s fine cutlery.fultonhistory.com/newspaper4/schenectady ny quarker street revie… · the revv e....

: l --N-W •."!.•> - .•.- ...^.. —...„..,. „-..-» jMBaflaaiMaap r»imniYynmiirfi i unii n mn irtHtirw iViiiniWmiMm i m n M . ^''^?i}Ck^Sur^ "-CvO*'^.'** , *J2 •'.'_•'•"••'• >:Ti ' . . - . : LANSING BROS., are still in the glass and china-ware business right up to the neck, still battering down prices, still handing out goods to delighted customers. Their plan of knock- ing the corners off high prices and turning then: into low ones without c >rners has proved a great trade winner. How smoothly their business rolls along. How the goods do roll away. Everybody knows they have the most complete and artistic stock, that their prices are always the lowest, and that settles it. LANSING BROS., 77 and 79 So. Pearl St., Albany* Waiting. I am waiting and longing to see yott; You, who my heart holds most dear; Wondering if ever the fate that hangs o'er me, Will give to my heart its one wish sincere. Oh, will the future, ne'er give to me darling, That joy to the heart' which thy presence can give? Will the joy of my life forever be blithed, Till God call me home to heaven to live? \'*-Y Will heaven be heaven, my darling without yon? Will the music of angels be music still? ~ [-•;, Will the soul forever be waiting and watching, Or, will it bow humbly, to God's device will? —EVE LYNN. * i Ko-To-Bso for Fifty Cent* Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men itrong, Mood pure. Wo, 12. All druggists. BurtoirrHie. Received too late for last week. T h e RevV E. Evans is improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Relyea spent Sunday with relatives in Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. George Vunck and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grantier spent Sunday at Peter Colyer's. Miss Lucy Wormuth, our teach- er, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Sprakers. Mrs. David Baird has purchased a first-class organ for her daughters of Mr. Perry a music dealer of Cana- joharie Mr, and Mrs. John Gidley and son spent Saturday, and Sunday with Mrs. Gidley's parents at Scotch Bush. Mrs. George A. Bouck of Scho- harie, who has been with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Nethaway of Aiken for several weeks is now here with her grand-daughter, Mrs. Frank Gid- Mrs. Margaret Burton who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Mur- ray Peck for several weeks is now at M. D. Cristman's for a few days. She will soon go to Kingston to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. M, J. Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dingman have returned to their home after an absence of fifteen weeks. Mrs. Dingman's health was poor and being unable to care for herself she was taken to the home of one of her sons and after a few weeks she was carried to the home of her other son where she and Mr. Dingman re- mained till the present time. Some time during Sunday night the grist mill here was entered by. one or more persons for the purpose of robbery. The wagon and black- smith shops of Justus Jones were first entered to obtain tools. The entrance to the mill was effected by breaking a light of glass in the up- per sash of a window and removing the fastenings from the lower sash. Nothing of any amount was obtain ed ~by the would-be-burglar as no money had been left in the drawer. At Braman's Corners on the same night the store was entered and $14. in money and postage stamps were taken also a quantity of cigars. A number of chickens were stolen from a man living near the Corners. Overcome evil with good. Overcome you r coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. Is if to good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. E. E. ALEXANDER- Duane. Beceived too late for last week. Mrs. John R. Wood died Monday morning. Lars Larson is pressing hay at Giffords. Mrs. Geo. Fidler spent last week at Albany. W. F. Borman of Chittenango, was a guest of Mrs. New by the first of the week. »»• From New Zealand. REBFTON, New Zealand,Nov. 23, 1896. 1 am very pleased to state that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines the sale has been very large, more especial ly the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than all other makes for the previous five years. As to its efficacy, I have been informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received ! from it, and know its value from the use of it in my own household. \ It is so pleas ant to take that we {have to place the bottle beyond preach of the children. . E. J. SCANTLBBURY. For sale by J. H. Gardiner & Co., Delanson, N. Y. The Companion's First Subscriber. THB YOUTH'S COMPANION is pro- bably the only periodical in the world seventy-two years of age, whose first subscriber is still living and still a constant reader of the paper. The subscriber who enjoys this unique distinction is Mrs. Hannah M. Par- sons of Brooklyn, New York, now in 85th year. She was the little sis ter of a friend of Nathaniel Willis, father of N. P. Willis, the poet, and founder of THB YOUTH'S COMPAN- ION. When Mr. Willis: had resol ved upon publishing a new paper for young people, his friend had him put down his sister's name a? the first subscriber. THB COMPAN- ION'S first issue was dated April 16, 1827. and for more than 70 years this first subscriber has continued to read and enjoy it. The vo'ume for 1899 will be the best THB COM- PANION has ever published. The most popular of living writers will give their best work of their best hours to the entertainment of the hundreds of thousands of house- holds in which THE YOUTH'S COM- PANION is every week a: welcome guest. New subscribers will re- ceive all the remaining issues of 1898 free from the time of subscrip- tion, and the beautiful COMPANION Calendar for 1899—the &ost beau- tiful one ever given to COMPANION readers—in addition to T H E C O M PANION for 52 weeks, a full year, to January, 1900. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 211 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. SHORT, SHARP AND SNAPPY. The doctors say the lately de. posed Emperor of China has, "al- bumiliaria" and other things that are incurable. If ^fytihuihrtria'* •mean's a jelly back-bone, the di uguosis is probably correct. Englishmen have $200,000,000 lying idle at Manilla, owing to the "interruption ot business by war. No wonder Jx>hn Bull is anxious to have the Philippine question settled at once. If Senator Hill doesn't lookoui they will be calling him the Don Carlos of the democratic party. . It is near enough to election day for the fellow who will say, l-told-you-so, regardless of which side wins, to take a few reefs in his tongue. Diplomats are not the only per- sons who talk without saying anything—not by millions. It may not have occured to the gentleman who are manipulating the newspaper end of the Schley —Sampson controversy that the public can be overdosed; it has-on others. Spanish officers in Cuba are charged with trying to invite the iusurgents to attack American troops, and with sending arm* and ammunition from Havana in- surgent camps. I Election returns may show