s -mmlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal...hi>mi af^jjjtfa larga roa*...

^fmmmmmmtmmmmmmm mm •:-t ~ < * . t.i; F^,•••.•'/•> M%/ *' >t -to* iQyp B^l •" '\ * * i -*»^*tf# ; **' jf:. * i^^^^V/V^***^^***^ JW«*»« Wif ***** «****•*»*» She* tiiggpitu . l ^ i a ^ qjaoa Oea- .. IRE-ft^fflnage a comfortable eeat .£»•«*^^^^ !, £2S*»?^ f ' mad at*M box. u aaawe ia the illus- * D '«* » «W* 0* tee teat* Of t^tioja, aaci for Its poa«traetio« a *?* ,«Pw- ***«# , !, I 7*V 3 gtox aiad w*me boards oar b« «m- **^ B ** | P ^ , eoajeluson u to my*. *m» ***», u%mv*m mmj vm mm- ^ -JkOHMIMto «** OttO*. That. '41 **• tarocery- •<»» And a box J* 5 *; ** *** «*»5***f*?**! *** *f£ 4 •Juiee *«t long, eishteea Inchee high 35P^J^**%ff* *IW** #1«*g taut fpr U»« pro»«r pnw«rTttto« of U»t t«nth; j)«i tft«r art not « » only t n k f » iL«c«MNur7 for tht ,pro4ynct|o« «md prtfc»rT»tlon of good t»«th, !Dof» , b»i!or^ Wrth th« g«rmi of tilP t*»tl» —«*•&' of a«url)r all of*&« p**io.Bd' ,.itt—«rt formla«. Tb» rao^«jfi liealth and food muit tft,«r«fart la- &ww» tha crop of \«*th |ha child vllUah«rtt Ta«|^ ar* not Inorganic inbataaca* lik« •tone*; tbtf are organic, aa4 ara aonrfaaad by oar Mood If ou? «nd tfshteeas lnch«t wfcde. or nearly |loc4 li poof and lacking In f»fft- aw. tad to «a« top of It faaten a co*«r etant amount of Iron and mlntral with htoiea. nmtter It !• i n abtohtta impowlbll- rroaa tiho tongmed and grooved |ty tl^at ftroa|f. haaltby, lwtlng board* auk» tha tiro aldm. and at- faftb can foria Jn onffnnw. TW» 1* taach t&im to tie «nda of the box. at the r«uon wfey auam{a la ni<Ht a •noa-1» fig.• i. #rrlblt foe to th* tat«». Taa- ahop« of t h e w mldei may btr; RrarytWaf t«*t ean ntagt ««« with a «ompaaw urn or a draw bloo^l Bflpa to a t t t g«jod, toatk, iralf. tMfor* *t. bo»rtU art faatAMd "$;$ T«^'%|rtrta»t fa«t I t ^ a o ^ l f I '"*""'""" <•'• I —tkoaa in p o — , a» urett M ta l | M T * back tote* a fair^ tj baa^ la mtnd v> ^' tAthe inz. ' Acroa*, t*« _ _ . .__ . ww ^ ^_. ,„ ^ H btwfaa wHlT uibckei *!*•« to f*rm I ' Thi L / rtauld »Uo bear In ? « « • « • ©i« back of ttt awat Thaaa ara-:to;braicf afof&er faet »»« Q>*t t% nt V a Mr«w*4 ^ u t t o the t%ar adg* af *"*---^^'^- - - c - —**-^.-S^^ tirtttTp*Htta»and a a raantt tha fraana artlJ Hady for tha up'hoiatartng «ni dtsplagJ Uae tkt t>ox w l t i heavTy anbiaaeh- • d MoaJIn, danlm or otner heaTy, I gnraa. Noy taf tMni pow4> •ervlcaailiU «oodt, mod all aroaad thai ^waya contain tfiorcurj la * w form. Many mothara do not k»' %». and aiw theaa jMrajelom e^p- pounds without the allghteat idea of tha far-reaching effecta they i?fy have on the future health of thfir children. f W**«'* *•*? p|^ttajeM 0 ff- U|K)B tha.fornjatloii of tMT fb^k a tajay aire 4ayelo»^K; p fnjojraa tfce hr^caaf of *ard*hlni t%ro,Wh #hich T they niurt past In i^e |»l|Ws front and etadi form poeketa of den- im to accommodate ahoea and slip- pert. Thia cm b e done by taking a long strip o f the material and ticking an end at one corner, using a pair of ehoes or a atngle one aa a model axound whlth to wrap tha material t o determine the atae of the pocket. Between the poeketa aecure tha material wlti a rertlcal line of large tacks driven well into the wood. From' a nnttreei - maker obtain eome curled balr and spread it orer t±ta seat trrwr which ^ie-upolateiy material le t o be drawn and tacked. Treat the back In a similar manner and cower thte uprlshta with the up- holitery material, under which a ttiln layer of aheet wadding haa ! heen placed. Across th« front of the box ar- range a