,.|. 10;JS a.m .. "hip. topic. “ < . Special muale liy q u a rte t from

N . . . r ™ . m l l r n , . s v . k , , . J „ k I7 p.m ., Youlh h*)ur. 8, ev sn - Th„r«a*v To

ssrvic*. T he group fr»)m NNC will , j „ ^jjoiV r n

“ “ I " " " i" " " ' ' I " 'I '- 'i", church board meeting a t the W M hlnffton i8 p.m. Tueailny. ihe C hapm an W t a

o f th e NFM S will meei w ith R uth1241 K im berly road. Hoateaaes ar*D ietz and Leona M cMurdle. D»- w ill he given by lleaala Clover,

cyor w in p re se n t th* leison. 8 p .m . iay , p ray e r m eetinu. U p .m . Weti-

ch o ir practicc . R p.m. Thunnlay . fu n d com m ittee m eellng a t the

flip room. 2 p.m . F riday, p rayer th« church.

F IR ST DAPTIHT hoshon* a t N in th avenue ea st E rn e s t H asselblad, paslor

i .m . Sunday school. II a.m . m orn- r th lp . srrm o n . “ Spelling O u t the l lsc lp le ib lp .'’ 7 p.m. IlYF. 8 p.m .,

tcrv lce. gu est spesker, Rev. K.R oberts. 4 p.m . Monday, Cub 7 p jn . M onday, Scouts. 4 p.m .

iay . Cub ScouU. G:S0 p .m . We«l- 1a ll chur«h d inner. KrHO p .m . eW d- Iadvisory board anjl board o f tru s - 1

« t. 2 p.m. 'Fhursday, Allc* filffln jd ra . Bess* Honey, 232 .Second ave- th . 2 p.m. Thursday. M arian Bee- le. M rs. Ben W inkler, C all Mrs.

>oks, efficiency ^

I c a n be b o th a t t r a c t iv e a n d i ■Io n . C o tu u l t o i i f p la n n in g | | ■

ffice Supplies 1RE 3 -2084

S b ¥ d 1 : a r ? " Q ‘'K o a s e ? ~ a “ ' ”

u re? Y pu 'li f in d h u n - D a t J 5 Q t g g j i i p , d c e s ! ________ j . p

• ' 'i * •' 'U '

g a ra g e , c lo s e tS . . .^ouf hom e. T h a t I tem .c a n .m o k e .m o n e y J o r ,™ ,

' j

, b a b y 's o ld th in g s . . ’; th e m , a n d . so m e o n e m n t— tra d e by u s in g ■Section o f th is n ew s- , ______^


I i^ c r l tn u r* Ie«J

■Neighboring HfiS Churthes - j f 'S

I l e r c o m m u n li W a s h o u ld a

( i jW J B R i h t t f 'H B T H O D I & l ^ ------------ n f i h^ T m lA. E . C l lb . t l , t u t o r te l , s ih . t

I. M o r o in g w o n h lp . I I a .m . c h u rc hW . C *i«oB ^auperint<adaau-7 'U tx ---------- ^ K l k l

u U . T u « d » y , 10 a .m . w o rii duy a t 10 a.m!**B rc h . W e d n e sd a y 8 p .m . M onth ly

o f t h e o f f i c ia l b o a rd . T h u rs d a y , . u i r t i n g a : r tT - f h n i r ^ r » r t t f t i - 4 < W i= : H f t t n r i j e r m in a T S E a 'a i i S r . . d i r e c to r . S u n d a y , h e h . 8, li) » t te n d in « thi > Boy S c o u ta w ill a t t e n d a n d a a . i . t ,.o m e a n d sti } s e rv ic e . M o n d a y . F e b . 9 . 7 p .m ., Tu«*>iay CW j i t - d t o n * r . - T b * . p u b l i c - k - i n v l u a i .

W E N D E L L M IT IIO D IS T J . y ' n o . “ " 'i A . E . G H b * rt, p a s to r

a .m . C h u r c h school, E lm e r H an -p e r in t e n d e n t . 11:30 amv. w o ra h ip Jo7 130 p .m , M I F a n d M Y K . M on.iuy . \\:\{, n . P r e p a r a t o r y n ie m b eV .h ip o I t» . . c o m m u n io n i n. Boy S c o u ts , W ed n e ad a y . 4 j> tn. Y c by T h is ■| M iia lo n a ry S e ss io n s . T h u ra .ln y ; ,ia y M Y F* »a ih e r - S o n S c o u t b a n q u e t, .s .do ^>.m. ann ti& l " ( ',r

■*<^tice. • a choo l d in ln i

U R L E Y Z IO N L U T H E R A N H A N S E Nh e ra n c h u r c h — M laaou rl Syn.H i) Jor la n d a v e n u * and ‘.’ ta t ■ (n -e l s :46 a .m .A rro a n d J . U a s l l s r , p a a to r r a n ie n l o f Iy a ch o o l 9 :4 6 a .m . ( . 'o m m u n io n m o n , “ W h a l11 a .m . O ld T e s ta m e n t h la io ry 10 :4 5 a .m . c

1 p .m . M o n d a y , h ig h aohol in a lru e - , s p .m . M ond1. 4 :S 0 p .m . T u esd ay , .‘ u n .lay achool 8 p .m . T u f t

K p .m . T h u r s d a y , a d u lt i n » tn i r i lo n W ^ n e s d a y J p .m . S a tu r d a y . J u n io r c o n f ir m a tio n12 a .m . _________ _________________________ n U H l

B l 'H L F I R S T W A R D L ».S !lhood m o M in g v :S tj a .m . Stitirtny

s .m . F a s t a n d T e a lim o n y n ie» 'iing . r»: r.’ :40 p .m . Inv ivonlion . C In ren i'e ..i<i . t W a n l b u s in e s s ; b le ^a in g Iw W e .; . i , .

T r.U m o n , . . r v i „ , . l ln . .: " r j l " " i ; KIw o h I- P a r k e r . R e lie f ....- ie ly . , u

“ 'A. •fhuJ.;

H O L L IB T K R •M M U N IT V P R E S B Y T E R IA N , . a ,„

H . B . T h o m a s , p a s to r 1. S u n d a y sc h o o l, tb e achoo l ia g ro w - a .m . < te r jo in u s ^ U a .m . M o r n in g w or- n u r a e ry p ic . “ O od d a r e s fo r th e H u n g ry ." " " ' ‘d A lbe rU

' — — C h r is t ia n fi . '^*>fhl D eclsi

446 F i f t h a v e n u e e a s t . 4 p .m . in a s e r le t . y . C ub S c o u u . 7 :46 p .m . T h u ra - m o d e ra to r . A ) i r p r a c t ic e . 8 p .m . T liu r a d a y . Iva v id e d d u r in g

c irc le , M rs . R a lp h N u t t i n g . 444 v in e w o n ih ii r to n n o r th . 4 p .m . F r id a y , C u b I n to t h * W a

_____________ Thf S t . A nd

W M |

i G et y o u r nam e o

I E l

S P ^A l t D


Z S e a H MAll you I can e a t.......


S A T . & S U N .

Magic Fingers Chris e —


-S A m R D A rN IG H T !

B U E F E T u S U P P I

1 5 0

Starts qt '6:00.‘ AH You Gqn Eat!


■ ................ . K ‘ ■

r* leason, Joho. «;1— 4 4 . Nol* change of M rs. Don R< tb* Young i’cople fro m lh* B unl n a ." The Acolj

e rlan churvb. under th e leaderah lp klaa and Terj an d Mra. J . Willium BoberU , w ill nursery faciliti

Ith the Youns 1‘tvple o f H ollister a t a e r v f e e .^ r v I and help to orgaiiice a Y outh e r r motBcr, < p

A ll lhe Vountf I’ooi.I* «( the HollIa% ahlp groups w imunlty sr* Invitnl u> be w ith them , tran ip o rta tlo n >uld all keep In mind the ded ica tion The group will T n jib y te r lsn rM N 'lr i i B U H g y o if n rfn ite rf^ llo w i h a t 4 p.m. , a r t urged to

----------- ------------------------------is the modera-HIM DBRbV^CHltlSTrAN------ r— ’ * itite r '^ h o lr~ i»

P au l K. K»ini7;'m lnJster ' alngers a r« invm. Bible aoho»l. l i ^.m. w orship, six th and seve.m. illm and ilible study . W* a re menU a re se rf a new lerira uf au.u-a un th e the dlrhM or. 1nn'rtT/fly'T^njr~Tf Y ^'l K«.«w Thoir wlli-ng thla Itudy umiip, why d o n 't you will begin a lend t ta r i thU aerlea w iili ua. ^ p .m . alght reading./ C w F groupi meet. No. 1 w ilb rector.^^tll««^'No<-} with lv« HnnaeRt Noi --------<■

Mra. Johij' Cree«on. K ii.m. Tues* vi». 4 nieeU with H an d K aren.

--------- ALMO. JnMURTAUGII j i h T i i o n i s T R e u b e n Jon

John L. I'roaa, paa to r , a.m . worahip .erv io e w ith Holy W e d n e s d a y nlon tervlc*. .'^i-rmon. “ W hal M ean Berrier, andT his Service!" .{;46 p.m, W ednes- -■— --------

Y F, 6 to 8 ::iO p,m. S aiim iay big "(Iround Hotf" ilinner in high

din ing room. Everyone wedcome. ^ ^

SEN COMMUNITY M ETHODIST ^ mJohn L. Croaa, pasto r

a.m . wonhlp a^-rvlctt w ith th* sac- o f Holy communion ai-rvicc. Ser-

‘W hal Mean Ye by Thia Scrv loeT " ' l.m . church, 7 p.r,,. MYF.Mondsy ^•allil an.l 1-Vlluw.hlp c laai. C O re c r

Tuwdsy church b.»*rd. 7:30 p.m. m o n t h p idayJ choir rehearaal. A f® y o

BUHL SECOND W ARD 1.1)8 M hO O l C( nle Priesthoo<i m i.ncll mi>eilng 8t30 .’rio lhw xl nitcUiig 0 n.m. Sunday COUecUOr 10:10 s.m. Welfare m eeting I I 1I6 ‘C a h yi acram tntnl and T taiim ony m eeting DO YOU ] l.m . Sunday evening srrv irea 5 p.m. the direction of lhe M IA, Seoul an- , ^ ry ohaensnce. Hellef a iv ieiy . Tues- tO C]p.m. Primary. Wetinesday 3:42 p.m. We C ttn O: rh u r .|l .y ! p .m . j , y o „

U H L y ra a T ra K s n v T E R iA H i8I>U, .,.,1 M .i„ M r- B e rn

John W. Maclntoah, m in is te r hlstory Qs.m . Church aehool (o r a ll ages. Bpe- Bench, raery clsai fnr heginncra. U rt. Bur-{.Ibertson, secretary. U:4.^ a,m . Adult an forum. Theme: "M aking th e |Doclsioni". Thia la th e th ird lesson ."IJ.eriet. Mrs. John M ncintosh Is the *’•tor. A crib room snd nu raery is pro- urlng the forum tim e. l i a .m . Di- onihip. Sermon th e m e : " P u sh Me 175 WCflt e W attr".Di:> M ieln tiiah p reach in g .. Andrew choir, under th e direction

on tlie big board for

ino SPOn I J R E E InmO S

: : W■_ „ Speolal draw ings'

I day to get your iybur nams i j call!

N . I I oamo la already o

= i ^ iristy <

r a t :

i sT U S

■ . ■ ' • I

Don Roberta, w ill »lag ‘*Hohf Man- E v e r h ea t d O5 ^ '" '1 ' ^ * * " * ' '* ” • At* h a lv e s In m e l te d Tery . T u rn e r .,C r ib room and " facilities a re p ro v id ^ d u ring tb* WJinn W ltl

^ n . Betty H aw kins U th i hurs- QOOdI ler. < p.m. th* W estm inster F«lft)w.>ups will m eet s t th* church'-for UUon to ou r church in yoIliif«r, '^P w ill help o rg a n li* .a new W«it- ___ t **»F»lliw»hipiirThirTrtnrRiirH«DTOn---» \\SDDiZed to bring f r le n d t. Jam es OIiiQ m oderator. J:SO p.m. The Celtii

l l ’r ' . a

in . l e r l e . o f ]n M )n . on lnlp^DV^Iid lng . U r t . D oo R o b .ru 1. th . dl- LAYIK

— ----------------------------------- Feeds'llVISITS SON S4H ORI

O, Jan . 30 — Mr. and Mrj. c . . I Jones w ent to Caldwell d O C U r i

> SALESM EN W AFor Burley and Rupert/1(

laree r opportunity with larg« aggrcalve coj n th plus commission. Training nnd tramporta ire you between 26 and 3» years of ago, havo lOol education, some sales experience, capable ( . constan t supervision, willing to do outside lection w ork? ■Jah you fu rn ish Bood emjilojnient iuid charii you hove n Bood credit rnllng) Are you amb

ire you willing and nblo to devote enough of yi t to qunlify yourself for one of the many (In cnn offer? sst you can answ er yes to these the 3-6811 an d ask for an Interview appointment \

. Bench. O r you mny write glvlnB a brief perse tory nnd a personal Interview will be arranged, ich .


Weit 2nd Sonth Balt

SUNDAY . . . at the fun spe south' the border!

for the IREE GHEVpi

r n i m' . ■ ■ ’ . ' ' I’ 1 ; ■

i m m

[ f i i im mringg will be held Bvery few mlnutai ill day rour namo o n the Ohevtolet Q OtmlDO boari I called Bt th e hourly Interval] uirtM hen and ady on the board, here’i tb i boniu i»1m youl

C — lui i lai

/ D AT 3:3(

O O l M A ^ Q

— P A G E - s E v r o r ^

t drained cannedcjelted .current Jelly ta d -v - I P M . Wlih vaniUa lce c rem ?

^ ^ . C H I C K l :


OREElf STAMPS; . , ' f ; ' ' j | 'Ji'f-:;'

ur i t y ' SeedI sfrom yomif^ Dtlrx •

'/Idaho) company. (300 n e i . ' ' ' ' lortatlon fum ljhei . , have at least a high ,!!' ' ble of working w ith .' ' . , fcv .' ■'■ll side solicitation and ’ - ' K M

......... .... J , ____ ■. ■

iiaracter referenceilL ' '[: - | ^ R h ambitious? ' J • H H of your lime a n d iu ^ - ' ■ ■ I line salea poeltloni . k H

1 the Firestone Storej ' ent with Mr, Joile or personal employment - .. . H M igcd. Attention A; W. R ' j | ^

► N E - - " PIPANY . i l HBalt Lake City, D iih i ■, v


- l i i i ? !


X Vi j l l

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f o m H |

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SUPTjlCG SiilWmS i

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day S u n - 'I ' I H . r,;

i f f l ' 'tnd.your' | 9 'V ' 'jw P f l youHg^V ' ; 8 :

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a r z ^ M' IffT^ P P H I

■‘'■ H v : ? ;' • HtMi' ii

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Page 8:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

| i Session Honors

„ i i fc ■■ nuro '^T .'n ' a» — Twen: 'O T i f " “ "[p u T w a tro iu ana p « « r ^

B i l l ■‘' Sai>t*r No. M, Order of- Eb ' Btir, were honored a t a re : —" TB tH— ^—Tnwdnil—eventefl—a t—Ul6—W

■ ■ ’■ ' S ' -< 1 n il m t t r ^ nresided.

t. ;( 1H ■ A - ^ & h t l n f ceremorr i i r : ■' ‘ d u a lly " wa» held. T n e pas

! ' r i ' : troM and past patro iu .were pi• » ed wllh miniature brohie gav

^ •'5 • f l ' * ’.key cluUns* •' ■ ■ -I During the builness meetingi.i ; !; f: / ■•■ deolded to serve the bonnu;■ ;■ • job'i Daughters when Mrs. B(

■ ji V I Jijnei, Pocatello, makes her ('.(I ; vlJlt March 30.'Vi i ; . The ESTA Rl committee

‘ ' '■ ' i- nounced th a t a creamed c,. i : : dinner would be served as a

'■ m s ^ g project from 5 to Im Feb,'M; The public Is Invitee

' i t ' ■ ' ESTARL. Eastern Star tr twarila fo r religious Icodershl

1 ■ ■ liven to 'w orthy students wlI I t ■■ receiving religious training In

' llw ’ cr spools of education. Pr: l | | : from the dinner will go towai

" I I I ‘ fund, It was stated by MrsI I I ' „ ' Bhlmmln. ESTARL chairmani l l l ' O' Williamson will be In in i of thddlnner.n n ] S p ^ Stars of the e\

I ' chosen by the worthy matrc■ i l i l ' ‘ eluded, T . Claude Miller, Junlc

lilt ' ’I patron, and Mrs. Malcolm 1'! I 'I f l l I ■' junlpr p4st matron.. ) |f l | ;l . Reffeshments were servedI 1 ; ■ , oloM of the meeting, from■ ' I covered table centered with i

i i 'l ,, ruigement of carnations am>',J ( l;l . flinked by red tapers In cond

I Hoetess were Mrs. William MI . :y 'l , Mrs. Dwight Osborne, Mrs.

: ' Ju iK ll and Mta. Harry O'C■ : i'> ' : ' ' M

' Former Resider ;Hv; OfHdileylsV

-vv 'i'tkv - Jan. 30-M rs. «— = r ~ ; - r j --------- ^Bowlden-hasHwturned-home

Balt Lake Olty where she ! 1 I i r MVeral days and attended th( •('.I":;,' dliii of Bonnie Kathleen

— ’|) ----------«nd-Q eorg»-Helner at-Ogder! ' ll jl' '} The bride la the daughter 0■ ' IK ir' * G'sntlon ficott, formerly of )

. ' ; |D |I ' ' Both young people areOgdei; dents,t n K # . Hie doubts ring ceremon:

IB B petfoimed last Friday at the^ ! U E . : . homi'.'by the Rev. Mr. Mci

ffl M ' of the Ogden Episcopal churcl' ll V -..bride wore a white satin gow- I l l , 7 carried a white prayer book.; [1 1 [ ■ Following the ceremony a

'i I tlon was )ield_at th e home (■ ■ i n; l l '* ' T r ld e ,

■: j l r ' The new Mrs. Helner Is a (,. ll! • it ita of Ogden high school and

■ lii'i'.'P tending W eber college, Heine f ijlj ! Is a graduate of Ogden high

i.f J I '' tod attending Weber college,

! j |i ■ ■ ' - * * *

Outgoing Chief'I'fiil r F e t e d by.Muti■ I PAUL, Jan . 30 — MIA o : ■Jli'i if « live a »ool»l lo r outgoing o

; . ' 1 ' last week a t the LDS churcl}i- ; leaUon haU.

' • Thera were 33 present lor Ui

* ;i a • laok supper. A program wasifc » by Lucy Jensen, soloist, acfom

; ! by Mrs. W ed Kloepfer apd a' u duet by-M n. Bud Sanford an

J e ii . M otea-accom panled_b]; Bsnlord. Acel HaU was mas> ceremonies.

—j -------- D anolng-oonoluded-the-e '" S under dlreotlon c t Mr, and

; — Date-Jansenr-M lA-danoe-dlr


I > Helner entertained a t a bli !''<7 -!’ :|H — fartJ-for-her-d»ught«r,-VaIe), VI I f M her ilxth anniversary B«turd!I I i i i *' «raoon, G am es were pliyed 11 :|l|[ f’ gueals, Hefreshmenta were , i

' | . Marian Marti

W m

l ^ i P i' ' " I J n “ll

$ I i ’ ll ^ ^

I “l a f " * ) ! *

- ' ^ 9 0 3 9 ' * " ' ^ ^ T 5

s TO BI!|;E 4si' i| Youthful, sm art and slim

* Thlj tow ri-and-travel fashloi— I— I ;— -«n—Interesting— neckline,-^

•• sleeves, an easy skirt. Oho; ’ 1 S brlglit sprlng 'sllk o r cotton to

i u pllment -your complexion, T*• row’a patte rn : Teen fashion.

S i 2 . Printed P attern 0030: Wc|jl.l N ' 81SCS 30. 38. 40. 42. 44. 40. 46. EI ' 5 takea iv* yards 80.-lnch fftbrl

n Printed directions on each'■Cii ' ^ ^ part. Easier,, accurate ..I I ’ n (coins) for thi

i l f i n te rn -ndd 10 cents for'caoli pi;IB ■ 2 Ilfst-claas mailing. BetilM “ Marian M artin , 'T im es- Nows

- ; tern Dept., 332 W est IBlh St.« ■''■‘>'1' *>• N. V., P rin t plainly

^ 1 ^ addre^^ Vltli tone, alie and


l o r s G a l i f o r n i a B r i e

; r s o f

j;wenty-<mer p t r i n t ^

of - Eastem a meetlnt

j i e - M»ionle — VffTf liT

sremony on le pastT iiPvcre present- 'le gavels on >

.eetJngltwMbanquet tor i ' v dirs. Bernlece

her official

mUttcc an-ncd chicken R ^ ’v T y - ' t ' ; a5 a money P - ' '

5 to ^ p-m.Invited. [ tar trainInK iderahlp. arc Its who are Ing In high- in. Proceedstoward Ihli " V Mrs. Bcrl MRS. D O N A L D n. MNORU

. . . 'th e former Msrlorle G je to charge dau fh U r of Mr, ind Mri h . .u .n in . »'• flooding, Goodlni, who

»trnn hi m arried recently to Donald U n g ruen .aono f Mr.indMm.1

.’Jm RtiSJrt Wngnien, Cleveland, 0., a t < :olm Stuart, „ „ e. , eninlied Deo. 21 at Ihi Churc

; „ “ ‘he W ayfarer. The brldi wai»?fh t »r '>5' ^with an OP brldepoom wai“ ''™ tended by hla twin brother, 1nm MftrhnH “ * LHifTuen. Aftcf » weddlnram Mltchcil. callf., they at

Mrs. John Franclwo. (Cr(y 0 Connor, photo—*taff enjraylni)

, S o c i a l C a l e n d c

I s W e d 1-----------------------------------------Wr« Orville aOO DIN O -M elody SdUarC! h"m^"rl!m d ti!$ U O L 3 0 _ £ m . she visited Ooodlng O range fiSll. *11^i

i»rt fhn vupii- ddilcers are Invited. Tlioje athleen Bcott '" 8 ^Ogden. c a k t or_ Mokles. MjtoiLBHs?hter df Mr«. n * *O'Bdenrai'- B tm L E Y -H appy Squnrcs I

remonv woj ‘>*e Paul O range hnll. All s t T e bride' ““

Mcfflnnll “« “ I '" ' ^ ‘>'■'"8chu“ % « e n w m c a « . ' in ^ n and

nv a recen- Women's association, will meet inmK nf thi P™. Monday i\t the home of ‘onie of “ ' ^b jrt.petersonr-iaa-U nto ln -;li a orodu- with Mrs. L arry Irwin »s co­

il and L at- MS.-Mrs. A. D. aUlesplewlll pr tioinnr nlM a program on Thailand and Whli.h S choo^n 'le rson 'w lll give th« devo nign ecnooi ,

Tuesday a t the home o( Mrs. Ian JohnsoA, 167 Walnut ilreet,

l i o f c Marjorie H auber will be In cl I l C i o of the program from the Ai i4-i i « l iMOl'. “Conversations on the K l U T U a i East," and Mrs, Claud Wllhlti OA officers t e n r t h e - a e v ^ o n ^

SiSrch 'reel I ’l^E R - Mission circle o churcn tec j

X ” r . 1 3 X “ n y n a E ! r p '

ed “to Mr!’ FILERr-H lllslde Helpers clu1 master of m e « f W ednesday af the hoi ( m asto 01 ^ ^

the--evenlng "how to make good coltee."

o'e “ ™ toS: _C oU sx_K o J 3 J M 1 ?l Ah? " Patriarchs M ilitant *111 meetv sn T V PJn. M onday a t the Twin

lO O P hall. Mrs. John Walt« ^ wS m JI **” • Ridgeway wlU

m charge of the program, Mra.tie Balr-and-Mrs'i-W, 0, Watt

11 refreshments, liyed by 11 . y y v»rer« , served, p i l e r —Annual Cold jnd i — .- ' ■ - ball-sponsorod-by-Uu-MIA-w

held a t 9 -p m . Saturday a j m n f f i s recreation hall. Intenn

entertainm ent la planned. TI will be available at tht door,— ------publlo4s-lnvlted. - ..........k * * »^ BUHL — American War MiWM' will meet a t 3 p. m. Monday iM | | civic room. Mrs. AmindiRUthijU r and Mra. Effle Bauir will beW esses.r * * . *,

C l u b E n t e r t a i n ^' - A 'v J3H0SH0NE, Jan. SO-kfrs.

* I J \ enco Qehrlg was hojteB'to s tltchcra club last w«li. Mrs.

,4 III Jerome, was a nuest.. I hext meethig Is lohedul

I « 1 M Feb. la a t the home ol Mra. I

< tW M ___________________

/ Care o f 'r By /

Y ~ 1 Chlldren.'belhg InlelUient I1 i beings, have Ukes and dlalltI l have their parents. Some ofS I are characteristic of Ihtir sti

■1 7 growth. Some are passing iI I :@ a m ^ jE J e w J o o tc la n y m |W ■ ■ perlences to nourish then.

To be wise In meeting thei

I» \ V likes one m ust hove aome l( |V \ ^ ' the ir cause. N ot an easy let

I j for often. If asked, the chlU |W V not know. O ften eraollon clou I . Idea, maybe sets it In the Ih-slI H and emotions a re dIKloult eliI of personality to deal with i

-------------- time,------------------------: —. ' David, 5, disliked one ot his |

body, his grandmothers no i tlon, could know why tills wa

SIZES but so 11 was. David teluied I — 36-43 - tills-grandm other, refused to _ Her. He would not iccept

which he longed to hive froi hand. No am ount ot coaxing,

j Uig, threatening moved Davl.11 *hut his m outh In » hard lln

I slimming I ijjutjd ,

Inel-^uffed - J 'O lc i^ l s .J iM ip f l l J « n i Choose a “ «»“ *>6 no reoion lor 1

ton to com- lBno«» U’® whole tlilni, I t ^ m Tomor- »“ 'e r way, says noUiIni abo ihlon Usually, If grandmother ainll I' wnnii,n'i aiiotlicr Child, aliowi itlectlcI 48 S 30 “"<> ‘S ™ "* 0'fnbrlc comes around gradually, espi

each pat- shows no desln to brim („ tc ,, closer, _tor this pit- I t ' l s 'fclfal for a |tOwi\ui> I aoli pattern Iko.grandm otlier cr uncle or i , Bend to o ' show Jealousy, Tlitre are News Pat- children, and young onei a t

Ih St., Hew who will use th is d^inoiijlratl alnly name, Iholr selfish ndvantagi and U I and itylo a bod situation, to ortalo Ir

, fp-ffriiy,' Josloufiy^ oomp9llitpQ'

Bride Shoshone Lodge ■ ■ Fetes Lebder at

7sHdSH 0NE,~ 'Jan, 30-^Mn. Ed {Jlevengerr-R upuupresldentjat. I<^ho RebcVah assembly, was- hi ored a t a . dinner and meeting

WM 0 » 1 W Opal' y i e k a h lodge Tuesday nli

following dinner at a local cafe. I f f l E ® ! , O ther, .honored guests were i

tlodal Rebckah assembly p ast pri ' o t dent and past state president; I

L i ^ S h i r l e y Shropshire, Jerome, a st officer, and Mrs. Onier Shoot, s:

l l r i ’t i v i l shone lodge deputy..V 't 'K '' ' ' Q uests were Introduced and p

sented pink carnation corsages’ Mrs. Floyd Silva and Mrs. E. McNec. A^fpeclatglft was prCsen Mrs. Clevenger.

Horn conducted chap ter ' meeting. The chaiHer ' draped by Mrs. E. C. Hahn and ot officers In memory ol Mrs. Min Wilson.

Appointed to the sunshine ct ' r ^ H mlttee a re Mra. D. L. Stickney i

' V Mrs. T. V.-Strunk.* Mrs. Clevenger’s message was

NriRiiPic' keeping with the theme "Build , _ , tomorrow It can" be done." She

"'J* couraged the chapter In the ir w(nd Mrs. T. o th e t guests apoke briefly. ' " dist rict meeting will be held Feb

in OoodUig.Mrs. F red d,>„,rnllons a t the banq

I., a t c a r - a rra n g e d under d irection1 " ° i M «- R a lp h Vlllcra. T h e V e s ld e : Chnrcli or g ^ i,le m s were used to h ig h ligh t

wM a i - d eco ra tio n s with pink carnn tli 8an F ran- boUQueta and a three gold 1 im w aaat- holding pink and grifi*’' i f ' tapers.

tddlnr trip v is ito rs were present from Rl hey are Jerome. Rui", •Croueb and Bellevue.

Committees for the event inclu ■"1 Mrs. aeo rge Young, Mrs. Leon

I D augherty, and Mr?. Charles 0 \n u Q r dinner; Mrs. Vlllers. Mrs. Art

Martin an d Mra. Corwin Silva, t( decorations; Mra. W. L. Austin i

iquares will Mrs. T. V. Strunk, gift: Mra. Oi rday a t the npdl^

Carl HoUlbaugh. favors; Mrs. E ose attend- shaw , mistress of ceremonies, ; aandwlcnes. Daugherty and Mrs. PI L^liss will fltlvn. Inf.rodlictionn. -

V ¥ V

S r t L T a ' t New Yearbooks 0? e " a S r Are DistributeMtluck. Rex New yearbooks were dlstrlbu

to K G S club members when t met Wednesday afternoon at

"resbyterlan homo of Mrs. Olenn Comellson I meet a t 8 a dessert luncheon, me of Mrs. Mrs, Guy Walker presented Moln-jtreet, program -on paltern-alteratlons i as co-host- new sty le trends ending h e r dem will present atratlon with a humorous skit and Mrs. J. a w om an's dress shop.I devotlpns. R eport was given by M rs. ( . . . ■ ?■'?' L l n d e m o o d , secretary-treasu I w Mrs. P oul McCollum, vice pr I ° ' ' “" t, w a s presented th e cl

M" . J* scrapbook. White elephant, fumi i J if ii «<> by M rs. George Rosenof. was

Wllhlto will q „ e s ta were Mrs. P alsy Mci and M rs. Matney.

}/i )/irele of the . , _ , ,i i ; ^ \ o ”o ^ ; ; M r s . Snodgrass S S r r M ™ . Observes Do'!lv» Prough. Mrs. Phoeble Snodgrass was h

ored to observance ot he r 8 srs club will bM hday anniversary with a pi IB home of Wednesday by Mrs. Maybell Btaj call will' be a t h e r home, ee." Refreshments were served froi

lace-covered table- centered bj li Auxiliary decora ted birthday' cake to I 1 meet a t 8 Suby Einllh, Mrs, Maymie Dl Twin Palls Mrs. Addle Moore, Mrs. Agnes I Waite and lenger and the honoree. wlU have * * *

, w Sts“ ^iM Lesson Meeting , Held by Socle'

u‘t2 J r n 'J S OAKLEY, Jan. 3»-Soclal scle ^ r . t 7 h . T ^ o n 'c i i family life and Juve

dellnQuency was given Monday

' “’J T ' K ” U3S stakehouae. door. T h e ]ejpresented the lesson. M rs. rJa

S r ' / n ! fm f W Whlteley conducted the m

/111 be host- ¥ ¥ ¥

Shower Heldn i n p r l M n- “ 'Ncu, Twin nU N i c u hostess at her home Mon -Mrs. C lar- evening for a cradle shower for I [B to Jolly Raym ond Wright, ]r, Jerome. Qi

Mra. W ai- prlies ■were won ,|iy Mrs. Ja guest. W ebster, Mrs. Caroll Edwards

oheduled for Mrs. Raymond Wright. Mrs. C Mra. Harley ence Edwards was assistant h<


if Your .ChildrenBy ANGELO PATRI

[gent hum an S illd ’s olfeoUoh Is a dembnstnidislikes as of childishness Itself. Adults m

me of these to be above such leellnga. lelr stage o( T rying to force a child's aflec uing moods, never succeeds. 'Ilmt piust be »i

ieinT person Is considerate of the rlig these dis- and feelings ol clilldren. "njey 1ome Idea of rights and feelings In sp ite ofuy learning, thlhklng of some older people,e child does A grandmother Insisted th a t an clouds the ItUig grandchild be ted with a t1le Ih-st place slice of bread and butter with lUll elements on top. The youngster saidwith a t any thank you." politely, but grt-I—...... - mother Insisted and made the c»t his grand- eat or try to eat It. The result0 oth e r , No. he wn. ilr.k-and. hii fnrmnri.A-<1 no excep- dislike to that grandmother wl his was so— he maintained. Well: she earne< [used to kiss didn 't she? iled to g o -to - Th»-chlld who-has changing I:cept a toy and dislikes, eating a dlslUullie from her something one day, refusing Itixing, scold- next, lavishing allectlon on some1 David. He one day, hating him the next, cmird lln« and difficult, but usually It treated

a kindly malttr-o(-(act way —ind there Krowa out of this, alve him timelor ifi one iilfcctlon.

l> I m ix ir U n l In Il | » M U t It. |{|, 0,11, |, | |„ iiin, „ iih n ,r Ultlles oil ililt world. l)r. I'ltrl Ulli why th> ileotion for i* lnu>*.ft»nt in Iftflct r -2U. ‘ ilbv nnA hA tirrligc." To nb(«ln » copy,

L 2S .U S I® «/" TlmeMN f, especially v. o. no* ». sution (;. n*w York 0 bring him __________ _______________

iilutv person BLUE ^ A A ID or auntie BLAZE V U A L e are some 7 . - IM a t tha t,

'aWVr WARBERG'Su l f o r l V ’i; . RE 3-7371


je Marks February

III iiiiii ^ Iiting of;

xe Mrs.iMlllllll





:ted th tHer war fW C 'nd other


le com-ney and ’ KATHKTfN CABBEt

(Dudley p h o to -« U ff enfraving)was In * * ' *

I w o r i ^ i s s C a r r e l a n d

^Feb'^'i H a r l a n W e i g t t o .

banquet W e d i n F e b r u a rAnnouncement Is made by Mr. a

, . , Mrs. Herman Carrel o( the engaj Ignt tne daughter. Kathryn.

H arlan W elgt. son o( Mr. and M ; Leonard W elgt, Jerome.‘ Wedding 'r i te s will be solemniz„ _ . . by the Rev. D onald Hoffman Feb.

a t the First Christian church. T couple will m a k e their home In .

^ bride-elect was graduated '"“ "“i™ 1057 from T w in Falls high school a

^ employed b y the Reliance Cre ^ ”5*' corporation. H e r fiance, a 1956 ,

„ S ronie high school grndualc. Is e: 5tm and pj^yg^j Qrowcrs’ warehoi

injlerome. 'intLMrfl. __ ____^ if.

l“ k j? d f ^ o d e y D i r e c t e d

M r s . P r e s t oDECLO, J o n . 30 Mra. Emi

C.S Preston conducted the Relief i , clety meeting Tuesday at the Ll

j t e d , ohurch. Mrs. O ra D anlngton, pit ed the p re lude and accompan:

Ihto a'ngUig led b y Mrs. h. A. G lllett en iney opening prayer was given

a t me La„^j^ H ogg jjn , Minnie Di rington was voted In as organ and Rachel LewU as visiting teac

* a „ (jljin j th e place ol Mrs. F ra i o"» P en ro d 'w h o - 'h as moved to Bm-1 demon- though t for the day was g

‘ en by B arbara Preston. The less "Weighed In th e balance," was g

rs. Olln en by Mrs. W infield Hurst, asslsl reasurer. by Mrs. O ra Darrlngton. The c l s presl- ing prayer w a s given by RocI0 club's Lewis.furnish- Next T uesday 's lesson will be g was re- en by Mrs. Z e lla Shaw,

ney. H- *

“ S l o t e A n n o u n c e d

J5 F o r B u r l e y G r o uBDRLEY, J a n . SO - New offlo

J g t g announced f o r the Oheerlul D o . Home Dem onstration club aro W

Jack Funk, president; Mrs. J e er BJnd gummers, v ice president; Mrs. Jo a party secretary-treasurer; MBtayner council representatj

and Mrs. J a y Olorfleld, repo r1 f r r a a historian.“ ^ Mrs. Less C ranney Is fair bo<tOL K. n ,.l,t.H ),ye iJe tj, (Jien Larson, and Mrs. Howi nes Hoi- Mitchell is In charge of the qi

project to be assisted by Mrs. J an Ferllc.

g The ofHcers w u e Installed i presented glifB a t a meeting a t 1 • i o + \ / **’'*• i ^ a o n who also p:

. I c i y sented a dem onstration on "b , science sense.” Mrs. F u n k and Mrs. G1 Juvenile field a t te n d e d - th e South O ent nday at district council meeting at Filer■ at the Mrs. Larson was assisted by ll

Olorfleld to serving relreshmei s leader. Next meeting will be held Feb. ;. rJames a t the home t j f Mrs. Leonard Eel anled by * if

be m” " ' S c i e n c e . L e s s o n

G i v e n a t P a r l e( j SHOSHONE, Jan . 30- “Weighi« xinti: balances" was topic of I4/r J social science lesson presented

the LDS R e lie f society meet! lor Mrs. Tuesday afte rn o o n .