thar the "still hunt" method is a fail- ure cess other side has already; boon dom onstrated. as a voto-gecter^ut its sue- as a bugaboo to frighten tin •V. The Kaiser doesn't believe that England and Franco would dan. take advantage of his pilgrimage to Jerusalem to engage in a scrap. The difference between eloping with the funds of a bank and speculating with them is not visi- ble to the naked eye of an honest man. Delanson, Oct. 15, 1898. To Whom it may concern:— The continued practice of people crossing the lands of W. A. Jenk- ins and Edward Hopkins; has be- come a great annoyance, and all persons requested to discontinue this practice as the gates are now closed. W. A. Jenkins, 3,4 B. Hopkins. Queer issues get intoi politics sometimes. For instance, what dif ference can it make it to anybody, except' himself, whether; Senator Turpie has drawn his salary or not, during his twelve years in ithe Sen- ate? Indiana stump speakers are making that an issue. BTJILDERS' HARDWABE, AGMGIJLTIJRAL PEOWS; Syracuse and Gale, CXJI/EIVATORS, one and two-horse, SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, with wheels and shoes, PENCE WIRE, both Barbed and plain, POULTRY NETTING, FARMWAGONS, CREAMERIES, CHURNS, BUTTER WORKERS, LAWN MOWERS, BICYCLES, FORKS, HOES, RAKES, etc. CLARK WITBECK, 413 State St., Schenectady, N. Y. The prominent men who were united in fighting the political bosses, in the New York nniniei pal campaign, are now about equally divided in their support of the bosses. Oh, no! there are no tricks in ; polities. The Washington Post denies that George Francis Train and Dr. Mary Walker intend forming a co-partnership for the breeding of twentieth century paycholo- gists. Our mules stand the Cuban cli- mate better than our men. Less than 2 per cent of the 1200 mules sent to Santiago have died. S TATE OF NEW: YORK—Office of the Secretary of State ^Albany, July 29,11898. To the Clerk of the County of Schenectady Sir—Notice is hereby given, that at the Gen-, era! Election to be held'iit this Stale on the l'uesday succeeding the firstMonday hi Nov- ember next ^November 8lh), the following' officers may be lawfully voted for, to wit: A Governor, in the place of Frank S. Black. A Lieutenant-Governor in the place of limothy L Woodruff. A Secretary of State, in the place of John Palmer, .':"•••. •.'/••. A,Comptroller, in the place of James A-. Roberts, A Treasurer, in the place of Addison B. Colyih. -. -:"•;' .;';.' An Attorney General, in the place of Pheodore E. Hancock. A State Engineer and Surveyor, in the place of Campbell W. Adams. Allwhoseterms of office expire «n the lafrt lay of December next. A Representative in the Fifty-sixth Con- gress of the United States for the Twenty-first Congressional District, composed of the counties of Schenectady, Schoharie, Greene, Montgomery and Otsego. A Senator for the Twenty-eighth Senate District, composed of the counties of Sara- toga, Schenectady and Washington County and District Officers also to be ele- cted for said county: One Member of Assembly. A District Attorney in the place of William W. Yyeniple; ' All whose terms.of office will expire on the •ast day of December next. Given under my hand and seal of office of the Secretary of State., at the City of Albany, this twentyrninth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight., > JONH PALMER, Secretary of State. STATE OF N E VV Y O R K , l '*• SCHENECTADY COUNTY. / •"I, James B. Alexander, Clerk of said County, and also-Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts, being Courts of Record held therein, do hereby certify that I, have com pared the foregoing copy of notice with the original thereof as filed and recorded fin this office on the 29th day of July, 1K98, and that same is a true transcript thetefrom p.nd of the whole thereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub, scribed, my name and affixed the [L. S,] seal of said Courts and County, this 1 st day of August, iSy8. JAMES B, ALEXANDER, Clerk. Notice of Commencement of the Annual Scwtlon of tiiolloaril of SiipervlNor* ami for the Presentation of ClnliiiH Against the County of Schenectady. Noticels horoby given that the Board or Supervisors will moot'In annual session on Monday, the SIstday of Novomber, 18D8, at 1:30 p.m. All persons having claims against, the County of Schenectady are notified to have the same made out in items, with date prefix- ed and vorllied by affidavit, in the manner and form required by law. and to present the same by depositing said bill or account in the box provided for the reception of the same in tho County Clerk's ollleo on or boiore the morning or tho fourth day of-tho annual ses- sion as required by Chapter 88 of tho Laws oi 18(51, as amended byo'hapter 245 ol tho Law.s of 1862. You aro further notified that no claim. against tho County of Suheneetady which shall not bo-prosentod on or before the aforesaid date in tho form and with tlie veri- fications as above stated, can be audited by tho Board of Supervisors of the County of Sohonoetudy at Its next annual meeting. FttANK MCMILLAN, Clerk of Board of Supervisors. When in the city don't fail to call on Graduate Optician, Fine Cutlery. at A, & G. Hlich's Jewelry Store, 36 South Pearl Street, Cor. Beaver Street. ALBANY.N, Y. He willfityour eye accurately, and guarantee both the goods and hie work. Only Proscription Glasses Used. EYES TESTED FRtE. LEGAL NOTICES. Pocket Knives from 10c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c up.4# RAZORS GROUNP Scissors from 25c. 35C, 50c, 75 cents each, JU SHEARS Sharpened Razors from 75c, $i.c-o, $1.25 up. X at my factory.by skill- W, H. Sample, ^S^ 0 F 40 South Pearl St., as.; Notice to Creditors. By order of Alonzo P.^trohgr; Surrogate of Schenectady County—Motico ^hereby iriven. aecording to law, to all persons havini? claims or demands •against the Estate of Charles Burtt, deceased, late of tho town of Duauesburgh, S. Y. that they aro required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, ;.o Frank McMillan at his resldenco in the town of l)uanesbur«rh, Schenectady County, on or before the 17th day of October next Dated this 4th day of AprilA. jTS Sarah Burtt, I ,,, , , , ; •'•. Frank McMillan, /administrators. Hotice to Creditors. By order or A LONZO P. STRONG-, Surro- pto-oJ Schenectady C^unty-Notlee is liere- py given, according to law, to all persons haying claims or domands against the estate ol.Oal-herlne Carpenter, deceased, late of the ;^w, ( V. J?" , » K -«h.urffh that they aro required to exhibit the samo, with the vouchors tliore- ol, to the undersigned as the e.xcutor of tho ast wi 11 ol Catherine Carpenter, deceased, at the ofTico of William W. Wemplo. mi State Street, Sulionootady,N. Y., Esq., No., . ,.,-.