flounce of the material so It win hang evenly, and tack It to the upper edge o f the front boards J tut under the Hdt; and to cower the tacki uae a piece <*£ gimp and large-headed naili, which may b e employed on ££• front at ^he aie> uprights! also. < HXAl/arH AKD BEACTT. Storage Place for Millinery. The multiplicity of hat» required by tha woman who laya claim to- be- ing tnodiably dreased has c|Uad fortb a demand for auitable placea in which to store theae expensive and precious creattona of the mlllinera' art when they are not in commliiio'n. Boxes of .various aorta have been in- geniously contrived and apeclal coin* partraenu have been assigned in tha handy chiffonier, not to mention the regulation hat trunk, the misaion of To t r f at a cat finger bruih acroas tla# jcajtrwlth collodion and )teep £he lips of the ciat together till the collo- dion driet. ,^.., ^.^ _.. r . .-„. ,„ „,., Don't gMtlculate- Don't teak* mo- tion* with your arm! and «t.reeVJa tlie taoa! 'Bw' quiet arid' OK>: aaturil. T%at la the best thing in the beauty If yoti are on the suriny JlcW of I f dasttre to !oM»k ewen younger dreaa yonrhalr l o w In thxe back for even- J h i>Mi af^jjjtfa larga roa* near the for oflenatva perspiration of the body, the tpiilowlnff powder la uae- fol: R*»,"tjfro ouncap; r permangan- ate of polaJta, two crania; powdered taak, one draxn. Of eoulpe. it | a fjw aaaiiraa* uas <raly. Don't, if ron are a woman with a aaad faoa. try to took atUl aaddar; U called "Mothering Sunday." aa into a capld'aa bow; force wooreelf te l o o k animataMl; try to ba expteastva wtta yomr vmm *• ••«» ir * a '»*• "*''- won iOnt iaa a beanty centeat, •.„"•'•»-•' 'i-yi" '-,;._-n. '. Daa^y Plaaao Keya. _ piaaao keys are aboat aa a » -atht*g'to avan aaataatanr yerforaaarfaaa aaytfclng caa ha, ax- eaapt, perhapaw sUoky kaya. Jnat how tmy 'get thi« wty^aoWdy knowa— aoaethlng In tk« atnoaahjara at cer- tain tittxes of the rear la probably re- apenabla for it~-bikt a tvm aaconda aaach day will anraly rexaova tae elfect IX It doaan't ~ -the <m»- TbM Isaays ahoald be daated regularly and Uae plauno l!<a k*pt cloaad if they axaow a dUpoaaitton to get dnatyagaln -And aa cloth, barely- molaten-. will take dirt and stleaiaeaa Oaf. DODH EUde Toar Hobby. V a abouldl alt tr?y to *wold talk- too xoneht about oar own apectall ^^-g 0 f character oranka and htobbiaa. W» a« all apt tea tblnic beeavia people know we ham a hobby and aak na abont it tlaiit they are intereeted In it aa we otarielves, bat we xnaat sot forget that frequently they queatlon ua out o f politenesa. Clovea are unopened itowera gath- ered in the green b«*d atage, anoked tea wood ttr« and dried laaejAa. Ltes!s^* s iiSkWi Wr - 5 *5»^ ™«|i7 Teyew^^ "Tff^S'^ ^T^^e^^'gai f.*^ wCw^pS viator «lolklgUi bir kati4llagt iroollttl witawjea.- - f i ia ^eawiseagj, aa^a* ^ a ^ w ^ e ^ e p m^aaw. aajeea aippere wblah «JTW «)#e* %y,t*f~w*a* tar-.ft^lkariBaa -wjao eail oa* l«w» qioaaaaur. Ma#a , t > ^' E •Jk. flaharaiaa^ni£>#r lata heesry wool aaltt w|tk'% sliart wrlat aad foratnger and a pad4f4 s pa|ef» It araa ilaatgiad for protactiai tha liaas i a cold wea^bjr. > % - fallF 50,Q$o paira'Of •lp»#ra are wora out ovary yea^, of wk>eh aora than t* pais eent «t% knlttad by woi- wea wlw \Vm la tike ahore towaa of PenofeKot HtftR 4» *, rale a wnNuaf with acUje ^agara *m knit foaf WU$ of alppera a day la a4ditloa ta doing bar ho»eewack, Tha pay for laakiag a-aet of al»* Bert to *eur eeata, wkiea\ i« t*ka» f t ia iter* trade fjgpi'ftt agente, ja actual aaak valae, ao mara ta#4 •H'TWI^*!"