S ! The lesson d e a lt with Juvenile t . oamcs iinquency a n d parental respon

billty.®; h r Mrs. L aurence Clifford was tea( nt noat- pj. rpj g buslhess meeting was cc

ducted by M rs . C. K. Henning. 1 ■1 secretary's r e p o r t was given by W

Jack Allen.\ Approval w a q given by memb■ for partic ipation In the World E

Of Prayer S erv ices to be held F 13.

S ^ ^ ^ h t S o c i a l s " S k ] r t e d,, SHOSHONE, Jan . i ^ T h t i\

Si aeries o f soclab for M - \■kI G leaners of the LDS chui

'WHB^heiriHstmeMJrBt-iliB-ctni] htv h«v^ recreation h a l l .

?.!! A potiuck d in n e r was served 1 e or me i,y ^ jgoclal apd business c 'P;*- , cussloft.

M, J The events will be held twlct month with a bowling party plani

,A hv!" ^or the n ex t meeting. Mrs. Ll( laid No gjnith u co rre la to r.. grand- sf if> 4

Bult'wns ■ OUESTS-nErORTED l..a-decp HAOERMAN,-Jgn. 3 & -^ s ..H a !r which Meek and M ra. Everend Jensen w arned It, guests at a b rid g e party last wi

a t the hom e of Mra. Harry 1 Ing likes Moyne,-Jr. M ra..A ltred Bandy.. slUul ol celved high a n d traveling, p r l Ig It the and Mra. M eek, low. someone B M M M M M M H iiH iH iiM iiiiii t, can be eated In>y - he D oes your st<time and ■ ’ ' ■------- -----------------------do-youI t» Your le t te r h e a d , b illheoc M il 'iX . . . d o they re f le c t’-s«. 'Th. ta n co o f y o u r business? ■ I

te r see u s .-V»tk 1». „

' Get our suggeaiio

i l . TIME!- CommerS ' RE

|rY_ Adopted Stuto mm Letters Are Rea ■ For Bliss Meetir

r i u ^ , J a n . 30-Thanlc you ters from th e .."adopted’' studeni tfie s ta te t l l a d and read a t th e ineetlos of the S

^ H | shine club l a s t weelc at the homi^»r4>loy<i^«ton5t«n.----- -----------1— I ^ e d H endcroon,_newly.

. stalled p re s id e n t, ' conducted ■ ' " ' d meeting. M I». Charles Hobdey

appointe d to B t t tnd-th^county<o ell meeting a n d report on the ac Itles of the club during the | ytar.

Mrs. Lloyd Hansten and Mrs. Stroud w ere elected as council mi

! s- bers lo r the d u b with Mrs. Hob as a lternate . I t was voted to as host club f o r the Home Dem itratlon day to be held the la part of AprU a t the Ooodhig Oro

■ Named to plan yearbooks v Mrs, p a n s te n . firs . James Paulk Mrs.' D o ran Butler, Mrs. Cha Hobdey an d M rs. Fred Robbins.

Mrs. D av id Bcrrlng and I vine) Hertert P atterson . Jr., voluntc(

to act for th e clubi at the -p benellt. M rs, Doran Butler repoi

J on books available at the P ^ sponsored lib ra ry at the home i i . _ ‘ nomlcs room s ot the school. I I iliystery pal nam es were drawn.

Mra. H a ro ld Butler and Mrs. I l o r y rell Rotiblns w ere guests. M r.a^d . * » »

D a n c e R e v u e i s

H e l d f o r B e n e fBUSS, J a n . 30 - A dance re

r Was given M onday evening as a In i» 'foundation benefit a t

Bliss gym nasium by students , . . Mickey and Jennifer Short, £

onli “hone, from Gooding and Bliss. "In th e U t t e Red School Hoi

.5 " 5" was used a s th e theme with Di I. Bragga as a dunce, Danny 1

baugh as th e teacher. Steve 8! renouse ^ johnny, R honda Wood as Pf

and Joe an d Micky Arkoosh as I Itors. —

-1 Others partlc lm flng WereNelson, ’ Cheryi.^'SteBhCTSU Dli aK(ee.Jahet..-W 90d,«t?re8«JTal

> l V j n Ronnie K h-tley . Sharon Moore, 1 Em m a da Nelson, L eslie Whlte7 Kalhy

lef so- Bloky S tric k lan d , Dawn W hite ,. le LDS ry I^ynn C lem ents, Julia Clemt a p lay . Donlta K u h n , Linda Mohwlt ipan led Det™ M eyers, Sally Patterson; N lllette. 'y Jenson^ Linda Oorrell, Ll Iven by T o m m y Arkoosh. Jim Bra le D ar- John B rag g a , Mark Toone, W jrgan lst Toone, LUaJi Mu l d e r , Marg

teach- 8™*' D ebby Talbot, Nancy To P rance Ohrlstl S lone. Carla Harbaugh, Burley. Arkoosh, J o h n Arkoosh, Mitch ,H3 g iy . koosh, C ecelia Dean and Carla I

lesson, liaugh.-a s g lv - Y ¥ ¥

r ^ i M - R e c e p t i o n F e t e s

P a i r i n S h o s h o r® SHOSHONK. Jan. 30 - Mr.

Mra. C harles Oneida were honi , at a w edd lne reception last v

0 ( j ot the" M em orial building. 6h the form er G ayleen Burgess, dat

||-> ter of M r. a n d Mrs. Elmo Burf Jerome. H is parents are Mr.

officers Mrs. Jo e O neida , Shoshone.I Doers One h u n d re d guests were pre ro M rs. from Jerom e, Twin Palls, I , Jesse Qoodlng, M urtaugh, Carey and : s . Jo h n coin' county.

M r s . Accordion music was provlde< n ta tlve , Manuel Ocam lca.•eporter Mrs. R ic h a rd Oneida, Mrs.

Pagoaga an d Cheryl Oneida assl r booth Mrs. O neida w ith the recet>tlonly—M rs. rangements.-------,— -Howard Darlene B urgess was In charg 16 quUt the guest book with Verdene J( . Jam es son and M a r th a Munsier In ch

ot gifts,ed ^ d Carol C o ffm an handled the bi

a t th e The w edding cake was serve( so p re - Mrs. M erald B uhler and Mra. 6 1 ‘‘beef ley M itchell. Lucretla Boli . G lor- served the coffee.O en tral ♦ ■F ile r. A TTEND S MEETINGby M rs. WENDELL, Jan . 30-M ember hm ents. Idaho R eb e k ah lodge No. 96 atti Feb. 18 Ing Syrlnga Rebekah lodge Moi 1 E ehn . evening fo r the^offlclal visit o^

Edith C levenger, Burley, dssei president o f Idaho, were Mr.

I Mra. M. A. McCloud, Mr. and I John Q uary . Mrs. Ray Lanca

r l e v Jeflrles, Mra. C^ Boln, Mrs. M a x Miller and Mri

/ e lg h ^ P. Brown.of tne ^

ited a t ..... 'n ee tlng ^

nils de- , - .

; teach - *as con-

VALENTINESlembera in every size , Wnd and prloi rid Day Im aghm ble. Humorous, serl. lid Feb. ous or sentim ental . . . wi

have th e m alli Also economy pocks fo r th e school kiddles

e d a l^6

M -M en' • T o b l e D eco ra tions

-- * "B rie ig e -T o llie a

/ed fol-i • V a le n t in e C u t O u ts css dis- a ll i n p re tty

twice a V a le n t in e M otif planned. U oyd . A r m e t s

l l \ I- \[finra > \ h i c i H f l i f l H M v / C T f f li .J la r r y E \ f c l = = 0 = i^ j -----en were • • "


p r lz S A c ro B -fro n rld ih o -T h e itrr

stationery^ou-proud ?— .—h e a d , businesse c t th e Im por- Vs ? If not, b e t - '

stiona without obligation.

ES-NEWSnercial Printiifg RE 3-0931

r W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

e n t J

e a d . ■

ident at

Sun- .1 m .home ot

led the ^idey was j. ;. , , ■

le activ- L l i t past

Vlra. Bill ;ll mem- Hobdey \

1 to actDemon- . ' 1le latter Ij; orange •

ks wve ■'aulkner. j-


DONNA JEAN STOREY un te frS ISl*" '- I™ '* ”/ !he-polio * * *

" - - Y o u n g C o u p l e a t»me eco- ^ ~

R u p e r t E n g a g eIrs. Bur- RU PERT, Jan. 30—Mr. and J

William Storey announce th e gagem ent of their daughter, Doi

I Jean , to Shelby D. Zimmerman,I s of M r. and Mrs. Manuel Z lm n

m an, Rupert, i p f f M iss Storey Is a senior at M

doka county high school, ce revue Zim m erm an was graduated fi as a Na- R upert high school in 1955, s e i

a t the in th e navy, attended Idaho S' lents of college and Is npw • employed r t, Sho- Badger brothers.311SS. No wedding date h as been se

House," X. n. n.

n ' l r p ^ M u t u a l N i g h t I s

Fas’’£ M a r k e d i n A l n rALMO, Jan. SO — "Meet m e

ire Lori M utual” waa .the aasembly prog] ^ Dlanla presented a t the MIA meeting M pTalbot. day n igh t at the LDS ,cW w . ore, Lln- T h e program was to enW ur ilhy and m ore members and new memoer iltp, Jer. a tten d MIA.Jlements, T h e theme was developed )hwlnkel, speech and song by Chloe B u ll on; Nan- Mrs. Spencer Black, Sandra E a r i. Linda K athy Black. Marilyn Durfee.I Bragga, Black, Mra. William Tracy, R ich e, Ward B niesch and Floyd Knight. Margaret G roup singing waa directed / Toone, M rs. H. E. King with Miss D u r ugh, Joe accompanist. Mrs. Cyrus Bullers Itch Ar- the them e.j l a Har- I t was announced tha t S a tu r

n ig h t th e Raft River stake G old G reen ball will be held in th e I recreation hall.

0 5 P rayers were given by M u r Taylor and Jack Erickson.

none »“” '1 B e n e f i t H e l d b y

honored , . ,

“ 5 C a s t l e f o r d U rdaugh- CASTLEFORD, Jan . 30—T h e C

Burgess, tleford Orange held its a m Mr. and M arch o f Dimes pinochle p a r ty

w hite elephant sale last w eek i present the O range hall, s, Paul P rizes went to Mra. Melvin M< and U n- and Reed Reams, high; Mrs. C re

Ury and M. J. Latham, low, a n d 1 ^ d e d by Nelson Rlpa, traveling.

Jlrs. Joe MEETS AFTER DINNEKI assisted SHOSHONE, Jan. 30 - C ou jtion ar- elub m et at the home ot Mst—_______ M ra^lchard_B aum im n_fD U Q sihat^e of dinner a t a cafe this week. P r le John- were won by Mr. and Mrs. C a n charge Berriochoa, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ja ;

B ara inca and Mr. and Mrs. Clhe boats. RapP-__________________ 'erved by j-a. Shir-

r H i rnbers of i 3 attend-


S S Boys an d G irl Z m l S t o r e s a nancaster,

u r i YOU MA^

serl- •. W0‘


[G’S. No obllgatlon-S-Nothlng to

» t r r B uy-W lnnor will ^ n o U I I e

I “ C a r r i e dPositively


i d P u b l i c S p e a k i n g

I s T o p i c ' o f T a l k

‘ ' G i v e n f o r G r o u f' ' JEROME, Jan. 3 0 -D a v ld Summ

L " .« oT the MounUhi B tiies •lelepho:

|L * '^ n 2 ! i^ fo ? a S le v e m M tT O « u i ' public speakhig” at th e ' meettog

" the Credit,Women last w eek a t tlOlniiliam InBr-^-------------------------

------ 8ummy-*ave-6«vei;«l-exampU)s-. bow the proper method o f speakli

W " ' could help m one's daily w ork to,ai r — iKcnpatlom— The-bualness-m eetli

• was conducted by Mrs. T o m Lanuj president. ■ ‘

^ Plans for the' “bosses breakfasI t a f e ' were discussed Etnd M rs. G ene Je

son was named chairm oji. assist by Shhley Harding an d M rs. Qlai Johnson.

Assisting in the Twin P a lls Insts latlon last Thursday w ere Mrs. To

■t Lanum. Mrs.' Maxine ZlmmermaMra. Glade Johnson, M rs. O. A. Je sen, sKhley Harding, M ary Mcelli

. Mrs. Gene Jepscn, Mrs. Jewell D pew and Mrs. Lyle H am ilton.

SY Installation o( otilcers In the niGooding club Thursday was dl cussed. The Gooding c lu b was o ganlzed under the sponsorship

j- the Jerome group w ith 12 chart ^ members-

J Guests a t the m orn ing meetli I Q e O included Mrs. O. A. Jen sen . M nd Mrs. Louise Stone and Jean Thompson, th e en- * *

i ^ ° s o n L e s s o n G i v e n b y

M r s . H o l l e n b e c lat Mini- lesson, "Influence of Chris

. , teaching on the women down t• centuries," was given by Mrs. G«

trude Hollenbeck nt th e meetingh! the Ophelia club ol th e Reorganiz oyed oy ^

™ . . t Theme talk, "To S e e k wlsdon and a poem, "The S earch ," we read to Mrs. Edna H arm o n , prei

I Q dent, who also conducted the mei I ^ hig. Opening prayer w as led by M

. I Hollenbeck. 'VI m o The Feb. 10 session wlU be held t m e at Austin street w ith .M rs. Ru program Roan as'hostess, ng Mon- ^ ^ ♦

L u r a g e E n g M s H W o n n a n

I s M e e t ' s G u e s0 In Kenneth Hann, a nativeBullers, England^ a apSclol guest

I Eames, vVa-Kon-Va Cam pPlre group wh S f ’,. H It met Monday evenhig: a t the hoi R ichard niece, Lynette H an n ..

■ . . She tbld the girls a n d the ir lea r *'*’® customs

, r ' ^ , S her country and d isp layed col) ille rs led pictures.

. . During - the business , meetli Saturday jjo ijfj, Hughes was e lec ted pre 3ol<l imd qeroidine Gurley, vice pre th e Elba Nancy Jloolalian, secretai

Dianne Pool, treasurer; W ftnda Hi Sirs. Ar- scribe; Iflmette H an n , so

leader, and .Bonnlo H e lt i , gai leader.

Recent ootlvltlea Included helpl j y the Moose lodge pack p o ta to chi I I • . to sell for the Notional foundatl( U n i T sellliig m boxes of c a n d y durl r h e Cas- °andy sale, and m a k in g mh

an n u a l sleigh favors fo r th e anni a r ty and Camp Fire dhmer. w eek at Hann prepared an d serv

refreshments, in M oore *

‘an“ D i n n e r P l a n n e dFILER, Jan. 30 — F U er chapt

Order of Eastern S tar, w ill have N E B no-host dinner a t 7 p. m . Wednesd Couples preceding the regular m eeting .

MB<-and Coffee and tolls will b e fuimishi [oUowlng ThL dlnnei_aim m ltteftJncludE3J k. Prizes and Mrs. Luther P ierce , Mr. ai 1. C arlos Mrs. P. M. Hudson, M r . and M s. Jam es Earl O. Walter, M rs. Gertrii s. Clyde Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R a lp h Ceda


f K I D S ! 1 0 (O r if your 13th Birthday fa lli in

lirls 13 years of age joist cc and Register before Wee


I I R T H E ^ Y }

dO verSliA Ore ly Ends W ednesday N ite,

STQRE-WIDE SALE of Frigldairt A p p lia n c tl

' Zenith TV and S toreo. •


i l k - L u n c h e o n . P a r i ,

)UP in irn i tr ir^^t^hs!

7 t l i ,

p lc s -o f i4 .°gd seM 1o .Bov.2 ^ 5 eaking rePO rtedtix vislu hepnl^an? ‘o "leetlne > '^ a ^ ^ ^ -^cre p^ysd.-toiwv-,a n u m ^ « ‘^ S with Mn w .lha^s''^


insui- ■'f'' Shavrr-,„.s. Tom “ hostesses lor a d „ s .r i lu«: crman, + ¥ -

L i n c o l n C h i I d r e r i

M a r k B i r t h d o t ile new SHOSHONE. Ja„ 3o_ b,„, s dlj- anniversary pnnic.s were h w las op- Jimmie and Terry Ann Sirun', hip of week ot the homo ol iiip,f „ :hartcr Mr. and Mrs. Siniilcv SinmlL

Gnmes were played „nde, * leetlng tlon of Mrs. Strunk. Jimmi,

Mrs. years old and Terry Ann was) pson. Patricia Saras, 6-vpar-old h,,

ter of Dr. and Mr.v E D, Saras ebrnted her.blnlidav aiiniv,-

W with a parly Ihli week. F\,n,'/ a dinner at a calt, the group an P ^ K ^ niovle.

M ary Gayle Hnla. 8-year .h ris ts d a u g h te r of Mr, anti M rs Will vn the H a ta , celebrated her birthday »• Ger- n lversary with a party lasi v ting of Following dinner at ihe Manhi [anized caJe, the group attended the m

^ r ^ e M r s . J a m e s W o o (

me“ l: S e a t e d a « L e a djy JEROME, Jan. 30 _ Mn, Jh.M Installed as prei

D 11. Dorcas Missionary sotln• the-B ible B4ptisb-church" Tiie

evening.o th e r officers ln.stailed an

Neal ICrkpatrIck, -vtce prnid ' Mrs. Eugene HIte. secrelarr, l o c t Ke'l'. trea.wKJ C o i The devotion, “Laborers tojt tlve of w ith God," was given by lest ot Wayne Lelnlnget.. Mrs. Uliii J when also gave a reixirt on the comp ! home Edward Perronet. Selected lit ' were sung, r lead- During the buslne.« meetk ^ms of decided to help support 11

-n i-, missionary and (amlly In St ' side. Wash,

leetlng Rofroshmonts wore served bj Orval Mattlce. .J

S f r i d g e P l a y e d“ i 4 u L, Jan. 3l>-The Paul Bi

’ game entertained last »«lthree tables of dessert brldgt 11

helnlni W "' Arnold Sampt, -Wm Prlz“ went to Mrs. Clyd! Pi

Mrs. Jam ei Steveni and Mn I durlnii Clark. Guests were Mrs. Clart

Charles Easton and Mis. 0!umual


and R . Deon Urle were honore I theii: 16th birthday annlTei

s H with ft part]^ Simda^ ^ te n u v if ^ . the home of Paul and Sally Wi

KI;nesday **+ + + + 'l4M 'H *+ 'M -*+ *«

lilshed I tvseryiceIJ — D orP llon t-R E -3 -7111

d' Mrs I N ig iif Pnont RE 3-1031


<f YOU

I in 1 9 5 9

rcoiril in to either o f ' M nesday Night.


O R E D A Y i l

FRroAY, JANUARY 30,1553

3 i B u h l C I ^ H S j

Page 9:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

f i ^ r s o n a r I ^ ^ O F H c £

pmtTin U.Si.«nriV YORK, Jan. 80 (yP)— Floyd Pal

' ““ L.'nah SwedenVjiigenfiaf-ilohftBsi LoS'Angeles or Cdorado Sp

Sf' opponent before the Johans Rosensohn. Johansson m ust i

S o u c h a k , D u d e i

I a n D i e g o O p e i

S S y M^ding se v e n -p d e rp a r 65s 3 fn the $20,000 San DieBo'Open. Sou

N Y . and Duden 38. from Osv Sinn Vaiiey country club

r i s A S r s G o i dTex.i who toured the i ^ . ■. ,

S r d course in 31-35 J h l e l diidDovg Sanders of Miami Bench,

f y'J[Jf*'chiOTplon Arnold Palmer, S e n i(innsr here In 1957,'had 34-3^72.

2 nwn champion Tommy Bolt d u NEDI % m1 lor even par 36-36-72. Art Goldbcck, S T j r shot 36-35-71. from M t. f out of 141 professionals undcr-par par for the round. total to to

SMtted at 67 were Jay Hebert, rounds of t . i d Fla.: Bill Casper, Jr., Apple and over I S calif.; Joe Campbell, Knox- Goiters’ as S - Tenn.; ** Bessellnk, Oros- plonshlp. S I NY OoldbeckS others were lied at 68, In- better tha t

Doug Ford, Crystal River, son of Sur . ■ lack Burke, Jr., S tan Leonard, the two roi

V iiouver, B.C.; a n d Rosberg, 74,69-143. rtT*lto, Calif. Ohio,

Km Venturi of Ban Francisco 70. soared weU down the line with 72. ' up In th in

Duden a comparative stranger Gene £ a top-(ilBht tournament victories ctiamplonuiwofesslonal, started as an ama- shel a fat

total.— --------- B ehind ^

— 1 1 was form e

Zora FoU ey ■■ . , . ■ Thursday

Gets Decision , ™e'cond' FromMitoff rfSa"

WednesdajDENVER, Jan. 30 «V-Polsed Zora t^at of D:

Follej of Phoenix, Arte., stabbed xex.Alo Mlteff of Argentina into n ^he low bl»x& mass with his left hand and rounds & punched out a unanimous decision joimd out In I 10-round heavyweight battle jhip piny, ITinrsday night. . —

There were no knockdown»;T^)lIey selghed 19414, Mlteff 204',i .

A near-capaclty crowa of more |% than 7,e00 fans-w ho paid $24,051 i K f l E J Jamned the auditorium arena J o r a battle that nas a lively punching ^ uchange from start to f ln l^ . I

Under the relentless pounding of PoUey'6 left, Mlteff began bleeding jw . j je ram » cut under the right eye as co-Llttles arlj u tHo fourth roimd. ,g i„ g appHe finished tto bout W itt the eye nigh li

Honstein,The turning point cama In the

fifth round when PoUey, No, 3 j,,,raniced challenger to heavyweight t^ d io ip titllst Ployd Patterson, came out vilth a furious attack and rooted j . ,04. ilM f-alth an nvfjhanil right.— . .Bn>!s'j4,64ii Him Folley drove the Argentin- Bowler iM Into the ropes with a barrage of n o ™ . r( tlfjils and lefts th a t left Mlteff reel- jjoricn’e P l«l and bloodied. Mlteff never serl- ni-v, oiislj pressed PoUey thereafter. j ,

Champs Favored In Figure Skating

ROCHESTER. N. Y.. Jan . 30 WV- Club Chee World champions David Jenkins of High' t Colorado Springs, Colo., and Carol Commons, Helaj of Ozone Park, N. Y.. Thurs- tie s ,, Ool; <1>I sere favored. to .win their scratch t« ■tialjht national figure skating tuary, 83. Cliimplonshlpa this week. game, T»

Major competition In the four-day meet atarted today.

Jenkins, a 52-year-old medical 'Went, and six challengers will go htouih their school figures Friday n la

Utenioon. The freestyle skating will S bt Saturday, afternoon.; . . 'P

Mia Helss. a lO-year-old sopho­more at New York university, is the . mirwlielmlng choice in the ladles tto . Tliere are only three other “ enltanla. , Albertsons

Tbsladies go through the ir school 3-1. Motoi Ita ra Saturday moriUhg and Iree ■^tlng Sunday aftemJoiL edRealat-

- Ing corap

IVo Bowlers Get ^rod. 214; 1

Perfect Scores g S S T w u8P0KANE, Jan . 30 W)-Two bowl- W ‘'if”

m rolled 300-games here Thursday W ^ e ^ r^ e lv e d »2,100, th e other. M o to ^ ^

T ^ Kelly, W llng In- tiin Kilts' ......- '— ^rane, (ired the t o t 3M-game nlL ow a “ Mtloned by the American BowJ- Anderson- '“*y™8tess on Spokane alleys In tors 3-,t;

Kelly picked up )SOO from the ftS ed* 81 ‘“•y proprietor and »1,600 ftom defeated I opotaiB merchants. He will also n igh In Jttelve other prizes Including a ita, I. Cn ,~""“ .;ing.frQ m ini>B Q .Iot.W ii terles,J3oi

Hanaon, a 'l7.^iear-ol(l stu-P re p ,-h it ,.,th 6 pune. 4-:

a f c 'Ifole a t another bow\lng K u n . jm m a non-league match, H an- handlcaD an American Junior BoteUng iin.w». a.l

‘! ; ^ “ r< '° ''’Petltor, can 't accept Darlene I f ' ',“ *J' Prl!*s w ithbut lorfeltlng ,““ fights as,an AJBO bowler. T»i» M li

---------------------------; ■*''

* 5 f a » i 4 L s A f t e r _ ,_ J Pifching Comeback

Jan. SO Wl—Von Mo- 8tnU«h. II llii l ! ~ 2 ^ * <or a comeback a t iUn4i»»«>. J bteiki,? playws are Just « ' ’ ■■- Profcssio)ial baseball K o r A ; l 8ncd w , 1D50 j„ „ trae t

wlSal To G<19.year.old bonus pitchcr BOISE,

.Cards last liew.Bor, IM S ' ' ' “Wdded to Houiton" Tex., its bapU % N, 0 ., n p o rt- night.» J i i f c < l M M O .-rhiit Th» B

« Wlovcd a cut o t about $1,000, Idaho Pi »lirr, I, 1* sensation tlielr honillj, **•'' BifJota In (tame* hi

j ^ A K Y 30 , 1959

........ ......... “ T .............

*> ■

in d J& hanse a v y w e i f h l

1 P atterson will defend his world h M 8 s e n -n « x t .« u m m e tJ 0 -tt<!-U w t-ei lo Springs. Patterson can risk hia c hansson bout under the term s o f h u st not tak e any figh t befori ------------------------------ T ~ The worl

l e n L e a d■ p i l get 20 pc

) e n P l a yevisiou rcci

-Tournam ent-w ise Mike Rosen-'oh led a mass attack on par- J

• 65.S for the first round television . Souchak, ,S1, from Gros- chance it

O.swego, Ore., shot th e vision."--------------------------------- ------------- Thfe cont


)ldbeck Tops r « , e r t “ tiRosensoli

eld 111 PGA S la n a ^ ^ iWithin the

niors Play S o r b 'SNEDIN. Fla., Jan. M Wl-Bill N e r 'y o rk )cck, a 60-ycar-olil enfrant g

■-par 69 Thursday tor a 140 p..t»rsor to top the field for the 'tw o , ^ ,

Is of competition In the 65- ”‘" 7 over field In the Professional ; ' , , rs’ association Seniors cham- johansM

Idbeck's score Was three strokes r than that of Harold Sander- ,f Summit, N..J.. who finished “wo rounds in second place w ith u ’ -H3. Ock Wlllowelt o t , D a y - „ J " ° ^ Ohio, first round iSkder w ith ,jared to 74 Thursday to wind '1 third place with 144. . ne Sarazen, the defending iplon ot Germantown, N.Y;. 1’”!’ , " a ta t 77 Thursday for a 150 P®"®" ' _

iilnd Wlllowelt in the standings I V f j i n former National Open cham- i T i C l l l

Billy Burke of Clearwater, who finished with a par 72 V k f - A n

sday for a .146 total. O l C l le 50-54 age group returns for ' _:cond round Friday. With the 4 4 ^ - . , i in pursuit of Jack Isaacs of V / U I

ley air fcircB base, Va., Is- had a .68 for his first round

losday, one stroke lower than Mantle s»] of Dick Metz ot Fort Worth, '« e I m “

done a gooe low 100 and tics will play Stengel Is ds Saturday and Sunday to Mantle d out the 72 holes ot champion- against co, play. by

__________________ The ma

S on this cli $75,000 lo

_____ ______ M antle aiBOWLADBOME generally

Tea League "13's defeated Team Busters 3-1. JAttles defeated Pin-Ups 3'A-H4.Happy’s defeated 4 Square]! 3-<l. 'jh individual game, Maude itein, 188; high tadividual se-

Dorlene Packard, 467; h i g h « f ^ „ ‘“ ch team game, Erp's, 602; high Heap team game, Erp's, 641; ^

handicap team scries, Erp’s,; ^ hlgh scratch team .eries,

wler of the month, Esther , .*as, 604; bowler of the week, me Packard, 467. Maud^ Hon- ^picked 8-10 split. _

Maglo City League i " j lm State Oil defeated Asgrow A l l t l K Twin Palls Mortuary split w ith n .H arper company 2-2, The Paris I Q M l

lany defeated Westenr-Mnsic Petersen's Furniture spUt w ith . NEW Y' Cheek Oh 2-2.

8h' individual game, Vivian »mons, 215; high indlvldu^ se- '

oolynn Vosika, 841; - ' h igh G «h team game, Twta Palls M or- B“ “ " yr, 833; high handicap team t, Twin Falls Mortuary, 041;

handicap team series, E. S. ^XT company, 2,770i hlBh.scratch ’' ‘“ - “ “J , « r l e » r ^ l n M . Mortuary, Varg

irenco '’ Brown picked 3-7-10 , C lara Nelsoa picked 6-7-10

^ .........................Archle_McMAGIC BOWL ™

Late Show Lugue 5 ,4 37 .Ills Motor defeated Shelbys 4-0, 'Vargas, rtsons defeated Safeway No. 444 eluding 13 Motor Vu defeated Belts M an- • t turlng 3-1, Klover Klub'deleat- lIT fv—. tealators 3-1, Curl Manufaotutr 11 U l l l ' company defeated OK Food D I q ^

gh Individual game, Hal Bher- tjo lx y 214; hlghJluUvlduaLserles, H al Tjoicndlni rod. 669; h igh scratch teani unflj^y „ e. Wills Motor. 016: high handl- 0,5 team gim e, W lls Motor, 088; ip

handicap team series, 'W111& . „ >r, 2 ,001; high scratch team acr uninal: ai TWlUs Motor; 2,6J8. , M l . . TV

- -H a 'ie lto ii-L ea rn Mias-LlndLows defeated KockyroUcrs 3-1, nated £B

erson-PUlmore defeated Allyga- Hollywood 3-1; R)Ur-Flata- defeated G u t- W , Decal

Ligs 4-0. Bimmonj-Andrews de- The ma !d Sleepers 4-0, StumWebums when Mt ated Ball Babies 4-0. ■ foot p u tt 1gh Individual game, Htx Wood Marjorie I. Crothcrs 185; high individual a par Ipu is,-Don.Andrews M JiJ.-O loftW JSSISSL

high scratch teun game, - 4- halved th

ep4-W ttts, 763; high scratch JOHNSOI 1 series, 4-Flftts. 1,800;' H gh “ 0 1 ^ alcap team series, Blramons-An- -<lo\r. Eo vs. 3.1 j i . ' . appointediilen s received HlfplnTlBl game. tecSfaTic

______ i> four-yeI h i l l WiMni'i Djwllni A m iidon reatlon cc

Annul) Cll/ TMtrwral commisslt

-----------^TW-PiM S L i f ililt. Loll Kijr-Kw Crom .^ t l4 J pjm [ = =l«, K>U K lr l .......... .........• « »l»<

All E»dU . , 1;i«h. IlMil Burtouihl _ — 1170 p nl • IV ilewi. MHl Kins---- ..lj»7 »lnl .

Drah High Gym ) Get Baptism (OISE, Jan . 30 ( tJ P I ) ! - .Hw ^ ’ B orah high Mhool lym get; . baptism of baskelbaU rrld*y . .

I t . , > i F ih« Borah IJona rl»J; “tio PalU for the fin t time 111 ......r homa gym. A" Pfi’l®'**lea hav« M en bliiyad at Bol»« ' .W b « ,U * |# = w m n i i l U ! 8 j = : s x d l J ^ ^

__________ ______ ;____ ____ ;___ i . „ „

i s s a n ^

iit T i t l e - H

orld heavyweight bo.xing Wt-ed-Statesrimjbably^Tr hia championship against ® ^ ■ o f hi.s contract with pro- ^ - J efore the Patterson bout. [ world champ will ge t'40 cent of a $300,000 guar- e. Johansson, the unbeat- European champion, will 20 per cen t’of a $100,000 nice. The pcrccnt&ge. will be on the net. gate including tel*

uwmohn said there wn.s no for TV rights, bul he'added "1/ means getting a weekly Sion show Uicro a good

might be on homo tele>

s contract calls for r rematch yankces’ i 1 ^0 days if johanssan should .trade a n y '3

Patterson. The promoter Is have decllm lect the site. to newsmenlensolm said he ,planned to --------------

Los Angeles, PhilBdclphJa. napoHs and Colorado Springs n the next 30 days after a ^York date on Tuesday with r Robert Wagner. le morning line would favor York and Los Angelos with ado Springs to a strong Uiird,” A ( ‘y • isohn added.,terson, 24. haa been inactive \ J j ^ he stopped Roy Harris in Au< M I H lThis will be his fourth de- ____________of the title. —

lansson vaulted Into proml- i aa the No. 1 contender when W \ | | Docked out highly rated Eddie -■ •A .v /X I len olf Redding, Calif., In one - j 1. Sept. 14. r l i ^ /hope to win," Johansson told I I I 1 men. “I think I can knock out ■** ^ r. ody I can h it with my right L E X IN C

tterson said he considered Jo - y e a ison his “most dangerous op- h ig h e s t SC(nt." s co re h e r e

— - - piled .up a

a n t l e S a y s

e n g e l T a l k K - X“O -^T ho-vlcto i

) u t o f L i n e "h it 60 p e r <

.LLAS, Jan. 30 Ml — Mickey temjits a n d i tie says "I don't want to sound | j i the s ta r t I'm bragelng, but I think I've Georgia hi a good Job for them and Caaey of it, ghota

jei Is out of line." bounds. Foiintle thus defended himself Edmondson 1s t comments mode earlier th is Don K elser

by Yankee manager Stengel. F o r.K e n ti e manager said, "Two players a relief rol ils club should be maklnn from Llokert an d00 to $126,000 a year, but they Rupp, wh( kept themselves from earning la the fo u rt

, . - to h it - th e .1didn't name those players b u t school. T h e

tie and pitcher Whlloy Ford of W estern rally were believed the pliliyers H)j of Okli sel meant. stlU active, iintle is in the middle of a pay of Texas & ite with the Yankees. Neither cember.will pinpoint the amount, but ------believed his 1959 contract calls1 $5,000 cut from his estimated L 1 '17 'A '00 last year. Mantle wants a A ^ • to $85.00d. ^ ._

! average slumped-to J04 last ■ r t n 1 from J65 in 1S57, biit he led i U p I '

league in homers, 43, and the , w ith runs driven in, 97. IfloeT rbT O iirfiiw pK U srp’sn^ i i U W - popening Feb. 7 of his new „Ing alleys here. He resides in By Th Is.---------------------------------------------Five playi

--------------------------- teams a re 1

ithony, VargasT i* 1 j m * 1 j scorilEightjlomght— Th^jo H g ij

!W YORK. Jan . 30 Ifl - Tony “ i lony. now an avowed heavy- „.!},. t , bt, wlU try ,to make it e ight ^ be ght Friday night in Madison conn 'x e - G u ^ a g a l m t EuebenVar- * o S . of Richmond, Calif. nnmi>r tvthough-Anthony, S3, -I» ranked1 am ong light heavyweight con- “ the reb era, he prefers to go tor broke . . i . , , , 0 , ,th e big boys. He wlU be'spot-

-Vargas, about 15 pounds. . le 10-round match will be oar- ®by NBO radio-,TV starting a t

im .-Anthony is a 3-1 favorite. ^ ibody haa beaten'Anlhony since ' “ t of n is ile_Moore. stopped.him in a. ti tle The Idahc to 1967, He won all seven s ta rts No. 1 In bo year, boosting his career rec- averaging 1 to 37-6-1. winnings 13irgas, 26, has a 17-6 record, in - strlctlng op Ing 13 knockouts: of E2.2.-• ■— Hi e 19581

Dmen’s 4-Ballay U nder Way I dropping 6E3LLTW 00D, H a., Jsn, 30 W— ' — jidlngi_chim iplon_M aiy^A nn D i . f f n l isay made the second round c l D U i l a J W omen's International Foiir _ « goU tournam ent Ihursday In I n I , a i

OM m atch , which, pitted sister nst lister. • . OTTAWAl!s Downey, of Baltimore, an d Limited bu I-Lindsay ot-Decatur, Ill.,.ellml- Alberta Is | d the team of Joan Burke, result o f .a c ywood, H a., and Shirley U n d - the N orthw D ecatur, 1 up. on th f l t th hole. '•■niB couii le m atch was tied on the IBth to an am er n M arjorie dropped ,» th ree- jm ju num b p u tt for a pa r five. On the 10th. jo o -o ff the Jorle canned a seven-footer fo r ■ ,*h„ ^ ,0 0 u- four. BUter fihirley missed a

INSON'APPOINTED ' lORAMENTO, 0«Uf,'Jan. JO (* _ov. Edmund a . Brown 'ihursday T i f T alnted Kafer 1 Johnson,- world I w I ^ T fo ld e r m the dtc«Uilon. to lur-year term oh tin ilste rec- Ion commission. Membtii of the e A f ' l mission senre without pay an d r / W I ^e th e ' governor on (eueatlon , T \ Is and policy,' ' II

' N o w A v a i l a b

c i N i i iF o r P a r k i n g L ()t, D r i v e w a y s is

Call jp&b Ti^nsport

- - - - - - -

______________ TIME

S t e n g e l T h r

«8* maiUKer Casey StenKcl. faced with loutl ay Yankees wiio didn’t behave. So far t cllned to »ien new contracts and are holdi m en at a prew conference In New York. (

m t u c k y T o p s i

j G e t 6 0 0 t h V iINGTON, Ky., Jan. 80 (ff)-C o ach . treara tonight aa top-ranked Kenti ; score wn.s the 143 to 6 6 by which i lere wa.'? in it.s 114 to 75 trium ph ( 9 a 61-25 halftim e score and every 1

[mmediately a f te r the ■Supp was honored with |lo n y for hia 600th vie- | 2 j X " V ill a t Kentucky.Ictory was the 16th In 17 / - y • r tt- Kentucky. I 1 | | | T ,e first half the Wildcats )c r cent of their floor at- j i d ftrabb.ed 32 rebounds and H A R T F Q starters had beeri removed, f o r tu n e in t la had hit only 22 per cent ^h o ts and mananed 18 re- J n e Jb -yea

F o r the Oeorglans, Fred b r o k e th e n son tallied 16 points and n i g h t to h isiser added 12. --------------------;entucky, Bobby Slusher, in _

role, tallied 17 and Bill I- ,a n d Don Mills got 15 each. ■■■ * whose teams have lost 104.

o u rth coach in the nation I f k o m OiB .000. mark a t the same A c a i i l T h e others are Ed Diddle ^ _ te m Kentucky and Hank 1 ^ I Oklahoma S talf. who are X l l ,ve, and the late Ed Adiuns a Southern, who died De- SAN PHAN

Abe Saperslcl:----------------- '■---------- lem Qlobetrotl

e Players r lT .:- , tlonal Basket!