„ Jr ^, a ., which is he place Or the transaction of tho business of the uinlorslgned as sueii executor afore- said, on or boiore the 10th,day of Docembor bated thisuth. day of June, A. D„ 1898. . Jacob Henry Waldron, _. ' _ _ Executor, &c . Notioj to Creditors By order of Ah>n«o P. Strong SurroRale of Schenectady County—Noiicc is herchy given, according to law, to all persons having claims .or demands against the Estate of Aaron Beck- ct deceased, late of the town of Puancsburgh dial they are required to exhibit tlie same, with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned a<lmiiiistratrix at her residence at Braman? Comers, Schenectady County, N...Y.', on or l)efore the roth day of December next. Dated this 7th day of Jime A. D . , 1898. Ph'ebe Ann Becker, Administratrix. PURCHASE A-F-DIETZ'S A. F. DI5TZ, Patentee, ALTAMOAT, N. Y. Patented Aug. 17, 1897 The numerous pleas for gener osity on the part of the U. S, to wards Spain which have appeared in Paris newspapers have all been well paid for, by the holders of the Spanish bonds. Man is prone to regard the inde- pendent paper that jumps down on his side of the political fence, dur iug a campaign, as '"one of the lead ing papers." If England and France are fool- ish enough to revive their old-time feud and go to scrapping over a bit of African territory, UucleSam can't help it; but he is always ready to sell provisions for cash or good pa P er - If Col. Roosevelt wins in New York, the country may have a rough riding, wild west sort of a Presiden- tial campaign some day, but not hardly as early as 1900. There is nothing about ex Queen %£\. going to Washington to ask for a pension. It would be strange as decidedly unfair, if Congress declin ed to provide for her, although the provision isn't likely to be on the royal scale that one will pretend to expect. Secretary Hay will never hear the last of those early poems of his. The Illinois mining trouble has giv- en V'Bauty Tim" a fresh start in the newspapers. Ex-Senator Hill is hardly heavy enough to practice what he preach es in the scrapping, line, on election day. \_ If member of the Spanish minis try continue to resign, Sagasta will soon be the whole thing, in looks as in tact. Cuba is now realizing the incon- venience of being over-stocked with professional revolutionists. A Common Danger. If you- have ever had a cold which you permitted to "wear away" it may interest you to know it was a dangerous proceeding. Every cold and cough which is neglected paves the way for consumption, bronchitis, asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous German throat and lung remedy, will cure any cough.or cold and save you from consumption. Sold by Wilber & Co., Quaker Street; E. C. Grantier & Son, Es perance. Prices 25c. and 50c. per bottle. unierMer M F p r a l Director. QUAKER STREET, NY. .• I would respectfully annouuv, that as all goods have fallen in prices so has Undertakers Supplies, and I shall so consider them to all purchasers. Any design or color casket cai 1 be furnished. ; Hearse Foriiisliefl Free. Notice To Creditors. By-order-of Hon. Alonao P. Strong*. Surro- irato-ol' Sclionoctudy County—Notice Is hor'o- byjartven. aceordinK'to law, to ail persons having cluiins or.demandsajralnst tho E.statc of Alexander J. Liddle. deceased, lutoof the (own oi J)uano.sbur«-h. Schenectady County, that they, are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereoi> to "Nancy Jennette Gl-lrord and JohnGWord as administrators, etc.,of. Alexander J. Liddle. deceased, at Mioir residence in the town of llottordam In said county, on or before the'30th day of .January next. Dated this b'th.day of July, A. II., 1808. Nancy Jennetto GlU'ord, John GilVord, - Administrators, etc. Notice lo Creditors. •By order of Alomco P. Strong--Surrogate of Schenectady County—Noticois herebyg-lven, according to law, to all persons having*claims or demands ajairi-st the Estate ol* Crawford Bowman deceased, late of the town of Duanesburgh that they are required to ox liibit same, with tiie vouchers thereof, to John M. Root executor of the last wlJLl of said Crawford Bowman, deceased, at the residence of the executor in the village of Esporance. Schoharie County, N Y., on or before the t>th day of February next, T>utort tills iJBih day oi'July, A . D . . 1S98. JOHN M. ROOT, As oxocutorof the last, will of Crawford Bowman, deceased. Notice To Creditors. By orderof Hon. Alonzo P.- Stronjj; Surro- gate of Schenectady County—Notice Is here- by given, .according tolaw, to-all persons hav- *•• f ins* claims or demands against the Estate ol • Mary Tucker, deceased; that they are re- quired to'exhibit the same, with vouchors thereof, to Ira J. Tucker at his residence, at Delanson, in i.the Town of Duanosburgh, Schenectady County, New York, on or boforo the. lirst day of May next. Dated this 20th, day of September, A. D',,1808. IRA J, TUCKER, ' ;• Executor. iKEELER'S HOtTELand i RESTAURANT, Broadway and (Maiden Lane, - ALBANY, IN-. Y. 225 Kooms, 40 With Baths. —- •: B®"Ladies Eestaurant, Tfte Directory Hotel : and Eestaurant. Broadway and Steuben, ALBANY, N, Y. Ei 0. JOHNSON, Proprietor. : Rooms for Gentlemen Only. Opposite Union Depot j Telephone 442. STROBEUS HOTEL, LOCATED AT 3 0 4 and 306 Liberty St., Sclionectady, N. Y, TERMS-:-MODERATE. I Stop at tho -:- CITY HOTEL, -:- cor. LIBEKTY and FERRY Street, SCHENECTADY, If you want a good meal for 25 cents, and welcomed. Joluti F. Steelier & SOB, Proprietors. EE1WAN HOUSE, CG-68 Wasiilng-ton Avenue, SOHENEOTADY. Wm. H. MX7DGE, Prop. Good Bk rns and Sheds, Board by the Day or Week. Transient Trade Solicited. I Rates Reasonable. "YROMAN HOUSE, TII0MAS VROIWAN, Proprietor. iSouth Contrtf Street. LOW FARES TO THE-- 1»23C3E? Is THE CHEAPEST AND THE FAVORITE ROUTE TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST. For full information, rates, time tables JicketB, etc., inquire of nearest " D. & II." ticket Agent, or write to the undersigned. J. W. BURDICK, . General Passenger Ag't, ;•..-. ALBA MY- «• >. BLISS ABEIX, . Manufacturer Of .Choice Cigars, LEADING BHAXI): B. A. LEADER, Call for them at all plaees. SHANNON'S \ Popular Lunch Room, 461 State tipnectaiyi IY. Oysters, Clanis, Steuke, CIIOJIK Roasts, Stows,. Opiibo, Tea, Milk, Pie, (lake, ete., served to order If you are in the city and want a meal, we will be pioased to serve yon.| S. SHANNON, Proprietor. SALIUN PARTITION. SUPllBMK COURT. Schenectady County. 6 coi'i'o" W. Voou>~T r \\i\ii tfiVT : against Martha Poole, Kdwarcl P. Brown, Mary L. iieavis,William.I.Brown and jWliza Brown his wife; Martha Hoi wig, and George Holwig her husband; Miles.lirown, llenry Brown, Victoria Coiiover and William J i.Conovcr. her husband'; Urami M. Poote, wii'o ol* Uoorgu VV. Foote; Corwin . Foote. Sarah Easton and John Kaston herhus- hiind; John Footoand iJattie' Foote hiswii'e; Edgar Foote and Orvilla Foote his wife;Annie Foote.Alva'h Foote and George\V. Foote as Administrators of the goods, chattels and credits of .Miles E. Foote, deceased. Defend- ants. •". j By.virtueof a iudgement of this Court, made and entered in tlie -above en titled ,ae- l ion, at.a Special Term of said Court, held on the Twenty-First day of October 1808, and duly entered in the Schenectady County (.Merle's OMiee, I, James A. Uoodi'k'h, the undersigned, ref- eree duly unpointed in this action, lor mieh purpose will expose I'orsulo. and sell at publh auction .to the highest bidder on the Four- teenth (lay of December JMJW, at lO.'lO o'elocl. In the forenoon of that day at llie front door of the. <( well leg.house on the premises horeln after described asl'arcel One In the Town oi mianosburgh, Schenectady County. N. Y' AH those several pieces or parcels of land situated, lying and being In the town of Duanesburgh, in the County >>: Si'hencctady, N. V. described as follows: Parcel One. Beginning at the Northeast corner of farm or lot No. J8(i, in said town, runs thence -South !"