? ea Ji^H"jp WTR Haff'l^^ »aa**j ^^l^r *i|g < k. r - *••*•« | ' Tae katttera begin taejr laberf lata W ^owaaabar a>a- ooauaee tap) Vebraary or later. It ia ao| tiana -aaea m aaa- aged womaa^ walkiat aleag tea atreeta ka#t*ag ftlpoafa if <Sultk atop thaa aa4 boMIag balU & yara ia their aproa pockata. •• < < l A aavart kmittar <•» naa a p ' $ greater length of yara thaaaeeeea eorar la walking along * good road) herHngera autatripping kar feet la a ratio of 7 to 6. Ska la counted a poof. knitter who cannot knit up a mile of yara while aha ia walking a milej though' when a paraon keepa her ayes upon the -flying aeedlea alhthf time walking i« more from faellag than from aight and cdnaequintly •lo*. •'- • •- ••h", The women carry their knitting work about them, no matter what they are doing. At eYenlng, prayer meetiuga It la not unuaual for a woman to knit across a nipper be- fore ahe rise to give her teatimoay when called upoa by the elaaa lead- er. Gaaea ara'"knowii-1« which no* men have taken their knitting to \ funerala. though near : relatiraf of •the deeeaaed -are barrad froni. th* privilege. Aa the communitleaaxa 1 atrlctly orthodox; no knitting ia done on8tthday*.>-v.--.-^ ••• ,~-~y' ''• ^ -•* ; :- | The nipper buslneea furaJshee good revenuea to rallroadi, attam- boats and stages and involveaaa ex- penditure of about f *0#v0 a-yearj 1 ^- COMKOKRNHrO WOMKX. the latter, however* being mainly to. prove of aaeistanca to the traveler. 1^ c ^ e e a ffiy cabinet of for- orlgia intended to hold miUl-. and" if da^rad, with V box at' top for laces. The pegs are remove-, hie anil the panela cretoana covetied* The cabMat aa-llloaeaated^la llt^Ja and one-half wide, with Inside meaa- i&!ti^mmjfa& Tfi| fragav. work- ia of %!tteanath*l though : ;akr prarerred woJFnfiglt ^ wtCalSK to suit the general farniahinga of the - To I*eo«rre l>lowora. - ; : y A florist of many yefcra* experieaea give* the' following recipe for- pre- •erving bouquets'. "Whan y c ^ r a - Iwlthfreah waterrtbao put itiatoa '•vae*! ~ coniaMi^ which nourlab tke roots ai , the Uowera aa bHght aa aew. Take i boaqoet tout « tb» aala avaay moao- ' iixg^ lay 4aV.aWew»ea i^^iaafr wa- t*f, the stock catering firet' into the water; keep it there a aitoate or two, .then take It otit and aprinkle aha floweiwWfhtijwlt%^«r#'wata*,. JU- - "Mothertng 8«ad*y." . Tha fourth Sunllayia lint, which la alao known aa "Simnel Hunday," place tbdbouqittet ia the aeapiada ar'd the flowert will bloom aa freak. a* when first gathered, Tk# aoap- auda need to be changed *»**? tatrd flay; riy obe^lag -faaaa rakaa a ' a bouquet can be ke*t' bright 'aad beintttul for at leeat a aaoath, *m* iricta of England, the young people who are ia eerrtce and rartoua other eniplpymenta visit their parenta on tola day, .and the afternoon servicee S ' ' lalrgely attended by firla and tr mothera. Thia custom ia very atrjtetly obfarved in Moat|»OttthaUra t aaegRe >a*eaeHwga aViw JeaalpiA'aa *w? of It. Writing on the subject of broken enggagemente, Sarah Grand, the fa-. mous noveliat, saya; "It doea not mm to me that there can be any doubt that it ia juatiflable to break off engagementa, only under apecial circumetancea, which may threaten to bring unhappineaa on the pair should they marry. I believe the i^tempt--we~feel-=-*nd--the which attaches to the man of many engagementa, and to the'girl who haa broken off one after another, are the Involuntary outcome of a knowl- London'e Big Six. , There are six women In London with tact, brains and experience enough to form the government or run any great industry from the London and Northweatern Railway to the Tfmee—Lady "Lugard> Lady Aberdeen, Mra. Humphry Ward* Lady fit. Heller, Lady Jersey, and Lady Warwick.