) Mountainn . Kong, said he

►-p-StatlStlCS- -g ^ ^ |f°B u in n

’ The' AssocUUd P riis “. chue there, jlayers from Jour dillerm t r e leading the way in In- , “ performances In th'e Rocky ^

n basketbaU conference. scoring pacemaker is still " If the NBJ Jolland, Colorado S t a t e coast by 196 >re, who has meshed 102 stein said.;or an average of 17J per out Is througl ,ee Viokera of Adams State pansion to 10 ! best percentage in field g et rid of Del onnecting for 60 per cent H esaidD ettio ts :-------' ------------ ba ll and hockr Watkins of Idaho State's n a tl goes onij ig-cham pions-held his grip lege basketba

rebounding lead by aver- —----------------3.1 per game. .: Carbajal of Colorado State | h l Cn Becker of Colorado col- I l l l w> neck-and-neck a t the freeJne, each sinking 02.3 pertils shots. Idaho State Bengals ate atlll1 both offense' arid defense;jg 72 points per game In;.,13 and'losing. J , an d 're -t opponent to an average

gSB champions have the best TjjMM }al average, 41.8 per cent, ' iolorado Mines Is the team a t the-free throw mark. B M H g 66.1 per cent.

falo Hunting— ^ Janada Likely K .LWA, Ont., Jan . 30 Ifl —

buffalo hunting north of Is probable th is year as a

f actloil takeil 'IH lB H m rD y------------■thwcst TOTitorleii council. yu |Tcuijcil gave second reading vimendment th a t, will take a umber of buffalo — peihapa : th e restricted list. , thushooting will s ta r t this au- , loai ’ th e coundl has Its way and - thiilalation-w lll-b«-m ade-oIli------ ---------tore the council breaks up • . i ^ i

CALL u p 3 -22 33 - J, C T O R Y R A D I O catT V C E N T E R

- — ^ : 'd r l i ' ■ "M o a

b l e . “

M i i : :jaftd Fepd Lgt |

If EA 4-2658 buM>i

-------------------- ......................................... ................... — »— -

th- - *


h r e a t e n s T r a d e

I mutiny by some of his phiyers, ha* anni far this y e a r several Yankees, Mickey holding' o u t for more money. Here S tei

irk. (NEA telepholo)

s G e o r g i a 1 0 1

f o r Rach A dolph Eupp won his 600th lentucky overwhelmed Georgia 101 ich it de fea ted Georgia on Feb. 2 ' iph over M iami, F]a., Dec. 3, 1956 ery m an on the bench saw actiot

- C h a m p W i l l :

i t s R i n g , N e <TFORD, Conn., Jan. 30 (ff>)-Wllli in the r in g and spent most of i t , i

!-year-old form er world's fea th i he news o f hia r.etirement from D his old friend , sports editor Bill 1 ----------—--------------------Courant. “

B a s k e t b a U K d e ^ ^ cf r o m G

ra Wanted. I Leon.

.08 AngelesmANCIBCq. Jan. 30 erslcln, ow ner ot the H or- j.j^ through letrotters, s a id Thursday he roup of Los Angeles buai- to get a fte r

are dickering for a Na-. out with a g asketball association fran - Is the h a \ • Los Angeles. master whoteto, a rriv ing from Hong lid he will meetr next-week- il Schlssler. Ed Pau^y^and

^ to'fe^k"Sf'Sl?Srj6sslul,-he-added. h o j l a n s il» Interests In the PhUa- W m tar^ M NBA team. .j^ iineod^a 1 NBA doesn’t come to th e rye got no r 1960 it's*crasy."' Saper- do.” said W: Id. "And tn e way to come known since irough reallBiiment, no t ex- wilUe -wo to 10 cities. T h e loop should in 1042 and it Detroit a n d Olnchinatl.” never bo ei d Detroit is a baseball, foot- victories ovi hockey tow n while Gincln- and-w as-he

s only for baseball and col- lost the fe ketball. : - - - — ........Sm dy-Sadd

his Hired Hand is A Ready...and Ne<

K i I*

| ^ H | K


T-r ^ ...............................................You’re ready to go. . . and keep g o in g ... on every ; lifting and loading job \rfth this new Allis-ChalmerB 'V loader. One man inatalli ‘ this loader quickly and ^ .

“ easily oh Allis-Chalroer* D*17(------- -■ T).14, W IM S . W D a n d CA

T racto rs. Y ou’ll like th e low lin e io f th is 'lo ader. I t ’i n a higher t h a n the tra c to r hood be-

U«e the /erji iu ije* . to dean yoi cattle'abe^.. With iam .doter blade, wlli clear away inow, piiuh.dirt, or ^ Sllp-on snow buiket lets you Bhovel

^ 'd r l( la - fa < t^ t .u i4 b f> w .y o u .b a f f .A I loaden will .take the wo A out o( pui aiid loading the V eu ’lound..

jv ^ . i l S n W TO tt<> N»Uon»I ™ I n o m e l lo w S oh to ji,’

I A I .U i - C H A U I I

I - Burley -■ J«rpme~ Rupe

____ :------- i.__________

,S ,ID ^H O

i9njI BOISE, Jn

b y officials 0

decided Thur tw o schools

K l im c l

O n e o f

B ^ p T o p RNEW Y O ^ .

II iS c 0 5 r > v ^ l P K ansas C:

the AthletU West Palm Bet

announced iha t he would T hey are first jey Mantle amon; them, ley. second bas< Steneel Is Rhown talking outfielder Zeki

Howard Reed.------------------------------------- Not th a t th

mnn freshman _ ^ ^ A thoroiiRh Insp

CT however, appeiw / /\ J ( Bella Is the

X i/M ( f j the lot. Normiprobably wl

tuntty to winM u ® reputatiiV ^ The A 's acqulr

York Yankees.Bella played

and compiled t f \ 0 C rC T enough to wirI I rS - D D elation battingv / t f ■ kept h im out i___ • he needed to

T l . . . . « Hadley slamr \ I I I I I I paco th e . Sou

. I r l r tha t departmi0 th b a s k e tb a l l v ic to ry . 1 0 8 to 55 . K en tu ck y a Kllmchock ). 2 7 , 1956 . I t s h ig h e s t O Pioneer It 9 5 6 . T h e W ild ca ts h a d batting .xham: ■tion a g a in s t th ? B ull-

___ ~ Reed Is a fo

l l i e P e p S 5 S ,- did was beat

p e d s J o bC C t l O U U W record with A

V illie P e p , w ho m ade a aw rji t , ia looking: f o r a jo b . dock, Dave i i t h e r w e i g h t ch am p io n K en Johnson, o m b o x in g W ed n esd ay (ill L e e o f th e H a r tfo rd , ~ b , ^ it. “ I t w a s m y ow n d e - W ashington ’ h e to ld L e e , a dec isipn chance a t sec( l e d u r in g a p lane rid,e ohiirieston la

C a r a c a s , V enezuela,' °yeh e h a d ’ o s t a J.O -round sho rtstop r s(

M onday night to Sonny oharllB-fleciE first baseman

dy likes to end up a loser attle . round i lost my last two fights," comers.d Pep, a veteran of 300 ring -------“b u t I thought It all out and J j Q Q p g

Ike th e old feeling I used coLLEifter knockhig an opponent Kentuckr JOJ, . a good sock to the jaw." st. Lmili 7S,

hftwk-faced former boidng , w -W n it .r who earned more then a •lldn do llars^u rlng hiJ fab- -M l^l-lw l SK l-year r h ig career broke? ffo iitD au e ^ y o f Lee, tne ohsw erls j hln tan t» -and 4 iutp0SES.JCcai _ jj ,iiu d -su t» ea rs from now, Pep stands up a check for $6(Tweek- a n annuity which becomes Petroit 4.. Me

h is .3gth..bhtbilny.^ut ■ ■ ■ ■ ■bout It. ___ . .id .a - ]o b of-some-klndr-but ■ no Idea w hat I ’m going’ to H i p I

1 wUlle,. '3 0 x108 .Is.aU Tye J _ l l | since I was IB.”

-won th e 12S-pound title an d set, records that may

e erased. He punched out ; over 234 foes, lost to 10 'j-h e ld - to -a -d n iw -o n c e .J te --------s featherw elgjit crown to tJadd]er_ii!L.iP5lL_^______ '

, , SEAlwayslever Tires SUi

.'.'".II , •

» «k

" W ebcfaster,

r r - S A V I ^

“ " Here— W'

...■ ioM -M I. : .Com:

. , iM i .T ta

' iSM DeSI'"H A H

■ • 'M M P t l ir tra c to rK - 'T -v '- '- - , V —

y o u r feed lo t c f . ’T * 'y o u r 'lo a d e r '■

o r ep rea d g rav e l C . .ovel th ro u g h bl* r A lUihChalnieni ;

in»I .. v - B b y i,’ N B d ....” ■

| H R t : ^ y ^ i l

i p . r t - T » i n F a l l i

-------,;1-------------------- ................... - l - h , . . . . ■-------------------------- -- 1 :----- '— —3----- ■ --------

. ~ t ■ * . . .____- ■ ' .............■

ite B o a rd S; liools M u s t ! [I^SG M rlixfE, Jan. 30 (/P)—A n y a th le tic compe tate-aiid-the-tlirtvei'Slty orW abo will ials of the two schools. The' sta te boa: Thursday to pass on a legislative re lools schedule a th le tic competition.----------------------------^ n o te d , in a lett

1 1 T t h e tw o house.'n c h o c k I s ■ tu r e , t h a t sue:

take more mi

s o i A s 4

I R o o k i e s addressed to tho

rO M . Jon.'so WV-At such contests be isas City rookies are going James E. Oral Itched wllh urent In terest the board, said .thlctic.i' Irnlnlns comp n t considered a t a n ,m Bench. Fla., thh .■iprinK. ed Thursday.

first bn.semaii Kont H ad - "The president id baseman Lou Kllmchock. stltutlons will be f Zeke Bella and p itcher request th a t th( Reed. menls of the twlat the otlicrs In the 16- competition in t shman squad won't get a tween tho schoc

inspection. 'n>l« q u a rte t sldemtlon to be appears to be Uie cream menU already «

op. partments and (IS the experienced o f financial resourci Normally a Ural baseman, their athletic p bly will be Riven an oppor- .jatd. “As a-resul I win an outlleld berth. H e more money wil putatlon as a power h it te r , gomo source to acquired him (rom Uie N ew athletic progran .nkees. The letter wiplayed at Denver last y e a r j. jj ,,plied a .339 bettlns average. ^ to win tho American asso - ,latting title had not Injuries S1 out of tho 54 more gam es tion pr^atog All ed to quality. ■ o r superintendeir slanuned 34 home runs to tlon who comple e Southern association In post early t t o partment. He drove in 91 • Little Rock. He was ttc - th e board as rom the Detroit Tigers. meet again the I liock burned up the c lass — ' 7 ^ter league, capturtag th e \xhamplonsMp with a 389 , PScatello. His only l i m l t a - ^ eicperience. kIs a former Texas university I . A i

who impressed M anager I Draft last (all in his sole I U th k a n s a s City. All- h e | \ ' « ■ I beat the OhlcQjo W hite \with s four-hltter.-A r ig h t - V --------- 7—he had an ordinary 10-M X

iiith Aliiany. new pltchert'Include le f t

George Brunet, Walt O rad - 3 klave Hill and righthanders ■mson, dob Davis and H arry ■ -

e Terwllllger, fonner C h i- Wub. New York Olant a n d ,«S5. W jton hiflelder, will g e t a ■ »at second base. He played a t ton last year. . 1George, a shortstop, b r in g s _____ IJ average from Pocatello. *“ ■jp Rso Slider and outfielder _ , ^-Becrest-Of-Llltle.R^li.IflBaseman Jhn McManus o f S e - | l A | | | | e 1ound out the list of n ew - I I U I I U 9 'I

- 5—— Overtip Scores ^nil 7S, St Jobn’* IS N I T B I FIniUr (HUh) M, Adinu SUU |]OUr F rii-S

Iwi SUU II, MtmpkU Sl»U t a _

D AUATEUR BASKETBALL- r K i T s s i r t w i . - - --------- T g o n e - ir iW L

nqMJU, HocKsr u a g u b l i y i t J I i ;4, , Monlretl 1 . ’ ~' — j i l l B I

E N O H r l l <


S E R V I C E F O R 0 U R (3 ]U S T Q

APPLYING 1lO D Y a n d F E r

P A R T S !e believe this will enable us ster, better service in this I kVINGSl . '

lore's a Paitiol Lisiimg -We have now— Re^dy|.B1 DODQE, front f e n d e r* '. . a 'lS M D( .Complete front end.

I Ttitn 'I t DODOE T ttU C K , front fen le r^ <

I DeSOro iwBDTOPrCaiiipIeto-»oflrnr.j-T; 'BABOTOr, rlgM sad le f t doon, t f t t qbmUi 7 . r / « W '^ T O 0 I * T r l a f t floa t f e n d e r ^

I FLIHOUTU, rlflit f n m t le n d e r . . - « e d e to - * T iJ to k |» - ^ o t t i a » - e « i to ia te ^ ■ |»dyorfeoiIe»iie«ori^im «.,,M .:,,y ., ' |.


J lp Q t l i i(imberly R o o i -


R ule ! ) Tilt's” !

. . ' |%rmpetition Between Wiirtir fe t’en n liied— H boarti of education' v? B request t h a t th e , m. But the board , le tter to leaders o f . ;1 U86.S of the legisla- such action wolild >

money th a n -vthe iw have fo r aflr- .

es passed > memorial, .the board, asking th&l ;

I be scheduled. ^ Graham, president of . f f aid the memorial was ’ ; a meeting w hich'end- r '

dents of the tw o In - ■II be Informed o f your; ' ■

the Bthletlo depart- ■s two schools sch tdu ls . . ■ h i athletic events,.be-'' E ichools wllh due con;^ IS I be given to conunlii' ■Is' ly made by th e ir de> nd commensurate , w ith ■ ources now available to lo programs," Q raham ' ita ■esult ol thls-memorlal,—' will bs needed from "Hj

to help lupport tha - a ' grams." . fcl,r was tent to U e u l ' V

Drevlow and Speaker S ise Robert D w U ttle. : i also passed a i ^ l u - i' I Alton B, Jones, fo rm -■ ;• ndent ot puWlo.lnstruo- V. mpleted 19 y ea n In the i this month. He. Is now . .1

Idaho State college.1 agreed tentaU vely-to-- the first week In March.' '■---- — .

3 s W " ' ■ J'


, I B p

H M V i I V

1 W /s j j « - |

s T a K f o i t ^

rtheHumpto Rd\t» Party! i’ B ID A .Y B A N K ;I F R E E C o c k ta i l ri.-3ali 8 - -E U I E E ^ U N D A X B gone a n d :J R a y ’B Ml Come ta -

-i;ipraER;;:,v I T O M P S ^

)Q D U S E b :^

ustoglveV ou is line ot BIG

ig of whof

rboDDte riOTtcp;!

i H i

' • ‘All

Page 10:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

1I I AiPIIOSI. 'M lPartlcltof f : :— ' l. SIUih'T'— -^

; ' ■ T D w ie rc u r » J S !S 2 S 1 ? ■

I I I . ’ l & r :' (' - ^ IP e e u lli r

T n P ..■ i r te ltn ■ , U R e m n in t i i i _ j '< I .,' ---------flf-ojnibuj.—^ f . c JY.BgyptlM l io n •*5 ■ Pf v - - ^ W o f “ 7 .- -« ;G r .le tle r ■■ ' ‘ W. Hypol hel l .M- i, I ' '!!•«?■ **■ M l to n e‘ ' ' n " « .H « r v e .t .cumtwr. to d d m tjt- i ' l f ; . JI.SuppIlc i. ' « .M o r ,g re l

‘-" ’ i! ■ > « n " ' . J l .P u t j l lc• I ' y . • ' S'S'T '*’™ "' carrier:||Ji ; f 34.Drlvu ,b b r

■ , . ’1!"“"*'^ • !J.GrallJy ^- • i i ' ' JS'I*” ,?. H G iggle

; 'I p ' : S « .co m p o il.f'"* tionforti*.f »7.Cublc

. i, I; 30.Deilrucllv« „ e t t r i , ' I L : I iDKcti

; , Iftil ' . JLOldEngllih d o w nV • dialect l .S tln g i

' ■ r" J" T T 7" r " ^ r : ■ 1 g j r -

r — -

' l l ' i' H j E l l i' * ' H'- ' 9

i i : ; ! ! ' •

1 W — W - ; ---------p j T -

; B------------------~ m w ~

- • UUrmitMtm;jj,. j' »w iiMi n mu ________

| |l : ; BOARDING HOUSI j T ■ in i l ■ i I leT 6ET •we 5TRAISWT /I n n • RiNS'S WORTH * W >ND OXFORD 1l l i l l l •! SOLDm ovouFO R »I50 ? IDOOTIH I I ». SELIEVetT/lDDNT CARE WHAT J■ I _ L ■ffl63EVlELERiAID-“ O X FO RD K ■ I ■aaEKBaStflSNTSANTA a f lU S /VM b ' - - THERE'S SOMEIHlNSA FISHVASI U I : AN AQUARIUM AROUMD H ER E/ j 11 fi . LET MB REPEAT IN CA5= rr

I p I

ill §LooD l i '

if! i’ M m| L | [ 6 N T I T ?


I t & SI t


~ f ^

] •' "It may b e , b u t I at

I .......—I ! THEGlBffS

1 - \ J ^I 8 0 W V 8 'em * \ u 5

J. — ----------K o r ' m r i v x o ----------- \i AT LAST MOW, e w e . , V^ ■ ' Me AN EXdANATlON • ' h

1 i DONALD DliCK* IN I I "i‘ i ^ ir J ~r

80,1959 ‘ --------

titof lB iaSliy|lHin lAISIO IC I^ J lW lA h ^ O R Eon«__^ M |0 |R IC I lr |A lX ltR lu lL lE | _

l«rinti I X B ' r 'buj.-------P p c 'r w gr|M |A |^ A |r |f r ty [—

- ' " " I N I ■hell- Solution of Y titorday’t Pu'tzlt

,* J .E u ro p e in lO .ExIilI ■ golden ll.O bJec lo fel " ‘o>‘ dovolion

. ’ l^o n ju n c . ,

, r J] Fall lu?*'* - JO.Ooddeii dehly M,TheI>n-

„|. 6.Shoutlnj guegeof,1, IP e x t lo . A n)trlci ,

a city 23. Small8. Negative round m*rk

' votes 25. Revolu*'N 9. Danger tiontryWar

signal genera)27. Giver. .

l7 '’« " | f IM 'i;; IJtyp.C uU ltlith •' fluid

J?“ T “ 30. Sniallrug_____ 32. Small

^ ^ ?3" invertebrateiM ' anlmalj

P* ^ Z r . 33. Sailing" veueli

-------- 34. Oar^ M __ 35. In additionB ^ 37. Born

30. Dinner courje

_________y .r- ''. • ' SD.Gazei” 39 i9 41. Useful

thing 44. Part of a V

— P w w « - — — «hwch‘^ P « 45. Hard fat

53" — P ^ r r — <8. Cereal9 **■““ *-----------^ _____ so. Female ruff

" ” 53,Outol;J .------— _ — _ prellx" 85. M euure of

i l III I tim e: abbr.■lurfi • l- io




it I s til l t h i n k I t’s a r i o t l ’’

/ I'VM 1ISTIMS ^ MXJ TOOK A--( 1-^*2**^^' CHANCE. I \ i\ Uln HAVtAUA?,fflP_®B - TO R8TURM

y s u * B . j-vcuR wmby.

K ' , ■ • ■ ■ ■■ ■ '

s • ' * '


J J ■ ■ ■ __ _ I , . 3 XlE ' 1 1' • ■ " T n S S n r - n u

Q ---------------------L i,— I = = H -co u L « ifr

I ' ' ll •' *




— ay


— “ ' 1 ' ' ^ LE

a g L

e tMMy MA atnW, kN.

"I didn’t get the raise, bul some good grocery bargains 1’


IR ----- —

- - ... 'HAMDICAPP,~1------ ------- 1 DW.

" S h e h a s la ry n g itis a n d wa: r e a d i n g I”

-siMot vou tnD 1 r o o y ju Cfcwus \ RetuRN rr, ALUivj , iNSiwuAre T

M e TO PRBSBNT • I AM e o o p 0, IT ©ACK TO WU. - -------WR.-PA'^TJ

' By

J - L , ' lilig

____ 'i;.

times^ ti;w s;ttw

By WIlXlAMs”

w dultu tA aotmevTOHrr <6 90 I eVMWlPB.l HtMWrmiHAT /


X *V c o M e e v /A h a v s s e e m a . J


J.R,waLiv.jj .H esguA v,.^,^ ,


h m ' '________________ ; - j a

rbut th e boss did tell me ab o u t

n a l ”


11 __________

Tita«»U4.nt.«( ______________C<M»>rxm«H*4.u.

w a n ts h e r h u sb an d t a u g h t l ip -


DM, Mp,aiR.I ALSO r TS. THAT THIMK VOUTie K> ONLV GOOD FORKiV y - N0THlW6^*^Eir-----------------

^ WHAT AM I ’ I, ^ r y ^ \ SAVINOT/ ,


•t h e '■ ------------- ~OK TH E b i k e ? ^


■ V ’ , , ' ’ ,

T W IN T A tE S T ID A lIO —



H 0R 5S«y(W S?f/ J-------------------

H ' ”



I ^ ^ B U L .W - ■ I^ASV PASSES I



A ■ pvnamitep Ig J . ^ o o u . , , I

Y i i m i i i

..A W T H W ’S TP U 0W 3lE Sra»<,“ ^ W 6.R\J<b6VH30 I)/V y ^‘b \T ^ ^ U S V f_^ , SEEI^i'. ATs M m

GAs r = ^0 I t ' s superfluous, un, Mr, W a l le t-h inspec ting y o u r y ^J'» , y a r d v p ^ — <

A 'L 1 «L

Y ' l^ K K K L —t B [•

y f 50«!Y rAA KEEPIh__ G VY4 AWAIfE, ELMER


u ^N . •

N W l L ^Y -




G- A n i l l l M J

N l y i i i v w

O p S T E A D ^ n j o v ^WHATS T H IS ABO

^ BOU.ETFLyl^JS/^0 7AB3UMP m s BA

J -

L |> £ h E L P .'/- ^1 7 M y H O T D O fiS , ( A R E B E A T IN 6 ,

l ^ T O A P O ^ P . ' /

s '

A V 'W S L A P 'IO U \ E


0 ^ Jm I 0 # | l | p | |


15£E SOMEONE- "H r CAN'CW rre

i p M -

I • MZ\ .

- f c


H e

__________ / ___________________________

~ I ^ u v , ew-BEW'. Itvwd m i l-----------'n ...O H .V E P vW •O U ltRS."U 3C’STVE ----------- ‘3PVR\Te>W<:

I ”

Y - " E . e ^ i - , f i t l s ^ innecessa rv i w e m u s tn 't ) \ w a i i e

P a r t i a l i t y ,

/ i ' l l 6 E T \ | fcW INK THIS,THEN------- N' VOUSOME ' WEAP FOR A WMIUEEPIN U h o t MILICI IT'LL PUT-,----------LMER, -i—- you TO (iHANiiw / •


6 " ^A B O ffO LP I 1 ISA R O C IiE r 1 1 1 ; 6A6EMENTV1 I J nWSKT!

T ' s \ _ | / ' HE'S Aa < A ^ i g y ' OLD I g o n e J > m r ^ l ^ ‘JU>IUS!!j \ OFF < / E

r HIS * ^ i

jr-IN DCEO't'CO, J - — S .TO A U .IW C nQ \ B U r A S I S E E f m f ^ PURR0SES,'lO1


/•IH E rfeU A N Y \r Y lT A U A N / .


* * •' '

— .........r - 'v .................:


n ? a

~ A

UittA. W<tfl4T3vt^«»m»r^^B^B I 1 J

THE PKE5H ASPHALT THEy'P- H lt |« r m p rivem ovek iE N R O uteto the l i B l - th iSCHOOL, WASN'T ON THI5 MAM I ^ D k r HK3HWAV. I tL CHECK AU- . B M H B

^ ^ A V E P S IP E R O W S ^ g H H B S l B g

NSl ' t ^ t ^ o s r V O bS frW H E iS “ W O m S N J O W TD U SEV O Cs\ilD W O W CHtSWvOER H5Rt^C3(S»W- P . — p u wo a e . s ' ? '

i f l t l/ - s o w '

^g.'u.g.riTcwi T 'U g B ^ ^ ^ /

^ J ^ p T K y

- S y i


-----------<r ; r v ^ s e t t in s dw owsy!rHANI«,\ A V ^* W - \ P O C ! ^ | M y ^ - -P

AKE.V-1 I—^ ao^M7W£*5TEWS*'/«TfL lK E irn THE SEVENmN-yEJR^LD RUN/ l O E ^ U f A STEP*

J D k f e S .L U P O - V o m .■ B C T T Y S U Y H A S • ^ I BOM F TJO M E T H lk jaA L U > ,:i ^ LOO

I \ C - , .=1'^ 3 3 E

f IB X W C T E P^ \ f N E V » M IN P «l/ > » ! ! ) & < a r r e s t Ti-'Tv HAS BEEN J > HOT D O G« ) S O B A D : S f IP A ID F O R 'E A \ j ^ V I T H H I A A ^ ^ F tE W W . y

v R /IN

O f l . ' N ^ P ^ y V

| c ^ g g £ > ^


!A N ^ .HEOVME OUrOFTHia.fR O M T H E ^ R ^ \W IL E ,

- F R r o A Y . J A ^ Y J--—


MMOW, l O R N A ^ M l ^ ' t e l HEED-SUCH J { n ^ f ? y - V O u |

/ ” ■------- -----------!

'i ']

m b m ^I m , THERE AMT S E B O lio 'e lpS B ^

g . ' s s s ' S g g


S I @ S F ' < ® 3

i N - m m r T w o t T !I

1H^VE r S '? H O W J w o I


\P i/lN M W

/?!, IIy 5 ^

1 ^ c f f r > 7 /A

_____________________ »1


i | 3 r » r |il J r^ s ^ T T V aft ■


_ s _ ____ ^— J i j

[ > M e f f - ^ s u R E .d a iu s . s W ' f T H O S E o ) s r ,W T H 6 |n w N l


a M \

^ f c e v V t C E J J ih f f lS B i i S B i *


A W IN T/O FFO raiW W ».


I r ~ i itiiri

Page 11:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

^ S k e t s .

* * ________________, . _ * .

i:gt()ck.s___ J i:— :— ^ i.„ to w pv-'i’bt iiJflT — — rtlf tod»y •Xl«P * f»lrly OGPKN, Jj

o f the ««k'. .100: .11 ..ootetiv*. ~ ^ ■ (vvt g

(ti?.r hcj/tiT

B tthW iem . Younjriiown m #rkot.X .P nK).=. Oian S^et-p 60; n

fi2»t Bflint or^ '/jSiBhlin. M artin company, POUTI.ANr - « J K ^ U n « n Kodak. Du Poni C.tUe fur «

WCfc*®Sn‘.l Piwr. l iI T l ^ K a e i conUnued in den,.n.l. av^r«i:e i.. h. Mint a n d WelUiilt • 'MO with i.-

. ilcpra 20..S(i-,;:'•‘ ••/t.IIm Sl«l«r m.nd Wwlins- uiiliiy n.w. i

5 « f e J i S .p o i « »>•“>• "■“'■'“J••A^ lJ^wed't'frietional nei lo#». iJiO U.. .ti>ck^ i« d wd t'prd w a* of? a fric- . rhU.«

JIoWn-'Americtin Jlowr.. chcio* at Injfana. Penwylvatiu,

•g !^ 'SoU«rn 'P«i«c. Merck iM.i »ou’. for if i fW m lc i w*re moderate Ra^.r., „>vcr ..m. v

_________________ Sh«r' f..r ■' 50-1 0(1 |,.H,.'f

m m - h t x G i ^ A t i at o VORK. .!•"• •" —

l n d u . t r i - J . J . . . .=•

l8.Tf,-17.1S; pbSt^Hlither; tedga lifUnff and ,s>ic p I.:\"ii

«iJter*d ,, , «11 rim'*SS--Loweri liquidMlon- , OaU-rLo**'’ fS}Tbe«n»-L°“" ' ’'‘*l!H?. . .IT I.OS ANCF. -S n -2 5 to M; tijp 117.

- Slaufhler ateer supply loo .j.jry,,,.,, fMcr for market m t; to p | 2fl.

' ■ — nn<l_ ciillvrn 1NEW VORK ExcHANOE '

mfWYOBK. Jon.30 (UPI>—Last aale; Hoa* »aUhlfchal 28?k 1>»WS for nmrkoi u

1 Airline* M'.'i Mont W ard 41'm shw>p nalali Sc«Smld48!|i Nal C aah 7fi%S t o S t M P Nat D airyf t& T n iu a tD l s U l l 301: OMAHA, JliTOtaceo J03 Nat OFT>sum 631# ->,mr, iwrtow

Samda . ffl'i N Y C e n t r ^ ^ a :»s-cn hiuh.r;^ f i t e d 72>'*NoAm Avia 42% n,. u.tchrr.PASP 25 North P a c «*« CaiUf 5oo;

ild-Uma ‘ MH Ohio O i l Co 43|i „«,m and heIm Wka 55 4 Pac O a s it B Oil# nljout atpady;

5 M Ava 68% P aram ount 4fi»* shccp loo:K tW l 54 J 0 P en n ey 100S S i^ r p m Penn R R 1?H

Co 32Vj Pepsi O o la CHICACn,™ M fg m i Philip Morla 621, 7f f i Dry 21' 5 Phillips Pet i\U No. 2 ami S r2fS an« 80Vj Pullma'n oHk „« Ifl.OO-U.In Cm 2C>{ Pure CHI 44« , ,,CduM# 2 hi.n<lr.-rf No,CeioUx m Ropub S W l J3U No.Certo d* P« No. 2 andQa-A Ohio 69U Safeway .19%; fOrr»ler Seara Roob j \ If,.05 ; No. 2 .foffl Cwd ^ few lota 2110U-Soiv Sou P acifia 6 ' i 3&O-4OO lb. atCaa Copper 18Vj Sporry a,«. la.GO-H.OCoaEdUoa ^ 5! > <’ottleli00;CaaUlner St Oil ln<l f,Cob OU St Oil N J I f * 1.260 lb. alau(ten Prod hi\ Sluclebal^r % commcrcCurtla-Wr m Sun M in 8 utility buIU 5Douglas AirO 5T,» Swift & Co Jl.|a m.oo-3.').00;Dupont 207V« Texna C o Ht;U 33.00 ; cuiU dEutAlrl 39U Tex GuOX Sul 2.1 i Sheop.600:EutKodak IWi Timken 47Jh 55. 11s ji,.Dec Auto L 31 » Trana Ajncr 2J*A : cull anWeBR 15?g 20th C«nt-hox 40\*j n.BO : f«*w unnrttton# Union C arb 1255, ,

Union O U 48 aUuirhtfPmibauf Tr 20»,i Union r^aciflo .'»« __Om Am Tr 33 Un A irc ra ft 6HiOtnBM Wi Unit A ir L 39 TOta Poods TJU Unit C p a ii I ^ V n iOja Motors 48 k Unit P r u l t 4Ui J C X U Jlixdrieh U a R u b b e r 40‘/,Cwdrear I3(U U 6 S in e lb 36>.', X TGt Kor HR £6 U 8 S te e l m | - | / \ t 1IMio Power 46>/4 Walgreen 4a i X X V I Ia Central MV« Warn Brofl 21>iilit Bu» Maeh 6OOU West U n io n 34% ^

40',{ West A ir B 32htTNlckel' 01% WcBt E le c 751'? i J \ ^ 0htTAT HU White Motor 7S‘,i ^biinttolk lOfiH Woolworth 54 la JEROME

■ 1 5 * '; ' ■ J2!f “ County HmSikerf “ it ' oil held lb

ASiEniCAN Ex c h a n g e fleers at aIIIWTOBK, Jan.30 ( t r p i ) —usti«l«; Lutlieron cl

Suni Em n il Tsohnlcolor Hi M rs. WIIIIBM M & 8 3411 n to li- Id a Bug 7 ,BkIi IBn I2li

were install4 I ~ mony by J

®cMVerages-L -____________________________iirer. reaHI

Comcllid br Th. A uoelatxl Pt.a ,----- . !« js IS <0 4-H club »

Ipiiiji. R>n. XIIII. Steio j e r le n c e o S i M u d c a K

)BW9 w»k«ai8.6 144.2 98.7 2Z0;2 by th e dou IUH» bw ...2».7 &0.9 ' 72.9 166.6 the cUrectiO------- rNVlSfnEI^TRUSTS '

(Friday cloainii conrta-7 E. W.•‘McRoberU and company) 6^8. n^cmb

DM Ailed school Choi15 &l«.-lBv«atort .....;;_________ -9.-16 8.M UBlN»ti. Stock seriei____ u__ __8,02 9.7fi AmingenKill. Income Seriei---------- ---fi.42 7.02 were made|WMII»-Ftin.l ---IWO. 4,nT-g-nHfK-y.lBe Line Incom._______ _li.M fi.40 ^CTS-WlthKmton* B s___________ 16.41) 17.00 0* rcglfitriKmtone H4 ....... .............. 3<i.<7 11.41 Barrymorefmtona K1... ............. ...... H.67 10.44 vonside civ^mtona K2------------------ 13.56 H,7BK»T«ona K2 _________ 32.4(1 U.W SagCS, ElG(x»TMon* M ___________ 34.84 I6.fi5 gmm ; Fall

w ----------------- 11.C5 .11,71 P leasant PP»dUD Fund ......... .........12.84 1.V89 m‘ „_ . „ „ f"ion and Howard UAL____ 2.1.48 28,11 “pns. oMMion and Howard Stock „ 2 ,61) J.V.13 nlea lOr PTWffUlon lllectfonici , 14.06 18.S2 MrS, AgU

Jaycee Speaker XdT‘lBuhl, Jon. 30r-R eea Mauglion, t»wel» »>ac

west tpeaker at UTe B u h l Junior members.of Com m erce mc6tlns AU clubs

™ ^ y evenliii( In th e C iv ic rooms, cll weroiep W of his experiences a s a secreK Sugar Loal |W66. member a sa lg n e d to Ihe attended. £ ™le House. present. 'Don Roberta was e le c te d chalnuan —

i w ' t«n-asB ro d e o , .w hich_____ Tw“ Wasored by Uie J a y c e e s . Various J I i S ™ B l v t n a t t h e mectlns <,„o.sHO !Sfn. S '" Crawford, p re s td e n t. ap-

Dean Watson, D e a n Joslln Ml Robert Erb to ^ s e r v e on ihe “ “S , «°°toUng com m ltte^T_________

' ~ special send eta il ship servlci

NKW YORK, Jan. 3 0 (UFD- Featured f- W ufcner and his the Rev. I

2 ! ? ™ lor yesterday’s luncheon the Rev. B Inrn i!I! ^Wntlne P re s id e n t Ar- ley; Dr. I I;™ were s l ig h t ly cmbar- secretary o:‘w a when Prondlzl noticed the and Cheste '^ent^necoatof B r m ro r i the Menu ecutlve-seo: y W nted upside d o w n . tjst conven

T^yin Falls Mai, u m xo o Lij.i",.~ — ------------ — ;;!'SS:ii'»S SS: J i n :j jg 'b and Culten_________ lisioo^uiooV»»l ----------- --------- ------_.l20.00.2l.fi04BiU----- ------------------------I26.00-J1.00 Wbe«t

" i t J n '------------------------- “ l»"' 0'*'»«;iiEiA===iii:ssfc'3 r ± z z ; :jij:j5

180.51ft . Qr«at Norlhi!”•'------------------ . (17 dMiln

: z z r z r z : ll:!S “T J’a

>.!' Smill Rmi fA lU, ,( l dHim

, ib

, • n o r ^ ‘

i f

--------------- 1------------ - —

5 AND FIN._ * ..... *____ * I ★

LlYestock . HOCDEH' CHieXITb.