*!) chains and Oti links; thence West along said lot so far as will make and contain seventy acres of land; thence north at right angles, to the north line of said farm or lot; thence East to the place of beginning, containing seventy acres of land. Parcel Second. Is known and distinguish ed as the west part of lot No. 102,' bounded as follows: Beginning at tin.' Northwest corner of said lot No. lOMaiid running Easterly forty- four chains, thirty links to the lands now or formerly of I'efer W. dardlnier; thence Southerly along the line of said Oardinler 25 chains. UI Hides to the south line of said lot .No. tti:i: thence Westerly along the said line It chains, ;">(.) links to the southwest corner of said lol No. Kir.'; thence Northerly along the west line of said lot No. ltL», :.\ r > chains,lib links to the place of beginning containing eighty- four acres of land, be the same more or less. Parcel Third. Being the Kastormost one- half of lot.No. 1ST. bounded on the North by lo't No. ISS; on the South by lot No. 1st); on the K:ist by lot ..No. IS-1, ii.nd on the West by the westernmost, half of said lot No. lST.-coiitain- ing about lilty-two acres of land, be the same more oi - less. James A. Goodrich. Referee. :.\'Jti State Street. Schenectady, Jtf. Y. Charles. V. Sanders, .Plaintiff's Attorney. Ollice and I'o.s'tofllce address, corner State and Church streets, Schenectady, N. Y. ilOQl* E WA liD! Smoke MACK'S "Little Giant> "the Greatest Long Havana Filler 5c. Cigar Made TO-DAY. Good Livery and Boarding Stables Attached. BatoB $ 1 . 5 0 p e r dfty. SCHENECTADY, N. Y, Cull and see us. You will be welcome, HflTEL ST. CLAIR, 17 and 19 So. Centre Street, Schenectady, GEO. 0. CEANST0N, Prop. [louso npwly fwrnishod. Stoam hoat, Elec- tric bells.Gas and^ Baths. Livery Attached. The very best $1.50 per day house In the city. ~HOTEL ALTAM0NT ~ ALTAMONT, iST. Y. J. O. Stitt, Proprietor. IJoe«t of AccoitimoilntiouH. Terms RonMonable When in town call and see us. LIVERY ATTACHED. _ EAST BERNE. WHITE HOUSE, Now open, Newly fitted, and in first- class shape for Summer Boarders and Fishermen. , E.T. WILLSEY, Prop. SHQTJDY HOUSE, .'•/';;.;... Delanson, N. Y.; - Under. New; Managrement. Dutch Corweliusj Prop. Bert Rector, Clerk. House newly furnished throug-hout. Regu- lar and ordered dinners from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Restaurant connected. - : LIVERY ATTACHED, AMERIGMHGTEI, GEO. W. OHASE, Prop. aXTAKEB STREET, N, Y. Rates Reasonable. MILLER'S HOTEL, 39 w; 2(iih St, NcwTork City. Between Hroadway, Fifth and Sixth Avenues, Noar Madison Square Park. Clean, comfortable qulot. Con- ven out to retell trade, leadingohuroh os,theatiosandplaoesof amuaoment. A strictly temperance house. Twenty, live of the permanent guests have been here an average of twolvo years. Send for circular givingshso, looation, outlook, water'and- heat supply, with rute for each of the ninety-three rooms. ;•;•.•• I--- OHAS. H. HAINES, Proprietor, f.J. CURTIS'400, ••:';. Dealer In. Pianos, Organs, Musical Merchandise : :'..-'- : /of : ;. ".";'.'; allkincisi Sole Agent for the Celebrated Angelus Orchestral. A n e w a n d wonderful invention for playing the piano. 5f8 Broadway. Albany. N. T. A CTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED BVKKYWHERK for "The Story of the Philippines" by Mu- rat Halstead, commissioned by tho Govern- ment us Official Historian to tho War Depart- ment, The book WHS-written In the army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merrltt, In the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, In the American trenches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Again.-' alo. on the dock of the Olympia with Dewey, and in tlie roar of battlo at the fall of Manila. Honanza for agents. Brimful of original pic- tures takon by government photographorson the spot. Large book. Low pricos. iJIg pro- fits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit freo. Ad- dress, F. T. Barber, see'y.. star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Snyder's Hotel, Callupville, N. Y. J.M.SNYDER, PROPKIETOR. Good accommodations. Terms reasonable. Good Barn and Shed Rooms. "HOTEL iBEMi;'" J. A. SNYDER, - rROPKiETOB ]3E1?NE,N. Y. Uesi of Accommodations.. Terms Reasonable. " When in town call and see us, 75 Rooms Hen tod by Steam—50e.75e. aml$l. The People's Hotel, Formerly Merchants' Hotel. American or European Plan. Family Hotel. F. P. VAN ALSTYNE, rJ THUS.. J. DUG AN, - f Props. Regular' Dinner. 35c. Telephone 247 chapel. BROADWAY and MAIDEN LANE, ALBANY, N. Y. Ezra TwitciieO. Peter Culiings HOTEL SeHOHARIE, Schoharie, N. Y. Free Bus.Hl^'^'lg^ ^ ^ HORSE SHOETUQ AND IRON REPAIBINe DONE AT snort Notice By E. B. EEINHART, QUAKER STREET,N.Y. ALTAMONT LIVERY, DAYTON H.WHIPPLE, PROP. (Successor to Wldpple Bros.) LIVERY m BOAEDM STABLE, ALTAMONT, N. Y. <^ood Establishments. Moderate Frlees» Orders by Telephone will receive prompt attention. PEOF. A. HAYS, Graduate and Consulting Optician. Eyes ex- amined and tested by latest Opthaimic Tests. I carry a large assortment of Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Chains. Heading Glass, Field Glassses, &c. Residence and Office, Fair St.. Sch< harie N. Y. FURNITURE. 1,00 ft* 1000 10* STRA16HT. &.W.\|faM SLYKfe&HORTQI^, MANllFWnlflEfJS ALBAN^N/ - - ' Duanesburgh Hotel Livery UGHT AND SINGLE ' TWO AND THREE SEATED RIGS. Telegraph communication, con- nection with the House. R. MACKEY. LAKE VIEW HOUSE. W, J. IIAliT, Proprietor. THOMPSON'S LAKE, JKT. Y. House faces the lake. Rates $1.50 per day. THE POPULAR RESTAURANT, 45» Broadway, ALBANY, N. Y. Meals 25 cents. 5 Meals $1. American and European Plan. MRS. COOLEY. Proprletrcs.-*. Ladies'and Gents' Dining Rooms, Grand display. New goods ar- riving daily. All kinds, inchid- ing Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites Curtains, Curtain Poles, Chairs of every'.description; etc\, etc. If you want a Fancy Hooker now ie-your time. We have lots of th em 1 .M, F, HELLENBECK f ALTAMONTV'y. Y., 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE STENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an- invention Is probably patentable. Communica. tlons strictly conildentfal. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rocolvo. special notice, without charge. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest chv culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $8 a year; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 361Broadwa y' ~ Branch Office. 626 F St.. Waahingt Newjforfc :• M Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: S Fine Cutlery.fultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Schenectady NY Quarker Street Revie… · The RevV E. Evans is improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Relyea spent Sunday with relatives