—Grand laagaatae. ^ A fan sat with dlamonda, «mar>, alda and rublea, valued at H.OOO, belong* to the Counteaa or craven. . Hadame Calve ia the owner of a marvelous necklace of rough pearle and Egyptian acaraba, which datea baektb 6,000 B.C. The Harchioneaa of Tweedala la a good iocomottve engineer. She ran the first train over tha Forth bridge. In Iceland, that country of gentle and old-fasntoned customs,-lt hat al- ways been the fashion to present to the baby, when its flrit tooth ap- peared, a lamb, to be Its very own, oared for and tended aa no other pet could b* ( and never to ha parte* wriO). • - - i-^'- wlll igat still longer in a very Her MaJeSJt «i*<raean of Porta- iat ;»i|» %W fifth, % fa aal*. te the ; ^ i M f gotloeat- ' :fep v out of doors all yoa eaa. _ ., llobr alr—Mva in it— ,}% j £ - " l % t . £ « i youriMrtf-tto. "'"%|S^t t 'hOmea «o that the air pprtlerei; and bric-a-brae. tjom't b a n uaf|#sa trlflea roaad you. " '.3i|Wf'. £ Iifo«te form of exercfae and mah« the mbet o f *«- ^i«* on horaebaclt .ft' %o» can, cycle If yo« carniot aT«t a horae; 6o anything to get out In the, open air. ' Uoh't over-eajt. • . • "Drink little, and let that lime fee Don*t •trjPio.'attei".too «Htenv^3Pa|- dreas aa «eiljfcgv>«>« Mttt abta* Wfgr*' everything you'ean to make yottreelf lovely. . .-^JTw.-«.,SU.^ . T o Dry Boota Mphom. •. Haver. expoee r lea^r ,M:^.-,a»«. trema heat of a fire, or it will ; ba*oa»a bard aad- liable to crack. ^ aboea:.ai(d boots ahould be dried at a-Mila4£to» tanee from the Are, but to expedata' the proceaa they may be filled* with oata, aayti Howe Kotes, The damp el« *ejeew av^gaeaaai^aa ^fft^paa>^ sjavpw- ^sjgeaw^fTa^ aa^sssjaf £^Qr*t eaaaaer afaBsaJkaat IWgfl^UsiaM HkfeasSW 1 gaaa. aWtt4a1aaa gesfeaallt gaeaw^ awajLagaJa for fatara twa> .-- ,._r^ «3*««is» , KfeiiS«ii;«fiaiM ;?«si-?«f. P%4 ••> i 'TB ess wm yvmc ^s *MS I -^si*™: (b ??m ftiia S»3 S/3SS4S3SB; -'•€&: &WB W&S.41& e^tf/tt; : 1 A-, 1ftt>i3^lg^f r v n ' '- IE" Wi»* 'WM'it'Jtf pssi m »WJ».' W ] '* F*M *V J *fp »*<•«• T *? ^^»djA "few! *ffSj TSTa msmummms eummmmmmm&~m -inmommmm* -wssv. mtmmmmim, ae> mvmtB£xsmi.,&easm , :o. s n'mmuuk^mz, mu SwBSiN^'"* •"BNWaa, l mkmS^^ffiy , M&. no ooa Vop**Twith,] Mat«BauriBiswlMlie.1 *«-flf«*# i- * !"")H'"ii MW?* mmm m m snsar mv»mm ~mm mm m <& m*--* KJ^ ; " \S'MMMwmittnn. mm mmmmn mm, taammm seb <imsmmm )•» mmmmsx •••„< s >tm?MEmmdLsy:JM mem -mammmamm -mm M W nfciaasat rr:., 1 —^aaa <^HaKaKiSMt'aa«.aa?ci-»iu««»iii3;sjsr^.)!3 ('.•'••'""• rtf ' • • ' " l'- ,', '->f•- H " ' .? gm/:imm~'M M^mw*m*»,:-. m,.;-.Kf'jtl*Al- HMismMiaBaeiaiamtK' aai*HstsHc»a7-wiORrjs::ii> *:<> » .. "'"•"^g^«^,;.^3|^Sp^i5-r|¥Se.a|;.' 'paaUM'aieBw aaaH^aaaeataiiSBK-' ^««*iss6 waatsaajsj r^ijsafc :-*n- *^s«v\tm< .!' : i/ •{j.^.*--.!*! .JWii.. * ^ A 3«»P»S»JW*«K.-_ . ••vr: ..•••'••J'.'••'.•' /':•''. AMU •. « * a K A ' ^ " * * l ii? J* Vsfttfka »-.S jii*. C»-> ft J..» liva'asaaaBW »w ^*Kt»6r»3r*aB»R««lP» , <''»riP•? ! 'J SWUIISSR.'^S H>AiaaB!^!M t f«^P , Ha»*','«'" B 'S<-''iiS'>4t' tWaeS"^ an ms 8*» ss twjssffis «SK* em urns « * s «as ush s&-« *3fc-3;.• A -,3 .-.a>j <;• - « ¥"«* * -i k»TeoneaJwtha^i(UidpBwnlBeto :4! c; ^»-, "'is ;• i.^r.T 'ri <£? ' «.;•'..•••: f w sinmr r a jkuvasajms asae8nsr^'..8S}fflsa'>^r.tB3sx)i9 ^.e »«Ti i r «vaaiHN»« a ^H^wi^^tp^ -? ^i MSSS ea w 1 -"^ «s« «wssr*s .ikto >.-** ri^ w ^^iwa>wiiii. J Hfa»a»*<baa. < ai:»i ««MWwK#«NW>#S«l»»