KN, Jan. 30 i;P)—(USDAV—Cattle held barely .11 Hooker* anil fc«<ler» nominally of the time i ; ffw ifiKxi til>5-736 lb. feeder ateera but other gr T.TOf conmioiT to nietijum. 21.UIK were unaD 1 few nihlimn to good (i0&.704 lb. Dealinv *

ITcifcm J,i m h» Jfli-about- -tn»inlv nf f ■i. jlcciLjaiYCi JtuwSavkTE

and rwl whe,I iu ; no irrivala up to noon to Uat peartd to be

Carlot ruoeP 60; no irtt of market early. ealimalni at:

--------- 45. rye 1. btrOKTLAND Whi-at finia

TI.AND, Jan. 30 (IM’I)-(USDA)— March 1.97\fur wrok 2.076. low i») average old»Ui»e ctjmtl.Hio-i.t.'.o I),. fc<l .tecra 2&60: March

e i<> hiirh cboii-r l.:m lli. ateera March l.;i5.\vith 1.’ hou«l 1.401 Ibii. 7.7 : Bood ^ lower, Mar ■IdM'-r. 'i and .undard -i5.50.2ti.60; ctiw. !:.iik-lil.50; canner* and cut-.5t>-lfi.Su; fow and choice 600- CHICAdO,■ •tucker and feeder ilceri 26.00- k Ho* hardrhU.. for week U80: Rood and 2.04'•■: No. ]

\cal«Ti 2y.OO-36.O0; aUndnrd 24.00- No. 'i ytliow 1.20; No. 4

I for y,i k 2.075: butchera 60-75 yellow l.uT',»..»» urak to .ft lower; No. I and whilehtT» I.* :s-l'J.oo late; mixed Krade No. 3 white 6D\-70P for ttivk 2,.12ft: alauubler iamba 69‘-i- No a.

li'Hf'r, ,-hoii-p wooW jhorn closed SoyUan oilitiio.1 Ro<{ rhoke under 110 Harlr> nia

.fti'-l'idu Uir, owM 4.0O-MO. I.UO-I.IO.

DKSVKK (i:VKU. Jan. .lu , 4 '^ (USDA)-Cittle CHICAGO,

JJ: noniitial. Hhltm. fully J.S hiirher;, mixed US Wheatto Imrrowa and jrilta 190-240 Ibau Mar ...... 1.97.IS; packag* No. 2 aowi S22 Iba. May ...... 1.0,

July ......\.<P enllre aiiirply bnuBht to ar- Sept .... j.K.ill rluiir* nominal. Dec . l.><!

• ......... Corn (old i1.08 ANnKl.E.S Mar . l.l

ANCF.I.HS, J*n. 30 lUPI-FSMN)— Corn (new)KiiljiWc .l.'iO : irvullnt; confined to'iew Mar .......1.1nni coikK. little c>iniiue<l from earlier Mny ...... l.l•<-<‘k; fi‘w utility IU.n().'2n;60; cnnftcra July .... 1.1illvm M,00-l0.fM); othcra counted in Sei'l ...1-1

Hiipply lartoly being pul away Oatainduy »»lc. - - Mar ..........f.» »aliihl(* none; n«>t enouah offered May ..........tiirkoi iput; nonjInaJ. July ..........8'P nalulile none ; nominal 8oi>l ..........6

---------- Rye■ OMAHA Mar ......

MIA, Jan. .10 (USDA)—Hoffa May ....... l.nIwrtowi and gilts and lowj tnoiUy J«iy-----1-

bik'hi'r; No. I 1o 3 itradea 190-240 Sept..----1.2tchrr'* lfi.fiO.17.2S: bow» 13.25-14.B0.Jc 600; calveti 100; not enough fed and heifcm to teal ; alauirhter cowa KANSAS ( atpady; iitlUty cow# 17.B0-18.60., c*«; unchan

T lOU; not enough offered to t«at. and dtric ba--------- No. 2 red 1.0'

CHICAOO Corn 177 ciCACn. Jan. 30 (/JV-(USDA)—Hoga centi. No. ;

momly biirher (ft\ butch*ra <1.1H.30N;and S mixetj grade 200-230 lb, hutcH- '< No..00-U.5ll; aeveral Iota mixed No. Oata 2 car

? 160-220 lb*. 16.r.O-16.76; and few 64-70cN:No. ■d No. I to 3 1!>0-21A Iba. 16.76-17.00; Milo maiae •ta No. 1 thwe weighU alio 17.00; Kafir Jl.Oi

and mixed graiie 240-270 Iba. Ry* H-26-1 fi.OO; few No. 2 around 230-240 Iba. Barley Sl.( No. 2 and 8 280-310 ll»a. 16.00-18.60; Boybeana t

ita 2110 Il)«. alao 16.60; mixed grade B* n 139.0 1) ib. smi W.OO-U.60: moat 426-660 Shorti |40. I-OO-K.OO. _ _ _le BOO; calvea 100; not enough for teat; few loU good to choice 1,080- b. alftuihtor ateera 25.60-20.00; utlHtr Jl 0 I d :>mmcrctal cowa Ifl O.21.60; cannerauti«>-» 16.00-10.50; few cutter and ___bulls 21,00-24.60 ; bulk good vealera

l.'i.OO; uilllty and atandard 22.00- ,« •„« * culla down t« Ifi.OO. IDAHO F,

>p- 600; icattcred lota good and choice ^ U p p e r lb. woolod alftughter lamba 18.00-

cull and utility grades moatly 14.00- ^Offerings f«*tf under 80 lb. utility up to 18.80; ateady.

rhoice 125 lb. wooled lambs 17.26; USilaughter eweii 6.60-7.60. minimum au

_________________ 100 lb. aackl.JW-2.10; 20

A 2.10.2,:i0 ; . HOrome Areas

10 ib. lackr . . • ! - - aaok meah Ilom eLouncil ^. bulk cwt. at

5eats LeadersiiOME, Jon. 30 — The Jerome .ty Home Demdiislratlon (jdun- chioago,lid Its annual Installation of of- Jf"i a t a meeting a t the St. Paul’s 5;™“;ran church parlor, Truk ..Ins. William Diehl, vice president, ” 1"Mrs. J. B. Webster, secretary. ri,V,%.iie, iinstalled In a candlelight cere- sir« i >ah

by Mrs. M arie Snyder, past

and Mrs. Del Houston, tre a s ' Uk , reaffirmed th e ir obligations, rumi Burbi

an Ulrich, Canadian club week, told about her ex-, Viwnces while visiting Canada..... : Twck miI«deal selections'were presented le double mixed quartet under t s | Irectlon of D avid GreU, Jerome (oniu wWu school-and-by- Darleno-York, jielln*-ttoli«_

n Mlldren, and Ricky Saund- members of th e Junior high m . foii<n >1 chorus. providwl bys. Ray Fyke gave a reading In ■. ''Qettlng B eady ior Olub."»>7. t i 'angements for the meeting made by the various club mem- “ •™'‘ Tvith-Appleton-club-ln-charge- - ■cglstratlon and door prizes; rmore club, arrangements: Can- P u f 4 de club, Installation and cor- J j l l l l

Eldorado H elih ts club, pro- [ _ _ _ _ ; Falls Olty club, InvltatlonB; a n t Plains club, table decora- oiiicago. : and West H u n t club, "Pen- sinde d.iile for Friendship." n 'iliT ’- r *s. Agnes Hunit,'ejctensloh home t, was presented a corsage ^rom ,con h 'A: < ouncll. Mrs. Evelyn,Sparks re- »;Joui M a d a set of embroidered dish s made bjr th e Appleton cIuB l^nUnU az bers. —clubs affiliated with the coun- yob

:ro represented and guests from ,j „t r Loaf and O olden Rod clubs Uireh losji ded. Beventy-two women were, oci. ih.ob :

. i/eriuicAtAWool tops

------ -------------------- 1.6 cenla.'t

- Jubilee-Sefr-- ‘E ^OSHONE, Jan . 3(>-Baptl8t Ju- ' “■“ '‘ •J!: advance m eetings ore planned i- •

larch 1-16 a t th e local church. r o g f l Q meetings will be Irom 7:15 to ®-p;m ;-durlng—th e —week—w ith -------M aal services a t th e regular wor- service hours on Sunday. BOISE, iturcd speakers will bo pastors, called "Utl Rev. Prank H arris, Oastleford; govern the Rev. Fred Higginbotham, Bur- nffalrs of 1 Dr. Harry Coulter, executive toenintroi tary of the tr l-s ta te convention, try and lal Chester N orthrop, associate ex- purposes o ve-jecretary-of the-Idabo Bap- nnteo dem :onventlon. Labor ur

. - t file wjth t ‘ : labor copli

m v k e is -.................................................... Itlesrlncori

POTATOES ■ ■ ■ , , „ ary schedi'It ......“u rtsm e ^m dHlin qnoud)

.aPreliir ^ n ■ I Z ! H .........‘ K 6 p (

, No. 1 _ _ ! - - ! ! ! ------------- :»■•» p i 'w by

i t t r m „ — M.W S w m p

& r r i _ —t o f i " ' ! - - — --.11 .00 P""!'

d v r s = = ^ , . . ” S S r '!-----------M.H.«U 1« *n u m m

------------------------ ---- - loili-por-i' ( t iv a ro u L M t . i„ in | ,m«i

w tiiijoiiy.

. J kTKab, J » n . JO U 1 _ W h t . t .n d r y . JEROMET■arely akHjv* previous clo»«» 'm o * t ^ ^ 0 f t la rg e n e tim e t .n U y on the bi«ird Of t r a d e f i r s t p r lz e I n

her_ i?y tin .i_»n iL iflxbL A ni i f u c c a l lx - th e — W th— ft jn a ti f r a c tio n a lower. ^ . *v,inga a u a in were very aK>w a n d S ponso rC a .Ul -iif f> »i>»culalive n a tu re . A lthough B P W . nyia-lajiuiht^ iiiUHliLbiuneliuit-'ixaTd: d w hem . th e effect in the p it ai»- cjAMnH n ln r i to be l im itw l 10 lif tin g of hetlgea. SCCOnd plaC I

Jt reoeiiJU in Cbicag/a today w ere D U rfC e, W e n .ttl a t ; w h e a t 2 cara, corn 1U4. o a ta ' p a jU sd b y hC

hi.b„, •n'W Pto,1 . 9 7 \ ; co rn M arch a n d J c a n e t t*

e c u n ira . t l . l ,!V :^ o a U low er, a n o c c o rd lo rtiiiivt'tl : ry e nnphanBcil to h ic h e r . HonO raW O

l.;i5 '^K->t. iMiybeana unchanit«*d lo ^r, M arch 2AHU. quartCt COm]

— bins, SusanC A S H CHAIN and Helen D

-A(iO . J « n . so w l»,-W heat N o. 1 w o r v n n r thard J 04 t. ; No. ■ yellovr h a rd ^ ^ 7No. K yollow h«r.l l.liK’S . lU)rn WOn flr.St pWl

yellow 1 l iH ^ ; No, i yelloi^ 1 1 5 ', - w i th an CXl

Vll"," ‘ ‘ placo went tI.'i I ' I - 1 ,1 Data No. 1 heavy *. N „ . I h«*uvy w hile : ^ ^ 8 a .COnt

heavy w h ite ; No. extra h^^avy WBS WOn b y 6l)='t-7fl‘* . N o. 2 e x tra heavy w*hlie b a n d In c lu d

,‘r"j'rbid, O'm a k in g choice 1.20-1.35; fe « l B e h im lll .

lO. P r iz e s w e;

JAGO, J - in . 30 n io n d S u i teH ig h Low Cloae I’r Cloae g a v e th e a d

thanked tho;..... l - 9 - \ 1 .9 7 ^ 1.97%...... l.W 1.94.\, 1,05 1.94>4 eVLlU..... \-<t Mrs. Suite:.,., i .H 4 \ i > 5 \ i . n 4 ^ OS m a s te r c

1.«9>, i.« 0’ a i.«0% tr o d u c e d th .

1.14 1 .13 '; 1 .1 3 \ 1.14 A lvvorth . T w (new ) sthBer, Weni

....... I 14*;>-i ! . i : ! \ 1 .1 4 'v h e r d . J e ro m i

...... l.lfi-lv l.U > i 1.141, i . i .sv ,. . i .i:r^ * I .15S 1.16'j i.iii>H M o n ey ra l,....1.14 1.13'!, i . i . i \ 1.14 f ro m th e e a

will be glvei’liSu

........fii-t* .61% ^ 1'* .a \\ time In Ma,

........6214 .615; “:>p, _

Erif! !% iS ii: Legi.......1.22 1.21% 1.22 1.22

K A N S A S CITYiSA S C IT Y , Jan . 21) W - W h e a l 1.17 HB82 (Ilem unch an g ed to V, low er. No. 2 h a rd 2 per cent th e trk h a rd l.O fiU ; No. (t l.a2.2.27*^J. ®1red l.UiP/j-l.OOVj. No. 8 tU U '. , .1.0 « i.j. *I 177 c a ra ; N unchanged to down lU

No. 2 w h ite I1.2B-1.SIN; N o. ;i

■T.‘J'“irin"nV '”.K"(<!o°u": 2 « r a ; N u n ch an g ed ; No. 2 w h ile Providing fo r N : No. .<? 62-60cN.■ maixe $2.02.,r J1.0& -2.07N. driverII .2 6 -1 .3 2 ‘.„N . J . '

Ijy JJ 04 offense to obt(2.1B -2,18»iN ,

» 139,00-39,71, if ,,' T

' ■ I affair* of lab

otatoes-Onions 3S “°”“HOOO (Sno^«

' ■ n e id )—EmpowID A H O F A L L S ' to .cquiro /ac

HO F A L L S . J . n . 80 (U P)—P o U - p o n d lilrlcU .U p m r v » n .y . Tw in F .U i, B u rl« » HBOl (Ch«tl

I ; th a t lease o r irings f a l r i fa i r w ir* inquiry ; f a i r Indigent *lck iateady. election,leu US 1 nioatly a ite A 1 or 4 ox. HB92 (Lenum aack ed cw t. w ashed fob m a r k e t on .teach. aack 10-20 per cen t 10 ox. la rg e r , I p 0 3 (PotV10; 20-30 . p e r cen t 10 oi. la r g e r vlding for sLa;ifl:.H0-.4O p e r re n t 10 o». la rg e r on frealj peril4 0 ; \ a k « ‘n i m oitly m ixed cara. 6-14 HBM (R cv0-2;S0,t 10-12 01. m inim um 2,66-2:75; Vldlng t h a t t

sack m e a h baled 2.76-2.00; 10 Ih. o f tnau ran ceTieah lo o se 2.130-2.76 j U S 2 m oaU y o f flJLOthernin lm um 1.15-1.26. (8tAe, to g r o w e r s : T rad in g lig h t! m a a e ts aU tu tio n o l Clwt. a t g ro w e r s ’ celU ra to ba w aah ed ® It baaia U S 1 ! o r 4 o». m in im um ‘*J»0 <J“dl- 60 J U S 2 m ostly 6 ou m inlm Bm ooun'J' survey.


OAOO. J . n . 80 lU P I) - P o U t a . „ | m M pro.nd new ) : T o t^ l U. S. shipm ents 672; b a s l r ^Is lO lj t r a c k 228: su pp lies m o d e raU ; H B ^ A u t l d m o d e m t* ; m ark e t f irm .:k sales <400 lbs. US lA unless o th e rs HB4& ~Pems ta te d ) : I<J*bo ru sse ts a.60-S.6Z^^ ; 5ervlc« to a l l

8.80 : M ln n eao to a -N o rth D ako ta Red HB34—P robA lley T o n tU c s 2 .0 0 w 2.40. soliool t n u t ee t a a le s ; Idaho ru sse ts 8.&S-4.00; HB44—P ern

4.25-4.BO; W onU na n m e t b a k e rs giou qjColosado i« d -M c C lu r ttj . i.OO: U ln n e - m un ic ip a l eco r th - D a k o t* —H e d -f lv e r -^ a l le r—P on-------HBS7—PTOVi.60-3.00; W isconsin rou n d reds 2 .7 6 ; o f fo r t

B u rb sn k ii 2.76-3.00 J S ebajos 2.15- n e a r or ad jacred S e h a jro i 2.15. velopod fo r ;m s: S u p p lie s lig h t] demand a lo w ; H B 2 S - ^ q it B llghtJy w eaker. have b o th r l:k s a le s : N o n e reported. w here re a r vlet' aa le 's : Colorado ~ yellow B p ah lsh H B 32-P rov7)5; Id ab o -O reg o n yellow S p a n ish b e m ade a p76: w h i te g lobe m edium s 7.00: Call- iQ g .tltlo to fw h lu v lo b * mediuina 7.00; m id w e st haa o r clalm iglobe m e d iu m i 2»7ara.Qfl^_............. -P r

•--------- adjacent terF U T U R E S trlctB.

fo l lo w in s fu tu r ia quotation* a r e p .ed by E . W . M cRoberU and com - T w I n F a J I s .- S B S -T o p

O nions cloaure o f p:UT. I-IS k id . o U .t« l « t 1.651 n o m 1 .

H llh Lo«. 01» ..' C .T ...................2.6S 2.38 ! . l i l . U a B B IJ -A u tl

^ _ 1 , 6 0 _ a sk e d , no aale

I S B I J - A u t l, . . 1 r i enforccc

lutter and Jbggsflee rs Im m u i

■ .......... » under laws JCHICAGO In tJ

CAGO, J a n . 80 (U P I) - C h e e se : eB30 (C o t d aisies a n d longhorns ; p ro c - _ in c rc M ln Bloaf 86-87 ; ^ i s s g r a d t_ A 4 7 ^ 0 ; gala^TmlS

! J r H 7 5 ; W ( f ^ . T i te a d y i S3 a n d 02 ” e B 3i^*/cS67>4 ; 00 . c o r e 66 % : 8V score 6 6 i^ : - m c r e ia ln B“ V,: , ce«mtery mas 9,000 c a s e s ; s te a d y ; w hite a n d . gQ 32 ( f i i

la rg e e x t r a s . 84V^ :.-tnedlum B 8 3 ; , - 1, u n d e rJiU 8 2 ^ ; d ir t ie s 31> ^i cheeks 80^^. of flsli

----------- — ----------------------- 8B33 (W<WOOL llcento fee

V YORK, Jtfn. 80 (;P)—Wool futures P.SOO..4 o f A c e n t to 1.8 c e o ts .h ig h e r ; SB3i (A g ri109 JD : M a y I12.1B; Ju ly 113.00: rcgiUatlng oc

H.OD; D e c . U 4 .6U ; M arch U4.&B. BpraylQg.ifie a ted w o o l spo t 108.5B. ABM ( 8 t« tli tops f u t u r e s closed ^ o f a c e n t to cban te t r a d eents. h l f f h e r : M arch 1I2.6B: H a y 6B34 (S ^:: Jiily 146.4D{ O c t 148.0d; D ec. m ethod o f oiI............ ............................................................. .ten r. m a ln taIflca ted a p o t wool to p s H I.5N * oB37 (W et3id! N -N o m in s l) m u la fo r th (

. ------------------------------- a l fo rest f u n

gislature Gets s ? ® Idaho-U iiion^Bm iS

BB40 (PuUSE, J a n . 30 (UPI) — A so- hnltb l-tla l 1 " little Kennedy-lves" blU to to "mU or I ■n the ,conduct of .th e y n te m a l “ bV u b m ! rs of la b o r unions In Idaho h as a>fmtyi-Pi Introduced by the house Indus- Uon oi iobb; nd lab o r committee. One o l th e , <P“ ises of th e measiue Is to g u ar- nm,la o mI dem ocracy In-unions; ’.....— m ontiu.-":lor u n io n s would be required to , BWJ.jWjr »|th th e s ta te commlsslqner o t jSeaUmnSe

copies o f . their constitutions b b 44 if t« jylaws a n d an annual financial inn »t»mp n t, show ing assets and UabU- m iiiuiH nB Income EDd'dlsliurse&ientBrssl* i l l l lS l i t B chedules'and any other ills- B n U H f l Iments t o officers and employes;

eliminary Tests :eported^tt^«llsBllmlnary tests have been ci)m- ' d by t h e city on the .Johnson In S o u th Park, Indicating thel will p u m p 3S0 gallons yer m ln - WITI

Is Is le ss thnn 'h ad beeti aritlo- d, and le ss tlian the canal .com-,

has pum ped frdm the w ell'In . ner m o n th s ... . ' A s k Veper d rillin g of the well fo r b l­ed « ap M lty U being considered. ’ ^ I ' well ftt th e filte r plant, '«Lio

d th is w ln te f, produoed 480 gal- “ ■ per- m inu te , quality twUi a re T w i n r [ .m«de on v i'ls f fro'n both _ , jp l t7 ;M a n M 0 iL J .J l .^

........... .........................................

m ers T o ld ^' A - « D A L L A S i lr A m ateurs

________________________ n e s t a I n t h e l“f ”' o | !T 1 e o n s a n d lo cj e n ts _hlio w\JBrJaTrr30^Simm^-GiUe5; — Then Uiey •gene Gratzer, Wendell, won, the ir floclt o te In the junior division at; After fIve-( h—ftnnuftl --tttttrttettr—5ho ^ • - 13 feot -upr-bl id .this week by ihe Jerome ; .on© of the p

j of eggs. ft — Now-Uie-<

place was won by Sandra, T o see wimt-W e n d e l l . w h o .sn n g . n c c o m - ____

)y h e r b r o U i c r . B u d D u r f e e . • !l a c e . . w i n n e r s w e r e M a r i l y n l - l Q i | p t n e t t e R y d a l c h , w h o p l a y e d r d i o n d u e t . ^a b l e m e n l l o n w e n t t o a p l r l c o m p o s e d o f R o b e r t 4\ R o b - V J l t t l l i j s a n C o u p e . R o l a D a r l i n g en Davis, ^and Bob MoNonly, Buhl, i l O T

t prize In the .M-iiior division rr s tt r v i, 1 exhibition dniicf. Second snt to Kathlcpii Clark who contraUo solo. Third ploce r, by -T he Bell),ops.:’ a boys icludlng Bruco Thomason, M»win,1, O ene Behu.,,., Oar>.

were pie.semed by Mrs,Gox. -presldonl' Mrs Ray- ‘I V ’" ""h Suiter. Bcnernl chairman, e address of welcome and ' those Who helped with tire

Suiter Introd.iced Kay Clark ha^ 'nlived^I. ^ r of ceremonie.s. who In- ‘i th e Judses, Mrs, Frankie .T w in FnlLs. Mrs, H , P . Hoi- ,Wendell, and C,R.N.

t raised from this show and S i™w sale of homemade candy given a-s n, scholarshl|i to a “« senior girl at graduation

c i a l , w i t h p r o----------------------------------- I t h e M a r c h c

‘gislativeLogW urst. Mrs. C ry O’Orowley

in t r o d u c e d In I ln u ia n r(H e n ao n a n d K jin ir le r^ -M ftk ln g t r , f h n II

i t t h e m a x im u m in ip r r a t on l«>an» LnC i t00 a n d 1*^ p e r c en t o n a m o u n ts M a u d C T h a m0 lo »1.0«0. m usical garaeK a n a e n ; ( ra rd n f r , I lraaaey , P o tv in , _ _ _R ic h )— P ro v id in g for c r e a t i o n o f » c o u n c il . 1 T( C o u n t ie s a n d M im ic l p a l i t l e a l - . I J i P K I .

r f o r le v y in g o f n<l v a lo re m ta*

’■HJff«)”^Provlding demerit sya- 5 4 * D ld r iv e r s . v -a.j j

( S ta t e A f f a i r a ) — M a k in g I t an J a c k L G r

Jm t-of-Tw ln(V.nd«iib.r. .nd .si.bhini)—n.- Friday mornl i.n I.W- a h ea rt attacy u r m r i ™ . ," ”' ’- ' '" '" '* " '’'' W . Onthar

( S t a t e A ifn ir s ) • l‘r«v i< ilng fo r N e b r . , O c t . Jo n a n d g o v e rn m e n t o f a u d i to r iu m T w i n F a l l s S(

(Snow. Brock.. H.mW.,i, Wp...!.,m p o w e r in g p o w er u m im ia iiio n c ra U n i v e r s i t y , V\■e f a c i l i t i e s o u tiid a h o iin d a r ic a o f M r . O r a h a

(Chl'tburn wd H.nilyj-rroviainB *’*'® Coloradc e o r BOile of a county fioflpiia.1 fo r ^ E S a s s l s t a n s ic k m a y b e approved a t a spcciai D e n v e r f o r :

{ L o n a g h e n ) — E lim in a t in g EO-dayte a c h e rs * acctim ulaic.1 a ick le av e . " O . ' f

( P o t v l a a n d V a n d c n b e r g ) - I % : v e r r W s m o t t»r s t a m p in g o f <iat« o f p a c k a g in g h a m , T w l n i

p e r i s h a b l s food. r tn n n l r )( R e v e n u e o n d tA x n t lo n ) — P r o - ^ , 7 i ? ’

h a t t h e t a x o n g ro ss p r e m l u m e s u i , M r s . P r e ia n c e c o m p a n i e s s h a l l b e I n l i e u F u n e r a l a nL her t a x e s o n in c o m e . n n n n r p d h v 1(S tA to a f f a l r e ) - P r o v l d l n a c o n - h o u n c e a o y

ja l c b o n g e t o a llo w s h o r i f f f l t o -------------TRB o f f o i ^ y e a r s I n s t e a d o f tw o . a • i *( J u d i c i a r y ) — m im ln a tin K o f f i c e o f A | t * | 1 t 1 Au r v e y o r f ro m th e c o n a t l t u t lo n . x X l l U l l v .

P a a a e d by H o o te - p k

. ( J u d i c l a r y j - P r o v i d i n g p r o c c ln r e P r Q f fm e ra t o bo c a lle d a s w ltn e a a e a in O

p r o c e e d in g s o n a n i n t e n i t s t e p r e v l e w

-Authorizlns dUes to tajuo serylCB f3 f i n a n c e f lo o d c o n t r o l . c i t i e s t o H a- P e r m i t t i n g c i t i e s t o e r t e n d c iv i l t a i n m e n t b lto a l l m u n i c i p a l d e p a r t m e n t s . n„ v a - P r o h l b l U n g w r i t e - i n > -o tes I nn u t e e s e l e c U o n s . f o r 7 : 3 0 P .- P e r m l t t l n r c l t l c a t o a d o p t p e n - R o u n d U P r c

w e l l a s r e t i r e m e n t p l a n s f o r u ^ f a i a l e m p l o y e s . • — -— — — -= P r o v i d I ^ a n e w c l a s s i f i c a t i o n ^ S p o n s o r i n gf o r a s s e s s m e n t p u r p o s e s ! L a n d A m e r i c a n A J

a d j a c e n t t o c i t i e s a n d b e i n g d e - a l n h a A i r l i tf o r r e s i d e n t i a l p m p o s e s o n ly . „

- S q u i r i n g m o t o r v e h i c l e s t o P € t t r a v e l Qi tb r i g h t a n d l e f t h a n d m i r r o r s t h r e e a l r l lH Be a r v i e w la o b s t r u c t e d . » « n r - o f ~ f i l x -

weelr, conclu»to property in which the state local appearclaims rights. Invltatlom -■Providing for nnnt»Tfitlnn n f t territory to good roada dljj-

T r a v e l s , a c c (P a s s e d , b y S e n a t e S E R V E S 1

T o p r o v i d e a m e t h o d f o r f o r e - . P i t i E R , J f o f p r i o r m o r tg a g c a o r l i e n s o n t h e w s . B o n o r

- A u t h o r i z i n g u s e o f f a c s i m i l e r o u t e 2 . F i l e r e s o f p u b l i c o f f i c i a l s o n p u b l i c d e s t r o y e r I

SithoriBlng the department of ‘Wjth—the-U’orccmeat to require additional Medlterranei>r renewal of chlropratlcllccnsea. '{ J u d i c i a r y ) — M a k in g p u b l i c o f - ,

n m u n e f r o m l i a b i l i t y f o r a c t i o n s , S B 4 5 ( S ta t if tw s l a t « r d e c l a r e d I n v a l i d . ^ o w f u l f o r ^

I n t r o d u c e d I n S e n a t e p r w j t i c e ;( C o u n U e s a n d M u n i c i p a l i t i e s ) e J M 3 '( f l t a t «

i s l n g f r o m - $9,500 t o 16,500 t h e o o n g r e s s toI m l t s f o r c o u n t y s h e r i f f s , c l e r k s , t a n g i b l e p r o p 8 , t r e a s u r e r s . a n d p r o t o t e . l u d g e g , . , d e n K j n n d _ r e. ( C o u n t i e s a n d M u n i c i p a i u r c a ) n u a l l y 1 p e r <l a ln g t h e t a x le v y l i m i t l o r o f s u c h fn v e iy m a l n t « n a n c e . 8 J R 3 ( S ta1 (Plflh and Oamel—Permitting consUtutlona Oder certain conditions, of all for the non 1 fish raised In private ponds. bate Judges.

(WetherelD-Increase • annual- - 8JR6 feedfee for lawyer from |25 to ShiMhone, Pi

stltutlonal a(Agrlculture)-^vlslng the oode state’s bonden^ commercial crop dusting and tho assessed

lion dollars.(State »ifairs)—Exempting mer- S0R4 (Baritrade stock from taxation. appointment( 8 t ^ Affairsj-Obanging the study Jurisdlof annexing territory to a ceme« an<l police oc

Untaancft_dl«trlot, _ _ _ alBO ftdrtsabi;(Wetherell)—Setting u p 'a for- peal of the y

)r the apportionment of nation- n e it'funds, .(Hecbtner)^^ttlng dat«s for ^ SB5—To I t

elections in Lewiston sohool dls-(Warren)—Reauiring the nubile lleenses nM»mmlaeloo-to-pree«rlbo-ll|ht-- ' . ■ ■ulations for the rear of trains. ■ ■ m

J Public welfare and public m m rlaklng It a felony for anyone ■ ■ ■ 1 1

1 or borter any child for adop- ■ ■ Wmfor any other pupoee." ■ *(Dwlow, Daniel, Cooper, Donart, •^j-^Rr^jdlng -lor the regiatra- G O(Daniel)—Allowing banks-with-'nilea of any adjoining state to Dy o n Bftturdayi during ■ununer ^

(W«nen, Buxton. Naegle)—Plao*« employes under the unemploy- W O lO iompftnaatloa.l&y>j--------------- 1_ ------(PredArlckien)-ReQUlrlDg trad- _ S « H pp roderoption oentere. - • .