- - N - W • . " ! . • > - .•.- ... .. — . . . „ . . , . „-..-» jMBaflaaiMaap r»imniYynmiirfi i un i i n mn irtHtirw iViiiniWmiMm i m n • M .

^''^?i}Ck^Sur^ "-CvO*'^.'**,*J2

•'.'_•'•"••'• >:Ti

' . . • - . :

LANSING BROS., are still in the glass and

china-ware business right up to the neck, still

battering down prices, still handing out goods

to delighted customers. Their plan of knock­

ing the corners off high prices and turning then:

into low ones without c >rners has proved a great

trade winner. How smoothly their business

rolls along. How the goods do roll away.

Everybody knows they have the most complete

and artistic stock, that their prices are always

the lowest, and that settles it.

LANSING BROS., 77 and 79 So. Pearl St., Albany*

Waiting. I am waiting and longing to see

yott; You, who my heart holds most dear; Wondering if ever the fate that

hangs o'er me, Will give to my heart its one wish

sincere. „ O h , will the future, ne'er give to

me darling, T h a t joy to the heart ' which thy

presence can give? Will the joy of my life forever be

blithed, Till God call me home to heaven to • live? \ '*-Y

Will heaven be heaven, my darling without yon?

Will t he music of angels be music still? ~ [-•;,

Wil l the soul forever be waiting and watching,

Or, will i t bow humbly, to God's device will? — E V E L Y N N .

• * i

Ko-To-Bso for Fifty Cent* Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak

men itrong, Mood pure. Wo, 12. All druggists.

BurtoirrHie. Received too late for last week.

T h e RevV E . Evans is improving in health.

Mr . and Mrs. Frank Relyea spent Sunday with relatives in Carlisle.

Mr. and Mrs. George Vunck and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grantier spent Sunday at Peter Colyer's.

Miss Lucy Wormuth, our teach­er, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents a t Sprakers.

Mrs. David Baird has purchased a first-class organ for her daughters of Mr. Perry a music dealer of Cana-joharie

Mr, and Mrs. John Gidley and son spent Saturday, and Sunday with Mrs. Gidley's parents at Scotch Bush. •

Mrs. George A . Bouck of Scho­harie, who has been with her daugh­ter, Mrs. Nethaway of Aiken for several weeks i s now here with her grand-daughter, Mrs. F rank Gid-

Mrs. Margaret Burton who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Mur­ray Peck for several weeks is now a t M. D. Cristman's for a few days. She will soon go to Kingston to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. M, J . Michael.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dingman have returned to their home after an absence of fifteen weeks. Mrs. Dingman's health was poor and being unable to care for herself she was taken to the home of one of her sons and after a few weeks she was carried to the home of her other son where she and Mr. Dingman re­mained till the present time.

Some time dur ing Sunday night the grist mill here was entered by. one or more persons for the purpose of robbery. T h e wagon and black­smith shops of Justus Jones were first entered to obtain tools. T h e entrance to t h e mill was effected by breaking a light of glass in the up­per sash of a window and removing the fastenings from the lower sash. Nothing of any amount was obtain ed ~by the would-be-burglar as no money had been left in the drawer. A t Braman's Corners on the same night the store was entered and $14. in money and postage stamps were taken also a quantity of cigars. A number of chickens were stolen from a man living near the Corners.

Overcome evil with good. Overcome your

coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. Is if to good children cry for it . It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and lung diseases.


Duane. Beceived too late for last week.

Mrs. John R. Wood died Monday morning.

Lars Larson is pressing hay at Giffords.

Mrs. Geo. Fidler spent last week at Albany.

W . F . Borman of Chittenango, was a guest of Mrs. New by the first of the week.

» » • •

From New Zealand. REBFTON, New Zealand,Nov. 23,

1896. 1 am very pleased to state that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines the sale has been very large, more especial ly the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than all other makes for the previous five years. As to i t s efficacy, I have been informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received ! from it, and know its value from the use of it in my own household.\ I t is so pleas ant to take that we {have to place the bottle beyond preach of the children.

. E. J. SCANTLBBURY. For sale by J . H . Gardiner & Co.,

Delanson, N . Y.

The Companion's First Subscriber. T H B Y O U T H ' S COMPANION is pro­

bably the only periodical in the world seventy-two years of age, whose first subscriber is still living and still a constant reader of the paper. T h e subscriber who enjoys this unique distinction is Mrs. Hannah M. Par­sons of Brooklyn, New York, now in 85th year. She was the l i t t le sis ter of a friend of Nathaniel Willis, father of N . P . Willis, the poet, and founder of T H B Y O U T H ' S COMPAN­ION. When Mr. Willis: had resol ved upon publishing a new paper for young people, his friend had him put down his sister 's name a? the first subscriber. T H B COMPAN­I O N ' S first issue was dated April 16, 1827. and for more than 70 years this first subscriber has continued to read and enjoy it. T h e vo'ume for 1899 will be the best T H B COM­P A N I O N has ever published. The most popular of living writers will give their best work of their best hours to the entertainment of the hundreds of thousands of house­holds in which T H E Y O U T H ' S COM­P A N I O N is every week a: welcome guest. New subscribers will re­ceive all the remaining issues of 1898 free from the time of subscrip­tion, and the beautiful COMPANION Calendar for 1899—the &ost beau­tiful one ever given to COMPANION readers—in addition to T H E COM PANION for 52 weeks, a full year, to January, 1900.

T H E Y O U T H ' S COMPANION, 211 Columbus Ave. , Boston, Mass.

SHORT, SHARP AND SNAPPY. T h e doctors say the lately de.

posed Empero r of China has, "al-bumil iar ia" and other things that are incurable . I f ^fytihuihrtria'* •mean's a jelly back-bone, the di uguosis is probably correct.

Engl ishmen have $200,000,000 lying idle at Manilla, owing to the " in ter rupt ion ot business by war. N o wonder Jx>hn Bull is anxious to have the Phi l ippine question settled at once.

If Senator Hill doesn ' t l ookou i they will be calling h im the Don Carlos of the democrat ic par ty . .

I t is near enough to election day for the fellow who will say, l-told-you-so, regardless of which side wins, to t ake a few reefs in his tongue .

Diplomats are not the only per­sons who ta lk wi thout saying anyth ing—not by millions.

I t may not have occured to the gent leman who are manipulat ing the newspaper end of the Schley —Sampson controversy that the public can be overdosed; it has-on others.

Spanish officers in Cuba are charged with t ry ing to invite the iusurgents to at tack American troops, and with sending arm* and ammuni t ion from Havana in­surgent camps. I

Election re turns may show thar the "sti l l h u n t " method is a fail­ure cess other side has already; boon dom onstrated.

as a v o t o - g e c t e r ^ u t its sue-as a bugaboo to frighten tin


T h e Kaiser doesn't believe tha t England and Franco would dan. take advantage of his p i lgr image to Je rusa lem to engage in a scrap.