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Page 1: s -mmlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal...hi>Mi af^jjjtfa larga roa* near the for oflenatva perspiration of the body, the tpiilowlnff powder la uae-fol:

^fmmmmmmtmmmmmmm mm

•:-t ~

< • * . •

t.i; F ^ , • • • . • ' / • >


*' >t -to*


B ^ l •" ' \

* * i -*»^*tf#;**' jf:. * i ^ ^ ^ ^ V / V ^ * * * ^ ^ * * * ^

JW«*»« W i f * * * * * « * * * * • *» *» She* tiiggpitu . l ^ i a ^ qjaoa Oea-

.. IRE-ft^fflnage a comfortable eeat . £ » • « * ^ ^ ^ ^ ! , £ 2 S * » ? ^ f ' mad at*M box. u aaawe ia the illus- *D '«* » «W* 0* tee teat* Of t^tioja, aaci for Its poa«traetio« a *?* ,«Pw- ***«# , ! , I 7 * V 3 gtox aiad w*me boards oar b« «m- **^B ** | P ^ , eoajeluson u to my*. *m» * * * » , u%mv*m mmj vm mm- ^ -JkOHMIMto « * * OttO*. T h a t .

'41 **• tarocery- •<»» And a box J*5*; ** *** «*»5***f*?**!*** * f £ 4 •Juiee *« t long, eishteea Inchee high 3 5 P ^ J ^ * * % f f * * I W * * #1«*g

taut fpr U»« pro»«r pnw«rTttto« of U»t t«nth; j)«i tft«r art not « » only tnkf» iL«c«MNur7 for tht ,pro4ynct|o« «md prtfc»rT»tlon of good t»«th, !Dof»

, b»i!or^ Wrth th« g«rmi of tilP t*»tl» —«*•&' of a«url)r all of*&« p**io.Bd'

,.itt—«rt formla«. Tb» rao^«jfi liealth and food muit tft,«r«fart la-&ww» tha crop of \«*th |ha child vllUah«rtt

Ta«|^ ar* not Inorganic inbataaca* lik« •tone*; tbtf are organic, aa4 ara aonrfaaad by oar Mood If ou?

«nd tfshteeas lnch«t wfcde. or nearly | loc4 l i poof and lacking In f»fft-aw. tad to «a« top of It faaten a co*«r etant amount of Iron and mlntral with htoiea. nmtter It !• i n abtohtta impowlbll-

rroaa tiho tongmed and grooved |ty tl^at ftroa|f. haaltby, lwtlng board* auk» tha tiro aldm. and at- faftb can foria Jn onffnnw. TW» 1* taach t&im to tie «nda of the box. at the r«uon wfey auam{a la ni<Ht a •noa-1» fig.• i . #rrlblt foe to th* tat«».