A i k for, o u r H it o f iq tlifW d

s k Y o u r F e e ^ D e a l e r t o S u p p l y Y o i

S I b b e S e e d & F e

In F o l l i / Idaho ........ ■ - . I- .''BKaiBTElitlD IN THB BTATB 01

W E S ^ W S . TW IN ^FSH S:

' . • , i ' ^

Pighens Gran*A si Tex., Jan . 30 I.I'-M r. ; A j s. Cecil CoUlns built some j i \ 8 1 1 their barn Ipft for pig- ] i3TooE$3~torwnTd~T7r*Ttnr r H llen they would have .squab ‘ hiUve comm;ifc^laatiU alile---------------Uieyftmnd'TrTOostf r -from • hr-resolutlon- ock of chicken.s mlssinc. ; tiw for traffl five-days they found him. ; ins of the Oi

uprbllUng-and-CQoiuti.M Lh-. Frank-JQm the pigeons in a nojst full , In the ahser

reported theUie-ColUxise^oie. waiting. ! line-a-xeaol]ffimt liatches.------ -------------^ghw flV de

I turn at the miles west of

l e y . Ai-ea’s Z X lJ a double wt

a i i g e O kays “ vn,°"°, n Kurl And!

ew M em bersmeeting-of the Upper Big ,iver Qrange. Tliey are Mrs. ’

Beecher, Glenn Overturt, ^arllh and Theodore Divine. A . J pilenn Rice, home ecoiumiics X ilU Cce, urged members tn enter b u RLEY, nnal O range sewlni! contesl fonnerly ofited out th a t Grniiiie mem- pointed ogrlc I sponsor anyone who wishes ),o educa and does not belong to the control and'on- _ , county. He i

Id Mrs. 0. L. Tliomp.son, who ^ ived to T he Dalle. , Ore , re- Hopkins,a demit by leller. gardunted' f «.sslon was held on the i» s- ;vi,er,

ot having a baiemeiit be- ne Orange hall, w yjj1 Wurst, James Eakin and shennan Ne Stewart were appointed by j jJohn Dre-xlcr lo Investigate --------

lers voted to hold a box so- ,h proceeds to bo donated to rch of Dimes and cancer 3rangers mny bring guests. . nlsh-lunches for them. Mrs. “ ‘• Mrs. O verturf and Mrs. H ar- th e Iftv owley were named commit- the project. YOU a r t ne literary program Mrs. ^ rhanun gave a reading. Two giunes were played. * __________________ V How

^ .G raham , I/Mr. , Dies of Attack gV."L. Graham. 64, former resl- v your 4^1n-Palla. died In his sleep morning a t Denver, Colo,, ol attack. . ' '

intham was bom In Fremont. V Fronl Oct. 16, 1004. He attended v Bette alls schools and received his ree from George Washington Ity, Washington, D. 0. ^ 3rabam was a member of lorado Bor association and on slstant d istrict attorney in for four years. He was a

■ of the American Legion, survived by his wido.w, Den- mother. Mrs. John W. O ra- Elks'BI

•win Falls: an aunt, Laura 1 ^ ^ ^ maid. Twin Palls, and a cou- r n i U I i i. Fred Doscher, Connecticut. M H i H g •al arrangements will be an - 1 by W hite mortuary. ---------- :

ines Schedule I :ogram in T. F.!vlew of the forthcoming oll- flcB from Poclflc Northwest .,0 HoWall, featuring en ter- ijOCai I t by Hawaiian girls and •)n Hawaiian travel. Is slated 10 p, m. Saturday a t the ip room a t the Eogerson ' ■

sorlnK the progi'am-are-I% n^ -~M' an Alrwoys, West Coast and Mr lines and the Maglo C ar­vel agency. Officials of the ; irllnes have paHlclpated In a O ia r i f-alx-N orthw est-c ities—this- _m nciudlnrthe series w ith the- - - -----ppeorance Saturday night, atlons to the riieetlng can be idh iy -rallin tr-M agle -earpet- ,I, according to Joe Salisbury.E8 IN MEDITERKANEAN R , JaiL 30—Carrol R . M at- BLAOS sonarman third class, son of 5, 8 d-M rs.-W Ubur-R.-M atthews, - SUE-] t, Flier, Is serving aboard the gaj. i -er USS Henley, operating . 'gprm he-U ,^-S.-sl»th-fle(!t-ln. th e ___

be s’s -

(State aKolral-Moklnj It im- for the Idaho attorney general PANSs slstanta to engage In private 3

''(fltate affairs) — Memorializing P A I ^ s to provide Inventory of all Mfyr.r; » property of the nation's resi- tnd requiring them to pay an- glvlnt ner cgj^remlum*of^B-valuo-

‘ (‘slate Affair8) - ^ p o 8lng a gftlS.ational amendment to provide rtatI- , nonpartisan eleoUon of pro-dges. - - . ir-DINA-mechtner. Buxton. Murphy of dott’V

ae, Palmer)-Propo8lng a con-. POLLlnal amendment to make the W Hm bonded debt limit 3 w r cent of>6s ^ vali|atlon, InsMad of 2 mil- BMOK“(wirlow, WetherelD-Provldlnl BEA^inent of interim committee to glvln

turUdlotlon or protate, Jurtlcolc» courts and mwrtitrates. and UAISx

,vu«l)mty-ot*m«namuit_Dr_I(t_ _B U aS .th i jouth rehabUltatlon act. nanr^i

Deteated by Senate.To Increane « minimum ■ lesal 8‘™BSa from 14 to H and to bmTco jja BL

minimum ago at which restrict- HIM may be Uaued.,

. , ............ «-5eotUi


R r3-5500 :o l o n i a l C o n c r e t e ^

“( t ^ G r e e n S fam p a f

' 3-nnlt y l i r

M ix U n d F e e d

BANNER 51com pound ^INI T H E X O N T R O U - ; ' ■ ^ A N D .S H E E P - , \

i i f l t d u i a r i

' Y o u '. .^ 5 r C o n ta c t i

Feed Co.'P h o n p R E 3 t l 3 7 3 :

m OP I D A H O " A i

r ■ ”


ingers P lan R esolu l Lsk H eavier T ra ffu

HILL. J an.-30^ Thfl legbr fltratloft-agenfc- ommittee of the King HIU Mrs. 'WilUlaj7\m„ Inainiaffi.itlo tt-u rg in r heavlcr~penal* fftlsM-at-the-ci traffic violations, at a meet- home of Mr, ai 10 Orange Wednesday night, bers. A silver -Jonea. who acted as master -proceeds of $6.2 absence of Melvin Helwlch, card party prc 1 the commlUec also v/lll out- of Dimes, • resQluUon nsking thft state Mrs. Arthur > department to mark the of the prograi “ the lop of King HlU two xpittrtetrKenne *st of town, erect a T sign at berry, Thomas ;hway. branch leading to accompanied-b north of town, and to paint Oreer gave a i e white line on Henderson Mr. Barnes sh 3 and a half miles east of ty.

RefreshmentAhderson. legislative chair- and Mrs. Johr p<?rted on proposals to raise Mrs. Dick RoiImum flge limit for drivers. ---------8 suggested the master ap- PARTICIF Granger to attend a meeting , WENDELL, lore county commissioners J. Maxwell, W \nd request a home demon- tlclpated with---------------------------------- -— 2Bth Infantry• 1 T% i 1 “friendship dide KeDOrted Germany, honi

^ cer team and,EY, Jan . 30—Ivan Hopldns. bruok, Luxemb i of Parma, has been op- Mr. and Mrs, agricultural agent in charge Wendell, and ducatlonal program for weed Infantry's conand 4-H work in Cassia -----He will serve under County ,

31enn Bodily. A m C r iC a iIns, an army veteran, was UTAH — ;ed from the University of $14 .76 pe where he majored In agrl- "One Go

He fills the vacancy creat- ithe recent resignation o(, In te rm O l

in Nesbitt, who Is now farip-the Homedale area._______................. .. ................................................... .

CHECK U Si'll be glad to .furnish you without ob Iftvestment brochures listed below. J

1 are interested in.

investing for Income f i . ^ Ml^loiInvesting for GrowthHow to Save Estate Taxes ™

• Please send iSystematic Investing j^ove Us(Modem Way to Invest ■ |[s Inflation Normal? i _ _ _ _ _ _Guaranteed Dollars * iVour Future . . . and IMutual Fundi i ___ ................Canadian Investments ' ADfrontiers of the Future |Belter Income for Better -------------Living I__________ ^

I two m utual funds ore (he sam e. Wi on oll.funds.

£. W. NcROBERTS Its 'B ld g ., Twin Foils

o c a t e d 3 m i le s N o r t h a n d 6 m if e i

n i l e s E a s t o f t h e W e n d e l l E i e v a

M O N D A Y ,

t a r t i n g t i m e l 2 : 1 5 _________ _

LIVESTOCKJT—a u e n u e y cow mllklni < gal. now, bn bacicLAOKIE—Holstein cow 6 years old, due Ap: S, 8 gal. cowJ& -H 0ls te ln ,- l-y e a n -0ld„ due M u ch J 5 .: gal. cow ■ ,POTTY—Holstein, < yean old, due Mwi22rB-gal7-co»—— --------------------- — --------ESS-JSolsteln, 4 years old, just fresh ilvli 6‘,4 gala. ,INSY—Holstein, 3 years old, due June' ! 3 gals, now4NNY—Holstein, 3 years old, due Feb. 24, o iliY —Holstein, 3 years old. Just fte«glvlng-8 gallons— ---------- :----------------- - rro E = H o ffle In r t7 y « rro ld ,-1 u st--f re ilJ r« gall, nowrAB-^HoIsteln, 3 years old, due M arch 37,, INA—HoUteln, 3 years old, due Feb. 34 aiiLY-rHolsteli), 3 years old, due M i ^ 4 TOTEY—Holstein, 3 yews old, due i« MOKBY-JHolsteln, 3 years old, due Feb. 31 EADTY—Holstein, 3 years old, lua t ftffl giving 7 gals.AISY—Holstein, 8 yean old, due Peb. 15 . DOiS—Hol^telnr-3-year^-oId,-due-AP^^l-10- B[OCOLA■ra—Holstein, 3 years old, ju s t Irei giving? gals.[ABLE-Holsteln, 1 years old. Just tm giving 6 gals.e o t lln g --au e rn s« M ie U e rrJp ea _ _ ----------uernsey^HoIsteln, heifer mix ,"Holstein heifer calves Holstein bull cajvesIh e m ajority ot these cowl are young «

Eavy producers, gentle and Mund. AU data » 1 given on-sale day. All ate Bluftvlen 1 sm lnat^. Loading chute on grounda. „ICM Jpe-Ohestjr.W hite gll(i.ppen., ^ .

MILK EQUIPMENT•Unit B ui«e inlUter with ,3 unlij »nd :«iie iii ylll b e 'w ld sw anlte '' ' :1, 10-galIonm llx cans l ')me vacolnatlng equipment and otoer V« erlnary lupp lla (8-Can nUl^ Moler 8 moot old, Bears make, K nqt #oId before u l t il»h

AayoM wishlnf ♦» eiaualBe the.

be Mid a t W «

A . W . B A Il u f f c k & K l a u a > >

A u e t l o h m i ■, »• , ■ t _ J : _____ ,1 .^

1 , CELEBBATEtlu tio n to , R trp i» T . Jai1 O ^ ^ J i .f l r e m w

tfic P e n d tyijent-for-the-countyr-— — TenMuyabn itrd^ VUlliam Cain, home ecp^ Qraffias, onerat

aavapU t^M tan.tnexara party neio a t me Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Tim- sliver drill was taken "and of 8630 wlUbe.added to-the IFpfooeeSTJorTEeM afcR

rthur Oreer was In charge T>r«gram which Included a[{ennetii-JonesrRadneiillu^mmas and Karl Anderson,tiled-by Mrs. R. L Barnes. V T v V W Vve a reading and the Rev. n . nr« s showed a film on safe-

This happeneiJmenta were served by Mr. j,y|; there's hi . John Parke and Mr. ond „ o u n d who 1 k Role;._________ . . . and a lo

TICIPATES IN EVENTlELL. Jan . 30-M /Sgt. Fred O r a n g e raiell, Wendell, recently par- w i l d agalnswith the eighth division's Michigan, 1]

fantry in observance ,of t h e m 0 slip day" in Baiiraholder, amazing runr, honoring the visiting soc- n 1 n g exhlbl

and city officials of Ettei- tion ever seeiuxembourg. He Is the «on o t on a - footbal

Mrs. Ralph 0, Maxwell, Held,and first, sergeimt In the Mighty MIohl

s company D. |a n was led b:■—— I Benny Frledn

AH-o n . TREATED ^ad only7B p e r to n D elivered aidn’t need ile Good Ton Deserves I i , |, coUeje cai

Another" i 40(1(1 yoii r m o u n ta ln F uel Co. , o n this onem T.i» F.1I1 couldn't be st

r I n the first :J C P m w m T X T r a rled the ball_________ tim e he ranT 6 * l * Michigan teaa ® * A few mlnut

u t o b lig a tio n , any o f j “JS “ther low. J u s t ch eck w h a t ■ carries, five

from almost field.

~ 7 " --------- 1 Merelfnlly, ttMcRoberta & Co. I gaiife theI, Tw in Falls, Idaho ■ H such aa few send m e Items checked > H ve list. I n Remember il

1 B 'America-war_____________________I- H first big tc

n a m e ' H <>»y'>- We weI H t r y . . . h l t t i r

ca r . . . fla... ...................................... I and all.

The-year^wai I A m ericans' a

...................... ................... th a n ever toiTOWN I no one dre»

--------------- _ _ — I you’ll find. .W e h o v « .H i a - f o e U -

Hlt the ro> leu tban’>Oi OI ‘rt”* new eii.9 & CO. dable dealerCo., too Bli

D ia l RE 3 -6 0 1 3 d i» i k e 3.11

miliBS West of the Jeroine, Idafii levator. ■;....... ................

I I m H ■ ■ V

' —Lunch on grouhiPentacostal padie

w, bred 1D50 Ford tractor tn A -i shap 1 18<8 Ford tractor in A-1 sha

Jt April . p -u ' International tractor .«and almost neW 'tubber

h J 5 > H _ — Pord-bean-cutter;;tear-attaoh 3-Bar:Pord cultivator

. Hapgpon Ford ditcher, Weste 8-Bar ro rd eoltlVator W ltlr t l-Way, 16-lnch hang-on Ore

u n e-28, Dearborn Bide rtike on rubbe: Oomb. 'weed sprayer and bun

I, 24, Dearborn manure loader, 11 Iresb , ■ ‘ nd ,---------------- ^-Bet. oI^Ford jnorlteii,.-^—

— Rear-end-Ford-bo<Mn-loadef- - Swinging draw b a r lo f F ord

ti ar,, , for F ord trac to r 38 ■ Set o t m o u q M re a r tlre i to Itch 4' . Oase m u u ^ ; spreader,'almoi ^ i« ■ l - ^ Vldley' M ound'cornigi 'eb. 31 tB a renDyator^or fie ld culUi t fre tli, ,' Dump Kake ; .

' ■ <-Wheel rubber tired wagon I. 19 ‘ i b o 8-loot tandem disc1-10-------- - — one-eectlon-of-tandem dlse-ii t freah, ' j-BeoUbn' wood harrow '

, • 3-Polnt S u p ^ o r bean' plant t treah , j-w h ee l machlpe or hay ;ti

' ite tllte e r spreader, -IJ^ o lB -g ia tttT lri tt— — r -

8-Ft. Ford mower—single be:

ung a n d These artlolei bdoog todaU w lU - IMS 2-ton Dodge truck i Hew in - : Oliver Jiorse draw n, mani

OUver p ro 1-row epud'dl■ -:- -„2 ;seani.n)U k«r.^t5 ..:;:;;ll

- y ^ ; [

JM u n it , .: j:iriiMe^«iHicl«i\'lWo»g, t«

m pnth i • grtppie jiook M d mMinIt M U )t > , • . , , ,,n :

• U e M 'e a iiie e r Uul ta iy j wancUoneen It ye*, w ant le .b rim .M iy w ih

A " C I 4 ■'^*»iepi''5iim aijwlteiiii'^^^^ A d f i AMtleneer I d a j t p r t« t t i


..... - = — — — P J

ITEB ABOABD s n ip I j l, J a n ., 3 0 Harlan K . B j me/3, ■ son ot W i and - J B'iSiystai’foiite J ,T lu p S t r 7 f lnhis 2Ist birthday ' a n n l- ' ', H

perating with the.U . a " .


pened a long time ago, J| - !' '8 hardly a sports faft’ho

ed by the Ineoinparable | P'ledman that year . . . Rwere supposed to win.. ' -llpl

llnols coach Bob Zupp- jlj^only Red Orange. He |Bed much more, for In ]Re career Granie gained My• yards in 3 seasons n

one glorious day he | | |be stopped . . . literally. WIrat la minutes he oar- ftl,'

ball four times. Each 1ran right through the |S '

I team for touchdowns. 1ilnutes loter they gave ■baU for the fifth t b n e - .)ther touchdownl Five y'five touchdowns,- run —

nost every point of the M

ly, they took bUn out of ‘i 9 then . . . to 'sn dyatloh ' 1 few players have ever

er the year! j"war-ln tlnf nilddlB^f"Itff- ~~[|J; touring boom those ■9 were seebig our coun- ■iltthig the road In a new M . flapping side curtains

• WR! 1024,.______________u are traTellng more Iir today . . . but In 1924 Hdreamed of the Ininiry »Ind In the new' 1959 i■lynouth, Swedish Volvo, M clal'^Ik jw aieB T ir-F tair

road in ' style-tor fa r Ui’ jrou thlnkl—ta a pow- }jw eiir-irom yonr depen- ,« Slier, Bob Reeie Moto;' -. H

Block, ,Second Sonth, . j |3.106J. ■ ------ -V - . I

Kia h o , B a n lc , o r 5

,i;.hm n d s by U n i t e d : ;; id i e s of Jerbmef 1“

3is h s is r - --------^ - T■ shape with overdrive; or . with haujoa plow,.

tachment -’ ■■— —

restem m a Uth -tw U ......... , -T-Q ra sslio p ^ plow .

ubber , ;.;f i-,' burner, power take off 2 ''U sr, heavy duty, ^ n t

let-L-,-— .'te la n d 's w e r a l extru;;:;

ij 'fo r Ford '■ ihnost new rnigator:BuUlvatori wlUr jiioto ■

aagon :-;,j

Use-rear end . . - i J l — ^

jlanter ■' ■ly ^trailer wlm trl^'.box,,'' II'",'-'/,’, ; - ^

e ..'ra

Ig t* A rt Donuaia , .Vgipk'wltli'JgTito ljiidVv;,, {■ m lnaniOT:>preado';.!,'i;'::,‘ f. , » i j

M ,1 1 i l l

i a i n J ^ b ^ t ;, ’;


i ® i |

TO -



Page 12:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

i l l , W A N t A D R A T E S ’

p M I ^ D*y , ---------------P «l-E W I- —r— ------ - p9i'i*f-~ r N i ' ■ * 1* word p«r d«y| « (A BlBlfflo« of 10 word* U

i t H 1 AQirodJa i t t i on* alauS fitd ftd) .

j f j j i i * I . - • W o i^ U m : . 8 d ty i

I • i.oo: l ; 4 0 ^>h|I , : — tr- i n K O M Z a a ^$ |l |: ILUyTuti^ujt' i^-r ^

’. f r • ' “ ■ w M W *j 'I , E rro r»« lw iU < l b « , i w r t W l i m . » l U t »I I [ j J i - I t fJ|* ■iiftWBM wIU ^ _ m > d t 't o r n o w • i f . ; , 1 ^ 0 OQi i B m m t isM rU oa. . .

‘ I D EA O U N E for C U M lh id en J7 i

57!------ -----------i l o i r i i r V i i * ^ l " P .B . B i iu r i lw i------}( T u*»a«r»-ihreofb f r 1d i j» —

J: I p.n. 0«y btfor* loM rtton .f- . S uB d « r» -t P-aa. S fttonU y*'! T hta P«P« ih# rlg b i u» • l i ti and r«JNt «d7 elu«i(l*d td v c rtU lag .y ■ ''B lio d hi»" • trie tly aon fldan tta i

' I I I t e d no infom ation cad U Ki'«B u; ' i j n s f t r d t» lb* advartlM r.

■'■■I, 1 j ■ — --------------- -------------------------! i ; S P E C I A L N O T I C E S

'' i ’ IWUOMK U i work Jon* I Cbe*ler U uil»n,J r . RE 8 . 8 1 2 0 . ________________

) ' U ilA G A ZlN K U l rn# m v <r lAl I you money on j-nur •uU cH pllon* . Wrll*, l | t ' . . Of phon t Gertrud* nU w ell, U uhl. r b o n i

■ ^ n I I I tO M I’LETK JetUr w rvlce. muJUUlhiiiB.

' m\\ td d re s iin s , malllnff. ruled rorm a. e sih' I i f — »hMU. In i lw l Pboto copy lenrlc* . J.H I m u . RK _____________ *H I H IIO U ILK horn* hi«U r Mrvle*. AliUjorl»*dI I I M i t r r lc * rtp'rescDUUvei for C o ln o an U >

' I I I r bll* ilom* b e iU ri. T rad er H orn T ratU rj | l I Bal<*. <H Addlion Vftst flEO-gaSB.

/ j p P E R S O N A L S

j i t , BKOISTKUKO Spancer Coraetler*. 8 lrUilWI ra rm * n t, br**, «urcle«J aupporU . LytUI j f (U rdner..U K 3.70PI.__________ ___________

- - l v | DO YOU hive a Orlnklttfl F ro b tam ? Aleo^i'[! bolica Anoormoui bold ineetinn* every

I ||i Wadneadty a t 8tS0 p .m . In th * courtI RiL boua*. Kor fu rther la fo risa tlo o call RE

' IW a-7Cg4 or nB 3.<030._____________________

I'l I I I ' B E A U T Y S H O P S

l l i l j ' J>KUUANENT” s p e c i a l . 16.00. Regular 18.60 wav*. Cfell Maudi* S taynar a( Rb j.2851 . Idaho Darber itnd R eauty Shop.

i ■ 1 vi - C O U l‘LETE modern b«»uty i trv lc * . by ei*• p e rt op*ritor». Maehlnale** a n d cold• j .{|, wave*. 15.00 up. Artlatia lleau ty Salon.

CO M PLETE "Uoauty Service by advanced ' a tiid*at« a t rcduced price*. J u n io r ato*-;~ r;.......... ■ d a n ti work free. Machln^leaa a n d coljlI /T m , , wave*, IS.OO. Detuly A rU Acadamy.

i i ! ' L O S T A N D l - O U N D

. A rJtA X JSD i.t'em aJe white. rabbiL vlciitily

1 440 4th Avenue N orth . C h lld 'a pet.P linne HR _______________________

J ’O U N D i~ A m o rle in U u h Oil t m u d S to k e r Slack delivered for IU .7 6 per ton a t Intermountalo Fuel G o m p a n r- '

j r h o n e RE a»6fl2l._______________________

L C H I R O P R A C T O R S -

X E K V H S lM l i l l i l . D r. A i m . U u d l n , 110 M tl n c o rll i . R E H 7 1 1 . ■________________

S C H O O L S t T R A I N I N G

^ 1 TO A NSPORTitfbR CA REER"j ic( i ] w a n t (o ta lk to men in good hea lthli I, , and ambitlou* who a r e in te re sted in

p erm an*n t employment w ith lU ilroad*il'r! , o r tru c k line* aa rate m en , ag o n ta o r|3 aU U on men. a t aalarle* o f 1300 to %m

|in | I * m onth .

iy | ' Com plet* trtln ln g a t hom * and n ig h t>,|{:| ' clakica. Jobs waiting for qualified m en.|:i'j > V e te ran approved.'

,!: .- T o r |»er*onaI qualifying in terv iew w r iteii; ' G. D. WhltlDK, Dox 1)>30, e /o Time**^pptj--------------^ * w a . ------------------------ —---------------------------

:|i ; i ________________ _ j j ____________ ^ ^

i i S I T U A T I O N S W A N T E DI I bA H E o f 'e l i l ld r e V ln >your home d ay o rp j n igh t. Phona RE i-2m .___________

dU ijT O M n u n u ra h au lin s and p low ing .» RE 8-1M2. Fernan R*dtke. *

j l h bR E S U A K lI^ ti In my hom e. ^ ■ o ~ c h l l .11 I d ren’a and doll ololhet. Phone D A «*6250.H ,1 < ilO E N S E D child ear*.' U y hom e day*.H I , Phone HR 8-8Q68.■ ilO U SE W O llK by day o r hour. H o n *n RE a-718S,II' U A N U A £ hauling. V ernon 01and«7.If ~~— ~ r h o n # - 6! m r n u h t r " — :---- -----I[• I j A UY a iT r iN Q . d u i o r a v o n l n n : £ i p e r l -R enced lady. Phone R E a«P122.I . , I W OUA'N want* all type* h o u a ^ M n ln i .

11.11 Phone R E 8.8W9 or R E S.6418 evening*.i i i l / ____ ... A L Ii H Q JU M It^ n n h hand . . K tn e rlen ced

n " . wlUi iUl kindi liveatock, I r r l g a t l ^ . 810 | | f j -1— 1 — .Van Bur*n, Tw in FaUi. .

!> l> K E e a M A K lM Q . o U U n n ’i l U l l i w , a l u r m ..H tio n i. buttonbolai, R ia lo n ab le . F h o a*

II ’.I ' RB S.9018.i n L e t u s r*comm«nd^good e x p * r i* » e ^ m e D

fo r y b u r rfmodeling, r tp a lr ln g . o r paint*t lag . K oth lng down, op to & yeara to pay

|^.J C e n tra l Building 8 upply. RE a«8ano.

C ji H E L P W A N T E D — M A L E

brick maaona. C aii M a rv ln ' lV te r .};•? B olie 8. 1686.__________ ^__________________I'M ' ‘‘ S H :i t j 'i^ 3 6 for good Joba in T ra n a p o rta tlo n .

_________■ Sfte.achnnli and -T ra ln lng , thia t>aner.S t e a d y J o i r fa rm W r k and Uveatock

feedinff. Give age, •xperlenc* a t id re f- e rencM In le tte r to h>ute I, B ox 9. J e - Tome. Idaho.

^ M E N : Sell i>Mtrng~a«rvlo* a n d equ ip , m ent, Ext^rlcnce n o t neceaeary , b e tte r th a n averag* earnlnga, o p p o rtu n ity fo r advan cem en t Holland ^ r a a c e com pany . 740 Shoahone Soutb.

~ " ^ P E U 1 E N U E D cleaner a n d a p o t te r cap .--------------■ b le 'o f 'ta k ln j 'c h trg e o f -a o lre n t-e le a n in g

' p la n t In aoulhern Idaho. P re fe r a y g u n a e r m an . W rite o r call D ruce Jo h n a o n , Box 148. Burley. Idaho. P h o n * O R B.8671,

kX P E IU E N U E U ranch g en e ra l v fo re m a n in r R o a rin g Sprlnga R anch . K renchg len .

- O r«ffon. 8.000 catU*. B.OOO aheep . 10.000 to n anoua] h ay p ro u u o tlo n -^ o o d liv ing ‘cond ltlona 4>ut no M hool faeU ltlee. W rit- te n •pplIcatloDB only. P lease d o n o t • p p i r unleaa you have q u a lU lea tlo n a and e x ce llen t re fe ren cu to r u n o u tf i t o f th l i •(a*. Robert & Odell. P rc a ld e n t. A llied L e n d A U veatock Oo.» 4S0 T e y io r . Ban y ran cU co .________ _______________________•

. K B S E R V E L I F E

I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Ylla a o tiening fo r men o r women to aell

. o u r H oaplU l a n d Medlc&I P U n a lo jrour ' • — *T w i~"tiB adniidTidTiTiC Tinroc W r l t t : o r te « Mr. F ord , lOT G onna B uU dlngt

J l | B oll*, Idaho.


I V k ’ ^ h i c k c n ' ^ H a m

1 7 — —

I .....G O O D r F O O D ” - - - -

I , R E A S O N A B L E P R I C E S

if' ^I . / i - . : ' ' ' ' - E v e r g r e e n ’- L o ^ g e / '

: o n ' f l R o H s s e r i e i

P : - — TAGE-TWELVE---- —

-1855 Klmborly Rood - -

t c ■ HELP WANTED-MALE-■ E X riiU IEM C ED l iT ln U r U ud.rii horn

Clo*« to T w in Fall*, year round cmpk>] r word jnent. W r l u Box B>21. Tlnir*.Newa.' S S ; - iV ' V oU ' T O over .^ U U e a c * r » " ' deilr* a b o v e averag* eam lngi, «!<niu< J l U r. *'BoUenbacb, 40S Shoihoae Bout, , • before,Dooft,

HELP WANTED-FEMALE— of achool Sawyer** Barbecue.

44-®— E X i'E R lK i^ K D w a i t r a i . . APPlr In !»•»on. S co tt '* Cafe.

tu:i'E N D A U L K young~lady to -h e lp w it----------------boutewo^ - a nd chHd-cef«> P W v f - iw > t

and ba th . W rite Box B-28. c /o Tlrte*»dU t»■Bwr* NATIONAL concern wlW train a few aln

'c e r e w om en to do reweavlng a t Fomi {•I I f qualified , can earn 18 to |4 p e r buu(T|-------------ln-ap*re Hme___Wi» ftim lih fygrythlnw

No, lo llia g . W rite Gem Weave,. Uo B*20, e /o .T lm e ^ N c w i. ,

iiA L i^L A D lK S KOH Buhl, Kimberly, Twii Falli, F ile r area* to aell Nu-Sew. tb

« • » " miracle fa b r ic mender. Mfndi and rep a ir “»• all tyi>ea fabric* , flood commliilon. Conen tta i tact M axine U Batem an, Houle 1. Good IB i s ing. P h o n e -T U ft.7S.T7 Sbnihone.

------- IB to 23y e a r s o ld

i n n w , F O R G E N E R A L H O U S E W O R K


Pbon^ g a l l R E 3-0041

f S ; SALES HELP WANTEDle*. J. --------- — :---------------------------------------------------

Plumbing and IIcatinRT railer«»” ■ Salesman

O u r e x p a n d i n g b u s ln c s ! r e q u i r e s ' a n c n e r g e t l c s a lc s m u n w h o m u s t

L m I $7 ,0 0 0 a y ea r, B e s t b e n ­e f i t I n t h o r e t a i l field , 40 h o u r

r Aico- 5 d a y w e e k . M ile a g e a l l o w a n c e evefy p lu s m a n y o t h e r s . D o n o t a p p l y

' u n le s s y o u c a n se l l a n d w a n t t o p* earnings.

C o n t a c t M r . V au g h n

tegular•• nE SEARS ROEBUCK

' nnop.



uj». DU YOU h av e a n em pty bullillng—liuy n»' bird biiiincas and receivi returna in ID

(layi. P h o n e CA fl.r.OlKl,______________________ IL L N E aa KUHCK.S nule: Huiy lU iiiiiiiciitity molel. S .ycar* old. 14C.DU0. JH.0OU duvvn.I pet. Make o f f t r . A re Hrnlty. ItK_ _ _ _ _ MAJOR O IL CO. n w i# niaoiKcr tor ithhI*treated ern 2 Iwy a tn tio n in Twin Faili. Ciiar-'8 per antewl incom n. Sm nll Inventmont ncwlod.;>anr~ Apply Bo» HKIO. Twin KitlU.__________________ r L u a i i n u n i t v . i i . / i

. Year round av ir«»e fill flO*;!.. O wner will accvpt paper o r real e iU te. AreReally, RK :t-K2n.___________

n. 110 AUTO w rM klna yard. K H d ta T money maker fu r am a ll inveatfnent. Uoo<i trsiie.

' Belling due to health . Termi. M ountainQ Home, l<lah(>. Ph»n<> 2fill.

FOR t^Al.K: G rocrry atiire In pmnpcrciiiH farm ing cnnnm unlty. Doing goo<l bu ii-

E R ' neea. Hifiit • ^ e T T B iiprirecrali I t; 'O w n er , , . i , needi to apend tim e In other bunincM I j j Intereatj. W r i t e ‘Box B-16, c /o Time*- » d . 'I o r ' “

Canada D ry G inger A ll • Squirt All k inda p a r ly beveraget

Ice Cold B ohem ian Deer 11.18

ien.nickory ch ip* an d Charcoal B riquette*

U -H a u l R e n ta l Trtllera " i ; B O B O E E R ’B -------- ---------- = -> -W E S T -F IV E -P O IN T S •

. . Oreen S tam p a — Never Cloawl


f o r le a s e


a .y » . W r i t . B ox B-I4 T lm » -N .« .


- s m iO t lB A W ^ Q I T A T lE T W r r , one o f ‘ ‘' , Twin Fall* b e tte r-b u ilt bulldlngi— C on-

sp e r i . eonatruetlfii. track ag eand f i n n t docka. Sprinkled fo r f ire

in la f . protection. SelU ng a t 20% of rep lace- ulng*. m in t coat, f 30^760.


11» M ain Ave.- E u l Phon. r h o n . B E M M J

p*” ° WHOLESALE-RETAIL i."" MEAT BUSINESS.E w ith cold a to rag e p lan t and locker*._____ .. v»^.»IUn^__ ciad a tb lo ck — bulldlng.. A llT yler, equipm ent a n d (Ixturea to go w ith

building. T h la place ahowed a net p ro f i t - 77— • ' o f 10.000 In 1B6H. T o tal price la |3 0 .- * « “ “ • J 000. With 86.000 down to te tponiib le

i ' l i' “ barlyTTJw ner I* aeiling on"'aceount~ol Mtock health and a se .B Qood feed lo t and alaughler houae fa>*' eUltiea a re ava ilab le fo r new ow ner'a , I. •' . uaa on r e n ta l baala.*qulp.

5*‘J" HUDELSON AGENCY i p tn j - G o o d t n s . Id o h o ......... ........................WE 4-4435r cap .

iu n se r BOARD AND ROOMM67°L b o o m in d bo«n i. e lo i. In. <M BE S-J711.

FURNISHED ROOMSl lv ln i GBOUNU KLUUU, pleaaant warm ruom. W rit- Vrlvnte b a th and entrance. UK 3.2M a.

^ an d * SLEEPING room* fo r gentleman. Call >f th l i 3*2<!Oi 444 4th Avenu* N orth. A llied WAUM, oloa* in . p rivate eiilranco, bath f, S an and ihower. 137 4th Avenue North...........- ' CLOSE IN, nice, large. . wariii______________L‘r k l t l

~»ntra«ciT 32i sm l Avcmii North.________ONE lingle, on* double room. Uantlamao

only 211) Uth Avenue North.J Y S l E k p I n u i^oonia - p riv iit bath and ••U UE^VIasO^*^ W uhlng ton itreeL Phone

w i - "-UNFURNISHED APTS. ~A p a r t m e n t f o r Ren^

, UnfurnishedGood U>catlon. U ving nwm, dlitlng room, one bedruoni, kltchtn anil both,

k I Heat and. w a te r«lHhe<l. Idi-^d fo r ^ 2 adulta. fsO rc r month.

P h o n o R E '3-G013 or RIC 3-8008

^ FURNISI^ED APARTMENTSf n r h u o s i n i .J e rn . 637 2nd Avenue N ortb

- c r call Mnrv*a 06 Station. __________4 » ROOM u iw riiuunt. UIimV In, boat and

water fu rn ltih d . Phone H I 3.3l>70.-------- t)liK A N :-rom fnrT 8blc. Cniplayt'd’

preferied. 3in : th Avenue North. a AM) 3 JtnoAuT Aault>. No i^ ta .

IMIlitli'*. I8:n) Kimberly Itoail._________J LAIUJK liUUMS and bath, ll’u iitlw , no

peti. Ailulti UB Aualln Aveinif.1 ^‘IRJiT CL.\tiS, wnrm,\*lo*e lu. Week or

month. (Ifli) Mmn North. one rtk»m ai’arim eni. Ailiilla o n lf ,

— - 1 •{■■ I 'tlv .i. . n i r . n c ,and bath. (. |l^:

* NS\rin. Hml r W n

»*• "tb A 'f iiu e Kail.

* ' ""i" '“' " ' r ar - * .... .................. .....

' ' ■“ ""'■J*I, ■ v y jo 'g 'i .r te / '" " " -

I'hoi,."!! '■ ‘i'l'i:

KImbtrly Road. Phon* »K l-MHtf, "

- - ’ ■ ■ '

kLE-= FURNISHED APARTMENTSB bomei 8 ROOMS and batb. U ea t. a n d -w a u r em pkty. fu rn lah ed ; Apply a f te r < p .n . . 48)

fewa.' F lljm ore.u r ' a n d J llO O M S,~irrivaU 'W lir»rou0d-X l«JrrcI«»* '

liOTUct in . C leaji, UQ,. 248 Sth A venu* i*tL I Boutb Phone R E a»832<. • X ,

3 . ItOOM apartm ent, Kmployed tm m le T T T ^ P f^i^^red . . No pctl* U tilltSw p a id . U l l ' ALt R E .

=tmFORNISHEDniOQSES==In per. ‘i BEDROOM partially fu ro iab ed bom(. J

. 8&0.00 m onth.' 238 M adrona. h ■Ip w ith N K W I^ '^ W ^ Special; N ice o n e bedtOom . l«-i>tioin' ihnmi», -I M a 3rd avemte-<»»tt ■■* ■" 1 •Tlrtea- ^OUEICN 6 rv^m hou ie .and b a th . Clean.

Ipriu ire F ile r Motel. N o ph o n e call*.[gw _«Ln! MODKltN ele .n 1 hr.iiia . nri .rF o m e . garage . Phone RE a.MQO. R . H . I*uddy. ’ ih \TJ 2 BEDROOM home. W ithin w alk in g dii- . g t f e f e - t a n « r - o r town . Phone R B 1 B7C0. - -

*' 4 A C Itli^^^S bnlroom home. Good location. 17 ^ __________________rw, the IVi A C U K d ,'2 bedroom borne. - Modern renalra except heat. 840 m onth. N e a r Buhl.

n. Con. Call DA ft-4802, Filar. ____________. Good. 8 R 00M .4 and Uiii. 34:2 2nd A venue Weat. (________ 836. W a te r paU. Phone R E >-3060.

NEAT U roomi and batb . S u itab le for couple, o r family w itb on* ch ild . RE.'UCt.'-, o r RE 3.jC41.____________________

4 IIEDUOOM modern hom* nea^ high ) R K a<*hortl.'» Available im m ediately . Phone

RE 3-4C01 o r lee a t 1761 B o rah avenue ra*t.

TWO BEDIIOOU hnuic, m o d em . « . p l heat. L arge garden apot. mileiauuth of. Kimberly. Phone 6d, B ubl a fU r

— : fl o 'clock.

I?__ ^FURNISHED HOUSES. MODEitN 1 bedroom; 3 rooma, natural

if««. Alao 2 room. Re a.820n.___________ 'Ip^ VKIlY N IC K 1 bedroom iiom *. excellent

Iftfntion. Phone RK •t-4flll.______ -_____3 KUOMii, OIL.heat, ad u lu . 2:iC 0 th Avo.