T h e difference between eloping with the funds of a b a n k a n d speculat ing with them is not visi­ble to the naked eye of an honest man .

Delanson, Oct. 15, 1898. T o Whom it may concern:—

The continued practice of people crossing the lands of W. A. Jenk­ins and Edward Hopkins; has be­come a great annoyance, and all persons requested to discontinue this practice as the gates are now closed.

W. A. Jenkins, 3,4 B . Hopkins.

Queer issues get intoi politics sometimes. For instance, what dif ference can it make it to anybody, except ' himself, whether; Senator Turpie has drawn his salary or not, during his twelve years in ithe Sen­ate? Indiana stump speakers are making that an issue.



CLARK WITBECK, 413 State St., Schenectady, N. Y.

T h e prominent men who were united in fighting the political bosses, in the New Y o r k nniniei pal campaign, a re now about equally divided in their support of the bosses. Oh, no! there are no tricks in ; polities.

The Washington Pos t denies that George Francis Tra in and Dr. Mary Walke r intend forming a co-partnership for the breeding of twentieth century paycholo-gists.

Our mules s tand the Cuban cli­mate bet ter than our men . Less than 2 per cent of the 1200 mules sent to Sant iago have died.

STATE OF NEW: YORK—Office of the Secretary of State ^Albany, July 29,11898.

To the Clerk of the County of Schenectady Sir—Notice is hereby given, that at the Gen-, era! Election to be held'iit this Stale on the l'uesday succeeding the firstMonday hi Nov­ember next ^November 8lh), the following' officers may be lawfully voted for, to wit:

A Governor, in the place of Frank S. Black. A Lieutenant-Governor in the place of

limothy L Woodruff. A Secretary of State, in the place of John

P a l m e r , .':"•••. •.'/••. A,Comptroller, in the place of James A-.

Roberts, A Treasurer, in the place of Addison B.

Colyih. -. -:"•; ' . ; ' ; . ' An Attorney General, in the place of

Pheodore E. Hancock. A State Engineer and Surveyor, in the

place of Campbell W. Adams. Allwhoseterms of office expire «n the lafrt

lay of December next. A Representative in the Fifty-sixth Con­

gress of the United States for the Twenty-first Congressional District, composed of the counties of Schenectady, Schoharie, Greene, Montgomery and Otsego.

A Senator for the Twenty-eighth Senate District, composed of the counties of Sara­toga, Schenectady and Washington

County and District Officers also to be ele­cted for said county:

One Member of Assembly. A District Attorney in the place of William

W. Yyeniple; ' All whose terms.of office will expire on the

•ast day of December next. Given under my hand and seal of office of

the Secretary of State., at the City of Albany, this twentyrninth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight.,

> JONH PALMER, Secretary of State.


•"I, James B. Alexander, Clerk of said County, and also-Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts, being Courts of Record held therein, do hereby certify that I, have com pared the foregoing copy of notice with the original thereof as filed and recorded fin this office on the 29th day of July, 1K98, and that same is a true transcript thetefrom p.nd of the whole thereof.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub, scribed, my name and affixed the

[L . S,] seal of said Courts and County, this 1 st day of August, iSy8.


Notice of Commencement of the Annual Scwtlon of tiiolloaril of SiipervlNor* ami for the Presentation of ClnliiiH Against the County o f S c h e n e c t a d y .

Noticels horoby given that the Board or Supervisors will moot'In annual session on Monday, the SIstday of Novomber, 18D8, at 1:30 p.m.

All persons having claims against, the County of Schenectady are notified to have the same made out in items, with date prefix­ed and vorllied by affidavit, in the manner and form required by law. and to present the same by depositing said bill or account in the box provided for the reception of the same in tho County Clerk's ollleo on or boiore the morning or tho fourth day of-tho annual ses­sion as required by Chapter 88 of tho Laws oi 18(51, as amended byo'hapter 245 ol tho Law.s of 1862. You aro further notified that no claim. against tho County of Suheneetady which shall not bo-prosentod on or before the aforesaid date in tho form and with tlie veri­fications as above stated, can be audited by tho Board of Supervisors of the County of Sohonoetudy at Its next annual meeting.

FttANK MCMILLAN, Clerk of Board of Supervisors.

When in the city don't fail to call on

Graduate Optician,

Fine Cutlery.

at A, & G. Hlich's Jewelry Store,

36 South Pearl Street, Cor. Beaver Street. ALBANY.N, Y.

He will fit your eye accurately, and guarantee both the goods and hie work.

Only Proscription Glasses Used. EYES TESTED FRtE.


Pocket Knives from 10c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c up.4# RAZORS G R O U N P Scissors from 25c. 35C, 50c, 75 cents each, J U S H E A R S Sharpened Razors from 75c, $i.c-o, $1.25 up. X at my factory.by skill-

W, H. Sample, ^ S ^ 0 F 40 South Pearl St.,


Notice to C r e d i t o r s . By order of Alonzo P.^trohgr; Surrogate of

Schenectady County—Motico ^hereby iriven. aecording to law, to all persons havini? claims or demands •against the Estate of Charles Burtt, deceased, late of tho town of Duauesburgh, S. Y. that they aro required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, ;.o Frank McMillan a t his resldenco in the town of l)uanesbur«rh, Schenectady County, on or before the 17th day of October next

Dated this 4th day of AprilA. j T S Sarah Burtt, I , , , , , , ;

•'•. Frank McMillan, /administrators.

Hotice to Creditors. By order or A LONZO P. STRONG-, Surro-

pto-oJ Schenectady C^unty-Notlee is liere-py given, according to law, to all persons haying claims or domands against the estate ol.Oal-herlne Carpenter, deceased, late of the ;^w,(V. J?",»K-«h.urffh that they aro required to exhibit the samo, with the vouchors tliore-ol, to the undersigned as the e.xcutor of tho ast wi 11 ol Catherine Carpenter, deceased, at the ofTico of William W. Wemplo. mi State Street, Sulionootady,N. Y.,

Esq., No., . „ ,.,-.„ Jr^, a ., which is

he place Or the transaction of tho business of the uinlorslgned as sueii executor afore­said, on or boiore the 10th,day of Docembor

bated thisuth. day of June, A. D„ 1898. . Jacob Henry Waldron,

_ . ' _ _ Executor, &c

. Notioj to Creditors By order of Ah>n«o P. Strong SurroRale of

Schenectady County—Noiicc is herchy given, according to law, to all persons having claims .or demands against the Estate of Aaron Beck-ct deceased, late of the town of Puancsburgh dial they are required to exhibit tlie same, with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned a<lmiiiistratrix at her residence at Braman? Comers, Schenectady County, N...Y.', on or l)efore the roth day of December next.

Dated this 7th day of Jime A. D . , 1898. Ph'ebe Ann Becker,




A. F. DI5TZ, Patentee, ALTAMOAT, N. Y.

Patented Aug. 17, 1897

The numerous pleas for gener osity on the part of the U. S, to wards Spain which have appeared in Paris newspapers have all been well paid for, by the holders of the Spanish bonds.