Taa- ahop« of thew mldei may b t r ; RrarytWaf t«*t ean ntagt ««« with a «ompaaw urn or a draw bloo l Bflpa to a t t t g«jod, toatk, iralf. tMfor* * t . bo»rtU art faatAMd "$;$ T«^'%|rtrta»t fa«t I t ^ a o ^ l f I '"*""'""" <•'• I —tkoaa in po—, a» urett M ta l | M T *

back tote* a fair t j baa^ la mtnd v > ^ ' tAthe inz. ' Acroa*, t * « _ _ . . _ _ . w w ^ ^ _ . ,„ ^ H

btwfaa wHlT uibckei *!*•« to f*rm I ' ThiL/ rtauld »Uo bear In ? « « • « • ©i« back of ttt awat Thaaa ara-:to;braicf afof&er faet »»« Q>*t t% n t Va Mr«w*4 ^ut t o the t%ar adg* af * " * - - - ^ ^ ' ^ - - - c - — * * - ^ . - S ^ ^ tirt ttTp*Htta» and aa raantt tha fraana artlJ a « Hady for tha up'hoiatartng « n i dtsplagJ

Uae tkt t>ox w l t i heavTy anbiaaeh-• d MoaJIn, danlm or otner heaTy, I gnraa. Noy taf tMni pow4> •ervlcaailiU «oodt, mod all aroaad thai ^waya contain tfiorcurj la * w

form. Many mothara do not k»' %». and a i w theaa jMrajelom e^p-pounds without the allghteat idea of tha far-reaching effecta they i?fy have on the future health of thfir children.

fW * * « ' * *•*? p|^ttajeM0ff-U|K)B tha.fornjatloii of tMT fb^k a tajay aire 4ayelo»^K; p fnjojraa

tfce hr^caaf of *ard*hlni t%ro,Wh #hichT they niurt past In i^e |»l |Ws

front and etadi form poeketa of den­i m to accommodate ahoea and slip-pert.

Thia cm b e done by taking a long strip of the material and ticking an end at one corner, using a pair of ehoes or a atngle one aa a model axound whlth to wrap tha material t o determine the atae of the pocket.

Between the poeketa aecure tha material wl t i a rertlcal line of large tacks driven well into the wood.

From' a nnttreei - maker obtain eome curled balr and spread it orer t±ta seat trrwr which ^ie-upolateiy material le t o be drawn and tacked.

Treat the back In a similar manner and cower thte uprlshta with the up-holitery material, under which a ttiln layer of aheet wadding haa !heen placed.

Across th« front of the box ar­range a flounce of the material so It win hang evenly, and tack It to the upper edge o f the front boards J tut under the Hdt; and to cower the tacki uae a piece <*£ gimp and large-headed naili, which may b e employed on ££• front a t he aie> uprights! also. <


Storage Place for Millinery. The multiplicity of hat» required

by tha woman who laya claim to- be­ing tnodiably dreased has c|Uad fortb a demand for auitable placea in which to store theae expensive and precious creattona of the mlllinera' art when they are not in commliiio'n. Boxes of .various aorta have been in­geniously contrived and apeclal coin* partraenu have been assigned in tha handy chiffonier, not to mention the regulation hat trunk, the misaion of

To t r f at a cat finger bruih acroas tla# jcajtrwlth collodion and )teep £he lips of the ciat together till the collo­dion driet. , ^ . . , . _..r. .-„. ,„ „,.,

Don't gMtlculate- Don't teak* mo­tion* with your arm! and «t.reeVJa tlie taoa! 'Bw' quiet arid' OK>: aaturil. T%at la the best thing in the beauty

„ If yoti are on the suriny JlcW of I f dasttre to !oM»k ewen younger dreaa yonrhalr low In thxe back for even-

Jhi>Mi af^jjjtfa larga roa* near the for oflenatva perspiration of the

body, the tpiilowlnff powder la uae-fo l : R*»,"tjfro ouncap; r permangan­a t e of polaJta, two crania; powdered taak, one draxn. Of eoulpe. it | a fjw aaaiiraa* uas <raly.

Don't, if r o n are a woman with a aaad faoa. try to took atUl aaddar; U called "Mothering Sunday." aa

into a capld'aa bow; force wooreelf te look animataMl; try to ba expteastva wtta yomr vmm *• ••«» i r * a '»*• "*''-

won iOnt iaa a beanty centeat, • . „ " • ' • » - • ' ' i - y i " ' - , ; . _ - n . ' .

Daa^y Plaaao Keya. _ • piaaao keys are aboat aa a » -atht*g'to avan aaataatanr

yerforaaarfaaa aaytfclng caa ha, ax-eaapt, perhapaw sUoky kaya. Jnat how t m y 'get thi« wty^aoWdy knowa— aoaethlng In tk« atnoaahjara at cer­tain tittxes of the rear la probably re-apenabla for it~-bikt a tvm aaconda aaach day wi l l anraly rexaova tae elfect IX It doaan't ~ -the <m»- TbM Isaays ahoald b e daated regularly and Uae plauno l!<a k*pt cloaad if they axaow a dUpoaaitton t o get dnatyagaln

-And aa cloth, barely- molaten-. will take dirt and stleaiaeaa Oaf.