• ' nuo N ortli.______________________________iHrpjq bt'droom . one haby fam ily o r working

roiiplp. UK .V3CflR.-I H K O ItO O il home, (iaa fu rn a c e , a t l\i0

O e n - g ,ilncy . _______________________________ .h o u r mOUKUN t room, balh. (.a rag o . Ailiilu. a n c e fia rbnge aorvlce and w a te r furnlahcd. ip p ly 4:tH W cat Addiion.______________________

WANTED TO BORROWIN D lv ii> U A L wanti 15,000 on rea l proi>>

erty valued at 111,500. C an g iv e f l r |t m o rtg ag e or rontracL W rite Box B -ll e /o Tlm eS'Ncwi.


Twin F a lli with nioilern hom *. W riteHox n-2C. c /o Tlmei-Newa._____________

UDOD fa rm , 12U lo 240 acrea. Reference*,----------- financM , e<|ulpment. W rIU Box B>12,r i E S Tlmea-New*.

MISCELUNEOUS FOR RENT‘ TA U LU l AND ck ilr . lo r .1 . o c c io n a .^ In te rm onnU ln Fiitl Co. Phone RJ? -<1621.I down HKNT-ALL8 CU. renU m oat everything.

lOOr Item a. AerxM . t re e i 7 r o m F Iri Dept.

C uar- RHNT a aew ing mtehlne. F ree pick*up and nrmlod delivery. Call Singer Baw lng Machine

Co. P h o n e ItE 3.3344.___________________

fini'Dt-O w ner 8 T R A IL E R S R E • Are o , F o r . 3 -

---------- P R E N T ! 5money- „ ,tra .le . ^ » ,

lu n u in R L o c a l a n d N a t io n W i d e 3 J ______ 8 SipcrciiiHI bu ii- * T h * 'L iv i Spot on T ruck Lane**O w neriiilncM '


— M A C K S U - D R I V EP I C K U P S - F U R N I T U R E V A N S

P L A T 3 E D 8 RA TES BY (A U ll, DAY O R W EEK


HOMES FOR SALEoaed l6x24>Fl)OT houie. HulUblo fo r bunkhouie

' — nr cab in . Phone TEmple 7-442R._________■i IIKDUOOM buUM. WiU aoll ch eap . In-

(tnlre Oltf 0th .Street. H le r .___________TWO-BICOUOOM modern home. C o rn er lot.

fonccd. Terma, or trad e fo r acreage.UK 8.0044._____________________________

'lA L $700.00 FU R EgUITY, U ke ov e r t>«ymenta.2 bcd roonu, baitment, g a ra g e , la rg e lot.RE 3-07IU.

3 ROOM HOUSE tu be move^l. P h o n e KA 4.2D10 fo r Information o r a f te r fi :30. EA

' 4.4H»;i, Jcnim e.__________ _______________I AHSUME Gl loan. 2 bedrtum . Carpeted

Steel k itchen with d la p o u l. atU ohed____ __ gnrng**. «>um lpun-ttatm -a.lnam ».«..Iihnn> —__ .,l lE a r l2 f if l . • ---------

NEW 2 IIEUIIOOU homo. U U llty . U n i. kitchcn. built In oven and au>ve. 16x44 baaem ent. attached garage. 2164 Ellia-

H lv l ' ___________________UY O W N E R : N e w ^ brick 2 bedrooma,

^ ---------- R lckel achool dlilrlet. fu ll b a ie m e n t. gaaY furnace, on corner lot, Alao i bedrooma. ]\

full baaem en^ coal fu rnace , hardwood floor* on acre M ornlngald* d latrleuPhon* R E 3.46«5._______________________

UV O W N K U j Uouie nearing completion.......3 -b«dro»miej 8 U th a r f ttm B r ro o m , tn ll

- baaem ent, fireplnre, double g a ra g e , dinh- I j wnahor. Monie Vlita Subadlvlalon. 81H.-

OOP. RK 3.Htlll._________________________ —

(era. !-B edroom home, lot* o f c loaeta and A ll ito ra g e . Ideal lucaUoa. nea t-achoola .and

w ith ihopp ing center. Clean, a ttra c tiv e , va- — rofU <^anu $1,000 down, $H0 m onth .

2-Be»lroom luxury home, c a rp e l, fire->lble __ plwffi'" Kn«Ffnftn g ap m iti A___‘ o f cuatom .buU t horn*. See thla now .

S-H«lroom luxury home. I t would u k e fa - k b rochure to ileMribe thia la rg e and

ie r a lovely home. Priced below reproduction coat. See It. $43,800.


RE 8.1088 747 M ain Av*. W eit

______ __ 1 D O N 'T N E ro -A U m y m oney . J u i tp iy “ hJe"Tnira 'all down p ay m en t and

______ move in to my 3-bedroom hom * whenT you 're ready< U h u a la rg e kitchen,

»*5Tll. p ic tu re window In living room , full______ cem en t baaement and ia n e a r Waah-

ington achool. 1 im leaving to w n and______ won’t ba back. Price $11,800. Youroom . “ >• o f f" on term a 1

' REAL ESTATE ‘ , h.'"*" SERVICE f

bath 1 1 4 - 2nd A v en u e S o u t blu____ P h o n e T f f i l - T 4 i r'rivA t* - - M em ber of Uuitlpl* L l l t t n r ---------

^ SELDOMend Does a nicer 2-bedroom brick home

Phone become available. Finlahed baaem ent______ with e x tra balh and fam ily room. Kire-

place, - w a il - ;o .w .l l -« rp e t , attached • gar age. Attractively landacaiKnl. Jn --------- lop N ortheail'locallon,


Price,! righ t. I19.D06. flood te rm a on « th . • «


P h o n o R E 3-3CG3 ■ —~ HE 3.40G9 - Hveningi - HR S.658I

I T S M em ber of Multiple L is ting Kf,

N o rtb " }y6 t h A venue E a s t T

JP Small, n e a t home. ^Uiy w alk ing dla.- — lane* .to to n o . Abundanc* of flowera ■ -*coupir treea an d yibrubi. 17.000. tU ay le r r ,. ! i “----- --- 6TH AVENUE EAST ‘ ' r r

l iv e ly 2-beilroom iliicco home on dou. ilJi! , hie loL L arga roomi—fro n t room a car-

ra, no peled. $12,600. V_____ „ POLK STREETck or One o f t h e . bftifr-lMilli Iwo-bedroom r—

older hi»niM.;Fliil«he.l baiem en t w iih AnjOil farnace. $12 .00 (H ^

ADAM8 STREET Hrlck 3-b«!rooni bomi w ith lota of

- I— - »iid buili.ltii. O w ner trana* *

S : ilu o o ,* '" '................ "■ 5 ;~ r , A LTl’IUil D R lV h •

Nearly n e « 'i.Mrwm home. P a r t illdo -« .l . J'rtrk. S p ac in g hiumf. R lrch HnUh ‘ —_____ ___tniAJiighoul. lamlly r.K>m w ith fire . •n« o r I' V’.V .f l»drt>om In baainienUW rite

nn;, KEY,REALTY Tr l i t i : t .Slmihoii. HI. \V „ l _ |) i . l U E J . « l ! l t H_____ b'lrtdayi and hvitiin ii Phuu* —r<H>tn Bob P itite -R E 8.J6t» ®

AI M o l|in -R H 1.7681 - fEB

~ r ~ liJ*___________ S - . n -rr

............. ......■.........

— . l ^ T I i I E S J i E W S , ^ t t a N


1n s * ' "‘"m i l

u u h o m e s FOR SALE

>mc, M U ST S E L L becauae o f iUoea*, tny equity _ In la rg e tw o bedroom bom*.. 780 2Dd avenue n o r th . .

------ f H lW i- H B P lX il j P l u i iiu lr t n l . 8 .M .r r ^ room f r a m e hom e. Fenced yard , flnlibed ) u ' . baaem ent. doubjp g a rag e , $12.26<I. RE J- ,

464^, ' _________ JAA- E y O W N E R : PB727~fu^nI»b«d‘“ f6Ur"L<d^

room hom e w ith p a r tia l baaem ent, located c <>>»■ • £36 M ain A venue W eat. L ot worth <

FOR SA LE by ow ner—3-bedroom briok. «very ' d ea irab le *n«flgbborhood, cloia lo i

lern achool a n d ahop fd n g cen ter. Sell foruhl. FH A a p p ra la a l. Phone R E 8.3364, 6» ]

Borah. 1'a t . 0W ||IEI1 T H A N S K E B R IiD : » month olj. 10. beautifu l b r ic k hom e. Im m ediate orcu* |~7r, pancy. G in g e rb re a d th roughout. Make j

o ffer. R E 3>&217. A ce Realty.

S Y ou M ight Beatmue « ^

Your w ife b u t you w o n 't beat thia for ] 7“ value I 'N ea rly new .'^bedroom homi.'. y C arpeted , b aaem en t, fenced yard. H u 'J'*] th a t Oxydol S p a rk le l 811,500 with a _

low down p a y n ie n l an d aaauthe a larga iVj% m o rtirag e . ImmefHate posaeailon.

• T ake a lo o k A t tld a b cau ty l Brick. 1ira i be<irooma, c u rp c tn l, double garage, 2 '

hatha. |ie « u tif i i l k itrh e n with “oreann" 'iTIT of cabinet*. Y ou 'll like w hat you im . f

$21,600 w ith tr rm a . J

^ Id ah o R ealty Iing 214 Shoahone SL E. - Ph. RE 3-8031 *

U om i>cr <if M ultiple |

QUICK SALE- (___ N eat 2*be<lroom hom e w ith garase. ^

P a r t b aaem en t fo r a to rage and 3r<i ■ ___ hedroom. 76’xlBO’ lo t. p artly fene^l.■oiH W ill aell Im m ed ia te ly fo r $6,000 and l r | l $700 dow n. H U R R Y 1

CHOICK LOCATIONYou can n o t d u p lic a te thla home for under 830.000. Hpacloua living room and aep& rate d in in g room . Lovely dm

rite cheery fire p la c e . 6 bedrooma and _2 batha. L a rg e baaem ent and double

— garage. B e a u tifu l 100 'xl25 ' corner loton a aha<ly avpniie . A nyone would be .proud tx) ow n ih ia f in e hom* and 11, ^

___ can be youra f o r on ly 816,600. J

i^T It'a lim* fo r a c tio n I I lom ea.w lll ne^’•r i— be any eh M p e r. I.,et ua find you ilii p Ij I ’ home of y o u r eh o ire . .... , a

% • H A M L E T T - ’ ■

^ R E A L T Y 5DU! RK 3-4079 Elka Bl.lf. J,

— D- R. H a m le il H arry K. Ryan h , Rea. RK .'i-41170 Rea. RE 3-82S1

M em b rr M u llip le L lating J'

............... ..... B


I.U X U R IO U R -N K W : 3 bedroom hrifk A - luiaenienl - double g arag e • family roont - 2 b a lh a . M edallion Home. S

__ 128,600.

TAYLOR S T R E E T : 2 bixirooma - •(. tached gnrugtf - fu ll buaemont . fenced yar.1 - on ly *12,HOO. T

, W A U IU T S T llE C T : ] be.lroom . - J ’ baaement - In rtre g n rage - 437 Walnut.

$10,000. E x c o lle n t term a. 81.000 down. J|

LOVELY L Y N W O O D BLV D .: 3 b tj- 1<Qj . room brick - Inrge a tlncheti garage • p.

expenaive c a r ju 't in g - d in ing room • I,— I'rti hatha - f irc p la c c . Selling below coU bi

a t 8J8.K60. s

JU MONTE V IS T A ! UmiuIKuI S brfroom >' brick Me<lAlll<iii H<mie. F ireplace - l',«|| H

5— batha . du tibie u a ra g e . Only 822,600. Ir in- ‘_ W ILLO W L A N E : K x tra nice 6 room lot. home. S iw rioun 16x:t(1 fam ily room - ga. la rg e l»i . u ttrajifl. Lovely en rpe l and

droporiea. O w n o r leav ing ata te . Re- ~ duee<l to 815.000.

ot. SIIIIIIIIE IIA N H O M E : V .r r c l~ n . J' 2 bedrooma - e x t r a la rg e garage • hnne V, lo t - full U a o o ie n t - oU iu rnaco . J u t t i '

2A 8U.500. T e rm a . "

_ 8 ACRES - N O R T H B L U E LA K K S: * ed. b<^u>om hom o - lota of o u t buildlnsi. led Ideal for < rom m rrcial developm ent • n e — m oteht>r'O tibd(viaioni-8a7,000. • ' -

— “ T A T T lfST T V ondcrfu l 100 acre farm all■J® cultivated. L ooa tod 6 mllea aoulh of ,,

Hunnen. E x c e lle n t hom e A improve* *m enla. P ricw l f o r $40,000. (Joo<l term i. f,

^ We have b u y c ra a n d -n e e d m or* farm 'na, lia tlng i. - *':aa I*'

^ MAGIC V A L L E Y REALTYeu 226 Shoahone S t . N . . R E 3.3331 _ RE 3-3019 . . . E v e n in g ! - . R E 3-6631 ^I 3 i ________o f M jiltln!? Mstlllg________________ ta

t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JJ_ ACRKAtiKH w ith m odern hutnvH, tirar m

Filer. & room m o d ern home. 3 b^siniom home on 2 lota in T w in Fnlia. M. J. Mncaw. P h o n e D A 6.4UH1. F ile r . h

- rli

V_ H i . T : p : R E = = .......... fi

flO ACRK K arm i '- la rg e fieldi, ample w ater, brick hom e w ith an air of p rlvary. P r ic c d a t on ly $24,000 wuh terma. >'*

. ALSO S.Nice o1il(>r h o m e , top conatn iction and boaating it f i r e p la c e a n d u p au ira apart- m ent. Pricetl a t on ly $11,500. Low

— down paym en t.


P hone 744 i„,B aaement o f F a rm e r* N a t'l Hank pa



D I R 1N E E D

- - - On e of T

• A vro PAIXTS, ACCESSOlilES ^A binni'. Aulo S u p p ly ! 121 3nl Ave. W, (Jem

• -Ai'rcJ jtK P A /it_______________7 7A uto R e p a ir — RK 3-2634 j j r p

» liATTKRIES__________________ —Een'a lla tte ry ^ la r tfa in S to re . Repairing. — —

— ' • B i l l ^ r l f i r C e n e r a lo f r ^ l iT le r i r t t 'e l d ln i ! ^tUU ” So. R E 3-6822. 3-H

• B/CVCLE SALES & S E l w i ^ t Lj i j . i iu . ^'K l m ^ . i t K -a .uai2 . m u . i n K. l '» » t

, * CAlUNErS & FVRNIW nE HJlJulin llnwkini.— In t.r lo rw . UK .^.m(t7. llSjlit Wilinn IMnninn M ill—31H ah o .h o n . ijtr .c l • i i

WaL I 'h o n . H E 8-i329._______________

• Cl'SlENT WOHK_____________ - i iXnylliUiif In c u i ic r r te . UK 3* .I l l ^

• - ( ! L o c t ^ N o - W A T v ir n E m ir ^U u .t .r i ira l W o rk — H U K lm b.rly llonl. I 't i

» D I lA m t lE S ...................Jullii llnw k lii.— I m . r l o r i . lit! 3-0167.

• Plir CUCANIXC___________ __ l:ni L'lul S t, W HE ;

• I 'C k yrn ic A c iN ST A U M u m ^Uonlrui'l lid ii.., In a ii .ir i i i l rem ir. I

K lllliim r Elec t r ic . UK 3-672(1. „

^IX C A V A T IO SDniler lniu»e~cacavallon. RK 3-414L '

SA^v/j/.vc; p ;• V hiri H w r Hervio». UK a.tilUT,

U. A. lU ld ir. F r e e 'e a t lm a tw , RK 3-8HBI,

' ' '

1 1 FOR B A L K ; QHO' mfte* w ith im provem tnU. '—- - - 1 -m ti« « i ie r tb rR n D e r tr -P b o ii* -K B ^ ti9 f f .jjjjj cr J o h n Schmid, R o a t* 8. R upert. Idaho.

2nd_ 240 A C R ES .b r i home, co w barn, feed e o r ra l i . gninary.‘ $• abop, p i t lilo . V ery well located on__ psved r o a d . Thla f a r m ia .eapecially, wellj51: - i d i p t e d to y Itra tD ete a u d - r e w cN>p-------lied co m b in a tio n . Price o n ly $36,000. Ex- irtb cep tio o a l te rm i.= - I P v n i T H A V P 12.000 M d 'u p and want icA, a f a rm c o n U c t ua Im m ea trU 'ly .'fo r w*— -

to ip e c la liz e in farm a n d ranch lalci. t°' A P A R T M E N T Hobae. groaa rent over 657 1600 p e r m onth, Cloae In . A good buy.__ Term *. C a ll ua.ul‘l. Nice lo w priccd fa m ily hom e. Rent up- cu* ita ira o r ua* it y o u ra e lf . Low down ake p ay m en t.


Wayne W. Bouer — Frank Booth ' RE 3-1406 RE 3-6914J "A croai F ro m S e a n "

i t a r a i ' '2 240 A c r ? i , Hanaen t iu m p 'la n d . 170'•< eu lliv a ted . Top lay in t; and producing

g round. F ine i r r ig a t in g well, new home. ah o p . garage, b irn . Really an o u m u n d in g place. O ffe re d a t $43,000 with B ood term i.120 A cre a , B outhw eat Wendell. US

I ihnres w a tr r . A real com blnaiion farm wllh f in e home and outbuiidini:*.142,000. Excellen t te rm * .

HOMEO u ta ta n d in g older 4 bedroom homi on

7th A v e n u e North. F u l l baaement, hot J w ater h ea t, double garage . Lirge I lan d scap ed lot. P r ic e d to aell quick.


r 1339 A ld e r D r iv e

J Multiple L ia le r i

il ________________________________eI P I C T U R E S H O W T H E A T R EI (lood ro c k and brick building*. 40 z 120

ftet. S cftta 34(i. F u ll bniem ent, coat fu rn ace , two hedroom apartm ent ^n

r lecond f lo o r . Wida a i lv e r acreen, 2 good I p ic ture m achine, c lnem aacope lenar* - 4

and o t h e r equipm ent. Price IMiftOO., Very g o o d terma o r tra d e fo r ^hom* ■ • ’

_or, f a r m . / . .*

N o rtha ide BO. 7S a h aV eV w H er. Prac­tically n e w 6 room h o m e . 2-room tenant hnuxe a n d other nu tb u lld in g a . A good Hock ac t- tjp . 122,500. Good term i or

» home in trade, i

M A C R E CRADE-A D a iry fa rm , with I 4& H o la te in cowi. A a r r p atream run*

~ Bing th ro u g h corral. f4fi,&00.

'{ A . G. HOLLANDMI M iu n W. Twin F a lla RE 8-I9R0 .

I Arnold H o lland - KF. 6-2466, Wendell t Ted Diehl. 640 Ruhl "

Div* H u f f a k e r ~ 6.24t>fi, Wendell

[ L I F E ’S TOO SHORTTo l i v e ' In a home t h a t doean*l lult your re q u lre m e n u . H e r e ii a good 8 bedroom home cIo m to churchti, icboola a n d alorea. O w n e r w ill aacrU flee.Meal f o r ehiliiren. T w o hedroom home, p iclure w indows w ith ch arm in g vi«w. I-ovoly y a rd , fenced. O n edge of Kim-

i berly.Small ^ m a j t o i t h b a th o n 26x136’ lot

, in K im b e rly . $3,000. B r in g offer.I E X C E L L E N T 63 A cre Row crop farm

in H a n a e n area. F u ll w a te r righti. <«Come in and lee ua o r caR ui, W*

‘ hiv« m a n y fine liitiniT*.

I GEM STATE REALTYO f f l c o P h o n e R E 3-5336

J. W. M enaerim ilh RE S-4S48, Dick M eaaerim lth In su ra n c e Agent

Jim M esw o rn m ith .A u c tlo n w EA 4-fil!8 Donald T ay lo r K im b e rly GA J.B28#Joi B e a iy Buhl 0204-R3

(12.13 F iler Ave. I n Lynwood)_______ M ultip le L ilt in g Service________

- - - -

ISOO d o w n . I apacloua bedroomi, 1 ~ imali bedrooni. Coved ce lling i, large liitchen w ith many b u ilt- in a , garaga and c a r p o r t , ToUl p r i c e $0,600. $7$ per m o n liu . . _ ______ ___________ ______

• FARMSNKHD M O RE LAN D ? W e hav« ■ man *llh 21)0 Arrea of a to ck and row crop

_ land w h o wnulrt Itke to t r a d e hia e<iuilynn a a m a lle r farm. T h la ia an oppnr- _ lunity to «»nlartfe. flo o d woter right.

_ lli i o v « r 100 acri'i of c r o p land. Phone a ' u» fo r d e ta ili . niJ, HERE’S th e alock f a r m you've been

]i>okinir ft>r. lUi) tc rc a w ith fu ll naier rli(ht. L ay a well, w ater* easily. Owner

Srowi itpuda, lieana a n d corn, beildri ay a n d paalure. flood improvement!.

W 'lh eaiy te rm ? ..

F O U T tlS ID E 120 w ith ou ta tan d in g im* provemcntii and p ro d u c tio n . Owner t*»k 325 tona hay o ff o f 30 acrci laU year. yO acrea c u ltiv a te d groiind, 98 ihirea w a te r . Ideal f o r row and ilock.See th ia o ne . $50,000 w ith term i.

C h c c lc w i th U 3 (o r

o t h e r v a l u e s

FRONTIER R EA LTYi% N o r th nn Dlu* L ftk e i North

B ua. Phon i R B 8-3041

ImH D ra n e y . Wendell K E 6-2053 Pon E d w a rd a . Twin F a J la . R E 8-2918 Larry S o ren aen . Twin F a lla , R E 8.125J

: N E S S a n d P R O F E S S I O J

E C T C> a n ^ x p :

T h e s e C a n H e l f

. « FUEL OIL___________________ •J Cen7Slate OIL RE 8-6U62. ” “

----------------- I - . . . - . . . . ■ Coj. • FvnxiTunE REFiNismm t

JohV lla w k in e — interior* . R E 8-0167. —

■ • tAISTING ......‘ StUIH'BrT>«. In te rio r a n d E x t« r Io r~ R E S

3-1114 o r R E 3-1948. —

■ • n :rs *; litlkcctfl, CockaU*U^Supplla*.^-GA-8.6flD6. D el

’ * WMIUNG AND HEATING. l OHonii I 'lu in b in g and lU lt. Co. RE 3 2477, P a i

• 1\ADIAT0H SEIWICETom'i R a d ia to r Shop S e rv lc * and Repair. N ei

2iJ Second Ave. South R E 8.72SB .

• mviai sEHVicE____________llDlo-IImitat—^ a » a r- .i ;« rw l— .— DA-».47lOr k JJ ^or H atia fac to ry Scttllc T a n k Clianing. t<

I'hom E A 4-6300, J e ro m e . --------------------------------------- ^

DON’T ' " — •


I l i ln ® ^ a p p fo x lm a t* ly ~ I^ .H f ln i i l_ifery d a y for I o jo n th eo it* you only la.BO. T H i

■I' m

P H O N E R E 3 - 0 9 3 1 . ^


V ; '


---------------------- ----------------------------------i r - -

R a n c h e S j F a r m a a n d H o m e s ’ -

, WILL SELLu K I R K A N i T S O N ■■ ■ -jj R E A L E S T A T E

p---------- 1 W - 4 h 1 ^JU m u . .Sout h ------------W U J l f i a ----------■* ' .

'< ~ O N S F I N E L A R G E* TJrarbrNew-Home—.------------

E ttp e c U lly « ju ip p .d f o r r w t homfc, C a p a c i ty 14 p a t lc n ta . In c lu d e * a ll rea t

h o m e e q u ip m e n t . T h la ia an exeep* __ t l o n a l ly p ro f i ta b le b u a in e a s and le llin g f o r 821.B00 a n d te rm a .

“ 120 A C R E S . 80 A cre* u n d e r c u ltiva tion , p r ic e d f o r im m e d ia te a a ie , 112,600. O w n e r w ill a c c e p t t r a d e f o r home o r c i t y lo U in T w in F a l l a o n ly .

. ARTHUR T. WATSONR E ^ l J « i6 R eal E a l a t e Box 1001


f lR O C E R Y ST O R B , h o m e a n d le rv ice O ' ‘a la lln T J . flood • e s ta b l i s h e d bnainesi in .2 a m a l l to w n , cloae t o T w in F alli. 3• b e d ro o m hom e. Block a n d f U lu re i, a ll f' f o r $22 ,00 0 w ith e a a y t e rm a . I'm te ll-0 i n g y o u , th i i c a n ’t b e beat.

5 G O O D N O R T H S ID E 8 0 . O ne h ead .„ g a t e . 3 bcilrooin h o m e , 9 a lanchion

c u w b a r n . S andy lo a m ao il. E m pty a n d re n d y for you Uj t a k e over. T heae a r e a c a r r e thla tim e o f y e a r . Se* ua f o r d e ta i l a . I t w o n 't In a t.

r, 320 A C R E S , a o u th o f H a n ie n . N o t b u i ld i n g i . O ne o f t h e o ld e s t and beat t r a n c h e a o ffe re d to d a y .

W a n t to B e ll! — I J a t W ith U i


' 2 2 7 S h o s h o n e S t . N o r t h. R E 3-8855

^ M a u r i c e K laaa K e r n e l l A ndenonR E 3 - 6 5 )0 — Phon* A n y t im e — RB 3*7651

'■We a re y o u r a c r v a n ta " N o t M em ber o f M u lt ip la

j FARMS FOR RENT1 - A X u IlA C R l'-S . fu lly c^IuIppctT I n q u ii^ <

N o r t h S id e In n , J e r o m e , Idaho .

' : FAI^~FOR~SALE -F O R R E N T O R .S A L E : MO acrp f a r m .

60 a c r c a hay, 10 a c r e a 15 a c re*t p a a tu r i* . M w lern h o u a e , d a iry burn a n d> c o r r a l a . Ixw nlcd U’ O N o r th , 300 f j ia t f o f R u p e r t . E. L O a b o rn c . Phone K K

2-?70r>, if no a n a w c r K E 2-2171.

J B Y 0 \ W K R ! 240 A oro a d e ^ p rich p u m p . l a n d w i t h p ie n ty o f w a f e r and U r g e

a u g a r b<^>t a c re a g e a l l o tm e n t IHO A cre* i l l \ ; « d i r k » J a l land o p tio n a l I . O n a la te h ig h ­

w a y , 7 mile* a o u th o f B urley, Id ah o F e n c e d w ith w o v en w ir e , 2 m o d e rn

> d w e l l ln g a ex cep t h e a t . Mo<iprn ( tra d r-A 1 d a i r y w i th (Jrade-A m ilk q u o ti . > li lk ln g

p a r l o r w ith fi a la lia , m ilk ro o m ,'(c ( |u li )- I - m e n t a n d 03 cow a n p t lo n a l ) . Ail«)U iite

l o a f i n g »hed». w in d - b re a k a , co rra ls , fu lly— a u to m a t i c w a te r in g ayw tcm , 12 x 40 c a l f <

b a r n , .H2 x 4(>' m a c h in e o r aUiraee b a rn .2 a te e l g r a n a r ie a . ( f a r m m achine ry op -

t l o n a l ) . P rice tl a u r p r ia in g ly low, mo<ier-* a t« d o w n p a y m e n t, t e r m a on balance. I f “> r e a l ly I n t e m t e d , w r i te o r c a ll A lfred N .

K n ig h t 2200 O v e r la n d . B u r le y , Idaho, O R K-6<>I4, o r R . D . K n ig h t , o n farm , O R (1-6013. 1

■ ■ ........ .......................... — I

E X T R A G O O D 8 0 ]

w i th 8 bc<lroom h o m e . Heavjr lo ll , iM a h a r e a w a te r , m a c h in e ahed. In , a l f a l f a f o r 6 y ra ra . r e a d y f o r row crop.

I T o ta l p r ic e 137,800. <

r H E I S S I N V E S T M E N T C O .E A 4-2334

L . N . S to c k to n S . N. W eekaE A 4.&eii0 KA 4-4«52

I K A R M .S n c r T w in K . l l . , 0 » n r r ' l e a v in g , w a n u q u ic k a a le . KO ACRES ^ m i l e o u t. e x c e l le n t d a iry ael-np. O u tb u l id i n g i . good h o m e a . Haa aiib- - j d iv ia io n ito iialb lliliei,IfiO A C R E S , v e ry g o o d aoll, w ater r i g h t , f in e c ro p y ie ld . G e t yotir o f fe r

— in f i r s t .

L P K E ' S ^ G E M c y : z c748 B lu e L akea D ia l RE 8-l(>20


80 A C R E S n e a r T w in F a l la , lay i very " w e ll, e x c e lle n t lo ii , w a t e r piped to v p la c e , 1 heaclgale . N ic e o ld e r home. £

-------- j t T O P p lu fc , A aking____________ IIU O O ------------f

240 A c re a Je ro m e a r e a . D oub le w ater.G ood im p ro v e m cn ta , A b u y ..... |5fi,000 h

R O B I N S O N - P E L D T M A N *D rive-In R e a l lo ra i

H E a-lO flS 747 M a in Ava W'cat *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- r

.ST O C K R A N C H : IfiO a c re* , located n e a r S i lv e r Creek in Woo<i r iv e r vullcy. “ K x c-e ilen t Im p m v o n ic n ia , m o d e rn home * w ith a h e d a und c o rr a la f o r Uveatock. 1 P U n ty o f ir r ig iitio i) w a t e r , fu ll line of « iu lp m c n t , pliia 50 h e a il w hitefaca c a t t l e , ( 'o i l III fo r p n r t ic u ln ra .

H A R O L D ’S A G E N C YR K 3 -5 5 3 2 R E 3-4230 R E J-2 II4

10<J M ain E n a t ------

60 A C R E S , 8 l io lro o m m cxlern hnm* ' ' I Lo n H ig h w a y m ilu f ro m W endell. cC .mmJ d a i r y lu irn . I>ancl in h igh a ta te po f c u l t iv a t io n . $21,000 2S)'.o down. 1'

HO A (U IE S 2 lie«ir<Him h o m e u nder poidIII' w a t e r r ig h t . 120,000 $4,500 d(.wn. | M A flR R S - n w ir -T tt t t le . V ery n iceh o m e, io ta o f o u tb n ild in g a . L>cated on g, oiU si r o a d . $25,000 2 0 % dow n.

IVERSON REALTY jf,P h o n e W E 4-4354

G o o d i n g , I d o l i o

--------------------------- ------- - RB A l

[ Q N A L n i l

O R Y I^ERT? isI p Y o u ! -■ m

. . T i' III I 3 -

• SEWING MACHINES “ At■ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. C o m p e te n t a e rv lc i N ec ch i a n d *11 m ake*, _ J i !

A lao V a c u u m c lean cra . P h . R E 3-6086. M O l ’ A*1 S e w in g M achini-a. 1334 K im berly R d . C l

" R e n t a S i n g e r S ew ing M a c h in e . F r « p ick n r ; -_____u p a n t i d e liv e ry.___ P h n n i . n r ,i S i n g e r S e w in g M a ch in e C o m p a n y .

• • TELEVISION SERVICE ____________________

J D e l H n t te r f le ld '8 T V -nnd~ ra ( llii rn E 'a * 2 B 8 3 :

1 412 K im t)e r[y Hoad. P tm n e R E 8*6l}7fi. G O O

; P a u l K ’l T V S erv ice . P h o n * R E S.JJfiO. J ? ' W e g iv e G old S t r ik e R tam t>a.

* N e l l i o n 'a T V a n d R ad io S e r v ic e , R E 8*8013. T O

• L ong*a R a d io a n d T V S e r v ic e . R R 8*46UO. J J. R ia e r - C a in A p p lia n ce . R E n . 7 l l l , ________ evi

r K c U t tW c - ia lM - a n i | 'i e j 'v l c i r b y - e x p * r " l i r F » " ? TTTir. t o r y R a d io A T V , R E 8 .2 2 8 8 , w e

' — i>i(; • J i m Q i s T E i a m l

J o h n H a w k l n . - f i i l , r l o t i . H E H H T , — ^

• W A T E H S O F iE N E R S

C u l l l i . n a o l l W . i . r a . n r l c . I H | . i m !

' • V A C t / f ; . \ ( C L E A N E R C T m- S A L E S , S E IW IC E t a

T i n a IS , o u r old K lr b r . . I n m i n . W . I 'h i ■ p e c l a l l te in K irby le rv lc * . A l io i l l o th i r r m rJ m I f ^11 » » f k | t i « r i n l . « l .4.HI M n lti Hnitili, - , , t y j ......... _ _ t t r i

• V A C U U M C L E A N E R I I E I ’A I/ IS

« « M . r v k . . (I, n . A n i l . n o n ' . , i m I - I H I .

■ ' ' ■' ■ F R I D A

Fa ^ n » ■ KAiiuA m —4 I P V — . I no

g — e g | P 1 — EA

- r ----- :----------------------------------- A, FARMS FOR SAU— - ^ o -

----- E X C m ^ N T ISO . e r a at U urln . GoU

Jip proTemcntu 18 acr* bee t allotm ent ; ---------55;ooor~K E '3:52i7r~A rtT taity ................r ~

320'N E W LAND, cleared, very little level- It'i ing needed. WeU drilled and tested. 16 coue mllea. from 'T w in Falli. Priced r ig h t for Han caah. Phon* EA 4.6167,_______________________

40 ACRES on oUed road. Good field i, wip modern Home. Will i ^ Or trade for

9--------- i a rgafr-fa rm ,----------------- -------------------------------80 ACRES Portneuf Loam aolt 8 bed- P A

• room home. One-tbird down.

MANN REAL ESTATE p.m;-----------------— P hone-EA: ^ a98&-Tlerem«------------------------7 Don Mann EA 4-2047 ---------

M att Smith KA 4-6196


)* 85 ACRES in Siberian wheat graa*. 80 ,f acres paature, 130 acres alfalfa, 100

acrea row crop. Located on the Salmon and would muke a fine cattle ranch.Haa a fine modern 3-bedroom, 2 hath home. Excellent outbuiliiinga, moatly all

1 fenced. Deep well. 400 shares w ater.* ,, J l milei South of Twin Falli. 1 would consider leaatng to a reputable p a rty

1 w ith meana and good recommendatloni > o n .a profit iharing baila for ra ising . '

stock and alfalfa.

^ B o x fl-28 c / o T lm es-N ew sn ________________________________________ '^hec3 r — — ---------------- prtKi

I! FOR SALE «',■80 Acre Farrn, 4 bedroom home, mod* fe m except heat. 06 acrei good irrigated ^

1. paature, 7 acrea red clover. The rest n good for anything yon want tn raise. COL y plenty of good outbuildings. All farm e equipm ent goes with ploce. Price » $28,000 good terms. If you want a good '

hom* and farm, come and inipect any- ,Ume. 637 South Meridian, HE 6-6714,

0t F R A N K H . LA R SEN

R o u te 1, R u p e r t , Id a h o1


Muat aell good, Tuttle area farm. 70 rvxr acrea w ith 100 aharea North Side, paid up water, 4 room house wiih l« th , o ther buildinga. Thia is a good buy at

I) 110,000, Terma lo b* arranged. 80 day 1 poaaeailon.

Also have very good ilock ranch in aame area. Will run 100 head thi y e a ' around. Total price only 25,000.

_ LEMOYNE REALTYI I " G ooJIn l O tilc . 696 M .ln Ph. WB l - .M I

Hagerman Wendell «TE 7-46^0_________ KE 6-21H4

— lo g«


KK Two Good Reef RanchuSeveral RO'a and 160'* Pri»e

— Soms Good Dairy let-upi and i m p

. . . . --------other

A L L P R IC E D T O SELLgh-ho

— W A L T E R K E L L E YIl"“ W en d e ll, K E 6r2228


0.. Buhl, 13, , ---------------------------------------------------------------

n i l FARMS doze[)R

N orlhside 80 acrea, 65 under cultiva- C rar— lion, balance paslnre. lienutifiil new 3-

bedroom RRICK home. Grade A h arn . NON $40,000 with terma or will trade forgood borne. Don't wait on thia one I

' W e have several good farmi, both Soulhaide and Northaide, for example:

68 a c r e s __________________|3B,000127 a c r e s __________________$21,000

I 223 a c r e s __________________162.600

_ All have good w ater rights and good term a are at'ailable.