Man is prone to regard the inde­pendent paper that jumps down on his side of the political fence, dur iug a campaign, as '"one of the lead ing papers ."

If England and France are fool­ish enough to revive their old-time feud and go to scrapping over a bit of African territory, UucleSam can't help it; but he is always ready to sell provisions for cash or good pa P e r -

If Col. Roosevelt wins in New York, the country may have a rough riding, wild west sort of a Presiden­tial campaign some day, but not hardly as early as 1900.

There is nothing about ex Queen %£\. going to Washington to ask for a pension. I t would be strange as decidedly unfair, if Congress declin ed to provide for her, although the provision isn't likely to be on the royal scale that one will pretend to expect.

Secretary Hay will never hear the last of those early poems of his. The Illinois mining trouble has giv­en V'Bauty T i m " a fresh start in the newspapers.

Ex-Senator Hill is hardly heavy enough to practice what he preach es in the scrapping, line, on election d a y . • \_

If member of the Spanish minis try continue to resign, Sagasta will soon be the whole thing, in looks as in tact.

Cuba is now realizing the incon­venience of being over-stocked with professional revolutionists.

A Common Danger. If you- have ever had a cold which

you permitted to "wear away" it may interest you to know it was a dangerous proceeding. Every cold and cough which is neglected paves the way for consumption, bronchitis, asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous German throat and lung remedy, will cure any cough.or cold and save you from consumption. Sold by Wilber & Co., Quaker Street; E . C. Grantier & Son, Es perance. Prices 25c. and 50c. per bottle.

unierMer M F p r a l Director. QUAKER STREET, N Y .

• . • I would respectfully annouuv, that as all goods have fallen in prices so has Undertakers Supplies, and I shall so consider them to all purchasers.

Any design or color casket cai 1 be furnished. ;

Hearse Foriiisliefl Free.

Notice To Creditors. By-order-of Hon. Alonao P. Strong*. Surro-

irato-ol' Sclionoctudy County—Notice Is hor'o-byjartven. aceordinK'to law, to ail persons having cluiins or.demandsajralnst tho E.statc of Alexander J. Liddle. deceased, lutoof the (own oi J)uano.sbur«-h. Schenectady County, that they, are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereoi> to "Nancy Jennette Gl-lrord and JohnGWord as administrators, etc.,of. Alexander J. Liddle. deceased, at Mioir residence in the town of llottordam In said county, on or before the'30th day of .January next.

Dated this b'th.day of July, A. II., 1808. Nancy Jennetto GlU'ord,

John GilVord, -Administrators, etc.

Notice lo Cred i to r s . •By order of Alomco P. Strong--Surrogate of

Schenectady County—Noticois herebyg-lven, according to law, to all persons having*claims or demands ajairi-st the Estate ol* Crawford Bowman deceased, late of the town of Duanesburgh that they are required to ox liibit same, with tiie vouchers thereof, to John M. Root executor of the last wlJLl of said Crawford Bowman, deceased, at the residence of the executor in the village of Esporance. Schoharie County, N Y., on or before the t>th day of February next,

T>utort t i l l s iJBih d a y o i ' J u l y , A . D . . 1S98. JOHN M. ROOT,

As oxocutorof the last, will of Crawford Bowman, deceased.

N o t i c e To C r e d i t o r s . By orderof Hon. Alonzo P.- Stronjj; Surro­

gate of Schenectady County—Notice Is here-by given, .according tolaw, to-all persons hav-

*•• f ins* claims or demands against the Estate ol • Mary Tucker, deceased; that they are re­

quired to'exhibit the same, with vouchors thereof, to Ira J. Tucker at his residence, at Delanson, in i.the Town of Duanosburgh, Schenectady County, New York, on or boforo the. lirst day of May next. Dated this 20th, day of September, A. D',,1808.

IRA J, TUCKER, ' ;• • Executor.


i RESTAURANT, Broadway and (Maiden Lane, -

ALBANY, IN-. Y. 225 Kooms, 40 With Baths.

— - •: B®"Ladies Eestaurant,

Tfte Directory Hotel : and Eestaurant.

Broadway and Steuben, ALBANY, N, Y. E i 0 . J O H N S O N , P r o p r i e t o r . :

Rooms for Gentlemen Only. Opposite Union Depot j Telephone 442.


304 and 306 Liberty St., Sclionectady, N. Y,


I Stop at tho

-:- CITY HOTEL, -:-cor. LIBEKTY and FERRY Street,

SCHENECTADY, If you want a good meal for 25 cents, and


Joluti F. Steelier & SOB, Proprietors. EE1WAN HOUSE,

CG-68 Wasiilng-ton Avenue, SOHENEOTADY. W m . H . MX7DGE, P r o p .

Good Bk rns and Sheds, Board by the Day or Week. Transient Trade Solicited.

I Rates Reasonable.


iSouth Contrtf Street.






For full information, rates, time tables

JicketB, etc., inquire of nearest " D. & II."

t icket Agent, or write to the undersigned.

J . W. BURDICK, . General Passenger Ag't,

;•..-. ALBA MY- «• >.

BLISS ABEIX, . Manufacturer Of .Choice Cigars,


B. A. LEADER, Call for them at all plaees.

SHANNON'S \ Popular Lunch Room,

461 State tipnectaiyi I Y . Oysters, Clanis, Steuke, CIIOJIK

Roasts, Stows,. Opiibo, Tea, Milk, P ie , ( lake, ete., served to order

If you are in the city and want a meal, we will be pioased to serve yon. |

S. S H A N N O N , P r o p r i e t o r .


6 coi'i'o" W. Voou>~Tr\\i\ii tfiVT : against

Martha Poole, Kdwarcl P. Brown, Mary L. iieavis,William.I.Brown and jWliza Brown his wife; Martha Hoi wig, and George Holwig her husband; Miles.lirown, llenry Brown, Victoria Coiiover and William J i.Conovcr. her husband'; Urami M. Poote, wii'o ol* Uoorgu VV. Foote; Corwin . Foote. Sarah Easton and John Kaston herhus-hiind; John Footoand iJattie' Foote hiswii'e; Edgar Foote and Orvilla Foote his wife;Annie Foote.Alva'h Foote and George\V. Foote as Administrators of the goods, chattels and credits of .Miles E. Foote, deceased. Defend-ants. •". j

By.virtueof a iudgement of this Court, made and entered in tlie -above en titled ,ae-l ion, at .a Special Term of said Court, held on the Twenty-First day of October 1808, and duly entered in the Schenectady County (.Merle's OMiee,

I, James A. Uoodi'k'h, the undersigned, ref­eree duly unpointed in this action, lor mieh purpose will expose I'orsulo. and sell at publh auction .to the highest bidder on the Four­teenth (lay of December JMJW, at lO.'lO o'elocl. In the forenoon of that day at llie front door of the. <( well leg.house on the premises horeln after described asl'arcel One In the Town oi mianosburgh, Schenectady County. N. Y'

AH those several pieces or parcels of land situated, lying and being In the town of Duanesburgh, in the County >>: Si'hencctady, N. V. described as follows:

Parcel One. Beginning at the Northeast corner of farm or lot No. J8(i, in said town, runs thence -South !"*!) chains and Oti links; thence West along said lot so far as will make and contain seventy acres of land; thence north at right angles, to the north line of said farm or lot; thence East to the place of beginning, containing seventy acres of land.