DODH EUde Toar Hobby. Va abouldl alt tr?y to *wold talk-

too xoneht about oar own apectall ^^-g 0 f character oranka and htobbiaa. W» a « all apt tea tblnic beeavia people know we h a m a hobby and aak na abont it tlaiit they are intereeted In it aa we otarielves, ba t we xnaat sot forget that frequently they queatlon ua out of politenesa.

Clovea are unopened itowera gath­ered in the green b«*d atage, anoked tea wood ttr« and dried l a a e j A a .

Ltes!s^*siiSkWi Wr -5*5»^

™ « | i 7 Teyew^^ " T f f ^ S ' ^ ^T^^e^^'gai f . *^ w C w ^ p S

viator «lolklgUi bir kati4llagt iroollttl witawjea.- - f i ia ^eawiseagj, aa a* ^ a ^ w ^ e ^ e p m aaw. aajeea

aippere wblah «JTW «)#e* %y,t*f~w*a* tar-.ft lkariBaa -wjao eail oa* l«w» qioaaaaur. Ma#a , t> ^ ' E

•Jk. flaharaiaa^ni£>#r lata heesry wool aaltt w|tk'% sliart wrlat aad

foratnger and a pad4f4 spa|ef» It araa ilaatgiad for protactiai tha

liaas ia cold wea^bjr. > %-fallF 50,Q$o paira'Of •lp»#ra are

wora out ovary yea^, of wk>eh aora than t* pais eent «t% knlttad by woi-wea wlw \Vm la tike ahore towaa of PenofeKot HtftR 4» *, rale a wnNuaf with acUje ^agara *m knit foaf WU$ of alppera a day la a4ditloa ta doing bar ho»eewack,

Tha pay for laakiag a-aet of al»* Bert to *eur eeata, wkiea\ i« t*ka» f t ia iter* trade fjgpi'ftt agente, ja actual aaak valae, ao mara ta#4 • H ' T W I ^ * ! " ? e a Ji H"jp WTR Haff'l^^ »aa**j ^^l^r

* i | g < k . r - *••*•« |

' Tae katttera begin taejr laberf lata W owaaabar a>a- ooauaee tap) Vebraary or later. It ia ao | t iana -aaea m aaa- aged womaa^ walkiat aleag tea atreeta ka#t*ag ftlpoafa if <Sultk atop thaa aa4 boMIag balU & yara ia their aproa pockata. •• < < l

A aavart kmittar <•» naa ap'$ greater length of yara thaaaeeeea eorar la walking along * good road) herHngera autatripping kar feet la a ratio of 7 to 6. Ska la counted a poof. knitter who cannot knit up a mile of yara while aha ia walking a milej though' when a paraon keepa her ayes upon the -flying aeedlea alhthf time walking i« more from faellag than from aight and cdnaequintly •lo*. • ' - • •- • • h " ,

The women carry their knitting work about them, no matter what they are doing. At eYenlng, prayer meetiuga It la not unuaual for a woman to knit across a nipper be­fore ahe rise to give her teatimoay when called upoa by the elaaa lead­er. Gaaea ara'"knowii-1« which no* men have taken their • knitting to

\ funerala. though near : relatiraf of •the deeeaaed -are barrad froni. th* privilege. Aa the communitleaaxa

1 atrlctly orthodox; no knitting ia done on8tthday*.>-v.--.-^ ••• ,~-~y' ''• ^ -•*;:-

| The nipper buslneea furaJshee good revenuea to rallroadi, attam-boats and stages and involveaaa ex­penditure of about f *0#v0 a-yearj1^-


the latter, however* being mainly to. prove of aaeistanca to the traveler. 1 ^ c ^ e e a ffiy cabinet of for-

orlgia intended to hold miUl-. and" if da^rad, with V box a t '

top for laces. The pegs are remove-, hie anil the panela cretoana covetied* The cabMat aa-llloaeaated^la llt^Ja

and one-half wide, with Inside meaa-i&!ti^mmjfa& Tfi| fragav. work- ia of %!tteanath*l though :;akr prarerred woJFnfiglt ^ w t C a l S K to suit the general f arniahinga of the

- To I*eo«rre l>lowora. -;: y

A florist of many yefcra* experieaea give* the' following recipe for- pre-•erving bouquets'. "Whan yc^ra-