‘ IDAHO REALTYS n Shm hon .S t. E. - Ph. HE1.80S1 NO.

--------------------------------------------------------------- c o n t

EXCEPTIONAL FARMS' ~GODTrBrfleTt?rp ]rN orttigldg,-80:ihH rw ____ JIQ S

w ater. 10 stanchion barn, large g ran -__ a ry , chickcn houie, deep well pressura

aystem. 70 acrea under cultivation. 4- mom home with large garage. $23,000 w ith $0,500 down, IMMEDIATE POS- SESSION

--------- T tN m tO - A C R F J with 110 4har*iw ater. Good home, barn, granary, bunk houae, deep well. Immediate poinesaion. ’ AI 832,500 with REASONAIILE DOWN PAYMENTEXCELLENT 80 ACRES with 80 ahurca northaide water. Modern 3 bed-

— r«Hmi home, large chicken bouae for commerciul rhieken rniaing, harn and granary . Would make t'erfect dairy»ei-uiT. .10 day iwiaeaalon. $26,000 w ith T ? / reiiHonahle .down payment. RALANCE E.A.SY TERMS,

HUDELSON AGENCYdo od ln^^ . Id a h o

P h o n o W E 4-4535


•■HAVE FERTILIZER, will apresd." Fin* mAiiA clean aheep fertiliier. Specially pre- pared for lawni, flowen. RE 3-8763.Meyera.

h a y , g r a in a n d feedno TONS la t culling hay, wire tW . 3

aouth, JlnlllBler. H arry Wamlwlt. <FU R SAUiv— Hay. AU three cuttings. Call

RE 'Umi. Twin Falli.APPROXIMATELY 40 ion airing tied — —

lulled hay. AU 3 cultingi. Phone GA 6-5071.__________________________________ _______

MlXKD Griiin for aale. Near Filer. CaU, R E 3-4412._______ _____________________

BALED IIEAN and pea straw. HE 2-2863, n v t i 2 East, »(| .South LDS church, MurUugh.

f lR S T CIJ'ITING hay and atraw. Phone 8 HIRI TE 7-4412, Hagerman.

WANTJO) m i iU Y good quality hay. Phon*_______________________ 738 U

HAY AND STRAW. Phone RE S.84GG. 1E ast, l'.:j North. Waghlngton school.____________

, GRAIN ROLLING. Steam or dry Stew* j a r t 'a Jerome Phone EA 4*2677 ' TjCU.STOM TRUCKING wante.l.,All fa rm - t

pro<lu.'ts. Phone DA 6488H Filer.MOIIELANU Mllllni 8 erv l< .-F e ,J ( r ln . |.

ing, molaiiea m iilng . Thon* DAvIa (• Legbc4447, Filer._________________

FEED GRINDING and molaiiei m ixing. ■ y.urp T iliey’i Millinf fiervle*. Phone QArfUld 3-6034.

UAGIC VALLEY MlUlng Uervlc*. Feed grind ing . W altir U rio a , Phon* G A r field .3-5004

l! MOORMANS Minerals i n J m ln tra tn . “1, C harle i R. brown. Pboni$O W . 827 AI* - tUc— ken Avenue, Buhj, _ {{5. ‘ w A O T J iU ^ T O J IU V jJ io s i i l l .u ^ ^ ^ - j — u ,

Ibree cu tting i Alio itr iw , Phon* DA «• , , , . 400H evenlngi. Will giv* market price. “ “ ’J

10 TON l i t culUng. 60 ton 2nd cu tting “ hay. Alao 10 inn clover hay. Located U2U._Norlh,.a00-Enat of Rupert. Phon* ------—

• KK 2-271I0, If^ io answer, KE 2*2171.• c o o l ) USED Uaclora and farm equip* t 'ji. .

m ent lo trad* for hay and g n in . Magic T rac to r and Implement Co, 210 2nd avenue louth, Phon* RB 8-0018, — —

; W ANTKU T o ’llUV. U .u , U rI .r , corn ‘.n i m li« l » r .ln . Corn tn i l l u . lor a i l . , il ; ■■ j '

• Jc llv c tn l, m a per Ion. Phon. DA (■4BIH, evenings, Filer, Miurlc

^ i m .tjALK, U lrT i t r a w . Guaranteed noweeds, liy ton or b«ile. icalei at ranch, - E e L pleaa* call riiornlngi or evenlngi, 8 U AKU 1th

o f .U 'ih l . on h lihffiy l l j D«in I 097-R4. Clyde MeOlaln. Br, 7089,

FARM IMPLEMENTS ' ' { S• i'A H M MA8TEI1 nillb ™ l,r . I le iu l .r ”i 5 H i ; llJD.HIi n « . HT0.01I. 1 M„ 5 , / „ r a U M i

Farm btore. llifofd

COM IIINATIUN JOHN D „ „ chop,,,, .n ,l

i ! i B »ulh lO )S' rh iir rh . Murlmi.h. ‘ pllM, *; n ' l ' i i " Mo i ik I. F m p

ly i» , n llh lii|i lio ikil, im niirt fo rk ,(ir .v i 'l iHlckM. Diri, OMrr Irti, f . r n i I 'H H ' In n a nuinntol un I.-.JO p D iT lT ]■ml r .c lo r lor H J l. Cill WK, ( .(O H . n n i i

i »o»"lln»| o r | r i i j ! i l t» jU m n n .l l w l t r .— - ln l ) |- > l

a l f a l f a c r o w n e b ,

» POI.VT H IT T ,,

; e s j-ert^ iS wITom”I f . t b .

■ POTATO PILERaW I N O W a * V E P 1 L E „ 3 UI 5 5 , ^

T > S m E ® i P M E N T 4 ^ '

W E L D IN G S H O P ^Paul

m a c h in e r y au ctio nC aldw ell. Idaho >

3 W ) ■10:00 A.M., Fpb. (

16 t r a c lo m , 10 irtu-k> in, n e rp llla ra tD o ier i aiiL'l. C iV ^ Kp u m p . K B n ,I , , , ' ‘n";tra c to r . 2 Olivpf 77' , .M. 09 . 8 -P arm all., 3 F-ml 1 te rn a tio n a lo 2 ton* K,.r.| n V

I. A.-Frame win.h. 4?H m White du„.„, ,:k . \ S 7 ^ R ,wheel tra il..r* , Im .vlnnu-n/prtKiuce tra ile ra , .Ik <-. , . i „u. B ?heol-bonn plnnicr. U nd t.;.n 'M f o r a n . h.r\M|er, d r i l l , .

G E O . WEITZ C O , O w n , , W9-8361 After 6 PM “ W ?

C O L S . C l l l l lM 'l l . T s r i l l l H I m . . ■ “ CALDWEI.I.: iDAiil;

h u r r y f


T O SA V E 10% K

$ 2 Million T i u o i U n r y


H t i tD ont n . u s thia chance of . l i f « |a .B » l to ge>t th e machine y«u nrH ^ your a p r in g work o f f riifhi. Thii d . 1 gantic 3 rd A nniveraary saI* rn n tih c a ^ B ^ throuB*h Jan u a ry 3 la t. KI{KE d o a rH ^ ‘ prliM # v e ry night . . . FRF.F, C < rf/« B ^! and d o n u ts . See thene and hiindredi e f l ^

-o ther, u se d aguipment b « m i n | - U i , l ' week o n ly a t H



D -9 t r a c t o r I

No. 30 Cable Control, Js bull- dozer, track roller guards M i d i ®

crankcase guards. Was J35.000 « r e '

NOW .................. .......B l i o o f c

YOU SAVE M,!00 " f c

- g I t E R P IL L A R - i K

D -6 TRA CTO R ®

No. 6 A bulldoiwr, No. 23 csbll contro l. 18" grouser tracks. W a t B ^ $11,500 _ B i t .

j j Q w : __________________

Y O U SAVE $1,150 K


W E S T E R N *

E Q U I P M E N T C O . f t

H om e ol Bonded Bu; - H w

Used Equipment B i i

B O I S E — T W I N F A IX S -O N T A E IO B i l


" C a t’’ an(J'"CafefpUlar' _ B s are registered tradeniarlu:::::::*! o f T ho Caterpillar Co.


O r d e r N o w

Irv-LINE w b lU n tW H IT E S , t t s i l n l n N E W H A B fS lIIR E S k n d W H IT E RO O K S.

C a rte r . H atchery_'38 Mp in E aat ^ 5 * ^

TW IN F A L L S ' , . !


S T R A I N S “ 1Leghorn*. New H*mp»hlr«.

White*, Whit* Bocb

( A N T B E S a O E O S a to p m » t only

Babcock Bessie's Im proved mor* th»n *v«

- High E g » Qukllty' - Thick 8b«»- iUceUent llvabllity - FrUndl; k P f ;- i86*270 Egg gvercff* ( '1 % ; -L M w # -W W U -* « f* ---------- I M 6 M o n th eontlnuoui hlgk- Top fe e d cotivcnlon

™ S U N N Y - GHIX . .............HATCHERY

“ O u r lOlh y « * r "

PETS ^ ^1 I IO B T O N 'H o t i . u i l i t u J ”l . i l r l c . I lK . - r r

m l »tM'hm i D A 6 -< (tt. . _______- - g0 IIKQ^TBllEII u « « I-I«n L .W H . Twl» r» ll* . .rta M * • ,

B IIT A l l-O E K H A N u p p lH . U i n r . n l « i l . ; O rm o U IDQ.J1, D uhl, iTTTiii'U8 - l l . » l i U r « I W t C w .ito n l K t n i n l i . B u h l P l » « ' " V •

[lw, 158 7 th A ii|iiii rr;‘ I M l

ll)|->lM»IU-<l^l"». ,1 11^


Page 13:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n

Prl!g!__ I I l U L .

.......T • ■ t t t P M r r m rpup*. ,»•»» _ 1 __________

■ a s p * f r ,n d «u>« "“ 'KLt - "*«■■>'J S d « " ■ ' • »»*'"•'’'•• n»», M/i M .

____________ - -------r _ - S P A K K - h t

■ J 2 < ; 7 ^ n f e d . Munyon. G h o u r bi«{* " t t SAVi: UN. tiijoti

'^ K i^ h ^ iW k . cow*. l**“ ” >nre» a t T r n dc l k a u a n c i j : s

•■-AUo- ^ x MI* —up— H isrr-O w i■ 9 5 r ’p b o n e B u W _ J 8 9 W l :_______ U K PO SS hX 'iS K D

L - M l j g t ^ rTnrf Ia m b i W I to 6, Save tl*U).<-.QO<»nK. . ■ . . - W w t ^ W t t : - - -

- ' ■ 5 > r : ; ; e o * * •*«» ilcu«i» ., r i i o u t k u u n i t u k kG le n C oehfP . .___ paired , r e f i n i .

^ P * j :^ ic < p i .M N ip r iu g g f b e m n . _ H a y M _ M j r ^ M n i f l |> y | ; o f l a J e ro m t. R E PO SSE SS KU

iiM tfiiH* tfl-lend, any m on th i. .Snv L yon . R oote «. Melon W K S T lN C U O li:

I M L y P K ^ ° ; 0 4 1 7 ^ 2 . .^ .y.\eciric. 44 1^ H p ^ T m i r e in fo * l. weUbl !}•*>«■ GOOD » » » o rtn ie

b la c k seldln*. weigh! 110.95, w i U tM t ^ jp . M ? J a . B uhl. ---- ---------- W K S T J N C H o r

^ ■ i c s r r k - f f o r •»!•• tu ib m ^ e u t. ie« i. v, o f f “ ‘ '“ u s e d f u r i j u u r .

I ® A l L S £ - 2 : i 5 5 ! : -------------- -- b u , a n y tim te

• i ' f * FtlrfleW , 16 South P h o n er.fl^ lng . __________ llE P O S S K S S K D

^ ^ R f f lS f . n d P o U n d C U n* bo*r. •owi, E xcellen t r o n « fU t* re d . P b o n i TEmple biilder. Phon<

er»on Fin«n<-<

s '’For f u r n i tu r *

B ^^TtN IIT A n b ia n m a rt, bred to 0/ ?alu«.> E S ' A n b . G e n t l t . w.11 brok<. B A N N

B in e ro i t . t09 S h n sb o n «

K ^ - J } ( n t i t e t n h e tfe r i . *00 to 6D0 Com pleie Ji®' «celn*t«< i *nd guirant«<i furnilur**. in

B * EA M166- ® '-i«r f . P u U ta m . ,

■ S j j f . e . r l o . d . o ( UoliUin » . . AS L O V■ W m t i i r j 10 i m I t r»“ h t« . ^

- ■ ’■•'AN-

s f e 5 L ? E E s « ---------- ^K ^ i n i n I 4 th B tre e t Phone 851, ,^Bki

i f c g E r ^ i i ^ SPAOn Bd^lck E A 4-26S2. JaroDt.

■rRHlltf. OR S-203g. Parity-

■ V A L L M ^BHeS iNC a s s o c i a t i o n R l

r t “ iBdcpir.ttd b . Dairy F . r ^ t nillff A. Uitcb. p h o n e 141-J Buhl , ________________i . fall Pliflttt R E 8>4048. Twitf Falli

" T ebvT c e" '" * " '™ w f .sT .N n m

S J i t w i * " - R e '^M 07('c» II«". “ '■K.. j . » . . - E A « « » ■ s t r e i


' REM OVAL -----------------ol Dead a n d Dselea S P E C I


PBONI U 3 C O L L E C T ..........d l Wll Ht l - 5 8 3 i - P . u l BE K !0 1 s | j p . f l c ~ T A N


__________________ _______________ Phone F i l a r

GOOD THINGS TO EATJEW bIm Rome app le* left, »*ver»l ^ _ _ _ _ _ _niu. Irwla B o d en aU b Orehard, t SM ALL M O D F arth 1 wwt ot W e a t 6 point*, c e llen t c o n d lfATOES, (irroU a n d onJoDi. Pboni 8 E aa t. M u r t I One m il* c u t , H north ^ 'q h K E N T : 1iihliiilUn StbooL ' week o r m o n irATOia, Hrted. R a a w a a b ly priced. 1 R«dlo. at, H Mrth. S o o th P a rk . Fbone BE oN E M)’ T V 1» » w ._________________________In ita lle d , l i :

:REX fron A e a ro la b e r r l* ./u n .« l . urd dritd f r o iu , nnbleteh td flour, nb rrocd p e a a n t b u tte r. Sta-W .ll « " • 21

t ,

FOR SALE O R TRADE T R U C K SEQUin Id 49* 10 -w ide, Great l « k « kL E E T W O O D ,

tUtr. C«B b« aeen a t B26 Jefferson. «ra. T ho b oKORD pklrupi f o r aa le o r trade oo New IB fo o l inlloB tnikr. P b o n e H E ^^722. traeU on I*' V CORM CHOPPER. P e rfe c t condition.

rnuat b ^ p f .■ ■■,' ______ __ ,_ . th lnir. C o m eV6 Uidtock u a l e a , W.OWJ ib. Farm- Id .b o ." I n U ; &4 (uiWf. C o m p le ta w ltb ram and {ng Co.. S mH 1 with, S e a a t . Jerom e._________ 93. H E s_ 4 3 2t. MAITREilS a n d ap rln g i In good -------------------------adllk Tn4« f o r S tu d io Coueb. Pbon* 1 r ttv« 'B H IH .I l i r '6 :a o p .m .- ~ Q D A U T■ itEBUiLTS, N e w B u a rv n tec , lo w fitkn. Cuk Isr j o u r o l j TV. Term , on R l g tld^Ia Ul me r c b a l td o r repair your I TV lid five y o u a new guarantee,'» mil.. Call J o « RB W278. 14ia bUi I; Had. C lo c k s an d watihea any M. u a if iiira n te * . S A l

WANTED T O BUY____ “It CWIi, lo« to u c h d ro p ild ti. Good"■miaa. Pbone R E .V0118. T R A .

Sf‘tl!,. A d d ia o oIe £ S

of H o lid a y . Popular Me-« w Biiiilnea. P h o n e HE J-1202 24* — 1y * *■"< ________________________ S' D e lu x e <•TUi ‘it to ‘62 k>tu( wheelbase ton in i p i i t r a n sI bill Cliifrolet o r Ford truck with (Ix tu rea . t u b« lood co n d itio n ind good b ln a tlo n bu;• IW to 1700. W rlU F rink Har- T andem w h« !**■ W li, N e v a d a .

^EtUNEOUS FOR SALE c o l u ’2 :

rAbU ijp fli,rite r i n excellent condl- TUT A fL-ftll i»ttr 8 p .m . only. RK 3-1872,‘U|} ii«H la fe f o r Mie. NorUuld* M O I

EA M 7 0 1 , Je ro m e . A crosa th e HINATION g ra in a n d ito fk rick truck L i» < . like n e w . Phone RE S.B420. ________________

“ C l :boat molot. Call

j a j j i m h E a-48ii0.___________

i a j . " ' H . K Iw , .1 0 ,, .. Tf y II m ln u w e n tm il. C r . l , '. _ , . o .

M . ln Boulli. * 8 -

■ 1 1 7 “ “ “ “ S * " ' . » “!■ • 'l-f-" • c o n d itio n , rb o n i HE 1-

A n d a lm o it inythinn of 4 0P«*l- 21* Shoihon. o . m

P h p n . H E a .3 » l . “ ”m i! ” '" '■ ■ y l»dy . Uu» now .nd T , n w. f " ' f No m on ., ,

i j L ^ 'V c T n U ‘r°.°- *"■ “ ■

*“ ■>» M u h in , , h in d m-

, ■ ni S i i ' " ' »<S<1 iloV. cb tlr ., 3 5 ’I S f e l “ '■“" ‘"'V >’» >»'l g , y ,

ijP S fT m c , o r k n U ti, , _ _' ‘‘ " l ‘ Stap, In <on‘ L O W

C L .H, ' 1 7 !iT t i l , >5” till A v.nn ,

' S ' S ^ "W. N». T i a F

‘O l lo f f iT ® S K U V lO t" W

r jg ? g ^ v S ~ ~'—f r ”: 'S . i . " J E ® " , L o w

■ l A n p•• ,1.'®* 8 <juar« fool ......................

, J W i V J ^ P B L CO. ' t r /

™ ------------

5rke t , place ~of '

j g i c valley =r U R E :&/AW UI70TCE5-j::T I« r C K !

m ttc h u ir , ^ b i t ic i niodel. ilke \f, M u in Av.-nuc W est, T r a i le r h v f t t t r - t ta T tn r r^ th m im e e ir ■GH>>V4Wljie‘J*jp ..................... ... ._ _ _ .»«-»r%<<ninn i

■■ U s e d ru r ti i lu re 'a n d appllancu. b id HIi,v«*5 K urniture

- tfu u d - u itd fuenjiur*- «<»J *|>plU.............. .. . .T ry lT rn d i» r lln rn . 412 Ailtli»fln Wett U L .

JCljI SA LK . U.ed oil beaten , |16 * r% rr-OwTT^. FA K S S K D H itiiH>jni lii* deluxe frecier. , *>*>. _5]ay_ rem ain ing paymenU. ______ _______

K K ah«mpooeU, r.cuphoUtered, re-re f in ia h e d . Green Stam p*, Terini. * » •* Klmbti■ 'u rn itiire .________________________ .S S K U Kritridaire d ry e r . U»ed S tt

<m»-third. R iter.C aln,U O D S K dry^r. $<9.60. M A Y ^ ^

44 1 Main K«»i.______________o r t n i r n i iif iited T V ’a a t I6w a i . iV V iU on-H atrt,_____________ • AI

IH O lfS K liry ti, , F u lly ){uaran- , o f f . Itiner-t'afn. q .■ iju u r* and appliance*. You can

tim te , lell o r t r a d e Opan every P h o n e HK 6& H A uction. 321, Jnd A v e o s e ----- !_________

^ h o n e RK -^ i> K D (i. K. A utom atic W aiher.It fo n d i l lo n , Knr a&le to h lshe it P h o n e R E 5-4771. SU «vell-Pa^ ^

----------------------------------------- Q

SPO T CASHn i t u r e - A ppliances — ThingsI.

lA N N F .R F U R N IT U R E 10^8 CHKVib o n e South Phone RE H i ! l VS'atfoi------------ — -------------------------------— - 1054 n u ic i

S W L Y ^ V T S D S P E C I A L

e hotiaehnld of new- or tJied . q , , p . n n e. inc lu d in ir n ece t.a ry appli- ^ '> P ‘b e d ro o m , living room , kitchen,

I L O W \ 5 S I! A MONTH IW A L K E R 'S ,0 5 8 CHEV

- lA N C K AND K LIINITURE Ivori.520 M ilti .South , j j 5 nQB,;

1961 INTKIG A S R A N G E S TlM ll


M l O f f >'>*»

- ............... -1949-K O IlDR I S E R - C A I N

__________________ A N„ , issa C H EVR e p o s s e . s . s e d «»od i

refrlitc ra to r and fo r a a le to h luheti bidder. Can

a t ( i re e n a w a lt 'i i to r e in Buhl.

i t r e v e l l - P a t t e r a o n

F i n a n c e ’’ i r n T T P h o n s R E 3 -4 7 7 1 J l i H U .

I>ECIAL SERVICEST A N K S cleaned a n d repaired. a ■ i^la a n d d ra in flelda dynamited. ^T r i c e . J37 F lle c -A se n u e WaaL ifrS4 CADILl

RK. 3-33GJ^ _____________ _ ^ c e l le n t p<imT A N K S ^ ceatpooia and drain CHKVli

c le a n e d , repaired a n d ioiUHed. Union 1l in e # c l e a n ^ w itb electrlo roto* — , ■ ■ ■——

W o rk g uaran teed . 1& yean ic e . H aken 'a Itoto-Rooter Senrlea F l l . r DA » -m O . ■ , P E R S 0 >

^ D IO AND MUSICl lO D K L 120 baaa accordion. Ex^ c o n d i t io n . CaU H E 2-2391 orM urtatig^h .______________________

J T : 17” or i l " televialon leta. by - dercoi ' m o n t h t reaaonabla rate*. Fiolory IZ.OdO

T V a n te n n a with channel 7*2>S. 1961 PL Y l d , 1 1 3 6 . O ne 17" Ph ilco Coniole. it c o n d i t io n ; one 24” Weatlng- *C o n a o le tte . exceHent condition;

E m e rs o n w ith new prem ium Sil- p i c t u r e tube. Del Butterfleld'a ^

)7 A d d lio n Eaat. R E 3-2838....................... ... - white.

C K S AND TRAILERS vouO O D . A c ro .h e u i l™l].le b e « t bujra and low est price*. u .„5 f o o t tra ile r . 1706. “ Added At- '11*' W ill g ive absolutely free 2 a r a t i o n tra ile rs and other pritea • m b c r to o u r enutom eri only. You T M T * A 1« p r M ^ i — w iir- ira a r-fA r* ^ M y ^ — J t M I / A tIC o m e to th e "B a n rs ln Spot of

In te r m o u n ta ln T ra i le r Dlitribut* 126 2nd A . S m ile* soud), B erger, Highway 3-4 .126 .

j j n r s MOBILE HOMESAT TH E r n T T T P

R i g h t P r i c e l o r Y o u L n t jA m e ric a n

New MoonN u h u ft

S A L E S . SER V IC Ef iu red Towing for Hire,

T R A D E R H O R N SH A ] T R A I L E R S A L E S . I 'd iso D We*t RE 1-S3SI: b y th a Economy o f Quality**

----------------------------------------- 35— 1959 BOLES AERO TO '

u x e C olored re frig e ra to r, bulll . r a n s e . colored bath and kitchen a. t u b . ihow er, tw in bedi, eom* n b u m p e r and hose carrier. a w h e e l i . O n


M A G I C V A L L E Y „ V

M O B I L E H O M E Sta t h e track* from th e Depot

7 0 1 Sou th Shoshone

C L E A R A N C E ™

S A L E ” T ]

4 5 ’ B I L T M O B E ;

8 ' w i d e - a B e d r o o i f t

j O W a s $ 4 0 0 D o w n$ 8 2 .7 0 p e r M o n t h ^


4 0 ’ B I L T M O R E (

8 - w i d e — 2 B e d r o o m

j O W a a $ 4 0 0 D o w n ooupi, $ 7 7 .8 6 p e r M o n t h

________ age.

1968 FOR]3 5 ’ B I L T M O R E

8 ' W i d e — 1 B e d r o o m ______________ j o n #

L o w a s $ 4 0 0 D o w n .» 7 3 J S 0 p e r M o n t h coo“

- _______PflW*

' . ’ ' . 17,00

U S E D S P E C I A L S - . „ „ „

2 9 ’ G r e a t L a k e s a« ' w i d e - 1 B e d r o o m j j ? . '

j o w a s ? 4 0 6 f ) o w n l u i t l v ; » 8 8 . i q p e r M o n U i . . ‘ “ i '

1 9 5 6 C a p r i 4 0 ’ S w8 ' w i d e - a B e d r o o m

L i o w a s ? 4 0 0 D o w n j t i i o i i s * 7 3 .4 1 p e r M o n t h ' i r i i i

ef) s. 1

" C A P I T A LI R A J L E R S A L E S

O t4llli« 8*rvt<l r a i l * R tJ f lu p irV H«h« J IR O M B ,

rC K T A N D -T R A IL E R S - l--------- ^AUTOSy .SA S Iil A Mu»i . i-a , r iohet> r - = -------- ----------------c r f . iu r t , L .i ,S.,, 12>-,_________ P A n n '

f. T w h Kn ; .. ' ^ tA D lU J V tJ _____________;__________ ;__________ -S ; u i m v s i . E r


-DIAMOND-T.......•s.l f O l t l l I J o

P A R T S . S E R V IC E

, WESTER.N'____________, 1 . 1 ^ };?:lO TO R TR U C K IN C . i T S l lK lm b tr l j Ro«d r k 8-2S84 ’SK C H E V Ti

________ • « IN T K ld A Tc om m ercial

Used 8' Wide Trnilers stuDK 'and 2 bodroonus, $495 UP I I A ' N C I I E ^

SPECIAL Kimberly All Ni'W HI' X 44'


i m p s o i i M o b i l e H o m e s H O W A R D

le HK Uu|v<rri. i-Ul.o


CARS mt IUsi

CHKVlUll,KT 4 S l a l i o nW atfon. Iikf n . 'i i , p r

BU ICK K iiiiiltiiniicr <Ml»or. P o u e reyiiiinir.!. K viru l’ imhI. P f TC A D II.I.A C H j.r<llo|., .S l i« rp .- ^

N E W 195£

PICKUPSC H E V IIO I.K T i . j .to n . He<l a n d ,Ivo ry . L ike now , (.o rm eiiuently ,

DODCK V-d i. j . to n . S h a r p . o f f i « ‘nex t !TIN T E R N A T IO N A L n u a 1 *.T lM llE H L O l'K .lo c k a n d g r a in C O M E IIbed. '

IN T E R N A T IO N A L % . n u a U . A nd le t m e i alDck rflfli, C hevro let

CM C 1-lon. n n « l . . T IS in K llL O C K a to rk anil K rain bed.

-F O R D l»tnn. D uais , s t a k e bed. j . j g j '

AND TRUCKS ■ HowarC H E V R O L E T 'T ' 2 - to n . :i-apeed .good 8.2.V4. like new 15‘ b u lk M . ----------------------------



R E .3-44‘>0 ^ ‘ CADILLE .V i l l . . All PC

________________________________________ _ tir e * . 26,000 ra

A U T O S F O R S A L E - s a c h e v r c

3ADIL1jA« Uwpe Fuit power Kx- -BelAlr 4il«<»r 'nt r.indlli.m Hi-: lurtOHK equin>«l. HI* 'HEVROl.KT in uihmI coiidilioii. See ,^0 uTTTnir i Inion M o u ,,.. ,r,® . o • ■ ... Riviera Coupe

flow; premium

JSO N A L L Y IN D O R S E D ^ m n t iaC a ta l in a H art p o w e r brake*.

; R /M B L E R A m b a ita d o r C u * to m , , ,4-door, Radio, h e a te r, p u s h - b u tlo n r U J N i i f ld riv e , pow er a le e rin u a n d b ra iiea , 4 -doo r. A ll po tin te d tfla is, a i r c o n il l t io n ln g , un< 000 m llc i, P red ercoatinB . w h ite w a ll lir e * . O n ly __ ■ ^12.0M mile*. L IK E N E W '5 5 M E R C U

U o n tc la ir III ; PL Y M O U T H 6 Savoy 4 -d o o r S e . N ew t lr e i

d a n . S ta n d a rd t r a n a m lia lo n , heal/- e r , l- to n a p a in t- GOOD T I K E S . '54 0 L D 8 M

I O H E V n O L E T V .> 110 ( -d o o r d s n . A u to m a tic .tra n » m la io n , r a d io . v« >i 4<ub e a te r , good U rea. 2 -to o a p in k a n a .e n

C U l l o , . F» I VOLVO S U U o n W i i o n . PV-44I, P * l " '

rad io , h a a te r, w h iu w a l l l i r a s . iug« g a g e rack . 2 - to n e red a n d w h i ts . FV ery c lea n . O N E O W N E R

'5 3 I N T E WI.,nng w hel b&

EAtN-MGTGR-GG;— wcHEVRiN ew bed, goo

J n d A venue W e*» - B E *-2022

--------- --------------- C-A-R-:


W ith th e


35 - O V E R - 35 “T O C H O O SE F R O M „ o n

U o r jN o D o w n P a y m e n t

O n O l d e r M o d e l C a r a10 5 8 C H E V lImpala Sport

ouREE M o to r '"isis omv.M a i n S o u t h R E ^ - 6 8 1 1

1 9 5 8 C H E V :B«*lAir 2-dooi

1 0 5 8 C H E VB c lA ir 4-dooi

^ - R E S T A R T IN G T H E ,^^3

N E W Y E A R R IG H T ! pickup, l . . .

Tu t ? d a p 1 5 5 7 C H E Vn J j 1 5 A X V B e lA lr S po rt

A S _ B E ^ ]^ M O V J E D 1057 CHEV i-ROM B A R G A IN S . . . ' BirAir iMooi


G 'A I N' S mTFORD ? 0 R O U R U S E D G A R

C U ST O M E R S sup«r sa w

I OLD3HOB1LE H o 11 d . t Coupit, y H**Ur. «nd derro4tir,. lielAir ^dool White” w all H ire i, t in t e d g l u i . sU n d a r d t r a n i m l i i l o n . L o w m ile - 1 0 5 0 C H E V ag e . local o w n e r ....... ........ « ^ . t2 7 4 t 4n lo o r

B FORD Falrlani *'S00" 4-door 1Q 50 F O R D Town-Sedan. Fonlomatic, hoaler, . -piekuD wbluwall tlrei, tinted glais, atyla* tone painU Juat Uka n«w In every 2 0 S 5 C H E V

-w ar-=»==b™ «R=:^^ ^

8 0LD8M0BILB "88'' H o l i d a y ior« niTTPVCoupe. R ad io , h e a le r , h y d r a m a t lc , 10B 5 C H E Vp g w lr b rak e s , t in te i) g la a i . 2> ion« ,2 -dooi*

— p a ln t .a n d a n ir .o th e r j f r r a i o r l e a > _17.000 ,a c tu a l m ll ta ' , . . . . - ^ . . , f l B 4 t lO o S T I H E V

f ita lio n W agI DUICK Ctntun Hardtop Coupe.

R adio , b a a le r , d y n a f lo w . p o w e r 1 0 5 5 p O R Ca tM r ln f , p o w e r b r a k n . N a w ( . . u , „ j , u ,to o a p a in t . V ary e l a a t i ____ IIIBI

I r L Y H O U T l U .d M r S e d a n , l la d l a . fceaU r. V f r r fo o d t l r e i . m o to r h a a r p r n v l u i t b n n c o m p la tfly o v e rh a u le d u i i l j n

•• ...........----------------------------- --------- -----

4 FO R D V-B V ic to r ia H a r d to p , CHJ OoDpe. R a d io , h e a te r , F o r d o m a t le , w h IU w alli i n d lo ta 01 o t h e r e q u ip * T«n e n t . S h a rp ______ . | 9 0 B

i O IIS V B O L W 1 T o n t r u t k w l lh ; . ^grain bed. L o n i whMl baae, ’heat­er, S,lhlO tires all around eioent aimre lire, 8«ipeed Drowntipe ■'tranimUiioB. lleaily to work IU9I



nOMR IUAIIO . . 1C* <WII« , ' ANI

......... ............................... - U K nMES-NEWS,.TWIN FALLS

I T O S 'F O R - S A L - t ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ A U T O ^

r \r» lT O I ? n n KV>o * « RAM UUiU § U t J1 .I. U a n U . I .A K O ---------------0 ,D. - R B -»-» A4;a KD l»An«m> H a n lti> ii-lll?S a f te r 6;00 p.m. L l^ O 4-door Sexiwti. .|5US. — ,I'SLER lUrtll<)(> Coupe $<iDA K 2-duor S|<rv'iiil S50U^ S m t-C u n v £ L t- i l .k .-^ c u : . .- ................... ........XL) J-«ioor A ulo iuaiic T l S p i Tmillion ..... .......« y j I J U i - i J -10UTU 4-.U r t;.-.i«n .... $S7S V ^ ^E Coramamltr . I2S0 V A J

jftiiv S i - t s s r a e i t wJ Super US M ^ w r . |Sfli) n n i r i f n^^A,’ 1.. Ton. ,n i lr» y . JlHiO " Alll^ATlONAL I 'i c k u i . wiih erclal box J795 * fiK ..,T o „ .(k .rd „ „ „ „

IIE Y 'S U S E D CARS ? ,;;; : ''7 h i.'i :ibcrly Rt«>l HK a-6511 *6J HUH'K S p s.........- It — — ------------------ S u n d a rd t r i

hea te r .............

,RD G. A R R IN G T O N _ T H1

Says B iT H tSK CA

^ O U L D L I K K T O ■ ■ v o u r

X MY F R I E N D S JI t I am .still selling BRO^

Used Cars a t AU1E N G. J E N K I N S ,w h.r. „ d.

at, I am S e lliiiK

1959 C H E V R O L E T S ■lars and T ru c k .s JO H N .

Tod! fo

ntly, I h iv i m ovr<l my offiri BEST• Died Lar l..ot. to the Mam i ’Xt U) th« lot. I N

JE IN AND SA Y HI g o ^ T d lL Ime ihow jro» the beaulifiii Royalmaater

vrolet that ii a l l new ail over clean.

1967 CH K V nO Llp h o n e Radio, heat-

3-3033 o r R E 3-2804

Howard G. A rr in g to n 1S56 CHEVROLGto p Coupe.

' glide, <l-lon4“ ■ whilewsll t;

1962 FORD V-f

3IS WEEK’S)P VALUES! o t h I r s

DILLAO C o u p e $410! tt , ? ? ! ! "All powered in d «<]uippe<i. Niw,000 mile*. 8H A R P '

EV ROLI7rV-8 $260!il«<»r iUrdlop. V ^ l t pow.-r and - —— - - ------. lilg engine, T u rb o id id r ,

ICK beclul $nO! SAVE!Coiipe. Kutly ® a« ipped , Dyna-cmlum Urei, CL>KAN ^ W H E R E Y (

im A O 810 C o u p e $140! H A V E M (Hardtop. All equipped and n>5j f ; u c I To

rake*. 81,000 m U e i ^ 4,^,,

NTIAO S ta rc h ie r $149! .........All p o » « r r i i n d « i u lp p r i . ! ! . ' ‘ lI . P rem ium U r . . .

miwlon, 2hIR C U R Y C o u p e $1495 CinsVROL:[r Hardtop. P o illy equipped. axle, good tl tire* ...........