Parcel Second. Is known and distinguish ed as the west part of lot No. 102,' bounded as follows: Beginning at tin.' Northwest corner of said lot No. lOMaiid running Easterly forty-four chains, thirty links to the lands now or formerly of I'efer W. dardlnier; thence Southerly along the line of said Oardinler 25 chains. UI Hides to the south line of said lot .No. tti:i: thence Westerly along the said line It chains, ;">(.) links to the southwest corner of said lol No. Kir.'; thence Northerly along the west line of said lot No. ltL», :.\r> chains,lib links to the place of beginning containing eighty-four acres of land, be the same more or less.

Parcel Third. Being the Kastormost one-half of lot.No. 1ST. bounded on the North by lo't No. ISS; on the South by lot No. 1st); on the K:ist by lot ..No. IS-1, ii.nd on the West by the westernmost, half of said lot No. lST.-coiitain-ing about lilty-two acres of land, be the same more oi- less.

James A. Goodrich. Referee. :.\'Jti State Street.

Schenectady, Jtf. Y. Charles. V. Sanders, .Plaintiff's Attorney. Ollice and I'o.s'tofllce address, corner State

and Church streets, Schenectady, N. Y.

i lOQl* E WA liD! Smoke M A C K ' S " L i t t l e Giant> "the

Grea tes t Long Havana Filler 5c. Cigar Made

T O - D A Y .

Good Livery and Boarding Stables Attached.

Ba toB $ 1 . 5 0 p e r dfty.

SCHENECTADY, N. Y, Cull and see us. You will be


HflTEL ST. CLAIR, 17 and 19 So. Centre Street,

Schenectady, GEO. 0. CEANST0N, Prop.

[louso npwly fwrnishod. Stoam hoat, Elec­tric bells.Gas and Baths. Livery Attached. The very best $1.50 per day house In the city.


J. O. Stitt, Proprietor. IJoe«t of AccoitimoilntiouH.

Terms RonMonable When in town call and see us.


WHITE HOUSE, Now open, Newly fitted, and in first-

class shape for Summer Boarders and Fishermen.

, E.T. WILLSEY, Prop.

SHQTJDY HOUSE, .'•/';;.;... Delanson, N. Y.; -

Under. New; Managrement. Dutch Corweliusj Prop. Bert Rector, Clerk. House newly furnished throug-hout. Regu­

lar and ordered dinners from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Restaurant connected. - :

L I V E R Y A T T A C H E D ,


aXTAKEB STREET, N , Y. Rates Reasonable.

MILLER'S HOTEL, 39 w ; 2(iih S t , NcwTork City.

Between Hroadway, Fifth and Sixth Avenues, Noar Madison Square Park.

Clean, comfortable qulot. Con-ven out to retell trade, leadingohuroh os,theatiosandplaoesof amuaoment. A strictly temperance house. Twenty, live of the permanent guests have been here an average of twolvo years. Send for circular givingshso, looation, outlook, water'and- heat supply, with rute for each of the ninety-three rooms. ;•;•.•• I - - -

OHAS. H. HAINES, Proprietor,

f.J. CURTIS'400, ••:';. Dealer In. •

Pianos, Organs,

Musical Merchandise ::'..-'-:/of:;. ".";'.';

allkincisi Sole A g e n t for t h e Celebrated

Angelus Orches t r a l . A new a n d wonderful inven t ion for p lay ing t h e p i a n o .

5f8 Broadway. Albany. N. T.

ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED BVKKYWHERK for "The Story of the Philippines" by Mu-

rat Halstead, commissioned by tho Govern­ment us Official Historian to tho War Depart­ment, The book WHS-written In the army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merrltt, In the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, In the American trenches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Again.-' alo. on the dock of the Olympia with Dewey, and in tlie roar of battlo at the fall of Manila. Honanza for agents. Brimful of original pic­tures takon by government photographorson the spot. Large book. Low pricos. iJIg pro­fits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit freo. Ad­dress, F. T. Barber, see'y.. star Insurance Bldg., Chicago.

Snyder's Hotel, Callupville, N. Y.

J.M.SNYDER, PROPKIETOR. Good accommodations.

Terms reasonable. Good Barn and Shed Rooms.

"HOTEL iBEMi;'" J . A . S N Y D E R , - rROPKiETOB

]3E1?NE,N. Y. Uesi of Accommodations..

Terms Reasonable. " When in town call and see us,

75 Rooms Hen tod by Steam—50e.75e. aml$l.

The People's Hotel, Formerly Merchants' Hotel.

American or European Plan. Family Hotel. F. P. VAN ALSTYNE, r J THUS.. J. DUG AN, - f Props.

Regular' Dinner. 35c. Telephone 247 chapel. B R O A D W A Y a n d M A I D E N L A N E ,

A L B A N Y , N . Y .

Ezra TwitciieO. Peter Culiings HOTEL SeHOHARIE,

Schoharie, N. Y. Free Bus.Hl^'^'lg^ ^



snort Notice By E. B. EEINHART,



(Successor to Wldpple Bros.)

LIVERY m BOAEDM STABLE, ALTAMONT, N. Y. < ood Establishments.

Moderate Frlees»

Orders by Telephone will receive prompt


PEOF. A. HAYS, Graduate and Consulting Optician. Eyes ex­amined and tested by latest Opthaimic Tests. I carry a large assortment of Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Chains. Heading Glass, Field Glassses, &c.

Residence and Office, Fair St. . Sch< harie N. Y.


1,00 ft* 1000 10* STRA16HT. &.W.\|faM SLYKfe&HORTQI , MANllFWnlflEfJS ALBAN^N/

- • • • - • '

D u a n e s b u r g h Hote l Livery U G H T AND S I N G L E '


Telegraph communication, con­nection with the House.


LAKE VIEW HOUSE. W, J. IIAliT, Proprietor.

THOMPSON'S LAKE, JKT. Y. House faces the lake. Rates $1.50 per day.


Meals 25 cents. 5 Meals $ 1 . American and European Plan.

MRS. COOLEY. Proprletrcs.-*. L a d i e s ' a n d G e n t s ' D i n i n g R o o m s ,

Grand display. New goods ar­riving daily. All kinds, inchid-ing Bedroom Suites , Par lor Suites Cur ta ins , Curtain Poles , Chairs of every '.description; etc\, etc.

If you want a Fancy Hooker now ie-your t ime. W e have lots of th em 1





Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an-invention Is probably patentable. Communica. tlons strictly conildentfal. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.

Patents taken through Munn & Co. rocolvo. special notice, without charge. In tho

Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest chv culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $8 a year; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers.

MUNN & Co.361Broadway' ~ Branch Office. 626 F St.. Waahingt


: •


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