Iwlthfreah waterrtbao put i t i a t o a '•vae*! ~ coniaMi^ which nourlab tke roots ai

, the Uowera aa bHght aa aew. Take i boaqoet tout « tb» aala avaay moao-' i i x g ^ lay 4aV.aWew»ea i^^iaafr wa-

t*f, the stock catering firet' into the water; keep it there a aitoate or two,

. then take It otit and aprinkle aha floweiwWfhtijwlt%^«r#'wata*,. JU-

- "Mothertng 8«ad*y." . Tha fourth Sunllayia l i n t , which

la alao known aa "Simnel Hunday,"

place tbdbouqittet ia the aeapiada ar'd the flowert will bloom aa freak. a* when first gathered, Tk# aoap-auda need to be changed *»**? tatrd flay; riy obe^lag -faaaa rakaa a

' a bouquet can be ke*t' bright 'aad beintttul for at leeat a aaoath, *m*

iricta of England, the young people who are ia eerrtce and rartoua other eniplpymenta visit their parenta on tola day, .and the afternoon servicee

S' ' lalrgely attended by firla and tr mothera. Thia custom ia very

atrjtetly obfarved in Moat|»OttthaUrat aaegRe >a*eaeHwga aViw JeaalpiA'aa *w?

of It.

Writing on the subject of broken enggagemente, Sarah Grand, the fa-. mous noveliat, saya; "It doea not mm to me that there can be any doubt that it ia juatiflable to break off engagementa, only under apecial circumetancea, which may threaten to bring unhappineaa on the pair should they marry. I believe the i^tempt--we~feel-=-*nd--the which attaches to the man of many engagementa, and to the'girl who haa broken off one after another, are the Involuntary outcome of a knowl-

London'e Big Six. , There are six women In London with tact, brains and experience enough to form the government or run any great industry from the London and Northweatern Railway to the Tfmee—Lady "Lugard> Lady Aberdeen, Mra. Humphry Ward* Lady fit. Heller, Lady Jersey, and Lady Warwick.—Grand laagaatae. ^

A fan sat with dlamonda, «mar>, alda and rublea, valued at H.OOO, belong* to the Counteaa or craven. .

Hadame Calve ia the owner of a marvelous necklace of rough pearle and Egyptian acaraba, which datea baektb 6,000 B.C.

The Harchioneaa of Tweedala la a good iocomottve engineer. She ran the first train over tha Forth bridge.

In Iceland, that country of gentle and old-fasntoned customs,-lt hat al­ways been the fashion to present to the baby, when its flrit tooth ap­peared, a lamb, to be Its very own, oared for and tended aa no other pet could b*( and never to ha parte* wriO). • - - i-^'-

wlll igat still longer in a very

Her MaJeSJt «i*<raean of Porta-iat ;»i|» %W fifth, % fa aal*. te the ; ^ i M f gotloeat- '

:fepvout of doors all yoa eaa. _ ., llobr alr—Mva in i t—

,}% j £ - " l % t . £ « i youriMrtf-tto. "'"%|S^tt'hOmea «o that the air

pprtlerei; and bric-a-brae. tjom't b a n uaf|#sa trlflea roaad you. " '.3i|Wf'. £ I i fo«te form of exercfae and mah« the mbet o f *«- ^i«* on horaebaclt .ft' %o» can, cycle If yo« carniot aT«t a horae; 6o anything to get out In the, open air.

' Uoh't over-eajt. • . • "Drink little, and let that lime fee

Don*t •trjPio.'attei".too «Htenv 3Pa|-dreas aa «eiljfcgv>«>« Mttt abta* Wfgr*' everything you'ean to make yottreelf lovely. .

. - ^ JTw. -« . ,SU.^

. To Dry Boota Mphom. •. Haver. expoee r l e a ^ r ,M:^.-,a»«.

trema heat of a fire, or it will ;ba*oa»a bard aad- liable to crack. aboea:.ai(d boots ahould be dried at a-Mila4£to» tanee from the Are, but to expedata' the proceaa they may be filled* with oata, aayti Howe Kotes, The damp el« *e jeew av^gaeaaai^aa ^fft^paa>^ sjavpw- ^sjgeaw^fTa^ aa^sssjaf £^Qr*t eaaaaer

afaBsaJkaat IWgfl^UsiaM HkfeasSW1 gaaa. aWtt4a1aaa gesfeaallt gaeaw^

awajLagaJa for fatara twa> .-- ,._r^

«3*««is» ,KfeiiS«ii;«fiaiM ;?«si-?«f.

P%4 ••>i

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