O S M O B IL E “ 9 8 ” $1495 19B3 CMC 2 TonHardtop Coupe. All powered, ** --------

n^ LOCAUOW NI5R 1M7 CHEVROL^ » e ; 8.26x

NTIAO H n rd to p $40! L*i. i t y l .. Full, w ulppri. Orliir..! STUDEBA


PICKUPS IMfl FORD ^TERNATIONAL $!05 hil bu.. ',lTon. (-.p«d 1061 CHEVROL

with cam pE V R O IiE T ^ ,S T o n ■' ' $393 f 947 FORD 1 " td, good rubber


-R-L-E-S-O-N’-S t w i K

7IAC-CA D ILLA C-O M O U aecOn 1

T w i n P a l l s A ik ( o r N u lty 1

RA]l U A L I T Y

_ 0 K — usi

SED C A R S ' w h e s e c a I

1067 f o r ;

H E V R O L E T $2825 V Z , Fsport Cou{i<

IHEVROLOT $2895 - ”Station W iion 57 WUiL

IHEVROLW J23BS troo 'm ll'li'l'i-t2-door " ■ _ _

IlffiVROLjrr ^ $2405

* V-8 4-door.' R aIHEVROLtT T o n $n05 Iremmliilon, Z- . L o n . » h , . l 1 « . . » ” '» '

JHEVaCLET »19M e =

.67 0'u M!H E V R O L m „. . n e » ! _™ r .tM rlni, pow<

’LYMGDTH $18«p Coup*

jQHD tIDOS '5® PLYMOi 4-dotir ' V-B l-d o o r,8 ed.

m a tie tranam taJLDBMOBILE ' $2406 O E L L E JIT THisa W o o r

IHEVROLET . $1695 . >65 FORD- 'A. . with rtdlo," hei

IHEVROLET $1405 I 'i'aT A N Y W

. . ' . J ™ ' .

3HEVR0LET . $UI15 h.>ttr. Itfdram

JHEVROLET ' _ ' $ I1« .b'j OHEV

B ad to , beater,n iE V R O LE T $1085- - - 0 I.B A W -W 8 l b\ W an n . • ^

?0 R i > * “ ‘ %im . . p]d e b u ili

I I QUO H Tt>i , 1 1 8TU D E0A K

L E N G, J E N K I N S i i q u i v i i o L i__________________________ „II,OI1I(V80UCHEVROLET « ou*vhou

TwIti'Falli. I d a h o

R E i l - 3 0 a l ; , ' '


PAffTEffr, E A S IE a x P h .n .'R I I .”

AND O O ar LBBH “W b.t. Ouilon

TF ■ r ...

'O S -F O R -S S tE — -

^ SUUon W»KOn. 6 ftl. willi H I G H E S&7i l a m . I l f ______________

p .m . , ----------- 1 „

P O P • “ R O Y ’ S - t

) l i j D “ O A r V 436 M ain N oi

/ A L U E S --------------------------------;

inmteK-BHA-bBtt-WHKT-)- I— ------------------ ;

I i e ! ^ D ^ a ( l o w . r a .l io . " iv ; ' . D O W N :rak e r, h e a le r , c u a t . im tn m ,

S p « l » l H a r d - to p t W E W I L Lvr, r a d io , h e a te r , A -1 M A P P Mrhi* ia a h a r p ...... M A K U t l

S p s o l a l 2 -«li>or ^d t r a n a m l u l o o . R « il i O n t h e lO l .- ----------- ------------------- ---- * B e t w e e n t j o

- T H R E E —T Q K I « - i 2 C H E V 4 -

r , . , 2 - J O C H E V K OB u i c k S sT U D K J H « r

>K C A R S A 'R E G O U U R m c K 4-do>V O U U C H O IC E m ia a io n ______

$ 3 2 5 ‘M D O D G E 4-<lo

. . ^ •4B M E R C 4 .d o c :

'■ T O ‘'"KV ‘-doo,l O W N I N G •«> 0LD3 88 W

, U T O C O .*.VJ I tU lc i ? C o n

ou D e « l w ith C o n f id e n (« )_________________________________ A L L C A R S


I H N I E B O Y D A U T (

f o r t h e - 2 6 9 2 n d

i l S T B U Y S P»oneI N T O W N

M O B IL E H a r d to p H oliday ____________________. R a d io , h e a te r , p o w e r a lre r- y>wer b ra k e * . 2- t o n e flniiih,m a a te r W h ite w a ll t ir e * . R eal M T J ]

^ n O L E T B e lA lr V-B 4-door.. heat<*r. p o w e r c l id e , 2- lnne 1

w h i te w a l l t i r e a . E x tra

' 6T FO R D 1 -V lrlV R O L E T D e lA lr V -8 H ard - .5 C H E V R O L Eoupe. R a d io , h e ate r- , pow er- »,t v v j r . i t ' r ia - l o n « 'f i n l a h , d o u b le E airle 6 P L \ M O U T l

K ill t i r e a . S h a r p . '67 I’L Y M U U T I

t V - 8 V ic to r ia * H ard to p 'f'T FO R D fi R a t, R a d io , h e a te r . P o rd o m a tle , *6S O L D S M O D !«rall t i r e a . 2 - to n e f in lih . C H E V R O L .I

"*'*• *ft5 F O R D R V

E R S O N H A N D o l d s m o b i■n M K R C U R Y

U Y — S E L L — *S< F O R D 6 4-4D E — O R T E R M S ' 6.1 F O R D 8 \

C a l l O L D S M O B I

R E 8 - 8 8 4 0 i' o n t i a cJ V U O o o ' a u Q IJ X S M O n i

------------------ ............................................ -‘62 n i U Y S L K H„ . ' . _ _ T i . . Si>ort C o u p .E ! SAVE ! ’fi2 M K R C U R Y

A *61 I’O N T IA C 8

3 Y O U R D O L L A R S -ei n u i c k r «

3 M O R E C E N T S ! ‘‘ i d o d g e « <. , *61 M E R C U R Y

........... .................... 11005 ’4» D E S O T O 6

3E t T o n . L o n . w heel ’« C l I E V R O L l8 .2 B x m t lr e e , 6 - a p o « l trnna- '47 0 L D S M O B ]

on. 2 -e p e e d r e a r e n d ....11706. A T T r V R O L E T 2 T o n . M p e e d ’

g o o d g r a in b e d . 8.25x20 E Q

2 T o n . 2- ip e « d a x le . 8.25x20 P R I C E , ________________ ............ ........11076

V R O L E T 2 T o n ; L o n g w heel M T T P P T T 'V8 .25x20 t l r e e . ^ a p e c d ax le . W U K l ^ H I

a ty le c a b .......... .................— M75 E A S '

D ^EBAK ER l i T o n 812 M a i n S O l

D % T o n . 8- w e e d ____ U 2 7 5 _______________

- j a n u a r -

c a m p bed ....J....... ....|606

D 1 T o n . < * ip e e d ------------ ^

E R N A T IO N A L Mr T o n _..»14( L I Q U I D

A ^ Y L L I E ’ S A l l C o r

< - P A L L S . M O T O R

U a e d C a r L o tOn Truck Lanelutty NorthrOD or Rudy Loder U S ]

-------------------------------------- - --------------


‘ Q T T T T T P T ” S E E I N G1 SEE O UR '


.L _ ^ S b o p !!---------------- - - 4 = r B f <X CAItS KEEP ROLLINO

F>ld>r ■ SaluFORD Polrlane »J195oor H»rdlop »Uh >11 po»«r, . g A L E S Iite r . F o rd o m a tle .

- F r i d a y

r a i Y S Wagon j a m -------------------Iriv., r.dlo, htitir .nd onij L A T ] n . Z - to n e p a in t . L I K E N E W

- 1958 C H E V .

iMBIiEE Custom $2011),' Radio, hi.ur. hjdr.mill« >9W FO E DIon, Z-lon« p.lnt ContlntnUl ](|65 BUICKOnl, H,500 n.ll-.SAMK*3 ,,,55

1065 e a m b :

o l d s m o b HjE $aios c h e v i(.Tlixir. indl?, he.ur, pow.r - 19S3-BUICB p o w e r b ra l te i . h y d r a m a t l i

= = = = =

lYMOOTH Bavoy $1095 Y o u r C

f o r <T transportation y - ^ ' ’

, , 1052 B U IC I3RD v -8 2-Door $1095 1952 PACK.lo,‘ h ..u r .nd ov.tdrlvj 1052 NASH

I'Nywakn'B"* “ 1^1 D O P a

OL0SMOPILE..|1O95, M o o r , p o w e r b r ik e e ,- r a d io , Y o u r Cy d r a m a t ie .___________ _ ________ _________________

■ : ' F O RIHEV OonvertlblB $999 •»Mr, .uiid.n! tr.ii.niu.loi. 1948'OHEV. IMBlbK-AND-OUT,.. „---■ w . - 1949-pO N X

II I' l . 1949 P O N TP I C K U P 1940 P O R D

BOAKKB ii Toi A L L' l i o L B i « T m . N o t n l t

— cumCi, F O R T H ]


I D C A R D E P T . ' u s E i

I C K L A - N B w e s t o n b c

J u i lo m e r a B end T h e l i T M ind i'* ,


I ' , ""

RE_____________ ________ 'j. v».~___________ _

liS IF O R S A L E — : z Z -Z IIA U IQ S ::!“ TWO l«6« l-'OUD a[ E S T Q U A L IT Y , *^*“1 \r%T »nd two tone palnlE N —T O W N --------------------- Riaw—Tpun; — rBEST-dA'ns----------- - f lE mutm.— ^( Choose From

S - C S E D C A R S ' - - ™ I P Y O lN o r th RE 3 - 1 3 S 3

---------------------------------- U s e d C ar. or

--------------------------- 1 — ----------------------- G

Sr P A Y M E ' K T T R I

L L M A K E Y O U R P A R 'C H P A Y M E N T H ig h w ay 20

followlnR cars sold B O IS E, T30W and FeJ>. 6 th.

W e o r e n (

V 4-doora____ I29.M Mo.VKOLETS ...... 117.71 Mo.Hardtop V-K , Mo. J D 6S CHEVROLE'4-door. Slamlard tr«n»- jg jj CHRYSLER

.... ............................... : . iS 3 .5 i H o. ............ ............................ .4x}oor ............ 110.10 Mo. FORD 2-<!oo

Udoor. Ovec»lrive 111.SI Mo. 1057 NASH Amb«1-door. DHiue... i n . 81 Mo. jj> 5 NASH Ambi* ........... 4 l9hS CHEVROI2-door. Slandani trana-.......................... m .U Mo. 1D67 DODtJE % 'Convertible .....I34.U7 Mo. 1050 CHKVHOLK


\ L o u s K A

FTO S A L E S F O R c a r s

2 n d 'Avenue East „ „ ,^ono RE 3-8575 Witat of the New City Hall

: U R P H Y ’S

5 E D C A R S

1-VlrUne 800 4-doortOLET nefAIr B Sport coup* I ? A TDUTH HolvHere R Spt Cp* i - X v - A - iJUTH 8 Conv. Belve<ler* A A/T? Ranch Wagon 0 - U “ iYL*!OB!LE 88 Sport Coype p D '^OLET HelAir 8 4-door ^8 Virtorl. C.o„p.

IIOHILE H M oor CHEVROLE JR V M onur., . J o o r

' lOM PACKARD* Vktorl. Coun. 8,

lOBILE 81 W « .r ,_j,lAO 8 t-door D.lux. PLYMOUTllO niL E IH llolldw Coup. STUDEllAK


URY 2-door '• q „ ^ , io LIAC 8 4-door .....................: Ro.d Mul.r t-diHir i j j j STUDEDAKB S 4-door ................ .U RY 4-door 1061 FORD ClubVi Ton Pifkup 1063 BUICK, 8ui

r o 6 4-door 10S2 DODOE 2-<l

ISm I l y m o u t iM OBII.IUa)llV ]052 MERCmiV

L G A R S W E L L ISS? o h c t m l i


G E D T O . S E L L ! U b

'H Y ’S U S E D C A R S M O T CS A S T 6-POINTS -E n o . Schmur1 S ou th R E 3-J271 ou?“lo‘U


— ^ n d ------------------: ------------------- - B E


C o m b in e d i n O n e

H r r “ " - ^J S E D C A R ^

----------------------------^I S B E L I E V I N G

DR P R I O E a 'j n a check. _U5« gODP?-.® ' lo t before you b u y tnn.m ii.l'

- U 6 1 D O D G ^

B I G D A Y S ------ 4 t t i l BUICK 81lUdlo, h»i

8 a.lurday • Sunday • Uonda/ power brak1061 DUIGK 8[

1 S T A R T S 1 0 A . M . M o . -!!ItS I FORD J .

d a y , J a n u a r y 3 0

r ip 8 } 5 i.v M 0 u i A T E M O D E L S •

lE V .B elA lr '$2099 . “ ” 5 ^ ? , ™ ;)D G E l-door $3200 ' b t.ku ', 17iHD 4-door $1799 ; J J *I C K 4-door $1009 • " W rdio t.IRD 4-door . $1000 ; JlM B L E E 'T $1109 wi[E V R O L E T 4.d00r $699 1n C K 4-dOBL------------ »509_.------------tnp." K»ak

: . D E R M O D E L S K to- — --------- H H -bE SO T O -

r C h o ic e o f T h e s e

R O N L Y ' $ 2 9 9. . . tM lln l , I

n c K . 4-door S ed anlCKARD 4-door Sedin Si?, h»w'IS H 4-door S edan i r in d o ..

3 P a E 4-do6r S ed an C O M l


r C h o ic e o f T h e s e

x r a > i \n w ith o r . fi R O N L Y $ 9 ^ i m o td d e w

lE V . 4-door S ed^n i»j» dodoe m )NTIAO-i-4 0 o t .S e d a n _ i.)N T IA O J-door S e d a n wbHl buii n r i 3-door S e d a n . FOBB H' , , M il OHEVBOI

C A B S M U S T ' S E L L ' ' » « j e e p T ; t h i n g H e ld B a c k “ —

E T T O T O ' C H B T . - ^ " ' ■ n t i T a S i i

r H E D E A L O P '6 9 !TR

3, C H E V R O L E T “

S E D C A R L O T K E ^ m hoc

■ B O O T II U N O O IiN g ( ) J

m n . B A 4 . 4 « » 1 ^ 0 '

\ . • » ^ B l t

• P A G

n A U T O S F1!M 3 CADILLAU Itnb

, / ) D S l t . . l , R .p c r l , Il

R E J - 0 M 1 19— — ’ I ..... tm cji;*

[ 0 S ~ - E Q . B - J 5 A t E _ ' — , _ i s 7 ,a i ) i c K - i u » i M iOUD atatlon wauoni. Com- *6tf CHEV 4>door V< * J lo h . . t t r , . I f conJIllmlnl- ' poRD V-1 4-do le palm. LoNv m lleaie. Triced f l , , III;— T honr R ^ T T IS M —n r - — & W JIIW » -4 le U li-

-------- — p .............................. — i& 4 -ro N T lA < M M i

* 68 FORD V-8 4-d(X

r o u ‘N E E D ------------ = 6 1 -E 0 im -V J td o .

P I C En r . o r T r u c k P a r t s . 5 , f o r d ^ Ton.

_____ ___________________________ *65 CHEVROLET \

r R U S T Y

A R T S C O .20 P h o n e 3-B193 M O i U K

M S E , I D A H O .

a r e now w r e c k in g h e f o l lo w in g —

/ROLET 4 -d w r

fSLER S U tlo tt \Vtii,)n

l i ' ! Z . . . d o r v - . u „ E C O N O l

J Am baiador 6 4-il.-or 1954 F O R D 4.

EVROLPrr V -8 'a W IT H OVEUDRl'...I . / m i> r. t u r n licna li, back-i.K >J* Ton V -8 Hr,/R O L tX B-.I..0.1 Ir.n.m l.. '■ 'I" ' I**" ind Srflpeoti r e a r axli mcmbly,

• E. 6«*ltw! trannniloliin and D N T i^(d rear axle aitktaiibly

i f , M A N Y P A R T S

^ R S A N D T R U C K S G O R E S M (D W r e S-1124

i o n 't h a v e I t —W e 'll t r y t o gel It."

F0 — ---------------R T H E ]

D “ --------------------------------Q U A t K

A i n T \ T n '68 E D S E L O o:■ A - D - L I - N - 0 Sedan. R

white. • The flnea r > A D T? aU lled l Fully e<

- M - r - A - K - J l j ateerlnu. teletoueh. I-* r /~i f - i r t tin ted kUb*, nci- R - I - C - E - S tremely fine autoiJ.V 1 W J -< U guaranteed.

D C o n v e rtib le ..™ ____ISOS '6 7 M E R O M oi

VROLET 2 - d o o r ____^ .H 06 iu'lTe'i*I»” >5on*l’ K 4*<loor .......: _ _ . : - . l 3 D 6 ^ c e ^ n K . JKARD Sedan _______— 1660 luher. whitewallf\-m c ^ - « liflK Wercom/itlc, fendiOTO H ertnn-------------------i m ^ AI>1»RECIAT1

DEBAKER 4 -d o o r _ ._ J2 !» S jraa tih ln ff. Icath*DKIIAKRU (^poaaenger e<iu]ppM with pc.............. -.i.................. ...........-1105 brakca. radio, heaVIIOLCT S lA tlon W uon ’"I’" '

a .... —..JCfiO owner.DEDAKER L a n d Crtllaer '5 6 M E R O U R T i ........ ..................... ............... :>.|69B DIa«k and yello

D C M C O U P .-------------. ! « S '" ! " " . ! , ; ? ) ! " ; .3K Super 4 -d o o r ------1878 -ifiE 2*<loor ...........................1246 .DEHAKER S e d a n ------- 121)5MOUTH 2 -door -----------1405ICUUY H a r d t o p _______1405KARD 4-door ________ |806 w n P A r i:V IlOLET_S«livn ...........MMOUTH S U tlo n W»8on..|6Uff^. M E R O OUl

Flo*toned In bla matlc, radio. Ke

U N I O N S i f E 'c 'T V ' " ' . '

) T O R S , I n c .’ 4-door Hardtop,

c h l l lu r - J i k i no th !».uU Jul j«nu lnOR o r P A R K HOTEL In ljrio r. P o w .jnir L o u C loa. S n n d w i .n d wlndowi, R .

l« a l ow n.r, A J ------ ; ----------------------------------------- LOW P R itE ,

' , C lQ R C A R S A R B ____________ . T R A N S E

'SO UERO 4-door,

I R P R I C E S . ^ R E

L O W E R - ------------------■ 70111

i s t L o o k ! " ---------------- p — ^

Y o u ’l l S e e l M j

S p e c i a l s ' t o ^

i S * T i » H ^ r ^ 8 r ~ f e d n 4 ----------- n s r r o i i D - r A iim W o n ---------------— 110116 ■ ! k «p O E ^ ^ r . ________,

IcK 8 L l . l l . . . d ; ; » " S ““s2dll

lOK 8pm W Z -door H irdlop. All 1lo, h . . l . r . .U n d . r d i t r j n . ; , | , l t . In tirlion ----------------------- ------- l im * 01)ID J . d o o t lU n o h W M on. R .d lo ,. b«*,li>,i h ..U # , O r.rd r lv j . lyh

........ .n d » lllUYHOOTU 4 - J o o r ' l l W . r f c j o i poR D FAllo, b . i l« r, p o w « r '.> l« r ln g . SEDAN, IJr .r b n k . . ' . . ■ 'fo id o u i .U i3 0 T 0 4-door H b H Ioj. lU d lo . . I n k u . Wlt . r , » w . r .tM r lM , pow er U n » Lowk u . 17,0M m llM . I H t O HEVBOIj u l doctor ,. I...:......: ...IZWS. B tdio, b nJIIO U IH J-4 o o r . B .l i« l . 'r * ' “ — ' m lu lo n , Trd lo t. B .d lo , h « t . t , I» w « r : l , 000 n i lI t ln j , w w .r b r * k « — 12501, IJ lT FORD O tra O U T R 4-<Iaor S r i u . B td lo . B td lo . b.{U r, whlUwaU U i u , m l e « . i« rp ) • ...... .. to n . k ill.DSUOBILB M o o r " l l " H w i - . « « 7 FOBD T l, - B . d l o r b . . . y . . , . w . r ^ - - . b ^ l j r . J

S , W o ' n ? u “ : ' " ^ : ; ' " i W i . 1 0 .T O H E m iSOTO-4-door F lr« lo m » -B .d lo ;_ -----------lUr. . pow .r . t . . r l « « , PQW.r ■ ™ “ » • 'i t s . - (NIC. f .m i i » « r ) _ » i i w S t i n o t j i nYMOUTB M o o r Cillon. BU-- • » « “ “ W J •b.n, R .dro , , bM l.r , ■ p o w .r •. . l n « , l l o w » .l | 'r * k n , .« to m .U ; ■ {“ f f i f 'S lm lu lo il------------------- Now only:r V8LER M o o r n .fd lop , R . - i i n r o n n d

C O M M E R C I A L S ' \ Jb l! ."* ! ! ! :

IDOE ■» I ob; L o« » »kMl . ■ Oo“^ . S »w UrM. 4 - .p w d m , ■ wblUwiU

n i l rO B D . WBD H IVjn. l - < p M L _ l i m ■ f tn lo ” *™

e v b o l e t m n n , ^ .P ^ , C O M M

t P 4 .» h .r t d rW ^ . H U B T tlllE B AI

‘ ■■'7 ' J I4 I 8TUDKBA)/ i l l i a ? i iC f t r i ' I •'■■■ —T r u i i t a a n d p lo k u p i ; ‘ J j ;

In s t o c k ' . I M l i i l «»<

• n i A D E - l N S i : ^ , .IMINQ IN B V B B V M X ‘ . . . S i m J l !

S e e U b N o w l ' >


B O B R ^ S B i. c b R N i

M O T O R ; C O . ' ‘

,6o B l6 < ilt;an d A y ^ , . t o , ; , p h i a

S FOR SALE ~I am bulance. iD Q U iro-loo iBrt. Id*Bp. Call H E W 0 7 7 .. .■ .

1 9 5 9 "

^ ’S‘.N O w ..D la ft-C o u p tn. ......>or V.8 WaKoa ____ | U O I .'

4-door. Overdrivo 11196 U I f - V O - « o o * ; ,L ^ 1 4 S — -T— ^ -D alu«»-t»dooff B adaa ■ i .. ■■ ~

_______•.....M t7Bi ,

4-door Sedan - ^ , . . 1 8 4 8 g^loor. 0«afdrlT> ■..1868 ____ L ,

ICKUPS' ------ ' ■ ■ .Ton. 6 c y l lD d a r . . ^ l l 'r 9 l .ET Ton. • ‘ ax U n d ar


DUNG’S OR SALES ,Main E a s t

t Ob The Terrace"_ ----------------------

■ OMY BUY!D 4 - d o o r C r e a t l l n #

tD R lV C . K id lo , h n t . r , back-up Hiihti, new p a i n tII tires. Local one o w n e r 1 averase mile*.

NLY $895

MOTOR M A RTl i T w in F .1 1 . ■

[EISEN’Stfc lT Y -C A R S -'----^ ^^J C o r s a i r $ 2 5 9 Ban. Redwood m eta]H e a n d *flneat Interior ev e r-* 'ln -------------

ly equipped w ith - p o w e r itouch drive, radio, b e a te r ,, new nylon tire a , Ex* automobile Inalde a n d out*

ntecd. LOCAL O W N E R . Montclair $2403

l e and white i*Itb ^ a u t U Jon ln te r io r» .L o a d e d -w lth — n\t. pflwjpr b rakes, n \y JM r. _ . wall tlree, rad io , l i e a U r , fender aklrta. M U S T 8 B B

2IATE.OLAIR Phaeton $2495 itlful Yukon Y e llo * w ithleather Inte rio r. F u lly _______th poweT' afi^rrrijr.'' 'p o w e r ), heater. Unt«d ffinaa a n d &ll8. Low m lleace , l o c a l .

URY Club Bed. $1695 yellow, S tan d ard tr«nB*

idio, heater. G u a ra n te e d eaneat one in to w n .:0 Monterey "'$1695 o-toned In ’peralm m on iand itiful in te rio r looka n ew . radio, heater, t in te d rU a a ,

U rn , baek'Up Hffhta. l iO w

I ’O ustonni-(I6^n|I695— \ black and lim a. M erco*), Keater, aood t i r e a . W « and w in G U A R A N T E E I T

SB oadM aster . $ 2 ^ 5 . :Itop, Red and w lilt« f r i th enulDt leather a n d n r l o n . iw e r^ te tr ln s , b r a k e i , M a t s . Radio, heater,, D jm a i lo w ; '

L O m V C A B A T - A

'^CHEAP' ' « S P O R T A q :iO N -~ -f;!»door. Ittina n ic t .....- *

JIub'Coupa ................ - I . . . 1845-door. Ovardrlva ■,■■■■,% Tbn, Bbarp „ 1185. . .. .

!EN M OTORS 'M e r d i i r y . ^ E d i d

1 Main E ast ■

i t e i C ' V -

^ N G S CO YOU- F A I B L A H B - i r o - S B D A N r - i - ^

b n U i , V -8 w i t h o r « i ' , W h l l . W .U t l r M . '^ T w o t o n ; ' . n d w I i l l . ---------— — m U i - — _

M O B IL E "0 8 “ . H o l i a . J .,4 - , ' B t d l o , . h « t . r , - w l i l l .w .1 1 . .

i j b j d t . m . l l c , V o w w . t M r - ^ jr.. i r . k n . n d W in d o w .. F o w i r A ll. w b l t . ' . n d b l M k , w i t h , , -I n t i r t o r ___________

I O U S T O U 800 T U D O R . b t . U r , V -B w i t h - F o r d o - W b lU w tU h T w o t o n . - U n

» b lU . . . . . ._____ - 'I F A IB L A N B t o o O L D B ,N , I J « l l ( i , . b » U t . . y - S w i t h , , i n . t l . . . ; P o w . t r t M r i n * M l , . W b l t m . l l U r « . . t w o - t o n .L o w D l l H ( . , , ', ; : . - $ t4 0 » : r B O L E T B E L A I B B 4 - i o o r . !, b w U r , p o w « t» U d » t r j M - ; ; )H, T u to n . b i o . > b 4 w b l t . .I n l l M '_ ^ ----------------- : .> O U S T O U 800 F O B D O B .I. h . . t « , P o r d o M l l e , a w , e o r . r . » n d b M n tU n l :b i l l . ............. -------------------i m f ■

) T H n N D E B B IB D .. W t a . . . i . r . V-B ->1111 F o r J o i M t J . , .- - 1 W .U .. P o w w b r a » l l , ; . . ,I l i a -------;— ---- _IH I»^ B O L E T to o T W O D O O B . , ■ lard tra o im lu lo n , b«at«r« , t o n , i r w n i n d w M tf c U 0 { » ; v

D U K V - I I O N T O L i l a ~ l ^ . . j ; 4 ’R « d lo . b M U r . p o w w jb r a k o l , f , :

j i u U o . . n .w , ! w W U F » l l f t ; '. i , :

I o d s t o h >f o b d O b : ’W ^ . ' | ' fo rd o n u U .. ; B » U o . , h M t t r ,

“ B v l lo , , h M U r . . ; d n u l l o w . ' - ; : :

r 4 ^ r , , B « d l o ,m i t l t ' , $ 1 1 $ ; m

I M l i 'R C I A , i 'S j ; ' l i ^EBAKEB « T O M W O K o r : ^ : ; da. U aater ^ -i


i d : B



Page 14:… · s S Traffic Death Scoreboard 'iwiiilMiH ' Bcr* la > eompirlMD of B i n


S d l i c i f <r t


1tj 3I I I H

: : g | : H B i i i y: ;;=:!i.;!j- -iJ -J lW raiM yilK hllonr^ lh t,

i ‘ iL ' ao rln i ihB M oth ers 'm » ro h (1 ' ' ‘i '! ■ countlnf Ui« proceeds (Ui thi

J ---------wiT»»lin)--—

j | | Mothers CoE i | | l III Annual■• J l I Twin W I i m others collootci! I J 695.37 In the annual M others' r

;tI|| ' I) «ponsoreil by the K atlonal foiII tlon niursday night. T h e r

I "! Il J last year netted >2,608,; ■ Ijpi | t ■ 1 ' “ Mrs. Herman Carrel, co^cfiil

11 I Honor Students ' ll iji , Told at Belles

f , BELLEVUE, Jan . 30—Sam , G'ii*')' I Nary,-Theodore Divine, C a ro l

I tin and Olenda Chaney re( ! I highest tcholastlc honors at

• Vs' !.....T i l^ Echoorthe-post qQaJtef■ overages of 4. •.

!-■; Gary Rogers, Syivla M oran,' ;.’i; J.'.'t I ney McOlute and Robert WrlBl

■ celved high honors w ith aviI,I® i from 3,8 to 3.0. Shirley Dlvlnim i l l ' l l ' I ‘ w ard Cameron an d R onald Lev■ I m ‘ I ' celved'honors, w ith grades be■ U j S.0 and 3.S. V,■ ■ ! O lM nnell and Myra■ n I llams were honor studen ts li ■ ■ t — — clghth-grads and R odette Pea!m i ! FhUllp ohoney In th» sovenU]

|j| i| Dinner Held* '11 i I ■ ' MOHPIELD, J a n i SO^A i

ri; — r ------for-Qraiiw m em bers’Wa*’heldf i 'te 'll nesday sigh t w ith the home i nomlcj committee eponsorlniI [ 'l iii I event. No meeUng VOS h e ld b< I i n I ttonny w eather., J ■ The group lavored Buppoi

------1------ the-M atch-ofrB lm es-beneflt-{i 11 I Baturday night. O range wome

donate pies fo r th e lood sale

p |

Ilf-..-:...’ ■■■ ■ .

I f . .


I I f ! -

f ..

j p - r - -

I'l 'j i 5 _ J ________

I ^

I H w S w

;■ . ■ . .IW

to r g T u r n ^

r i lh tt and Mrifi OalHf»f» Jiroh for the national foundation. M n. CTs i t tbcTcItx hall. Mnu P aul Cnimbllss wfi

i t * * * *

» 1 1 m $ 2 ,6 9 5 " H e r e

a l D r i v B i n C a m p a iHooted 12,- fhls year, said thin wns the lers ' march consecutive year the drive In ,al foundn- Polls was organized and heai rhe march the Women ot tho Moose. (

Izatlon fo r tho drive took 3( > cH lnnfln "-MrB: -P au l' CnimbHas w aa------------------m an (o r t h e event thla y ea r.

. Members or the Moose lodg[ i t s protection s e r v l c

mothers on dark streets. Th( l l a i r i i o provided cars and dellvere l l C V U C money to olty hall._n»m Ml. The Bcnlor unit ot the

league b r -Twin Falls high 3aroLM ar- provided baby sitting service y r®“ ly®‘l Twcnty-flvo mothers call [tfrtw wlth ■.volunteered J i l r s , ..Carte

;oran. Rod- W right re- |

S € EVENING.lea between

M yra Wll-

? 5 e ! k ,S 5 BEGINNINrventh.____________________ ^ _ g y

dd—A dinner ■

S r i TWINFAluorlng theeld became “Why look fo r i

and th erapport tor mcflt p arty — women willt sale, ____________________________

n e y F ro m ^ ‘M fu rc h ’

rim In mnnuT th e r c o l l i^ i l T h n rsdar n m. Gfale KllllDger,'Tieaitearwos.piie of the *6 ss was chairman f o r the event. (Staff ph


N am ed to CasiID A H O STATE COLLEGE, )

V i i T v i l 30—T hree Magic ^) a i £ I l s tu d en ts will participate In thi

.U I lu of th e productiiSh o f “R . U. R.' s the sixth j j . j g

l''hi-luli>'ri''bv T e n ta tiv e cast Includes Rli ' “ Q „ .« . A verett, Buhl; D onald A. DeTt ok 30 days G ooding, and Lola Widener,w as-chalr-' -----------------’

year.) lodge pro- tlEAD TIM ES-NEW S WANT r V 1 C e for

I. They alsoiivered the 5 Communication!

th e OIrls' j RodlOwgh^ school 5 Television Service

oallcd In i RE 3-5470

G CUSSESnow farm ing in



PALLS BUSINESS COLLEIfo r ft Job—take » bualneu course—

A th e Job wUl look fo r jroa."

O ttly ica N ig h t - f o r th e

s o u n d e s t s le ep

any- m a ttr e s s

can g i v e . . .


h a s t h e PROOF

This famous brand is always your

best buy!


/ f SPRING » r 9 » o


i . I: " r r

i p f i B

m \ A r g

B S d v - A

H : .

■ •

ia .ji iilit_ --------------------------------« wlmen[f photo- Born and rais________ ■ ■ kota S ta te Cci^ g j. of Idaho sine

n the cast . . .■ ■ ■ ■ jjlljjM

s Richard DeThome,ner. Twin S m i I a J l

i f i L _ '


ions X

t^ice I


I P A P ' fiom and railLCUt College in F<

I Idaho since A

— 1. C o n v iConveniently locat

^ ^ " ^ 1 Sav-M or Drug Stcnnedlately odjocen

I fe r to shop from yI drive-in prescriptio

th e corner of Addii

e 2 . L o wSov-Mor Drug pric low or lower th a n

ge t S & H G reen S scrlptions a t both Pharm acy will alw H igh Potentcy . . . S a f e ty . . . Efficieni

RE I 3-8323 I

_______ i _____ ^

' MORE / .

if o r /


rli - - - - - -


e C e t t i n g f

■ M o r D r u g i

M M R k

J . . ' ‘

_____ 1

A r.N K r.R O N

raised in Minnesota. . . graduate c e College in 1930 a n d registered i since 1939. ^

~ ' ---------

• X ' Y

------------------------ £-------------------?!---- -----------


raised In Idaho . . . g rad u a te of 1 February 1949 and registered ce A ugust, 1949.

v e n ie n t L o c iocot^d in the heart o f dow ntow n Tw I Store has a conven ien t back ei ic e n t to quick and e a s y parking . Oi im you cor you con d r iv e up to the iption window at the M ed ic a l Arts P \d d ison Ave. East and L ocust Street

r P r ice sprices on drugs and su n d rie s will c

la n any ploce in town arid in oddit

en Stam ps with every^purchase. Pr o th the Sov-Mor D ru g S to re and N alw ays be the lowest possible con . . . Top Quality drUgs. W e will riei

ciency or Caution in f il lin g your pre;



] M E kC o n v e n m i ' d r m - f r ,

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F*^ ^ ■ i j l l l l l l l i l

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of Idaho State . Bor:•ed in State of ’ Coll


c a t io n Z .Tw in Foils your S id

k en trance Im- SovI. O r if you pre- fa irth e convenient fjor

•ts Pharm acy on Me^ree t. any

stor RE

4 .'ill always be as Todditio'n you will j ta f

. P rices on pre- dowid M edical Arts Sovconsisten t with prei

I riever sacrifice scri|prescriptions. cdv

w in

ucky Calendar Winnei

R x D E l

P /C A i■t/f Pmaripifon Windo

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F l ls c r i t J l i M i w i T By IPW . ---------

i c a l A r t s ? h

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Born and raised in Idaho . . . g rad College in June , 1956, and registen since 1955.


_______ ' ' " f


Born and raised in U tah . . . g rad College in June , 1951, and register! since 1951,

1 .2 4 H o u r SSickness is no respecter of tim e ar Sav-Mor Drtig and M edicdl Arts P h a ta in a 24 hour, around the clock : tions. W hether your prescription is o M edical A rts Pharm acy you can gi anytim e of th e night by simply cal store hours p rom pt prescription serv RE 3-8323 o r RE 3-1578.

. 2 S t o r e S eTo sejye you be tte r we„mairitaln_tw! staffed prescription stores. If your si downtown hove y iu r doctor phone ' Sav-Mor Drug Store. Or if yo’ii a re a prefer to shop from the comfort o f scriptions phoned to th e M edical / cdvontage of our conveniently locc window.

ner No. 189


i l A / lfa/bn/,.. tSIS Ac/dison A \

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J A N U A S I ^ S

iU ed J L t - ^l a r m q c y r i

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ra d u a te o f Idaho S ta te V te r e d in S ta fe o f Idaho - B

. . ' I

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N N E R . 1

raduate o f Idaho S ta te ■ tered in S tate of Idaho I

S e r v ic e 1! an d for th o t reason we at I ’ha7fndcy arrt'^ppy^toTifatn- I :k service for your prescrip- . ' I Is on file o t Sav-M'or Drug or I 1 g e t it refilled prorhptly ot ■ calling RE 3-2386. During

erv lce can be had by c d l l i n i r ^

e r v i c e Itw o cpm pletelv stocked on d . ■

If shopping habits bring you ; ■> ne your p rescripflons'to the e o' busy housewife and you o f your cor hove your p rf ' . ;

] | A rts Pharm acy, and take located drive-in prescription :


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